Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 26, 1888, Image 2

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The Dally Intelligencer,
1h Diilt umLLieKKcm publishes All the
, - telegTspblcncwsef the United frost up te
Use lMftrt possible hour.
fKRMS'The Dully Batllen et Thb Ihtslu
siren It delivered by canters In the city
and surrounding towns for loe per week t
' or twul noe ft years ler six months;)
L for three months s loe. per month.
1KB WnKLT lHTKLUltXCSR (Deuble Sheet)
Eight rages, euly LM per annnm, In ad
vance, fnbscrlbers wlthlng thelr address chanced
Biast also state whom tholpaper U new tor ter
wnJp. Mrertlsemcnu from 10 te a cu.pcr line
v.eaeU Insertion, according te location.
," ' Lancaster, Ta,
rTelephone Connection.
The WIiccl or Ferlnne
Lss than apcete et years ase, Jehn T.
c Heffman, governor of New Yerk for
two terms, was ene et llie very foremost
Democrats la the nation, and no one was
nearer tbe party leadership. He had been
recorder andmayoref New YVrk clty.nml
-dlscharRed well nnd wltli public applause
all the duties enli listed te him. He was
born In the state, en the banks ej
Its great Hudsen river, descending
from an old Hutch family. He was
highly educated, and had a distinguished
presence and tnes agreeable manner. His
ability was of a high order, and he well
merited the high esteem in which he was
universally held. But when he was thus
strongly mounted for a seemingly long
ride upon the highway of political life,
suddenly his public career came te an
end; and the strange IhlilR ie Hat I!l
this carae-alKiutTJireugh no great fault
"effals. He went down through the Tweed
exposure, because he was a member of
Tammany Hall, nnd hud received Its sup.
pert In his political candidacies. He had
no rart In the wrongs done by the
men who supported him because
fce gave strength and adernmer.t
te their political body. He was no mere
Werthy et condemnation because of their
sins than was any ether Democrat who
had no connection with them save as he
belonged te the tame political party.
Gov. Heffman ought net te have suffered
In public opinion nny mere than Mr.
Tilden, who had as close connection with
Tweed until the end came, when' ferlu.
nately he was nbie te make capi
tal for himself out of in the ex
posure et his associates. Governer
Heffman would have led as strong
a charge against the corruption in Tarn
many hall, doubtless, if he had been in
position te de it. But as lie was net and
was the governor supported by Tweed,
be became an object et public distrust.
He was tee honorable nnd -sensitive a man
net te feel this keenly, and It seems te
have caused him t& abandon political life,
without an effort te recover his high
position in it. He has lived quietly In
New Yerk, practicing law somewhat,
but chlilty cojejing the leisure that
ample fortune gave him and feeding
upon the disappointment of the past,
until death came te him at the compara
tively early ege et sixly years.
It wsb a btrange life, si brilliant In Ha
early prime and se full of premisu of the
highest distinction for the years that ytt
it was written bheuld pass nwny se qui
etly. It h a public misfortune that
Governer Heffman's services should have
been se seen lest. We s?e no llguie
among our public men that would have
mera worthily filled the highest station.
Until the advent of the present national
administration there was no public place
that a New Yerk Democrat of great dis
tinction nnd ability could fill, the state
and the nation being Republican ; and
Cleveland, with that strange ebluseiiesi
in selection which enabled him te over
look Thurman, nlse failed te p'ace Hoff Heff
man, while selecting much Inferior uietnl
from New Yerk for cabinet and ether
Mr. Gould's Innocence.
Jay Gould has get back te New Yerk
and has had the Tribune interview him
that he may tell the peeple hew wrong
they are te suspect that he erhis sons nre
putting down the price of Missouri-Pacific.
He declares that it Is worth deuble
what it is Belling for, aud that he has put
mere money in it than he has ever in his
life put into all ether things beside. His
observations en this point are net se clear
as te make it certuiu that he means te
aay that he has yet all of this stock, l'.ut
it matters little, since the public never
feel bound te believe anj thin? that Mr,
Gould says.
Mr. Gould especially grieves that tinj tinj
bedy should think kef indicting him for
his very virtuous action towards the
Denver and K-iusas I'aciflcjailreads. Mr.
Gould is seemingly astonished that there
is net en the ether hand, a speutanejus
public movement te erect a monument
te him for his greit public works, that
have ee benefitted the country, binding
its extremes together in iron bands. Mr.
Gould considers that lie is a victim. S iya
thereperter : " IIU eyes llishaJ, his llpi
beeameset, lie raised his hand and let 11
these werds: The motives behind tnls
assault are a newspaper, a cable com cem
pany and a woman."
Here is a description in Die highest
style et the reporterlal art, and a declara
tion that ought te make somebody
quiver ; the woman, an) way. Daubt
less the newspaper i3 the JfcraUl and the
cable company is. I Jeunett nnd M.icla7;
but the woman we de net guess It scorns
te be a Etroeg combination, however,
that has started after Mr. Gould's hide,
and one would think that he ought te
have staid at home te meet It , te say
nothing of the district attorney. Instead
of which, paneplied In innocence, Mr.
Gould sailed away in his yasht ; perhaps
thinking that a stretch of calt water
Would net be a bad thing te surround
his innocence, until an accommodating
New Yerk judge Bheuld find that the
statute et limitations ran against, his
Kansas Pacific philanthropy.
The Cie of Cooper.
There appears te be some truth In the
reported project te unseat Field Marshal
Cooper from his place in the saddle as
chairman et the Republican state com cem
tnittee. It is said that he ha1! tee much
lilaineism about htm, and the fear evi
dently is that he would become the leader
of the Pennsylvania Republicans if
Blaine theuld get the prasldential nomi
nation. Besides it Is mid that he is tin
ardent aspirant for governor, und has
been using ht3 position at the head et the
party machine te further that object.
Well, what of This V Mr, Themas V.
Cooper in no etatesman Jn the sense
which that term is understood te mean
(me bread minded and excelling in for.
erslc skill. lint he Is Just as geed a wire
puller nnd midline manager as Den
Cameren or Matt Quay. The success of
these worthies In their political aspira
tions gives Cooper a natural dcslre te
seek similar honors. In Pennsylvania
one need net be a man et force te secuie
political elevation in the ltcrubllcan
ranks. Let him I a suctesiful machine
politician, and though he pomewcs
third-class Intellect, he need net fear te
lay claim te the highest tfflcc3 In tie gift
of the people.
W hut "Tliry '.Scttl.
Mr. Gewcn la seeking te persuade the
inter-state commission, te n&k for such
addition te the law as will make the
decrees of the commission effective
against the railroads through judicial
process. We de net knew whether the
nreclse methods recommended by Mr.
Gewen are the best, but It Is clearcueugh
that the decrees of the commission should
be promptly enforceable under the
law by fine nnd imprisonment ni well as
by damages.
We are satisfied that nothing will bring
railroad directors te their kucts but a
jail. Hulls for damage.! have small ter ter
rer for them, since the stockholders
pay thorn, lint when they face a fine
and a jail for action noteiiously nnd
maliciously ngalnst the law, they will be
come law-abiding. They de net like jail
fare. Men who travel the country in
their private cars, paid for by their stock
holders, well f d upon the fill of the laud,
with houses by the scashore and in the
mountains and the cities, frce ns the
birds le ream about and pluck rich fruits
nnd (lowers, will be ery careful hew
they rlik the less of this r.'ry, fall y life.
Coepkh's hand Jh minimi bocnuse he li
loe much et n Itlnlne man. Thin Ih u strange
plnn te uinke against a l'ennBylvanli Ke-
Gi:enm: W. Ouu.m liat jiut j;lvtm sin
gular continuation te the Rllbitnllen thnt he
In the rptclal editor el the mortuary
column of llie ledger. He gectt Inte Its
editorial columns with nn eliltunry of the
New Yeik Drexel, who has Just expired.
It 14 evidently all ClilMs' production down
te tlie characteristic eiiilliifr, which in sim
ply the uiiMbttlcine lriMurlptten :
" In memory of Jofteph W. Drexel, horn
I'lilladelphln, Hh .luiumrv, 1K!3; UIimIWew
Yerk clly, Muruh ', 18SS "
Tjiu latcjl news about the Jlmporer
.Frederick l thnt he wail enKtKOd 'in
tenderly eating ler llUmurck'H nftelfcn
Mahv Aniikusen Hoerodn great triumph
In her fnrowell periurmnnce lit the Lyceum
Micatrn in liomlen en Hatunlny night. Hhe
was plnylnK "A WIiiter'rfTalP," nnd wn
compelled te ue before the curtain bgacii
times. Inxcsponbe te vloreui dcniandH
ter anpeecb, MitH Andornen, who whs vis
ibly Hirocled, bald : "Yeu have be lesvJrd
uiowlthlue best of ulitf", jour (yniimlliy
and oneournKOtuonl, that 1 Hlietikl Indeed
be ungrateful did 1 net Ieve you with n
Bid heart and the decpest regretH. Tlmt In
the se called unpoetlcal umoteontli ratitury
a play se clenic nnd tcplete with real
peetry a 'A Wlnlei'd 'i'ale' should run huo hue
ecMfully longer than it ever bofeio
ilotieflluoo thu i;ret maHtcr created 11300
'years age, Hpeakf, 1 think, e1uiuch ler the
cultured lolliiematit and tatle or the ijonden
ptiblle of te-day. It hoeiiih, iiUihI that ene
In ulwuys Baylog 'fioed-byo,' hut 1 hepe le
1)0 with ou Bgdlu In n your or he, with 1'cir-lmp-anether
HhnlccHpearcati creation. In
the moantlifte, my Irlendf, te me no long r
GtrangerH, I thank you n thetiNaml times
for your beumlleti kindness and i)i
palhy." Jat Oeri.i payHlie lelt a bitter enemy
behind him, hnvlng bin led ncmii!;lntnlhe
Atlautte ocenti.
Tin: lliirrlnburc coriifpemlont of Iho
ritbdiiirg JUnjuttch, peukliiK of the clmtie
In the head of Iho Dumocrntte Btate cotti cetti cotti
iiilttce, Bnyf: 'The fact la the election of
Chairman K Inner was nccomplUhed at the
ex-ionKe el (he limit unblmihlnK brltiery
and corruption. In hoide luataneeH money
wax pnld outfight for voteH, nnd In ether
ewe iatreua)-u was premlHOd, pUvCH
pledged, nnd even thicatH et removal from
olllee made te seuure Hiipiwrt ler the btic btic
ceaitul L-tndl(hUe."
Tite btery Is apparently taken from the
whele cloth bctMUte no names are given.
The writer doelnroij : "A comiultttemnn
from hauoasler county, who had a few
dujH irovleUHly been named ler u ponUlen
In the Philadelphia mint, but had net been
continued by the treasury department, was
told that unlesa he would vete ler Klmier
tu continuation would be wlthheU'."
Who waa heY
Tin: J)elawme County Jleeeut, pub
fished at Media, by Josejih Cha.lwlck, hits
closed Its tenth year. Us editorial celumim
are embroiled by unable writer, und the
ether denar luientH are oxcellenL
Kx OeviaiNOii Jehn T. Heitmav, of
Njw Yerk, who li8H Just tiled In Wles
baden, (Jermany, was n tovverlii( ilyuie in
the politics et the country t only-lUe jeatB
age. He rame et n fumeiiH family nnd
with ntipleudld lcul education becamu ene
of thoyeungist judgtM ever eloe'ed te the
New Yerk btmi-u. U'ueu Huoetatlvoly he
was elected roeardor, iiuyer and governor
oftheetate. In nil these pasta he enjeid
tbe dln!iuctlen of u le-eltetlen. He wai
swept from publle lire In 1S7J, when the
Tweed rlnjj wan hoeurgM out et exlMetice
In New Yerk city. H was In no way Iden
titled with the corruption of this nrK.itiiri.
Hen, hut happened te lme their euppert
for clllcr. nud he went down In the Kiucral
wreck. Muoe thou be has been llWugln
retlremeut Jn New Yerk, praetlchit; his
prole&sleu, and onjeylriK the highest re
spect of thoseof alt shitdasel party. In hlH
death the New Yerk Damceratu lo-ie a Kroat
counseller and thu ceuutry un emlueut cit
izen. Haiiclw l'i:ic U new enjoying that
lux iry loie'jsilod t) itiiudorers i nder
ssn'.eucoetdop.b the 'maue uttentlniiH of
young women uhe nhoner lle's nnd
dalicaclcs upon htm.
Tin-doctors wnowero nt the bodt-ldeof
Uhlef Juhtics Walte, nre new iisriellng
ever the rnode or Ills troitment. Thelr un un
seem'viuHb dot imke bitter reading or
his al!ll'.ed famUy,
I'uii.adiii.i'hia 'a oeitol ctr nbiip nbiip
peseu intention of the Heading rnlliead
company te bring its depot ta Twelith and
Msrlvet strcrtf. It Is net at all likely that
It has nny mu-li purrese, lierause It does net
Beem te be u Kns.bte cue. 1 1 v. euld neees.
sltate a ery unnrcemry erenkednceH In
Its read te take It te Twelfth and Mnrl-r,
which would net I e u bttler tcrmlr.iw thm
Tenth and Market or Arch, whleli would
be reached with n straight linn.
Chairman Mti.Lh Is tick wilhchl.hand
J. Kes Tiiomven, nf Krln, Is lKdni;
urued ny ihe Krle l)jm. .-rats f..r the vacancy
ou ihe -urreiiiu buncu et the United States.
OnuKRAr. Ki-a, remmnniier-ln-"hief of
the llrand Army et the Itiubll, wa-
given a reception by the Cincinnati ncMs
.Saturday nluht.
Jesiifii W. Dmui, therotlred banker.
brother of A. J. Kitxel, c.f Philadelphia
dledeu Sunday merutnic at hn resldtinuu
In New Yerk. He was j jers et age.
Mn. UAiiNtirili: wilt Mi rtlv mbinlt a
conNtrallapreriiUlriii fili fi.OOO w6rk
meu w hcrtby the U'.ler will blmre the profits
otthe grunt concern wllh thellrm.
Ammejj l)n , J3 yeais cf bro, of Heading,
While visiting a neighbor en J ridny was
middenly Btnoken with bllndneM nnd In
ability te meve his Jaws. He is unsble te
speak or take feed.
ltenr.fiT If. (' lias ollercd Iho
rtlle rsuge nt Alt, Jretna U the Htate, under
ten yearn lease, fren nf nut rhnrge. This
rilerhas been nccepted, and Iho rnnge will
be fitted up lth nil the latnttaml most P P P
proveil rfppllance, no that It will excel the
famous (Jioedinoor.rango.
Anoiinisiter HvAN arrived In I'uTnilol I'uTnilel
pliU en Huudny evening en the return from
his pllriumge te Heme. He Is well tanned
by the ocean vnjage, blitdeclnres that he
Is In the best of health. The lilp from
(JuoenHown was mnde In the Hteamshlp
fimbria, which atrted In New Yerk early
Handsy morning.
Mn. JlAi.DWiN'HKUcrio'iter as i)ianaer of
thn i'rntit-ylvnnln cempaiiy's llncHMist of
l'lttcbnrg will be Huirrntcndent If. U
Tylnr, of the Pan II mills read (I'ittsburjr,
Ulticlnnatt ASt. Leuis j Mr. Tayler l only
?i years et hi;e, n nnllvu nt ltttorten, N. J ,
Hiui when 2'l ventHet ene entered the em
ploy et the I'enmytvsiiia railroad as n rod red
man en nn engineer corp.
KxJnikunai. Kkm:ni i: Cei.i i. ter
Wji.MAM J. I'omeik, n r'ose friend et
United Hiatus Senater. I. Uimitd (Vunoren,
save hn In certain that Mr. eiinnQren ren-
templRten tieoeinliiK a candldate for the Ho He
pubilcAti presidential nomlriatlen, and n)s
that when his eiudldnuy shall be formally
atineunced it will be backed by the support
of n solid delegation from l'ennslvatiia.
1'liiln 1lttiU trenm tit) lint hit
The Philadelphia t'rematlen soclety has
completed the el.iberata relutnturluin, en
Kitl Walnut lane, ilcrmantewn, nnd In
April the ktructure will in iltdicated nnd
formally openod for the itcsptlun of buc
J ets. Thu htilldlni: Is of thn Henslssitnce
stf-toef urchltecture. ft has n Irentiige nf
eighty liet und n dipth et forty. Its
height, Including denit, l rilueiy feet AM
ariilifd doorway, uvarlntksd by a marblt)
balcony, and with M'ene nit i lidl'i' Irr.m
the ground I"! the main entiar n. Thn reef
nf the dome and tlie eup la are oemrad by
thick eupjKir und llie rieiiii'nry, mtmlHl
upon a high etnliieuce OM'ileikiiiK the
whele or Ourmnnlewii, pne ts a-i linpw
Inn appenrunce.
Ground was breken tnr the htrticture last
Jmieatid It Issurri'Umli'il by um unres el
ground tastetully laid out In walkx, drives
and (lewer-beds, and an iKlimur for the
recaptien el urns containing ttei nsliesi f
crotnnted bedlJH. It Is the li.rj el s'rur
ture Unveted te the phmwwhs f.f ciointieii
in the world and cost MO (K'O
The large hall will bu sp dally itdnpttd
for funeral nrvicen el any iluneiiiluatlnri.
Nichta for the teci'ptlen nt uri.M will be
Nltualed In the building and ivitered by
glass tloerc, iipnn wlrch insy i' pim'rd ihe
phetcgrnphs of thn (lend.
tViliwtl' irrr n IutiuIimI 1ii.I(I1i.
The munluinal dillbMiliy in wli'cti
Wllkesbarre found herxi It w ilh two sits of
councllmen elected and prepared te enter
upon thelr duties April 1 has bien tempo
rarily, at leutd, settled by n de. iMuu et
Judge Klce. One set of couucllmen ex
luted under the old law, nnd cue set was
olected nt the rec"nt eUoileu utider the
municipal law of lssT. and be'h dnliucd te
hne thu legal right letiu'. Te ncttle the
dllllcultynn luulcnble hiilt In iquliy whs
framed and submitted Isal wok t iihoeourt.
Judge Hlce declnres lu liter of the old
council. HohnlilHllmttlienowInwcAunolgn
Inte dlect until ihn hums nt nil thucounuil thuceunuil thucounuil
meti id ready In i.lllce hnvn exiilrrd, nnd
that will net hu until April 1, 1L'K) The
OAn will bunt ence taken te thu supreme
court for final decWen.
A llil) l.jr m Simu lll'l.
Welllugten Iiimb, ngid 10 ji-hih, cdiKint
son of Hev. JniuiH II. I.atnb, nder f
Trinity I'reu slant l.ilccepnl church at
Moercstotvn, N. J , died Hnndiiy morning;
Thu dereasud win ulruck en the hi ad with
nsnew ball Inst 1 rlday while pinning with
Homeeompuloii", from which be Imcnme
ttncnns'ileiis. IVrobre-spliml iitenlngjtlu
set In nnd reunited In his le ith. He was a
iiinmber of thnrhelr nt his litliet'n cburch
nud was te liute been cunliimedeu Kiater
t or illuming u i uuir,
Thn threo convicted rlhnekiimaxrn bnik
rniiNilralerH, (hxirge W. Hmnni, .Samuel
1. Mllllguu mid Themas I.. Huggard, steed
up Saturday In the old ipiatter sessions
court room I'hiliulelphln.niid recelcd Ireni
Judge Wilten Mciitonce ter their mlsdcedc.
llunini nud Mllllgan will each serve
eighteen mouths In t tin county prison,
whlle Hugnrdgees te the Knstern psultou psulteu
tlary for ene your mid threw months, jiro jire
Itrrlng that place te Meyniueiitiiii.
lliu llilli ill I in rtriiiliiin
pimnulzn be. )l)(). 1' ImcuiiHU li i -i p' 1 u
and InereasiH the niest Important Item In llie
sum of loveliness, lietuty of thn limh. Let
tun mouth boevei sunn ill, liver ciipliVs bow,
If llllcd with dUenleiel leelh It U iipulntie.
Whitened nnd priuiua wltli this peerless
dciitilrice, the tuith form naellKlittnl euntrnil
te the resea ta Inte and lovely i m ve et u ji etty
lneutli. 80OUU.N rislnr hu!l1uu1e tegillty
teeth peiluis.
llie lluuiNiiinrni in l.uiKintfr
r.mmirUiil teutllcnd the ellnii diiy ttial Klie
knew nmun'ii liulmiui tin tlm 'lltieat und
l.uiiKs win a Mipirlui' Liuiedy. ns llBinppua
bnrenliKh Inslanny v, linn ettnn-j 1ml nnulleet
wlmtever biiurreid tin ami convince jeu
el IIh limi It . any U'iiKt,l!)i will ulie jeu u bi.ui bi.ui
ple lljltlu i-'ice. Larue alzu two. uiuf
Net only in the i-priiu; tlui", Inn all I tie) eat
reuiirt jm npte v. Ill ueed n itittiitile cittnuiln
We -would lecouimetiJ l.iixailei'. 1'iKe
The real nerd of ns'ck Imliy Is net feinuph
nmdli Inn as It U huiu'IIeiht te assist na
tmii" it nny UiIiikb iiiu iicnuiireiulid. but
tluliest known uiine1 f.n llie reni"i1 lei lliu
idlnienld et jmiiiK clillilrtm I. Ill-, Hit I 'a l!.it
byrup. l'lluoeulj VS cuiiln u lie Me.
nvteuiA i. AurJvi.s,
A 1'iillt tin in IttirMl rp.
1). K C'elllii-i, iiieui'mr et imltce, Hevimth
wunl, ItuaOliK, l'u, tulks Dili ny . "biuleitd
suvuiely Iieni lli-uiinuljin , iieitilei; iiiu nin
liny KOilil till I tlli ll 7AniHiil' Ainrni Oil 11
lsu piousnre In lnceinniniiil II ' ler niln liv
II. It. C01.IUUI1, diuicKi't. 137 and ! heittl
IJiuen Btiejt. t.unc.tsui.".
A1r. Lniislrj.
And ether fumeiiH wruiuu Uu u 'uuicputn 'uuicputn
tleu let Inc'ul licnnty, A tine compli-iten
Iiiabiis one hiimUnnip, imn tlinuirii i ti lm u lii
mt et n'ileel mould. Jlunlnck Jltoetl Jlttlt i
an Oliectly ii rinii tlie i liculml in, unit kirIvh
I he k I ii n cleat lien a anil s niem nut sdei Iiki Ian
iinatlaliiulilK. tnr vain bv II II ( ecliruii,
iliiiKKUl, 1.1 anil U"J .Ninth yai.1.11 ituel, l..ui
catni r.
My aieihrr
Ills bciin uslnir yeui Uunl wk lllwul luttri ,
umii lliei letniily, una llmlu Hi. u. iy ilii-a-ilen"
Ct.ns I. AlnsKOitli, 41 mm It lllK.
InaiiiiiatHills, liul. lei le iv II. II. t'eclintu.
duifKlst. Ul uiiil UlisullU gmeneucei, l.uu
M ny lln lliiiinrinl ?
True, j en aie In a mlionitile comlltlen jeu
(lu wealt, imlllil. una neiwms. Ien enuiii.1
slevpnt nUlit, unr enjuy jinn w iktni; tieniri ;
yet, why Imn heart net ui UiiMlrnt'icUt'sa
bouluet Jluri'ecl. JilueJ t.ttlrii. y hoi win
lestoie you te lumllh unit i.eaie el tiilml
or siilii by II 11 t'echrin, ilinufct.i, U7 und
1) North (JiltHin Hlrimt, I.nue mt i
r-tiriiiin i:ii:iii t p.
"Ilavetilfil 7Viem(u' Kcltclnc Oil fnrnnim
unit celilii, und Iltnl It tin) In hi remedy 1 lme
or iiseil In in y f nun " Win Kij.aiu in
liieillli Au , llillliite, r. in hiIu by 11 It.
Cochran, drugittil, 137 und li) .Ninth Qiuin
stieul, I.Kiieanter.
HM.V.Url A llti'n.
l'liiLAOKLi'iiii, Menany, Maieh'C
Expectation en tij) tot-.
Tlie store talk runs strongly en
what may be seen here to te
morrow. As already told you, far as types
can tell, te morrow will be an
Easter Occasion. Seme
years of experience have
taught you what this sort of
announcement means. Our
store decoration is helped a
little by flowers and plants,
but ew r and aleyt- it is a
"goedb" talk, merchandise
eloquent. An) body can se
cure natural and artificial
decoration by paying out a
little money. Add geed taste
in arrangement, and the ef
fects are pleasing. At that
point we are net much above
the average. Hut in mer
chandise. Well, wc could
crew en thr.t point if wc
chose. But wc won't.
There are things which you
need much te knew of the
advent of Spring merchan
dise. Te-morrow wc shall
try te tell you some of them.
In the course of a day or two
you will be invited te witness
a peculiar exhibition in the
store. Meantime leek up
your Encyclepaedia, article
Shetland Islands. Yeu
needn't linger en the ponies,
but the crofters' huts and the
bright peasant girls and the
wonderful shawls, se fine that
a large one can easily be
drawn through a lady's finger-ring,
you may linger
upon. Mere te-morrow.
The Easter Occasion will touch
lienncts and Millinery
Wraps and Jackets
Silks and Dress Goods
Easter Cards and Toys
Fans and Fancy Goods
The 1 louse Beautiful
The Crofters' Hut
Priestley's silk-and-wool
goods are only in black. They
are at the head. Blacks that
don't fade. Perfect; lustrous
as a raven's wing te the end
ten years, if you please. Fit
stuffs for such dye. Mixed
fabrics without the faults of
mixed fabrics. Strength of the
silk and softness of the wool ;
a limitless el texture peculiar te
We are headquarters for
these Priestly blacks. Every
quality of every style is en our
shelvcH. Yeu will nowhere
else find se complete an assort
ment. We arc se close te the
manufacturer that we give you
at once every advantage of
novelty, or of price reduction.
The Priestly silk-and-wools in
clude :
Drap el' Alma
Crepe Cleth
Alys Cleth
Mari Theresa Mourning Cleth
I anusc Venetian Crepe
Yillette Diagonals
Many of them a quarter or half
under the original price.
Silk-and-wool Veilings, 75c
te $5 a yard.
Silk-and-wool Veils, $3 te
t vcend cl re'e, southeast or contre.
Twe Towels from a hundred
sorts : Damask ; six " Old
Bleach " patterns ; knotted
fringe ; red borders, blue bor
ders ; sturdy stuck ; $2.40 a
deen. We have never had a
$3 Tewel that was better.
Turkish Bath Towels and
Sheets from Germany, Eng
land, Ireland. Striped and
plain ; linen loops, cotton loops;
25c te $3 50. Net another such
gathering in this country.
Or of Linen generally. Judge
by one : 74 inch grass bleached
Damask, a breath of cream .en
the snowy surface ; net a fibre
weakened by forced whitening ;
75c a yard. We have sold
poorer goods for $ 1 . Napkins
te match, 20 inch, $1.50; 23
inch, $2.
boulliwcstef c;ntie.
S e m e Children's Black
Ribbed 1 lese with the bottom
out of the price. 15c. Sizes S,
First new arrival of Women's
Ribbed Lisle 1 lese ; all new
shades of tops, a full score of
them, and black ankles and
feet. A surprise price ; 50c.
Chestnut st leet blile, Histef Main Atile.
Clean-up of Misses' Fine
Kid and Geat Spring Heel
Shoes. All of best makes.
The little prices are because
some sizes 'and widths are mis
sing :
I'elibln )rat, f prill henl. width A-ll, 11V.
l.'X li. 1. IK iiml 2 1 nlillhl)-li, J; l, i w
anil 2. All 1 iCi-lli'iit Scheel Shoe,
meiu ilM, new ft ?1
KM spring lels, wld'h A UK. 12. VJW and 1 i
width II-I1X. 12X. 13 UXt lil h O-l and
IH, whim K-1IX. HH. U. US' and 2. a
Dniy tlum,
weret2S0, new I1.7S.
Klnrst i-falght; Jeut, spilng heels, wlUh AV
- II. lis. . Ulillll A-ll, HSiiud 12. wldui II
11. I
were f3.fc, new 12 00
Kln'.l hul aprlll" hei-ld. wlftlli II ami UK t
wutu u-11 und ux; width H-li, UK una
were II 0-', new $2 00.
Jliuliel street limit, wenct Main Alile.
Health and
If reu feel tlrefl. weak, worn en, or run
down from hard work, by Impeverltkcd con
dition of the bleed or low tate of the 17116111,
yen should take Heed's Fartapatllla. The
pecnlUr toning, purifying, and vitalizing
qualities et IbUsneceattnl medlelne are toen
felt throughout the entire system, expelling
dlieatc, and giving quick, health; action te
every organ. It tonet the stemah, crratrs an
appetite, nnd roniea the liver and kidneys.
Thousands who have laken It with bonefll,
testily that Heed's Earsapaillla "makes the
weak strong.'
Heed's Parsaparllla
"I hare taken net quite a bottle of Heed's
Sanaparllla, and mnit say It Is ene of Iho brst
medicines ler giving an appetite, purifying
the blecd, and regulating tliedlgcsllve organs,
that 1 ever beard of. It did me a great deal of
geed.'1 Mm. N. A. tTXSLIT, CAnasteta, N. V.
" 1 took Heed's EanaparllU for less of appe
tite, dyspepsia, anil general languor, It did
me a vast amount of geed, anil 1 have no hesi
tancy In recommending It." J, vf. Willi.
rein, Qulncy, 111.
"I bad salt iheum en my left arm tbroe
years, suflerlng terribly. I took Heed's Bar
sapsrllls, and Iho salt ihcnm hs entirely dis
appeared," If. M.JIills.71 rreichBt, Lewell,
8eld by sll drupg'sts. II ; six fcrB. rrepsred
euly by (1. I. i-UOU A CO., Apothecaries,
Irfiwell, Mass.
IOO Doeea Ona Dellar.
bard & Mcelrey,
33 anrl 35 Seuth Queen Street, - Opposite Fountain Inn.
Oir Expenses Are Net High And We Art Satisfied With Oar Small PrcGt).
narz. Men's lfltlsh H lle'c, rcirnlar martc, 2pfttrler2.'.c, worth M)e per pain Men's 4 pilr
nun a puirceiiimegs none ler IK, uesi goeas in ine cny anne price: i.aaies regular niiiun urn
brlggun He e, 3 pair Jer 2Vj t barsalns in Children's llei 80 dnz. Men's lleuistltched If and-
kerchlets only me each, worth lac; toner, bud ten' Jlnnakerchlcri, wllhcuibrolauied MlRUewer
In corner, only Sc each. Bhuwls and lllaukets at less than cost ene Case iteninunls of llleachid
Muslin only 9c, regular prtce,12)te. .New llrmi Cltnglmns only l"c. New American Batlnes at
lOandUHcts. One I.otel llleached Turkish lewels, sliel7x3ii.'Jferaic. worth 2Sc each. One
Uaaoef Hummer l'anilrr, In neut mixture, 1 laldsorHutreg, geed washing color', Oonlileand siarrb,atsoereryard j bailer goods than somesoll ailSc. hummer ranting In lower
?radesatlO. laif.'MH Uctsnte. special value In Hiank Cn'hmeres at 21,3.1.45, S) cla and up
lUckt-llk iVurpllunilettaOletlill(K), (121. tl 40andll0 lllaca All wool ilenrletla, 4S lnchis
wldn,nt II HO; ttilt 1 the biggest dollar's worth ever rotalled ever any ceunter: we except none
Ingrain, Hemp and I'oltaae Carpet at 20c. worth SS3 ; better gnifli s at 21, 81, 40 and SO cts . lint;
Carpets al '!), si, 40, 41, Wets and up i all-wool stripes at MM. 1 arput Hugs laken lu exchange.
Window Hhsdrs, sptlng llxtures, at 40c ; best goods, COc. Dade Hhudea at 7'.c, worth $10).
rKAIIIKUS-Owlng tothe tticrraicddiiinand at thH seasen of the eir It has caused the
wholemlo prlte te nflvuEce. We are prepared te furnish the btst goods at the saine low price
the lowest lu the city, why? Oui expenses uie net h'gh, aud we are satisfied with small
bard& Mcelrey,
33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain ten.
We have Inst rccetved and have displayed en our oeuntors ever IfO flrz'n of si'HINH Y, which we tieniihl from a cnncern closing liuslness. All nre New ami llrgulitr (loedg
urn d ii for Itals seiisen's irude, and uie 33 per cent lusa than regular pilce. Curefully oiuinlue
the following prlces :
Ohtldran's Seamless Hese Sat -worth lsjje rhtldren's Penir.lrss lloje, s'ze Cte8K. HKc:
werthlHa. Children's llegular Made Hese, siren ti)8, 19c ; werlh 2!ie mlttc. Ladles' Hegular
Made Unbleached Hose,12Ke i worth 13a l.adlos'lteguliir Mude Unbleaehed Hi he, irc t worth
SOe. J ailies' Kegiilar Mnde Unbleacbfd and Fancy lloie. 193! worth 233. i.adieV llegulur
Made Unblrached and Fancy Hesr. '22c 1 worth ,11c. l.adltn' lleiruhir Made Kancy lle-e, S2a 1
worth (Oe. Ladles' llegular Made I'lcuce-l.lnid lies, 25c ; worth '"Kc Men's genmlrsg illxfld
HalMliMH, Hi; worth 1?KC- Mnn'a llegular Maile llalt-lleac, Unulfachmi mid Kuimv, I2)c ;
worth ltc Men's Uegnlar Made lUIMIose. Unbluacbed, 13c ; worth 20c Mill's Hegular Mdile
Hall Uese, II nbleached and Fancy, 13c ; worth '21c.
Our l.nlt-Over Hleck of Winter Ilolery has been rednend te the following pi lces te rloe
eut: Cfclldrcn'H vtoelen Hese.FlzcsC te HK. nl 1-Ke ; weie irc;teic. ;hlldien's voelon ltcse,
sl7esnii)8K.stWei were 33c telOc. ChtMmn'g Finest Orade Wnelcn IIih. all 8tz, 31c ; em
IcloWie I.Rilioe' and Men's Vteli;ii HesOvSlct were 21 te 31c Lidle'iu d Men's Woolen llote
utJlc wero37KctelUc.
letzger & Haughman's
Opposite th9
Musical Bexes, Bronzes and Art
Diamond?, Geld and Silver
H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Gbain Carpets,
We tiave tbe Largest nnel Beat Btoek lu tlie CJlty,
Cerner Weal King nd Wiler SumIj, Lwculer, F.
Kuiiture, Varicecele snil special lilntHses
of el I bur ter. Whvbe humliuai'l by quacks
when 1011 cn And In Or WiWlit llioen) Ken
e'LR 1' In l'bl'arl lpbUwtie inukes it
specU'iy nl tlie hdeth ilUeaafs. ana Ci'itis
'Jii.u 1 vrxs Uiuui:vtki. AAvlci r'ruedsy
ana; atrmigcu can botruiitedund re
turn bemu imme fluy. unices prlvstn.
lilt. W. II WKlUliT,
til North Ninth btieet, Above llace.
P. O. Ikix 67J Phllaaell' hii.
Alt this ieauin, as spring apnreacher. a geed
relUhloletito and bleed pirlflsr Is needed by
nearly everybody. Heed's Btrtnparllla U
peculiarly adapted ler that purpose and be
comes mero popular evciy yesr. Try It this
" When I took lloe4'sSarfaparlllathat tcjivl
ness In my stomach loll; tbe dullness In my
head, and the gtoexy, despondent feeilng dis
appeared. 1 began te get stronger, my bleed
gained better circulation, tbe coldness In my
hands and feet left we, and my ktaneysdonet
bother me ai be fore." O. W. Hull, Atlornoy Atlernoy Atlorney
at;ltw, Mltlersburg, O.
Make the Weak Streng
" A year age I sutTered from Indigestion, had
terrible headaches, very lltlle appetite ; In f ae t,
seemed completely breken down. On taking
Heed's Barsapatllla I begin te Improve, ami
new I have a geed appetite, and my health Is
excellent compared te what It w as. I am bet
ter In tplrlts, am net troubled wllh cold leet
or hands, and am entirely cured et Indiges
tion," Missis Uassuq, Wewburg, OratiRO
County. W. Y.
" Feeling languid and dlrzy, hwlng no ap ap
petlte and noamblllen te work, I took Heed's
Husaparllla, with tbe best results. As a health
lnytgoraterand for general debility I think It
snpeiler te anything eltc." A. A. ItiKsrt,
UUca,M. V.
Beld by all druggists. (1 1 six for ts. Prepared
only by O. 1. HOOD A CO., ApoUeearlo?,
Lewoll, MBS?.
100 Doeea One Dellar.
Cooper Beuse.
Watches and Fine Jewelry.
XS tlUKNKltb.-All persons are hereby for.
te trempiss en any 01 the lands et the
11 Kti.i tftMuiwelliutates In lAibannn or
I am aster ceuntlf . whettier Inclesed or uuln.
cliwvl, elther for the purpose el sheeting or
nhliiK. ki thu law will be rlirtdly enleiced
anliut all trespassing en said lands of the un
dftltfntxt "It" this notlee. .
(UW, U,milM4M,
Aiiorneysier jt.W.Celmn' Htlr
AJ Pnlt and RmeBed rise, Flna White rat
Mackerel, Ceddsh. Bmeked Halibut. Vanned
vaimnn and Lebster, Bardlnes, etc , Macaroni,
ejelaltne. Ann New mk cjheete, Canned
rnnt nnd Vegntables, olives and I'lcklra.
uiir stock of Oetiren and Tt-aa compare with
tbe nncst In the market.
11 veted0 ,ft,r0r " Wl,,, a U,lU erflcr Heed
Ne. 113 West King Street.
Best Ceffees in Town.
A ftne Cottce at ISi per Pound
Must Hell all before leivlng. and alihengh
going fast, theru H tllll an asorlinontUso aserlinontUso asorlinentUso
lcrtfrom. Altuoet all goods sold down liolew
who'csilepilces. A ndden'l forget Iho place li
n- Open Kvrrr Kvrnleg until 8 o'clock.
Csl fernta Apricots, In rinart cans, BI2.V) srn
very ntce and cheap. White and black Cbrr.
lies. Crwford ami I.eiiinn CHiir Peaches,
tttar and eirescent llrand, Happy family,
choice uuallty, and I'le Peaches.
We bave Mm llnrsi Cannel Cern In Iho miir
lal.thu nncst bmiuls are Uew llrep, Pride nf
Maine and Purls. We have Wlnsle, Ilaker's
and rolls, 'i be last we soil thrue cans for S80 :
the finest brands nt 15c.
TemMrcs In Klis, Dew Drep Whele, a A B.,
rnrd llrei. nnd Ki II ; Kelli at 1O3 a can.
WobaT0nIari20slrclelCanndUnnds Htore Htere Htore
kerers iicirtlni; ca' mO nefls would find it te
thelr advantage lo(;lveuau call.
Y"-8! hOMleiulT IS GOING TO
It 1 1 te el lntcnse Interest te
Man, Weman and Child.
Don't wait until tlie event Is upon you.
Take a lessen lreiu the
Destruction of Pompeii.
Think of tlioe peer, IhniiRhtleis unfortu
nates who wcieciiumbedby the
IJelh of which mlKht have been
uveldLd by
Heading llie Mgnsef tlieTiuics
Your aluenen In this Instmce will be as
inucha(ouireof leurulus jourpieaoi co would
h.ive bten ibeie.
Toe Caroless W ill Pass It Over.
Mart Iho fnlleBlng date en yonrdeTstrps.
Het It te musics nil it you anil the town will as ene man en the eventful day el
Saturday, larch 24th,
New Tm and Coffee Stere,
( A Few Deers lreiu Ccntre Square )
Loek for llamilns and don't forget that we
ln-enU giving seuin. 1(00 1'annel Pictures swuv
'lO-MDUllUif CiATUUIiAl.l Urand Openlni:
. O I. A. II K b'S Wholesule ana Kelall TK A A N li
Med. 12 ana 14 SOU I'll
Th's oventrKnl7.:e, at the Old Stere. Ne 62
West Klni; hi l mil, wbern win be sold OI",
Cblnn, e'aiinednnd lleltlrd Heeds. Come early
for llarKalns. Will be sold ehriip te save exs
paiuoei mevlns- (iKU.UUAl'Elt, Auct.
One Thousand Panel Car's Glvfn Away,
Dljlrlbutlen will Cniniiii'nce at 7 o'clock In
tbe tvenlri;.
It will always piv you te rratlenr adver
tisement. Tlii'ie I'anel Cams ure tbe most
Imnd'Oiiie uvi r otrered te tbe people of Lan
caster, and II jeu tiling Kittling oue.Itlsbe eue.Itlsbe
caui e von de net w inch up our adveitlw moot meot moet
OlfltTUANbl'AKENfTOILKPHOAP, Which we ;ave away last batnrday, was a
liltf bit. Many did net knowef It, and expres
sions of disappointment are heard nn all sides.
we say we will Rlve It, you can surely count
en KfttliiK It We ene iiirc approach us In the
aluoef no (lilt llUulbutlen. Heme vainly
enflpavorteluiltato, but tall uhert. We wlP,
later en, cilur n.ore et the soap. Kecpyeui
eyes wliloepen.
" Heist Is ninnep HsInK the p ecery bul
13 wmi we jieur ireui an Bioej.
wants te de a 1 the hiif,)inss.'
and Blmllar
exprotslens we hear evuy day.
We don't ak your pntrensge. II you feel
Inclined te buy of us we will de all we can te
pleuseynu; It net, the city Is large, and con.
tains ujuiiyuoel stores. Don't loive oneplhco
anflge toaiiethor, imlewa you are benetlt'nd
by the chaniie. We don't expect It of yen. We
don't place iuiulvc s under obligations. Our
solealin Is te buy liirgniy and seli as cheap as
we dare sell. '' he ebolce re.U with you.
One Car'eud of floods bought te-day at a sin
gle pniohife, and will been our front paw paw
ment Saturday .Meintni;. 'Jhat's the wy e
buy. Is It a wonder that we sell be cheap I
Seelnu U Itell'.vtnir. Many denbt our huavy
purchases. We Invite them te call around r.ud
M'n. 'iblnketlbu llexus Uboese (Included in
thislntef itredsj wh ch we will sell at Sere
pounds for 2ic.
Loek for Uare lUrj,"ilns Paturdiy. We can
save jeu money. We will hae plenty of
liolesale ana HUH Uiecer.
Cor. IV. King and Prince Jilfl.,
COl L,
1 li. MAl'lt,
All Kindfl of Lumber and Oea'.
CJ-Yabd: ha 4JD North Water ea Prince
Streets, atieve Iiinmi, l.nnr&aler nMvfl
esnck Ne lit North Uiieenatreeil, und Na
see erlb Pimce street
Yistw North rrlic 'm; nit uradlnfj
ntflMd I ANI" A.IKII, PA
Price of Geal Reduced
Chenpe.t Draft Steiu In the City.
Him, ' ana ii West Kluif sUuet.