, -v clt?' -tv.ww,isbb ".n,,OT5r,i-,.ji( v 5tV1 .!. '.! -'"V j.V-i THE JjANOASTJGII DAILY ESTELTJGENCER. FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 18S8. r;fH $: fll& i&& . -3M ST W" MS &. f $?, fa s Ijr- i te' ! .? . Ift j p ?,' CHRISTIAN SiriE DEAD. 3& 'if, lxt erms iN.i units AT THESl'SgCC HANNA 110LUXO MILL. a i arsi Native of Otrmateyand larria Wlfs WT.T . ...'. Tili rvar teiiflrcn&a Amm 10 si sts- ?. i flrtc!-BtT. A. It. SUCk AtcflU . lhrktatittBlBLe(nl Cbnrrh. -", ? t , Atralar Corrcspendenco el IirrrLuasiU-xn. -..Columbia, Match 3. Oa Wednesdsy Jftraoea Christian Stple, an cmplcye el tkillaiqnebiDB rolling mill, wasbsdly r Jejand about bit beatl by belnB thrown " tWnteMB wnlL lie was eundlDg near a .JsBBlcn yrtiM blown against aim vy a of wind- He waireaovedielVahOino Meuth Fourth street, near Union, In a .f,ltOB, and his condition was net thought fra faa Mrleua. About S o'clock ycaterdny flArnecn be suddenly bcoarne werse and 'k?th attending physician stated that be was . :lam dvlng condition, lle remained con- Wf1! t--r -- . . . nniit 4itn o'clock when he exnlrecl. :. Slple was barn Jn Hersfcld, Germany, uv 'ever C yean age, ana leit that country in .eHM ler Ibe United Slater coming dl- '."S.toUyte Columbia. He was employed at fT 4pthd lernacss about here for a numboret i $' . and then found emrlevmenl at Ibe fti -t ,., , - , . , flaw JrHUsquenanna roiling mm, nutm u m f ,'ben amnlevett ler tue past eicutccn years. A wile and four children survive. Ills children are Henry, 'William. Maggle nd Sarah Slple, all, living In town. The funeral will be held en Sunday Hitorneon M 2 o'clock; services In HL 1'aul'a Luther aa church, en Locust atrcet. , )h Iatn te lie Ilspalted. ' Tbe damaRO te the Columbia dam by the recent Ice sorge bas been tbe subject of rMi ch newspaper comment, especially In , ih Uia tlUhMf nitwirii. It hfta hnnn ftftld gt"SS tkat the dam is deemed and will net be re. '1Z pairen. xnia gave me. up-river puupiu :f much Jey, but they ate veiy much nils- ? iukm. 'Vnn riamacrfi m nntas ureal as wauv jrjl people would duire. It has been ltijun.il gTS IB me portion anewn as mu uiu uuui, Of -arnere the break Is about one hundred mid & thlrty-flve feet In length. The water has F'ffe washed out the cinder ballast, but It Is K? thought that the weed work is uninjured. Messrs. Kl ward N. Smltb,chlercngln(er of the Heading company's canals,and 1). 1. Bhure, auperinteudent of the Huaquehanna awd Tide Water canal, have been In town te leek about the damsge and stated that the dam will be put In geed order. They ssadeatouref Inspection and found the from thetlshwaya te the Columbia Ifvb iWj&m ahhk.aI ts flliu nvfaril aliivii uluffiil. f while the dam from the flahwaya te the sTerk county shore remains intact. Jc'1 r. Tfa plr m rtttialr will urtmrnnnrn ns ea as nn&alLla and Mr. H ml til stated that fr.. atone would beused for ballast Instead e! ii i, cinder, if wm rcquire atxiu; w,w tens ei tone 10 coinpieie tee worn, ado goeu newsel the notion of tbe Keaalng company la n source of urcat patlefactlen In town. Accrpted tll. The members of tbe Stceud fit root Luth eran church extended a unanimous call te Her. A. K. Stock, of Htewarlsvllle, N. J., te become their pastor. Metsrs. II, F. Yer jry and Jehn Sterllnr, sr., visited the gun ttetnan aud received a faverable answer. Xtlarumored that A dally paper will be started here very seen. It will be printed ettbe tvurant cltlee and will be stnrlcd by Wesblugten City capital. J. D. Brandt, of llarrltburg, had his left band allghtly Injured In the west yards While coupling earn. IIe was tent te his feome, Harry M. Sitnple has recovered from his recent nines. Bedgwlek Circle, Ladles el the (. A. It., aA atrrainfvftiir fnr ttinnnnnaruninnl tlm ait til. -3iv tary mldcets In tbe opera house. The glass blowers are drawing big crowds In the armory. A contest will lalco'place In the rink for one woek, commencing en Monday instil. Tbe race will be bUwetu A. D. Teulay unit Orin Bcckwlti), pedcstrlanp, and C. W. Ashlnger, blcycllsL The race Is fur lour lnuisevary nigh. OBlcerSehtll arretted l'rank Fisher nntl Jehn Leanen, tramps, for trespastlng n tbe Susquehanna rolling mill. 'Squlre Selly gave Lennen tlltcen dajs and Vjshcr five days tn Jail. "Alvln Jeslyn " will be In the ojtern beuse en Wednesdaynlght. OHANOEi IN Till: 1.(1 Wi: It KM). These Wfie Ilnv Ueiriuiurt te Mete l'rem ThUr I'mcut Luottleim, WAKEriKLU, March 23, (Jondlderablo moving will take place In this kectlen of tbe county this spring, of which e note tbe follewing: K. M. llalnea will again occupy the sumo house at Pieabant drove, vaeated by It. P. McUewelL Thes. Orubb, near Pleasant Greve, will meve te 1'hila delphla about the S5'.h, and Sam'l Moen Jrtll occupy the firm. M. V, McDowell, merchant at KUU'h MHin, bes moved te BeckSprlngs,nnd the former stere linuse Is till yacant. Mr. Gllllgsn Beld his stere goods at Ashvllle recently and the stere la vacant. The blacksmith sbepat Oak Hill baa been thrown up by Itebert Warden, and will be vacant Edwin Sweeney will occupy tte blacksmith shop at Slab Rew ibis season. William Johnsten will Taca'e the wheelwright ahep at tte nbove place. Ther. J. Ankrlra A. Ce , meicbanls t this place, tiave rented the liouse occu pied by Jehn M. Jarksen, which will be leased te A. A. Kirk, the well-knern gent of machinery. Mr. Jacksen has least (1 the E. K. Tayler farm, formerly occupied by Jacob Wilsen. Mr. WlUen rented the homestead farm of the Inte Abner Weed. David Flera, near Kirk'a Mille, held a public nale et Louiehold goods re cently and will meve te Lancaster. Jehn 8. Wassen will meve te tMk JIlli this spring. Herbert Kay will occupy the beuse vcited by hliu, In Klnsevllle; Frank Harris will meve te the hjuhi vil lage in tbe home vacated by Archibald Brawn, .who .will meve In Mr. Kdward Tollluuer's house William rhllllps will meve from William 1'eunelV heuse te tbe beuse of Wm. Kes, Cheater county. William P. King, jr has meved into Jits new beuse crected en his Jatliet'a farm near the abeve place. Jehn Jsckaen it Ilre, near Oik Shade, will dleholve jiartuership this Bprlng and the latter, Andrew, will move te ihe farm formerly recti pled by Harvey Runner. Jctfargeri MeVey will move In the houae et Sam Cenrad. Several large and line Htsel tobacco have been purchased by njsents durluK the last month, and we nte Informed that many flee lets of tobacco ntlll remain unsold in this section. J. 0. Lynch reports S acres Of geed tebjece, Harman aelth2acrca, aud the Paxson liref. 4 acrex. Qeorge IJrewu, el Lylef, Is agent for the celebrated patent force pump, and during last aeaien sold ever n hundred te Iho farmers In tho'lewcr end. They are uianu uianu taetured at C'antcn, OMe, by l'eruande B. Bmlth. Thes. Gruhb'a firm, near the line In C ell county, Md., wan old at Hikten rrcentiy t Hen. Jacob Teme, of Pert Deposit, for 18,000. It cenHatH of seveial hundred acrer, id the farm has lecu leased te Himuil Moere, of I'lesaiiit Grnve, for f 1,00a Miss Sallle lletd, of Pleasant Grove, fcr several years a well known drtasinaker, lateeds adding u large millinery deptut deptut teber buslneii'i. Albert Andrews, for seme tlme la the asployefi:. M. Swhher, of Union, si clerk, la new aleman In the large stere r.f T. J, Ankrim J: Ce., of this p!tc. Cut Iter root. Last evening Katie, a tbitteen-jesr-cld daughteref Dv!d MIley, of West Jamie ireet, wthvltlileg aotne young friends in the lower psrt of the city. Whlle walking near ibe Lamb hotel ),e stepped upeu u broken fruit Jir which cut thtcugb the gum beets be was wearing and almeu cut cu the large tee of her feet. Te-day she la la the )mm qalte Urns, Arrlral tf.lehnSt. CUti's ltedr. The body of Jehn St. Clslr, who died In New Brighten, arrived in Lancaster this morning at 0 o'clock. It was taken by Undertaker A. 0. Rote te the rcsldonce of the brother et tleceascd, en Mulberry etrcet, from which p'.ace the funeral will be held en Monday afternoon. Mr. Bt. Clair was a momber of the Clgarmikeu' Union End the tuombers In this city nre In vited te attend the funeral. The deceawd leaves two children, a boy and a girl, In Mend el one, as mentioned yesterday. The following is front a new Brighten paper in regard te the death of Mr. SL Clair: Deceased was better known In this com munity as Alex. S'. Cialr. He bad been ongsged wllh Mr. Wm. Beyle, at his eccu patien as clgarmaker, mr almost nve years, and bis ornpleyor speaks ct him in warm terms of praise. He was a gentsl, clever gentleman, and had a beat of friends In this Btctlen, who will bear with rrgret of blsdcatb. He was conscious until twenty minutes of his demtte, and Informed the friends around bis bedsldelbst be was en during no euUorleK ; lndeed, he expired se quietly and calmly that theso In the room were unawnre of the exact moments when his spirit took flight." The Itfd Bere ralr. At the fair of Red llcf.e Cemmandcry there wai another large attend ance latt evening. The mammoth Jumbo cigar was wen by William Warner, and ageld-headcd silk umbrella by William Demtnett, This evening the full Ltberty band will be In attendance, befldt-s the following organlzt erganlzt organlzt tlenss Geerge H. Themas Pest, Ne. fal, and Lancaster Ctslle, Ne. 120, A. O. K. el M. O. Te-morrow evenlng Minnie Cogley and the Lancaster pallor orchestra will glve a concert. Injured 111 Arm. Whlle walking en Went King atreet slde of the Htevcns houe last evenlntr, Mulln Selbel allppe J en the Icy pavement and fell Teryheally. Hoknecnod his arm out of Joint. Te I'lllit Vniunrr. Jacob Itenborger, et the Ninth ward, has been Appointed by the commissioners en thocemmlttoo te leek after the burial et Indigent (nldlerc, te take Iho place el Henry Huubert, deceased. Bent te Jail, Cenrad Ke, the young man who ratted a disturbance at Kelkor's saloon, was heard by Alderman Dounelly,of the Hlghth ward, and sunt te Jail for ten days. Racial and Lllataijr, The Yeung People's Secial and Literary Union of tbe l'lrst Presbyterian chureh have as usual an excellent programme ar ranged for this evenlng. e Witt, te sold at pnblle mle by Jacob 8 toner. In Maner tiwntblp, en Saturday, Murch 211b, a largn let nt hereri, mules, cattle, hogs, farm ing Implcmentr, Ac liar GniKDOrsntnaatt). Ulurkn's New Tea and OotTenbtoro, 12 and It Couth Queen street, te. in or low. J.AneAiTiuh Invited te ilse as ene man to te mm row. 'ilia uvuiitful flay, te-morrow, faV irnliiy Glarkn's Cirand npentnR nt his Mew Btiml, Uand 11 deuth Qucen street. Tliitinna L'onnrctlen, IsucO. l'feutz's livery stable l.ttlti Is con cen con nuetid with thu ttlopheno. Tns first sqtiaroef teiith ejtieen ttrcntuew t'enl a Might and hiHtnoM-IIke nppm nppm HnciiMune Clarhunpunrd hlj New Hlore. 'J he bl(j oUctrle lights llluinlnn'e Xnlf the satinru. FETlttnmiitlaUnt Clarke Is going toliave lili (Jrand cjpunliig te morrow. Tils I.srcmt, llastaun Cheapen Tea and C'of C'ef 1'0 or ii In thu city Is new located at 12 and II Benth Q n en street Yniiknew, I'lnrkn'it. IHIIKK At 1'lliUiUlpllln I'll, Allllln K., WliMdf olnilei a, elriiKur, ngedV3yiiuin, t nnurul uurvlaCH at the heuse et tier hither, lvl Cniwluy, Ne. SH North 'ihtrd Btrcet, Col umbia, l'a, nl 1 0 p. "i., Batui day, March '.'I. lntoiiiient In l.uncitttur eumetvry ea tbe ar rival liem Columbia of thu 4:3J train. It llBnv Allur home In einrdnnvllln, en the Sl.lliut , Murihu, wlloet Wlliuuu 1.. llcnry. 'J'tu rulutlvts nud trlunds are r.specUiilly Invlted te ullend tlia tuuunil en balunluj, Mhx.1i 21, Irani Ilia hnusn lit ;'M in , without rurther notice. Services at Lcaceck church at 2 o'clock p. in. Std JlniR.-In (lordenvllJo. en tbe Slit lust,, Wllllum H. lilulr, in t,lS7ih yunr. 'ilia iclutlvis and trlends aru respectfully Invited te attend his luneral, from Ilia reel duncnaf Ws parents, en Situtday, Match SMti al 1U o'clock a. in., nnd lteland's chnieli at 1 30 p. in., without further notice, her vices al both places. std t-T Uim-On the list lnjt,, Jehn bt, Llalr, The relntlvei ar.d Irlunds of the fatutly also U-e Itfaimnkurs' Unlea-arn rcspecltitlly In Viti d te attend thfi f imurnl, from his luelbtr's rmlJrnri', Ne 111 North Mulberry btrtut, en Menduy altornnenat 3 o'clock, lutuunental bt Muiy's temotery. td" MisETmi-ln Lancaster, en tvn?3J Inst , at tt-n nwliliince et bur biethiirl law, .lelm.l. Kvaus, IedUJJ, Aliuttur, tn thuS.'a juaret tier UKO. lunetal private. iti2J-2i MAUKJilet. Neir urk JIlMkfit. New Yena, Murch 2J Kleur market dull ; If no, fJOHfihOi Uiipiudne, szercpjui; Minn KuiiUJO90j city lll Kxna,Mea7S! Minn Mlmat.ixtr.l.iiWaiM. . ' Wheat Ne. I, Ked, duiui. itOf3e t Ne ?. de 01ie -, no. 2, lted, w tutor, March, S-itfe i April, c; receipts. 3 0.0 ; uhlpu mils, esece Coin te. i, Mixd, ( ah, llHai May, Me: Juuu, 6!ie; nculpu, 87,l)j BtilpunniiD.f-CO l)ui-Ne 1, White, Btatn.41V01!nt Ne.!, de. SltllOi dn April. 37ej May, 87Ke; rei'.iipf. 4Mvv)j .bijiineiiu, l,e. Jtyudull ; ntti e 75e. Hurley iinmliiiil. 1'erk dull New Mrs, ill 76tteie l.irdaullj JaiiiclMfSl; April, 7 79 , May, Molasjei firm ; for BO boiling block, !3 0Wa Turpentlne Btnidy al SSJfa. Jleaindiilliutl Utfl i.'.H, leunli-uiudull t Itertndln Casoe, re. rr tKbt nn'et s (jniln te Uluinew, l) i junior uciUej rtestcrn Cleuimuy, 02310. (hi tun dullt Wnitern lut, UWiru-e -. Ohie ructery, llKOltc JTancy WldiJ. na Kkoiie' ly acllT0 ' StatP' 17 ' Weslcr" euitrllrni j ltcfliud Cutleaf, TJic; Uranula- ted, 7J.e 1 allow fte.ifly; Prlme City, 4;.filll 'Oa Jllnii quiet i Liuntliiu, fulr te Keed, HBC'c Cotreo steady t ruircuiriuts, ler ltle, lle drain antl I'mvlslens. Furnished by s. K. Yimdt, llroker. Cuicjioe, March "1, 1 OJ o'clock p. in Whtut Ceru, UuU. Polk, laid Mircli '.jy, pill li-i May ;cW 4 ()'i n 7T 7 '0 'une 7i 4-fi ni U M) 7 s; iii'luj ,7H w 7t- t,mau Oil 92Vi n., . .... . itcculpu, CarLetD. Winter M heat gi Bprtug Whom Bi Cem e.i eats .. 11 iti -...; iey ;::; ;;;; ItccelpU-lleg 'J'jJe Closing Prices -a o'c'eek p m. ., ,., rt I10.1U Cern. Oata. l'eik. I,ard Wa f l, Wi. .... 13 70 7 4 Apm -,iv, esv; 7 15 "ay :!; mm net 7-e 'uue i; Iv w,;- 13 bj 7 ji e'VYi.'V " w 2J J 7.W Crude Oil e4j i.lieMeck Mirttlr. CmcAnn, MartlL Cuttle-Uecelp'e. Wtettead: SM'iJ" 8iui warkut tttadfi fancy tJl0a5,0: fiMini. Jjsues 10; ateckers unit iT65?.H;.,2,JS!,Wt con, bulls und uUxed, II OJOltOt Ihxm rattle, (3 2'.ffl2i- ' ."'.' "'"PWi ivm uuiu: rblnments. ISSTftCTC, abt i.iBSBTT. Cattle llecelpts. 471 bead slilnent. s,j nurki-t r dull t nrlini 4 'aaSIOj UlrtnKOOd.ftaiMi(ominen,l3t(5 OS7il uucars blpnd in ew lern Ui-day I'.ois-lterclp'.f, vl.Oe beadi btnuiMnu.i.lX) head 1 uccliui i'alUdulpbta, M 7JQ . luUeC.fiOa.', 70: Yorkers, tinrtSNj! com' ;ueii teUu,5iO'25i pliff, fi;jj23iei necuis hes sblpiMiO te new yei k, BLeep Ubfi-lpU. UW; shlpmnnts. 2 0t miraei fair; prliuH te extra, p oie ih ualr H,.,J2i&",1'wi wnien UWJIW, iambi, K .'He 7'- ltSrtf'L'fibJrf'ni-Uv. ,f 'tSbTie-l (,Ntrn. tiWCClu: Tuiuns. ixr.i rfi . iT...,!1 - I -'V IMUlUf) New Yerk Meckp. Nw Teiur, March 3, 1 JOp. tn -Meney cloned at SX per ecnl t Kxclunge Heady 1 lKHted ratrii, it wK(lt Wt actual mtei-.f 1 8J04 lfij ler stity days t 4 67KQ t &K 'or demand 1 Govern menu steady t currency Cs, tl XbId4'i ceuptl XJKt IK's de, tltKIXbld. Tbe stock tnarket opened wok and nn s!ll Ins by Iinden parties of lttadlng ptlces do de cltnrdUOX per cent- darlnif tbe nist half hour, bultenards 11 o'clock the telling died out and prices took an upward turn, 'lhey advanced tlesdlly until midday, at which hour values were 1.JOIX per cent above the lowest point, rbe market has since bem dull and fualurc-l:es. ttlecR IllnihfU. Quotations by Itc-ed, McUrann A Ce , err, Lnncaater, l'a, KKW VOUK LIST. 11 A. M. 1! . Canada 1'acine 0. C. C.A1 f,ii 4TU Colerado Ceil.,,,.. ,, .... .... Unnlral Factlle CanadaBentbxrn te;; 31 Cbl., bt I.. A I'bg. Den. AUleO , Del. Xi A tV Wi irili icrie ni uyi Krle2nds MM m Jet 0 71 -,i K. AT 1214 1 y yn.hH M Mi I.. Shern ViVt 19k Mich Can ..V. MtMenrt I'aLtfle It 73i. ItockValley N.l VOK !) N. 1. 1'ref f 41)2 N.Weat 107 l7li n.y.u inu mm New frngland Be) IHj raat TeunessBO 11 0 Omaha.... 31 31 Oregon 'Jranaporlatten.. 18 18 UntnrleAW... 1'aclllaMall mi K Richmond Terminal VI h VIS xt. Paul Hi 74X Texas 1'acllle... VH 21 Union I'ncinc U)i ti i WaliMhCmn .... Wabash Prof.,.. ... WcRtnrn U 73)i 73, West Hhere llenrts... ruiLiDstriiu Liar. th Vul H.N. V. A 1'hlla I'll h. It Heading SO lt-10 10 1-10 Irf-b. Nhv..... Heitanv. Pass I' A K N.Cunt Penples Pass ltdK. Den's (Ml iy, VI 1'htla. Trnrllnn AIC Al) VKKVIHKMHNI'H bank Sr. w. 47 31 iV 21 0H 77J 1 Mi Bill 77 7I 41H lOOK mm ty. & is if'K tw. 2 74S M MM IViS 7J'i 10l l t'sji lii' 8'X OAKINU l'OWDKIt. " ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never 'varln. A maivnl el purliy, stienittliund whotcpeuinnoiis Mern ncnnninleul tbiin tboeidlnarv klmlri. and cm nettmnnld In compeltllen with tbu multitude of low lest flmrt welKht, ilium iiriibosphnte txiwitem helil nnti Iti eiim. Her.uJUaiMi l'uiMixu Ce , lull Walt bluet, New Yerk. lym lyd Aw PUIll.lO HALB ON SATUJtDAY. M AUCII 94 nt '2 o'clock, at Nn. 101 fun ) cinnu Rtreet, lloiisebeld (ioeds and a line let el Carpenter's 'loels. It JOKt, I,. I1A1SIE, Auct. TOl'IOETOTIlK PUBLIC. Ilie underslKtin, excnt'lr of Henry -n. pert, bis this day raid 10 aukusI '. Hi liicnbi, till- iilllcd furiiliuie. nxluies, ivi-istcra ui,d uned-wlil efilinauellnn nnd ltU estate HK"nry of Ibe Ih'u llimy Miuberl. nt me 31 Nonh llukii Mriet, him iiivputtfnlly nskn for Mr. Kelnuilil Ih'i piiiioniine se I0111; uxteuiled te tbu lalu Henry hbuheit CATIIAIltNK V.BIIUltKllT. llavliB purrliused till hulnee of the Inte Henry Mmbi rl I would respectfully sellcllu sb&ruef iba pjblle 1"-iiiiiikh. AUtl. . HKINlEIIb, Aii'tloneer, Ileal h 11 e Agent und Piane Mevur. iii'it 'l d it rUT 1'I.OWKHS. PL&.NT3 AND SEED3. At tbnreqnet of many of mj filenili nnd old cmleiiurs 1 opened u OUT FLOWER STOHH At Ne 113 NOItTII Ql'KKN HTItKHT, last Burnmnr in 1111 ei perl mini t HcliiK encour aged te a icaseuublu decree, I have OO MB TO STAY. Te the Cut Klnwnt and lllnemlng nnl Vejr.i. tiole l'liut IIiibIhu.s 1 buvoadaed 11 lull line GAIIDEN EEED3, lnetudlui; wet Tern. Pets, Hcans, etc us wnllasilOVt rltSKMS. GEO. W. EOHUOYEn. ltd Aw ATB UKSK'S. CANNED GOODS. California Aprlrnts.ln nnart eniu. nt'Jlj an very nlce nnd cheap. Ulilleunil Uluck ,ber. rli-s. Cnwfeid und l.uium clinic I'eactini, Blur nnd uscent lliund, lluppy Kuinllv. choice quality, and Plo 1'eiathes OOUN, CORN. CANNED CORN. Wob'ivnMie tlnejt CannodCeni Intbaunr. krt, tbailncst luniidsHie new limp, Pi-Muef Maine nud Parts, nluivn iVInsli., linker's and rolls, 'ihe Ian we tull thrtecins lei vis: tbe ft lies l brauds 111 15c. TOMA.TOE3. TOMATOES Tomatoes in bIih, Dew Drep Whole, U A It . rout II10..11111I Kelt ; Veils lit .O' uc in MubavauliiiitHRtLckntuaiiiiidiiiMiiia Ptorr Pterr KMirerHnixdliig can nod Keeds would tlud It te mulradvantuge tolveusu cull. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING faTREET. gl'JtCIAL MUNLSIN WUOl.'hKli:S. ALL EYES UPON REJST! One Tbenssnd Panel Car's Glvn Away, IO i,OUltj l-ATlllDAi ) Dlttrlbulleu Will Ceiniui nre ut 7 o'clock In tbe s.t.lili;. READ I READ I READ I It win a) wars jnv jeu te rcaa our tulrnr tlftflimmt. 'JhiHH t''iiel funis inn tbe must liautUeuia mer otTetil te th inenltfnf Lnn- ..,.w.t , j i inn ajr-i IHg IHIU.ll W (JO il till Clin (In (ml t t. i ..... ,. . 01J".,;.!,U no net watch 11 pour iiuvnnUi munt. UUUTllAn3I-AllENrTelll,KI'aJU Whlcu we jiivu uway last t-utunliiy, waa bluhlt. Many did notknewof lt.i,ndiixprt.s (luii. of dlvuiipelnlineni nrw heard en all utes Wt HON T ill -J IllAtJi II, HAJ, ",, wosaywe will ulie Ii. jeu can Biirelv peuiit mi KUlliiK U Nuoheifiirtapproicliusl 1 tbe vuliioef riinCllt DlsuluuU.ui. bemnva mv indpavorteliiitluto, but fallsbeit. Wnwl. later 1111. otrer mero et thu soap, iieepyuur t)ui wldoepon. ! MONOPOLY. "Itelfct Ii ineuup Using U19 K epry bu! nets,' is wbut we hour ireuiHlisldHi. ii,. wauls te de a'l tbe busiii. . uu,i fcmtiur expre. liens wu har evi rt duy. 'uar . J'KAUalt e dint ak your patronage. Itvnufnel Inclined te buy et us wi w,l d5 all" CH, te Pluwoyeu 1 It litt, the eliy Is lare. and "ou "eu tulus many uoel stores Don't 10 ive enu m. Ce auagoieunothor, unless jeu nre buent'ul by theebuiiKe. We uen'tixpct It e( yuu v Oen't placti ourselves undur oblUailens. Our sela aim Is te buy lar,fy uud sun uh 1 heaii us wedarusull. ! fcochel"e retts with you. JLOOKI LUOM LOOK I One Car'esd or Uoeds buuKhttiwdny at a fin fin fin Klopuiclnte. und will boeuoui front iavu uiuiit Haturday Meuitnir. 'Jhat'alhu Kay we buy. Is It a wonder that we lull no eh. no I beelnglilkll-vlnif. Many doubt our hi-avy putchi ei. e lnvlie them toeili urniindr.iid am.. Jbliiketiw JtexesCbeis (Included m P.unS,le?8nil,CU lU "" ttt 3er Loek ler uare lUrjralns Pnturday. Wecan iye jeu Jiieuuy, u will Jiav plenty uf up" ,.... . . UKi-JP, IV tielcjile and ltuuit ureccr. ('or. W. k'lnv nnd Prlnu ill. ,.-...;" "n . "'vv "ve' X inuT uw te ti eeaui, U0MB UOTIL.) KBWAD t'KRTIRV.MMNTB. 10 it ki:nt t ink lakuk much en V tccenci noer. snltable for dreasmaklns; or lltht manutactutlng baslaess t centrallv located 1 rent low. Apply te . ,mM Sid "Ven ief Uallcry, 12 West King en AOK HALB AT A HACHIKJCE A a? larB-nKefrlfferatnrr cestldi snltablefer hotel, Tetaurnu or klleben, and a larae can non mom, snltatile for bar-room or ahen. ApplyutlbeblOLK YAltDJIUTKlj. m2JJLd II B KKUUI.AK MONTHLY MKET MKET INHet the West nd HnlldinKsnd Lean Allocation, will be hld at th law etne et T. It. Ilelibnn.cq , this Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Muney lolean. Nn does will be rauelvcd hnreatuir except en tholeartb Sat uid.iyel each month. mxJ Std u. V. L1CIITY, Fecretary. Ql'KIOK AND HAall'LEKOOM PAUL"GErUIAFlTf Wholetale Dealer In TKA.S, COrrstIB AND M'fOtS, Ne, 111 N. Qaecn St., Lancaster, ra. IW-Ier In direct cinnectlen with the largest Imperuiis of leasanil co(Tes, 1 Iipr leave te Inform tbe trade that I can meet the lowest comnntltlen. miajwd PAUL OKItfl ART. Yi SOMETHING IS GOINO TO HAI'l'HN. It 111 te et lutonie Interest te Man, Weman and Child. Don't wait until the event Is upon you". Take a lessen from thi DestmcliOQ of Pompeii, Think of thorn peer, thoaRhtlets unfortu nates who w 010 entombed by tbe EARTHQUAKE AT LIS30N, Ileth of which might, have been avolded by Healing tlie Signs or IheTlmcs Veur absnnrn In this Insttncn will be as imieh iiMiiirre of regret as your pioseLCSWonld hivu beu Iheie. TIIETIIOUOIITrUL WILL READ THIS THROUGH. Tbe Carolois Will Pass It Over. Mark thn fnllnwlnir daloen your denriteps Pel It te uiniilf silli'it you and the town will rlse us 0110 nun en lht eventfnl day et Saturday, larch 24tli. ANDUOIUUUTTO S. CLARKE'S New Tea and Coffee Stere, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (A Few Deers fiem Centre Square ) Loek fir llargitns nnd don't lerget that wa In end Hiving fciiuimnroei'annel Pictures awsy 'lO-MOHllOnr (SATUltDAY,)Urand Onenlni k. e L AH K fc'S Wholesale anu llelxll TXAANI COrrnK hTOilK, os, 12 and 14 BUUIU QUKK.N UlllKKT. auc5tieni Th'sevenlnif nt7.J0. attheO'd Btore, Ne.H West Klnif birem. where win be sold Ulan, China, ('mined and Henied Uoeds, Cema early for JiarKUlns. will Lean dch-np tn save ex peiikuut moving. OKO. HUnTEU, Auct. rMMENSS ASSORTMENT. L . W. COIL N. QUEEN 1 ORANGE ST.. IilMK.SSK.VSSOltl'MENT.NKW rKATl KK8 KX0LUS1VK BTYLK9, HCKVICGAllLEUOUDd MAUKLIIAT Reck Bettem Prices. UKTTllKMOiV KOIllIlK MONKV. I. (II, 110 Suits te order, quality itrlclly Al -wikiI Cassluieras and Hootch Cheviots. 1 13 (IS, 11 Hulta te erdrr tu Btrlpe Plaids and Chicks, strleily All-wool. ( ft. S ttl Nuiu te orJer, best of All-wool Imiierii'd tVorsted, tn). tit, ( i 1'rlnce Albert Suits made te order, 'J rimmed nnd Hindu In eli-cnnt style All wool e,nslnieru Pants te order at (3 CO, 11(0 11 te and CO. ' Ail.nem vviim'Md Pants te erder at (3W. 13 fO fU0J.S7(0, oe nw rorKleiliiisconnrmailonseo cur two win dOWfelUll of Newest Spriag Goods Only. 4WUemcmlicrnomfarlandaallslti'tteii nees wltuuvery i nullum made. L, GANSMAN & BRO. H IUSU .V HHOrUElt. IC IS Willi aitEATPLKASUaii VYK Inform the Public h It Is our ero cire te keep our patrons well pnsliid of tbu NKW Hl'VLK UOnlls we liiiiiien li'ind. Hlnce our last udvertlscment w biivii Iiik-e hid nhtpped exiinmily a Jflue LoletM'UINU l'taCUliOOOi), no that HIRSH & BROTHER Shall always leepatid ttke the lead te be the nisi blinking tu l.uucjuler the NKWKSTSrYLKP, LATHSr DKStONK, MOST KKCK.Vr lAblUONS, CUATlMiS, SUItl.VUS, 'lK0tSKIUNU3, 1311'OIlI'liD AND UOMKST1U SPUING PIEOE aOODS. Tha mikn-uiiolrurfiarments cannot bnsur piis.eil Kvery nire It tnkeu by our nximri nximri nximri iiicfdoutteis, thit Wdlnsuru nud warrant a purluLtflk 'Ibis Ul arrival et SPRING PIECE GOOD3 Aie thn V'lnrn and Newest Pattern nver lieu, nnd from nnrKiKil Holectlnn tbu prlces aiounquestleuably low. us wuciniutke Suits te Order from $15 Up. Ill worth whlle for oue and all te corneas seen a pes-tliu-, "- TO Hirsh & Brether, THU OND-FHIOE Merchant Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers, COU.N.QUKKn'bT11EET ANDCkSTUa BUUAUK. LAMOAsTfKU, PA. Gansman (6 Bid., IfKW AT VKRTIBKMKNTa. X I0EN8K HAVING nf-JKN ORANTKD JU us, our Stere will b epned te rrsnmn bnstnms Monday, April t. whn wn wilt be pleated te ste our old friends and patrons. UUUUEH'd LlgUIJK BTOKr, idCcattetqnare. fTIOR ItKNT BTORE AND DWELL JS INO corner of Urania and Prince streets, occupied new as a grocery geed location i rent reasonable. Apply tn M.R WEtDLKE. rcS-lfda 313 North Chrlstlau atrtet. IHAVK KOK MALK IN SUMS OF MX and 11.000, (.'0.0J0 worth el Ponds secured by mnrtaaKe nn reat estate tn Pennsylva nia worth (10. tee. lntettst, slrperesnt. per annum, payable srml-annu lly. Heat Ksuste Trust Ce., Phlladnipbla, Trustoe Par ilea watitlnsr a safe Investment will de well te apply before April 2, te JACOU Tl. LOVB, flreker, . Centra tquare, Lancaster. miV(,J7.sidAHw G UEAT UAHQAlNy. HIEMEJJZ. GREAT BARGAINS SHOES ! Mines' ll.7M'ebble Ilutten Heel and Spring fleet reduced te (1.10 1 can be 10 jn In thu win dow. Chlldren of the same ffrade, Heel and Spring llcel, alto R te lew, 73 cents. . Mlstcs'(jouHlKncntrebMeBntton, Worked Uutten llole, reduced tn S1.1S. A let of of Men's Calfskin lioets at (123. A let of Children's Melar Tip bhees, 73a 1 Berne of them worth (1 B0. About ene hundred p Irs of Women's Kid and f'obliie Jiutten at (1 no HimQ very high priced Shoes, among thorn Children's Shoes, 1 te 8, IB cents, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. w ILl IAMSON & FOSTER, TEN OASES or Stiff and Seft Felt Hats FOK UKNTB AND 110YS, ALL NEW STYLES K011 8PBINQ, OUR LEADERS, A UKNl'S DUK33 II AT, HI IO, AM) A SOFT l'OCKET HAT, 7BCEHT8. THESE AltE SPECIALTIE3. FINE SILK HATS rer Cent's run l)rs Wear. Beys' Cleth Hits and Children's Pole?. CUY3TAL ZINC AND LEATHElt COVEHED TliUNttS Williamson & Fester, 32.3i,36&38E.KIKGST., LANCASTEU.PA. 818 JIAUKKT STItEET, HARRISBUHG. . BTKIOH'a PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. A sale of Muslin Underwear. Several thousands of dollars "worth bought at a sacrifice from a large New Yerk firm going out of business. They will be sold at about one-half or two thirds their regular price. These are the main features : Chemise 6 rows of needle work inserting, corded band, 50c Chemise 3-inch wide needle work yoke, narrow embroidery all around, neck and sleeves, 50c Skirts 4-inch embroidery, 5 tucks, 75c Skirts 1 2 inch embroidery, 7 tucks, $1. Drawers 6 tucks, 3-inch ex tra fine embroidery, worth 20c. a yard, price 69c. a pair. Drawers 2 rows of tucks with wide needlework edging, Night Gowns 6 rows of needlework inserting, edging all around, hubbard back, 9SC Lawn Aprons, 2 yards of lawn, wide hem, 10c. Corset Cevers, 15c.; with embroidered edge, 19c. One case of White Victeria Lawn, at Sc. a yard, worth 10c. One case of White India Linen, at 9c. a yard, worth I2C. Universal Dress Patterns, 1 2c apiece. Ladies' Muslin Skirts, with 4 inch embroidery ruffle and tucks, only 50c. Skirts, with wide fine cm cm breidery, 1 5 wide tucks, 99c. Children's Cambric Dresses, 2 rows of needlework and wide needlework edge en bottom, 50c Infant's Leng Cambric Slips, embroidered yoke and tucks, only 50c. ASTRICHS P. O. F Lancaster. AtfTT ADVXRTJSE11KKTB. -rVjfNNKRUUOR KINKi MUNNEROEOR BISK ! Open Every Saturday Events;. Bs Pkatlns: from 7J1 te 9-.10. Dancing from 9: 10 tell o'clock. Uoed Music. ADM18BION, 10 OBNX8. rAi IgXTKAOKOlNARY LOW FllIOES. riNK TAILOU1NO AT AXTUAOHDINABY LOW FltlOES. Ovorceatlnr and Heavy Weight Buttine; made te Order at Cost Frlee te reduce stock and atrn employment te my hands. Bprelal attention paid te roll Dress Suits, wblch I will new make tn order lntaevi-ry bait style, satin Llned ail through, from 130 00 up. H. GERHART'S. sT JTIHK IkireUTlNO TA1LOU. MO. U NOllTH QUKXHBT.. L ANCA8TEU. FA JUMMElt SESSION. MILLERSVILLE. The Bummer Sossten of tbe Mtllorsvillef Inte Nermal Boheol will begin en Monday, March 10, 188S and continue fenrteen weeks. Persons who deMre te enRSRO rooms should apply early, ai the ptesptc's Indicate an un usually large session. Special rates en street railroad for day pnplli from Lancaster city. Pupils admitted at any time Fer terms, etc, address the Principal, & ORAM LTTB, marie-lwd Mlllersvlile, Fa. e I'JSNING. WAIT FOR THE OPENING -Of THE- NEW ONE-PRIOE Cash Shee Stere. MARCH 31. ft SWILKEY, 24 North Qaecn Street- uur!2-3md RUNT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Hen's FarnisMDg Department. SPRING UNDERWEAR. Mcdlnm and Ltcht-WelRht. in WOOL, Mr- KLNO and UALtlltlUUAN UNDK11- WKAlt. (All Qradesand Prices ) SPRING "HOSIERY. Large nnd Attractlve Lines of lien's Plain and rancy Half Ileso, FAST IJLACK HALF I109E,11IUYCLKII0SK. MKN'd TLAIN AND RMUUOIUEltBD N1U11P 8I1IK1S. K. A W. COLLARS AND CUFKS. (Latest btyltH.) COMPLKTRLINKt L1NKN COLLAU9 AND CUIC Kb (2 ler IB Cents) CELLULOID COLLAU3 AND CUJTi'S. HAGER &BR0THER, 22 & 27 WEST KING ST. -JkTEW BPK1NU GOODS. " NEVS STORE. GRAND OPENING I Saturday, March 21, 1688. KNTIUE NEW BTOCK OF Dry Goods, Drm Goods, White Goods, Notion?, &c. O- UoiiKbtfer Cash and will Fell at Pitces te A stout. b you Come nnd see Ourliargilna. Keinember Jsvcry thlug New. JOHI S. 6IVLEE, (NEW STOItE.) Neb. 6 & 8 North Queen St., LANCASTEn, PA. (Nixt Doorte Leng's Drng atore ) nurlOljUAw M YEKS A KATHFON. CONFIRMATION SUffi. Yeung men who nre about te be confirmed before Easter, should net fail te leek ever the 6teck we have prepared for this purpose. Suitable goeds.in lllack and Dark Mixtures, at reeple'a prices. We're net "steep " en these goods. Geed value for the money, and no one who rees them will call them tee high. AVe have had an unusually l.irge de mand for suits for confirmation, and we were never better pre pared te meet the demand than new. $S te $15. rj-irLxclusive agents for Iho Cromwell Dress Shirt. Uest in use. Trice, SI ; $5.50 per de7en. Myers & Rathfon, reru LAJt CLeruinue, NO. 12 EAST KING ST., LAMOABTKK PA. as w ad rxR TjaitMKirra. JNFOKMATION. TethnaftnbOTit()rdcring'r"!nz Clethes. If you want te Lave Meney ana be rltased, OO TO ASKEW'S. et7-lyd "1ITA1T UNTILi APRIL 10 TO Btr tOPll FURNITURE. OCHS & GIBBS Will open with Entire "tw Bleck. 3d, M and 4thHoers, SI SOUTH QUEEN STJIEET, Lancaster, ra, (Fenntriy Uce,B.Pehanm's ) m imdK A8TEK KGO DYES'. rrauey's Liquid Xgg Dyes ant the brightest colored, p-ndnces thn best effects und are thn cheapest In tbe market. Ileutitlful card given away with rrir dye. Prices cents eatb, or the set el six different cards ter (Si Kraiicy'H Facknee Dvs contain three colors for 6 cents, or six colors ferlO cents. IlrlRht rolers easily applied and beautiful csrds given wllh the dye. 1 oe at our window display. rUAlLKX'd KA8T K.NI1 PIKUMauY, . . (Opposite Eastern Market.) Q.ROKK HPH1NU DlSTILbKKV. OLD GROFF SPRING DISTILLERY ON East Orange Street. 8T0HE-63 NOIITU QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. AsT-nighest prlee paid feT.Iiyc. apmivd -u-BU"&. Proprietor. Ql'EN SATURDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGS. In getting ready our line of Spring Oleihing We thought you might llkethoeldTallorAaago, Our Prices The Bettem or THE Market, and we remembered It : " Net always a bird Were'er there's a feather. Hut a sign or geed cletb-s Whtn woilsliuhedtegeihtir." Se much for the Clothing. We're teeing as clojely te Geed Furnishings. More cew Neck wear from best makers. All the novelties and the plainer. Try our Dayton White Drru Shltt. Perfect fit and comfort t longest wear. Price, tice unlaundrled, or II 25 lauadrled. MARTIN BRO'S CLOT1IIEUS AND 1'UUNISII EltS, M NQWT1T QHKWNBf M UmmmMM tm. F ULTON Ol'KKA I10USK. 8ATOUHAY. MAUCH 21,1833. Mallnce at 2 o'cleok and Evening Perform Perferm anee nt H o'clock, Thn Famous MUltnry Mldaets, MSTKU GLIFFOKO UltAI-bS. who Mngs, Hecltes. Drums nn.i urll k, tuppnrlcd by ilsTKll HOV HI1UNK, f acli i nly flv yenjs old. Un rlva'cd hzcellencu In thn Manual of Arms Alsi K. A i:iLV, of Philadelphia, the Great Mimic, or Man of slimy races. AUM.18MON 25 A 35 TENTS. Jlox(ifllcflOeii 'Ihurday Morning. m20 3t QUOOKRlEHs T KNTKN HUASON GOODS. AJ fait mil Hmesid Klh, rtnn Wh!tFet Mackerel Ced II eh, ame'ed Halibut, Canned fu'uien and l.eusur, hardlues, ie , Macaroni, tielailnc, tlne New Yeife Chteni, canned Fruits ana Veiretab'eH, olives and Plcklts. Our stork of Cetruex and Teus compare with tbe finest In thu lunrkeL. I'luiue laver us w lib a trial erder. Goods de livered, OEOIlGK WIANT, Ne. 113 We&t King Street. riASH CA10UES TUE BARGAIrsS. ONLY TWO WEEKS LETf. Best Coffees in Town. A Kine Co2ea at JSjper Pound Mnst Fell ull bofeto leivlng. and althengh going fast, thore Is still an assortment te se lect from. Almest all goods sold down be'ew whe'cs lie prices. Andden't forget the place Ii NO. 26 OENTRB SQUARE, J31I.V A. CLAUK. flpe n Kverv Kvenlnw until s o'clock. rutt HALU OH KKXT. RESIDIJNOK ON THI2 KAST HIDB of Uukn sir.it, betoiea orange and Chestnut, ler lent. Inqutieif A. J.BTE1NMAV. mi: Md At this Oirjce. POH KKNT L.AKGK SHOP NO. 40 Seuth Christian street, hnewn as Block ing Factory, wllh power ; cheup if called for seen, liiquliu filUd NO. M SOUTH QUEEN STKEET. OR HKNT. A three story tire proof Warehonse lull able for tobacco or iniiiiitscturliiK purposes, Situated en EudtUrnulsiicet. Inoulreut 2J KAhTKlNl) at'llHKT. Terms reasonable l'osccsslen iiumedlatcly. mai3 ecdtfd GBEAT JJAItGAIN IN A MARY land Farm, C0 Acre, mldwny between llaltlmore and Wash ngieu, nnd 20 miles from each; will divide well in several tracts ; two Bets nt buildings In ecd errter. nt Him Ien nf tbe Hiltlmore A Polemau Kallreid, enlv 111 peracre. '1 C IIAll.tY. mlh-2wd 113 St. Paul St , luitlmere, Md. OWltKADV. Parties vrlsblng te view the North Duke street " Ureen sumu Frent" Heu4e, can de se Uy calling at tbe fourth houe trem New street, which In new cotnpleto and open ler tu-srx-ctien trem u. m. tell) p in. dec!0-tfd JiDVVlNEIlKKMAN. rnen KENT-FUOM Al'HIL 1, 18SS, JD j"oreneornt-r ii of yenrs, the Strastiurg Ilallread, with ( eal and Luin'er ard, Waro Ware Waro beusK, Locomotive in d I ars ; nil In geed and running Older. Iba leusii of this vuluable preptny pivsents a rare opportunity te any party eslrliig in t-ngage tu apltasant, ell established and prmUnlile buslnura. Fur con ditions, lent ureiher Ii formation apply te 'I lloS.erUUAUYKAliMhAKUNKK. ni5 tfd I.ui.caster City, Pa. j'OiriUAC I. OK JUUVCOilMlBSIONKH, II. T. fiUULTZ, Of Fllzib'thtewn Pernngh. futiject te the doilalenof the JJluiocrulle Ceniuy Lonreu Lenreu Lonreu lleii. lumS-Udw E" OK JUKY COMMlhSlONKIt, GKOUOE UAItMSTETIElt, fsventh Pard, city. Bulject te Pemocratle Hiilca. uaile-ldAw TJtOI'. JOKY COMMISSIONER, EUW.AMULKit, Ot liruranre Township Subjfct te the de. cltlJiiet tbu Uemociatle te ii.ty Cenvnutleii. mill'J dAwhn'" -fTOK JUKY COMMISSIONER, FUAKUL1.N CLAlllv, (if Btrf iburg Township, fitibject tn thn dn cUtonef tbu Democratic County Convention. muilM"'. Tf.OK CONURESh. B. FBA.NS ESHLBUAN. mtr Bubject te Uepubllcan Uulcs, auT2UdAw