ItJMrafil V", THE liANCASTER DAILY INTEIiLIGENOER, THURSDAY. MABCH 22, 1888. V-J ICE BOUND. By W. CLABK RUSSELL, 4ufAore "Vie Wreck eftht Orotrfner," "Jack's VewrliMp," ''My Watch Vc- low," ' The Lady ilavtt " Etc. CIIArTER I. TRESttl. irWllm, UE Laughing Mary was VSi rffn a "S11 ulP. ns sailors terni a vessel that stands high upon the water, having discharged tier cargo at Callae, from which pert we wcre pro ceeding in ballast te Cape Town, Seuth Africa, there te call ler orders. Our run te within a few parallels of the latitude of the Uern liad been oxtrcmo extrcmo oxtrcme ly pleasant; the prover bial mildness of the Pacific ocean was in the mellow sweetness of the wind and In the gentle undulations of the sllver-laced swell; but scarce had we passed the height of 49 degs. when the weather grew sullen and dark, a heavy bank of clouds of a livid hue rose in the northeast, and the wind came and went In small gusts, the gusts vent ing themselves In dreary means, insomuch that our eldest hands confessed they had never heard blasts mera portentous. The gale came en with seme lightning and several claps of thunder and heavy rain. Though it was but 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the air-was se dusky that the men had te foci for the ropes; and when the first of the tem pest stormed down upon us, the appearance of the sea was uncommonly terrible, being swept and mangled into boiling froth in the northeast quarter, whlle all about us and in the southwest it lay in a sort of swollen bud bud dle of shadows, glooming into the darkness of the sky without offering the smallest gltmpse of the horizon. In a few minutes the hurricane struck us. We had bared the brig down te the clese reefed inalntepsall; yet, though we wcre dead befere the eutfly, its first blew rent the fragment of sail as if it wcre formed of smoke, and in an liibtant it disappeared, flash ing ever the bows, llke a scattering of tern aper, leaving nothing but the belt ropes bc hlnd. The bursting of the topsail was llke the explosion of a large cannon. In a breath the brig was smothered with froth tern up in huge clouds, and hurled ever and ahead of her in vast quivering bodies that filled the wind with a dismal twilight of their own, in which nothing was vislble but their terrific speeding. Through these slinging, soft, and singing masses of spume dreve the rain in horizontal steel like linra, which gleamed in the lightning stroke, ns though indeed they wcre barbetl weapons of bright metal, darted by armies of invisible spirits raving out their war cries as they chased us. The storm made n loud thunder in the sky, and this tremendous utterance dominated without subduing the many screaming, hiss ing, shrieking and hooting noises raised in the rigging und about the decks, and the wild, seething, weltering sound of the sea, maddened by the gale and struggling in IU enormous passion under the first choking and iron grip of the hurrienne's hand. But though the first rage of the storm was tcrrlble enough, its fierceness did net coma te its height till about 1 o'clock in the middle watch, Leng befere then the sea had grown mountainous, and the dance of our egg shell of a brig upon It was sickening and affright ing. Ne man could show himself en deck and prescrve his life. Between the rails it was waist high, and this water, converted by the motions of the brig into a wild torrent, had Its velume perpetually maintained by ten leads of sea, falling in dull mid pounding crashes ever the bows en te the forecastle. Tbere was nothing te be dene but socure the helm and await the issue below, for it we Wcre te be drowned it would make a mero easy foundering te go down dry and warm in the cabin, than te perish halt frozen and already nearly strangled by the bitter cold and Heeded teraiiest en deck. I There was Capt. Ilesy; thcre was myself, by name Paul Hodney, mate of the brig, and thcre were the remaining seven of a crew, including the curpentcr. AVe sat in the cabin, ene of us from lime te time clawing his way up the ladder te peer through the companion, and we looked at ene another with the meiaucueiy ei inaieiaciers waning te be called from their cells for the last jaunt te Tyburn. Thus it continued till daybreak, when something of its midnight fury went out of the gale. The carpenter made shift te sound the well, and te our great satisfaction found but little water, only as much as we had a right te suppose she would take in above. By neon the wind lind weakened yet, but the sea still ran very heavily, and the sky was uncommonly thick with piles of dusky, yel lowish, hurrying clouds; and though we could fairly reckon uieii our position, the ntmosphere was se nipping it was dlfilcult te persuade ourselves that Cape Hern was uet clese aboard. We could new work the pumps, and a short spell freed the brig. We get up a new maintepsail and bent it, and setting the reefed foresail put the vessel befere the wind, and away fche ran, chased by the swollen seas. Thus we continued till bydearl reck oning we calculated that we were about thirty leagues south of the parallel of the Hern, and In longitude 87 degs. west. We then bearded our larboard tacks and brought the brig as clobe te the wind as it was proper te lay her for a progress that bheuld net be wholly leeway; but four hours after we had handled the braces the gale, that had cot veered two points slnce it first came en te blew, stormed up again into its tlrt f ury, and tbe morning of the 1st of July, A. D. 1601, found the Laughing Mary passionately laboring In the midst of an enraged Cape Hern tea, her Jibhoem and foretopgallant feretopgallant foretepgallant mastgono, her ballast shifted, se that her posture, even in a calm, would have exhibited htr with her starboard channels under and her decks swept by enormous surges, which, fetching her larboard bilge dreadful blows, thundered In mighty green masses ever her. I CHAPTER II. THE ICEDEUO. The less of the spars I have named wai no great matter, nor wcre we te be intimidated by such weather as was te be expected oil Cape Hern. But thcre was an inveteracy In the gale which had driven us down te thU part that bere heavily upon our spirits. It was inpes- stble te trim the ballast We dared net veer se as te bring the ship en the ether tack. With helm lashed and yards pointed te the wind, thus we lay, thus we drifted, steadily trending with the send of each giant surge farther and deeper into the icy regions of the southwest, helpless, foreboding, uisconseiaic It was the night of the fourth day of the month. The crew wcre forward in the fore castle, and I knew net if any man was. en deck saving myself. I steed in the companion as In aentry box, with my eyes just abeve the cover. Jfetbing was te be been but sheets of ghostly white water, sweeping up the blackness en the vessel's lee, or breaking and boiling te windward. r After a long and eager leek round Inte the obscurity, semiluccnt with froth, I went below for a mouthful of spirits and a bite of supper, the hour being eight bells In the second deg watch, as we say that is, eight o'clock in the evening. The captain aud car penter were in the cabin. Upen the swing tray ever the table were a pioce of corned iccf, soma bfscujt, erda bettle of hellands. t'Wo're in an ugly part of the glebe," says Capt, Resy, "When bad. sailors dle they're sent here, I reckon. The worst nau tical sinner can't be hove te long off the Hern without coming out of it with a purged soul. He must start afresh te deserve further puu Jshment." "WcH.hru'a Lrww tlitf can't co eq A;:fe . .w , vvitfr.f . jflr liM blowing much longer," cries the carpenter. "The pUce it comes from must give out seen, enlcss a new trade wind's get fixed into a whole gale for this here ocean.'' "What seuthing de you allow our drift will be giving us, captain!" I asked, munch ing a plcce of beef. "Allet four mile an hour," he answered. "If this gees en I shall leek te make seme discov eries. The antarctle circle went be far off presently, and since you're a scholar, Rod Red ney, I'll lcave you te doscrlbe what's Inside of It though boil me if I dent htve the naming f the tallest land; for, d'ye see, Pre a mind te be known after I'm dead, and there' nothing like your signature en a mountain te be remembered by." At this Instant we were startled by a wild and fearful shout en deck. It sounded high above the sweeping and seething of the wind and the hissing of the lashed waters, and it penetrated the planks with a note that gave It an inexpressible character of anguish. "A man washed overboard I" bawled the carpentar, springing te his feet "Nep cried I,for my younger and shrewder car had caught a note in the cry that per suaded me it was net as the carpenter said; and In an instant the three of us jumped up the ladder and gained the deck. The moment I was in the gale the same affrighted cry rang down along the wind from seme man ferward: "Fer Ged's sake, tuinhle up befere we are upon it I" "What de you seeP I reared, sending my voice, trumpet fashion, through my hands; for as te my own and the sight of Capt Resy and the carpenter, why, it was like being struck blind te come en a sudden out of the lighted cabin into the black night Any reply that might have been attempted was choked out by the dive of the brig's head into the sea, which furiously flooded her forecastle, and came washing aft like milk in the darkness, till it was up te our knees. "See thcroPeuddenlyrearcd the carpenter. " Whcre, manwbcreP bawled the captain. But in this brief time my sight had grown used te the night, and I saw the object befere the carpenter could answer. It lay en our loe beam, but hew far off no man could have told in that black thickness. It steed against the darkness and hung out a dim complexion of light, or rather of pallidness, that was net light net be described by the pen. It was like u small hill of snow, and looked as snow does, or the foam of the sea in darkness, and it came and went with our searing and sinking. . "Icel" I shouted te the captain. "" "I see it," he answered. "We must drive her clear at all risks." There was no need te call the men. Te the second cry that had been raised by ene among them, who had ceme out of the f ore ere castlo and seen the berg, they had tumbled up as sailors will when they Jump for their lives; and new they came staggering, splash ing, crawling aft te us, for the lamp in the cabin made a sheen in the companion hatch, and they could see us as we steed there, "Men," cried Capt, Resy, "yonder's a gravestone for our carcasses if we are net livclyl Cast the helm adriftl" (we steered by a tiller). "Twe hands stand by it. For ward, 6ome of yc, and loeso the f ercstaysail, and show the head of it I" The fellows hung In the wind. I could net wonder. The bowsprit had been sprung when the jibhoem was wrenched from the cap by the fall of the tepgallantmast; It still had te bear the weight of the heavy spritsail yard, and the drag of the staysail might carry the spar overboard with the men upeu it. Yet it was our best chance; the ene sail most speedily released and heisted the ene that would pay the brig's head off quickest, and the only fragment that premised te stand. "Jumpl"' reared the captain, in a passion of hurry. "Great thunder I 'tis clese aboard! You'll leave me no sea room for veering if you delay an instant" "Fellow me who wllll" I cried out; "and ethers btand by ready te heist away." Thus speaking for there seemed te my mind a surer premise of death in hesitation at thi3 supreme moment, than in twenty such risks as laying out en the bowsprit sig nified I made for the lee et the weather bulwarks and blindly hauled myself forward by such pins and gear as came te my hands. A man might spend his life en the ocean and never have te deal with such a passage as this. I get en te the bowsprit, nearly stifled by the showering et the seas, holding an epCR knife, between my teeth, half dazed by thff prodigious motion et the light brig, which at this extreme end of her was te be felt te the full height of its extravagance. At every plunge I expected te be buried, and every moment I was prepared te be tern from my held. Commending myself te Ged, for I was new te let go with my hands, I pulled thoknife from my teeth, and, feeling for the gaskets or lines which bound the sail te the spar, I cut and hacked as fast as I could ply my anas. In a Hash the gale, whipping into a liberated fold of the canvas, blew the whele sail out; the bowsprit reeled and quivered under me; I danced off it with incrodible dispatch, shouting te the men te heist away. The head or, tne staysail mounted in tuunuer, and the slatting et its folds and the thrashing of Its sheet was like the rattling of heavy field pleces whisked at full gallop ever a stony read. "High enough P I bawled, guessing enough wa3 shown, for I could net bee. "Oct n drag upon the sheet, lads, and then aft with you for your lives 1" Scarce had I let forth my breath In this cry when I heard the blast as of a gun, and knew by that the sail was geno; an instant after wash came a mountainous sea sheer ever the weather bulwarks fair betwixt tha fere and main rigging; but happily, standing near the fere shrouds, I was holding en w ith both hands te the topsail halyards w hile call ins te the men, se that, being under the rail, which breke the blew of the sea, and holding en tee, no mischief befel me only that fei about twenty seconds I steed In' a herrible fury and smother of frothing water, hearing nothing, seeing nothing, with every faculty in me se numbed and dulled by the wet, cold, and horror of our situation, that 1 knew net whether in that space of time I was in tne least degree scnsible et w hat hud happened or what might befall. The water leaving the deck, I rallied, though half drowned, and staggered aft, and found the helm tliSerted, ncr-uld T f-.'uiy -signs et my companions. I rushed te the tiller, a-ld putting my whele weight and ferce te it, dreve it up te windward and secured it by a turn of its own reap; for ice or no lee and for the moment I was se blinded by the wet that I could net see the berg my mad ness new was te get the brig before the sea and out of the trough, advised by every in stinct in me that such another surge as that w hlch had rolled ever her must send her te the bottom in less time than it would take a man te cry "Oh Ged I" A figure came out of the hlackne3 en the loe side of the deck. "Who is thatl" said he. ItwasCapt. Resy. I answered. "What, Rodneyl-aliveP cried he. "I think I have been struck Inscntible." Twe mero figures came crawling aft; then two mero. They were the carpunter and thrce seamen. I cried out, "Who was at the helm when that sea was shipped I'1 A man answered, "Me, Themas Jehllng." "Whcre's your inatep I asked; and it seemed te me that I was the only man who had his senses full Just then. "He was washed forward alens with me," he replied. New a fifth man joined us; but before I could question him as te the ethers, the cap tain, with a scream like an epileptic's cry, shrieked, "It's all ever with us I We are ujn Up I looked and perceived the Iceberg te be within a musket shot, whence it, was clear that it had been closer te in when first sighted than the blackness of the night would suffer us te distinguish. In a time like this at sea events throng se fast they ceme in n heap, and even if the intelligence were net confounded by the uproar and peril if, in deed, it were as placid as in any time of cr cr fect security it could net possibly take nete of one-tcnth that happens. I confess that, for my part, I was very nearly paralyzed by tlft nearness of the ice berg, and by the cry of the captain, and by the perception tliat there was nothing te be done. That which I best recollect is the ap pearance of the mass of ice lying solidly, like a little island, upon the coos which reared iu creaming waters about it. AH ether features wcre swallowed up In the agony of the time, One monstrous swing the brig gave, like te seme deemed creature's last delineus struggle; the bowsprit caught li istani t iscd with, taa aeiss ei a grj tree crackling in fire, I could hear the matte breaking overhead the crash and blew of spars and yards tern down and striking the hull ; abeve all, the grating et the vessel, that was new head en te the sea and swept by tha billows, breadside en, along the sharp and murderous projections. Twe monster sea tumbled ever the bows, floated ma off my legs, and dashed me against the tiller, te wlUch I clung. I heard no cries. I regained my feet, clinging with a death grip, te the tiller, and, seeing co ene near me, tried te hollea, te knew if any man were living, but could net make my voice sound. Clinging with a death grip te tht tiller. The fearful grating noise ceased en a sud den, and the falntnesa et the berg loomed upon the starboard bow. We had been hurled clear of it and weroteleowardjhut what was our condition! I tried te shout again, but te no purpose, and was in the act of quitting the tiller te go forward, when I was struck ever the brews by semething from aloft a block, as I bollevo and fell senseless upon the deck. (TOBI OOHTlKtrXD.) " When lovely woman steeps te felly," and srees out Inte the snow without her India rub bers, the only art te euro her cola Is te bav ene bottle f Or. Hall's Cough Byrupt4 cent and take It. " Speak this speech, as I tell yen, tripping en the tengue.1' Buy that one of the great benefaotlen of the ax Is a small bettle ei Sal vation oil, the greatest euro en earth for pain. Only 25 cunts. Troubled with worms ? Take Vinegar Bit ters best thing In the weild for worms I Iluptnre eare guaranteed by Dr. J. II Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase atonce, no operation or delay from bnslnesr, attested by thousands of cures after ethors lull, advice tree, send for circular. ineilO-ijdAw SPSUJAti ti OTIC KIT. THAT HACKING OOUOU can be se quickly cured by Bhlleh'. Cure. We gnanntne it. Sold by U. u. Cochran arngglat. Ne. 137 ana lis North Queen Bu. Lancaster. Fa. HI A Weman's Discovery. " AnoOier wonderful discovery has been made sua that tee by a lady In this country. Disease f&stoned Its clutches upon her, and for seven yours una withstood the sevutttst tes's, but bar vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. She bought a bettle of Dr King' hew J Mt en very ler Con sumption, and was se much re laved en taking tlrt dose that she slept all ulgbt und with one bottle has bean miraculously cured. Iter name Is Mrs. Luther uiz," -ihus writes W. U llamrlck Jt Ce , or Shelby, N. O. Uetafrce trial bettlM ut Cochran's Ltrug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen stroet Lancaster, I'a, (2) I have had catarrh for twenty yearr, and useda.l kinds or lemedies wlthe it relief. Mr. Kmlth, diUKglst, el Little falls, recommended Kly'sUreaiu llalui. The etTictefttm first ap plication was mitt1eil,lt allayed the Inflam mation and the 1.0x1 morning uiy head was si clear as a bull. One bettle has Heue tne se mnch uoed that I am convinced Its uie will effect u permanent cure. It Is seething, pleas ant and easy te upply, and 1 strongly uriielta use by all tulToieis.- ueu. Acrry, i.uue fans, fl u in,2-2deeCw Hurklen'a Arnica Salve. Tn IIsst Balvh In the world for CuU.IIruUfi Beres, Ulcers, bait uhnum. Kevor Ueres.Telter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Cerns, aud all Skin Mruptlnns. and positively cures IMles, or no pay required, it Is Ruaranu-fp te gnre per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pries S5 cent per box. rer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, N os. 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. June27 1yd eujB Ajaaa niunjig, uiiuia lUIBCtttUlu ur that tcrrlble cough. Shlleh'e Cure U the remedy loryeu. Sold by 11. li, Coehrau, druggist. Ne 137 and 139 North Uueen BU Lancaster. l'a. ( 2 OfWUr vul r,nn-u ....... b.a-..At.... , The Verdict Upanlmeas. W 1). Snlt, Druggist, lllppua, Ind., testifies : "1 can rocnmineni no Kiecme intuirs as the very besi remuay. very I ottle sold has given relief In every cuss. One limn took nix bottles, and was curud of Kheuui&tlsm of 10 years' stand ing." Abraham llarw, HollevlMo, Ohie, afllrms : "'1 he best selling; medlclne I have ever han dled In lny a) yearn' experience, Is Kloctrle Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanl unanl mens that Klectrlc Hitters de cure all diseetea of the Llver, Kidney or liloed. rer faleatll. 11. Cochran's Drug Store. 137 and la) North Queen strnet, Lancaster, Fa. (2) COUfJU, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Snlleh'a Cure. Held by II. B. Cechrun.drugglat, Nes. 137 and 189 North Qieen St, Lancaster, Pa. (I) A QKKAT D1SCOVKBY. The areatest discovers- of the nineteenth nnn. turyU Dr. Leslie's CprcUl Prescription for sick headsche. which Is the dlscevury of an eminent physician and used by him for ever thirty years before giving It te the public, and It stands te-day without rival. Lead ad Ter- lueraent in auumercuiuinn. Mothers Mothers It Mether tp I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wiintne excruciating pain 01 culling teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'SNOOTHINOBYHUP. It will re lieeo the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all ceses and pleasant te the tese, and Is the prescription of ene et the eldest and best female physicians and nurrcs In the United ,?, sei4c7sr;whw, M cent a bottle. inay32-lydaw .. SIIILOH'B COUOII ana Consumption Cure It sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption eeld by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and ISM North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. it) My Mether Has been using your Jlurdeck Illoeil Ittttm BsallvurruiniUy, ami nuOd them very 1 Mica Mica cleus." Clius. 1, Alnaweitb, 11 Vnnre 11 eck, lndlananell", tml Fersale hy II. B. Cochran, druggist, 13; and 13J North Queen street, Lan caster. WI17 He UemuratiY True, you are In a mUerahle condition yru ere wiult. pallid, nun tieiveus. Yen cannot 6lep m ulKut, nrr ir)ey your wakluK nuurg ; yet, why Ih heart? Let at the druKKUl'a a bettle ut Jiun'eck Bleed Hitter t. 'J hey wilt restore you u health and poace of mind Ker sain by 11. It. Cochran, arnfflfUt, 137 and 139 N01D1 gnmn atn-t, Lancaster. hpr tils lit L'ji. "Have tried Themat' Kclectrte Oil for croup and celilc und find It the brat r"udy 1 have f-vuruanatu my ftmlly.'" Win. ICty, 611 Hly. mouth Ave , Uultttle, s. Y rnritale by II. II. Cochran, diUKKl.t, 137 and list -North Queen atrwt, l.ancaaler. The llmJeliiM Lady In I nra.ler Kcmarkud te a Irlend tha ether day tht ahn knew Ketnp'4 HaUam ter the 'Ibrnut and Lungs wai a feupurler remedy, an it stepped hercniiKhln&tiuny when etbbi hud neutluct whatever. Be ti t rove this and convince you 01 1W went, any ui irrtKKlat will ulve vnu a Bam. pie Untie Free. J.arnu size Uta. and il.bu. I'reviMl it 111 IMutllt, "Has magical pain ktlllnif and heal Inn prop erties. Half ei u UlD'Ceni bottle cured iue 01 rheuuiatum and a com mat had settled In my back. relan well tultver did lrimyllfu ver ilia In nivllfe 1HK1 J. Deenburv, (iron ronrluter Helland city Xem, llellitnd, Mich., pMiiklni; fur TStmat' jsctcctrie OU for a tie by II, II. Cochran. dtUKUlkt, M and lt'J Neith Queen street, Lancaa UT. A fellcciiian llr4cd Up. I), r" Celllm, member of police, fleventh ward, Heading, l'a rlalk tbls way: "b limited seveiely Hern in uiimtlsin : mulling Old ma any uejd till I tried Ihemnt' Jtclcctrle Oil It laulneaiurnte recommend IU" t'nr mle by M. 11 ceibran, druggist, 137 and 1X1 er.h Queen stteit, Lancaster. Hn, I.augtrj, And ether famous women have wen a reputa tion for facial beamy. A nnn complexion makes one handsome, even though tt a lata Is nut et perfect mould. Murdoch Meed llilteri act directly upon the circulation, and se give the skin a clearness and smoothness otherwise unattainable, rnr sale bv 11. U Cochran, druggist, 137 and 159 North Queen street, Lancaster. TTOOD'B BAKSAPAIULLA. Keep the We believe Heed's Susapatllta Is the very bast medicine te take te keep the bletd pure andteczpcl the germtottcrefula.Altrhnm, and ether potions which cause se much suffer. Ing, and toeicror later undermlne the general health. By Hi peculiar curatlve power, Heed's Sattaparllla strengthens the system while It eradlauidlsfase. "Karly last spring I waa very much run down, had nervous hAadaofce, felt miserable and all that. 1 took Heed's Sarsaparllla and was much benefitted by It. 1 recommend It temyfrltnds." Mas J. M.Taticr. 1119 Knclld Avenue, Cleveland, Ohlei Heed's Sarsaparllla " reraflrit-classsprlrg medicine my wile and 1 both think very highly of Heed's Bar aaparllla. We both took It last spring. It did us a grat deal of geed and wa felt better through the het weather than evor before. It cured my wlte et tick headache, (rem which he has suffered a great deal, and relieved uie of a dlr.r.y, tiled leellng. 1 think every ene ought te take something te purity the bleed before the het weather comes en, and we shall certainly take Uoed'aBanapattllalhls spring." J. H. 1'aiBea.Supt Uranltu Beil way Ce, con cord, N. II. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drngg'ets. II t six for IS. Prepared euly by C. I. LOOD CO., Apothecatles, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deses One Cellar. ja M ETZQER & OATJUUMAN. METZGER & -FDIiIi LINK 01''- Black Dress Goods, Black Cashmeres, Black Henrieltas, Black Sebastopels, Black Armures, Black Camel's Hair, Black Albatross, AT THE 1,0 WEST TRICKS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, NX 38 AND 40 WEST KINO BTItBBT. B ARD A MeKLKOY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. Oar Expenses Are Net High And We Are Sa'.ufied With Oar Small Profit. 21 drc. Men's lliitlFhKHein, regular made, I pair ler I80, worth loe per pain Men's 4 pair ana a pair Beaimesa iiesn ter 'tie, uest geed in tne ml nn bHggau He e, 1 pair Ier2Vj : bargnlna in Children's Une !M dnz kerchlefa enlv lllenapli. worth 15c ! CO dnz. i.adlr' In corner, only Se each. Bhawis und Blankets at lens Uiuti coil One Case KemnanU of Bleached Muslin only c, regular prien, !2e. New Dress Hlnghima only l"e New American Satlues at IU and 1'iW cts. OnuLotef llltmchea Turkish lewula.iiliH 17i3,h,3 ferc, worth 2Je each. One 1.HUU1 eummer j'anurr in nt'hi mtziure, 1 lataser eiriren, gnwi warning ceiur, ueuuiu mm Btarnb, attOeper yard ; better goods than peme soil atlSc hummer ranting In lower ! trades at 10, 12X, '". 1 Wets etc HpnclaT vain In Blank Cahmt-rat'Zi,l, 45, 53 eta and up. fcllk Warp Henrietta Uleth ll 00. fl 2V si 40 and II A Black All-wool Henrletta, 4G Inehrs II 00 1 thU U the blirest dollar' worth Ingram, lleinp and Cottave Carpet at 20c, worth S5e ; butler grade at 2.1, til. 40 and 69 ou. Bag CarreiaatU, Si, 40, 4.1, Wctaanfl uii t all-wool strliK-s atMa. arpet Hugs taken In uzchangn. Window Hhaflra, epilng fixtures, at 40e t beat goods, 50s. Dade HLadus at 7tc, weitb II 00. VKATIIKKS-Owlng te tbn Incrrawddemand at thU season of the etr It has caused the wholesalo price te ndvaucu. Wit are prepared te furnish Ibu brat goods at the same low price the lowest la the city. Why? Our oznenscs are net h'gh, and we are aatlslled with small profits. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. JKW'KLKY. T ARQAIN HALES. BARGAIN SALES STERLING SILVER GOODS, Musical Bexes, Bronzes and Art Werk. OALL. AND EXAM1NK AND UKT l'HIUEH. DiamendF, Geld and Silver Watches and Fine Jewelry. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street. CAKFHT HAHOAINH I SHIRK'S CARPET- HALL - KOK - WILTON, VELVET. BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Cbain Carpets, OIL ULOTUS, WINDOW SUADXS, Ac. We hrwe the Largeat nnd Fleat Stock In the Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wwt King and Wiler SItmIs, LwcisUr, Pi. II A TH. CORRKOT IN QUALITY. 8TYL.K, KlhST IN TUK CE1.D.IIHATKO "Dunlap Hats" Are New llevlnc llapUly. wehvthemlnnirihe l'rettlest Hl'HINU BTYLKS In Bilk, Blllf and Helt llat. Alsethii Celebrated Llg'it-WelKtit"l!05T0N UKaUTlKa ;" weight only 3i cz. A 81'KCIALTV MAOX U7 YOUNG MEN'S HATS. All Btvlus, All grades and I'rlcts (.UAliA.N TKKl) the ixiwem. Our 1 , 1 Wand mnr Hats, and ;sc Kur t(H!t liut, all shades, exceed anything In the trade. ciiii.iiiibN's noens, uuniifi: timins and IJMUUKLI.AS aisurprltliiKiy Lew.rjlutg OUH Trunk and Traveling I!ag DEl'AUTMKNT, Has linen Increased, and onrcuttemeinsay We give you the rintst TBI) MCI and the Ul TUaYkLinii 1JAUJ ler the money evuriitcn In Lancaster. Stauffer & Ce., LUADINQ 1UTTKU3, 81 and 33 ."forth Queen Street. Bleed Pure rer a geed prim medicine wa confidently recommend Meed's Barsaparllla, By IU use the bleed la purified, enriched and vitalised, thU tired feeling is entirely overcome, aud the whole holy given strength and vigor. The appotltelirestortd and sharpened, the diges tive ergsni are toned, and tha hldnejs and liver Invigorated. These who have never tried Heed's Sana parllla should de 00 this sptlng. ltla a thor oughly honest andrellablopreparallen, purely vegetable, and eentalnt no lnlnrteus Ingredi ent whatever. Thousands testify te Its pecu liar curatlve power. Furi-OB the Bleed " 1 had erysipelas In tha worst form, being nearly covered with blisters. My husband heard nr Heed's sarsaparllla nd Insisted en my taking It, though 1 had little faith. I had takes but a few dwes.when I began te leel better, and In a week 1 was sure It was doing me geed. I continued te take It according te directions and when the first bettle was geno 1 was entirely well. I have net been troubled by erysipelas since. " Mrs. L- Bacen, Btlnv field. Mass. N. n. It you flerlde te take Heed's Barsapa tllla de net be Induced te buy any olher. Beld by all druggists, lit alzfcrts. Prcpirrd only by C. I. HOOU A CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. IOO Deca One Dellar. huuui. HAUGHMAN city at inn price 1 i.aui Ira' rrirtilar Mad- Bal Mun'a Hemstitched Hand. IlRiidknrnhlefx. wllh embroidered allkflOwer retailed evor anv counter 1 we except uone HALLH. UAKOAINH I COAL, B. WIOLSSlLa XXD UTill BSALSS l All Kinds of Lumber and Oea'. MrYaani Me. 43) North Wateru id Prince trw la. ahnrn Ixmnti. l,nrauUr. na-lvd OAUMUAKUNKIVH COMPANi". COAL DEALERS. Oiviex' Ne. va Kerth QueenStreet, and Ne. U4 North 1'rtnce strtwt. Vaam: North I'rlnce Street, near tadlng Depot, iv IMtil LANCASTER. PA OAL.1 COAL I Pice of Ceal Reduced -AT- O. SENER a SONS, (.'Oil. jnuie-lfd PRINCE A WALNUT STB. NOTJUK TO TKKHHABHKRH AND UUNNKItH.-All persons are hereby ler bidden te trespass en any of the land, el the Cornwall ana or Peetlwell estates In Lebanon or lies, whether Inclesed or tuiln Lancaster ceun closed, either for the purpose of shoetlnr or nsmnK, as tne law win oe nxiaiy enieicea IkI acalnst all trespaaalnK en .aid lands of the un designed alter t u notice. WM. COLEMAN rREXMAH, R. PERCY ALDEN, EUW. O.rRBEMAN, Atteraeyt tot..W.CeltAn' Rir TRVN KB At JX-RNESB, TRUNKB, 40. FOUND AT LAST. THE TRAVELER'S DELIGHT. A Vtry Handsome and Conveni ent 13 AG, made of Uie Finest Qual ity Drewn Grain Leather, and fur nlsbcd with Cleths, Hair and Teeth Urusli, Seap Dish, Teeth Tewder Bettle. Made from 12 te 10 Inches. CALL AMD .-AMINE OUH NEW LINE or TRUNKS AND BAGS AT M. Hatabusli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Oentre Square, -ANOAST-B. FA. HuvtmwvuMimnnmH woeruw pi.lili AND 8KB -THB-- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty C&nOle-Llgbti Beau them all. AneUMr-OtOI OR RAP GLOBES for dMfJt OUBtOTM. THH " PBBTHOTION " MKl'AX. MOULOINQ - BUBISIB CUSHION WEATHERSTRIP Beata them alL'Tnls strip entw ears all eU ten. :eena out tha cold. Bten ratUlnir of windows. ,ude the dust. Keep eat snow and rain. Anyene ean apply It no waate or dirt made In applying It. Ul Ian be fitted anvwhera no helea te born, ready for use. it ill net split. or shrink cushion strln Is the mesi norfnet. At ten Dteve, iieaier ana uanfa BtOl; -or-, Jehn P. Sehanm & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANOABTXH, PA. S' TOVKSt HTOVKHI! OA-Ii ANUXXAUlNKi KTEFFER & HEBE'S STOCK erj STOVES I " The Splendii;' ud " Bright Diuend" HAVE NO RIVAL AS HEATERS, rer we all Ilka warm feet, ana this can en! be enjoyed at a rui.L HBK HKATKB. Have comlert and save money by buylnna Qoed lleuter atonce, rather than spend;yi ear iev for a Chaan iorauneapou)vo,oniy te iraae 11 ten for old Iren uxt year. We !have several of these nn hand that wa can sell verv low. hav. lng taken thein In trado-aeino having been used but one or two years. AND rOR.GOOKINO TheHplen-Jld sod "Menteur Ranges" Never rail te Give Satisfaction. Our Line or smaller and Cheaper Steves ana Ranges la Complete. WORDKRS FOR PLUMBING: H TIN BOeriNO and SPOUTING Receive Prompt Attention, WNO BAD STOCK UBED.-W Ne. 40 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. (Opposite Court Heuse. MVHWAT.. OUI'KIUOH QUAL11Y MUSICAL BOXES. UENBY QAUTBCUI A SONS, Ne. 1030 Chestnut Btreet, l'hlladelphla. Kxamlnatlen will prove enr Instruments far superior te any ether make, net speaklnR of the worthies trash that abounds In the market, seen being of mere annoyance than pleasure te their owners. Old and Imper fectly made Musle Uexes carefully repaired by experienced wnrrmen from the manufac tory In Switzerland, Cen spondenco solicited. Bend stamp for catalogue and price list. nev-lydw "DIANO AND OKQAN TUMNO. It will piy yen te walk up one fHsht of Stairs te see hew nicely you can have your Piane or Oran Repaired. VU t ItestrinKlnir. tfntirftNew Werk, put In. Case. RevarnUhea and PellsnSl! i uoed as new. Yenr yellow olscelsred Ivery, or keys made perlf ctly white, by a newly discovered procebd. This can all be done at Nca. 20 and 80 Bast Klntr Street, Second Ploer, Over Stackhouse's Shee Stere. WM. H. BflANBY & SON. ns lyd Lancaster, Pa. QUKHNHWAKJt. TT1UU4 MAHTIN. CHINA HALL. OLEAHIHO SALE ThU last, twelve months In the year. The best quality ler the least money always te be bad there. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO TEW HOTTSBKEEPERS! TWseU. White Uranlte ri(0. lilunerSels, WhIUi Urnlte. .Il-Vt Dinner euu, Printed HIV. Ne goods inlsreprrsented. All Ware, ex ctutugedlf net Bulla factory , at High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KINa STREET, LANCASTER. PA. BUT OOB. T UK PKOMiK'S OABH BTORK. lilt ter tne Opeelig ! sa v: WILL OPEN ur SKILES' BUILDINO, (Next Doer te Lancisur County INAFEWMTP, O IK Or TUB HOST ATTRACTIVE BPBIX stocks or DRY GOODS IN QUALITY, BTTLE PBICB EVIR OrrXBED IN THIS CUT WILL BE rli-GXD ON BALE FOR GASH. sTIT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT rOB TBISOPENINQ. Gee. P. Mliven, 25 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. warl-lydw OSTON BTORB. STAMM BROTHERS. Ne3.26&28N.Qaeen-tj wn.i. unvi -m thkir 1 U ThePeeple s Cash Stere . V ts-a www .mmm a. - VwM rUKAA S I 11K m -i t v a '--r a -Bf -:. IN -BOUT TEN MYS. FROM NOW TILL WE MOVE, WK WILL 9KI,'. riVK THOUSAND TABDS NEW AMJU-SlttABLl -FOB LESS THAN COST, ," THIS 13 ISO JJAltt- iAlJB; BUT IT IS A SOLID FACT. Dress Goods, . - & TU13 KrFORT IS ONLY TO -AST EOB & TEN DAYS. - UEMXUBERrORTEN DAYBONLT. tv n--j r Tm (xs .,'. ureEB uoeas ier jiKB auu uwi a -ATTUX- BOSTON STORE - Will Move In Ten Day te Nes. safl M North Queen stitet, right acrees tre t Peet- r efllcu. NKVKWMAR. I..JI.W e FKN KVKKY KVKNINQ EXOKPX SUNDAY. SILK MAN DKERCUlBrS AND CMIB AT EUISMAN'S. CELLULOID AND LINEN COLLARS AND CUPTS ATKBISMAN'S. MEDICATED UNDKR9UIRT8AND DRAWEES AT BBlSMAkPS. Dent forget te leek at our NECRTIES AT BBISMAM'S NO.17 WEST BIN- STREET. KVAN'H FLOUK. ROV ALL THING AND HOLD Al TO THAT WUICU19GOOD." LEYAN'S FLOUR. M.TMS Si lr IjkV ? Si r1 S3 St,i. Ja m S3 V5 .ws & a-i! m -.; lti "As m as Jtst 'A a IX hm 1 "s: a t j. 1 Si v m 11 M K- a