Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 21, 1888, Image 2

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The Dally Intelligencer.
tn lurrr ijrrwiieiMtce rmbllslies all the
I ' telegraphic news or me unitea rrees up te
, tMUtwt possible hour.
.-: fKBMS-TlM Dally KdlUen et Tub lxntXi
";i Mum U delivered by carrion in the city
M ini-reundlng towns for 10c. per week i
by maul, (S.0O a year UN ler six months;)
UB ter urea months t We. per month.
Tim Wmtr lKTBtueBxcin (Uonble Sheet)
sttgtt FaffM, only ILM per annum, In ad-
tataetlbM 'wishing their address chAnged
jawtsise state where the frapcr li cow ler-
(VATartlMmenta from 10 te !8 cts.pcr line
Insertion, according te locution.
Lancaster, Ta,
Telephone Connectlon.
A Streng Cantratt.
The United States Senate lias been en
gaged for a couple of days In discussing a
bill Introduced by Senater lllalr, et New
Hampshire, declaring that In all federal
appointments made, where the choice
wan among theso who had been in re
bellion against the Union, the preference
sbeuld be giren te the soldiers ; and he
declared, as his incentive te this bill, that
the Seuth was full of Confederate crip
ples, who needed te be taken care of.
The preposition created the liveliest
. debate the Senate has had for a long
while. Mr. Blair's Itepublican colleagues
were generally horrified at the idea of the
United States providing for Confederate
soldiers. There is a law like the one
proposed by JUalr, giving preference te
Union soldiers, when efllces are being
handed around, but the Republican sena
tors could net see the propriety of prefer
ring Confederate soldiers te any ether
sort of rebel.
On the ether hand, the Southern Dem
ocratic senators, while appreciating Sena Sena
eor Blair's desire te take care of the Con
federate soldiers, declared that they could
see no reason why there should bonny
ether test than fitness for appointment te
federal eQlce. They did net ask any par
ticular favor for the Confederate Beldiers.
Senater Daniel, who is the most eloquent
of the senators, and who has net yet
been often heard from, made a first-class
speech, both in matter and manner, de
claring that there were no .Confederate
soldiers uncared for in the Seuth ; that
they had geno into the war as they be
lieved for their country's sake, and they
had no apologies te make for their course.
They had been beaten -, and new asked
nothing mere from the nation than the
quiet enjoyment of the citizenship of the
republie te which they had been re
turned. The contrast between the ceurse pur
sued by the Southern and Northern
representatives, when the interests of
their Beldiers' constituents are at .stake,
la very striking. We doubt whether a
Itepublican ssnater would be found with
the courage te refuse te vote n pension te
every Union soldier, If a Southern i enater
should intreduce a bill for the purpose.
And yet there is a much smaller
proportion et cx-seldiera among the
Northern pepul itien than there is in the
Southern, where every able-bodied man
,, was In the war. In the North fewer
pseple went into the army as private sol sel
tilers, en a long term of enlistment,
wholly from patriotism. With a major.
Ity the per diem was n consideration.
And there were many drafted ; and many
hired substitutes for the dratted. All
these sail along new among the
most patriotic of the soldiery, and
are pensioned and petted and held te be
the Yery elect te Oil all the ellces. Our
representatives in Congress howl them
selves noarse and fret themselves into
- fever trying each session te get new gifts
for the soldiers. There would hardly be
one te refuse te vote for a preposition te
divide the treasury surpl us among them.
But when the Southern senators are
tempted they my, " no 1 our duty te our
country is above our devotion te our
soldiers ; the Bele test for oillce Is fit
ness ; soldiers have no peculiar claim te
it J" And which de you like best ,J
The Bell Decision.
ue cupreme courtruectsimrin"theTctcr-
phone case shows once mere the weak
ness of that great tribunal. The decision
et fourtethreo demonstrates it plainly
enough; and the rendered opinion
offends be strongly with the general
judgment, as te make it very probable
indeed that the opinion of the
four was wrong ; as it has been before.
Certainly in a case such as this there was
nopesslbillty of two opinions it the minds
that considered the facts had all been
el the high quality demanded for
sepreme court judges. The differ
ence arose from the different weight
given te the testimony concerning the
Claim. Sif. Jj'imi i ""--"' -"iil. Thrnn nf
,'.-. ei-jijniel Draw DairAiAt inr.. Ji
the judges thought it conclusive that lie'
was the first inventor, antedating Bell by
a number of years, though he had net
introduced his Invention te use.
He was an inventor, without busln-ss
aptitude or knowledge et the world
or capacity for turning his genius into
money. Bell, en the ether hand, was
rich in these qualities, and when he get
a notion about the telephone, he pre-
ceeueu 10 patent me idea at once, and
before he hud made Lis instrument te
The government has instituted suits te
annul his patent, based upon evidejee
4hat he never invented the idea that he
patented, but stele it from the caveat of
another inventor. These suits .will still
be pressed, it is said : though the si-
preme court in its present decision - a
elared that no shadow et fraud !.""
&v Beirapaumt. It did no vtewever have
ik wif 7Ja,u V uerearter la lad
t nlt; and there, ta -..,,, nf
Jaanmmmn thfl futiim In- n Cm.
-1- : . .:: . ' " ""
H i Ot wnicu J-amar will be one.
The Kentucky Jterdulter.
Kentucky, and net Philadelphia, this
time furnishes ll defaulter birr liiimml, in
&$' inaVa afnnlnnfn'itlnnn1nAnn. .1 .
.. - - M u none etuer man dames w. Tate, the
; vjf"( treasurer et the state. Like all sceun-
m slrettethls class, be enjoyed an unim-
: V' ' ' Badnxl anil nntmncintie Tem.tnttnn ti
i . r - .M.VUVU 4VUMkVtUlJ. JJU
! :,' had rwvllll!prl Mia nfTt.n tn- t ir..i. ..
i"iV.i ,..-.-..-.1,111111 mem jcuie,
i;r Kea uis tenure was se long and his se-
Ci .corityfrem prying eyes se great that he
tsy ;suenie usuat raisiaKeer supposing that
, ssw tunas et me suite were ins own prep-
1 sttf .
The defaulter this time is a Democrat,
which makes the weight or his offending
M sU the greater. The first Democratic
ItnulalUi for cilice is honesty. Without
Ws foundation, capability und devotion
t the comtilutien are as nothing. The
- tttiffat te which Tate had arisen in the
state made his fall all the greater. When
he was last a candidate for efllce, he was
without opposition. Ills flight in (lis (lis
grace after a long career et honorable
service proves nnew that in positions of
trust the best men need the most watch
-n- a
llie Fire Engine IlMs.
Councilman Lewis F. Nell, chairman
et the fire committee, was yery persist
ent in his attempt, at the last meeting et
council, te have that body purchase a
flroenglne without advertising for bids.
He said the very lowest figures had been
obtained by correspondence with the
firms te be dealt with.
Heroare the bids placed side by side, 1.
e., theso made at the last meeting of
councils and theso presented en Tuesday :
Last Hid. Present Bid.
lttitten Koglne W.'M ii.ise
bllsby S) 4,1 tK)
Clapp A. Jenes Engine..... 4 3.V),., tt't)
Amesking .... 4,1W 4.WI
It will be seen that in the Clapp &
Jenes engine there is a difference in the
bids of 350, mid In the Amoskeag en
gine, a difference of 1100. The mere
Mr. Nell's haste 13 considered in this
transaction, the mero unhappy becomes
the position he occupies in the public
.American inventors or elevlccs bearing
upon the art et war have long complained
mat tueir cirerta rore better rowanleel In
erery civilized laud (ban In thelr own, and
tbe result has been that foreign artnlCH and
navles nre well provided with powerful
weapons wblch may seme day be used
against tbe natlve land of tbelr inventer,
though at small expenae we mlKht bave
kept thorn te ournelrca. Tbe Uatllng Oun
company bag Just been bought out by an
Knullah syndicate, and tbelr plant will be
moved from Hartferd, Connecticut, te Eng
land, Whero withafowlmprevoinouts large
nutrition) of the guna will be made.
Tbe GatllDg gun lias received botter on en on
eoursgomont hore than usually rewards
military Invention, but tbe bent market
for war materlnl Is abroad, and unless we
buy Important military Invontlena and
held thorn Bccret, an Germany and France
are doing, we cannot hepe te keep thorn te
ournelvoi. Fortunutely yre are a peace
loving poeplo, uncurscd with tbe inonace
er.war, but It Is Impossible) te view without
r eg ret this removal of n great Industry
created entlrcly by American genius and
Tun experts et the principal artlcloset
previsions In February et this year wero
K77,M3 below the estimated value of the
oxperla et these articles In the Hbertcr Feb
ruary of 1887. The prlnolple artleles et
previsions roterrod te are catlle and hogs,
allve and In the lerin et bcef, bacon, hame,
perk, lard and tallow ; also dairy products.
We regret te nole that excepting In the
form of lard the Amerlcan pig has net held
bis own In tbe expert values. Of courne this
Is oaring te the hoMlle legislation of
foreign governments who scent te liave
taken a Htrange dlsllke te our pig and bis
products i possibly Unpopular saying ' as
tndependent as a pig en lce " has moved
them te attack the animal as a symbol et
lndcpondence. Our exportation of llve
catlle la nerly deuble what It was In Feb.
mery et 1S37, and tallow has been going
out of the country In Increased velume but
nil otber uoef products show a decroaie In
ex perta. Ubccse shows a decided gain,
and butter a less as compared with
a year age. In January and Fub Fub
ruaryeflSSS v.e cxported bee', beg nnd
dairy products volued at f 13,023,71.1. In
the same months of 18S7 the value or
theso cxperta was $I5,605,:218. Per
haps en account of belter nines we ure
oiling mero meat at home. Perhaps
the supply Is smaller ; or tbe demand
abroad net be great; or the supply from
otber eouritrles greater, or soineihlng olse.
At any rate we aent ever twomllllena mero
of choeso In theso two months et 18SS than
we did n year before, and as proof of this
Is said te have mero nourishment limn
soveral pounds of beef that accounts for
part of the dcflcloiiey.
Hen. William Fiir.iiumcu Jehn
TneilTir, thohulref Lord North, hasHarltU
In the butcher business In n vlllage nenr
Haubury, adjoining the family seat of the
HiiNn llnudii, In his will, leaves a
banduome pluea of property te tbe society
which be founded, and he calls upon his
nephew and nainohake te contlnne the
huuiane work te which be deveted tbe
best pjrtef his llte.
Ai'.our Tin! ri:r.3ii)
Heineihlng- About the l'flrtuual I.llj u ijme
cil Ihs Chlvt Kxrrutlvia,
" Carp " In the New Tork World.
Cloveland was born In Match, mid this
cold, raw month has been a faverable ene
for Democratic presidents, it was In
March that Andrew Jaoksen Urst saw the
light, and this reminds me that much the
same controversy prevailed as te his birth
asnowprevallsastothaiof Gen Hherldan.
Jacksen's father wa an Irishman, nnd It
was long a quostlen In the mluds of many
as te whero he was born. One purty said
be was born In Nertb Carolina, nnother
claimed that he was bem In Houth Care.
Una and h third argued that he was born at
son, oil the coast of ene of ihose states.
Jockson hlmself thought be wns twrn In
j r.JVJiiiVtnt.sndat the cIome of bis in-
Hv.aa H.w..un, ff
tbe ex
uulllilcatlen proclsnTnilmeiioT
prosslen, Ft3llew-clt73ns or my no-
llve stale. " Pattern tirnvra inwn...r H
he was born In North Carolina, nnd ihe
Irulh et It heems te be that Andrew JackHen
carried te bis greve a wring supposltleu as
te where he first saw tbe light.
Jobu Tyler was bem 1 March, acd
James Madisen lirst Haw tbe light iilday
en the ICtb el March, 1701. Prcs'.dert
Ulevelind is the only proMdent who wes
ever barn ou the I8.h of the month, but e
biro two presidents who wero born en the
Jjtb, and one of t'aese was A an Jluren, who
was beru in Dcc'juibsr, und the ether was
Arthur, who 8a w bis urst light in Ojtober.
ToeDecembBV prosldents ure Van Ituren
and Johneu. Oartleld, Plorce and Polk
wero befn In November ; J.lnceln, llarrl.
seu a,id Washlngteu In February, and
Oral)':, Jiuchanan, Menreo and Jelleren In
A,'r!l. Jeliu Qulncy Adams fqu'akud bis
.1ihS cry lu July, and .ich Tayler cams
uewung into inia worm in Hepteinuer
G rover Cleveland Is the only clergyman'
son who has ever been elided prtHldunt,
though Artbui's father was a clergyman.
Ha was net, however, elected prisldent.
Tbe lathers nf the Virginia presidents
Washington, Jelloreen, Madlinn and Mon Mon Men
eoe were planters. Jehn Tylei'd father
was a lawyer and a Htatesmau, and Jehu
Adams, the fither et Jehn Qulney Adams,
was by proletslen a lawyer. Uranl'a father
was a tanuer, Hayea' lather a morehant,
and the fathers or (laillilil, J.lnceln, Pierce,
Fillmore, Polk, Van Hureu aud Jacksen
were laTmeri'. The chances ler the presi
dency In the past have been wlih the
rarmera' beyn, and out et the elsbteen
presidents elected by the peeple onlyeLO
has been a parsen'd son.
President Cleveland never wcut te col
lege, and Washington, Jacksen, Van
Jluren, Tayler, Fillmore, Lincoln nnd
Jehnsen had no college training. Jehn
Adams was educated at Harvard, Themas
Jtrllersen studied Xalln at William and
Mary, and Madisen probably used lieny
translations while he was at Princeton.
Menree and Tyler vere also students at
William and Mary, at Williamsburg, aud
Jehn Quincy Adama graduated at Harvard.
Harrison was college-briKj. Plercn vas a
geed mathematical student at Jiowdeln
oellego and Uae'Jtn n went te boUedI it
Ulcklusen college. Gen. Qrant was tbe
only president who bad a military
education, though a number of the prest
dents were soldiers He went te school at
West Point. Kutberfjrd Hajei was educa
dated In Ohie, and bis school wat Jvenien
cellege. Oarlled ktudled at Williams.
Masuchnsetu, and President Arthur was
oheoled it Union college.
Hew a llnrsehnlr ItccemtinSnahs.
1'rem the llartwell 8un.
Dr. Page asked us Wednesday If we
didn't want te ice a horsehair that had
turned te a snake. We did, and he drew a
bettle from his pecket, lilted with water,
In which was what appeared te be a dimin
utive snake, llve or six Inches long, writh
ing and twisting as if anxious toescape
from the bottle. When put in a bottle It
was nothing mero than a balr from a bnrsb'a
tall. Dr. Mathews nays the balr does net
undergo change, but that animalcules that
RPtierate In the water collect en the hslr
and maka It Iwist and fqulrm after the
manner or nsnake or worm, it la held by
geed authority that many or the se-called
animalcules bave been shown te be plant,
having locomotive powers something like
animals j the motion, however, Is net
supposed te ln voluntary. Hut the horse
hair makes a tlrst-clais inske all the same.
inem.m at (ir.TrtsiiLitd.
Did lngalls stnna at Uettytliurg
Against the hundred lines nf gray"
And did Vn f.ill, as llancnrk loll,
And did he tnke a wound for pay
Oh, yes, ha fought, but net that day
Far irem the fiery rat n of shell
lie fought, a theuiand inllesanay.
Did lngnlls rldent aeltj-shurg
As gillnntly ns Marshal Ncy,
Along the naming hrowet hell,
Wllhlinart or eair, without dlatnsy,
Ilencalh tbe Uouthern cannon rlav
Wheia guns rang oil the rohel knell T
And shattered Longstrcet's lines of gray ?
Did Ingalls bleed a'. Uet'ysbur,?,
And was he foremost In the fruy j
lly country hutrths de seldlurs tell
That Ingalls birred the Southern nay
Oh, j en, he leught-tbat Is te eny
Yeu knew you soe abum-ah, woll well woll
lle fought a thousand mllej away.
Was Ingills cronnedntdallvshiirg
With Fume's unfudlng Umcl lent ;
llornngleilous from the contninied Held
A nation's prlde, a eerles chtiif
Neil from that batlln-tebs brief -
He was net berne upon n shield i
That Jay he tiled a chicken thiel I
1'rem the A'ew 1'eiA 6(ar.
P Denlli n Welceme nelense.
' Ifnit It net he te tliMowlie emlure lift-long
Willy suffering? 1'rem childhood te old uge
many persons nre tnmientul with rhcuma
tltmandncuralgln. Oplinary mcillcatlen eud
topical lrnuillis nre efillglit, nnd ulnars of
timperary inicecv. Te iMiape Iho cxtrcme
terturis efllicHi iigniiilng reinptalnla, Ihcy
Miouldbeniinlhllatril nt the et.hwt ltli llos lles
tettir'a Btemnch llltlris, wlitrli erpels flmn
llie njsteni llii nerlil lin)iiirllles t lint begit
them. 'I hn tildDiicr n i It4 rlllcnrj na
bleed ilepureul In lliH parllculnr M Airy urn
pie, nnd utrengly runenrieiit mid ceiivlncfiig.
In violent fin mi nf thene illiiieii Iho nenca
nre lerrlhly rnclrd. A wiiicglimful or two of
the Hitter hi lure Iho hmirnr K tiring tiannlly
lirlngn a ri'splte Hum pnln. mid ennhlcs llie
Mllfiiir te iriiirii iniuh neiilid ripnse. Fer
kliliiiy,trntililin, mnlnrlnl reinplaiiils, Imll-gi-stlen,
llvir I'eniplnlnt nnd u)n3llplleu.
Uie Hitlers tsllWeuliebcucaclal. '
A (Irinnlng Dtklh' Imiiil
Is soircely meru abhorrent te a renned oh eh
servor, than n row of dlscolerud teeth mnde
visible by a Binllc. Cerrect the hideous blem
ish wllhdellghttiil nnd heiUthtul D07.0DONT
which whltens yellew tmith, Itnpirts ruddl
niss and hardness te cnlorle m, iinhcnlthy
gums, nnd a lleial liilmlntNi te the breath.
The femlulnu mouth wonderfully nt nt
tractlveln coniccjuenco of lis me. Lending
aetmssva and cania'.ricei rejjard It ns lncem
" Thern wns an old innn of Tcbige. lived en
..'.' K'nel.'iiirt sage," he hud heudiichusn bud.
Attr hn u vA n iiottle in Culvulbin oil, hn
cmiia mt lenst bout nnd plum pudding nil
will run hninewhut in this utile. A larje and
eli'gnii ly Inrnl. lu.l nniisii ler itint.linn. villa
taiirner a druggist who soils ur, bull's Cuiuh
O) nip.
llm lliiiiislleal nnu lu l.anrsM r.
As well ns the lmndseinent, and el bera nre
iSfT'iWn cail V" n"Y dKKlt und get , en .
trial bottleol Kemp's llalsim Mr thu Threat
and Lungs, u rumedy tiuit la selling entirely
upon Its merits nnd la guaranteed te euro und
relleviinll Chrenlnund Acute Coughs, AhIIiiiiu.
Krcmchlllsaud (.onsumpllen, 1'itoe 5'j cents
JanU-iydXw (1)
f,?.rel tV amieIx'H Uurx. Wogunrunteo lu He S
S,yJi'.."' Oechran druggist. N09. 1J7 and is
North UnoenbU. l.nncaiiVir.l'a. "'
1 i''.".'.1'1 c-'tarrh for twenty yrnr, liiid
S."l,k,,,n1 of ""nne's without iHlel Mr
KiiVi,;.S!i'.K.B.l.V ' JaU,1u "" "'oeininondid
Kly'sCreauilUlm. Thu oincterthii Uratnp.
clear ns n bell. One betiln Vdenu me "0
much geed that 1 mn convinced lis ute win
etroetupermniiontciirn. It IsboeUiIiilmiIou.
antHiidtiasy tenppjy.unai strongly uigeiits
li.. by all kinruleis iuoe. Jteiry. KtttlS filii
A ' ini'J-'JwdeeiiAsr
A NhIh liitiRliueiit
Isennwhlchlsgii'irantaratn bring yen sat
lstaclniy lusullB.ui In case et failure 11 return
olpnreliusepiu-u. Onthtssufe plun son can
llr.KliiK'a.Vtiw lilscnveiy let Consumption
UUgunmnUodtebrlngi.lUf eMiycu,"
when mid leirnny atrucllen of 'j hrnar, lungs
or Uiust, Bueh as OgnaunipMnn, lull unmntlim
eif ".lings, llumeliltu. Astluin, Whoenlnu
JJeugh. oreup, etc. etc. It Is pin. 8" lit and
ngreuutilti te Uie taste, perfectly uule una can
a wny be depended upon. un
Trlul bettle tree nt II. II. Ceehrnn'a Ilrni.
Kn,le0r?a"J13Jlt'1 n'-'gyg
Miitber. ntntimrstl Meihrai;i
Are yen dlsturbed nt night nnd broken of
your real by u sick ihlld siitrerlng nnd crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting Unithr
If no, go at ence nnd get a bottle of MUS
wiNsLowaaeoTHiNusvitui'. n wiurel
llove the peer llttln siiilnrer Immediatoly-Ho-pend
upon it; there la no mlstnke nbeutlt.
There Is net 11 mother en earth who bus ever
nsedlUwhe will net tell you at ence that it
will ivgnlatu thu bowels, nnd give lest te tbe
mother, ami rniinr .ni tinnin. n . n.
operating llke magic. It Is perfectly safe te
use In all cuses aud pleasant te the tase, and Is
the prescription of ene et the eldost and host
fomale physlctmu and nurses In the United
States. Meld every wliurv, S6 cents a bottle.
i'l'iV'J11'8 ceu"'l Cemsuinptlen (Jure
B0 ' tiy "9 "" a guurnntee. It vxn ('"
Buuiptleii. " Held' by'!. iriAltlirun,"driigKlVt,
Nei. 137 und 13J Nerlli (uceu UU, Lniicusler,
l'n. IS)
Meilt WllK.
We iluslre te siy te our cltlrBnr, Hint ler
for je-ur wn have been selling In. King's New
liWiOvery ter (.ousunipllen, 1)1. King's New
I.lfn l'llla. Iluekllu'a Arulci Hull n und 1jciiIc
bitters, nnd hae ner handled reuuidle s
that Ht'll n well or that liuvu given such uni
versal sutlf otlen. Wn de net liotttute te
Kturanleu them every lime, und we Innii
ready tuidfund the purchase pi lce. It snllstuc
terv irsults de net tallow their use. 'lhi-i.e
iiunedles liuve -non tbelr gieat pepulailty
purulj en their nmrln. 11 II. Cechtuu, Drug
KHU 137 unit 1JJ North Union stteet, Laiu-Hs-Inr,
l'u. 1 1 j
" My MntlKT
Has beun Using your JlurJeek 111 ana llilleri
us n llier lummy, and niuls thm very illcu
cleus." t'hus 1. Alnsweith, 41 iinru 11 uck,
lndlnnapnlls, linl, Fersaleityil II. cechnui.
druggUt, HI und HI North (Juicn stleet, Luu
iy lie llmiiiinut ;
True, j 011 are la a m'.snruliln cendlttin you
re Wfuk, pallid, ami run mm, Seu cannot
slespntiilgiit. n'r eut.y your nnklug tuinrsi
vet, why Jesi heart ' Uet nt thu druggist's a
bottleol Jlurtteck Jlloeil Jliltiu U hey will
resi ere you te heiltu nnd mca 01 intnd
Fer sule by li II Uechnui, druggist, 137 and
HJ North Uuimn strnet, l.aiicaster.
Spfiiks Klgtit lip,
"Ilavutrlfd TVienmi' Kclrctric Oil 'or croup
and colds, una Und It the best re'i.edy 1 have
ierusedlu my limll." Wm.K1y.01u i-iv-uieuth
Ave , imtUle, N. V Fermili, by 11 II.
Cochran, diuggttt, 137 and 1311 NnrUi Queeu
street, 1.U11CIU.UT.
t'reied a lllg llru.llt
" llns magical pain killing nnd healing prop
erties. Half et uUltJ-ceut buttle cuie.1 me ,11
rhtuinatlsui und 11 cold tint had ktittlud lu my
back. ilrs ell us liver did in my life''
01 te J. Deesburv, piopilnter llellun.i i.nv
-Vut. MeilHud, Mich., speaking ler 7 Aemin'
JCiltctrltt Oil or silo by It. II Uechlan,
druggist, i!7 and Lu Neah Quieu smut!
luncustur. '
A I'lillcrinau llrreit i
! F Celllm, msmhnr nr police, Seventh
ward, lteudlii, Pu , mlks Hits wuy builoied
suverely 110m ih-umniHmi nnihlng HM 11.0
uny geid till 1 tiled Themas' Xclcetric Oil It
Is u pleasure In lecemmend It." Fer sale by
II. 1 CMihii, drugKlst. 137 nnd 1QJ ner.h
(Jueen sue i, l.uncsiur.
Mrs. I.miKlrj,
And ether fjimniis emen hae wenareputa
tten ferluiml limiu i). a Uuh campiuiieu
makes ene handsome, eveu tlieunu 1 u turn Is
nntet jMirfict mould Huriletk Jltoect Jlillm
set directly upon the circulation, unit teiitvit
Iho skin a clearnes a and smoethncnsotherwUe
unattbtnable, for suln bv II. ll Cochran,
drugitur,' 137 and 139 Werth Queen street, Lan-csitur,
l'niLAMtriiiA, Wcdnesflay, March , lssT
Isn't it curious ?
Fer several days last week
we had been telling in all the
papers of the city and vicinage,
circulating about a million
copies daily, that en last Mon
day we would illustrate beauti
ful heuse-iurnishing by a great
display in eighteen rooms and
a very spacious hall. On Mon
day whole pages told the story,
and tens of thousands of inter
ested people came, saw, won
dered, and talked about it And
yet people have been coming
and going through 4 Basement
and first fleer without knowing
that just ever their heads was a
show of the V Heuse Beautiful "
such as they never before saw
and probably will net seen see
It is curious that people miss
se much that they might enjoy.
The chance isn't ever yet. It
will be continued a few days
Tuesday, March 27th, will be
the Fifth day before Easter.
Just keep that in mind. We'll
have something te say about it.
We have been skipping the
Dress Goods. Se much else te
say. Only a peep at a few new
a pinch of petals from a gar
den of flowers.
Thirteen long counters and
the shelves back of them leaded
with woolen stuffs for women's
wear, net counting Flannels.
There isn't such another gath
ering en this continent. Like a
glacier like thirteen huge
glaciers these counters ; push
ing, crowding the stuffs into the
sunlight of your favor. The
newest things are here
weaves, color-plays, combina
tions. They drop from the
looms of two continents en te
our shelves.
Step by a single counter. 60
feet long. Net an inch of stor
age room about it that is net
crammed with wearing stuffs.
Every yard pure wool.
That for least is a 50 inch
stuff for 60c. A mixture in
three colorings olive, gray,
tan and a tan hair-line stripe.
Made te sell at $ 1 . One of the
price tumbles you are likely te
run across here any day.
Anether ; a little better stuff.
Pin-check Cleth. Light weight
for Spring wear, but firm, sub
stantial. A pretty jumble of
gray or olive or brown or blue
shades, se inches. ?zc frnm ct
A neighbor let. Illuminated
Weel Checks in four bud-time
colorings. 50 inches, 75c from
And se en. Stuffs for i. fnr
$i. 25, for $1.50, for $f,7s, for
b2 or $2.50. Maybe thirty
lines of goods. Count the styles
in a single line, sixty-three !
And all at one of the thirteen
Weel Dress Goods counters,
net counting Flannels !
Feul th circle, southeast el centrr.
Dress Robes. Your enlv
worry will be what one of the
big money's worth te pick. The
matching has been done for
you. Ample plain and ample
novelty for a liberal dress.
2c,rgS fri'ma' ' -melange
a rmu res batiste
French serge
ler the plain; combining stuff
of cut and uncut plush with
satin stripes. Celers anywhere
from quiet te gay, $5.50 te
last circle, unrthwrHt of contte.
The window draperies and
portieres in connection with the
illustrations of the 1 louse Beau
tiful give some notion of the
sort of work our Upholstery
Department turns out. Se de
the wall decorations. Every
curtained space, every alcove is
brimful of suggestions. Esti
mates or information for the
Bucend lloer, north ct transept.
What de you think of heavy,
well-made, well-braced Oak and
Walnut Dining Chairs, with
leather seats, at $2.75 each ?
Sit in one, shake in it. Solid as
a stump. A fair sample of the
kind of work and material any
chair-money gees into here.
Second lloer, Juniper street si de.
Decorated China Table
Pitchers, 25, 35, and 50c. About
half price. The Basement bris
tles with like two-pennyworths
for one.
llasement, nerths est el centra.
Health and Strength
If yen feel tlrefl. weak, worn en. or run
down from hard work, by 'Impoverished con
dition of the bleed or low state of the system,
yen should take Heed's earsapaillla, The
peculiar toning, purifying, and vltallilng
qualities or this successful medicine are toen
fait throughout the entire system, expelling
dliesse, and gltlng quick, healthy action te
every organ. It tones the stomach, ere at an
appetite, and reuses the liver and kidneys.
Thousands who have taken It with benefit,
testify that Heed's farssparllla "makes the'
weak strong."
Heed's Sarsaparilla
"I have taken nut quite a bettle of Heed's
Sanaparllla, and must say It Is one of the best
medlclnes for giving an appetite, purifying
the bleed, and regulating thedigesltve organs,
that I ever heard or. It aid me a great deal of
geed." Mas. M. A. Ztahlit. Canastota, K. Y.
" 1 took Heed's Banaparllla for lest el appe
tite, dyspepsls, and general languor. It did
me a vast amount or geed, and i have no hesi
tancy in recemmeadlng It." J. W. Wills Wills
reED, Qulncy, HI.
"I had salt rhenm en my left arm three
years, tufterlng terribly. I took Heed's 8ar.
saptrllla, and the salt rheum hat entirely dis
appeared." H. M.MitLa,71 French St, Lewell,
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Lewell, Mast. Lewell, Mass.
100 Desos Ona Dellar. 100 Deea One Dellar.
FULL lines of
Black Dress Goods,
Black Cashmeres,
Black Henrieltas,
Black Sebastopels,
Black Armures,
Black Camel's Hair,
Black Albatross,
bard & Mcelrey,
33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, . Opposite Fountain Inn.
. Oar Expenses Are Net High ind We Am Satisfied With Our Small Prefili.
nrt25!lr;c1,rt,hne,rcKnlnr,nftae2Pa'r,0Kowertba)o per pair i Men's t pair
r.HeL1!? ii J; cu mle8,'"r?5e. bust goods In ihe ctiy at th price; Lndles' regular Made Hal.
LrrKnfP2iPJ?,r'OHr2,0V.Wtt,?inChlldren'8lJose a) drz- Men'8 Heuistllched Hand
inrnrni! "'.V '" each, worth 15e (M dez. Ladles 'Hnndkerchlofs.wlthembreldered stlk flower
M.,.J?ii. Ay 5e iftfh' 81Vwls and Illnnkets at less than cost One Case KemnanU of lileached
?J nn?1&2c' 8,,,tnr.l'r.lc5l ,210- Euw )rC8S "8hins only me New Amerlcan Bntlncs at
l?.." '8, o,l.luJ'0ler '"eached Turkish Towels, size 17x38.2 for 25c. worth 2Sc each. One
.-?..; i'.m.neJ" lR?. ,rr ln neat mtxture', r lalds or Btrlpea, geed waging color', Oonble and
art'.,?i mrS'f. .p,Pr.ya?1 ' better goods than seme soil nunc tnmmer ranting in lower
?.a1tt,t.1(iv12J,.?,It,.,7c,80tc' Hpclar viiuiB In nine cashmeres et23,:. , 53 eta and up.
m n?likf?.B.ri,i "."".l'01,' cle,Atl..u0'.1 '" , 4D una l 81 MlBC,t All-wool Henrietta. 40 Inches
iSSsi'ii ' ""' i'.Jno. bUgest dollar' worth ovec retailed ever any ceunter: we except none
?IV.M!mp,!.a;Hai'.eCa';netat20o'wetlb c; better gradts et2S,S!.40ttnd(Wcu. Hag
wiriJxle,21,l,,45,.Wc,JinnQuP! all-wool stripes etwj. i arpet ltags taken ln excbangH.
Wlniri?rr.r?ihi?l,J8,.?p'."K.n.tuIe8' ut 40i beat goods, We. Dade at 75c. worth 1100.
mhiAlai IlaKJ-OwlnBtethnlncreascddemantat tnU season of the jear It has caused the
n,e le-iJt" V.00.!0 av.,,llcti.We lir. lnPred tsifurnlsh the best goods at the same low prlce prlce
preflts r' Why7 ut' expenses ure net h'gh, end we are satisfied with small
bard &
33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street,
These Interested In Black or Mourning Goods will nnd In our department deveted
te these fabrics n most complete assortment of every kind of material used formourn fermourn formeurn
lug purposes.
JJlllck fj.ialimerp.q In millions varied- in jn.n.l in nni,nn ...:.i r nr. a- . r.-
,J?ri,ySri1, Sl";ic.tly A1;,ye1 BIack Cashmeres, 10 Inches wide, at 301, 4",, and 50 cfs.
blill liner qualities nt C21, CS, 76, 871 cts., $1.00, 31 25.
mJ k Y001 Ieriettjia 40 inches wide, two special bargains, at 50c. nnd $1.00.
Ihese are net every day offerings nnd you should see them at once.
niti'ftf8 Ji;,,,?!.lsh1Vra,)?sA,15e.rderd N.un'a Veiling, Serges, Armures, Tamtee,
Otteman Cleths, Uirltz, Cleths,, Arneld Cleths, Diagonals, Silk Warp
Henriettas, etc., etc.
Alse a full hue Mourning Cellars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Cleves, Ttuchins,
and Black Ribbons at very low figures.
Musical Bexes, Bronzes and Art Werk.
Diameudp, Geld and Silver Watches aud Fine Jewelry.
H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets,
We bave the Largeat nxnX Beut Etcek In the City.
Cernsr Wesl King tad Wilar Slrt, LinCMUf, Pi
una Lumber Yaid wlu 1'. 11. It. Slilinir.
oitleo, b1ihJ airtl coat Ulua new ecrupled by li.
It. Murtln, fienttnK em Nertb Wmtr street,
butwtwn Luninn un(t Julius ainut, una cileiul
Inn writ te l'unn'a K It. TbU preivurty It
sulUtilH ter any kind of buslned. r nrlurtber
particular, apply te a.a.MVKIW,
lieuau o,SiWeUJtugbtret)t.
All this teascn, at anrintr anDreaehes. a irnnd
reliable tonic and bleed partner It needed by
nearly evcrjbedy. Heed's Banaparllla It
peculiarly adapted for that purpose and be
comes mero popular every year. Try It this
" When 1 took Hoed't Sinaparll la that hcavl
nets In my stomach iett; the dullness In my
head, and the gloomy, despondent fcellng dis
appeared. I began te get stronger, my bleed
gained better circulation, the celdntst In my
hands and feet leftrae, and mv kidneys de net
bother me as berere." a. w. HctL, Attorney-at-Liw,
Mlllersburg, C.
Make the Weak Streng
" A year age I suffered from Indigestion, had
terrible headaches, very little appetite In latt,
seemed completely broken down. On taking
Heed's sarsaparilla J began te Improve, and
new I have a geed appetite, ana my health Is
excellent compared te what It as. I am bet
ter In ipinta, aui net troubled with cold feet
or hands, and am entirely cured of Indiges
tion," Miami Marbike, Newbunr, Orange
County, K. Y.
" Feeling languid and dltxy, hiving no ap
petite and noambltlen te work, I took Heed's
Hirsaparllla, with the best remits, iit health
lnylgorater and rer general debility I think It
supeiler te anything oho.'' A A. Kikcr,
Opposite Fountain Inn.
11 ALLS.
1'iiiilcular hiientleu nlvnn te n'llng
ardpruiervtna ttie natural tenth. I have ail
tbHliittitlmiiiovmueDls fordeing nlcu xerU
ata Yxry ruaboeaulureut. lIavlnKjeareri'i
pwrlHnce in the large cities 1 utu suretOKlve
the best, of atlUcilen and ave you uieuey.
1J81 artificial teeth only CAOOiwr t-
maiUWyd MO. HOttlU QUXEK ST.
HaturtiHy, March 21, 1688.
On account of (eivern innw itenn soeelt can
net be df lit ertd by the railroad companies tn
HTvtl.ep.1n,1,ni,.n?Ii W1" open en haiub.
Dry Goods, Notions and Oarpats
Nes. 6 & 8 North Queen St.,
(Next Doer te Leng's Drug store.)
mane-lidw JOIIN8. aiVLKK.
New Spring Goods !
0, 8 ami lOEast King Street.
Have opencd ler tn?rcctlen everything new
Ladles', Ocnt'g and Child ren's NKW SI'ltINQ
iieuseki:ei'inq aoeus.
All-Weel Dress Goods,
se Inches wlde, seven dlirerent
Chcckc only Hi. a yard j made te retail at 6Ca
New Yerk Stere.
Standard lakes!
Standard Mukes of 1ILEACHED and UN.
nil width nnd qnalttle. ; LONSDALE and
TEUNS, with H and X NAl'KIMs.
DAM A3 K CLOTHS. Vi. 8-4. 810, 8 1!, 8-11, In
Sete, with NAPKINS TO it VTCIti 1IUOK and
Spcctiil attention Is directed toallnenlQEU teallnenlQEU
A Handaoine Line, from Lew and Medium
telncst sUtillUe?.
Hager & Brether,
25-27 Wctt King Streat,
NOS. 10. 12,41, 4SMAUKET 8TUEET, Bear of
Posteillco, Lancaster, Pa,
I have ln Stecs: and Build te irflr Every
Variety et tfce following styles: Coupe, lluit
eleB, cubrleliitH, Carriages, vlrterla?, Butlnss
wauens. "T" Curtn. McCall Waiinns. turilei,
Miruet Wagons, Pbsutens, Ezprins W8ens.
I employ iUb beat Mecbtnlca. and hare lucl
Itlrs te build ceirectly vtiy style of Canlagn
desired. 'IhnOnallty, Style and Klulshel my
eTkinakCBlt decldtdly the Cheapest lu thu
MOT'lO " Kalr CtallnR. Honest Werk at
Bettem Prices." Plesee iilveacu call.
aarhrpililntr pinmptly attcudid tn. Prices
lower than all n hrs. line tax. of Werku.en
especially einplej ud ter that purpese
'i'LEa, AT
Cheapest Drug store In the City,
Me. W and 4J West King iuwU