lt . V- 5. f.' i THE lANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 18S8. FOR HONOR'S SAKE. BY D. L. FAhJaON. Alther of tlrat rerlrr qer," Alright Star el Lift," Elc Th (OJKTIHCKD.) He wis ill Louden, In partial disgrace with Lis father. He was without a career; he lmd already contracted vicious and idla habits; he was frequently from home; and although his father questioned him severely, he would give no truthful account of his movements and proceed ings. Seme accounts he did give, but his father knew Instinctively that they wcre tahe or evasive. As he could obtain no satisfaction from his son, MrIUitlnnd, " nware et the perfect confldence which ex isted between Eustuce and Mabel, applied te her for information; but she would net utter ene erd te her brother's hurt. Her father could extract nothing from her, and tlicre gradually grew within him an idea that there was a conspiracy against him In his own home, n conspiracy in which lilward Lnyteu was the principal agent. It was natural, perhaps, that he should think mere hardly of this stranger than of his own children. Had he 6cta watch upon hi son, he might have made discoveries which would hae been of service te all, nnd which might have averted tcrrlble consequences. Hut proud nnd self willed as he was, It did net occur te him te de anything which In his view savored of meanness. HU son Eustace went his way, therefore, te sure nnd certain ruin. 'When he waa absent from home he corresponded regularly with his sister; nnd Mr. Hutland sometimes demanded te see this correspondence "Yeu can mnke nothing of It, papa," said Mabel. "Eustace and I de net cor respond like ether people." He insisted, nevertheless, rjpen seeing these letters, and Maltfl showed them te him. As he could net understand them, he demanded that she should rend them intelligently te him; but it being a fact that thcre was always something in Eus tace's correspondence which would deepen his father's nnger against him, the young girl refused te read them. This, as may be supposed, did net tend te pacify Mr. Rutland. It intensified the bitterness of his heart toward theso whom he believed were conspiring against him? He applied te Kdwnrd Layten. "Yeu nre in my daughter's confidence," he said te the young man, "and as you have wrung from me reluctant consent te an engagement with her. I must ask you te give me the information which she withholds from me' He met with another rebuff. Edward Layten declared that he would net violate the confldence which Mabel had reposed In him. At ene time Mr. Itutland said te Edward Layten: - "My son has been nbscnt from home for several days. Have you seen htm?" "Yes, sir," replied Edward, "I have seen him." But he would say nothing further. no was In a most painful position. Mabel had extracted from him a solemn premiso that he would revenl netliing without her consent, nud he was stead fastly loyal te her. He had nnether rea son for hiir silence, nnd, in the light of that reason, nnd of the feelings which Mr. Rutland harbored tewnid him, he felt that the happiness he hoped would be his was slipping from him. The explanation of this ether reason, which unhappily was n personal one, brings upon the scene n person who played n brief but pregnant part in this drama of real life, and who is new in his grave. Tliis person was Edward Layten'3 fa ther. "What was the nature of the relations," said Mrs. Itutland, "between this gentle man nnd my dear son Eustace I de net knew. All that I de knew is that they were in association with each ether, nnd, 1 nm afraid net te a geed end. It enma nlse, by seme strange means, te the knewledge of my husband, and a frightful scene occurred between him nnd Edwnrd Layten, in which Mabel's lever was dis missed from the house. My husband withdrew the consent he had given te the engagement, nnd used w erds which, often since when I have thought of them, have made me shudder, they were se unneces sarily cruel and severe. 'If from this day,' my husband said te the young gen tleman, 'you pursue my daughter with your attentions, you will Iks playing a bnse nnd dishonernblo part. If you wish me te turn my daughter from my house, you can by your actions bring nbeut this re sult. Hut bear, in mind, should It ceme te pass, that she will go from myprcsence with mycurse upon her a beggarl I am net Ignorant of my duties with respect te my children. I have net been spailng of leve toward them. Hard I may be when my feelings nre strongly reused, but I nm ever Just. In the secrets that nre being hidden from me there is, I nm convinced, seme degrading nnd shameful element; othcrwlse it Is net possible that you should conspire. te keep them from me. If the mat ter upon which you nre engaged wcre honorable, thcre w euld be no occasion te keep It from my knowledge. Be net for get that you have it In your power te wreck net only my daughter's happiness, but her mother's nnd mine, if that con sideration will have nny weight with you.' There was much mero than this, te which Mr. Edward Layten listened with n sad patience, which deepened my pity for him. He bore, without remonstrance, all the obloquies that were heaped upon him by my unhappy husband, who seen after ward left the room with the injunction mat JUr. Layten was en no account te be allowed an interview with my daughter. Then Mr Layten said te me, 'I must bear it. If the hnppiness of my life Is lest it will be through the deep, the sacred love I bear for your child. 1 devote net only the dearcbt hopes q( my life, but my JIfe Itself, te her cause. Tate Is against us. A man can de no mero than his duty.' " Frem that day te this Mabel's mother has never seen Edwnrd Layten. "Wtcn bhe heard of his marrlage Inte n family whose position in society was te say the least equivocal, she was in great distress, fearing the effect the news would have upon her dear daughter. Mabel Itutland Buffered deeply, but during that time of anguish she appeared te summon te her aid ft certain fertitude and resignation which served her in geed stead. Itns Itns tenlshed her mother ene day te hear her say: 1 "De net blame Edward, mamma; he Is all that is geed nnd noble. Although he is nnether lady's husband, and al though our lives can never be united, ns we had ence hoped, I shall e er leve nnd honor him." "Time will bring comfort te you, my darling," said the mother, "and it may be that thcre is still n happy fa te in store for you. Yeu may iniet with another man, around whom no mystery hangs, te whom your heart will be drawn." "Xever, mamma," replied Mabel. "I shall never marry new." What most grievously disturbed Mm. Rutland was the clrcumstance that, even within a few weeks of Edward Layten's marrlage he corresponded with her daugh ter. Her father was net nware of this. He usually rose late in the morning, nnd it devolved upon Mrs. Rutland te ro re ro celve the correspondence which came by the first pest. The letters that Edward Layten wrete te Mnbel wcre invariably posted at nlgtt, from which it would np jear that the young man was nware that they would fall Inte the hands of Mabel's mother, and that Mr. Rutland, unless he were made acquainted with the fact, was net likely othcrwlse te discover it. When Mrs, Rutland gave her daughter the first letter from Mr. Layten Mabel said te her: "De net be alarmed, mamma. TI1I3 letter is in reply te ene 1 wrete te Mr. Layten. I may have ether letters from him which I beg you te give me without papa's knowing. It may appear wrong te you, but It is really net se. Everything is being done for the best, as perhaps you will ene day learn " Sed at heart as Mrs. Rutland was she had tee firm n trust in her daughter's lu nate purity and sens,e of self respect uet te bclieve what she said, both in its letter and in Us spirit, and thus it was that the paxrt (4 tM cisxsoeDikaco km bIw kept from Mr. Rutland. By pursuing the course she did, Mrs. Rutland pre served, te seme extent, peace in the household. Thus matters went en for twt years, until Eustace Rutland's wild conduct pre daced a terrible disturbance. His absences from home had grown mero frequent and prolonged; he became dreadfully Involved, and Mr. Rutland received letters and visits from money lenders (a class of men that he abhorred) In connection with his son's proceedings. Incensed beyond en durance, he banished Eustace from the house, and forbade him ever again te enter Ills doers. "It seemed te be fated," said Mrs. Rut land, "that there should be always some thing In our family that it was necessary te conceal from my husband's knowledge. lie banished Eustace from home, but that did net weaken my leve for our dear lad. Three times during the past year I have seen Eustace, nnd I have net made my husband acquainted with the fact. What could I der Had I asked hU permission he would have sternly refused it, and had I told him that I could net resist the im pulse of my heart te fold my dear boy in my arms, It would only have made mat ters worse for all of ns." She related te Dr. Dalnceurt n clrcnm clrcnm stance which had deeply angered her hus-i band. Among the presents the father had given te his daughter was a very costly one, n diamond bracelet of great value, for which Mr. Rutland had paid no less than COO guineas. One evening a dinner party was given, at the house, and Mr. Rutland particularly desired that Mnbel rteuld leek her best en the occasion. He said ns much te his daughter, and ex pressed a deslre that she should wear cer tain articles of Jewelry, nnd most especial ly her diamond bracelet. He noticed at the dinner table that this bracelet was net upon Mabel's arm; he made no remark befere his guests, but when they hed de parted he asked Mabel why she had net worn it. "I have se many ether things, papa," she replied, "that you have given me. It was net necessary." "But," said her father, "I desired you particularly te wear the bracelet. Is it broken? If be, it can be easily repaired. Let me see it." Then the mother saw treuble In her daughter's face. Mnbel endeavored te cvnde her father's request, and streve te turn the conversation Inte nnether chnn ticl. But he Insisted se determinedly upon seeing the bracelet that she was at length compelled te confess Hint it was net In her possession. Upen this Mr. Rutland ques tioned her mero closely, but he could ob tain from her no satisfactory information as te what had beceme of it. Suddenly he inquired if her purse was In her room. She nnswered yes, and lie desired her te bring it down te him. She obeyed; nnd when he opened the purse he found only thrce or four shillings in it "Is this nil you have?" he Inquired. " "Yes, papa," she said, "this is all." "But It was only yesterday," said Mr. Rutland, "that you asked me for 20, and I gave it te yen. What have you dene with the money f" Upen this point, nlse, he could obtain no satisfactory Information. He was greatly angered. "I thought," he said, "when Mr. Lay Lay ten married Inte the family of a profes sional sharp a lit connection for him that the conspiracy in my heuse against my peace of mind, and, it 6eems te me, ngainst my honor, would ceme te an end. It was net se. I perceive that I nm re garded here as an enemy by my own fam ily, net as 11 man who has endeavored all through llfe te perform his duties in en honorable nnd straightforward way. Ge te your room nnd let me see the diamond bracelet befere this month is ended or let me knew what you have dene with it. If you have lest it," he added, gazing sternly upon his daughter, "find it." Befere the month was ended Mnbel showed him the diamond bracelet; but her mother was nware that thcre wcre ether articles missing from among her daughter's Jewelry. Mrs. Rutland having come te the end of her narrative, Dr. Dalnceurt began te question her. "Your daughter," he said, "was taken 111 en March 20, nnd I understand that she has been cenllned te her bed since that day. Were there any premonitory symp toms of a serious Illness, or was the seiz ure n sudden .pnef" "It was quite eudden," replied Mrs. Rutland. "I went into her room early in the morning and feuud her in a high state of fever." "Has she been sensible nt all slnce tl-at tlmei" s 1 "Xe."- "?lnt sufficiently sensible te recogmze any ene who attended her?" "Ne; she dec3 net even knew me, her own mother." "What did the physician whom you first called in say about the case'" "He said that she had brain fever, and that it had been accelerated by her having caught n violent cold through wearing damptlethlug." "De you think she were that clothing in the house" "Xe." (Dr. Dalnceurt has certain ways nnd methods of his own. He Is in the habit of keeping in his pockctbeok n tablet of the weather from day te day.) "If your daughter did net wear damp clothes iu the heuse," he said, "bhe must have worn them out of the house." He took his pocket book from his pocket find consulted his weather tablet. "I sec," he Bald te Mrs. Rutland, "that from the 12th te the 25th of March there was no rain. The weather was mild nnd unusually wnrm during theso days, but en the evening of the 20th of March it be gan te rain, nnd rained during the night. Your daughter must have been out during theso hours in the bad weather What wcre her movements en that evening? Remember, jeu must keep nothing from me if jeu wish me te de my best tore tero tore storo 011r child e !wvi.1 ' ITU BK COATINVBD., Which Wna I IV llaceu or KUnkcappare. The authorship tf 1. 10 dramatic produc tions attributed te the la,t or the abee named la nnitatins literary clicks te the very centre, hut aaccts the practical masses far less thin the momentous question, hew te regain or jucertu htallh, that essential of beully nml mc.ilut activity, business suc cess ami the "i.urtult of happlm-is." We can threw meie IUht en tliid latter sub ject than the me't t'lofeund Shakespearian can en the question llrkt prepuumleil. If the system is itepl?lei, the nerves thakyi if Indigestion or (jubttpatlen bothers one at timis, or constantly; If the skin is jellev and tunpuc fumil as In blllieujiicisi if there arc rreiuoultery In luges et oncoming rheu matism or ueuralelai If the khhu-js are In active ue Jlesltturs Mernach Hitters, the finest recuncrant of an nee luollfle in bcnell clal and eucctisrul remedies. ICemirnher, If '.aim In threatens or allllcls. that it neu tr .Hies the poLeu and fertlUis the n etcm. Thn gicat quantity et waxte matter te be hourly and daily rumored lrem the system renders It or supreme Importance that the stomach and liver be kept In terfcct order. Laxader accompanies this. HI diUKKlftlssell ttht 25 c ant a package. When your child has been attacked with dlarrnrax. celle or stmch disorders, de net du'av tne use of Dr. Unit's iiaby byrup one In stant. m K'ssing Gees by Faver. Hut Hep Ointment gees for chapped hand, sere Leses, cold cracks, etc., -without lear ir laver Aner all: All druggists sell It nt 2J cents a box. (j) Knritar core guaranteed by Dr. J. II Mayer, 831 Arch street, I'hlladelpbU. Kaseatence, no opcritlen or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers Ull, advice free, send for circular, marle-ijdftw The I'epula Ien of Lancaster Ii about thirty thousand, and we would av at least ene-halt are troubled with some affection of the 1 bruit and Lungs, as theso complaints ate, according te statistics, meie uumoreus than ethers. w would advise all net te neglect the opportunity te call en thMr drui8ltund get u. bottle et Kemp's liaUara for fe 1'hreit and l.unss. Price 0"c and f 1 Ce. Trial 1 it frit, told by nil druggists. (!) llncklen's Arnica Salve. Tiik Hut SiLValn the world for CuU.Hrutsts Beres, Ulcers, halt lihenrn, Pever beresTetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bktn Eruptions, and positively euros Piles, or no pay required. It Is guamnteepUi give per. (ect sausiactien, or money refunded. Price a cents ner box. for ie bv 11. 11. Cochran. I Druggist, Nes. U7 ftttd 1W North Queen street, MUiVfW K, JiiVI IJS TOBACCO. e LD HONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty! The Chewew et OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will seen llnd that It lasts longer, tastes sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It and insist en getting it. Genuine Has a Red H 1 1n Tag en Every Plug. IDIOAU JAINK'S CELKRY COMPOUND. PAINE'S -FOR The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A KKUVE TOSIO. Celery and Ooea, -the prominent tnrre dlents, are the best and talent rve Tonics. It strengthens and quleU the nervous sys tern, eurtng nervous Weakness, llyiterla, Blecplessness, fte. AN ALXKIiATIVJC. It drives ent the poisonous humors of ths bleed pnrtlylng and enriching u, and se overcoming thnse diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed. A LAX ATI VK. Acting mildly bntsnrely en the bowels It cm e j nabltnal const Ipailnn, and promotes arc gularhnbtt. It strengthens the stomach, and aids digestion. A D1UUKTIC. In Its composition the bestand most active diuretics of the Materia Medics, are iota blued tclentlOcally with eth-r effective lemedlcs ler diseases nt the kidneys. It can be relied ou te give quick relief and speedy eure. Unndredsofteftlmenlalsbave been received from persons who have ued this remedy with remarkable benefit. Bend for circulars, giv ing full particulars. Fitce, $1.00. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, RICHaRD:ON & CO., Prep's, BUBMNGlOJi.VT. laulMvdAwil) fTIH E HUBQUKUANNA KIVKK flews thirty miles along the west lido et the county. It's a pretty heal tby stream, but still there are seme thirty te forty thousand people within reach of Its fogs wbe enght te knew that thy need have no fear of chills, malarial affections and '.nervous prostrations If they use Stadiger's Aurantii Iho best compound known for the prevention and cure of dlsuates arising from disordered stomach and liver. Dyspepsia, Liver Cem. plaint, lillleusneas, Less et Appetite, Nervous Prostration, Malarial l'olsenlng, all yield .te It, and the system receives iresh bleed and vitality. Druggists keep It. aug9 78td G RAY'H BPKOIFXO MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Great English Hemedy will promptly said radically enre any and every case of nervous eebUlty and weakness, result of Indiscretion, excesses or overwork et brain and nervous sys tem : Is perfectly harmless, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever S8 years vltb great success. 4V ruU particulars In our pamphlet which we desire te send free bv maU te every one. WTbe Bpeclde Medicine Is sold by all arug- Slsts at II per package, rr six packages for te. twill be sent free my mall onreeeptof tne money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOHRIN, Druggist, neb. 187 139 North Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. TOE OKAY MIDIOINB CO., Ne. 10S Main Street. Buffalo, H Y. martMvdstwMWAir E XHAUHTKD VITAL-IT) . Exhausted Vitality THBSCIKNCKOr LIFE, the great Medlca Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical DebUity, Premature Decline, Errors of I oath, and the untold miseries consequent tnereen. seu pages Bve. 13B prescriptions for all diseases. Cleth, full gilt, only 11.00, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free te all young and mlddle-aged rnen for the next 90 days. Ad flnwa UK. W. II. PABKEK. 4 Hn I finch fltreel, Bosten. Mass. mvlMyaAwMWar yALUAULU MEDICAL, WORK. TRUTH, Or the 8C1KVCE or 1,1 FK, A VALUABLE MKD1UALWOHK, the only true description of this time en Man. heed. Nervous and Physical Dehl.lty, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, andiheunteld miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quack and their se called medical works,' by which they vlctlmlXd thousands, and by their exaxverailng disease, makes these peer sufferers Insane. Kveiy young man, uiladle-agedoreld, should reau this book. It Is morn than wealth te them. Send two cent stamp for a copy. Address, HU THOS.TIIEKIj. UH North reurthBt., Philadelphia, Pa. JlS-lyd TjlLY'ri UKKAM HALM. eatakeh-"5ay fever. ELY'S CHEAH BALU cures Celd In Head Catarrh, Uese Mild, rJayirnvur. Dullness, Head, ache. Prieu Ml Cunts. EAaV TO U3K. Ely lira's, Owego. N, Y., U. 8, A. YOU WILL 8AVK MOWKY, TIME, PAIN, TUOUBLE, And Will CnreCATAUIUI, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is applied te each nostril ana Is agreeable. Price te eentfl at druggist i by mail, registered, wets. ELY BUuTltEUS, 235 Ureenwlch BU, New Yerk. nevlS-lyflAw RUPTDRE-CURKGUARANTKKD BY Dr. J. It. Mayer, ill Arch street. Philadel phia, Pa. Kane at once. Ne operation or busi ness delay. Thousands nt cures. At Keystone lleute, Iteadlng, Pa, 2d Saturday et each month. Bend ter circulars. Advlcu free. Send ter circular, Ac, te main office, 831 Arch St.PhUa. inarllMydAw en nnn kkward. PXvVrV rer any case of Kidney Trou Trou les. Nervous Debility, Mental and Puyh! al Weakness that UOTANIU NKUVE UlTTKcU tells te cure. Beld by druggists. fieeenU. UkuBMED. CO. Ne. IB N. Ill 8U, Phila., Pa. sj-Clrouleis &, uavWljreeAw CELERY COMPOUND OR00KRIK3. T KNTEN 8KA80N GOODS. XJ rait and Brooked rish, Finn White Fat Mackerel, cedflsh, 8meed Halibut, canned Btvmen and Lebstar, fat-dlnee, etc , Macaroni, Hnlaitne, Ann New Yerk Chetue, canned rrnlts ana Vecelab ea, olives aud Pickles. Onr stock of Coffees and leas eompate with the finest In the market. floue laver us with a trial order. Goods de livered. OEOItOK WlaNT, N0.11S West King StreeL G RKAT RKDUOTICN IN TRICKS. NO UKDUOTION IN QUALITY AT NO. 28 OENTRE SQUARE, BUT CHEAT BKUUCTION IN rit'.CEB. TEAS down IS per cent. GnrrKIS-Umitlilntta per pound, was Via. Prima Kin at 2.V, was a e tier pound. Ceed Hlo, (Oe, was Ha per pound. B'JAPS at Less ttan Who'esale Prices. a A a Pickle, Gbov-Chew, Aa. Sic per bot tle, were SJ J. Catsup, N. et K. Fance. Mustard, Canned Goods, Prunes, Kalslns, Prunellas, Apricots, cranberries, starch, Ac. All of the Very Best-Quality cd at prices at which they must go. JOHN A. CLARK. N0.2SCENTUE 8QUAUE. N. B. Vemember I am stlllng off and intend te quit business. JDANDOMI'RIOKS. Random Prices! Whole or Ground C.fftes lrem 12e pound Black or Green Tens from IV? B up. rnll Heller flour lrem 23i W k quorter i 49e f) quarter. Jidain or Dutch Ilnsd Chr oe. 83 aid 00 cts. Pine Apnle Cheese, Sloeach. Finest Full Cicarn Cheese In the city St lowest prices. Fine cakes and Crackers at greatly reduced pi Ices. Finest Ne, 1 Mackerel In the county, 18c, pound. r Uoel-Sltnd Maokerel 5 each or 10) ft B. Sugar Cured Herring xnd lienleK Ceddth, BMOKKD IlaDDOCK, nnratlnthe market. A small quantity et thnxe 10c eiunges left. Have still a tow big bargains In soap, etc. S. CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE STORE, HO. 62 WEST KING BTBKET, I. 8 KxpncttobelnourNew Stere by the 24th of this month. Loek eat for our Gruud Opening. mnvmmrvMwimHimtt went.. QVLL AND MKK THE ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light t Beau thorn ail. Anether Let of chfap glebes rer Gas an OliblOVOS. THB "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING A UUBBEB CUSHION WEATHERSTRIP Beats them all. This strip outwears all ethers, Keeps out the oeld. Step rattling of windows. Exclude the dnsU Keep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply lu-ne waste or dirt made in applying lu Cen be fitted anywhere-ne holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warn or shrink a cushion strip is the most perfect. At the Hteve, Heater and Bange Jehn P. Sctmum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. S' TOVESl HTOVES11 CALL AND EXAMlNEi K1EITEE & HERB'S BTOCK OF STOVES I "The fpleedid " and " Bn'ghi Diamond" HAVE NO 111 V ALAS UKATKUS, Fer we all like warm feet, and this can enl DeenjeyeaataruL,u iiabi; hkatkii. Have comtert and save money by buying a ueuu ueater ainurce. rainer man snenu.venr money for a Cheap Btove, only te trade it oil for old Iren next vear. We 'have several nt these en hand that we can sell very low, hav ing taken them In trade-some having been used but one or two years. AND FOB COOKING "TheSpleudld" and "Menteur Ranges" Never Fail te Give Satisfaction. Our Line of Smallerand Cheaper Steves and Itonges Is Complete. SVOBDEUB FOB PLUMlilNG.-W TIN KOOFING AND SPOUTING Becelve Prompt Attention. 9-NO BAD STOCK UBED. Ne. 40 East King St., LANCABTEB, PAi (Opposite Court Ilonse. HUM SIKH HtCHOMH. HTKTUERIliL," ATLANTIC CITY, N. .1., Ocean Knd Kentucky Avenue. Open February l, te November 1, Leck Bex 1030. M.J. ECKEKT. n arl-3md Mar., June, July. A TLANTIO CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (Pepular.-Wlntcr or Bummer ) Largett Hetel. Ment Convenient, kleguntly sur nlshed. Liberally Managed. OPEN ALL THE YKAlt. CHAR. UeULADK, Prep. W, E. Cecurah. Chief Clei k. f eOViOmd A TLANTIO CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Feraerly Hetel Ashland.) aWNOW.OPKN.-S UBrUlt.MSHKD. UKMOUXLED. UENOVATED. JOS. It FLaNIOKN, Jr. matl md.Mar,Apr,July,Aug. MCUKWKAH. QIMSN KVKKY UVKNIKO KXOISFT SUNDAY. 8ILK1IANDKEUC1IIEFS AND MUFFLFB3 AT EBISMAN'8. CELLULOID ANOL1NEN COLLAB3AND CUFFtl AT KU1SUAN'?. MEDICATED UNDEB8IIIUT3 AND DUAWE1U AT JtlttHMAM'B, Don't forget te leek at our NECKTIES AT EUISUAH'B NO. 17 WEST KING BTKEKT. NOTIOK TO TREHPAH8ERH AND GUNNEBB.-AU persons ere hereby for. bidden te trespass en any or the lands et the Cornwall and Bpoedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or itilc closed, either ler the purpose of shoetlnr or fishing, as the law will be. rigidly enfeiced against all trespassing en sold lands of Uui un designed alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FBEEMAN, B. PEBOY ALDEN, EDW, G.FBKEMAN, Auensys sw.iLW-CclwsAA't Htur Ml B AKDAMeKLROT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, LOOK AT OUR PftXCES i ? dot. Stamped Pillow Shams only 503 per pair i SS dot. BttmpeA Aprons, full tlta.lyard long, only tie each i Finn Damask Linen 1 oweis, knotted fringe, only Wj each, price elsewhere, Sat ado, rinenamaak linen Towels, aetnal measure 17xu Inches, UferiBV; Kleer nil Cleth at Me. worth 90O j BtTbleiU tleth only Ueptir y aid t Ecru Curtain Net. with tared idges, only 10, regular prtee. S.VJ, at ie, worth Sic i llinutlfnl Beilm at On, worth llfe t 1.8 0 yarfls M wide Unbleached Mnslln at 6We, worth 8). Just try some of this Muslin. ee whether you went want mere et It. l.teijards Heavy Ynrd Wide stuslln llemnanUat lUfe, worth 8a Ben We Table Linen In Damask or Leem Dire In the city Bleached German Table Linen, with neat turkey Bed berder, soft finish, no starch, only S0e pr yard, worth 3J I special bargains In Ladles' Jerseys at tee, wetth7S0 better grKdesatlLO0,l. and ll.te. FEATHERS ! The Bel Steam Cured odorless Feathers. Perhaps you have your resjnlsr place te deal at, and don't think of coming tosee us about Feathers. If you could buy lb best Feathoraetus lower than yen enuld anywhere elite, wouldn't you buy them cf us T We sell mera Feathers than any two stores put together. Why t Because we sell the b:t Feathers lower than you can buy thorn anywhere else. We tell the BEST BTOCK1NG9 ter the money In the city. bard & 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, M ETZQER A UAUUIIMAN, METZGER & HAUGHMAN. FOIiti IilNES 01' Black Dress Goods, Black Cashmeres, Black Henriettas, Black SebasteptTJ7n,lvw Black Armures, " '""- Black Camel's Hair, Black Albatross, AT THE LOWEST 1'KICKH. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, NOB. 88 AND 40 WB3T KINO BTRHET. PJDMFORTa AND BLANKEia Bosten THIS HEAVY HKMI1SD3 US THAT PORTS (M TUAT WE WILL BELL OFF AT LESS THAN COST. STiMM BROTHERS WILJL MOVE APRIL 1, -TO- NOS. 35 AND 37 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( ACROSS FROM POSTOFFIOK. ) - - XjlAUNEHTOUK'H. HEADQUARTERS FOR lerataliii Bra Goods, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, And everyHiIng pertaining te a First-Claw Ljtabllsliment, at prices te suit the purses et all. FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 & 37 BABT KINO ST.. LANCASTER, FA. JBWELKY. B ARQAIN BALKS. BARGAIN SALES STERLING SILVER GOODS, Musical Bexes, Bronzes and Art Werk. CALL AND EXAMINE AND GET PRICES. Diamond?? Geld and Silver Watches and Fine Jewelry. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street. VAKPHT UAUUA1NH 1 SHIRK'S CARPET HALL KOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Gnain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SIIADXB, Ac. We have the Largest and Bat Stock In tne Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Gene Wirt Kinc u4 moeB. Opposite Fountain inn. Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Irn. Stere. SNOW STORM WE HAVE A LOT OF HALLS VAM iJAttUAlMrJ I BLANffiS UO TC Witt Struts, UncwUr, ft. K- RKAD1NO A COLUMBIA RAILROAD i4,ANll i HKAMUHKS, AND LBBAJIO AND LANOASXAB JOINT UNI B. K. 0R AH2tT,tu SUN DAT. lrV. 98, Fer Chi Okies at 7:, ll:ieam, ana StlO sa. 5SI Pcaln 1:M m,M and I.w p m. Fer Lebanon at U-..K) antt l.te p m. rer Lancaster at C:U m.anAfcsOaaAfcaf i " tl In. w v rerJleafllnnateMamanflZMpM. H,. nun MKSll (UkncaStSC Fer Lebanon Ht7.i a. ui, li:3S and 7:Un hu TS rer Quirryvllleat9-3I a tn.SM anfl8lpsa, i LKAVE I'UINCK BTIltKT IUiimiImi ." rer Itftftrtlnff at 7:10 ft 1)1.12-4.1 anfl. 1-50 nw.' & rer lbanun at 7 07 a m, lt:lS ana7:ajp sa. rer Uuarrv villa at Shin am, l:ia and 8 09 pa TRAINS LK A VK LKI1 ANON rer Lancaster at 7:1J am, 12:je and7 30p. Fer Quarry vllle at 7:12 a m aijd 12:39 p m. BUMDAYTUAISa. TUMN8LKAVEUKADINQ rnr Lanrastnr at 7.20 a m and 4:ue p m. Fer quarry vl'ln at i.uupm. , TUAINM LKAVK QUAURTVIl'liSJ rer Xancaster, Lebanon anaileaOlagMTM am. TKAiNt mcatr KINO ST. (t.aneassr,l Fer Beadln; and Lebanon at SM imudlM pni. rer Qnarry vine at B-V p m. TRAl.8 I.S.AVK I'KINOK ST. (LKDesMtSW.) rer Headlns; and Lebanon at 8:13 ihiss IMp Til. rer Quarryvllle at 5:4.1 p tn. TttAlNLKVVfcl.nlOI rer I.ineitr at 7:S a in and S.iS e m. rer gaarry vllle at S.Hptn. rer connection at Columbia, Marietta June Hen, Lancaster Junction, Manhntm, Ueadls and Lebanon, sra tlnm tables at all staUess. a, M. WILSON, buDunntendeat. KNNHTLVAKU BAILROAD pvusvuka-is neat xrem 4 use 18, 18RR. Trains mn LAveAam and leave sjmi ax Hv at rnllaflelrtnla aa fellows I Leae Leave Laseasier, IMa. h, fcasa. us. 8J0.a. 9-JBa. bl WKSTWAKD. r aciec Xzpresst Mews Kipresst....... Phlladelpala. ump. m. 4:80 a. m, A;Wa.Ba. 7:00 a.m. nI -asseniren tralnvlaMLJeyl arKIVrvnt via Oelnmbla 7:ea.m. NlajraraTSlEiaSS, av a. a,, 2.00 p. sa. Hanover Aocenv eiumbu rast Linet........... rrederlek Aeoem . . . LancastarAcoem... navm via Oeluml TUML Jey. 90 Uarrlsbnrg Accem, Oelnmbla Accem... UarrUbury express Western xzprestt.. ABTWABI). Phua. Xxpresst raatLtnel. 8:1s p. m. 4-40 p.m. MWp m, 9:90 p. m. Leave Lancaster, 2:J)a.m. e.-eea-m, 8:10 a. sn., UJ8p.xn. a.-aap.m, 4.-48 p. m. 8:4ft p. a. 8J0p,8a, IWD, SB, 7:40 Em. 11:40 a. as. WtlTS At Pall. 4:45 a. as. SSBa. bl. Uarnsburg Bzpress. KkwtkM. uucasuir Aocem ar. ueiamuia Accem.,,. Beasbere Kinross.... 11:48 s, sa7 8jp.a, Map, a, 1:48 RS: 6.-MB.SB. Philadelphia! Accem. annaay Mail....,,.., Day Kxpress) HaiTlabnrsr Accem 9:48 p. 8. Ana Kin' aster Aouumuieoatlon leave A4sr rUbnrcatmep. m.and arrives at liB8888i at-.p.B. . IM saaneta AoeemmoflaUon ImtmOMsst ma at e:se a. m. ana reacne Mansttai Alse, leaves Colombia at 11:48 a, a. sal 1 m, reaching atartetut at 11:01 aa fan In Marietta at 8.-06 xt. m. and innas at aula rSwsat TRA VKLKRR OVIDH. al i:e t also, leaves at 86 and arrive at 948. tJSlS The YerK Aeeommedatton leave Maiataa, 'A, : at T-.10 and arrives at Lancaster at necursr wk Harnsnnraj szpresaat bus 8. a. The rredencK Acoemmodatlon, w&'easi oeetuiK at Lancaster with Past LIB, wwt, at i-.ic p. a., will ran through te rredeiinr. The rredertest Acoemmoaatlou, east, laws Columbia al lx,sjjd reachea uaeaaar M sMt UanoverAccemmoaatlon, last, leave Oel uinbia at 4:10 p. m. Arrives at Laneaater at 4.SA p. in., connecting with Day Xxpresa. Hanover Aoeominudation. west, etaaMtJag at Lancaster with Niagara Bzpress at 9aws m, win run wruugn te uanevswi eauy, i ODEuay. m asb ijinr. weai. us eanaav, wavsi i wiu atop at Wownlngtewn,uoateivill bnrg, ML Joy,KllsalM)thvewnandsald41sjtow.' I me eniy trains wnics run eaiiy. rtifnH ran riaflw. ObSwuhi tk Mall train wust runs by way of OelBsa. -4&& Ji B. WOOD. General PasMnser Asav CHAR. B.PUHH Oneral Manacer. HTOVKH. U. swsssWBSvsvia-sj E LIMN HRKHKMAH, IIOOSEFURNISHING! STOVES 1 i-aiiur ewvus, Jiirinr upaiers, uoesi BIOVM i:a and Kangws. "0B TIN AND HHKRTIUON WAB. Onr Old Style UandMadfl Tlaware take the Lead. WOOD AND WILLOW WABK. Baskets, Bnckets,Tnbs.IJntlerOhnrns, Chera Iluctr, Breems, Mop Ladders, Wash Lleea, Bed Cords, Table ana Ploer OB CleUiS. CUTLEBY. A lull l.lne et Table and I'ecUet Cntlerr. Baten, Stitsen, Ac, Ac., Ac L AMI'S. Btanil Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Biacket jauips, uas ana uu uu vnunaeiiers, Lanterns, fte. 4V The Largest Stock of Beut cf nrnlihlBg Goods in the city. Plnmbllng and Uas Pit ting. 1 in Boen.Bg a Specialty. FLINH & BRENEIAS, a BEAT STO VE STORE, Ne, lea North Queen Btreat. LANOABTBK FA. (iVEKKHWAHK. H 1QU A MAKT1N. CHINVHALL OLEAHIHQ SALE Thit lasts twelve jnnntbs In tne year. The bcstanailty ler the least money always te b hAd intra, B1CIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOTISEKEEPEllS! TnaBets. Whlt Granite, I7.00. Dinner Sets, Whlte Uiniiurttu, Printed As.72. Ne goods inlsrcprrstntcd. All Wart ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KNQ STBEET, LANUASTKU, PA. COAL, Vh-M-W'SS-Sf ssalSS'SSF'SS'WSlSSWS.aN''S WIOLUAIJI ABU UTAU BIAUS I All Kinds of Lumber and Oe aVTABe t no. 4X North Wateruid Prmes) BtrMtta. abevn lmen. Lancaster. nWTd B AUMQAKDMKU'U company. GOAL DEALERS. One. Ne, 129 North QueenStreet, And He, 884 North Prince streeL ., , Yainil-Nerth Prince Btjpet, nearattsIUnf ?urlM LAHOARTEB. PA QOALI U0AL1 Piica of Geal Eeduced AT G. SENER a SONS, COK. I'UINCK A WALNUT BIS. Janl'J-Ul ATTOuyxra. viswvws's vw - ,,. . Y UruEKD.ftAurrAn, ATXOBNKV-AT-LAW, NO. J SOUTU V1UMC ST., LaBtAtr, Pj. nw a.S m M ' a,JI .Sfrj i,- it ; :9ft1 3 i w' m attf. 'i g 1 ssra m itiii M &m iSSil