w: JfeT " . -V t.,,,'("r ;tfLiraw,T ' OsrV' - ..., " . r " VJT "i ' n -f-ii - ' .i. V ' l , . P'-i. a' IJrf J"., i '-i the tJCAsnnmfPAinrjMiJAOiN Monday, .mabch 12, iws. 1 1 v MM v sanaesMss J FOR HONOR'S SAKE. BY B. L. FAbUeON. AXnfer ef "UtMl Per Beeare," "The Height Mar at List," . 1, JOaTOrFBO.) "While he was" speaking te his friend, tha lawyer mi busily engaged writing wpen a bunk telegraph form, which wee In closed la tha eurelope delivered by tha messenger. "What win , yen de In tha matter J" asked Dr. DatncearU - - "Here ia my reply," aaid the lawyer, and he read It aloud i .- '"Frem Mr. Balnbridge, Q. C, Harley atreet, Londen, te Archibald Lnlng, Bex 1288, P. O., PKUaurg, U. B. ,( '.( 'Year cable fccatred. I nndertakp the cemmasslea; andw8l' tiseTevery eSert te ottablteh LeyteWs .tnaoceneo, la which I Brmly,; believe. .There Uj ft, mystery in the matter,' odd I will de my beat te get at the heart of It I will write te you as you desire.' " He touched Ahe bell and the servant ap peared. "Uive this 'te the telegraph boy," he aald, "and pay,hls cab fare te the tele-, graph office, In order that there shall be no delay." When the servant had departed, the lawyer rose from his chair and paced the room slowly in deep t thought, and it was during f he intervals in his reflections that the conversation between him and Dr. Dainceart was carried en. v "Is it net very strange," said the' law yer, "that I am advised in this cahle mes sage te seek 'information from the one Juryman who pronounced Layten inno cent, and whose address I hare net ob tained? "Yes, it is indeed," replied Dr. Doln Deln Doln cenrt, "very strange." "Of course I shall find him; there will net be the least difficulty in that respect. Tcllrme; doctor. It; was proved at the trial that Mrs. Xayten'a death was caused Vy an overdose, of merphia, token in the form of effervescing lozenges. It was es tablished that she was occasionally in the habit of taking one of these lozenges at night te produce sleep, and her meld swore that her mistress never took mere than one, being aware of the danger of en overdose. The usual mode of administer ing these noxious opiates is by placing ene in the mouth and allowing it te dissolve; but they will dissolve in water, and the medical evidence proved that at least eight or ten of the poisonous lozenges must have been administered in this way, In ene dose, te the unfortunate lady. The glass from which the liquid was drunk was found, net by her bedside, but en the mantel Bhelf, which is at seme distance from the bed. It is a natural inference, If the unfortunate- woman had admin istered the dose te herself, that the gloss would have been found en the table by her bedside It was net se found, and the maid declares that her mistress was tee weak te get out of bed and return te it unaided. Thcse facts, if they be facts, circumstantially prove that the cause of death lay outside the actions of the Invar lid herself. The maid states that when she left her mistress the bettle containing About a dozen lozenges was onthetablo by her mistress' bedside, and also a glass and a decanter of water; and that when she visited her mistress between 0 and 7 o'clock in the morning there were no loz enges left In the bottle, and the glass from which they were supposed te betaken, dissolved in water, was en the mantel shelf. New, in my view, this circum stance is in favor of the prisoner." "I cannot see that," observed Dr. Daln Daln eourt. "Yet it is verysimple,'" said the lawyer. "Let us suppose, in illustration, that I am this lady's husband. Fer reasons into which it is net necessary here te enter I resolve te make away with my wife by administering te her an overdose- of these poisonous narcotics, and naturally I re solve that her death shall be accomplished In such a manner as te avert te seme reasonable- extent suspicion from myself. I go into her bedroom at midnight. Our relations, as hat been proved, are net of the most amiable kind. We are net in leve with each Other quite the reverse and have been living from the first day of our marriage- an unhappy life. Indeed, my unhappy life in relation te the lady commenced when I was engaged te her. Well, I go into her room at midnight, resolved te bring about her death. She complains that she cannot sleep, and she asks me te give her a mor mer phia lozenge from the bettle. I suggest that it may mere readily preduce sleep if, Instead of allowing It te dissolve slowly la her mouth, she will drink it off at once dissolved in water, She consents. I teke from the table the bottle, the decanter of water and the glass; I empty secretly into the glass the eight or ten or dozen lozenges which the bettle contains; I pour the water from the decanter Inte the gloss, and I tell my wife te drink it pft immediately, She does se and sinks into slumber, overpow ered by a sleep from which she will never awake. Perhaps she struggles against the effects of the terrible dose I have administered her, but her struggles are vain. She lies before me in sure ap proaching death, and both she and I have escaped from the llfe which has been ft continual source of misery te us. The deed being accomplished, what de T, the the murderer, de? There are no evidences of a struggle; there have been no cries te alarm the beuse; what has been accom plished has been well and skillfully ac complished, and I am the only actual living witness against myself. What then, I repeat, is my ceurse of action? Before I killed her I re moved the bottle, the glass and the do de canter from the table by the bedslde. I wish it te be understood that she herself, in a fit of delirium; caused her own death. This theory would be be utterly destroyed if I allowed the glass from which the poison was taken te be found at seme dis tance from the unfortunate lady's bed side. Very carefully, therefore, I place net only that, but the decanter which contained the water, and the bottle which contained the lozenges, within reach of her living hand. Te emit that precaution would be suicidal, and, te my mind, absolutely untenable in rational action under such circumstances. De you see, new, why the clrcumstance of the glass being found en the mantel shelf is a proof of ray innocence?" "Yes," replied Dr. Dalnceurt, "I rcc rcc rcc ognlze the strength of your theory un less, indeed, you had In your mind the idea that it would be better te threw sus. plclen upon a third person; say, for the sake of argument, upon the maid." "That view," said the lawyer, "de molishes itself, for what I would natur ally de te divert suspicion from myself, a third person would naturally de te avert suspicion from him or herself." "True," said Dr. Dalnceurt; "you seize vital points mero readily than I. Have you any theory about the strange lady who accompanied Layten home from Pro Pre Pro eost's restaurant?" "I have a theory upon the point," re plied the lawyer, "which, however, at present is se vague and unsatisfactory that it would be felly te disclose it." "And the nlne of hearts," saM Dr. Dalnceurt, "you have net mentioned that lately hove you forgotten it?" "Ne," said the lawyer; "it is my firm opinion that round that nlne of hearts the whole of the mystery revolves." PART THE THIRD. THZ HYSTXItY OF TIIE JOSE OF IirAUTS. "Frem Mr. Bainbridge, Q. C, te Archi bald Lalng, Esq.; "Deah Silt: Last night I received your cable from Pittsburg, and sent you n mes sage in reply, accepting the commission with which yen have been pleased te Intrust me. This morning I called ""Upen Messrs. Morgan & Ce., bankers, Threedaeedle street, and learned from them that they were prepared te ad vance me the $10,000 of which you advised me, I drew upon them for that amount, and received from them n noti fication that they would honor my further drafts upon them the moment they w ere drawn. I asked them whether, MUifi cveafc et our ikalrlns te draw, say a,ew, i was at neerty te de se. They said yw, for even a larger amount it I required it. I did net explain te them the reason of my asking the question, but I will de se te yen. It has happened, in difficult cases, that information has had te be purchased, and that a bribe'mere or less tempting has had te be held eat te seme person or persons te unleck1 their tongues. I have no reason te suppose that anything" t the sort wHl be necessary in this case, but I wish te feel myself per fectly free in the matter. X am satisfied with your bankers' replies, and I ahall spare neither money nor exertion in the endeavor te unravel the mystery which surrounds tha death of Mrs. , Edward Layten. - "It is scarcely possible you can be aware of it, but It ia nevertheless a fact that, apart from my professional position in this matter, I take in it an interest which lis, purely personal, and tfentj my sympa thies are In unison with 'your i own. Were it net that I have had some knowl edge of Mr. Layten; and that) I esteem him, and were it net that I irmly believe In his innocence I should perhaps have hesitated te engage myself in his case, and yen will excuse my saying that your liberal views upon the subject of funds might have fulled te impress me. It is, therefore, a matter of congratulation that I enlist myself en Mr. Layten's side as much upon personal as upon professional grounds. The time has been tee short for anything yet te be done, but it will be ft satisfaction te you te learn that I have a slight clew te work upon. It is very alight, very frail, but it may lead te some thing important. Your desire for a full and complete recital of my movements shall be complied with, and I propose, te this end, and for the purpese of coherence and explicltncss, te forward the particulars te you from tlme te time, net in the form of letters, but in narrative shape, a This mode of giving you informa tion will keep me mero strictly te the sub ject matter, and will be the means of avoiding digression. After the receipt, therefore, of this letter, what I have te say will go forth under numbered head ings, net in ray own writing, but in that of a short hand reporter, whom I shall specially employ. I could net myself un dertake such a detailed and circumstan tial account as I understand is your do de do Bire te obtain. Besides, it will save tlme, which may be of great valne in the eluci dation of this mystery. "I am, dear sir, faithfully yours, "Herace BjiiNDniDaE." (te cerriKuut.) Which Was It Baeen or Shakespeare. f The" authorship of the dramatic produc tions attributed te the list of the above named is agitating literary circles te the very centre, bat affects the practical misses far less than the momentous question, hew te regain or preserve health, that essential of bodily and mental activity, business suc cess and the "pursuit of happiness.' We can threw far mere light ea this latter sub Jeet than the most profound Shakespearian can en the question first propounded. Jf the system la depleted, th nerves shaky I if lndlgeaUea or constipation bothers one at times, or constantly! ir the akin la yellow and tongue furred as fa blllleusnessi if there an premonitory twinges of oncoming rheu matism or neuralgia i If the kidneys are in active us IIestetteis Stomach Bitten, the finest recuperant of an age prollfle in benefl clal and successful remedies, Remember, if ;alarla threatens or afflicts, that it neu trellies the poison and fortifies the aritem. Cause ana effect are Inseparable t and te nullify any eflect the ciue must be removed, paitlculariy In disease. Laxader always works radically, ana at once neuti allies the effect of eiseaae by eradicating the cause. Price only SS cents a paekage. Ot course take yonrehlldrcn te th country. If you can, and don't forget Or. null 'a Baby Syrup, that Indispensable help In every emer gency. Costs only 21 cenu a bottle. Bcld everywhere. airy Tour Sens When Yeu Wtl', Tour Dangh- ttra When Yen Can. But In either case counsel them te use nothing bnt Hep Ointment for chapped hands and lips, sere nose, cold cracks and rengh, pimply skin. Wtvcr alls. All druggists, tft and te cenu, or mail sumps te Hep Ce., NowLendon, Conn. (2) Take Mew Style Vinegar Bitters, and your headaebe and aallewneaa will elope together. SPECIAL KOTIOBS-. SUILOU'S CURE will Immediately relieve Greup. Whooping Cough and uronebltla Fer ale by U. II. Cochran, Druggist, Me. 147 North Queen street. 7) Bucklen's Arnica Ha.lv. Tn Best Salvs In the world for Cuts.Brnlses Seros, Ulcers, Bait Khum, raver Seres,Tetter, Chapped Hands, chilblains, corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It is gnarantrep te give per fect satlsiaotlen, or money refunded. Price Vi cents per box. for sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa, June27 1yd A Sound Lagal Opinion. E. Bain bridge Munday, Xaq., County Atty., Clay Ce., Tex., Tex.saye: "Have used Klectrie Bitters with meat happy result. My brother also was very low with Malarial fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use et this medicine. Am satisfied klectrie Bitters saved his lite " , Mr. D. I.Wllcoxjen, ofUerse Caye, Ky., adds a Hike testimony, saying: He positively be lieves he would have died, had U net been ler Klectrie Bitters. Thi great remedy will ward off, s well as cureairMalarlal Diseases, and for all Sidney, IilverandetomachUlaerderastendsunequaled. Fer sale by our agent, U. B. Ceehran.drugglst 117 and 189 K. Queen nt. Lancsstdr. fa. () !H. R Cochran, Nes. 137 and 1SS Merth Queen street, lnenster. Pa., la selling BUlL,UU'S peUQH CUUK as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lung troubles. ;8) I have had catarrh for twenty year, and used ail klndaef remedies without rellet Mr. Smith, druggist, el l.tttle fails, recommended Xly'aUreauiBilm. The effect of the first ap plication was magtcil.lt allayed the Inflam mation and the nut morning my held was aa clear aa a bell. One bottle has done me se much geed that 1 am convinced Ha use will effect a permanent eure. It la seething, pleas ant and eaay te apply, and 1 strongly unto Its usebya!lkuffdieis,-Uee. Xerry, Little rails. M Y. m!2-2irdeea&w lien't Experiment. Ten cannot afford te waste time In experi menting when yeurlungs are in danger. Con sumption always teems at first only a cold. De net permit any dealer te I tupesn upon you with some cheap Imitation of lJr. Klng'a New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine Because he can make mere profit hu may tell you he his somethlngustaageod,or)mutheaatne. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's Mew Discovery, which Is guaranteed te give relief In all Threat, L-aag and Chest aflectlens. Tilal bottles tree at II. B. Coch ran's drugstore, 137 land 139 M. Queen St, Lan caster, Pa. (6) TUK BKV. KO. U.TUAYKB.ef Bourbon, Indisays: "Beth myself and wile ewe out Uvea te BUILOU'8 CONSUMPTION CUUK." Fer sale by H, B. Cochran, Druggist, Me. vn Merth Queun street. (5) A QUKAT D13COVKUY. The greatest dlseevery of the nineteenth cen tury Is Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription for sick headache, which is the discovery of an eminent physician and used by htm for ever thirty years before giving It te the public, and It stands tn-day without u rival, tieadadvur. themenl In another column, Svil th Baby, "My baby, aged fifteen months, was attacked with croup, but was cured wltn two doteaef Thema$' Xelectria Oil; have used this medi cine for the elder ebllaren, dttve the greatest lalthln It." Mrs. Daniel Mann, oil seventh atreet, Buffalo, N. Y. Fer sale by 11. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and Vl Merth Queen street, Lancaster. A Mad Uraatb. Is Insufferable. We don't like It. A person with a strong breath must net make hluuelt very familiar with us. An Impure breath I caused by an unhealthy stomach. Burdock Bloea BUlert will correct this evil. T hey are the best stomach medl;lne known. Fer sala by U. U Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S North Queen street, Lancaatur. Mether SteUiara 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and erylntr with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T It se, go at once and get a bottle of MUS. W1NSLOW3 800TU1NUBYKUP. H will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon it there Is no mistake about It. There Is cot a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It 1 perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tese, and is the prescription of one el the eldest and best female physicians and nurses tn the United States. Beld everywhere, S3 cents a bottle. maysa-lydAw Leeks Uoecsi, A clear, bright nnen face somehow leeks honest Aberaetbtaf or burglar seldom car ries such a lace. UurOetk Jlloeit UiUtrt give the skin a peculiarly fine texture and clear ness. They strengthen and enrich the circu lation and se eradicate all eruption or blemish. Fer sale by H. B. Cechrsn,'druggUt, 137 and 1W Merth Queen street, Lancuwr, max BOaWUkUUXsU. XIYKX neVstMrtrtaaaa ales wesiaMa et theeeMt. it'safiwMKaeastsqr itr.ant slid tame aMtesM tatr e tenr iAssjsmU ecytewtkkJnnaeftef Ms sfswkeeattte newts mm? need sveneaare( eaMa, selilalaseUcaea:arvevs prestraweas Utter 4 Stadiger's Aurantii The beet eompeiBd known flar Use pteraaMen and enra ef assesses artatat (rent dMerdwed steBMch an Hver. Dyspepsia, 1.1 ver ' Com Cem pialM, milewBsf, Less e Appetite, Hetveas Freetrave. Malartal-Pelaeatag, ail TH.te It, and the system reestvea tree, bleed sad Vitality. DrnggUtakeeptt. engMSt " IllNK'S OBLRAY COMPOUND. MAINE'S -FOK- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A KiaVM T03IC, Celery and Oeena, tha .nrealaent ratre dlenu.arethbetaadafitervToalei. It strengthens and quiet the nervosa sf s tern, owing Merreas Weakness, Hysteria. BieepieenSss, Ae. ' AM ALTRRATUVJB. ' Itflrtve bnt the' prisoneus humors rlfylng and enriching it, Ing these Atseascs rcsultlei of tha and se bleed purify! overeetntn! ting irem Impoverished bleed, A LAX ATI VB. Acting mildly but surely en tha bowels H eurea habitual constipation, and promote a regular ka bit. ltttrengthenathestomaeh, and aids digestion. AD1UBKTIC. In Its composition the bestand mostae'.lve dluretles of the Materia Medlea are com bined tcientlBcally with ethtr effective remedies for disease el the kidneys. It can be relied en te give quick rellet and speedy cure. Uundredsef testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular, giv ing fall particulars. ' Piioe.tl.00. Sold by Druggist. WELLS, RIOBaRDZON & CO., Prep's, BUBHSQTO.V.VT. lanlllvdAwll) H AIR BALSAM. I PAHHEU'3 D1IU BAL1AM Beautifies. Cleanses and preserves the hlr. Keep lb soft and allkeu. Promotes a luxurl.. antaretti. always restores gray hair te It erlainal color. Prevents hair tailing and lan druff. Cutes scalp diseases. 0 at druggists. . HlhOKlt CORNS ! Safest, surest and best eura for Cerns, Bun ions, etc. steps all pain. Mever fan te cure. Ue. at druggists. Maih(J) i QAPOINK PLABTKKa it 86 MEDALS AWARDED TO Bensen's Capclne Plaster I THI BB8T IN THE WOULD. j Cures Pleurisy, Bheumatlsm, Lumbago, Backache, Weakness, Colds In the Chest and all Anhes and Strains. , Beware of Imitations under similar sounding asr Ask for Bensen's and take no ether. lOeclMmdAw M W AF XTAIiTJABLE MEDICAL, WOltlC. TRUTH, , Or the 8C1XRCK OF LIFE, A VALUABLE UKU1UAL WORK, lite only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical UebMty, Prema ture Decline Errors of Youth, and I he untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,' by which they vletlmls thousands, and by thelrexagarerailng disease, makes these peer sufferers insane. Every young man, middle-aged or old, should reau this book. It 1 mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent tamp for a copy. Address, UU.THOa.THBEL. SSS North Fourth Bi, i-niiadelphla, Pa. llS-lyd IjUiY'l B UKhJAAt HAliM. OATAREH--HAY FEVER. 'ELY'S CBEAM BALM eure Celd In Head Catarrh. Bese Celd, Hay Ffver.Deafne,Head ache. Price se Cents. EASY TO USE. Ely Bre's, Owego. N. Y., U. 8, A. YOU WILL BATE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TBOUBLE, I And Will Cure CAT ARBU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. U. particle Is applied te each nestra and' II agreeable, Prlee SO cent atdruggtsUt by mail, registered, ee ct. ELY bbuthebs, ' Greenwich bl, Mew Yerk. nevlS-lyd&w G KAY'H HPKOLr-lU MKD1UJLNK. Gmy'fl Specific Medicine. The Great English Bemedv will nmrant! w and radically cure any and every case of nervous dtbtllty and weakness, result of Indiscretion, or overwork of brain and nervous svs tamt la, perfectly harmless, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever 88 years with great success. 4er Full particulars In' our pamphlet which, we desire te send free bv mail te everv one. AWTbe Bpeclne Medicine Is sold by nil drug- Ist at II per package, ix six package for fc. twtll be sent free mv mail en recent of th ft money, by addresalng the agent. E, B. OOOHB.VN, Druggist, Mes. 137 A U9 North Queen BL, Lancaster, Pa. TDK QUAY MED1CIHR CO., Ne. 10S Main BUeeuilumUe. M Y. menMvd&watWAF E XHAUHTKU VlTAiaTa. Exhausted Vitality TH SCISNCK OF UFK, the great Medlca Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and "ysical lHibUlty, rrematurtt Decline, errors or; south, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, OW pee Kve. lpreenptlonsferJt disease, cloth, full gut. only IXOO. by mall, sealed. Ulusuftlve slnte Jre5 te allyeuXr V mia5la7?1 men f or the next SO day a. A& drets Kit. W. il PAUUKll. 4 Helflncb street, Bosten, Ma. tnvl7-lvdAjwUWAF MPROVKD . OUUHB, CUSHIONED EAR OURE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's PaUnt Improved Cushioned kar HX? partecuy restore hwarlng and porterm the work et the natural drum. In visible coin cein coin lertable and always in poaltleu. All conver cenver conver aUen and even whisper beard dlaUncUy. 5.P5,er "Instrated book with testimonial. FHF.E. Address or call en r. 11I8COX. ms Broadway, New Yerk. Hen Urn thi paper. InnelO-lydAwlCwAF RUPTURK-OORE GUARANTEED BY ... Hr J MlkTer, 8S1 Arch street, Fhliadel. phta. Pa. Kaseatence, Me operation or busi ness delay. Thousands of ernes. At Keystone Heuse, Heading, Pa, 2d Saturday of each month. Bend ler circular. Advice free. Bend ter circular, Ac., te main office. Ml Arch Bt,PhUa. marls-lydAw SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Kupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either ter. Why be humbugged by quacks wheu ou can find in Dr. Wright the only Use VLsn Pmvsieum in Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the above disease, and Chess 'JusmT CtMBUUAA.TSiii. Advice Free day aim even'.ng, Htraugers can be treated and re turn home mine day. Ufficea prlvsta. ou. w. u wmuiiT, 1 North Ninth street, Ateve ttate. P. O. Wei 67J Philadelphia. lebailydAw ft! CiCwd KBWARD. PAjVFVvf Fer any case of Kidney yreu- les. Nervous Debility, Uental and Phyat al Weakness that liOTANIOMKUVK iUTtKcU. fails te cure. Sold by druggists, ee cent. ..MHaTsUiaii. CO, .m .. Jf0, WM UttBt.Phka-Pa. sycirtttlAn tree, uev tilyeeaA w CELERY COMPOUND 'm e U HONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty! I The CAtircn'ef, OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will aoesi tad that it laat longer, tastes sweeter thaa ether tobee dea, and will please you. Ask your dealer for It and Insist en getting It. , i 1 V i enuine Has a Red H .in Tatt en Every Plug. ( CLOTH INU. F1 NFORMATION. !Td these about Ordering Sp'lac Clethes. If yen want te save Meney ana be Yleestd, . GOTO ASKEW'S. efl-lyd b KKAT BARGAINS. betft Wait Anether Day i Wyen want these spee'al greatest of all Bar sstlns which w arM new offering. Theycn Only last a faw day mere and can never be duplicated at the price. Fer $8.00, f, Thirteen Different Pattern of Cutaway and Back Butt The handsomest and most popular stvl's we have had. Here. 1 tef ere sold for ill 00. I - Fer $10,00, - A splendid chelee ef t.Bntten Cutaway and Back bulls, lltrctoiere sold at lisue. 1 . ' Fer $4.00, $5,00 and $6.00, All-Weel stylish Made Bevs entts here tofere sold for 7.oe and It co. 350 Palis Knee Pants for SJe, 150,83c, 750 and 11,00. ! sjrThe best atvles will he sold eat first, Don't wait another day If you want them. L Gansman & Bre. CO and 08 NORTH QUEEN ST. H IRSH & BROTHER. Hest Important Netice 1 Seldom is seen entslde or Large Cities sueh a splendid display of FOB Spring Wear. The assortment Is complete or all the latest and most faahlenaDle LONDON AND PAU1B tuYLEs. -i he assortment comprises ever 900 PIECES te seleet from. The fashions for the present season are meat Unique, for beauty el design, and we guarantee the fit of these new gar ments le be perfect. The letter of recommendation we receive prove the perfection et our Tailoring Depart ment and of the artlstle cutting, THE PRICES AUX IN TUB UKACII OF ALL. Our All wool Cheviot, of which we have a great number of patterns, made te order for S1S.0U. our Fine Londen StrltWl All-wool Panta loons make te order for i 60 te IS 00. We levlte your special attention te these Mew Spring Piece Ooeds, the selection Is the largest. The fltwe guarantee and the llnlnps are or the best material, liofein buying else, where you will find money can be saved by calling upon Hirsh & Brether, THH ONE-PRIOSl Clothiers, Furnishers and Mer chant Tailors, COU. N. QUKKN BTUEIT AND 0KNT3X BUDAHK. LANCASTER PA. Stere closes at 8p, m., Mondays and Balur days excepted. MAOUINMRr. pATTEKNS, HODKLB, Ac. Central Machine Works. W. V. CUXMIN6S, rrp. COUNSR OF OBANT AND CUUISTI AN BTS CUetr of Court Heuse. Jes, U.ttluber's Old Stand.) All kinds of Light Machine Werk, Patterns, Medels, Iren and Brass Casting. AlC Bpadal attentlon'gtvente developing new invention and te the construction elbp-itlal-tie In Machinery or Hardware, TKHM1 BKABOsTABLK. SATISFACTION uUAhVAJixutu. eeeiud FINE PEE GOODS AUW B ARDAMeKUrOT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth &uMn Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. LOOK AT OUR PRICES : n de. Stamped MIew Bbasm only Ma per pair MWJ"SJ4?a!fi i . sea. nae vasnaai M. worth He I BesiTi sb en, m mm vshm 1.1119a uwws, miubi iti SSa Table Ltnaa ta Damask sei (in lieu en if me nerval a 1 stinvunusnis only tte, teenier price, sm, at ase, worth 111 Beantirai Bet in at 1 se, worm 110 1 mtnatiMinnl it. ISSmAi Ham Yard Wlfla Sinalla Ramaanta at I ,! 1, .1,1, ! MK BUB. .1V,K H... jnmT. m urn, ni UliaUHllll. a or Leem uiee inu neai inraey nee oeraer, son , no rorea. eniy ""a mrysni, wur Laffle' Jerseys at tee, worth Ta 1 better grade atsi.oe, kj . and tl.M, turkey ned border, son nana, no starea, eni FEATHERS ! . The Best Steam cured Odorless Feathers. Perhaps yen have yenr regular place te deal at, and dea's this k of oemtnjr tesee u about Feathers, if yen could bay th best Feathers of ns lower than yen eeuld anywhere else, wouldn't than any two stores put together. Why t Because buy them anywnare else. r laem sarwasi eis. We sell the BBST STOCKINGS far th money bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Qumii Streets N: SXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUBB. iSemething About Carpets I rnrehasers must observe two thing whn baying Carpets. I inequality. Second, price, ten don't buy them every day, henee must be sure yen get the proper thing whenjeu de buy. If weoaagtvyeunxoeJlent artiyle at a low prteeTse saueh the letter you don't alwat And both virtues nnltedln one piece of goods, we have telss upon roll of Bmllh' Tapestry Brussels ajareet (tte be make In the Wnlea) at la, 0 TBaedMjrer.ua yard. Witt bolder femateh. all this seaaen' styles. It la er first raaen for these goods, and jreu won't , Ind any old styles or shop-worn goods, entail frteh. hrifht. new things Just .from the loom. Ingrain carpet Tn profusion from e te Tfe Terthe best Katr Super. Our tee lngratn u the bant ever eSJartd for the money, being just a heavy a the Toe grade and halt wool. Den't miss seeing them; Bag Carpets were never e geed ter (he Meney, we have them at M.M up te ascent. Twe number are of special Intereat these at W and te tenu-the latter being All-wool twined in uvepil pattern. BUlr Carpet with 1111 and Bordering te Match In variety... , Bulr carpeu as low a 10 cents. FAHNBSTOOK'S, 3S 87 DABT KINO ST., LaVNOABTBR, PA. M ETZQER & HATJQBMAN. iMETZGER & FUIiL LINES OV lack Dress Goods, Black Cashmeres, Black Henriettas, t Black SeBastopels, Black Armures, Black Camel's Hair, Black Albatross, AT THE LOWEST TRICKS, METZGER & HAUGHMAN, NOB. 38 AMD 40 WBBT KINO STBBBT. VAUPMT BAKUA1MH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSHIJ3, TapeBtrj, Iagriia, Damask and Yenetitn, Rag and Cliiln Ctrpeti, OU. 0L0TH8, WINDOW 8HADM8t i i W have the Lvgawt tutd Bast Btoek In tta Olty, H S. SHIRK & SONS, Ooreir Watt Kin; tad Watt? Strwiff, UnusUr, ft. BTOVBH. 0. TJILINN BHKMKAtAS. HOUSEFURNISHING! STOVES 1 Parler stoves, Parler Beaters, Cook Steves and Hangs. TIN AND SllKKT IKON WAKE. Onr Old style BandMadn Tinware takes the WOOD AND WILLOW WABE. Bsskets, Buckets, Tnbs. Butter Churns, ( burn Hulks, Breems, Step LadHvn, Wash Lines, Bed Cords, Table and Fleer OU cleUis. CUTLEUV. A full Line of Table and Pocket Cutlery, likzers, Scissors, Ac, Ac, Ac. LAMPS. Stand Lamr imps. llanalng Lamps. Ilincket Lamps, lias and Ceal Oil Chandeliers, Lanterns, Ac A-The Largest Stock of Ifeusefurnlsfalng Goods in the city. I'lumbling and Ous Fit ting. Tin Uoenng a Specialty. FLIIffl & BBENEMAH, QUE AT STOVE 8T0JIE, Me. 162 North Queen Btreet, LANOABTEB PA. UATtS. CORKECT IN QUALITY. STYLE, FIHBT IN TUB GELI.BUATJCD "Dunlap lats" Are New Moving Uapiaiy. Webavethemlnsirihe Prettlest Sl'lllNO BTTLEH In HlHr.iUff and Belt Half. Alse the Celebrated Light-Weight " llOsTO.N BEAUTIES " weight only ajjea. A SPECIALTY MADE OF YOUNG MEN'S HATS. All Stvles, All Orades and Prices BUABAN TEKDthn lowest. our tl 2), 1 Maud IM BUff UaU. and 75e Fur PeckrtUat, all shades, txteedauy thing In the trade. CHiMma-N's soeDS, uuniirn oenus and UalUUELLAS atsurprulngly Lewrlcts OUU Trunk and Traveling Bag DEPAUTMENT, Has been Increased, and enr customers say we give you tea rlnest TMUN KS and .the bt TBaVELINUBAUBIer the money ever seen In Lancaster. Stauffer & Ce.. LEADING UATXEUS, 81 aad 83 Kerth Queen htreet. -W M. McUMJHE'H BOU IlIQUXXNIT.AIAIXllIa. WOIIKfi, Ne, SI tieuth Queen Btreet. PEAUBON E. GKUGEH, Buperintenaent, ttlld ! t a doe. Stamped Aprees, tnii sue, I yard uemm, !-ww 51 tr Z rrl ,.!.. with taped edges. jBre yards yard 1 IUIVIi m wneii ether je We. worth 8- SOI JWI ..Mv ... e eltv 1 Bleaehed Qerman Table Linen, with aid. worth Tts 1 special bargains la yen buy them of us T We sail mera Feathers we sell I the best Feathers lower than yen can in tha city. Opposite Fountain Irn. 14AUGHMAH;. HALLS. BARUAlMhl 1 i tvC TXVNHHSa jwwiiAaewai TTTAKNE3S, TRUNKS, 40, M. Haljerbusli & Sen. YOU WILL NKVEB KNOW WHAT II NEW IN Ladies'and Gent's Trunks AND TRAVELING SAGS, Unless you call and examine our Immense stock el entirely new goods, TUB JLATEBT AND HANDSOMEST THING OUT, Ladies' Shopping Sags In Seal, drain and Alligator Leather, AT 1 M. labertmsli & Sen's SADDLE. HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER FA. MUUWAL. OUPBrtlOH QUALI1Y MUSICAL BOXES. 1IENUY QAUT8CUI A BONB, Ne. lt Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Examination will prove our Instruments far superior te any otber make, net speaking of the worthless trash that abounds In thu market, seen being of mere annoyance than pleasuie te thvtr owners. Old and Imper fectly nsada Music IJexes carelully repaiied by eapenenee'l workmen Irem thu manulac Uiry In Switzerland. Corrtspendenoe solicited. Bend stump ter catalogue and pricu lut. nerii-ljdjkw HANO AND OltQAN TUNINQ. It will psy you te walk up one night of stairs te seu hew nicely you cau have j our Piane or Orj.iu Bepaired. Viz: Kestrlnglng Casts Uevarnlshtd Kntlrn New Werk put In. and Polished sa suedis new. niur leiiew aisceiarta ivorerao;s made perlKClly white, by a newly discovered process. This can all be done at Neb. 20 and 80 East Kins Btreet, second Fleer, Over Btackheuse's Shoe Stere, WM.H. flUjd MANBY&BON. XaeAier, Pa, THA VMLMBM QUIP. READING ft COLUMBIA RAIIiftOAf , .WAND BKAMCUUsf, AND LBBAHfM ' AND LAnOABTgJt JOISTT LUIM I. BT .' X ON AND AFTBn aenpAT. wer. TKAIK8LEAVBTliADIN8. FSSae3AVe"i'tvt TBAINS LATB0OLwBUMA. Fer Reading at Me a as.lMs an - , 4 Fer Lebanon at UJO and BiiaiiMr'it TKAINS LBAVE QUAKMlTILUs, & ser wnwiisr t :su a m. ana sea pa, Fer Beading ate a a and UB p sa. Fer Lebanon at UM and st p as. USA.VAI Kintl BTMBXT ( . is, i &Tr,.".v.,,,,;tKSK,r-TML!f'' ; WMlfAlwMa4 Ab . 1 LM ' f4 vi sfvtaeiiwu an w sa ana aa.sw , i.bbj m mu . i, Fer quarry viu at s-Jt a m. s end tjae sa. V lkavbpbineb btrbet tTsinsstiet.i i. IFerKeMla:at7:0am.lMSaBdMSeaa. iri. Fer Lebanon at 7.07 a m.l:B and 7:sra. ."L rerqaarryvlileatswam.iits aadswyai ' XSSAIIIO l.lijaVSB liSBSSUM ' TRAINS LEAVE LEBANON ' Fer Lancaster at 7:l a m, iksb and 7 -M sa. Fer Quarryvlile at waa m and UJ sa. SUNDAY TBAINS. TRAINS LFAVE KRADINO Fer Laaeaater at 7 a a and MO p as. FerUuarryvi'laati'Oupn. , . TRAINS LBAVSI QUAKEYVILLB v Fer Laneaster, Lebanon andEeaClasjatT'-M). w TRAINS LEAVE KINO ST. fLanaaasM Fer Beading and Lebanon at tes ana aid Ml Fer Quarryvlile at S-.X p m. TRAlMS LBAVE PKINUB 8T. ftsnaaBSSF.) Fer Reading and Lebanon at fc a Massif snMpm. ; FeryuarryvllUatMSpM. , TRAlNB LBAVB LEBANON Fer Lancaster at TiM am and I.Upnu FerquarryviUeats:tspm. ' , , Fer connection nt Colombia, Marietta iane Men, Laneaster JnncUen, ManhetM. Bseelee and Lebanon, e time table at all TstaAteae. , .. -. .w. .MW.,.' ' PBWWHTliY 1M1A KATMsOAB -'f SCHBDOLnV-In aajeet front Jena l&'ft Train inavn LAaeasran ant leave aa ar v at Phtladfdnhla aa fellows t f WBBTWABD. Faeiae Expreast News BApieasf....... way Paacsngert PaJUtsfflpW INF, M. u:np.M. fciea,M. MOS.IL a.-M, tt an wauviaMt.jOTt ABMaUTralnt .VlaeeinMbl run. Ilk subb. Ae fc0p.M. tNpa, Karrlaburjt Express western Expreetf .. , UVP.SB. Leave Laaeasur, kaea.M. MASTWABO. 'hua. Bxpreesf...... lAnef . .,.,.... sbure surni aster Aoeomar. smbia Aeoem., jupnss,,,. ipsna Aoeosn. MUvMalL i. Say stzpresaf....... . antshunr Aeennt. lAncaataz AeeomSBOdaMeai HsaM anrattaen.M.and afftTes at n ManaiUAi al TWrn a, m. and reaai iAisft laavesOetaMMa at il m., reaeaiag atarstMa m Marietta atwea rvnu sad et ataei also, leaves at ss nt 1U0 and arrives at Lancaster at tneeung with Harrltburg anreKadaA I xbb ieiiim iwwiiaiai raSH: nacting at iianeasier ,vus rtiS2 PreaerAoeenSt eM, m&r fae5e mm u SaSnt vh?i5eV : " bmKbb. bsmS.m V BKI0P.M. Btlfs,BA Sj.,-; n ka.M. itsslCnv ; :, MAvesAeatr.ri l9 ImmmWmts mmmttMmmmVimammmA' . tssmsm j amvea aasWam j i an arrives a BisV'-'j,?' A aaMaaftaAi:. ft! aSsVnt'l vw. - s ceiuaaia at utmena rsassss usiim a inn k "y;u. UanMMV iMMnasSsMM. lut lre flfll. Ki Iniabls at 4:10 n. nL. Mw.r. ..v.. ......... , ....,. -w--r:; . Arrive as saiean; ne s.p. nu.cnnnaeucg wim tayjfcjpcw. n OTnr awiniuiHwswmii ww i at Lancaster with Niagara Express a i will ran thremeh toJsanever. Batrr. I IBnedav. r t i -. amy. , stopetDewniagtewnC.Teteviiie' JS1SS WW be base, ML Jey.niiaabethWiwr. yam aw fgneeniy unuswaicarc'jB; tta Mall train wt run bv wav j i b. WOOD. General raaienget Agent' GBLAB.AhA'Uvi waaeiu arFuataw. gPKOIAI WATCHES &S3E J Sggggi9 t&'i ' whi for Farmers and Baitreaders will eeseU at '''-', ffE eatreauouen in price, ajse mimu. wai i-,s am, Aurera, ter which IBM sole agent, t I ether flrst-dasa Watches. vasea.s 1 Jewelry neealruig. BnectMlekEveak t opUesIOeods. Cerreet time dally, jr tsstt'Hf F' v&ty. ( laUUia WBBaW. a :-:.-' Ne. lK IT. Qaesa St, opposite City Hetel, ,Mh w m rj'-ii- "' V(VM N W JEWKLRY STOBK. i. GILL, n I -!m lOWQIQr "7,': WTTWlvl S''? ', trVTI man wairine dntsa -- 'jK T k I Are you sura glass i . , . - -.rtieil.iV!9e'M8M1,CC0mM olaaaayen Z4& wonder why T j !v?3 n s bus war poeriy aujnsrea glasses. ClTLkATuVE.UUXO,PIUJ6 T AIWU Tears et expert snea have enabled ne tat r-nu aauriDg eye, fitting giuse with the Slonet aueculli UHUIIt vir and BwSiI f U,M,M rraJa ,B weia, lOWESTHlWmSET, LANOASTSB, PA. me TUB WATCH BUYER I "When you want Wftteb, te Buy ft Ooed BTJ Y where you ean get the BIST VALUE for the Meney. BUY where you knew you can re turn It, should It net prove eatlefsvo eatlefsve eatlefsvo tery. BUY whero you are gettlng. knew what you We have always the Largmdt Stcek In Geld, Bllver and Nickel, and ean Quarantee you the Beet Batiefaotlen. WALTER C. HEEB, (resTKU.T Jes. Usassa,) Ne. 101 North Queen Street, m LANCABTEK, PA. nl-tM( QUJSEMiWAKK. " rr,rtr-v,m H IQll A MAHTIN. CHINA HALL OLEARINa SALE Thtt laite twelve months In the year. The best quality ler the least money always te be had there. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Sets. White Granite, Hce. Dinner Sets, white ur.nlle..MJJ. Dinner Bets, Prlnud ss.7. Ne goods mtsrrprcsinted. All Wares ex. changed II net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO, 15 EAST KING STREET. ty tt' i jj ....' IX: .,-i 3 v .rt ' '; $ & S&1) ,! i ? J.? m "tit ,iM 1 KtrN A Si .Wj -; JXaH t ? m. W3! ' hf . ,. I )&rx- '" . 1 &m -J 'KJfi 1 BSa-..S " , vas it vrt 'Mm " YS-" iss m i-vs 'liS afci ;v