Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 12, 1888, Image 1

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Csisrasry Hsstete W4lrOfUtMMMm
" graf'MATMha,1tIfMlemt.
what JDteablea-Tralss Lata.
Aa anuaually heavy atom of rata pre
vailed aUdeyBunday, begtaalag abaat 4
o'clock' la" tha moretog aed eeaUaalag
wltheat intermission until 7 la the evening,
wheti.tMfem mt taraaV te aaew which
felt artaiy aaUl about 4 a'oleek thla niera niera
BBg,Ty'whleh Uma tha ground waaoevered
te a depth of, five lnebee, aed tbe.treea
aed efarubs' were borne down with the
mssses of treacn aaew that olaeg te Aha
breeches. The wind was heavy and thera
waa much drifting. At aeme points tha
streets ware ebstt acted' by drifts two or
three feet In height. The raUreade are
obetraeted, trains are delayed, and some of
the oeaatry reads are reported, te be In
passable; Full par Honiara of these featarea
of the storm will bn found below. '
The "snow-snore! brigade" were at
work early thla morning, attempting te
clean the pavements, but their work waa
only rjerttally.auccesafal, the soft slushy
saew.thatfaU Sunday evening having baaa
trarrped'dewn and freien Inte solid Ice,
The sleighing ia net vary geed, but the
sleigh bells ware heard early thla morning
and tha tinkling et the bells hare been
heard all .day.
One esn usually tell the quarter from
which a snow aterm oemaa by the direction
or tha 'Wind, but Sunday.nlght the wind
blew. Itall directions and great aplaetei of
snow were burled by the aterm king
against all aides of buildings north, aeuth,
east and west
Tersonswhe bad occasion te, be out Sun
day night declare the storm te bare been
the meat terrible thay ever encountered.
The wind blew1 a hurricane, the anew waa
blinding and,the lee underfoot treaohereua
in the extreme, i ,
One peculiarity attending tha storm waa
that there waa net a single oeoapsnt ia the
B'atlea house eltfaer-Ssturday or Sunday
night- Usually the approach of a aterm
drives a whole drove et tramps te the
abetter of the station beuse.
a , xreacfa iir bixv and oehhtt.
The Inlets at the corner of German and
Seuth Queen and German and Christian
streets became clogged en Sunday, causing
au overflow of the water te the pavements.
A? part pi tha large tree at the corner of
Middle' and' Seuth Queen atreet was blown
down by the aterm of Sunday night and a
number of trees In ether aeotlens of the
city are, also reported, as dsmsged by the
The court house clock was se afleeted by
the aterm that it stepped running at hair
past two, o'elook thla morning "and it
hasn't dena 'anything since. " Twenty of
tha lights used for Illuminating the
streets were out last night. Bat one et
these was an eleotrle lights and four were
J The reada In the' country ate badly
blocked, many of them are snowed full
above the feneaa and travel ia greatly im
peded? ' The atagea whleh carry the mall te
Laacaater, 1 rem tha different towns and
vlllsges are' all late", and these" from New
Helland, Terra Hill and RswllesviUe had
no, reached Laneaiter at neon. The Stras
burg stage was also very late. The Millers
villa pike Is snowed up and the car cannot
get through. The company have put en
two large sleigh.
The telephone wires were elleeled by the
aterm. The line te Millers vllle wsa broken
in the city limits. In the country some of
the lines are down and covered but the
damage Is net as great as it was expected
te be. .
The Quarryvllle branch of the It lading
railroad had considerable trouble te-day
The train whleh leavea Quarryvllle at
6:30 In the morning and la due at King
atreet, at 7:30, atuek fast In a huge snow
drllt In the cut just north et New Provi
dence. The engine waa unable te pull the
train through and the train was there near
ly all toreneon. Anether engine waa sent
down from this city at 9 o'clock, lt.went
through without treuble te the plaee where,
the engine waa fast In the snow and au
dited in setting It .through. A train
waa mode up in this elty and sent te Read Read
leg thla morning. There is no trouble from
anew fjetween Lancaster and Reading or
en thexebaaen short line.
On the Mt Jcy tranch et the Pennsyl
vania railroad there Is no trouble en ac
count of the snow and trains are able te
ran ever It as usual. The further west one
gees tha leas anew they will And and there
la net mere than an ineh of it at Har
rlaburg. , Oa. the Columbia braneh there
are great quantltiea of anew at dlrttieat
points between Menatville and Dlllervllie.,
Tha trains going east this morning man
aged, te get through, bnt were a little late.
The north track'at aeme places had anew te
a great depth snd tha trains going west
were delayed between the above points.
The snow has caused a great deal et
trouble en the Pennsylvania read between
this-city and Philadelphia. The great
body et snow seems te be about Dewing-
town where the drifts are very hlgb. There
bad been no trains from the East up te
neon today and Lancaster people were
compelled te de without the Philadelphia
morning pspars. Mews Erprats, which
brings'the pipers, is due here at 0:30 a. m.,
but at neon the train was still fast In a snow
bankatDownlngtewn. Behind this train waa
a large number et freights, Mall Me. 1, Niag
ara Express and ether trains. A number
of wires of the railroad company have been
broken and many pelea blown ever east of
this city. Last night aeme pelea were blown
en the track near Downingtown and a mar
ket train ran into tbem,breaklng the smoke
staoksndeow-oatoher. A number et linemen
left this elty at 0 o'clock te make repairs at
different points. All forenoon te-dsy the
waiting room at the P, R. 11. station was
filled with persona who were anxleua te
take .the train. The Uarrlsburg express
due here at" 8:10 was en time and It is said
te have gotten through the snow bank all
right te Philadelphia. The only train that
left for the west during the forenoon waa
Hanover accommodation, it started from
Lancaster for Columbia and Yerk at 10:10,
bat the trainmen expected considerable
difficulty In getting through. Trains from
Columbia were almost en time.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon, en the Penn
sylvania railroad no trains bad arrived
from the East. Mone up te that time bad
been able te fget beyond OeateavUle.- On
aoeount et the damage te the telegraph
lines there Is no direct communication be
tween Lancaster and Philadelphia.
Dispatches have te be sent around by
way of Baltimore and trains from Lancas
ter are belng ran from Harrlsbarg.
On the Quarryvllle railroad the - morning
train waa still in the drills at New Provi
dence at 3 o'elook. There were three or
four engines at that hour working te get
the train through. A train ran down from
this city te the drift, and it was expected
back here at a lftte hour with the trans
ferred passengers and mall.
The big snow aterm naturally recalls
peme ether storms et the long age. The
cadertuhebtwMtaw4tat heremembera
l Mttag qaH kT Ml 01 mew ta Ju,
bttkM act rimimMr tha yaw. Ha
remembers, herwerer, that lk Ma Aaam
Keffert aad another aaaa weal eMghlag
teLUMs, an that by U ttaa they get aaw.hadaU'iaattaA'aB.UMflr
dttjralaatlKTfhthaai4. t '
Anether great wow aterm la said te have
fallen ea tbe 13th of April, 18M, thaaaew mllaa te a depth of 15 teehaa.
Wtl'-KnawaFaepUtjffceBave raeseaieOie
tWal aUJeilty.
Jeaeb Baehmaw, eaaef the meat proml preml
aaat eltlaaaa of Straabarg, this county, died
ea Friday evening last at tha residence of
his slater, Mrs. Faaay Jamlaea, la Quincy,
Ilia. Mr. Baehman and bis wife ware ea
their return from a trip te.tha Pedfle coast,
and Mr. B waa taken ill at hta aistar'a
beuse and died as above stated.
Mr. Baehman waa a retired farmer. He
waa Ter many years a director of the Lan
caster 'County Matteaal bank, and waa a
leading maaaber of Temperance party' in
thla county, te tha furtherance of whleh
he devoted mueb el his time and contri
buted liberally of hla money. Ha waa a
maa of mera than ordinary Intelligence, a
geed apesker and debater ea meat subjects,
and a man that waa highly esteemed by all
who knew hlra. Hla win (who waa Miss
Elisabeth Xahleman, daughter et tha late
Benjamin B. Eshleman,) and one eon ear
vlve him.
Daith of Jacob Katrat.
Jacob Kafretb, a well known resident of
Ephrata township, died en Saturday night
after a lingering Illness rrem consumption,
aged 68 years. Deceased waa a fanner and
hotel.keeper.fer a number of years, out lat
terly baa been' practicing aa a veterinary
surgeon. He leavea a wire, three aeaa and
two daughter. Fer a number of years be
, represented Epbrata township In the Re
publican county committee, his mnerai
will take plaee en Wednesday morning at
0.-30 and tne interment made at Llnoeln.
OMtttt or Timethy Vanel.,
Timethy Farrel, a former well-known
resident of Laecaster, died at the home of
hla daughter, Mrs. Susan Hwffner, In Phila
delphia, en Friday. He was 83 years old
and died of old age.. The deeaaaed waa
born la Ireland and came te Laucaeter
when young. Fer 23 years he waa aex aex
ten of St. Mary'a eemettry in thla
elty. O wing te his old aga be gave up that
position and moved te Philadelphia about
four years age. He leaves four daughters,
vlr: Sue, Margaret and Mary, who lived
In Philadelphia, and Mrs. Louisa Snyder,
of thla city. Hla eons are Wl-llam, et Eden
township, and Michael, who la employed at
the United States arsenal in Brldeaburg,
Pa. The body of deceased was brought te
this elty this afternoon, and Interred in St
Mary'a cemetery.
An alBlctsd ramlljr.
1 Tbe family of J. B. J3 warts welder, of Me.
131 East Walnut atreet, Is esrUlnly af af
tiletedattbe present time, Oa last Thurs
day Mr. Swarlswelder'a daughter Emma
died of pneumonia. The mother, who
waa taken ill shortly after bar daughter,
breathed her, last this morning at one
o'elook; The cause of her death waa pnea pnea
menla also. She leavea besides a husband two
sons and three daughters, all of whom are
grown. The doable death has been a great
stroke te Mr. Swarizwelder, who la quite
HI also. The funeral of Mtsa Emma took
plaee thla afternoon, and tbe Interment waa
made at Lancaster cemetery. Tbe mother
will be burled en Thursday next
Featmasttr el Btraibeiff Du).
W. F. Caruthera, postmaster of Straa
barg, died at bis home In that town Bun
day morning, aged 3fl years. - He hadbsen
111 ler a long time and the cause of hla
1 death was consumption. Deceased waa
formerly a well known politician. He waa
appointed postmaster shortly alter Cleve
land tcek his office, replacing Benjamln
Longnecker, the present recorder. De
ceased left a wlfs and two children and
bis feneral takes place en 'Wednesday.
KliubtthtownteHarsa liau rati Club tbe
Comlesj Bea ten.
Elizabettttewx, March 12. Miss Mary
Cele, et Harrlaburg, la sojourning with H.
!Q. Qephart, et this place.
Mlsa Maggie B aimer, who lately re
turned from a visit, bad a surprise party
tendered ber en Saturday night. Alarge
number et friends were present, and a
(highly enjoyable time waa had.
The cornet band will bold a supper in tbe
(ball en Saturday night, the proceeds te be
.Invested In new suits for the approaching
William Mauman'a sale of farm Imple
ments waa welt attended.
Ellztbethtewn will be represented In tbe
'base ball world next season by the "Duf
fers," a club recently organized,
j Miss Fanny Brill and Mr. Abram Bach
man, both et thla place, were married by
the Rav. Mr, a rl winger, at the residence of
the briar.
Hen. Msrriett Breslns will dellver a free
lecture at tbe Pioneer ball, en Friday eve
ning, March 16th.
1 Atlas Castle, Knights of the Mystic Chain,
et this place, attended services In tbe Bethel
chureh ea Sunday. Rev. Grlsslnger took
for bis subject the motto of tbe order,
"Loyalty, Obedience and Fidelity," and
the sermon was eloquently delivered.
, Mr. Simen XCemerer, olSteelton, visited
here en Sundsy.
Iter. MeUtcr Preache at Bt. Stepbee'a Cliuicli
en Empster William.
St Stephen's German Lutbersn church
was crowded en Sunday morning te bear
the memorial sermon el tbe pastor, Rev,
Km 11 Melster, en Germany's dead emperor.
The upening hymn "O Mighty fortress la
our Ged," was .rendered by the ohelr after
Svhicli tbe sermon waa preached from the
epistle of St. James, lit chapter, 12th verse.
The speaker referred te the leading events
In the Ufa of the emperor ; te the less tbe
people sustained In bis death; te the dread
ful ordeal through which be passed when
assassins en two occasions attempted te take
hla life and te the high esteem In whleh he
waa held by bis subjects as Is evidenced by
tbelr Berrow at his death. The sermon waa
attentively listened te by tbe large congre
gation. At Its conclusion Mr. G. Freltag
sung a tenor sole " Called te Ged," after
which tee congregation was dismissed with
the benediction.
llaptiim dj- immenleD.
Rev. J. T. Folwell, pastor or ths Firat
Baptlat chureh, en Sunday evening con.
ierred tbeordlnsnceef baptism by Immer
sien en Wm, D. Frey, a believer. Tbe
baptism took place In the baptismal peel
under tbe pulpit platform of the church.
Although the weather waa very bad, tbe
congregation present wsa quite large. Rev.
Folwell preaened a sermon en the subject
of baptism.
riant! Ills t'aaa.
Harry . Rhoads planted bis early peas
en Saturday, therein of Sundsy patted the
soil nicely around the aeed, and be expects
It te bei nicely sprouted by the time tbe
anew drifts thaw away.
Ecuador's Mw 1'ituljcat.
Kbw Yerk, March 12. Gen, Antenla
Florea has been elected president of tbe
republle of Ecuador, He la at present
mlnlaWr at Paris,
' " ZaKnllMmBmmBmmBY
aWBemsf jammamamf Jammmi
fe?mama9iBmaamfc- -:&
" 1 11 - 1 iT
The Newly-OoEBOerated Reman Oatholle Bishop of Ha-rlsburg.
The Biaberate Kxstelsss la QarrUherg at the
Installauea of the Haeosaser of tha LaU
Rt. Rv. J. r. Bbaaahha-LaBeas-
ter elsrgymsa FattleipaU.
Tbe consecration et Rev. Themas Me-
Govern aa bishop el the Oatholle diocese of
Harrlaburg took plaee In tbe pre-cathedral
there en Sundsy In the presenee ei a vast
crowd of religious and laity from all parts
of tha mere than dozen counties of the
state comprised In the dloeaaa. The
aervlee began at 10 a. m. Te tbe aweet and
solemnly grand atralna or tbe offertory
" Processional Msreh" by tbe great
master, Richard Wagner, rendered by full
orchestra and organ, tbe visiting clergy,
men, deacons and priests, about one hun
dred, alewiy filed from the sacristy and
were seated in the front pewa Just outside
of the chancel rail. Behind them en the
left sat tbe sisters, their sembre drapery
giving an air of deepest devotion and
solemnity te tbe assemblage. Then from
the entrance te the sacristy alewiy emerged
the cmelatlng clergymen of prominence
followed by tbe visiting dignitaries.
During tbe playing of a aweet organ
Interlude, tbe venerable form of Officiat
ing .Bishop O'Hara emerged, from tbe
sacristy followed by the bishop-elect,
Tbemaa McGovern, between Blehope
Watteraen and Gilmour. Bishop O'Hara
I waa seated before the right et the high
altar, wbila the bishop-elect and hla con cen con
ducters were seated in front et the "altar
et tbe Blessed Virgin." The last named
approached te tbe front or Bishop O'Hara,
and while there the papal commission or
"bull" te tbe new bishop, whleh wsa
signed by Cardinal Lodechowskl, of Reme,
waa read by Rev. becb, amid an almost
death-like allenee. The new bishop then
took the oath te the pope ana signed tbe
: artlelea of belief. The questions were pre
pounded te bird by the officiating bishop
In unison with the officiating assistants and
were severally responded te by Bishop Mo Me
Govern In a clear and audible yolee.
At thla juncture, while all were standing,
the grand notes of Mezsrt'a 12th mass were
pealed forth by the large ohelr et velces,the
full orchestra and the great organ. Aa Its
swelling tones lifted tbe air, the new bishop
waa vested with the cress upon tbe, breast,
tbe white pallium and the dalmatics.
Bowed low before the " High Altar " tbe
new bishop new hears the Invocation
ehanted in unison by bis fellow priests, and
moving ever te where Bishop O'Hara waa
aeated he knelt and received the sacrament
After this service waa ever hla bead and
hinde ware anointed, and all were again
aeated te listen te tbe sermon of the Re Re
dempterlst Father Wayricb. This waa a
strong exhortation, explaining tbe dignity
of tbe office, and enjoining reverenee and
obedience te the' bishop.
At the close of the sermon, whleh was in
tently listened te, the choir and orchestra
rendered In magnlneent atyle the Te Deum
by Andrea and the magnificent oflertery,
"Inflimmstus," from Reslnl'a "Stabst
Mater:" Amid tbe burning of Incense and
Kleamlns of candles, mass waa then aald,
Immediately afterwards the new bishop
was Invested with tbe mitre and crosier
nd waa lad te the throne bv the officiating
'bishops. He then marched down tbe centre
aisle between two or them, proceeded Dy
the Right Rev. M. J, Mc Bride, and pro
ceeded te bless the people assembled. Re
turning te the front while all were kneeling
and tbe choir chanting, he seated himself
befere tbe " High Altar," while the assem
bled dignitaries formed a hair circle In front
of blm with three bishops te tbe left On
bended knee he approached them from the
right and kissed each et them. With this
the service ended and they at once took off
their official robes, and the large audience
was dismissed, leaving the church te tbe
'excellent musle of tbe full choir and or
chestra. ''
The consecration ceremonies wen con
ducted by R'. Rev. William O'Uara, of
Bcranten, assisted by R'. Rev. Bishop Gil
meur, et Cleveland, Ohie, and Rt Rev.
Bishop Wattersen, of Columbus, Ohie. Tbe
archdeacon waa Very Rev. M: J. MeUride,
administrator of tbedlocese. The deacon
or tbe mass was P. J. McOullsgb, D, D
paster of Ht. Mary's cburcb, Lancaster; sub
deacon, ll4v. Father Jeseph Seibert, of
Leck Haven, First master et ceremonies,
D. A. Brennan, et Philadelphia, second
master of ceremonies, Rev. G. L. Benten,
et Steelton; third master of ceremonies,
Rev. C. L. Coffee, of Bcranten.
The prelates present were Most Rev.
Archbishop Cerrlgan, of Mew Yerk ; Most
Rev. Archbishop Elder, et Cincinnati; Rt.
Rev. Bishop Phelan, or Pittsburg; Rt Rev.
Monslgner Corcoran, D, D., of Philadel
phia; Very Rev. M. A. Walsh, LU D
present administrator el Philadelphia ;
Very Rev. Jehn Filzmaurlce, president of
St. Charles seminary, Philadelphia; Very
Rev. Father Bonlfaee, O. H. B., provincial
et tbe Franclcans, New Yerk ; Very Rev.
Dr. D. P. Alien, president et Mount St
Msry's college, Kmmittsburg, Md.; Xwy
Rev. J. B. Mudaley, of Couewsge, Ps,
Others present were Revs. Father
Barr, Mcllhenny, Keppernsgle, or Uar
rlsburg: M. J. O'Reilly, J. J. O'Reilly,
Jsmes O'Reilly and Geerge Pape, of
Yerk ; Rev. Father Kaul and Grote Grete
meyer, et Lancaster; Itev. Father Fole,
of Elizabeth town; Fathers Christ and Mo Me Mo
Mensgle, of Lebanon ; Berneman, of
Reading; Revs, Father MeMsnu, Mo Me
Murry, T, O'Donehue, Reach and Coffee,
orScranten;Yery Rev. P. H. Garvey, D.
D-, or West Philadelphia ; E. Garvey, D.
D, et Wllllamspert; McArdl, et Bello Belle Bello
lente; Power, oJLeck Uavee; Very Rev.
Father Brennan, D. D et Driftwood ; T.
F, Kennedy, Lewtatewn; Ray, Flerin
Klonewhkle, O. Klonewlikle, T. Rsllerty,
and Jeseph Kech, et Hhamekln; F. U.
Smith, of Danville ; Reva. H. Ganas, of
Milten ; T. Fleming, et Locust Gsp; James
Rusael, of Centralis ; Jeseph Kslllae, el
Lykensj.H. A. Lesgue, of Willlsmstewn ;
Jeseph Huber.'of Carlisle; J. J. O'Reilly and
Freedom; T. Cletty, of Llttlestewn; Gorm Germ
ley, of Bennusvllle; Jeseph Bell, of Gettys
burg; W. Felper, and Charlea Kenny, or
Columbia; Philip McLaughlin, or Marietta;
Very Rev. Hugh Lane, D. D., J. Ward, T,
J. Barry, Philip McEnree, and Very Rev.
Dr. Kearns, of Philadelphia ; Rev. Henry
Rellly, of Shenandoah, Pa, Rev. Leets
Kumersnt, of Phllllpaburg, and Rer. Wm.
At the vesper services at 7:30 o'clcer,
the cathedral waa again densely packed,
The Very Rev. M. J. Meilrida. sang the I
solemn vespers, assisted by Rev. James
Gormley and Rev. Antheny Kaul, of Lan
caster. Rt. Rev. Tbemsa McGovern,
bishop et Harrlaburg, assisted en the
throne, attended by Rav. Dr. Allen,
president of Mt. St Mary's cel lege, Em.
tnlttsburg, and Rev. Jeseph Bell, as dea dea dea
oena'or honor. The masters or oeremonles
were Rev. G. L. Benten and Rev. Jamea
Barr. There were present In tbe ssno ssne
tuary about twenty clergymen. Bishop
McGovern delivered an able and Interest
ing sermon en "Tbe Infallibility, Har.
meny and Indestruettblllty (et tbe Chureh
et Reme rrem the time or Ht Peter down
te the present day, " Thla addrcsa waa
listened te with deep Interest
IlaedMine Tetttmenisl for the Maw lllibep.
The clergy el tbe diocese met en Sunday
at tbe episcepal restdeace en Sylvan
Heights at Harrlsbnrg and unsnlineusly
resolved te present te tbe right reverend
bishop a testimonial; of their esteem,
Thirty-three priests present subscribed
11,080. It Is expected that tbe amount will
oxeoed 12,000 when these wbe were net at
the meeting sbsll be notified of its object,
Peter 11. rerdnsjr Dlteevars tbe Han Who
Paid Item Midnight Visits.
Fer some time past. Peter B. Fordney,
the ice man, wbe lives at 220 Seuth Queen
street, has been missing cblckena from bla
coop. He believed that there was a thief
In. the 'neighborhood, but wheever the
guilty party was he seldom took mere than
a pair or fowls at a time. Sunday morning
Mr. Fordney went' te his stable
te feed bis horses and be noticed,
in passing the cbloken exp, thst
several et the beards hsd been
tern off. He exsmlned the coop and found
that a white leghorn rooster and a blaek
hen, the only fowls et thst oelor that he hsd,
were gene. Mr. Fordney at ence begsn an
Investigation. In the yard waa a pile et
weed aba vin g.n, wbleb he Intended putting
en bla ler. He saw tracks In the ahavlnga
and also In tbe mud in the yard. He fol
lowed the tracks te Jacob Bewers' stable
and this waa easily done, aa the ahavlnga
bad clung te the msn'a feet and were scat
tered along the trail.; Suspicion at enes
fell upon Jeahua Blaek, a colored man, wbe
is employed aa a hostler by Mr. Bewers.
Mr. Fordney went te Alderman Spurrier's
and had a sesrch warrant Issued, wbleb be
put In tbe bands of Officer Sberlz. Tbe
officer went te Black's home en East Straw
berry atreet and made a search. It waa net
In vain, either, for be was successful In find.
Ing the stelen, chickens. They were In a
bag, which also belonged te Mr, Ferdney,
having been stolen seversl weeks age when
another pair et chickens waa taken. Black
waa at ence arrealed and the alderman com
mitted blm te jail In default et ball for a
The Surrey Mla and Plana Are lie lur Pre
pred Tbil Week.
Civil Engineer Slaymaker and bis corps
of assistants returned home en Saturday,
after making a survey for tbe proposed
read from Dlllervllie te Safe Harber. They
will prepare a plan this week and report te
tbe Safe Harber men, wbe employed them,
intbeearly part of next week. Starting
from Dillervllle the new railroad cresses
the Harrlaburg turnpike near E. H. Kauff
man'a properly, tbe Llttle Conestoga
near AbbeyvlIlP, thence tbreugh Millers
Vllle te the Safe Harber Iren werkr.
It the estimated cost Is satisfactory te tbe
projeotors a company will be organized, tbe
right bf wsy secured and the read built.
The Safe Harber works and a large estab
lishment at Ffcuinlxvllle are owned by the,
same party, and it is almost necessary that
they have direct connection. It can be
secured by tbe new resd connecting with
the Reading resd at Dlllervllie. Wblle
the read will be used mainly In Ihu Interest
el tbose Iren works, It will also com cem
msnd a fair sbare of the travel
from that station, as the dlstance
trem Safe Harber te this city by the new
read will be only ten miles. The new reed
will also be a convenience in tbe winter
sessen and early srrlni wen Ice gergus
prevent travel en the Columbia t Pert
Deposit railroad, as all the gorges are bo be
tween Sife Harber and Columbia. The
proposed Incorporators of tbe new read are
ssngulne thatlt will bea success financially.
LUt nl ITiieUlmed Letter.
List et unclaimed letters advortl.ied at
Lancaster, Ps., Monday, March 12, 1533.
Fee delivery tlilee :
iMtUea' Ut.i.Ua. E, Lebker.
event's Liitt. K F. Barr, Gee. J. Barry,
Jehn M. Bensen, A. Breuemsn, U. C,
Brlggs, Geerge W. Evens, Geerge Arneld,
S. D. Gaddy, J. Gin. Cyrus Usrman,
Jebn Hoever, James MeLenaghan, D. W.
Mlller, Frank M&cker, Jehn U Msuman,
II. E. Prendavllle, JnhnS. Rewe, Shuernau
Shulcu, C. A. Steven.
lVnat Uul. urler jreund.
narrlsburg Cerr. 1'htla. Press.
At a sala et unclaimed express packages
In this city, Colonel W. Hayes Grler,
superintendent of publle printing, paid $1
for a 'package, which, en being opened,
wsa found te contain some et Chairman
Uensei'a Democratic campaign documents
ARauMEitr res mcknsb concixdke
The rati List et These In the City Who Were
araatea a LIcmss Tegtthsr With the
Narnss or Thsee Who DM Met Have
Ged gettana te Oat Thais.
The hearing et argument aa te applies applies
tleas for license agwlast whleh remon remen
strances were filled waa concluded et, Sat
urday afternoon. Tbe oeurt announced
that licensee would be granted ea Monday
Tbe first arpltoatlen argued en Baturday
afternoon waa tbatet lsaw Albright, who
petitioned for a Ueense rer the Red Lien
hotel, Sadsbury township. The remon
strance against tbe license waa algned by
100 men and 2.V) women, but the only on en on
jectlen te the Ueense waa tbe bread tern tern
peranea position that a license te sell liquor
la net a neeaesary adjuuet te the auecesilul
keeping et a hotel.
Hixty.three residents et Druraere Eist
remonstrated against tbe granting of a
Ueense te Abner Rtneer en tbe same ground.
Fer both tbeae petitioners It waa argued
that a hotel Ueense was necessary te aooom aeoom aoeom
modste tbe traveling public.
Phlllpbaislsge claimed that he held
the legal leaaa far rtr.Minth ward te'.el
and his claim la disputed byHaery Fisher,
the present tensnt. After hearing theirgu-
ments of their counsel the further bearlngJ
ui ide aiiicaiiuu lur iioeavo wh uoibiite
unUl April 2d, by whleh tlme It will be
known who has possession of tha premises.
The following applications for license
were filed tee late: Gbrtatlsn Uflleman
and Elizabeth Kendlg, Oonestega ; G. AL
Smith, Hetel Lancaster; Charles Bube,
Mt Jey, and Heft and Baumler, Manheim.
In eaeh of these eases the oeurt granted a
rule te show oslise why the license should
be marked filed, as or February 13, the last
day ter filing applications, nunc pre tune
and at once made the rule absolute. The
clerk will advertise these applloatlena for
three weeks and tbe'oeurt will bear them
en Match, 20. This ruling would indicate
that there still Is a obsnea et Hetel Lancas
ter securing a license.
The oeurt Ibis afternoon granted tbe fol
lowing licenses:
First Ward, city Uenry Meimer, Geerge
8. Gyer, Jehn W. Frantz, J. A. Sprenger,
Michael Burns, L. B. Martin, William
Halls, Peter Ammen, Leuis Pistils, Jehn
B. Bissinger, Jacob Cramer, Klueneur &
Schaum, S. B. Kepperllng, Gustave A,
Relcbman, Gustave Meuderi, A C. Rabter,
Cuba W. Myers, KUinuel Rudy, David
Mingle, Adam Kublman.
Second Ward Jehn Copland, Henry
Rinsing, Theodere Wendltz, Charlea K.
Ochs, Setley & Bnsbeng, August H. F,
ttellatz, Charlea Vogt, Jehn A. Snyder,
Leuis Siegler, Wm. Rebluss, J, Frank Stl.
demrldge, Lawrence Knapp, Jehn Bruder,
Georga Flery, S. S. Martin, Jeseph Bar
nett, Charles M. Strlne, Gee. M. Miller,
Edward O. Hall, Jehn N. Stauffer.
Third Ward S. C. Kline, Jehn H. Bor Ber
der, Geerge Klrcher. Eugene Bauer, Jehn
W. Effieger, L. J. Happel, Adelpb Kluu
ger, Oscar B. Qreil, Lydla Cramer & Ellas
Fourth Ward F. W. Rehm, Peter Lela,
Geerge Hasting. Jebn Pentr, Abram
Hlsatand, A- P. Fulmer.
l'Vth Ward--l'hll!p Wall, Michael Sny.
Sixth Ward Petor Werth, Jehn Ran
alng, Philip Libzjlter, Jeseph Kama,
Frederick Walls, Adam Seyder, Jacob
Zortman, E. O. Ebr.
Seventh Ward susau Franctscus, jenn
Gunzenbenser, Cbrlsttan Bender. Edward
Delsley, Jacob Utzlnger, Martin Kublman.
Eighth Ward Albert Kehlbaua, William
Spyder, Margaret Fritz, Jehn Snyder, Vic Vic
eoria Diehl, F, E. Shread, F. M. Teufi).
Ninth Ward W. H. Delchler, Arneld
Hsa, Levi Miller, R. Fisher, Henry
Rohrer, Barbara Uerzeg.
The following lteenses were refused 1
Henrietta A, Albert, Charles E. Hester,
Geerge W. Hebeetz, of' the First ward;
Israel and Albert Kaulz, EllzibMh Da
verter, In tbe Second ward ; A. K. Hoff Heff Hoff
meler, In tbe Third ward ; Jehn W. Bru
baker In tbe Sixth ward ; Cenrad Shatffer
in tbe Eighth ward.
Judge Llvlngten announeed before tbe
granting of the licenses that the bondsmen
were liable ter all damages or coats in aulta
for violation of law,
la Columbia noreugh
Granted. JoaephSeblegamllob.Catberlne
Klau, Peter Bltner, August Weiss,
Matbtas Babwartz,, Mary C.
Warner, David B. Hlnkle, Jehn W. Hum.
mell, Jehn B. Hehlegelmllcii, Cenrad
Welmer, Geerge H. Erisman, Jebn Leber
gern, Jehn W. Brnbaker, Jehn K. Boegert
Martin Sebmldt, Jebn A. Blade, Jehn
K. Melzger, Aaren Snyder, Henry Shell,
Refused In Columbia Peter Melbert,
Cenrad Bltner, Leepild Blltner, Flerlan
Ueuck, Jebn Hodkey.
lie Cenlrt Met Whip Mitch 1 1 Tbe Struggle
KutUdln tbeltaln Alter Thirl J-
Nlne Itoeudi.
The Bulllvan-MitcbeU fight at Chantllly,
In France, en Saturday, waa an even
gloemior and mere depressing fiasco tbsn
the bsttle between Kllraln and Smith a
few months age ou au Island in the Seine.
It leek scsreely twenty minutes of sharp
fighting te show thst six years efabrntal,
dissipated lire bad sapped tbe once aston
ishing pewer- et tbe Amerlesn champion.
He could net close with bis wiry English
antagonist, and the effort te foree the fight
ing cost hi in all the strength which his
fatuous admirers counted ou ter the critical
rounds at the finish.
Then the rain cam?, drenchlng the pugi
lism and turning tue turf of the prize ring
Inte a mass et slippery mud. Mitchell
held out doggedly la the wet, but Sullivan
was seized wnn cuius, anu auer uiirry.nine
rounds most or them drsgglng and lnef
fectusl the contest ended In a draw. The
American pugilist cried with mortification
at bis Ignominious failure te make geed
the threats be bad been burling se lavishly
at Mitchell, Mltchell'a Iriends were
equally chagrined at their champion's In
ability te fight out a decided victory. The
credit, at auy rate, remained with the Lon Len Lon
eon man and It waa agreed en all bands
Hulllvau'H backers net excepted that tbe
Bosten prize tighter hsd met wun a sting
ing reverse, as crushing te but hopes of
international championship aa an actual
The bsttle was fought en the country
place et Baren Alphense KetbchIld, at
Apremont near Chantllly station. Sulli
van etlered big edas that be would win,
Tbe first round opened avageiy, Sulli
van, aa usuai, forcing the righting nnd
making one or two powerful rune The
American lauded his first blew, abtavy
left-hander, Just te tbe left et Mltcbell'M
Jaw. Tue Loudenor was dazed, but seen
get In a light return en Sullivan's chest.
Then be sparred cautiously about the ring,
warding offauesesslully two or three et bis
pursurer' leads, finally Sullivan get
angry and ruined in close. Ills lelt haad
fell In short, Mitchell dodging, but bis big
right fiat crushed sgslunt the unlucky
Eiillshman'a bead, and the wiry Lendener
fell In a heap ever toward the rope in bla
After half a minute or se Mitchell waa up
again, sponged oil and In the ring. Sulli
van seen followed, This time Mitchell
fought shy, retreating from eue part et the
ring te tbe ether, Sullivan's fisree rush
was tee mueh for blm, however, and the
two were closed. The first blew caught
tbe Lendener ou the chest, and Mitchell
staggered as it he had been hit by a pile
driver. He made a feeble effort te parry,
and then te run away, but another blew
from Sullivan's deadly right baud laid blm
tut en the turf near tue inmate 01 me ring.
Hlssecends lilted him ever te the corner,
whero a little sponging brought blm te In a
Frem tbe third round Mitchell fought a
waiting battle. Sullivan's frlenda claim
that the Araerleaa lest his wind In vain
eflerta te bit Mitchell.
Jehn L. SulUvaa, tbe American cham
pion, waa born about S3 yeara age. Hla
rather and mother are et Iriah birth, and
before Jebn came Inte tame were In needy
circumstances, but, It Is said te hla credit,
that when he waa making money rapidly
he made hla parents comfortable.
Hla education waa obtained In tbe Bosten
publle soheols, and, though mueh baa been
aald about hla being Ignorant, aueb Is net
the case. Among bis matea be earned a
great reputation aa a fighter, and before he
waa 10 tbe fame or the atreng boy trem tbe
Ulghlanda bad extended ae tar that be waa
looked upon by the spertlngmen et Bosten
aaa dangarnua fellow rer anybody te meet
Early in 1880 ha went te Mew Yerk and
met several borers et local fame, but
tbe first man or any notoriety he ever boxed
with waa JoeGees, whom he met In Bosten.
He knocked him out In three minutes.
Then be deleated Geerge Heeka in Mew
Yerk In tbe spring of 1880 ; time 7 minutes.
Professer Jebn Donaldsen, for a purse of
fSOO, at Clnelnnatl, Dec. 20, 1880, In 10
rounds ;Ume, SO minutes. Steve Tayler, at
Harry Hill's, Mew Yerk. March 31, 1681 ;
time 3 minutes. Jehn Jf.oed, ter a purse
et 11,000, with kid gloves, en a barge rip
tne uuaaen, near xenaers, May iu, ihsl, in
8 rounds 1 time, 10 minutes. Paddy Rysn,
for 15,000 and tbeobamplenahlpor America,
Mlsa, Feb. 7, 1882, in 0 rounds ; time ll
mlnutea. Jimmy Elliett, at Washington
park, New Yerk, J my 4, isaz, a rounds ;
time. 7 mlnutea, Tag Wilsen, at Madisen
Square garden, July 17, 1882, in 4 rounds ;
time, 12 mlnutea. Charley Mitchell, at
Madisen Hnusre garden, May 14. 1883. In 3
rounds s time 7 minutes. Herbert A. Blade
(tbe Maori), at Madieen Square garden,
Aue. 7. 188,1. In 3 rounds : tlme. 7 minutes.
In tbe rati el 1883 he made a tour et tbe
United States with a combination under At
HmltbY Who eflered $1,000 te any man who
WOUlu Stand ulrHLviv uiiu iuui ivuuun
Something like alxty metrfaCSd nlB-fertae
prize, eui tie out. Among
the beat known men be d tested are Captain
psuen, 01 imiosge, in minutes, jsek
Stewart, in SO second a Fred Robinson,
et Butte City, Men., January 14, 1881, in
2 rounds; time, 4 mlnutea. Geerge M. Reb
inaen, at San Franolseo, Msreh a, 1884, In 4
rounds; time, 0 minutes; Robinson wsnt
down 03 times te avoid punishment
Alexsnder Mark, at Galveston, Tex,, April
10, 1884, In 1 round ; time, I re, 66 s.
Dan Henry, at Het Springs. Ark., April
0. 1884,. In 1 round ; time, 2 minutes.
William Flamming, at Exposition build
lug, Memphis, Tenn, Msy 1, 1884, in 1
round ; time, 2 seconds. Euea Phillips, at
Maahvllle, Tenn., Msy 2, 1831, In 4 rounds;
time. 7 minutes. Frefessnr J, M. L.Uln, at
Madisen Square garden, Mev. 10. 1831, In 3
reunda ; time, 7 mlnutea. Air Greenfield,
at Madisen Square garden, Mev. 18, 1881,
In 2 rounds"; time, 0 minutes IS seconds.
Alt Greenfield, at Mew England Institute
building, Bosten, Mssa, Jan. 12, 1885, In 4
reunda 1 time, 12 minutes. Faddy Ryan
tbe police laterfeied and stepped the
match ; time, 30 seconds, at Msdlsen Square
garden, Jsn. 10, 1835. Jack Burke, at
Driving park, Chicago, III , June 18, 1835,
in 6 reunda ; time. 15 minuter. Domlntek
McCaffrey, Aug. 20, 1886, at Chester psrk,
Cincinnati, O,0 rounds ; time, 22 minutes.
Frank Herald, at Allegheny City, IV.,
Sept , 13, 1880, 2 reunda ; tba police stepped
tbe bsttle and the referee declared Sullivan
tbe winner. Paddy Ryan, at Han Fran Fran
ciseo, Gal, Mev. 13, 1880, 3 rounds,
Sullivan's laat glove contest wm with
Patsy Cardiff at Minneapolis, wbleb ended
in a araw, nuinvan Dressing ma wm.
Alter thla battle he retired te Bosten, waa
S resented .with a diamond belt, aed la
lovember, 1887, with Harry & Phillips, of
Montreal, be organized a combination, and
early la MevemDeraailed from Bosten- for
Londen. While la' the British Islea ha
made a tour, giving exhibitions with Jack
Ashton., Thay ware reeeivad exery where
with enthusiasm. Alter the Ktlrsln-Smlth
fight he challenged both men, but tha "deft"
was net accepted. He then ettered Smith
11,000 If be would aund before hlra six
reunda with aeft gloves, Marquis of Queens
berry rules. This also wss declined.
The match with Mitchell waa arranged
sometime before the Bmtth-IUlrsIn fight,
and hts backer, Henry Phillips, was greatly
blamed by tbe big fellow's frlendsfer allow
ing Mitchell te draw him Inte the affair, as
the latter bad everything te gain and noth
ing te lese,' and, the, champion hsd caes
befere demonstrated hts ability te de blm
up in abort order. The match was for
Mlwbell la et English blrtb, but of Irish
parentage. He is 2d yeara old, and weighed
in this tight 170 pounds. Uls early youth
baa alwaya been spoken of aa being very
abady. Hla firat publle appearanee as a
sparrer waa wben be defeated all oemera In
Billy Madden'a competition for heavy
weights In Londen. He also fought a draw
with Jack Burke. Then he was brought
ever for the express parpite of meeting
Sullivan. He fseed Mine Clesry, and de
rested blm In two rounds., Then he and
Sullivan bad tbelr celebrated " go " In
Madisen Square garden, in the second
round he bit Sully and knecked blm down.
The blew waa undoubtedly a chance one.
Sullivan get up like a flash and wsnt at hts
man ae neroely tbat he knocked him about
until tbe pollee interfered. One blew sent
Mitchell ever the ropes te the fleer. Captain
Williams asked Mitchell It be hsd enough,
and he answered tbat he had, and mere,
Mitchell madomeney boxing through the
country, but be never beatallrst-elass man
In America. Demlnlck McCatlrey detested
blm In a tour-round contest at Madisen
Square Garden. He tcught a aeven rennd
draw with Sheriff, tbe Prussian, and a
draw with Jack Burke In Mew Yerk, but
get tbe dlolalen tbe second time In Chlcsge.
lie ran away trem Alf Greenfield, and
Jack Dempseyohsllengod blm any number
of times, and finally drove him out et tbe
oenntry. He always hsd tbe reputation et
being a clever boxer and a very shrewd
fellow, wbe knew mere about taking care
or bla money than any et tbe figbterr. He
said many times that he did net care te be
known as a fighter but (or the money there
was in It. Outside of bis profession lie does
net rate very blgb, being se conceited tbat
bebas made many enemies and tewfrieRd.
He la married te the daughter et "Peny"
Moere, his millionaire backer.
After tbe fight en tbelr way back te
Chantllly tbe whole party were surrounded
by a squadron or geudarmes and taken Inte
custody. They were taken te Senlis, a
small town about four miles away, where,
alter several hours' delay, the spectators
were released, but the principals were
locked up and spent Sunday in Jail.
Londen, March 12 Sullivan and Mitch
ell both arrived In this city this morning.
Tbe former left at once for Liverpool,
Henry llersh Uail.
New Yerk, March 12. Henry Bertb,
tbe philanthropist, died this mornleg,
Ha Ii Recovering,
Dr. R. S, Stable, who was shot by Elmer
Relalnger In the Sens or Veterans' ball In
Yerk last weik, Is rspldly recovering, and
be says be la surely out of danger.
Ileal Shamrock.
Mr. J, W. Byrne, the enterprising nior nier nior
ehanr, ibis morning received a bunch of
real shamrocks. They caJie all the way
trem LlmerlcK and arrived in geed cendl
lien. They will be In geed time ler St,
Patrick's day,
IVlll steve te tin city.
Deputy Sheriff Levan will move hla fam
ily te this city, be having rented a home en
East Frederick street, which they will oc
cupy lu a few days.
A tlene Irjured.
On Saturday afternoon a street car en the
Mlllorsvllle line ran Inte a two boree team
00 Prince street, near the opera house.
Tbe only damage waa te eue of the herwj
which was sUghtly injured.
Ver tbe Scup reed.
Mayer Morten tcknewledgea the receipt
of 5 for the soup fund from Philip Letj-xalter,
jEU.xeniHsrri a Tiitiitsaii.
.eirrT.v irirt.vliwikeuM !."
.aM-,- .. -... v .VMMm
The encers VI he Will Ceadaet thai
Cbapal snaday Bsaoel-J. W. a. Nealaa
Obessa Bnfxrlatsnd
QrlflltJH te AtSsad Ceal
Regular Correspendsaoeot Imui
.1 "
Columbia, Msreh 12
brakeman running between
MM.4 nhllaitAl,.,.. lM.l..l,MfclH.J MM
tne nnnei, a anon aiatenee warn at mas'p
place, thla morning. Ha had Jaat aaaaTaa A
uuuiiuia anu wn rerarainp; t tnv new pa;
hla train whea he waa struck by Nw
killed. He waa ae wedged la tha
ery et the engine tbat the man waeiaaW
ered bla body were oempslled te aaeaaam
the tender te get blm out. Deputy OmMT
Hersbey erapannaled a jury and ytnUA'
me remains aiierwnieai.'wasy Mjeataaav
unm oevea o'etccK una eveaieg ta
Officers Elects.,
The following officers hs been
or Ceckraan ehapeLSunday school
lntendent, J. W. F. Newlen;
auparlnteadeat, O. K. Bauka;
Yeung; treasurer, O. M.Heflmaaiprudfalt
librarian, S. M. Stape; asetsteata, L'JtVf.VV
urayeui, v. w, meveaaoe, crsstassasasri;.
Percy McOauley, Samuel Hagbes, C.---W.X
N., Sf la nvA.1jk"trVkf. 'n, tienlea''
Mrs. T. .1. Wriaht: asslstsnt eraaais. Jai
AL. McOauley. ''
conditioner BlsCtarca, " 'Vfc-A' ' ,
Ray. E. a Griffiths will leave tawaats
Taesday for Philadelphia te attend tM.aaV
eating of the Method let oeBMraaHT.
Rav. e7inTHr7LihB town ouureB aa
excellent condition 1 en
debt and all money paid up en eusSNrifv
tienr. The total oeuactioaa auriaMM
year amounted te ever 16,100, aaa taw atta
slensry oelleoUone exeeedad tha, nrertea
year eyer 20. ' ?S-a
Death or a Colored Mui,M,&Mh
William Jeseph' Jeffersen, a wait' .saMwaV
colored resident, died at has besm 'eat MaV
day afternoon. -Tha death waa aasswl-jj,
kldney trouble after aa lllneea r,"sSja
days. Jeffersen had been living hatasaai
eight yeara and waa knewa te
person. Be bad a number of
but he waa beat known aa a barber
manipulator et the whitewash:
Where he came trem or hew old he waeisT
net known, aa the man Is wltheat a relate
in thla part of the country, and. the
of bla race in town knew nothing et. tail
antecedents. He was, a member atVta
Mount Zlen A. M. E. ehurch and "the
eral will be held In tbat ohareh ea Tatarse
alteration at 2 o'elook. v"yf -
PeiaonslanaOlherMetis. - W-v
Mr. Samuel S. Welsh, of Phllsdelrley !
en a visit te friends In town. i'-r"'
Dr. B. W. Geerke left tewa cm BataitrU
for a trip te dubs, la cempeay'wKa ltajtaf.
Bent, et tbe Pennsylvania ataal emtaaafv
Mr. Rebert Daatap, et Pbuadalfami
spent Sunday la town. . , '?'
Mr. B. Frank Sinner, of Harrlsbarg, waatr,
In Iran nn Hniuli. ae tha trnseA of Sfr. . '
J. """": - .T33vA,"
Hayes urier. yc ,fir-
Mr. Jehn T. Richards and family Witt
leave for Philadelphia! ea Tnaaday, wassaft
they will reside. , , .vf'i.3
TheWeslsjanUnlvaialty Oiaa:alB,;l'-rj
Mlddletewn, Conn., wlU appiar "kkijH$k
opera beuse en Thutsaay aveausj, Aprat ,
Jehn Lutz waa before' Squire KvaB;aV
Saturday afternoon ea tha eharga at a
sault and battery. The man. waa-walktag
en tbe atreet and a young boy, Baraad WlU
Fry, ran Inte blm. Lud became angry aa
gave tbe boy several severe kieks. 'Heiwaa -discharged
by paying oeita ,Mk
Mra H. MeLsnghlln had a narrow saeaaa', -from
Injury en Saturday, while wattlag
en. the, railroad. A passeagar trala,,wa
coming west aid Mrs. MeLiughUa, .Mpf
very dear, aid net near 1. appreaea. uma ;.-:
Sehlll pulled ber. from the track J eat ta staff;' -
train passed by. Vmr
four Tralnmsa of Uarrubarg ,IUUe--B7asf
I'Mieengere Badly Seaksa UsvS
IlAnutsnune, March 12. A herribta ca
tastrophe wltb fatal results oeonrred'oa saa
main line" et tbe Pennsylvania raUraaial,
a point Juat east or Uuntlogdeo, kBOsmaaT
"Nigger's Cat" at about 4 o'elook that M
morning. Tbree parsons, empleyaa et Ua
company, are known te be killed. Tba aa.
cldentwas an unavoidable one aad aaa-.
penedlna bad plaee aad under paaaliat;
circumstances. ii'.TivJ
It seems tbat while tha fltat aaattag at
Ma 0, known as Western Kxptaav
irtveiug at a nign rate 01 apsve, esa assawt 1
lieund freight Ualn waa being wraekad'am '
tbe opposite track and the can ware MBf
thrown Dromisenouslv ever both' the masa
tracks and en the tracks en which the pan' ;
sensor train waa running, and throng araav araav
ceuld be sent out te warn tbe faatapfreasa .
ing express of ita impending .asngar,
.k.JInlnlhn.l.hrll tllh fOTfel' IrjOOA.
throwing tbe engine upon Ita elda aa -M
wrecking several cara following It , rr.-
Tbe engineer, Rebert uaraaar, awarav
man. Charlea Mever, and tbe front brake
man, suppcued te be named Wagner, aUafa,
tuts city, were aiiieu wiu w iiiv
were sun under tne wrecx. no eoasie. , :-a
. l iiia4 k,. (h wai heAlervi- ll
shaken up and thoroughly frigbteaad. j
broken cars and engine, and three wreeew'. ,j
ing crena, ene iruui nuuuuuuii m ?
Alteen a and another from Midi in are all at w
the scene 01 me acciueu. uuei uu .
.. - ., A l . . trmMtt tt ''' J
te recover me uuu mu iw v .nm
.. a , mZ. ma BawamI NM.MB ?
allow ine iraiua iu irnm ,., ;
were also dispatched with tha wreekmfj'
.... . . .u .Imu. A'lt m1b. I-,- -
lerce 10 aueuu iu tue iujuieu. ah "yi
hnil, llri(tlnna era delavad. and It Will' k
take until night te clear the entire wraasv
from both tracks.
The Martin Itebbsr.
Henry O. MarUn, tbe maa who
robbed en Saturday morning aad
hntlflved te have been drugged, la all r
again. He bssentlerly recovered, but hatf;
nitt TMoiieotton or whst bsppeaad whlta
,.,,, ...... kl. rfi,arM Wltb Maah'
uaiJaue( uuuuw ,"-- -.
Mone or the property stolen baa baaa n
covered and It Is likely tbat It waa takeat
out of town, xne stolen waieu we srts
and the number waa 69,013. It waa
by H. Little, et Londen, England.
" ri.yi.
aO vlleeepni JtTl
Tba Cllotepblo aoeiety met en Frway; Frway; Frway;
ovealeg at tbe residence of tha Mtsaai;
Steloman,Na27WetOraege street. A
" .1 e S.I Tlf. In 14SLSSSSLaaaWHr
able assay ou "aoeia. uu. mj fJrgU
waa read Dy jr. - - rzm,'-ir
Among tbe speakers were Professer R, .-.!.
Scheldt, Baren Laea Ven Ojske, aad Hsr j
Dr. Themas G. Apple, tmswi ssaasjsya
will ea ai me n.uw- t$
,. -h.n Mia Allea Mevta watt
UJaMJs viiiii -- -,
read anesssvea "aarmaa Coapeaara.V ,
.$ '
Station Asss te Be Uatr.riase.
ThoResdlegralUoad will oernpet taasr
egents te wear a uniform of blue, wlwhawa
buttons, in the iutur?. Mr, Zeaglar, of W
Kieg aireet action, reeelvea worn sass
morning te provide himself with a jMlf.'fa
ouee. '
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