Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 09, 1888, Image 1

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    1 '",, IX
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Tmprw William Ftma te Hla
FiMl Int.
The virewn Ftlnca te Imti San Keme laarne
alatelr far BrllaQi- Victer! Sndl
Ooadetsace te tke Kejalry of Ike
Onmu Kmplre In
Londen Cpen the Receipt
of th. ettl New..
It wu announced en Thursday that the
Emperor William had died at 6:15 p. m.
The new was cabled te the United Preas
and Assoelsted Press and by them trans
mltted te the nawipapera they serve all
through the United States and Canada. All
the lionden evening newspapers published
it, exe'pt the Standard. Heme henra later,
however, it developed that the kalaer wsa
till alive, bnt likely te die before day
break. When the newa readied Londen,
Hlr Francis Knellya sent out note In hla
own handwriting', announelng that en ac
count of the death of the German emperor
te-day's drawing-room of the queen would
be postponed.
The premature report of the emperer'a
death bad Its origin in the fact that tie fell
Inte a death-like swoon at 5 o'clock and re
mained unconscious until 0 o'clock. He
afterwards fell into a qnlet sleep, which
lasted till 7 o'clock. Wine and ether liquid
nourishments are admlnlstered tohlmocoa tehlmocoa tohlmecoa
alonally. The report of the death of the emperor
created the wildest excitement The papers
that -published the report will be prose prese prose
euted. The telegraph offices at night were
thronged with people obliged te revoke
previous messages announcing the emper emper
or'a death.
The people outside the palace at 10 p. m.
were wedged together In a dense crowd.
Even feet travel was Impossible, The peo
ple refused te believe the denlsl of the em
perer's deatb,tblnklng that the fact waa be
ing .concealed. Heme stated that a telegram
bad baen sent te the crown prince asking
bis consent te the publication of the death
of tbe emperor.
Betweeu 8 and 10 p. ra. the emperor
greatly Improved. He repeatedly partook
nt soup and dranK one glass of ebampsgne.
He spoke te the doctors and expressed a
desire te get up, but waa net allowed te rise,
except partially, se that the bed might be
rearranged. Prices Bismarck and Prlnee
William paid the emperor a abort visit at 0
The doctors have net abandoned all hope
of the emperor's recovery.
The patient was frequently delirious at
abort Intervals during tbe day and at one
period, It is said, Imagined that be waa re
viewing a battalion el guard. Ills pulae
at neon was 108 The physician In attend
ance published an assurance that the som
nolent condition of bis majesty Is net tbe
result of tbe Injection of merphia.
An Imperial decree which was signed en
November 17 ha, been promulgated. It
provides ter tbe representation of tbe em em em
peroraed king by Prince William in tbe
discharge of tbe current government busl
nets. Following Is tbe text of tbe decree :
Considering the uncertain state of my
health, which compels me temporarily te
abstain from the transaction of atiatra, and
In view of tbe Illness and prolonged atr atr
aence of my aen, Froderlck William, 1
obsrgeyeur royal highness with all cases
where I believe representation necessary
in current government business, socially
signing orders, without a special order
being requisite en every separate occasion.
It is recalled in Berlin that March has
been an eventful month In the lire of the
aged Uebenzsllurn new dying In tbe Neue
Mibles. Ills mother, Queen Louise, waa
Dern March 10, 177S, William blmaelf was
born March 2, twenty-tbree years later.
It waa in March of 1810 wben bis father,
Frederick William 111, telt blmaelf near
death, that famous scene occurred in the
room of tbe Alte ScUlesa.
The declining kleg called his two sons,
Frederick William and William, and made
IhMti In hla nrtHnnp.n Intn hand, with thnlr
cousin, Nichols, czir of the Russia, and I
awear a permanent irienasuip Between me
two dynastle. Tbe tbree wen were then
45, 43 and 41 years old respectively, and tbe
compact bas lasted till the present day,
though both Mlobelas and Alexander have
long since gene te Jein their fathers. Beth
idled in March.
It was seventeen years age yesterday that
tbe victorious William broke up hla head
quarters at Versailles and turned bla face
homeward toward Berlin, which he had
left as a king and te which he was return
ing as kaiser, and new tbe but act of tbe
lengbtened and wonderful drama of his
life is ending in Marcb, and all Europe re
gards It a dubious question If the life of hia
eon aud beir can outlast tbe month.
Berlin, Marcb, 9. At 7 e'clcck this
morning the following bulletin was Issued:
After a light lllekerJng up or his vital
powers yesterday evening the emperer'a
weakness lncreased dnrlng the night and
has new attaint) J a high degrhe.
V6n Lauer.
TbeLatt Vital Pparlt evs the Emperor at
8.30 a. m. Te-Dar.
Binu.lM, Mareh P. Emperor William
died at 830 a. m. te-day.
Berlin, March 0 Prince Bismarck this
morning annennced the death cf Emperor
William In the Reichstag. He was deeply
moved as were all tbe membera of tbe
Reichstag. Minister Ven Puttksmer made
the announcement In tbe lower Heuse.
Tbe bourse la closed en acoeunt of the
em,"wer'a death.
W?eu Prince Bismarck entered tbe
RelehsU's. at 1233 thla altorneon, he de
posited the Imperial erder, closing the ses
sion. The order was the last official docu
ment algned by the late emperor. Prlnee
Bismarck Informed the Reichstag that
Emperor Frederick will leave Sin Re me
te-morrow, and that be will arrlve at Bar
lln In due course of time.
The Heuso received tbe communication
with evident eatlsfactlen ; the mere se be
cause Berr Ven Paltkamer in announcing
tbe death of Emperor William te tbe
lower Heuse of the Diet had net alluded te
the new emperor. Thli emission bad
ereated a pilnlul impression.
Prince Bismarck declared thai from what
ha bad observed during the last few days
Emperor WlllUm bad leund consolation In
these trying bouts In the sympathy tbe
hole world showed for tbe tutlerlugs of
Ilia sin. and In hla consciousness et the con
solidation et national unity which found
expression In the unanimous passage
of tbe military bill. The Reichstag then
adjourned for an Indefinite period.
Alter tbe adjournment Pitnce Bismarck
descended from tbe elevated seats occu
pied by the members of the Bundesratb
into the body of tbe Heuse and greeted
Count Ven Meltkr, Tbe members crowded
around blm as he showed tbe order dis
aalvlng tbe Relcbstsg, all being anxious te
see the last signature of tbe emperor.
Berlin, March 0. At the opening or tbe
lower beuse of tbe Prussian Diet, today,
Herr Vea Pultkamsr, vice president of the
ministerial council, arose and said : " 1
htve tbe sad duty te make a meit painful
communication te the Heuse. It baa
classed Oed te call bis majesty, In tbe
IWtnty-elgbth year of bU glOilOM Mil,
from fcte earthly extsteeee by a peace
fal death at 830 o'eteck this aaeraleg.
Yea will aet expect meat this most eeleaaa
aaeeaeat, wheat Berrow aad eare be deeply
stir ear hearts, te attempt te depict the
teeHage with whleb. the whole aaUea te
allied Uu-eaga the leta of ear most beloved,
exalted aad veaerable raler. I may, hew I
ever, eatery aad eeafldeatly say ea thla day
of sere trial that the Prussiea people aad
their repreaaataUvea will bow. aaerethaa
0Ter,be penetrated by the eoaseteaaBeea that
the eorrewa of our exalted sovereign's
house are theirs sad that the deeper the
BBlvereal pain at the dseease of ear ever
remembered k!ar, '.the stronger aad mere
ladlseoleble will be tbe lick uniting Prus
sia's severelga house aad Prussia's people
la geed aad evil days. I leave It te your
selves te take sueh resolutions as STB suit
able te the gravity of the situation."
Herr Vea Reller, the president of the
Heuse, closed the sitting with the words t
"Oed protect the royal house aad tbe
Londen, Marcb, 9. Queen Vioterla and
the Prlnee of Walee were Informed of the
death of the emperor at 030 o'clock thla
morning. Bpeclal messengers Informed
tbe" ministers, tbe Prlnee el Wales, the
foreign embassaders, various members of
the Heuse of Lords and persons prominent
la political circles.
The excitement of yesterday has been re
newed and tbe German embassy Is be
sieged with callers. In consequence of
yesterday evening'a oenflloUng rumors the
definite news of tbe emperor's death waa at
first received credutently. The flags en tbe
public buildings were placed at half mast,
and tbe notiee of the emperor's decease was
posted en the bulletin beards of tbe news
papers. Ltrge crowds gathered about the
newspsper calces and many were the ex
pressions of sorrow and regiet mingled
with sympathetic remarks as te hew the
death of the emperer would affect the new
emperor (Frederlek William.)
Londen, March 0 Queen Victeria en
receiving the newa of Emperor William's
death aent a message of condolence te the
Empress Augusta at Berlin, and another te
the crown prince at Han Reme.
Tbe king and queen 6t the Belgians hsve
arrived here te attend tbe silver wedding
of tbe prlnee and princess of Wales. Tbey
started from Brussels previous te the re
ceipt of the announcement of Emperor
William's death.
Londen, March 0.-11:15 t. m. Prlnee
Henry of Battenburg, the queen's son-in-law,
haa conveyed te Count Veb Hatzfeldr,
theGermtn ambassador at jjonden, a mes
sage from Queen Victeria expressing her
sympathies at tbe death of tbe emperor.
Han Rkme, Mareh 0. The crown prince
and princess of Germany will leave San
Reme immediately for Berlin.
San Reme, Marcb 0 Tbe emperor of
Germany (Frederlek William) paised a
fairly geed night. During Iba early part
of the night be was restless, but he alert
better afterward.
Frederick Wil Urn VrecUlm.d Emperor,
Berlin, March 0 Frederick William
waa this morning proclaimed by tbe Reich
stag Frederick 111, emperor of Germany
and king of I'rusali.
The subsidised tbeatrea throughout tbe
empire are closed.
Tbe Staats Avzleger publishes tbe fol
lowing proclamation : " It haa pleased Ged
te rail his majesty, the emperor and king,
our most gracious master, from lite alter a
ahert illness and alter a richly blessed
reign. Tbe whole nation mourns with tbe
royal house tbe decease ct tbe deeply be
loved and venerable monarch whose wis
dom has ruled se long and gloriously evor
Its fortunes In war and In peace."
(Signed) The Minihter or State.
Tbe emperer expired while In a halt re
clining position upon a camp bedstead.
Tbe members of tbe royal family, exeept
the crown prince, were alt gathered about
him, and nnmereua court dignitaries and
ethers filled the room. Prlnee William
during tbe last moments of his grand
father bent ever the couch intently watch
ing him.
Eyewitnesses of Iho scenes st the death
cttfae empeier state that during the last
few hours el bla life he Buttered no pain.
Shortly alter 8 o'elock all tbe members of
tbe family stsylng at the pilaee, tbe court
dignitaries, generals and ministers
of state were summoned te tbe cham
ber in which the emperor lay dylep.
Tbe emperor waa in a ball Bitting position
en a camp bedstead. Tbe members of tbe
royal family took places at tbe bedside.
Tbe room was crowded, Prince William
standing nearest the emperor, half bend
ing ever tbe couch. He earnestly watched
tbe face of tbe dying monarch until be
expired. Tbe emperer'a remains lie cov
ered with a white cloth en tbe bedstesd en
which be died in tbe imperial chamber.
Tbe body la surrounded with candles. Tbe
expression of tbe lace is extremely peace
ful and placid. Tbe membera of tLe royal
family lelt tbe pilaea at 10 e'clcck.
Divine sorvtee will be held In the
mortuary chamber te-night. The catbedral
choir will poiferni the choral parts of tbe
The emperor died holding the hand of
bis wife, tbe Empress Augusta.
Tbe attendants at tbe emperer'a bedilde
say that the death stupor commenced at 3
o'clock this morning. At 0 o'clock tbe
dying emperor was dellrlem ler a brief
Interval. During thla delirium It Is re
ported he exclaimed: "I am a man of
peace, but If Russia forces me te war 1 wll(
faithfully fide with my ally Austria."
Tbe burial will be In tbe mausoleum at
Reme, March 9 The Chamber el Depu
ties will adjourn, as a mark of respect te
tbe late Emperor William.
Londen, March V The general Impres
sion is that tbe death of Emperor William
will have no etlect en the atlalra of Europe
and tbe situation will remain unchanged
while Prince Bismarck lives.
Paris, Match 0 The Libtrte this morn.
Ing says : "It msy be said te tbe honor
of France that her old chivalrous spirit
bas en this occasion silenced the voice of
national passion. Among all clatset of so
ciety the fate of tbe Emperor William and
hia son is tbe subject of most sympathetic
concern. We can no longer regard aa
enemies that venerable monarch sinking
into tbe grave or tbe prince, In the prime
of life, whose existence la ebbing away. We
are Irresistibly touched at their late and
with the (acred volume we reverently ex-
r1.1m ; Hew am the mluhtv fall,-.' "
Other French papers comment at great
length en tbe results of tbe succession of
Prince William te tbe throne or Germany
and en the probability of war,
Paris, March 0. President Carnetbas
telegraphed bla condolences upon tbe death
of Emperor William, te the new emperor,
Frederick III, at Han Reme.
Vienna, Marcb 9. The Auitrlan
Relcharath adjourned te day upon the an
nouncement of Emperor William's destlj.
Crown Prince Rudelph will attend tbe
St. PETERsnune, March 0. The emper
let theatres have been ordered closed out ut
respect for the memory of Emperor Wil
liam. St. Pit mbchq, Mareh 9. The Russian
p.ess BBalatalns a very respectful tone In
makleg comments apea the death of Em
peror William. Heme papers, however,
express aneeelaees regarding the possible
political consequences the death may cause.
Londen, Msrch a General surprise la
manifested here ever tbe fact that Parlia-
taeat does be adjourn la consequence of
the Kaaperer William's death.
Paris, Mareh a The Chamber of Dp
ultes has net adjourned.
Washington, Mareh a Tbe Germaa
legaUea la thla elty was cffletally informed
of Emperor Wllllam'a death early this
morning by a telegram from tbe Irea chan
cellor. The message states that the aged
monarch passed peacefully away at half
put eight o'elock thla morning.
Intonating News About ths Batty X-ITa or the
Dtad German Belcr.
The habits of the Emperor William are
thus described by the Berlin Tagblatf.
At 7 o'clock in the mernlngc valet entered
the emperer'a bedroom wltb a small cop of
tea, which hla majesty drsnk before he
arose. In former years It was bis custom
te rise when he lelt that he bad alept long
enough, and te go at once te hla dressing
room, bnt recently, npen the recommenda
tion of bis physicians, be made it bis habit
te lie in bed for an hour and a-hslf after
waking. At 830 the emperor quit his bed,
and with very little assistance, dressed
himself. He had three personal at
tendants, who took turns in waiting
upon him for twenty-four hours at a
time. Tnese were bis wartrobe-mae,Engle,
and hla two valets, Ukermaiker and
Kransr. At I) o'elock tbe kaiser went te
bis library, where be breakfasted usually
en tea and toast. On Tuesdays and iTil
days breakfast was served about twenty
minutes earlier than uiunl, and by 0 o'clock
his msjesty was in bis study, where he re
ceived the report of tbe president or poller.
On ether dav tbe empeier did net begin
work until 0:20. His first business was te
open letters and sign documents Punc
tually at 10 o'clock rierr von Wltmewski,
theoblefef the civil cabinet, arrived for a
brief Interview, and from that hour audi
ence succeeded audience until 1230, wben
the emperor took his second breakfast.
Tbia Invariably consisted of a basin el
plain soup and some meat of an easily
digested kind. Tbe menu for breakfast
and for dinner was drawn up by a physi
cian In consultation with tbe cook, and
then submitted te tbe emperor, who gen
erally made some slight alteration, but
there Is no foundation for tbe stories that
bave been told of hia Inordinate fondness
for bot-belled lobsters and crab. Tbe
doctors ordered the kaiser te drink a glass
of geed old Berdeaux with his breakfast,
aawell aa wltb bla dlnner, but tbe em
peror cared little ler wine, and compro
mised tbe matter by deluging tbe Cbateu
Margeux wltb natural aellzsr water. When
tbe guard waa ebanged tbe emperor seldom
failed te appear at the well-known window
of bis palace te return tbe salutations of
tbe crowd whleh was alwaya assembled
without. Alter the second breskfaat there
were mere audiences aud Interviews, until
It waa time for' the emrerer te take bis
dally drive. He usually returned at about
3 o'clock and resumed work. Between 3
and 5 tbe higher officials of the empire bad
audience, aud at 6 dinner waa announced.
It lasted one nnur, and immediately after
ward tbe emperor went back te bis study,
wbere for au hour he read tbe newspapers
of tbe day, or bad passsgea from tbem read
te him. Ai7beerdered bis carriage, audit
be bad nothing mere Important te de, went
either te the theatre or te tbe opera. He
bad alwaya been a great lever of tne drama,
and waa very unwilling te allow anything
te Intertere with his evening'a enjoyment
of It, yet he bad for many years, made it a
rule never te go te tbe theatre while ib
body of one et tbe leaders of bis armies or
of any old political servant lie unburjed.
Wben tbe emperor returned from tbe thea
tre tea-was served and some tlme spent In
soelal conversation, but at about 10 o'clock
his msjesty went once mere te bis study te
give attention te any pressing matters that
may bave come up during the day. Wben
he bad dealt wltb these he weut te bis room,
and at 11 o'clock tbe valet of the day left
blm, taking avtny tbe lamp and leaving a
lighted night light en the table by tbe bed
aide. Tbe emperer slept uncommonly well,
and tbe twinkle of tbe electric bell which
rang In tbe neighboring room, in wnlch
aat the valet en duty, was very seldom
beard during tbe night
The kalanr liked te have a vase filled
with corn-flowers en his study table and
declared that It there be no corn flowers
there would be no work done. Flowers
for this vase were therefore specially grown
in a forcing-beuse at Petsdsm all tbe year
round. Fer making marginal notes upon
public documents tbe emperor used a long
and very thick nenell. This also had te
lie- epeciaUy-prepaicd-fer blm-but-fr-
years ue used an erdtuary carpenters
pencil, and be only relinquished It wben it
was represented te blm that tbe aeltness
et tbe lesd caused his writing te smear
and beoeuio Indecipherable. Hia Msjesty
neuner smexea nor toeK snun, ana any
spsre moments that might beat hiadlspesal
during tbe day were spent with tbe em.
press, in whose presence be wis alwaya
most punctilious and attentive. At tne
time of the attempted assassination of tbe
emperor at Nebllng, in 1878, tbe empress
was In very bad health, aud abe was un
able te go te her husband's room until some
days alter tbe event. At last she dragged
herself down stairs te bis apartments,
ejaculating. "Hew bappy Iaball be te see
tnee again t ' tub Kaiser, wutae room waa
full et officers, and wbeBe deer was open,
beard her, and laughingly shouted, 'Well,
come along, wile I come along!" aud wben
tbe empress appeared both burst Inte tears.
Menace or tbe frcsliltut In Kt.peD.e te m
B.Date Kl.Jlallea.
President Cleveland has sent te the
Senate tbe following ireitnge :
Te tbe Ken ate : A copy et tbe following
resolution passed by tbe Senate en tbe first
day of tbe present month wai delivered te
me en the 3 J Instant :
"Resolved, That in view of tbe difficulties
and embarrassments that bave attended the
regulation of the Immigration of Cblnese
laborers te the United States, under the
limitations of our treaties with Coins, the
president of tbe United States be requtsteJ
te negotiate a treaty wltb tbe emperor et
Cbina containing a prevision tuat no
CnlneFe laborer shall enter tbe United
Tbe Importance of the subject rtfdrred te
In tbls resolution bss by no means been
overlooked by tbe executive branch et tbe
government, charged under the constitu
tion wltb tbe formulation of treaties with
feregin countries. Negotiation wltb tbe
emperor of China ter a treaty such as Is
mentioned In said resolution was com
menced many months age and bas been
since leiulnued, Tbe pregrets of tbe
negotiation thus Inaugurated bas heretofore
been freely communicated tosueh members
of tbe Senate, and el Its committee en
foreign relations aa sought Information
concerning tbe same. It is, however, with
much gratification that 1 deem maelf new
Justlfibd in expressing te the Senate, In
reeponse te lis resolution, tbe bope and ex.
pectatlen that a treaty will seen be con
eluded concerning tne Immigration of
Chinese laborers which will meet tbe
wants of our peapleand tbe approbation of
tbe body te which it will be submitted for
Grever Cleveland.
Executive Mansion, Marcb U, 1838.
Murdered At HI. Own Doer.
Peter Veelker, a well-known atone con
tractor, waa murdered In front of bla own
doorway en Soho street, Pittsburg, In the
presence of bis wife, about 1130 o'clock
Wednesdsy night by a stranger who bad
followed blm from tbe city. Tee murderer
fled, but afterwards returned te gate upon
tils vletlm's ghastly fsce. He was recog
nized by Mrs. Veelker, but before abe
could give tbe alarm be escaped and baa
net yet been apprehended. The cause of
tbe murder la a mystery. Veelker was an
iueQsnslve German and quite well te dr.
He leaves a wife and three grown-up chil
dren, .
-Tka ce.lasis ei a Merasrsr immrcttaTsir tre
estilBg His IUD(te(-H. Takes Held of ike
Bep., Bsamvef a ths Hallows and Stakes
a Bpsech-Wa-nst's Hiatal Or I in.
Louisville, Ky., March 0, Maey War
ner waa taken from the jail at Jeflsraon Jeflsraen
Tille, Ind., te tbe scafleld at 10:30 o'clock
thla morning. He was perfectly eslm and
collected and was accompanied by Rsv.Mr.
Reberta and W. H. Sheet r. and several
etherr. He. walked upon the steps with a
firm tread "and examined the trap very
oely, dangling the rope up and down with
out a shade of fear. When he took held of
the rope he laughed and said : ' I am
ready it yen are." Warner made a speech
en the aoafTeld. Tbe drop loll at 10:50
o'clock. The exeltemsnt In Jefleraenvllle
Is intense. Thousand of people surround
the J all.
Warner's crime, for which he was exe
cuted today, was committed en the after
noon of Friday, April 10, 18 S7. At tbe time
he waa aervlng a twenty one y ears' aentence
for manslaughter In tbe Iud lane state prison
south at Jifl'er son villa. He was employed
as a runner In tbe shoe shop, his dutlea
consisting et carrying vrark te tbe ether
men ana keeping a general supervision
ever them. In the same department em
ployed aa a machine hand was Frank Har
ris, who waa serving a term of three years
for grand laroeny. The two men had quar
relled when Warner secured a sharp ahee
knife and walking up behind Harris cnt
hla threat, causing death In a few minuter
Cleveland and tilatne.
Annapolis, Md., March 0 The agent
et the United Press bss called the roll of
the members of the general assembly upon
tbe question of tbelr individual J referencea
for candidates of tbe Democratic and Re
publican parties respectively for the presi
dency of the United States, with the follow
ing result :
Democrats Grever Cleveland 70, David
B Hill G, Themas F. It.yard 1, Allen G.
Thurman 1.
Republicans James O. Blaine 11, Jehn
Sherman 3, Walter Q. Gresliani 3, Wm. M.
Evarts 1, Roeceo Cenkllng 1, Chatincey M.
Depew 1.
ThsUlll 1'a.s.d II-tbe N.tiat. llr a
Eoit-lenr te Slstceu.
Tbe dependent pension bill was en
Thursday passed by tbe Senate, by a vote
of 41 te 10, all amendments being atruck
out that were suggested. The following
Democrats favored tbe bill : Bledgetr,
Brown, Faulkner, Geerge, German, Hamp
ton, Kenes, Mcl'hersen, Pugb, Turpls,
Voorhees and Walthall. The full vote was t
Yeas Aldrleb. Allisen, Blair, Bledgetr,
Rowen, Brown, Cameren, Chace, Chandler,
Cullem, Davis, Dawes, Delph, Farwell,
Faulkner, Frye, Geerge, German, Hate,
Hampton, Hawley, Utscoek, Hear, Ieualle,
Kenna, Mnfheraen, Manderson. Mitchell,
Paddock, Palmer, Payne, Piatt, Pugb, Rid Rid
dleberger, Sawyer, Sbermsu, Hpnnner,
Stewart. Steckbrlriae, Teller, Turple, Voor
hees, Walthall, Wilsen, of Iowa 44.
Mays Bate, Beck, Berv, Blackburn,
Gcckrell, Coke, Colquitt, Dinlel, Eustls,
Gibsen, Harris, pasae, Reagan, Naulsbury,
Vance, Wilsen, el Maryland 10.
Tne pairs announced were Evartaand
Morgan, Edmunda and Jenes, et Arkan
sas ; Sahln and Call, Ransom and Jenes, of
Nevada ; Vest and Plumb.
The bill grants pensions le ex soldiers
and sallera who are Incapacitated for tbe
performance of manual labor, and provid
ing for dependent relatives of deeeased
soldlera and sallera, The bill will proba
bly pass tbe House Heuse
Mr. Blair Introduced in the Senate en
Thursday a bill for the rellet of soldiers of
the late war who were discharged alter
three month' service, who are new disa
bled and dependent upon their own sup
port, and also providing for tbe relief of
parentaef soldlets whedled in the aervlce
of sickness. It is Identical with bis bill of
last ear en the same subject.
WliJIIeW". K.leasrd.
Jehn Lesney, tbe famous prisoner sent
up from Cincinnati In September, 1880, for
a term of tbree years for Illegal voting, bas
been paroled by tbe beard or penitentiary
managers. Tbe psrole was rocemmonded
by the Jury-whteh convletod blm, and It Is
also understood that some of tbe Hamilton
county membeia In the legislature favored
tbe action. Lnsney was a mere tool of tbe
gang which stutfed the billet boxes In tist
city In 18S0 and also forged the tally sbeete.
Tbe parele Is understood te be en the prin
ciple that a tool should net be unduly pun
ished and the principals allowed te escape,
as they did in that ejse.
Urenfcennesa Net Contributory Nogllgcue.
Judge Van Wyck, of tbe general term nf
tbe New Yerk supreme court, bas bandei
down a decision revorsleg tbe findings In
the case of James Lynch sgalnst tbe elty,
and ordering a new trial. Lynch bad,
while intoxicated, fallen down an embank
ment through tbe alleged dufeutlve con cen con
edltlen et the streets xnd rocelvedsevore In
juries. Judge Vsn Wyck, in bis decision,
asys tbst Intoxlcutlen of itself Is net con
tributory negllgene., and holds that the
city Is bound te keep the streets In geed
condition as well for tbe drunken man as
tbe sober man.
Th. Salt At arest Siuiuel flans.
The case et Samuel Clan, or the la te firm
of J, S Gans, Sen A Ce , Xew Yerk,cuarged
wltb obtaining, under false prntenaes, 113
cases of tobacco, valued ntever f3 000, from
the firm of G Falk&Oe, Se. 171 Water
street, was under examination In the Yerk
vltle pollce court, befere Justice Welde,
Thursday, Mr. (Jans Is a well known so
ciety man, a member of various leading
social organlzttlenH and a vey pepultr
man In bis Urge circle of acquaintances.
Mr. O. Falk, the head of the Una of com
plainants, testified that Gans, in tbe
opacity of a breker or commission mer
chant, sold the tobacco In question for
Falk it Bm, and gave bis uote for tbe
amount, Tbe further bearing or tbe case
was adjourned till Saturday morning.
Death el Ca.blar Touilleion,
T. II. Tomllnten, thoeishlerof tbe Ilrad Ilrad
ferd National bank, who was shot en Tues
day by Geerge A. Kimball, the burglar,
wblle trying te protect tbe batik's money,
died Thursday altorneon. The remains
will be taken en Saturday te Philadelphia,
where bla parents live, for Interment,
Welch, tbe butcher, whom Kimball shot
while pursuing blm, Is net expectel te
Tbe body et the dead buriflitr, who ahet
himself wben lie saw there was no hope cf
escaping the crowd In pursuit of htm, was
ablpped te Mlllerten, I'a , wbure be will
be burled.
8t, Anlneur'. Ctiline el 11.11.
Tbe three large bell-, cast by MoSbane.ef
Baltimore, fur St. Antheny church, this
city, weighing respectively l.fcO'J, 1,300 and
900 pounds, were received te-day at tbe
Pennsylvania railroad freight depot and
will be taken te the churuheu TucaJay or
or Wednesday next. la N.ll 1'rlcei.
At a convention of Western cut nail
manufacturers held Thursday, In Pittsburg,
the price of nails waa unanimously ad
vanced te the t-U0 card rate.
Ueleraln'. N.w restmastar.
F. M. Stevenson has been appointed pott pett
master at Celtraln.
Elaborate Prparatl... Teat are Making te
Rtc.ive Buhep BfcOevtrn.
Elaborate preparallena are being made
for the reception et Very Rev. Father Me
Govern, the blebep-elr-nt of the Hsrrlsburg
diocese, this evening. He will arrive In Har.
rtsbnrg from New Yerk at 0:03 o'clock. An
escort et Catholic clttssns of Harrlsburg will
proceed te Lancaster and set aa a guard of
honor te Hsrrlsburg. There will be a pre.
oesslen of societies sad eltiasns from the
depot te the cathedral. Yerk, Chambers,
burg, Sleellen and ether places will send
large delegations. There will be an ad
dress of weloemn by Very Rev. M. J. Mc
Brlde, te which Bishop McGovern will
respond. On Sundsy the consecration and
Installation ceremonies will take plae.
The blahep will arrive In Lancaster en
the 7:50 r tn. train, and will be met here
by the united oengregatlona of St. Mary's,
8L Antheny's and St. Jeseph'a Uatholle
churehes. A committee of Knights of Mr.
Jehn will set aa escort te the distinguished
prelate from Lancaster te Uarr I burg. Tben
all will proceed te the latter elty by tialn
te take part In (he pigsant of thla evening.
Great numbers will take advantage of the
cheap round trip rates, 1144, te go up te
see this evening's parade in Uarriaburg.
A special train will leave Yerk en Sun
day at 8:30 a. m. for Harrlsburg for tbe oon eon oen
secration ceremonies. The Knights of St.
Paul and SU Patrick's Benenelal asserts,
tlen will attend In a body. Tbe fare will
be ninety cents tit the round trip. Re
turning, the train will leave Harrlsburg at
7:30 p. tn.
narARTuna or Tnn KNiaitTs.
The original pregramme was fjr the
bishop te arrive here en the Fast Line and
tbe Knights el St. Jehn arranged for a spe
cial ear te go te Harrlsburg en that train.
Tbe change of tbe hour et bis arrival was
made known loe late for the knights tn go
en any ether train and tbey went te Har
rlsburg at 2 o'clock, leaving behind a guard
of honor te meet and escort the blibopte
the episcepal residence at Harrlsburg. Tbe
knights assembled at their armory at 1
o'elock tbls afternoon and headed by their
own band et music, In full knight unirorre,
marulied In tbe depot. Tbey were com
manded by Fred. K. Shread with Martin
Dllllch and Thee. F. MoElllgett as lieu
tenants. They made a fine appearance en
tbe atreet and attracted great attention.
About 1.0C0 people were gathered at the
2 p. ui. train te-day In the expectation that
the bishop elect would arrive.
TiiE nAitntsiiuna committee.
Tbe committee of altlxens et Harrlsberr,
et wbich the following Is a complete list:
William P. Dennbey, Mlebael MoCleskey,
Rebert Sites, William Klrby, Oharlea Mc
Carthy, J. P. Debeney, James Brady,
Geerge U. Seurbler, Oallauguan McCarthy,
P, P. Bradley, Andrew Meyer, Themas
Burns, Philip McGIII, Andrew Kelffer.
Jehn Stabb, will arrive lu this elty en the
Day Express and be received by a com cem com
mittee of the Knlgbta el S'. Jehn.
Havcral A piilieatlen. K. e.lvlng Conildtratten
by the Court.
The court beard argument en Thursday
afternoon as te the application of B. Frank
Raker, of Warwick township, for a license.
There was a numerously signed petition In
favor or granting tbe license and the re
monstrance against tbe license contained
many name'. Tbe place for whleh tbe
license la asked Is located st the railroad
depot, In the basement. Fer tbe llesnse It
was argued that It had enjoyed a restaurant
lleense for twenty years,and that tbla place,
by reason or its location, was necessary for
the oenventenco of tbe traveling public en
the Reading railroad. Fer the romon remon romen
strance It waa argued tbat the place was net
necesssry, and that It did net have any
hotel accommodations,
The bearing of tbe applications for tbe
Ninth ward hotel lloense (fur which there
nre two applicants, Philip Dasslnser and
Henry Flsber,and each claim te bave leased
the place) was continued se that depoaltlena
could be taken te establish which one Is
entitled te the lease.
Counsel for the remonstranee against tbe
license of J. Milten Heep,of Bart township,
asked ter a rule te show cause why a num
ber el the names or tbe signers of tbe addi
tional petition for a llcense should net be
stricken oil because they are net residents
of the township, The court decided that
as the application had been already argued
It was tee )ate te re-epan tbe argument.
The remenstrsnee te the distillery ll ll
ceneo et Jacob F. Sbatflar, 7tb ward, cltfi
waa argued this morning. Tbe remec
atrance was signed by fifteen owners of
property near the distillery. Fer tbem It
was claimed that when Mr. Shaeirar bought
tbe let of ground the understanding
was tbat he would erect three dwelllng
beuses and instead he erected a distillery.
It was also claimed that tbe odors from tbe
distillery would be eflanslve te the neigh,
Fer Mr. SbaetTar It wn stated tbat he
never in ado an agreement or had any
understanding net te erect a distillery. It
was denled tbst odors from a distillery
were oflenslve te tbose living neir It. De
cision was reserved.
BUien & Cawlliern's Company Freaent TbU
Cumnil te m Lrg-. Audience..
The best comedy of tbe season was tbat
produced by the Slasen & Cawlheru com.
piny In Fulton opera bouse !aU evening.
Tbe troupe is net as large as claimed
en the pregramme, but it centslns enough
members te keep tbe audience In rearing
laughter during tbe tbree long acts, a
school room was lu view wben the curtain
rolled up at 8 o'clock. Tbe scholars ap
peared snd were seated. Presently Har
ney O'UraOy, Mr. H. S. Cawlheru, a sub
stitute teacher, entered tbe room and upon
bis duties. Tuea the fun begsn. His
examination of the pupils In geog
raphy and grammar was up te tbe
high water mark of humor. Wfaetber
white seated en a high s'.oel at a high desk
or trouncing the belllgerent youth tbe
schoolmaster displayed bis ability te main
tain tbe dlgully of bis profetslon, The first
act ended tiy tbe lawyer, a character ably
taken by Mr. Gee, E. Payne, being blown
by dynamite through the fire place
and lauding In tbe centre of the tiboel
room. In tbe second act was seen tbe farm
el Jiarnty. By a movement of scenery a
mill was shown, and the bursting of tbe
Mllferd dam, whlcb caused tbe mill le
float away, was very realiatht,, and oilled
forth wild spplsuse. A finer rcene haa
seldom been used here. The work
of II. S. and J. Cawtbern, Irish
and Dutch comedians, was flrst-ulass
Mils Joule Slsseu as Utile Kugget sang
and acted in extra geed atyle ; and
Oscar Slsien, the foolish boy, must be ac
corded special pratae for his part.
Tbe audience was large, but tbe company
deserved a crowded bejse. Tbe gallery
was completely tilled, tbe parquette cltcle
seat, nearly all eccuple J, but the parquette
could bave held several hundred mete.
D.ata et Mi. Margaret Itobluseo.
Mrs. Msrgaret Robinson, a sister of Mr,
Jehn R. Ruitell, and mother of tbe late
Rebert T. Robinson, died tedayat her tea
ldenre, Ne. 114 East Chestnut street, alter
a llngetleg Illness. She waa a prominent
'member of tbe First Presbyterian church.
Her funeral villi take place en Wedntadsy
at 11 a. .
An Kxetttent War Itts.rd lu
sad la rblhsd.lphla Ha lore Ih. It.b.lllen.
The lNTBLLtaKNOKR en Thursday
briefly referred te tbe death rf James C
Btgga, a prominent and well-known resi
dent of tbla elty, eaused by an orerdess el
Corener Henaman waa notified el LI
death and be Impanelled as a Jury te held
the Inquest Bartram McQuIre, Valentine
Werk belter, B. K. Myers, E. Boek my er,
J. R. Shntts and H. J. Ullrleh. Dr. R. M.
Belenlns was the coroner's phytleian. The
testimony taken waa substantially the
same aa published en Thursday, The ver
dict of tbe Jury waa " death resulted by
reason et an overdesool laudanum at his
own bands."
Deceased was born In Philadelphia, May
10, 1S30; was educated In tbe public choels
and graduated from the Philadelphia high
soheoli learned gas-fitting with Manuel
A Brether, and alter working for tbem ler
some years went Inte partnership with Mr.
Robinson under tbe firm name of Robinson
it Biggs and earrled en tbe business for
some years In Ninth street above Market.
In 1852 Mr. Blgga came te Lancaster and
established a branch of the business here,
and continued It until 18ML wben he
returned te Philadelphia and aecepted a
clerkahlp In the ofllce of the register of
wills, remaining there until President Lin
coln made bis first call for troops, wben be
en listed for tbree months In the State Fen
clblee, and waa made a sergeant. He was
detailed aa a clerk at the headquarters et
Gen, Rebert Patterson, snd served In tbat
capselty until his term of service expired.
He re-enllsted for three yeais In Ce. F.
100th Pa. Vels., waa made aergesnt, and
promoted te aergeant major May 1, 1802,and
te latllsuU of Ce. F. 8tt. 19, 1801. He waa
discharged with hla regiment Out. 19th, 18X11.
The 100th regiment was In aesrly all the
battles et the Peninsula, Williamsburg,
Charles City Cress Reads; was at Antletatn,
Frederleksbarg, Cnanoellersvllle Gettys
burg, the Wllderness,Celd Harber, Peters
burg and ether battles, and Lieut, Blgga
was with bts company lu all these cam
paigns, His reoerd as a aoldler It an excel
lent one,
Oj hla d I sonar go from the army he re
turned te Philadelphia and took an aetlve
ptrt lu politics, and at oue time was a can
didate for nomination en tbe Republican
ticket for city commissioner. He was fr
nisny yeara telegraph oporater in the ofllce
of tbe Philadelphia gaa works. Returning
te Lancaster about seven yeara age be took
a clerkship with Fatmsn A Ce., tobacco
dealers, and subsequently with C. A.
Bltner.frelght handlers, and Uenry Martin,
Mr. Blgga waa made a Masen br Ledge
43, of tbla oily, en tbe 27th of December,
18(5, and waa also a meuibnr of Chapter 4J,
He waa a member of Pest 81, O, A. R., waa
adjutant et Encampment Ne. 14, Union
Veteran Legleu j and a few weeks age be
came a member of tbe Order nf United
Frlenda. Hla funeral will take place Sun
day altorneon.
MOVEMENTS OKAtirenjtOP lit! HI HEXE. RB;agMn:ui fcur Nxt Hr..or, and
What TUrjr Art Nuw ll.ilug etr aud
Ou Iho Stags.
Emersen and Clark, tbe akoteh team,
have dissolved partnership.
Wlluiet and Lsster, tbe trick bicycle
riders, who are well known here, are per
forming in Warsaw, Russia.
Obarlea Wlttnrr, acrobat, of tbla city,
gees wltb Ortln Baibei's railroad ahew
next season.
May Adams is te head a big burlesque
company next year.
The atreet and stage costumes of Emily
Holdene were ler an old debt in a
Western town recently. Had the stage cos
tume alone of the old lady been taken thn
sheriff would bave bad but little, as a clga r
box will held several of her suits.
The Lilly Clay company la the one that
crested such a furore In Oritoage with their
printing recently. They bnve some very
tine psper and among It Is a beautllully
executed tbree sheet et Mls A llee Town-
send. Sam T. Jack, who formerly managed
the oil region circuit, is Dacn et tins snow.
Tbey were recently big losers by an opera
nenae lire in rreviuenue, iv. i.
Milt Barlew, the minstrel who has been
In Jill for a year or mero because huieluaed
te support hla wife, bas bsen released and
appeara at Teny Paster's theatre uext week.
After that be Joins Mclutyre and Heath's
tnlnatrela for tbe season.
The Adele Carlten company It In Epb
rata tbla week.
Adam Foreeaugh's new circus building,
at Bread and Dauphin atreets,Phlladelihl ,
will have a sealing capacity et 10,000.
There will be two nns, stage aud hip
podrome track. Mr, Ferepatigb Intends tn
give Philadelphia four weeks of circus at
tbet closing and opening of each sann.
Bebby Gayler, wbojelns 11. W. Williams'
company In Philadelphia tbe coming week,
Is about tbe funnleat Irish oemedLu in tbe
variety business
Jsmes S. Matlltr, the old down, has re
sumed tbe role of the Lene JTt$hrman
In Rice's " Evsngellnp. "
Billy Birch and Frank Meran talk nf
reviving tbe San Francisce minstrels tn xt
Lew Simmons will star In a drama next
4t. E. Graham thinks of starring next
Jehn B. Deris, who has tailed In the
etrcus buslnesr, will probably take M'lle
Christine, the two -beaded girl, te Aus
tralia. Lew Benedict gees with Frank MeNUb
next year.
Little Ads Melrose bss signed te star
(or five years wltb Brady AGarwerd.
Paraen " Davlua and William Muldoon
have put an atbletle and specialty company
en thn read.
R. B Hill, who was ene tlme en the J.n
uminer, la a rtgular contributor te tne
Clipper. He has a long story lu this week'a
Teny Denier still clings te " Humpty
Duuipty " and he bas tbe only company
playing It en tbe read.
A Uouble Tragedy.
Evansvillh, Iud, Match 0 Leuis
Rlchter, a son of Jacob Rlcbter, a former
county clerk and ene of the most promi
nent citizens lu the county, shot aud killed
his seventeen-year-old cousin, Miss
Louisa Smith, and then oemmlited suiolde
by sendiug a bullet through his brain,
yesterday afternoon. The only eye wit
ness was the little four-year-old sister of the
murdered girl. Rlchter bad been In love
wltb tbe young lady and paying her atten.
tlens for snme time, but she did net seem
te reutpreaite bis aUecttens, and it is
thought this unbalanced bis uitud.
A Duc.u Drowned.
Londen, Marcb. 9. The British bark
Lsuemtt from Lauucester, Australia, for
Londen, with n charge of wool, bas been
wrecked near Weymouth. The captain
and eleven el the crew were drowned.
A Hula (Ir.ulsit.
A rule has been granted by tbe court te
sbew cause wby E. II. Shaub, ct, al,
Sixth ward eltctlea olllcer-, shuuld te;
baye a new trial. The rule will be argued
tbe (bird week of this month.
Ntle l K.Lte,
Ryan it Pinkerlen, real eslate agents,
sold te day for Mr. Clara Markley, a
threeatery brick dwelling house, Nr. Wi
West Chestnut street, te E. U. Tils.lur,
ler t2(375.
A,-ielnteil Uu.rdUu,
EUleger IL mor,ef But township, wi B
appointed guardian or tbe miner child of
Rachael A, Reynolds, who la Interested in
the eitUa of Jehn Emery, deceased, late.ef
Badttiury township,
- y' -U
mi uaunuei, eailLD. Pi-
TUB riOtlT TO WIN. ,.,
Chief Arthur's Exp anatltra of tbs Qrade tft$A
Usn-BIs Crliletim et ths Courts ratsatsl ,?t -i
u... - f. -.
Ctue.vcn, MaretiO tn a circular sitae'
ej umei Artnur, and given te tbe areas r.
last evening, tbe position of the retaetw'-X
heed la fllltv Tn!.lnArf. enit Ih. m-'vi."'
-,-- . -.-, ,...W HI ,. A-1
-..,-v .. nuBuun iinjfru iu uu m war in .up T.u.
knife. On Its nntoeme depends elttier taeYS
honor or the Brotherhood, or the dttetB-.'
Hener the order. The circular reeoeBas'
uiu mum ana isa;s connected WIIB eBB'.j.J
strlbn. KlmaHv fmltl fTKi. ... V&A. rJl
la .Ut rful fM it.. -. .2'tTj
.- ..u.uuu,. aauiu ue cuarge ei nasty . y
, and It Is claimed tbat evetyS
s of settlement wee exhtutted before ''&
the strike
nan was oruerae. with retard lAn
tliA feUmnl llt-l U.K. .. I a- !. A'i?
. ..,.... ,.. - hl, (ull illlBK SW'tj),'
pay as rnueh as Its neighbors" the circular wAI
gives the various rates et wages paid jt&Vl
competing reads, and malntatua that the V H
averaze rate paid ny the q" read It lets 3&
than thrannants nsr mllA. fK-
In nonnlll.len Mr. lillitii . II . I1!'
theory that It advanced that tbe grading of ti
all engineers alike will tend te produce a:-
flaste' la lllnelnat. nnnMniHi-al nrf ti.lW
worthy of the common sense of me-who ',, j
sre espable el oenduotlng as large aseVw
varied interests as are embraced latbtrtj
Chicago, Burlington it Qulney railway, iK
new will it produce caste by grading taesM ,
all alike after the first year any mere thesV)".? .,
uj .no r am njr.ieui 01 aning tee Slant se. - j
thing alttr tbe third year? The. act la thex-,--;
present system is mueb mere likely HsS
produce tramps by Its frequent ehBgsaV;5
of engineers in order te keep aa maey &
as peaalble en the pay of the aUatVJj
and aeoend yeara. The principle of payiaf S"c
according te years el service will then bava
a tendency te reduce wagea te the lowest
notch and tbe engineers and Mnmm'M,
are Justified in protecting themselves ii
against this evil. In ease of aa aoeWeat 'f ,
Involving a cause for damagea UM1raK1
read company would be tbe .-last'-?,
te acknowledge that aa MgtaVMrA
et the first year was net In every way ee.'SA
nMnnl tn run annln.. nni if I .
yeara. Wby should there be any dler-.
ones then In their pay? Tbe feet KU(fS
1. net even a plausible cause of thla sjssbsb K
of grading; the railroad companies knew'lt J 4
and a majority of them have acknowledged ' 1
it by consenting te its abandonment" Af;
glneera and Firemen are new engaged la 'a f J
lite and death struggle and war bat. Beast
declared between tbem and the Cfcteageiv
Burlington Qulney railroad. M-f
Brotherhood cannot reeeue iremv.teeuv .'
demanda en the wave nuaallen aad Msala-v ' ,
tain their self reapeet or their organltsUea.'''
They must win or die. They ean ealy re'' re''
speet tbe claims or neutrals se long as taeT,
renieln ueutrsl. Tbey must sbd'l;'
hauste very honorable meant te wla tBi.ij
tight. ,W
There are absolutely no new strike a
velepmenta tbls morning, The St. Peal"
and tbe Northwestern man are In setsto7 setste7
st McCoy's hotel, but nothing definite wlU
be deue nntll after the court' a deoltiea ati
p. m. Te-night the men of the abort'-.
reads, with the Wabash and the Altes, WHi'
held a Joint meeting.
nn ifit ns a it Air. way eri-mrac "-';
Tsemae Ji I'eit.r, of ihe Uolea I'aeMr.C't 3
Ji I'eit.r, or ihe Uolea Pat
Die. lu Ma.lltocteo.
Washington, March P. Themas
' ' UVS
J& '
U-3S .
geref tbe Union Pad de railroad, died at .r,'
Weleker'a hotel In (bis city at 11:30 o'clock .
this morning. Mr. Petter came bare, IBS',
bis private car en bis way te Flerida wKajfe1
bis family and Dr. Ransom, his pbjlolae,rf
about two weeka age. He was afllleteeViJ.
with dropsy of the heart and traveling fress ;s
Omaha te Washington se fatigued hlin ;.
It waa deemed advisable te make 'a ahBttJJ
step te atrem rest. Frem the dayefthetf
arrival here Mr. Petter began te sink, aaeVc
within sixty hours it was feared he waa;
dying. He rallied Just a little, and bai
since been in tbat condition wt
border line between Ufe)and, death, wasr 4
scarcely perceptible, xite aeetn tow ueerB'vj,;
leg was net a surprise te his lamtly. &$&
ft.- t!..t... - i.wtt..Ktw Ika Mrt lt.:?
Mr. 1UHQI T- JIUW)..J MW al. T i
tlegulsbcd railroad manager of bis sge,tW7'
the country. He wss in charge ei tne usUrT
cage, Darlington x Qulney system, aast Wei J
livin.,i t tihlnairfi fur soma tlma nrr..
hla connection with tbe Union Pael-.;;..,
ills oenlrcl of tbe two reads wss prasU-. -
cany suurce,uu iuui w uit,mu,i, s.- j
Mr. Peller -was about 40 veers of aae. Tarti?.
.. .'r:z ... ;.;.
remains win av ibkeu iiuui uoie iu jmni .r:
ilnuten. bis el 1 home, en the special ear at w1
8 o'clock te night l Jgt
They Will nstit en Monday.
lint-vii IVrunnA Marntt O Rflth Rullt-
van andMltebellara bore and the meet-ZL.
inu-er the nuirlllsta mav occur te-day, bat .
........ I.I. ..(III ..... uke nl-nAlllt .n.mnlM. t $$A
ai there Is eome dlllleuliy about the nav
ber of poisons who shall be allowed te be
nrAaent. M
Tbe gendarmes, assisted by Eegllsh da- IJkj
teetives, are oieauiy wagening tee eve
msnlanf all here who are interested In thS "iV.
fleht. and it Is feared tbev nisv prevent Its V&
taking place te-morrow. J
An incipient tight is progressing nsre .
ever tne cnoice ni a ieivri. uu utusr him- 'tl
teia regarding tbe fight, lr tbe wrangling n
AAn.l..un. ftiA IUh will nnt i-nnin rlf until vAaj
Monday, it ineueu men. g
... .... fil
Amikns, Mareh 0 -Tbo3ulllvan-Ml.ete.t -
UgUt UaS II9UU JjaniUUDU UU.Il .HUUU.jl t
Cemmlitai suicide, , fr
Chioaqe, Match 0 A. A. Jehnsen, BfS$r3
one time an agem rer tue i-ennsyivaniav:n
ral I reau company, waaieuuuaeau va
Plops of tbe hnui et his son, Charles A,w;
TnhnBAn fll 11 Vrnftn nv.nllA A.rlv thle!
mernlcg. He bad put a revolver in hlSi-iiSJ
mouth and itred, the ball paualeg tbreughj-
bis bead. Uu was CO yeara or age and waa
aiparatcd Irem bit wife. It It tuppesed
dn-peudtccy prompted him te end hkaS
life. i
Cut Down III TIlUB.
Ciiicaoe, March 9 ilstthl Bub, tbe
wife murderer, made an attempt te slran.
gleblmself In ills cell -tbia morning. Ha
tore the sheet up and lied it tightly around
bis neck. Then be tied a small clothesline..
te the sheet snd banired himself loosely te .M
auall. He was cut down when half dead,, ,
but bu Is new a'l ruht.
.ttt: . --aa
we uara ieuiriu( r
V.e..vtrri Tu.n. .. Marnh. i Willi--- S,S,
iiAOUHKH-! .. -- ,.....-.--.
lUUJa.Ca Ul iuu f iitisiiuBtju vuums j-. - -
Ueat, ware burned te detb iu tire la
tbat building. It is Biippee4 JehaiOBa"!
. ..-..- i ii n n . ''i
j .... - !.-. f.a.llll-.c -. rtAitntV MAS ?
wne wm craxy, eeviue tuuuiuKvauivi
wmjtumm j-j.ju-riuirs.
Wahiiinoten. D. C MaiehO
- ?E
Eastern Pennsylvania and NbW Jer
sev: Fresti te nrisa neriuwt.nwij
winds, sll.btly watmir, fair west bar.
Literary Knt.rtalnraMt.
Tbe Yeung Temple's tltersty and Secial
union et the First Prcsby terlanchareh WU.
baviaatatjfBaeugitvseiB. ,
. -ifti