r 'i fc' , THE IiANCASTEK BAILY INTEIiLIGBNCEl?, WEDNESDAY. MAHOH 7, 18SS8, ' j.' us FOR HONOR'S. .SAKE. BY B. I FABJCON. 4 at r f " Urcat Farter Bqaare," Its . Ungfct Bta if Life," We. (e)htivcd ) The Attorney General N'ew, In all the questions 1 have asked and yen have answered, thcre are two subjects upon which no definite information has beta forthcoming. Oite your best attention te them. Are you awnre that before or at the time of the prisoner's engagement with your mistress he had been or was engaged te another lady? Take time. Yen have said that yen were in the confidence of your mistress, and that she used te speak freely te you. At any period during these communications did she refer te another engagement? Witness It mm tn this way, and I can't answer the question in any ether. The Attorney Uencral Answer it as best you can. Witness At one tlme my mistress saldi "I wonder if Mr. Layten, befere he aw me, was ever in levct" That was the way it was first introduced. I did net knew hew te answer her without running 1 the risk of hurting her feelings, but she pressed me, and I was forced te say I thought it very unlikely that a gentleman ns geed looking as he was should net have had his fancies. She pressed me further until I said there were very few men of his age who had net been in love. She appeared distressed nt this, but seen brightened up, and said: "What is that te me se long as lie is mine?" But ltjwclghcd upon her mind, as was proved by her tell ing me at another time that she had asked Mr, layten whether lie had ever been in leve and that h would net give her any satisfaction, which, te my mind, was quite as geed as confessing that he had been. These conversations between my mistress and me took place In the early days, and for Bome time after her marrlage she did net say anything meits about it. But when she was laid en a sick bed I mer: within a few months of her being mur dered The Attorney General De net say that. It is for the jury te decide. Say within a few months of her death. Witness Well, within a few months of her death she told me at least halt a dozen times that she had discovered that he had been in leve with another lady, and that she believed he was se when he married her. She said it was wicked and abominable, and that if she Baw "the creature" she would kill her. The Attorney General Supposing this te be true, your mistress never discovered who tills ether lady was? Witness Never te my knowledge. The Attorney General As te your mis tress a vchment te her husband, did it ever, in your knowledge, grew weaker? Witness I don't exactly knew hew te describe it. She loved and liated him all nt once. She was tern te pieces with love and Jealousy. The Attorney General Is that nil you can tell us ujxrn this subject? Witness That is all. ' The Attorney General I ceme new te the second subject. It is concerning the prisoner's family. Yeu have informed us that net ene was present at the wedding, and that net ene recognized the union by sending a wedding present. New, are you awaie whether he had parents, or brothers or sisters? Witness All that I heard was that he had a father living. But I did net hear that till mere than a year after the mar riage. The Attorney General Who told you then? Witness My mistress. Although she confided nearly everything te me. she kept this te herself for n long time. The Attorney General Did net her father, Mr. Beach, speak about it J Witness I never heard him; I had very little te de with him. I had under stood, at the tlme of the marriage, that Mr. Layten's father was abroad, but I had reason te beliove "afterward that this was net te that he was in Englaud. The Attorney General Did the pris oner ever speak of it? Witness I never heard him. The Attorney General Did the pris oner's father never ceme te the house? Witness Never. The Attorney General De you knew whether he is alive at the present time? Witness I heard that lie was deud. My mistress said se. The Attorney General Did the prisoner go into mourning? Witness He wero crape upon his hat for several weeks. The Attorney General New, conccn--trate your attention upon the day and night of March 25. I wish you te nar rate, concisely, all that passed, within your own knowledge, concerning the pris oner and his wife, from the morning of March 25 until the morning ei the 26th. Witness Af 10 o'clock in the morning of the 2eth my mistress' bell rang, nnd I went te her room. My instructions were never te enter her room in the morning until she rang for me. There were two bell ropes, one en each side of the lied, se that en whichever side she was lying ene of them was within reach of her hand. The Attorney General Step a moment. Did the prisoner and his wlfe occupy ene room? ' I Witness Ne. The Attorney General Fer hew long had this been the case? Witness Fer a geed many months. Ever since things began te get wone be tween them. The Attorney General Proceed. Yeu heard your mistress' bell ring, and you entered her room at 10 o'clock. Witness She Bald that she had passed a very bad night, that she had had dread ful dreams, and that she was afraid some thing terrible was going te,hnppen te her. She asked me if Herhusbnnd was up, and I told her Hint he had just entered the breakfast room, that I had met him en the stairs, and that he Inquired whether she were nwake, as he wished te speak te her before he went out. My mistress said that fehc also wished te speak te him, nnd she asked me if I knew where he was going. Of ceurse I did net knew, and I told her se. She often asked me ques tions v lilch she must have known very well were net posslble for me te answer. J washed her, nnd tidied up the room, and then she desired me te go and tell my master te ceme te her. I knocked at the deer of the breakfast room three or four times, and receiving no nnswer, I opened it. My master was sitting at the table, and lie started tip when I entered, Just as if I hed aroused him from a dream. Ills face was very pale, and he held a letter In his hand. I noticed that he had net touched the breakfast. I gave him my mistress' message He nodded and went te her room at once. The moment he en tered my peer mistress began te talk, but he stepped her and ordered me out. ''Keep in the next room," my mistress said tp me; "I may want you." I went into the next room nnd remained thcre quite half nn hour, until my mistress bell rang again. My master rushed past me as I opened the deer, and I saw tuy mistress was dreadfully agitated. She was sitting up In led, nnd ' The Attorney General Step! Whlle you wcre i'l the adjeluiug loom did you hear anything? Witness Net distinctly. The Attorney General De you mean by that that you could net distinguish the words that were fcpeken by your master and mistress? Witness I could net distinguish the words. I could only hear their voice when they speke loudly. The Attorney General Did they speak loudly en this occasion? ' Witness Very loudly. The Attorney General In merriment? Witness Quite the ceutrury. They were quarreling, The Attorney General That is your understanding of their voices? Witness I could net be mistaken. Nearly the whele of the tlme their eicet were raised te a high pitch. The Attorney General Which of the two voices made the stronger Impression upon you? Witness My master's. I am certain he was threatening her, as he had dena tuarjimsAdnnathgurttflW months, j The Attorney General That Is an im proper remark for you te make. Cenflaa yourself strictly te the natter la hand, nnd te the tlme yen are giving evidence upon. When you entered your mistress' room she was sitting up In bed, dread fully agitated, and your muter rushed past you? Witness Yes, and she called ent after htm: "Never, while I aa allvel Yeu wish I were dead, don't you, se that you may be free te marry again? But 1 shan't dle yet, unless you kill met" The Attorney General Yeu are posi tive she made use of these words? Witness Quite positive. The Attorney General Did the prisoner make any reply? Witness Nene; and his silence ap peared te lntnriate my mistress. She cried out after him: "Yeu are a villain! yen are a vlllainl" The Attorney General Did you see the prisoner again during the morning? Witness Ne. In a few minutes I heard the street deer open and close, and my mistress told ma te ran and sea whether it was her husband going out. I went te the front room window and saw him enter the carriage and drive away. I returned te my mistress and Informed her of It. She was In a furious state, and If she had had the strength she would have dressed herself and followed him; but she was tee weak, unassisted, te get out of bed. The Attorney General Upen that point you are also positive? Witness Quite positive The Attorney General Did your mis tress make you acquainted with the cause of the quarrel between her and the pris oner? Witness She told me a geed deal. She said that when she married htm It was the worst day's work, she hnd ever done, and that he hnd deceived her from first te last. All he wanted was for her te die; but although he hed treated her se vilely, she bad him in her power. The Attorney General What did she mean by that? pld she explain? Witness .Net clearly. She speke vaguely about papers and acceptances for money which she had, and which he wanted te get held of. "He should have them, every one," she said, "and de whatever he liked, If he would be true te me. But he is false, he is false, and I will be revenged upeuhlm." The Attorney General Did you acquire this knowledge all at one time? Witness Ne. My mistress speke at odd times during the day, when I went In and out of her room. The Atterney General Nothing clse Bald? Witness Nothing that I can remem ber. The Attorney General Did the prisoner return te the house during the day? Witness Ne. The Attorney General Did you leave the house during the day? Witness Ne. The Atterney General Or night? Witness Ne. The Attorney General Yeu remained In attendance upon your mistress? Witness Yes. The Atterney General Did she make any Inquiries about her husband? Witness Oli, yes. In the afternoon nnd evening she nsked me a dozen times at least whether he had ceme home. The Attorney General At what time en the night of this day did you cease at tendance upon your mistress? Witness At 0 o'clock. She told an I need net ceme Inte the room again unless she rang. I The Attorney General What then did you de? Witness I went te my own room te de some sewing. The Attorney General When you left your mistress' room was thcre a table by i her side? Witness Yes; it was always thcre. The Attorney General There were cer tain tnmgs upon it? IWitncs3 Yes. The Atterney General What things? Witney A decanter of water, a tum bler and a bottle- of lozenges. I The Attorney General Was there A label en this bottle? Witness Yes, it was labeled "poison." I The Attorney General Wcre these the sleeping lozenges your mistress was iu the habit of taking? Witness Yes. The Attorney General What w as their color? I Witness White. The Attorney General Hew many of the lozenges were in the bottle? Witness I nm net sure. Ten or ft dozen I should say. The Attorney General Being labeled poiien, it could net be mistaken that they were dangerous te life? Witness There could be no mistake. My mistress had told me that it a person took three or four of them at ence he would go te sleep nnd never wake again. The Atterney General Was it consid ered safe te leave such dangerous narcotics within her reach? Witness She was a very prudent woman. She was fend of life; she dreaded the idea of death. I The Attorney General Were thcre any ether articles en the table? Witness Pen, ink and paper nnd a book. (te Bi coma trip.) Sedden change et temperature always In. dace physical dUcomtert under virien inai Imitations, but general y cold. Laxader wilt qulekly rid thi system et the bad tITects rn tilting from these changes, trica only 15 cents a package. "Apcililve benefit te young children ana Infant " la the popular verdict or Dr. Hall's liahv Byrup, Beld everywhere at 2) cents a Positively Ugly tae, a Can no made clear and attractive. These hor rid pimples and blotches can be removed by one application et Hep ointment. JVrvsr atli. Take no ether. 25 cent at druggists, or mall stamps te the Hep Ce , New Londen, Conn. (I) Take New stjle Vinegar flitters, and your headache and isllewneia will elope together. The Uemellast Stan In Lancait r, As welt as the handsomest, and ethers are Invited te call en any druggist and get f a trial bottle or Kemp's Unfit m ler tee Threat and Lung, a remedy that Is selling entirely upon Its merits and is guaranteed te cure and relieve all Cbmnlcand Acute Coughs, Aithma, Bronchitis and tonsumptlen. Pilee 60 cent ana si JanlJ-lydAw (1) SPECIAL JNOTJCEU. la Consumption IncuraDla. Bead the follewing: air. C. H. Merris, Newark, Ark, nay i: "Was down with Abscess et Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive, Began taking lit. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and able tecversne the work en my farm. It la the finest medicine ever msiH." Jesse Mlddlewart, Decatur, Ohie, aays: "Had it net been for Dr. King's .Sew Discovery ter Consumption, 1 would bavedted of Lung Trou ble. Was given up by doctors. Am new In beat et health " Try.lt. Sample bottles ;frae at II. B Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne. U7 and Vj North Queen struet, Lancaster, Fa: (5) THAT HACKING GOUUH can be se quickly cured by Bhlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld by H. li. Cochran druggist. Ne. 17 and l North Quefln St.. Laneaatr, Pa. (11 SLEEPLESS N1011TB, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shlleh'a Cure Is the remedy jer you. Beld by li. B. ceehran. druggist. Ne IS? and IB North Oneen St.. Lancaster. Pa. ( couuu.wrieoriNUCuuoiianamoucimu Immediately relieved by Bhlleh's Cure. Beld by U. it. Cochran, druggls t. Ne. 137 and LJa North neen St, Lancaster, Pa. ft) seman Mether 1 1 MeUtaisllt Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t ir se, go at enee and get a bottle of MBS. WINBLOW'SSOOTUINUSYBUP. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon It there la no mistake about IU There Is net a mother en earth who has ever cedlt,wbe will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te tha child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te nse In all caaas and pleasant te the Use, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United State. Beld everywhere, 13 cents a bottle. maylB-lydAw BUILOU'B COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us en a guarantee. It cure Con sumption. Beld by IL B. Cochran, druggist. Ne. U7 and 119 North Queen it, Lancaster, ITU ' (I) ODD'S SAKSAPARILLA. What Is Scrofula It 1 that Imparity la the Weed, which, ac emulating lathe glands of the neek.produee naslghtly lumps or swelling i which causes palatal running teres ea the anas, legs e feat which develop ulcer In the eye, em, erstete, often earning bllednets or dearnet wale u Us origin of pimples, cancerous growth, or the many ether saantfestattens usually ascribed te hnmers " whleh, fasten fasten lrgapeata lungs, cauie consumption and Mla. Being the meet an elent. It 1 the most gantralef ail diseases or affection, ler very few persons are entirely free from It, HOW CAM IT BR CUKBU By taking HefceVa Sanaparllla, which, by the remarkable enres It hss accomplished, often when ether medicines have fall d, has proven Itself te be a potent nd peculiar medicine for thlaCtseate. Sema of the eura are really won wen derlul. If ytu softer from scrofula In any el lis forma r sure te try Heed's BarnparllU. THBPKCULUB MBD1C1NB " I have running sere en tny limbs for Ave yearr, sebadat times that 1 could net walk, or sleep night. When I commenced taking Heed's sarsaparllla 1 was In pain te severe that 1 cannot describe Iu I bad no appetite and fell away. But Heed's Harsaparuia did me a wonderlnl amount of geed. I have a geed appetite, have gained In Been ant can sleep well. My core are almost healed, and I can easily Ce a geed day ' work." sua. O.f. Lean, Dever, Mi If. Hoed'a Earsaparilla Beld "by all druggists, git tlxforse. Made only C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deses One Dellar aaw rpHB HUSQUKUANNA K1VKR riews thirty miles along the west tide el the county. It' a pretty healthy alream, but till there are tome thlity te forty thentand people within reach of Its fog who ought te knew that they need have no fear of ebUU, malarial affections and '.nervous prostration If they use Stadiger's Aurantii The best compound known for the prevention and cure of diseases arising from disordered stomach and liver. Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Biliousness, Less of Appetite, Nerven Prostration, Malarial Poisoning, all yield ,te It, and the system receives fresh bleed and vitality. Druggists keep iu ang-8t4 kAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S KOK- The Nervous. The Debilitated, The Aged. A NKHVK TONIC. relery and Ceenn, the prominent In-rc-dlen Is, are the best and talent eiveTonle. It strengthens and quiets the nervous ay. tem, curing heryeus Weakne., Hysteria, Sleeplessness, Ac. AN ALTEUATIVX. It drive ent the point neus humor of tl bleed purifying and inrlabltig: It, and ie overcoming these dlceasea resulting from Impoverished bleed. A LAX ATI VK. Acting mildly bnt surely en the bowelalt euiea habitual comllpailen, and promote arrgular habit, ltslrunglhens the stomach, and aids digestion. D1UBBTIO.' In Its composition the best and moitaetlve diuretic of the Materia Medlca are com bined tctenttecally with ether effective temedle ter dlsei.se of the kidney. It can be relied en te give quick relief and speedy cure. U undreda of tei tlmenlal i have been received from persona who have uted this remedy with remarkable bentflt. Bend for citeulars, giv ing full particular. Ptlee, 11.00. geld by Druggl.ta. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, BUULINOION.VT. lanlllvdAwil) CpUY'b UUKAIii 11AL.M. 0ATAKRH--5AY PEVER. BLY'8 CKKAM BALM cure Celd In Head Catarrh, lieee Celd, Hay Pever, Deaf nos9,Kead nes9,Kead ache. Price M Cents. JCASV TO U3B. Bly Bre's, Owcge. N. Y., U. B, A. TOD WILL 8AVB MONEY, TIMK, TAIN, TKOU1ILB, And Will Cure CATAKBU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is applied te each nostril and It agreeable. Price SO eeuts at druggist t by mall, reffltered,nn eta. KLT HltOTH BBS, ta Ureonwleh su, New Yerk. nevlMydAw TTALUABLE MEDICAL. WORK. TRUTH, Or the 8C1KNCB OP LITE, A VALUABLE MBOICALWUKK, the only true description nf this time en Man hood. Nervous ana Physical Debility, Proina Preina tnre Decline, Krrera of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, aa well aa an ex posure of qu&clc and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimize thousands, and by thelrexaxKeratlng disease, makes these peer sufferers Insane. Kvery young man, iniadlo-aKGderold. should reau this book. It la mere than wealth te tfceiu. Send two cent tamp for a copy. Address, lilt TROS.THEL. 633 North reurth Ht , thlladelphla, Pa. DMyd e 4.PCINE PLAHTEKH. 86 MKDALS AiVaHDED TO Bensen's Capcine Plaster ! TUX BEST IN TUB WOULD. Cures Pleurisy, Uheumatlsm, Lumbago, Backache, Weakness, Celd In the Cheat and all Aches and Strains. Beware of imitation under similar sounding name. JW Ask for Unnsnn's and take no ethbr. Oecll-emdcw M WAP 1 RAY'S SPECIFIC MED1C13SE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Great KnglUhttetnedy will promptly and radically cure any and every cae of nervous debility and weakness, result et indiscretion, e ccesstt or overwork el brain and nervous sys tem i la perfectly barmless, acta like magic, and been extensively used for ever 36 years with great succeta. 4W full particular In our pamphlet which we desire te send free bv mall te every one. SVThe Specific Medicine Is sold by all urur- ftata at It per package, ir six package for 16. iwtll be sent free my mall nnrocuptef the money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOHIVVN, Druggbt, Bes. 137 IS) North Queen St, Lancatter, Pa. THE OKAY MKDIOINK CO., Ne. IM Main Btreeu Buffalo. N Y. Juart-lvdAwMWAr CJXHAUHTED VlTAIilTi, Exhausted Vitality THB SCIENCE OP LirB. the great Medlca Werk et the age en Manhood. Nerveu and Physical Debility, Prematura Deelne, Errors et teutb, aud the nnteld mlMrlea consequent taeroen, seu page (rve. IK prescriptions for all aiseaae. Cleth, iul) gut, only 11.00, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample tree te all young and mlddbgd men for the next 90 days. A d dress UK. W. ILPAUKXU. Kninneh xtrMt, Bosten, Mas. tnvlMvdAwM WAP RUPTDKB-CURK GUARANTEED UY Dr. J. II. Mayer, 831 Arch strict, Phtladel. phla. Pa. EsJMialence. Ne operation or busi ness delay. Thousands nt cures. At Keystone Heuse, Beading, Pa, 2d Saturday el each month. Send ter circulars. Advlcufren. Bend ter circular, Ac., te wain efflcctfll Arch H CELERY COMPOUND TOBACCO. e LD IlONKSTx" TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty! The Chewers et OLD I10NESTY TOBACCO will seen Hud that it lasts longer, tasU-B sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist en getting it. Genuine Has a Red B 1 1n Tan en Every Plug. WAtium UPKOIAL. WATCHES for rarmer and Ballreader will la sold at great rednotlen in nrleea. Alse klgln, wal. Iham, Anrera, ter whleh 1 am sole agent, and ether Brat-class Watches. Best Watch and Jewelry Kepatnng. 8peetaelee,Kyeglaasesand OptleaiaerKt. Correct time dally, by tele grapt only place in the city. LODI3 WJCBBB, Ne. Vi N. Queen Bt, oppeelto City Hetel, Near Penn'a Deneu N KW JKWHIiKY STORK GILL, Jeweler. Are you sure yen are wearing the right glass t Your eyes ache, alght becomes dim and yen wonder why T We answer poorly adjusted glasses. We make the BTU DV0r TUB KYK ABPE CIALPBATUBE. Tear et experlonce have enabled us In measuring eyeii, fitting gUsse with the preci sion or auecutut. A Full L'ne of aiasae rratned In Geld, Sil ver and Steel. 10 WEST KIKa STREET, LANCASTKB, PA. , T 10 THE WATCH BUYEK I V7hen you want te Buy a Geed Watch, BUY where you ean get the BHfcT VALTJJB for the Meney. BUY where you knew you ean re turn It, should It net preve satisfac tory. BUY where you knew what you are setting;. , We have always the Largest ,8toek in Geld, Silver and NIekel, and ean Guarantoe you the Best Satisfaction. WALTER C. HERE, (reSKIKLT JOS, BSSaiS,) Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTKB. PA. nl-tfd TJt UNKU de TTABNESS, TRUNK8, 4e. M. Haberbusli & Sen. YOU WILL NE VBB KNOW WHAT II NKWIN Ladies' and Gent's Trunks AND TRAVELING 3AGS, Unless you call and examine our Immense stock el entirely new goods. TUB JLATEBT AND HANDS0MB3T THING OUT, Ladies' Shopping Bags In Seal, Grain and Alligator Leather, AT 1. Haberbusli & Sen's SADDLE. HAKNF3N, ANU TRUNK STJPRE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCABTEB. PA. NKVKWBAR. e VKH KVKKY KVKNINQ KXCKPT SUNDAY. BILK UAMDKBKOUlBra AND MUrrLIUS AT XBISMAN'S. GBLLULOIO ANULINBN CULLABSAMU OUPTS AT BUIBMAN'a. MKU1UATBU UNDKU3HIUTS AND UKAWKUS AT BB18MAW8. Don't target te leek at our NXCKT1KS AT KUIUMAH'S NO. 17 WBSTKINO STBBBT. 911 nTkfs KKVVARD. fJLAjyjyj per any case of Kidney T rou tes. Nervous Debility, Mental and Phvul al Weakness that UOTANIO NKRVX HIT anil jails te cure, bold by druggists. M cent. y druggists, H) eeuts. tikius kiu. co , 15 N, 11U BU, Phlla., t'a. n I SfreireBlari Ire. het ss-iyeoejiw B N KW OAHPETrs. CARPETS FROM AUCTION! Metzger & Haughman Have new open la their Large New S'ers, a Handiema Variety of NBW OARFBTS, bought at Auction ler Cash, and te be told cheap for cash. OABPBT8 IIABPETS i... AT 10 CENT. OAHPBTB ATS0UBNT3. OAHHKT AT40UBNTS, GABPBTA ATMCBNTS .. as vus-ia, TAPBSTRTBRUH9KL8 CARPET from 500 up. PLOOB, STAIR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS at the LO W KST r B1C B9. METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S NKW CHEAP BTORB, NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING ST., OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSP. B ARD A MeKLKOY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, LOOK AT OUR PftlCES : tSdes. Binuiped Pillow Sham only tes per pair t 85 des. Stamped Aprons, full lie,lyard long, only tte each I Pine Damask Linen lewel, knotted trlngn, only Sua each, price elsewhere, Met iSdes. Pine Damask Mnen Towels, aetnal measure nxlulnehes.SferSAai rioer oil Ckuh at t&e. worth aea t Beat Table oil tleth en ly 5e k. m. wenn vn i ieni j aoie tin cieui e only inc. regular price, le, atie, worth ,r price, no, at ie, wertnsiut ueautiiui nuum aive, worm nu i,e'yrus yaru ied Musiln at eue. worth se. Just try some of this Muslin, see whether yen re el It. i,sm yard Heavy Yard Wide fcuslln Kemnanu at Ce, wertn sa Best wiue uDDiaaenec won't want mere SSe Table Linen In Damask or Leem Dice In the city t Bleacbed UermanTabln Linen, wllb neat turkey Bed border, soft finish, no starch, only Ma pr yard, worth 75e special bargain la Ladle' Jerseys at tee, wertn 76e belter grades at SLUO, l. and ll.te. FEATHERS ! The Best Steam Cured odorless Poalher. Perhaps yen have your regular place te deal at, and ilen'i think et coming teseeu about Pnathera. If yen eeula buy tha best Poatberaefu lower than yen eculit anywhere else, wouldn't you buy them of ui T We sell mers reathera than any two stores put together. W by T Because we lull the best feathers lower than yea can buy them anywhere else. We sell the BEST STOCKINGS for the money tn the city. bard & 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, N KXT DOOR TO THK COURT HOUHK. Something About Carpets I Purchasers must observe two thing whtn buying Carpets, first, quality. Second, pnee. leu don't buy them eve.y day, hence must bt sure you get the proper thing when von de buy. If we ean give you an excellent article at a low iirlre, se much the better t veu don't al stays find both virtues united In one jilece nt geed. We have roll uuen rolls of Btntth's Tapaslry llrntsel Carpet (the best make In the Union) at Ml, eiW,7s and SB eent a yard, with berdera u match, all this spawn's style. It I enr rirst arasnn ler these goods, and you won't find any old atylea or shop-worn goods, but all fresh, bright, new things Just from the loom Ingrain Carpets In jirnluslen from tee te Oe ler tha best Kxtr Super. Our BOe Ingrain Is the best ever offend for the money, bnlngjustas htavy aa the 7iw gradnand halt wool. Don't miss seeing tham: Bag Carpet wero never se geed ter the money. We have them at 23. ss, si up te te cents. Twe number are of special Intertist these at S3 and (0 renta-tbe latter being AP-wool rirlnrd In several patterns, stair Carpel with Hall and Bordering te Match tn variety, stair carpet a low a 10 cents. FAHNESTOOK'S, 30 37 BABT KIMO ST., LAN0A8THR, FA. CAKfBT HALLM. W-vyirm, wsw BAUOAINH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rig and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTIItS, WINDOW SUADXS, Ox. Wa have the Largest and Bart Btoek In the Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cornar Wast Kin? and WiUr StrMttr, Lineastar, PL BVMUKK 11RHOUTH. it rETKTHEBILiIi," ATLAHTIO CITV. N.J.. Ocean Bnd Kentucky Avenun. Open Pcbruary 1, te November 1. Leck Bex 1030. M.J.ECKEBT. narl-Smd Mar,Jnne,July, A TLANTiO 01TY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. (PepularWinter or Summer) Largest Betel. Most Convenient. Bleguntly sui nlsheC. Lfberully Managed, OPEN ALL THE YEAB. CHAR. MeULADR. Prep. W. K. Ceciisa, Chief Clerk. feli'it bind A TLANT10 CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Perrcerly Hetel Ashland.) 4BTNOW.OPBN.-wB KEfUKXISHKD. UBMODKLKD. UENOVATED, Jfis. It. PLANIOEN, Ja. maTl-4md-Mar,Apr,July,Aug. ST. UUAKLISH UOTKL, WITU KIKHT Class Bestatirant attached. Ne. 14, IS und ill Chestnut at rriet. Lancaster, PaOppeaiui Penn'a it. it. Passenger Depot. KysUirs In evnry style. Transient custom sellclled I 12 geed be and well aired re3m j mndentte thargn i also geed liable room for hone t open day and night, exeent Sunday. febMliid OaOBUKPLOUY, Prep. HTO VKH. Hell. F LINN HKKNKMAH. HODSEFDRHISBIHC! STOVES I Parler Steve, Parler Heater, Cook stove and Itangas, TIN AND SHEET IBON WABE. Our Old Style Iland-Madu Tinware take the Lead. WOOD AND WILLOW WAUK. UaskeU, Bucket. Tubs, Butter Churns, Churn Uuiks, Breems, Step Ladflars, Wash Lints, Bed Cords. Table aud Pluer Oil clellii, CUTLEUP. A Pull Line of Table and Pecliet Cutlery, luien, BcUners, Ac., Ac, Ac LAMPS. Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamp, lliacket Lampi, Uai and Ceal Oil Chandeliers, Lantern, Ac. AvTheLargett Stock of lleutefurnlihlng Goods Iu the city. Plumbllng und Uas Pit ting. Tin Booting a Specialty. FLINH & BREMEMAN, QUE AT STOVE STORE, Ke 163 North Queen Streot, LANCABTEB PA. w M, McOLDRE'B SOUTH (JU UNIT Ui 1 11) I Wtl'.KP, Ne. SSSeith Queen Stret. PEAUSON E. auuaEB.SupcrlntendtnU ii-ua CSVM. CARPKT8 .....AT1SOKNTB. OAKPBTS.... ...ATttCRMTH. OAHPBTB AT S3 CENTS. OAKPBTB... OAKrBTS... .ATftOUBNIB, .,..... AT 7 CENTS. LANCABTBB, PENN'A Opposite Fountain Inn. psr yatd i Bcru curtain Net. with taped tdges, Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Inn. MActUAIHHI wnnturvMn. vw'V A kkw weima TO THE Expectant Housekeeper ! When starting In your own home one of the first and most Important thing you must think of lathe FURNITURE- The deilre nf every one la te make their home aa pretty and as comfortable a they ran, and the question et strength and dura bility mnst be considered as wull as beauty and comfort, and pernsps the mest Important el all Is the pilce that tills boauiy.cemtortand durability wUl cost. ,, WELL, JUST CALL AT WIDMTBP C0BIE& And see hew wall and satisfaetnry wn can All your wlshu. The Quantity and quality of our sliiiik cannot be surpassed, i'noe are low. It will pay ieu tocallaudsueu. WIDMYER'6 FUltNlTJOllE STORE, Baet Kin? and Duke Streets. F UKN1TUUK. H0U8E8TIRE8 "We have room and are showing the Largest Vatlety et Everything in FUJINITUUE te be seen anywhere la this section. We guarantee our goods always rellable and at the best prices that such goods can be sold for. HEINITSH'S FURU1TURE DEVOI, 37 AND 20 BOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKB, PA. Personal Attention Ulveute Undartas- Ing. SMALL THKKMOMK1RKH KOK AKT and rancy Werk, 1ri 3 aud 3K Inches In length, at UUBLKY'S DKUU RTOKK, Ne. M West Blng Htreet. NOT1UK TOi THKHPABSKKH AND UUNNEBS.-A11 persons are hereby ter. bidden te trespass en any of the land el the Cornwall and Speedwell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster oeuntle. whether Indosed or tuiln. eleaud, either for the purpose of (hooting or Oshlng, as the law will he rigidly enforced against all tre passing en said land Of thu un Oeslgned after this notles. WM. COLEMAN PBBKMAP, K. PBBOP ALDBN, EDW. O.PKBEMAN, avpli U4 Atterasje ter B.W.clma' uit TMAVBLBHB QVIDB. V RKADINO A COLUMBIA RAILHOi .AND BBANCHBS. AND LBEaSSS AND LABCASTEE JOIHT LINE i. . , ON AND APTEE BUM DAT, NOV. 1 xsaana leave bbauibe. . S.'2"i5Pln.!P"aa 7: a ss. m iMv&tttffi y """" KSl A V CUIiDBHt. V Per Reading at 7J am.ltHMg JWi ss. f PorIbnenatlan'a"Sl,,, i- TRAINS LEAVE QUABJaviLkJa. ? ret Lancaster at : a .rTsit ft V " . a M rer seMinir a.6:f ft m anfl !fc n . Jer lbvnen at we and :Wp ar - LBAVB R1MO STKBKT (UaMM. Fer BAadtnft at 7i3t a m, 12-9 aa t.m WtYT fhsnr.n saw 1 f m 1 wra.kTZT ssT 1. .1 " ""vwwmm , f tj is. ASAa I i lTTf aQE Til Fer quarry vine at 6n3tBi,8K LEAVK rUlKOH BTRBBT (LaaM Fer KM1!nir at 7: a mf 1WI and 9MM Fer Qaarryvuia at fc a m, i: an Wmm TO attfl V BVaWW MMS Ms W j Fer Ian caster at 7.1 z a in. ifc &na 7J0 mi 'n sMwvHis w iiisn sajg a4sav SBsW I sSsW V M ret Qnarryyllle at TOia n and UM p m. BUNDAT TRAINS. & '$ i)l . TRAINS LEAVE BEADIITO - -- - vivs w avas asa SClsl .W A EBB Per quarryvpie at i-eup m. " TUA1N8 LBAVB QUARRTVILLE Per Lancaster, Lebanon tnfl Bnaillag at M,t;': am. TatATsVat T.WAtPs 1T1 tTl fr..u.u..( j1" Fer Heading and slrobaaea at Ixtt a m aadMI Pn. L'jte rer uutsvrrvviiisi tit hvi n m. v:u TKAtAS ukAvn VHisaR st. (riieatar.l l-flYwT UMw km M71r Fer gaarryvtUe at B; p . Fer LancatUir at 7:M a tn and 3.4S p ttu -" wssj itna Mkfl,M J iHt rtUaJa iBa.Bea4Msut'A and l.etianena ioe Um tablet at all ion, see uma Ubles at all staMeas. ,T 7j A. M. WILSON. superlnteaSSt. $ IJBNNHThVAMlA KAILROAII BOUBDULE.-IB effect trew twuTvl, Trains utn Libeastsb and ltavaa ii-ft nt atPhlladMphUas fellow 1 '"""". ,5r Lean WESTWARD. faeue Bxpreasf sfBjExpreMt.. wly Pasaengnrt..... Man train vlaMUJeyi Ste.1 Mall Train..... Philadelphia, ieAUr. ". as.L-S 4:90 a. as. :a.B, MO a. bb. 553' rlacelumtut Ntasrara Express..... t:e a. m. saaereT Aoeom..... Past Ltnef.... ........ rrederlek Aoeom . . , , Lancaatar Acoem..,, HarrUbnrg Accem., Columbia Aoeom..., uarruburw Bxpres Wetern Expresst.. EASTWARD. rta Colombia lldOa.m. via Columbia via Mb Jey. KSODaBS. :0p,. ssep a. 9:80 p,na, Leave Lancaster. tAia.ns. 8KB . SB, s-.10a.kii, teas a, a. MMI.B. XMSP.B. ftesCas, BMP.SS. 4.-46 p. a. fcetpTss. TU. SIHMIiiiii, Past Line?........... Harrlsbnrg Express, irniwiw r acoen ar. Columbia Aoeom.... taaskera Expre....' jrauiacwipeia Aeaeu. UkV MIS.. ......, g7jprsst Harrlsbnrg Aoeom. lna isaneaauu nunamMum HkSStViF09'''1 un'm JTlst) ftaraSttB AsBCBBBIOBallOB kw Ma at ftt a. m. aaa raaeaaVar Aise leavss eniaaua atiDW a. ss. Biw reaeklng Marietta at la usA st atartetu at Jres p. m. ana arrtresM C at me i also, leave at m aa arrtrsi aaa suia suxmmmaeiauesi isaTSSj at VM ana arrive at Isaaeaatar B BeeUr g ltk Uamsbarw Bxeraa at tbb Predenek AcoameUuos.wSw neeiiajt at Laneaster with Past Lha7w2 atftU p. te., wui ran tareugk te riwBswkk-TV xasi rnesnes Aocemmooaaow. Oelambia at lM.aattnsiskSBlsBsj pul , f Hanover Accommodation, East, tears 0J HinuH. ai, s;iup.m. Arnvee as 4 ss n. mcennnctlnv with ns Haaevar Aemmiunaatmsi. wassvi at Laneaster wiu Niagara Express at i mwiuruauirouBhteluioTsa-.tBsBP.aj fsllTBlaT. A' Past LiBSkwtaL eat lelay,i wau asup m nvwniBiMnnLuas bar. Bit. Jer. BlIaaCHtktdwn s t i?ae eat train wkleAraaAaUy. i t mux train wust runs byway of I ! E.WOOD, neralawB4sn ubab. at. ruttn sMaarai si us r. ,- .;-) ..I11 me wmmrvxBMBMiM mmmum, .' QAIsIi AMD iKB. -TBT-. ski"" , Wt ROCHESTER LAMP. i erf , & Blxty CaauLlf ht jtHMt tMEt BB. rW ABOUHWLOtOf CHBAPSIX)jBSPisB- uuawves. ".tm ' THM piftraexiOMM 4;- METAL MOULDINH A EHBBEE COWUWfi S'lf wciAirtuidiiyr -v m - .Beats them alL'This trlp outwears all ethM, Seeps out tha cold, step rattling of wtoBewS.-: Exclude tha dnst. Keep out saew aaBfSdit. ' Anyone can apply lu-nowaste or emitasta In applying It. Can be fltted anywhre hole te bore, ready for use. It will met split, ;, warn or shrink a cushion strip la tha Bseitl nmriiHu. jii me Bseve, ueaier aaa mtrngty -or- s usp,ssV,--il ttWp.BS.1 SCstf'l EBEajKJ Axrsal tmenJbVs ' Se?''? 1ssssbvBM eeSI svaa b a.'Oi jn JsebbbbbMsbbV V -t r.Jt- .nSi Jehn P. Schauta & Sem, -? 84 SOUTH QUEEN BT- - I.ANOABTBB. PA. IVlVxCtit HlOVKBll CALL AND EXAMINE KIEFFEE & HEBE'S lrK SS.' STOCK or STOVES! 'M , ii.T " Tha Splendid" ud " Bright Diwrf 5 0VJ$ It AVE NO UlVAf. AS UBATBKS, ffi Per we all Ilka warm feet, and tht earn 4ml $ be enjoyed at a PULL BASK UEATBB. :W,i uoel lluatur at oneo, rather than pendjyear' meney for a Cheap Steve, only te trad) lte i.7,' .nzz: r ::r-T'..r:-7rf -- jt HUTS Himinrt anu ists mnnsv nv iiiibim ler ua iron nxt year, rreinave several ex ravaisat (VeA these en hand that we can soil very lew,kv-,'V-,' Inn taken them tn trade -some bavins' tiVVi. used bat one or two years. ri AND P0U;C00KINQ The Splendid and " Meatear JUgf ' P Never Pall te tilva SatlstaeUea. Our Line of Bmallcr and Cheaper Steve and Bange la Complete, SsPOUDEBS POE PLUMBINQ.-w TIN EOOriNO AND HPOOTIXQ EeeMtw rreuipt Aiteauen. v -NO BAD STOCK U8ED.1 Ne. 40 East King 3t.,1 LANCABTEB, PA: (Opposite Court Heuse. coal; B. H. MAK'I'IN, wxelisau Aae sstau BiA&xa la All Elnda of Lumber and OeJ, ' svissei no, ssu auiu iraKXABSi a crisaw Vix StM.1. MtutWA Ijimnn. IjnMiljii1. lwjl fj.9 TAUMUAitIWKK'eJ COMPAMi', COAL DEALERS. Osrie: Na 119 North QueenStreet, sat av Cs34 North Prtnoe stroet. ifaaxsi: North rrinee street, near asatuaE. Deoet. aur Utfd LAMOABTEB, PA QOALt COAL I Price of Ceal Reduced AT 0. SENER a SONS, COIt. PB1N0B A WALNUT SIS. Janltt-ttd E K FRESH 3PI0ES, Plaverlng Kxtracls and DtUllud ittipV Water, gu te .i n liminnTnMA nr Largest and Ctieaitust Drug Heuse la IjsaOU. c Uu.Tte. i,aad 14 Wet King UL, v ' , i si r .j-.i M(ffl a tr-wjii a VJ"" or. FVi v-.s r& ?t';i B H m JK- -'