zzx: ijnV1-' ' -v VS t-' !a uzeM f,. cr,'if vv: l- af . "' V fB3fl IaANOASTER jDAIttST INXEIiLIGEKCEn, "WEDNESDAY. MARCH T. 1888. V If e IX ' WK j r-.i .-" fe fa- ?. ,i Ue feST 1 m 3V . . i'jjj w$ v s3v M '.,. ta I y,- V,i Jfc &&, Th. Dally InfejHffneer LANOASTIK, X1MM T, IMS. rm BUitT irrmusswcaa imWtshea all the ttssrtaataM bow or u uaivea rress up 10 tfca tatart possible nr. TBBBS-Tte Dally BdlUM et Tfta Urratu i y tMMi te delivered ey earner in ue city d mrraatnf towns for We. per week I toy asaM, KN a yeart RN ter six months:; ' l tL wen ihtt 80c per month, tjj'VVlM-WaaKt.T lKTBLMemcni (Deuble Bheet) V v.. Mlh Tan m1 SI art mp -mnnm. In nd '..iareESTi " ' ' Xirtlwa 'wishing their address changed ' 1 Sanatalee state where the tastier U cow ler- ,?'WM, iLBvt41AtAnta frrvm in tA ZI Mil. nor line tack Insertion, according te loeitlon. THE 1NTKLLIGENCKR. t..4 l,naliiP. Pl , $sTlephrme Connection. . -' " " ' ' M" Mr. Randall's Bill. if &t " Mr. Randall Is preparing a tariff bill of ,W BIS UWU 1UI me wiuiunn" " i$A 'Egress; which shows that lie considers that the bill presented by his party asso ciates needs tee much amendment te be properlyrefermedwlthoutreconstrucllon, or probably Mr. Randall wants te com btne the tnrltt with revenue, reduction In eae bill, se that the consideration of the two may re hand In hand. He would have done better, we think, if he had un dertaken te amend the ways and means committee bill. That measure Is ac ceptable te Mr. natulan's parly in Its general outline, though it may be profit ably amended In places. We have sug gested, as our own opinion, that the duty en ores and coal should be lowered , though this will net ba Mr. Itindall's view, doubtless. We have shown that the duty en cigar wrapping tobacco theutf neli be reduced, which will alto be Mr. RandallM idea. "We will go withhlra, tee, in keeping ptint Injs and statuary off the free list. We de net find them te ba necesaanei, or te be raw materials of manufacture; and we de net knew why foreign pictures nnd tatn?s, made by cheap foreign labor, should be dumped upon us by the ship load without paying duty. YTe Loek at It OtlierwUe. An Iren-master frlend,whem we highly esteem nnd whose judgment is ordinarily g3d, Bends in occasionally an editorial utterance, of the New Yerk Journal of Commerce upjn "strike" Issues, marking them In the margin with his warm ap proval; and doubtless he expects that they will be effective in converting us te their vlewi, as man are went te think arguments Irrcfraglule which run in the current of their Ejmpathlcs. "We must l e sadly out of tune with the editor of the Journal of Commerce and our friend rupen the labor question, for we find nothing persuasive In their nrguments. The Journal nf Commerce Is an nnclent r paper of high renown In mercantile cir cles, but It does net have werklngmen for its readers, nor doisltevcr hear their voice sava from afar. The editor sits In his easy chair, and contemplates the striking laborer as he would n machine that has refused loge te de the work of its master, who is his subscriber nnd friend ; whom he meets in social and business Inter course, and in whom he lives nnd breathes and has his being. There is a com munity of Interest, feeling and sympathy between the editor of a commercial jour jeur naland the conductor of a commercial business enterprise, l'er this reason we find the views of the New Yeik Journal of Commerce te be as like these of Austin Cerbln ns one pea Is like another. They llnd "nothing te nrbltrate," when the werklngman falls out with his emplejer. Notwithstanding there nie many thousands of human beings en one slde and only ene sometimes, ns in the Reading strike, en the ether, the ene Is always right and the thousands wrong; be that the will of the ene is te be accepted and no arbitration is possible te de termine whether the ene Is wrong or the ten thousand, or whether the truth perchance may He between them. The Jbiirmll of Ceinmrrrc declares that nrhl nrhl tratien might as well lake place between the magistrate and the pickpocket ; ni.d we iiave laid this article carefully nway for reference nnd as a reminder of hew the Judgment may be clouded by rnJu diceand the wise manbomade te talk like the feel. We will never yet a better Illustration of it. Of ceune te such argument no rcpl) i i possible. It would be useless te demand arbitration of the man who considers himself a judge and you a criminal. This is ..the feeling of many men who nre placed in control of the great railroads of the country employing many thousands of men, whom they feel born te order and whom they cannot reidily treit as freemen nnd equals in aibitra ' tlen. Thty lnve waxed fat ard rich through their business capacity, and conceive themselves equal te kings. Graceful surrender, submission or conc 8. L sien, even te reason and justice, Is net possible te them. They will sacrifice the Interests of their owners nnd of the pub lic, In the tffert te break down their worklngmen;te whom in their generosity, when they think the feat is dene, they may threw a bone; nnd even before it is done, te make believe that they think It is done, as did Austin Cerbiu when he contributed twenty thousand of his dol lars te themlneis. The Journal of Commerce fellows up its illiberal views en the Reading strike with like manner of comment upon that rtret the Rrotherheod of Locomotive I'n glneers in the We&t; nnd is thrown into a fever of denunciation wl en It treats of the 4Uiuu& iuab nu bix?cu(,iuccia m iubv;uuii 'w- &, try may leave their levers te make gecd feM'! w utu.u. v. ...v.. u.ut... .. t-w.u Am.w111 "fchew tl.e33 airecant despots," ifefqueths the editor, "that they have passed P" the limits of tolerance." The people are Kr &r as likely te teach some ether " arrogant " Aespets ' a lessen before they tnke Inte fc'!4i pupilage the Ivoccmetivo Engineers. It Pw has come te be a greit question hew far the people are te permit themselves te be CTYiund hfltwppn the unnsr and the nether K. millstone. In th83 contests bstween A railroad corporations aud their servants; and it has become very clear that the law aeust step In and provide speedy arbitra- tien of all such dlspuu e, that they may I e promptly ended and the service of He public be uninterrupted, be far, .. tbe weiklngmen have the public ?t sympathy, uictuse ti.ey ae net cry ' v .lint. Iticrc la nnllilnT In nrhitfllA. lint J r,have ever thewn themselves ready te ac- ;V efpt the decision of au Impartial tribunal. sK OhW Arthur eays newtbat he will ac Mt arbitration betwixt his order and Ihe-Jlurllnglen read. They refuse It. The Jaw should compel It, and bring each te alilda It. . .--.I j we uuucjsuuu uie uenianu maue et I1 the Uurllngten by the Urotherheod, tt Is that all Its engine drivers shall receive like wages; In which demand there seems te us te be nothing unreasonable, since the company need net and shculd net accept nny lncomps lncemps tent men; and slnce the company's plan gives It the opportunity of discharg ing old and high-priced men, and hiring In their stead young and low-priced ones, who are just as geed; which Is nn ob vious wrong te the Rrotherheod that they de right te correct. And we understand further that this Is a contest te break down the Brother hood. In this aspect, we are unable te see wherefore they may net, if they And it necessary, use their power te step every locomotive wheel In the country, until their just demand Is complied with, or such legislation is had as will loose the horns that they have locked with cor poration power. We de net suppe30 our friend, who reads the Journal of Commerce with se much pleasure, will find the like sensa tion in reading these views of the Intel MciEXCKii ; but we would that we were as well satisfied always that our opinion was sound and accordant with humanity. m Is Ihls Statesmanship! It Is safe te say that no man In the Re publican party te-day has attained higher position therein with less reason for It than Jehn J. Ingalls, the presiding e Ulcer of the Senate. Ills name Is appended te no measure of statesmanship, and he Is without n trace of a military record. But he possesses a shrewish tonguennd by a vigorous use of this organ, he has sue. cecded in persuading a goodly portion of his party that he is endowed with states manshlp. When Napeleon in a certain great crisis of his lire was surrounded by nn enthusi astic crowd, he grimly observed that the same multitude would with equal nlacrity have attended his funeral. Bj is It with Ingalls. The news that he is te speak always fills the Senate galleries, because the expectation of coarse nbuse of some one is sure te be realized. It Is net a tribute te the esteem In which he is held by his party. The attendance Is rather inspired by that impulse which prompts the passing wayfarer te step nnd In credulously listen te the deceptive words of the street fakir. Oa Tuesday In the Senate Mr. Ingalls made a brutal attack upon the living and did net spare the dead. He said that the nomination nnd election of Orever Clove Cleve laud hid made the pretensions of any American citizen te the presidency re spectable. " There was no man In this country whose ignerance was se pro found, whose obscurity se impenetrable, whose antecedents se degraded, that he bad net the right te aspire te the presi dential nomination by the Democratic party." Ills attempt te degrade the presi dent was followed by nn effort te traduce the dead. He said the nomination of the brave Hancock for the presidency was an attempt by the Democratic party te feel the North, and he referred te that Intrepid warrior, Geerge 11. McUlellan, as " that ether ally of the Confederacy." These In Ingallu' own party may be led by the mad falsehood of theae remarks te inquire of themselves, "Is this statesman ship ?" Ingalls probably new regrets the extrcme partisan bitterness te which he was carried in his speech, for Senater Blackburn was able e completely rout his waspish oppenont. He observed with cutting sarcasm that the senator from Kansas had inade a military record. During the latter part of the war he had beenjudge udvocate of Kansas militia. While Hancock was bleeding en Come Ceme tcry Heights, nnd Black en the very bor ders of the senator 'a state, the senator had been in the rear of the armies prose cuting " Kansas Jajhawers" for robbing hen roosts. If Ingalls' upeech Is intended for a presidential bcemlct, the latter has per ished still-born. Tll.uuN'H Willis anethur Illustration of howMnen ought te carry Inte Hlect Hide nteiidedchurltlea during tlietr lifetimes. l.Nd vt.i.t oneoalludod te tlm president n a "whipped spaulel." The Kmisai tena tena ter roealls that kind or prize-lighter wlie Is utroeKoat with his mouth. m - Tun HarrUtmrg Pemoerntg are having a Kilkenny eat time. The Damroratle oily cneimlttne, by a vote or 27 te 21 litis ex. polled Mayer I'dtchey, who wa eleo'e I a inemtier at the receut primary election. 1'dacp, broth ren 1 In the lataat number or consular reports Censul tlade, of Christiana, Norway, tin tin tin nouncesthat M. K. Meyer, of that city, In a uisceerca new, simple and cheap In. gredleut, which noltber euam;en the ta9te et the milk nor Is Inimical te benltb, ler conserving milk in a from condition for menthB without belng horme'.loally scaled. " 'in l'.tu; will be many tears drepped en fie grave of l.eulsa M. Alcott, whexe books dollf;bled and Instrueted tbe children el the goneratlon that has new grown te manhood nod womanhood. Iler father, Ames ilrou ilreu ilrou en Alcott, the ptttphlloMephorol Concord, at tbe nge or eighty -nine, died in ltosten last Hunday, and new the talentea daughter who loved her sged father dearly aud who ten derly eared for him during his lait llliiPBH, has quietly geno te her long test. Hie sur vived her father scarcely mere tbau a day. and It is also a semewhat Blngular colnol celnol colnel douco that Miss Alcott was born en the anniversary of her Jather'a blrtb, tbe Uth orNevombor, 1S.I2. llelh were born en the same day of the month, and only a lew hours separated them Irem tbe hlioiei el eternity. Kin-nr.sKNrATivK Themas, of I iliuls, Is very properly disgusted at tbe iuedem with which tbe laces of prominent women are used without consent In advortlso advertlso advortlse inonts. In a Waihlngtcn drug atore, Mr. ThemrJi saw the ether diy a large chrome lithograph (it Mrs. Cleveland, which wb ucd te advertise the miraUve pewurs of a particular nealrntp. Captain Themas Is a Kepubllcan and personally acquainted with tbe inmates el the White Heuse, but bis Indignation wasaroused thatauy lady's picture should De used for se Improper a purpose. Ner was he ut all backward In expresslng this Indignation In vlgoteua language, in course et which honeured tbe drugRlut that belore many daya be would lntroduce a bill In Congress making It a miadeineaner te publicly display any woman's plclure alter that fashion. He carried nut his threat and Intro duced In the Heuso en Tuesday a bill which provides that any person who shall publicly exhibit the like ness cr ropreiant&tlon of any Inmate, living or dead, who is or was the wlfp, daughter, mother or alater el any cltlren of tbe United Htatts, without the consent In writ Ing et the person whose likeness U te be te ued, shall be guilty et high misdemeanor, and ahull, upon Indictment, be Uned net less tban ?M)0 nor mere than $5,000 and stand Imprisoned until the hue and costs are paid. Thlt OUKbt te BSltlO a lenir stsndlncr - - a - auuie. MartetUTs lUvtOwa, vtl Uotter Ik'je Itita BUTEMHTKHimNT IlIUHlCE'fl MMUl re- pert or the eldlern' orphans' seboeli la printed In the current number et the 1'onn 1'enn ylvnli Scheel Journal, It glvei a his tory et Itiem, 1 1ndicate hla auperlnten auperlnten deney or tbem, and kIvm the prenent atatua of llieoe aobeola. The Mount Jey achoel new Iim 253 children, and Jim had under Ma ear Irem the beginning total el 1,482 children. The nuinber of Initltutlena In which aoldlera' orphans are new maintained It 17l tbe number of uch orphan In aobeola and homes May 31, 1RS7, waa 2,774 ; the number admitted etnea the schools went Inte operation la 1-1,810 ; the oeat of the aysf m ler tbe pait year haa been t338(4C!.2rt, and the entire eat cf system thui lar, (4,629,822.20. Oir. Jumped Irem lMf cents te ft 45 rn Tuesday, and tbe tlrne taken was Just long enough te bully aqucezs tboae wbe had setd abort. PWU30NAL. Wii.rntn flr.u.vr hi tieett reloaneJ from Tullamerejall. Inaae Jkan, el Philadelphia, left an caute of 13.122,UC0 te a widow aud aevee children. HKNnv KciCKt., prraldenl el the Wil mington city couneil died Tuesday alter neon of heart dlsease, aged 72 years. MnH. William M, Hkntkr, of Dayton, Ohie, formerly Miss Alice Trojer, el .Lan caster, la In this eltv visiting Irlendn. Him Is stepping with W. K. Hambrlgbt, en North Oharlolte stroeL Mihh CiiAiir.eiTi: Firkr IIati.h, the poetess, delivered tbe following epigram epigram matle lines Impromptu : Would von spoil In two words both cc 'jut tie anu drcclvcr Take tbe twelrUh novelists, lovernna Lever. HeuniiT Hennkh linnglien te his sons Jelntlv a'sqasre of land nn 1'lllh avenue, New Yerk, valued at 1,2M),000. It Is In tended ultimately te use the t-l'e for I he erection et a building ler cbarltaule pur poses. Cel. Leuis Waturs, cnneal Innpse ter of rille practice ter thoNnllenhl Guard olPennsjlvanit, hastntimlited his report te Adjutant (lennrnl lla.itlngs. It shows the total number of sbarpshejters te be 312; total nu inner m niarKsmen, incttlumg sharpshooters, 2,070 j lunreiuu ever lait year, CUD. The Third llrlnade ha the largest number of qualllled marksmen and sharpshooters. Catkaiunk Kaas, et Philadelphia, kit f 1,000 each te the Hebrew J'erliiKiitHi omi emi omi gregstten Mlkve Isrsel, Jewlnh J'ester Heme association, nnd Juwlsli Hospital bs bs bs soclatlen, and MOO eaeti te the JU'ralh Nesbiin JT.ylng-ln BS?ocWtleri, United He brew Ulisrltlc. Jewish Tlnxileiilcal ansncln tien of New Yerk, nnd the l'litlnilelphln branch of the Alllsnre Iiraolite Unlvor Unlver sellr. Twe trusts of (15,000 each are created for ri'Utlves, and, in curtain e-v tlugenclHS, these are te he divided among the charities abeve named. Cssli U'ellflim.t. Meney expendtd In pnrsenal ronrninentls orten foolishly wasffl upon nrlle in el no In In trlntle value. A botlle of P07.OnO.NT, how ever, 1 worth Its weight In Ktd te nny ene troubled with roer (celli, nod Us prlce Is emit welt uprnt te ttie ptirchsBer. 'tlietih It will notmitHe tlie teth rctrular, tliey wlie melt nronslenlsliod at tint rnpll linprnviunenl It etfects In ilia Cental row, Mornevor, they b rnlhe BwtHitncsf, and linve healthy guins nnd ruddy lip. riiVBlclin", I.uwjcrsnnil I'tislne s Men nre nnlhitiliLitta In ttmlr tnHonettteitt of taltn tleuur. lli'iiroitbe wemct'ea el rhouiuu rheuiuu tlsm. i.i cents. Him ant en tbe piano steel with liprhnnrta tlKhtly etfUfud, loekna trjK'envd inlj,-rulile Bhuceiild netdnK anntn. iKenily HtiirtBlea lr. hull's UeuKh syrup, 'luu hmxi nay flic waslnilngnnd trlltliiK like tbu flrst blids In tbebpriag. Sonnlule nlil! "My Kliigitum Ittr a Heme," Uut If he suitors I roimcratrhes, Clucks, cuts, gills or wounds of nny kind, Veterinary Hep Olntmnnt Is varranttdle euro. Xfter nils. lUOabex. Atall druEgtBts. tlcej.(I) til'JWJA L MOT1VKH. Knrklen's Arnica Salvn. Ths Usst Salvb In the world for Ctilsjlriiljcs Boren, UIluis, bait Ithnuui, Kuver eeres.Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chlllilulrut, Cerns, utid all Sklu nrtiptletis. und positively euros IMIvs, or no pay retilrtt. It In gnnnuiirep te glvn ixtr ixtr rect SHUmacllen, or tuenuy ruftindua. 1'rtce 55 eniita per Itex, Ker lu by H. II. Uechran, DrtiKXHt, Noh. 137 unl 1JJ North (jtioen stixset, Lanuuuir. I'a. JuneJ71yd Alluu l' t Hey That a pond deal or the Hurrrtrlnir In tliln wcrld enu be melded by pnitlianIiiK Dr. Uhenuu' Kltelric Oil, nnd tmlnK tins per directions. It I, nn litfitlliblu euro terntl ucht-i, Bpnilnp, nml patiu. rtn nnlu by It. II. Uechran, drunnUU U nnd l.u Meith Qtioeu street, Liinciister. An Kietllrnt Jtrpert, Hen .1 s. ei. ioearldo. el llroeklyn, N. V wilte tills: "L'uiiiiettxpn'SjiiijHi-u lasnlll rlently piatsoweutiy teiun. Jluriteck llloeil littler i liuve tibi-rt ler thii pist twit yours i ktep my atemacli In splendlA Htm. for rtilu tty 11. It. Ceclitun.rtniHKlat.l'rtuiid 13J North Ouoen struct, iJtncBster. Tan Ce I n rm .'Mint 'Je. And ie must nrurHlKta nnd rheuiiitnttin, wIimu t)r. Themnt' Aeltctric Oil utlneK Uiein. '1 his iiiodlelnH 1, a tutrvDletu product of lniri. utuu-tllieiiKht. l!uy Itundliy It. rormleoy 11. II. Uoeliian, drtiKKlst, 137 und 13l .Nertn ynoen miiHtt, l.unc-iuiur. l.uuki lluets , A eUur, ltrKhtnneu face samrhnw leeks honest a liome tlilaf or l)itrmr soldotninr seldotninr soldetninr riuj seeh u Inen. HurOecK llloeil Hlttei j te lha km upecnlluily llue Utxuire and cUtnr ni'fs. 'lltey Bti-niKtlieii nndenrlch tttectrcu. latlen ami e rradtcnte nit oriiptlen or liletnlsli. Kei Btiln by It. II Uechran, druculsl, IS7 nnd U'J Neitlt tjiiten Btruet, Lancustti. Sived Ilia lUlijr. " "My lialty, aKed tl f toen men t hs, was at tacked with (.reup, but tow eured Willi two den-s ut rietiini' Actcetrta Oil; be nsid Ihls litudl cluefur thoela. rcniliiroe. tliiveltm urentrst liitllilu It" Mis Dili till Minn.JJl ncM-nth Uriel. lltttraln, N. V. rorsale by II. II. Uotli Uetli nm, driiKKtst, 137 ftiid IS) Aeith Quiun stroet, Ltuiaistei. A nntl llrlli I lnsutrtunlile. We don't Ilka It, A porten wliliunireiiK breatli lniutnel inske luuix-ii Mtiy fttiiitllar wllliiu An Impure lnmtrtU eaustd by nu uuhenltliy steiutit It. JIutitoeK Jlleml Hitler i will coriect llili evll. 1 liny iitu IliolieslkUtuinch medi Ine known Kei eale by II. II Uechran, druKKlst, Ulnnd 13U Neith Qui en t-trent, Lancaaler. JSUctr.c ttltiers. This revnrdy Is becoming se well known nnd se popular ns te noed no mmicWI treutlen. AllwlniluB ued Kluc'.ile Ilium- bIu the siiuie song et prulsu A purer mtdlclne dms uei t xlst, una U U Kunrnnlet d te de till Unit Is (latiiind. K ectiln liliurswtll cuienll dlsesses or the llitir and Klitnuys, will remnvu I'lin-pli-a Uelli. bait llbmiin und otlter ntlt'cllens uauaed Oytinpure bleed. rtllt dilvu ilulirla from ilHisyslein and pn-vimt ns wt It bs euro all MnUrlal Jreen. Ker curu et HimiliiL-hc, l.onstlpatlen and lnd'Kstteii try Klictrle Illttern -Kull'e satlstaotien guarnnUed or iiienuy rulundttd, 1'ilcelUc. nnd l uu ptr bot bet bot leo al 11. it. Cochran s Urui; store. tSj WAXAJlAKKlfll. 1'uiLAitsu-iiu, Wednesday, llnrcli 7, l&ij. There are quiet but power ful human relations, like these of parent and child, of which you never speak, they are se simple, se natural. Yeu will doubtless cry " Ab surd !" when we say that into the same rank fall the relations between this store and the pub lic. Yeu walk the street. De you ever step te say, "It is my right te walk the street," or, " Fer walking purposes, the street is mine ?" Or de you say "thanks" te the air you breathe? Yeu walk through the store, de you question any mere as te your rights here than en the street ? Yeu note in your usits the touch of the passing seasons merchandise has its year equally with the calendar or the church but de you net take it all aa you de the rraai men sgriusnuigs at Lewest, rntiea Cexr. Is dropping, never, WANAUAXBRB. touches of sun, air, or foliage your own te enjoy ? Yeu sit in the waiting rooms, arc you any less at home than in your own library? This freedom is the store charm. We mean te make it mere charming. Seme charms arc spoiled when mentioned. Fun is impossible when the wit is asked te be witty. Happi ness, when made conscious of itself by speech, ceases. Net se this quiet power that we call the store. Isn't this strange talk about a retail store ? Perhaps you never thought of it before. But it's true. A Spring-like freshness in the Seutache liraidedRobcsepened yesterday. They '11 seen be making the streets brighter and livelier. New colorings, new styles. Richer than of old. The work is all en feule grounds : navy blue with wblte light Kohelln with black torrn-cetta with bluet mahogany wlthblaik ollve Willi blark llgntgetxtlin with black eut.lncd ultli pink and crt-atn golden brown, tan, and gobelin, with seli co ered braid. $9 te $15 for a robe. Southwest of centre. The crinky, wiry, spider A Babel webby Crazies, I2c, of styles. Ner I Invest of centre New designs in the Sateens day by day. Every pattern as fresh as a flower cup. Ne need te sigh for a silk or a satin while these printed wonders can be had for "se little. Peerless, i2jc; fine French, 31c; best French, 37jc. Northwest el contre. 200 reams Commercial and Octave Nete Paper, cream, heavy linen stock, ruled; in y ream boxes, with square en velopes te match, $1 a ream, 5c a quire. A fair price would be $2.40 a ream, 12c. a quire. Our latest in box papers are " Millresc," " Van Dyke," "Rese Lawn," and 'Little Heffman." Each name cloaks cuteness and oddity. bouthel Thirteenth street onttnnce. $3.50 Beeks for $1 ! $3 Beeks for $95c! $1 Beeks for 20 cents ! Beeks that you'll like te read. Plainly printed en geed paper, and handsomely bound. Desirable Beeks in every way. We give a partial list of them. But you'll net realize what money's worth you see them : a wonderful they are until ruh'tshera' prlce. lutr I lice. II 00 100 1.50 ISO S3 .6) Thorny or the (1 eat lUnpt J. T. Iliuclay slbe Crumbs Sttupl Up. T. i eltt lUltllURO 2(h) .Nluht be-nrs In lliolslb'e. Uiv. Dautel -M irrli 3,;s Frem lUwnte Dink. ltev. lianlel l a icii ;t75 Scncs ami liibldeiiia In tin) 1,1 (e et the Apestlul'iiul. Uov.Albert Damns 353 Jlyl itlliei 'a Heuso, or thnlli nven or ttie lilble. Jtuv. Jiuiiei M. Mncdenald 2( All Iteiind the Year. Verso ftem t-Wy Knrm Klatne and Dera IteodUnedalo 1:5 Heme 'Jeplcs. I'nicUcil t'attuis en Heuso and Heme 1 tutors. bnsnn Annliien SOU Anttnnl Ihjslolegy. J, Miner tetliernlll.M.I) 1 00 Ftimnes jtmuilcnn t-eitiint-s and the. Mutt Who Made Ihuiu, L. U llallewav 350 Tim Heek Hunter. Jehn Hill Burten 3,00 Legitnda and Popular 'lutes of t llisiUO l'eople. llurtauu Montclre 3m A lllde In Ksypt. J. W. l-ofile.. I re Mnethit's l'H.ins. 1 ranalntPd .... 1 Mi (loot be's Faust. Kdlli-dby Hedge, 1 Ml aurcuss With Small Fruits. K. 1. Jtoe -2ie .23 93 121 110 125 .10 10 .60 1.S5 Boek Nuws for March has ether lists of very little priced books. Boek News readers always knew what is going en in the book world. Iblrteunth street entrance. Easter Cards and Booklets and Novelties. Frem 3 cents. Cards as usual and net as usual. Beeks and tokens full of surprises. Beautiful things full of art and sentiment that stand for Easter thoughts. Near 1 blrteeth street entrance. 40 inch Silk Net Lace. Like a spider's web with silk figures worked in it. Light blue and white en light blue ; heliotrope and white en heliotrope; black en red and yellow. Has been $7.50, new $4 a yard. Narrow te match, $500. Crepe Lisse, 40 in. Helio trope, blue and cream, worked with self-color and white flow ers. Down from 5.25 te $2.50. Narrow te match, $35c Crepe Lisse, 40 in. Helio trope, red, yellow, and light blue, all worked in white. Were 2.25, new $1 ; narrow te match, 15c. Anether grade, was $1.65, new $Sec ; narrow te match, $i5c De you wonder that we need twice ever the longest Lace counters in town ? Eccend circle, southwest of cenlre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. A ViKW OF IXJW LIFK. Net from a.lferal Standpoint, but la an Bd. llraly Phyetcnl Bans. Whsn the pubMbaats feebly i wfcan tbe energy Is eae whea the appatlta la weak and aleaai oneertala, tn tbaboayUlnaeendltloaof a a a tnalMlowllM.nMemattarwhttaaeaDMBaar bare been Ratnra baa Rlraa war and anises bar strength Is restored disease la eartaia te taka possetstea of tbe body. Thsflrstthlngany doe dee dee ter Oeas la an ch a eaaa U te assUt Xatnr a, Usra are soma Instances i Prof. ABJtlnri!nt,ef llwlernedfew Tork) Collece, aaya : "Ths Jnairfens use of alcoholic atlmalaata la one e( the striking eharacterte ties or progress Id the praetlee of medicine during the last ha) f oentery." The well-known Prof, Jeseph Farrlsh, sayi : We knew that alcohol will steady tbe heart, stew the pnlaa, warm the skin, calm excite ment, and we onghtte nse It," The celebrated Or. J. M. Cornwall says t " I am most happy te say, alter a very thorough test, that for persons suffering with nervous ana general debility or any watting dlsease, or for delicate persons or Invalids. Dairy's Pere Malt Whisky Is the best tenle and purest stimulant with whleh I am acquainted. " There are no higher scientific authorities than these ana tbeyspeak volumes for this para and va'utble whisky which has become se wonderlolly popular. Beware et all bottled whlakys which may be altered yen, eieept Daffy's. It has steed the Ufctet time and Is ab solutely pure. .Duffy's Formula Is a positive cure for coughs, ce'Ai and all pulmonary troubles. () IMPROVED CUSHIONED KAR DttUMB, CURE FOB THE DEAF. Peck's Drums f Patent Improved Cushioned Car restore hearing and perform thn work of the natural drum. invisible corn- lertable and always In position. All cenver satien and even whispers heard distinctly. Bend ler Illustrated book with testimonials. ruKK. Address or call en r. HISCOX. est Broadway, Mew Yerk. Men tlen this paper. 1unslO.lydAwll.WAr VKX UOODt). B OSTON STORE. STAMM BROTHERS. Nes. 26 & 28 N. Queen St, I.ANCAjTKU, PA. GOODS -THAT W WANT TO SELL BSrOUK- MOVING. About Five Hundred LADIEV AND CUILDUKN'S U03EAUKU8, At About llallPrle). Upwards of 1M Bemnants of BLACK UKNU1KTTA3 AND BLACK OAS1I- M1CUKS. At Pi iecs that will Save Yeu Meney. Abent 200 Remnants COLOUKD DUE83 GOOD?, Of Every Dcsctlptten at Menoy Lesing Prices. Ten Etyles FINK ALL-WOOL D11K38 CLOTH iH, One and a-halt yards wlfle, at 7Ec;Iermer price, 1 V. AND A Thoesand Other Tbings Which You'll See When Yen Come. It Has Never lleen Our Fleasure te DJiplay He I arge nu AESertuunl or NEW SPaiNft DRESS GOODS As We Are New Showing The choicest el trie choice hat been selected from evety uianuloctuter, und we have kept LOW PRICES In view all tbe time BpecUl styles In Amr lent aud Prencli atensal l'epulnr 1'ilces. Iinnnrtrd ler us Iflve Cases Zephyr rleth UliiKhauis In all the Latest bbadts and i)c signs, f tteslal OfleMng of yifty Dezon UucLabuclc Towels, all ,lnen, se each. AT TI1K BOSTON STORE April 1, womevo te Nei 1 5 and 87 North tjuetm strceU light acrets from ,the posleftle: MUBWAL. OUPErtlOU QUAL11Y MUSICAL BOXES. HKNUY OAUTSC1II X SONS, Ke. 1U Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Kzamtnatten will preve our Instruments farsupeitorte any ethor make, net speaking ei tbe worthless trash that abounds tn the market, seen belng of mere annoyance than plcatute te thelr owners. Old and luipor luiper lectly made Muilc llexea carefully repaired by experienced werkmen from tbe manufac tory lu Bwitruriand. Cern spendence solicited. Send stamp for catalogue and prlce list. nerU-lvdAw OIANOANDOROANaUNINa. It will pay yen te walk up one flight of slatrs te soe huw ulcely you can. have jour Flane or Orfetn Repaired. Viz : llestrlnslng, Entlre New Works put In. Cases ltuvarnlbtd und l'ollabed m geed as new. tour ycliew aiitcelsred Ivnryserkeys made pertrctly white, by a newly aucevered paceiu. This can all be done at Neb. 28 and SO Bant King Street, Second Fleer, Over Stackhouse'a SboeStoro, WM. H. 1131yd MANBY & SON. Lancaster, l'e. SAKE, SURE AND SPEEDY' CURB, itupture. Varicecele and bpectal Dlteases ofettbertex. Why be huinbugiitdby quscks when you can find In Ur. Wright the only Use uti rmsietAN In Philadelphia who makes a apcla'ty et tbe aoeve diseases, and Cuius lutuf usss UDABAKTssp. Advlce Free day auavven.ug Strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. unices prlvte. Dii.w.it nntuiiT, 141 North Ninth Street, Abeve Hate, V. O. Hex 674. Pblladeli hla. leUJJ-lyOAw j AUOU K. SUEAFi'ER'S PURE RYE WHISKY. , (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) JHO, 15 0BNTUK BQUABB. OROOMHIMg. T ENTKN 8KABON GOODS. XJ rait and nmeaed Pish, ftaa WaHaPat Btvaaea and Leestsr, ardlaes, ete , Maaatwat, Halailae, ana Maw Tork Cheese, Caaaai rrrU aa Vegaub'sa, Olives and Plekiaa. er.t sleek ar Cetfeea aad Teas compare wish V daast la tka wnrhat. 'rieaaaiaverMwlUi a trial order. Qoeaa Ba il vered. GKertaie wianT, He. Hi west King Street. G RKAT KEDUOT1CN IN PRICES. NOKKDUCTIONIK QUALITY AT MO. 23 OENTRB SQUARE, ItUruUKATBIDUCTION IN rBICKH. ZKA8 down IS per cent. CorrRiB-liestKloKa per pound, was ise. Prims nie at Me, was 1 e per iieund. Uoed stle, soe, waa a per pound. B'JAPS at Less than Whe'esale Prices. C. a Plekles, Chow-Chew, Ae . Ke per bot tle, were 15a. Catsup, N. of K, nance. Mdstard, Canned Geeda, Prnnes, Kalslns, rrunellas, Aprloeta, Cranberries, starch, e All rif tbe Very neat Quality and at prleea at which they m uu go. JOHN A.CLARK. NO. M CKNTBB BQUABK. K. n. Rcraomber lam tilling off and Intend te quit business. s PEOIAIj BAKCJAINH. Breems and Wash-beards Ulven Away with Tea, at f. CLAUKE'S TOMOItUOW (4ATUUDAY) UABCUS. AaocdlTense-Broorn given away 1th One Pennd of B. Clarke's 503 Tea. A Uoed Deubln Zinc Waih.bnsrd irlTAn iv with One Pound eej lea. P. s -Itemember we are soiling a great many groceries at and below cost In elder te reduce our stock before moving. aw- will remove te 11 and 11 Scntb Queen street about the middle el Uarcb, a lew doers from Centre tqnare. S. CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE STORE, NO. 52 WKST KINO BTIIKKT. J- Telopheno. AT BTJRSK'S. A JOB LOT OF PLUM 1UDDING In pound cans, at greatly reduced prices; uiuaf prlce 50a can, we will sell Xor20e, or cans for 69e, gnarintoed. Jntt received, a let el fine VAN K08KH KDAM CI1EK3K, In foil Alse, eicnle Bite 1'lne Uheete, Bspeage, and Choice Yerk State Cream Cheese. J uit received, Fresh Macaroni and Verml celli. Jnst received, Alexis rjndlllet olive Oil, Finest Fresh Tuble Oil. Alte Durkees' Salad Dressing. Have left abent SO quarter boxes T,"nden Layer italalns ; lunnur price, $1 15 ; new selling at 75 cents. Fine Large Ollvf s ; also, medium sizes. Oranges, Lemens and llananas, Fine Prunes, Halsln, I'runelles, Figs, Dates, nnd every thing lu tbe Fruit line, nnd pitcei right, AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 BABT KINO BTRHET LANOA8TKK, 1'A. JtyTelophene connection. 'PECIAIj drives ih groceries. REST! ACCUSED OF UNDERSELLING. We are just In receipt et a Jetter In which a "Brether" grocer unjustly accuses uj of " taking away his trade" by underselling. He Is evidently mistaken. It Is net our desire te " take away trade " from any ene. Be tar gets that we are living in a last age thn the man who cannot held up and manfully com bat with the world, his te give place te the one who can de se. We are governed lu the sole and purchase of our gecdi by tie de mands of a wide-awake people. Constant and persistent advertising en our part has taunht tbem where te buy. We makeln buying what many otbers have In selling, and consequently gtve our patrons the benemef the purchase gain. We bolleve that tbe lower the prlce of anything, the groiter the coniumptlen. The lessen of experience has taught ustbls. We cannot, thoreforo, be held responsible for the tctsef trade te ethor beusFs.slmply because we eTer Inducements, se strong, thit It will be a great saving at theendef the year te buy of us. Parties from elh-r towns ean save enough en a single purchase te pay all expense Incurred In coming te town, Ve have decided upon one com se all tbe way through Te buy in large quantities and sell ss low as we dare sell our prices may be lower than enr competi tor, bnt this we cannot help Tbe matnels net with us. If we ate accused of doing all the business, there must be some reason lerlt. If you will only take a leek at our stere en a Sat urday, you will say with ns you never saw tbe like. When we tell you 20 te 21 buy, po lite, and attentive clerks ate emp'eyed jeu will have your denbU this Is net exaggera tion we want yen te come and see. We want you te count tbem. We can use half a dozen mere. The sequel te the whole matter Is Largest, Neatest and Cheapest Store In tbe city. PellUind Gontlemnnly Yenng Clerks; no boys, leek ler Bargains SATURDAY. Reist, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, Cor. W. King and Prince Sis., (Narr Doen te ths sekrbl Uerbb Hetil.) rOK HALE OR KKNT. F" OR KENT- IjARQE SHOP NeTO Seuth Christian street, known as Block ing factory, with power ; cheap If called for seen. Inquire mud NU.fflSOUTHQUKKNSTKKET. TJWR RENT STORK ROOM, NO. 41 JO West King slreet, occupied ler many years as a shoe nnd dry goods store. Alse stihle or warehouse In rear. I'nseesstnn April L1KS3. WM. J.i'OOl'KK, lis tfd Ne. 41H West King Street, NOW READY. Parties wishing te view tbe North Poke street " Ureen Stene Freut" Houses, can de se by calling at tbe fourth bouse trem New street, which la new complete and Often for In spection from 0 a. m. te 10 p in. dOClO-tfd HDW1.N KUKUMAN. TJiOK RENT. THE THREE STORY XI Hrlck Dwelling, Ne. 59 North Prince street, no r occupied by Dr. S. 11. Foreman. Alse a stnruioem. liasement and a large Hall, suitable for manulacturlng or ethor bu slneis. luanlre of JOHN W. APPEL, Ke. S3 hertti Duke Stteet. Jan!5-W,8,Mtfd gJOR RENT. E A very desirable borne, situated In West Lampeter township, along the Uua'ryvllle Uailread, nearly opposite Levan's flouring mill, about li et a uitle f tern tbe city limits, Tneplace contains about two Aerosol geed land, well adapted for trucking, cm which Is a geed two-story Frame Heme. Hututrer Heuse, etablr, Currlage Heuse and alt necrsiary out eut bnlldlaics, alre choice fruit. Kent reasonable. Posjt-nten Immediately, Inquire en the ItrHuUrs, eratthn DoiuesUebcwlng Machine jttlce, 21 Centre Square. 126-tid MAV1I1XKKY. PATTERNS, MODF1JJ, aa Central Machine Works. W. T. CUMMINGS, Prtp. COUNKlt OF (lit ANT AND CHUISTI AN 8T8 (lloiref Courtllense. Jes, II illuber- Old bland.) All kinds of Light Machine Werk, Patbirns, Medels, Iren and llnus CasUngs, Ktc Special attention given te developing new Inventions and te the construction el bp-jclel-ties In Machinery or Hardware. TEUUS BBAUONA1ILK. SATISFACTION UUAliANTfKU. decSUd CLOTB1X9. a SiO'Sh rrtrORatATlON. Te these sbeat Ordering pt Ing Clethes. If yen want te save Meney and baFlaaaid, OTO ASKEW'S. en-lra EXTRAORDINARY IjOW PRION. '1MB TAILOBtBQ AT XXTBAOBDUUBT LOW rBICM. Overoeatlng aad Btavy Wateht BaHleg made te order at Ceat rrW tenduea steel andglvaamplnymsatteay baaas " Bpeelal attention paid te Fan Divas talta. whleh I will new make teerter taaVwr best style, Batla Lined aU Uueagh, freaa aw " H.GERHARTS. m- fibb istrpBTMe taileb. no. a nebth qubbmst.. lancabtkb. r a TMPORTANTNEWS. THE R5A80N IT JS DOME THAT GOODS AUK BOLD Much Under Their Value BY HiaSH & BROTHER. 1. By being at very low expense . a. Always snttlng enr oustemers, thereby leaving no old stock te accumulate. 8. By buying the laust styles, novelties and designs. 4. By purchasing at the beat marksu for CASH, saving the Jobbers' commission and receiving Laws Discounts. 6, Buying with the utmost care such goeda that warrants te give stttsfactlen. s. Bmall profits and qutck returns. We have reduced 600 deren of Una CALICO SHIRTS! The newest and prettiest patterns aver seen Baeh BtllHT baa two cellars, linen besoms and cuffs, extra lengths, 60 Cents Baeh. ..Beys' Unlaundrled Calice Shirts with cellar, linen besoms and cuffs, 35 Otmta aaeh. Men's Fine Asserted Spring Gingham Shirts warranted net te rip, 25 Oentii Up. Finn Laundried Dress Shirts, te ', 7Se, 11 00. Woolen nnlrts, (Htrlped) We and 7Se. Woolen bhlru((Bln Figured) SLIO Woolen Bhlru (Asserted Celers) f 1 96. Woolen Bleyc'e snlrts, (White) II SO Woolen Bicycle Shirts (Silk Bmbreldered Bosem) f 1 se. We have en hand the largest assortment et BlilBTB, Laundried and Unlaundrled, at all pr'cea te snlt all purchasers Tbe reasons given above are sufficient guarantee that no one can surpass us In rrlcea or can compete with us In the latest. aarcatl and see tha fine assortment of BBIHTS-all sice, the newest patterns and designs, AT Eirsti & Brether, THE ONB-PRIOH Clothiers & Furnishers. COB. N. QUEEN BTKKBT AND CKNTBB ' BQUABK. LANCASTER FA. Q.REAT BARQAINS. Don't Wait Anether lay Ifyeu want these spee'al greatest of all Bar gains which we ard new offering. They c-n only last a few days merj und can never be duplicated at tbe price. Fer $8.00, Thirteen Different Patterns of Cutaway and Sack butts Tbe handsemttat and most popular styles we have had. Here Here Here tolere sold for $12 00. Fer $10.00, A splendid choice or 4-lltitleu Cutaway and sack butts. Heretofore sold at 115 (X). Fer $4.00, $5,00 and $6.00, All-Weel Btyllsh Made Beys' Butts here tofere sold for $7.00 and 00. 350 Pairs Enee Pants Fer 25c, 5i, 63c, 7Se and $1.W. dVTbe beat stvles will be sold out first. Don't watt another day If you want them. L Gaesman Bre. (JC and 08 NORTH QUEEN 8T. M YER8 A KATHFON. -WE1CEEPTUK- QUALITY UP ANDTUE . PRICES DOWN ! Ne house Is better prepared for a LIVELY BPUINU 'JBADK than we. We expcet it we'll have It. ALL STYLES OF Fashionable ClethiDg ! OF LATEST CUT, ABE 1IKUE IN AUUNDANCE. Noneof our customers seem te lese confl cenfl dent e in us, became our dea'lrgs are always square. Buyers of Clothing Uete tlm;s want THE VERY BEST QUALITY OB THE IiEABT POBSIBLE MOKEY. We are aware of this fact, and none are bet ter prepared te meet this demand than we. Myers & Bathfen, LX1DINQ CLOTUIBBS, NO. 12 BAST KINQ ST., LAN CASTE U PA.