n -VTfWV1! -iS""?! SPFA'f '. V -k. i VX 0 -ttyg W " ' a A i f i se. C R 'Jf- THE XJLNCASTER BAJLLY INTEIiLIGENOER, TUESDAY. MAKOH 6, 1888. .," '! ; 5 'M I Si FOR HONOR'S SAKE. BT B. I. FABJION. iBlltr Unit rartaw rqnar.' Btlatt aa- t tiff." e. TM (cimnniD.) The Attorney tlencrai Did ycmr mis treaa make any remark en the subject Witness Ne; the was tee happy te find fault with anything. 6be waa delighted tee with the wedding present. There was nearly a room full of them. The Attorney General Many of them from the prisoner's friends? Witness Net ene. The Attorney General De yett mean te Inform the court that net a single friend or relative) of the prisoner's was present, and that among the wedding presents there was net ft single token from his con nections? t Witness Net n single one. The Attorney General Well, they were married, and they went away? Witness Yes j they took the night train te Paris. The Atterney General Did you ac company them? Witness Ne. The Attorney General Did your mis tress' mother die before they left? Witness Ne; sonic hours af toward, and a telegram was sent te them In Paris, at theJHetcl Bristel. The Attorney General What is the next thing you remember? ' Witness A telegram arrived from Mr. Layten, .requesting me te come te Farm immediately. We received the telegram at about 2 o'clock en the day after the wedding, and I went by the night train. The. Attorney General Did any person meet you? Witness Yci; Mr. Lnyten. lie said my mistrecss was very ill, and he took me te the hetcL She was in bed, and she remained there for several weeks. I at tended her the whole of the time. The Attorney General Did she have geed doctors? Witness The best that could be get The Attorney, General Was the pris oner attentive te her? Witness Pretty well; I shouldn't have liked it. The Atterney General What de yen mean by that? Witness Well, he never sat by her bedside for any length of time; he never held her hand; he never kissed her. Ob, It is easy te tell when a man loves a woman I The Attorney General Hew long was it before alie was able te get about? Witness Quite three months. The Attorney General Did she then re turn te England with her husband? Witness Net for another month. They went te Italy, and I went with them. The Attorney General Did the pris oner's attention te his wife undergo any marked change after her convalescence? Was he mero affectionate mere lovingly attentive? Witness Net that I saw. All he seemed te crnve for was excitement. It wa3 nothing but rushing here nnd rushing there. 'Every night seme thcatre .or en tertainment te go te; every day" riding about, and dining out at dltlcrcnt places. The Attorney General Se that tUcre was net much of home life? Witness Net at all. The Atterney General Was this state of things agreeable te your mistress? Witness I am net sure. Sometimes she suggested te her husband that they should spend a quiet evening at home, but he always replied that he had tickets, or had taken scats, for seme place of enter tainment. When she speke te me of the life they .were leading, she used te say hew attentive her husband was te her. and hew he was always looking out f or something te'hmuse her. But I did net regard it in that light; I thought it was mere for himself than for her that he kept up such a round of excitement. It helped him te forget. The Attorney General Te forget what? Witness That he was a married man. The Attorney General During theso early days wcre thcre any quarrels be tween them? Witness Ne, net what you can call quarrels. Sometimes she complained, or found fault, but he seldom at that tlme answered her in any way te cause n quarrel that is, se far as he we3 concerned. It was different afterward. Thcre wcre oc casions during their honeymoon if you can call it n honeymoon and nt first when they were settled at home, when his stlence provoked my mistress, and made her madder than an open row would have done. "But the mero she .stormed the quieter he was, and these scenes always ended in ene way: Mr. Layten would leave the house, and remain absent for a geed many hours. Then my mistress would torment herself dreadfully, nnd cry her eyes out, and rave and stamp about like a distracted creature "He will never come back I" she would say. "I have driven him from met IIe will make away with lstmself I What a wretch I ami" A ring at the bell or a knock at the deer would send her flying down stairs te see if it was her husband. I was really afraid sometimes that she would go quite out of her mind. Then, when he came back, she would rush up te him and threw her arms round his neck, and sob, and fall upon her knees te ask forgive ness. It was a dreadful life te lead. The Attorney General In what way would the prisoner recelve these tokens of penitence en the part of your mistress? Witness In just the same way as he received her sceldings. The ene remark I heard him make te her in theso days net always in the same words, but always te the same effect wasi "Yeu should have mere control ever yourself." I used te wonder that a man could be se pro voked and keep se cool. But a poison may be cold outslde-and het lnslde. The Atterney General De you think that was the cose with the prisoner? Witness Yes, I de think se. The Attorney General Well, they came home and settled down? Witness Yes. The Attorney General New about the home they occupied? Did they rent it, or was it their own property? Witness It was their own property. My mistress said it was purchased partly with ttat own money, and that it was in cluded in the settlements. The Attorney General What de you mean by "partly with her own roenoy?" money she una Eaveu or lnnentcur Witness Ne; money she had wen upon races. The Attorney General Was she, then, in the habit of betting? Witness She used often te put money en a horse. She would say: "Papa has given me a geed tip, and I nm going te put 20 or A'ilO en. If you llke, Ida, you can have half a sovereign with me." The Atterney General And did you? Witness Yes, because she wished me, and because I knew I was safe. Mr. Beach was a very knowing man. My mistress would back n tip he gave her at twenty-fit e te one. I have known her back It at fifty te one. She would de this sometimes befere the weights appeared. Then her father would say: "Aggle" (that is what he called her) "Aggie, your herse is at ten or twelve te one. I am going te hedge part of your money for you." As my half sovereign was in my mistress bet, of ceurse I went with her, and I mere often wen than lest. The Attorney General Without going minutely into the technicalities of herse racing and betting, may we take it that the principle of the hedging you bae spoken of is wise, from a gambling point of view? Witness Oh, yes, By backing a likely horse at a long price, as my mistress had the opportunity of doing through her father, and by laying ngainst it If it comes te a short price, jeu veduce the chances of losing. That is geed hedg ing. The Attorney General Can anybody de that? Witness Well, net exactly. These who ere behind the scenes have the best ad vantage. As a rule the people who back horses are gulls. Thy is why the book makers make fortunes. They are play ing at a game they knew; nine out of ten who Vet with them me pUtIm nt a who rneyoen't Knew. -mat Is few it te. 1 have heard Mr. Beach say: "The devil Is en our side." The Attorney General Meaning ea the aide of the bookmakers? Witneaa Yes. The Attorney General Were you fead of betting yourself? Witneaa I hated it. I only did what Biy mlatreee advised bm te de te pleaaa her. The Attorney General Te return te the heuae which waa partly paid for with the money your mistress wen. Did the prisoner take an active part la the ae ae icctlen of the furniture? Witness He did nothing whatever. Everything waa done by my mistress, and ahe waa disappointed because he would net go with her te the different establish menu ahe visited. But la the end ahe argued aa ahe always did when he was ia question. He was quit right, aha said, she could net expect him te trouble him self about such things; It was a woman's business, and by leaving everything te her It showed that he believed she had geed taste. .... The Attorney General When they were settled in Londen what kind of society did they keep? Witness At first the same aa used te come te Mr, Beach's house. Mr. Beach brought them, but Mr. Layten was rude and uncivil te them, and after a tlme they stepped away. I must say, if he was rude aftd uncivil te them, they were quite aa Sde and uncivil te him, and it he had met em with the temper they displayed noth ing could have prevented the occurrence of disgraceful scenes. He behaved te them In exactly the same way he behaved te my mistress when they disagreed. He left the house, and did net return till they were all gene. ,. ' .j., ( The Attorney General Were the? te the habit of coming te the heuse without receiving an invitation from Its master? i Witness I bclleve se. My mistress would say: "Papa is going te bring three or fenr friends te dinner." He would leek at her and say nothing; and when the dinner was served Mr. Layten would be absent Mr. Beach would then take the head of the table, and I have heard him, when he was filled with cham cham pagneeo scarcely ever drank anything else but champagne and whisky speak Tcry angrily about "the stuck up pride of his fine gentleman son inlaw. The ether guests were net behindhand In abusing him. The Attorney General Although they were eating at Ids table and drinking his wine? Witness Yes. At ether times In the evening, when Mr. Layten was at home with my mistress, Mr. Beach would make his appcarance unexpectedly with his friends; but Mr. Layten would never re main in their company. It seemed tome that Mr. Beach did these things te vex Mr. Layten, and that it was a kind of battle between them as te who should he master. The Attorney General A battle, hew ever, in which the prisoner did net take any violent part? Witness But it ended iu his being left the master of the field. . The Attorney General Explain. Vt Witness After twelve months or se Mr. Beach's friends ceased entirely te come te the heuse. Then, when Mr. Beach came, he came alone. The Attorney General On these eccv siens did the prisoner remain at home? Witness Yes, whenever Mr. Beach Was alone Mr. Layten remained in. The Atterney General Hew did they pass the time? Witness Playing billiards, generally. (TOBS COVTHVSD.) Positively Pgiy Facta Can be made clear and attractive. These hor her ria pimples ana blotches can be removed by one application of Uep Ointment. Ti'tvtr jail: Takene ether. cents at druggists, or mall atampa te the Hep Ce , Mew Londen, Conn. (1) Take New Rtyle Vinegar Bitter, and yenr headache and tallownees will elope together. Vmdeaeet Pradeaeet rxnmtdlcatlen, aa in aught elat, predene should b our guide. Yst thousands cut It te the winds. Every naw nostrum finds its pat pat ren, the medical empirics of every tabs school have their gulls. Every change la the gamut et humbug la rung successfully for a time at least the notes being furnished, by the credulous. In happy contrast te the many advertised impostures of the day stands Ilest-tter's Stomach Bitten, new. in ita third decade of popularity, approved and rec emmended by physicians, faderssd by the fireas of many lands, sought and prlied by uvallda everywhere. It la an ascertained ptciile for and preventive of malarial dis eases, chrenle Indigestion, liver complaint and constipation, checks the growth of rheumatism and neuralgia, la a Peerless In In vlgerant and useful diWilie, fltrrejn fW ale benefit by it. .., ,, . a "I wonder he it is that Lawr nce Itarrett always ktepn his voles se clear and reso nant? Why, 1 suppose, like ovary ether sensible man he keep a supply of Dr. Bull's Btby Syrup fcneuinauam hed had held of me for two or thrteyeua. I trkd 'alvatlea Oil ; lr, quickly gave ma lelltt, and have) net had U since. WM. CLARK. Cliften, B Jtlmere County, ltd. SPECIAL NOTICES. Is Consumption Incurable. Bead the follewing: Mr. C II. Merris, Kewark, Ark, says: "Was down with Abscess et Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bettle, and able toeversee the work en my farm. It is the flneat medicine ever made." Jesse Ulddlewart, Decatur. Ohie, says: "Baa it net been for Dr. Klna'e New blsoevery ler Consumption. 1 would have Cled or Lung Trou bles. Waa given ap by doctors. Am new in beat et health " Try It- Bample bottles '.free at II. B Cochran's Drag Stere. Ne. U7 and 1X North Queen street. Lancaster, l'a. (3) TliAT HACKING GOUGlicau Da se quickly enred by ShUeh'a Cure. We guarantee it. Held by H. b. Cochran druggist. Ne. 137 and 190 no brth Qmwn St.. I.aneiuiter. Pa. (II SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that turrlble cough. shlleh'a Cure la the remedy jer you. Beld by II. 11 Ceehran, druggist, Nea 137 and 139 North Oueira 8U. Lancaster. Fa. (1 COUGH, WlluePlNGCOUGil and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by ShUeh'a Cure. Held by U. II. Cochran, druggls I, Nea. 147 and 18 North ueen at. Lancaster, I'a, (4) mutuer. aieinerall Mothers til Are you disturbed at night and breken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of UBS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING 8YEUP. It Will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de pend upon it there is no mistake about it. There la net a mother en earth who has ever need It, who will net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and roller and health te the child, operating like tnagle. It is perfectly safe te uae in all caeca and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United Btates. Beld everywhere, 29 cents a bottle. mayBJ-lydAw My boy (three years old) was recently taken Willi cold lu thu head. It seemed dually te sella In his nose, which waa stepped up for day and nights ae that it waa difficult for htm te treathe ana slttp. I called a physician whennstrltied bu did htm no feed, rlnallv I went te the drug auue and get a bottle of Kly'aCteam xa'iu, it aeemed te work like inagle The itej 'a nose waa car in two days, and he haa been all right ever since. K. J. Utzztid.New Yerk. UWwdcedftw A Baptist Ulnlater'e Kxperleuce. "I am a lluntlat minister. and beterel ever weugni or pcing a clergyman i gruauaiea in ug: inedlLlne, but . jeu a i lucrative practice for my present profession, forty years age. 1 waa for many years a autferer from quinsy. 77iema' many years a sufferer Irem quinsy. J7iema' Eclectric Oil cured me. 1 waaal waa also treublnd wltn nearsuncka, ana menutr nciecirie oil always relieved ina. Wy wlte and child had diphtheria, and Themat' Eclttlria Oil cured them, and If taken in time It will euro aeven times out of ten. I am confident It la a cure for the rnent obstinate cold, or cough, and If any one will take a small teaspoon and half fill It with the Oil, and then place the end of the spoon in ene nostril and draw the Oil out of the spoon Inte thu head, by anlfflng aa hard aa they can, until the Oil falls ever into the threat, and practice It twice a week, 1 don't care hew eOuuslva their head may be, It will rlvan It out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache.lt has done wonders te my c-urtalu knowledge. It Is the only medi cine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like recommending, and I am very nnxleus tb aee It In every place, for 1 tell you thitl would net be without It In my house ler any consideration. I am new suffering with a pain like rheumaUim in my right limb, and nothing relieves me like Taenej1 AWso AWse lr OIL" Dr. E. F. Crane, Cerry, Pa.. - Fer sale by 11. B. O ctiran, druggist, lJf aad p Koru (Juaen svmt, Laavitr, eOatrAHT. Letts rraaa she Aeatstaat r aveaaaa ef tea Ue HvtyDyatfaaan a. Bakjaej ta Vklek TbeasaxMta At Deeply (Nsaeeraea. About Ave years age I anfarea turn painful artaaMea aai gnat pala aad weakness la the lower part of say back, paia la the llsabs, bat taste la the mouth, disgust at sea, and great asaatal and beeUly depression. 1 live at Ml Tent street, Jersey City, an ea arriving hease eae night 1 Kmael a aepy of the Maker Almatut that had been leftdurug the ear. X reaa the article, "What ss the Disease that la Oemtag Open Oat" It e ecrlbt say symptoms ana fraHags batter than 1 could in had written aw aete beak. My treabiewa' Indeed llae a thief lath nbjhVieTtthadbten stealing apea aseaa awarea for years. I aentlorabetilecf Shaker Bxtraetet Keeta, or Belgal'aSjrnp, and before t haa taken one-halt of it 1 sell the wetaesae roller, la a few weeks 1 was Ilka say eld salt. t enjoyed and digested my feed. My kMaeys boob recovered tone ana strength, easl the nrlaary trouble vanished. 1 waa well. MUlleaa of people need aea&e aatdtelae ala ply te aetea the bowels. Te them 1 commend Shaker Extract la the strongest possible Unas. It Is the geatleet, pleaaanteat, safest and eureet purgative la this world. The most delicate women and children may take It. One point mere : I haveall the mere conndene la this medlctae because It ta prepared by the Shakers. I may claim te be a religions man anyeelfaad admire the Shakers for their seal, consistency and strict business Integrity. What they make may be trusted by the pub lie. W. U. U ALU Fer sale by ail dregglits and by A. i. While, 64 Warren street, New Yerk. febis 1 JdawTu.ThAS MAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S CUBES NKUVOU9 ritOSTUATION, NKRVOUS HEADACHE, NKUUALUIA, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, STOMACU AND LlVlt DIS EASES, XUEUMATlStf, DYSPEPSIA, and all Affections of the Kidneys, WBAK NBRVE9. PAINE'S GELKUY COMPOUND U a Nerve Tenle which never falls. Containing Celery and Coeoa. these wonderful stimulants, ft speclaly cures all nervous disorders. RHBUMATlSaf. PAINE'S CELEBY COMPOUND purifies the bleed. ItdriveeeutthelacUaacte.whlcn causes hheumatlam. and restores tha bleed making organs tn a healthy condition. The true remedy ler Bheumatism. KIDSBY COMPLAINTS. PAINKM CELEBY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys te perfeet health. Tblacnratlv power, combined with lu nerve tonics, la why it la the beat remedy for all kidney complaints. DYePHPfiLsV. PAINE'S CELEBY COMPOUND strength ena the stomach, and qnleta the nervea of the digestive organs. Tnla la why It cures even the worse eases of Djapepsla. CONSTIPATION. PAINE'S CELEKY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic It Is a laTatlve, giving tayand natural action te the bowels. .Regularity surely fellows Ita use. Becommended by professional and business men. tend for book. Price, $1.00. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, BlOif ABDBON Ce., Proprietors. Burlington, VU (f ) TJJLY'H CBEAM BALnr! eatabrh--Say fever. ELY'S CBEAM BALM cures Celd In Bead Catarrh, Uese Celd, Hay rver,Desfnem, Dead ache. Price M centa. EASY TO USE. Ely Bre'S, Owego. N. Y., U. B, A. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TBOUBLK, And Will Cure OATAUUU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle la applied te each neitrll and '. agreeable. Prien 'ifl cents ni drugpl't t ry mail,reKUtrea, (Xict. K.I.Y IIIUiTllEUS. tis Urtwnwlen tt,,New Xe-k. nevl5-lydw Q.OLDEN SPKCIKIO. DRUNKENNESS OB THE UQUOU IIAI1IT POSITIVELY COKED BT ADMIMSTKIUNU DU IIA1NAB' HULIIKN 8PECIKIC. It can be given in a cup et coffee or tea with out the knewledges of the person taking It i la absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and apoedy cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreak. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Gelden I8pe- cine in ineirconee wuneut meir anowieago. ana wxiay Deuevu iee: own free will. IT NE and te-day bellove they quit drinking of their . v tn w ai j.e. xae sya- temence Impregnated with the Sp utter lmpeaalblllty for te exist. Fer sale by specincltbe- comea an ine liquor appetlte te CH AS. A. LOCUEtt, Druggist, Ne B East King Street, , Lancaster, Pa, apris-i ju i u. i ass D ISEASE AND DEATU. BECUU1TY Sewer gas, dlaeae germs and contatlen are effectually com- AGAINST batted by burning Uydrenaph- thel Paatllles In roema and BUrPEUINQ arartmenta. They are fragrant, and Invlaerallna te the sick. DISEASE AND DEACII I 23 CENTS. sain ana ecain aiaeaaea are nermanenll v cured by Ilvdren upthel (soap, a pure, highly scented medicinal soap for toilet, nnraery and bath. Toothaches, lace neuralgia and Inflamed or swollen gums jluld promptly te Darby's Den. lai riaaier. wmca use ine place of oelaUs. and dan Her ens toothache Creps. Cerns and Bunlena range no pain where Mead's Cern and Bunion Plnatera are ud. They quickly allay Inflammation and relieve patu. smallpox and ether contagions diseases are prevented by burning Beabury's Rulphur Can dlea In cellars, closet., fluke, ships' holds, bird cages, chicken coop, of. m BEABUBX A JOHNSON, New Yerk. rALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE Or LIFE, A VALUABLE MEDICAL WOltK, thijenly true desert ntlen of this tlme en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, I'reraa tnre Decline, Krroiset leuth, and ih untold miseries conaeeuent te uuie, as well aa an ez ez ez poeureef qua Viand their se called medlral worse,' by which thuy vlctlmlra thousands, and by thelrexagarerailng dUeasn, inakea theae peer aulferttra inaane. Every young man, lulddle-atriMl or old, should roae this book. It la mere than wealth te u-em. Send two cent stamp for a copy. Addn-aa, DB THOH.THEEL. 63 North Fourth St, Philadelphia, I'a. flS-1) d RUPTUHK-UUKKGUAKANTKKD BY Dr. J . II. Muyr, 8JI Arch street, Philadel phia, I'a. Ease at once. Ne operation orb ual neaa delay. TbonpauOselcnita. At Keystone Ileure, Kradlnir, Pa, 2d Saturday el each month. Bend ler circulars. Advlca free. Send ter clrculur, Aa, te main offleo. Ktl Arch St.Phlln marHMyilAw SAFK, 8UKE AND Sl'EEDY COUK. Bupture, Varicecele and Special DUeaaea ofelihersez. Why be humbuiraed by quacks when jeu can fled In l)r. Wilnht the only Bse CLia i-uysieiak In Philadelphia who makes a apecla'ty el the above diseases, and ccaia 'Jiitut caxa (iuaaAXTisn. Advlee Freeday andeven'.ug Btr.nuers can be treated and re turn home aame day. ertlces prlrit. lilt. W. U WKIUIIT, 111 Nrnih Ninth Street, Above Kara, P. e. Bex 673. PhUadelLbla. lebSl lydAw VJMALIi TUEKMOMETKRS l-'OB AKT O and Fancy Werk. Sk. 3 and JK Inches In length, at IlUllLKT'rt DHUO STORE. Na 80 West King bUeet. XTOTIOE TO TRESPASSERS AND XI UUNNER3. All persons are hereby fcr- bidden te trespass en any of tha landa of tha uornwaei ana epetx pendwell eatates In Lebanon or Uea.wheUu-r Indoaed or uiiln. Lancaster oeun cloned, either fc dosed, either for the purpose 01 aboetlng or ashing, as the law will 1 no rtifldiv enf eread against ail treanaaalng en aald lands of the un- designed atvpr thla notice. WM. COLgtlAN FUIIMAJT, BDW. O.FREEMAjr, Atterneye tpr.B.Wa'tsMa1 aastt sviavtM CELERY COMPOUND, TOBACCO. riNK FIEOB OF CHEWING TOBACCO II III DEED A LCXUEY. FINZER'S Old Honesty Ceses aa near being a tine piece el PLUO TOBACCO aa it Ulpeaalble te make It, aad Is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONB DEALERS. We anf save that OKI TRIAL will Convince Yeu or I u Merits. wLoek t or tha red U tin ug ea each pi ug.-a J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, LOUISVILLE, KY (I) trreataw. sjsc fiK'J1" J sHisn 'wVf alamw s1 PKCIAU WATCHES for raraere and Balireaders will te aeldat great reduction tn nrlcea. Alse Elgin, wal tham, Aurera, ter which 1 am sole agent, and ether flrsvelass Watches. Beat wCtch and Jewelry aapeUrtng. B pecucJea, Eyeglasses and optlcalOende. Comet time dally, by tele tele grapeonly place la the city. .i" LODI3 WBBER, Je. 1M N. Queen St, opposite City Hetel, Near Penn'a Depeu N EW JXWBIiBT BTOBB. GILL, Jeweler. Are yen euro yen are wearing the right glass t Yenr eyes ache, sight becomes dim and yen wonder why t We answer poorly ad uated glasses. We make the STUDY OF THE EYE A SPE CIAL rEATUBE. Years et experience have enabled ns In measuring eye, fitting glasses with the preci sion or an oculist. a Full L'ne of Glasses Framed in Geld, Sil ver und Steel. 10 WEST SIM STREET, LANCASTER, PA. me THE WATCH BUYER I When you want te Buy a Ctced Wateta, BDY where you ean get the BB&T VAX.TJB for the Meney. BUY where you knew you ean re turn it, should It net prove eatiafae- tery. BDY whare you knew what you are getting. We have always the Largest Stcek In Gelil, Bllver and Nlnkel, and. can Guarantor) you the Beat Satisfaction. WALTER C. HEEE, (rexattsxv Jes. Baasxa,) Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LAMOASTEB. PA. nl-tfd THVNKB .Xl SMawa.vij,iefc pTAttNEHS, TRUNKS, Ae. M, Haterbusli & Sen. YOU WILL NKVEtt KNOW WHAT 19 NEW IN Ladies' and Gent's Trunks -AND. TRAVELING 3AGS, Unleaa you call and examine our Immense sleck ofeuiltely near goods. TUB JLATKBT AND HANDSOMEST THING OUT, Ladies' Shopping Bags In Seal, Grain and Alligator Leather, -AT- Iff. laberbusli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS, -AND- TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. NKVKWBAIt. rtfUN KVKRY JSVENINQ EXU1SPT SUNDAY. BILK IIA!iDKEUCUIEFB AND MUFFLERS AT EKISMAN'8. CELLULOID AMDLINEN COLLARS AMD CUFFO AT EKISUAN'B. UADICATKU UN DERSUIttTS AND DRAWERS AT EKUMAlf'S. Dent forget te leek at our NECKTIES AT EBISMAH'O NO. 17 WESTKINU STREET. at rrr kei REWARD. XJJJ Fer any case of Kidney Trou lea. Nervous DebUlty I... ' fcj.. ..... a ll.klllln &.u.a, aA Uh lltv. Mental and l'hvi nl al Weakness that ROfAMIOMEUVE IHITEcU falls te euro. Boldliydmgglau.tecenu. txMkmt jasbv. CO. Ne. U M. UU SL. PhUa- I'a. rcit-sniais baa, Boyawysjeaaiw JM fjsjBJaa, N ErV CARPKTt. CARPETS FROM AUCTION Metzger & Haughman Have new open In their Large New store, a Hanflaema Yarlaty of NEW CABFETB, bought at Auction ler Cash, and te be sold cheap for Cash, CARPETS.... AT 10 CENTS. llASrSlOtM.t.n.iM.iitii. .STIUUSSTB, vm irai e, , ..,,.,, ,,,.. AT SO CENTS. CARPET , ATsOOaNTS. CAKPBTS AT 6 CENTS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPET from W0 UP. St the LOWEST PRICES. METZGER &. HAUGHM AS'S NEW CHEAP STORE, 10S. 38 AND 40 WEST KING ST., OPPOSITE TBI COOPER HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENN'A B akd a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Btreet, - Opposite Fountain Inn, LOOK AT OUR PRICES : only ise, regular prlee, e, at loe, worth lie t M IInhlAAlid Iffnftiln At H&A. ,.tyth mn. Unbleached Huailn at sue. -"r .-" --.w.. . ... - llaaT Yard (Se Table Linen In Damask or Leem DIM In wui-win(iagnDi is. i,nwisnis U . . .& . Mh. S'l neat turkev Red border, soft Rnlsb, no atareh, Meiea' jerseys at coo, weitn 7e t better grades FEATHERS ! The Beat sua m Cored odorless Feathers. Perhaps you nave yenr regular place te deal at, and don't think or oemlug teaee ua about feathers. If reu could buy th beat reatbera of na lower than you enuld anywhere ele, wouldn't yen boy them of naf We sell mera reathera than any two stores put together. W by t Because we self the but Etalhera lewer than you can buy them any where else. We sell the uebt STOCKINGS for the money In the city. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. pjtfjrr BAHUA1NB I -ae SHIRK'S CARPET HALL TOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry. IngraiD, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW 8UAM8, Ac. Wa bava tba Lrgaat and Baat Btoek la tha City. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerntr Witt Kinff vA Witir BVUUKR RKaOKTS. "WTETHKKILL," ATLANTIC C1TV, N. J.. Ocean End Xentncky Ayenue. Open Ecbruary 1, te Neysmber U Loek Bex 1030. H.J.KCKERT. ttarl-Smd-sfar ,June,July. A TLANTiO CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. Atlantic citi, n. , (Pepularwinter or Bummer ) Largest Helel. Meat Convenient. Elegantly vut nlshed. Liberally Managed. , OPEN ALL TUB TEAR. OH AN. MeULADK, Prep. W. S. Ceciuuk, Chief Cleik, f.bJUlmd A TLANTIO CITY, N. J, HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Ferncerly Hetel AabHnd.) AarNOrT.OI'EN.-w UErUKNISIIED. - REMODELEn. UENOTATED. JOH.ll. FLANIOEN, Ja. matl-4mdMar,Apr,July,Ang. OT. GUAKLErJ HOTEL. WITH KI KHT O Claaa Restaurant attached, Nea. It, It aud a as.uneainut street, Lancaster, a-a,,uppna Penn'a K. R. Psaaenger UfpeL tiyalera nTdrv atvle. geed b4as and well aired roema t moderate cnargess aise a open day and nlj charges also geed stable room for hoi sea IOUC1U1U O fcORO E FLORY, Prep. BTOVKa. dlO. TJIIiIMM A MKKWKMAH, HOUSEFURNISHING! stoves 1 Parler Steves, Pari it Heaters, Cook Bteves andltangea. TIN AND B11KET IRON WARE. OnrOldBtyleIIand.wadn Tinware takes the Lead. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Basket, Iluckete. Tuba, Mutter Churna, Churn llucka, Broeuu. atep Laddera, Wash i.tnea, lied Cords, Table and Fleer Oil cletlia. CDTLEUV. A Full Line of Table and Peclirt Cutlery, Uasera, BcUters, Ac., Ac , Ac LAMPS. Bland Lam pa, Hanging Lamps, luacket Lamp,, lias and Ceal Oil chandeliers, Lan tenia, Ac. A9 The Largest Bteek of ireusefnrnlahlng Goods lu the city. Plumbllng and Use Fit ting. Tin RoeSng a Specialty. & BRENEHAM, CHEAT STOYE STOBE, Ne 153 North Queen Btrcet, LANOABTRR PA. UXDMK WEAR, e PEN MONDAY KVENINCIS. THE KIND or CLOTHING DEPEND ON US 0R Bebt Clothing I AT LOWEST l'CICKS. WL'LL SEE CLOSELY TO THE TIT, Beat workmen have been called Inte service tn making up our Hues. Lew Prices, High Quality and Best Werk maeshlp. wluv,Trluiuilug,Buij'lcg every thing looked after. Dependable Values will make eura the hnsy placeV Bee nnr MEN'S SUITS at II W. 110 0). Sltw and I1S0). New Puturna and Middle Welghu for all the year round. Nl'RINO OVERCOATS at tSXO, IS 20 and til 00 Stylish, and just aa geed aa can be made. Hey's and Children's Clothing ill the Uoed Kinds and Grades. Men's Furnishing Coeds a Specialty. MARTIN BRO'S Clothiers and FanilsLers, M KOETU QUXBN BTREET. I CARPETS............ UAKPETS AT IS CENTS. .........AT03TS. UAHraifltiMtitMittiMtniM ATUini9, sjahpjbth,,. .,,,,,, ,,..,. UARPRT8, ,.., ,,., , at re van in. AT J8 CENTS. VLOOB, STAIR and TA11LE OIL CLOTHS rtts des. Bumped Aprons, full ilaa, lyard e, eniT awa vacn, nriu fusnwuam. Inches, ll for ss.i j rioerollcioih rraidi Ecru curtain net, witn tanea sages, Beautiful Beilm at Se, worth UXe i 1.BW yaras yard J usi try some 01 una aauaun. see wneiner juu wiae sanatin Kamnanuai ewe, wenn j : swat - -- ; -- r: - -. .-. .. . i "! the city t Bleached Herman Table Linen, with only Us rryard. worth 75a special bargains in at suws si.a ana i.v. ma.ua i BAKOAINH I Stmt?, Linctstir, Pi A 'JfBVY WOHDS "-iv astai " Expectant Henaekeeper 1 1 When starting in your own hams one of ths Brat and meat important things yen must Ihloke! Is tha FURNITURE; The desire of every one ta te make their home aa pretty and as comfortable sa they ran. and the uueatten of strength and dura bility innat be considered as well as beauty and comfort, and pernapa the meat Important nl all 14 the price that this beauty, oemiortand durability will oeau WELL, JUST CALL AT WIMYEB'S COBUEIl, And see hew wail and satisfactory wa ean fill your wishes. The quantity and quality or our atesk cannot be surpssaed. Prices are low, It will pay jeu tecall and aeens. I WIDMYER'S FUlWlTUIiX BTOJtti, East King and Duke Streets. E URM1TUKK. H0U8E8TIRES I We hare room and are showing the Largest Vaih'.y of Eyerythlnsc In FUHNITURE te be Been anywhere In this section. We guarantee our goods always reliable and at the best prices that such goods can be sold for. heinTtsh's FURHITUJiE DEPOl, 07 AND 20 EOUTH QTJBBM ST., LANCASTER, PA. mr Personal Attention Given te Undertake leg. QVKKKSWARE. L I. I -TT'I 1 I-" -- T-X1U11 MARTIN. CHINA HALL. CLEARING SALE That lasta twelve months tn tee yrar. 7 he beatnualtly ler the least money always te be had there. , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Beta. White Orantte. tire. Dinner Sets, White Oriulle. .!. Dinner heU, Printed SS 78. Ne goods mlfifprrs'nted. All Wares ex. changed If net satisfactory, at NO 16 EAST KING. STREET, LANUABTEH, PA. U81NESS METHODS MADE I'UaIn. The eyaum of luatructlen at the LANCASl'EU COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, la te simple and plain that any young l'Jy or a-enllKman can eually uikaterall the dctulls of k business education. LIIIKUAT, TFUMS. Kvetlng Sessions Tuesdays, Wednet ana rtlduys. uil inlormatlen glyen by 11. C WKIULKU, LantauUt Commercial College, eetlt-Ud LaBsastsr,Pa. Trt MMMM, tVi pEADINO ft COLUMBIA RAIL1OA. -Ti AND LANCASTER JOllT Ul S.E, ON AND AttRR SUNDAT, NOV. BE TRAINS LEAVE EEaSiNS. a !KSa.nin1ili,Ba lneaaut at 7r a , a tn and 0.10 p na. Fer Qnarry villa atl i BLanal MB a at, or Chlckfea at T.B. lliie asaTanwftMvst, TRAINS LB ATR COLOMBIA. Fer Reading at MO a m ,lfje and mi m asi" ' rer Lebanon at u. and t-.MpraT TRAINS LBAVE QUARE1TILLB.' ' POr Lancaster at : a sa, and fcataaft MB P tn. Fer Reading atCile a m and 940 p as. aorMDanenaicaoanasCTpm. r.";-- , gt umaeunmi np f-er f eaaing at 7 jt a m, 1MB ua t-M sa. .' Fer Ibanen at 7.0 a. m, itss and Mafia m,'& a Fer Qnarry vllle at t-31 a na. M acta ata a aav M LEAVE PRINCE BTHSET (Laaeaataw,r Vfc & nnHimiKki.ivBniflMauaKaipH, rer juerjanen at 7.07 a aa, lf:U and 7:sT as. Fer gnarri Tills at -.i a se, 1:48 ant SB) a .. , TRAINS LE AYE LEBANON Fer I Aneaster at 7:1 J a rn, lfc and 7 M m. Fer Quarryvuis at 7:11 a m and Ub y m. SUNDAT TRAINS. TRAINS LE ATE READIES Fer iAnraater at 7.S0 a an and MO n aa. Fer auarryvl'la at iMlp m. TRAINS LEAVE QUARRTTILTiB Fer Lancaster, ibaaen and Reading at r.tt am. TKA VMLMRB OVIDM. TRAINS LBAVB KINO ST. fLanSMrSr.l ' i1 z Fer Reading nnd Lebanon at te aaa aaid ! 'A p rn. -ijf v. a rer aearrynus at sw p m. TKalMH l.kavit puimiiw t- r Fer Heading and Lebaaea at US an Fer Vluarryrtlle at B:!S p n. TRAINS LRAVKLEBANOM- Fer Laneaater at VA a m and !. p na, FerQuarryvllleatfttSpm. F Fer connection at Columbia, Marietta t an tlen, Lancaster JunoUen, Manhelss, RaaaUM and Lebanon, aee urn tabtea at allalaUeaa, A. M. WILSON, BueeriataaMMa lataMMat. Wt.l:tX BSljfiil, T . N MT Ji A Ml A MAOMOaffM jj BUHEuubav-ua. ageet tretm iurAiB, Jf, Trains UATa LAwaasna and lSETSMal a, p. rtv at Philadelphia as Hollows l "" T" "a , Xaw WESTWARD. Faeue BzpreeatiM Maws Bzpreest Way PaaMngert.,.,, Mafi tralnyjaalt Joyl MaiMallTraint..... Niagara Bxpresa..... Hanover Aocera Fast Ltnef Fradanek Aeoem , , . Lancaster A 000m..., Uarrlsbnrg Aeoem.. Columbia Aeoem,.,, Uarrtabnrg Bzpreas Wet tarn JupreasN . , BABTWARD, PhiladelphM. MP, yhffl; sa. . ' $X Uip.m. d0a.aa, tdea.se, lMa.se. lavavan. SOB avis.' ' ylaCelumMa T!ea.ia, yla Columbia 11:60 a.m. vUCelumbUI TiaMV Jey. sub p. aa, Asep.ni. step at, B-.Wp.tt. . Leave) Laneaater, 5a.m. 666 At aswU tie a. as. BMaaL.K. iva av'i' a. a. ausa, sasKS: .. smCbl MBKsa, sf.ABtaV a7l JsEs AM PhAa. "Mft fauisw jaxpreaaf,,,,.. tMSa,BS.."- 'f& Barrlaburg Bzprsss tac Aeeesastf ita Aeoem... MfcSBt IBM p. BU MO fcatgas. wi jaaiiiiaaa,,,, II WW, MIMIIM aBRAFMalL. Ramatranr Aeeeni! "' " - .vW . rteawM atkiep.au, and antrss M La , As Camtsa t ssrsMSiBaailcaj lamTss' "Tijii 11 11 1 1 ii, WNWMMIWMB STW OHBS UlI . ;e, ?m? iyr"e?,JP"JmTWwasy am n mmt m, p. bm iwaeaaaaai Ais. isavaa qMnnbia at Hits a. Blajr Marietta at Dkei ManatiaaT 1 at MS p. an. and arrives at at sae 1 also, leaves at sat aad amm TEe Yerk AesnmuoSatlem teavas at 1U0 aad arrtvas at 1 aneaaaar at 1 BraltkHarrUburg Express at : tsh, arrwiienna a nfnwnmfiSMties aaettng at Laneaater with Fast atsuaakanwUlranthraacktaF TBA rmdnrtfik AuimndiUiaL iul umm ' J- WtEalt at lMV,saa msktt Laisirtatajiil H&noYarAMemnifstlBtttMi aaaiat. Ibbitbb. 0--a4 HIUUHb VUVp.ni, AVTITM M AiaVBI .... . Aia zz: 'zzrjrT-Trr" rriLTT. r. . IWIJ.jS.'- SEst'flL nWfcBW&r'-1 IA BsffnBBBwBm BBB BBwBwB. U nxniSLt' ' OaawjastK n. .-:: Er:k. 1 aia.Ba,H- r aawgar laataartahr.T ..mA im. ASA n. aa.. oennaetlnsr wlta Daw Fsniaaa an, win na UmiaghbatiaacrTsaVaati aaSaiaa BF 2Zl?mW Wa, AAlBsTWw! UWi UwW WswBb1 WUl step at Oowafsutewsuooatas' hunt. Mb Jtw.auiaalMthtawniivi t rat eniy trauts waie ran assy, a Mali train -wat runs brwav efC Ji E, WOOD, Ueaaral Paisawarat uaan, at. jruwtt weaerai OS7aVBSV!sUUJTaa BMBa 'm c tmm'M'WWrn'wimmrwmrwwmTr'wwirit i'XK, lAiiii Ann ax - '7m -TKJC- ROCHESTER LAMP, aHxtyCanaUs-Llghti u l" ShBEMLv nuar raaBaaas','?., MlaMlaakeatw.sA. raaswaar . aTsMKr ia-?s. 'jk.1 Aaetfesr Let of CH RAP SLOBBB tar Ma Bat k?& OU Steves. TH1 MBTBCTIOst" MtrAL MOULDINB BOBMBR CXUDO2 A, "',a WEATHERSTRIP m " ASTilS 1 Bdtts them aU. This strip entwean all W aajmeua ttnl aVaaa jaatrt Btntt apaai a 4 n aa at aaaa4aaBiaiaaaaaaaa Bxeluda the dust. Keep out anowaaiaaa.?;"',f1 anewaaiaaa.?;"',f1 anowaaiaaa.?;"',f1 Anyene can apply It no waat or iiitmiAmir ' In applying It. can be fitted anywbefS-a ' holes te bore, ready ter use. It will net spUtTC warn erahrlnk a cushion atrip Is the aaaastV.r'v rMrfVwt. At the Hum, Heater and Baagw atstawLrsg uai aiataata nta Mtuu Aaata-ua-uaa nm waj asaawarajrwrBW JXIi i ters -or- Jehn P. Sclmum & 8eni, ; ei ortTTrmer nvTBiBni aw . s OT . .ZZZLTT " MA - - ' --- - - & rk JTUVltai BIOVKOIl -1" $?A CALL AND EXAsfTJTBT K1EFFER & HEBE'S STOCK OF la- A VS W M-AK I , iT3 ,(Tu FpleBdid"u4u Blight Ditttwl' HAVE HO RIVAL AS UEATERS, Fer we all llke warm feet, and thteeaneal de eujeyeaaiarui.il Jiaas iiaiATJiab Have comfort and save money by pinrlaMta' nea, nsuier inaa aianiaiiywaw. nBtove.enly te trade IteaT for old Iren nest year. We thava several ( these en hand that we can sell very low. av wg laaen uwm in uaaa-aeme naving utw uua uueuciwurnus. and fob;ceokin "IheSpleudld" sbA "Meatsar KaKM Never Fail te Give BaUsfaeUem. Onr Line ersmsllerand Cheaper ateras aat Uanges is Complete. T0UDBRS FOR PLUMBIRa.fM TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING EawMVS Prompt Attention. J-NO HAD STOCK USBD.S Ne. 40 East King St. LANCASTER, PAl (Opposite Court Heuse. VOAK ..!,. !! Ii I. Hfc PHI. ,,'. plM.II HCTW''1'11 T B. MARTIN, ' WEOUaUU AaTO BStAa PSAUE IB All Kinds of Lumber and Oeav. aa-run 1 Na. 430 North WataciaB Streets, nrvrre lmeit, Laneaatar. Bt-lTd nDAUMUARDJNKR'ts COMPAMlf, COAL DEALERS. Orio:-Ne. 191 North tJueeaS treat, and Ma, K4 North Prince atrviet. YABoat-Nertit Prtuce Street, near Healisg Depct. any IStfd T.ANOASTBR, FA O OAL,l COAL I Friea of Geal Ecdueed AT. O. SENER & SONS, COR, JanmfiP PRINCE A WALNUT sVTB. JJOU FP.S3H SPI0SS, Fl&vorleg Water, go te EztracU and' DUtUled "3T t r unnnRmValOO iimiit and Cheapest Urusi Heaaa ta w we " V.7.ZT."a -UTA.1 tw.Hes..).aaawws trestEiagsUwst. ?&? .' "Jf t j ?-v v ,, x.mt ii . njf t,K rc- a fAH' ( ISA iv jzm& :. VfeV! m-i :.. xh ijt m 4 r- M i Vi-iS-'J 2s JVC JMV.x ".Wi .$3n M-K tsvfe ,',; TrC ; iif. t1 ta.v Mi -m -m . l-Mi?-.! '-?' ivia i '8l lifegj ' w.V 5v3 ;ssy i' m m ij & m m ?s Ml s-r vm M u M