xsrr W3 J V : ; e-; - . k-w rvsrri 1. 'Sl,mUX .TT T"T JOfT - u .A-t. sL-tJ J w , k.- ' r v. -V- " ri?-i -v- J,d , c-j"w - v 'i w. ,.j 1 r V", -a - VOLUME XXIV-NO. lSB. LANOASTEB. PAm TUESDAY. MABCH 6. 1888. PIUOE TWO CENTS, SH gfntcllicicnc'cf. Sh :ti THE FARMER'S TAXES. jjhxsex HiLum piHinn VAen abb FIOUBBS ON THB) BOBJKOT. Thtlaa.aalltr or Taxation ae ClAtSMa fai BU Bnr Before tbe 00MI7 Jkgtlcmltml Secl.tr cufir BDler's rape ea Raai ltS and Spreading Hanaro. The liineMter County Agricultural eoeletymet Monday afternoon la the Y. M. O. A, lull. The following membeia were present: Henry M. Engle, Mat?.?e: Jehn O. Llnvllle, Salisbury; Owptr Biller, Conestegai (Jaeeb L. Brubaker, Ea Hempfisld; Win. Chandler, Drumore; Pter H. Kelst, Warwlekj Daniel Smeyeb, city; Bjmuel L. Hartman, city ; F. R, Dlffen derffer, city; J. M. Johnateo, city; J. H. Rudy, city; Rauban Gsrber, Ripbe; D. D. Ilerr, Msner; J. Frank Landla, East Lm pater; James Weed, Oeleraln; Aaren Suminy, Maner; Hit. Thorns Thompson, city; Levi 8. Rslst, Oregon; Jehn D. Kendlg, Willow Street ; J. B. Hippie, city; Dr. J. P. Wiokertbam, city; J. Hartman Herahey, Kohreiateirnt Israeli. Landla, Manhelin township; Levi Greff, eltyj J. Aldui Ilerr, Wert Lampeter. A large number et visitors were also present. JebnB. Landls, the president, being absent, Henry M. Kngle was called te the chair. J. D. Hartmm, et Manbelm, was elected a member of the society, I CHOP KKfORTS. Jehnsen Miller reported that the young wheat looked letter than be had seen It for years. The seed lcat tobacco is selling oil rapidly. Casper lllller said wheat looked well. The Havana tobaeco was all seld.at prices as high as 20 ter wrappers, G and 8 (or seconds and 2 for filler. Seed leaf sold at an average et 12 or It for wrappers; for seconds and 2 for filler. Jehn O. Llnvllle said the clever orep was being Injured by the frost which had lifted it out of the ground. Henry M. Engle ondersod what Mr. LtnvlUe had said about tbe damage te the olever. r THE TAKHEH AMD BIS TAXES. Jehnsen Miller read nn essay en the above subject. Belew we print tbe mere important parts of it. Docs tbe farmer really ba: mere thai bis share of tbe burden of the taxation T la an Important question In which you as farmertiare all Interested, and'ene wbleh we will here consider. That taxes are un necessarily blgb, and that the farmer bat mere tban bis proportionate abare, no one will dare dispute. I tblnk 1 can illustrate te you by atailatlei tbat tbe larmer Is tbe horse tbat pulls the lead In the team of tax ation ; tbat be pays millions et dollars for county purposes and In addition pays tbe bulk of local taxes. In order te con lder this matter from an individual standpoint, nd te ahew tbe un just and unfair manner In which the farmer is taxed, let us draw your attention te two farmers whom we will designate as Mr. A and Mr.U. A sella bis firm te 11 for (20 000. B having only 110,000 of bla own money, A agrees te take Judgment from B for the ether (10 000 at 6 per cent, intereat, while the (10,000 he receWOB In cash is invested In national bank etoek and he retire?. The assessor calls and takea the assessment of a for the (10.C0D Judgment and that la all he Is assessed. He new calls en farmer B. whose farm be will assess at about (18,000 (for farms are nearly all assessed at almost the price paid, or wnat they would brlrg Ii put in tbe market); and also (1,000 for uis stock, making 10,000 New ter each one's taxes. A pays en hla judgment a state tax et (30, and he Is done. Jt pays (-17 SO county tax, tii school tax, (10 read tax, $10 tire tax, total (108 50. This is ndlUercnce t78 50 and A ia that uiueh tbe Kalner ever farmer B. A may have a family of children, se has B, all goleg te tbe same school, yet B with (10,000 debt en bla farm and (78 CO mere Ux te pay, pats the whole of the school tax fet the benefit of bla own children, while A'a are educated at his (D'ti) oxpenso, who could se well Hflerd te assist lu tbe pay ment of this tax, but does net pay a single dollar en hit (20,000 capital. Again, A haB plenty of time te use tbe public reads, whlle B is busy at work, and yet he must pay the read tax en bla whole valuation, while A does net contribute a dime for the time en bla (20,000 capital. A has the Intereat en (10,000, at 6 per cent, maklug (500 ; his bank ulvldend probably will eh (800, ar.d haa a total annual income of (1,300. He and bla family may live en (300, leaving (1,000 profit te be yuarly added te hi. well invented capital. New what la farmer B'a income T He and his wife and children work hard from morning te night te take care of the stock ; his crops at present pnees with geed luck may bring (1,200. Oat el this he pays his Interest (500 te A ; taxes (100 ; repairs (100 ; em em peoyes, 1200; total, (000, leaving blm a profit of (J00 en an Investment of (10,000 Of his own and (10,000 et A'a money, or 2 par cent. W have new canildered the farmers' tax6Sirern au Individual standpoint. Hew' does it street the farmers 01 warwicx town ship? Fer example, the assessed valuation et the township ia (2 097,299, and tboeaunly Ux (0,743.25, accordion te the last assess ment Tiih farms of this township are val ned at (1,974,125, en which tbe farmers pay (1,735 31 county tax. Te this must be added ' tbe township aoheol tax, (3,955 03, the bulk of which is paid by tbe farmer, at Lllllz is an independent school district. Tbe amount et retd tax aseeesdd en these farms exelualve cf Lltttz, is (2 TOO, making (10,690 91, te wblcn add (2 000 mere for tire tax en farm building. We new have a graud total et nearly (13,000, whleh the farmxra of this township alone pay. There are (783,032 lu money at intereat assessed en which only a ataie tax Is paid, There is a national bank with (105,000 capital and two turnpike companies at (20,000 capital, 0 there u a capital of (903,932 Invested In the township en which only a state Ux of (2,351.79 is paid. This capital in nearly pue halt of tbe valuu of the farms of tbe township and pays only (2 300 Ux, while tbe farmers with only double the amount of can.tal pay nearly (13,000, or six t1mfa ah much New if tbe state tax were abolished, tbe (2,351 79 would atay right et home and re lieve tbe taxpayers net only of .bat amount but the f 9)0,00 J (Oild be UxiHi in equal proportion te tbe valne of tbe farms and would save one-tblrd of all tbe taxea in addition, and would be a aavlng te tax payers of Warwick in tbe sum el (0,500 at least Hew would this affect tbe farmer of tbe county T The assewitd valuation in 1880 waa fefl 310,838, en which a county tax of (215,777 15 was levied. The censtin of 1880 reported 0,070 farms oenUlnlne 550 311 acres and valued and aaessed at (C9.004 919 Te this must bnaddel tbe livestock te the amount of (4C05JI5, making tbe total asseaaed valuu uf tbe farm in that year (73,010,801. On tbla property tbe Jarmera py (195 013 eeuuty tax, or about 9 100. Ii of tbe whole, Then the erboel Ux of the entire eiunty la (2),S4!,75. Of tbld Laccaier city ptys (40,230, and the towns and boroughs 132, 738, maslug (72.0C0, leaving (158,576.75 te bt raid by tue farmers. The read tax amounts te about tbe sitne astbeaobeol tix In some districts le-a. In some mere. This would make (153,675 75 As we have nnrillcUlroeordof this lax, we will deduct (17.151.50 aa paid by tbotewnr. We have (141,424 25 read tax te be paid by tbe farmers or a total school and read tax of (300,000 With tbe county Ux et (195,013, and at least (50,000 lire Insurance tar, and we have tbe aum vt (510 013 of Uxea te be paid annually by tbu iartuein of Lancaster county. These II sure are Uken from tbe official record, and reports of the depart. menta at Uarrlaburg, se their carreetueas cannot be disputed. We have new abewn that tbe farmers piyena capital of K3,G10EG4, the amn of (515,613, while tbereia (21,191,031 money at lntnreit, en wnlcn euly a aute lax of (72 672 09 Is paid, and that is all. If tbe ferment would pay only as muah a. the etpiUlUU entbflr (73,010,601, their taxes would be only (22J.8J2, or (324,781 less than they new pay. And it this caplul were taxed same as tbe farmers, tbey jreuld pay Inte tbe r.at tmaury f lit, 019 lnsWadcfP2,67iO9,agaef101,S41. IH Catrte farmers that Ums ansa pay 100.600 leas ea Mm aasss capital t Is H jos tles te tbe Btlra body of Uxpayera thetlh farmers pay (824,000 Boen team their share T Is this an equal or nalferm aystesa or taxation se expressly declared and datnaad ed by the oeesututjoa et the etate. I weald favor a law te abellaa. the state tax, and the 184.000,000 eenld ba added te tbef73.O00.O0O, the farmers' tsUMIer for local taxation. This wenld reduce thee leaal taxea nearly eas-batt and save te tha farmers of Lancaster county felly (900,000. Tha soheoltax should be paid by tha state, as it waa tha first Intention et tha law that there should ba free schools for tha farmers and ethers. This wenld sdd another saving of leeal tax el (200,000. Why aet have bat one tax for all purposes and that paid direct by tba people te tha county treasurer, thereby saving all tha expense et collecting these taxes, wbleh wenld ba another saving of (20,000 in a county ilka this T We have ahewn that the farmers pay In proportion te ether InvesunsaU about four fifths of tha taxes, and mera than lira times as much as the same amount of capital If invested in bank atoek, or secured by mort gage or Jedsment. New what de wa get Beck for this as farmers of tha state T I knew of nethlne special sava a few thousand dollars te run tha etata beard et agrleultnre, 'in whleh tha farmers Uke a desp Interest and have a direct benefit. Tnat tbe farmers bear entirely tee much Ux baa been clearly ahewn ; ithat the man who bas hi money invested in real estate, secured by Judgment, or national bank stock or corporations, baa bnt little te pay, cannot he disputed. New what is the remedy T I see of none. Se long as tax payers and farmers are net rep resented in pur council chambers by men who bare your welfare and your Interest at heart ; se long as yen are indifferent te this imperUnt matter, Just se long yen will bsve no protection. The legislature) of Pennsylvania It is said bas for years been controlled by tbe members from Philadel phia, PltUburg, and ether large clUea in tba Interesta of corporations and capitalist, and it seems there is some truth In tbla. Out of the 250 members of tba last Senate said Heuse, there were only 36 farmers, 62 law yers and 163 business men in all profes sions of Hie, from the rich iron muter dewa te the common salesman. There are about 800,000 farmers la tbe slate, and these were represented by thirty five members, or about one member for every 8.600 farmers. There ara 4,992 lawyers tn tbeaute, and they had 62 mem bers te represent tbem, or about one mem ber ler every one hundred lawyers. Other professions were represented in about tha name proportion. This la the contrast, and I suppose the reason wbaa farmer Is se well protected In bis Interesta is because ha ia allowed tbe grand opportunity of paying ever fuur-nfih. of all the local Uxes. When will there be a ehange for better protection te the Interest et tbe farmer? Net nntll be la represented by men wbe have the nerve, tbe oeursge, and tbe back, bone te stand up for hla interests by creat. leg a reform. Tbls mnst begin at home by a reduction of tbe expenses in all the depart ments of tbe government, and net until the men in official positions will feel that the money at their disposal are tbe Uxes from hard earned money from tbe farmer, tbe mechanic, the merchant and tbe peer laboring mar. Net until then will there be equal taxation and protection te all alike tibeuld there be noehange within tbe next fifty years for a mere economical ad ministration, yenr and my children will be found an oppressed people, tbe reault of exeesslve uxatler. Oj motion a vole of thanks wai extended te Mr. Miller for bis essay. Tbe easay was dlseussed by Mr. Chand ler, Mr. Llnvllle, Mr. Weed, Mr. Engle. Tbe secretary read a communication from an anonymous oerrespondont detailing the ravages or the Hngllah sparrow, in wbleh the writer auggesU tbe enactment of a law te make It a penal euense te feD J tbem, Peters Keiat favored a war of extermi nation against them. Abram Sammy aald each farraer and each citizen should go te work en bis own premisee, and sheet and poison tbe birds. The poison should re given them in bread crumbs in winter, when ether birds are net about. CASTEB niLLBn'S ESSAY. Casper Hlller read an essay en hauling and spreading manure in wlnter. We hear mneb said in favor of spreading stable manure as fast as made during the winter months. It is claimed tbat the crops are uniformly better than when the manure is hauled out in tbe spring and immediately plowed down. There Is often considerable less, especially when the ground is frez3n very hard when the manure la spread, as can be aeen in the colored water running away In heavy rains. In spring hauling ws are net liable te tbls less. Why then should winter spread ing be mere beneficial T We can perhaps account for It in this wsy : The soluble portion of the manure remaining after tbe le! mentioned will, as seen as tbe frost leaves the ground, sink into tbe soil, and by plowing time will be soaked all through the furrow slice, and will be ripe and in waiting for the corn rootlets te take it up. After the spresdlng of tba spring-hauled manure tbe farmer enters tbe field wltb a beavy plow provided with tbe new tangled jointer, which rolls an Inch et soil and all the manure nicely Inte the bottom et tbe furrow, and tbe main plow fellows and covers tbe manure five or six Inehes deep Everybody says, what beauttiul plowing I Why you cannot see a bit et rubbish I It doss net occur te these farmers tbat In some soils, manure thus treated is lest In very wet weather tbe soluble portion of it will sink still deeper away from tbe roots of tbe plant, and being beyond the reach or influence et air, beat and moisture will remain inert If the plowing had been done lour Inehes deep the ma nure would have twen within tbe reach of the roots snd atmospherie lnfiusnee, and tbe orep would have been much better tban where plowed down deep or where it was spplied In the winter. This shallow plow lug la always right si far as tbe mannre la concerned, but in many soils net deep enough for retaining moisture. Te remedy this a subsoil plow should fellow te loosen the seli te a proper tTspth. The mUtake tbe fellow tbat invented the Jointer made was in placing it at tbe wrong end. If be had changed tbe shape (lightly, snd placed it at the ether end and set it te rnn four lnchea deeper tban tbe main plow, he would have been a benefactor te tbe corn grower. Dr. WIckersbam announced tbat the Beard of Trade room In Eableman's build ing could ba had for the monthly meetlnga of tbe seclely, and the managers bad been negotiating ler its lease, sines tbe Y. M. C. A. bad given notles te the Agricultural society te vacate tbe preaent premise. Since then be bad lesrned tbat perhaps tbe Y. M. C. A. would renew tbe lease. On motion tbe matter was left in tbe bands el the manager, with power te act As the April meeting of the society would fall en April 1st, the annual bualneas dsy In Lancaster, Mr. Hlller moved tbat tbe meeting be held en the second Monday et April. Agreed te. Mr. Resh and Mr. Chandler were an nounced as essayists for next meeting. Dr. Wlekersbam spoke of tbe gratifica tion be felt at tbe success et tbe late farm era' institute, and at tbe prompt manner In which tbe young fsrmers of theoeunty were coming forward te Jein tbe association and Uke tbe place of tbe old members wbe bad been keeping It going for twenty years or mere. Adjourned. m Drunk anil Disorderly. Jehn IV Raymond, arrested for d runken and disorderly conduct, was arraigned be fore Alderman Deeu Monday evening and oemmlttd te Jail ter 6 days. Jimmy Qulnn, arrested for a like oflense, was lecked up for a bearing. Will Ms.t Te Nlxht. The Yeung Men's Democratic club will bold tbelr regular monthly meeting at tbe club rooms at 8 o'clock tbU evening. A large attendance la desired, as the business will be of an unusually important cbarae tr, , TUB PAUDT OT TBKM ALL. The ataaaard Oil Oaaapsay Oats a LlT.ry fuk. itg Cp by the Trast lavestlgaura or tha Kcw Yerk Lrgtaaatare. Albakt, N. Y., March 0 This after, aoen tha general laa committee sub mitted te th Senate lbs report of their in in YastlgaUea ea trusts, It says: "However different tha Influ ences whleh gave rise te these trusUmay be, tha main purpose, management and effect of all upon the publleis the same namely, tha annlhUattea et competition and the enabling of the combination te fix tha prlee at whleh they wenld purchase tba rawmaterUl from tha producer and at whleh they wenld aall the refined product te tha consumer; thus leaving tha public at each end of tbe Industry 'the producer and consumer' at the mercy of the syndicate, combination or trust" In speaking of the Standard Oil trust the report says : " Ita success bas been tba in centive te the formation of all ether trusts or combinations, It is the type of a system which spreads like a disease tbrenth tbe commercial system of this country. It was erganised In 1882 by about 60 persons wbe ware engaged in tha production, rtffinlng or carriage of the commodity knewa as coal or kerosene elL Its prlnelpal effiae la tn tha city or New Yerk. They .entered Inte aa agreement by which they, holding tba con trolling inUreaU In eerUln corporations, Joint stock associations and partners, plaeed their stock In the bends of nine trustees wbe then beeame what bas since been known aa the Standard Oil trust' having complete supremacy ever all tba Industries whose atoek It held upon a cunpletlea of tbe agreement and en the day of the first meet ing et tha trustees tbey caused the value of tbe properties et the several corporations known as tbe Standard Oil company of Ohie, whose stock was in control or the trust te ba fixed at 170,000,000, 1U net earnings of tba six years preceding being annually 13, 268-1,000 per cent ea thatanm, ThU amount was alter wards la la ereaeed In accordance with a prevision of tha trust te (00,000,003 and the aetual value of tba property la tha trust's control at tbe preaent time Unet lees tban 1148,000,. 000. This sum In the bsnds et men energetle, intelligent and aggreilve, U one et tbe most aetlve and possibly tbe meat formidable money power in this conti nent When it Is remembered that all this wealth is tbe growth et 20 years, that this properly baa mere than doubled Itself in six years and that with tbla increase tbe trust has made aggregate divi dends during tbat period of (50,000,000 tbe peeple may well leek with apprehen sions at such rapid development and centralization et wealth wholly Independent of legal control and anxiously seek out means te modify if net te prevent tbe nstural onsequenees of tbe device produc ing it. The brevity et tbe time within whleh the Investigation was required te be made rendered It Impossible for tbe committee te de mere tban examine tbe persons most promlnent in the msnage ' ment of this trus. Its cause waa thus pre sented in tbe meat favorable light possible and It is only fair te conclude tbat nothing waa unsaid by them tbat could be said In itslaver. Ne witnesses came forward te accuse it of the grave offenses commonly laid te 1U charge." WKSrtfT AIID BOUND. A Lsrae Tarty et Colen lets and Kxcaisleala'a Lcava Fer the West. This afternoon a colony of Lancaster oennty people, numbering twenty persons, left tbls city en Fast Line at 2 o'clock for Oeheyedan, Iowa, where they will settle. It cenalated of : Jehn Redcay and family, Ephrata ; David Weaver and family, Far mersvllle ; David M. SUufler, Martlndale ; P. S. Auker and slater and aeveral ethers of their family or Farmeravlile. Quite a number et excurslenhu accompanied the colonists. Tbe following are the names with tbelr destination ; Neah Eaby, Jr., et Gap, Sterling, Illinois ; Calvin Reyer, of Lancaster, Portland, Oregon ; A. Bell Mast and J. G. Ramsey, of Mast postcfHee, Den ver; Jehn Bacll and Merris Hoever, of Martlcvllle, Portland, Oregon. The ex. curalen was sent off under the direction of H. A. Gress of this city, sgent of the Chicago it Northwestern railroad com pany, and J. K. Nlsaley, Emigrant agent at Flerin, wbe will send excur sions west from Lancaster eaeh Tuesdsy during Msrch and April. The above party will be Increased by people from Mt. Jey, Harrisburg, Huntingdon and Johnstown. The names et tbe parties who Joined the excuralen at Mt Jey were : David Wolgc Welgc muth and H. U. Rider, going te Wichita, Kansas; David Rutland wife, Levi Rutt and Mrs. Kbersele, Bterllng, Illinois ; Henry Qlab, wife and dsughter, Rurnell, Illinois, Jacob Teme, Pews me, Michigan ; A. Q. Kauffman, Falls City, Nebraska. A special car was attached te the train in tbU city for the exouralenlsts. rxNKSlLVAXIA IlAlLKOAD riQUKIM. The Blcseit Tear Jfer Kurulug. la the llliter of lbs Ueaa. The annual report of the Pennsylvania railroad abewa tbat tbe total gross earnings et tbe whole pystem east and west of Pitts burg reached tbe enormous sura of (115, 616,508, an inoreaseof (13,817,625 ever last year and some (10,000,000 greater tban any previous year's earnings. When tbe re ports of eerUln reads which are controlled by tbe Pennsylvania, but are net Included in the report, are added, tbe cress earnings will be found te be nearly (130. 000 000. The net earnlncs were (38,277,423, or (3,CS2,157 morn tban in 1SS0. There were carried 106,128,211 tens et treleht nealust 90,709,301 tone In 1830, and 03,153,705 pas aengera against 00,400,238 In tbe previous year. Tbe nxpenatn incrsaied from (07, 102,714 In 1683 te (77 233 (82 in 1837, an that the net Increase in earuluga wai but (3,C2,- 101. After deducting payments for rentals, charges, eta , there was a balance et (7,78s, 733net profits te tbe stockholders Oi tbla sum (5,418,701 was used te pay byi percent, dividends, and after charging oil (331 437 tolheaettlemnntef sundry accounU(l,9S3, acceunU(l,9S3, 599 was placed te tbe credit of profit and lean, which brlnga tbat Item up te (17,003,. 917. There was expended for oenstrii-tion, equipment and real estate (5,010,176, the proceeds of the ia.ue of new alee last year, BtxToeaof Dyninilt. Kp!eJ. RionueND, Ind,, March 6. Six tens of dynamite stored In a home en tbe farm of Oliver Hampton, about nine miles north west et this city, exploded at 10 o'clock this morning. David Hampton, his horse and deg were blown te atom". The expto expte expto alen made a hele in tbe ground fifteen feet deep by twenty five feet in diameter, Mrs. Cbamness, residing one ene one feurtb of a mite distant, waa seriously In jured about tbe head by fiylngdebrla. The accident waa probably eauaed by Hampton dropping a cartridge, as be was known te be very careless. lllc AdT.ue. In Oil rrler. New Yourt, March 0. Pipe line certifi cates auddenly advanced tbls afternoon te 145 bid cash from MX regular way. One operator was caught snort of cash oil. Molh.r.ndTwe Children Uarn.il. Cayuea, Oat,, MarchO About 1 o'clock tbls morning JebnPaley'a dwelling house, four miles from here, was destroyed by fire and bis wife and two children were burned te death. An iUUan wbe slept up stairs Jumped from a window, narrowly escaping with hla life. Daley was absent from beae at tha Uma, MORE APPLICATIONS. A LIST Or THOSE WHO DMIftH LICENSE. IK BOBOUQHS AHDTOtVXSaUrs. The OebtI Otetdts te Allew Beppleaacaial Bends te Be Filed Darlag the Wsek te the arret Hellstet Msay Llqaer Bt.a Meeh Wornrer Lawyer. Tha members of tbe Lancaster bar worked harder ea Monday afternoon and alght than they did for soma Uma. Tbey were obliged te examine tha financial sundleg of all tha bondsmen offered ter all applicants for license and tha task waa net a email one. Tba asses ment books had first te ba examined, and afterwards tha recerda of theprothenotsry'aand ra order's offlees te aseeruia tha amount et liens against tha properties et these who offered themselves aa bondsman. When the court-house ball rang at 10 o'clock tnta morning tba bar wss crowded wltb attorneys, while in the court room were many applicants for license, attraetad there by tha rumors afloat aa te the Inten tions et tba court in regard te applleatlens where tbe bondsmen did net oeme np ie tha requlremenU of tbe law. Before tbe list et applications waa called ever Judge Livingston said be had given some thought te the question raised about filing a anpplemenui bend, It tha original bend was net sufficient There being In effect new anew .lew it could ba readily aeen hew applicants might have been de ceived by parties offering themselves aa sureties and tbe eaurt coneluiled without making tbls a preoedent te allow tbe bend te be amended thla year by tbe tiling of a supplemental bend, w blch counsel wlllcer tlly te tbe oeurt Is geed. Tbe Hat of applications was ealiel evor, beginning with tbe First ward, city,' and when It was shown that tbe bends were all right, they were filed with tbe court In the city there were eighteen bends rejected, and In tba boroughs and townships beard np te neon about an equal number. Tbe bend et Jehn B. Blsilnger was sup plemented by tba addition of Jacob L. Frey and tbat or Michael Snyder by tbe ad dltlen of Henry Zimmerman, and both were approved. Ne licenses will be grsnted until all the bends are passed upon. Tbe applications where remenstrances sre filed will be beard after tbe ethers are disposed or. noiteuans and tewksqifb. Following are tbe applications for Heenae made by hotel and saloon-keepers of tha boroughs and townships of tbe county, to gether with the nsme of tbelr bondsmen i COLUMBIA BOBOUOIZ. Jeseph BohlPgflmlleh Jehn B. SjMeg elmlcb, Jehn P. Frank. Catherine Klaus William Uuobeltr, Jehn F. Tbuma. Peter Bltner Jcseph Jansen, Jehn Pier fer. Peter Melbert Jehn Vecger, Henry Red. enhauser. Auaust Weiss Daniel F. (Jehn, Wm. F. Qrullcb. Mathlas Sehwarlc Martin Smith, Jacob NIcbelan. Jehn Redkcy Samuel Fllbert, Elisa beth Hlnkle. Lewis Parkea J. S. Minnleb, Andrew Lets. Cenrad Bitner Qoerge Helm, Jacob Snrath. Mary O. Wagner Fred. P. Wagner, A, Haldeman. David B. Hlnkle Jehn Leckard, Wm. H. Leckard. Jehn W. Hnmmell Philip Hebel, Albert Charles. Jehn B, Soblegelmlleb Adam Feehlln ger, Jeseph Scblegeluilleb. Cenrad Welmer Martin Welmer, Fred. Aubendehelm. Leepold Bltlner Frank Shlllet, Gee. Qelaler. Geerge H. Erlsmau Rebert M. Anall, Ellz. Hlnkle Jehn Lebegern Jehn O. Lebegeru, Bar Bar tel Snyder. Flerlan Uoelk litopeld Klein, Fred. Ruts, Jehn W. Brubaker Qoergo S. Red seeker, Jehn F. Heward. Jehn K. Beugeit Edwin O. Celin, Themas Ullllard. Martin Schmidt Jehn Neener, Henry Weaterman. Jehn A. Blade Jehn W. Swarfs, Tbea. J. Clepper. Jehn E. Melsjrer Ann Maria Celt, Geerge Tllle. Aaren Snyder Mary Celt, Charles A. Greve. Henry Sbell J, W. btaufler, Geerge B. Redsecker. adaiistewm noneuou. a W. Miller Jehn E. Beebrlnger, Michael Smltb. Morgan H. Clark Henry Ejhternachr, Henry Siegfried. BLISABBTIITOWN UOBOUOII. LeanderScbeeUG sorge Byred, August Stetner. Daniel Miller Wm. Fletcher, Jr., Jeseph F. Ecklnger. Jehn U. Brubaker H. K. Sleugb, Jehn GretT. J. R. Decker Dr. A. C. Trelcbler, J. C. Keener. Geerge Weber J. S. SUuffer, A. Dls- Binger. UANUKIU BOROUOII. S. G. Summy D. W. Erb, H. A. Bealer. J. M. Summv JebnS. Ueury, Themas H. Bmitb. W. C. Sbefllar Leuis Bartbeld, Jeseph Rein. E. W. Sbue J. M. liabn, C. E. Bern berger. Peter Apple Jehn D. Welter, Jehn H, Applr. Martin Snyder H. A, Bsaler, Alfred Dyer. Henry Helt Abraham Sbatlaer, Jehn M. Oechsle, mount jer noneuaii. Jehn Wbarvel Marltn Hlldebrand, Jos Jes eph Dstweller. Charles Kepp Andrew Helwsgcr, Wm. Manning, Jehn l'ellly. Jehn llodenberu Moses Oanlz, S. B. Dennis. Jehn U. Shellv Pbllln A. I'cle. D. B. Hetter. Abraham Stene L. P. Uelllg, Jacob E. Loraw. Alela Bube Philip Frank, Wre. Ulrlch. Henry L. Moenoy Jehn H. Shelly, Aug. Rtcbey. maiiiktta soneuan. Stmuel Larztlere Pred Waller, Jeslah Miller. Frederick Maullck Jehn W. Ceble, A. Summy. Jehn P. I'lnn Leenard Ziegler, Geer go P. Ketch. Eva Feblinger Jehn Shlllew, Adam Bahn, J. C. Klumpn. AmenJ Suplelerd JohnShlllew.Adam Babn, F. Hcblegelinllcb. Adam Keynelds Joaeph Blottenberger, GenrKeRudlalll. Geerge Wall-J. C. Klumrp, Fred Waller. L. R. Hacker J. O. Klumpp, Jehn Tbuma. t Themas Hoett-Jarnea Duffy, a II. Lib barf. BTRAsncua noneuou, Herace O. Myers V. Ii. Musselman, Benjamin Lentuecker. Kuea W. Marsh A. J. Grcff, J. M. Potts. WAsniMaTOM uoueuaii. Henry Wertz William Ortman, Jehn Onuiau. lunT Tewsanu. J. Milten Roop Michael Scott, Aaren Hartmau. Stephen Hlestand James S. Brown, Jacob Key I or. JameH K. Alexander Benjamin Fillz, Henry Glrvln. nuECKNrcic, Henry W. KlUUn-Israel Hlffinan, H. A. Kern. H. S. Lulz Geerse Loraw. C J. Tlurk. SHUia -. - . - M . , f - . i ay bill & Wtthan-Ellaa Ktlglar, Ellas raraer. OABBIfABYOir. Jehn Cox at, D. While, Peter Foreman. K. a WerJsl Levi DeBaven, Geerge Wltmar. William J. Riet Henry Myera, Was. Yebn. CLAY. Wm. F. Sluber Joel L. Kberly, Israel Millar. J. J. Feuat-J. U, Eberly, Peter O. at leer. OOOALICO BAST. Jacob H. Selgfried Adam R, Beyar, P. O. Biellsr. J. M. Swelgart David Pattloeflar, Peter Bwelgart F. P. Miller Jaoeb M. Brubaker, Jaoeb B. Brubaker. Henry B. Eberly Jehn S. Lula, Frank X. Mentssr. Jaoeb R. Kesaler-NeiaeB Welfskin, D. L. Blnkley. Geerge w. Kemper-Jehn R. Reddlg, Jehn G. Reet OOCALICO WEST. Samuel 8. Gltble David Burkhelder, Christ Welst Daniel M, Bertolet K. B, Brown, Jaoeb Fry. J. H, Weachtsr Daniel B. Lata. Jehn Steber. Aur. K. Hartman Absalom Hartman. B. B. Flleklnger, Cyrus K. Luts-Jesse Luis, Jeseph K. I.uts. Jesse K. Luis J. K. Lu's, Jeba L. Gelslnger. OOSBSTOC1A. Geerge K. Kraute Usury M. Stehman, Benjamin G. Markley. Barten Herr Daniel B. Herr, David H. Miller. David K. Lines H. M. Stehman, Jehn Burkhelder. William Swelgart H. M. Stehman, Wm, E. Miller. ' W. H. Welse Jehn P. Welsa, Jacob Betrs. Ella Kendlg Jno. M. Warfel, David Geed. COLERAIM, Jeseph Heep William Sampson, J. P. McCainmen. Abraham Roop Oliver Shaw, Jehn Sampson. CONOT. Bernard Dejle Jehn O. Breneman, O. H. Filleti birger. Jaoeb Ohmlt William S. Smltb, Simen K. Engle. Jehn Waller Henry Dlveler, Simen Aekerman. DONXQAT, BAST. Frederlek Heater Solen Landes, Arrel Heusesla Herace L. Cochran J, B. Mumma, 8. D. SUniTer. nONBOAL WKST. Oyrua B. Sberbahn O. A. Weaver, Jas, Reldelmyer, DBUMOr.R. Elizabeth Harntah Rebert W. Moere, D. S. Krelder. S. A. Danner David Brown, E. Ambler. Cyrus Charles Henry B. Hess, Hugh S. Leug. DRUMOBB BAST. Abner Rlneer W. H. Rlnier, Wm. Boek. BAHL. Daniel H. Grube Edwin O. Dtllar, Jehn Reland. Geerge H. Bklle Jsmea Ream, Mosea Stefly. Jaoeb D. Graybllt Fred, Keller, Elam E. Belter. Henry Helverllng Levi Selverllng, Jehn R. Brnbaker. Jesaa M.Gable Riehard Weaver, Samuel Davis. Daniel E. Seneenlg A. B. Grett, Jenaa H. Weaver. Wm. a. Gable Samuel Brubaker, Levi GraybUl. BAST EABL, Franklin BUutter M. M, Sensenlg, Hat sel Sehnader. B. F. Kremer Jacob Rank, Daniel Eby. Geerge M. Amnion James V. Gait, Samuel S, Keeler. Vegan D. Hull Ell Weaver, M. H. Grube. WEBT EABL, William G. Bear Jacob Bear, Jacob Wolf. Daniel R. Brack bill Jaoeb Wolf, Jehn KsUreth. David Bear Jacobs. Geed, larael Kenbel. David G. Erb H. B. GraybUl, Jno. M. Reyer. W. H. Kline S. M. Beldemrldge, Iiaae Dlllman. BDB1C. Rebecca 8. Waller Jamas Cellins, James mnnigemery. FraukllnK Crelder-Etra B, Fritz, Patrick Swlaher. O. J. Hlldebrand Levi S, Rhoads, Fred Stlvely. BLISABBTK. Frank Rutt Jeseph Weldman, E. B. Brubaker. Wm. Hnbar David L. Krelder, Wm. Zartman. BPHRATA. Jehn A, Gets Wayne Bard, H, B. Swal ley. Andrew G, Miller Frank Trago, Barten N. Winters. Win. D. Winters Samuel L. Weaver, Barten tt. Winters. Ames B. Shifter Jacob Schenuck, Amea Herst Daniel K. Witiner Daniel Iryln, Samuel Hauensteln. Menree B. Wenger Jacob O. Wen ger, Isaac Weldman. Samuel G. Hacker-A. B. Holllegcr, Samuel E. Keerly. Andiew Baker Jeaenh Stainlnarer. Isaac Stener. C. Undercuffdr F. M. Hall, Henry Mus ter. I. W. Heffman Jehn Heffman, Samuel Mesaner. FOLTOJf. Charles Gerfln W. K. While, Abner Brown. Clerk B. Bestlck James D.McOnlleugb, Abner Brown. Andrew Charles Elsm Charles, Abner Brown. F. T. J. WhIUker-W. Whllaker, Ab ner Brown. UBMrriKLD BAST. Jcel Foreman S. M. Blemaderfer, Adam Dbltrlch. Jacob Buaser A. W. Zug, M. O. Miller. Bankaen U. Smltb Dr. M. Rlngwalt, Jno. Davis. Jehn B. Keperllng J. B. Mlnnlcb, BeeJ, N. Nelt Adam Deltrich-S. O. Frantz, David mngwait. Ueury M. Bear Ames Minnleb, K. B'twman. ueury a. ueuenaiuiu w uiiaui ubiuii, D. W. GraybUl. UEUrrlKLD WENT, Jehn E. Irvln Jes M. Bard, Benjamin G. Osiz James Montgomery Ed. Yohn, Jehn S. Hoever. Matthias S. Uelfricb Daniel D. Ferrey, At. Daum. Kdwln Hepton Gideon U. Smltb, Abram E. Hiaulfer. Jaoeb S. Wltmer D. W. Wllmer, Jehn M. Frldy. LAMPXTEU EAST. Mlcbacl S. Meizger J. IC Umble, A. L. Leuian. Win. H. Murr Peter R. Eaby, Wenger W. Grcff. Ames I,'alr L. R. Rhoads, Jehn Ulgle. I. U. Brubaker Jehn Slgle, Amea Busbeng. C, B. Neff Christ Neir, Henry Deter. LAB)KTEK VVE.T. Jacob B. Geed Aldus C. Mylln, Henry Cenrad. Jehn L. Breneman Samuel M. Herman, J. II. Mayer. B. I. Dally Adam Lefever, Dr. Gee. U. Miller, LANCASTER. Samnel W. PetU A, D. Kehror, Henry Rebrer, Isaac Heiny Samuel Crawford, Henry Miller. Lawrance W. Knapp Jaoeb BeU, ar , Jacob iibtz, Jr. I.CACOClt. Martin K. Myltu James Llndaey, Emanubl Dentlngnr. Gee. F. Dlller-Jetepta Slack, Henry S. R'ltter. BeUar, afra lbaoeok uprsn. Lemen L. Zeek Ames Kuril, Jehn O, Bear. M. b. Weldler. Gee. B. Owe?, Daniel Swep. H. Hetdenbaca Jaoeb a Eby, Henry K. GraybUl. LITTLE BRITAIN. Aaren Charles-Samuel File, William Penneli. UAienBtM. Levi IT. Longneeker laaae 8. Ltndls, Andrew L. Lena. Jehn F. EohUrnaeh A. C. Kepler, E, H. Kaeftmau. Irvln s. Bear Simen Hosteller, laaae L. Landla. ' Samuel Brnbaker Jeffersen Greib, David L- Stener. O. B. Grube JetTersen Gresh, David L. Stener. D. S. Btaufler J. K. Hoatetter, Samuel Hambriaht B. F. Hovre Jehn N, Eby, Arneld Do ing. MANOR. Jehn H. MUlcr J, M. Miller, Jehn Ger hard. Jehn Smltb Jehn Ollck, Ella S'.ener. Amea Heak Jaoeb Gamber, Jehn Bren ner. Carolina Breneman A. L. Shenk Henry K. K ready. Elisabeth S loner JehnB. Smltb, Charles Bender. J. F. Brnbaker and J. L. Mowery B. S. Fry, O, Baehman. MARTIO. Wm. 8. Carpenter Frank Breneman, B. F. Armstrong, David Geed Ell Kibleman, Martin Bleacher, C. Vffieman Geerge Farmer, Geerge Fatten. MT. JOY. Martin Melsreth Andtew Hei wager, Jee Hosteller. E. O, Bhaffuer Jacob Snade, Ell F. Greab. PARAniSB. Gee. N. Worst Jeseph Aiken, Jno. B. Knox. Geerge Henry Sahmldt Nlohela Dan ner, David Kennedy. Enech PAsamere Uriah Eekert, Samuel Glrvln. Jaoeb A. Balr Jaoeb M. Eaby, Jeseph Kenrer. r-KQURA. Abram B. HarnUh Jehn L. Breneman, Mert Harnlsb. Benjamin Charles Martin Esblcman, A. B. Grefl. Jeba Martin Jacob Heldelbaeb, Samuel aueaa. VROYIDRNOB. Mlohael Mowery Geerge Mewrer, H. R. He.gy. Jehn Cenrad Geerge Mewrer, O. L. Wlntere. 0. F. Grefi Geerge H. Smltb, Albert Themas. Uarvey Rlneer Jehn Bonbellser, Harry Edwards. r-Biex. Harrison L. Usner K. R Dehner, David 8. Oner, Jaoeb 8. Shaefler H. H. Casse!, Jehn H. Krelder. Menree J. Burkhelder Geerge M. Her man, Themas Keatb, RArne. Jehn Arndt-Jehn K. Rohrer, T. H.Her abey. Jehn B. Stever Jehn S, Masterson, P. W. Wllmer. AnsntfRY. Isaae Albright-E. P. Pewnall, J. K, Lam born. Kieles ds Bra J. H. Hershbarger, H. C. Wltmer. SALsaunr. 1. D. Worst-Geerge O. Went, Ellas Knrlf. Jaoeb R. Reller Amea 8. Hew, Jehn Elmer. SbeafTer Worst-M. H. Hlller, Ellas Worst Brlsbla Skllea Jaoeb Templelen, W. G. Livingston, Ueury Sklles Ames 8. bkllee, Jeseph Kurtz. STRASBUriU, Abraham Pell U, N. Brenoman, F. II. Mlller. WAIIWICIC. B. Frank Baker The U. Keller, Emanuel Kauffman. Jehn L. Celdren Adam Sharp, H, U. Balmer. Edward S. Sturlgls larael G, Erb, laaae Bnmberger. Waynn If, Landla Harry O. Seldom. riauc1, nenrv Aianuis. W. K. Bender J. O. Brobst, Jeslah Snavely. P. G. Ringer B. M. SUufler, Samuel Oriibe. Martin S. areff-P. J. Roebuck, J. O. Brobst. ' Samuel Becker Milten 8. Hallaeber, M. Eekman. E.laa Uobeels-Themas H. Keller, Alees j Mlkaeh. F. O. Carpenter Isaae Buea, lsiae G, Ffaulx. StUKOEREO MT BAMOIfH. ADeiiaLldi Le.nu ItetUe la st Hate of Mtalee. Oalvesten, March 0. A dispatch from MaUmeras saye: Advleea from Llavede Canalta, In tha southern part of tbe aute, aay tbat en tbe morning of tbe 28th ult. tbat place and Plcacbe ranch were attacked by a party et nlnleen or twenty roen from Eacauder, commanded by Bran He Cervanter. At both plaeea bloody contests took place. At Llevs, the first alcade, Juan Sanchts and bla daugh ter, were killed, aa were also Manegllde Ruiz, Eplgmeule, Rodriguez and Crescen do Muner. At Ploache tbey killed Presi dent Julie Acuana and his sonPalbe Bust Bust amente, Amaldeman Medarde and Lepez ami Nemecle Juarez. Of the attacking; party one, Portlrie Zapata, was killed and a number of poraens wounded. The fight la said te have been a Dioeuy one. It appears tbat tbe aasallanU first at tained Lleva, killed and wounded many of tbe most prominent cltlssns, robbed tbe pest snd sump offices and sacked aeveral stores. Tbe men after doing all the damage possible retlred. General Stela at once ordered troop from various quarters te actively pursue the bandits. Twe of tbem, Nloelao and Fernande Reque, were captured at Jarmanve and at Thermanea ranch near Las Preset, Francisce Sanchez, another of tne bandits, was captured. H.M II. round the Hall. Dbkisem.Tux., March 0 J. B. Snyder waa brought here under aneat yesterday charged with opening the United State a malls. He bad a large package of valuable mall In bla possession whlali ba claimed te have found en the railroad track. In hla pockets were drafts en New Yerk banks segregating (110,575, and many checks ou local banks and money orders were also found upon him. It U believed that be waa concerned In the robbery et the post pest office at McKlnney last Frldry. A SubJ.ct Uimawed. BewMANSvii.LH, March 8 "Resolved, Tbat meobanleal training abeuld be Intro, duced Inte the public school system, " was dlseuased by the literary aoelety en Tueaday evening. Tbe Judges decided lu favor of the negative and the house In favor of the afllrmative. "That high license Is preferable te prohibition," will be dl dl euased at the next meeting. Hen. Marriett Breslusls booked for a lecture en tbe 221, Anetli.rM.l. Sanlsnecd. Dublin, Mareh 0 Mr. Gllhoely, M. P., waa te-day convicted at Schullet offenses sgalnat the crimes aet and sentenced te t e months' Imprisonment, without bard labor. Netice waa given et appeal. WMAtUmU lMUlCATWK. PWariiimciten, D. O., Match 0 -Fer Eastern FennsylvanU and New Jer aey t Llgut te trash westerly winds, warmer fair weather, AN INTERNAL REVENUE BILL ?J A KEASDRB ABTORflkD BT THB HOt8SJ "'""4 WATS AMU MEARS COXMITTSC. The Tax en Leaf Tobaeeeaad thafpeetalTax en R.tall.rs of Llqaers te be Beplet. The Bsv.nns PropeaM te be ate duced itUfiOOjoea Aaacauy, WAsmiraTex, March . There waa a lively discussion In the wsys and meaea committee room thla morning, whaa Chairman Mills submitted bla Internal revenue measnre. Mr. Reed asked by what right the Dtmecratld msmbera of the committee had produced aa original MU en the subject et the Urlff, based ea tM prealdent'a message, It waa aa Irrigate proeeedlog. Tha president's message should be considered paragraph by para graph, and then ba repotted back te tM Heuse. The e'talrman replied that the committee had a lull right te submit a bill based ea the message, and they bad proceeded ea that baals as well as en tba baala of partial tariff mcasurea submitted le tha Hcnaa and referred te the oemmlttee from tlase te time. Mr. Reed aald tbat findings In tbe tariff section of tbe bill hid been secured before proper Investigation bad been made s that hearing, abenld bsve taken place, and that experts In varlens lines should have been summoned te express opinions. Finally Mr. Breekenrldge, of Kentucky, moved thst the oemmlttee bad a full right te originate and report te the Heuse a bllljel the character aubmltted te the full oemaatt tee, and a resolution te Ibis effect wee ear rletl by a atrlet party vote. The committee will meet again te-morrow morning when tbe question of beee Ings will be dlsenssed. It is expected that both bills, Uriff and Internal raveaae. wUl, aa one maaaute, be reported te the Hoase early next week, A TR eratS OF THB BILL, Mr. Breekenrldge, cf Kentucky, ea ef the leading msmbera of the oemmlttee ea v ways sad mesas, baa furnished the uaitea jXi kH.l.lA.. .. .t.. lHl.MI.1 fc-MA-MA kill J $ SltM fliUVI.IUUS Ul IUD I1IIVIU.I .VfWIVIW WIM i which waa submitted by the msjeifyef the committee this morning. The bill repeals all or the tobteoo tax ex. cept en cigars, cheroots and cigarettes, gtvea a rebate en unbrekan package of tobaceo in the handa of uiannfacturera sad dealeraen July 1 next, and reduces the special Ux Imposed en manufacturers te (3 and dealers te (I. It repeals all lawa re stricting tbe sale et leal tobacco and repeeie f sett atiBUlll eea.4B.uaB uu wesaaevaa vi wbvs)4ibrsjb spirits, mslt liquors and the menu leeturera of stills. Tbe esUmeted reduotlnnef the government's Income Ja (24,000,000 te (25,e;0,000 a year. It past spirits distilled from fruIU en the aataa footing as te all privileges of warehensiaf, tbe postponement of payment or thai year rf.r4 :,: bend, eta, as splrlU distilled from grata, J X&iA itaivea tha a.ar.Urv of the treasurvtaa, a(.: rlKbtlnbla discretion te tax all distilleries J$f4 matning less wan euineis ui grans $$;,? day en the capacity of tbe still, Instead r :;--j ..nnlna IK.nl in Tim ..nil tllA OUIIBIr- ?55 i . mI.Iiw nffanAlttl nlSitnri anil tliA llmllKtiritta T&L&t' m llw n,a.ArUnu4 I.V - . "t. L..?M-Z and laws, ."ti'iii' The administrative feslure xapeala all '" ,M'4 ... .!. !..... h.I U.-M Ik. imf$ W1U1U1UU1 IUU1UIUIU HUM. in, ""k C VAkS maximum within tbe discretion or the ?w- & court, net changing the aa verity of the . ..'S,: il maximum pumeniuent in any uegree, at prevents the issuance of a warrant ea the affidavit of any parson except a collector or deputy, unless the one making Ibeaaoae acta upon personal Information. It requires tbe warrant te be returned te tbe nearest Judlelal officer, and gives circuit and db trlet courts power te appoint all commie sleners they msy deem noeesaary, aad re mave thorn at pleasure. It gtvea tbe com missioner of Internal revenue power te re mil penalties or te compromise Judgments, Mti. .nft.lll lnMM Ilia MV-lt- f .. Alie Vllk wuuvw yvnnj v ww- . nmvment el tax from 100 10 20 par OSBt, II i'i rana.iM tha law which nermiu the deatma. ,., ,t :.-'-.."....:'..- 1.....1.... ....r. - va lien OI a mm liu- m '"""'i mtwm m, ,y court et proper Jurisdiction, and gives im Judge ela U.S. court where a psraea ia, Imprisoned and where lite or healtH la Isa periled, authority te-change the prisoner te another prison. Tui.sll. Tak.n OffTabaee I. Washiwote.x, Msreh, 0. The DeagaV cratle members of tbe ways and txeaaa oemmlttee te-day snbmltted tbe internal revenue bill te tbe full oemmlttee. Tbe bill repeals Uxes en manufactured chewing tobaceo, smoking tobaceo aad snutf audapeelal taxes en deatara and all taxea en dealera in leaf tobacco. A special Ux of (3 per annum la mala lalned ou raanutaelureta el cigars, and (I annually en dealera In tobaaeo. Fourteen. ., .- kill .Ia.I a-llt. l-i .rimlall. IWUUD.Ui IUO UUI uul Wft.ft mw nun,-- ;rm tratlve features el tbe international revenue Vsj laws, and repeats tue uurueaseme auia.-j obnextoua feature. , tsfltei riv.Mm lilewn te l'lsees. Isu?BMi.Na, Mleb., March 0. A fright ful disaster, tbe exact cause et wbleh will probably novel be learned, took place la the Cleveland ote mine at 0 o'clock last night, resulting in the lnatant death el five tniiu. They were at work la abaft Ne, 3 blasting rock, haying inserted a piece of gaiplpa charged with dynamite. Tbe pipe bad Just come from a blackamltbsbep,and, It Is supposed, still reUlned sufficient beat te cause an explosion of the deadly ageat of destruction. The report drew ether workmen te the spot, only te fludfiveterri bly disfigured bodies lying at tbe bottom Of tbe abalt, Tbe names el tbe vlcUma were Alfred Luea. EriaMaltesetJ, WUllamGea die, Jehn Williams and Chatlea Busk. Trnlntntu IClllcd la e Wreck. PiTTsnuna, Msreh 6. A freight train ran Inte the rear of an empty accommoda tion train near Johnstown, Pa, en the Pennsylvania rallrcad, at 0 o'clock this morning, anil both trains were wrecked. Conductor Charles Fiatkewaklsna jsrsxe meu Parks and Stewart were standing en, tbu rear platform of tbe aocemmedatloa when tbe trains came together. They ware eaught in the wrexk and terribly crushed. Flatkewakl was killed almost lu.tsnUy.bat the ether two are still living. Their injur lis, however, are belleved te be fatal. The crew en the freight train escaped by Jump ing. Tbe accident obstructed tbe traeka and trains east and west ware delayed aev eral hears. .Jtrmr.ighU lu the Itleg. New Yenit, March (1 Jaek Hepper and Bill Lurney, the latter known as the California "Jack Dinnpaey," fought wllb, akln tight cloves st Pleasent Valley, en the Htidseu, tbls morning. Tbe fight waa for (1,000, Marquis et Queeusberry rules te govern. Hepper was kuccked out la the 10th round aud tbe fight was awarded te Lurney. The latter was horribly out np aud presented a shocking appearance. Hepper's right arm gave out early la the mill aud te tbla la attributed his defeat Bnh are lightweight. Tuik.r acnti VUI Itus-la, f CossTATiNei,tn, Maica u, ane pert; his ucetdtd te the ueinanaa ea iius-ta -jr. ha. netlnwl Plnes Ferdinand that the tinn which ha new occupies in nun Illegal, and tbat It la cenaideicd ee aew- k.v. PV" W i " -H&'g- vJ., m A ?Si '?. X v. XTrt 4 . :m .&V4 3 j-"- afx.1 F!'Al J ml PM v.