K.'KsWi1? - lV"V -)7 'w'T . ;P k, - in" ,- - . !-, . (,. ' .u , "T , er-T.A-: -'"' S- ' STI' ' -V-Ij- t -1 jk ' Ah ' 'iCHS! JLAJSOASTEK DAJDQY JtNTEUIGEKOEn, MONDAY, MAUCH 5, 1888. iP. C- ft 1 Kj"n; LI-V ; iS mr ii,&i 'm a-A v-? tote y J m st e 8P 1 H.fft .. The Dally Intelligencer. LANOABTkK. MARCH 0, lit. i n Daily litKUonen publish all the A Y- ;V ntfniliewief the United rrcs tip te VX tie ftetpesstbie hour. tIRM8-Tie Daily namen or mi iirmu- . t ' (ntM te eltvered by earlier in tie clly ? vu arreundlng towns (or loe. per week I if by Mil, (ft 00 ft year W W for ilx month;; - ' tL Rwtbree months t Wc per month. ? ! t- mt.i imuiiiucu (Deuble Sheet) f',v$y . a, only I1.W pet annum, In ad- ri sanen, Jfcafcaarttiim'wIOitnff their Kflflrefi changed i'-ri't Mut also state whom ihe :papcr U tow ler- L't ) . .AarUaintj from 10 10 25 Ct(.tcr line I-yJM. - nek Insertion, according te locution. iVfb TUBrUraxLLlOKNCKB, rSSZrr - - - ' Lancaster, ra. (Telephone Connection. "' THe Yfrdlct. The Jury In Ibe Sixth ward election ' mms, after a deliberation et thirty-seven hours, have returned & veidlct of net guilty en the count et conspiracy, and guilty et the three ether counts, viz : of dafraudteR Jehn W. Mentaer of veUb east for him; et defrauding Jacob S. Smith of votes cast for him ; and of add lng ballets te the poll The readers et.the lNTr.LWei:'Ci:n aire familiar with the evidence in this casej which at great length has been re produced! n these columns from day te day. Phapi no trial in the local court in recent years has attracted se much aU tentien, both en account of the great In terests at stoke and the high social posi tion that the defendants occupied. It has been a long and tedious trial, but every step In it was easetly followed by the public until Sunday, when a result was reached. There will bs few te dispute the wis dom et the verdict that has been render ed. A stupendous fraud was perpetrated en the ballet In deliberately stealing mere than one hundred votes from two candi dates for public office. The election offi cers were sworn te protect the ballet, and the burden was unen them te thew that ,mv nprfermml tills RWOrn (lutV. TIlO KSSjfe wMwice showed that some were recorded IjE-'M voting who did net vete at all, that mu there were names of people presented as VLWtL lumtna rtennaltfil their ll.lllfllfl. who COUld ;"-:'.-"J k. lumintiAmil lit, fll flJMMWir Of "'?" IBUSMiVOW "J "- . - p."itt ward, nor by the letter-earners mere fe' ,Jft7ii i'There were ether glaring Irregular! mMii t tke conduct et the election , and the Wjflttmti'lH Baade by the prosecution te i aoBtelracv en the part of the de r" This was net shown te me of the possibility that all or tfefi rtf the. defendants were innocent. "'"' H i T 'V I UIh cm.U IaaiiaI. Ilm tnrv. WHtfrrr ;....""".. '"v''""7, ,'-': fiwftffiiang aenusravien, uecmeu 10 unu i'Vr-Aiet guilty of cenf piracy. W0;Tb defendants all testified that they ijttwere Innocent et wrong-doing at the elcc-SK5-Vtinn"ftnd thrv all failed te say hew It iki iJH r " w '2'. -eme that the ballets that were cast "aSifJk Wtoe nei( xvturucu. J.uai mi: nue i'AjBet' returned as cast was net dls- rci'i .ii'phhw. ise meury wi wivuuucu uj um lW,tt fi mrm ..iv II. il.r 1, it.H ;.?S;, aerenuania w) reconcile meir uccinnuiuiw Wyz pi Innocence with the admitted raisiiicn !v .'.iipnsef the ballet bene; and they were iffn , , tnererore necessarily uiswiicvea ana con- SSW.ff'i'VntiWI. TM.lmu wprn net nil cuiltr. thev RS. had at least nil agreed te stand or fall te - J" TI, ,1(- ,,f II. (u frlnl w lintrA n .widespread Jnlluence for geed In the con. 'x?:h' elections. It is a nlniu warcincr te the 'jA'teWi.11nf. Ytnr nHifTep nr.il t.hA TAtiirn tlrbnr lththla occupation Is gene In Lancaster ;-..V"-SV VUUBiy, Xb will iuuke juiiuary cicuiiun J.-S emcera mere viguaut iu lueir uuiies unu Vfina - -. . . . r.Tt'. awlll 1.m. .k.. Iinl nf IKInF li. fl tm I inull tf W1U1UWI tUU MAilUV l-tilUL I'J VIIU bull:. Ul. the prison cell. In a iNctv Hele. Clans Spreckles has been astenlslilng the l'hiladelpblans with glowing accounts et the various big things in sugar that are shaping themselves lu his royal brain. The sugar king new poses as the deadly enemy of trusts, asserting that us long as he lives he will never go into eue, and that he is new planning the erection eC n refinery In Philadelphia, New Yerk or Baltimore, which will involve an Invest xnent et from three te five million dollars. He Bays that he Is studying the relative advantages of these cities as locations for sugar rcunerie3, and It Is quite evident that be is getting plenty of advertising for himself and his ventures. This defiance et the sngar trust by n ?Val great monopolist la net very inspiring. ?- "O Spreckles is reputed the real king of the ??) "u,a"'cu Winds and has long controlled E34 Ifcemicar trade of the western cvisfc. ,- f., . .. . ' (. mac nis annearance lu me ease as Lim n- .yef the trust can only mean that he ?" .fWwW prefer te trust hltmelt with a ui Miiaopely et this end of the sugar biul- 8"' , , sgar planters St the tarlfl en sugar was caaeb reduced, because that would let in tin cheap beet sugar of Germany. Tim SBflTTia rjs3 both beet nnd canu sugar Qad Kins (Jprcchles himself proposes iGStabllcii a tct sugar factor- iu Call s&nrnla. The failures of the various efforts for the manufacture of beet sugar in this country he ascribes te the ignor ance of the men attempting it who did net have the proper machinery, lie new has COO tens et machinery en the way from Antwerp te California te bs used in the manufacture of sugar from the beet, and has no doubt whatever of tlie success et his venture. Iu Further Cr;tlclsu. We have suggested in criticism of the new tariff bill of the Democratic majority of the ways and means committee, that the duty en cigar wrapping tobacco should net be reduced and that the duty en iron ere should be. Our ores should come in nta low impost, if any, and coal should also be ndmitUd free or at a re duced rate. AVe de net understand the policy which takes the duty elT wool ho he fore it is takeneff Iren ere or that reducts it en sugar while leaving coal untouched The first things te feel tbe relieving hand et Congress should have beea ere and coal It may be all right te take the duty off wool, but it is net quite be clear te U9 as It Is that it should be taken eH iron ere. Ne doubt, it in Import Impert Import antte the wool manufacturers, te have cheap wool, and probably Um wool growers' Interest in the matter it net sufficient te require protection; but It i a cese up ju ffbich much may be said the wool growers' a'.ue ; and a great can be s lid for the sugar producer's of protect en. We de net believe 1 mm ww uui; uu ou;iii euuuui U9 D'J re- imMM as te hazard the Louisiana produc preduc " : .Itao. It is a manufacturing us well as a HwAUg industry there. The grower of tjtne also txprcnes the juice; and it X li a process requiring elaborate machin ery and great care, te se conduct the op eration as te get all the saccharide mat ter from the eane, and ee make the pro duction profitable. There Is a great deal of capital, energy and business capacity required In the conduct of a sugar plan tation, and the business should be well rewarded. Any reduction In the duty by Congress that will bring dlstrefs te the sugar planter, will net ba justified at all ; and no purpose et hitting sugar re fining trusts will warrant a blew te the planting industry. MA-ren FiTi.itn, et 1'hlUdelphla, wants te Ducoeed Governer lloaver. If he docs net succeed, be will suck his thumbs. Tiik purchasoef the German dully, tbe Lam-aster i-Yefe Vrcsie, and Ihe Clertnan weekly, bit Laterne, by the Frole Prosse Publishing oempsny Is noted olsewhero In thene columns. OtiUleleef Phlladelphl artel Pittsburg, IjtnrAfter is the only ether plnce la thoatate that pomeKosa German dally newtpjper. The Frcie Prcsae lia been in Tlgoreua cxlitence nearly alx years ana Vie Ldtcrnc thrice as long. Iteth hnve be be be oemo neceislttei te the large German pnpu. latlen in our midst and tby lmve-bullt up reading cenatllnencles et Urge propertlonr. We ate Miured that under tbe new man agement these jqurnaU will tnore than qver betore re licet accurately the uerman lire in city, county, ataleand country. Juit new Germany Is the cnoaure or nil eyes in Kurepe, and lu her fulure much et the dej'.lnlen of the continent Is centred. Mr. Geerge Kehr Is te be the managing editor under tbe new dispensation, which 1 a guaranty that llione nawapapers will main tain the high cxcollenro which they bave hitherto achieved. Mr. J. U. Hobneldor, who rellrnj from tboae Jntirnalf, will b) greatly mlcd In local nuwupnner circles, which he bai dene very much te quicken into life. As tbe successful creator of nu Important dally newnpaper cnlerprlne in this city, he will net seen be forge'.tcn and Ijinestrr will loe olio ei Its most aellve and onergetlo young men In his departure te ether sphonsefduty. Te Iho Iiinrasler Ceunly Anil-Corruption association : " Yeu bare earned your title," 1 nv. American Copyright Leagua Lave lisued a pamphlet collection of the opinions et American authors about International oepyrlKh'. Iongfellew astd in a lotler of date et Ootebor 8, 1678 : " Wba'ever Is just I for tbe benefit of all; and I wish we could bare a law providing, between Keg. land and America, that a oepyrlght taken out In either country shall be equally valid in both." The opinions are followed by 'an open letter te roaders et boeka" which presenta the arguments for International oepyrlght. Urltily, tbey are that it would raise ua te the atandard ei ialr play adopted by ether natlena united In the International Copyright Unler. It would enceurage the wholesale devolepmont of our llterature new hampered by the fact that cue authors bave te oerupoto with boeka en which no payment la made te the author. J twill glve a fair Held te our writers at. home and abroad and a cbance te make their profes sion self supporting. Tbe cxample of France and Germany "countries wbrae llterature it hilly protectod by copyright and whose books are the ubeapest In the world sbews that tbe prloe of books do de pendM net upon copyright but upon the nature of tbe public demand." At all evenla "lliere Is ene thing botter than a ebep beck and that Is a book honestly ceme by." Tun Philadelphia Jlccerrt fnys that tbe Ciitbella parochial achoela of Philadelphia are new engaged in tbe education et nearly t!0, GOO children. Tiicse pupils ran e iu nge bolweon 0 aud 15 yeare, altbeugb at both extremes ttiore are n few ciuoptlens. In this work 200,000, nu avorage of tS per csjHtB, Is yearly expended, nnd tboscbeol prepcrtln, including building nnd IeIp, are worth lu round numbers evrfl,(H)0,C0(. Titu Heuso lias g'ven careful oouhldcra eouhldcra oeuhldcra Hon te Ibe Invitation extended byJTrance for tlie Paris exposition of 18Mnudo;esr tleu providing for tbe proper representa tion cr tliln country at thoexpcHltlea was favorably xccommendod by commltteoof Iho whele aud will probably pas'. It prei vldea ter Iho appeintment of cainmls cainmls alenerc, atitherlr.ss the use et publle vee vee seU te transport artlcles for exhibition froe of cewt aud eppreprlatcs t'-C0,000 for ex ex pentes. Tbcre was nu amusing dobile en propriety of tklnK aivaatttRO this occasion te atsert tbe rights tbe American be abroad and. Ibe of aa a member ald, make n fpeclal exhibit at Paris la order that tbe poeplo of Kurope may a be tbe Illinois pig In all his par leu tlen and cheapness, tbe abort and tlmple animal of tbe peer. An amendment was inserted providing for tbe distribution at tbe exposition of a atatoinent of tbe Amor Amer lean perk buslneJB and that an euert should be made te tocure a competitive Infec tion of the perk of various countries TEIISONAU a. IlitoNeN Ai.ceTT, tle well-known author, dltd In Bosten, en .Sunday, ngeil t3 yearf. J'OVTMASTCB W. T. IlAnitlT of I'hlla dclpbla, was ibe guest el W, L' lloanel, esq , cu huudey. HfEAKuii Caiii.isi.u prn'sts tbe Wills taritl bill and Bays it will pesitbts Conyreia substantially as reperted. KenuiiTll. HAnc, goneral icnnsgoref Ihe eollililiein Iren company, has c.rne te Cuba en busluess connec ed wl:h tbe company 'dBlIdirs. Ciu'.i tveiifpiii.t. Menoy ripenccd In persunal edernmrntU often fcelUhly utswd ujien nrtlclmel noln neln noln trlntle value. A boltle et U07.OUU.NT, how hew e or, 1 j worth ltd weight In geia te any ene troubled with peer troth, and Its prlce Is cush well spent te the purchiser. 'lheuKh It 1U notmibe the Ueth rpRelar, thuy who melt are ustenlshnd at thn rapll Improvement It cITects In ihs Cental row. aloreovor, they b eutha Bwcetueaj, and tave healthy gums nud nutJy lips. rrudence I Frndence ! rinmcuicatlen, as in ansht else, prudence, should he our culde, Yet theujandj cast It te tbe wind. Every new netrum finds its pat pat rens, the medical empirics or cnery fulse sthoel bave tticb: gulls. Kvcry change In Uie gamut et humbug Is rung successfully for a time at least tlie notes being furnished, by the credulous. In happy ceutrast te the many advertised impostures of the daj sutuds Heitetter'ii Stomach Hitters, new In lis mini uicacie or popularity, approved ami rec- emmeuck-il by ili)slclaus, iuilertrd by Iho press of inauy lauds, eeugUt and prlzul by luvatlds everrtvtiern. It Is nu ascertained ciiecllla for cud nrtrentlra nf maiiLrlni ill. cases, chronic IndJKestlen, liver complaint and conitlpallen, checks th grenth et llieumatlsm and neurulcla, it (v peerless In- pifbvatflt by IUM alwvll', Svnvw l'w' Tim Hacdsenirst Lady In Lam. liter Hcmarked te a Irlend the eiher day that she kiirtw Kuinp'4 llHleum Inr tha 'llirent mid i-una ui u superior remedy, ni it stepped hnrceuxh InsUnny when eiburs hid neeiieci whau vor. Be it t reve this aud runvlnce j ou 1f.UlJ1rlt;.,,ny dniKglst will nlve jeii n Sum Sum lle U Jltlu J'rcc. Large size We and ll.lw. '"IhAirrraieat cure en earth for pa'n." Ba v.-tteu Oil i sing the refrain. w!'0,11 .".'I1 let,aV. my frlene, In this cold "'Si , ,11tDoDK,1lJeiorslcs;ln bedwltnu told." I Ulna netting but mulled u hlly unlle and led ine te the uixitheenrk's sbmi. and pelutlnn te a big advurilnmneiit H Ur. Ilulf ,euih Syrup, raid, "lhereby hants the Ule i thit tulU tbe story." L Jly Klufdein ier a lleise." nut If be sutlers from scratches, cracks, cu's, galls or wounds ef any kind, Veterinary Hep Ointment Is warranted te euro. A'tera(( lUOttbex. Atull druggists. decMl) iarutul MAvtewn. IB Weil KrECJAfj NOTICES. ! Onoininpllen lecemiile. Hand 111) follewing: Mr,O.II.Morrl,Newnrk, Ark.iiitvf: "Was down with Abscetnef LunRR, ana f Mendi nnd ptirnlclum nroneunoMl me an Incumtiln Connumpiue. llcKan takln l)r Klnc'a New lilncovery for Uiinsntnptten, am new en jnvthlrd bottlr.nndabletoovenirotbe work en inv farm. It la the fineit medicine cvfir niartn.'' Josse iliaaiwnrt,l),catnr.Ohle,aiy! ''Had It net hern ferWr. Klnn' Nnw nUoeTiirr ler Consumption 1 would bavodlidef liiinKTron liiinKTren bled. Was Klvnn up by doctor. Am new In bostel health " Try lu hninple liotilniffreoat II. U Cechmn's Drug Blem, Me. 137 and 139 North yaoen sire t, 1'inc-wlrr, l'a: (5) 'lllATitA(JKlN(TuuUUUcanbee u ulckly cured by Shlleh's Uare. Wogaanntne lu Held bjr It. tl. Cochran drauKKu Ne. 137 and 138 North Qnnen BU. I.ancnir. l'a. (1) BLKKn.Kflb NIGIITfl, madn mlsnrable by that lorrlblecongb. bhlleh'a Unre Is the remedy ter yen. Sold by Jl. U. Cnehran, drna-Rtst, Ne 137 and 139 North Onnen BU. Lancaster, l'a. (8 CUUUII.WUOOriNUOOUUHandllronehttls Immeillately rellevcd by Shlleh's Uuro. Beld by li. It. Cochran, dniKgl't. Nes. 137 and IS) Nertb S lsn St. lancaater. l'a. (4) lm All llreka t)il "This is Ihi nsunl exctsmittlen rf ene nf ntcud llli rbruirnt'sm, or Inmeneis. lthcn nmtia p'iople are Indeed intlllndte oursln eursln cern sympathy and commlserailon. fperdy re re Tef Is ellert (1 tbem In Dr. Themat' JCcleclric Oil. It Is the airern enemy lit nil arbeaand riKlns. for rale by II. it. Cochran, druggist, 37 and 189 North tiueen stroet, Lancaster. lcstriiftlr Itesillna;. SomeorthotcsMinonUls Irnm dlirnrert pro pre pl rulatlve te Themnt' Keleelrle Oil, ane the relief ir has given thorn whan dl, trusted by hndtche,inruche, nnd lomhsche nrn as Inter cslln rrullngasyen will llnd. This bfllngft slandsid medltlnn, Is sold oveiywhero by drugxlsts. Fer silo by II. II. tjeenran, diun glsl,137nndl39 Neith (jaetn streut, I-nncatler. A llapttst iUiiuter'n l.spnrleiiie. "I am a llaptlst minister, nnd belnre I ever thnntrht nf belinr a cleruvnmn 1 iMwlnntrd In medicine, but leitalticmllve pmcllce for my present profession, forty years niee. I was for many years asiiffeier Hern quinsy, metnai" KelectHe Oil cured inn. 1 wns also trnuliled with honmencHS, and Themnt' h'cltelrie Oil always relieved inn. My wllehnd child had diphtheria, and TTIemnt' Keltelrle Oil cured thum,nnd irtnkeulu time It wilt emu suven tlmes out often. 1 am ceurldcut It Is ileum for the most elistlnat.) cold, et ceuijh, mid If any ene will tnkn n small Um-poen nnd hall flit It with the Oil, nnd then place the end cit the spoon In ene nostril nnd dmw the Oil out et the spoon Inte the head, by siillltug ns hard ns they can, until the OU lulls ever Inte the threat, nnd jirncUce It twice a week, 1 don't cum hew offensive thelr hnd may lm. it, will elunn It out nnd cure their uiuirih. Fer deafness nnd eainchn.lt has dnne wonders te my certain knowledge. 11 Ullieimly medi clnn dubbed pnt4inl medlctne that 1 have ever felt llke rocemmondlng, nnd 1 nm very nnxleus toseoltlnovery place, fort tell you that 1 would net be without It In my house for nny consideration. I nm new siillerlug with u pnln llke rheuinnllsm In my right limb, and nothing relieves me llke Jemiii' Kcltc trlii Oil." fir. K. r. Crane, Cerry, l'a. Fer salAbyll. It Oielirun, dnivKlht, 1S7 and IU North Queen street, Lancaster, Dr Tannai-s hteinaei. Dr. Tanner certainly has n great stomach gieiitliucaii'e of Ua suengthuud endurance. ve miy et In jlng thnt thodeou.r ues Ilurdeck Rlaeit IHUeri, but If hi fle s. his di gestive power, arislly accounted for. Hur unct llloed Hitters being a stnudaid luedtetne are sold b7 all dnigvlsts Fur sale by II, II. Lechian, urugltt, 137 and 1 9 Nerlh Queen struct, Lncair. Tans liiur Ulmlc-. Yeu can be wsalr, noivens, flehlltta'ed, and despondent., dI.i;anhllfU ler wei k el bend or hand, or you ciu etjuy a Inir hairt of hcnlth and psace of mind. Jlti-decL tilnrnl llittert will mlevlatu your misery and de yiiuu world el g(Hd li you will but lme ln.it li vilry. Fer sal., by II. II Leehian,drng)It, 137 una 131 Ncrth Quean street, Lsncabtur. Tells the Truth. "This medlclns 1 can highly rt commend. fluriieek lltoeit IlUlert urn the beat bleed pu-rinei-MU have ever used." has. A. Hurt, 16 Court street, liurMle, N. V. Forsale by II, II (Jnchrun, druggist, 137 aud li? North Queen street, Luncasler. l!ntk!en's Arnica Salve. Tnit UsstSilvk In the world for L'uts.llmlies Eeres, Ulcers, Hall lihum. Fever hercs,TctUrf (Jhapped Hands, Chtllilalus, Cerns, mid nil Skin Jirupllnns, and piMltivnly cuius Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaruuteep te give ihjt fect snUslactlen, or money refunded. I'llce t5 cunts per liex. Fer snle by 11. U. Uechtau, Druggist. Nes. 137 nuiH39 Nertb Queen -lxeci, l.unciuter, fa. Jnnt,271ya .' ' ' " ' ' -iwii-wLfcJSJ 1 f vm M'AXAltsKtMt). i miUDBU-nu. Jlenflay, llarch 3, H.SJ. Arc you thinking of the New Carpet? We are ready for you. Mere space, mere styles, mere novelties, mere price- pull, taking all sorts together, than we have ever had before. There is net such another carpet store in the world, per haps. Mere than 50,000 square feet en one fleer. An acre and' an eighth of room hedged in and windrewed with rolls en rolls of carpet and heaps en heaps of fleer covering of every worthy sort. Anether conveni ence; Furniture and Upholstery arc en the same fleer. Yeu can pick and match as if under your own reef. Ne matter where the Carpet, or Rug, or Matting is made if it is worth caring for you'll find it here. Our aim is te furnish you standard goods of reliable quality; think of the quality when you think of the price. Cost alone is the poorest possi ble measure of the worth of a carpet. Clean, cheerful carpetiugs, fresh as the grass in sun-kissed nooks. As te the fashions you shall sec them when you come, if you leek long enough. Yeu will wonder that such a pretty jumbling and twisting of fig ures and such a blending and combination of colors into new shapes was possible. The A.xminsters and Wiltens were never handsomer, and we never before had such a handy place or such a perfect light te show them in. A novelty is the Wilten car pet made in a new loom that weaves them 4 yards wide and of any desired length; these rugs are entire, in one piece, and need no fitting of end or corner pieces; we will take orders for special at any time. Mequettes. Seft te the tread, rich in color and suggested colors. Scores of new shading. Every leading make of the sturdy, reliable, liked-by-everybody Brussels home-made and foreign. About the 20th inst the cream of the English Brus sels will be en hand. In variety of styles and colorings they are ahead. Fer the Spring sales we in ,TJi-ntaiurunuigs at Lewest, rnee WANAMAXKRB. treduce a new line of Brussels. Technical designation "Wana makcr." Seme manufacturers make their carpets as pretty and geed as they can, and weave their name en the back. Seme make as well, perhaps, and leave their name off, But the name en is a guarantee. Yeu will see " Wanamaker " woven en the back of this new Brussels. The story of this carpet is worth telling. It's the peer of the great New England names in Brussels Hartferd, Lewell, Bigelow (and we have them all.) The com parison is net odious te it Whenever we can produce or procure an article right here and serve the Philadelphia market with Philadelphia goods equal in quality and less in price than outside competition can meet, we arc proud; the Wanamaker Brussels come straight from city looms te our carpet floors. Expert informa tion about frames, threads, and yarns wouldn't tell you much. But best worsted, exclusive styles and quality, sold under special guarantee of service, at $1.25 a yard, and a choice of thirty styles, ought te attract. The introduction of this line of carpets is a special triumph. It will mere than meet the tak ing cry of "best Brussels " for $1.25, se often rung upon some offering of irregular goods. The single small profit, which is the only tax between producer and consumer, enables' you le buy a regular Bresaets of higher quality than ever offered before at the price. An expert is net needed te tell quality. Te be had only here. Besides these regular Brus sels we have a , large line of standard and reliable goods which we arc offering at retail for less than wholesale price ; the art of the artist shows in all of them. Tapestries, Brussels-effect at much less cost; this season's make. Net an undesirable de sign among them. Roxbury, Stinsens, or Smiths; these are the kinds. Of the last named five sorts. All the tapestries with 1s borders. Hall tapes tries with 9 in. borders and 5$ and $4 stair patterns, Ingrains, 25c. te $1. Our stock of these Carpets has been largely increased, and among the patterns are many copied from the better class of goods. 3-ply, best quality, 90c te $1. Extra Supers, Lewell and all the best Philadelphia makes, 70 te Sec. Medium Supers. All wool, but a trifle under Extra Super quality, 65c. Cotten Chain Extra Supers. Filling all wool ; wear like Ex tras, 55c. Union Extra Super, made like Extra Supers, but half cot ton, 50c, Ingrain carpet, made entirely of cotton ; same number of "ends" as Extra Super, 40c. A little lower grade, 35c. Deuble Chain Cotten ingrain, 30c. Similar, 25c. Ingrain art squares woven in one piece, with borders and in various colors. A little-cost fleer covering. Styles entirely our own, $1 te 1.75 a yard. An entirely new stock of Smyrna Rugs and Carpets, 1 2x 1 5 feet te deer-mat size. Twe new carpet linings for which we have the sole agency in this city. First The stamp is J. V. within a circle. Extra quality, with very heavy paper and fill ing el pure cotton no butts, hemp, tow, straw, or dirt. Second Cedar lining. The filling is of young cedar, and makes it difficult for the moth te get in his work. It don't mould, and being less apt te re tain dampness than soft filling linings does net foul. Oil Cleths. All the valued sorts. Sheets made of extra heavy canvas, 24, 18, 15, and 12 feet wide, from 75c te $1.25 a square yard. Oil cloth 1 te WAXAUAKIHB. 2yi yards wide, 30 te 60c a square yard. Lignums and Lignitects come in wide sheets. A preparation of weed en canvas. Figured or plain. Very durable. Se is Linoleum, the cork-compound covered canvas; claimed te be softer and mere pliable than oil cloth. China Matting. This season's importation. Made of fresh grass. 21S styles. Damask Jeintless Fancys, Plain colors, and ordinary low grades, 1 5 te 60c. Samples for the asking. Several sizes of Damask Matting Rugs.! 23 styles of Japanese Mat ting. A little lighter than Chi nese. $10 for a roll of 40 yards. Less than a year age the price was $22. A novelty in the way of rugs arc 500 of East India make. Very fine grass. Odd patterns. 5 sizes. Sizes from 3 yards down. Information, estimates or samples sent te any address. Churches, hotels and the like arc particularly interested. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. DRY OOODff. Iw J. H. UIVLEH A CO. Between New and March 1, 1880; ' We Mean te Utnolve Partnership. It jretwaat te eecn w Bargains in '' J's)BTa0OB8,BBHB8OOD3,1.ADIBB' O ,-"- AUD OlttiDUBS-3 COATS, cabpktp, ett otexns, CLOTHS, OAfl9!MBtt3, 8U1TIKQ3, Ac, NOWI8THK TIM. JBTcn 1'cr Cent. Discount for Cash. Jehn S. Givler & Ce., He, aa Hast Kin? Street. L&NCA8TSU.PA B OSTON STORK. STAMM BROTHERS. Ne?. 26 & 28 N. Queen St, l.fNCATEll, PA. GOODS Til AT VTE WANT TO SELL fJKVOBE- MOVING, About rire Hundred LADIKl' AND CIIILUUKN'S G018AMEBS, At About Half Prlej. Upwards of 160 Ilemnants rf BLACK I1BNUIKTTAS AND llI.ACk C.VSII- MKUKS. At Pi Ices that will Bave Yeu M:nry. About :oe Bemuants COLOUKO DUESS QOODO, Of Every Description at Meney Leslrg Prices. Ten Styles FINK ALL-WOOL DKK9S CLOTHIS, One and u-half yards wile, at 75c; former price, 11.23, AND A Thousand Other Things Which You'll see When Yeu Cemr. It Has .Never Been Our Pleasure te Dliplsy se large au Assortment or NEW SPUIM DRESS GOODS As We Are New showing 1 he choicest et tbe choice has beonielecUd from eveiy manutactuiur, and we have kept LOW PRICES in view oil the tlme Epeetat Styles in Amr Amr te. n and trench Sateeus at Popular Pitces. Imported ler us rive Cases Zephyr ijieth GliiKhsms In all the Latest BtmUts and De alers, epeelal nnnrlnir nf Fifty Dezen Huckabuck Tewel), all iluen, 8J each. ATTHK BOSTON STORE a Anttl 1. wouiero te Nes (Sand 57 North t Queen street, right cre lieiu ihupeslrfUOH, W M. McOi.UKE.'H SOUTH QU IlKia 1U LIU H. WCltKS, Ne. 25 e'euih Quecu Stic t. PKAUSON X. auUQKH, Superintendent- 12-tld I H OOD'S 8ARSAPARIL.LA. What is Scrofula It Is Ihtt Imparity In tM bleed, Sfhlch, so se cnmulsttnc ttiUws;lutaaottbnek,prodnoM unsightly lamp or swellings) whlcn cnsi nstntnl running sores en the sras, leg or feet) which dereleps nicer In the eTe,ers, or note, often canting bllnelnsss or daafaeM which U tlie origin of pimples, esmeeraua growths, or the many ether manifestations nsuslly ascribed te "an mers " which, fasten ing upon the Inngt, eantes consumption and death. Being the mcstanclent, It Is the most generator all disease or affections, f errery fair peisrmssre entirely free from It. HOW CAf IT BE UUKBIi By tailing Heed' Sarsaparllla, wtlch, by the remukible cures It ha accomplished, often when ether medicine hare failed, has preren Itself le be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Berne of the curt are really won derful. If yen suffer from scrofula In any et It forms be sure te try Heed's Barssparills. TUMPKCUMaU MKD101NB " I have running sores en tny limbs for Are yearr, se bad at time that I could net walk, nor sluep nlfhta. When I commenced taking Heed' kartaparllla I was in palnseierere that 1 cannot describe IL 1 had no appetite and fell away. But Heed' Barsapanlla did me a wondertul amount of geed. I hare a geed appetite, have gained In flesh and can sleep well. My seres are almost healed, and I caneasllyCe a geed day' work." aus. 0. i". Lean, Dever, M. If. Heed's Sarsaparllla Beld by all druggists, lit six ferS. Made only C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Masi. 100 Deses Ona Dellar 62dAw UKOVKRtEa. LENTEN BEJHON GOODS. Halt and Rmeked rish, Win White Fat Mackerel, Cedflsh, Bmeved Halibut, canned Baimon and Lebster, eardlaes, ete , Macaroni. Gelatine, Ann Mew Yerk Cheese. Canned Fruit and Vegetab es, Olives and Plcklns. Onr stock of Coffees and 'Icus compare with the 11 nest In the market. I'loane laver us with a trial order. Geed de livered. GKOtlHK Wis. NT, Ne. 113 West King Street. G RKAT REDUCTION IN PRICE NO It EDUCTION IN QUALITY AT NO. 23 CENTRE SQUARE, UUTQUKATEEDUCTION IN m'.CEH. TEAS down IS per cent. COFlTKRS-BKtllte25c per pound, was 28e. Prime ltle at 21s, was 2'c per pound. Geed 11 le, 20c, was 28i per pound. SOAPS at Less than Whe'esale Prices. 0. O. Pickles, Choir-Chew, Ac , 2Je per bot tle, were 333. Catsup, N. et K. Fsuce. Mustard, Canned Goods, Prunes. Knlstns, Prunellas, Apricot Cranberries. Starch, Ac. All of tbe Very llest Quality and at prices at which they mutt go. JOHN A. CLARK. K0.2B&EKYKE SQUAUE. N. B. KcmemberlauiS' 1 leg off and Intend tequttbiulucsj. CPECIAI, BARGAINS. Breems and Wash-beards Ulrcn Away with Tea, at f. CLAKKK'S TIMltmitOW (SATUKUAY) UAKCU 3. A (lead House-Broem Riven away Ith One Pound efS. Clarke's Mj Tea. A Geed Deuble Kine Wash-beard fflvcn away with One Pound CO j Tea. P. a llemember we are selling a (treat many groceries nt and below cost in Older te reduce our stock borens moving;. JV Will remove te 13 and li Seuth Queen street about tbe middle of Marce, a low doers Irem Centre tquare. S. CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE STOKE, KO. 52 WST KING STKKKT. J9-Telephene AT BDRSK'S, A JOB LOT OF PLUM TUDDING In pannd cans, at nretiflv rfduped prices ; utual prlce SOa can, we will sell for 200, or 3 cans for 5Jc, gunr.nteud. Just received, a let et line VAN KOSKU KII1M CIIKKSK, In foil Alse, I'lcnle Size Pine Cheese, Saprnge, and Chelto lerk Statu Cream Cheese. Jutt rectlved, Prcsli Macaroni and Vermi celli. Just received, Alexis Oedlllnt Olive Oil. Finest Fresh Tuble Oil. Alse Uuikccs' Salad Dressing. Have left about 20 finarler boxes L'ndin Layer Kalslns ; lermer price, 1 13 jnew selling at 71 tents. Fine Large Olives ; also, medium sizes. Oranges, Lemens nnd 11 inanss, Fine Prunes, Halslnt-, Prunellns. Figs, uatei, and every thing lu the Fruit lliif , and prices right, AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KING BTRI3ET LAKCASTRH, PA. "-Telopbeno connection. CPECIALDRIVKSIN GROCERIES. REjST! ACCUSED OF UNDERSELLING. We are just In receipt et a letter In which a " Brether " grocer unjustly accuses us of " taking away his tradu " by underselling. He Is evidently mistaken. It Is net our doalre te " take away trade " from any ene. Ue ter gets that we are living In a Hst age-thit the man who cannot held up and manfully com bat with the world, his te glve place te the ene who can de se. We are governed In the silo and purchase of our geedt by Ue de mands of a wide-awake people. Constant and persistent advertising en our part lias taught them where te buy. We makeln buying what many ethers bavelnselllng.andcenBequently alve our patrons the benentef the purchase gain. We bolleve that tbe lower the prloe of anything, the gretter the contumptten. The lessen of experience has taught us this. We cannot, therefore, be held responsible fjr the Iris of trjide te ether heuses.slmply because we eTer Inducements, se strong, thit It will be a great saving at the endef Ibu year te buy of us. parties from elh r towns can save enough en a tingle purchase te pay all expenee incurred In coming te town, We have decldel upon one conrse all the way through. Te buy in large quantities and sell ts low as we dare sell p.eur prices may be lower tntn our competi tors, but this wd caunet help The b.aineis net with us. If we are accused of doing all the business, there must be some) reason terlt. If you will only teke a leek at our store en a Sat urday, you will say with us youneversaw the like. When we tell you 20 te 24 buy, po lite, and attentive elerks a e euip'eyed jeu will have your denbts this Is net exaggera tion we want you te come and co. We want you te count them We can use half a dozen mera. The sequel te tnt wnein martens Largest, Neatest and Cheaptat Stere In the ctty. PollUtndaentleinanly eung Clerks; nobeju. loe ler UaTgUnsSATUHUAY. Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Cor. V. King and L'rlucc Jits., (NBXT DOOB TO TH HORRSL H0RS1 HOTIL ) HAVlllXKKY. pATTERNS, MODTLy, Aa Central Machine Works. W. V. CUJIIII.WJS, l'rtp. COUNEIIOF GKAXTANnCHHISTlAN 8TS (Ueiret Court Heuso. Jes, II Jlubcr's Old btuna.) All kinds of Light Machine Werk, Pattnrut, Medels, iron and liiuss Castings, Ktc. Special attention given te developing new Inventions and te tbH construction of Special ties In Machinery or. Herdwaie. TKUUS BKASONAI1LK. SATISFACTION UUAUAKTSKU. decJUd CLOTII1XO, tC. G RKAT BARGAINS. Don't Wait Anether Day if you want these spee'al greatest 0f alt Bar gain which we ar new offering Ty oil only last a fsw day mere ansveaa asvar faa duplicated at the price """ Fer $8.00, Thirteen Different Pattern of Cutiwsy at. a Back Suit The handsomest most popular try l we have had. Here Here Here toiere old for 111 00. FertlO.OO, A splendid choice of t-Butten Cetaway J.I'L159 Bnlt- Heretofore told it 1S.O0, Fer 84.00, $5,00 and $6.00, All-Weel Stylish Mad Bera' laiu ban tofere sold for f 7.0 and 0 ou. 350 Pairs Knee Pants Fer Jlc, .', 3e, 7Se and II 00 ,.;The best stvlei will be told out first. Don't wait another day If you want them. L. (km Bre. CC Bd 08 NORTH QUEEN 8T. M Y&KS RATHFON. WK KEEP TUB QUALITY UP AND THE PRICES DOWIT I Ne house Is better prepared for a LIVELY 81'KI.nu nltADK than we. we cxptet It we'll hare It. ALL STYLES OF Fashionable Clothing ! OF LATEST CUT, ABE HEBE IN ABUNDANCE. Nene of our customer team te lese eenfl. dome In bb, because our dealing are always square. Buyers et Clothing these time want THE VERY BEST QUALITY FOR THE LEAST POSSIBLE MONEY. We are aware of this fsct, and none are bet ter prepared te meet this demand than we. Myeis & Mhfen, LEADING CLOTHIIBS, NO. 12 BAST KLNQ ST., 'LANCASTER PA. H IRSB & BROTHER. PANTS, PANTS, PANTS. HIRSH & BROTHER. PANTS FOKMKN! PAN'IS FOll BOYS I PANT8 Felt CBILDBKN I Being Between Season we will Offer OVFIt 3,000 FAIRS OF PAN J 8 At Unusually Lew Prices. MEN'S Pants, tee Strlped Working Pants, 0c, Pants. Pants, soe Qrey and Jean Pant, 11 00, rant. Pants, 200 Fine Checked Pant, ll.tt, Pant. Pants, 203 Striped andPIald Pant. 1180, Pant. Pants, 200 Striped and Plain Pants, ll.oe. Pant. Pants, ISO Striped, Asserted Pants, , Pant. Pants, 10) L, and D.Cbecked Pant,2.7S, Pant. Pants, soe A 11-Weel Striped Pant, 1100, Pants. Pants, 200 All Weel Cheek'd Pants, 18.60 Pant. Pants, 125 All-Weel ft, A C. Pant. It 00, Pants, rants, mim. Latest Style Pants, IU Pant. Punts, 175 Imp'd Lateat Cut Pants, 15.00, Pants. Pants, lte Im. New'st Cel. rants, $3 te Pants. A FINE AS'OBTMRNT Or till AUK PANTS. IIIGIIEB BOY'S Pants, SM Pants, lte Pauls, 20J Pants, 200 Pants. 100 Pants, 100 Pants, UO Geed Wearing Pants, t'e, Pant. Striped A Lheck'd Pant, tij. Pants, Striped Streng Pants, 75c, Pan'. Ats. Cel's, Stripes, Pants, ."e, Pants. Weel New'st Pat. Pants, II 00, Pants. Im. Ass. Pat. Pants, l 25, Pant. Im. Fine Grade Pant. 11(0 Pants, CHILDREN'S Pant. SCO Striped Ass, Cot Pants, 35c, Pant. Pants, 2C0 Checked Ats. Cel Pants, 50c, Pant. Pants, 2(0 Chk. and Striped Pants, 62c, Pants rants. 150 Extra Striped Pant, 75a, Pant. Pants, 100 Imported Goods, Pants, II 00, Pants. Pauls, 10J lm. Latest Cut Pants, 11.50, Pants. NOW IS THE TIME TO fUY PANTS AT THESE FIUUUKd, AT Hirsh & Brether, THH OE-PRIOH Clothiers & Furnishers, COU. N, QUEKNSTUEET ANDCENTttX PUUAKK. LANCASTER PA CiJWSAUES. ViTANDARIMVOKk "' EDW.EDGERLEY (JAItRIAUG BUILDER, NO". 0.Ut1,MAHKKT STKCKT, Bear Of Pestcrllce, Lancaster, Pa, I have In Stock and Build te order Every Variety et the following styles: Coupe, bug pies, Cabriolets, Carriages Victorias, Busln.s Wagons, "I"' Carts. McCall Wagons Hurries, Market Wssenr. Prmtens. Exnress Wairens. I employ thn best Mechanics and have facu lties te build cetrecily any style of Carriage desired. The Quality, Style and Finish et my work makes It decidtdly the Cheapest in the markt, MOTtni "Fair reallng. Honest Werk at Bettem Prles." Pleate alve mn a call, vhepMilrg promptly aiteDOed te Prien lower than all uitmra. One set nf Workmen especlslly emplej ed ler that purpose. i ACOH F. bHEAFFEKV PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN D1BT1LLATI0N.) HO. 15 0INXKE 8QUABE,