' t HIJ ifl'n- - (i a ' , THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27. 1887. COMPMeMOB If ltbenld tell tke story rtaa life- TieiadandtttttraOBalthtlfetl II you heuld knew tM HmmI doubt, and lilta. - ' . .. . that clttiK about me even when t hnetl, I am li nd lht enr para muI would turn lnhuddrlngg lufau far away from mlda, That year of oenUlto penitence would eara Pairglveneaa. pity-but net Ieta divine. -Arthur Cnlhaun In Beaten Travtttr. m m i mm at tka New Beaaet aad Bats. ' Prem tha BalUtnure Bun. ; n Ona el tha nai styles el I'arleiea dresa beeneta dleplayet la Baltimore laoeroaM abapad, tha aider brla. Bttad Bella, aai Ik upper mad or plaatad velvet of a dark brown ahede. Tha orewa aad aide erewa arc of eraam colored fal, ambreid and with (old and all vr bullion. Tbe trimming coo ceo coe alata of a dark brown bird, of geld colored clipped cock plume, and of a bow of ereaaa colored corded edged rlbbea .that oerraa Kodatelbenclorotlhenrlm. A very-nreUjr unat te tbte, tba etreet bele deVdedi Freeen. A rteb Mraat feat of lfMaaataU vet TM baa a plain brim, pulled orewa and ptata alda crown. It la trlmmad from tba back with iridescent ribbon te match tba velvet, and baa a bunen el llpa of tba aama delicate abed Tka ornament la an ugly bag wltk eat ataal wing. Tha ban U enedHva by contra!. An elaborate and baaiitllnl opera beaaet baa a brim of broiiKe-eolured velvet, with aa undar brim fnrtnad el cream oelorad paffad tnllf. Tba velvet el the uppar brim la eiudded with tin Kilt ipaegM, whisk gilt. tar brillMatly la lit light, and thearewa aad alda drown arael geld colored carded work ef bandaeme design. Tba bonnet te trimmed la front with a Brente bird and with breeee and geld algretlee. The atrlnga are of velvet aad eailn. A dMhlng and auiklng atreet bat la of all vergray felt, wltk crewa and aide crown of leldad colored ellk of tbe aame abade aa tbe felt. Cream-colored willow eoek pleatae front tba utaamlng, aad tka or er nainaat la a graceful fern abapad dark eteet dealga, which eatchea the auk te tbe Ian aide. One el the level'etl evening beaaeta la of ehaageable green velvet, with plain brim, tbe edge or which te evertaeed wltk Una Jet beada. it baa a knlfa plaited crewa and a lain aide crown. The velvet It drawn te tbe front In a doable bes plait, and ever tbe aide crown there te e lace of Jet beada. Tbe trim ming te of aigrette, which are cengbl te tbe brim wltk acar-abaped ernameata, Palling ever the front of tbe bonnet' te a canoed of French lace, Vat leae Bere- IbemU raid te Leglalatee la yaaa Oeaatrle. Prem tha I'arl Morning Newt. Heme curlena atetlatiea have Jaat been pub lltbed concerning the ealerlea given tesaeav bera of Parliament in varleaa aatloea, Te begin wllfc Prance, Ike ktnatare aad dnpnUaa reealve tbe aame reauneraUaa aameljr Ail a day. In Belgium each member of tbe Uoamberef KepreeenUtlveagetaX17amentk. la Denmark the membera efthe Laadethlng are paid about 16a a day. In Portugal the peers and oemmoaa are given the aame earn, which la A'07 a year. In Hweden the mem beta of the Diet receive CM for a aaatlea of four rnentba, but they have te refund a fine of lie for every day'a ebaenea. In Switzerland the membera el the National Council gat 10a. per diem, end tneee of the Council of state from 6a. te let. In Norway tbe membera of tbe Sterthing eelve fourteen ablllinga a day daring tbe see see elen, which laata about els weeka. la Italy the eenetere and deputlea are net paid, bat thv are allowed traveling espeaaaa and eer taln prlvUeger. In etpaln tbe membera of tba Uurtea are aiae uupald, but enjoy many ad Tantategee and Immuultlea, la Ureeee tba eanatera gat i.'20 a month and tbe depatlea 10. In Qarmany the repreeentatlvee re re oalve aa average of 10. a day. la A Mia the pay le the tame aa la Kraaee, 1 aaey. Kngland la the only country where member of Parliament are net only unpaid, but nave no right te privileges. Aa Bipert Canine Traveller. tern tbe Cape May Wave. Colonel B. K. Jamlaea'a deg Jee " baa almeat human Intelligence. The animal get left a day or two age at Mewell'e Point, mya The Cape Slay Wave. Mlaalng hie maater be bearded tbe eare and rode down te Min eral dprlnga, where he dlllberately changed eara like ether paaaengere and rode te a point nearaat bla hetnr, where he gave tba conductor a leek aa much aa te aay, " Let me off. " llle eanlnrehlp waa permitted te dteembark In a dlgnllled way, when fee trotted ctr borne. Her Dell Ware drceRMcvlbwi. Applicant 1 have had oenalderable ex perience with children, ma'am, and never any trouble In making them like me. MUtreae That te very Important. Applicant And 1 am anrel would get ea wlb your little deg, ma'am. Mlaueaa (atreklug tbe animal) Yen would bave nothing te de with Fide, deer little fellow t lie te my epeclal charge. Wbtraln Thar MlfTar. rreiu tha New Yerk World. Tee vlewe of Henry Geerge ditfar from tboeeef Ueergelll. The latter bei laved lu taxation without repreeentatlen, and tbe former advocate representation without taxation. m m A Chlaeee Caavaleslew, WhiB ebttrrcJ la oat'ef tha Cwcultn raea, U ladlcallvt of bill In tha bleed. Wbe would be yellow wbtn he or ih can txhibll tha but of health en cbtak and brew through tha aid of Ueatcttcr'a Stomach IIHUra, an antagonist at wbeae onset Urer complaint take refuge In fllcbt. fur upon tbe tnngne,Bauaea, iiek lieadarbe, alna under tha rlrht rib and beuliler blale, an uniileuantly oderout breath, are remediable with IhU benlm alter atlee, which ileea net, like a pett nt cathartic. dreDchthe Intxiiuei, or, liketlia mercurial reparalleni, eentainluat tha bleed. Nut only tha lirer, but tba etemaeh and bewilt nreareuaed. toned and rernlatedb) Ibladne larally meiliclue, which baa wen the con. IMenee or the rrpe table clauee, net by atartllnr aaiertlene en IU behalf, het by the ceuUtency of the clalma made for It with ita iierfernaact la tf butane when teiUd. MfmrtAL MOTiem. Teae Brraeaar, If. T. t felt weak andlangnldt bad palpitation of the heart and numbneaa of tbe llnibe. Burdock BtoeU mum have certainly loitered me. They are meat excellent" Mr. J. M. Wright, reraale by 11. II Cochran, dregglat, 137 and 13 Menk queen atreet. Uuncaater. Mlehaa Oel. IIew many people there are who are atrng gllng te Mae lu tbu world that are kicked down and out by envleua rival. Themat' Meltetrie Oil never "ticked out" Ita patrena It la true blue Fer threat affeotlena, aathma and catarrh It la a certain and rapid cure. Cnr aale by It B. Cochran, druggtit, 1ST and IN North Queen atreet. lneaaler. MBBIVMIm OOOtva BAKIUPAHILLA. ALL WE ASK Of any one angering from eerafala, ealt ithenni, dytpaaela, keaaathe, kMaey and liver eeav ptalate, that Ured feeling, or aay dlteata canted or areateted by Impure Meed or low elate of the tyateea, te that mm gtva Hoed'tittraaparirtaa MtT trial. Waareekaaaaattkat the eaedlclaal valae of thle peeallar pteparaUea will aoea awte Iteelf fctlttbreagh the tyiiem la reeterlag kealtk,ttreagthaakeaariy. Oe net take eaktr anielea elalaea te be Juttugoet,"bntbeure la get HoeTa karaapariiia. aeOtVal ataaWpeaTtlU " My wife bad Dytpepala. She eeald net keep bar feed down, aad bad that eppreated feeling alter eating. She bad no appetite, aad waa tired alt tbe time, aha tiled nuaaeree medletaee without being relieved, but the Brat bottle of lloed'a aarteearilla did her agree deal of geed, be fee mew tekea twe bottle, aad eaa eat any. tktal the want without navtag tkatflUtreee. aad ha no trouble In retaining bar feed" Jean aUrreBVHLD, Merlen, Ohie. , BulMUptb fyate M eed'e aartaparliut baa done me aa Immente uaeaai of amed. Mv whole avatata bu been built up and etrengthened, rev dlgeetlen proved, tny bead rwilavad el the aevere Irr1ta lien. 1 ennatder It the beat medicine 1 bave aver ueee. anaamgiaateapeauin iiapraiMi," ajiar li. fan., KTurnar atreet, kalam, Maaa. HOOD'S BAR9APAJULLA old by all drnggUte. It , dz for at, frepered by C. 1. UOOU A U , Lewell, Meat. 1O0DOSKSONK UULLak. (S) T "f WEAK MEN taring from the electa of youthful error, early decay, watting waakaaaa. tort manhood, atelwlUaaMaveluabletreaUae (tealedioeav taJBTag fall partteuiara ler borne eere, rakkef eherge. a aplaadld nudleal work t eheuld be ran f every ana wbe 1 aerveue and debUI atea. Aedrata, riter. v.c. reWLKk, wlt eniaa taemena rirate. autf. AT WIANTa IET TMI JOHN BOWEB DKAND HAM! The rineet In the Market. Mild and tweet ; pleaeea everybody, Beef and Beecwne nicely eblDned. II BUMCheeea. l'leaaa given atrial order. Dried Ine Yerk aag-evivd QBO. WlaVMT, He. IU Watt King Street. AT MUltakVk. 1 c C f i PICNIC GOODS FOR TUB PICNIO HgABOJt. rtrtt tbe rtcnte l'late-lt.le light and cheap aad require no waanlng-aavae your dtabea. Plain and Mixed Pickle aad Chow-chew lu etaall bottle. Sardine in Oil and MnaUrd, com preaaad Beef In two pound can. Bened Chicken and Turkey, Fetted lUm, Tongue, rreah lxb iter, rrceh CelumbU Elver Salmen, rreah Mackerel, lrh Ureter In eana aad Pickled Oyttereln email Jar for picnicking, xerk State Cream Ubeaae, aw tat Cheeee, Chipped Beef, etc BURSK'S, NO, 17 BAST KINO STRICT, ' UDOUTIa, rA. TelepVme. HOLE8ALEANDKETA1LQKOCKR. W REIST, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, COR. WBSTK1MO AND FBlMCkBTS. r(Nxt Doer te the Serrel Iterae Uetel.)-a TUB LABUBST BTOBK I THE HEAVIEST TUCK I While In Attendance at our COUNTY FAIR Don't lerget and give ua a call. Wettmply aak you te examine onrtteck. audit we can't aave youfrem 1 tow per cent, we don't expect you te buy from u. WE OFFER TO-DAY Anether Hundred Gallen Let or that Pure Extracted California Heney, I hi. ter Kc. A let of New Killing l'lonle Ham at lle t tbeee ham are of a late killing, and tbe plain meat, without canvaa or paper ever tbem t they leek nice and you must aee tbem te appreciate them. Five mere tlereee of that 1'lneurled Beet We have (Old ten of It during the luinuutr; both beef and bama guaranteed. A let or White rat Mackerel, direct rrem lice" ten ; by the barrel, hall-barrel or leu quantity Anether carload el Salt Jaat arrived laat week Bag containing full aui penndt each. Klther oearae or vary ceavrae. Slugle baga, ale. five bag leu.800. carload Ieta, ese. TEAS. Inee tbe great reduction lu our extentlve Hue or Tea, we have Increaaed our ralee wonder wender tully. They are all New umn Uuyelueand ave te per cent. The beat 1 a. for nclnthe world. atr On and after MONDAT NEXT our ttere will again remain open tn the evening. TgLEPHOHB AND rUgBDKUVBBY. REIST. IT&iijsixstz MVtmMaWaTIY4iTBaT erri riRlVATB 8AL& Jk WU1 be eeld at private aale tkevalaable ivemeB. Mttieerry property eern tette freaUng Apllyt) JaalMred aad Char. 0. U. DOWkBT, Be. Ml North Qaeea trwit. OK VALUABLK nentef Henry m. Lman,deeeed, by vlr. I authority and dlreetlew el aald will, will i at publle aale, the foUeenag valuable akata, e wit t TTIXKCUTOR8' RALE XM BBALBSTATB. U Tnaaeav, MrraaiBaata, MOT, tbe undertlinad, executer of tee laat will and lewuraienam tee ei expeae teal eat Taatalennt thrM-atne MAMSIOB HODBB. Ne. 417 North Duke (treat, and let of ground thereto belenglnc, rrentln en eeatatdeef Menk Duke (treat, Lancaater city, HI feat liaak't, endexteedngeta reel In depth eatt,e allMMt nt la one of tbe meet e'egant ang datirabl prepertleela taneaMreity,aUuatedla one of the meat choice neighborhood and loeaUoafbr a private raaMnie. The manilen beuae I aa exetlled ler unnaaal inperlerliy la it archltee ture, material and arrangemeai. It baa wide halla, eaay atairway, large, parlor, apacleua dlntng room aad library, wll-ajraegedkltckee, large, airy bed chamber, water cleeete. het and cold water. Beater In eallar, large eemaated cittern at tbe klteken deer, dry and airy cellars, and tub cellar for refrigerating pnrpeeee. a large brick (table and earrtage henae la Inaated en the allay. Wide lawn urmund tbe dwell lag bee, eoauinteg dnmt ahade ireaa, aad fruit trace of different kind, grape vlnee, aad garden In high atate of cultivation. A new iron fenee ha lately been eree-ek along tbe entire rrent of the property. The property will be offered aa a whole or In two or mere purpart, aa may be meat advantageeua. Peraena dealrlng te examine the premtaes eaa de te by calling en the executer. .. Bale will be held at the Steven Hen at 7 o'clock p. m., when condition will be made known by a A.p.BKtka3Hf t. HAROLD WlCKERHUM, DU BOIB BOHBKB, Bxecuter of Bitete of Henry B. Lemea, dee'd. Haaav 8mct, Auctioneer. aDgne r7keptl:l,.10,lB.IT, mLAUMWAMM. H1 QH A MABT1M FRUIT JHRS. -AT- CHINA HALL Masen Fruit Jan in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallen. We again have the) Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the twit in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Cem men Tumblers at tbe Lewest Foe Fee Bible Trices, Wholesale or Retail AT min Hie Bem Wrong-Minded Wetnaa. Can regulate their huebend amulngly fait, abeuld they net de their duty. BWdees Bleed htttert are a gee i regulator or th circulation Ibey era rxtlutlvelyabloed Ionic, and conae cenae conae euently (true at the roetof many ertouaall erteuaall ertouaall ueute. rer aJ by H. B. Cochran, drugglt,U7 aad 1 e North Queen street, fcaaeaatar. m e-w . and coughed till the clothing ar-plratlen. My wlie IneUted tu'llctietrie OU. The grit tea rat Upen Ml reel. Bctun tubed waa wet with par that I bm TajMulj' poealul e.leved lave, aud two bottle have eared u.e. t can nenet Uy reoeinmend It " K. U. ferktna. Creek Ceatl. N. Y. ter aale by H. B. Ceebraa, dtugalat, W and U North Queen treat, LaneuTter. WIN Jig AND Ll(j U OHO. pURB KYE WHISKY. Old Greff Spring Distillery. nltnalafl en Beat Orancn atraet. Iwtwaen Orange and cneatnut, one aquareeaat:ef reaer reaer veir, Xaneaiter, r I havejuatereeted a new dUtlllery with all of the lateat Improved machinery for dlatllllng PURB HYB WHISKY. A. & SBBArrBB, Proprietor. Thla DtiUlUry haa been erected at the lemon Old ttroffatewn Bering, which baa been noted ter Ita plenteeua and unfailing eupply of the pur eat water. At it our grandfather drank when they were boy, and Una never been known te run dry even la the betteet weather, rrem thla prtag aU the water need fa the dUtUlery U ob tained, the pump drawing from It twenty-live gallon a mlaata. aeaie my ewa distilled WuUky.iaiMkaadie BrttaJea, GIia, Wines, Ac aSrCall aad be oenvlnoea. 16 EAST KING STBEIT. t,aMieTBH. r. 1887. AGRICULTURAL. STATE FAIR. 1887. w. nd Hlgl al tSTOB A. B. BUB ArrBB, DUUUer, e. m North Queen atreet. . B. raimer having geed Bjeen hand can I ready al ter It at the ttere or dlatlllery. heat eaak market priee paid for a geed artt- a geed praviyd apna-lydkw 33d ANNUAL EXHIBITION PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Bread Street and LehignAY., PBILADELrHIA. BEl'TKMUEHSra te I'.th INCLUSIVE. Mammoth AgrlcuItHral DigpUf. Twe Hundred and rerty Theutand Bquaia reet covered exhibiting tpace. Thirty Acre forCrewda. llene Kaen, rancy Hiding, Bicy cle CentesU, Chariet It ace, uced Muile by llaialer' Urcheatra. rim-clatt comfort for all Vlaltert. Leweat ratea by railroad (averaging one and a-balf cent per mile.) Pennsylvania and Beading Railroad Station at Ureund. A WILHBLM, free. 11. W. 8E1LKR, Sec. augtt IwdAw V4I.1 VAfBU tmrnrmtmrn. N 'W MaUOT I OnrllMdT-Mideltoek SPRING CLOTHING. We ate prepared, te skew ear New sr BIB) aTOOBta Ready-Made Bam Our AttBrtttat te Larger then ever before, and rrtcea lajwer. Wevetakeatpeelal eare te jaat ttp geed and Attract!' we Baal IveStUU xsrzr&iij&tEfcisi eel aatttaed ear eawrta have.beea aai can aaa give ualbabadtaroeataioa. - l .. Oir Ci.Uh Diptrtii-t U Stocked wltk all the Newert Nevella te Baiting, wkleh we wBi Make te order lathe wnatyia. PIT QUARcUiTflD. BTTBGEE & SUTT05, Tkllan aai CletMen, NO. M'OIKTII IQUAbW. LAflOAkTBB. r A. aAMBatAa m no, L. GiNSMAN & BR0 Cer. Nerth Qieeaaai Oraage 8ts. MEDIUM WRIGHT Menvs, Bey's ft Cbildren'sGletliiDg AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. W are Bailing Men1 Catalmere Butts at HIO. Men'a Wonted All-Weel Sutta at ST oe. Man' All. wool Cheviot Suit at .ae. Men' All-Werd rine Cerkacrew snlt at 119.00. Men' rine Prince Albertttnlta at 111 oe. Ben'SulU at mjea, 1160, hlSO, M 00, at.ue, SU0 aad k7.oe. Children' SuiU at ll.ss, 11.50, I1.7MIM, m W S3 and B5 00. Men'a Panu at Tie , S1.00 and ll.M. Men' Alt-Weel Panuatatoe, n, W.00, U0 aadMoe. Children' Pant from 93c. and upward. rOB WBLL MADE. GOOD riTTlNQ AND LOWEST PRICE CLOTUINQ CALL AT L GiNSMAN & BRO., , Merchant Tailors. MABUrACTTJBBBB OB Mea's, Beys aad Ckiltrea'B ClsUlag, k. U. COB. B. QDBBH A OBAN8B BTi, LANCASTBB PA. ayThe Cbeanett (and Bxelntlve) Clothing Beuae In tbe city. MOWMR3.AO. ItilNH at BRENKMAN, CARD! We bave a number of Goods wblcb are Just in season, and wbtch, owing te our giving special attention, we can offer great mdueements. " Pennsjlvania " Lawn Mowers hare no equal. These we make a specialty. We nave as geed Lawn Mowers aa are in the market for 16.00 and $7.00. Baby QmriageWe carry Beveaty-flTe varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. xtefrigeraters are new in season. Hew few people knewanytbing about Hefrigera Hefrigera ienu It took us twenty yean te learn. we can teacn you in uve minuies: It vrlU be worth eBiething ter you te get thebett. Ti i i Ceal OU Steves There te mera differ nee in Ceal OU Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Dent spend your money UU you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream reeser and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can yen get the best at the lowest prieea, Seu can ramus. Lawn Tennis Betta, Genuine Mezteaa tend Common Hamsnecks, Baae Ball and all porting Geed at Factory Frieea, FLDffl & BRENEMAH, Ne. 152 North QiiMnStrMt aTAM. CArW. aVO. MMBtna AND BOILMR WOMKM. 8 TJIAM IRQIMK AMD BOILER WOXK8, "BEST" STEeUC EICrIHE ISB BOILER W0BX8. Spot Ouh FrieM for Portable Eef lne. Ms in Bight Hene-Power. Cylinder Hi Bight te Ten Hene-Power, Cylinder Txle. Tea te Twelve Hene-Power, Cylinder txle. a We Offer thee Inducement for the ntxt Six Week ......,.,..,......... .Mfaew tit teii .MTkee JOHN BEST & SON, me aaa blbv rtTLTOM marr, at-Tu,Th.StfdAtw taAMOAarTeW. PA. AIMS siaejw. J A.RD A MeKLROY. -1 Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (OfFOeiTB rOCBTAIJI 1MB), SPECIAL BARGAINS IN STAMPEDQOODS. 10 De. IS Dex STAMPED PILLOW SUAaf 8. Extra Qualltv. only me. per natr. 10 D BTAMPBOSHBBYBHAHBenly lie. eath. We. HTABtPBD LIH1II BFI.ASHEltS only ids each. ims. BTABirau linik that cuvbrs eniy ine eacn nariD una iibat cevbrb only bc. each, w Dex.BTAairKi 10 1MB. D1.IBBNTABLB Ida each. I 1MB. BTAMPKU LININ THAT STAMPED Utl I1RAT CO VBRB only Be. each. 10 Dex. STAMP ac ears, i yar" )ng, only tee, eack. lOODeib ded mixed 8BAMLE8S HALr UOSB. Deuble Heel and Tee. pair for . Be. 10 UOI. retriT CHEVIOT BHIBTS only B30 each. The BEST.- i AM CUBBD fBATBEBB, Warranted Bwtet and Clean. I Barfl & McElroy, 33 ft 35 SOUTH QUIN ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) JMWmLMt. IWELRT AMD ART, -Tl L. Ik , A i I L. , bb ,'- i r w w w llminnnr ? Wn W i tPhOQ J IIIULUJLUUIU ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, Wm VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. PricM Ari Vwry Lew TW Yar. H.Z.BHOABS, Ne. 4 Wett King Street, - Ltncaiter, Pa. OAMPMT MALL. BARUA1NH BARQAina SHIRK'S CARPET HALLI FOB WILTON; VBLVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Ttpestrj, Ie(ralD, Daiuk and Venetian, Rtg ud Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BHADM8, eV. We kavetBw at. Bwat moek laltaOlty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS Oerur West line M). Watar Btmts, UdcuUt, Pi. UTATCHBa. CLOCKS, OHAINB AND JEWELRY. Sfil. WllriM rtf FlIMIc alt ElilfveaTl T ANCA8TER COUNTY KAIR. .OTO aweet Mew ' aayieknaelatbe TbU leni te very eoed in IU way. but U there auueeneiaiT ill hn in raoemmenaine Murdar ahmm fide and certain aum r.ei..M..i. mrm all dlaeaaee of the liver aad ktaaeyt, rer aale by U.B. ueehraa. urucgut, 17 and u erU queen atreet. Lancarter. ihelAt If an. bnma eiLtl net be alway piaaaaai. We take eaneclal Die' roiHeajHaaiH Jterdae Bleed BUttrt, If yen are In trouble leek up, bole en, alve the blueaiioedby. If yen are in pale, have a lame- .navaauaoneei any aanakaote teearu It G OLD REIGARrS WINE STOEE aeea.1 an v kind, ma tn tka am... ut and aak htm for TkammfMtttrU ou Ti will de you (ued every Mine, ker aale by u. M. Uoehran. drusBiat, W aad IB) Menk Queen BWeeS iawia.i,ii Taa Bae aaiva " J .dBrOata.BruleM nier, bem. Illaeim. kit BhaeB. yBpnMHada,ObllBalBa,Oeraa,aud aUekla BrupHOU, aaa pesuiveiy cur ruse. renun Irandli jaaen Kuimi It at HUAranteea we jiveperleet aUa- eaey retaaeae. rrwe at enai fee eaie a? IL aoeabraa, OreaBUa, ia KrVtQeaBlaaaieTrg VK I have aBrdaTaUy freni pertedlati retaraa a bey lever. At the iHtatie ei ueveni Skeaver. dru.sUU. iJSRttajd-BJy- Oreaa KibV, aad aaed a p wwea ei li IliM a aevara atMNaO SllSSMrSSm!XwSfm'' BOUOHE SEO, UUBB,&ii..a MOBlZBTSBa Q. H . MUMK IXTRA OST, Ad alieeihar LeadiuB brand of Imported vaamyeBB. Pleaaant Taller Wis tern as. ury.ear Uhampaflue ta TKW WALL FAPH rJTOKK. Brinkman & Newell 1VB OrBBBD AT Ne. 20 EkitOreafe Street, Laacutcr, Pe. A COMFLBT LIBB 0 New Will Papers, WiidewihidH, FUlirM, 4e. They will be pleated te nave you call and ex. amine their ateek. whleb cannot be excelled at any iaDiitnmeei in Laneatier. PAPER HANQINO. Bach member of the Arm taa praelleal Paper Hanger, and all elder for work will receive prompt attention, and will be filled In the abort eat puaatble time and en the ineat reasonable term. BRINKMAN & NEWELL, (Uelnluh' Oldalat Stand) Ke. SO Eait Oruge Street. Laacaiter, P. auHi-Mdivit,iiBta.iua 8PE0IAL PREMIUMS TO BB Q1VBN AT COUNTY TBK LANCASTEB FAIR. $10 SEAL GAP OR $10 MUFF, ker the Celt Native Lancaster County Cew, and $5.00 HAT rer Best Native Helftr. te be given by W.D.STAUFFER&CO. Lamdlng Hkttera and FarrierB. BB Lreetand Flnett Attnrtment of HATS, TRUM,t)a.ld1HAVKI.lNUBU8 lathe city. A tpeelalty made of CHILDREN'S BOUOUL HA1S. we offer Special Bargain dunna the fair, and will auarautea every purchater a tav Ing of taa per cent, en each purchase. Stauffer & Ce., 81 aai 88 Herth Qna Mrawt, LANCASTER. PA. lia let of aUaja, Ac. Alc Elgin, Waltbaat fAaiaaa Bar wbieCTaan aele Acent), aad ether ttiat Clae Watche. Beat Watch aad Jewelry TarSiTeet ptaeeinetty. ttate bp xaisirek Dally. eeUy L; WEBER. Ma 1IBK N. Queen St, Near Penn'a B. B. Depot. AW Spectacle. Byealtu and ftpUcal Geed. AURtndtef Jewel rv. N1 BW JKWKLBT HTOBB. GILL! JEWELER! - JEWELER! SPECTACLES. Tbe Standard Interchangeable Prune, In Geld, Silver and Bteel. Lenae accurately greand. Careful attention paid te nitlng giaaaea. WATCH B8 In Geld, Silver and Nickel, in all tbe Stand. ardMakaa. JBWBLRY. A Oenaral Line of Jewelry, Chain and Charm. BEFAlRlNw. rine Wateb BepanlnR a Specialty. BeeelvteB my paraeaal attention. Alse Repairing el Cleck., Jewelry, Ac Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, EDUCATIONAL. Fi ANKLIN AND MAR8UALL AOAD BMY. Thla Inatltotlen will, for the flrat lime, open iu aenra te oetn aeiea,onxiiuno aeiea,enxiiuno aeiea,onxiiune DA?.8BPTBMUEBL Itt aim I te thoroughly prepare atudentt ler CeLrge, Teaching or Bual Sea. Per catalogue aud uiher Id ler maUen, ad dree W.W.MWORB. Recter, JylltadS Laacaeter, Pa. TIE YEATK8 INSTITUTE WILLOPEN the UbrUtmaa Term en Monday. Sept. lib. TheTrutteea have secured the tervle of the kt. chaa. w. Bevd. M. a., aa Bead Master. Mr. Boyd haa bad large experience aa a teacher and the advantages ei the ineat celebrated E pre- Bey will learn or Hla-har BcIenUI lent bearding can be bad ler a vary moderate nean Unlveraltlaa. any Celleite or Higher be nranared for lantine school axcei nrlfl. Aneveaa B.H.KBYNOLDB, Secretary pretem., aurU-Tu,Tb8tfd Laaeaater, Pa. N' ORMAL SCHOOL. MILLZRSVILLB mavu-lyd LANCABTBB, PA. PAMAaOLM. .1; -. "iWiJ , jAVj V T..VJ . M m JlR8HBltOTMlR. t ' M ti JOh . . -li -- -wi V -li. ''it GRAND OPBNIN HIRSH k BR1 1 . - iv''r BMB ATf1fv.y . ' m pe-Mrii'l l?tt f OB Oft ABOUT , r.'-t. Aj CAnfAmWtA. 1 C4W BbXbT-BI I SI .bT T BBBBBBI SI A. BB Bf ij.- w"r wawwa w tea agKyw i'" . . ' AT TAB fSi i ' ji t fi'5i .. . .. . -. a. n. ttrier tr Rttti nm wmm "vtv :m r ' WITH AH BRTIBBLT MBW LIBB O!-' ui Ceitra 84avvv, CLOTHING AMD FurnishingGoedSa fwwl ajr-Rand, wanted ea Overcoat, Ceat, Pawkl 11; andVetu. Beat prlee paid ter gmSmmiir. 1,-Vf w U.l.ldMBOJI JTOalTaV. .. J0 A ' j t1 ;" riiL H m m sz&a .. VAjTi?n .M8 ' - . tRiiHj. DID YCU KNOWffl '"iSssi m4 '&. j 1-M ' i a LancsisterCeun1 !&V&y. -,"T fMK 1 tiPIKu r ItAVJi A m L.Jkj. .'itfiZSl ..IVA-vr TIT - 'w: ve1 bIXT "WISE? tA sr --rtH ?2liA j. rv V m :V r.A tut t t tlV laA ttvl r.eM,A WT V-,V " tHU VUBU A & ,U k .UU AAt(l)U'V eAA.VM' . I n r tte '.5mT y ! . a. iieia t i.i Williamson & Festeri m pn i a V.K fi Will tie an Attraction aad teb atait fjfcy I'JT' te Me a: N0RMALSCH00L. Special Anupie.!i for lumUi. The pren-ramme of the MILLBRSVILLB BTATR NORMAL BCHOOb will be te arranged that pupil rrem lAneaater may pradual af the Scheel and beard at home. TUITION EXPENSES (rei rvrea rasrAaia te nun,) Per week ...........SI n Per Winter Bettlen of 8 weeks is CO Per Bummer neaden of It weak UW Total tuition for year 4MV A State appropriation of asuoe le given te graduate, ft It thua teen that high aehoel raduate and ether, who oempleie the Nermal Scheel oearae in two year, may de e at a total Amt nf tnttlnn or enlv MM CO. "TT". -. - n-T --JT TT.T-T'. . - m-M. ratea u3upiiB are given nyine street W ,r:s , . 5rt ; tr And de net font the fart tew tiff re receiving their FALL STOCK Styles of CletniBK, HaU, Goods, Beet and Shee, Hern and Bebes, &c., &e,, and will be te show everybody hew deelrkble tk are and hew low tbe prieea. nm t'e -tidi.S .. ... . :m same Dpecuu uin-a bbbv vow. .ALL DEFAET That An Grelag Teu Be B.AH Be BaMASTUl! .ole Agent ter tbe eeaupaay. Baeclal Oreat Weatei ewakrahd. the uet American eeetteeeivia UWMaM afiaa Bad Santane latluLl JMaW wana i f "I " awewJue, aaetkar urge Invoice of Callfer wnue Wine from kspa VaUey, Bunrundlee, CUreu, laraeet and Incet took of laa.lU4elra. sherry and lnCe4ty?U " E. X. Slaymtte, Agt, eill Kind of Lumbar and OeaL -.car TiMi Be. MB kertk aoeve TJAUMOAHDNIR'H OOMPAMY. GOAL DEALERS. rjnmea i-Be. w Benk tjueea atreet, aaa He. W Mertb Prince (treat-TAsast-MerU Prtaee treat, aaa sdlai aWllUd LABOASTMBaPA. INSTALMENT DEALEB8 WILL KIND Jaat what they need A full line of 1 natal meat) flood bem only te the Inttaimeat Trade by and re I ng ' lHaTALaNTDBALBKBUPPLTCO., jyMwdTu.Tk Brie, Pa. Great Bargains I -IB- PARASOLS aliread Company. w inter Seaalen of a week btata BeDteatber. tn. earrer Catalogue or further tnaaraattea.ad. dree the Principal. B. OR AM LtTB, jyu-smd MUIrvllle,Pa. r Hi, I - ica ej)r'i it e?v tj li" . i-'mtwi JmZ TTTi mm'u "$f'i&WM . i,a.hV-, ATKbUbbIAM'B, New Spring Neckties -ABD- -IfTANTKD - MAN TO TAKE THE ww BMneyofearaafeatHMBlsUAiiiaekasi wetfataau aai ntait price ai etAer alaae 1 A rare ehaaea te areata a neraaa. baalaceeataeiae. Than aalee meet a de aad never ceietw aapatiaa ay caaer propemraa. aaa i fiBORTBANO A TYPE-WRITINO SITUATIONS pap beat young- men aad ladle meeh batter I aalarla thaa meit eematanltl aotiueas. aad I mrau greater, i Btndeata eaa be BUad I sec eMee skervkaad peMBea I IN TBMU MONTH TXMI by.BAven'aiyet. Be.nrevtaa eeuaeranraqairea. weueewaam sMniiMeae. lev wkleh ail we atal 1Wi WstAaaal M SUB UIBEELLAS At BBA4H.CAT. R. B. & H., 1 . MEMaWaTtataWe-. ft'kSJaKLT KM UOAKABfTllBD fT AT BIJCAJra. la aeganaeet ramat eeaeeratag tka M which a man . la mere reftteaur uumbj. he eat wtth tka Pfteaf aaaj , klrt OnttlaB mnat JbS BASbU str. utke rimiT aUUavMAiri, Ba.ivwaet awur BVAM'w 9U0UM. Levan'8 Elqujri & jiV Jlrrtli .'l$4t,x& n.u.Mminm " . 'rf'fitvStl'!,! MjiMm, iaeaaateaaaeawwwaaaWaaBa BTAMDAIU) WOKB. Ti Aa i,t. Edw. Edge OAlJtlAM . -., ak dk ef BWHtaawewAwawi lkavwiitfUrl 1 'V jteftt.HAi'-if .-r2!r-iBit.m T .& 2 $ X b&AE -4mn fit. U?VtUm ' 'TL.'fSfc.'. '.'lS vmm ll aflu ei- a ti -", w.-.1 I aWBB ara tV jf.