THM OIILOBM AVON WBATsitwft, Buttercup nertd-d end si geed bye. Clever and daisy want oft together I Bat the frasraal water lllle II let moored In the goldea Ausatt waatawr. The twi lows chatter about their fllfhi. Tba erleket eatrpt like a tarag'ied fellow I The attar twinkle la eiattr bright! While tbe corn grew ripe aa the apple intllew. Cilia Theater, mew tui'iMnrjt vrnmumt tumm, Mtecl The mat net e kui Been art Ate rree Fret Braises. Frem the Oermontewn Telegraph. A law wordeefadloeln planting eat and protecting cherry tree may net be eat of piece at this time, when people aia hak!ag their line of fruit trea, tf., for tra planting the approaching prlg. Thara la be traa that rcqulrea mera evafal handling and aetilng and attention than the cherry. Frequently theea being traaa planted from a long dlitanea aefler suta dent Injury te render them unfit for plant lag. Ioeurowaetperieaoawekaraaeetwlih repeated let la tats way. Te went of tbe disappointment Is, that after being eat eat the tree will give Just enough algna of grew. Ing te Induee one te let It steed until the Whole summer and fall or past, thus deprlr one el two opportunities te threw It out and plant another In It ploea In all anon eaaea we would ad vis. In the first plsee the cutting oil or nearly ihe whole or the top, and then If It deaa net In the oeuraa of a faw weeks give decided evidence of a fresh grewtb, te remove It entirely. We have eared several by this sharp pruning, whleb are bow Oar, healthy trees, But, In tbe fir it place, set out no eherry. tree that baa net a full supply of roefa. especially of small ones, and tbe stem of which Is net free from bruitet, from wMek thfji will never recover. Het with the utmost care, spreading out the roots their full Una-lb, and atake them firmly, but se they will net rub by tbe action of tbe wind. Than) out away all auperilueus top branches, el wblcheaeh one must Judge for himself, and be careful that In digging and grubbing about the trees no Injury is done te the root or bark. Palate for the Varxeer. Kill all the whit butterflies, as they are tbe parents of the etbbege worm. It is sold that net las than 3,000,000 pound of dried eag leaves are used annually In the United State for varleua purposes. These who feed grsln, In addition te grass, and feed It Intelligently, se far aa we have ever heard them give sn opinion, believe that It pays. One prominent feeder seya that be Uncle that It require only half aa much grain te fatten an animal en grass aa it deaa te fatten It In winter en dry feed. Frem new untU October the pigs should be kept growing. After that Hips a small at lewanee of corn may be glveavln order te gradually begin te fatten them. Ne attempt should lie made a yet te get them very 1st. Secure the size and frame first, and put en tbe fat Just before killing. Yeu cannot restore rancid butter te a sweet, Eoed article. It may be somewhat Improved, ewever, by wsehlng It first In nsw milk snd alter that In cold water. Anether plan Is tebeatnp a quarter of a.peund of geed fresh lime tn a pall of water, and after allowing It te etand ler an hour, until the impurities shall bave settled, pour off the clear portion and weih tbe rancid butter la that. Where tbe grape ret be previously existed In vineyard It will be naesemy te begin this fall with the ues el tbe lima and copperas solution In order te destroy the spores. It will rtqulre two seasons te become rid of It In the vineyard", and the solution should be ummI both In the fall and spring by sprinkling it freely around the vine, a well a spray. Ing It ever them. The solution la a pound or nppere te lour bucket of very thin white, wash. Tne difficulty of curing fodder com In Ha Immature atate, eaya an exchange, tempts msny farmers into permitting It te get loe ripe before cutting. The stage et flowering Is considered the wen time te cut ether forage crop and corn appeara te be no xeeptlaa. The rule very generally observed among ex perienced growers Is te cut fodder corn for drying in tbe early blossom et the tssssL At wbstever sts, the tedder Is bsrrested It ie wise le hsve the crop out before being touched by frost. A euaceeslul turkeyrslser aire u the fel lowing aeit excellent plsn ler raising tur keys : In the first plsee give two grains tf black pepper when diet taken off tbe neat, then feed tbem en cuelard mada of eggs and milk (no sugsr) until about 2 wees old. Alter th's give tieai egr.cernbrrad soaked In milk, alternate I with a -allied, clobber, pour ing nil tbe whey. They will seen learn te picK upiiralnnef wheat. I put ashes In the pea for them te duet In, snd It Is smtulng te see them threw tbe aibessll ever their bodies while tbey are waiting for tbe dew te go oil tb urea se they con start en a foraging ex pedition. I slie lurnlsh them lime te pick, and plenty el iresb water and milk te drink. A Chinese rensplexlatt. When cirrtel in one of the Ctuculin net, li iedlcatU of bile In the bleed. Who would be y clluu when he or the can exhibit the hat of health en cheek snd brew through the eld or llente tter' Storeach Bitten, sn antsgenUt at nheie onset llrcr complaint lak.s refuge In flight. Fur upon the tongue, nausea, lick hrxlarhe, pain under the right rlbi and tlieuMtr blade, an uniileaaanlly odorous hrralh, are remediable with thlt benign alter allte, which ileea net, lite a pet. ut cathartic, drench the leleallne,, or. like the mercurial rrtaratlen, contaminate the bleed. Nut jmly the llrrr, hut the stomach and bewils ere annisrd, toned and regulated by this Ana tamily medicine, which has wen the con cen fldrnre or Ilia respectable damn, net be startling aeiertinm en its behalf, but by the riu,it,nry of the claim made for It with Its iierferutaac la cttry Instance when leated, TBE BBBT BXTBBNAL BJCBBUT. In all case of local paint, wrak back, rheu matlsm, sllatlca, lung trouble, kidney dl'tate, dyspepsia and malaria, Au.secx's Poaecs Fias visa are of the greatest velne, acting stfely, promptly and effectually. Let no explanation or solicitation Induee you te accspt a substi tute. mt-munAL mono. Frees 8 reease, N. T. "I felt weak and languid: hed palpitation et th heart and numbness of tbe Hubs. Burdock Bleed BUltri have eartelnly relieved me. They ere most excellent " air. J. M. W right, for sale by tl. II Leahren, druggist, 117 and IS North queen street. Lancaster. Kicked Oat. He many people there are who are strug gling te rlee la this world that are kicked down and out by envlens rivals. Themat' Bcltctrie Oil never "kicked out" Its patrons It Is true bine Fur threat affections, ssthma and catarrh It Is a certain and rapid care, for sale by li B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. Laneuter. ease Btroeg.Bladed Women. Van regulate Ibslr husbands ameslnsly fast, should they net de their daty. Burdetk Bleed BiUtrt are a goe-t regulator of tht circulation Obey ere exclusively a bleed tonic, and eonse eense aueatly striae at the root of many serious ail ments, rerealeby II B. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1 North Quean street, Lancaster. Pat Upea HI Feet. "Bet np In bed and coughed till the clothing as wet with per.plratleu. My wlie Insisted ut 1 use Themat' EcUctrie OIL Tbe flrst tea thtt spoonful releved me, and two bottles hays cured u.e. I can honestly recommend It " R. H. jrerktns. Creek Centre, N, Y. Fer sela by H. tt tt. Cochran, diugglst, 117 and US North Queen sireel, une sier. " Ueme Sweet Moes " This song Is very geed In It way, but Is there any sicknea In the household t sic be If se. home ean. net always pleasant. We tk speclalple i recommending Burdock Bleed BUttrt. i Se esd certain cure for dyspepsia, and are In abena 11 aiaaeaaa at iha IItkt and kldnevs. Fer sale by H. B. 'Tag, druggist, 117 and US North Queen street, Laseastsr. Davrt Be Falat-eaaned. If you are In trouble leek up, bold en, give tbe bluesguedby. It you are In Tpaln, have a lame- nea, hays an ache of any kind, gote the drug- erlat and ask him for AKema. mim-twt ml It. win au ivu BuiAavrr Ceihran. druggist, 17 street, Laneasier. ume. ead 1 North at. m. ueearan, os- it aaa u Merth qui Street, OOUtil HOUUus guarantee isisn ji eKS. and I una tren Dies. i jT taiea's Arewa , Tax Bsst Baiva la the world for Oat. 1 aerae. uicen, aeit aaeum, raver aer. Tetter, U happed Hobes, Chilblela, aaa aUMrh. Junan 1yd X v tuffared greatly beat parlndleal Mini et bay lev-r. At the tueUia et covert iheever, drnniat, t obuieed Biya Creax hatia, and used a pwtwa el U daring a evr jirnpwuws, aaa Maww.r .wm. rHS,srew required. It Ugnreal4 te trtv portent Owg MKDWAL TXOOD'B SAR8APAIULLA, Tired All Over Is the expression a lady nstd la describing her condition befarsMlngHoed'ssansparllla. This prsporaUeais wonderfully adapted for weak ened or low state of lb system. It tones the whole body, overcomes the tired feeling, gives parity and vitality te the bleed, and clears and freshen the mind. Try It If you feel tired all evsr, N Heed's Barsapatiila si a bleed purifier hat no quel t It tones the tysltm, strengthens and In vigor!, giving nsw Ills, 'Ihavs Uksn It for klyoemplalat, with ths best results." D.B. toietas, II Psarl street, Cincinnati, U. Hoed'g 8etrgrArUlB - reeling languid and dlssy, having no appe tite and ae ambition te work, I took Heed's Bar ssparnia, with tha best result. As a health In In In vlgorater and for general dsbllity I think it superior te anything else." A. A Bixas, Utlaa, II. T. M Being ran down from hard work I tried Reed's tares parllla and It sobnUtep that I hava continued It use, I hsve great faith In It as a bleed ijurlflsrand regulator." J. A. Smith, t'eev tsretal MulHttn Offlee, Bosten, Msss. ItakMthBWMk attrOBt " Whan I took Heed's 8artapartlla that heavi ness In my stomach left i the dullness In my bead, and tba gloomy, despondent feeling db. appeared. I began te get stronger, my bleed gained better circulation, the coldness In my hands and feet leftme, and my kidneys de net bother me as before." O. W. IIull, Attorney. at-Law, Mlllershnrg, O. BOOLV8 BARSAPARILLA Beld by all druggists, lit six for IS. l'repared only by C. I. UOOIi A CO., Lewell, Mass. lOOOMBSONR UULLAB (1) H UtiTJIKKTB'. JOUEOPATUIO s PKUIKIC8. DB. IIUMPHRBTB' Boek et All lilseeaes, Cleth and Geld Hlndlng, 1M rages, with eteel Engraving, MA1LBU rUKK. List of Principal Ne. Cures. Price. I. Psrsse, Cm gestlnn, Inflammations ....M X. Weasa, Werm Fever, WormCello as 0. Csrtse Celic or Teething of Inrants 4. Drasssaia, of Children or AdulU It a. Ursssrasv, Urlptng, Bilious Colle s. Caoisea. Moasea, Vomiting , m 7. Cocas, Colds, nrenchltls a. NsvaaLeta, Toothache, Facnache at 5. HoaDiessa. Btek Meadaeha. Varum at la Uvsrsrsu, Btllena stomach a) 11. Btrmxesse or Paisvui Psbieds. aJ 11 Wsrrss, tee Profuse Periods at 1. Coevr, Cough, Difficult Breathing at li. Salt mhstm, ferystpelaa. Eruptions ai Is. BssusiATtsst, Bbenmatie l'alns K !. Fsvsbasd Astrs, chills. Malaria. 17. Fuse, Wind or Bleeding 1. Catasbe. Influensa, Celd In the Head. ...JW , ,...m ....50 ,...90 .11.00 ,...M ji en SO. Waoerixe Cocas, Violent Coughs. A. Obsssal Usbilitt, Physical Weakness 17. EtDssv Disbars fJH. NOBVODS DSBILITT.... sn. UainaaT Wimiau, Wetting Bed a. Uusash e vbb UaABrr, rolpltatien.... Sold bv irrnsslsta. or sent tHMtnald nn rncdnt wi pnotiiunruaaie' eauiuina ui l.ri.BMbtral .... m'. Fallen BUN. T. avaaa',rv aa s's. ivi tabS-lydAwMWAF HOP PILLS. SICK HEADACHE, DYSl'kPefA, 1NUIURSTION, lllI.IOU8Mg8S, DUINK-H, LIVKU COMPLAINT, l'eslUvely Cured by Little Hep Pills, The People's Favorite l.trer l'Uls. They act slewlv but net gripe and their effect la lasting, and therefore worth a dozen ethers. (Docter's formula.) braali, sugar coated and easy te take. Bee testimonials. Me. at druggists or mailed en receipt of price. T11K HOP PILL. CO., Mew Londen, CU They are Til K HknT ever made." Prepared by an old apothecary, rive bottle II. sold by .Bvery Druggist In Lancaster. Junele-lyMWTAw G RAY'H HPKUIPIO MEOIOIKK. Graj'a 8peelfle XedlclBf), The (Ireat Bnsllsh Bemedv will nremntlv and radically cure any and every cane el nervous debUlty and eunnai nau learn, reenl , or Indiscretion, azeeaeas or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem ; Is perfectly harmless, acta like magic, and been extensively used for ever years with great success. W Fall particulars In ear pamphlet which we desire te send free hv mall te every one. eWThe Specific Medicine Is sold by all rtmg- ftste at II per package, or six packukf-s for m. t will be sent true my mall en rnoeptel the money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOBBAN, Druggist, Bes. 137 A 1S9 North Queen BL, Lancaster, Pa. TBR CMtAY MRDICINK CO.. Ne. 106 Main Street, Buffalo, M. k. martt-lvdAwMW&P TJJLY'H CBBAS1 BALM. OATARRH-MY FEVER. HAYFRVRR Is an Inflamed condition of tbe lining membrane of the nostrils, tear-duct and threat, affecting the lungs. An acrid mucus is secreted, the discharge la accemranled with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks et headache, watery and Inflamed eyes. TBY THE CUBK, ELY'S CREAM BALM. BLY'S CRRAM BALM cures Celd In Head, Catarrh, Ueee cold. Hay Fever. Dmineg. Ileud acre. Pi loe SO Cents. RABV TO VaK. Xly Bre's. Owego. N. Y , U. 8, A. ADartlcla la annlled te each nnatrll and la agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggist : by nudl,nalaterea,eect. Kl.Y ltuuTllKKB. xUUreenwlchBt.,New Yetk. iulym-lydAlvw s wirrs hpkuifie. S. S. The Theatrtaal Profession. Merit will win and receive publle recognition and praise. Fact, which are the outcome of general experience, growing through years of critical and practical test, become a rooted and Immovable as the rock of Ulbralter tn public opinion, and henceforth need no fuither guar antees te their genuineness. The Indisputable loot that Bwllt's Speclfle Is tbe best bleed part ner In the world, Is one et these Immovable Ulb ralter facts of which we have spoken, and every day's experience roots this conviction deeper and deeper tn publle opinion. Bvery class el our people In America and In Kurepe, every trade, calling and profession. Including the mentcai proiessien, have borne voluntary testl meny te the remarkable virtues of H. 8, 8. and lie uauiioieemeaoy in curing au also se et tne bleed. These teatimenlajs are en tile by tbe thonseada ead open te the Inspeouen of ail new come, unsolicited, two distinguished mem bers of the theatrical proiessien, wne gratefully testify te the wonderful curative qualities of un Dnu.u ,u tavtr miurraeai Ganea. xnetr lea tlmonlels ere herewith submitted te te tbe pub pub leo without further comment-let them speak ter themselves. The Isdy Is a member ertre famous Thalia Theatre Company, et New Yerk, and termsrly of the Kesldeuee Theatre, Berlin, Ueiiuany, and of McVlckefs Bleck Company, of Chicago. The gentleman Is a well known mem ber efthe New Yerk Thalia Theatre Cempiny. Beth ere well known In theatrical circle in this country and in kurepe. Charlette Baadew's Testimony. Bsw Veu, May i, 1887, Bwtft Speclfle Company, Atlanta, us,: Uentlemen Having been annoyed with pirn- See, eru pUens and roughness el tbe skin, from A condition et my bleed, for mere than a year, I used a leading preparation of sarsaperllla and ether advertised remedies te no effect. Then I oeDsnltcd a prominent physician, and from his treatment received no benefit. I then concluded te try tba S.B. tt. remedy for the bleed, and Ave or six psekages, by a thorough eradication of my trouble and resterlsg smoothness te my akin, ha v modem happy, ead I cheerfully give you thl testimonial ler such us and publicity a you wish te max of it. CHAKLOTTgRANDOW, tU Bewsry, near canal attest. Bag Hsrr Teetbnesy. The Swift Speclfle Company, Atlanta, Us.: Gentlemen Fer two years I had a severe case of eussma. 1 used tar soaps, sulphur sceps, and various ethat remedies, and we prescribed ler toy numbers et physicians, but found no relief. At last 1 dstermlued te try the 8. H. d. remedy, and seven or elaht bottles have therniwhiv m. lleved me, and you can use this eertlncata in any manner you wish. ' HUGO HASSKBBL, Uemberef Thalia Theatre. Nsw Yeax, Hays, 1L Trestle en Bleed and Skin Dlsssse mailed tXm" TUB SWIFT BPKCiriC CO., augl-lmagw Drawer a, AUaote, oe. E iXUAUatTlCD V1TALITX, HBJlTJSTBI) YITaUITT &im02sjaze?ii Sy,l.,W,,7 sseime, error ei Aw aateld inlaarH oenteaueat oath, aaa -'J-'J-1' WJ?fT ,trscrlpuonsfers41 m!?latiaiSimslwillwL't b' BaU THE LANCASTER DAH.1T XJMRfAJRg. H 10H MAXTia FRUIT JHR.S. -AT- M8en Fruit Jars In Pints, Quarts and Half Gallen. We again Lave the Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the Lest In tbe market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jan, Com mon Tumblers at the Lewest l'es. Bible Prices, Wholesale or Retail at 15 EAST KING STREET. LANUA6TBK, FA. RTArOBTBB. CTTATCHKH, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND Special Watch?! for F&rmeis vA Railreidert Fine let of Rings, Ac Alse, Rlgln, WaJthem Aurera for which I am Bele Asentl, and ether luivviHi Traicne! lieat Watch and Jewelry Repairing, r-1 Correct Ume by Telegraph Dally, only place tn city. L. WEBER. Ke. 1MJ N. Queen St., Near Penn'a K. U, Depot, AST Srectacles, Kycultusun and Optical Uoed. All Kinds of Jewelrv. JjJKW JEWELKT BTOKK. GILL! JEWELER ! JEWELER ! SPICTACLKS. The Standard lnturchanireable Frame, In tield, Stiver and Htwl. lne Hcctinttely greuud. Careful attention putd te ntllntf glasses. WATCH KS Inneld, Silver nua Mckel. In all the Stand ard slakes. JRWRLKV. A General LlneefJnwi lry.LhalusundCluirms. UKPA1H1NH. Finn Watch KepaiilniraSrmcl'ilty. llecelvlng my personal attention. Alse ucpalrlng ut Clocks, Jewelry, Ac Ne. 10 WEST KING STREETs LANCAhTElt, VA. mavll-lyd UOVIIMWVUMMaiKU WUUIIS. QALL AND SKK -TUK- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light ; Beat them all. Anether Let of CUBAI OI.OIIES ferGU and Oil Bleves. THE PBRPEOTION " MRTAXMOULDINU AND KUB11IK CUSUIOR WEATHER STRIP Best them all. This etrin nntwnun, all nlhara. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Rxelude the dust. Keep out snow und ruin. Any one can apply iine waste or aircmaueina L1V plying It. Can be fitted hole te bore, readv for use. It will net unlit, warn or brink a cushion strip Is thu most perfect. At the otevo, lleater and Uauge Stere -or- Jehn P. Schanm & Sens, 24 ODTH QUEBN ST., LANCABTKR. f A. s FECIAL NOTICE. Mere human, mera dlvlnn thin we lu fact, part hnman, part divine Is woman, wbeu the Keed stars agree Te mingle at hir nativity." Retlect,ye Lord of Creation, and hle ye at ones te KIEFFER eft IEEE'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure one el,tbelr yameu ft Economist" Vapor Cook Steves, That Ged's best gilt te you be net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste beat which It is Impossible te avoid with your Bana-es, and (what Is also Important) consider the great economy In fuel, ai cenu worth of fuel will cook for a family et three grown per son u aiaai4 And when yen went a Heater, get a " SPLENDID And be ilappy. PLCMBINa, SAB FITTING, 8TBAX ,HBAT INU TIN BOOF1NU AND BfOUTlNS, CHINA HA HipMiiliii, INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26. 18W; 1 KSffaUJIaX. OWsUasVOTl aassVafaw. Oar BttdT-Hide Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. WaarSBTrBarai te gnowear Kawgyjilggi STOCK la RMdy-stad Bait. OrAssOTtsseat bUntr than ver before, 4MeeeLewer. WehaVatakaaspswtal aaiw kejast a p wned aa4 AureeUvsuMrtiM arRisfa f ADR. aa4 wfl saUaladoureSTert havabeen snssi fat Call iani give a te beagt of your eptakm. On Giitm DeptrtmcQt Is Stocked wttt all the RewaetgeyalBe! Bniunirsjwalah we wiu aUk te Order la tkw FIT OUARAMTIID. BUEGEE SUTTOU, Tallen twt attklert, NO. 24 OKNTB1 BQUstBV. ItAJfOAgTUU FA. M YERS ft RATQFON. PREMIUMS OrggRRD BT MYEES ft' EATHFOB -FOR TUR- Largest and Finest TOBACCO KAlflgD UY AMY Lancaster County Farmer, -ABE,- First Prize, an$i8Suit, Fer the Largest and rinest Tobacco exhibited at the Lancaster county fair. Second Prize, a $12 Suit, Fer the Next Largest and rinest Tobacco ex hibited at the Lancaster county ralr. Tbe contest open te anyone. Kxhlhlt te be made en Opening Day of fair. The Judges will make their award. Myers & EatMen, LEADING CLOTUIKKS, NO. 12 EAST KOTO STRUT, LAJICASTRK. TA. QANBetAH BRO. L. GANSMAN & BRO., Cor. North queen ani Orgnge SU. MKDI0M WRIGHT Men's, Boj's&CMldrcn'sCletliiDg AT THE LOWEST 1' RICES. We are telling Men's Cantmere Suits at tASO, Men's Worstea Ali-Weel Bull at S7 00. Men's All-wool cheviot Butts at te.80. Men't All-Weel Fine Corkscrew Butts atllO.00. Men's Fine Prince AibertHulu at tit de. Beya'SulU at nn i0,U.50, Si 0J, 13.00, H.CO and st.00. Children's SnIU at ll.M, 11 . W, tUB, U. UTS, tSS9and K00. Men's Panu at 7e, sl.oeandll.M. Men's All-Weel Pants at gi.00, Sise, sj.e0, IBM and St 00. Children's Pants from Be. and n pwardi. gOB WBLL MADE, GOOD FITTING AMD LOWEST PaUOE CLOTU1NU CALL AT L GAHSMAH & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MAMCFACTOBEltfl OF Mea's, Bji' u4 CalHren'i CUUlag, B. B. COB. M. QURRN A OBAMSB 8TS, LANCASTER PA WThe Cheapest (and Exeltulv) Clethlnr Bense tn the City. ATAtw. VAT, BO. T AN0A8TER COUNTY KAIR. SPE0IA.L PREMIUMS TO BE QIVBN AT THK COUNTY FAIIt. LANOABTKK SEAL GAP OR $10 MUFF, Fer tbe Eeit Native Lancaster County Cew, and $5.00 HAT Fer Best Native Belter, te be given by W. D. STAUFFER & CO. Tiaadlng Battara and Furrlara. Largest and Finest Assortment of HATS, TltUNK8and'JKAVKt.lNGUH lu the city. sneclaltv made of CUILDUKN'B bCUOHL, I H Al a Wm niTMr HneAlal Rarifttlna dnrlnv the I Fair, and will iinarauteeaverv purchaser a sav ing 01 ten per cent, en eaen purcnase. Stauffer & Ce., 31 Md 88 Merth Quaaa eKraat, LANCASTBB, PA. mHE OBEAPIST PLACE IN THK CITY TO BUY Warner's Safe Curt, Heed's Pamparilla, CUTICUKA REMEDICt -It A' mm 8 PstOIAliBARaAUIBI Metzger ft Eaughman's New Stere, NOS. 38 and 40 WIST KINO ITRIKT. HPBOIAL BARQAIM HALK IN MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES FROM THE LATE AUCTIOB TRADE BALK IN NEW YORK. $1.2t5-arseiUes Counterpanes,-$1.25 REQULAR PRICE HAS BEEN 12. Oa WE HAVE ALSO BETTER GRADES CHEAP AT 9S.00, 13 00, 13.50, M.0O, 16.00. METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S, NEWBTORE, S8 aii 40 Wett King St, (Opposite Cooper Heue.) WARD Mcelrey. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (OFFOBITR FOUNTAIK IHM), SPECIAL BARGAINS te De RTAMPRD PILLOWnllAxt", BTAMPRDBHRRTBHAMBenly 15c esth. only lus each. 10 Des. BTAMPRD L1NRM BTAMPRD L1NRN1RAT COVRK8 only 3BC. bu Aurs, s yares long, only tee. each. 100 Des.MRN'BsllXRDBRAMLRSI HALF UOSK, Deuble Ueels and Tees, 4 pair for SSc. 10 De. MRU'S UURVIOT 8U1RT8 only 390 each. The BUT BTRAM CUttRD FRATHEU8, Warranted Sweet and Clean, Bard & McElroy, 33 ft 35 SOUTH QUEEN ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) CAMBIABMB, MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WIN& Honest Werk at -AT- PHILIP DOBRSOM'S (OLD BKLIABLR) Carriage Works Nes. 126 The Largest Assortment of NRW AMD BRCOMD-HAND Boggles, Carnage Phsstent, Beslness Wagen that ha ever been Shown te the Public It Ten Want a Geed and Flrtt-Clax Fhnten, GO TO DOE MOM'S. If Yen Went a Nice Comfortable Family Carriage, GO Te DORUSOM'S. If Ten Went a Beggy Yen coo Select from Fifteen Different Kind et Spring, U yen OO TO DORHSOkt'S. If Yen Want a Hlee and Beat Bnilnees Wagen, OO TO DOBRSOH'B. If Ten Wanta Darable Market Wagen, QO TO DORUSOM'S. . It Yen Want a Geed Second-Hand Phasten. Bnggy. or Market Wagen, OO TO DORBSOM'S. if Yen Went te Buy a FlrstUas Article at a Lewer Price than any ether place in the city euuniy, Philip Doersom's Old NOB. 126 AND 128 EAST KING rfAQTOBY Ut os tt$ MWTLUt JBWBLBM. JEWELRY AND ART. tanMs.Wiiftk.iii.r i1WJllWJlV1V) - " .w--.w,w.w,www M?, Vl ART V70RK, French Clocks, Bronze KJHYES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GKOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS N0VELT: Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. Z. EHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaater, Fa. QA&PBT BARQALNB I eSHIRK'S CARPET HALLI WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL ULOTUS, WINDOW SHADES, Ox. Wa Have tba Largest and Bast Btoek InJthalOlty. H. S. SHIRK &, SONS Oenw Wst Kin- and Water Struts, Lucaster, Ft s TANDARD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER, BOB. 40, tt. u, a hvwofFettowlea, HABKBT BTBBBT, Lene tar, ra. IaavalaBtoek and BuUd te Order Bvery Va rtsty et th following style t COUFBB, BUGGIBll, OABBIOLKTB, UAiitUaUKS. VICTOBIAB, BUBINBBg WAttOJIg, "T OABTS, MeCAIili WAOONB. 8UBBIBB. MABBBTAeONBgrONSj I ampley the Best Mechanic, and hava racUl tiaa te bnlld oerectly any style of Carriage de sired. The Quality. Style, and Finish et my Werk, mikes It decidedly the CHBAFBST li TH aABBBT, .. .. ,Jb7SM I " avTatJ V 1 1 llftl MUllaTJI'WWa tWIF " rimm mm mu ItrJrlftg Promptly Atteaiei Tft. FB1CBB IX1WBB THAN AUU OTHBBA. Betot Workman ,elally aampleyad levthatp -TtTOTIOB TO TRESPASSERS AND J3I OUHBBBS..AU person ere, hereby for. Mdaea te ttasaaej ea fay of the land of th C4nwsiTajtritatwUUtaln Lebanon or TSatrisiT- aeuaUe. waather tneletsd or unta. Bin attaar feJrta sarpes of hoetinT or S3r sSsSketiii iSasjtTaawii ee-st " ' '"" 4pMm llalwjaw, mmern. IN STAMPED GOODS. Extra Quality, only SSc. per pair. 20 De. 2i Dez. ftTAHHKD LINKN HfLAbllRKd THAT COVkKS only I8e each laiiez. larau 1.11,11.1, each. 10 BOX. BTAHfCD LINRN TAULK BVVBIBH, MV Honest Prices. and 128 East King St. Market Reliable Carrige Verts,; STREET, LANCASTER, FA. BTRKET. mar-".vT ! HALLS. BARGAINS SADDLES, AC. s ADDLES, HARNESS, 40. ANOTHER CUT. Te make room for the Winter Goods that we have ordered shipped te us next month, we offer the following ., , juauaifle an LAP DUSTERS. Cut down fromTOateSOo; ll.OOtoTSettLMto 1.1(1 : l7iUHl.i I0Otel.t HXlOteSl.10; 3.25 le K.U. These goods all have beautifully executed designs et flowers and biro en them and ere Ne. 1 In every respect. . . We have had a great run en FLT NBTS, owing te our Lew trle,but at the plowing; season hu 1 n.t tieimn we offer a tA tier cent, reduction as an Inducement te dote out the few deien yet remaining. UABMBeS, IBUNKB and BASS a Lew a the AT KRECKEL'S, HO. 8 BAST BINO STBBBT, LAlTOABTBBl'A jrVBBAMMUB BBBt. PTwe tour roeaw la Brtmrn Bern Buiidta? no. ltx North Quesa ttreeu Beet SalhAfS'i'.'LlVBIlT OFF10B. nRIVATK BALK. M. wiu be teia at I wiu be sold at private sela thvluawa Rreperty oentar uun ssuiueiry ss vbw (tt fronting feet en lmen ttreetjOtf oehtulbrry,andafwtoa CoerloU Hiaat, tMAtMtnma w r.AMrevi waCTBde JnUtSA R ADim "W I i-t-T tIseasM ItVStSXPi 1.BATR RjHtt aTRRg rMTjasa.auit.tJ sjsa.xa.iui DAsn-trc Mt.t0a.aa.MJ Laaeeassrattilt a.BBtsitk er QeAiryriitt as tin ass. m TBAm &BATB WUsWrtrl FwLaaeatevatT.a.g.agMgs, ret Qnamrvtlla at AM . xa. TRAIHB LBATB QUAJUTTtUB . ts. Isuaeaatsr. ttaamea am ..!. at tJAOVlaS wm t keafc s W mStiSVS. "W 4 TMAlShB f.WAWBI SMVaVOTwWVXAJi m fltU rxs7aaiaaaaws4 .WgS.'-'JiX", .-i-jfitna wm irBsjitiai'-; ,-n gH &&VS&i M wasvstt- RnaBasiarK.;. :.M mrlsigi am ass m. se-. ii-.r. v -i wm fax MjpfttgAv.'- y& flf TRAIRB LBATB U BT. (lISIlWIRJ ' Z$$ti t "" asut " ok aJia.x.awTaaTi ;,.. -1 v.. ... , MJfiJJ; mtsi mis iifn. i ... i "r -' Feri RaingatlbamesiaAl.Ma.s. ajiJMsg'I a.xt. ret geanyvtu at Ml p. m. TRAIHB LBATB LRRAHOM, ret Lancaster at W6 a. xa. ut ftet b. se. I rertiiarryvlllsaAfttB,st. .. . ... --& tkm. Lancaster Junction, ktaahelm, Bsm adltbBm, ss ttns tables at all statlea. atr 3uaujawjsi m nmUMvmm Awuwtwwvt 9asV in-HIVf ABJBBBBBJjBJ A. SB , M. WLLBOR. BBPOttBt i. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD HOHM L ULR. In effect from June 18, WB8. " . Train taava LAwaasrsa ead leave ead ant i at PhlledelDhla a fellow t I Leava lasts WBBTWARD. reelfle Rxpreatt (Philadelphia.! MB a. at, ejea.s. new Bxpiwsar Wav Paseencert fcseixin. :tea,m. 1MO.VL Mail train via ML Joyt no. x xtau Ynunr..,. vlacelnmwa Hlagara Rxpres. Hanover Accost Tite a. m. vta OelamMa 11 JO sura. Fast Ltnet..........,,,. Frederick Aeoent LoneaatarAeoom KerrtsDurg Accem..,. IkMnmbla Aeoem...... .00P.SO. ?S twt vtaceinmbla nisi, joy, Kiap, ute p. m. slop m. l:wp.aa, Leava Laneaatat. fta.m, sMa.m. s:iea. se. M00.1B, IKMP.B9. tMp.ns, M0P.B. sitftp.m. Heinsbnrg Rxpres... wsstera Rxprestt ilt5:: Arrl.vw U BA8TWARP. Pkile, Bxprt.,,,,,i Fast LlnT...,....,.,,.i llatrttbarg Rxpres.. Lancaster Aeoem at... Colombia Aeoem Beasber Rxpres Philadelphia Aoeem.. UOtSOtV 1 iqa.K. Kft?f iww wm KU1 BandayMalL. Day Bapi'e. ....., Hunirai, Anuu.... KSBP.B1 itnodaaext TO tjiiesatsir Ancmwi bug at 00 p. as. and artiy u Laaaaskst at . NX, MkB, SSfcS: leaves Hanta' ns Marietta AeeammodaUea ltave OslWM W:. Oiaa.eswuiiaim i a mwaat,wiiiMw leave celnmbla at U:B a, m. oaMB,sa eaMB,sa oaMB,sa reeehlng MerletU at unut M. tig Marietta at X.-08 p. m. and arrive at Ooiaetkokii M0i also, leave at l and arrtvee at .. TaTSk Accommodation leaves MarMtkiM - - - - - .... ,.. .,. ..r. TUO ana arnwe a nenr wrwww ,k iAwt.titifw Mini at s10 a. m. The FredsiHnfc Aeoem TsodatleB, wast, Mmmttjh tax at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, attdf p,aL,w1lltnaurongBte FreoeneR. TB rmnu asiiwsiwsi m Cemxtbm at IkJ) aadrmaaLaaM 9-JS?- Hoaevet AecommedoUoB, Bast, leaves OdMH.fej blaat4lep.m. Arrives at Lancaster sUly,;S; S,"mnecUna with Day Rxpres. .- ;'sSs Hoaevet AoeOBimnQaaon, wn, eewejtBwarw'...-ji IsSeMtM with Niagara Bxpres ettdw sRV.? .Jj wuirna through toTakerar, daily, RMigtl r I Fart 14atv wwrt. am aaaAey, pWkea I i ftvn.t twiwnfnstewn, OeatesvUl. i . 't tr. iMialK.t" Jn SJKI JH" wrfll .rrtrni 1 fca j1i't ) .r U a' kjkwI vtinjr, li ,i rx.f-i 'j ' ,m j.Kfl"7'teiac3. 1 1 in ?MT. SRETH4"R iTf uv roil RXCUltSIOXS AM PHONICS. ill ,t te lOfitfld In tb(. 9!tejrUi-TlUlJ ileuutalb ei l - Hit ' H. K-'vaU 5s I.f ' vi-ya P.allreat3 cj ''v,vt vMrt I a li Lad. 4111 LlUtl hOtiAtffJ 1V, . t Hi t. n a i it. ,a aai tp ilA!reAi. r RES tq ALL tC i r.trcaxKH, Y. QUOITS, Ac, n i ihtiin. .m T.nneheni. Knatlfl Beat aA '. are icatterea throng heat thegreaada, attracuents c, T.AO COITEWA&O, mawv,h nA.n twentv acre, em walca rjlaeed a number et elegant New Beets, eafl along the bank et which or p tftUl and lovely scenery. Observation Cars i ivi . will be run en tne line or in vJ?2!z!i.f'J2'!L tji 3! r7oiJUilread,orwlllbetentto msereatBfjtaUjvi J when proctlcabletfer tbe aoeommoaatloa jWJ enrsianlst te euley tall V of the lDaaen inue VaUev ei allev en the one stdsect Velley en tne ouec They an saaj, . BleeaanT and convenient. tartle aestnnx n eaa precuiw awi mm .ww wti & arkVes the OlnlngUelll will be under twsaMS j-? rerk.1 visum ei . yJvyfr."r7""r"jrTUVv.,si,.i .... m wm ma m,... ..rv. ... wnm ,.,, , , i i -.. Hecsa. Iho wne win ip speua auai s-f.t. TUB MOUNTAINS cod and no place MjSSMIt ! . .wnrdina- se much Dleesar mKO0IT QBBTKA, J&ji M IaUxlegtlBf Drlaki AUawei as wktJJ L'remliM. rxty aa-rer excursion rates and geaaral jBggm'A 1 tt0n'PP,lunUaL. mBUmMelSBBBBdl mvTtutd Great Bargafi PAHABOL8. ViJ j'Atrarxi ;r aTf&r -UI-, PAKASOLSff -AaTD- SHU UMB2EII Zl '5 AT atsUOQUABnUkf, Jw Mft. R. B. & H i 14 enlAmd Am .TKBlMfAWaV m. . .. aB'3, New spring r,wCK ATStUaUTw m w-uafc. atiM mom anvSfilBn(aU.i xVxSTJ 8 HI ft ? UtM JS',1 eri' & i. JJSK' -tr -f-ifrt.-k.. -,fw J 1a , ,Vsj ' iOTjl 5J5fl " V'i m $&, 7SS -s-i TOt.i t w. .&rS i'-V ii , .Sri . 37, IK-HTta i&m rai -m Kjisrt i.y.T'nZuM -v; : . .CjS. w -.i" WT t 3 Mi J! . .. iJH 1 (K m JStJP $? tfiVS 4ti iwifrefsiAviaiaijf gaa-wiaWawlUMwswaw. UfMM PW m nAW.BT . V. . ar m m , I sfaattK iatwal aW 'f&M MtArrM- 5.-)5''-liil'' s- 'fr-Jf i--?"1 &&m&&$$Lm if- Hyf .rttWV' wAwii, A -. JMjV - V1.. kU Jut-wu-3' ,'ni?arftLi EFXBW?