Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 26, 1887, Image 1

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LaPMMbHfZa.t ,
- Ar-.V.ASW
3k Jtartfaitef
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mt.MtteKM murms mia BaauLCttea
tern ab AretML re turn Mam.
Me lilH a Pnwerfs I Speech M la ItspHed la
far Mr. Mallear, Wk. Keiasaa la Maw
Deeameai la J astir? IheOeverameal's
FreclanuMlen Debata ASJearasd.
Mr. Gladstone wm greeted with ebesrs In
tha British Heuse of Commens Thcrsdsy
svsnlng whan be srra te move hit resolu
tion "that a humble address be presented te
the queen representing' Dial tba viceroy of
Ireland baa proclaimed Mm National League
sdsngereua association; that no Information
baa been furnished te Parliament te Justify
the proclamation by vlilue of which her
nisjaaty'a subjects are te be rendered liable
te be punlahed aaeruulnala without Judi
cial Inquiry Inte the nature til their acta, and
tbat thu Heuse, In the a'tMnen or such Infor
mation, pray tbat eeut proclamation aball
net continue In force aa te the aaoelatlon
named and described therein."
Mr. Gladstone said tbat tha Irish viceroy
In declaring that the League bad Incited te
violence muat have acted en Information, but
wbere was tbat Information T Tbe Irish chiefs
bad a right te demand te knew tba grounds
en wblcn the government had acted. If tbe
facta were withheld, the opposition muat
forthwith urge three propeaitloua upon tbe
liiiuae and the government
First That It was a alight, altnnet an out
rage, en the dignity of Pari lament te suppose
that It was te discharge aueh an Important
atatntery duly without knowing tbe grounds,
Hnoendly. Tbat It reduced te utter de
struction and lean absurdity tba main con
tention tbat tba government advanced
during the discussion el tbe crimes act tbat
the safeguard preuilaed bad proved a fares.
He asked t Wbat was tbe value or meaning
of a Parliamentary approval given In Ignor
ance of tbe facta? why net fellow the
course taken by Wellington and Peel In IR20
regarding the Oat helle League, and surpieaa
Thirdly. What could tbe lleusa tblnk of.
Information tbat tbey muat thus knew
would net bear tba light 1
Mr. (lied atone aald be hail alwaya con cen con
eoutended tbat tha government were leglala
llng against combinations apart from crime,
and new was the time for the government tJ
ahew tbat ba and bis friends were wrong.
But the government shrank from tba teat
and declined tbe challenge. They bad sub.
etltuted an arbitrary will for regular legal
action. Tbla principle wasasBeat dangerous
and dl.graceiul one In any country, and
especially In Ireland. Law in Ireland was
still en trlaU A great tnlslertuna was tbat
these who administer It, especially locally,
were net In sympathy wllb tbe leellngs of
tbe people.
war ex TUB IHlHir.
The proclamation of tbe League, Mr. Glad
atone declared, waa a near approach te a
declaration of war en the Irtah people. Tba
people of Ireland generally sympathised
Willi tbe League, becauaed tbey be'ltved tbat
It bad been their salvation. Nobody did
anything for tbe tenants until tbe League
waa founded. The government waa pressing
Ireland very bard, and It waa evident that
tbey Intended te work and act by summary
Tba governments action absolutely ex.
oluded the Hhiish Irera anything except an
a'aurd and perluuutery oimratieu 111 connec
tion wltb the great duty develviug upon It
nnder tbe statute TbHr cegnlrauce of tbla
proclamation waa ivdeced te a mere farce.
There would be no Jury, Judge, errealdent
magistrate, and no Parliament te control Ire
land; there would be nothing but tbe abso
lute, unmitigated, arbitrary act of tee Irish
executive, which waa ceeneearlly partlaan.
He beprd that the Irish would continue te
bear tha prewure. Tney would net have
te suder long. It waa certain tbat tbey
would net etiay the law tbreugi fear, but
from a, vivid, buoyant bepe which
even at the Let electieu waa net damaged,
and which new waa brighter and livelier.
Tbe Irish letlrved that tha government's
policy bad ret the sanction el tbe Brltiab ra
tion. Tbe government's louudatlec wassllp
plng from under them, and their action In
releieuce te tbe proclamation of tbe League
showed that tbelr strength waa fad in,-. lie
land arelng this, truattd the Kugllah nation 10
fulfill ber reasonable wishes, and waa con
vinced tbat her txpectatlene would net be
Jar. uiaueiune men irvaeuiuu uis iouu ieuu iouu
tlen amid prolonged cheers.
Mr. llalfnur aald tbat Mr. Gladstone would
have been wiser bad be rented Ills argument
en tb e allegation tbst tbe Ueute waa ignorant
of tbe ground for tbe proclamation rather
tbau en a defense of the League. The gev.
ernment'a dlllleulty was nit tbe finding of
evidence te Justify tbe proclamation, but tbe
eelvctlng el It trein tba enormous masanf
evidence tbey possessed. There waa aufU
dent loundailen te Justify tbe procUmatlen
In tha columns el the local newspapers,
without going Inte tbe government's confi
dential reports.
Mr. Balleur argued that when Mr. Glad
atone proclaimed the Land League be did ae
when Mr. Parnell was Imprisoned and wben
Parliament was net sitting, and tbat he af
forded no Information te any one concerned.
Ha quoted at length from documents te enew
tbat tba League waa guilty of boyeottlng,
oearclog and inatlgattng inlractloue of tba
Sir William Verrnn Haroeurt asked tha
apsaker whether tbe documents from which
ha quoted would be submitted te tbe Heuse,
Mr. IUIfeur refused te submit tba docu
ments, and proceeding, narrated ether in
stances of tbe Lsagne's unlawful notion.
Londen, Ang. 20 A government whip
has bean specially Issued which earnestly It
qneaiaall members of Parliament who sup
port the gevarnmfnt te attend tba Commens
te-ulgbt, te vote en Mr. Gladstone's motion te
appeal te tha qneen In regard te proclaiming
tha National League.
What Mr. Oladsteaa Bars.
IiONieN, Aug. 20.-A United Press repor
ter bad an Interview te-iay wltb Mr. Glad.
stone. Tbe Liberal leader was in high spirits
and shook bands warmly, declaring tbat ha
waa In excellent health. His face waa ani
mated and his whole bearing told better than
words bow elated ba waa .ever the present
political prospects,
The reporter aald : " I am afraid, Mr. Glad
stone, tbat you won't beat tbe government
te-night en your motion for an appeal te the
"Ne," replied Mr. Gladstone, we cannot
expect te de tbat new, but the fact tbat a year
age tbe government majority waa 110, while
aw tba meat aangulue government sup
porters only anticipate a majority of 60 In
sympathy with tbe proclamation of the Na
tional League, cannot fall te show wbat a
tremendous change bt oeme e ?er tbe face of
The change, oenllnued ibe grand old
man, "la coming mere rapidly than meat
people imagla It Is coming quite fast
I BUI Howe,
The Active club baa accepted tbe challenge
of the Irensldea sad will go te Penryn en
the morning of September 6th. In the alter
boob the Aettvee will play tbe Lebanon
The League games yesterday were : At
Philadelphia : Philadelphia 8, Detroit 2 ; at
Bosten : Bosten 9, Pittsburg 8 ; at Washing
ton : Washington 8, IndtanapeUa 1 ; at New
Yerk : New Yerk 9, Chicago L
The Association games yesterday were t At
Cleveland : AthletTe 8, Cleveland 6 ; at Cin
cinnati t Cincinnati 15, MetaO j at fst-Leala t
HL Louts 14, Baltimore 8. . ,
The Detretta and Pblladelpblu play their
lest championship game ta Philadelphia to
day. Te-morrow will ba aa exhibition game.
In the first part of tbe year tbe DetreHa
knocked Casey out of tbe box, but tbey eas't
de It BOW,
Tneetendlng of U League clubeatpraB-
Wen Lest
Wen test
Bosten 48 40
Pittsburg " l
WaahlBStn....M tl
Indianapolis.... f7 61
ttlnsicm tftl 86
Fhll4alubU....W je
Maw Yerk.. su
Moist te tba AmsrlSBS AsaoplslleB la
vary ukU teeww te aave Mt It mast
mbbiIwsMbM mmm wn f4B7bjsjsbb
Mtsaatkabte Beeae witaassed at a Military O.I
ebreOea la Wiesllag, W. Va,
WntcuMNii, W, a., Aug. 20. Te-day, the
laat day of tba eleventh reunion el the
Society of tbe Army of West Virginia, baa
been the greatest aver known In the
state. Tbe reunion waa a grand success.
Fully 80,000 visitors are In tbe elty te-day.
Tbe parade, beaded by carriages contain
lag ex-President Hayes, (lea. Beaver, of
Pennsylvania, Gov. Fnraker, or Oble,
Gov. Wilsen, of West Virginia, Gen. a F.
Kelly and meny ether distinguished visitors,
followed by tbe Grand Army of the Republic,
consisting of about 6,000 members and about
a dozen braes bands, waa a grand aflalr, and
everything passed off smoothly until the
precession reached tbe HtgUttr efllce
(Democrat), en Market street, where a
crayon portrait of tba president, en a ban
ner 10x14, floating gaily seresa tbe
street wllb tbe Inscription bearing "Ord
bleae our President, O rover Cleveland, commander-in-chief
of our army and navy,"
when all en feet except one company trailed
their banners and died te either side. This
incident baa caused much comment through
out the elty.
Tba Officers Who Will rmerve Urdar liurteg
tha County ralr.
Tbeecene at McOrann'a park Is much
busier today than yesterday and everybody
la making great prrparatlena for tbe opening
day. Tbe management of the fair baa made
tbe beat kind of police arrangements and a
large force of men will be required. They
were appointed yesterday.
Kx-Peliceman Andrew Ktcbellz will be
chief of tbe fence guard, wltb tbe following
assistants J. Clements, M. J. Deltcher, Ames
Doebler, II. II. Dunkle, Uenry Ellas, Samuel
Ktcbels, K. II., Abraham Krlsman,
Christian I'ralley, Jacob F. Kautz, Jehn
Herzeg, Jehn Kluimler, Henry Leenard,
Jehn McManus, Anion Mel'alls, Charles
Meyer, Patrick May, Geerge Maxwell, J.
Mlssleger, M. J. Martin, Harry Hedgeraand
Ellas Hnyder.
Henry Babel will be chief of the day force
and Patrick Burna will be chief of the track
force. Tbe following a mis tan ta will aerveen
the track and ground.: Christian Flick,
Charles Wilsen, William Hehetirenbrand,
Jehn St Clair, Albert Clinten, Harry Gees
and Lewis Zecher.
Davis Kltcb, Jr., will be chief of the night
watch wltb tbe following assistants: Mi
chael Fllzpatrlck, Miles File, A. 8. Gulney,
Michael Hmltb, Charles Hhubert, Henry
Tbe ticket-sellers and takers will lie Benja
min Ytcker, Jehn B. Markley, T. C. Wblt
eon, J. Delchler, Cheater Cummlnga, K. L.
Uambrlgbt, Jehn Nlxderf, A. G. Helfert,
Kdward MeGeeban, V. M. Feagley, Jeseph
Umble, Jr., Geerge A. Guyer.
There are a large number el ofticerB,aMlt efticerB,aMlt
ants, Ac., who will be assigned te different
places, and tbey are aa fellows : Chss. Llp Llp
peld, Daniel Hmeycb, Peter Hiller, J. H.
Cruzsu, Ames Lee, Harry Hstz, Hamuel
Heward, Edward Hhubroeks, Wm. Hpeng,
Nalomen Keller, Michael lturna, J. N. Arndt,
Lewis llarpel, Jeseph Ilsrpel, Jeseph Orel
der, Mrs. Jerdan, Mrs. Etchels, Mrs. Ken
dig, Benjamin Gocbeneur, F. K. Ditlenbacb,
and Jehn McCorkle.
Bmuvuur tuurn mnAOHVamTt.
Coe.Ubla (llatar, el Turk, Trarea a Criminal
Tbrengtt Hall a Itesan Btetaa.
Charles Denley, an olly-tengued young
man from Msstacbusetts, was ledged In the
station house this morning by Constable
Gluter, of Yerk. Tbe constable arrived here
during tbe night, and as be could net reach
Yerk he remained In thla city until 0:30
o'clock, when be took bis prisoner te Yerk.
A representative of the Intkm.kienckr bad
a talk with Denley at tbe station beuse this
morning, but be refused te xy much, but
claimed be would oeme out all tight. Frem
tbe constable It wai learned tbat tbe charge
agalnat blm Is larceny as bailee, and the facts
are about these : A few months age Denley
turned up In Yerk as a clerk in a coffee and
tea store. While there be became acquainted
with Henry Hechrlat, who was looking for a
business Investment Denley represented te
Seebrlst that there were big prenta In the
business and a contract was anally made be
tween them. Hechrlat gave several hundred
dollars te Denley, with wblcb be waa te open
a store In Newark, N. J. By the agreement
entered Inte, Denley was te work for Hecbrlst
and remit te blm tbe prenta until tbe amount
advanced by Hecbrlst bad been psld, after
which Denley was te have a nuc-balf interest
In tbe business. A lew weeks after tbe store
was opened, Denley wrote te Hecbrlst thst
mere money was needed. Hecbrlst became
ausploleus, and began an Investigation as te
the buslneas carried en by Denley. Before
be bad gene far be learned tbat Denley had
aklpped away from Newark. Constable
G Inter, who waa given the case, traced the
fugitive through several towns In New Jer
sey and ether states, and finally located blm
In Lawrence, Mass., and had blm arrested.
Denley made efforts te be released en
habeas corpus but waa unsuccessful, tbe
court deciding tbat be must return te Penn
sylvania. The case may be tried te-morrow.
Aa Old Weman Rata Har Whole Famllr.
The Mlnneapella Journal's Winnipeg
special eaya: Letters from Frailer and
Btewart, dated Fert Chlppewayan, July 6,
state tbat they reached that point after many
hardships. Ferest Urea have been numerous
and destructive. Destitution at Fert
Chlppewayan last winter was terrible, and
several, casea of cannibalism are reported.
One old woman at Little Red river admits
having killed and eaten ber whole family.
Starvation and cannibalism are also reported
tram McKenzle river.
Ren Inte a Mortar Red.
Thursday evening a gentleman from Pitta
burg, with two young ladles, was driving P.
C. Snyder's horse en Columbia avenue,
wben the animal ran Inte mortar bed
whleh la in tbe street near Marietta avenue.
The animal fell down, and tbe ladles, who
were frightened, J nmped out of tbe carriage,
and all were oevered pretty well wltb lima
Beyond tbat and the singing of tbe horse but
little damage was done.
Herns Strayed Away.
Fifteen horses belonging te Henry Hilten,
a beree dealer, escaped from tbe field el HeriVy
H. Land Is, of Landia Valley, en Thursday
nlgbt, Elgbt of them were found In the
neighborhood early thla morning but the
remaining seven bad net been found up te
neon. A description of tbe horses baa been
left at tbe elation beuae and tba police offieera
are en the lookout for tbem.
Marriage el m Boek-Blodrr.
Philip Keasman, a book-binder at tbe
Inquirer office, wss married lest evening te
Miss Annie Keller, daughter el Urban Keller,
of 007 High street The oeremeny was per
formed by Rev. Reed. Peter Deltz, formerly
of tbls elty bat bow of Muncy, wss grooms greoms groems
bub and Uisa Keale Kellei, sister of the
bride, was tbe brldssmsld. Alter tbe wed
ding b wesptlOB was held at tba lesldence of
the) brids's parents sad tba bride received
Okie Mia ess Bulks.
Bhawmbb, Ohie, Aug. 38 Ths miners
bare are ea a strike agala tbla morning.
Tkav did ass rseatva thair bbt aaml.mentblT
yilllMaJMOMIsVladBB meUtl 9J
thb wMAtraimtr tem&mir
Tbe Assessed Value of Heal Batata, Horses,
Mats, Cants, risaaare Carriages, "'
bar el Tasattlaaaad Aerss of Timber
Uud Kstnrasd from Baett Dtatrtet,
Tbe annual statement of Lancaster county
has been prepared by W. W. Grlest, commis
sioners' clerk, and forwarded te tbe secretary
of Internal affairs. Frem It are gleaned the
following statistic; :
Adamstewtie, 171; Bart, MM Brecknock,
MW ; Carnarvon, 4l0 ; (!lay, i Cocallne i:at,
740 : Cneallm Weal, Ol'i: Celeraln, 440 j Co
lumbia; lit ward, H7: 2lward, (U4; 3d
ward, 706 ; Cenatnga, till ; Cennjr, 015 ; Done Dene
gal Kat, 007 1 Denegal Weal, 32H ; Drumore,
458; Driimern Kasi, 445; Karl, 1,020; Karl
Kaat, 010; Earl West, 5H'J; Eden, 314;
Elizabeth 241; Kllztbetbtewn, 370; Koh Keh
rato, 1,327; Fulton, I; Hampfletd
East, 017; Hempfleld West, 1,121;
Lampeter Kaat, 710; Lampeter West, 623;
Lancaster township. 231 ; Leacenk, 602 ; Lea
cock Upper. 003 ; Little Britain, 40; Manbelm
borough, fi"8: Manhelm tewnahlp, 845;
Maner, l,47u; Marietta, 800; Mount Jey
borough, ti".l, Meuut Jev township, tXC;
Martle Kil; Perad!se,l70; Penn.fVM; Pequea,
3SH ; Providence. Ml; Ktpbe, 03U; Hadsbury,
M0; Salisbury, 1 014; Htraaburg borough, 1st
ward, 111; Htraaburg borough, 2 1 ward, 110;
Htraaburg borough, 3d wstl. 05 ; Htrssburg
tnwnahli,51H; Warwick, 1.2IS; Washington
Upper ward, 85; MTwer ward, 07 ; Lancaater
city lt ward, 722; 2d ward, K71 ; 3d ward,
B7f ; 4lh ward, K05 ; .Mh ward, 8U ; 0th ward,
1,201; 7th ward, Mtt: h ward, 1.C42; 0th
ward, 1,020 Total, 40,017.
Aunns or timiii:r i.asd.
Bart, 1,105; Brecknock, 373; Cmrnarven,
3.KI7 : Clay. 1.415; Cocalleo Kaat, 1,775 ; Coca Ceca Coca
llce Weat, 1,501 ; Celeraln, 2,105; Cnnealega,
820 ; Ceney, 148 ; Denegal Kaat, 101 ; Done Dene
gal Weat, 5S7 ; Drumore, 301 ; Karl, 208 ;
Karl East; 1,005; Karl West, 23J ; EJen,
1,010; Ellz.beth, 2.580 ; Kphrata,707; Fulton,
1 fiiO; Uemptleld Kiat, 240; HemptlBld Weat,
718 ; Lampnter East, 50 ; Lampeter West, 43 ;
Leacock, 31; Leacock Upper, 133; Little
Britain, 2.UI2 ; Man helm, tewnahlp, 353 ;
Maner, 720 ; Mount Jey township, 1,(X) ;
Manic, 4,051; Paradise, 1,180 ; Penn. 221;
Pequea, 158 ; Providence, 2,4fcS ; Kaphe,
1,572; Hadsbury, 551; Salisbury, 2,U';
Htraaburir tewnahlp, 5t5 ; Warwick, 173.
Total, 41,G0i.
Adamstown. 1150,370; Bart, $558,070;
Brecknock. 1550,221 ; Cwrnsrven, (1,002,600;
Clay, 11,200,700; Cocalleo East, 3019,100;
Cocallce WtMt, fl 259.000; Celeraln, f8l2,50l ;
Columbia lit ward, (1,210 COO; 2J ward,
(829.1)0.1 ; 3d ward, 1720,755; Coneatega. (HSl,.
7S3 ; Ceney, (104,813 : D megal Eaat, 2.(it,
'J1 ; Denegal Weat, (910,410; Drumore. (082.
027 ; Drumore East, (752,213 : Karl, (2 3s,22;
Karl Kaat, (1.505,235; Earl Wet, (1,027,400;
Klen. (512 053: Kllzabelb, (001,008; Ellza-
(2 358 337; Lampeter Weat, (1,902,870;
Laucaatnr township. (058,505; Leacock,
(2 027,217; Laaceck Upper, (2,220,795; Lit
tle Britain, frt00,ll2; Mann el in Dernugn let i
ward. (221,211 1 2d ward, (327,271 ; 31 ward, I
(09,101; Manhelm Uiwnsblp, (2,505,035 1 I
Maner, (4, 182,070 ; Marietta, msv-kkj; Mount
Jev borough, (.188,300; Mount Jey tewnahlp,
(1010,3.11; MBrtlr, (030,276 ; Paradise, $1.71 L
824; Penn, (1.700.341: Pequea, (1.350.090;
Providence, C!77,tW7 ; Baphe, (.1.123 070; Hads
bury, 009,217; .Salisbury. (2 779 002; Htrss
burg borough 1st ward, (137,000; 21 ward,
(120,875 : 3 1 ward, (1 15,702 ; Hlrasburg town
ship, (1,815,772; Warwick, (2,024,265; Wash Wash
ingien Upper ward, 7 850; Lewer ward,
(60 001 ; Lancaster city 1st ward. (1 690,471 ;
2d ward, (1114 218 ; 3d ward, (1,129,250 ; 4tb
ward, (1015,750: 5th ward, (I.U3I 752 ; 0th
ward, (2,181.500; 7th ward, (721,315; 8th
ward, (9.15,325; 9th ward, (1,202,440. Total,
Adamstown, 50, (4,075: Bart, 330, (20,345;
Brecknock, 40J, (21,995 ; Carnarvon, 375, (32,.
740 ; Clay, 474, (37,300 ; Cocalleo East, 4bO,
(31,800 : Cocallce West, 550, (31,315 ; Celeraln,
490, (27,700 ; Columbia 1st ward, OS, (7,840 ;
Columbia 2 1 ward 47, (1,180; Columbia 3d
ward, 49. (3 195: Coneatega, 310, (35,190;
Conov, 28, (22 n57 ; Denegal Kaat, 019, (59,
197; Denegal West, 317, (23,795; Drumore,
352, (22,747 ; Drumore East, 114, (20,015 ; Earl,
741,(51.211: Earl East, 083, NO 052; Earl
Weat, 005, (42.825; Eden, 210, (15,028; Eliza.
betb, 277, (17,524 ; Elizabelhtewn. 105, (0705 ;
Ephrata, 710, (53.225; Fulton, 427, (24,400;
HempUeld East, s07, (GJ.010; HempHeld
West, 611, H2.409; Lampeter East, 714,
(02 340; LaniK)ier Weat, 591, (01,100;
Lancaster tewnahlp, 211, (20 005; Lea
cock, 002, (08.035; Leacock Upper. 013,
(55,100; Little Britain, 490, (32,250;
Munheim Horeusb. 1st ward, 48. (1,805; Man
belm Borough, 2d ward, 73, (0,445; Manhelm
Boieugh,3d ward, 0,(275: Manhelm township,
819, (60 816; Maner, 1,222, (113,020; Marietta,
110, $8,035; Mount Jey Boreusb, 05, (8,900,
Mount Jey township, 602, (39,022; Martle,
353, (22,380; Paradise, 630.(43 O30) Penn, 054,
$'6,695; Pequea, 391, (32 405; Providence,
370, (24,305; Hapbe, 1,130, (84,740; Hadsbury,
3S1,$22,890; Hallabury, 081, (80 484; Htrasburg
Boreugb, 1st ward, 41, (3.876; Htrasburg
Hnreush 21 ward. 33. (2.200: Htrasburg
Boreugb,3d ward, 22. (1,370; Htrasburg town
ship, 683, (60,738; Warwick, 009. (57,005;
Washington, upper ward, 23, $1,020; Wash
Ington, lower ward, 0, (296; Lancaster olty elty
lst .ward, 87. (0,825 ; 2d ward. 05. (6 500 ; 3d
ward, 42, (2,080; 4th ward, 81. (7,760; 6tb ward,
62. (2 822; 0th ward. 122, (9,370; 71U ward, 79,
(1 050; 8tn ward.70 (3,810; 0th ward,115 (9.025.
Total number, 24.00J. Total value, (1,811,113
Adamstown, 30, (720; Bsrt, 418, (3,275;
Brecknock, 601, T10.042 ; Cwrnarven, 405,
(12.018; Clay, 62.1, (11,312; Cocallce Eaat,
vr?. an 040 : Cocalleo West, 730. (14.101;
Celeraln, b03, $17,443 ; Celuu
17, (855 ; 21 ward, 5, (120 ; 3d i
Coneatega, 117, (10,177 ; Cene
"".' ':..... ..-. ,.,.. ..,... i. ..i
VUiUUIUM, .a. ww ml u,
3d waru, it), we ;
OOOV. 355. (8 676 :
n,n..,i em 831. ( Denegal wear,
448.(10.110; Drumore. 410,(9,195; Drumore
Kait! 651, (11 440 ; Earl, 077, (14,780 Karl
EaaU 683. $13,280; Karl Weat, 485, (10,090 ;
Eden, 207. $3 207! EUzabetb, 242, (1,010;
Kllzabethtewn, 47, W ; Ephrata, ,043, $14,.
356 ; Kulton, 605, $11,486 ; Hempfleld
East, 778, $18,939; Hempfleld West, 072,
$17,423 ; Lampeter East, 782, (10,195 ; Lam
peter West, 670, $19,790 ; Lauca-ter town tewn
ahlp, 316, $7,412 ; Leacock, 704, (21,005 ; Les
enck. UeDer. 014. $10,103: Little Britain, 652,
$13 311; Manbelm boreugb 1st ward, 21,
$425; 2d ward, 10, $220; Manhelm township,
864, (19,430; Maner, 1,452, (38,818; Marietta,
35, (859 ; Mount Jey boreugn, 12, $330 ; Mt
joy tewnsmp, no, ri' i nsrue, oeu,
$7,430; Paradise, 682, $15,214; Penn, 727,
$16,902; Pequea, 49, (9 019; Provldenee, 407,
$8,880; Rapbe, 1,393, $29,509 ; Hadsbury. 027,
$17,080; Hallsbury, 000. (22.100 ; Htrasburg
boreugh-lst ward, 12,(295 ; 2d ward, 8, $225;
3d ward, 13, $292 ; Htraaburg township, 037,
$15 830; Warwick, 678, $13,710; Washington
Upper ward, 10, (W0; Lewer ward, II.
$245; Monaster clty-lst ward, 2, $80; 21
ward, 3, $125 ; 4tb ward, 6, $150 ; 5th ward, 1,
$40 j (Jth ward, 30, $855 ; 7lb ward, 18, $1,245 ;
8th ward, 84, (2,030 ; 0th ward, 24, (610. TeUl
number, 25,870. TeUl value, (008,258.
Adamstown, 23, valued at $1,235; Bart, 145,
$4,010; Brecknock, 178, $4,432; Carnarvon,
227, $8,088; Clay 250, $8,103; Coeslloo Eaat, 340,
$0,108; Cocalleo West, 300, $0,097; Celeraln.
107, $5,034; Columbia 1st ward, 20. $1,880; 2d
ward, 22, $1,225; 3d ward, 0. $455; Conestoga,
Earl, 430, $14 490; Earl Eaat, 203. $12,310; Earl
vveei. euuw vv,tsM, ueu, , u,ia, ..,
KiO, $3,2fli Kllzabethtewn, 63, $2,080: Ephrata,
432, $10,320; Pulton, 100, $0,423; Hempfleld
Eaat 340, $13,605; Hempfleld West, 144,
$6 210; Lampeter East, 371. $14,600; Lam
peter West 251, $12,170; Lancaster
township. 78, $1,525 I Leaoeok, 801, $17,147 j
Leacoek Upper, 351, $13,848 ; LltUe Britain,
255, $8,107; Msnbslm borough 1st ward, 87,
$1,800; 2d ward, 67, $3,020 M ward, 2, $100 ;
Manbelm township, 380, $13 615 1 Maner, 552,
124.001 1 Marietta. 46, $3,660; Mount Jey
I boreugb, 53, $5,705 l Mount Jey tewnahlp,
I 830, $10,147 Martie, u& s3,eu ;,
taw ibU ifttl, ,. lIW I. fSh i.
rjrifWfBaie, fe,ws9, ASfsBaasti,
117,351 ; Hadsbury, 175, 10,742; HaUsbnry. 610,
118 301; Htrasberg rioreugb W ward. S3,
12,045 ; 2d ward, 33, 11.700 i Sd ward, 98, ftJfte t
Htrashurg township, 313, $12,245; Warwick,
249, 11,220 Washington becrragh-Upper
ward, 0, (280 ; Lewer ward, 3, 186 ; lMeter
elty-lst ward, 42, (4,450 ; 21 ward. 28. 15,126;
3d ward, 24. K 660 ; 4th ward, 21. 13 305 ; 6tn
ward, 16, 1766 1 0th ward, 67. 13,160, 7lh ward,
3, 1100 ; 8th ward, 17, 1905 ; 9th ward, 0, (416.
Adamstown, 180.706 1 Bart, (130,122; Brack Brack
neck, 1136,764 ; Carnarvon, 1192,780 ; Clay,
1204,849; Coeeiloo East, (230.754; Ooealioo
West, (287.769; Celeraln. (88,684 it Colombia
-1st ward. 1180,302 ; 2d ward, 1334,108 I 3d
ward, 144,054 I Conestoga, 1349003 ; Ceney,
(134,014; DenegsJ Ksst, 1601.230; Denegal
West, 8135,350 ; Drumore, 1227,491 ; Dru
more Ksst, 158.638 ; Earl, 1800 138 ; Karl
East, (407,030 ; Earl West, 628,568 atden,
(52 854 ; Elizabeth, 1107.004 Kllzabethtewn,
(302,207 Kpbrata, V 10 708 ; Fulton, $190 783;
Hempfleld East, $1,170,229; Hempfleld West,
$445,080 ; Lsmrt'r Kaat, $1,004,434 1 Lam
petnr West, (053,003 ; Lancaster township,
$349 003 Leacock, $782 448 ! Laaoeek Upper,
(057,012; Little Brlialn, (100,9581 Manbelm
borough let ward, (110,320; 2d ward, $166,.
025: 31 ward, $0,000 1 Manbelm township,
(830,474 ; Maner, (1,378.002; Marietta, $239,
530; Mount Jey borough, 1337,779; Mount
Jey township, $302,302; Martle, $81,471;
Paradise, $198,000: Psnn, $416,789; Pequea,
$197,020; Provldenee, (07.870; Rapbe,
(503 708; Hadsbury, (250,330; Hallabury
(033 509; Hlrasburg borough 1st ward,
(151.767 ; 21 ward, $110,240 : 3d ward,
$44,300 ; Htrasburg township, $384,280 ; War
wick, (800 892 ; Washington borough, Lewer
ward, (1,509 ; Upper ward, $10,722 ; Lancas
ter city, 1st ward, (035 313; 21 ward. $1,.
70fl,484;31 ward, (204,953; 4lb waril,'(438,.
017 ; 5th ward, (258 428 ; 0th ward, $007,605 ;
7th ward, $153,220 ; 8tb ward, $100,056 ; Vlli
ward, $110,818. Total, (21,191,031.
In an editorial Item en tbe second page of
te-day's Issue, It is stated tbat this city has
(25,000,000 of money at in tertst. It aheuld
read " this county."
Which la Apprepruta at Tula OoDstltalleaal
VsnUnelal 8aasea.
Frem the 1'hl'adelphlaTluies.
Dr. Walter F. Atlee, of 210 Seuth Thir
teenth street, has In his possesien an inter
esting letter written from Philadelphia te
Mrs. Judge Atlee at Lancaster, Pa., referring
te tbe ratification of the constitution in 1788.
Mrs. Judge Atlee wss the great-great-grand-mnther
of Dr. Atlee. Tbe letter le dated
July 13, 1788, and among ether things con
tains the follewing:
"Mr. Atlee was tbere In time te till bis
place In tbe grand precession; for grand It
was, and the most pleasing tbat my eye ever
beheld. My cousin took much eare of me,
that I might have a full view of all. We were
fixed directly opposite te Mr. Bingham's,
where tbere waa every compliment and at
tention paid te Mrs Bingham. We had an
opportunity In tbe first place of eeelng Mrs.
Bingbam present tbe colors te the troops
with ber own hand. Tbere were many dis
tinguishing compliments paid ber, all of
which sbe received and returned with the
greatest elegance and politeness. I dare
say tbere were fifty ladles In tbe second
story of her house all dressed In white,
no small addition te tbe magnificence of
that beautiful building. Before I take
leave of Mrs. Bingbam and ber beuse, 1
muat mention particularly Mercury, belong-
ma: levne punier, isiiins: uy one ei nis
pigeons wiin a new lanoeea te na ran. it
missed her and alighted en tha next corner
of Mr. Powell's house. After the precession
bsd all paaaed there we went home and ate a
bit of cold dinner, aa indeed I believe that
very few families at a het one that day.
Tbere was a carnage prepared te take ua te
Bush Hill. In esseins- we had another view
or tbe precession. Everything waa con
ducted wltb tbe greatest order and solemnity,
far beyond my most Anguine Ideas. As It
wss se early In tbe afternoon and I had ex
pressed a desire of seeing the curious Im
provements st Gray's Ferry, tbe remainder
of tbe day was spent tbere, which con
sisted of beauties accordingly as far be
yond my expectations as wbat I had seen be
fore "
Uopklnsen, In bla second volume of es
says, baa a detailed description of thla cele
bration, which dwells at some length en the
grandeur of the precession mentioned In the
letter. te bb imebxdiabt.
A. Frame Dwelling Heuse Near BlaklstewD
Destroyed by Firs.
Tbe frame dwelling house of Abraham
Frankfort, near Hlnkletewn, was totally de
stroyed by fire en Thursday afternoon be
tween 2 and 3 o'clock. There was no one at
borne wben tbe fire broke out. Mrs.
Frankfort left home early in the morning
for Womeladert, and ber husband was haul
lag coal te New Helland, except when be
went te the house at neon te eat a cold meat
The fire was discovered by some of tbe
neighbors, and tbey male efforts te extin
guish the flames, but the supply of water
gave out and nothing oeuld be done te eave
tbe building. All the furniture was de
stroyed except some few articles en tbe
lower fleer. Tbe fire was first Hen In one of
the upper rooms, and as there waa no fire in
the house from early morning the suppesi
tien Is that tbe fire was the work of an incen
diary. There were about $70 In money In
tbe beuse, but It Is net known whether tbla
waa burnt or stolen. The theory of tbe
neighbors la that tbe house waa robbed and
tben fired. Tbe lese Is about (2,000 and tbe
Insurance $1,600 In the Penn Township Mu
tual Insurance company.
A Small Flre.
About 0:30 tbla a. m., fire and smoke wss
discovered laaulrg from the back building
of tbe frame house Ne. 4C.t North Queen
street, oecupled by Philip Glints, and owned
by estate of Christian .sober, deceased. Mrs.
Qlletz, wbe was In bed st the time, stated
she had no lire yet made, but it caught In
the fire place In whleh was s let or old rage
and a oeal oil can. Tbe fire doers were sl sl
mest burned off, snd ether portions of tbe
kitchen and part et tbe root Ne alarm was
sounded,as the neighbors ssw the flames snd
with considerable difficulty extinguished
them. Tbe less Is about $20 or $25, but no
An Old Hand-Bill.
Jebn Hull showed us te-day a baud-bill
printed April 27, 1832, for bis father, William
C. Hull, In which announcement la msde
tbst dally stage lines will be run from Lin.
caster, te Columbia, Reading and Downing
town ; and a stage line twlee a week from
Lancaster te Pert Deposit snd Baltimore,
Tbere were no railroads In tbese dsys snd
the stage coach was tbe meat expeditious
mesne of travel. Mr. Hull and .bis stags
lines bsve long slnee passed swsy, but ths
old band-bill Is In a geed stats of preserva
Lancaster County Sauce company.
Tbesa officers have been chosen st E' Izabeth
town by tbe Lancaater County Fenee com
pany. President, H. Jsmes Hteuffer, Weat
Denegal ; secretary, David O. Myers, Kllza Kllza
betheown ; ti assurer, Levi Jenes, Elizabeth
town ; sudlters, Martin L. Hcbsffer, Harris
burg, and Martin O ber hoi tzar, Cempassvlils,
Chester county,
Fair at Fottstewo.
We bays reeslvtd tbe premium list et
tbe Montgomery, Berks snd Chester Ag
ricultural snd Horticultural Fair, st Potts-
town, Pa., Tuesday, Wedneeday, Thursday,
Frldsy, September 27, 28, 20 and 30. Ssvsa
thousand dollars la premiums will ba
Wesaaa's Rellsf Cerps el ths O. . B.
On ssxt Thursday srenlng In U, A. B.
ball, EllMbetbtewa, a meeting will ba bald
te ergsBlse a Wemaa'a Belief Cerps la tbat
piaoe,teeeiablteha parBMsaat ergsBlsaltOB
for Ua porpeM of aidlBg Johm M. Ctatsl rast,
99, im.
eagaMFOBMf wmu cemrtAtm of
saeee mvBieiPAt nmBUvancm.
Waa Is the Matter With the Fresaat flji
af Mgatlag tas city T-Way Is us sewer
at Cley aag rredsttek streets ranker
Delays T-Tksaeatasra Market.
Ees. iNTBLLteBNOBB The writer of this
arttele le net stockholder of any gaa com
pany or eleotrle light company, but tblnka it
la a shame and a disgrace te a elty of our also
te sutler the Inoenventenoe and dangers of
having no lights en dark sod stormy nlgbta
similar te that of Tuesday nlgbt last
II tbe present company lighting our streets
can net furnish ua with tbe proper light at all
times (I simply give tbe expressions of my
self and many ethers), let the city procure a
system of lighting tbst can be relied en, net
only en moonlight nights, but also en dark
and gloomy nlgbta, Aa you have repeatedly
stated In your columns, our pavements are
bad. Tbe effects of the same are mera forcibly
felt wben pedestrians step into peels of water
which are net perceptible en account of tbe
extreme darkness, tbe oendltlon in which
our city la tee often In.
The present company lighting tbe streets
(greed, or at leaat the Idea waa ad vaneed, tbat
if they procured the lease ler lighting tbe
city tbls year, they would suspend their
lights across tbe streets at such points as des
ignated by the proper authorities ; and en
the strength of this, or expectation of having
thla premise fulfilled, a number of votes were
eeeured, which they will probably net obtain
next year en this account
Thla premise they have net as yet attempted
te fulfill and If net aoen done. It will be un
necessary, as tbe leavee en the trees, which
new obstruct tbe light, will have fallen.
Let us have light, net by tbe almanac, an
some smaller towns are governed by, but
every nlgbt, all nlgbt and plenty of It ;
whether It be gas, electric light or oil, and
net have a repetition of wbat we bad en the
nights wben light waa mostly needed. It la
a disgrace te a city of 30,000 Inhabitants.
Nem Stockheldkh,
Northern Bad Bawer.
Eni. Istki.i.ieknceb, Tbls subject may
seem probably a "cbesnut," but these lour
citizens wbe reside In tbe neighborhood of
Clay and Frederick streets feel that tbey 'are
a much neglected and forgotten aet of people.
Patiently bave they read In our dally
papers and listened te the members el
councils of tbe Gth and 9th wards giving rea
sons why tbls sewer Is net ballt until their
patience is about exhausted, and believe it la
time their representative aheuld be called te
an account
Toey certainly have geed reasons for se
doing, for the condition of the eellars, yards
and houses In this vicinity are simply dis
graceful te our city, and forbearance baa
eeaaed te be a virtue.
The email aewer in Cherry alley waa filled
te overflowing en Tuesday night, oaualeg
tbe streets te become in the same oendlticn,
the water filling the cellars and yarda of tbe
km.4 m.imIm ,v.nhlA a.i.4
anee. It bevine: no outlet. 1
But, why tbla delay in building tbla
much talked and much needed aewer T The
city baa decided te remove tbe pumping
station, tbe site bss been selected above tbe
drainage of tbe city and why de net tbe com
mittee en drainage and sewers have plans
and apeolfieatlone made and award the con
tract te bave tbla sewer built before the in
clement weather oemee 1 Thla could be dena
Build the main aewer, but allow no connec
tions, exespt for surface water, till the pump
ing station is reedy and In use, This would
afford roller te the great volume of water
which gathers at that point,
On account of thla aewer net being built or
started, beusea In this vicinity are empty and
cannot be aeld. But we de net wonder, for
every heavy rain these people are overflowed
with refuse and water from a large portion
Uen of the 0th and 9 th wards.
The BeatherB Market.
Ens. Intelligence! I see In your re.
pert of the storm of Monday nlgbt a state
ment aa te tbe flooding of certain pepertlea
en Seuth Queen street near Vine. Is tbls en
the site proposed for the new Southern
market house, and is It usual ter heavy rains
te flood It se T If se, and the building must
be erected in that square, wby noteeleet
ground net subject te such rtoedlngs, or la
thla tbe only site that can be purchased in
that neighborhood T I think property-
holders would be glad te aell instead of
desiring te bold en te property like tbat
and there aheuld be no trouble te buy all
that la needed at very moderate figures
Indeed. V. K.
Bapertntendeat Jaessen Explalalag the Werk-
lagseltneKaalgraat station.
New 'xerk, Aug. 20. Superintendent
Jsckson,of Castle Cardan, wss tbe first witness
called te-day by ,Mr. Okey. In reply te a
number of QuesUeus as te the prices cnargea
for feed he submitted a regular schedule of
Driees. according te wblcb no extortion or any
great extent Is carried en. $2,500 a year waa
paid for the privilege of keeping the atand,
Including gas, etc Tbe money exchange In
the garden is compelled, according te con
tract, te give each emigrant b memorandum
of each transaction had wltb tbem. Tbe
only charges be knew en baggage was ten
esnta per package when left wltb the bag.
gagemaster for safe keeping.
Mr. Jackeen never beard of any complaint
against the money exchange. The bearding
beuse keepers pay $25 a year for tbe privi
lege of entering the garden. But lew com
plaints sre msde against tbem. During tbe
war between the reada the Pennsylvania
read carried pssaengeia te Chicago ter one
dollar. Tbe peel rate new is $13. Tbls agency
pays $4,000 a y ear. Emigrants can select any
of the reads In the poeltotrsvel ever. He
admitted tbst tbe evil or feeing persona in
tbe baggage department did exist Every
thing baa been done te uproot It, but se far It
bss net proved a success. Se far as Ward's
Islsad Is concerned tbe management of tbs
hospital thars under Dr. Themas Is all tbst
esa be desired.
Fret Ualrd'a Hoeeasser.
Wasuinqten, Aug. 26. Tbe president te.
day appointed Judge Alexander McCue,
solicitor of tbe treasury, as U. S. Commis
sioner of 11 th and fisheries, te suoeeed Prof
Baird. Judge MeCuewIll retain bis pesi
tien ss solicitor of tbe treasury, snd render
hi services gratuitously en tbs flab oemmis.
atan. aa Prof. Baird did for ystrs.
Jehn O. Bridges, of Nsw Yerk, was te-day
sppelnted U. 8. consul, st Broekvllls, Out,
te suoeeed J. T. Olds, or Virginia, deoeaaed.
Ths president bIbe sppelnted tedsy H. O.
Beistsl, (f Maine, te t United States oearul
Bt Parnsmburxs
Soppesed Freea TaUew Fever.
Nbw Yebk, Aug. 26 Alexander Gillespie,
a sailor, wbe wss sent ashore yesterday from
tbebark Rebert Mews, whleh arrived Wednes
day froea Guadeloupe, died tbls mernlag at
the Beemau'e hotel. It Is thought that Ull
lespls died of yellow lever. Tba beard of
health la UvestlgsUng tba matter and aa
autopsy will hebeid this aftaraoeB.
A libel Ball Cadsd.
Yebk, Ang. 28 -Tba Jury la tbs case
Jams A. Dale va, Jsaus M. P
efUeEarrleberg TMgr, Ubal,
rBBBlVtBWOB rLAiaritri.
Tba Jary Se Foaad la tha Cases Tried the Fas
Twsaty-raar Hears.
In tbe eult of M, O. Cunningham for the
nee of Geerge Q. and James Bnyder v
Alfred Dlller the Jury found In favor of plain
tin for $370. 51, the full amount of the claim
with Interest E. D. North, for plaintiff; A,
C. Relneabl, for defendant
The last case for the week attached In the
upper court room was the eult of Jeseph H.
Watt, of Htrasburg township, vs. Elizabeth
Watt Tbla waa s eult for divorce en tbe
ground of desertion. Tbe couple were married
ea July 2, 1881, and a year afterwards be
claimed thst sbe deserted him. She denied
tbat ahe deserted blm and claimed aba was
obliged te leave bis home for geed reasons
Before the conclusion of tbe plalntlfTa testi
mony the dslendant'a counsel amended tbe
pleadings at which the plalntlfTa oeunsel was
surprised and the case went ever at defen
dants oests. Tbe court made an order tbat
the alimony granted In the case would cease
from date. D. McMullen for plaintiff; A. C.
Hehvuhl for defendant
In tbe suit Jehn L Usrtman vs. tbe Read
ing A Columbia railroad and tbe Philadel
phia dc Reading railroad company, plaintiff
aullered a non suit
Tbe property In dispute was a small tract of
land and the railroad company ended the
suit by buying tbe land from Mr, Hartman.
In the suit of J.H. Hmltb,ssstgnee, vs. Mary
A. Binkley the jury thla morning rendered
a verdict In favor or plaintiff of (503 03. J.
Hay Brown and B. V. Davis for plaintiff W.
F. Beyer for defendant This is the tblid
time the case has been tried.
The last case for tbe lower court was at
tached this morning. It wss tbst of Tobias
H. Orelder vs. Hamuel Bruckbsrt. Tbls waa
a suit te cover en a promissory note for
$250 given by defendant te plaintiff. It was
signed by blm and endorsed C. W. Brock Breck
hart, Barbara Bruckbart and Jehn Blbbesand
payable at the Columbia National bank. Be
fore a Jury was selected the defense made a
motion te substitute tbe name of C. W.
Bruckbart aa tbe defendant Instead of Samuel
Bruckbart, but the motion was overruled.
After plaintiffs offered the note In evidence
be rested bis case,
The defense wss that tbe note was given
for tobacco purchased and tbst Orelder rep
resented tbat the tobacco was free from white
vein. When it waa taken from the cases It
was found te be unfit for the nseet defendant
In manufacturing cigars, and for tbat reason
he refused te pay tbe note, claiming tbat be
Buffered mere less through tbe misrepresen
tation tban the amount or the note. On trial.
Ellm H. Denllnger, of East Lampeter, wss
sppelnted guardian of tbe miner child of
Mary Wlsaler, In place el Jehn L. Denllnger,
ursa a miLhtew vatix.b r
fast Hani Winter And the
Dreuth Gansee el the Mettaltl-
Cuicaoe, Aug. 20. Tbe Tril
morning says : It Is assumed In mi
tera that a beef famine la net far awi
mates aa te the deatructlen et cat
Northwest last winter are tbat In
Idaho, Wyoming and Colerado th
850,000 head. During the aumme
count of the excessive dreuth It la
tbat the losses In the beef product
such aa Illinois, Iowa, Ohie, Misso
sas, New Mexico, Texas, Nebraai .
neseta and Dakota will swell tbi
1)600,000 head of beeves. Te add -tbe
cattle producers bave been
their surviving stock en the mark
unparalleled rate, and many rancbtr -become
discouraged and gene ou
business. A great uneasiness, sueb .
before ebaracterlzed the cattle bus .
manifest The produeer finds no p
the market is low en account or tbe
In Chicago alone ever 200,000 bead
have been thrust en the market In
thirty days. Only the commission n
bis hands full et business seemi
Notwithstanding tbe low prlees pa
ducera for beer the consumers get "
cheaper. The ranchmen hint at a
beef monopoly wbe get big differ,
tween tbe prices paid by the consul
te the produeer and are making for'
thla pante among cattlemen.
'u- I
..." I
bmw febk eueaiBirtutiiata.
What the Celd Water Man or tha Empire
BUM Are minting Far.
Syracuse, N. Y Aug. 28. The Preblbl.
Uen tat etate convention was called te order
by Chairman Baseem at 9:30 this morning.
The platform adopted describee the liquor
traffle ss a fee te the Individual citi
zen, a curae te .the home, a burden te
society and a crime against Ged and tbe state.
It opposes any license of liquor selling, de
claring II an acoeptanee in the name of tbe
state of a bribe from tbe state's worst enemy.
It demands the ballet for woman; tbat laws
relating te child labor and compulsory edu
cation be strictly enforced and tbeir provis previs
ions extended; tbat postal savings banks
snd telegraphs be established; tbst a
luat avstem of profit shsrlng between
emnlevers snd empleyes be encouraged;
thst the establishment of co-operative
. . .....iu h l.hnrini, man hn
promoted by wise legUlstlen ; that differ.
anoesrelstlngte rewards ei labor should be
aaitled bv arbitration ; that equal wages for
equal work be paid te men and women ; tbat
all men should pay taxes en wbst tbey own
snd net upon wbst tbey ewe snd tbst tba legal
interest In thla state should be reduced te 5
Contributions were called for tbls morning
for campaign purposes snd $3,010 05 wss
raised ss against $4,200 laat year. Ths con.
ventien adjourned until 2 JO p. m.
Bill found In a Bale of Cotten.
Housten, Tex., Aug. 20. A stevedore
named Leuis Fisber, employed at tbe Bayou
City compress, while cutting open n bale et
cotton yesterday previous te compressing
It, discovered a letter in tbe middle
of the bale, addressed te J. H. Lee
peld Ce., Baltimore, Md. The letter was
seeled snd oentalned $411 In curreney. Fisbsr
took tbs letter te Postmaster Burns, wbe
opened it snd found It was from J. H. Erne,
a farmer et Lee oeunty. Tbe letter waa sent
te Mr. Erne by malt Tbe supposition Is
- ..l. i-hm fsll frnm Brarfa
poekst Inte the bale during tbs original pack.
! ...... ....
lBgofthe oetton.
Morderod and Bobbed.
Terente, Ont, Aug. 20. Ths body et
William Prleatman, tbe Terente agent et tbe
Chicago Maaonie Insuraaes association, was
found lying ea the eldewalk en Dutferla
street early this mornleg with a bullet bole
above tbe left ear and bis peckts rifled of
everything valuable. Deceased, wbe waa
about 35 years of sge snd Issvee a widow snd
tares ebUdrsa, left home at 9 o'clock last
avsaleg. Tbe polies think be wss waylaid
and killed by loetpaos.
ROCHSSTBB, N. Y Aug. He-Prol Bwlft,
diraomref Iba Wsniarobssrvstery, received
giecbiervatery, sbbebbcibr tbedls tbedls tbedls
oevery of a .B.peettd oemst bt righussswawaB
fJ!ZL u .In At Berth 24 dSBS. TblS BtOTB-
rDgbs sent another telegram aaywgiMAlaB
dateeted slew easterly. It Is deserlbed m
asbslagvarybrlgbi, TBaoiseovsvy sbuw
M7BsteaB0tbar Waraar iMlrw
of 1100. ItMBOtvlsiBte te tbs asked eye.
UtH .sWMiUiBsa- naBsyasMBtelftU,
irBfl vevLmmmrmaBuamwrnm
Ms Attentat ta tsuse s,iss,m set
Nbw Brunswick-, If.
J., As M.-.-U
Messrs. Henry Ives sad
mtMWMB-Am - T-
"?-" aw- ;.ii "a
oemnsnled by AstUrase OreaswelL sfMrssl
ob tbs 730 train last Bight fresa Maw Tata
snd drove te tbe hoses of Mr. OBrMBes
Meyer, tba recently elected first visa Bfwas
dent el tha CledBBstl, Hamlltea at Dsfwal
read. Ths object et tbe visit was te la IBM
Mr. Meyer te lean ths firm of Ives,
A Ce. tbs sum of $3,000,000. A
book whleh Mr. Ives carried erajtslasal B
earslully prepared statement et tba osadr esadr osadr
tten of the firm and ahewad tbat tbey
had a surplus ol$7,000,eoo principally Is tba
shape of bends snd stock. It was Mr. Ives
Ides, bs explained te Mr. Meyer snd Mr. O,
K. Chase,of New Yerk, who was also pros eat,
te ssk the vlee president te sdvanes 60 per
cent of their value and thus savs them fresa
being slsughtered. He was sura tbst thla
amount would save tbe firm and enable thesa
te pull through snd make geed every dol
lar. Assignee Cromwell corroborated thssa
statements snd lsnt bis Influence. Over
an hour was consumed In explaining tha
situation, but the trio Ian at 10 o'clock with
out aacelvlng the desired enceuragsmsst
from Mr. Meyer. When Interviewed jd tba
depot ss they were sbaut te return Te tba
elty, Mr. Ives showed that he was annoyed,
but alter a little admitted tbat be was try lsg
te raise the money en securities mentioned.
Mr. Meyer denied tedsy thst bs bsd been
ousted from the directory of tbe Mineral
Rage read, but eald he bad declined a re
election en account of ill-health. He eeeured
the appointment et Mr. Q. K. Chase te repre
sent his Interest, which Is one-third el tba
original stock.
The Investigation Cleaad.
Nbw Yerk, Aug. 20. Bookkeeper Ogdaa
was the first witness called la the Ives refer
erence this morning. He has been wltb tba
concern for two years. He ssw ths different
books about s week before tbe ssaUnmeat
They were In the vsult Tbey were always
kept In tbe vault or In a small enclosure ad
joining the vsult, and only a few et tbs am
pleyea sre permitted te enter either place.
He does net knew where the books are bow.
He first learned that tbe books were mtssug
when ths expert came. Ogden mads a search
for them tben.
Theodora M. Nevlns, cashier In tba first
slnee 1880, ssw tbe missing books about a
month age, but does net knew where they sre
I new or wbe took tbem sway, a number of
I ether witnesses wbe wars empleyes of.
"'-TT s c- "5r rx'.rr.'tcif nil scrp or
l- tU"e'w! I'lappitra Vt pt
, talriL D.j JTbi3 imeluded thl tctt.
!n nnrt the wluwt-uei rsaru nntttied, te ap
."asr im Tet te K"t wU'iir tontltneuy,
., I -
. - - At A 1 1 tir l-;il0.
.k"K i. -uancn i 3X,Haife
...j pi m 't . lutfce. fp tit the TBp'sine
e i i. i nsrgO'i with asirvaict! 50-
, -it. V .v.w.aj- while urunk h riunrnYG
v ., h , -l. u:.i.i ee BtlHcirwj wltbalcurd
-A. au .feu i't ll Ih. irtu, jjdn
. . j '. ..nt in tfi iwsk: el ilin neek OiattJe
t -tf-'bi'r Idft w. AsMt. UrJe't fell
-tcteth(r flour. c'flV tnuiher, fc:;u
.,; t neUe, ti. in. VkK'- xtaitt Jila
j 'ii t wmtib-rd linr tn the tell u:in, lril!!ct.
"jr jt-virstt., aad tlicn v.i into eili "C
i. m-ap'r-d by tlanry Tneiup,x itt&
rt-i: tlcU T,vii,''i. fitfui-;
.i. .i t'OaSjulatir na ,rtn- . i"."IJIif lui
-!" a w.-lse. Ot' . .i srdluni.) mt
-i. t hl-t-. .nyirtB, hu .-,-it u.'det - ke"),
.luei Oc1Yjiyhr- ''ii 'J tli eh Wit
Hiid f.j r abort . uj "W feuiiii
,p' int.ut .CIU1 -.tfH- tOOSiil'lC Of 1J
i u'i-r veyaicimi. xiimk" '-icm-y -Tt
.j sauttvtafwteme'str)' ,.. '
u. .riyi . Ai. i lss.1 "JtW! 1. .
, w --IS'.r -uu ljt r -' "-'J M. " "
v . I '"" D
uauguiur et neury uaynee, ui .iwi
were drowned yesterday in Lake Mlnna.
tenks. Lulu Hsynes snd two children of
Pret Wldney were playing en a raft, wham
the frail atrueture went te pleees and precipi
tated tha children Inte the water. Prof. Wld
ney witnessed the mishap and started te
awim out, but became entangled 1b tba
weeds snd was drowned. Tha Wldney chil
dren were reseued. The bediaa of Prof. Wld
ney snd Lulu Hsynes were takes from tba
water and efforts mads te resuscitate tbem,
without avail.
A Yeaag M aa's Tmefts.
Chicago, Aug. 20,-Henry Walters, aged
about 25, wbe baa ler soma Urns beea work
ing In Stark's barber shop bare, baa diss.
peered, leaving a train of mourning ctsa
ters. Hs wss a stylish dresser and glib
talker, and managed te make quite as las-nmaatnn-en
ssvsrsl customers. LawtTeaw-
I dsy bs went te ssvsrsl of bis frieadsaad
I hafnre ntffht nsa BOOUmuuusn
I Jewelry, cash, clothing, eta, sggregsjIsurlB
I value about fwu.
Tbla lneludee $400 worth
nf a-ama borrowed, "te PUt OB St vie at B Wad
ding," as he said, two geld watebes, a salt of
intha and aavaralrinss. HSWSS ISftahNM
In tha shop Tuesday and Improved tba ay ,g
pertunity Dy maauig uu su mjiBt?rai
prubl w
New Yebk, Aug. JMTbaatjar ardM?. J
T.w.Hh.mhY Jndea Petter dOBS BsSSaBB'-i-i.r..:
atBaatnfal Mind bTbUH-UE. KSa .
.... w- r , - ----- - .': mm&F M
te nsve tne isasa oeuowu w s j-igw
slept no better than usual last Bight bb4 ,'
. r m I . n ! mtmm wamtm tyf
trains irem nmiwi n w , sarj-. s
Bourke Ceckrsa, one et mr. eirssajsassss,'.
called at Luaiew etreet jbii te y. wa-aBByvvj;
curs in tbs opinion tbat btscUsaU'a tBmmt wV'l'j,
falling. Mr. ceckran rsswssa ss bmsbbb wmxs-r
quesUen et bsilfer Bharp, - J M
mmtm Banr ae Cssrl SswaSBB. "if
ALBASV, N. Y., Aug. a$.-Taw sp$)lwawaw M
m niatriBt Atternas MsrtlBS.ef NswTaBB vd' .1
. m m-Amw iiissm ilesi ea anM anBBSSBl SBBBt
.u. mM wmw .,! -
of the supreme eeartlnNew Yerk, wala.
dsy granted by Qoveraer HlU.wba m
u..h daw Af Mantamkar sa tba dskaVT M at
I supposed tbte pjOJeaMesi
I Burneas of Insuring a pi
annneaadthls BPPliflSttOB WSS BBKSS Mt BBjk-:
Durnesa of lasunag
decisleBlB tbe Sharp
e., an, as. A eeBBlet M I
hd tha aeversmeat sad Tarsi
oetmeUgrowlagoat of "J'
ennnuisa tba letter's reeeUttsa te
delagates from ail the muaMpal
FraaostepsraWpsta la a grsad
" . ... . . ..- - -".
Tba MBBMIBSllay BBS mumrn, mm, -"ebtj r
tstleBS and tba Boveramsat UrssMae ,;
eibiyprsvaat tba aaagtaBi at m tmmmmm
parBWUUeUtBteatwMBteeaBjvsBaaV --
m ii t5?
who baa bs
Aag. a-vtsaewt
. 'V-. r
ImIiwii kf teaal mam,
BBdswBSlw) BBBBVaf. MlaBBft
f. ivXiZ
1 v
miU .yhky1-- .
WW'AS j.' V v .-, ..i,l
. W itiAt-