ww&&f!$wgyi . J ,5 pi . j.' it)1 THE LAXOASTElt DAILY INTELLIGfiNCEK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1867. J-S & ,& m m & n.. lf s If. Kit- tf 1 - I rXil" ?J V l tr t 4" i m . IB.' n W i& 'W- i,& f I COMSPUUTORS. JY- M 90 CMMlitt IMrtJNIVMMMi r. ' -. '" ,. ''&& et Imutencn, tut, Aag. at Oa hat Saturday a mm at ir. a. Kaewies, m AIM fiwaBlla tern, aad fees aleea verkiac a saw mom ea ua arug- atknra. bs bum tapnaaatad hlsjeeif t of a ciaetaaeu trass company, fMkflaglatatradaeatM tmML Tae weaBjwaaaaieias amAMklMBB kla traa Before eel- MMrar. ka wool say he weaM work awaaad cram a dMuad. The next a smb. weald aatariaa awca te puraiw 8a weald prema te ea a raureea mm Ma fynewa. xai eu. wn eat Tet and ua man nttee. Tfee Best day the man would tats that It was the beat trues be Miavtrwera. On this recommendation a MMfcata waa Immediately maue ana tne Mnlat weald pay by giving nU paper (or a CatftaJa period. la tbM way W. F. Maallck was induced Wtm parekaee two dozen and Dr. C. F. Markle A npy MIVMC a IIW measii jgtVJtjsjeaaisiii a Causae mtftt Uaeroeenanaaeaii atx-.ta aezsn. ira m -'K'lelt town ler Lancaster yesterday, and en iexaeplalnterMeemMaullckand Markle, a S 'warrant waa Issued far tbelr arreeL Fer ,& swat purpose Offleer YVlttlclr. drove te Lan- "::autn this morning about 4 o'clock. The P: aaaaa aebema baa been worked very sue Sw mmm111n nnmharitf tnvniln tlite atatA Oeastable Wittlck succeeded In arresting tbe two men In Lancaster. One gave tbe name of J. F. Brace and the ether F. A. Nell They were locked up at the station beuse, aad deny any intention te defraud. Meeting of CeaacIL Council bad an adjourned meeting last evening, when all the members were present excepting Messrs. Caswell and Cremer. The proper line e( Blnnsten street was tbe cause Ot considerable discussion. Frem tbe slate aaents made by Mr. Samuel Wright and ether gentlemen present It waa supposed last in 1872, when Dr. E. W. Qeerkewas regulator, he laid out tbe line of Blnnsten tract and encountered a fence in tbe centre of tbe street. Tbla street was then a Held aad the fence divided properties of dif ferent owners. In running tbe line the regulator made an offset et 24-10 ieet, and pleeed a line et stakes parallel te the centre .Uaeettne street Anoteel this waa made " n the b.fci! et iiirrejuUter In Im r 3S1, Gp-'rL.-'wr.js te bt.it find r-timie. i StAl 1ifTC, -I ul-iR wt'ch tlrce the ..i x books' were resu i QT. m vt, ik tfjlii l rrpj- ty In this -'..ui ? he he t iucwlidgtoei UioeUaot, and loelctbo i'iie t-dtctft ? JEW'S stippdilna; tbu. tt t enrin, I uti" l!n Jj ' .0 line of Up Up preti.1e nvt.--w -j'j iwl b-iili'iixjn ut K ba of clel. Dr. Gm-V i tie prt"c' -egti 'or, aed Ia Kteu tlia lire 3 i .1 ii roc t file tr.-nn riM Mf Vrigb. ba ilf k. re .r'n "mai thl U ir.scitbd jjiatwa : tli ri)(r line : BlnestTO Mi", Ttie intttr v nl te luirX upon th ucx tiiee ijg of oeanell. i .ittftiljeljr, enltjli,r of tATiw Ji 1SB7 pn 51111 fcht fce d. fia-ln rtpr i r'-, MlbVcunRnnl WiiiUai s-t .tfi turetihi, Te jirevl ul the ,s . "Jf i" lb l- i bi.-t uct t g . U. (.!i...i utl en. 1 et exjutriiw tbe -i. .fc Ol .ej.' fc.l' if Ji a jtvi t 'b-'lv Mstr Wilt I'e. HJl', oJf.re. i uifteNS t .-c ' i,uiKreliii i tniil, www w i n it r t jmr ' il of iwa fafi )li?i,s(' t-it ti 3n in Dr C I 'Ui ? nsndUwa. iauuSH ,, i-j . iPdes fliiger it ibe ;ltt ii. TJ.-r'l tltiwljaad ra tmu'r ia, 'Ufa ) 1 ' S - pr)yr t(autien. I i ,w i-- brie ti33 flrtt i. " t tn .ajr j i, vxwbaa.jburnnti v?ji j- i n iha t- I 1V u1i.t u . a v u iM VI Ubii64 VfUiikliieU Mct(0 0UJJIOeU jn handling a Urge red bet iron bar. Oue.ef tbe workmen's band-bola gave way and the het lrenlell upon Bnebrle's right thigh. Tbe eletblng and rleah were burned in a very ugly asanner. Tbe weight of the iron aise sprained bis ankle severely. A Weman's Marrow Etcspe. -Tbe shed in tbe rear of the residence el William Gable was struck by lightning yes terdsy evening, and a number et the beards were split as If with a large knife. Mrs. Qable was in the shed at tbe time, and a num ber of children at the deer. Tbe children were net affects l much by the shock, but Mrs. Gable waa In an unconscious condition for some time. She states that a large ball of Are, almost tbe eize of base ball, fell en tbe window sill, and bursting, scattered la all directions. Tbe lady tbla morning complains of a numb ieeling ail ever her body. About eighty people accompanied tbe doc tors te Mount Gretna this morning Ii. W. Mty'a Bible clans went te Yerk Far ace this morning te enjoy the day rUbing. Tbe class was accompanied by about fltiy people. Tee injuries Mr. F. W. Heckle received in tbe wreck near Meuntvllle yesterday, confine kirn te his borne. Twe Shew Items. Jehn a Wilis, of Adams A. Wills, the aketch team, who were at the Orand opera beuse for two weeks this summer, complains of tbe company that is new giving exhibi tions in this county under tbe name of tbe " Alarm Burlesque cempiny." He Riya that it is calculated te injure May Adams by misleading the public. Tbe Lancaster com pany uauj tbe asms pipsr te bill Utraaburg that Mr. Wills bad In thla city. A law-suit Buy result. It seems that Mr. Wills and Miss Adams have formed a partnership with Dave Fester, of Fester i Hughes, and Miss Fannie lie wis. The quartette is known as Tbe Four Cards," aed they are new at tbe Cen tral, Philadelphia, with Andy Hughes com pany. They are four atreng people and aaeuld de well. Manager Halbach has arranged for a big aatraoUen te re-open the Grand opera house SB September Oh. It will be Sheridan's SSH!'. BP9cllty company, new at Williams Academy, Pittsburg. Knights el lbs Mime Chain. meeting of these Interested in the forma ferma forma tieaof a new castle et the Knlgbta of the Mystic Chain, was held en Wednesdsy even lag, with Hiram McKlrey presiding There wars twenty-flve charter members present, sad la addition fifteen application for mem. earahlp were filed. It was decided te call the new orgsnlstien Stevens Cas'.le. The num. Bar will be given te it when It is Instituted. Tbe following officers were elected : O, a a and Hep. IT. McKlrey ; 8. K. P. C. Lewis Strauss ; 8. K. C, Jeseph D. Pyott ; H. K. V. V, A.J, Htrauss : 8. K. 1st T. Henry E. Beiler ; Ree, sorlee, W. Reck ; Trees., u. I Bimen, ua 0f a, Andrew Bwlsher j AsslaUntO. of a, Ohas. Reldel; Chaplain, J. L. Hern ( trustee, A. J. Strauss, I O. Palmer, Samuel Fex. The council will he laatttulad en the evening of Septem ber 7. Salt Fer Uaaeagsr. Kegene O. Smith, attorney for Catharine sad Agnes Kelly, ha entered a suit in the eeert of comtaea pleas against the City of Xaaeaster for daaaagea. The allegation is that the elty aatherltles have allowed dirt asdrubblahte be hauled te the dump oe tteaU Duke street until their land has bees 4raereecbed upea aad In oeassqueaoa they kava suffered daaaagea, Qf awstewfl laaal MsSAagsTal 'ly MsBM. WUatar, of Ua Miaaral Spring $& la Oeisrala tewaaalp, baa ehuraed s frfMdsjsteds of YmmmMgHVem9awiitttmumm of . WMfaaaasef 7 naartaef ssHk, aad utaka Is aaa. The is aaat i si m vmm af MaUr. "'TJ mspiarUthte. Tbe street commissioner has had a force of mea at work for some time en North Queen street between Lemen and James cutting down the street bed. The eastern aide of the street Is In each a condition that it cannot be driven ever, and at either and of the square large pieces of timber bava been placed with one end of each stick en a barrel in the street and the ether en the pavement Ne llihte are displayed at either of these placet, and en Taesday eight daring the sterm.when the electric lights were out, a gen Ueraan made a narrow escape from being hurt by driving into the leg near Lemen street When the street car company laid their track at this point they were very care ful, having a watchman and displaying lights, and there is no reason why tbe street com mlsslener abenld lay tbe city open te an action for damage Baltimore Jee Escapes. Baltimore Jee was sentenced en Wednes day te (K) days' imprisonment at tbe work house at hard labor, and was delivered te that Institution in time for dinner en Wed nesday. Jee Is opposed te work, and a stay of three months there bretklng stones was mere that be could endure. Ue kept bis own counsel, and this morning when an op portunity presented lisjlt Jee skipped out Ills njape was made by digging under tbe dilapidated walL Tbe watebman paid by tbe county te guard this building waa evidently net en duty when Jee escaped. Werd wii ent te the station beuse te be en tbe lookout ter Jee, as be was seen coming towards tbe city. This Is the second time that Jee s:aped from this building. Tbe first time he went out he gave tbe city a wide berth ier a year. ItMMlinss Vlr'en shooters. Frem the Heading Hernia. The plgeeu shooters of Reading are Just new at daggers' points ever tbe question of superiority. Franx Ultner, one of the cracx wing shots or tbe city, ssld yesxeraay insi there are a number of shooters who deligbt In adversely criticizing tbe work of Jacob Hill, as a trap shooter, and who, be says is dmlttml te be Reading's champion. lie says O. II. lilnnershllz and II O Scbrader are among these who are particularly severe In their criticism et Hill. Ulmer new propesee te take Hill with blm and challenge betb Hlnnershltz and Shrader te sheet a match for (100 a side, Hurlingbsm mien, te decide which is the best team. Ulmer and Hill aay tiey mean business. Taktn te the Eastern Penitentiary. Tbls morning Alex. Lelbsley, who was sen tenced te eleven years In the K astern peni tentiary for the murder of Geerge W. 1'entx, was taken te Philadelphia by Sheriff Tom Tem Tom linsen, who was accompanied by Prison In specter Isaac Baer. Before going te tbe ire - ib . riaener was taken te Fewler'a gal. ! t, i bis photograph waa taken. Tbe -i nsr s be prisoner and bis mother was . - ing. Disorderly nejrs. , very night at the corner of l'red- " 4 ihlppeu streets a gang of dlser- , Vw-y-, assemble, and annoy the neigh-'v-r. l i y their prelans language. Fre iufi 'ly tey engsge In quarrels, In which 'i. -' - gang take part, making night e at' .. Tbe policemen of the ward have bfbti n t ed te abate tbe nuisance, and if l.ny t de se suit will be brought against me . rowdies. tttrlrkn with Paralysis. .utr, who for many years baa been .ridge 41, F. and A. Y. M., was Itb paralysis yesterday at bis home, )uke street, and though he retains ess and recesnlxea trtanda bla e bally aQected that what he aay inderstoed. Mr. Lntz has been 111 three weeks and being 74 years et .red that be cannot recover. -j"n ' fet tw - Ms anlversary at Womeladetf. v venty persons left Lancaster this v n e attend the anniversary of the lenie at Womelsdorf. They went ding railroad as far aa Manbelm " e via tbe Mount Hepe read te V special excursion from Ephrats, sderf, went by the way of Sink ing springs. Ileanmed the Sala ul Mileage Beeks. Tbe Pennsylvania railroad company has resumed tbe sale et mileage books geed ier 1 000 miles travel en tbelr main line from Philadelphia West and en leased lines West and Seuth except the Cumberland Valley. These mileage books are sold at (JO, wblch is equal te two cents per mile. On" te Mew Orleans. Andrew Troyer, of New Orleans, who hss been in this city for some time past, en busi ness connected with tbe recent death of his lather, lelt for his home Wednesdsy evening. Picnicking at fenryn. Te day the Sunday school of SL Jeseph's church Is holding a picnic at Penryn park. About 20 persons left thla city en tbe morn ing train ler tbe park. A Mew Kutarprlae, Tbe City Sanitary OJerless Excavating company, of Baltimore, will locate an etllce In tbla city. Messrs. Wataen and Spring, representing tbe company, are in tbe city to day perfecting arrangements. Ue-nulen el lloctera. Th Iuter-Stste Union Medical association, composed of pbyslclana belonging te Lancas ter snd adjoining counties, are having their annual re-union at Mount Uretna te-day. Several members of tbe Lancaster Medical association are in attendance. lUceued lb tllack Veil. Sister Mary Cllmaca (Katie Themas), of Columbia, was one of these who were in vested with tbe black veil at tbe ceremonies at the convent et the Franciscan Sisters at Olen Kiddle, Delaware caunty, en Wednes day. Iraln Lata, Of late, It seems there Is some trsln late every day en oneef tbe reads passing through tbts city. Te day tbe engine of Sea Shere Express, which is due here at 12:S, gave out at Middletown. A freight engine waa pro cured and brought the train te this city where a passenger engine was secured. I'rel. Ed. llair Picnic. Prof. Kd. Hall, tbe popular teacher of dancing, held his annual picnic at Tells Ualn te-day and the crowd in attendance is large. Dancing will be kept up this even ing. The llclelne gal. The amount realized by tbe aale en Wed nesday of tbe personal property of Wm. B. Helelne, grocer, was ffiST.Gt, It waa net enough te pay the amount or executions Is sued sgalnst blm. Dime el a ralr. The fair for the beneOtef tbe Silver Sprlnga band closed attbatpiaee last evening, alter having been open for a week and a half About 1400 was cleared and It will be ex pended ier new instruments. Which will Win th rUr Tnree banda will contend for the prUe te be given at the county fair en Wednesday next, August 31. They are the May town, Rothsville and Paradise bands. They are all geed ones. May the best win I Tbe Chantanquanj. The Chautauqua Literary and Sclentine circle will held a preliminary meeting te dis ease outline of study and reading for the coming season en Friday evening at 730 o'clock in Y. M. C. A. balk Salisbury's Mlsferlaae. from the Providence Journal. It is the Marquis of Salisbury's misfortune that, Irish patriotism cannot be looked up along with Irish patriots. Jk Bsaaltoce Kseurslee). Ab excursion from Yerk and Wrights Wrights Wrights TUUtotkBs4erarjaasthroagh Lsoeas. tarea the 8;ie train thla mtmtam. There NEXT WEEK'S COUNTY FAIR. rmm buuvhds at m'uBAKn't pabh nil) rvtiitre mmAUtnm. Mas; Workmen Ttiere Osttlng Things Inte 8bap-t.Tlng INT lbs apace purchased Br the Vendsrs el Goods ArrHalel Herse end Shewratn. About the busiest plsce In this city at the present time Is.McGrann'a park, where the most extensive preparations are being made ler the great fair, which will open en next Monday. K very thing Is bustle and contusion at present, and the grounds are alive with workmen of all kinds actively engaged. In the main building merchant and ethers are busy arranging their stands ter their exhibits and large quantities of goods are being taken te tbe paik. City Regulator Hla maker is marking out tbe spsets that have been sold te hucksters, showmen and ethers and many et the pur chasers are at work. The large tent for the display el llewers, fruits, A., Is being erected en tbe tennis grounds. Many Im provements have been made at the patk since last season and there will mue'i mere room for exhibitors. The display et livestock will be very doe, and for the accommodation of tbe animals almost two hundred additional stalls will be put up by the opening day. Just north eltbe large exhibition building a bis frame structure bss been erected and will be used as a restaurant where meals will te lurnlsbed. On the north end of It Is a re freshment stand. A large force of workmen, under tbe direction of W. K. Beard, are moving tbe frame building formerly used as a car stable, which steed In tbe south eastern corner of tbe park. It will be placed In the exhibition grounds just south et tbe grand sund. Part of It will be used as a refresh ment stand and tbe remainder for exhibition purposes. Tbe buildings, fences, Ai, ou tbe grounds that are net painted have been newly wblte-wasbed and present a very bright ap pea ranee. Filteen or twenty horses, which will take part In tbe races of next week, bate arrived en the grounds and this morning at an early hour many of tbem were out upon the track abewing their speed. Tbe entries ler tbe races wlllclris te-night at 11 o'clock. Tbe tirst show man te arrive was Slgner Blitz, who came directly from Atlantic City, where be baa been spending the summer. He will erect a large tent te display bis museum, wblch Includes a three headed woman, and will hire a brass band in this city. Other showmen will be coming In between this and Monday. Tbe Indications point te tbe biggest lair eer held In this county It tbe weather Is geed. MBMAMKABLM VOMfAMIBOMI. Streng Point or Beeembiaece In th Career el Grattan and Parnall. New Yerk, Aug. 25 A special cable dispatch te the New Yerk JterulJ from Dublin says : Mr. E Dwyer Oray. member of Parlia ment and editor of tbe Freeman's Journal, contributes editorially Ibis remarkable com parison of tbe lives et Grattan and Parnell : " Following are striking coincidence of date and fact : Grattan was born In 174ij ; Parnell exactly a century later : Grattan entered tbe Irish Parliament In 1775 ; Par nell took his Beat In the Heuse of Commens in 1ST.". 11 In 1779 wa4 established that body led by Urattan which enabled htm te achieve legis lattve Independence, while In 1S70 was founded that oraanlzttlen of whicb Parnell Is leader, and wblch bids fair te enable him also te regain legislative independence. The Ireeoem ei uuetin was presented te Urattan, , and exactly a esntary latar the Mm cempli ment waa conferred en Parnell. Beth were Protestants. Grattan attached himself te Fex, who visited Ireland In 177S ; Parnell te Gladstone, who visited Ireland In IsTS. " A golden tribute from a grateful people was presented te both. Grattan bought an estate in Queens county, the stroegbold of me I'arneus, Dutcneee ni neme in county Wlcklew, whither Charlea Stewart Parnell s grandfather had migrated and also fixed h a residence Grattan at Tmnehlncb, Parnell at Avendale. In I7s0 Grattan's declaration of Irish rights was fiercely attacked by tbe government, snd se also was Parnell's pro pre gramme in ISn) by means of state prosecu tion. " Beth were Intended for the bar In youth, but ntltber nad a taste for the profession. A base effort was made te Implicate Grattan In tbe treasonable plots el his time, and tailed ; tbe same remark applies te Parnell " The verbatim report In tbe J-yeeman's Journal of tbe monster meeting fill twelve closely printed columns, and the presses were still going te-day te supply tbe extra demand from all parts of Irelaud and etber parts of the United Kingdom. Setnmsr LeUnre. I. K. Wltmer, who has been In Kansas for the past two months, returned last evening. He will teach at New Helland again tbe emlng fall and winter, opening en Monday, September S. Mlsa Minnie Baker, of Philadelphia, U vis iting frlenda in Lancaster. Mlas Addle Small, who has been spending tbe past three weeks with Miss Gertie Metz. ger, returned te ber borne In Yerk te-day. City Solicitor Carpenter, accompanied by bis alaterr, Saleme and Nan, left Lancaster te-day en the Niagara Express for Luray and the Natural Bridge, Va. Mrs. Edward McLaughlin, of Bosten, la visiting at ber parental home in this city. Cheap Excursion te Lancaster Fair en Thursday, Hnptember 1st Hound trip tickets sold from all stations at half tare. Geed going en regular and special trains. A special train will leave Lancaster (Upper Dtpet) at 7 p.m. for Heading and Intermediate stations Par ticulars see circulars at all stations U.tC.11. K. aug2,37,tt.30.31Altw Autnmn Excorslea te Niagara rails, Buffalo, Terente, Wat klni Glen, en Tuei'ay, September C. Iteund trip tfketa, geed lernr teen days, only 110 00. Trains Iea e q larry v llle atS2fa. m ; Lancaster, 7Ju; Columbia, 7 30 LandUvllle, 1M ; Uanhelm, tt 17 ; LlUti, Dij; kphrata. 8.U Fer particulars see circulars, or address Uayes Dlcklnson.Ne 613 Church street, Heading. aag,23 i7Septl.3.iltw MKN Willi OAN OO IT. Thirty-Oeu Nnbttantlal ClUitea Who Manage the County Fair. These aretbe gentlemen te whose enterprise and energy Lancaster It Indebted for the great County hair wblch Is te be held at AtcUrann's Parknext week : U.J McGraan, president ; W. II Brcnlua, at. L. Grelder, vice presidents; Jehn IS Kendlir, treasurer i Jacob B. Leng, lecreuuj; M. W. Weaver, Kast r.atl : Jehn T. MacUenia-ie. City; Jehn Ulngrlcb, Kast Heuipflelai J. C. i-lnvllle Salisbury ; J. S. Mann, Maner ; Isaac G. Pfautz, Warwick! Jehn U. Baumgard nur, city t S. M. beldemrldge, West Karl t M. HJ Wulcller, Upper Leacock : JC. If. Kauffinan. Man. helm; W.U.flensel, city: Simen B, Cameren. Kast Denegal ; H. t. Montgomery, city : J. Bav Brown, city. Their names are a guarantee of geed order, geed exhibits, liberal premlams and pepmar natures. Farmers' Annual Cheap Kicurslen Te Grangers picnic, at Williams' Greve, en Wednesday, August St. Bound trln ticket anna ter three days. Train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 6.35 a. m.t Petersburg, 6 33 ; fare, 11.73. Special train leaves Kphrata at r 31 a. m. i Lltlu 6M: rare, 1175. Leave Manbelm at 7 07 a. m.! fare, II.7J. Leave Mk Hepe at 7 1 a. m. : rare. ll.W. Special train, returning same day. leaves Williams Greve at6n. in. i leaves Harrlibnr at tp. m. Tickets geed te step ever at Uarrisburg andiebanea. ae2XJ9.t7.S0Aitw Jt4Matjm. Fsdlaeeipau Prodeee stars. i ijsjtra i Patenu. Si J4 7 Bya Sear arm. sa 70Wii 0"Aan M-i tept,, sfct-oet; Mjt?. ew lava sea. ru7sJTlV- ivpXSSL T'La.,1 common te lair ehln. as iKiH Hej r- SiXSTn'Su'lnal fSe" wliWW.'lSW Sh T.000 -aaiwuswu svmi Oet.tOtei 5hHi m e,we ai Jpi i Ml, MMu' we w aeBtnaii ASSBiahll eat aa i wuts.aut. rai , e, Jta S Mls. Ban! nwi laMigt; .bba. 1 .A. - aaiwipi .wsfc Atye naeaangea. Barley nemlnaL iy non SB uu i eia.sseas, su egsis . pt.aTiet,sTi Ber.aias, 4U.MHe ter W heuisg stiekT VarpenUna firm at He, aweina dull i strained toBeneLtl AMI JO. rnrann ami i swnnea. in oaess-eMO freights dnll I grain te Uttsgew, lJif Butter quiet t Western rjreamery. lya. Cheese quiet t Ohie racerv. 9i0kei State Factory. s4a)liAe rancy White, leajHci Col ored, sHe. aggs steady i state, l?e , Western, lia):X Sugar steady i Moaned uutleai, Se I Uranulated, ee. Tallew dull t prime city. rKc. Blea nominal i Carolina, fair te geed, SOSM0. UHtee nrnu nUroanrees. iXc m eaisage Pred sea atarasa. Csioise, hog. B. 10-91) a. m. Market npened. WBeai Vpt. H,He-1 Oct. TO.Se! Net ,7JV. nern Aug , 4i: eept, no i oeu. 1H I nev Jats-Sept, tKe ; Oct, Sc Perk-Jan ,li. Lard-sept, 4jWAvt,ei M "nr.aitte. hert Hlb-Spt,V Hi I Oct, I? Wf rLestsa. Wheat Aug, RHci Bept, Rei Oct., 7(Kc. Cern -Au, tic i Sept, tixu. t Oct, Je SerH ilc. eats Aug. JiXei Bcpt, uct Oct, akc: .Nev , axe Perk Year, lit .'0 ; Jan , 113 Su. uLard-aaS,as tot eept, m t Oct, HHl Ner , si; 45 sUbs-Aug , kmxi 8pt,,t;mi Oct, t; x arsia aad Piuiauena, rnmlshed by 8. K. Tundt, Ureker. Catcaoe, Aug il o'clock p. m. zz - r .. . ..-.a v .- i...- frneavb txiru. uiu. rers. iatu. Auaust... 4&L Vpuuiiber. W October ..Tt'i Mereuiber.. liwemtar ..T3S llay TVS 41 v (1 40 47 b 45 'a -.. 4 t neceipu Car Lets. winter Wheat ;i spring Wheat H Cern Wl Oats 11 Uyw Barley OU City. CrnCe OU 61 Mead geceipte-uew ;is,me Closing Prlees o'clock p. m. what, com. Oats Perk. Lard. August tv-, 41 siw .... e 4u -eptuitier h'ut 4IS ?4t, .... B 40 Ocuibvr 7l 41 n .... e 47 November il it 2 .... 6 4) Vceinlwr ;:' 4: May T.i UH t OU City. Crude Oil ei. Uv Bute Stmraet Caicaae, Aug. St Tbn Drever t' Journal re re neru : Csttle liecutpts, U.nu headi shipments, 3,uv. market irregular! shipping suwrs, veu te !, S.. 13 IMOI 2U; stockers and fevdnrs. 11 (0 03 JO I cows, balls and mixed. (1 7303 iu : Texas cattle at II !03 30 , Western rangers, sj I tjl 7J. Uegs Keceipt. Iluuu hradi nipmnu, tiej Bead ; market slew , reunh ami mixed, S4 Ta 4 93: packing and shipping. Si iA03 40 1 light, 117.0'U.sklps.aj se)4 70. heep Ucelpu. t"H head : shipments. 30 e.niarktattady ; native mutton DiedMtt: Western. S3 10JSJ; Texant, tlfSQi ee: lamb. Kasv Ltsssrr. Cattle- Kecelpta, tM hmd : ttilpmenta. Ml i market actlvu ; prime. S4 iff I ! : Ulr te k ed. St S04 441 ; common, f J U'Oi , cattle shlpptHlte Hw lark lucara. Un;s tUHwtpu. lw) head; anlpmnnts lrttl head : market active : Phllaiiulphtas, v r4OA ui; Yeraers. asjiiQliS; grousers and light, 14 uf 3 J)i heirs shipped te New Yerx.6 curs. sheep ttecetpta, 4Q huid i snipinenu, 110: market firm; prime. II iPOt 4U; lair te geed, U 730 ' M t common, (1 30f3 ; IjiujIi., KQ4. ww vera stecaa. Nsw Yeu, Aug. S3, 1.30 p. m. Meney closed at ;QS per cent. Xxchange steady, II 82 tB4sJ; Governments rlrm. Currency 6's, U 1 bid i s coup, II bid t Ws de, (1 14 bid. The stock market this morning opened fe verish and excited, and en selling et stocks for long account price 'declined i te t pr cent. In tbe nrst hour. Subsequently the list waa given mere support, and a recovery te the opening flgnres ensued by 12 o'clock. The bears began a raid en Beading arter midday, which resulted In again unsettling thn whole list. The market at the.preient 'vrltlng Is feverish. Steea sjaraeta. Quotations by Heed, McGrann A Ce, bankers i, mcasier, t a. sw Teas LIST. Canada Pacific Ui.s. . MS l ii" Its. sr . St cecal.. Colerado Ceal Central Pae Canada Southern CBLBt. L. P(b , Den. a ltle.0... Uel.UB W , ne Brie, teds Jer. C.... ............ ...... IX- ) T.... .......... ........ Len. a N... L. Shere.................... Mlch.Cen , MUsenii Pacific Heck Valley " eeee4 N. p. Prer ei- sr et ,,.....-.........,.., I. X. C. ...a-. ...... .....,,. New Bngland Bast Tennessee C Omaha. .., Oregon Transportation..., Ontario AW Pacific Mall Richmond Te:mlnal St. Paul Tex. Pac Union Pac Wabash Cem , Wabash Prof Western U , West Shere Bends , raLADSLrma list. Lett. Vsl R.N. Y.aPMla aV. eseeeeeeeeeeeaateee uaing LsQlL. NssTeeeeeeeeeesee UMteny. PsVM. -weeaeeseeeeeeseeeee N.cent Peeples Pass Kdg.Gen'U "- ...............,...... Palis, Traction ii" a" ri -BK l-'-H H 1H 7iii 7l"j iiii H ih 6ivJ eiG 6i s ?rJ y v? $ jg. S S smJ V3ii ii iJ 1UK 1M luS len.J ie ji-j" "K 43 !j; 11 U Ji luI 4M! Mi tj MX S4 2J lfi li 15 A : H ifc- ij s v, sis aiH 'b 1 asG MX UK 141? 17 ITU 17 SO 2 -! Tl B7H MS UU W, 21 18-18 27X 6I 61 POLITICAL TJOR CONOHESa B. FRaVNK B8HLBM4N. ST Subject te Bepnbllcan Bules. aug21-tidAw NKW ADVER TIUHME.STH OAKINU POWDKK. " ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powner never varies. A marvel el purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, hert weight, alum or phosphate powders. Held only in cam. Beval Baaiae Powess Ce.. " ne'iummtnisw AUta, ITIiyueSW T3KHKUCA 8. HOLB ROOK'S 80HOOL m., ivn uuii.iiKiN will reopen en MON UAr.SKPTBMIILKS.lS!l7,at ang.1td MiKAeTOKANOBSTBELr. StOKM, TORNADO DR OYOLONE IN. SUKANCK effecud In first-class Cem. nanles JIKIkllK UIVK. antra etn Ne 3!H south Uuke street. 1887. TAia 1887 33d ANNUAL EXHIBITION PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Bread atrset aad Lenifh Ave. , PUILAIlgLPHIA. BBPTgMBBK 5TB TO 17TS IMCLUUVC isBaaBih Agrleiltanl DUpUj. Twe Hundred and rerty Thousand Square Feet eevertQ eakiblUng space. Thirty A ores for Crowds. Herse Kacse, Fancy Hiding, Btcj eie Ce.tt.ta. Chariet Baeea. Bced" uVtle by Melereeivbaetre, rtrsvelaes eoafert for ail Ttelters. aewaat ntee by reilreats (avarsaleg one aaa a halt ceats net saua.i TpZ i.Sa aaa Beaaug UmMxJhumu wra. a'y., '" .W.iULgg,iee. E ARLY FALL WV.KK ADIES' JACKETS FOR EARLY The New Cleak Stere, JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Plaid Jaekets (with heeds), tl.48. Black Diagonal Jacket), Btoeklnette Jaeketa, rin Platd Jacketa Blaek Oorkeerew Jackets, Beaele Jackets, all markad at Sxtramaly Lew Prieaa. ' A Light Weight Jaeket te a decidedly comfortable garment for the oeol meratnga aad svealagB new. We have a splendid selection and ean please you. MISSIS' JACK-IB la all sites, 10 te 10 yeats. The Leading Cleak House-Jeseph I. Bau & Ce., 136-138 NORTH QUEBN STREET. .VA'tr AivtcKTixituyrif. NeiicbkTvk i'krTjknt.IvTllbk added te all city tax net im'rt en or txitere Septemtii-r 1. J. 11 HATIIXON. aug-.'-imaK City Irensumr. MARK NO MISTAKKM! AND (IKT the U.t Hand Made, Clear Havana rilled 3c cigar In thn city, at KINu'S" YRI.I.OW rKOVT," 21 .Verth gueen Street, (formerly Hartman's ) WANTKD-TWO COOKS i OSK KOK A nrstdass resKuratit and ether (or a beardlug beuse. Apply, rroef charge, at r. ii. i ueut a co . Ha. tl N. yuwu St. irANTKl-Fl K OKNKKAl, HOUHK IT tllrli. Apply, Free or Chargn, at ,11 THdUl'A CO, Ne. t.N. gaevn SU lirANTKO TO HIKK-SKYKKAL I'AIH vv e( Hiimm In di I In strnet ram durlnx Fair lint. Meed prices raid Ajiply at rair et north Uu a: I 3td lt North uuecn itnwt. u N iieai.i,. Hupt. LnnraaterStrwt Bullway Ce. A SSI 4NEI) ESTATK OK AP.KAM LKA 11 AN and wlle, et 1. W Lampeter town ship. Iho undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remalulng In the hanis et Ame B Leaman, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will t for that ourpese en Tuesday, September t 1SS7, at 10 e clock a. tn.ln the Library ICoem of the Court llene.ln tbe City of lj-CHter. where all per sons lnleretel Iu said dltrlt)tttlen may attend. aug-JS HdAStw V M.T. BKOWN, Auditor. T ANCASTEK COUNTY FAIR. SPECIAL PREMIUMS TO Ilk GlMtV AT COU.NT1 TIIK LANCASTLH fAlll. $10 SEAL GAP OR $10 MUFF, Fer Iho leit Naltve Lancaster County Cew, and $5.00 HAT Fer Best Native Heller, te lie given by W.D.STAUFFER&CO. Leading Eatters and Furriers. aw Largest and Finest AMrttnent of HATS, TUUNKHaud11tA KLIM. ll'HH In tbe city. a; p-clalty made of CIULllUKN'S eCllOitl, HATS. We niTer special HarKalns during the Fair, and wilt ituarnnleenTerv purchasur a sav ing of ten per eent. en eaeli purcbaae. Stauffer & Ce., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCA8TBU.PA. J. B. MARTLN A CO. t 30,000 VABD8 OF BKU.VASTS THAT WILL BB D1SP03KO OF AT 1-2, 14 1-10 Regular P REMNANT LINENS. Towels. Napkins, Toweling, Fumltnre Linens, stair Linens, etc t all Linen Bamley Towels, 22x41 Inches, at lie. apiece; Smaller Size, Un bleached Woven entre, at 9c. a piece ; aneut A) Onsen Bleached Napkins, at 3ca piece, a large quantity Slightly Boiled Napkins, con tali lug ii, H ana 1 Dezen in each let. at tme-half price. Remnant Dress Goods. ' Sateens, Seersuckers, White Uoeds, Lawns. Batiste. Olngham and Woolen Fabrics. The price pUced en these goods in plain flgurca will sell them. REMNANT DOMES! 103. 10,(400 Yarfla of Bemnant Ginghams, Cal'eees, Sheetings Flannels, Muslins, Shirtings, Percales, etc , all at less than cesL NOTION COUNTER. Lace Uuehlng, gmbretdery, an4 Broken Leta of Ladles' Cellars. Underwear, etc Kemnant Klbbens, lc up, Remnant Laces, lc. up. Kemnant kmbreldery lc. up Ladle' Cellars, Slightly se led. at IlilfPrlre. 5re?.,,LulJlale S"0 Children's Hosiery at Half-Frlce. Remnant Upholstery Goods. Curtains. Scrims, Curtain Lacs. Chenille Fringes, chenille Halls, Haw silks. Jutes, iilmps, etc ins Let Curtain Merlins at He.; were 16c. Kemnant Chenille Fringe at le. a yard up. dents1 FuriMing Goods. ALL OOUS AND BNOSfLAOID ON BEPABATK COUNTERS. About Oesea Men's all Linen cellars, lightly Soiled, at 8c. apleee. were ISO. Wbtte ehirts, at lla. ware tvie. rercale aad Calice ShlruatOne-fcalf. giaaael Skirts atOae-HaU. J.B. Remnan ue MARTIN te.WeDw2 MMt M, aaaaOAStaWs FA, I.ADIK.T JACKMTX KNdl.XK A.l BOILKK WOHKH. DTE AM KNOINK AND BOILKK WORKS. "BEST" STEAM EN&INE Spot Cash Prices Six te Bight Herse Power, Cylinder Bid Bight te Ten Herse V ewer, Cylinder 7xlu. , Ten te Twelve Horse-Fewer, Cy Under 8x10 , SB- We Oder theee Inducements for l JOHN BEST & SON, NO 333 BAST FULTON STRUT, ausTn.Th,!UldAStw X K W APVKKTISKM KXTS. TMI'OKTEO IN JIOTTLKH. Genuine Irish Whisky. AT KOHUKU'S LIQUOU STOKB. Ne. a Centra Square. Lancaster, Ps. KY OUK UAND-MADi:. UI.KAit HA NANA F1I.LBII, I4uaranteed &c ClOAB, at KlMli'3 KLLOW FIIOKT," 21 North tlueen Street. (Formerly llartman'.) S 'kai.kiTi'kui'usaus kek kuknInii INU as ten of Hard Broken t'eal and 5 tens of Hard hut Ceal, all tree from slate, ler Court H'nus will be recelved at tbe County ominls eminls ominls sleners' erilce, Lancasur. Pa, until neon, Mon day, September i, l". By erdtr el TUB BO Altl. Attest- W. W Utint, Clerk. atJRl7;td STOLEN-ra itKWAKD. en eiinilay night, fromtbeletof sntwcrlber. In the lllageel Uawilnsvllle, tnncasterceunty, l'a, a sorrel Herse about s jears old, weigh eleven hundred pounds, scar en necs, deep mark en right hip, small lump or scar en Iient root, carries nose nut- -nyone giTing iniuriun ttnn a te hi whereabeut or returning same te owner will receive a reward et rn. DAVIII CKF.UEU, aug-lt-ttd Bawllnsvllle, Lancaster te , l'a. E! IHTATK OK ANNA DKAUHHAK, late of ljtncaater city, deceased Letter of administration en ald estate having r-nn r:ranta te inn u niiervignea. an persona inaeut-a hereto are reqneated te make Immediate pay. menu and th se having claims or demands agtdnst the same, will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, icsldtng In the city of Lancaster. 1'IULIP B. DBACII IIAK, j.amlnltratr. O. McUcllis, Attorney. aug-atdTh PALACE ur FASHlO.y. ALA(JK OK KAHUION Astrich's Palace of FasliieD, 13 EAST KINQ STREET LANOASTKU.PA. WB HAVE OPINED Till) OATOUUF1BST INVOICE OF EARLY FALL COATS! Special Bargains. BO Dezen LADIKS' COATS in Black, Brown, Blue and Fancv at only II te. 6e Ueien LaDIKB' coats at II 2S. Bargains in Jerseys ! LA11IKS' JKK8K1atln. LAD Iks' BOUULL, JKBSBVH, la Black only, atS7e. LADIES' BOUCLB JERSEYS, in all colors, at Me. ALL-WOOL JEBSBTS at SSs. CHlLUKBN'S JEBJBYB in Black, Brown, Navy, Garnet, at inc. Have Opened a Flee Mew Line el STAMPED LINEN GOODS, CONSISTING OF STAMPID TIDIES, Fpluhera, Beran Scarfs, Tny Corers, BIBS, APRONS, &e. STAMPBDTIDlBSatS,6and lOcts. MUfctlB CLOTH TIOIB8, 18x31. Frlnsed, at no t with Knotted Frteae. Me wliH Knotted Fringe and Open Werk at e- ataarauoriisanaae, ibui, vnugeu, uuit lSe.1 18x31. Knotted Fringe. Het 18x34. Kneti kneiuti vTinge ana open were, sjc ; m incn wing, wim i. wit Fringe ail around. Me t 74 Inch all around, 'Se. rings -ui areuna, eua I is men aii areuna, .oe. THAT euv BBS. Btamned. MxtS. Frlnaed all around, at 'Se. CUILDKEH'B BIBS, lumped, at only 100. arsons, stamped, at ise. WE ALIO OF FEB TUB &REATE8T BARGAINS KVEUerrRBKO IN THIS CIVt. tan Doxen Bunches et rinueiTMaunva, In all colors, at only Bte ler a Bunch of "jree- Bave aUe opened a lull ej Mae e BLAOK and CiilebEU BILK VBLTBTa at sag a yard. A full line et VBLTBT-alLB. PLUsHIS and MOLESKIN, 11, 11 aaB M lacks. A Special Bargain lllaeh MOLBSKlBT rLDIH at 11 00 aisre. MlaebMOLKSKIB FiUBH at llte per TartL Daw rjasius xaiaaisu fiiiVST, He. Bar TarsL VAMflT MOBI ;tBB BTBlfBD PLUIKH, JfaWFALL HATS atria. IIW WIMQS.B1BDSL T x wm 4vtsi sti r a .. LiAVlBW JBUBiaa UJIU MUB.DBAW WHS" TpAKLY FALL WKAH' FALL WEAR. AND BOILER WORKS. for Portable Engines. .S470.0O .asts.oe i.as7see LANOA.8TBR PA. xkw AivKi;riKKiiK.ri NOTIOK 5 I'hK CJI.NT. vVH,!. RK added en all school tax net paid by Sep tember 1, 1-917. . O MAbUtllal.U augiiMJi-i Treasurer. PURUU S.U.K OK UUUSKilOI.D AND Kitchen Furniture. On BATHHUAi, At'OUHT 17, 17 will t sold St Ne SDI Ml Vine street. Hair Clnth Parler Mnlta. Walnut Bedroom Hulte. Matliesse Hat Back. Walnut Orilce Iek, Bookcase. Bruuels, Ingrain and Htut Carpels. Klevt s. Tab ea ( hair and a let el household nd kitchen utensils inonumereustti mention, rale te commence at I o'clock p. ni. JOHN II. rBAKMiL. Ast. Hir Sin mar, Aucu aug-llSidtt JACOB K. HIIEAKKKR'8 Pure Rye Whisky. NO. lCKNTUK SQUABK, LANCASTKU. PA. mayU tld TtSTATR OF JACOB NIXOOKF, LATB OF Xj jncater elty, deceased, letteranlkdmln letteranlkdmln Istratlen eta en said estate having been f ranted te thn undersigned, all person naebted thereto are requested te make tm mediate payment, and thiwe having claims or demands sgalnst tbe same, will present them without delay ter setUetnent te Use aider atirned. lesldlnir in I annuler ell v. AtAllOAUKT MXIX1KF. Jyll-CldTh Admlnlitratrlx. YOUNO I.AI1IK8 AND OKNXl.KMEN ileslreu-i et Improving tbelr condition can de no better than by taking a course at tbe Lancaster Biisince? Opllege. TERM BK'il.NH MONDAY, 8BPTBURKB a. Full particulars en application by mall or In prison and College Koema, Ne 101-2 aASt' KINO srBBET (Second Fleer auai-ttd 11. c. WBIOLKB, Principal. "HTATEK DRAWN KKOM TUE "Pajjteur Patent Filter," Is as clear aa a crystal. Free from all germs and foreign matter. The Filter can be attached 1 1 any water pipe u eaay te clean and will last a lifetime, Call at OOOHRA.rV-9 DRUQ 8T0BB, 137 and IU NOKTH OUFKN ST , Lancaster, Pa. and see it In operation. niam-lyqltTTbAS rpHKVBATK.SINHTlTUTKWU.LOPEN X tbnChrlstmas lerm en Monday. Sept 1th. TheTrnitce bave secured tbe service of the Hev. Chaa. W. Keyd. M. A., a Head Master Mr. Boyd has had large experience a a tem-ber and tbe advantage nl the most celebrates turo ture pean Universities, lints will be prepared ter any Cellese or Higher Scientific Scheel kxrel lent bearding can be had ter every moderate price. Address e. II. KBYNOLDS, Secretary pre tern , aur-ll-Tii,ThBStfd Lancaster, Pa. nur uoeds J. B. QIVLtER k CHX 25c. Corsets. Whenlht Let of Oc COK.rs re (old we knew that none can be bought a geed for the money, coma and gel while we have them. All large alie -J6,nt7,M. '."J,!0. We have a Begular Line of COS SETS at SOc, ;&c. and 11(0 and up wards. MISSES' COBSETS All lire. JohnSsGivler&Ce., Ml. 80 iMt KlaMt , LANUASTEBsFA. gtAUNEbTOUK'a ESTABLISHED 1846. FAIOSTOCO EXTENSIVE DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. We are new epsulng Large Lines of NEW FALL GOODS D.ly, and will continue te receive dally during the Fall Season. Bargains In Eery Department OUR PRICES ALITATH THK LOWEST. I I FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heme, lsMATBE,A. jr- INBTkVO '.i..5iw4'r5 .. j -$& , 'ittMMMflt.Mtt ti,,,f.itAT Ms, m" ?-