vTJV -T-Kf'1 'if fff.JSX itv. ' ''""'" 'v''"ilg; 'i '$ atv THE LANCASTER DAILY DrELUGENCER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1887. - -- .in svr 4J5?. - lM 'SfL 1 JVr tiT' TAVt,V t&kSti MUkmm !I J ' - 'ff- itactHcrltiteUignucb lAaOAMm, AUOUBT ,?. ' A Qwart r Beer. . WlM mr court undertook te prevent HmmI of beectUoettedMdeon,tobe MBaVamyfroultte be drank, it under- a wag i or which It had no war- I tow Bad which It cannot exe- without tbe exerclM of arbitrary Sech power is conferred upon the Iky a tow which aubmitsitte their te decide who la worthy or i; aaa, having the power te refuse a a .. . th nnwnr te make the -ajBEarj-wraSBWJBBRrr liesMWswa ihwmiwwm WMWIIHH MlK Issajrewiifw PK -- A, mm tttA nlAABA ft1 BUV tlA KIWBt M ; yww -v j LdorMwejudgeeveraeuujrana nis "Wen ever "wOl ijj& cTfcete te u ' W .r tf.e -r7 wh.cu ftsiuiiC3the etc.-ptiTi-vwI ti bfl nmnn ftupett the premise v.tieit, It ivn-i t0'i?i LH.fcjfe3! tham i- nA ,... m-iw.n r!rmr;trl, Vir tliTriti(rf.ii.,r'.t T'ih 1cr rrnulr.-t ill .jftesellliinxjr JnituuitiU'iiet aTcrAnSuiij ETlKiTt, te take out s rttaUei i Ucne. It feviJ!i.'Ot;nll.cl(WJt Usat. the retailer h ferbU- D&,'1 te wh '-i jjreaUi .j.antltj than K4,wrJ: k pjitilfe ct selling te .wmiU F"fiiuB2Uty V tha specuxi ind steatr ptlvi. rJC&a, ard tax wtly &i prtauuM any fairly fcj vrtaumsd te in fyvScli!'leiiitprlvi!;f I v- leewlinc. "3??, iMwlsthorciel'-r Dirnjte freent KsSfi'' tder n-im at i ag cr bin t gtdr'aktas it nevrci he PWtV S'Bfe'cjei'tylnrt his 1 -er must. elUsr Bi'ie .SUeti, into 1U3 ei'-.lsT :eJ taking tti D;5 VWIiJiwi lifie' And u. irallen nitcht r at Ui it : lV r ll.t.t.nnd .-ht&V.r, lh t.l it :! f. i-. i"i5jJ iistm',t1M f r-iine te iii-c5nr tha.' tfc jbJs "a-aiw-,iiij3tVrfcUmer( U.an four plct mSf"'' k-e t a ct;t6Er ajn oae visit with I? at yei .tits bt Uccuxi "hich it.ty nay. S , iv'ti!! . x tels of br tp went ii trva.iv ttiraqiyirt. ift. J JtilMl J! (ji-re vru"- 'd a . .i. i:4Av,1Wfc m ySk would bs v?lict'iJxat' r- and it ; ;e thi ft u re- ';', court r a ir in 'ji tae morale of Its fellow-citizens. "tt weoe no anew Dattnas wa snail with. Sf 'draw our opinion as te its felly. It, at any i- raw,wut engage ia a huge undertaking, f,'t Bouweweuiu iees uae neiaing our hands It ' off aad giving it a fair show te come out of Mt the Ight with a whole skin. Oajy a qeart at a time I Why t that fw aet faraiah ever a glass apiece for m swaij n iuwti uBNwi uiey were very mue jasjai; ana nobody could treat mere than Jaarata time, and then only once in an .Iffaaiaf. Tbe treating business will re- ,?ae.Te a rude shock ; bat that will be a very &IM tamg. f :S. The license is for the " sale " of liquor .?Jlu'tm Quantities net axcmdlnir nnnnnart ' U jWIhA t.lt Ifll n.A.lAM 1- Ml . 1- - tftflM, WHia.lug 4Whju 9 WUb in m f"aale"l and te avoid trouble, our beer .-annaing inenas, wne want mere than a quart, will need te be careful te have a bill ,V Btaea of each quartette of glasses pur- K'l.they contract a fresh one. Maybe they f yaaa thus set ahead of the court. ?;"? Tana veciaratieai. Tat Ohie declaration upon the tariff and faaarnal revenue anestiena la a vnrv wwi V),"aaaad will hare the great recommend. te the Allentown convention of hninv axpnaakm of the Democracy of a neigh- -,, Benag atate; and likewise an expression 'p of the president. It is a simple and plain , '" dawlarstWrn whlrhrlnmimtalliiil th nncwlivl ff, ndaetiea in the revenue shall be made Wrong a a reduction of tbe tariff and Inter nal, revenue, but denounces the abolition et the tax en liquors for the sake of saving the present duties en Imports. Tbe Chicago declaration of 18SI is a very geed one also and the Allentown con vention may be content te repeat it, with such supplementary declaration as ia de- IM.hJwI 1... .1... .lull. ul ...JJ,! . .. ,v. , wBnuni vj uw viuukw vuuimiun ei me iff! l....-l -..-..- 1.1-1. - m ij; iihisi heuui;, wuicu cans xer a targe asluetionef the mvAnn. Slne fhe r'hl. '!':SSSA ivinvnnt.lAn maAa Ifa ManliHAn kA ,fe aaeatlcn has been agitated as te whether te' wM aetata reduction of the revenue shall M. he made by the abolition of the internal yy t!' th' wh,1 Jt w true, at ,-Iwha tuae of the Chlcaae declaration f5)tClevetand laid in hit letter of aaaaatanet. tbat "It needed no supplement m sqr-Mtten, It U net te new ; and espe. jally la it incumbent en a Peniisylvanla 9tMerat!e convention te make a declare- 'ta-aaaoatbequeetlenot the abolition of Um hstamil revenue taxesAlnce It waa Mr. aad tbe majority of its delegation '& SlajrOeagrra who pronounced this heresy, vaaaf'ajaslit te block tbe tariff reduction laat taw pmt majority et tbe Democratic : BaHaaaatauvea la uengress favored. .'.TaePailadwlpbia Timet it argent that LtJt AUoatewa eoaveatien shall commit -;Jtattf toae farther declaration upon the wsrut aad lateraal revenue taxation than BCbieagoeonveationdid; but it it net faasjBJWafertha Allentown convention te ana away from IU retpensibllitlea. It k aasjaatha diSOUtad that nsitwithatantln,. UW OMoafe eoavMtien'a clear declaration, WwPataearatlc msjerity in the lower ttMBwal Cesreat hat been rent asunder Mlawtwfert te reform the tariff. If tbe ff wMatwelM U thua pewerteat te lav Dweeratie repreaaatativet in iaea nasty, is eetabuahlng a MtetwilnUketK Made aew a sup. aatlaratlBB freat aa Mtberttv 4am aaauaaiuaifiafisaiaiia. The mm fall wall, hat it ia lad ia ism sUsMkllaaa Uaa fws"ey wwBf jtFaBswtww annnsw sawawswas ttwa waa twai ssay .aA ajgajaall tj aT 't W'lewa H wnj..trem DmemXk If the Pennsylvania convection de- te Mate mere apeeincaUjr even Ohie, Je where it desires tariir redaction te be nade, it may awclare, in brief terme, that "we favor a revWen of the tariff that will put the raw materials of manufacture upon the free list and afford adequate protection te our industries"; and that "we oppose the remtakraef the duty en liquors, save en alcohol used in medicine and the arts." Or, it may reaffirm the Chicago declara tion, addla its opposition te the reduc tion of internal revenue taxes. But it m wl say whether or no it approves the action of Its congressmen upon the issue, at the last session of Congress. m m They Are Uneasy. It seems that the Republican leaders are very uneasy ever the position in which their party is placed by the failure of the revenue bill, which was se mysteriously slaughtered after it had passed both houses. The delegates te the lie publican conven tion are said te have impressed Beaver with the conviction that an extra session will be needed te repair the effects of the blunder, that is believed te have been a crime, which killed the bill that would have given this year, according te Auditor General Merris estimate, $1,104,500 te the several county treasurels in the common wealth. Mr. Quay is reported te have stepped at Cressen en his way home, te hurry up the revenue commission in its work, that the governor may have an early opportunity of calling an extra session te consider it. An extra session will net help him in this campaign unless he gets it very seen, be cause the people are net going te believe in the sincerity of the Republican desire for a new revenue bill that will make the corporations pay mere heavily than they de, until they see the bill passed and signed. There are wonderful slips between Republican premise and performance. tw Connecticut is progressing backwards in nit albs caused at grade ...-. reported te bave and 13 In 1S8.V ew is. a u. one week et ISjT. ..HTI.I. has received a clrcu r stry et agriculture, 1 .rka of Belgium, call- lcr r ta4wrwt p. n' Ir Kltr!iUnn te ' ' great international ir H"-t:ilreff ci"-"-nd Industry" lobe - .v. !Jrts... Tbe letter Is signed Lm ' -j.- taj o.iref Parliament, and uoeeoo- wii s Ei.j!h epresv- " obliged te veu. -n u triarkable attempt at 'I abeuld be mcch 1 se, for a number el ir this notice, In order, at our collection of be deposed in tbe oirieiinii .eui ia teit it iry te .t tv" "' Z Z j(--i i le Great Concourse ed net be ashamed ;n tongues after this JO. (3n IV tbe tiw .-evcu e -.1.1 bad become a law, Lanc-tttiW ceuuty w tv. I have been &,G00 xliiXtt. Vihcp ui leuclt tbe pockets of tax- pWU, !mie ui iltlcal iterui. , . ... ,1 "-- " i IMinS tflSnimin. I yeunir townsman, McCaskey, glvea a n trouble that has f Colorow and tbe tenant McCaskey 's t remits t rem civil tl m .ljc .j u ( i? I TVh biu . i ii iwever, iaa atralegle postuen of great ItnpoitaneBln keeping watch or me raesains ana neiaing tnemin reatralnt. It is believed that the Indian outbreak has been nanch exaggerated and tbe fact that Colorow, the laat of the extremists, la past (X) years of age, would argue tbat a revolution with him as Its inspiration would net be el long duration. It ia predicted that tbe Indian uprising wilt die as quickly as it was born. Heme judicial rulings are fearfully and wonderfully made. mm m New, Mr. Storm King, give Lancaster county tobacco a fair chance te be housed, and thousands will rise up te call you blessed. Mb. I'ewuekly desires te have It known that he is In no way connected with the American party, which ia te be organized In Philadelphia next month, and whose princi pal object Is te keep foreigners out of the oeuntry. This action la very sagscleut. The vigorous labor leader In explaining bis pest. Hen, says : While I am an American I am net Interested in reviving -purely American ideas.' I am net anxious te see the toma hawk and scalping knife nourish again in this country. 1 have no desire te rekindle the camp Urea of the purely Americans, nor de I wish te see the re establishment of the ducking pond or the burning of witches.1 am content te devote my time te the revival of an interest In tbe Declaration of American independence and the re-establishment of the rule of American people, Independent of party or monopoly. I am of tbe opinion tbat I can work out these ends as a member of the Knlgbts of Laber." m s The Prohibitionists will net carry bottles te Harrlsbunr, but they will unbel'le much eleqnence of a Jersey lightning description. Gov. Beaveh deserves credit for respiting Jehnsen, the convicted murderer of Hbarp less, uuder the testimony creating a doubt as ti bis guilt Trebably he la guilty; but he abeuld be clearly proved se before he Is hung. It is tee much the fssblen nowadays te bang en suspicion. Huch imitation of lynch law is unworthy of the administration of Justlee. PHBHONAL. Mns. Cleveland has left Marlen, Mass, for New Yerk. Governer Uartlett, of California, was stricken with paralysis in Oakland en Mon day nlgbt and la in a critical condition. Beak Admibal Craven, United State navy (retired), of Washington, died at tbe Cbarleaten navy yard, near Bosten, Tuesday of heart disease. Ue waa en a visit te hla en, who Is attached te this yard as a civil engineer. He was about 60 years old. Kewin Arneld, author or "The Light or Asls," beard an American regretfully aay : "I've seen The Light of Asia' sold for five cents, and I knew you would never have all. pence mr any at tne meusands tbat were aeld of tt I resent It ler jeu." 'Oti no," said Mr. Arneld. "Don't reaent It. I knew what toflb.iernl!S?..m,n,'Mal aeM,y N vw ?RD8-v, of North Lansing, N5 . "uJe tum hsea a fourth-class post master for a lenMr period than anVetbe, postmaster in the service. There areViveral postmssterawbe rrealyed their conamlalleM fifty yeara age, but Mr. Beajdsley'aaoDeint - te J- . -VblcTwa. ever aiiy-nlne years sea He was cemraia. sienedwhen Jehn MeLsne, of Ohie, waa postmaster general. Judqk Bevbb's grave in Norrtstewn, waa notable because all new earth waa concealed from view, and the grave waa embowered la trailing vines completely concealing Its earth aides, ieavlna the Impression, as thaeaaket waa lowered te its resting place, tbat the de- panan waa using iaia te rest in a nema sur rounded with evergreen vines aad fresh wUd newars. There was a canopy ever the entire burial let r' Ma GkobebW. OaiLes, of Philadelphia, was a complainant in a polies court at Loek Brsneh en Monday against Jehn Mess, a tramp. Most entered Mr. Guilds' grounds at EibereB and asked (or alma The crest philanthropist gave tbe beggar mosey, but Meaa, alls tlstad with tbe amount, threw It back aad reaadly abused Mr. Obllds, who aetata alas and turned hltn ever te aa offleer, Maw waa seat te Jail or slaty aaya, ViearaBsiDSNT KavaaeT, of the ataa- ,mmfm r?W' mmt , aajasjHi TV -Sf.HEV-'-nL "-iVr- f-" l: ST's; mKmnlWK'"ViFlK nssssssssPB mr" M a beak eMeer weals te put a large assemt et sseney Inte M poeksts betere leaviail e bus la ta evMUg, uks tke night trata for Montreal aad appear there next meralag la eteadGef at Ms desk, there Is nothing In the banking system nl te-day te prevent him from doing sa In Canada the rugltlre Is beyond the reach or our criminal law. Hence the only aatetuara which banks bare against being plundered is the honesty et these In wbeta they put trust. "Tbe wonder te me US" adds Mr. Kennedy, "net that defalca tions are se irequent ,bui that they are se ex ceedingly rare." VkeTatee CesiawHaal Caadldatv. Inm the Phllaaelnhla Times, Jelly Jack Hiestand would get away with Brealusand his sentimental politics without halt, trying unless some machine deml-aenil-quaver knocked the pins out Iretn Jack's tooting by a popular revolt ; but Eshleman la no mere senumental In politics than Is Hiestand and no leva up In all tbe ways and methods by wbleh nointnaUens are best at ti'ned. Tbe machine tomfoolery that knocked Landls off the ulats einuilttre Is J uit the sort et blunder tbat may bounce tlleatand and tllng Breitui en top ; but tbe machine bas craw ntbed en itaeu by opening the deer for Landls te get en tbe state com mittee and tbat is ba4 for ilmalus. Kshle man'a candidacy against Hiestand means all day and straight along solid business In tbe contest, and be will have the enthusiasm of tbe boys te help blui along, while bis admitted ability and gc.-xl party atandtng will bold a geed hand with the steady elements of the Old Guard. What It a Het ". Jee Heward, W bat Is a boy T Well, that depends who Is called en te make the definition. There are little beya, big boys, old beya I met a man this morn ing whom I hsven't seen In twenty-five years. Tben he waa a stripling ; new he Is a pertly, net te aay pudgy, middle-aged man. After a few moments' personal conversation he asked me: " Have you seen any of tbe beya lately ?" referring te men et allatra, merchants, lawyers, priests, who twenty-five years go were youths. On one occasion many years age 1 met a distinguished preacher who asked me if my mother and father were te be at home In the evening. I replied that 1 thought they would be, te which he rejoined : "Tell them I will come around and bring tbe boys after dinner." Sure enough after dinner he came and with blm were bis four brothers neither of them under 60 and one considerably ever 70. But they were beya te him. He you see of course you de. Conduct, te ExttctM. Frem tbe I'ltttburg Chreulcle. Mew Yerk Man (te Rhede Island man) What is the effect of the prohibitory lew in your state T KbeJe Iiland Man It promotes pedeetrl anlsm. New Yerk Man Hew Is that; itbede Island Man Everybody walks a mile or two Inte Connecticut for hH drinks. Sema of tbe Best Bleed. Frem the i'lttabur Chronicle-Telegraph. Seme of the beet bleed in the land new runs through the mesquite's vein. JONK AMU HIM Wire. J fines, he keeps a blacksmith shop, Hit wife a poultry pen ; Jenes, he shoes the horse And his wife she shoes th hen. Frem the Whitehall Ttmtt. It-Jsct tba Uffir Dy a dealer et any article claimed te possess prnpemes uniuui nu or simuar te leeui-MT- In. IUU1I)I1HT. tint nnr.hu. ilaml HmM tng SOtOUuXT. Unly parehase tbe real Simen Pure, which defies both imitation and competi tion. Nothing can vie with It In efflcacy, as a donor el dental health and beanty, notwith standing any representation te the contrary. It causes the U-eth te gleam like burnished Ivery contains no hurtful Ingredient, and has a most grateful flavor and smell. alr,ht, Wa w mrmviAt. auTiv:. Tba SSysMi-y Solved. It has always twen understood that consump tion was Incurable, but It has recently breu discovered that Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs Is giving mere relief than any Known remedy, it Is quiuunteed te relieve and cure Asthma. llreDChltls and Ceuuhs. Call en II. IL Cochran, druggist. Ne. 117 North Queen street, and get a trial oetUe free of cost. JUarge slie Se cents and tl. (41 AJi CNreitTU.VATK PKION. The most unfortunate person In the world is one afflicted lth sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by using Or. Leslie's bpeclel Prescription. Sea advertisement In another column. (t) Tbclr tlestneas Booming. Probably no ene thing has cm sod such a rush of tra e at Cochran's drug store as their giving away te tnelr customers et se many Ireu trial bottles of JJr. Megk's ew Discovery for ( on en on sumptien. Their trade Is slmpiy enormous In tuts very valuable article from tne fact that It aiays cures ana never utsnvpeinis cough. Colds, Asthma, Urenchltis, Croup and all tbieat and lung diseases qulcaly cured. Vea can test It before buying by gutting a trial betUe tn-e. Every belUe warranted. (3) rUE BKV. GEO. U. THAYKU, of Uourben tnd., says : " Uetb mysell and wile oweeur lives te SHILOU'8 CUNBUMPT1UN CUKE." Ver sale by B. a Cochran, OraggUt, Ne. U7 North Uueen sureut. (j) BUILOH'8 CUtta wlU tmmediatclv relieve Croup, Whooping Ceugb and lirenchlt us. rei sue by li. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ha 137 North Wueen street. 17 Itrace I'p. Yen are feeling depressed, yenr appetite la peer, you are bothered with headache, you are fidgety, nervous and generally out et sorts, and want te brace up. Itrace up, but net with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have (or their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stltuulaui you for an hour, and thuu leave you In worse condition than betere. What you want is an alterative that wUl purify your bleud, start healthy action of the Liver and Kid neys restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength, bucu a medicine you will find tu Klectrlc Outers, r or sale at il. D. Coch ran's Drug mere, 1J7 and 1 St North Quran street. Lancaster, Pa. (J) Metnars.l Mothers 1 1 Mothers! 1 1 Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once aud net a bottle et at US. WlNaLOW'8 SOOIHING SYKUP. It wUl relieve tbe peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there 1 no mistake about It Tl.ere la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once tbat It wUl regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the chUd, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleas ant te the taste, and Is tbe prescription of one of the eldest and beat female physicians and nurse In the United States. Sold everywhere Mcnnta a bottle. maySMydAw MOWKKH, dC. D1LIMN ft BRKNKMAN. CARD I We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, owing te our giving special attention, we can offer great inducements. " Pennsylvania" Lawn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have at geed Lawn Mowers aa are in the market for 16.00 and 17.00. Baby Carriages We carry eeventy-flve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Refrigerators are new in season. Hew few people knewanytbing about llefrigera llefrigera ters. It took ut twenty years te learn. We can teach you in Ave minutes: ttwillbe worth something for you te get u"l Oil Steves There it mere differ, enee in CealasjU Bteves than almost any. ihS-'Sf.n,,tttured- Dea Pnd your money till you knew what you are getting. IceCream iteeseri and Water Coelere WSP&St ?$? -nynwe. but can you fJ.Mwerlcea, eaS re m us. Lawn Tennis rtts, Uennlaa and Common Hammocks, Bate Ball aad all Sporting Goods at rectory Prien. FUHH ilREMAil, tasa ifta Wmi. ." "!" """ '---- .J si., . m . . ZttT&Kj&Ji tte&jf.r mikmShamy fV rt-rrtiu'i! i,:-rr-stmi W.js'S'fciSBwMiWi-"' 1 ' nwin.ifciii.i i i ? aatssn1 . .JJ mHB CONK8IOOA. WAGON Has leag stare glvea way te therallreaa. That waste be expected. 8lx big, alaaia herses with hells, and a Hue, eld cererea blee-bea ea wheels, were ne match fer a taertlaf eaglae aad trala. Bat STADIGER'3 AURA NTH gives way te aethlag as a ttemaeh larlg enter and aerve leak. It Is Matchless as a rare fer less of appetite, Indlgrsllea, dyspepsia, liter reaiplalal, all tsrais of btlleasarss, aad especially these lew fevers aad acne prestratleas wklrh heleag te all ttrmlag remmnnllles la the fall ef tke year. Ask year druggists for AVRAMTII. auK7Std tmiltVAL. C1MMONH lilVKH KKUUL&TOK. TAKE SIMMONS LIYER REGULATOR. UNFAILING SFKCIHO fOK Ll Ktt D18- It Acta with Kxtrnortltearv Kfllracy en tee 1.1VKK, K1DMCS and HUW1.S. An EnVctnal Specific for M.iUrln, DrtpvpsU, Comtlnatlen, Kidney Affection, Mental lopress(en, Itewel Complaint., Pick Ueadache. lillloutnee. Jaundice, Celic If yen are a miserable tutrerer with Constipa tion, IUlieimie9, or Kidney Alloctlens. n.k rvllef at en tn SMwmen, Keftulaler, It deea net reiiulre continued deilntt and costs but a trifle, it will cum you, AN X1KKCTUAL KlatlUT. " I cn recommend as an efflcacleus remedy ferall ai"a.-ef the Ltrer, Headache and Dys pepsia. Mmmens l.lver Uea;alater " Lw is tl, Wunn, A'st.tant 1'estuuuter, rhlladelphlA. augilM.W.hAw QAPOIME PUASTER8. 35 SK1I.VLS AW ABUE1I TO Bensen's Capcine Plaster ! TUB BEST IN THE WOULD. Cures 1'leurljy, Uhenmatlsin, Lumbago, Back ache, Weakness, Celd la the Chest and all Aches and Strains. Beware of imitations under similar sounding names. aw Ask for Ben.en's and take no ether. decll-6uid&w MWAK rju WEAK MEN Snffertns' from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, w&stlna; weakness, lest manhood, etclwUl send a valuable treatise (sealed) con taining fnU particulars for home enre, rata of charm. A splendid medical work s should be read by every man who ts nerreus and deblll ated Address. ruer. r. C. reWLKU, mlH-TTKiaw slnrvtns. cenn. C3AKK,HUKKANUSr-KKDT UOHR. O Knptnra, Varlcoee'e ana Special Diseases of ettlter sex. Whv be BQmbnnsfl bttieuki when yen can find in Dr. Wright the only Kap las I'arsietia tn Fhlladelnhla who mazes a snedaltr et the abere diseases, and Cvaaa 'tint Ctrus enaaArme. Advtes Free day MlueTWHtK- Duwigen ew u fcxvKwn. anil IS tarn nema same nay umcea pnnir, UK. W. Hi WBJUHT. Ml Hertt Mlnth Street. Above Race, r. e. bes no. rauaeaipaia Initvaw tsaUUMIM. II WIA.WTB. TUY TUB JOHN BOWER BRAND HAM! The lnest In the Market. Mild and sweet ; plea.es everybody. Dried Bfetand lioiegna nicely cblpned. Sine Yerk State Cheese. Please git e ns a trial order. oae. WIANT, Ha Ut West king street ang-SO-lyd T BUKSK'H. PICNIC GOODS WOli THE PICNIC SEASON. First the Plcntc Plate-It Is light and cheap and requires no washing saves your dishes. Plain and Mixed Plcktes and Chow-chew In small bottles. Sardines In Oil and Mustard, Com Cem pres.d Beef In two pound cans, Bened Chicken and Turkey, Petted Ham, Tongue, Fresh Lob Leb ster. Fresh Columbia Ulver Salmen. Fresh Mackerel, Fre-h Oysters In cans and Pickled oysters In small Jars for picnicking, ierk State Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Chipped Beef, etc BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET, LAstGABTBH, PA. elephene. w HOLKSALK AND KETAIL OKOOER. TUB QKKATCST REDUCTION ON Teas, Sugars 8c Prunes xvKit uxaue or. TEAS. The best Tea In the world for the money. . . ,13Vc Japan, Oolong, Imperial or Yeung Uysen....2Jc Japan Choice SSc Ooeng Kxua Choice 40s uoieng cneicest garden grown, Formosa.. ..Mc Imperial-choicest garden grown BOc Japan -choicest basket fried, only 75c Impvrlal-extra choice 75c Oolong extra choicest selected Plngsueys..7Sc English Breakfast, choicest. 75c Gun Powder, finest 7Se Imperial Extra, ihelceu sxlecled Wc BUOAUS. Granulated Sugar..... 6c AW bits sugar for 5c AllrownSugarfer Wc PUUNKS. sight Pounds for sic Seven Pounds for , 25c six Pounds for...., 25c Five Pounds for SSc Four Pounds for 2c Tbiee Pounds ler 29c Twe Pounds for ttc A SPECIAL OFFEB FOttONE MONTU ONLY. Te tbe purchaser of five pounds et our 75c. or 90c. Teas we will present with a check en the Fulton National bank for tl Ml. Se tbe pur chaser of ten pounds et our 12U, 25, 35, 40 or SO cent Tea we will present with a (check en tbe same bank for the same amount (II ea) This Is no gift scheme, but simply an Induce ment te get you te try our Tea. We give you tbe profit i which la an equiva lent te what we would expend for advertising. New that we tave bi ought tba price of the Tea within rvacb of the peniest. and curtailed tbe price of Fine Teas for tbs Klcheat, We simply ssk you for a trim order. Our pure extracted California Heney, at three, pounds for 25a, Is going fast- Don't delay. all goods sold at lowest possible prtrea. The arc Light la In full blast Our large Fans weik admirably, the Cash Hallway and Elec tric Moter are things In themselves worth see Ing. Yeu can inaas your purchases under tbe celtna breexeet the fans and by light that Is brighter than day, reTst, WIIOLKSALE AND RETAIL SKOCKiLCOK. WEST KI NU AND PK1NCK ST8. ar(Next Doer te tbe Serrel Ilerae HetaL)M T HE VEATEH INSTITUTE WILLOPEN tba Cbrlstmaa Term en Monday, Sept. ttb. Tbe Trustees have seemed tbe aervlees at tba Ear. Cbaa. W. Boyd. M. A., aa Head Mastsr. Mr. Boyd has bad large exiwrtenee as a teacher and tba advantages of tbe woatoeieurateflJCuro weatoeieurateflJCuro woateeieurateflJCuro pean Universities. Ileya will be prepared for any College or Higher Hcleutlfie Scheel. Excel lent bearding can be bad ter a very moderate price. Address . s. H. uaYNOLDB, Secretary pre teat.. aurU-Tu,ThStra Lancaster, Pa. M RH. E. M. WOODWARD. it la easier te show reeds than ta writ isnr. tlsemenu. Can't get tba words te flu They don't live you hair the Idea. Something tee pretty Te be described, te have te aak yen te ensue In often Just te lock i always seraatalng new te show you. Perhaps a new color la ii wh. bib nmaey suwa in a icna uay i xaay tie last '--v KHIIUMH.lh1ID.UUI f all TteTla Cisjaa aasTltj "aisasi-." . i " I i I,-, i j ,jri.MiBlainsTflsBilfssssssW.tssssWssssssssss .jll .,. a "' LttsBswsgssBssgnasssssssssssssssssassassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssassjsssssB star tiuuis.. JJAQKH.A BHOTUKR. Summer Wear for Qentt. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER, 25-27W8t;King Street Oatue, llalbriggan and Feather weight Slilrts.and Drawers. Seamless, llalbriggan and Lisle Hosiery. Hemstitched and Colored! Bor dered Handkerchiefs. Twilled and Serge Uicycle Shirts. Lamulrled and Unlaundried Dress Shirts. Pongee, Silk, Grenadine and Lawn Neckwear. K. V W. Cellars and Cuffs. One Hundred Dezen Extra Un laundred Shirts at 45c. each. Scotch Cheviot, Cansimere and Worsted Suitings. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street. LANCASTER PA. Ja MAKT1N A OO. -AT- J.B.MARTHf&CO.'S. Yeu can imagine hew many ItemnanU of Dry Goods and Odds and .Ends of Xotiens, etc., collect in a store this kind during the busy season. Ne time then te get them into shape, plenty of them " new. All l.emnants, Odds and nds and goods soiled in display window and store have been col lected together, asserted, marked, en separate counters, and are new ready for sale. Linens, Towels, Napkins, Toweling, Fur niture Linens, Stair Linens, etc., are en the Linen Counter. Remnant Silks, Satins, Velvets, Surah Silks, Woolens and Tricots are en the Dress Goods Counter. Curtain Scrims, Curtain Laces, Chenille Fringes, Chenille Halls, lUw Silks, Jutes, Gimps, etc., In Upholstery Department. Flan nels, Ginghams, Sheetings, Pillow Case Muslins, Calicoes, Sheetings, Percales, etc., en the Demestic Counter. Laces, Ladies Cellars, Embroideries, ltucblngs, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Itibbens, etc., in Notion Department. Shirts, Cellars, Hosiery, Flannel Shirts, Percale Shirts, etc., en the Gent's Furnishing Counter. One counter holds tbe Dress Patterns con taining 10 te 12 yards in each pattern, con sisting of Sateens, Seersuckers, Dress Ginghams, Batistes and Woolen Fabrics. Se much for the description of the goods. New for the prices. Impossible te give you a complete price list, but we will quote a few picked out of tbe many. About '25 dozen Men's and Beys' Linen Col Cel lars at 3c. apiece ; were 20c. and 23c. Any quality of Towels, slightly soiled ; about 10 dez. of one number, all linen. Parnsley Towels, size 22 by 42 inches, for lie. apiece. One let .of White Shirts, reinforced besom, at 31c; were 60c. Itemnanta of Sateens, 6c, up. Crazy Crepe, 7c, etc. J.B. l fly. Wiwt Hint ft rrtnrw Nto. WINKU AUD LIQUORS. pURE RYE WHISKY.; Old Greff Spring Distillery. Situated. en East Orange street, between Orange and Chestnut, one square east !of reser voir, Lancaster, p I have J nat erected a new distillery wl tb all of tba latest Improved machinery for "'it""rg pub hyc Whisky. aiuuT m. ... A.HaHAK.rrleter. This DtatUlery baa been erected at tba lessens Old tiroOstewn Bering, which baa besa noted fer ttaplanteeus and nn&UIng supply of the pur est water. At It enr grandfathers drank whew, tbey ware boy s, and It baa never been known te run uxy even ia tas aetiaat weeiner, spring aU the water used la tae distillery Is ob tained, tba pump drawing trees it tweaty-lve eUeas a annate. Mesllm my own eWaiawWMsar.lstse Bangle akiiIe,Gimf. Wl, etc. A. B. SUB APFIB. DttttUar. ISTOKsV-Me, at Metthtrat aa Stnet, . aV raiBtera having geed Bye eaaaaa east a ready sale for H at Tba store or aMsUUary. aaast aaak atarket yrtee aaid ttmJfAm Remint die MARTIN -PDPTTJRB-OUJUB UOAJtAJITMap BY mSS BaBWBaaaaBaaMiaaYa VatkdaB SBwaAsUwawaVV fkat Asxawak aaBaawfaBaaBW CLOTMtlTU. 'vnitmn,..!. rirWH A DHOTllKa A CARD. TO OUR 0UST0IER8 -ANU- THE PUBLIC. llelng temporarily thrown out of bust neee by the burning of our store, we shall Immediately begin rebuilding our store and shall en or about September It) occu py our old stand en the corner of North Queen street and lVnn Square, when and where we shall be pleased te show you net only our Impieved Handsome lltilldlng, ut an entirely new and complete stock of CLOTHING -AM)- FURNISHING GOODS, -reR afBN, TOUrHB. BOY8 AND OBIL DRaUf. As our stock of Clothing and I'urnlsh ing Goods was completely deatrecd, we Utke this method of informing you tbat the Insurance companies have taken every arti cle that was saved ; and removed it from this city te N'ew Yerk. We shall continue as heretofore te treat our Customers in the only fair and legiti mate manner of dealing with jeu. ir OXE I'lilCK IV ALL. With kindest thanks for past patronage, and awaiting your renewed luitrenage, we are lteepectfuUy yours. HIRSH & BROTHER. w lLLJAMSOfl t rOHTKR. Can B Entered for Competition -AT THE Lancaster County FAIR ANY TIME 1IEFOKF. Monday Reed, Aug. 29. rlUaT.l'HIZE Suit el Clethes ler 115 Ol. 8KCONU PRIZE-A Butt of Clethes for 110 00, THIRD PRIZE-A Suit of Clethes for ajue. i These Pnmpklns are te be ratsed from the seed given away by them last spring, and the prizes te be awarded by weight only. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER ALSO OFFER TWO BRAND PUMPKIN PRIZES -AT TIIE- L1TITZ AGRICULTURAL FAIR. FIRST lBI Z B Is a 110 00 Suit of Clethes. SECOND PRIZE Is a IS oe Beya' Bait of Clethes. gar for tbe first and second largest pumpkins grown In Lancaster county. Tba alia Is te be deteimlned by welgbt only, and the pumpkins tbat draw tbe prizes at the Lancaster County Fair are net tp be admitted for these prizes at the Lllltz Fair. Everybody tbat baa any TRADE DOLLARS and wanu te get Fall Value for them eaa bave them exchanged for CLOTH1NO. HATS, FUR NISIUMUGijOUB, BOOTS AND SHOES, at Wll Wll llamsen A Fester's until SEPTEMBER land altet that datu their vaiue as a purchasing me dium wlU be very much leas. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, S3, -4,56 m S8lMt Kit St., IWUtOABTBaVra. rpHE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THK CITY TO BUT Winer's Safe Cen, Heed's Fampirilla, CUTICUIIA REMEDIES IS AT HOUGHTON'S UrgNt u4 (btft.t Dng Sten, Ncs-SeanaaWasTEiaeeTaaaT. (Jyatld QHORTHANO ft TYPB-WBiTIMQ SITUATIONS pay both young saaa aad ladles much better sal stirs than aaeat oemsserolal positions, and the demand Is greater, studenta eaa be atted for eatas ahert-aaad poalUeoa IN THRU MONTHS' TIM8 DyBaveawiyslMa. Moprevteas knowledge of eittavaniwqatraa. CelUgsa open aU tae year. Stadaata aaa aatar aay time, all tuition beie UwtvMaaL aparier fceUltlas ter preenrtag attwatwaaa, fter.wUeh.aM.wa asabe nesaaiaw. aStasWaaaai fee walea aid wa anaaw iiaaaasw Oeilafjjaa.jBklau wlU ttUlaatsjstfuaaataTsav psssp sw mMmmwwmn nesBy saarsaa Bag w I ' ssm '. S55 .s-ai vaieaae, au.ii FBI POMP KINS ! "ajewaaBSsJ' I -Ti'l -iA,C kj.i? 4BawJBwawlwr . 'SaWawBai .';,. AMXI7M.rS. AMKNDMP.NT TO TlUN lirnuesed tn I THK CONHT1TU. TlUN preiMpd tn Ilia elllaenaef thlsOesa- unit wealth lur fbi'lr annmral or tvltatlen b ums Maneral Assetnbly f the Conitnenwaalta et rmnsylranta. 1'ulillshed lir elder of the ase retary of Um Unininenwraltn, In nnrsaaaoeet Article XVIIInl the Constitution. . fetat resoiuUen pmposleg an aniaaflmant te the Unasutailen of ibis Commonwealth t sscrrtaa I. lie it resolved by the t-enste and 'V.?"0' apmMatallTe.oftlieteniinonwealth pfJaMylraala In Ueneral Assemhly met. Tbat '"Uewtng ainendinent Is prennsed tn tba SSSSHl"?- ' coiumenweaftb of Penn Penn Penn A!rtlotUree,COtlnc w,Ul th0 Kl''h,,,u, AHBNDMBNT. r.2JSiff.n,,.b,.n'u,'" article te said esTiSlews? b" 'Bataa ss Article .MI, ART10LK XIX. Is hereby prehlllltid, ana uvloUUen eVtSbi lnS,,?c?freU;Me a beyerace may tw allowed In such manne. nl5 aamaybepraaerlbedliylaw. Tba Ueneral ia embl shall, at tbe flnit session laeea-ain. tba adoption f this article et tbe Con.tltnTleu. SSJSiitTJ!.."11" "" Imaltlaslerlis eulercement. a true copy el tbe Joint KesolnUeo. .. .. CUAHLkM W.eTORB. angSSmdW Becrotaryef iheCommenwralth AWKNDMKNT, TO THK CONHT1TU TION nrntmsed te the rltlsansef Ibis Cem. menweallh for their appieval or reieetlen by tba ueneral Assembly nl tbe Commonwealth or rennsylv.ntv Published by order of tba Sec retary nl the Commonwealth, In pursuanoeef AUIrla XVIII et tbe onatltutlen. Joint resnlutlen proposing an amendment te tba constitution et the commonwealth I sbotiew I. Hr it melK.1 bu A tHnal ant lleuir v Keprtltnlitlit$ of M ltmmenutalth r Jvnni jlifinffi in tltntral Allttntily mtt, I bat Um IeIIuwIiik la preiwsed asBnauieadmnlet tbe consututien nt tbe commonwealth of Penn sylvania In accerdanee with the previsions of the elghtventh article thereof s AMBNUMkNT. Strike nntfmm section one, el article etuht, the lour tualincallens for volers which reads as fellows I If twenty-two years or aire or upwarSs, he shall have paid, within two yean, a slate or ceanly tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month ueiiire in eieciien," se wai tee secuen He election," se tbat the se fellows : hleb read, as ml lews: r.yery male cltlien, twenty no i vtmrs nfin. ears of aa pesie.stDK the follewlns quallBcatliins, shall In entitled te vote at all elections : First. He shall have been a citizen of tbe United States at least one month. Second. He shall bave resided In the state one year (or If. having prevlru.ly been a uuallBed elector or native burn cltlsen of tbe slate, he shall bave removed therefrem and returned, then six months) Immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided In the election district where be shall offer te veln at Inuttwe months Immediately preceding tbe election. Fourth If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been as sensed at least two months, and paid at leaet one month befere the election," shall be amended, an as te resd aa follews: Every male citizen twenty-one years of aga pesses.lngthe following qnallOcauens, shalfba entitled te vete at the polling place et the elec lien district et which be shall at tba time be a .ldent and net elsewhere : First He shall bave bean a cltlsen of Ue united Males at least tmny aaya. Second. He shall bat a resided In tbe state one year (or If, baring previously been aqualtard elector or native born citizen nf the .tat, he shall bave removed therefrem and returned, thn six mouths) immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall htve resided In the election district wheru be shall ener te vote at least thirty days Immediately preceding tbe election. The leiilsiature. at the session thereof next after the adoption or this section, shall, and tretn time te time theruatter may. enact laws te rmrn- erly enferr this protlsten. leutth. hvery male clilinn of the age of twenty one years, who shsll have been a citizen for thirty days and an Inhabitant of tnls state one year next preceding an election, except at Saaulclpal elections, and for tbe last thirty dais a resident nt the election district In which he may offer hU et, shall be entitled te vote at such election tn the election district of which be shall at the time be a resident and net elso else wnern for all nrncers that new are or bereatter may be elected by the people . iVevtiirif. Tbat in umem war noeiccier in me aciuai miiiiary ervlcaelthe state or of tbe United States, In tbe army or navy thoreof, shall be deprived of hla vote by reason of his absence from such elec tion district, and Uie legislature shall have rower tonrevldeihfl mannMrln whir.!, anfl Uim time and place at whlcb such ab;-nt electors may vote, and ler the returns and canvas rf theli lr vetee In tbe election district In which thev respectively reside Fifth. Fer the en Iftti. Fer the purpese of votlng.ne person stinll be deemed te 3 nave gained nr le.tarr.l- denee by reaHin of hi. uraMtim nr ttHMnn, while employed tu the service of the United States or the state, nor while engaged In tbe navigation of thn waters of the state or of tbe high seas, nor while a student el any cut Ir ire or s.mlnary et Irarnlng, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except tbe In inaus el any home ter disabled and Indigent soldiers and sailor who, ler the purposed vot ing, .hall be deemed te reside In tbe election dis trict wbere said home I. located. Laws shall be nade ler ascertaining, by proper proeN, the cit izens who. hall ! entitled te the rl.bt of sul sul Irsge h. reby istabllshed A true copy el tbe Joint resolution. UIAKl.r.3 W. STONE, Secretary of the Commonweal tb. augJ-3mdW WUBMIXVMB. TyiDMYEK'S KURNITUKK STOKeT WHAT U WANT. IF U want a Chamber Suite. U want a Parler Suite. U want Library Furniture. U want DininR Iloem Furniture. U want Sitting Roem Furniture. U want Kitchen Furniture. U want a Ilall Stand. U want a Mattress or Spring. U wart a Leeking Glass. U want Anything in Our Line. U want the Hest for the Meney. U want a Bargain. U can find it AT Widmyek's Fukniturb Stere, Cor. East Kine and Duke Streets, Lancaster, I'a. u NDKRTAK1NO. WALTER A. IIEINITSH, Furnishing Undertaker, Meb. 97 and 20 Seuth Queen BtrMt, LANCASTER. PA. aWEEBIDBNCE TRBET. -NO. Ut SOUTH qUBEM All tbe Latest and Most Approved Methods used where desired. A previous practical ex. pertenea of lour years enables me te Guarantee tbat tbe Very Beat Possible Service will be Ren dered at All Times. Personal Attention Olvan te Directing All Funerals intrnstat te my care. "" CBAE. iri 8. sfABTUl, waetssata um aw aa bwaus m AH Klnda of Lumber and Geal. awYAani no. se Mera water aaa rnaee streets, above Lamea. Lancaster. ns-ira TJAUMUAHDNEIVa COMPANY. GOAL DEALERS. Omea :-Ma IS Nertb (taeen Street, and Ne. att Werth Prlaea stnet. YAaasH-HerU Prlnea Street, aear Beading aarlMM LAHaASTBR. PA TOOK AT THK 8BBAT BBDUCT10K IK PBIOBS. .awrta. Pants. Overalls, r.sw SMI BBJSWS. . ! smismniM flaaaa naaasaaai "aM I Jaaaeaa. waata, at i, tt. I. I. arnwasWisii - .. L.isfrtUli: --UrCfi'