-,,.-.,.,.., .-, , ?ik - u.v 'JW-I3HifPi ' ?'? ;.,.-v: fi't 14 MB l' I'll in ilByBBBBfmBBB s Stye lartfagte aaa, li Li . v . ?&&&. '"M;: 3 mrm m dr I w alr Af 4 3I IMAUI'IUPJU m l VOLUME XXIII-NO. 209. LANCASTER, TA., MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1887. PRICE TWO K33J SiBMPHSNMHHMVHPHIMIMHMIIIMRHflilHHBKP MOUNTVILLK NATIONAL BANK. iril MOW WVLtt OBOABIMBD ABB bill aeua bbeib bbbibbbb. A Maallns Hslrt ea Matarday at Which Um Nam and Capital aieca War riiad. The Beam at Directors bslseted Bad ORIe.ra Ohaata. MeitNTViLi.R, Aug. St!. Fer some lima past tba cltixens of tbla plaee have bam talking about thaaetablUhment of a national bank 'neVVend ena'tfrnay,eiirBg meeting te take aeina action In tba matter waa belli at Jamea Montgemery'a Stock Kx Kx ehanRa hotel lu,tul. vtllajfr. A targe number of parson were present The matter waa cIlKU'RCil at length by Mr. Hubert Crane, of Philadelphia, and Gee. Crane, et Columbia, betbgnentleinnn having experience la tba business, and many cltlziua of the villager The innetlnK waa called te order by Geerge Crne,and Mr. Hubert Crane waa chosen per. maeent chairman. ' Mr. CO. 811, of Mount Title, and Geerge Crane were ohenan aa aec--retarlea. Alter tbn ettlcee were all filled, tba eMuct of tlie'mtetliiB waa aoneunoad by tba ebalr wbe apeka el the business that la done' wltb the hanka of Columbia and Lancaster and thought tbla village waa one of tba beat and mnt thriving plaee In the county! and aatd the facullillea are In abundanee In tbla vicinity. Alter the chairman's remark a, Geerge Urane, for many yeara connected with tba Dstwilar bank of Columbia, read tba lawa and aeveral article of national banka of the United State, and alae a private letter from the treasurer of the currency at Washington with a tew Instruction hew te proceed. 11a gave a few example wby be thought a bank In Mdiinlvllle would Increase tba Inhabit? ants, and in the oeurae of a year or mera would draw Industrie te the town wblcb otherwise would net have come. He alae re ferred te the busliiet done by the lawk wltb which ha waa connected for many jeara from thla vicinity, au.il he aaw ue reason why; a bank In IhT town wbutd'nnt Be profitable. The aecretary furnlHbed the blanka aent te hi in Irem the treasury department at Waab Waab lngeon te le tilled nut by the HUbcrlbers and returniid again ; a large number present algued the blanka and a number who were net able te be present consented te take an Internet In the new enterprise. A recem waa taken te glve the men time te sign their name. Alter all had algned the blanka the meeting was ralted te order by the chairman, wheaald be thought It waa time te decide upon a name. It waa thought the Mount Meunt Mount vllle Natleual bank would be proper, and after a few remark It was unanimously agreed upon. The capital ateck of the bank wa fixed at t'i0,)0. The eecretary gave a few Instruction from the national bank article and alae from whetexporleuceno ha bad In the business, and aald It waa a tule te have iier 13 directors te nuke a beard, a president, vlce president, eahter, and assistant cashier. Alter tbeae lnatrucUoea.lt.wu agreed togelatatbenotnU nstlen of a beard of directors, and It waa de cided te elect 13 aa a beard. The cbatr opened the nominations and the following gentlemen were chosen : Kdward F. Yohn, Jonas n. Mtehmah', M. 8. Heechrlat, M U. Muiwr, Jehn P. Gable, wbe declined In favor of Jehu M. Waller, J. M. Freellcb, M. (I. Shlndte, C. V. Cbarlea, J. 1). llerr, Christ Rehret, J. It. Myers, J. C. Newcomer and 1. II. Kautluian. After a few remark and suggestions by different gentlemen It was en motion agreed te adjourn te give the beard of directors time te elect an execiillvecemuillta) and transact business which the beard alone bad the power te de. Adjourned. The heard of dlrectet convened together for the puriioee of electing U permanent etllcers te transact the busliicm In the future of the new cermrattan. Mr. J. M. Welter waa chosen chairman of the meeting and Mr. O. Crane secretary. The beard then elected the following gentlemen as the etllcers of the organlzttlen until thn regular election of officer In January : President, J. H. Kauff man ; vle president, M. 1. Musser; cashier, G. Crsue ; assistant cashier, J. II. Wllmer. After the permanent nlUcera werechesen.lt waa agreed te give the president tbe power te appoint an executive commltteo aud the following were chrmen : M. O. Musser, J. M. Freellch, M. H. Hhlndle, J. (). Htebman and tbe Iteard thought It would tie well If tbe president would be Included en that com mittee, and be waacheaen by tbe rest et tbe committee. A motion w passed giving tba committee tbe power te purchase all tbe necessary material aa reasonable aa possible te carry en tbe business of a II rat class bank. Tbn committee then dltcuaaed tbe plaee of erection of a bulU'lng In a near tbe centra or tba village aa possible, and they have the power te purchase the most aeairaeie ana convenient site they deem proper. Tba com mittee have bean locking at aeveral very One locations In the centra of tbe village, bat It baa net been decided upon wblobene will be chosen. A motion was also passed tbat the share holders pay Inte tbe banda et tbe president or cashier of the corporation 50 per cent of tbatr subscriptions en or between tba 1st and Stb of October. The bends of the president, vloe president and cashier wera fixed at 5,000 eeeb for the present. The beard agreed upon Monday at 0 o'clock aa tbe day for tbe holding ettbalr regular meeting for tbe discounting of netea and all ether business connected wltb tbe beard.. It was en motion agreed tbat when tbe beard adjourned It would adjourn te meat at tbe call of tba president. Adjourned. Lavj.r J.JW. Jaheiaa aasd. City Solicitor Carpenter tbla afternoon en tered a civil ault against J. W. Jehnsen, Jehn P. Hebaum and H. C. Lehman. Tba ault la te recover tbe amount alleged te ba dua te tba city by Mr. Jehnsen, wblcb ba collected aa city solicitor. Mr. Jehnsen claims a setoff i6r'speeUt aervleea Tendered and as be and the city authorities could net agree, Mr. Carpenter baa entered tbla ault against Mr. Jehnsen and bia bondsmen, Meaars. Pebaum and Lehman. Tba ault la brought In pursuanee of a resolution passed at the last meeting ei tha flnanee committee ofesunolla. The Goepet-laadla Incident, Frem tbe fbUadelpbla Times. It will net only make aema prominent local tnaehlae candidates bite tbe dust, but It will de mere te Impress tha masaea of tbe Repub licans throughout tba state of tbe rottenness of tbe party at tha top, than all tba ether of fensive msoblne methods or leadership ooun eoun oeun blnded. It waa a grave party blunder, and It will aurely prove a oestiy one bOth In local and general pellilca. A Oeaaalag Cleb. The Tuscarora Camping cleb, oempoaadol a number of young man of tbls elty, want te Muesetman'a mill, en tba Pequaa, thla mora mera Ing (or a week's fliblng, taking wltb then tanta and ether necessary camping equipage. Tba offleera or tba club are Frank E. Harst, president j Kdw. K. Barr, vlea president i Cbaa. L. Leenard, secretary I Onaa, Hoi Hei linger, treasurer. Aaethar rreaalam. Mr. H. B. Htauflar.ertbeQray liea Cast tag company, el Meuat Jey, haa eflered a aaaaial priae, vaiaea at tiu, Mr tat esa two P LVfllVaaV 'aa BBmmBBBBBfBMBB BwaBsB)aBrBeyaTar4BP I M IMaWaaf IHTT1 J T decided la favor of Ifaa defendant aad "Hennt Ueerga" aaya ha will net Tete again let a Kepublleaa squire. Caterplllara are doing muck damage te tba trait trees, large and small s net a single orebard la tbla vicinity escapes their ravage wme beibdbuwbbd. mar Bathe la the Oeaeetega al Levea's Hill en aeaeay aad mah la Kaeh eiaac's sahract. Fer a aeeend tlma within a yaarwa are called upon te cbroelole a double drowning. Id both eaaea tba victims wera beya. These wbe mat their aad fata en Monday afternoon were Isaac Klaber and Emanuel O. Zwalley, 1 bard working beya, Tba accident occurred te tba Coneatega creak at Mvan'a mill. Tba only eya wltneasea te tba drowning wera Geerge Hickman, wbe waa In bathing with lha beya drowned, and Knea Morten, who waa eUndlbg en tba'bahk'ef ihe'ereak'.' Tba drowning occurred In tbla way : Fisher and Zsrallay went In bathing be tween 1 and 3 o'clock. Altar being In tba cteak for aema tlma Fiaber, wbe could net awlnfgDt IfltdMeep Water. lie aaWtlisfEe waa In danger of drowning and he called for aaslstanee. .walley, wbe waa near, Imme diately went te bla aid. When be get near te Fisher, FUher took bold el him. walley endeavored W rreehlmsell from' Frsher's grasp, bnt waa unsuoeesaful and both went down te their deatb. Yeung Hickman also made efforts te get te tbejdrewnlng beya, but be waa tee far away te be et any aaatstauoe.- An alarm waa at onee made and the real, dents of tbe vicinity responded and at once began searching for tbe bedlea of tbe beya, A Iter an hour "a labor William Weeds suc ceeded In finding the bedlea and bringing them te ahere In a beat The bodies were found In about twelve feet of water and but a feet or two from' Where they went down. The coroner waa aent for, but before hla arrival at the scene of tbe aecldent Fisher's body bad been brought te hla home In tbla city. The coroner met tba wagon containing. FUher'a body when ba waa en the read and he di rected them te go en wltb tbe remains while ba proceeded te the mill and held an In quest en tbe body of .walley. Tbe Jureraln the Flaher case ware Jehn a Uoed, Isaac Martin, J. J. Htebman, K. F. Trimble, W. It Wlker and I.andla Levari, and these In tbe aalley case were I.tndls Levan, W.M. Weeds, sr., W. It. Ayers, Chaa. H. Yarnall, W. It. Hbetzberger and Daniel Hickman. Tbe verdict In both cases were accidental drowning, while bathing near ! van's mill. Tbe drowned beya were about 15 yeara of age. Fisher la the son el Abraham Fisher, wbe Uvea en Heutb Queen street oppe.lt tbe residence el Mayer Morten. Tile boy worked for J. J. htebman, a farmer living near New Danville. Oa Huudey morning be came te hla borne In tbla city, changed bis clothes, and after eating dinner be left borne te go te bis work and that la tbe last bla suentaaaw of him. . . -.-- Yeung .walley la the son of Kinanuel .walley, tbe head miller at Sevan's mill, and he Uvea near where bla eon waa drowned. Tba boy waa employed by a farmer alae llv- JjSg near New Danvilla. . Tba bosawerecleae friends, and la their spare time ware alwsjs together. The news of the drowning spread rapidly, by evening It waa tba talk of tbe town and everywhere were beard expreaalena of sym pathy for the bereaved families. This drown-' Ing recalls tbe fata el young wiine Mcbuiuu and Charles Frederick Demarra, atep atep brethera, wbe were drowned en tbe 2Sth of Auguat et last year. Tbat accident occurred en the same creek, about a mile nearer tbe city. A BIKB MBW BTADLB. The Ijsneaatar CHv 'fawasngsr Ksllway Com Cem pauj M ova. Inte lu N.w liulldlng. The Lancaster City 1'a.senger Hallway company abandoned tbelr old stable at Mo Me (Jrann's park en Saturday and moved into tbe new building ou Prince street. The old building will be moved ever Inte tbe park grounds where It will be used for fsir pur poses. Tha new atable waa erected en a let or ground wblcb waa purchased ou tbe east side or 1'rlnee street, Just south or the Read ing Depot hotel. Tbe building la tbe handsomest el its kind In this city and la an ornament te tbe part of town In wblcb It stand a, Tbecontracter wbe erected It waa Atnea Urban and h has almost nnlsbed hla work. Tbe building la entirely or brick and la 193 feet long and &8 feet wide. Tba part fronting en the street la 127 feet long and will ba used for tba aterlng of tbe cara. In tbla alx tracks are being laid and It will bava a capacity for about 30 cara. In tbe rear la a turntable by which caracanbaawitobadteanyottbealx track In tbe front of tbe building will be the office of liarry N. Hewell, superintendent of tbe company. Tbe atable lu tbe rear of tbe building, which la aeparated from the part holding the cara by a large brick wall, la 00 feat long and 08 wide and will accommodate forty-two beraea. A large force of men are yet at work In tbe building laying trackage., and It will ba aeveral weaka before, every thing la complete. At present tbe company Is running two cara between McQrann's park and tbe Square and the aa'me number between tbe Reading depot and tbe Square. Besides tbe superin tendent four drivers are employed and two man are kept busy caring ler tba beraea and doing ether work at the stable. The com pany la at preeent tunning out ten neraea, out tnia nnmbar will be largely increased when tbe track la completed down North Queen street te Centre Square. Fourteen cara are new in use by tha company, but quite a number In addition will be procured. It will be but a abort tlma until tbe whole Una la in perfect running order and everything will ba mev ing along smoothly. Tbe buslnesa of the company haa been vary Urge lately and It baa been aided greatly by tbe picnics held at Panryn park. It la surprising hew many people use the streetcar In tbe traqsactien of their buslnesa and In going te and Irem tbelr homeland the patronage la likely te Inerease each month. At present tbe trackaef tbla line are laid aa far down North Queen street aa Walnut Meat of tba workmen are new engaged In working at tha a tablet. Waal a Uaneral Bsdeetlea , Frem tbe Yerk Age. The people or Wrlgbtavllle are opposed te tba proposed reduction or tell upon tbe Penn aylvanla Railroad oempany'a bridge ever tha Susquehanna. They aay If tha tell la only te ba redueed te market people, the re sult will ba that all Yerk county produce will ba taken aoreaa tbe river te tbe Lancaster county markets and advance prleea en tbla aide, ir tbe bridge tell are te ba redueed tbe people of Wrlgbtavllle think tbe reduc tion aheuld be general and net limited te one eliaa. Wa think our Wrlgbtavllle friends are quit right In the position tbey have taken ea ttla aubjcet and they aheuld peti tion the railroad oempany te cut down the tellaall round, andnotteglvefavore toene claaa and none te another, Bald a Celebration Tba Sodality of tba Blessed Virgin Mary held, a celebration in Ht Antbeny'a church laatevealag. New membera ware received aad laa eervieea dose wltb a aermen by Bar. Father aVthasaU, of felt Jeseph's hospital. eleeioews. Samuel Heee, auctioneer, aeld at publle aaleea Saturday far II.. O. Llntner.'at the publle boaeeef Qeerge Miller, at Lampeter atiaia, 31 banal afaawa i aa bvanftptis of a&TJrMae TWO CHCRCll EVENTS. lMTAt.t.tttVlt AMB aa-DBBlOATlOM BBBTIOBIAT BT, A DVB BBBVBMBB. Large Congregations Attsad the Meratag aad Kveatag Btsrelsss ea Raadar Bav. J. W. emlagat teMall.d as Paster A Desertp. Ilea et the Improved Chareb. Ht Paul'a Reformed church, corner Duka and Orange streets, waa attended by large congregations at both tha morning and even ing services en Hunday. Tha new pastor,-' Rev. J, W. Memlnger, was Installed In the mnmlngand tbe re-dedlcatlen exerdeea were bald In tbe evening. The 10 o'clock service waa opened wltb a beautifully rendered anthem by tba choir, alter wrlch Rev. Warren J. Jehnsen, eLMan helm, Nilemnly Invoked tha blesali Almighty Ued upon the exercises of the' and alae read the scripture-lessen. gregstlen Joined In singing tba 13'M which wss followed with a meat Imp! prayer by Rev. Dr. Peters. After singing another bymn Hsv. Dr. Htahr announced aa hla text tbe 15th, ICth and 17th verses of tbe 21st chapter of Ht Jehn. Tbe aermen was devoted mainly te tbe duties or the Christian minister, who la net merely a teacher but wbeae prime ' qualification I a personal love el tbe Ha- vleur, lie doe net merely Impart te his nearera wnai ne naa learneu ey aiuuy, dui aa well wbat (led baa revealed te him through prayer and tbe atudyasf His word. One duly of the minister If te ml the church, te bring Inte It tbeae wbe ' are outside, lie need nstursl talent and careful training te enable him te accomplish thla work ; he aheuld be a fluent speaker and pleas ing In manner and addree,-and-abeve all peaeemed el geed common sense ; knew bow te exhort wisely and te praise or censure with a Just discrimination j but having all tbete qualifications, love for tbe Saviour is tbe pre eminent quality. At the conclusion of Dr. Htabr'a addresa Rev. Dr. Oast read the Installation aervlee, Rev. Memlnger standing en the outside of tbe chBncei. Alter being formally pro nounced aa Installed tbe congregation was led In prayer by Dr. (last at tbe conclusion of which the de rgynien In the pulpit, followed by tbe conltery,extended tbe right band of fellowship te tbe new pastor of Ht Paul'a A notice from tbe trustees wss read an nouncing tbat the alteratlena and repairs were flnlabed and that they bad coat $3,000, aud that there wasadetlclt of fOOO, te meet which collections would betaken up morning and evening. A collection waa then lilted wblcb went far toward paying the debt one of tbe aubacrlptleriH being a check for f.V). The service was closed with a benediction by Mr. Memlnger. Tbe decorations were confined te tbe pul pit and chancel, and wbllenet elaborate, they were exceedingly bandaemeaud appropriate. A large and meat beautiful Meral design, In tbe form of a circle, wltb a llfe-alze white dove In the centre and a atar en tip, occupied tba altar table, with a vaaa et llewara en each aide. The baptismal font waa alae tilled, with exquisitely arranged flowers and trailing vines. The Hener aud design were fur nished by the Florist Hhreyer, and arranged by the ladles of tbe congregation. TIIK KVKNINO HBItVICK Tbe church wss crowded te Its utmost ca pacity. In tbe audience were quite a num ber of clergv men. among whom were Rev. Dr. Allenian, of Ht Jehn's Lutheran, Rev. Jamea Crawford, of Philadelphia, Rev, Dr. Dubba and ether. The same gentlemen oc ec oc eupied the pulpiras In tbe morning, Tee music at both services was exceed ingly tine and well rendered, and was under tbe direction et Miss Msry Hener, the leader of tbe choir, wltb Mr. Ad Fritebey at tbe or gan. Tbe vnlc: of Lancaster'a most favored tenor, Prer. Win. It Hall, added much te the general ellect. After the singing of an an them. Rev. Memlnger Invoked tbe divine blessing. The congregation new united In singing tbe 1 liith bymn, and Rev. Warren J. Jehnsen read tbe 31th Psalm. At the con clusion et the lessen the new pastor of Ht. Paul'a read In a very impressive manner tbe beautiful rc-dedlcatlen aervlee, clealng tbe aame with prayer. Anether bymn was sung, when Rev. Dr. Peters preached there-dedicatory aermen, taking aa hla.text tbe 12th verae of the 7th chapter et Samuel. The aermen waa an able and Impressive one. Tbe church history was traced from It feeble beginning te lu present pros perous condition. Hlx pastorates cover tbe period et tbe congregation ; tbe seventh pas tor entered upon bla labors en this auspi cious occasion. Dr. Peters paid a glowing tri bute te tbe memory or Rev. N. A. Keyea, the first pastor, a memeral tablet In whose memory adorns tbe pulpit recess. Dr. Peters cleaed bla discourse by a pertinent reference te tbe beautllul beuae of worship new re-dedlcatled te tbe werablp of Ged. After prayer by Dr. Htahr and an anthem by tbe choir tbe congregation was dismissed with benediction by Hev. Dr. Htahr. HKKTL'll OP TIIK i'ASTOK. Rev. Jamea Wllbert Memlnger, who enters upon hla labor a here under aucb favorable auspices, wat born near Ickesburg, Perry county, Pennsylvania, where hla parent still reside. He attended the public schools of tbe neighborhood, and at the age or six teen began teaching during tbe winter ses sions, and attended tbe Bloomfield academy through the summer months. Uls preparation for college was made at tbe Tuscarora academy, In Juniata county. lie entered tbe sophomore class In Urstnus college and' grad uated with tbe degree or H. a. lu clan or '. Alter llnlsblng his collegiate course, he entered tbe Urslnus theological seminary, graduating from the aame In May, 1880, During bla atudles In tbe seminary, he alae entered upon a course of training In the National school el Oratory, Philadel phia, apandlng part or each week at tbe latter place, and graduating with tbe degree or Bacheler or Elocution in June, 1886. Up te thla date be bad alae preached 110 aermena. Ha b a pleasant and eloquent speaker, and gives premise of a useful future. He la yet quite a young man, being only 27 yeara of age. XBB MBPBOTBMBBTB. Whet lias Baea Dm. ma Church the fast Three Maath. Deriag St Paul'a Reformed congregation Inspected and greatly enjoyed en Sunday the Improve, menta made at tbelr church during the piat three months, Evldeneea of tbe akUl of me chanic are aeen both en the eutalde and In aide of tbe building, and tbe committee in charge et the work, consisting of J. W. it Bausman, Jehn D. Sklles, W. A. Heltahu, D. O. Havaratlek and Gee. E. Keller, is receiving unstinted praise for the manner In wblcb everything waa completed. Tha exterior of tbe church received two oeata of paint, stained glaaa wai substituted for tha plain windows, tha ebuuere were re moved and tbe marble base, etep and coping reunlshed. The atreet eurblng waa reset and new pavement laid en Duke and Orange streets. While tba entalda of thla church presenta a trim appearance, It la within where tba prinelpal Imprevementa were made. In tba main room tha celling la handsomely frescoed. All the weed work baa baea painted and tba fleer covered wltb a very pretty carpet Tha aaata and baeka of tba pawa have bean newly upholstered, 'fbe pew doera nave bean removed, aa bav alae tba laelde window shutter Instead of tba old pulpit there la sew a aasaU aelld walnut Mi IMefijMtta Mftaela aw1flMlM waa tbat It hid tee much of tha apeaker from tha audience. The bracket Hgbta ea each side eftbe pulpit have been dlspeaaad with and a small reflector la placed la tha celling, which will give ample light without annoy ance te either apeaker or hearer. At tba south and of tbe room, te tha right and left of tha pulpit, have been placed tba memorial wlndewa et tbe Hunday acboel. The Hunday school room baa been entirely changed. The aide walla have been painted and wainscoted and tha celling handaemely and appropriately decorated. The adjoining rooms, occupied respectively by tha primary department and tha library, have alae been greatly Improved. The poateffloe system in the new distribution of books haa bean adopted, and a new ahd beautlTiil case "ex tends nearly tba entire length of the room. A hundred dollars' worth et new boeka have been added, and thla branch or work la new In meat excellent ahapa. Hpeclal attention baa been paid te secure better ventilation and tbna get rid, If possible, of tba dampneaa which haa heretofore given te much annoy ance. An open grate with an Inside register has been put Inte the wall en tba Duke atreet trenr, wltb a similar one at the opposite aide of the building, tbua permitting a continu ous draft of air in and through these pas sageways. Tbe veatlbule and atalrway walla bare been painted a deep drab and laid off in appropriate blocks. The parsonage el tbe church, located at Ne. 137 North Duke, baa alae been over hauled irem cellar te garret, both outside and Inside being newly painted, and new and handsome paper new adorns all the rooms and hall way a A bright fresh Brus sels carpet baa been laid upon tbe fleer or the hall and stairs, and tbe committee haa spared no expense te mske tbe home for tbe pastor tbe most pleasant and comfortable. Tb6 work for tbe above Improvements waa well done, and relied credit upon tbe con tractors. W. II. Bateman did tbe painting and frescoing ; tbe carpentering work by Adam J. Auxer ;tba upholstering by A. R. Heffmeter ; ajalned wlndewa by R. H. Greves A Htell, Philadelphia ; carpet furnished by JehnH. nivler.tCa; the pulpit by Messrs. Hlaugb it: Hen, and the plumbing by K verts AOverdecr. OUU WALLOW' AWMirBBMAAr Octoraro bedge, 370, Val.brau. Its 38th Aenl- versarfSl Uandrad Qasst Prsual. Btenterar ledga K.prssanl.d. Octerara Ledge, Ne. 370, 1. O. of O. F., lo cated at Atglen, Cheater county, celebrated its 33th anniversary en Saturday. Tbe exer cises took place In a beautiful grove belong ing te Mr, llurferd, about a mile south or the village. There were net leas than lx hundred people present from Cheater and tbe lower end of Lancaster counties. Tbey came in alt aorta of vehicles, Irem tba atyilab two horse carriage te the one mule box wagon, and some came afoot and nema In the cara Monterey Ledge, of this city, was repre sented by District Deputy K. J. Krlsman, C O. llerr, M. R. Uerr and Geerge A. Shelly. Dinner waa served In tbe grove from 12 te hair-past 1 o'clock, the cletba being apread en tbe ground, In the geed old picnic style which made It all the mere interesting and appetiz ing. At 2 o'clock the axei Lisas pagan with -annate by tbe ercheatra and choir. A prayer waa offered by Rev. J It Heule, formerly of tbla city, but new stationed at Atglen. A poem In memory of Jamea L. Rldgley, and a history or Octoraro ledge were read by J. F. Ring, wbe alae made a abort address. District Deputy K. J, Krlsman alae made a short addresa. An Interesting feature et tbe exercises was a responsive reading en tbe " Reck or Ages" by two little girls, Tbe ex. erclses, wblcb were Interspersed wltb vocal and instrumental music, closed with a ben ediction by Rev. J. K. Heule. Tbe balance or tbe atternoen was spent In games and ether pastimes In tbe shady greva Aa many et these present lived at a long distance from tbe scene of tbe festivities, tbey did net remain for supper. The Lancaster party remained and spent tbe evening at Ooteraro Ledga Tbe attendance waa large, and an addreaa en Odd Fellowship wa delivered by Dtatrlet Deputy Krlsman. Ad dresses were delivered also by C, O. Herr, et tbla city, Rev. Oak, of Tower City, and by membera of Octoraro ledge, and tbe meeting waa In all respects an Interesting and in structive one. The Lancaster party after being generous ly entertained left Atglen alter midnight, and reached home at 2 o'clock Hunday morning, highly pleased with tbelr visit te tbelr friends el Octoraro. A OuMr Tflp. Hunday morning at an early hour a well dressed ycung stranger met Officer Kellly at tbe Pennsylvania railroad Butten, and told bltu a rather queer atery. He aald tbat he lived In Philadelphia where he waa a etarter en tbe Fourth and Eighth Btreeta car line. He had been te Easten en Haturday and re membered leaving tbat place. Alter tbat he bad no recollection el anything until he waa awakened by tbe conductor or Pacltte Ex press In Lancaster. He wanted te step in Philadelphia, but he did net remember com ing through tbat city at all. The young man bad lest a geld watch valued at 1100, and he supposes it waa stolen from bla pocket, aa tbe chain waa left He waa very much afraid tbat be would lese bla Jeb en the ear line, and be left for Philadelphia en the 227 train, which waa almost two hours late. Daath el Iaaae r.ll.nbaam. Isaac Fellenbaum, one of Lancaster's well known citizens, died at bla son's residence at the water werka, en Hunday night from gen eral debility, aged 72 years. Deceased waa born in the northern part of the oeunty, out came te thla city te live when a boy. He learned tbe trade of machinist, and worked ter many yeara for Miller & Fellenbaum, whose shop waa en Plum atreet, and la new part of tbe Penn Iren werka property. In later yeara be waa employed at tbe abopaet Messrs. Harberger, Dlllerand Bllekenderfer. He leaves three children, hla wile having died a law yeara ego, Jamea Fellenbaum, engineer at tbe water works, la bla only eon. Hla daughters are Mra. Lydla Unkle, of Renovo, and Mlaa Clara, hla housekeeper are hla daughters. A brother alae survive htm. He Uvea lu Illinois, and la expected te arrive In tlma te attend the funeral. One Otflclatad la Laaeaatsr. Rev. Emll Kalleln, rector of Ht. Lauren Hue' Polish Reman Catbolle church In Philadelphia, died In that place Friday. Be waa well known In this elty, bavins been con nected same yeara age with Ht Antbeny'a church for three mentba. Frem thla plaee be went te Reading aud thence te Philadel phia, where be waa deputized by tba late Arobbisbep weed te buna the ronsneuurcri en tbe corner et Memphis and Vienna avenues. This edifice waa net yet com. plated at tha time or Father Kalleln'a death. Tha funeral will take place en Tuaaday. i m Weal te rttubarg. Jee Reyer, of tbla elty, wbe haa been at a theatre In Atlantic Olty all aumtner, passed west through this city yesterday afternoon en Fast Line. He geea te Plttaburg and will be a member of the orchestra at Harry WU llam'a Academy of Music, Tba season at tbatbeuaa opens tbla evening with Sheri dan's California specialty company. La wa Party. Mr, and Mra. David Watts, of HarrUburg, gave a dellgbtlul lawn party la that place la honor of Mr. and Mra. Simen B. Cameren en Friday evening. Herrbrimrg'abeBtaoeiety waaia aMosdaaeoaBd tad oyeoJBt mm em- jeyawy LEIBSLEY'S SENTENCE TO BB rBUHOWBOBBBW J VBMrPATtBB BOB OB VBBAT. A lumber of Karat of tae rsaea aad Deeet Bea Oases Disposed ef enlaatardar-Ooasasea mass Opsas With Twsntjr Cases aa laa List rev Trial That Week, Saturday AfUrnoe n Upen the reaa aembllng of court at 2;T0 o'clock the court took np desertion and aurety or peace eaaea. Tha desertion case against Jehn Qulnn waa dismissed with county for office oeata. Qulnn Is new serving a term in the county Jail for maliciously breaking the cell at tha station house, and hla wife agreed te give blm another trial after hla release from J all. Tbe aurety of the peace case against Peter Hill waa alae dismissed with county for office coats. Peter was of unsound mind when he made tbe threats and waa aent te tba Inaane asylum. Walter B. Tangert waa beard en tba charge or deserting hla wife and child In May last and alnee then he haa net provided for her. Her general complaint waa tbat ba apent hla earning for rum and waa Influenced by hla father, wbe waa net en geed terms wltb her. He claimed te be willing te support bis wire, but that aba did net want te stay with him at bl father'a place, where be bearded. Tbe court waa disposed te give the defendant a chance te provide a home for bla wife, but be could net give any definite assurance that he would get a home for hla wife. He waa ordered te pay his wife 12 per week for ber maintenance. He waa unable te give ball te comply with the order of the court and will apend the next 00 daya In Jail. Benjamin Breneman, an old man living near Rawllnsvllle, wsa charged with having threatened te blew out the brains et Harry Green, a young colored man, If he crossed his path, and a cress action waa entered against Green for having threatened te de bodily barm te Breneman. Frem tbe conflicting teatlmeny It appeara tbat aema one atele Breneman'a deg and Green waa suspected. He waa told te bring tbe deg back and would cot and Breneman then said that if Green ever oeme en bla premises be would sheet him. On the etber aide Breneman'a state ment waa tbat Green en one occasion polled out a razor and threatened te alaah him. The court dlamlHMd tbe two cases, bnt directed Breneman te pay the ceata. He waa unable te de be and he went te beard with Keeper Burkbelder. Jeaepb Beam, or tbe Ninth ward, city, waa charged with deserting bin wife and three-years-old child. There waa no defense offered for the desertion. The court ordered the de fendant te pay f3 per week for tbe wife and child'a maintenance. Beam, threngb bla counsel, offered te pay f-2 per week, but tbe court would net reduce tbe amount from 3 and Beam then said he would pay nothing but would go te I alL Ha waa banded ever te the sheriff. Abraham White charged his uncle Israel White with having threatened te kill him tbe first opportunity be bad If It waa ten yeara after tbla. The defendant denied hav tag made the alleged, uureata, but ba waa or-1 dered te give ball te heap the peace for nlnel mentba and pay tha oeata et prosecution. Henry E. Wolfe, living near Columbia, waa charged by Adam Blumenahlne, a dis charged workman, with threatening te de him bodily harm. He awere te tbe threats, and Mr. Wolfe denied having made any. He aald be waa obliged te discharge the prose cuter from his quarries because he had made discord among his workmen. Tbe court thought there was sufficient evidence te warrant an order being made In the case and directed the defendant te enter into hla own recognizance te keep the peace and also te pay tbe ceata of prosecution. Jamea Herrlgan, a tramp, waa beard for having threatened te kill the children et Tbe. Smith, el Columbia, en August 1. The defendant's statement waa that he wanted te get something te eat and went into the alley way el Smith's house, Intending te go te tbe back yard te ask ter aemetbing te eat Wbtle in the yard he waa bitten by a deg and he then picked up a hatchet te defend himself. He denied having made any threats or bavlng any intention te harm the children. The court thought it would be cheeper te dismiss tbe case If tbe prisoner would leave tbe oeunty. Herrlgan agreed te aktp out at once and he waa discharged. Mary Elizabeth Glass, who waa a domeatle In tbe employ of Amea Herr, waa charged with threatening te atab or poison Amea Herr and his hired boy. She denied having made the threata charged, but admitted that aba aald tbe boy and Herr ought te be killed. She claimed tbat tbeae aulta were only brought agalnat her because she bad entered ault for an assault with Intent te rape against Harr. Tba case waa dismissed, with county for coats, upon the girl's premise net te annoy Herr In the future. Jehn Ceeney and wife and Amea Albright figured in creaa actlena for aurety of the peace. All the partiea live In the aame house and the row occurred about some tomatoes, belonging te Ceeney, wbleh Albright ap propriated te bis own use. The suit brought by Mrs. Ceeney waa dismissed with oeunty for office oeata. The etber two aulta were dismissed and each party waa ordered te pay tbe oeata. Geerge Kreckel, Jr., waa beard en a charge et having threatened te de harm te his step mother. Tbe case waa dlmlaaed,but defend ant directed te pay tbe oeata. The last case taken up waa that of Geerge Kreckel, sr., for desertion. Material wlt neasea ter the prosecution were absent, and the only witness examined waa a daughter el the defendant, te aave ber another trip from Reading. According te tbe glrl'a atatement ber father waa a geed provider, but her step mother en numerous occasions refused te oeok previsions brought Inte tha house. At tbe conclusion of ber testimony the case waa oentlnued for a hearing en next Saturday. CUHBENT nUSINXSH, Henry S. Eberly, el Clay township, waa appointed guardian of the miner child of Jacob Druckanbread, deceased, late of Clay township. AVOVBt OOaTBOJr t-LBAB OOVBT. Mine of tba Twenty-nine Oontlaeed or Battled. Tbe first week et the August term of the oemmon pleas court was opened at 10 o'clock thla morning, with Judge Livingston presid ing In tbe upper oeurt room and Judge Pat Pat teraeu in the lower oeurt room. Ot the 29 eaaea en tha trial list 9 ware continued or settled, leaving 20 ler trial. In tbe suit of the state Hank et Leck Haven va F. A. Bennett, president, W. L, Beer, aecretary, and tha Commonwealth Mu tual Fire Insurance company, Judgment by oensent In open oeurt waa entered In favor of tbe plaintiff and against me inanranee coaa ceaa pany for 32a&0 for want of a sufflelant affida vit et defense, CURRKNT BUSINBSS. Rudelph Suter and Charles Kentnar ware granted a renewal el their aeldlera licenses. Samuel G. Ruth, who aerved a term ler a mlademaaner,.waa discharged under tha la la eelventlaw. Jamea H. Fattaraen, of Little Britain town child of WUItam HUtoe, deeaaaed, lata of tbe. ime lewnanip. Rasra R. uit Jihn N. Knrts. two Ot the executoraef Jacob Kurtx, deeaaaed, lata of Upper Leaoeok township, were reiiovae -. the axaoutlen of tbelr truat at tbelr eware- H?Z. al. I . J. Bmiii 9, Wirtr- Tat Kate JUrtaBMtbi aWart made an order tbat ba pay hla wlia 2 a weak alimony and 116 cenaaal teae, NO Pf.BA erPKRBD. Oeunaal for tha coeameawealtb la lha Lelbsley murder case laka exoeptteaa te lha atatement published ea Saturday that a plea et guilty of murder la tha eeoend degree waa offered before the trial. While aneS a plea waa spoken of they aay no offer waa made te them as te the entering or any plea la tba case. Lelbsley will be sentenced te-morrow morning by Judge Patterson. BLAIBB BBlBKtnO BALt ABB iBOB. Urn la Vajhtlag DMsaae With the Water el Rembarg-HU Ktesps rrem Raiadtera. Chioaqe, Aug. 22. The News' apeelal cable from Hetnburg rays : II the watara here agree with Mr. Blaine he will remain four or Ave weeks, the period of treatment pres cribed ter tbe cure. Senater Hale'a experi ment baa been altogether satisfactory, and aa both Maine statesmen suffer from the aame disorder, Mr. Blaine la encouraged te prolong hla stay beyond the week be bad originally Intended for tbe visit Mr. Blaine began tba drinking cure at Elizabeth well yesterday and will try tba bathe next week. The watera are ferreeallne, of both reselvent aad tonle qualities. According te prescription Mr. Blslne will drink In solution every day 150 gralna et salt and a grain and a ball of Iren. One cannot but admire the practical man ner In wblcb ha baa resented being robbed. He waa given rooms apart from the hotel Bellevue for which he was charged tbe equi valent el $75 a week. He promptly went te house bunting and finding four apartmenta for half that amount be moved Inte them yesterday. Few Americana have the courage te act similarly. Senater Hale centlnuaaln his present quartera adjoining these vacated by Mr. Blaine and paya for tbem 160 a week. Mr. Blaine is receiving the respects or old friends only. Senater Hale, ea tbe ether hand, Is mingling unreservedly with Ameri cana, wbeae opinions and cbat he communi cemmuni catee te Mr. Blaine. Mr. Garrett baa had a couple et conversa tion wltb Mr. Blaine, In tbe first or which the action or tbe Pennsylvania convention, el which Mr. Blaine waa Informed by cable be fore the resolutions or indersement were paased, were cheerfully discussed. Tbe reso lution were a surprise te neither gentlemen. Te Bntartata the rresldent. Washington, Aug. 22. Phllartelphlans are making elaborate preparations te enter tain the president, Mrs. Cleveland and tha membera or the cabinet during the centen nlal anniversary of the framing and promul gation or tha constitution en tba 15th, 16th and 17th el next month. It seems te be gen erally understood tbat the president Intends te be present en tbat oeaaslon, although nothing definite can be ascertained en the subject while the president remains at Oak view and Cot Lsment is absent It la alae rumored tbat the presidential party will ba entertained at Spring Lake Beach en the 14th el September. Spring Lake la tba most fash ionable seaside resort, patronized principally by wealthy Pblladelphlana. A private lett r received from there te-day states that tha pretty little village of Spring Lake la turning Itself almost upside down In anticipation of thapleaanre et entertaining tha prealdent and bla wile, ll eniy ter a single aay. j Btwunsnip BeaK. Peim.ANn, Me., Aug. 22 The ateamer City et Richmond, el the Portland a Machlaa line, started for Machlaa thla morning at 4 o'clock. While going Inte MUbridge aha strnck en a ledge and stove a hole In her bot tom. She waa beached and new Ilea ball full of water. The passengers are all aafe. A tugboat and driver have started te aid her. Shee rectory Emptor. Strike. Devf.r, N. H., Aug. 22. Eighty stitchers and all el tbe etber employee In tbe abea lactery of Martin French & Ce. struck work te dsy, because the firm would net discharge two non-union stitchers. Fir ICaarly usstrer m Village. HrniNUKiKLD, Ohie, Aug. 22. The village el De Graff, Legan county, a plaee et 1,200 Inhabitants, was almeat destroyed by fire Saturday nlgbt. Tbe bualneaa portion of tbe village waa nearly wiped out, and aeveral residences are reported deat reyed. The lese la about 130,000. m WBABttmM ABJttOABMOBB. Wabkiboteb, D. C, Aug. 22. Fer Kaatern Pennsylvania Eastern New Yerk and New Jersey : Light rains, southwest winds becoming variable, alight cbangee In temperature, lollewed by cooler weather Tuesday night BIBB. BOBB'B BILL OOMtBtTBB. Blatcinsnui ada by Or. Jeha Oamarea flatly Oonlradlelae. A special dispatch from Indianapolis te the Chicago Times, and which haa alnee been aent Eist aaya : "The will et Mra Dr. Bebbs, a alster of General Simen Cam eroon, or Pennsylvania la being con tested here by Dr. Jebn Cameren, of that atate. Mr. Wayne MaeVelgb, of Philadel phia, la one of tbe defendants. Tha amount Involved la about feO.000. Tne oemplalot al leges thst Mrs. Bebbs, who resided in In dianapolis, became insane last March, and tbat Mrs. Ricbard Haldemsn, daughter of General Simen Cameren, enticed ber away from the atate te Pennsylvania, and there took advantage et her enfeebled atate of health and fraudulently Induced ber te re voke portions of the will favorable te Dr. Jehn Cameren." Inquiry among the frlenda and relatives et Mrs. Bebbs in Uarrlsburg proves the alle gations made by Dr. Jehn Cameren te be utterly false. Seme time .last spring Gen eral Simen Cameren waa notified through tbe solicitor of hla alster, Mrs. Bebbs, that there were fears tbat the aged lady, wbe bad been ill for aeme time, was being suspiciously aeait with in ner own neuae, and that surreptitious means were being used te Impair her mental faeultlea aud prolong ber illness. At General Cameren' request hla daughter, Mra. Haldeman, went te Indianapolis, and, Mra. Bebbs' frlenda claim, found her completely under tha in fluence of a Dr. Jean Cameren, a dt taut relative, wbe occupied the aame house with her, and that her mind had be come temporarily affected. Aa tbey claim there waa geed reason te fear that thla had been brought about by tbe use of drugs, II la further charged tbat Dr. Jebn Cameren had persuaded ner, whUe in an irresponsible nonunion, w auu iwu oeuiuua tu -usx huh Slvlng blm tbe control of a portion and tbe itareet et another portion of about 120,000. It waa General Cameren's desire and by tbe advice or a responsible physi cian of Indianapolis and her solicitor tbat Birr, heeds was remevea te ner uieuui-s residence, In thla city, where aba received the beat el care and medical attendance, Dr. T. J, Dunott having tha ease la charge. When aha bad sufficiently recovered Mra, Bebbs of bar own volition revoked tbe eodJeua te bar win and latt that Instrument la tbe ahapa It waa originally Intended. ale el ateck. This afternoon B. Matt Frldy aeld for J. B. Leng, at the Leepard hotel, the following atoeka,&o: Tea efaaraa of East End street Ksiireaa oempany, te Martin K raider, at 63.75 per anere. Five shares of aame, te Martin Kreldar, el wo-lneiBMne, te Marti KraWer, at e-Xa. Buvkt.tcok.tea.c, wi!k'iM..ea- county bank, te BenJaaaaLeer,atlia30perabara. iSw absres Farmers' bank, te BeaJaaUa .a alia aaa BLhavram: 5 'abaaia'a beak, te Hlrea X. MTearaaarwer Nortbera Naueaal bank, te Bsnj. Leng, at Iliff.M per ahara. Twelve ffiarea of I,4nqaar X UUta bam. plke ateck, te Benjeaala Loag, at f7a par abare. Tea of OolBtabtaNaileaal aaBki ll QetiaW.bUjar,i4mWlMkllv, A RRRKRRR APmiMTUi- BB OBJAUmm ABAMBB9 tTBB 4 " larmtiBAfam. T',jV?..i A i mm Tba eeart ay tae Baa W5fl BtJSBBMjB) e-ate.lvea li,2 --- ii aajiaiai sag lawless aa aaa - .tvt iisa - fcI?J Kt Nkw Yemk. Abb. 18. Tha l Judge BoekataTar ha tha Henry a ltaa M'MS, ue. aattgnaaeat te-day raamllad hi bbMbb.,&M 6 1. uen from the oeurt tbat Iveeat Ce. . jKJa pear before a referee aad diseteae tha waaW&A abnuta of tha inlalBa tmnka. Ih. Bbamsaa, Vf hoeka ltaa, Utataaa aad Deremua wera in oeurt - Mri Algernens. Sullivan, oenaaal far AataMlii, Cmmwall aad mr fnnaiaaaiw - tt'Q.A repraaantad Ivaa A Ce., ware alae witmfWif ', ant. Kdward Leutatbaca addnaaai aW-., court, saying that it waa BmpBBM&w w uvu atom ex. vut met wnu tnetr uuvtma eaane;Y : the legal ffrma of Sullivan it Cromwell m1 ueadly, Johnsten A Lauterbaeh would ap- K$. near for them. Tbla cenld net be, baaaa.-t'S"' because It would net ha nrenar for Mr. Hallli:iY"fe m an te appear aa bla partner, Mr. CreaaweU, !fel3 had been selected aa assignee. It la net pea- M m -lft.1- ..,.. TW..... A. -- 3!.t '.J mtuim jur nuwij, wuubehmi a. ajaussvaaaaa te appear aa Gov. Headly, lha bead of tbe firm, waa a director of lha Dayton, Fart Wayne et Chicago railroad, which M a creditor of the firm el lvea A Ce., aad be could net took altar tha Interests of both partiea. Ex-Congressman Adama then aald ne naa no time te prepare or even read tee ii4 paperslnthee.se. He intended te ask for .wj weears adjournment, dui in uia aa, wan v J overrated ey ear. aves wne inewieu, eeaanew t;.?' ei tha criticisms ei the press, that the nutter aheuld proceed Immediately. After aema argument Judge BoekataTar ordered that Ivaa and bla partnera tenet, be examined and It waa decided te appoint aa JudgeCharleeiP. Daly aa referee, or, If beta out of town, ex Judge Neah Davis. AB BABLW MOBBIBB MOBBBB, A Bey MuMta a Man Dattag aQaanel an a rttubarg aaleea. Pittsbure, Aug. 22. "Teeey" Sleea, clerk te Chief of Police Brokaw aad a rela tive et Mayer McCallln, died at Honteepatble hospital at 9:45 o'clock tbla morning front tbe effects or a pistol ball fired' at blm by Faddy MeGraw, -hn, although a beardless boy, ban dena time te pric . At 3e'(i laer jci; Me! ttv; eiitfrMl Oyster P$ ih - werner 1 1 '. ' venue -e 8'c t Undlnir r ty "I irte-rtB. 6V,lraw et, -i u irwei with n . -... - jmidl.,0. Dur- i .ie-.r a J? reallbra eaII i.st turftt'utf - - .rif'Mlutr',J ttA? td i thr deutrt wU.., and Fere "" inoempaii. x ImmediaiQlv Slean, ag -''. -t -lag tbe dip , revolver as' Sloan'aabe,ou o e arreated n ci., Slean la I. at- te tH , no feu.tli victim i Mc-. Graw'a v -u- jo'-era j -u k;e huittn-K ahotTen, 'ia-ii te e tiloen rewlcr vfr m1 heaervei 'uth?x-jr.HiniUiry. ix cbV 1 -- . Train (Jaw - i ?. A'x c vsfxvlat u patch fn I t,ip8 t- . rsf'i-rid wwnJ-,' with prtr'neiy a,s rw j"jrrl enthu Santa Ft. -uren' ye?',err.a ti-a point uhue 47 miles e uia at c- -, - .rav rxHwsau Vl lay Mills and Clip . a "..uieut tha pa eeegertralr Ne . xs: jcuji, a poll's designated, sal ;1 'U rii-V na.l rolled eet Inte a ditch by uv. wrack. The edbidbi ! i!i9ide h ceiupletu s-imaei "Vblli, hiK firemar. Cash'! -- gineerur t,.-.aj j ' .-. -Saemicy, ja en. i ibcr.iB te Ufcc ch,,! l,n.&, front il iiU el an c eyi.ie a eueidec' " y e wounds xse the $ntnt eevere. b.- trbt --Mltfed. C!out tbe ree t mi.- i 'i- oe ittvia wid. expree - ccvp-' '.h. ttili oceupen"iu"-c aiil'tit jy. Neas or the paeseegera wera intuitu. A vttt&v Ing train waa dispatched te the tralna are new running aa usual. bi.li TO BBMOTB TO X.OBBOB. The Irish Natteaal sVeagea mats HiUeaeygy IP1URUW VI ,' -p-?J jl ICOrTSIUHTBD '4Y Londen, Aug. 22,-It la asserted ea ajoetM authority that the Irish National League kai; ub.a.uI 11 I.h .t,w. mm tm BMit yinr t n f .M , (TUlUfW Wl JWUWHiuvMwauu vawin-. '.; den for eafety. Thla appeara lataaaaty.;.'a hutnoreua; a persecuted body mevlag Ma fez' J place of operaUena te the aeat wbaaoelbe 4-1 order for Ita extermination proceeded aad.. under the very nose of ita peraecutere te oea :,, &i oeot plana and issue erdara for the exeentasB !-. .a.w. & I- k . - M.II..MM mM mZu-r Ul tUOUi. UH uummi m IOTMIMMW, "SJ? threat eaat out long age tbat it tbe LaatBOjM.j . nNMi.lmiri It wnnM vwitlnna laa WfawBf'T' in England, Wales and Scotland. Wbat hag,'. crime in Ireland la net in tba rest el tbe bubbiW dem, and although proclaimed la Ireland abavs Laaa-ua Is atill free te carry en Ita work eeaV?',r J aide that mueh ruled country, et eeaMaey'Sj w aM ,... !. Ik. ml. . A'iv-fjB tha I jtuni waa m last eat of a fast aTBlraaaf ministry and probably wltb tbe aaaepttaB.'afj a lew eaaaa uutuuia " wnxtmvm iu i e;, j Hn Knt It -rnnltl ha el Immaaaa'latataaa'aa'.'jf' '9 tbe government te obtain peaaaaalOB at taB:iff j League's papara, ana hub wise pre vieteaaB .; .A .ft. T . M A . It... i !' J J uie part ut ui j-na" " v j i '- valuable pieces ex property, jsewwvw 'i ; ludloreua It Beams Londen la at prwnwU . . mueh aafar plaee for them than Dahlia. TBBBAOTB ABB TBBWtOV, R.DortBelTal by the AgrleaHeral aaaMalauMalaed te be Certeet. SSH. WAHBiNaTON, Aug. 22. A delegation) V--14 Kentucky tobaeoo grewera called apea aaa aaa aaa oemmlaaionar of agriculture te-day te paetawt K against the reports of the atatlatletaa at MM'' department In regard te tbe :tobeeeo araf;' Kentucky aad Iadtana. OhalraaaB QaBlwaj. of tha delegation, stated tbe reMtta K.W, department were Inoerreot; ABB',1IBg-fd acreage f jteniueay wee aaaaaaiBs.iesBBr,.;' -. -- - - -kaa ! .t;:3 that It wUl net be aaueb avare aaM af;asT.at pereent etlaat year'a airaaaa Xb , tbeaereagela glveB aolwlpet year's, built wlU be Tery an oemmlaaionar aad Mr. Oeelaa, U of tbe dapartaMBt, daaaidad I aad elated tbat they county agaata apea reperta reel aub-agaala. Theaa ageata aad were appelatad upon tbe reaaauk membera ofCenaraas freaa tbe dsatrtaafcaadtbeUrajWilBlMMv iMeaqueatteaed. XaiylaBpeaiMMg Beaa of tbaae reperta la taa'pawt abl i apjj of tbe deaartasiBt bad awlkBawaaMlil fending tbe rapert of tee Naw Tebk, Aug. -Tae .hiAb the bedlea .of bum. ra rfuuhier Aaaa. wbe aaaaaaj dbwevered, waa te aaeb a Hal atote ' aaaa I Beard of Maalte eedared ttaaat te, i deck. TbtoaaantelfsaMOl tee plekeraattoedoek nf the dMaaaa. Vet oaaalaaaatte ateM BBd K'j there waa eaaaalMsal aBaadJ araaa. Ob teTaaakBMaM JMbV aha dnaa aaadaaaBd iTV aBTaat as ... laadijiBlH I't I sbV'4 baeka we eata aad totei tel itiraBBrsc! a asasaaaaBB aBPBaxajaaweasw BadaBBBBj I fm r.', j -5 W au , ?i.i jm -fa im 9- src ; "! j w- ,.. si: , m 3r"G. mm . Tffir . "S53g &8$M . .-" l7. .frJJ t iw-w i f j :e&:a -v- v. idCv ii yr-i-ra i l?&y ggSagj