y$mTR& imwmf 4? f - V , " r-jt"Mg-r ' . ": "w My ' 'XMXXi MJABiXJABXlUn AJXkXMJX JU-AJUUlJXW-iCTVJ-ill, P..AtJXVUia.X AUWUPA aW As-,e ? r A VILLAGE SCANDAL, 1 ile net believe It ! Mid Mr Ureal, Hiplitlclljr. ... it Hut what everybody aava " pats'n'ul Mr. Jiflrey. , Hy no means," Mtd Ualeri i Oraat "Oat every body eatrf the aarth waa flat, bow wa all knew It la round." i.- . "Hpwik orynurtalf,"raetlad Mr Jiffrar. I Urm't knew li'a round, tail I'm wllllnn te believe It en geed evltleaea, Thank heaven, I'm net ae aluubnrn that 1 won't believe. I'm one of tha ort that can ha oenviaoed of a thing even It 1 don't aaalt." Mr, (irant iluahed a Utile, and team eama Hhe ! my frlend, and I lera bar daarly," aha itld. " Hhe Iim fault every ena can see thal-butthl wicked, shameful atery, I almplyoannet believe It Oh, Mrs. Jell ray, can you net aaa that It la a matter of eon een eon aelance with me aa well aa with you." Mra. J eflrey, a little ashamed bat of the eauie opinion atlll, mae te go. "If lha matter Is brought up In tha ehurcb, you will then hear all tha evidence. After you aea tbe letter you may change your mind." Pine Kail was oenvulaatl ever Itsflretaoan Itsflretaean daU The tenaun of eenanre, that bad faintly raprnved when Alirltn Hurls had carried bis mother oil te the poerlimiae, and Indulged In audlble criticism when Laura dewlas bad been baptised In the rlver and died efinlleav matery rheureallam a week afterward, bad new broken alienee and carried tba atery from limine te beuae until It waa en every every bedy'a Up 'A mania for vleltlna; aeem"d te have broken nut among llie ladle. Half dezan could be eeen any day, wltb little bundle of knitting nr crochet In hand, going te make Informal vlalta or calla at the bemaa el their Intimate frlenda or near neighbor. Te be aura each lady waa very particular te ei plain, If opportunity offered, that aha had premlaed Mra. He and ae a new atltch or pat tern, or abe had been Intending te take bar work and "run In" te aea Mra. Nacb-a ena for six months or mere. It waa really a ebame te neglect ene'e neighbor an Mra. Jeffrey end Mra. Martin ware aeated en the back perch of tbe Jrflrey mention, en gaged In earneat and confidential oenyera.. tlnn. Overhead In tha apple tree the rehln Bang unheard. On the iloer a mischievous kitten played with Mra. Martln'a ball or tnphyr, tangling the thread unheeded, while ber crochet work lay Idly In ber lap. "Hhealwey did exein frlvoleua tome," remarked Mra. Jeffrey. "Ne care of ber house, no Interest In doinealle matters. There' a great deal aald In these daya about a woman' hiding a Med-given latent under a bushel, and smothering ber genlu under deinratlu drudgery; but I've noticed that tha women who are douieatle and take an Inter est In their heniea are net tha woman who tlgure In acandal cases or elopements." 1'erliapa," replied Mra. Martin, who wa net an conservative aa her neighbor, "there a great deal of human nature In women aa well aa men. Mm of them take an Interval In aeuie one thing tiealdea bnueekaeplng. With some It I painting, wltb ether music, ether lancy work or religion. I've known women who were really dlaalpated, you might ay, In rellglnu work; they carried It te such unreasonable lengths. Yeu and I, net being gll ted In any of theee directions, have gene en In plain, quiet home Ilia Hut we uiunt net en that account. And fault wltb tbeaa wbeaeelllelrnm adltterentatandpelnt or call them frlvoleua because they take an Intereat In thlnga we don't care for. Mra. Down wa alwaya fend of droaaaudfaney work, but until tbl atery came out every body aeemed te like her." " Well, you can my what you please," re turned Mr. Jetlrey, wralhtully, "when a woman hetise herseir, ahe weu'l be talked about The most ahauivful pari of the whole atlalr (a bur anaumed inum-ence. 1 aaw her myaelf walking the atreeta wltb Mr. Cotten only lest etuiilng, a cool a you please. If there' a man In this Ullage that 1 ptty, il'a Jack Downs " Tbe next day waa Hunday, and the minu ter, Mr. Mnew, looked around at the rapidly filling pew with a feeling of ealm coinple ceinple cenry. Kverv lac were a leek of keen ex pectancy, and when Jk Diwna entered with his pretty wile, aigtiiUcant leek were exchanged and a suppressed aeniaUen waa Vl'tle thrnUKheut Ibe audience. Youthful and pretty, she added te these at trai'tliiu by a Ute lit dresa that was simply perfect. As she came lowly up tbe aisle twirling ber Ian noiielialantly, whispered comment iewit from eue in a tether. Hew brazen ! Did yc u evur nee such el el frenlerv ?" murmured Ml. Derr te Mra, Cewlea. .... "Hue's a plucky little piece!' ald Mr. Martin te hla wile, In a tone In which aurprlae was se evidently flavored with admlratloe, that hi better hall bestowed ou bltii a glance of withering acorn. What audacity 1" said Mrs. Hrewu te her daughter Cera. ,,,,... Mut that young lady, who rejoiced In tbe distinction ettielng the village poetess, waa wrapped In poetic contiimplailen. She knew that Mr. Down hd Ullrn under public disapprobation tcauae et a love letter that bad teen Inund by aeme ine, addressed te ber end In Mr. Gallen's hand-wrlllng. Other people aaw tbe reprehensible mar rled flirt accepting protestation of lovelrem a gentleman acquaintance Net an, Mlia Cera. This Ilyronte state of stlalra did net ae much sheck her moral sensibilities, as It preaeuted a theme ler ber muse te portray Ibu agonies of mleplacvd affection. iewlng the whole matter simply aa an alatracllen, abe surreptitiously drew ent lier by inn book and slyly penciled en the margin : Let the cold world dm Idit nie, 1 will but love lh it inerit, Hbalettrlale biltdulliw) Uere alie stepped, the only rhyme that ug. geeled IIM-lf being "gore." Struggling wltb Ibe situation, abe bad J net changed the line, I will net abed thy gore," te "My hsart but can adore," when she waa recalled te herself by the sound of Mr. Hnew'a voice as be tin. Isbed reading tbe usual list of notices. "A most painful circumstance having arlaen, that seriously allucta us aa a commu nity aa well hh a congregation, since It dm prises the geed nsu.es of two of our mem bers, I feel It a duty te afford an opportunity foralullexi'lanatler, jrhe congregation la invited te meet at the parsonage te-morrow aveuiug at 8 o'clock. 1 bops that every mem ber et ibi congregation will lie protein " Alter that It mattered Utile whether tba aermen wa a marvel of brilliancy or tbe dul lest disquisition tbateverbeied a leng-sutler. leg audience. Ne eue paid tbe slightest at at tentlen te it, except old Majer Purr, who was se deaf that be only eaugbt about ena word In ten, and bad thus missed tbe story et tee ievi -.euer ins. ine scnoei-iescner nau written te Mr Downs. Alter tha conclusion el tha servlef a, Mra. Cewlea, Mrs. Brown, Mra Martin and Mra. Jeffrey stepped In tbe stale for a moment's eonfeienea. "1 ahall take lleatrlce Genoleut el tba aohnel," said Mrs. Jeffrey. " Ne child or nine ahall be under the Instruction of a teacher Who writes love-letters te uinrltd woman." " And te think that Mr. Knew should at tempt te cover it up and ezeuae It!" added Mis Cewlea. "1 don't knew but we ahall be obliged te wltbdraw from tba church. My buaband tbinks there la a great deal or cor ruption among ministers tbatnaelvea nowa days." Certainly no one wa better able te detect corruption anywhere than Mr. Oewler, If bait the stories of his own Immoral escapade could be relied upon. Hut Mra. Gewlat' frlenda remained dtrereeily silent (B tela point. 1 shall cot allow Oera te go te tba parson age te-morrow evening," intarpuaed Urn. Brown. " 1 think the dlsousslen of aucb subject haa a most demoralizing effVtet en young people. It la a deplorable atr.lr all areuud." ..,.. Bet when the avanlng came Cera did go, Mera than that, te ber uiethei'a great horror, she crossed the room and sat down by Jack Downa and hla wile, who aat alone tegetber en tha long aefa, although a great many wara atandlng up around the large parlors. This waa net ae moeh from sympathy wltb Mra. Downs, aaa professional luttlect such aa that wbleh impels surgeon te investigate all aorta of pathological monstrosities, Hhe wanted te observe ler baraalf tba ravages of remorse, humiliation and unhappy love, tba better te finish ber poem. But Mrs. Downa waa aa pretty, at gay and a nonchalant aa ever. Ouceer twice ahe whispered btbind bar fan te bar buaband, and onee aba actually laughed, which ae out- raged tbe aenalbllitlaa et the mere aavarely virtuous matrena that tbay ahuddered wllh horror. Mr. Cotten w aaaromantle looking young man, wltb disheveled hair, and a leek of gen eral abrewdnaaa. He bad lately oeme te Fine Fella aa a teacher, and uew atoed Isaa tng against tba mantel. Ilia remantle ap pearance, ae attractive te the lad It a, waa due te bis balr, wbleh be were long en aoeouat of blaaars, tbay belpg enormously large, aaa m Intereatlng pallor wbleh waa caused by dyspepsia, and net unhappy love, aa the yeuag ladles supposed. "I have here," aald Mra, Rew, "a letter wh'eh baa been a theme of much severe com. Met, The envelope la addrataad te Mrr, Dewae, and it waa plekad p te the atreet eVr,MarUB'aUeUaWaWtoekHlokia Tbe eeatenta are In a 4U p, with Mr. oeltoB'a aaaae I will ask Mr. Oollen te M II MCMMHh make aa eaplanaUen, which wilt ae doubt beaatMraotery." "Hatlsfaolery I" repeated Mr. Oewlaa, with Mere spirit than peliieneaa. "It aaama te ate that when a awa wrltea la that style te aa aa ether maa'a wife, ealllng bar buaband a base wretch" here be east aa ladlgaaat glaaee at Jaek Downa '-and urging her te run away wllh him, a satisfactory eaplaaatiea la net aa eaay matter." Yen are mistaken, air," answered Mr. Col Cel Col ten. "Aa eiplanaUea In thle eaaala very easily made, l am a member of an amateur tbaatrleal elab aad I wrote out my part at Mr. Dewaa' one avanlng, copy lag n out of a book of hla.. Mra. Downa gave me an en velope from one et her letters that lay en the table te put tbe manuscript la, aad I unfor unfer tunately lest It en my way home. I wilt bow read tha lines, if Mr. Cewlea will leek ever the minted pagaa and aaa If 1 read them cer- Hbatnefaeed, Mr. Cewlea looked en while Mr. Cotten read, wltb much dramatic effeet : Hyangel nywlth met Afarln ether lands beyond tbe sea We'll bnlldahetne sacred te love and thee. Soern the base wretch who In your humble borne Profanes the namoef love-ah, be my own I And heaven Is net se blgb, nor earth se vast, IluttbatlU treasures at thy feet I'll cast. There la a lull page of It, with my nam signed at the bottom, but tble will aufflea, I think." and Mr. Colten coolly sat down while a leek of consternation went round the loom. Mra. Downa went up te Helen Grant and kissed ber. 11 Thank you, dear, for your faith In me. 1 heard all about It, and I'll never forget It aa long aa I live." Hhe looked ae gentle and girlish In bar dainty white draperies, with that leek of eblldlab gratitude In ber blue eyes, that kind hearted Mrs, Jeflery want up and put bar motherly arms around her, aad aald, wltb tears In bar eyas; Forgive me forgive us all, won't you ?" Jack answered for bar: "Hhe forgives you, we both forgive you, neighbors and friends; but If any man repeats such stub" sgsln, about my wife or any ether woman, I gwe him warning bare and new that it will afford ma Infinite pleasure te give him a sound thrashing." And that waa lha last of the great scandal at Fine Fella. IIest, BirT abd Smut. if you are troubled wllh Indigestion and Dyspepsia, don't fall te trr"UlB4Ti"LIN." Keoemmended by Phy sicians a the bett. A quick and sure care In every ease. Held by all druggists, or Win. P. Kldaer A Ce , Maaursclurtng ubemlsta, 83 Jehn street, N. Y. trmviAL het i am. Wilt WILL YOU oeugbwben Bblleb'e Cure will give Immediate relief. Prlee 10 eta., 60 eta., a id ll. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, ltrngstat. Ma 117 North tlneen street. (s) Bowing Wild tiers. Hew many waate tbstr time and resources In Inellih experiments, with nasty worthless medi cines that can never de thntn a wblt of itoed. If you are sick and want hlp seta reputable re medy of MUbllihMl merit. Tbe cu rati re vir tues of Burderk Bleed Jl Uteri hve never been questioned. Fer an enfeebled circulation or a weak stomach tbey are splendid rnr sale by II U Cochran, drought, 137 and 119 North (Juecn street, Lancaster. A Baptist MlnUtei's Kspertence. "I am a lkipttst uitnlatcr. and before I ever thought or being a cliTKnmn 1 graduated In nii'dfcliie, but left a lucrative practice for my present profession, forty years age. I was for many yean, a sutrerer from qulnty, nemas' Kclrctrtc OU cured uie. 1 was also troubled with beanwnuss, and Themas' Kclrctrie Oil always rulletiidine. sly wile knd child had diphtheria, and nemas' Kclrctrie Oil cured them, and ll taken In time It will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am confident It is a cum rnr the most obstinate cold, or cough, and If any one will bike a small Uuutpenn and half OU It with the Oil. and tben Slucu the end of the spoon In one nostril and raw the Oil out of thu ipoen Inte the head, by sniffing as hard aa ttiey can, until tbe Oil falls ever Inte the threat, and "practice It twice a week, I don't care hew nSeuitve their bead mav he. It will claan tt out and cum Lhslr tarrh. tot deefntM and earaebe.1t baa dena wonders te my certain knowledge. It ts the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that 1 have ever felt like recommending, and I am very anx ious te see It lu every place, ler 1 tell you that 1 would net be without ll In my house for any for any consideration. I am new suffering with a rial in like rheumutlsin In my right limb, and nothing fMllnVM inn IlkM 77hOMUUrAVi4Xr Oil V llr. T in my ngm iinie, ana ThomairJCeliarie Oil: relieves lne like r. Crane. Cern-. Pa. Fer sal by ll. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 11 Nerlb Uuiwn street, Ijincjumr. What We Oan Oarr. Lei's Nat Knilura. If -ve can cure an acne, or a sprain, or apaln, or a lameness, nr a burn, or a blui, by ulng 77IOHKU' KelcctHc Oil. let's de It. "Hjennu' Kcleclrle Oil'" Is known te be geed Leva try it. Fer sale by II. II. Cochrun, druggist, 117 and 13v North ljueeu street, Lancaster. THB KKV. GEO. U. T1IAYKK, et llourben Ind.. says : " Beth my sol f and wife ewe our lives lOBUii-uiii uuNsuBrriun dusk,1 Fer sale Dyn.il street. by U . B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. U7 North Queen ie A Itepe About Our Nscb. A weak stomach or enfeebled circulation Is like a rope about our necks. We are strung up and unstrung alternately till distance becomes unbearable. Burile'k Bleed Bitten will arrest all this misery. " burdock bleed Hitters" are a been te the sick. Let us remember this fact. Fer sal by II a Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Uiad te Hear It. "Fer teeral months I endured a dull pain through my lungs and sheulders: lest my sptrlu appetite anil color, ana cnuia wltb ainiculty re main from my bed. My present bealtblnl con dition Is due te Burdock Bleed Bitten " tit. K. A. Ilali. Blnghamtun, M. Y reriala by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street. Lancaster. H. B, Cochran, Ne. ISJ and 1M North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, Is selltug Ulill.OU's CUUUMCUUKasaguarantoetecureaU threat and lnng troubles. (8) Mr. Oeerge Uudge Mpeaks. This gentleman lives In Kmpnrlum, Pa , and sa s, "one of my men. Sam. Lewis, wblle work ing In the weeds sprained bts ankle se bad he could baldly hobble te tbe benne. Used Themat' Keleetrte Oil and was leady for work the uext morning. 1 have never yet seeu se geed a medi cine." Fer sale by 11. it Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Their ttnsluese Booming. Probably no one thing has ciused such a rush of trail e at Cochran's drug store as tbair giving away te tbetr customers et se many ireu trial bottles et Dr. Mlngk's Hew Discovery ter Con sumption. Their trade Is slinpiy enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that tt always cures aud never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, croup and all tbieat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yna can test ll before buying by getting a trial bottle free. Kvery bottle warrauted. (3) Mether I Mothers 1 1 Mothers! 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutterlug and crying wltb the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a botUe of MUS. WINHLOW'8 aoerHINU KYKUP. It wUl relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there hi no mistake about It There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at onee that It wUl regulate the bowels, and give rest te tha mother, and relief ana health te tha ehUd, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all case and pleas ant te the taste, and Is tha prescription of one of tbe eldest and best female physicians and nurse In tha United States. Sold every where Mcenta a bottle. mayU-lydAw SHILOU'B CUBk WUl luilnedlatelv rails va Croup. Whooping Cough and Mrenchlt gh and Mrenc Us. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. W Merth Queen street. (71 Brace Up. Yeu are feeling depressed, your app, peer, you are bothered with headache, j fidgety, nervous and generally out of nor appetite Is !he. vnu am generailv out uf sorts, and want w urncw up. nrava up. uui net Wltn slim ulanta, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basts very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than belere. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your . z-'. .. .. , . ... n ney restore your vitality, and give reuewed health and strength, aucb a medtllne you will UIWU, IW,UHIUI,iUUUU UW MVWMIIl Mill' and In Klectna Bitter, rer sale at H. B. Ceuh ran'a Drug Stere, 1S7 and U North Queen ntreeu Laueaster, pa. tl 1 have been for several year a sufferer from hay fever and severe bead colds, and have tried liner remeaies in nope ei getting relief but have found none that can compare with Ely's Cream Balm. I would net be without It for an weuia net ne wttbeut it for anv consideration. It is simply wonderful In Its el- lent upon tbe nasal organs. S. A. Burtt, WU minium, n. U. lean cheerfully recommend Bly's Cream Balm te the suffering public for hay fever and stop page et the air passages. I bava tried It and find It gives Immediate relief.-,!. K. Bector. W Heek attset. Little Beck, Ark. sutHwdeedAw A Kemarkable, Ooea Msa Is he who attends te the comfort of hi family and will net let his little ones suffer with affee. Uen of tha Threat and Lungs, whereby their live mav be endangered, but who should at all Urns give them that sovereign remedy, Kemp's slssm. Price H cent andtl. JViafiiurn. Fer sal by U. B. Cochran. drugglst,y7 North Qusea suaat, I aessur, Pa. ) s Arnica Salve. a la the world for Cats, Bruises . t Bbsum, Fever sores, Tetter, Ulaa.. mwns, sbb ail earn irss Piles, or no pay 141 ! nnrtAM K&,lA. .rFrH'Hvr-'- MMptOAL. H OOP'S SAMAPAR1LLA, The Bleed Is tba source of health t therefore, te keep well, purity the bleed by taking HeeTa earsepertlla. This medietas Is peculiarly asatgaedteaetapea the bleed, and through that apea all tba ergaas and tisane of tba body, IthaaaspaelleaaUeB, also, upon tba eeratleaa aa excretions, and aaalats nature te aspal from the system all humors, lapnre partleias, aaa eflvte matter through tha lungs, liver, bewals, hMaayan4 akla. It effectually aid weak, IwpaJrea aad de bilitated organs, lavtgeratas tha aerveut ive tsm, tones tba digestive organs, aad Imparts aaw Ufa ana energy toBlltbefanetleBsof Ibe body, A peculiarity el Reed's larsaparllla la that It strengthen and ballet up the system while It eradicate disease. Oauaed by m ttptdar Wte. " seven year age, while my little boy waa playing la tba yard, he waa bltua by a spider. The poison entered hi bleed, ana serss seen broke eat about his body i tbay Itched terribly ana caused him intense snflsrlag. favsrsl time we succeeded In heeling the sores up, but In spite of all we eeuld de tbey wenld aoen break ent again, finally ws tried Heed's Bar saparills, ana be took one bottle ana one-third of another, when the sorts disappeared. Be ha net a sere spot en him new, and I consider him perfectly cured." Wa. II, B. Wash, Downing. ten, Penn. HOOD'S 8ARBAPAIUU. 8ARBAPAIUU. Seld by all druggists. II i sit for aj. Prepared by C. 1, HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaaa On Dellar riQH M-BTUI FRUIT JARS. -AT- Masen Fruit Jars in Flnta, Quarts and Halt Gallen. We again have the Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the beat In the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Com mon Tumblers at tbe Lewest Fee. Bible Prices, Wholesale or Retail AT 15 EAST mO STREET. LAMCABTBB, PA, HOVMM&tlMMUHIMV WUUJM. QALL AND BKK -TUK- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light i Beets them aU. Anether Let of CHKAP QLOBKS ter Gas and OU stoves. THB " PHBFBOTION " MKTa L MOULD1NO AND BfJBBIB CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beats them aU. This strip entwears all ethers, keeps out tbe cold. Step rattling et windows, exclude the dust. Keen out snow and rain. 1 one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere -no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrlnk-a cushion strip is the most perfect. At the Dteve, Heater i and Hangs Stere -or- Jehn P. Schanm ft Sens, 84 SOUTH QDMMN BT LAMUABTBM, PA. CPKOIAL NOTICE. Mere human, mere divine than ve in fact, part humsn, part divine Is woman, when the geed stars agree Te mingle at her nativity." BeSect,ye Lords of Creation, and hie ya at onee te KIEFPEE & HBRKS, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure one el their Famous Economist" Vapor Cook Steve .. That Ged's best gift te you be net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste beat which It I Impossible te avoid with your Usages, and (what Is also Important) consider the great economy in fuel, e cents worth of fuel will cook ler a family et three grown par sons Q meals., And when yen want a lieater, gat a i( SPLENDID " And be ilappy. PLUMUIMO, QA8 PITTIlfO, BTIAHUIAT. INQ TIN BOOP1NQ AND BPOUT1NU. -rcwi eTATCHES. ULOQKS, CHAINS AND SfMiil Wikhti fw hn. ui E&ilreiki Viae let of Kings, Ae. Alse, Blgla, Waltaaat f Aurera Mar whleETam Bele Aeuli. aaa asaas rmwciaaa Wateaaa. Bast Watak aaa Jeveln "3XSU Mate by Taiagiaah Daur, ealw aiaeeiaeuy. L. mVEBER. MeiKM N. Queen 8t, Near Paaa'a B. B. Depot. CHINA HALL HipMmtin, fALACM or rAMMlOir. pAIiAi oBerrAaauon ASTRIGH'S 13 MAST KINO BTRUET LAMCASTIB,'.PA. Opened This Day ANOTHB&L0TOF 100 DOZEN AT 25 CENTS. Chemise at 25c. Drawers it 25c. Nightgowns at 25c. Infants9 Slips tt 25c. Crl! EARLY Te Secnre the Best Choice. AT WIAKTa TUT TUK JOHN BOWEB BRAND HAM! The Finest In the Msrkst. Mild and sweet ; plenses everybody, Pried Bref and liolefrna nicely chlpned. Fine Yerk state Cheese. Please give ns a trial order. OaX. WXaVMT, ana-ts-lTd Ha 111 West King street T BUKHICH. PICNIC GOODS FOB THB PICNIC SEASON. First the Plcnte Plate-It Is light and ebaap and require no washing saves your dishes. Plain and Mixed Pickles and Chow-chew In mall bottles. Sardines In OU and Mustard, Com pressed Beef In two pound cans. Bened Chicken and Turkey, Petted Ham, Tengne, Fresh Lob Leb ster. Prreb Columbia Blver Salmen. Freak Mackerel. Fre.h Oysters In cans and Pickled Oyster In small tars for picnicking, i erk State Cream cheese, aulas Cheese, Chipped Beef, etc BURSK'S, NO. 17 EABT KINO STREET. LANCASTER, PA. asTTelepbene w HOLESALE AMD RETAIL QKOOBR. THB GBKATESr BKOUCTION ON Teas, Sugars & Prunes XVBB HBARD OP. TBAB The best Tea In the world for the money. ...UHc Jspan.uoleng, Imperial or Yeung Hysen. ...fic Japan Ubelce SAC Ooieng Bxtra Choice tee Oolong choicest garden grown, Formosa.. ..Me Imperial choicest garden grown Me Japan-choicest basket fried, only 7Sc Imperial extra choice 75c oolong extra choleest selected Plngsueys..7e angllsh Hreakfast, choicest. 70 Qun Powder, finest 7Se Imperial Bxtra, choicest selected Me lUaAKS. Granulated Sugar Be A White Sugar for te A Brown Sugar for Ke PBUMBS. eight Pounds for no Seven Pounlsfer We Six Pounds for tte Vive Pounds for We Four Pounds for sVs Thiee Pounds ler We Twe Pounds for ate A BPICIAL OPriB POBOWB MONTH ONLY. Te the purchaser of five pound et our 75c or Me Teas we will present with a check en the rulten National cans ter iuu. rie ine pur. chaser of ten pounds et our Hit, tS, IS, W or W cent Tea we will present with a .check en the same bank for the same amount (II Uu This la no gift sehrme, but simply an Induce ment te get you te try our Tea. Wa give you tbe profit i which Is an equiva lent te what we would expend ler advertising New that we t ave b i ought the prlee of the Tea within rwaeb of tha pem est, and curtailed the price of Hee Teas for the Richest, wa simply ask yen for a trial order. Our pure extracted California Heney, at three, pounes ler soe.. is going issv. uea't eeisy. All goods sold atlewest possible prices. The are light Is In full bisst Our Urge Pans weik admirably. The Cash Batlway and Klec Klec trle Moter are thing In themselves worth see ing. Yeu ean make (your purchase under the eoellna brasss et the fans and by light that la brighter than day. reTst, WUOLBBAMs AND BBTAIL OROCBlt,C0B. WB8T KIMtt AND PB1N0B BTS. W(Next Doer te the sorrel Herse Metel.)-? EVAN'S FLOUR. Levan's Fleur Police Fnshien. Cheap MuslinUnderwear 8 raeiaXi MARaAnw i letzger ft laughman's New Stere, NOS. 38 and 40 WEST KINO TEB1T. rJPKOIAL BAKQA1M BALK IN MABSHILLK9 CODNTBRPANB9 FROM TMK LATB AUOTIOH TRADE BALE IN NEW YORK. $1.25-arMiUefi Cennterpanei,-$1.25 REQULAR PRICE II AB BEEN fZOO. WE HAVE ALSO BETTER GRADES CHEAP AT 12.60, 13.00, 13.50, HOO, 16.00. METZGER&HAUGH MAN'S, NEW STORE, tS aid 40 Weit Klag St, (OBBOtite Goefer Heue.) ADIRS' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ladies' Muslin targe and attractive atcc erL-CIEB' WHITE aUBROreiR-D BXIRT8, LADIEfi' OHEMIBM, ZiADIf' NIQHT OOWM8, IUaDDW OOR8IT OOVJU8, all qualities ; prleee ranging from ase. te tfl.60 Alee WHTTII DBJaSSBB for R. E. PAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Hooee, tdtneaater. Pa. JMWMIMT. JEWELRY AND ART. DiimienilSjWntcliGS, Jewelry, JJIUIUIIUOJ ART "WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GHOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very H.Z.RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancatter, Fa. XaOIXE AXD STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. "JBEST" STEAH EN&INE Spot Gash Prices for Sis te Klg lit Uorse-Pewer. cylinder 6x9. Klgbt te Tsn IIorse-Fewer, Cylinder 7zle. Ten te Twelve Hene-Power, Cylinder 6x10 aar We Offer these Indaeement for the JOHN BEST & SON, MO. 333 BABT POLTON 8TB1BT, BOg9 Tu,Th.8tfa48tW MDVCATIOXAL. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN desirous el Improving their condition can de no better than by taking a course at tbe Lancaster Business Oellege. TKKM BKUIMH HON DAY. 8BPTBUUEB ft. Pull particular en application by mall or In 11 SOD HUU UUIIVKn MWW8 fltt kVJ SAO, KUIH em IrmiT. iSuoend rioer.) SESi. I aucl-tld a. 4.. naiubiiairiiiiGiiiH DtKANKLlN AND MARSHALL ACA D KMY. This institution will, for the first tlme.epen Its doers te both sexes, en THU kh DAY.8BPTKMUKK 1. Its aim Is te thoroughly prepare students ter College. Teaching or Bust ness. Per catalogue and uiher Information, ad dress W. W. MOOBE. Hecter. Jyl6 tmdS Ijtncastar. Pa. fTIHEYEATES INSTITUTE WILL OPEN X the Christmas Term en Monday. Sept. 5th. The Trustees have secured the services of the Kev. Cbas. W. Boyd, M. A., as Head Master. Mr. Boyd haa had large experience aa a teacher ana vne aavanuures m ine uiesiceieuraiea ivuru- rnsn UnlversltlHS. Beys sill be nreDared for any College or Higher I leseerHlsberScl icisntine school. axcei lent bearding can be had ter a very moderate prlee. s Address a. ll. KKYNOLD9, Secretary pre tern., aurll-Tu,ThA8tfd iucuver, ra N1 ORMAL SCHOOL. MILLBRSVrLLB N0RMALSCH00L. Special ArrugtueDls for Lueuler. The pregramme of the MILLKBSVII.LB BTATK NOHMAU SCHOOL, will be se arranged that pupils from l.ancaster may gradual! at thi Scheel and beard at home. TUITION BXPBNSK8 (ieb rcriLs rRBrABme te tsach ) Per week Fer Winter Session of 28 weeks for Bummer session el It weeks. . . . Total tuition for year., .08 00 A State appropriation ofiweo Is given te graduate. It U thus seen that high school irraduatea and ethers, wnoeomnlete tbe Nermal raauaieeanQ eiuers, wnueumpieia me normal Fchoel cenrse In two years, may de se at a total cost of tuition of only tia uu. special rates urpumis are given ey tne street Bail read Company. winter eessiei en of ' weeks begin September, Ith. aavrer Cataleame or further lnformaUen. ad dress the Principal. B. OBaM 1.YTK, iya-xmds MUlenvUIe, Pa. worn svaam en juur. -DIOR RENT. a! Twe or tour rooms In Brimmer's Maw Building. Me. lstx North Queen atreet. Heat aad gas included. Apply at teblS-tM BsUMMkB'S L1VBBY OrPICB. TSRIVATE BALE. AT WUl be aeld at private sale the valuable prepertw eemer Lemen Mulberry and Char Char eotte mating HO feet en Lemen street, at (sat ea Mulberry, and at teat ea Charlette suaat. Apply te . ... C.BT.DOWMEY, nnlB4md We. Ml North Queen Street. PUBLIC SALE. . fine opportunity ler a hotel man la the saeatthrtytngana prettiest town In the Cum berland Valley. Ovine te the death of the ero. prlstoret the long-established and well-hnewa MUOVBB HOUSB end adlelntna-dwsUlBgwUl bseBwiea at publte sale AUUUST aM, laltent of the ceert Meese. Hagarstewa. Md. The Hetel aaa always dena a paying business. vsaters will de well te hee, , ferpanualaiaaadrss. oe weu 10 seep save ut t w. V a. noeraa. HtttH ajatewa,atc Underwear! Children from BOe. te B3.00. Lew This Year. I BOILER WOBKS. AO BOILER WORKS. Portable Engines. next Six Weeks. .e47a.oe .esss.00 .W78.00 LAMOABTBR. PA. BADDLSH, a. s ADDLES, HARNESS, 40. ANOTHER GUT. Te make room for tbe Winter Goods that w a have ordered shipped te us next month, wa offer thelolle-lng BABQAUIU LAP DUSTERS. Cut down from 7SC. te 600 ; 11 .00 te 75c i 11 M te llu; ft.7teSI.W riOOtellSSi atOUtetllO; Ba.wteri.2J. These geed all have beautifully executed design et flower and bird ou them and are Ne. 1 in every respect. We have had a great run en PLY NETS, owing te our lw Prices, but a the plowing season haajust begun we offer a W per cent, reduction a an Inducement te deie out the few dexen yet remaining. HAKNaaS, TBUNKS and BAGS u Lew aa the LeWBt AT KRECKEL'S, NO. 5 BAST KINO STBBBT, LAN0A8TBB, PA InnlfUhndAw MMMVBAKOM.. mi TLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. Trust, Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Company. OF READING, PA CAPITAL (Fall Pale) $850,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. GEORGE BROOKE. President. ROBERT H. COLEMAN, Vice President. H. T. KENDALL. Treasurer andSecretary. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, TRUST OFFICER for Lancaster County JMMMCirOMs! Qeoree Breeke. H. M. North, Rebert H. Celeman, R. T. Leaf Thes. 8. Merritt, W. D. smith, irfTnueu. utnn, w. n. wiaeiiajuvy Gee. d. Stitzel, D. R. Miller, a. B. Grubs. EXECUTES TRUSTS OF KTEBY KIND. baua j tt Oearti at Uaeutsr Oeuty te receive the appointment of Bxecuter, Ad mlntstrater.auarstan. Assignee, Beoelver,aad Trustee within said CeuntyT lascxas Tmi te Baal Bstate and Mevtgaga. Mem 10 Leab ea Brat Mortgage at lewsrt latee. . , . ., laiaaiaaaia msa ana iniersst seu n . wn eat expense te tbe lender. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, attorney-at-Law. Trust Oaseer ler Isweaater Oeaaty. Me. IB) asst aiag m .ai . 'y,. laal S3 .AVE, BUMABIDMaU)ODB, .e ffeaxt OwaaaC tSVSSffbff ,SJ! tJ aaase aMhar aaa. a wassLyeaaaaa aaa PavaaaAX SUt at the iSysiiBsasaVwia ajaajaa a ' aaam a-ws- ssaaeaaaafaa sssaa wwe a&s&labraf &?&&. J3t: i!- ri Wis -"Ms B. 1 VsV JawaWT-JBBBjM SPRING CLOTHII - ii J . i e M,. 5crrti ZBI m MM iieti T .Jl V T"-!r'r,E1 0wCil4iiBHrtitt rst y S. er 1. I.;.-iV Atajjrauwiu WaWa-ealv' 1 w5y "sfv'S ' FIT O0aVEAMTaUaX , ISA' "M b m i ftfts SJSS'eS -wnn-m m jJtJlillh"7 . 2 PVaaltaafM saaasl tl-JtafaMi. 'j'V-.-J affftaaa-aej aaa-al vaVaaUVSwl NO. 94 OENTEB IQUAJUI, LkRCABTBa. PA. W ILiiIaatBOa tXMTEE. CALL US BY TELEPH0NI. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER THE GRAND MOST BK KNntKD AT THI Fair Grounds ; 'h dj i0 KCOH JS". I Monday, Aug: wa 'rCUv CUTPEI0KaiXr2Ua, Clothing Department mjci 3ftRj:3ssirn.'B.Kuai:ictt'UjC KfilOI-Vl, OU l TltUKUS TUK jPuitiishiiig Departmimt MSVIAKJJBOY'b AllltO W VLB ATKD 1MXSS 6I.M, Tic aa tl&, HI'VC.J CJVJi'.0tf3lKTn UAT ICnAOTliCTBVITJ Rl PIPKINS ! nni uLrMnimcii i,w4 MBN'S AMD BOYS' DBBI8 8TBAW HATS, S) and M COBta. PBCI AL OUT PBICBS IN THB BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT. MENV AND BOYS' Q AITBBS, , Uandtl.lO. SPBCIAL OUT PBICBS IN Trunks & Valises. WILLIAMSON & FOSTEB, S2.S4,Sam.S8bRaUaBt. LAMOABTBB.rA. B IQ BARGAINS. Straw Hats Sacrifice 1 Anv STBAW HAT In our Stere cost. Wa nil positively otess eat eav stock regardless of prlee. LIGHT STIFF HATS; Ata: B8.00H4TS atUIHATB SSlatate! UkaiSrl lesaeeeaaeeeeeeaeael SIM HATS. eeaeeaeeea r''s-fl OU1 -eVJ Trnnki and TrtTellikS OaaaprlMoaeet taeaaart Uaeehtl awDftst teiwat ava this line during the foUewlMaiaV an tae te save veu lunar seat, eaavaty " Ajti If. Stauffer & Ce, " .?r ! utm uasTxxtah s-. i ?y . i , TXAUMOAJUHBaWa OOaaTaJnr.F !il ij COAL DlaUiVM. "Vssai "sTXiii lEaaVaM 1 v a, j 1 AU aO-CBl Of LMBbaV Mi 0aV I . -tjm m -s .-r"M &? -t 1SI &&& Ir v ': . xsm iS' aia t--vf AS M 'Qkli .' m 'in.j "(JF4 ki ?&& m 9i!.?-tt2 "'& "! jt-i, s" b$i M '? i: ' - it l : w. j- Jie-.ji ?? .-? . t vin siWwiSi.A'i5-rJ tb .... v K 'jCife&!jir&3, A ' i iKxiryjiilMit-fe )&!5e)tM 6va ,