Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 20, 1887, Image 3

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aa a nuium. a jbm bb-
Maw II Mip nrd Tht lha CMlMM
Imultxl In III Irrradfal tferll-Wimia
Tnrse rest of Ik HHkk at IM
mamlng ud Keanag Oaiataet
peUI Correspondence nf IbtbiiiubbeSB.
Terente, Auk. M-On the trala from
Niagara for low Mown ' erBta
lha conductor eallwl " alteullew
tli'kat be bed Juit taw from Junta r.
Neville, el Montreal, .the bh whose ear.
row esnspa from death at Niagara was tele
graphed ever the country taw days age
Tba ticket mi badly waabad and tbe eon.
duoterhad remarked tha laet With tba com cem
inent that tha owner el It must have taken a
bath In hla rieihea. 1 bla led te a dtaelaaura
of hla new famous Identity. lie baa broken
Mm record and rati never have a rival, for be
baa Infill nearer te the edge el tba falla than
any human living that aver escaped allva.
When we had llt lha train for the beat en
lake Ontario your cerrrapnndent pounced
dnwn en hla man anil talked blot blue In
the lam. He waa very pale, butabowadne
ether tracea of tha strain and trial that be
bad mt certainly undergone, and be
talked with Intelligence and animation, net
only of tint adventure, but also of Canadian
and American politic, and tba questions of
tba day.
Ue I Ull and very alender, but loeka wiry
and strung ; mid bin companion l'eter Hark.
urn, yn tlml lw la an excellent earaniaa
and athlete. Itelh are In the dry goods Dual
nets In Mimtrtal.
" Yea, I liava read what the papere aay
about It, hut ou ere that It waa net true that
I waa an Irlghteneil that I rushed away from
Niagara at once, and 1 never said that
I dlil net want te nee It again. It
don't "cum i III hi ler people te call
It mi foolish, cither, berauae It waa juat
thn thli'g that any man with a taste forad ferad
ventiirn would lie likely te de. Yeuaawtbe
pleru; titer en (lest Island at the American
aide el the llnrnenhee Kails T Well, you
knew the. tli r wj trig legs that lie se tJrtnly
wedgtd against thu roc Its, one of them oleae
In shore, nml two reaching from II out te the
little point of rock at the edge of the falla T"
Ye, j did knew It; I bad steed entbat
point this morning and watched countless
millions el tens or writhing water leap from
thn pMclptce Inte the open air, turn te foam
and vanlHh In the mint te add their voice te
thn rear from Uilew. 'I he leg apeken of w
net ten feet from tha edge el the falla.
Well, " eald Neville, " 1 thought I
ceiilil walk right ever thine legs te the rock
and gut a geed I,IW " ll' '" ll looked
veiy eay and tempting, but I found tba
farlhttlrKll'ry with green slime, se I
came bark te shore and bmk oil my aheea
and stockings and went at It again. 1 bad
almost reached the reca when auddenly I
went down Inte the water. I am a very
strong swimmer, hut thn rush of the water
Was se terrllilii I could net de a thing. As
seen as 1 felt ll I ghe up and Just shouted
aemethiiiK te tUrkue as 1 went uuder 1
thought te Instant death. My head atruck
suddenly sicalntl the stennd leg, a stunning
blew, 1 somehow Hung up one arm and
grasped the le and as my body awepteut
tolbeedgeef the talis, I felt a teirlble Jerk
at the shoulder. 1 thought my arm would
cemni 11, tmt I huiiKn. I'1 hail net been
half stiiuiitd, I would hse been loe badly
scared te de It, Iml I get my ether arm ever
the trunk slid raugiil my wrlt- My feet
were reall) net threw teetlrem Hi" ixlae. Aa
1 came te my iim-m I leund Ihnt llarknesa
had geno for help.
N KM I.I K'rt lOMI'AMeP.
Ilarknecs Is a uiaii of medium build and
atrength, tut did his fair share of the work
that day. lie continued the story
" 1 had gene out ou the I04S at once te try
tosave my friend and 1 went beyond the
point wh re he hsd fallen In aud tried te
reach him with mv cane, but It was tee short
and 1 knew I could net pull him In that way
at any rate; mi I ran ler help. 1 leund Ilia
man with the team right away snd we made
ling line el tie harness, Willi a nees at
the end. We threw It out te the rock and It
caught right near him. "
Neville centliiuid, "while be waa gene,
my senses came back and 1 get footing en a
rock and a lictter ptsllien, but the water
was up te in) client and tha pressure terri
ble. IlcarrlMl away my iecket and a part
el my wslch chain. In my inside pocket, 1
bail a letter enclosing a pair of earrings
which I premised In deliver te a Irlend In
Montreal. '1 he earrings were swept away,
hut the envelope remained. When the line
wm tnrewn 1 could net gel It ever my ahoul aheul
derxl wan hh exluuiied, but 1 knew It waa
that or ipiiik death. Iliad te held en with
one arm while 1 touched for the Hue with the
ether and pullid 11 loeeniroui 1110 roc, -men
I get It ever my head and shoulder, and
then let go and jerked my left shoulder
through It and tlie ineii haliltd In. "
1 was all used up el course, and 1 spat a
little bleed but thliiK I am aa geed aa ever
new. 1 lest my hat ami waa frigbtened aa
any man would le. 1 have bad several nar
row escapee nnd 1 mil a little venturesome
and tend el excitement. "
1'eeslhly you have new bad enough f"
ventured your correspondent ; and the bold
Canadian replied with a smile, Yes, mere
tban enough for a llletlme. "
Mr. Nullle vlalttd the scene of hla Strug-
ftlethls morning and found some Uerinana
n the art el venturing uien the aamelega
and with dllllcully inrsuaded them te de-
slat. Thev are curwlnly, aa be Bay, " very
tempting1' and unls they are eoen re
moved will surely proven death trap te some
A l'sMii(r Train ttavtd rrem Oaslrneilea
liy au Old Colored Wuiiiin', Apron,
rromtlie Leulavlllu Courier Journal.
News of what, but ler timely Intervention,
might limn txen ni aeu Hunt similar te tbe
terrible 1 ei k at Cht msuUIi, IlL, enTbura
day iiieinli'i,', wu brought te the city yeeter
day morning bv retue traveller, At about
the Mime hour the iiresdiul calamity occurred
atCbatawerlh Aiimuda linker, an aged ne ne
gress, waa walking along the track of the
Cincinnati, Hamilton A. Indlanapella read,
near Uleuwoed, lud., en her way te a farm farm
beuse, where she waa te work during tbe
day. Hun hail Just passed tbe email station
at Oleuwi 1 il, wlileh is a lonely, dismal spot
between InillaiiBjielis and Cenneravllle, Ire
iiueuted only occasionally by the farmers
living around, when, ou turning a aharp
curve In the read, she waa herriUed te aee
eeiue distance aim! the smeuldering re
mains of what had a short while belere been
a stout, substantial hridae connecting em
tmnkniniiu Ik'U Inet aiuii. and spinning a
ebaaiu nluety-tlve fxit deep
Tbe old negreta could net collect beraell
for aeveral mementa, but II suddenly dawued
upon ber that a train generally passed that
point aemetlmeln the early morn lug. Hbe bad
no Idea what time it waa or when tba train
waa due, but she knew that It waa a fait one
andiieverstorpedatUlenweod. Hue turned
her steps backward, Intending te Hag tbe
train at the station, but bad gene eoareely a
hundred yards whin abe beard 1 the anrlll
acreaiu el the whl.tte, ta aba thought, di
rectly ahead el ner. It waa the east bound
lightning express, due atUlenWoed al5:45
o'clock. Nbe tried as hard aa she could te
get around tbe b-nd wlileb ebitrucled the
"aln irum view, all the time tearing and
tugging away at au old brown apron aba
wure, wnicn sue wamen e u"---
Hag. Hiurr.blipg and falling, she waa kept
back venatderably, but aha finally broke the
apron strings, which never seemed se tlgbly
tied neleie, and, almost dropping te tbe earth
with she, r exhsu -Hen, ah rounded tbe bend
and saw tbe train thunderlnu down UPOll
ber, only a lew hundred leet ahead. Tbe
burning bridge waa aauiH the dlstauce be
hind ber, slid she knew te let tba train pat
meant t-ei lain ill alb 10 many of tbe aeula ou
btaid Kllng the Improvised Hag high
ab ve bead, alie forget ber exhaustion, and
waved It frantlcrpy, atandlng In tba centre of
tbe track, wnere uer presence oeuia net go
unnoticed. Fer a while It aeeined te bar that
no one saw ber, but aha kept bir position,
determined te atop tba train or die 00 the
At last tba engineer aaw bar and raring;
Bis angina, bringing It te a atandeUll a few
yarda In front el tba old woman, fcasalag
out el the eab window, and thinking tha
naereaa drunk or craxy, he called eut:
TgaTgaJaaji ba kf tkfcn MaM kaMgA.
SSikfreittfflka trata, gad, freaa taX
alaeartty of Ik old websm, rjaiWrad bar
alary. A namber of thee followed bar
anraad tba band and tbara vannag tba
tralb of bar atataaaaaia. A targe nana waa
asada np for taalr banefaetraaa, but aba or ei
tively rafnaed te take aay mmtj. Wnea
ena of tbe ladwa noticed tbe apron aba Mil
carried In bar baaa and bow H waa lern and
ruined aba prodnead from bar aatebel In tba
earaUwn wrapper and brggadtba old ne-
Braaa, wbn a Medal of nanaaaa, te wear H.
baaaetiitad the driai. and whaa.tbania.
aangan aaw tha would takatbla Had of a
giflgarmeata of all blade, alaai and abapaa
wsraaiiewarad unen bar by tba grataral
LpaaaMgara, and aha aeentad aMra ptaaaad
rhM If aha bad baaa tba Brat lady la Iba
me avmeuL imvMt, mm.
tw dkleaga Tkaga Make Ike Mistake at ThU
rrem the Chicago Tribune.
It was wblla tba national oenvenllon of
taacbera waa being bald In Chicago eetne
waekaaga lhaaoenaef the Incident waa ea
Htata atrcet, net tar from Polk-epon tba
lavaa. " It waa about 3 o'clock la tba attar.
neon. In one eflbeleveedens the barkeeper
half dbS4d, leaning laxily against tba dirty
ahelvaa behind him. At one of thaUMaaln
tba room aat two thugs, bangeia-en el tba
place, lew-brewed, fox-eyed, and ugly. They
drank occasionally from two thick glaaaaa
which Bleed between them, and from tlaa te
time talked Uatltatly in a low voice, lie.
neatb another table slept a bulldog. Tba deg
bad but ena aye, Ita heavy Jawa were scarred
with evidences of many a atruggla In tba
pit, and He tall waa but n relic,
Huddenly tba deer opened and a man aama
In. Hla batr waa out abort, evidently by a
city barber, bnt otherwise his appearance waa
that of tbe man balling from a town of f.0U0
people. He waa a man el a geed alzs. Hew
he waa dreaead It waa Impossible te deter
mine, for ha waa clad rxterlerlly in a linen
ulster which extended In hie beela. lie were
no beard save tbe atubbly growth which had
nema from a day 'a neglect. Hie laee waa
sunburned. lie walked directly te the bar
and called for a glaaa of lemonade,
At once tbe room awega. The barkeejwr
reuard himself, seised a glaaa, and with a aide
glance at tbe two men at tbe table began car
rying out the order given blm. lie did net
beaten. Tbe bulldog rose, stretched himself,
and tben went ever and examined tha etnuv
ger'a leg, Tba two listless men glanced In
telligently at tba barkeeper and whispered
together. In a minute they bad reaetved
upon something The tenor of tnelr reason
ing msy be put In tbla way : Tba stranger
was no city man ; be could be no frequenter
of the levee, else be would never call ler lem
euade : ba waa net aware that be bad strayed
Inte one of tbe worst den In tbe city ; be
waa probably one of tba visiting school
teachers ; be must bave a little money ; It
would be eaay te provoke a row Wltb blm,
slug and rob blm. Tbla waa probably tbe
way they argued, though In different terrea.
The two men roe, walked te the bar
together, and leaned up against It, one en
either aide el tba visitor.
Tbe atranger aald net a word. He seemed
te be Interested only In tbe slew mixture el
lemonade. Una of tbe men atutnbled by ap
parent accident and rail against tbe man In
tba linen ulster, ahevlng blm agalnat tbe ruf
fian en the ether aide. Tbe latter leaped
back, reared out that tbeatranger had shoved
blm purposely, and that be would have bleed
for Ik He atruck at tbe intruder, and at the
aama moment hla pal en tbe ether aide
reached back hla band te draw a "lite pre
eerver" ler Immediate use. Tbe barkeeper
It waa Just at tbla Juncture that tbe de
meanor of the atranger became perplexing.
He ellpped aalda from the blew with tha
silent agility of a cat. He steed then for an
Instant, looking at tbe two men and the bar
keeper with an expression en bis brown face
wblcb waa a mixture of mild surprise, sub
dued ferocity, and complete satisfaction. He
uttered only the words, "Well, I'll be
d 1" Tben be strolled ever Je Uie deer,
locked It gently, and dropped tba key Inte
of tba ulster's capacious peckata. Tben be
took the Ulster ett and laid it upon a chair.
The tbuga atoed perplexed.
Tbere waa no particular ostentation about
tbe way In which tbe atranger leek oil bla
coat. He performed tha act deliberately,
and did net at tbe time aeem te be aware that
tbere was any ena alae In tbe room. Wben
be bad removed tba garment be folded It
and laid II very earelully upon a chair. He
new atoed revealed.
Tba only garments which remained upon
the etraeger were a pilr of trousers and a
sleeveleaa knit ablrt. Hla neck, brown aa bis
face, waa tbe neck of a bull ; It was a pillar
with great cerda laced upon ll surface. Hla
chest waa tbe cheat el a bull bread nnd
deep. Hla arma were hla meat striking
feature. Tbelr skin waa soil aa nllk softer
than allk can be manufactured. Abeuttbem.
underneath this all ken covering were twined
great cables of muscles. The bleent swelled
up like bunches of celled wlra They were
prodigious arma. The atranger stretched
ihem nut and drew them In aualn in a sort el
stretching, Idle, experimental way, and theu
iniMil in in the centre el tbe room and made
a lew remarks Wbat be aald was as fellows :
"Made a balk, didn't ye, culllesT Toek
me for a gray, cex I didn't wear atere tog teg
gery. Fact la, I'm training for a fight with a
teller out at tbe Stock Yards. I've been ex
ercising, an' put en tber linen ulster ter get
er drink In. 1 can't drink anything but selt
stuff cer. I'm In training for the tight. You'd
be tbere at the right et yer was well enough,
but yer won't be well enough."
"The caller made no ether remark. Tbe
tbuga tried te get out of a back deer, but be
waa in tbelr way myatarleutly. The one
wltb tba " lire preserver" tried te draw it
aJd lay down fainting with a body blew.
Tbe ether man received en tbe prominent
part or tbe Jaw bone, close te the ear, what, aa
tba man who gave It te blm remarked,
would "put nlie 10 aieep," ana wnai uiu
really produce tba effect prophesied. Tben
tbe caller bad a pleasant little cbat wltb tbe
barkeeper, ue aeizea mm uy mu ubek ui me
neck, hauled him ever the counter, and gave
him, cenudentlally, a let of information
about his ancestry. Wltb great care be aub
aeuuently gathered him up, and threw blm
ever tbe bar among tbe belt lea. Tnen be
kicked tbe bulldog seresa the room. Tben
he put en bla coal, earelully unlocked tbe
innr. and wandered out Inte the street.
The barkeeper and tbe deg were tbe II rat te
recover. Tbe deg whined and crawled
under tbe table again. Tba barkeeper get up,
mtihaii himself, took a drink of brandy, and
went ever and gave some of tbe aatne liquor
te tbe alewly reviving thugs. They climbed
Inte tbe aeata they had occupied twenty min
ute belere, and aat looking at each ether out
of lack-lustre eyes. Oue el thein wiped
away with bla sleeve the bleed which waa
trickling from hla mouth. The Hies again
oeugregated upon the bar. i'eaee reigned
once mere upon tha levee.
HBBBYaBBBBBBtaYeaVBBBBtaBi BBBBBBBaaV V aTawai " aaBaaTsfafi bbSbbbbbbw aaaataw
TaaswaWaaBaajBaBBaxaj arJaweway aara wBwsr j1 jfFj aaaA
UaaAaasat Mas." TTBWAI aaaj wwaanaa
1 garb gttavnawb te barn
rleibrawaontattbade8r,wbMi Iba epHH
hhrf mmmtum asada fsaata In davear. Md wMM
btaaWaaHlff waa thaa occupied Peaehbtos Peaehbtes Peaehbtos
aeia Tatappad Inte tba bridal ebalr aadfxaMd
ew teKwayunbarmad. And new tbattM tbattM
tewa reader kaewa why be tbrewa Mae attar
tbe bride.
eear or turn rimm rtmKB.
Urea 1 Leasee By rtre la IMT Cbaa ta lha
Wer.l irrevtea fears.
Tba atrlklng lacreaee la tba leaeee by lira
throughout tba country at attracting pnbileaa
wallaa iaanranea attention. Tba aggregate
leta during inert waa a round 1100,000,000, tba
bvgeet aaaaal lese en record except la ISM,
wben Breached 1110,000,000, and except, el
cenraa, Iba year of tbe Chicago and Bosten
area. But tba currant year btda fair te leek
at It oleae upon lha largest annual ash heap
that waa aver aeen. Tha average monthly lean
thu far In 1887 baa been ever 110,000,000, tba
total figure being I7fl,!8, 100, maklngaamren maklngaamren
menlba' leaa larger thaa tba entire annual
leae of any year previous up te 1881, except
ing 1870. and that year It waa less than 1 1,000,
000 mera.
Tbeae flgnrea are startling and naturally
aaggeet whether there Is any tiling abnormal
Inlfiealtuatlen; whether any cause ter Area
la at work tbla year that baa net existed In
previous year 1 whether for example In
cendiarism la unusually prevalent. A aludy
of tha most authentic tables el leasee develop
eesie very Interesting facta. Tbe following
labia abewa the aggregate property lese and
tbe aggregate Insurance less In the United
Htata for the past te year.
lVar. 1'rnperly Imii. Jnmrane Utn
rt im.siivhuu 17." no
IH7 7r.7iBI.T0il 4l,4iM.7in
10 luaen
Imi xi.wiitie ilfltene
imi M,.nn 4n;v.iai
IHt IIJ.HIS,7WI 7.I30,7I9
S1 101,'JilV) NSW Ml
Total fv;i0,i W7,W7,WI
Frem these figure It will lis noticed that
during the past decade the Iismmm bave been
Increasing stead I It, each year's record sur
passing the preceding one, wltb but three ex
captions. It will be noticed also, that the
change In tba Insurance lese bave been sub
stanually tbe eeiue a In tbe property Ieta,
being each year between 00 and 00 per cent,
and averaging U) per cent, ler the 10 yeara.
A closer view or the Incendiary phase of
the fire queaUen reveals several luipertaat
facta. Of tha tll,r.'i7,:j.!l destroyed by in
cendlarlMW fl per cant only wai Insured,
wblcb Is e pur coot leas than the average In
surance en all property destroyed by all
ctueea, known and unknown, during tbe
east 10 years. This fact baa an Important
liearlng en Iba assertion frequently beard
that Insurance furnlabeathechlel motive ler
Incendiarism. Anetber tact bearing 011 tbla
point Is that in a aeries or yeara thu percent
ages of net materially vary.
Of all Urea el stated origin In New Kugland
In Is;, about 31 per cent, were incendiary ;
In tbe Mlddle aiates the ratio of Inceudlsrlsm
waa'ij percent ; in thu Western states 3 i per
cent, and In the Heutbern states Al per cent
Tbe average for the United Htatee, aa already
stated was, in lHfCl, about 20 per cent, but
while tbla Is tbe mean ratio It is interesting
te note that tbe amount of Incendiary hazard
In dlllerentrlaka varies greatly. An analysis
of 17.MI Urea during the past three years, the
cause of wblcb bave been apeciilcally re
ported, en 15 different claases of property,
show that tbe ireentage of Incendiarism
varies from :M per cent ea tobacco barns
te 11 J per cunt. 011 dwelling. If
new It Is true that Insurauce la a
motive te Ineeudlarlam, one would find
tbat tbe percentage of uninsured less runs
down aa tbe ratio of Incendiarism runa up
Tbla deea net appear te be tbe case; en the
contrary, nearly all claaaea of property dla
tlngulabed for lutense luceudiarisui such as
tobacco barns, country stores, livery stables,
cotton gin houses, lumber yards and general
warehouse, show Isrge property losses In
excess of tua amounts of insurance paid.
Frem tbla It may be fairly lulerred tbat
property having a high moral hazard la
prsuy generally known and avoided by tbe
Insurance cemiauiles.
Next te Incendiarism the defective due Is
tbe known cause el the largest number el
Urea. One thousand and lour liree resulted
from thia cauxe In IN"!, wblcb I about 13
per cent of these wbeae origin is known and
7,300 Urea In dwelling houses during tbe last
three yean, the origin 01 whleb I known,
the defective flue bead the list of 3d princi
pal causes, and calmed about 'M per cent of
mem all. Ferest and prairie lire come
third and matches fourth. Tula Is a atrlklng
commentary en tbe manner In which dwell
legs are built Durlug lbl tbere were IV.!
Urea In New Yerk state known te result
from defective Hues, III In Ohie, UI lu In
diana, i'i In 1'eunsylvaula, W in Illinois, 71
in Massachusetts, U In Missouri. 40 In Cali
fornia, 37 In Texas, M lu Maiue, '."i In tleor tleer
Sle, lu Kentucky and se ou. Frem tbeae
gures It may be assumed tbat tbe careless
building el dwelling house is net oeutlued te
auy one section of tne country. Toe 10 prln
dual causes for all tires In the country are
1, incendiarism ; 'A defective tluea ; .1, sparks,
(general) ; i, matches ; A, ligbtulng ; ll, lamp
explealuus;7, stoves; 8, spontaneous coin cein coin
buslteu ;0, lamp accidents, net explosions;
10, locomotive spark.
and te lra,MltnMbew Tbattaw
Klct-Tbrewlag at Weddings,
rrem Iho Chinese Times.
In tbe days of tbe Huang dynaity, some
1,500 yeara before Christ, there lived In the
province of Hhanai a meat famous sorcerer
called Chan. It happened eua day tbat a Mr.
l"ang came te ceusult the oracle, and Cbaa,
having divined meana of the tortoise dia
gram, Informed tbe trembling P'aug tbat be
bad but als daya te live. New, however
much we may trust tbe aagaclty and aklll of
our family physician, wa may be excused If,
la a matter of lite and death we call In a
eecGUd doctor for a consultation, and In aucb
a atralt It la net te be wondered at tbat P'aug
abeuld repair te anetber aouree te make aure
tbat there waa no make tbat there waaue
mistake. Te tba fair reecbbioaaem be went,
young lady who bad acquired soma reputa
tion aa a aer caress, and te tha tender fuml
nina heart unfolded tba story of hla wee.
Her divination yielded tbe aama result aa
Cbae'a s in six daya fang abeuld die, unless,
by the exercise of bar magical pewera, aba
could avert tba catastrophe. Her etterta
wera aacoesirel, and en tba aevtwtb day
great waa Cbae'a astonishment, and still
itreater hi mortification and rage, wben be
mOf rHK iat..UJ UW BfrillUB a.MU, MUM
learned that there lived a greater mualelau
than ba Tba story would seen get about,
aud, unleash could put, an end te bis lair
rival's txlaienee, hi inuutatlen would be
ruined. And Ull U llOW CUItO plotted
auelnel the life of PoecbblesBoin. He aent
aae between te I'eachbloaaem'a parent te
."..ira if tbelr dauubter was still unmarried
and, receiving a reply In tbe stllrmatlve, he
befooled the simple parenta Inte believing
that be bad a eon who waa soaking a wife,
and ultimately be Induced them te aagaga
Faaabblaaaem te b 1 ui In marriage. Tba mar
rhaiaaarda ware duly Interchanged j but the
eraity Obae bad cneaea tba meat unlucky
dty be eenld aeleet ler the wedding, tha day
whaa tha Oeldaai Pbeaaant " waa in tba as.
Tb KatllMuaks's Awlnl lilts.
r ruin reicat und Stream.
Never seeing a snake charm a bird or
animal, 1 concluded It was a negre supersti
tion or fancy, devoid of fact 80 1 continued
te think till a few daya age when a farmer
Iriend of mine, living four miles aeutb of
Abilene, told me wbat be bad lately wit
nessed. He aald be waa riding along en a
prairie and aaw a prairie deg within a few
feet of him, which retused te scamper te
hla bole, aa prairie dogs usually de wben
approached by man ; en tbe contrary, be aat
aa it transfixed te tbe spot, though making a
constant nervous, shuddering motion, as it
anxious te get away. My friend thought this
waa strange, and while considering the
spectacle be presently aaw a large rattle
anake celled up under aeuie bushes, his bead
uplitted, about six or aeven feet from tbe
deg, wblcb still heeded blm net, but looked
steadily upon tbe make. He dtatneuuted,
took tne ueg ey ine ueaa aim turust uuu ou,
wben tbe suake, wnicn naa up te mat mo me
meut remained quiet, Immediately swelled
wltb rage and beau Bounding bts rattlea.
The prairie deg ler aeuie time aeemed
benumbeXJ, hardly capable of motion, but
grew better, and finally get Inte bis hole.
My friend then kllltd tbe rattler. New, waa
tbia a case of charmmgT If net, wbat was
it T My friend who told me tbla la named
Jehn Irving McClure a larmer well-kuewu
te me, a goeu anu iruiuiui man. t. uuw gire
it up that the suakea de indeed charm, or he
paialyze birds and little animals with terror,
wbeu they can catch their eye, that they be
come helpless and motionless almost aa geed
aa dead. Wbat say tbe scientists T
Aud te one who la familiar with tbe eyes
of rattlusnakea It deea net seem unreason,
able tbat they should have such power. If
you will examine the eye of one wben bets
oeld in deaib, you will perceive tbat It has
an extreme v maiignat aim terriuie exiires.
slen. When be is alive and excited 1 knew
of nothing in all nature of se dreadful ap
pearance aa the eye of tbe rattlesnake. It
is enough te strike net only birds with and
little animate but men with nightmare. 1
bave en several occasions examlued them
closely wltb strong glasses, and leel
wltb all force wbat J state, and I will
tell you tbat tbere are few men en the face
of the eartb who cau leek upon an angered
rattlesnake tbreugti a geed glaaa bringing
blm apparently within a feet or two el the
eye and stand it mere than a moment
i When tba lent will and taetamanlef tba
lata JaaUaAabley waa, aHaKtad te prebata,
H waa te all aafsMraaeaa an ordinary be
quest, aasyet faiaitaeat bnt tba executer,
traaty man of law, found it ether wise Yat
the will waa drawn m tba most approved
ferns of legal art. duly witnessed, and no
rlawvlaible. Wbat waa wanting te gltelt
legality T
Tba Important caper wan aa fellows :
I, Justin Aabunr. of U , Ms the cenn.
ty of Cook, Htata of tlllneta, being of sound
mlad and ntemery, and oemrlderlng iba
neertewtyef tbla frail and transitory Ufa,
de therefore publish aad declare tela te be
my last will and testament rirattl order
and direct tbat my executer herein named
pay all my Juat debte end funeral expenses,
aaaoen after my decease aa conveniently
may ba. Becend 1 After auCi payment, I
give, dariae, and bequeath all Iba property,
real and paraewd, aad effecta of every name
aad nature whleb 1 new bave, may die pea
aaaaed of, or may ba entitled te, te the
nephew et nephews, herein named, who may
aurvlve me (Hareld Ashley and Carl Ferd).
Tha aald estate, abeuld both nephews sur
viva me, te ba equally divided between
them, their lielra and aaalgna forever. 11 the
herein named Hareld Ashley ba eele sur.
vlver, te blm I bequeatn tna enure proper
ly, excluding all ether belre. Lastly: I
make, constitute, and appoint Mrayetta Nell
te be executer el tbla, my last will and testa
mant, hereby revoking all former wills by
me made. In wltneaa whereof, 1 bave here
unto aubssrlbed my nama and alllxed ray
aeal, tbe fourth day of October, In the year of
our tjerd ena thousand eight hundred and
elghty-tbree. "
Thla Instrument waa signed by Justin
Ashley en the day el tbe date thereof ; waa
published and declared by the aald testator
te be bla laat will and testament In tbe
presence of Jehn West and Paul Mere.
Tbe will waa drawn by a well-known law
yer and made valid by the required signa
ture, wee duly acknowledged, and the ex ex
ecueor Instructed te carry out the wlabea or
tba deceased,-a matter apparently of easy
fulfillment Hut with tbla charge was given
tbe lawyer a package of letters directed te
the lata Justin Ashley, accumulated alnce hi
death, which had oeourred Dee. 4, and one el
these waa destined te bold an Imtnrtant place
In the aettlemant of the will. It waa dated
"New Yerk, Dte. ," and waa aa fol fel fol
Iewb: Te Jumtik AHiiMcr, K-q.
Dear Hlr : It la my painful duty te an
nounce te ynu tbe deatb of your nephew,
Mr. Carl Ferd, which occurred today (Dec.
4), at his late residence In Ilroeklyn.
Respectfully, Dai.k.
It was only wben Mr. Neil had adjusted
bis spectacles and re-read tbe a bine note that
heresllzedtbefull Impert of the communi
cation. December fourth, " be repeated
musingly ; " a remarkable coincidence, the
two deaths occurring upon tbe same day;
and new will arise the question of priority.
Yet I fsney It one eailly answered, " he con
tlnued, as replacing the letter In Ita en
velnpe be seated himself at bis desk and pro
ceeded te make tbe necessary inquiry: At
wbat hour had occurred the death of the late
Mr. FnrdT Te which In due course e! mall
came tbe following reply :
"Tbat tbe exact time of the demise wis
somewhat uncertain, the phyatcau'a note
book (tbe pbys'clan himself having sailed
for Kurepe) testifying tbat It had occurred at
I o'clock p. m.; while tbe curre of tbe de
ceased con tldently placed It at 0 o'clock or
thereabout " .....
Tbe death of tbe late Justin Ashley, it was
positively stated, had taken place at precise
ly half-past live; and It was obviously ne
cessary te prove beyond a question tbe prier
ity of demise In the two cases, In order te
rightfully carry out the instructions regard
ing tbe will.
The late Carl Ferd, who was a widower,
bad left one son, who was naturally desirous
of proving bis lather a survler of tbe late
Justin Ashley, In wblcb event one
ball of tbe vast property In question would
revert te blm ; wbtle Hareld Ashley, en the
ether band, waa quite as desirous of proving
i.b wavAr rlii..h wniilil ftiAkn him sole
balr te tbe deceased uncle. And the all-1 in- I
rmrtant result depended upon n question 01 I
Disliking all unnecessary litigation, Mr.
Nell, tbe executer, sought te learn tbe truth
and bave the matter quietly settled without
tbe labor and expense or a lawsuit. But tbe
two claimants, Hareld Ashley and Carlten
Ferd, would only be satisfied wltb an appeal
te tbe courts of Justice ; and tbe case waa set
for hearing en tne second day of February,
IMI, Carlten tjnrd b leg inclined, even
should priority of his lather's death be
proved, te contest the will ou plea or ita in
justice. ..... ...
Much Interest wsh manifested by tbe
friends of these Involved, as well aa by the
legal fraternity, te whom the case If net new,
was at least uucommen ; and tbe court-room
waa tilled with an eager and expectant
throng en the day appointed ler the trial.
Tbe case belngcalled, a jury was Impaneled
and the facta presented by counsel for tbe
plaintiff, followed by a like presentation for
the delense, alter which the wltnttsts weru
summoned lu order.
The llrst evldenci for the plaintiff waa
given by Alvin Dale, nurse te the late Carl
Ferd, who teatllled that after having been
dismissed by the iitiyalelan In attendance, he
waa passing through the hall aa the clock
struck live, and distinctly mv through tbe
slightly open deer of Mr. Ferd's room the
deceased raise bis band, tbus proving blm at
that hnur In have been alive.
Here lollewea tne crers-axam insiiuu.
"Can there be no mistake In your testi
mony T"
" Ne."
Did the deceased apeak when raising bis
hand, or did the movement aeem te Indicate
a communication T" , .
Ne, air ; I should aay II waa Involuntary,
perhaps owing tialparexysm of pln"
" Yeu aald the physician waa present at tbe
time; what waa be doing" ,,,,,
"I cannot aay; he steed at the bedside ap
parently occupied wltb tbe patient, yet ad-
L- -!?. n in tiltn
Further Inquiry failed te develop an y thing
of Importance. . .
Mr. Kvchel Kay, landlady te the deceased,
who waa next called, te titled tbat at a quar.
iar nut itra she had taken some nourish
ment te thn invalld'a room, but tbe doctor
bad told her It was net needed. She did net
enter the room, but waa confident tbat abe
noticed a alight movement of the figure upon
the bed aa abe atoed at tbe deer. An ue
cress oxamlnatlen failed te give any ui ui
tienal Information. . ,"
Prescott Day, an assistant of the attend uai,
physician, being duly awern, teatiUd t 01
abertly after five he bad come te the roemue
the late Mr. Ferd with a measige for tw
doctor. Did net enter the apirtment ; but
the physician had ateppsd away from tb
bedside te receive his message at me uoer,
noticed a alight tremor p3B ever the form el
tbe deceased.
At tbla point in the proceeding tbe ex
citement in the court-room was intense, and
the majority of these present bad accepted
tbe case wen for the plaintiff. Hew could it
be etherwlw, wben, according te tbe testi
mony of tbe three witnesses, It was proved
tbat tbe lata Carl Ferd survived bla uncle,
mi wm neuenuently one of the heirs ?
Wby further iIIbcusb tbe matter? Yet the
opposition claimed a hearing ; aud at the
,.,,... int nt nuenlnir the defense, wben ex
citement wa at Ita height, Dr. Wank, the
Wben tw deatar bad latabad IMkai
Barmy, Mm waagpantai aetntM tba
myaiery rendered (vary ea !"
tha MMroea waa only broke w&n Mm Jadja,
1 1 wiiii ni 111 laarnas hlaaaalflaaddriai
iba Jury. It bataf Una ptwrad Hfgdi a
donet mat tba lata Oarl Ferd bad as pbrad ba.
fore lm uncle, ta aemtaeerine
erarrtag at 4 o'etoekp. m. m Waw TanLaaMi
thai ettM latter at Ear-pant flvw elewkp.
a. kt lillaeta, would, allowing for tba dktarw
anea of tlma, undoubtedly ptaee mm daaba of
tba lata Cart Ferd half an beur befcre abat of
bla uncle, nance ba (Oarl Ferd) waa net a
aurrlvoref tba aald Juetln Aehiey, end In
coaeequeaee bla am and balr could net elalm
any absra la the aetata. . .. .
In acoerdaaoa wltb tbaaa facta and tba hi
atructiena given la the will, tha court Men
gave a verdict, transremng Mm entire
property of tba lata Justin Aaeley te bla aeta
surviving nephew, tha aald Hareld, wbteb
decision, with lha tantalizing quality of legal
decrees generally, their Incapability te plana
all concerned, waa both applauded aad con
demned. But tha matter did net and bare ; for Iho
generous heir, sympathizing wltb tba rela
tive deposed, Insisted upon hla aoeaptanoa et
tha aum of ten thousand dollar, wblcb
amply provided for the young man, enabling
him te carry out n long eberlebed ptaa for
foreign aludy. and later te attain aa honerebta
position In bla profession, from whleb ba re.
Sard with deepeat gratitude tba genareua
elr el Justin Ashley, who, revered and be
loved, Is In truth a benefactor. And bla gen
ereua disposition toward the deposed Carlten
and net here, for ere many daya a want Dera
Ashley beoemea Mrs, Carlten Ferd.
.amWsjUW 'cawawawAwaa
Ar '.-' BwawATeawa
iP'v vawanwawj
agauA 0 ' NgwawawawaV
BBWBWBVBwkle ''"'' vBwawawanW
Wm v vr' ' '-'',-Piby
'' . ?T;' V'."' )fr.r'
aw awiiuiBAi- AtasTCjaaer waawi.u
wm - . i. -, r... fv w At,, .
"Heneit Werk at: Honest
eU9 ?- ai ! I fJaatf 1 . ..'tftitAV rt . :2
(A &
J J- tjffi.!
y- -s
gwawaMSMlSBABBBWawal' ''Vpti
BTffiJil.,fSBBaawAal anwlMllll vf
wawWaWajBP 'j;
1 3BAwawawaTBwawawajaa.awawAWABawawawawawawal Amt-A -.;v
SJfBAwawawawawawawAwawaBwawawawawawawawaawM ''"
'iS .
Hiilip Doersom's Old EeliaWe Carriage WmSt
XjJZ& '
"i ipj.
waauialWAMi t
.' 'f
Tapestry, Iugnje, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Cbaii CuhU,
Wa hT6 tb Largawt and Bart Btoek lntOatfrjlty.
itastcb' of the Democratic eaadldale for Oev Oev
taer of starriand.
Senater Ellhu K. Jacksen, tba Democratic
nominee for governor of Maryland, la about
fifty yeara of age. He la happily married,
aud has a oozy family of five children, lie
Uvea handsomely In a fine residence at Malls
bury, Wicomico county. He ta a native of
tbat county and la well-known In every part
of It In the early stages of hla life be alter
nately worked en alarm and taught school,
improving every opportunity of educational
advantage that came across hla pathway. On
coming Inte inanhoeod ba became aecboel
teacher ler geed, teaching for a few
years afterward, having entirely aban
doned the pursuit of agriculture,
and finally, engaging in commercial
pursuits, developing In time from tbe suc
cessful keeper et a country atere te tha opu
lent lumber merchant, lu tbe conducting of
which latter occupation he baa acquired
wealth and a distinguished social position.
Mr. Jacksen dlspenaea a truly Southern
hospitality at hla borne, la a bualnesa man et
abllltv and renutatlen and la tba nrealdent of
two national banks. He waa at ena time I
president el tba Maryland Benata, nan at-1
vni uwu m wiuum t am ummuiuiij
well acquainted wltb tha naeda of tbe state.
He is an esteemed and respected citizen,
wherever be le known, and his nomination
te aucb an Important publle trust aa the
governorship speaks mere for him tban tbe
platitudes of language. In accepting tbe
nomination for governor, Senater Jacksen,
" 1 realize tbat the efllce of governor la one
of no small responsibility, and I shall en
deavor te prove myaelf worthy of tbe confi
dence of the people by a faithful discharge of
tbe duties of ibe high trust. It I am te be
tbe chief executive of Maryland, business
methods, In wblcb I bave been trained, will
be tbe rule of my administration. I shall
feel it my duty te execute existing lawa
strictly and faithfully en business princi
ples, and will encourage the enactment of
such ether legislation aa will in my Judg
ment promote the best Interest et tbe people.
In the exercise of tbe appointing power I
will be controlled only by influeneea tbat
tend te purity and elevate official position
and maintain tbe purity of tbe ballet-box.
Keoegnlzlng my fealty te tbe party et wblcb
1 am the nominee, I will by a faitbful dis
charge et efllclal duties and honorable ef
forts endeavor te festor the continued suc
cess of the Democratic) party and perpetuate
rinmrk-mtln rirlrmlnlAa. 'I
Cem Wet King ui Watt? Struts, Unasttr, Pi
This Park la located In tbe beart of the 8
Mountain en the line of the
Cornwall ft Lebanon Bailrea I
nine miles south of the City of Lebanon, wl
easy distance of llarrlabnrg, Heading, Lane I
ter. Columbia, and all points en tbe Phlli
prda A Heading and Pennsylvania Itatln.
The grounds are large, covering hnndret i e
acres, and are
TBaoearaaiaaoaa aaa
a bfac1udb d1n1mu h am
bb.uuaub an d coat boom,
While the arrangements for amusement een
slat el
qUOITS,Ac.,c .U
Tables for Luncners, Ktutie Seats and Bsrc.i"j
are scattered throughout the grvuada. A -
attraction ta
covering nearly twenty acres, en which
placed a number of elegant New lleau,
along tba banka et which are pleasant " a
and lovely scenery.
Observation Cars
will be ran en the line of tbe Cornwall A Leba
non Uallread, or will be sent te different points,
when practicable, for tbe accommodation of ex
curslen parties. These summer excursion cars
have been bulit especially for thla purpose, and
m a . K.-.M
cer3e7ve t& M aUUemfttWak fa 7-.
.we ana 11 go a. m, ana ss. am .- aaw aw atas
Cars leave tUUersvuieajTf a aaaatat ajrifei
can ana itep jp son las, e worn wmmumwjm ,t
- - .inil..J!;!,",-Ari f,wew nr
.. 'k III QlXVlAIkU S v
n Vl.
TCU 6'IKUtv, inir
iRfti K '.".Al'lJIO
e 'hecuUr rl T.i'R-tJ., U
.p 1C
rymt i fri tl i"s-n tnaeaBp.ij.,
Tltj&Af utUVK ft'LUJl-WtA
rt uraiS'iu, M ir . m ,iMJn8.tfljv.
rn t-Kaami n. 'it s..e p v
tichsKj: t 1. W s. 111 naat'5wu.l")i. m,
jr 1. ting at C D . 1 i4 i
n.r iiimu:iA KR3ttiC t-'"-
i .Yl UlMj ft li.a uaarter,
rerUjj:nr, v.i ihliu ,ixnrta.M'u.j.
rorl'fltjaneaalC. i,ai,iii.,wwy.ui.
'i Qiuirrv 'til" tJnn.ra.t 1 Utred&tT p.M
UAVf rH.OW tU.tV!lAir-.,u.rt5l
A lUi .'Ji ei. 7 i k. in, amanCS xM i. w.
rei fjitifsie.'ai"iiertp.m.
'r unnrrj vw bt t it i- t.H nt.ft?,Wi p ta,
Tl;.viS LKA)Tl.l;iAN(IK.
tv '.-v u.wv.rai.71f 'Vti. lltlanft-' WV.J".
or naii-rJri;es,t." '"-v. ru. Umi n )!i.
tii:n.x ntJiiA-j
1 1. x-A IT et T.M b. ai1 1 W J. tb,
r-erjifnvUl4R.t,' T-
cri.- & Uir, biuenurtuilt?at75J,.u
Ti.ii i,jc ;r u,jr T. (tftbWitei-,)
rer w 1 aa Thwneft at s.01 a. oviei W
imi Ji r 6-M p. re.
TBLA .AV r,lU4Kft.lW"CSrl',
' g a.e 1 el aud !. ku aa" -M
p TV
r Orar-y eja..&.tep u.
rttVlNS blkAVh, liRBAMUU.
.u..i 0". 1 bus, aCirtetth j me-
a, lisf 1 - tl ui-a luUUC-ilt
A. at. WIUMIM.
Well, well, wbat la It T " I maaiaL , Hurely aa tha bride entered tna
ForUed'a sake, mister, " bf anwared, I radebatVUra aplril bUd would destroy ber
Inelde the oettage deer she stta
Juit where tbe sunllgbc, aetlest there,
Slants down en snowy kerchief's bands,
On feldtd hands and sllveicd hair.
The garden pale ber world abuts In,
A almple world, made awoet with thyme,
Where lite, soft lulled by drenlLg bees,
Clews te th'j mill stieauis lapalug rbyme.
Peer are ber cottage walls, and bate.
Toe mean and small te hii-ber pilde,
Yet wltb a musing guru she seta
Her bread domains extending wide.
tireeBi ileprs of bills, and waving fields,
Wltb blooming hedge set between,
t hreiiKh shifting veils of tender mist
Bmtle, bait revealed, a mingled scene.
All bcrs-fer lovingly tbe holds
A yellewlth packet In her band,
Whose ancient, faded script prccUlmt
lier title te this spreading land.
Old letters I On tbe trembling page
Drep, nnawarrs, unnetdea tears,
These are ber title deeds 1 ber land
Spread through the realms of bygone years.
AiOien Mary frei
physician wne nau aiieuuuu tun ibve ju
Kerd, unexpectedly appeared in the court
room, and waa greeted with lutense 11 tup.
pressed interest. , ,
Knlnir sworn, the doctor teatllled tbat be
attended tbe late Carl Ferd lu bla laat illness,
nnd could certify tbat deatb had-oceurrod ou
December 4tb at 4 p. m-"
11 iinw then de veu aoeount for the appear
ance of llleau hour afterward, as teslttled by
tbe three witnesses wbe preceded yeuT"
asked tbe lawyer. conducting the cress-ex.
l'er a moment only tbe learned praotleuer
aeemed nonplussed at be bent bla bead In re
lit ctlen. Then light aeemed te dawn upon
hia somewhat nerelexed meditation, and
wltb a amlle of satisfaction be aald calmly,
I think I can give a lucid explanation of
tbe all air, and convince tbe court of the error
et the testimony referred te." Aud be pre
ceeded aa fellows :
1 found In the case el the late Mr. Ferd,
life te be extinct at I o'clock p. ui., aa 1 bave
already atated. I was alone with tbe do de do
eeasea, bavin dismissed tbe nurse, aud Mr.
Ferd'a son, who bad been telegraphed, bav
lng failed te arrive As I was leaving tba
death Ciamber, my mind reverted te the ex-
perlmenta which bave been uiade upon
hed lea but recently deprived et lile by meana
of voltate electricity; and I determined te
test them upon tbe body of tba late Mr. Ferd.
11 Leaving tna house unnoticed, I prceured
my battery and returned wltb It te tbe room
et tbe deceased, wbere 1 applied one feia te
tbe upper portion of the spina at the baaa et
the brain, and tbe ether luiaucceeaien te the
sides, enesr, arms, aua einer poruena 01 uie 1
body, producing by meana of the electricity
Yeung Man Kssplsg Heuse.
from thu New Yerk Sun.
Mauy young men keep heua9. They
take a flat, hire tbelr own cook and an extra
servant, and go at tbe business earnestly. If
two men are congenial, bave lived together
In college, aay, and understand bow te
awing along amicably, they can bava a
very geed borne In tbla way. They can rent
an apartment of six or aeven rooms thor
oughly and comfortably furnished for about
fCi a month. Their cook will probably coat
tbem (25, and an extra servant $20. Tba
table and all tha accessories will net go much
above 70 a month. Put tba running ex
pense at (J00 a mentb, and tbla makes it
only F-J5 a week apiece. Neither ena of tbem
could live in a hotel and enjoy tbe comforts
be gets in a Hat for leas than tnree times tbat
sum. it takes men of peculiar dispositions
Ml live WJgeiucr ju uaruiuujr, uunvvei, wv
all owners of Hat beuses are net willing te
take men In aa tenants. Tbey are net aura
that tbe beuse will net made noteriouabya
let of wild larke. The bachelor who cannot
live in New Yerk, however, without under
going tbe monotony el hotel lile and tha
nettv lealeuslea and Keesip et a bearding
house must be very difficult indeed te
m m s
Never Hear or a " Us " Asgsl.
rreja the Wutertewn Times.
But de we ever think of a "be" angel T
Never. In poetry and aeng, In picture and
statue tbey are alwaya "abe." Tbe Idea of an
angel lu swallowtail coat or an ulster I When
a mau slogs, Theu art tbe angel of my
dreaus," is be tbluklng of a being In
pautaleuna wltb a stove pipe bat en
uia bead T. Net much. iiut of a
tt-lorleus Ueatlnu symphony In white muslin
with blue rlbucua and golden locks aud
stary eyes, with the llrst tlusb of tbe morn
ing en ner cueeits. xuat is me aina 01 angei
be la aller. Te be aure tbe scriptures don't
sjieak of a "shb" angel. Ht Jehn, wbe wrote
meat about tbem, aaya he " placed one feel
en tbe land aud the ether en the aea, and
uses the masculine pronoun each time in
speaking of there, And Jacob doubtless did
uet wresile wltb a lemlntne angel because he
would bave been mere polite, but In these
old daya woman had net taken tbe advanced
position which a higher civilization baa given
ner. Today "she" la tbe angel and no
are se constructed that tbey wul enable the ex.
anon valley (
iwura VallaT ea tba
pleasant and convenient.
cnrslenlst te enjoy rally
Valley en the ether. They are safe,
of tbe Lebanon
in baantllnl aeenerv
en ue one aiaeeruw
vmrtit daatrin it can nrecura Meals at the
Park, as the Dtntng Haiti will be under tne super
vision of X. M. BdLTZ, et the Laaaaea V allbj
Uecaa. These who wish te spend A DAY IN
TUB MOUNTAINS can find no place se boanU beanU
fni or afterdlns! se much pleasure a MOUNT
Ma IataxlcatlBf Drinks Allawe aa Ue
awrer excursion rate and general Informa
tion apply te NneuuiBH,
"" F4Wnupt.C. A L-BAUreaO, Lebanon, M.
,-.-:a ljrtt
nKNNsriiVAaiA. kaUiBOADI
AT DLK.-ln effect rrem Jnne ., ..:
Old GrelT Spring Distillery.
Sltaated ea East Orange street, between
Orange and chestnut, one square east let reser-
T?baVoytreetedanewdlsUllery with allot
the latest Improved machinery for distilling
rUKH jmt WHISKY. . .
A. . DBSAJ sn riuyiniuii
This Distillery has been erected at the famous
thev were bera, and Itbaa never been known te
Its plenteous and unfailing supply of the pur
est water. At It enr grandfathers drank whsn
mmm avan in thn hiittMt sfl&tlier. rrem this
spring all the water need tn the distillery Is ob
tained, the pump drawing trem It twenty-five
INIlttOI lUJ UWU IMSMMWW V iw,sw.. r w
Brandies, QLnft, Wiaen, ftc.
AVCall and be convinced.
A.B.8HKArrKlt, OKUller,
BTOUK Ne. a North yueen Street,
N. a r aimers having geed Bye en hand can
And ready sale for It at the store or distillery.
Hishest mill market nrtee paid for a geed arti
cle, aprat-lyanw
Trmina lbavb LaseaaTwa aad taava
1'adle Kxprasst......
News xprasst..
. rsansfirl
HUJEara aApisas.......
uaaeTar Aaeem
yastLmef. ....... ..
rrederlek Acoem
Laneastar Aeees.....
Hantabem Ajeeem...
Oelamnta Acceat......
Harnaamrg sTprs..
Wesnrn aTxpreaat....
raiia. BUiiisssi ..,...
jrast Lmat.e... ......
lameaster Aeeem ar...
Oeinmbta Aeemn......
iTsaiinia xtaeres
r hUaAalphla Acee
Bonday MalL.
nay xtxpreae,.... ......
lliLrrlabnn? Ajeeem....
ra 1 Tinsstar tmwmil
P. ou
laavea uorameia as ui-fa .
tjui aiee,iAvaaataanaiTtTMat
Tna Tort acemnnyaaaentaaTeM
me and arrtvaa at Lancaster ataaws
The rrederlek Acoemmonaa
co mnbta at ltd! aadraaahasl
""lllnevsr AtKomrrmdaUen, MastjJeOTaaOalkMaW j
bla at t-ie p. m. Arrive at Lsarawtar at MMM
1., connect!
win ran
rauaaaiFwa Haajasasiam a,vSj afjCfy ta.Hr;jv 1
740 AM. Wa.-BS,M iU.N '4
rata, say Wn.'SW
vtaCetambta fal a, .,''
TtaOetnmMa StakMt' - ,
TtaMt. Jey. SKaV'f,1-;
Leave ArgaJg; a
ISBsaitar .MaaaVr anataar fis
MB a. at, 1 Wa.B,!.;Ja
ftlOABm. ljMK'ti.VJ
lsaant 9 fm
M0FM SaTer -1
oaaflen MAannawM. ra
? Vfi-..-. W
Smmm'' :
uaanawawr 3
aaany 4
aaaasH j
m conneeung wiu. iimi
AtT .www ..rm. ..
Laacaster with Niagara auxprep a
vannsja t -ri
bera, I
en Bandar,
mews, us
Je. UtsaDetktswm
nnlv trains which raw I
the MaU train wast runs by, waa
UBAB. B. PttWH aanaral
The ltttle tetterlsg baby feet,
Vi lib faltering step and slew,
Wltb pattering echoes selt and sweet
lntu my heart they go 1
Tluy also go. In grimy plays,
lu muddy peels ami duaty ways,
1 ben through lha house lu truckful ways,
They wander te aud fro.
'1 he buliy bauds that claap my neck
With touches dxar te me.
Are the same bauds tbat smash aud wreck,
Ihu Inkstand foul te seu 1
They pound the mirror with a cane,
1 hey retd the manuscript In twalu,
Widespread destruction they ordain
lu wasteful juuuee.
Tbe dreamy murm'ring baby voles
1 bav coos Its little tune,
That makes my listening heart rejolep
Like birds In leafy J une,
Can wake at midnight dark and still,
And all the air wltb howling fill,
1 hat splits the ear with echoes shrill,
Like cornets out of tune.
BuriltUi ii Brooklyn Maglt.
Edw. Edgerl
' .:
And all 'ether
Leading brands
of Imported
Sele Agent ter the Pleasant Valley Wlna
Company, special Ureat western six. wry, our
ewnurnd.thaneat American Champagne ta
Uie market. ..-.
J uat reeeiVf a aneiner taiga utuiw v,"2
nta Claret and White Wine from Napa Valley,
tAUrgtockef Imported Buinndls,Clareta,
"wTfie alvrtSS largSt aad J
AnaeUauisatan ta the ettr.
E 1 Sliymtker, Agt,
Me, 99 liaVaR KOm btTBIBT,
flajririMg rrwUj m
A g'
. JS 'ill
' . ST.
,SW'- M
?5j.v .
i--t-s ';-rzs
t.i fe 1 --iw5fet jrl- .
i'J 3.M.
l-. w .
X . jfa
e5 J t. -e M -fJiSrtrtrUd: . .f A . gj