Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 11, 1887, Image 1

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    r BWr 'lilSrfWIJI
Wyi Jfettfagtef
price two;
OterTwe Hundred People Lew
Llf.j Id Illinois.
Fxcmlea Trlit PImiikmi Tkrewth
VrrmlllMHIvAr BrMfrft.
rif. or tha Thirteen Brevity lAdsa Oars.WHk
Niagara "nisi ktcsrM-u rm rwlMl
Vletalty Bbss Dertraette Twelve
DOM ImM.1 Ik ffwIM Mm
te trowla-PeealBel Mr Ter
rible DMHttr Wfcle Oe
earred M Night,
TMesteae at Us llnwi. t'S rtaaaetal
Washington Dtepatah te FbttaaelBflte Ledger.
Few paraaaa perkape whe read tat fre
qaaatty pabllebed report at the Beau opera epera
imi at tha primawt gl v any eoaaldera eeaaldera eoaaldera
Uea te tka vaatneas aad atgalBoenee of the
oaeratteae, Wa read of tka hundreds of
mIIUem el geld aad aUyer la lha treasury,
but hew raw aaraeM aav any latalUflast
Idaa el what la aatbraaad la tbe nlaa figures
required te describe tka llabllltlM and aaaaU
el tka geverameat It. la only wkaa tba
anrtrereaa oeataata of tka treasury vaulta ara
weighed aad measered aad placed by tka
sidset UMarttelwea commodities that ara
dally bandied by MM masses, that aa Intelll
gaatcewnreueeetaaeeabe obtained by the
people of tka Bnaaelal etrengtb of tba
treasury, wegreatextsrilef we government's
aaau opereueea t naa ay ratsrwnee te w
latt palilMfcad atatstaenlef treasury mmu
290,4 17 la geld.enri nearly 2M .000,000 laellver,
includta 91000,000 of Irada datlara aad freo free freo
UeaelooTna. Taklag ap tkaaa tWLOOO.Ooe of
old aad pteelag tbaai ea tba scales, I Bad
that tha aeld bald by tka traaaary wet M0
tram Barf. If Backed tate erdtaary aanKTMa
tea toeeeb eart it would aiaka a proce-alea
rata ma ciitnur lahvamtbb
bulb A VKLBBrlUH.
Panne Bsereless BsM at the Orate af Thad-
r. M.TMI la Bht.taer's Osrastery-A
BMast rand, aa tka restart Tfeal
II Oeatalaea-A BetaMe UmmIn,
two rallaa leag, allewlag twenty fat of apace
for tba movement of aaeh boras aad
PsemA.llle, Aug. 11 Fer aema daya peat
tba Teledo, Peoria A WaaUrn railroad baa
adverlleed an excursion train te run te
Niagara KaJla and back again at radnead ralee.
Tba great heat here and tba lad natry with
which the eiouralen waa advertlaad brought
11 te tba notlea or everybody aad a large
number of citizens from tbla and Bur
rounding tewna availed tbemaelva of
It Whan the train pulled out latt
night there were twelve coaches filled.
Huperlntendent K. N. Armstrong ecoompen eceompen ecoempen
led lha party In bla private oeaoh an4 thla waa
coupled en neit te the baggage ear. Accom
panying htm ware Mrs, II. 1) Gould and
daughter Nellie, Mrs. Parker and savers!
ether wlvee and relatives of the officials of
the read. A large crowd assembled te aae
tbem oft, and as they pulled out of the sta
tion It waa noticed that the train was a deu
ble header, that la, that there was an engine
behind assisting the one In front by pushing.
Nothing mere waa heard from tha train
until thlt morning at 3 o'clock when a dta
patch was received that It had gene through
a bridge at Cbatawnrth ; that one hundred
people were killed and si many mera badly
Injured. The Union depot was thronged at
an early hour thin morning with friends aad
relatives of turns who were en the train. Tba
excitement was Intent. It waa reported that
VVIIIO. Clark, of the Peoria house, and his
wire were among tba killed and that Mia. H.
I). Oeutd and dsughter had been taken out of
the wreck dead ; that Armstrong waa Instantly
killed, and that the wreck bad taken Are and
burned up downs e' people who were other
wise uninjured. Amldat the contusion and
excitement better newa csme In slowly. It
was learned that Armstrong was safe together
with every one In bla ear excepting Mra Par
ker, who bad her ankle Injured. Neither
Mra. Gould nor daughter ara Injured at all and
many who ware reported dead are uninjured.
The trouble seems te be that the bridge ever
the Vermillion river waa set en tire by tha
ttttnee that have been raging lately and that
tba Wringers were se weakenrd tbst they let
the bridge down In tbe bad el the stream
With alt tba cars.
An old Teledo, l'eerls .V Western conduc
ts neiaed (leerge W. Scott, who lell here it
8 o'clock this morning, lias J tut telegraphed
that ever one hundred are killed, but that no
one In tbe sleepers are Injured. Thin la re
garded as authentic. Ne names can be ob
tained. Engineer Cllntoek waa killed. The
wreck It about three miles Ireru the station
A train el twelve coaches of wounded will
reach Peoria about 2 o'clock. Over one bun.
dred are allll atCbalawerth In tbe town ball,
echoel hnuae and en the platform. All bnt
five aleepera went through the bridge.
Ciiicaue, Aug. II. Tba Illinois Central
railroad efilrlala In this oily asy the train waa
drawn by two engines, and, as tbey ara In
formed, consisted of II (teen sleepers, it
went through the bridge two miles west of
Piper City, and about ball way between
Obatawerth and Oilman. The eecend angina
broke through and went down, taking tba
cars with IU
Tba Wagner sleeping ear office, at tha
Lake Shere depot, baa In ter mat Ien that four
of Its care were burned up, but tbey de net
knew bow many pasaengera war killed or
Injured, but the uumuer la undoubtedly
Tba bridge through which the care went
waa a small one. It had been partially burned,
which had weakened It Ten coaches bad
either gene through te tha bed of tha stream
or were piled up In promiscuous heap cross
wise and lengthwise ou the track.
Be far seventy bed las have been recovered
and none have been lakan from tba cars
underneath and net even a aeund can be
heard from them. It la leared that all In these
ears are dead.
Tba number of killed will reach two bun
dred. Tbe wounded aa tar aa can be ascer
tained will number one hundred and fifty.
Tha Teledo, Peoria & Weatern railroad la
a read running from the Indiana atata Una te
Warsaw, Ilia, across tha centra of Illinois,
It la 847 miles In length. It la a part of tha
Wabash, St Ieule and Partite system. Tha
read waa foreclosed under a mortgage In 1880
and then reorganized. Tbe principal office la
at Peoria, Ilia
Moenl Jul Notes.
Condensed I rout the Httr.
Henry Sink, residing la the tenant beuse
et Isaac K. Brandt, la Kapha, te wuablp, three
miles north of thla place, left bla beaaa last
Buaday night a week ego. Ha took away
clothing aad ether things, and left behind
wife aad children.
Probably tha eldest and lengeat married
couple la town la Jacob K. Helllg and wife.
Tbey will taaurrew celebrate tha annlver
aary of that marrlaga titty eight yeara age.
Mr. Hetlkjt la la Ma eighty-third jeer and bis
wire la only a few years younger.
Charts wnaTreeaeaa.
Before Aldarataa MoOeaoaiy William
Wldmyer, of Freeriek street bee bean bald
teaaswsrihe ebarge of traspaestag ea tha
grenaas ojei. smarTs esmasery. a aew
fence waa recently erected at tba bask of tba
cemetery aad people who halksea aaaklag It
a tboreugblara were notified ta reasaia out
Tbla they relneed te de and a beard waa
boob kicked of. of tba lance. Widaayer gar
baU for a beariag.
Aaetkev feevae aa DeHseta aaett,
Charles V. Death, rallaeter af atata aad
aeBBtr taxas la tba Nlath ward, Heading,
far 1886, la abort Wea Thla d turnery, teT
lowing eteae aaea aa-Corener BoaeelHer'a
--'- "- of ova 11.400 aa aoUaater. kaa
w-- - - ., J, - . . . m - -
laaaaaeuea. uawaaiairaaay aaaar aav
laataraaaaajaaaiaafc nai
cart Tba
weighing of the silver products much mera
Intaraettna- rsaulta. Runnlaa thla ever (ha
aealea I Bad its weight te be 7,300 teaa
Measuring It In carta, aa In tha ease of tha
geld, tha silver new held by tha treasury
would require tba cervices of 7,306 horses and
carta te tranapeit It, and would make a pro pre pro
ceeslea ever twenty one miles la length.
The "eurplae," about whlohae much Is
aid la tha dally aaaepapara, ameunta te
neariy 147,000,000, aa taereaae of A,000,000
since July let Counted aa geld the surplus
would weigh Mi tone counted aa sliver It
would weigh l.etA tea. Keeh million of
geld adda 3,085 peunda te tbe aurplua and
each million of diver adds 68,030 pounds.
ADDlvlna cubic measurements te tbe trea-
aury geld and ellver, and piling tha two
metala en Pennevlvauta avenue aa cord
weed la piled before delivery te tbe pur
cheeer. 1 ttnd that the geld would measure
37 cords and the silver 400 cords, and that
both would extend from tba treasury de-
Krtment te Four aud One-half street or from
e treasury te tha pension office In a straight
Una aad forming a eelld wall 8 feet high and
4 feet bread for a distance of seven-eighths el
a mile. Extending theae caictiiatiena ana
oemparlaone te the Interest bearing debt
equally interesting results are obtained. Tbe
public debt reached tbe blghest point In Au
gust, IDOTs Just !;eare age, wben It was 2
JMllr30,'J'tr. The general reader will better ap-
Jiraciatatna vastnaee of tbe sum when In
ormedthatltrepreeeelM'O.lSOtone el silver,
which would make a proeeaaloa el carta that
would extent from Kirhmend, Va , te a point
U miles north of Phllsdelphla, the distance It
would thua oever being SCO miles. The ln
treat bearing debt la new, net Including tbe
Pacific railroad boeda, 11,001,117a KM, ahow ahew
Ing that the aura paid has been 11,370 55.1,44'.,
or mera than one-half of tbe total amount,
and reprtxentlng 40,(.i7 tena el allver
dollars, which would extend 151 miles, if
packed In carta containing one ten each. Re
ducing theae Hemes te a baste where tbey
may ne Intelligently comprehended, and
that the rapidity with which tba govern
meat baa reduced Its bended debt
may be fully resitted by the general
reader, 1 nod that tha reduction baa been
at the average rata of .0,7(K,lt7& each year,
fe,Z,58l each month, 1 174, IMI each day,
t7,85H each hour and IM 47 ler every min
imi for the entire 'A! veara. Pursulna the
calculation te tbe smalltat divisible space of
time, tba bended debtor tbe United Htatee
baa been decreased at tbe rate or two dollars
and asven mills ter every eecend, or for
every swing el tbe pediilum, ter Urn entire
period irem Jtuguu , im iejud. .., .--This
la an exhibition of recuperation and
material progress en the part of the country
anil nr atarllns henaatv and Inteurlty en the
trtet tbe government and people that la
-ih... - IIaI .m Ih. wn.lil lilafnrt-
IftUiUHl 1HV .M M.W .w.. u--i
Alt Oil KIHO.
Ulertaae OvertakM aureus IIbIIbc., of Oil
Cltr a Itemaatle earssr.
Marcua llullegs, at one time one or tbe
kings of tha oil region, and at present living
In an elecant residence In Oil City, is nnan-
clally embarraased and bla property will
come unaer we nammei ou Augu.i i. nu
eon, Cot W. J. timings, waa formerly a
member el the Pennsylvania legislature and
la new a colonel In the Sixteenth regiment,
national guards. Marcus Uullng-i bss bad a
remarkable career. He rame into McKean
county In 1870 and arcured an luterrst in
aeme lumber land. A Utile oil bad been
found In McKean county, but oil men
lauahed at the Idea of Mndlna It In ravins
7.T .- .. .. . 1 rt
uuiinxs u uw
auantltlaa. Mr.
acres, paying f 5,000 down, lie bad tbe land
only a abort time when oil waa found and
we en leveroetBrnvDosu.
His 0 000 acres were cut up Inte leasee and
la a lew months he waa tha wealthiest opera
tor In tha oil country, every root of bla land
teeming with elL He made large Invest
ments In ether parts of the oil Held, and at
ena time was said te be werib ri 000,000.
After the oil fever died out Mr. Hultnga
plunged Inte geld and allver mines with
verted euaeeae. at ena time lealna 1250.000 in
the " Tengb Nut" mine In Arizona, lie also
8urchaseda farm la Crawford county, near
leadviUe. and spent f 100,000 In Improve
taenia en it The cause el his reverses Is as
cribed te unfortunate Investments, and while
atlil nominally tba owner of a large amount
of property, ba baa for aeme yeara past been
" land peer." Ba began a costly addition te
Allegheny college, called Hullnga Hall,
which ha oeuld net complete.
Heme Mm age aa orgaalaatlea waa lermed
by tka oelorad eltlsene or tba city for tha par
pose of having ,a grand Jubilee, In honor of
Kmaaoipetlea bay. A committee or arrange
aseata waa appointed made up of tha follow
ing t F. M. Harris, president Kdward Mel Mel
eon, secretary ( Henry Jacksen, treasurer (
Albert Wilsen, Kdward Clark, Hamuel Gray,
Win. Cooper and Frank DeBV
Thursday, August tlth waa aMgaalad for
tka celebration. Tha appaaraaca of tba
atreeta In the southeastern aactlea el the city,
where nearly all tba oelorad population
resides, early thla laaralag Indicated that
aaaMthtrrg nau.ual waa going 'ea. Befera 9
o'clock tha colored people began assembling
In tha vicinity of ieve and Charity hall en
Lew street, tha point designated for
tha formation of tha parade.
Tan o'clock was tba hour appointed ler the
precession te move, but It waa nearly an hour
later before tbe order was given te march.
The precession waa made up as fellows :
Commander In-Cnte'. Kdward Clark.
Chl.f Mar.hall. William 1'rertrr t Aid., Ken
Jainln Smith, Albert Brewn,tJbrlM Uatcherand
Albert Wll-wn.
fi-tnk lltrt carrying the Amertcan riag.
atlllenvllle Hand.
Banner, with these in.criptten. Celebra
tion at the frecUmatlun el Kmanclpailen."
tHued by Abraham Lincoln. 183;" "Ualiy ren
men, KtJIy 1 Lancaster Delegation," "Thad "Thad
dee. Htfven. (with 1'ertrall). Here of the lab.
lie Scheel By.tein;" "Abraham Lincoln (with an Kinuiurn or i.iueny."
IArrl.brn rtentlnln offlerrsof the committee
of arnuisumenti. and orator- et the day.
A. M. k. I.hutth tbetr In a 'bus.
Bendav Scheel et A. M. K. Chnrch In a hay
wagon decorated wlh buntlnK-
runlet tleddy drlvInK her two bone, hitched
te a beard wagon.
The parade moved up Iew te Keckland, te
North, te Htrawberry, te Heutb Queen, te
Vine, te Prince, te Wast King, te Mulberry,
te Chestnut, te Hbrelner'e cemetery. Here a
halt waa ordered and the grave of lhaddeue
Ntevena waa visited. Edwsrd Mellen, en the
pregramme for an addrees at Stevens' grave,
was Introduced by Kev. Thee. Wilsen, of the
Welab mountain M. K. church. Mr. Mellen'a
address wss en Htevens. He described
him aa a man or Una talents, geed education,
Indomitable will, and without leer. Te him
Pennsylvania la credited te a very great
extent for ber ayatem et public
schools. During bis oengresslonsl career
be waa looked upon as a leader.
Ilia heart was tilled with love of country,
which burned within him te tbe hour of his
death. He was possessed el a heroism which
no dangers could appal ; he waa reckless el
all personal censr quenees. He waa an apos
tle of liberty, and well- did he till bla com
munion and ba rested net until ba had ac
complished bla work the freedom of our
country and restoration of fallen man. Hia
people te-day rlae up te pay homage te
tbla veteran patriot, and be felt sure
thst when the day comes tbst honor will be
ghen te whom honor Isdue be will net be
forgotten and thla veteran patriot will receive
the special notice of him wbe ssld Inas
much aa ye did ;it unto oneef tbe least of theaa
ye did It unto me."
At the conclusion el tbe address tbe parade
was reformed and marched te North Queen,
te Centre Hqusre,snd out Kttt King street te
Tell's ILIn, where the principal exercises el
tbe dsy were held. Dinner waa aerved at 1
o'clock, after which the assemblage waa
called te order, and alter prayer by Kev.
Wilsen, or the Welah Meuntalna, Kdward
Mellen read the Declaration of Independence,
and commented en It Hpeechea were alae
made by Kev. A. It. Wilsen, of Baltimore,
and Majer W. Sl.upHen, el Harriaburg.
After the speeches there were dancing and
reatlvltlcH Incident te gatherings at Tell'a
The turn out did net come up te tbe ex
pectatlonaef the managera, becauae tbe col
ored people et the city did net Jein tbe pro pre
cession aa tbey bad premised. Tbey were
also disappointed as te the attendance of
strangers from tbe Welsh Mountain, Celum-,
bla and ether places. Tbe emancipation or
ganlzttlen Intend holding a celebration each
year, and with tbelr experience of tbla year,
will de tbelr beat te get a better turn-out
next year.
Vielative the Uqaer Law.
Wm. Procter, one of tbe committee of ar
rangements, called at Alderman Barr'a office
and made complaint agalnat Samuel Uray
and Henry Jackaen, for aell aelllng beer
without lleenee en tbe picnle greunda at
Tell'a Haln. Warrants were lesued for the
arrest of Uray and Jackaen.
kaaabtny AfteM ah Lavas ff IH KM Bla Lead
nuu-Tke master fJefaaas Mis ftirerts te
r n Vatsy r eke Basire.
AaamberofTerypaavaUireatea te reject
tka amaadaaealB te tha laad bill tatrodaead
la tha Heaae of Commens, especially tha
elaaaa arerldleg for a revision of Judicial
rents. Tbey have alae warned tha govern
ment aet te attempt te deal with tha queetlee
et arrears. Tba attitada el theae lords has
paralysed tba cablnet'a action la farther
amending tha land bill te aattely the Panel!
Ilea, Tha Oladetenlea wblpa have aeat Ba
ilee te members la tha eeuatry te ba ready
te return If tba paera mutilate tha bill and
tha ParaaltlUa have baaa ordered te muster
In full force. Lord Salisbury aad all tba
Ministerialist ara exerting the utmost pres
sure te auppraaa tha revolt of tha peers. At
rarla Agitate Over raMhsrka's Wrtkarawal
grew, tke rrlaetaal r.UWeal Orgaaliatlea.
Baassas rev His alave Baataager Pets
la His Oaa.
an Informal meetinr of the Carlten elab ea
Wednetdey tba sentiment or these present
was ea tbe aide et tbe peers, but the general
opinion Is that tba government, by thraasaa.
leg te withdraw tha kill oeuld override all
Mr. Oladatene writes : It I painful for
ma te have my attention called te tha attache
aaeaat by Mr. Bright My desire la'te
bear them fa alienee and' te remember only
bla patriotism and Services, together with bla
unwavering friendship down te 1886."
Tba lord mayor's annual banquet te tba
ministers waa given at the Mansion beuse,
Wednesday evening. Premier Salisbury, la
a speech, ssld tbat tbe government bad dena
everything te give effect te tbe country's
mandate te preserve the unity el tba empire,
Kxtra powers bad been placed at tba govern
ment'a command, and tbe government bad a
right te complain If these powers sre net used
discreetly, but firmly. (Thla la believed te
signify tbat tba government will proclaim
tbe Irish National League.) Regarding
Egypt, the premier said tbat Knglaad must
aee real security In tbst country; tbat before
tbe British troops are withdrawn Rgypt
muat ba tree from internal sedition aad aafa
from external attack.
All tba speeches made abounded la gener
alities and were lacking In Interest Kven
Lord Salisbury tell below tba usual level.
Regarding Ireland, be aald tbat magical re
sults must net be expected from legislation.
Ireland's troubles were due te a great ex
tent te strong dspreeslen In tha oendltiona of
human prosperity which had been felt even
In tbe wealthy metropolis. While the gov
ernment hoped tbat much would result from
legislative remedies, tbey were conscious that
they must leek mere te Increasing prosperity
of the people for tbe restoration et the hsppy
reeling between England and Ireland which
all ae much desired.
A large portion or the premier's speech waa
devoted te tbe Kgyptlan and Atgban que,
tlena. With reference te tbe letter question
be said tbst Keglsnd's and Rusaia'a conces
sions were equal, each aide showing a desire
te maintain peer and te proceed with the
work of civilization, In tbe prosecution or
which there wss ample room for both Kng
land and Russia in Aals.
He concluded, expressing himself aa confi
dent tbat all dangers te European peace bad
passed away and that tbe Lord Mayer would
end bla term or office in a period or profound
area rAnay Day a fgewat
ttaashsr af BtsaTla Causa.
Wadaeadey waa " Oread Amy Day," at
Camp Haaceck, aad a aaaibarafO. A, R
Pests aad excurateaa, Ta atirrtaf aeaaea
made glad tbe bearta of lha old aoldtera. Tka
regimental Inspection cleaad, tka last of the
companies passing under tha erlUeal ayaef
tha efflclala with afternoon. Tha reports
reflect the hlgheat credit en tbe troops of tha
Keystone atata. Tne sanitary oeaaiuoa or
The Diatcaniss TOM tb. Bast Bad Beltway
Ceapaay nav. gaeewatats.
There appaara te be no end te tb trouble
el tha East End street car company la getting
aaupplyet water for their atablea. About
two months age Mr. Heller In ainkiag a abaft
struck auch a atream of water that did net
appear te be diminished by constant as dur
ing the dry season. Tbe company new
thought their trouble was ever. A little ever
a week age the supply began te drop off aad
new some days the stsbte Is without water.
Mr. Hetter Intends te return with his boring
machine and continue work until a supply
Is reached that can be depended upon.
Owing te 111 health Mr. Drummhaarealgned
bla position as driver et car Ne. 1. Mr. Net!
baa taken bla place aa driver. Mr. Early baa
taken Mr. Neil's place in general work for
Rebrer Bres., the tlerlHts, have made a
number of imprevementa during the sum
mer. They each have had tbelr dwelling
heusee repainted. The greenhouses have
also received a coat of paint Tbey have
built a Isige het beuse te experiment In
grape culture. Tbey expect te have grapes
ready for market by Chrlstm.-. Mr. Henry
Rebrer has Just finished building a fine
stable In tbe rear el bla house. Mr. A. B.
Rebrer will probably build two beuses along
the turnpike opposite the greenbeusea before
Leu dew, Aug. 11. Tha resignation of
eneral Paldherbe rrem tha French Patriotic
League, owing, aa ba alleged, te lha recently
changed attitude of tba organisatien, baa
created a sensation In Paris. Tba Patriotic
League being diatlcntlvely an antl-Oerman
organization, It la net aaay te aee In what
respect any recent actlea of tbat brother
heed oeuld have offended any ena whose
allegiance te tha Revanche party waa
unabaken, and tha natural Inference la
that Osnsral Faldherbe ba been Induced te
modify his anti-Oermaa views by soma pres
sure net apparent te tba public, et alaa baa
made tba discovery, without having tha fact
pointed out te blm, that ha la net ae atrengly
opposed te Oermana and Germany as he had
beiived himself te be. una or me reaaena al
leged ter hla resignation is that tha League
committed Iteell te tba policy advocated for
yeara by M. Katkoff, In sending mesaagea of
condolence te tha family of the dead Rusalan
editor, and following them up with a vote of
Bending representatives of the League te ba
present at the funeral ; but In what manner
tbla action oenfllcta with the unswerving
antl-Qerman attitude the league ha occupied
from tbe data et Ita organization te the pre.
ent time Is net altogether plain. Tha leaders
el the League express no regret at tha gen
eral's severance et bis connection with the
organization, and ara enrolling hundreds
upon hundreds el members throughout
France. Meetlnge ara held nlghly and mera
activity la observable In respect el perfecting
mem bare In tha uaa of firearms than at any
previous time.
Tha Boulanger-Ferry atlslr baa ceased te
be a live tople In aoelal, political and official
circles, but tha interest In the Incident baa
net died out among members of tha League,
wbe believe tbat Ferry waa afraid te meet
Boulanger aad by refusing te de ae baa for
feited tbe respect of all patriotic Frenchmen.
It la contended that '.such men a Ferry de
mera te belittle Franc In tha eye of Ger
many than any one can possibly lmaglne,and
the assertion la commonly put forth that
Franc will never again be treated with
proper respect by Germany until Boulanger
la recalled te the warofflee with a ministry of
his own obeoalng.
Tha action or Gen. Boulanger In tendering
hlscondelenoes te Mm Katkoff baa greatly
Increased the enthusiasm et the League for
hla return te power, and the enemies of tha
commander of the Thirteenth corps unhesi
tatingly assert that ha waited until the League
bad tendered it sympathy befera offering
hla own In order te agora another point in
the game he la playing with tha popularity
of lb. masses aa tha stake. The falrloue
League la a powerful organization and
Boulanger la lta ldeU Whether tha Idel will
aver call upon hla worshipers te fellow him
across tbe German border mnalna te be
raaiav. rpaitw tfl
" V,
-net-II Varer a
the eamn has also bean closely looked Inte.
aad It la a remarkable fact that of theae
theuaaada of mea net ea baa ae far baaa
seriously lit
Tha total number of mea ea tha grennd,
by actual count 1st Fln.t brigade, 2,200 1
Second, 3, 100 1 Third, 2 507.
New that tbe camp Is drawing te a cleaa It
can ba reliably estimated tbat by tha time
the camp braaka up there will bate been cob
aumed 18 000 peunda hard lack, 4,500 pounds
coffee, 1,500 gallena tomateea, MV000 ears
green oern, 0 000 pounds butter, 0,000 bushels
potatoes, 12,000 pounds ham, IS barrela mesa
perk, 31,000 pounds fresh beet, 15 000 pounds
candles, 8,000 peunda soap, 1,0C0 peuuda pep
per and 60 buabele salt
Erlata Task, of tba Harrtsburg City Graya,
who had baaa detaltMl aa aa orderly at' frVl-
alen beedquartara obtained permleaien te go
neme en aunasy, uuerusman Task naa nan
an experience el which very few soldiers In
the division can beast Fer twenty-five
yeara be baa been a Sunday school scholar
and In all these yeara baa never missed a
Sunday's attendanee at bla elasa On Sun-
esy ne at nrrrc leuna soma uimeuny in get
ting permission te leave, but wben he pleaded
that hla failure te get te Harrlsburg would
break tb record of a quarter or a century's
attendanee at Sunday school tha command
ing officer did net have the heart te refits a
request which waa backed by ae unusil and
commendable an argument
Hubert Celeman Pbotegrspked.
There la no mere modest man In tha atata
than Rebert Celeman, the millionaire Iren
master and owner el Mount Gretna Park.
During the state encampment he has been a
dally visitor with members of hla family In a
tally-be oeaoh, and aa he bandies tha rains
behind hla four handsome black heraaa,
with a pleasant amlla for everybody, It
would acarcely be thought that this young
man, only half way through the thirties,
counted bis wealth at 110,000,000 at leaat
Mr. Celeman has a great dialaellnatten te be
photographed, and invariably declines the
most winning cfTera of the photographer.
But ba waa taken unawares at Mount Gretna
en Tuesday. Berne or his frienda entered
Inte a conspiracy te secure the coveted pkv
ture, and a photographer was stationed at an
advantageeua point, as the young millionaire
and hla wile were aeated en the front aeat et
their tally-he. The wife discovered, the
stratagem while It waa In progress, but aald
nothing. When Mr. Celeman learned et It
afterwards and aaw the photographer scurry
ing away with the leng-deelred plat, be
accepted tbe situation with becoming geed
KecnicaTBK, at Y Aag It-frsaM
waa tba hour aat rar awtac at i
party aksta eaBsaBitaB la atatayt aaa,!
o-eteek before ukaTBaa -fg
order aad asked
of tka eonvenUea. Tka aaaawl
up te thla tlete waa eYaaistM
Dieting plana whereby bsjbbM
hurried through wllaeat delay,
hour of opening tha aaailea ,tki
eerted that tha aeleotiea of state
te left eatlrely lath head of thai
ana that tha cineunau Matferai :
adopted wrm a lew asoaigeetleaa. v
jrhecaa-a-ltte ea raaotatleaai
favor et tha Cincinnati platferaa
ptaaka referring te tha tariff aad fc I
Immigration. Jataaa K McKsivayl
uuesa tne following tana putajt t
Alef DI.That waaa a body of mas
oenuemntne enert aaaae aarutg BM
Congress te reduce tha'.tariff ea aitsstaa
and manufactured la thla oeuatry j wa
uisue id me imansss or se asanaaaa
aad artisans that a protective tariff ba
talned by Congress for tba further ad
mentor our interests, ana we ewea
abollabmentef the Internal reveaaei
This resolution draw forth aat
ouaslen, and tbe preeentetien of aai
msnt by David Healy, la whleh kaa I
eaosteth abolishment et Ilia luieraal I
aau system waa emitted.
The resolution referrlag te aaaaat I
gratleB la aa fellows t M )
WBBBBAH.Thaoeaetaat tldaef lata
tlen te this country thraataaa te raaaltl
rteusly te tha aoelal eoadlttea of tha aa
and Interfere with th opportunities at
present poduisueo or aauiea eaa aasaji
laberera in procuring rapleymat,aad) :
w hkruk, mere sre new was et sat
of mea throughout tha nation waa i
obtain employment, wererere.
Resolved. That wa demand of law ,
meat a mere stringent cafer seal eat af i
ttBMBBBB awd.Laarla Oeata.
jjUMkUaa Taaafl ffkaaak-Bbgaja
"l"..". 7 v : .T.e
aaL,j , V-M '
Aad tha fctwabla H.U.v. tke Brunette Daugh
ter an Her Veasg Stan,
Elbert Uurd, the milkman wbe Uvea en
tbe Putney read, near Stratford, Conn., baa
a lively blonde bull and a charming brunette
daughter. All the ne'.gbbera ara alrald of
tha former and all the neigh bera' boys
ara crazy after tba latter. Last Saturday
night th bull broke loose from hia stall,
and altar foraging around the garden
aaaa crop found th back deer open.
He entered aad helped himself te a pan of
apples, and th folks being out, ba poked
open the kitchen deer and went in. Instead
of coming out tba way be entered he chose
th parlor deer, aad aa seen aa be crossed tha
threshold a rotten beard gave way and tbe
ugly beast deaeended te tba eeilar. Tbe
geed folks did net return until bedtime and
no lamps wsreugnisu. uoera wen oieaea aii
around and quietness prevailed.
Tba next morning Mary, the pretty daugh
ter, Insisted that aba beard groans during
the night, bat ah waa laughed at, and ae
mera waa thought et it Tba wbela family
atartad early for a day at Seaslda Park, In
Bridgeport, and came borne aoen aneugh for
Mary te ba la when her lever came. Soen
altar dark he knocked at tha front deer, and
te eacspe mosquitoes tboeuple entered tbe
Mary atartad for tba abeir for a maleh, and
down aba went landing plump en th Jersey
bull's back. Her exclamation waa ena et
aurprlae rather than pain, and bar lever
quickly ran te learn tha causa. Quicker tbsn
a wins he landed la Mary's arms, and tba
aUaatiea became decidedly interesting. It
took mere than aa bourie atratgbtea asattsra
out ae tbat sparking oeuld be resumed, and
everybody, evea we old folks, premised dead
Tbe etery of tbe accident leaked out tbla
morning, aad la enjoyed aeae tbe lees be
cause It Is true.
retksr aa aee Beth Bute.
Levi Davenport, aged is, employed aa a
duer-tender in Grand Tunnel mine, Nantl Nantl Nantl
oeke, attempted te Jump ea a leaded coal ear
Wednesday morning, wben be fell under the
wheels and waa crushed. Shortly after this
aasSdeet Samuel Davenport, the bey'a father,
employed as a mluer la another part of tbe
aslae, was crushed by a fall of coal. Ha will
Beenl Drewatag la tke Delaware Blvsr.
Wadaaaday efuraoea a man by the name
af Merrla, from Trenten, aad a boy aoooin aeooin aoeoin
paaylag alaa ware drowned from a row beat
wkUeaMkwgtaatte a raft In the Delaware
.Taliytawa. Merria waa ea bla
Crowd. at the U. il. OampaseaUag Wall
Known MluLtsr. mack en WedneMlav.
Stevkiidai.k, Aug. It Tbecampmeetlcg
la new In proper adjustment Services are
largely attended and there Is no want for any
engagements, for the chapel bell rlnge every
hour and a half, l'elka surely cannot find
fault ter want et aplrltual Instruction. AtO
a m., Wednesday Rev. S. Mower led the
family worship. At 10 a m. Rev. M. J.
Mumms, of Harrlsburg, formerly el Lancas
ter TJ. B. church, preached au able sermon
from I come tbat ye might have life ;" It
waa intended for saint and alnner and both
gotseme very nice point te consider. The
children 'a eervice at 1:15 p. m waa interest
ing, and at 2 p m. Rev. Lewis Peters, also a
former Lancastrian, discoursed en what
folkaabeuid de at campmeeting. Rev. H.
H. Mower, el Maner ehurcb, preached In the
evening en " The pleasurea el tbe lite In
Christ" The attendance is the largest In
the history of the plaee and the outlook la for
a meeting of great usefulness. It la a tree
gospel reset ter rich and peer no charges
te tbe ground and no collections taken at any
service. Large numbara of felka from Lan
caster elty and county are In attendance.
At te rumen (trove Oaa-pmeellag.
Aa Dr. William MoDenald, the president
or the National camp, waa speaking en the
subject of holiness be used the language i
1 tall you that be en who uses tobacco
can ba entirely aanetlBed."
Say I say I" shouted several clergymen,
that'a going a little tee far, for aeme et our
beat ministers uaa lha article."
What 1 have aald I have aald," replied
Dr. McDonald. "Ne man can be entirely
aaved and uaa tobacco."
You're a liar I" angrily ebmited a well
known man In tbe audience. Tbe man, wbe
lean Influential Christian, Immediately left
the auditorium.
Ma.. Ball Newa.
Oathe Ironsides grounds yesterday alter alter
neon two ball clubs known as the Waving
Willows and the Gelden Plew played a
game of balL The lint named club came
Irem the Meadow, in the lower part ei town,
and waa captained by "Steny" Uuber.
Frank Simpsen waa captain el tbe Plews,
wbe came from tbe Hill. After a close and
exciting contest, which aroused the large
audienee, the Plewa wen by 15 te 12. Brier
andtloedhsrt furnished tbe battery for tbe
Plewa. Fer their oppenenta Maynard
pitched and McGeehan and Miller caught
The League games yesterday were : At
Chicage: Chicago 14, Philadelphia 3; at
Detroit : Washlngteu 0, Detroit 4 ; at In-
dlanapella : Indianapolis 10, New Yerk 7 ;
at Pltmburg : Piltaburg 7, Bosten 2.
The Association games were played with
these resulla : At Brooklyn : Brooklyn 13,
Athletic 10 ; at Baltimore : Baltimore, 0 Mats
5 ; at St Leuis : St. Leuis 12, Cleveland 4 ;
at Louisville : Louisville A, Cincinnati 4,
Yesterday Beyle, el St Leuis, caught hla
thirty-seventh successive game.
Dave Orr in yeeierday'a game bad a aingie,
double, triple and a home run.
Pittsburg cannot detest Washington, but
they dc up Bosten two straight
Brooklyn has wen six straight game, and
no one will be surprised te see tbem pass
Leltner, anew man, pitched for Indian
spoils yestenlsy, and but five actual hits
were made efl blm by New Yerk.
tub Yeung America ana staien isiana,
two rattling amateur clubs, played a thirteen
Inning gam yesterday. Tbe latter wen by
aad Mrs. Oa.tave aretitsg.r EatSTtaln rrlSBds at M -raBoreker BAIL
Three hundred frienda of the Gree singer
family In thla city assembled at Mionnercher
hall en Wednesday evening In response te
Invitations sent them. The friends were In
vited te celebrate the return or Mtaa Groezln Greezln
ger rrem Europe, where aha has been per
feetlng her education for the past two yearn,
and also te celebrate tbe allyer wedding of
tb young lady 'a parents, Mr. and Mra. Gus
Tbe feativitlee of tbe evening opened with
dancing, Tayler'a orchestra furnishing the
music. At midnight tbe banqueting
rooms were thrown open and the large
party sat down te one el the finest suppers
ever eerved in this city. Henry Deerr
was the caterer. Tbe tablea were handsomely
decorated with meunda of flowers, and
presented a handsome appearance. Prof.
CarlMatz presided, and In behalf of Mr.
Greezingei'a family, bid all a hearty wel
come. Alter the banquet a number ofteasta
were responded ta Tbe principal speeches
el the evening were made by Henry Ger
hart, Dr. R. M. Belenlua, Chaa. F. Rengler,
J. H. Schneider and Charles I. Lsndia.
After the banquet dancing waa again re
sumed, and it waa at an early hour tbla
morning wben tbe guests depsrted for their
homes ; after wishing every success te Mr.
and Mra. Greezlnger aud their accomplished
Its. ue. rail.
Nrw Yerk, Aug. 11. Henry Ivea A Ce.,
brokers, doing business at Ne. 20 Naasau
street, have Just announced their Inability te
meet tbelr engagements. Liabilities f20,000,-000.
TH. Saratoga Bases.
Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 11. This Is th
first regular day of the eecend meeting.
Weather cloudy and threatening. Track fast
First race, i mile, run In a heavy rain,
Teucbepaa wen easily, Pearl Jennings, the
favorite second, Brambtetea third. Time
1:10. Wlnchell rode the winner. Odda 10
te L
Second race, the United State hotel etakea,
ters year-olds, one mile aad a half. Han
ever wen rather handily, Wary 2, Grleette 3.
Time 2:38 i. Odda Hanover barred, Wary
even money. McLaughlin rode the winner.
Third race. Kentncky stake for 2 year.
olds, i mile. Emperor or Norfolk wen
easily, Klngflsh 2, Estarbek 3. Tim 1:10,
Murpby rode the winner. Pest odds 1 te 10
against the Emperor.
Fourth race, l'i mile. Saxony first,
Wahoo second, Swift third. Tune, 1:57 J.
Odds 4 te 0. Stene rode the winner.
Th. Prsaldsnt's Pregramme.
WAsntNOTeif, Aug. 11 The United Preaa
la In receipt or information from the executive
mansion that it la about definitely (Jeter
mined the president will leave Washing
ton the last week In September and
go directly te St. Leuis, probably by way
or Iodlanapella, He wUl apend two daya
at St Leuis and go from there te Chicago,
Milwaukee, Madisen, St Paul, Minneapolis,
Kansas City, Memphis, NsshviUe and At
lanta, reaching tbe latter place In time te
meet his ecgagementa ler October 18. He
will go by the ordinary line or travel between
the places named, and aa hla fixed appoint
menu will preclude any divergence from the
route te visit ether cities, all Invitations out
side of It wlU have te be declined.
Ing lawa governing lmmigraUea, preata
the Importation of contrast labor, aad M
that It Is tbe duty of Congress te eaaat
protective laws uy which were wiu I
imposition of an increased tax or taker 1
or stepping una no ei euamiaismss
Heeding eftbe oeuatry with feralaa
Resolved, That all dlacrinUaattea k
Dlewera aaalnat lawful aaawetatkaM al
pleyea te aeeare their rights violates tasti
atitntlenai right ottae mitten aaa
aectarea a ieieny.
The tariff plank ta th Claetaaett
waa adopted with the
Kalveyand Healy aad alae tka ;
palling a label te be placed ea alii
tract work. A delegate wlahed aaa.)
contract label plank te be aaera
aa tha speaker aald be knew at",
where box oentaiaiaa at waa
goods were properly labelled, ag
the oeBtente were ireqaeauy
labeL A motion
aDoetav a eemmlUe et ntleea te
ut United Laber party at Byraeaaa. '
17, with tail power te unit eb'bbwJ
ticket, bat te raabnaaA-tU-t:
I sympathy with proteettea
duetry. a propesiuoa tedeslgaata eaal
Laber party aa tae ataarjr
strongly epiwaea. 'air.
nenncement that he i
a Ged " waa applauded by the ceav
A resolution "that tha lawa
employment et bribery, forea or tall
te secure nominations or eleotleaa
offlea b rigidly enforced" waa
and adopted.
Anether resolution agalatt class 1
whereby a peer man aheuld be
enjoy hla bear at hla aaloea with Mstl
freedom that the rich man eajeyaaat
and liquors at bla home or elab wee I
TheoenventlOB then proceeded la
nate candidates ler atata omeee. Taw :
Ing named were nominated t Fer
of state, Orvllle Preston, of HeraaUayllla H
atata treasurer, Jehn J. Ryan, of
for comptroller, Aaa ciapp, of Iteaaat i
attorney general,
Lawrence MaParlaa,,
way te TallytewB, wear he bad a met
rasldlaa, am aaay kaa baaa recovered, i
tAateiBsekaw haa areaaid for. Cere
Henry Buck clalma te be a
atate treasurer, and believe the Berka dele
gation will vote for blm.
Tbe congregation of tha Christ Lutheran
church, Bteuehburg, which waa atruck by
llgbtning last wees, nave pecmea te reuuuu
the edifice.
MadiaeB Bailey, aged 70. a prominent citi
zen of Pittsburg, died there en Wednesday.
Ha was bera In Norrlatewn and settled in
Pittsburg lu 1838.
Burglara en Tuesday night broke Inte the
restdeece el W. O. Meigs, la Lebanon, aad
wbllB ena of them guarded Met with a
cocked revolver the ethers secured 9400 worth
of watches and Jewelry.
Robertsen Harblaea, of Beaver count, has
bequeathed ijue te waaniagtee aaa -ier-
BAUtatunaun, waaeatjryaw f"1
aaaaaaaaaaaaltt iillllMlall III Vl " " 'y T'"W ITHrmTrn " ' In I ill fin tf filMakli IBslBTaWaaaaaaaaaaatl
feraea oelleta, latereat uaaa whlek lateb
ayeatotawasaatkaret tMaaa4eelaaa waa
aaall aaaa tea aaa) aWaaalaswatal aagai ka
APOITMMTU HHSI WMVHU. M. yiery, et IMnver. BtlstlBg Btsc
Lat Ttaunday,
Jefferaen M. Flery, postmaster at Denver,
tbla county, baa been missing since last
Thursday and It Is believed tbat be has
skipped " In consequence of ttnanelal
difficulties brought en by bis Irregular
habits. On Tbursday laat ba drove from
Denver te Reading, staid there ever Bight,
aeld hla horse and buggy and disappeared,
alnea whleb time bis family and frienda have
beard nothing of him.
Mr. Flery was about 37 yeara of age ; la a
butcher by trade, wa formerly a cattle dealer,
and did a geed business ; waa a popular and
active Democratic politician, and after tba
death et Postmaster Jacob G. German, which
occurred aeme months age, he waa appointed
postmaster of Denver. It is known tbat he
waa financially embarraewd, but it is net yet
known whether be la short In hla accounts
with the poatemoe department Flery la very
respectably connected, and hla family ta
highly reepeetea. ttia wire is a asugaier ei
GbrletleB Keller, one of the wealthiest mea
la the northern and of the county.
HflBllMIF ffiwIiPH'.
Mlaa Alice Bauamsn, et tbla oily, Is tbe
guest et Mies Adda Keefer, el Chambera-burg.
Dr. J. M. Titzell left te day fera two weeks
Mra. J. L. Lyte ttaa gene te Kale, McKeaa
Mia Fannie Frey, of Dayton, Ohie, la
spending the summer with Mies Haul
Willlaas ateasfae, of thla ctty, la Tletatagj
hat teUaav, JaaaealasAaJU, taaUwIaaaiw,
Ml. JaaVMaselslBBa. af Alaaaaa, tavaaaac
j B4Sj we-swaaraysw asB-sayas-'aBB-as-s-Bi -sww awBerwa-aa-awBaaa awav w ayArayawa-s-ga
yaaa sTBBarrwaf W?aJ aaTayaaW RyV
Twe Tenng Mra Killed.
Wit.WAUKKK, Wla,, Aug. 11. The Jour
nal's Marinette, Wla, special says : Hugh
MoDenald. aged 23. and Ed McDuff, asms
age, of Peatitlge, wbile driving home irem
Bell's circus lsst night were Instantly killed,
as waa alae their horse. Tbey were crossing
the Northwestern railroad, one mile Irem
here, when their rig waa atruck by a freight
engine. They ara both unmarried and their
relatives live in Canada.
m '
Mere Mule la Bewan County.
Mt. Stkrlinu, Ky., Aug. 11. Something
exciting in tbe way of newa may be expected
from Rewan county very aoen. A case of guna
and another of cartridges were ablpped here
some daya age te . T. Yeung, and thla alter
neon resblpped te A. J. White at Morehead
X. T. Yeung and eon and ethers of that party
have bead Indicted, charged with complicity
in the attempted murder of IL M, Legan,
The Volunteer Ahead.
MAitin-RORAi), Mssa, August 11. Tbe
weather today la favorable for the great
yacht race for tbe Bosten Herald cup. All
tbe yachts started well and kept close to
gether. Tbey muat traverse a oeurae et
thlrty-alx miles. The wind la blowing at
the rate of twenty mllea an hour. The
latest bulletins give the Volunteer a lead of
a mile and a quarter;; Puritan aeoend and
the ether three are bunched close behind.
Dead at We Age ef 01.
Piill.ADKi.PUlA, Aug. 1L Mrs. Eliza
Klnloek, the mother of Mra Jehn Drew, tbe
actress, died at Leng Branch, N. J,, tbla
morning, aged 91 yeara, Mra, Klnloek waa
formerly an actress. Just a few day
ever alxty yeara age aba made her Araarieaa
debut al the Walnut atreat theatre, thla ctty,
aad from that time aba filled aa Important
plac In tb dramstle world up te 185& when
aha retired.
rrepaaala for Wee Basks.
The special committee et weacboel beard,
Mssara Jeba 1. Hart man, J. Hay Brewa aad
Dr. D. R. McCermlck, appelated te adver adver
ttaefer propeaaU ter furnishing free books
aad ether aeppllea for tha public eoheola,
hay axteaded tha Urn for reeeiviag proae-
Beta from Meaday aext te waaaesaey
te enable bidden te getta.
Blaine te He Baeqaeted In Dublin.
Chicago, Aug. IL The Hewt' cable from
Cerk says: Mr. Blaine Is doing aeme sprigh
tly knocking about for an old man laboring
under the supposed disadvantage of kidney
disease. He Is looking Immensely better
than at Londen. The entire family came
down here from Dublin laat night, drove te
Queenetewn and Blarney thla morning and
hastily took the 2 o'clock mail back te Dublin
In the afternoon.
After he left Dublin last evening the lord
msyer called at hia hotel and waa Informed
tbat Mr. Blaine would return In aday or two.
Hla honor substantiated the rumor that a
banquet waa being organized. He aaid the
arrangements were nothing like complete,
neac-ita the lord maver'a confidence It leek
as though Mr. Blaine would net only decline
the banquet but cresa ever te England before
tbe Invitation oeuld be formally extended
ran for the Crowd.
Dbtreit, Mleb., Aug. IL A crowd et per
bspa 500 persona was at Centre park last
night watching the efforts et two doctors and
several policemen te aave tbe life or Cbarlea
Tegler, 21 yeara old, or Ne. 231 Brush street
who had taken morphine with suieldsl Intern'
Tegler waa stripped nearly naked and while
being walked about was constantly whipped
with wet towels and a stout barrel atave.
The people watched the proceeding aa if it
were a atrest laxtra snow ana u-uij -
teered te de the licking. Tegler will have
the satlafaotien of knowing that the crowd
aaved hla life, even if they did It for their
own amusement
aamisaad te Take Hla Ontes.
Orheva, Aug. 11-Prlnee Ferdinand
stepped at thla plaee ever night aad resumed
hla Journey te Sofia, the Bulgariaa eapUeLat
r. o'clock thla morning. The prtaee Beat a
note te the power yesterday atatlag that be
started for Sofia te assume the fuaetiena et
nriuoaef Bulgaria without their oeaaeat ee-
canBaaoeoaltloawaa directed aelely te the
form et hla electlea aad BOt against himself
. -
fc Latest Actions el a Creak."
Racimb. Wis.. Aug, a-Cbarla flelt-
bralter, ex-alderman, wa armtad yeetereey
ea complaint of hla father aad ekder. The
alater charge that he knocked ardwa
threatened te pull her tenga 2!IIiS
aad th father alleges ?JE2nria
.round with a half. Q''Jitfc!!tefi
th man who aeaae lime" age eraataaa aaaae
ikm Tytateiag layltetteas te the frlaada af
oVtiWwbe aad aaaa ktad teaardartagbar
alekaaaa. He waa pleats aaaa
They WUl Beth Bseeveri
Ciiicaqe, lit, Aug. IL Dr. aU
who, with hla wife, waa ahet at the
beuaa last night, la reported te ba at a I
able oeaditlon tbla meralag
signs of rationality. He eesaaaMl
at the county hospital, aad ta,il
Iclana la ebarge are
hepefaL the alga of .Inflame
were visible last night aet kavlag
Hta wife, tee, taoathsreaa te
it .said their marital relaateaa aatw
a-rarnlw etrmlnad of lata, aad it la .
friends et both that we wlfe'a laaaaaj
led te a aerlaa of quarrela, of waJea Baal
cnlmlnauen. Dr. Larkin, or. awi
brewer-ln-Uw, visited th 1
morning, aad te him th .wjered
tided that bla wife ahet him. et.
la the fourth husband et the lady.; 03
Ltbb rteaae Or L (1M
Chicaqe, Aug. IL 1
Lynn entered a plea of gu
la Judge Jamlaaen'a coert
was sentenced te pay a si
priaener received hie feat
appeared te be perfectly
mesas crowd waa praaaat Lt
Ex-Chairman Klahm war
Hat aad he waa esateaeef'
11,000, Mr. Griaaall reoen-.
the leniency of tae oeort.
Twe Biiie at a Wtm,?tf--
Brooklyn, Iowa. Aug, 1L-Aa ;
davdeetreyedKlaraaew apant I
MveralballdaaadJetalBB. lwl
opera bone la rte,w i
ether tearaa about ataaaa
aaea. WllUaat Crafterd waa kBIal bjrj
lasbeiiatag. warrai4uwBawaai
by a fire eaalaa aid tatally lajaas
4. i
a ou anew
r.,.,- i. il JaBsaa O. Malsa TlaMad
nnkaiewai vsMarday for tba Mra af
aUtagatewaltskBaet. -teanba
America eeasalaM aad air. laba i.ram
tkeoaaLlrlaea, aMaJfaBt
M) sa aav, jwbsbj aa aaay aw
Va Visa Beat I
vaaaet erer eaut as x-eae
laaaeaad at Baragie
andersafgei8. .'f,
-.t-i-. ta laiaa asaaa feexea
Brcawsedestisyedbyaya, Ittal
-. .a "- tv-
SratMeriBLD, Usv, Aaw.
hour yaMardsyaaeraasg
eflear ware eaaaaag aaaaf
Maaasaaal awlaaaaajkl
tS fSTSwIaBa SSI aaaf ta)
aSftfrW SfsRfitAifc J vlisl
JA '..suVwev, K