sVMnr.rjyc7rfs,sAuyfavJTi,J-,:J..fFS", ;' D.v,?r." ks&se fr 4fr?0 'ffifc IiANCATER DAILY IirnBlJJOl!fC3Eir, WlNESDAY AT7G! lO.lHT. nmiwuncwi-iuji -? If' ' j.i. m r-h ss. it WU wr sab. aiuwaa te I I i I KT-IWINlNlimfc If!! ! ! u VIS 11 a MM tin net aw i 8 m tn :a: i MM MM MM MM I MM MMllUlO tMW-ktrJmlta-x- IMIMWi f. tip CmuttttetlnttUlgctutt. LAKOAJTBR, ACfiUBT 10.18B7. r & i at AlleatewB. I of the twwipapera of the state are ; the probable action of the Deme. . watte oeBTentlon at Allentown upon the i.1 . .... ... ... .... . tot um reduction or tne tann ana revenue taxation ; and the im- 1a created that there will be an rated between the friends of the administration and these of the J3 -. l. MJPMJ MMHff WMMIMT sswsnwww. BSMMJMiMMMMMMiafMNr rMOtM iMjtMMiMr. am. AMwnwew) uiiw IMNMMMiMiawimiuai, jjmwmawtmTtrmntn --.-:! emuiwiuiik V Xtaaeylrania congressmen who voted with t&Ife Baadall, at the last session, against Tlfc!a views of the administration and of the 5 Daflsecratlc majority in Congress. Doubt Deubt SilaaasBeh an issue will be raised at Allen- "Ktewn, and an opportunity will be afforded ha convention te display its wisdom in Ml1 Uie Pennsylvania congressmen in Vltea with the national party upon the 4s petata of difference. We assume that the i Thsnns i sill sentiment In the state de- J IZ. VI. . . -ll ! -g-n BBSUOUa UUB USWUHJUY ui upiuiuu auu U1UU. SgtnWeile it te true that the sentiments of the Democratic convention of the Republican of Pennsylvania will net have the in- upon the party at large which the :t declaration of the convention of a Deme. 1 "- awaita atata wnuM haw thv will hsvn an t ViiMMtfkl fArm Af thutr nvn rascaiiM nt thai , .M-Hasnuwlvnla Democratic (inlmrailnn. , edTTn: ... . .-.i . .u.. . .; -veir" vs wm ik ib ccnauuj mue uuifc uie imuu- SetaUc national leaders, in establishing the yattsy of the party, will have regard first !4VI all te the prevailing sentiment upon the tariff lame in the Democratic and particu ,1m Marty doubtful states, they will be solicitous teawnre a united sentiment in the party ;gfca all the states ; and the declarations of y& what T4amtun1va.nlA Tanmfvrat.ff mnVAntTnn will have great weight. There Is no doubt at all that the action Wef Mr.Eandalland ether Pennsylvania con. 'graamen has been unfortunate in seem- Miagly setting the party here at variance ,rwith the national body upon the question t- wsnuucuuuui tue uuiu anu uiernai i "Wnfreely expressed our " conviction, at the time, that Mr. Randall 'x&r had net been wise in his leadership; and i'ff n rn nt thn aural nalnlnn atll). W. fc?r" . .ir-r.j'zrr :.t: . ..- smvb no iuea tuak vue jvueniewn raonventlen will be equally solicitous Wlth him te show a variance be tween the Democracy et Pennsylvania and ' nt ttiA TTntnn. Mr. Ttantflallia itiatt Ma .swey, and the timidity of the ether Penn. ylvanla Democratic congressmen who fol lowed him, will net control the Allentown convention, which assembles te speak for Ji tfe party In the state, as a part of thena- uoeai democracy ; anawnese care it will te te declare opinions that de net have state lines for their boundaries. There should net be much trouble in pronouncing views in a Pennsylvania Democratic convention, upon the reduc tion et tariff taxation and internal revenue taxatien.that will be accepted in a national Democratic convention. If we admit that it cannot be done we concede that tbe Pennsylvania Democracy are lest te their party; and we have no such idea. If common sense, with a proper knenl- y.f adgeef Democratic principles of govern. nz-. asent and a conciliatory disposition, are 'Alteuni in the Allentown convention, there -Will be no trouble in declaring bow tbe reduction of revenue that is needed should P be made. Pennsylvania is a manufactur- , wc siaieana me convention win be sure te ' auke no recommendation that will injure 0i ita Industry. But there is no respectable tfy, portion et tne Democratic party any where fjhv that proposes a tariff reduction that will fegSFT '" w"W. JI IJ lulAMWUfa 1U f dustry. Wherefore then should the Penn 5 avlvanla Semecracv seek tn stand nn-irf 14 fWun thA national TVAfnAi.raf.v In nmnnaln. Jk areductien of tariff duties that will leave ner manuiacturing inaustry unteucuea ana unharmed? ., The convention of a high license state g, fa net likely te call for n reduction in the r laturna.! ravnniiA tav nn Knnnt- Wit Mia It t.v --. ... .. ... . f , ssay ieei uae asKing a reduction et tbe toeacco tax we de net know.ner is it a mat- iS. tacef great consequence whether that tax f!k "tands or is abated ; for ourselves, we 'Wwenu let it stand. A MZ. Ballsbnn's luteatlens. . It te Said that Lnni Halishiirv lll nn hC welalm the Irish National Leazue until t. awpejyte voted in Parliament. In ether be will wait until the money votes paesea neiere ne puts the screws mt lrwana, tearing mat u be shows his pai new the Irish members will make it Wmim when the vote en supply is reached. ICtkaat are the tactics that the premier jpefpjM te fellow, they exhibit him a very 'Ofaautrt-alailitail atatftsman. In Uia first - iv. '" ' "" - - - - if sail mnj nuuMiiiiiwsw wnsuuiue, auu v4i ikA AArwvnfl nlaAA Anntinn- rThAOA turn jfharges afllxed te a measure which the "cMtml sense of civilization recognizes as twroef, would drag it down with immeas y'wable rapidity. The best plan for Sails. ;trjtotelM tbe coercion law become a ftaA latter. If he attempt te enforce it .M alt its cruel previsions, be will have a tssnett aest about his ear that will make iltim wish be bad a millstone about his neck lathe deepest depths of some unfatnem- pH9 MspB Sr SB- SSSSSSS-SJfMBSS-ss--. T The KerthsMatea BeMserats. tk Xertbaaspte county Democrats deeided that aobedy who belted last tWetsMHtepsnattUst te vote at Whs the North. they caa Whta r(siwtAwr,ailbtyan mw, lha Re. elect their ticket by about 1 Joe ajerlty. Owing te Democratic aplIU, there Is a nepubllcan Judge ea the beach and a fall set of Republican officials in the county places. It might have been thought that one such lessen as this would be potent lu enforcing the lessen of harmony in the party. But It sometimes takes mere than one Hogging te con I vine a aintihnrn aun that lut la whipped. The Northampton Democrats are getting themselves into trim for another geed thrashing, and perhaps If It Is made severe enough this time, the party leaders will learn the necessity of harmonizing the con flicting elements of the party. The auto cratic method of throwing belters out of a parly may de In the realms of Russia, but in the Democratic party, which permits the largest freedom of thought te the Indi vidual, it has nercr nourished, because it is essentially un-Demecratlc. -s Tee Mnch Llctate. The Inquest into the atleged mysterious death of Mrs. Jane Markey, of Nine Points, this county, discloses that there was nothing en which te found the story of her poisoning. Yet rumors of the most bleed-curdling description have been Hoat Heat lng around the viclnageef the dead woman and they finally took the shape that a seu of the deceased had been instrumental in bringing about her death by poison. It is a relief te find that this reported case of matricide has no foundation. Rut the occurrence suggests that some punish ment ought te be meted out te these who thoughtlessly or maliciously give currency te rumors affecting the lives and liberty of their fellow-citizens. These who started the story of the woman's death by foul play ought te be discovered, and examina tion should be made whether they were actuated by a worthy motive looking te the public gecd, or were gratlfjing private malice. There is entirely tee much license per m It ted in serious occurrences of this kind. There should be better ground for attach ing the suspicion of matricide than silly old women's tales that have their birth chletly in ignorance and superstition. The fs,OnO belt presented te Jehn L. Bulll van in Bosten may have cost sa much as fte. Eighty veur lanRuagee and distinct dia lects are spoken in New Yerk city. It is a big town. GEenaK Washi.nutex Is new discovered te have been an ardent fisherman. Or. Geerge H. Moere, of tbs Lenex library, New Yerk, has recently written and published for private circulation a small volume entitled "WaabioKten as an Angler," In which he proves trem the Great Kather'x diaries that tbe latter was an enthusiastic disciple et Iztak Walten. This fact throws doubt upon tbe truthfulness of tbe hatcbet-cberry tree story. Thk Philadelphia Inquirer aays that a large proportion of persons injured tn that city prefer te be taken te tbe hospitals rather than te their own homes. They are sure of the exercise of the highest skill at the begin ning and of geed nursing and kiudnesa of attendants until they are perfectly cured. Contrast this with tbe tacts about the hos pital et the richest agricultural ceuLty In tbe United States. tbk Virginia Kepubllcms are coins te subordinate everything te getting Mabene Inte the United States Senate. They have set ter inemseives a low task. Baltimore Is paying a penalty of a nig. gsrdly mode of mansging her fire depart ment The recent disastrous tires have caused the fire underwriters te meet and formulate demands upon the cityautberitlne. They demand tbat water mains et greater size be substituted for these in use in tbe mercantile sections of the city ; that a full paid force be eubstltuted for tbe present call men ; tbat the tire engines new laid up be put in commission ; tbat tbe apparatus be Increased te twenty-five steam engines lustem! cl thir teen as at present ; tbat a harbor tireLeU of suitable capacity be procured ; that new and improved fire aUrm apparatus be substituted for tbat new In use ; tbat tbe wires be put underground, and that changes be made In the regulations governing tbe response of engines te alarms. Te mk tue present force lull paid would add &0,OGO a year te the cost of tbe department, and tbe harbor beat and additional companies would still further Increase the yearly expenditure. But publle opinion Is areussd and tbe im provements must come. Justick Bradlkv, et tbe Uulted States supreme court, while acting as presiding judge of tbe New Jersey circuit, lus decided an Inter-sting bridge question. It relates te the power of Congress te autberlzs tbe con struction of a bridge ever navigahle waters, when the land under such watxra Is owned by a atate opposed tn the construction of tbe contemplated bridge. Tbe declhinn is emphatically in favor of the supremacy of Congress in all such matters, but as notice of sn appeal was given by counsel representing the state, the lasue involved can tcarcely Le considered settled until a final decision is made by the supreme court or the Upited States. Justice Bradley clsirns for the United States an eminent dntnalu still higher than thst or the state wheneer it H con sidered desirable or necessary that national powers should be exercised against the pro pre test of a state. Tub president ia embarrassed by tbe num ber of his invitations te visit cities. This la one of tbe penalties of being a popular execu. live. Lblanu STAXteitD, the Pacific million aire, has a passion for horses. He might have a much worse falling. He has evidently turned his craze te geed account, for be Is sa d te have done mere than any one else te Im prove tbe breed of horses In California, and te demonstrate tbat tbe climate of thst atate Is superior te Kentucky for tbe breeding of swilt trotting and running stock. AcuenitiNU te the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pennsylvania railroad elllciaU say they expect this year will prove the best In tbe history of the company, both for tonnage and earnings. Their lines are fairly crowded with business. Ceal, coke, limestone and general merchandise are eilerlng lu such quantities tbat tbe company actually has net sufficient equipment te accommodate all tbat seek a market ever ita reads. A large num ber of new cats bsva been added aud mere are being built all the time, but the Increase In cars Is net se great sa the Increase In bust, nesa. for six mentbs of the present year tbe gross earnings east and west of Pittsburg sre about 12 per cent, greater than ler the same period last yesr. a a about 1100,000,000 was taken In last year, the gain represents mere than Is received en some very Important reads, a fBkUKMAU Bknrv Alkxandku Coet'KK, who used te travel with Kerepaujb, is new living in retirement In Leck pert, N. Y. He is 8 feet 3 inches In height and weighs 300 pounds. Ills nsnd Is 13 inches aad bis feel 17 Inches long. He wss born In JSGO between Yerk and Scarborough, England. Ohahles Sumnkr's sweet teeth la the subject et an interesting paragraph in the reminiscent article en tbs great statesman in the August Cotmepolitan by Arneld Burgs Jehnsen, for many years bis private secre tary. Us was especially lend of chocolate ereasaa aad held that a long as be could eat candy his digestion was In excellent order. Be paver ssneksd and never tasted of wkisky M feat. CMvea tr , WHMaaa F. Or te Mnea Oataermt ruasireaes Jetatae, And OtBMS. from the Hew Yerk KvunlnfStar. A feast was given lu Iiomlen en Tuesday which allerded a novel sight te theaaton theaaten labed Britisher A long table was stretched under a big tent en the grounds where Hutlale Bill is giving his Wild West show. The table ws surrounded by a distin guished party. In the middle eat tbe veteran Blmen Uamoreu, with his keen eye fixed en the huge plecea of ex ribs which were hang ing en three sticks ever a large lire which had been bultt en the ground. A young Indian squaw, clad lu a bright red dress, occasionally raised her daintily nieccaalned feet and gave the ribs a kick te keep them a swinging back and forth In the tlames. Tbe Hen. Chauncey M. Depew sat beside Mr. Cameren and also watched the ribs and the cornel v squaw t and se did Lawrence Jereme, Senater llawley. of Connecticut ; Editor Murat U si stead, of Cincinnati; Justin McCarthy, the l'arnelltte member et Parlia ment and author, and forty ether gentlemen, nearly all of whom are celebrated person- Kach auest was engaged In the same eccu- K lien, and divided bis attention about equally tween the roasting bovine and the auaky aborigine. Mr. Hutlale Bill Cedy, In all the gorgeous. nesa of his alleged frontier attire, was tbe host The guests, or at least tbe Britons among tbem, bad come te see what a real American tin roast was like. The ground before the table was covered with an abundance of fresh straw, through which titty sharp pointed stakes were aUck- ins up. While the guests were watching tbe tire and tbe ribs and the maiden, a band of gaudily-painted Indians appeared en the scene and squatted down upon the straw, one by the slue et each stake. In a minute each stake had a huge rib et beet fastened te It, and a like huge rib was placed en the table dlrectlv In front of Slrueu I'ameren, another before I.iwrenue Jereme, a third rested in front of tbe president el tbe New Yerk Central railroad, and se en until each guest had a rib all te himself. The Indians set the example te their white brothers by taking tbe ribs in both hands, and General tlawiey, Mr. Depew, Mr. Came ren and the ether celebrities did Just the earns thing, and tbe nimble waiters were.kept busy carrying away the denuded ribs. Heminy was eaten In various wajs. Se were salmon and pickles. Tbe savages looked te Mr. Depew, and Bullale Bill, and General Cameren te instruct them hew these emblems of American civilization, apple aud coceannt pie, should be consumed. Mr. Depew gat e tbem a lessen f ull el grace, but It was wasted, ter tbe red men all agreed upon one manner of pie eating. Kach aborigine received his section of pie en his hand, and in two bites it was gene. Tbe rapidity of its disappearance amazed the aistinguisnee genuemen wne were present It is evident that the satages take kindly te certain elements of civilization. Hed Shirt ate two pieces et pie, Little Uerne consumed three pieces, Files Above devoured tour sec tions and the Ices distinguished warriors as many pieces as tbey could get. Mr. Chauncey M. Depew ate only one big piece of cocoanut pie, and the ether dls tingulsbed white men snowed tbe same lu ienerltv te tbelr red brothers. Ne tlre-wstr was served, as an example te the red men, but there were speeches j ust tbe same. General Cameren's health was drunk, lie answered and spoke te Red Shirt, who was Introduced te tbe company. lie said he was glad te witness at hU great age the queer mixture et civilization and In dian lite a rib roast within a stone's threw of the underground railway system. Ktcbel the notable persons present made a speech. Many of tbe talks were worthy el reproduction. Especially were the remarks et Mr. Depew. lie was in a particularly felicitous mood. He boomed ButUle BUI, and told a story et Christopher Columbus and tbe prlmllle Indian, which reminded all the old gentle men present ei meir jeuin. tie praiseu eiu Bimen Cameren in a way that made tbe old emperor el Pennsylvania leek; very happy. Mr. Cameren was the greatest man in America, he aaid, and he had made and un made pretty nearly all the presidents. Mr. Jereme was meanwhile ettering te bet a friend f 200 te three cents that Mr. Depew would be the next Republican nominee for tbe presidency, but nobody ettered te take tbe bet, for Mr. Depew was talking at tbe tinia Tbese who listen te the great railroad pres ldent somehow get an Idea that be can have almost anything he wants, and there is a general Impression among Amerlcans here tbat he wants the nomination ler tbe presi dency. In tbe forcible language of a gentleman who was eating roast ribs close by him, the presidential bee In bis bonnet is rapidly as suming tbe proportions of a partridge. At tbe close of tbe speeches, in tbe course of which friendly personal attacks revealed tbe sad fact tbat almost uery distinguished American present bid bteu een by bis friends in tbe front row at the Albambra theatre, where tbe wicked ballet and lets of It draws many patrons through Kh doers, an adjournment was taken te another tent. Every Kind of fire-water was tbere, and ecery gentleman made at least one mere spetcb. Lawrence Jereme (aid tbat he once killed seventeen bulUle. Other sheeting stories followed, but te send tbem te j ou under tbe ocean would cause tbe fishes te lese all cenndence In tbe veracity of the human race, aud 1 ter bear. A Hpartan llcrut.ui Is often exhibited by a delleite woman during tbe hxtractien of Ucth. But why net mva them in time, with SOIODONT, and thus obviate tbe necessity of taxing one s fortitude ? The tenants of tbe month, are tar mere lliely te remain and tn a sover, Ign protective Is uted as a safeguard against Uelr untimely dt. structlen. The experience and evidence of beat efpe pie, prees this sanltir. fjcU augi-,v,Mw KMVIAL nOTtVBH. Tbe Training Salssmaa Is an Irresistible fellow, bilm fr.n nr iinriM. lekea. courage, self assurance and grit. He Is very liking withal. Hurtleck Meed Hltltri urn u very laaing meaicme: tnty tike everywhere. nuu are sum everywhere, for sale bv It. 11. Cochran, drnirirlst. 13 and ijj North queen street, Lancaster. U carslal of lb (tables. If Your children are threatened with ernnn or any tlirnat difficulty, apply u few ilrepa of jnemtii- scieeirie uii. it la the nicest medicine ler the little ones we knew of. Cochran, drugKlst, 1J7 aud 133 North Uueen street, Lancauer. An Klutra (N. V ) lady, Mrs. II. L. Clark, E0I B. Clinten street, declares ; Jlurdeck Meed BMtrt area medicine 1 admire. Best remedy ler dyspepsia In the world Keep house supplied with It ter sale by II. U. Coch ran. drua'gUt, 137 and 1JJ North Uueen street. Lancaster. "Ml Urenaf situs's Clack," Was en co a very popular en. but like many ether sentimental tunes It deusn'i wear well Dr. Themiit' tkltetrlc CW will wear; It will wear away all aibex, sprains, and 1ilns, and repay its purchaser a hundred te d. ter sale by M. a. cechran, diUKKttt, 137 ami li'J North Queen street, Lancsiur J-mi Tnisves 3. Dyspepsia and debility are two blK thieves i they creep In and steal our health and comfort before wu knew It. Lei us put a step te their Invasions with a bottle et Burdock Bleed Bu tt ri. te be had at any dniK store. ITnr sale by II. li. Cochran, druggbt, lit aud 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster. Werssd Wonders. " My daughter was very bad en" en account of u cold and pain In her lungs. Dr. Themat' Kc Itclrtc Oil cured her lu twentyieur Hours. One of the bevs was cured of sere threat. This medl cine has worked wonders In our family " Al van f llCBliry, uu. aiuuiiiv, . j. stirsaie uy tt. ii, tucarau, urufc-giai, uf and 13'J North Queen street, uueaater Becklsu's Arnica Salve. Tbs HsiT Bilvs In the world for CeU, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, ana all skin kru pileus, and positively cures files, or no nav required. 11 Is guaranteed te jive perfect satli- lacuen, or money reinnaea. rrtce cents per uex. 37 and ua North Queen Bu, Lancaster, faT i or saie uy u. . ueenran, urugglst, Mas. -"" Meuwrs.l Mothers It MutasrstU Are you disturbed at night and broken of your realbyaslek child suffering; and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, goat once and t a bottle of MKS. WINSLOW'8 BOOIHINO BVBUr..U WUI relieve the poe" little sufferer linmediately-depend upon ttt there is no mistake about It There U net a mother en earth who Ims ever used It, who wlU net tell yen at oneu that It wui regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, ana relief anA health te the child, operating llkamtgle It Is perfectly sate te use la all cases and pleas aat te the taste, and Is the prescription el eae of the eldest aad best female physicians ua nurses la tbs Ifnltsaatatss. sela every when Mesau a bottle. maylMydAw rTVJB CONBSfOQA Witaeif Has Uafilare glvm way te therallraat. That was la be expected. Mix big, 1m kernes with bells, aat a fine, eU revered blse-brd en wheels, were ne mstrk fcr a aertlaf engine aad trala. Hat STADIQER'3 AURA NTH gltes way te nothing as a stemark 1st If enter aad at rve tealr. It Is matchless as a rare far less of appetite, Inaigesttea, djepla, liter complaint, all forms ef Mllensaess, and especially taese low letrrs and Bcrre proratien which beleag le all farming remmunltlr la the fall ef the year. Ask your druggists for AlUUMll. augs TSld MKDWAL SIMMONS 1.1VEK HKtlULATOK. i'esrrm.LY CURES DYSPEPSIA IN ALL tOKM TAKE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, UEADACUE, CONSTIPATION, JULlOUSNki'S. 1 was for tnanv vears a perfect martyr te Headache and Uvspvpsla. and sometimes thought It would kill me. alter trying se many remedies 1 began te think them of no account, until 1 tried slnuners Liver Kegulater. and t am new and hsve hevn for nrteen jean a stranger te a Headache "! U. Uiwa, Putnam Ce , da. J. II. ZKILtN A cieTrhUadelphla, Pa. jjri7 M.w.ra. TAPCINK PLASTERS. 35 MtlULS AYTAKliKll TO Bensen's Gapcine Plaster ! THK BEST IN THK WOULD. Cures Pleurisy, Bheumatljm, Lumbago, Back ache. Weakmtsi, Celd In the Chest and all Aches and Strains. Beware of Imitations undsr similar sounding names. air Ask for Uensnn's and take no ethor. aeclMmdA w MttJI' rjRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Great English Kemedy will promptly and adlcallv cure any and every case of nervous radically cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result et Indiscretion, excesses or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem ; U perfectly harmless, acts llkn magic, and twin extensively used for ever k years with great snect-ts. SW rull particulars In our pamphlet wnlck we desire te send free lv maU te every one. a-The Hpecldc Medicine Is sold by all ilrug- ftsts at SI per package, or six packages for M. t will be sent tree my mall en recept of tne money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOHBAN, Druggist, If OS. 1 J7 A 19 North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a. THE OKAY atKUICINX CO.. Ne. IOC Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. marMrdAwMWAr RUPTOKK CUKK UUAKANTKKD BY Ur.J.B. Mayer. KU Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. Ease at once. Ne operation or busi ness delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone Heuse, ttradlng. fa., id Saturday el each month. ard for circulars. Advice tree. maris-lvd MOWBKS, C. IP NN A BKEMKMAH. CARD! We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, owing- te our ei ving special attention, we can offer great Inducements. " Pennsylvania " Lawn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have as geed Lawn Mowers as are in the market for 16.00 and t7.00. Baby Carriages We carry seventy-Qve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Refrigerators are new In season, llew few people knewanything about Refrigera tors. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There Is mere differ' ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream .freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you get tbe beet at the lowest prices- i'eu can remus. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican end Common Hammocks, Vase Ball and all Sporting Goods at Factory Prices. FUNK & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Btreet Wixica axd LiqueKH. TJUKK KYE WHISKY, Old GretT Spring Distillery. Situated en Kast Orange street, between Oranire and Chestnut, one square east e( reser voir, Lancaster, I 1 havejualerectedanewdlstlllery with allot the latest Improved machinery for distilling l-UltK UVK WlilBKY. A. a SUKArrKU, Proprietor. This Distillery has been erected at tbe famous Old UrotTsiewn Bnrtng, which has bean noted for Its plenteous and unfailing supply of the pur est water. At It our grandfathers drank when they were boys, and Unas never been known te run dry even In the hottest weather. Frem this spring all the water used In the distillery Is ob tained, tbe pump drawing trem It twenty-five gallons a minute. Besides my own distilled Whisky, I also handle Brandies, Gins, Wines, kc AVrCsil and be convinced. A. B. BUKAFFKB. Distiller, 18TOH Ne. 3 North Queen Street. N. B. Fanners having geed Bye en hand can nnd ready sale for It at the store or distillery. Highest cash market price paid for a geed i cle. apnUydj oeu aru- sprsv-lydaw muneMA. , T KKIBMAN'H, New Spring Neckties AT KKltMAM'S. There Is no garment concerning tbe at et which a man Is mere particular than a Skirt. Bhtrt Catting U a Fine Art, Te fit comforta ble a shirt must be cut with the proper anotom anetom anotem leal curves, the workpeople most tie practical shirt makers. Having bast an experience of 10 years, ws claim te have the best fitting, best mads, best malarial ana most durable SHIRT In tbe Market for tbe Least Possible Meney. -AT- Me 17 West Klailitnet, 1 sailer. ram balm vu maw. F. K KENT. Twe or tour rooms tn Brimmer's Maw Building. Me. usvf North Queen street.. Msat and gas Included. Apply at fsbU-tld BUIMMKbVa LIVBXT OFFICB. TJtOK HKNT-TWO-aTOBi' DWELLING a? Heuse, Me 3M West Vine street. Posses sion given October 1, 1W7. Bent reasonable. (Jail en premises. J ltd JOHN H. riABSOL. PRIVATE BALE. WlU bs sold at private sale tbe valuable property corner Lemen. Mulberry aafi Char. letU fronting sss feat en Lemoa street, fact ea Mulberry, ul last ea caarletM street. Apply te Jaala-4 fciqMew&S5fslk JJr SHlfsaW. N KW TOKK NOUS. NEW CALICOES. WATT & SHAND, 0, 8 A 10 BAST KINO ST., LANUA8TSE, TA , Open Te-day an Elegant Line of the Latest styles In NEW FALL CALICOES. Ladles', Oentlemen's A Children's INDIA GAUZE UNDERWEAR -AN1. rhtentFaat Black Hosiery. Hare Value In Ladles' Black and Colored Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts ATVKUTLOW 1'UICBS. riftv Dezen umraoftlie Celebrated UN L AUN DKIKI) SlltKT;", 31 He apiece ; worth yc. The W.A8 Special IINLAIINPKIBI18H1HT8, made of New terk Mills Muslins, riue Linen Cuffs and Besoms, only MX, each, THE "DANDY" CORSET. All Sizes W hlte and Colored, STHc. each. Ne er sold ter less than y.c StIMMKUIIBDSrUEAOS.Wcti. each. L.V1KUHIOU J ACUUAJtD QUlLT:,ll.00each, regular price, st.A, New Yerk Stere. s TAMM BKUU. A CO. SPECIAL OFFERINGS OF- 100 DOZEN 50c. CORSETS -reu- 33 Cents Each, -AT THK- Bosten Stere. 26 AND 28 NORTH .QUHN ST. A Great Bargain-Lin) lards Best CBINKLBD SBKltauCKKtta.(3;aa yard, regular price, l?Hu Immense Barg tins In KKUNA.NT3 OF UUKSS SILKS. OBBSS SILKS and HKOCAUbD ter Wraps. VELVKT8 Bztrierdlnarv llarsrnins In TABLR LINKNS at US-17, .0, , 33, S1H, . Cenu te II a yd. BtTMMBB HOSIEKV. Anether Case famous Ladles' BALHK1UUAN llOSK (deamlesi), liHc a pair. Our Bntlre Balance et W1IITK and CBEAM DUEaS UOODS will be Closed Out ler Less than Cost. JKBSK1B JBKSBlS! JBBShTS : JEBSBVSt JEUSBVBI JKB8KYBI JBBSBTBt At Less Than It Cost te Make Them. Stamm Bres. & Ce. Mara. vAM,mth B lO BARQA1NH. Straw Hats Sacrificed ! Any STBAW UAT in our Stere sold below cost. We will pealllvrly close out our bntlre Bleck regardless of price. LIGHT STIFF HATS At Biff Bedaotlena. S100IIATS. S3 Ul HATS., 11.00 HATS. ..Belling at KU ..selling at 11.00 ..Belling at .60 UUB Trunks and Traveling Bag. Comprise one et tbe finest lines In Lancaster. AWDen't forget we offer Special Bargains In this line during the following month. VVeguar anUete save you in per cent. en every purchase Stauffer & Ce., 3 1 and 33 Hertb Qumb Straw, LANCABTBB, PA. STANDARD WOKaU Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAQl BUILDIR, MOB. SO, at it, MABAKT BTBBBT, Bsaref Postetaea, Laaeastar, Pa. 1 have la Stock aad BuUd te Order Bvery rtety et tbs following styles t COUPBB, BUwUIsW. CABK1ULBTS, OABBIAOBf. VIUTOBIAA. ausiaBaa WAueaa. -T" CABTB, MeCALL WAQOMB, SUBJUBS, MABA.T yfOMB.rUMm, I emptor tbe Best Mecaanlaa, aad bavssaclll. Mas te balM oerscUy aay style of OssTtateae. siiy)tti2 BiniT. irrxu i - wmu nssirsg. ssssssn. ners w aw a-ssssss givw saw a eau. t-MOriMg Prftly AUmMI Tt. fsueaa isewbbtmaji au trmaat. OABUiAWBt, MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at PHILIP DOERSOM'S (OLD BaUABLB) Carriage Worb Ne. 196 tnd 128 Eut King St. TItAMOrtmaaTwa It Yen Want a Uoed ana First Class Pastes. If Ten want a Mice Comfortable Family UarrtsM, UO TO DOBHanM'a. nr.M.?ia.WBl a -T- Wset ifess tBSa OtiSwM aS2Sr It Yen Want a Kles and Neat Business Wa rlness Wagen, rsjren, smTte it von want a uurable Market wsj wanty. W,U,l " ""' rl,WJlJ Artlel, - si iuu n mi tNDO wmnB'iiina roaiei. Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Ctrrlge Works, NO. 1S8 AND 128 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. TFACTOHY-m A Ui MIFFLIN UTXMJiT. riOH at MARTltS FRUIT JARS -AT- Masen Fruit Jars In Pints, Quarts and Halt Gallou. We again have the Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the best in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Com mon Tumblers at the Lewest Fes. sible Prices, Wholesale or Retail AT- in 16 EAST KING STREET. LAMuasTaa. pa. rutuuTvmm. w IDMYEK'H FURNITURE HTOKE. A Celd Wave, Something everybody should knew. A Celd Wave has struck our prices, and they have fallen te almost the Point We want te IUduce Stock. September 1, 'we take our inventory. Se we have made a cut. De you care te talk a few minutes about " Fuknituiie." If you are at all interested in the ques tion of " FuitNiTUitK," then give us a lit tle of your attention while we show you through our Reems. Perhaps we have something you may want. 'Yeu may think it tee warm te think about " Fuiini tuue," but you will be surprised at the " Coelino " effect of our prices.' Take advantage of the Lew Tempera ture of Prices, AT WlDMYElt's FURNlTUItE STOKE, Cor. East Kine and Duke Stiieets, Lancaster. Fa. u NDERTAK1NO. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Furnishing Undertaker, Meb. 97 aad 39 Beutb Quaen atreat, LAM0ASTBB.FA. SWBBSIDBMCK NO. STBBKT. 1M BOUTU QUBKN All tbe Latest and Most Approved Methods used where desired. A previous practical ex perience of lour years enables me te Guarantee tbat tbe Very Best Possible Service will be Ren dered at All Times. Personal Attention Given te Directing All Funerals latrtute te my care. fAHAMOLB. B. KstH. Great Bargains I -w- PARASOLS -AMD- SUN UMBEELLAS AT MsUDQDABTIBa. R. Bi & Hal M GK NA HALL Hiilpit mvnmtim, Honest Prices. UO te Dnasuutssw I Springs, If yen UO TO GO TO DOBBSOM'S. DoaaaeM-sv sim. or HtMri . .... ................. " - tti- sap SlK plaeslS Ue 'illy marMydAw fAUKK.t umrruEK." Summer Wear for Gents. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. EAGER & BROTHER, 25-27 Weat King Utreet. (rauze, Ralbriggan and Feather. weight Shirts and Drawers. Seamless, Balbrlggan and Lisle Hosiery. Hemstitched and Colored Bor dered Handkerchiefs. Twilled and Serge Bicycle Shirte. 1-tuiulrieU and Utilaundried Dress Shirts. Pongee, Silk, Grenadine and Lawn Neckwear. E. & W. Cellars aud Cuffs. One Hundred Dezen Extra Un iaundred Shirts at 4.5c. each. Scotch Cheviot, Caaslmere and Worsted Suitings. HA6ER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West Kieg Street. LANCASTBB PA. J.1 MAKT1M A CO. We have placed en enr counters all the Keui nanu and Oilds and Knds of block, and fmm MONUAV.AUUIJril.thse goods will be sold at prices that cannot help but please the closest buyers. Dress Goods Department. Bemnant Bilks, lUtmnant Sallns, lUmnant Trleuu. Kemnant Jersey Cleths. emnsnl Jersey Cleths ,llemnant Plaids, Kemnaut Cash mete. Bemnant Delaines, Bemnaut Saunes, Bemnant Seersuckers. Bemnant ltwns. Hem. nant Batistes, Bemnant AlbataM, Bemnant Serges, Bemnant White Uoeds. B Bvery piece marked plain with number, yards and price. The price U less than one half Demestic Department. Bemnant Prints, Remnant Muslin, Kxtnnant Sblrllng, Bemnant Utngbam, Bemnant riannH, Remnant Sheetings, atumnant TIcklDKS. Rem nant Tickings, Remnant Cheviots. Notion Department. Bemnant Embroidery, Bemnant edging, Bem nant Laces, Bemnant Fieunclngs, Bemnant Blastle. Bemnant Ribbons, Bemnant Buchlegs. Broken Lets or Ulevea, Broken Lets of Hosiery. Broken Lets etUanzewear, Broke a Lets of Cor sets. Broken Leu of Cellars and Cuffs, Broken LouefBatchels. AST" Of course we cannot mention all tbe arti cles found en this counter, but every article Is marked at less than cost et manufacture. Upholstery Department, Bemnant Furniture Linens, Bemnant Che nille Fringes, Bemnant Curtain Laces, Bern naaVBaw Silks, Bemnant J utes, Bemnaut Awn. lag Stripes. Linen Department. Bemnant Toweling. Bemnant Table linens, Bemnant Napkins, Bemnant Towels, Ktmuant Wssb Bags, Bemaaat Stair Llnea. ,B. (sK.WCslt K.B LABCASTBB.'.rA ,yrTnaWMOm gekk RemntSik MARTIN is ! &i iff. -n..i ''&& ir?Sl 'MtlV