Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 10, 1887, Image 1

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.' , - fj.-sft.r .A3rasnK
&k Iartfatef
t-r'-.-J, ag'taBaaaWL 'Lsm9 Jtt0mt WBmmmmwmgBjBiSB
t''iiiC'A"BTBTBmi IMiH. swbbbb. jgff
vbbm vr vbavtavqea amibbiut.
Th ItalM Thai a Himbw OeeM MM
Vats. HI Hallsg U Lest aad That Offlesr
I. Maw FrasMsat and.
Auuthsr Man Under Arrest.
Jamkitew.n, N. Y., Aug 10. Tb annual
tneetlngel lbs Chautauqua Assembly assenta assenta
teon yesterday broke up In a row between
theuuihnittlfwortheaweulatloii and the cot
tage lieldii About two hundred iwnple
alleuilid, ami tlm meeting waa prtsided ever
lijr President Miller. According te Ilia
mureisr)' iiwii, lait jeer waa Uia
uk mi nHiinti in iin u.tery rr tbe
assembly. Following llie icHirt eama tbe
antuinl election It waa agreed aller cotisld cetisld
eiable squabbling te permit cottage beldara
In vote, nut mi pi ex lea wera accepted. A.
O. Wade, of Jaimalewn, who owns a cottage,
but whose name wan net recorded en tba
iNjuks, u tiluv-d a vote, sllheugh ba had
theifnil iv nil lil ui. Alter cenalderabla dls-ou-eden
I'MHdmt Miller rulad Uiat Mr.
Wadncenlti net vote and finally Miller re
lused le iiitatiiolleii in ado by Wade appeal.
liiK Ireiu the decision of Ilia cbalr. Wad a
tl.en put Him motion liiinselrsnd hla poaltlea
wax sustained by a large vote. Kverybedy
tried le talk and I here waa ether confusion.
1'ieMilent Miller declared tbe meeting ad
journed, Inn Mr Wade uioved that Mr. dale,
of CMutuiii, ha mvlu cbalruian wlileb
iieilnii w ctnled. President Miller or er
dered a policeman In arrest Wade. The
iittlcer did mil obey. Mr. dale took the chair
and Mr. Wale united Hie rewal of aecna
portion of the by lawr. A Gale attempted
te put Hit) motion be waa arreated and
dragged ireiu the platlerm. Wade waa alae
uriiHtcd, nml tlitt meeting broke up In con cen con
fuilen. A Ihely time laexieeted.
iujrjrr, uhmth.
Th Treen n.rrttl-ilw an (lltlc.r Waa le-
Jure4-!nrl Soldiers UUmlMad.
Tuesday waa tlie busiest day of tbe aeldlera
encampment at Mt Gretna, and tbe member
of Pennsylvania's national guard are getting
alaitoel practical soldierlng nud net mere
ditvw ptrtdlng.
Frem six o'clock Tuesday morning when
the mm In front of General llartranll'a limil
quartcr aroued tint camp, until leu at night
when the drums lieat tup and all light out,
nearly it.oeo men were kept buoy going
thruugh the manii'iivrea of rel war. There
wern Ibn iimil cempuiy and reglmmital
drills during Km day and drtwa iwrade at
HiuiKei, tiieiii Mma hray artillery and
ahtill tiring Ml tliu 1,'jw yards raugts lix!jtU
en tii-i kiiI.h et Hie luemiUIn iiiwtr Little
Itiiuml Te)). Al tbe Hitiie lime tm legluien
tal rllle Ii-biiih ,ngitgl In fimuileuatdliitaiicva
el IMii, Mm and lieu jaida.
'I tin I'lrpt lirlgtile vemiianiea bad their bat
talion drill, In-dug two hour. In the morn
In if, ami In Ibulr wbtte duck inU looked
well. The Mxcniid brlgaitn hat ltd brigade
drill In th ii nlternein The tutterlea bave
b"u ilrlllliig hunt In Urn vnlluy In Irent of
their iiltr!ef, and Ibn nnl Ireni the Tiillej
llrixl in ruplil nnil"ii nt dealentng.
Httterr A.nt I'lilUili Ipblt, iii and out
ImiIitm "illnlii li, .mil uiitler lliniMiuiiiaild of
Cap'alii Suifnrd tme up and iIikii tlmpirade
ground, nuking n uuiutii-r el bxiutltul evo eve evo
IuIIeiin ami en tig in a rupit u or HMiiUKi-nl
atlauk, in which lUUury A, el ivurae, came
eir vkbirh'ii'.
The linNttl hi of tlm dllltrenl reglinnnta,
ceiuiiieticlug t l eVliK'k in the iiieriilng,
Wiix O'litliinikl luring Ibn day. Tnh In (. (.
tien iiiiiHtmi'd nt a i;rlileut examination of
rilleit, I'letlilng, peiieiimt Miparaui'is etc, and
iiiieiiu took adeejr Inleimt In it than tinv
uiunr HeHtir Mild t' iluuel ()lt, el tbe regu
lar Hriny. t'elnntil OU iHiiku the Pen liny I .
iHim Heep, loiuuieM among ail of the atale
In adilllleii teall thin there were cbargea
and retreat, bring III Miuarea aud mUada,
fellow w t tiy sklrmlililng and volley tire by
pUloeitH mid reglmtuta. All day long cav
alry daniieil tiy, artillery thundered, (tailing
guua hlnzed nwy, btiglei leundud, taulluted
elllcira glleiel in all dlreclieua, cannon
boeiniHl and tliualr waa tilled with Miueke.
A iiiiiiiIht el Milillem hne bteil dishonor
ably illM:baigiid for illaoUedleuot and were
Hunt te their hcnnei'.
A (lingular ArcUKul.
Cel. J. M. I'awmere, of the atate mllltU at
ML (iretiiH, met with a very uncommon aa
well an palulul acohlentjenterday. While be
HHunterlnn along ailinlrlng tbe natural
beauty of the Hiirruuudlng country, a robin,
which wax In tbe vicinity, ttew agaiaat bia
leg with audi ferce aa te rupture bleed voa vea voa
ael therein. Tlie robin' neck waa broken by
tbe ler co with which it came against tbe colo
nel' leg, and tbe bird dropped te tbe ground
dead. Owing te this accident Colonel I'aaa I'aaa
mere is obliged tu give up bl etllclal dutlea
for the pre-ent and return te bia borne In
rhiUdulpbia, The wound la rather painful
and will need the careful alteutlen of a phy
sician. Tb It uiiHhap leads all ethera for alngu
larlty. Tli Murder Kwr l,ck Uan,
The murder of Isaiah Celby and bia wife
al Cherry Kun, near I.eck Haven, proves) te
have been a most horrible crime. The In
qutxt developed the facta that Mrs, Celby
bad ieen outraged and her death caused by
three bullet from a revolver, lier husband
watt-het through the head. The murder I
thought te have lienn cum milted en Hunday
memliig, Inn lint fant waa net discovered
until M inday. Itetb bodies lay outside of tbe
house nliere they bad fallen. The only ether
person about the premise waa an Infant,
which wan almnt Meid from hunger. There
I no clue jit at le the perpetrators et the
Thranh.d liar Husband.
William Themas, a colored intn living In
tbe HavjDth ward, baa a sere bead te-day, tbe
result efa thrashing administered by bia wife,
Virginia. William requested her te get out of
bed and preptre breakfaat. She refused and
William insisted en her getting nlin some
thing te eat before he went te work. Hue
llnally did get u, , leek bold of William,
struck him several tluita wltb ber nst and
wound up by hammering blui with a stone.
Virginia was prosecuted before Alderman A.
V, Deuuelly and euteied ball fur a bearing.
A rrupeMd N.w Bridge.
Jehn Fulton, J tin U. Krelder and Jehn
Kendig, of West Lampeter township, weta
appointed viewers tu locate a bridge in Eant
LieiM)ler township. Tbe location of tba
bridge petitioned for la ever Mill creek,
where the said creek cresses tbe read lead
tog from tbe old l'hlladelpbla read te Hlras
burg borough. These viewers, accompanied
by tbe petitioners for the bridge and tbelr
counsel, a F. Davie, viewed tbe atta te day.
A report will be presented te tbe August
quarter sessions court.
DIM la HtadlBg.
Jehn O. Kuaut, aged 61, who removed
fiem Marietta te Heading in 1H65, died there
en Tuesday. He was overcoats by the best
seven weeks age, and a week previous te bis
death was unable te eal. Ha was bera and
raised in Kaieuy, (isrmany,and In I860 came
te America. A wile and Ave sons survive.
smallpox ana Veltew raver la Bavaaa.
Th marine hospital bureau Is Informed
that naUf e and yellow tavar an racing ia
.Havana, Cuba. During July there war let
deaths from yellow fever and 113 from small,
pox. Tbe latter dlaeaaa is supposed te bave
been Introduced by a contingent of soldiers
landed aarly la tba month from a Bpsalsa
mall steamer.
ricnte at raaiya far.
Hi. Jehn's Lutheran church aad Huuday
aobeol, of Columbia, ata pioalekutg at Peary a
park te-day,
mum ram cut ears man ttAHD.
They rrefar Ctavalaa ia utslae, aa4 aa Mi
ter Telia Why.
Tba National Colored Press aaeotrlstien met
la Leula villa, Ky., Tueadsy aoen, with soma
of the laadlng colored newspaper rsprmnf
Uvaa of the oeutury present. Uneef tbe most
rtresBlaeat agtBbsrs of lb aasoelstloa in at
taadaaea la Professer I. II. Murray, editor
and proprietor of tbe Hi. touts A dvnnre. In
aa Interview Professer Murray said t
Aa for tb two leading candidate forth
presidential nomination en the Republican
ticket, 1 think tb msjerity of tbe ctilered
raes are ter rlherman. It would be a great
Enlltlcal mistake te nominate lllalue again,
utl fear the party will fall Inte It As far
aa I am oenorrned I will favor the nomina
tion et Hbarnian, and If lllalue la nominated
It will be a very aetlnua question wltb ma
whether I will supfmrt him or Cleveland.
My present Incltnatlena are te ret for
tbe latter, although I have alwaya
been a Kepubllean. Mr. Cleveland ia
certainly a fairer aud a twttflr man
for the oelmed ram than Mr. Illalne,
and baa shown It by bl etllclal action. Hla
tight for Matthews wen film laurels, and
etber matters bave shown bis sentiments In
regard te us. It would be decidedly better
ter tbe colored raoe If they weremeredlvkled
politically and did net fellow blindly wher
ever they are led. The idea et Wain and
Ingslla that a colored man cannot Im a Usui Usui
ecrat without being a monstrosity Is being
strongly condemned by progrewire men et
the race. Yeu will find tu the Kutern stale
leading negreca think as 1 de ou political
question, and It la In these stales that vote
count J uat se sure aa lilalnu and Cleveland
are planed In nomination again, Just aa
surely will tbe I'miuwl Knight be beaten a
sworn! time,
Tlie first reason fur the onlerod men's nppe
alllen te Illalne la tweause of bl political ut ut
teraneea and hla action In regard te tbe Korea
bill. Wbllespeakeref thallouaeef Represen
tative be descended from hla cbalr and led
tbe opposition against the bill which gave the
federal authorities the right te protect the
colored man In the Heutli. Ttieu, agalu, Ills
political record la net inch aa hi entitle htm
te be elevated te the dignity of president of
the United States.
rum inniAHH ru fAmrivifAtm.
Vapt rralt Arrangles; le Have Thm at tbe
IHHutltalloeal U.uUanlsl
Coleoel A. Louden Nuewden, marshal of
tbe civic and Industrial demonstration of
the constitutional centennial, te be held In
Philadelphia In September, la In receipt of
tbe following oemmanicatlon from Cant It
II. Pratt, el the Carlisle Indian training schoel:
" 1 might arrange te bring 'JW te li'Al stalwart
young Indian men te Jein In your constitu
tional centennial uaite. My idea would be
four or live large lUts, drawn by lour horses
each. The ftr t te represent Weal' eeie
braled treaty picture; tbe second an Indian
leepee and camp scene; the third one of our
Indian aobeol rooms; tbe fourth and 0fth our
Industrie, le be followed by I.V) te 'jeu yenng
Indians, n school uniform, led by the band.
There might be six or eight young Indiana
mounted bareback, In lull war costume,
Including paint, le lead the prosesaien.
Whst would you think of It?"
Cel. Huewden wrote a reply approving tbe
At a BtMtiaaj el I r tell Tsaaatrf .
Dublin Letter In lUllhiiereRiin.
I was present at a meeting of the tenantry
of Luggacurran. A feature el tbla meeting
was the attendance of a government abort
band reporter te take everything down, and
who launder aprciel police protection. Mr.
Wiu. O'Brien was the big gun. Am be waa
going up tbe aleps of the plat for ui he waa
acceaMd by the ottleUl at tbe bead et tbe
large polio detachineut ou the ground,
who notified him that the Crimea
act was In force, and, uuder It
prevision, any person using threats or
Intimidation cau be prosecuted. Mr. O'llrlen,
who waa constantly applauded, used
language scarcely lea vigorous than that
employed by blm at Cerk last week, but,
whether designedly or net, he did net trans
gress the letter of the lew. lie said that,
except the power of Imprlseulng their bodies,
the Tery government hail net one jet or
tittle el power under tbe coercion act te pre
vent Ibem from carrying out every opera
tien Just as rtlectually as ever.
Tba V. M. VampmUag Opens
Hi'MMKMrewif, Pa., Aug. 10 Stoverdale
campeieeling, United llretbren in Christ, waa
opened laat evening wltb interesting ex
ercise. Mteverdale Is located near tin place
and ia a beautiful tract or timber containing
'.'7 acres en wblch are erected about 100 cot
tage aud ether buildings, two uliurcuea and
many tents. Teuting la cheap here. Hoard Heard
ing for tbe whole term is only f I and tents
only fi A book atere aud posteillce are
among the convenience. Services are held
each day at ii, 8, and lu a. in., and 1:1ft, 2, I, ti
and 7SM) p. tn. Tbia camp Ih tbe prluelil one
of tbe Kaat Pennsylvania cenfereuce of this
denomination, and ia therefore largely
attended. Admission te all rte of the
ground ia free. Lancaster city aud county
are largely represented.
Weman Participate In a itlei.
On Monday fifty atriklng miners of the
Alden company, near Wilkesbarre, attacked
tblrty men who bad taken their places in the
Alden mines. Many women alae took part
In the tight. Michael Christ and Jacob Hor Her Hor
teu, two "scabs," wera fatally Injured.
Tbelr assailants, Andrew Hpllew, Andrew
Newarkand Jehn Bone! l'onewaky, were
arreated Tuesday morning. The light lasted
half an beur. The women assaulted the
'scabs "with fence rail, and their hus
bands uaed stones and pistols. The women
carried a banner inscribed : " Down wltb
tbe scab' who took the bread outel our
mouths." Kllteen persons were wounded
en both sides, but only the two mentioned
will die of their injuries.
Imitating WlUlanupert,
Mayer Mutten, nineteen councilmen and
the street commissioner of Wllkesbarre, were
arrested Tuesday morning en complaint of
citizens resld Ing in the Third and Sixth wards
ler failing te keep the atreets In these wards
In order, aud ler allowing atagnant water te
accumulate, from which lout smells arise,
dangerous te the health el tbe community lu
that part et tbe city and harmlul te property
Considerable excitement was manifested
when the entire municipal body was marched
before Alderman Parseus and held te answer
lu 1300 each. The councilmen went ball for
each etber, and the chlel et polies for tbe
mayor, and he fur lb street commissioner.
Alderman le
Before Alderman Spurrier: Julia Klley
bad a hearing last evening en a complaint
charging ber with being drunk and disor
derly. She waa committed for 30 days.
Margaret Gallagher, ler a similar offense, was
committed for 10 days.
Bttere Alderman Deea: Jehn Ceeney,
charged by Sarah Albright with drunken
and disorderly conduct and eurety et th
peace, gave ball for a hearing en Friday
evening next at 7 o'elock. Margaret Wright
gave ball ler court te answer a complaint el
surety of th peso preferred by Llzsie
Smith ; and Llxxle gava ball ler court te
answer for surety of lb peace en oath of
Kate Wright, a daughter of Margaret Heury
was aeut te Jail for e days.
Decapitated by the Oars.
While attempting le beard a Northern Can.
trsl train at Yerk lit evening an unknown
aaa waa decapitated. A postal card with th
address "Charles Neld, S. Court alley, Yerk,
Pa.," waa found in hla pocket He was about
35 or te yaaraetage, with dark complexion,
hair aad Bteustacbs, medium height and
weight, aad aad en common working clothes.
Alexander Walksr. thaenleMd Pmhlhlllen
apsekar, who waa badly baataa and mangled
by bsteg larewn agaHast a wir fence after he
SS??.. JM"'. "mm Ureve, near
Webbsryllle, Texas, last weak, died en Sun
47. -UlaaaaaliaalaMf kaww
FAmLlAMBIIT mmreB tu ALLOW mmu
The Oonnactlen ltlwu areat BrtUlnaad the
Oenllnasit HsUfMl i,f AlarmlMB-Aa Bg. Whn Is rattling Ihs rVb.ree, Nafa
flans ler the Werk are failed.
(Copyrighted )
Leniuin, Aug. la A session of the British
Parliament that should adjourn without hav
ing engaged In a leal of strength en the quea quea
tien of permitting the construction of alunnel
between Kngland and Prsnen under the
Bngllah channel would be a rarity Indeed.
The bill providing for tbe excavation of such
a tunnel was at tbe pretit session re
jected by less than tlllj, voles, but Ita p p
penenta assert that Ihey could bave largely
Increased tbnlr majority bad the result
been at all doubtful, while the Irlenda et
tbe measure declare that publlu opinion la
gradually drilling te their sideef the iues tien.
Th mere mention of the project te an old
fashioned Tery la ulllcleut te threw hltn
Inte spasm of pstrlellc Indignation, and, In
fact, Conservative of all shade profess te be
able te detect In the scheme a diabolical plot
te band the country ever In the natural
enemies of Kngland, se Uie sentiment of the
Heuse of Lord en the matter can lie readily
estimated. When the project first obtained
Nsrleu dlsruslen, and II whh found that
Kngllsbmen were net wanting who would put
their mousy Inte the scheme, the rage of the
Alarmists arose te grandly ludicrous pro
portion. A clever brochure In the atyle of
"The Bailie of Dorking," portrayed luridly
the machination for tbe seizure et the tunnel
by the wily monsieur a little while after
British capital had completed It, the unsuc
cessful attempts of heroic Kugllsb railway
servant te drown the Invadlug Oaula by let
ting tn the Kngllah channel upon tbem, the
tlnal aubjectleu el Albien and the ultimate
deem et tbe Inhabitant of tbe British Isle
te wear wooden ahees and eat frogs forever
"The beat engineering talent of the two
nations," say tbe secretary of engineers, Sir
Kdward Watkln, the introducer of the bill,
"having answered all objections as te physi
cal dllllcultU's, the plan ler the construction
of tbe tunnel being in such a state of perfec
tion ai le iHiriutt work lielug ttegun te-morrow,
and money In abundance having been
pledged in advance, all that I lacklug is
an accession el common sense te tbe majority
of our legislators. That the tunnel will ulti
mately be built there is net the shadow of a
doubt, but there la unfortunately, tee much
reason te believe that the prejudice and tears
of tbe Uallopheblat will delay It commence
ment for some year te come. However, we
are doing our btwt te combat the objections
and quiet the alarm of the old pert wine
drinking gentry, tbe ceuuterjiarta of these
who fought qulte n strenuously half a cen
tury age against the Introliictieii of railreada
here and prophesied tbe ruin of tbe country
aa the result of tbelr adoption and may meet
wltb unexKcted aueceaa In lnduclug them te
aee thing a they are."
liuninacr El.ure.
Klchard P. Mcdeveru l home en a short
visit te hi family and friend.
K. K. Hhaub, of this city, I visiting friends
In I'etuvllle.
Albert Keiat, is visiting hi brother, Clint
Kelst, el the Merchants' hotel, I'otlsvllle,
Jehn I. Nklle aud wife left te-day for a
brief vacation at Asbury Park.
Charlew Spi linger, son et J J. Npreuger, a
former resident of thU city, ia visiting his
relative lu Lancaster. He new reside at
Chicago and publishes the .Suliirtiiiii I'iwm,
J. 8. Lewi and wife, of Baltimore, who
for four week past have been visiting friend
In LtncaMer, lelt this morning. They travel
by private conveyance, and lu their return
trip will en route Mount Jey, Middle
town, llarriaburg, Carlisle, Gettysburg and
etber place of Interest. They will travel
leisurely and take two weeks or uiere In
reaching Baltimore,
Dr. H. H. Keedy, U. S. consul at Khelm,
France, who ba been tbe guest of J. II, B.
Wagner, esq., left Lancaster te-day.
C. t. Kellz, of the In tki.i.hiknckii. Lieu
tenant r-' S. Pell., of the U. S. army, and J.
Clinten Feil, have with their mother, Mrs.
It Feltz, gene for a two weeks' trip te
Niagara Fall, Quebec and ether pelula.
wh m Bitm muh mm watmh wumkh,
HtisiUT remllniiin's H.aaen. ler Met Halting ta
Led Wanl.d.
City Kngineer Slaymaker will aoen have
completed tbe plan of the plot of ground te
be taken by ibe city from tbe Tomllnseu
farm for tbe water works, alter which tbe
preliminary step will be taken by tbe city
authorities te get possession of the same,
SherllT Touillusen does net care te part wltb
bis land at any price, and particularly the
tract HBlected. When that held I taken
from him the only frontage he Iibh en the
public read la gene and the balaure el the
land become lessened In value. He deea
net consider that the land Is worth ever
t WO per acre ter farming purposes, but that
amount be ssjs be can get ler his whole farm
el 00 acre if the water werka are net located
en bis land. Bather thau tee the city locate
ou tbe plot selected be Is willing te buy three
or four seres of land en the opposite side of
tbe creek, which will answer the purposes of
tbe city aa well as that selected and donate It
te the city authorities. On the part of tbe
city it Is said that the Tomllnsen land is tbe
only available tract for their purpose under
the plau adopted by council.
Meul.rer's Kicurilen.
Indication )eiut te the largest excursion
of tbe season te-morrow which will be run
tel'enryn park, under tbe auspices of the
Degree Stall' association of Monterey Ledge,
Ne. -Hi, I. O. O. K. Tickets are geed en all
trains te-morrow. The time of the departure
el trains will be found In the advertising
An advertisement elsewhere refers te the
times when the street cars run te and from
the Heading deiiet
mole a Hed.
Clinten Ktebl and Gee. Hunter are hod hed
carriers, and en Tuesday Hunter left hla hed
at a building while be went en an errand.
When be returned bis hed was gene and he
learned that Klebls had appropriated it te bis
own usa Suit for larceny was entered
against Kiehls before Alderman A. F. Den,
nelly, and tbe accused entered ball for a
The Dlssass KsMiubls Obelsra.
About tarty Icelanders, Including women
and eblldren, arrived In this country ten days
age and located, as a colony, at Sayrevllle,
Middlesex county, New Jersey, A tew daya
age two et tbem died of a disease resembling
cholera, and five mera bava alnee been taken
down with tbe disease. Several doctors have
been requested te visit tba colony.
Tbe Bnsilsn Hsbrsw Njasgegue.
lb synagogue of th Russian Hebrews, en
Locust alley, near Keckland, la nearlng
completion. Plasterers are new at work and
undar tb terms of th contract th building
must ba completed by September 1, when
It will ba dedicated.
Be Lauded in the Bay.
Professer Baldwin, et San Francisce, en
Tueadsy repeated his fast of jumping from a
balloon at Rockaway Beach. H dropped
about 1,100 feet Hi descent, which oecu-
filed 1 minute, 'U 1-& seconds, was &0 faet out
n Janialna haw. frnm arhlAh Iia m,m mmhi
I bbOgtOMB,
Th Democrats and Kspaallcana Held Their
Count Conventions,
Th Montgomery county Democrats In
dorsed Cleveland and elected tilts delegates
te the slat convention : P. D. (label and II.
C. Drasbman, Norrlstewn ; Jehn A. Hareld,
Consbebockeni I). Drace Fry re, New Han
over; Irwin (I. Kulp, Potlstewn ; Henry
Magee, Lewer Merlen; F. l. Kraft, Lewer
Previdence: W. J. Penal, Norrlten; Jehn II.
Berge, Lewer Salfetd, and (Jeerge Wllgus,
Mnr eland.
Tbe Montgomery Republican endorsed
Hart ler state treasurer.
The Chester oeunty Republican onnventlon
resulted In a victory for J. II. Kverhart and
hla follower ever these el Congressmen
H medley Darlington. Resolution were
adopted Inderalng Judge Mltchell, of Phils
delpbla, for the supreme court Judgeship
nomination. The convention refused te In
struct tbe delegates for either Hart or Urlme Urlme
sen ter state treasurer.
The Democratic Chester county conven
tion selected ss delegate te tbe state con
vention Washington Friday, el I'hu'iilxvllle;
Bransen Slsck, Oxford, VV. D. lisrtmsn,
Westchester; Jehn A. Parke, Parkesburg.
Delegates at large, Colonel II. R. (Jus and
Rebert C. Hemphill, West Cheater. The
resolutions call ler a revision of the tarlll and
taxes and Indorse the aduiinlratieu of Presi
dent Cleveland. The work et the Inter-state
commerce commission wa commended, and
the party placed en record aa opposed te the
exleiiaien or rebuilding et the Chester county
court house.
Tbe Republican Clinten county conven
tion made these nomination : Hherlll, W. J.
l-eahy ; protbnnetary, J. T. Christ ; counts
treasurer, R. M. Ulenu ; district attorney, .1
L. Atkins ; commissioner, J. D. Kugleaml
T. It. Wetzel ; auditors, Samuel Htamni aud
Jehn Met J two, Ueerge Weymouth wu
elected county chairman. Fer dolegate te
le the state couveullen, (Jeneral Jexe Merrill
wsa chosen.
Hart baa captured the Huntingdon county
Republican delegate fur state treasurer and
William ba been endursid ler supreme
Judge by the Mulvean county Republican
In Pittsburg the movement le have Presi
dent Cleveland Indorsed by the Democratic
state convention at AllenteMn ler renemlua
tien In 1:&S appear te be taking definite
The Auirrkau Hr.tem cl Arc Lights lutreilncd
Inte i-aiica.ler.
Perafuwdnys past the Killsen Incandes
cent Light cemiauy ha been erecting arc
lights known as the " American system " in
various parts et the city. They are wonder
fully brilliant and burn wlthgreatHteadlnesi.
The Intense light Is mellowed by having tbe
lamps covered with large ground glaKsglebes.
One of these lamp are placed in Irent of tbe
company's nlllce In Centre Hiiuare;elx In
Williamson A. l'oster'tere,Kast King street;
two Inside and one in front of Hbaub A.
Burns' shoe ntore, North Queen street; one
In the iKielellice ; one in Jehn A. Snyder's
saloon, North Qiioen street; one In front el
i au'a cloak atere, North Queen street ; one In
Clarke's grocery, West King street ; one In
Relat'a grocery, SVcal King street; and two
In the company's station, North Arch alley,
where about forty ether lamps of tbe same
kind are put up but net In use.
The 'American system" of are lights 1
an Improvement en the Fuller system, and
It i claimed that greater light can be ob
tained from It at less cost than by any ether
system In use. The K light and incandes
cent electric lamps leek like ta'nny candle
dip when compared with theAmerlcan, and
even the United States arc llghts.wlth which
our streets are lighted, looked comparatively
dim In the bread glare or the American, lu
he'ialfef the Uniled Slate, heweter, It is
only fair te statu that Ihey are temporarily
crippled while the company 1 making nec
essary repair tu tbelr engine.-.
Ita.s Hall Mrs,
The League game yesterday worn : At
Chicago : Philadelphia 17, Chicago I ; at
Pittsburg : Pittsburg 1, Busteu 3 ; at De
troll : Detroit 13, Washington 10 ; at Indian
spoils : New Yerk 10, Inillauapells 5.
The Association game were played with
these results: At Broeklyn: Itroeklyn ,s,
Athletic 5; at Baltimore : MelalO, Baltimore
10 (game called en account of darkness) ; at
St Leuis :i Nt Leuis II, Cleveland 8; at
Leuisville: Louisville ,ri, Cincinnati!.
Bal'.imore tried a local amateur named
Uarduer yesterday, and the Met made
eighteen lilts oil him,
Tbe Chicago club had three pltchera In the
box yesterday aud each one whs hit hard by
the Phillies. Weed had h triple aud a home
Tbe Detroit made eight run in the last
Inning of yesterday's Washington game,
Tbe lug teller seem te be able te get there
when nece8ry, aa they did about the same
thing en the Bosten a week age.
Tbe Bestens are slowly but surely drop
ping out of the League race. Bad beurne,
their king pitcher, was knocked out of tbe
box by tbe Smoky City boys, aud Kelly,
who thinks he cau de anything, went iute
the points and shared the same fate.
Beyle caught hi thirty fourth successive
game for St Lnulsen Tuesday. Hi work
shows no falling oil', anil he seems geed for
many mere.
Tem itrewn, et tue I'lltfUurg, will tie re
leased unconditionally by tlie Pittsburg
management He 1 troubled with a swelled
bead, and be ha been the cause el tbe ills ills
senMens existing among the players.
Hhe Was Net I'ol.eneil.
CititlstiANA, Aug. 11 The analysis et the
heart of Mrs. Jane Markey by Drs. Keen and
Weutz, at Georgetown te-day, proved death
te have been caused by rheumatism of the
heart, and the Jury se rendered their verdict
Deputy Keen and Docter Keen were In
tbe city te-day and made their report te tlie
coroner and district atterney. The evidence
taken In tlie case showed that Mr. Markey
waa possessed with tbe Idea that she had
been poisoned with something put in tbe
sugar she used in her cotlee. Otber mem
bers of tbe family aud neighbor used et tbe
ame sugar and were net atlected. The re
suit el tbe pest mortem made showed that
death resulted from rheumatism of the heart,
as noted above.
The Pennsylvania railroad company will
be ruunlug trains Inte Scranton within sixty
At the state camp of the Order of Patriotic
Seus of America assembled at Maucb Chunk,
these etllcers were elected : State president,
R. T. H. llallewell, of Coushehocken ; vice
president, Jehn Arble, el Altoeua ; secre
tary, William Weand, of Philadelphia ;
treasurer, Irwin S. .Smith, et Reading.
A Prohibition meeting was held at Moun
tain park, Wllkesbarre, yesterday. It re
quired forty car te carry the crowd te the
The monument et the Fifth Connecticut
regiment, at (iettysburg, was dedicated yes
terday. The alone Is of iielished granite and
atandeen Culp's hill, a abort distance from
Spaugler'a hilt
Uruvsa sisaj U7 Years Age.
rrem the llairl.burg Patriot.
Mr. Adam Miller waa bem in llarrlsburg
In the lb0T, aud la therefore HI year of age.
He waa a stage driver ler Samuel Slay.
maker, of Lancaster, aud hi route was from
that point tn Yerk. At that time be waa
only about II years of age, and bad te be
strapped te the aeat te keep him from falling
pir, as his feet did net touch the footboard.
Mr. Miller la still a resident el llarrlsburg,
and loeka aa bate and hearty a a man or bO
or 05.
Kasteii Improvement Association.
Alter four yetra of active existence, tba
Kuten Improvement association ewna f25,.
000 worth of comfortable little brlek house
and holds mortgages en prepsrtlea sold te
the amount of tlO, ISO, It bas Just paid a div
idend et f-25 per share and haa money
enough In tb treasury te declare another
dividend el eual amount, The sbsres, tba
par value el which te f&e( am new quoted at
Tatjir abb eavamBD jit a wall wbilb
Twe ether M.n Be Baeiy trjsrsd That Thsy
Will Die-Mera Bodies BsUsvsd te bs In
the IMIirte-The f rsperly Destroyed
Hf firs at Mvsral foist.
St. Leut, Aug. 10 Fire broke out at 2
o'elock this morning In the extensive house
of Bishop A. Speare, Ne. M0 and 512 North
Second street, dealers In foreign and domes
tic nuts, and twenty mlnulea later tbe build
ing was completely gutted, Involving an esti
mated less of 100,000; Insursnee net known.
About 'J o'clock the walla of Alklrl'a
grocery adjoining the peanut warehouse,
which had len weakened by the cenllagrs.
tien, fell outward and burled live firemen,
who were playing en tbe flames. Three were
killed, and two se seriously Injured that it is
thought they cannot recover.
The killed are as follewa :
Bah.nkv MeKiniNAK, acting ssilatant
chief, sged 1.1, married.
Phamk MuDamikus, fireman, aged 28,
Chris Heki.m, foreman truck Ne 6, aged
35, married.
Tbe Injured are: Jak Palmer, aged 10,
married, thigh broken, will die; Matthew
Ferd, llremen, back and arm Injured, will
dla It la believed that there are ethers
buried beneath the walls, but hew many Is
net yet known.
A factory and Nina Uenss Hum,
CoNL'eiti), N. If., Aug. 10. About 11
o'clock last night tire was discovered In a
shoe factory at Wolfbero, and before -the
llames could be extinguished the building
and nlne dwellings wera consumed. The
origin of the lire Is net known. Tbe shoe
lactery waa the largest In the state. Five
hundred men will be thrown out et employ
ment The entlre less by tbe fire Is placed
atli,nei; Inauranceligbt Most of tbe less
fall en Menree Ce. and Cropley .t Ce.
Hig lllsis in Halt Lah City.
Salt Lakk City, Utah, Aug. 10. Fire
yesterday In the business centre of the town
burned out the (Irand Army hall and de
stroyed a valuable oil painting of tien. U. K.
Grant Tbe records were saved. Owing te
the huge ten-acre blocks wblch prevail here,
and the fact that no alleywaya were cnt
through thorn it waa dilllcult te fight the
iLtnea. Tbe Mermen firemen were at a
dance when tbe lire started and were half an
beur reaching the scene. The less is 100,000
filched Their Tent In a Vew restore.
Ci.kvki.ani, Ohie, Aug. 10. About a hun
dred members of the "seventh-Day Adven
tists," who bold tbelr annual csmpmeetlng
in Cleveland bave arrived, and are pitching
their tents In the extensive cow pasture
which Senater Payne malntalna in the
centre of tbe city. The conference will
be presided ever by Rev. R. A. Underwood
and tbe Drat regular services will be held en
Frldsy evening, by wblch time, It 1 ex
pected, &00 or G00 delegates will bsve arrived.
Services will be conducted in both tbe Her
man and English languages. Of the dele
gates new upon tbe ground a goodly number
are young and comely maidens and tbe cow
pasture bas already become the Mecca el
Cleveland's youthful pilgrims.
'-'(1,009 Acre, el Klcs Destroyed.
Charleston, s. C, Aug. le. Reports re
ceived this morning from tbe freshet In the
rice districts indicate a total Ioas et the crop
en tbe Savannah river. This, It Is estimated,
reduce tb Carolina rice yield te about bait a
crop. Twenty thousand acres of rice are new
under water In the rice section of Georgia sod
Carel In. In the rice d Istricl around Charles
ten the crop Is unlpjured. There will be no
serious damage done here unless high eas'
erly wind should set in and back up salt
water en the plantations. The river at
Augusta was 31 feet at? o'clock this morn
ing It bai since fallen slightly.
Why a Beard of Trad Was Sued.
Marien, lnd., Aug. 10 C. Marien, of tbia
place, has retained attorneys te enter suit
against the Beard of Trade of Findlay, Ohie,
forfTeO. Laat June, it will be remembered,
Findlay gave a grand natural gas celebration
for the purpose of advertising and boeuilDg
tbe town. A prize et fTeO was eiler cd for tbe
best drilled Odd Fellows' company, wblch
was captured by the Cauteu Irem this place,
or at least It was awarded tbem. Tbe money
has never beeu paid. The prizes were guar
anteed by the Findlay Beard of Trade, and
the Cantens have authorized lta atterneya te
sue that organization for the amount.
Ilulldlngs IMiuellaheil by Wind.
Mn.w.MtKKK, Aug. 10. The tall end of a
territic hurricane atruck tbe northwestern
limits et this city at S o'clock last evening.
The storm demolished tbe large exposition
hall at tbe Celd Spring driving park, which
had been erected for tbe state fair te be held
during tbe middle of September. Tbe grand
stand and poultry house were leveled te tbe
ground. Tbe master carpenter and his
family and seven workmen were burled
under tbe ruins, but escaped unhurt. The
sturm did very little dsmage In the city, up
turning only a few trees. Then followed a
hard rain, which greatly relieved the parched
earth. The ralu waa general throughout the
finding Seil coal tn Kansas.
Lkavrnwertii, Kans., Aug, 10 On
February 15 Mayer Neely, In company wltb
a few Invited guests and representatlvea of
the press, threw out tbe Hist spadeful of dirt
for the shalt et tbe Riverside coal mine,
wlileb bas new reached a depth of six hun
dred feet An eight-Inch vein wasdiscevered
from which baa beeu taken a lump of tine
looking bituminous coal of about sixty-live
pounds in weight A smaller vein was
passed before reaching this coal.
Ottering Exorbitant Wage.
St. l'At't., Minn., Aug. 10. The scarcity
of larm bands in the wheat belt of northern
Minnesota and Dakota baa become alarming
and farmers are offering exorbitant wages te
save the abundant crers. In response te
urgent demands the Manitoba railway has
thrown open Its Hues during August at re
d uced rate.
Kaaler Than HouMbetd Dulles.
Aikienia, Kb., Aug. 10. Mrs. Susanna M.
Salter, mayor et this city, denies the state
uient that she has said tbat she UndH her
official dutlea tee burdensome for a woman.
She declares abe finds them less troublesome
than household duties, wblch she also at
tends te and does net complain of either.
Twe Tiampa Klll.d.
Hudsen, N. Y,, Aug. 10. Twe men, ap.
ntmnllv tramtui. sun klllfwl Ihla mnrnlniv
...- , v. '. .,-.. .. .. . . ; "
uuiuansw iwa wniun raurunu mew miles
above this place. The bed.e. were terribly
i.i.llll-lnil ,--.. lat,tnu Yaeh., .U 1
iiiuuiaiw, iiuw ivkteia luuuu uu IUD
persona it is learueu uat tueir name are
Ulgglna and Frank Reynolds,
Tbs Duty en Burlap Canvas.
The treasury department haa decided that
ae-caUed burlap, made of jute, 20 te 24 Inebea
wide, such aa la uaed by tbe clothing trade,
and whleh is commercially known as burlap
canvas, ara dutiable at the rate of S3 per cent
ad valerem.
Excursion te Niagara falls.
Ten passengers left Lancaster In tbe regu
lar 730 train en the Heading railroad this
morning ler the grand excursion le Niagara
Falls. At Beading they will be Joined by
excursionists from llarrlsburg, Lebacei and
ether points and be transferred te the excur
sion train.
Til rmBaartfAKiA bbbbb tba.
Th Bs-cataa U Be MsM fen This Oris fast.
pensd Until BsBtassbsr, ISM.
At a meeting et the Lancaster city and
oeunty Pennsylvania Heserv corps assecia
tien held last evening, it waa definitely
resolved te postpone tb re-unlen of th
Reserves whleu was te have taken plaea la
this city, September, el tbla year, until Sep
tember, 1838. The postpenmsnt waa aakad
by the Philadelphia member of th
Reserves, because of th centennial
celebration of the adoption of the Federal
constitution In that city, which will Uk
place next month. Besides, many members
of tba Keservea are new in camp at Mt
(lreln a, and arrangements bave been made
te held local reunions In Uarrlsbnrg and ether
places In tb near future, It Is desired that
the Lancaster reunion, wblch Is te Include
tbe Reserves from all parts et the common
wealth, and many tbat bave become scattered
Inte ether statee.aball be a grand and Imposing
allalr, and In view of the centennial at Phila
delphia, and etber opposing interests It Is be
lieved thst tbe reunion here would net be
what It ought te be It held this year. There
fore it waa unanimously resolved at tbe
meeting held last evenlng te postpone it
until September, lssg.
Meantime tbe present organization of the
local association will be kept up, monthly
meetlnga will be held en the second Tuesday
of every month, and constant ellerts will be
made te have a thorough organization per
fected and complete arrangements made for
tbe state reunion te be held here in Septem
ber, 1SS8.
The Demestic Meney fjue.tlen.
(bill Hamilton In the Anoint Cosmopolitan.
The relation of money is but one of tbe
many relations that should feel the benign
and shaping touch or woman. It is chiefly
Important because of Ita ministering power,
because it Is servant of servants te Its breth
ren. It is net te be disposed et by netting
up a separate puree, any mere than by set
ting up a separate child. If a man counts a
woman tit te be tbe mother of bis children,
it is little thst she should be fit te expend
money for tbelr rearing. If a man Is gentle
and soft enough te come Inte tender contract
with his little children, he must be malleable
enough te be shaped aright In regard te the
money tbat they and their mother require.
Of course, II a man la ever-brutal, and tbe
woman ever silly, there must be disaster,
whether there be one purse or twenty, or
nena There may well be women who have
no sense about money, Just ss tbere are
women who de net knew hew te bring up
children. It In a defect of character. Sucn
women are a failure in proportion te their
defects, and their defective work, It can net
be denied, Is evil. But if both husband and
wife are et the common type, honest, sincere,
devoted and fairly sensible, a patient, con
tinuous, and net unluvely process el consul
tation and conciliation aud compromise will
bring them eventually lute a clear under
standing et relative values.
Died In f overly.
Mrs. R chael A. Myers died this morning
at ten o'clock, In a miserable hovel en the
extension of Kaat Orange street A re
porter called at the place this after
noon and witnessed a pitiable scene. Mrs.
Myers lived In a small room about eight by
ten feet, with her grand. daughter, Annie
Miller, a young woman about eighteen, and
a grandson two years younger. Tills narrow
space was UUby. The corpse Isy en
a let of dirty bedclothes, and waa surrounded
with files. All of them were in the
peer house last winter, where Mrs. Myers
was treated for cancer. This dlseaaa devel
eped Inte dropsy, which resulted in the wo
man's death. The deceased was the widow
of a Union soldier, snd should have re
calved a pension, but through the infrlguea
of the sgenf she received almost nothing.
The public must be depended upon for her
burial and all person charitably disposed
ran leave theircoiitributlens with L. R. Rete,
the undertaker.
f roinlnent Visitors In Town.
Cspt C. K. See, of tbe editorial stall of Tag-
gart's 6'nntttiy Times and the Hunday iter-
cury, or Philadelphia, Is en a ahert visit te
Irlends in tbis city. He gee te Mount
Uretna en Frldsy. Capt See was a member
et tbe 'Jl Cavalry, and la Interested in having
nieuument erected en the battle-field of
Gettysburg, in memdry of bis comrades who
fell there.
Gen. J. C. Hess, of Chicago, stepped In
Lancaster this tnerulng te seel Peatmanter
Slaymakerand etber personal Irlenda,
eheuldsr Dislocated.
Jacob Klaus, who drives a coal wageu for
Hupley X Beardmm, bad bis shoulder dis
located in a peculiar way yesterdsy. He waa
backing tbe horses attached te the wagon
when the end el the tongue or " pole " sud
denly Hew up and struck Mr. Klauss directly
under tba arm at tbe Bbeulder, dislocating
the shoulder Joint. Drs. Belenlusand Board Beard
mw after a bard pull reduced the dislocation,
and Mr. Klausa Is as comfortable as can be
expected, though still sullerlug.
Thumb Iladly Crashed.
W . U.Weltzel, carpenter, residing at N'e 17
West German street, met with a painful ac
cident at GraelTe Landing this morning. He
was helping unload aeuie heavy lumber te
be used In tbe repair of tbe bridge at tbat
place, and accidentally getting bia thumb
between two et the pieces, had It crushed in
a shocking manner. Capt McMellen, for
whom he was working, took him te Dr. J.
K. Shirk's, where bis wound was dressed.
The doctor thinks he will be able te save the
Assaulted His Wife.
Harry 'Ann, el Blalnespert, Clay township,
was arrested en Tuesday for assaulting wltb
intent te kill Lizzie .Ins, his wife. He was
Uken before Justice A. K. Uuntztnger and
after a beating was committed te prison te
default el bail for trial at tbe August court
Died el HI. Ii Juries.
Kmanuel Bucb, et Kaat Petersburg, tbla
county, who wai kicked in the stomach
by a hersa belonging te Jobu Gress which be
was grooming en Thursday, died el his in
juries thin morning.
Te Crushed.
Jacob Kaui-t, drit er el Ore engine Ne. :s, had I
a tee crushed tbis morning by one et the I
horses tramping en it while he waa currying I
fought With Bowl Kulvt.
Cl.KVKI.ANl, Ohie., Aug. 10. A pi
patch from Nelsenvllle, Ohie,
Lewis Burten and Frank Qutnn quarreled
yesterday at Carbondale, a amall mining
town In the Hooking valley, and agreed te
aettle the dispute with bowl knives. A
duel waa fought In which Burten received
weunda which are likely te prove fatal.
I ,,,. ,,.-. k. . . !,., viwM II
I vice.
f i, ihi,in..irih annual meetlnsT et tne
American Association for tbe Advsneement
.yM ns Mart
oUcSKTieS te PW. -lb.
will of th lata Jehn Johnsten, the New
Yerk dry goods mUllenalre, were filed to te
dsy en behflfef two nephews and a place e
Mr. Johnsten. The cenUstants claim that
Mr Johnsten aever made tbe will bequeath,
tag his property te bis brother, that h waa
mentally Incapable, and that It waa procured
by fraud and undue Influence.
PvVASHiMwTeii, D. C, Aug. 10. -rtr
eastern rssnuryiraal t Valr weather,
winds generally Irem eeuta te www
alhibt eUuta lu tamparaWrw
Dreath uw caasa et MM
Chaagsfaiprtec Whtss-1
Injurs la IM W-Tl
GOSdlUea-TfeS BrM SkM In ''"
Wasiiiniiten, Aug. 10. Ta AfSjsxsjjM
report of th department of salewlMsra feaajv'
uiiuwa i -cyt
ueraais te prospect a saeata am
i very heavy crop of corn, aad a raw
about th average. Ita
state of tba Atlantic coast la low I
snd of verv hlsb nremlaa. la
Tennessee condition has daeltaaal 1
in tbe central com melon. hewar.
valleys of tba Ohie and Missouri, WMtfi
tuiru ei ins crop is grown,
merctsi supply is procured, a
reduction baa uken plane, whkth
the naUenalaverage he 7 Instead of W.7
mentn, -roe cause is long ceniinnM A
whleh ha been severest In Ksasaa, I!
juuwua, umuanu miemgan, xiserssaH
been scorched en tba southern berdar,
mi auu misBuuri nave esuausu Wlta
psrativsiy ngnt less, a have th mera I
em states. The seven corn surelsa
atanu aa rouews : eainrtt IndlaaaM,
ai, lewa 00, Missouri 80, Kansas 00, Mi
The condition of snrlna wheat
very low Isst mouth from ravages et
uuga, m impreTeu id in August I
uui naaiauen en very stignuy, in
average being 78 8, two points lea tl
August returns of last year. Dakota I
made a albrbt niiln and stand htahaat In
d I tien. The average for Wlscenala m 71 tfi
intasaT m
"""S.yi s3
rsssasssslt M
kaat taaVM
minneweia 14; lows ri iniliasaa 7ft -JUS
Dakota 88 In the extreme East aad aa tmmW '
high. There t no report of winter wMal
iua jirewu. iuuiud, it ft UJQWmnj WBWm $,
lain An. -Ita nl . I- a I-1 n "U..
Mill .tnuitaui .uluaLilUg, -?
m, vww viu vuv.v am mv .iwih .m.MWj
ui iue ureauiu was uarvsawa at low last IW J
pert Condition averages 85.0. wale laasVl
cstea a crop slightly underaverag. "K'
mi usriey crop premises te yma rwsssri
better than was feared laat month. TssiasaaWQ if
ern product averages higher condHtea. fcaO
laa " " t lifc I , almia t,a, l.a. mauu frnkws
am tuuuveu iir,uijr hiuud uia im aWWsTs) Ammj,
average Is SO 2, Indicating nearly aa
The buckwheat area appears te ba
cany me same as last year, ana
aoeui us in oenaiiion.
Potatoes Tbere is a great reduetkaa
the first or July In the condition of peMsV-yl
slmest entirely the result of drought Tswri'v
I no material decllnn nn tha A tints ( '
Gull coast, but the Injury UMVrlatB '(
West The less during the month, M ta',
ported, is fully ue per cent of the pressawv'
crop. -$.
Fruit Tbe fruit crop is very peer. TMsW
will tie few apples outside of New sTgtaaa
and New Yerk. There will be a parUaT fsjf
in Aiicnigsn. in tne unie nveri
harvest win be nearly a failure.
Hay The hav crop Is also greatly 1
In tbe West The general average la 80..3P
uouen Tne past mentn naa I
te cotton, except that rainfall I
nually distributed in point et tin
tureatenlng at one period, and
iloeds following. In the eastern belli
et moisture predominates aa a factor el i
nlatlnn Tliu .amjI la IhaMlnm IjMI
sappy, and forma and fruit tall, MasW :
fields seriously, and tn sem eaaa raV'
apiieara. In Leuldana almllar oendsM
bave prevailed, aud only my partial!.!
uisaiaaippi. lexas ua eeeu tee ery, isssi
drought baa net aa vet been dlasasl
severe. Tbe prevalent status of tfeWswef) j
very geuu lur vne am 01 August, wanaw I
porters reoegnlm.MrtKaa-a,xr1tloal um. I
ear tne euect ei sueseausnt
the green and suoeuleut oeudltloa of"
punt in a comparison el tea yew
August condition is only exceeded ay J
jHHjana mat or isss, one preuaeaaw ra
urup, tue uiuer uuuer einaiUBB yiesav
geuerai average or oenaiiion is te s,
lower tlian that of J ul v. 'y;;
Tobacco The tobacco crop Is In hlgli Mar
dltlenln the seed leaf HtatetsaveraaUgaessx '
100, except In Wisconsin. The ehlpptagaaal '
cutung uiatrici ei tne west maxe aa
cedented report of low condition : Tea
70; Kentucky ); Olie 65; Indians 66 1 Ua
neins e- ; raisaeuri ou. iu view or ia i
reduction In acreage euty a amall
ui tue usual crop uiay ue oapeossk.
eiiicisi inveaugauen ei area, new ia pref,
will detemlne autberitlvely thebnaatavi
vated the nrasant vear. yj-
a .r,l
Itesult olTe-aay
Sauateua, N. y., Aug. 10. Sixth exam
dav. Weather and attendance a-oed. ' &
First race, 1 mile and 70 yarde : Alsiat ''
wen. Gallatin second. Miss Metlar lairsV,
Time 1:10. Odda 3 te 1. Vincent redeia
winner. iVr's
aecenu race, i mne, wetter wsigni am
tlemen riders : Kenip wen, Lwl OMi
ma. ww J
second, Percy third. Time 1:47,'. Odawlta
5. Mr. Uarwoed rode the winner. "3$M
Third raee 1;' mile : Ten Strike Brat, 1
nette aeoend, Harry Russsll third.
2:B!,', Odds 0 te & en Ten Htnke,
rode the winner. jrW '-,
Fourth race, ;; !' elllng. JTra att
Broiigbteu '2, unique 3, Time, i:i7.
te 1. Hamilton rode the winner.
Hs Ferget Hsr Rasa.
OinoAue, Aug. 10. Marriage Lk
Clerk balmonaen met a very odd
man yesterday. Hla nam w
Parkins and called for a llesnaa. Bai
bis sweetheart's nam aa Bertha KesHSsMaV
us was aoetit 10 ee given tn itesssss, .wsssbj,
be started and then looked dewa at am I
I believe I'm wrong," he said. "WaaVpl
moment" lie darted out et in aeer.j
ten minutes be returned. " My girl'a I
is Bertha Hcheckelt," he said, aad 1 1
mixed up with Kohlsaat tbamaalt
for." Tbe correction was mad aaAfcaf
narteil. v.
They Intend te Lynch
Ckkste.n, lewa, Aug. 10. A aaeaaf 1
men have cerraled a tramp In I
Aften and bis capture must I
will be hanged as seen aa caught Ye
tbe tramp met a Mlaa Cesgeraaarl
City, and alter scaring ber neariT
knocked her senselesa with amAtM
outraged ber. This ia ua taiMax t
kind in the vicinity wlthla aaawWiaamv 1
the people are desperate. lalenaaltawef
death of the tramp ia memestaniy ea
rassssgs vrala WrssBed s a)ew,sra
EvARHvitta, lad,, An, ia I
arriving here lata laat night report ' I
aealdentaearDntPa htatlea, DabH
ou th Louisville, EvensvUMe
Air Line railway. Aa a cons
with a craw of tweuty-fiv
Dreacblns Dud's station a i
cress tb track before the I
...In. atrunk It With I
tire train was threwa trma imeaV.
df ih. fvmstruatlOB erW
...I i. h'lranrihaBeaajMtl
IU)UIHW -- -
PMDaaal e Miaag OS
wimfiNiiTeir. Aug. ld-
chlld te-day opened propeaasi sWlfey
te th government of 4 W per eaai M
Tbe effera aubmltted-NrlawtaiU;Jj
Yerk bankers aggrsgaUd HIM
tared at prices vary lag from MOtf Mi
loe and l,aw.oeo oeupoa temda, m
varying from HOjr le 113. .
AassMssswaaaa. S-?.
Baltimeki, Aaf. M Taai
artea aftaaaei. aa
tb Kagllsaelaiweaia atHay. "A
waa baealased aad aaaM Mi'fjss) i
way. Th.erwwmiaffat, i
daai will Ma 'Mm,
VllaltMafsm isflf
-;' ,il
!& V1!
,$ii$it&i&,U-)v T,
ii&A&&lit. ;&& .,