Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 09, 1887, Image 1

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' 'VfiSSW
wmWrnW W A b . rt
a mmuvLtm 4ai ivrjuan irjiirM
He OoespllmsaU the mat Soldier, Hal
Ram Nusgosllens Leeking te Tnslr For Fer
th r rregr Towards Military Tn-Icrllea-Sain
Ftlmdiy Critic!.
"penlsl Unrrospendonca of Istsiuesscss.
Mount (imirttA, Auk. b There la much
te ha tutlil In commendation of ttia Iroepa at
ML (Ileum anil a very taw orltlelsws te
make. Ttin businesslike earnestness and
soldierly doieriiiinatluu te rough It and net
te Itlncli at lunger or fatigue vera tbe
Htln'a tlml B'ruck an officer of the regular
ctvalry an hn walked through the camp ou
Saturday morning.
Although some of the troop, hail been en
the ground the day before, the majority had
cinmilu during the midland early morn Ing,
ami llin throb of the drum waa oenatantly
announcing the arrival of freah bed lee
A ilriuiu'ilng shower had converted the
whole I'jinp griiuml Inte a bed of neil
red mini, through which wild terrenta at
water wuru washing their way, cutting under
tent, extinguishing camp Urea at the
kitchens mitl buiylug everything that had
been lull ou the ground under sand and
These condition were ample te have
rauwd deiiiorallratlen In a lean earnest body
o(trnew, but nil Itispiotlen of the mem tenia
at dinner, when the bugle aang the welcome
" culled call," nhewril that the company
mesai had been eijual te the trial and that
nine very tempting, though plain, meala
bid been gotten up ; while even the lateat ar
rivals were silting down te geed aelld cam
pilgu lare.
In the '1 1 brigade It waa gratifying te aee
regular coudenalble camp rangea In use,
whlle all along the line camp-Ore with long
trenches tieneath, te held the het aahee, bad
a knowing" leek, and (bowed that our
National Uuard mill contain a large proper proper
Hen of men who have heard the hum of the
Mlnla bull." At 3 o'clock, In aplta of all
the Inconvenience and the fact that few of the
truei were settled In camp, the whole dlvls
I ou wa turned out under arm te receive
Governer Braver. Ne one, If but drop of
martial bleed llnwa In hla vein, could have
looked upon thrce missive brigade drawn
up In Hi e te receive the governor, without
feellug In hla threat oueet thoeelumpa whlcli
prlile and patriotism develop In such an In
explicable maimer.
Msny a blackened and tattered Hag tluttered
ever uise el men whn,u they looked up t
tbe emblems et lhe!r regimental honor, must
have lull that, if It lay with them, their Hag
tihenlit tlml tlieiu as ataiiuchte It lu victory or
de I I'll t 1 pih the men who tilled their place
lu the old war days. Bright new banner
were huru and there thrown te the breeze,but
many or these could rtghllully bavehed long
lists of bittlea uiubUziiied ou tlixlr stripes.
It Wdaalter Uve when tbe several brigade
returned te their camp, and the Philadelphia
City Troop, which had rtililen straight from
the train te report escort te the governor,
inusl Iibvh bope kIhiI hi uiihiIiI1m and get
bite for herse and man. In theieceiiil brigade
the work was net evur by any menu, for two
regiment mn eni te in.ui.bill ever the
hill ler turret practice, while the ether were
put through an hum ' severe drill. Ner waa
thl all, for when, alter the dre, parade
were ever, the two column of inarkameu
trudged wearily Inte camp, they were Im
mediately ordered out for a lonely parade In
the yaiherliiK dunk ; and only when they had
completed this ceremony did the retreat gun
at lien llarlraull's headquarter el furtb,
and bring the bread IMg llutUirlug te the
se MB I'ltlKMll.V ritlTICISM.
A worn of fi lucidly criticism te the Indi
vidual guardsman. Ill personal appearauce
did net create se favorable an Impression a
did the in annue solidity of bis regiment and
brigade, nor did be always act with the dig
nity bcmiltiri his uniform.
Much of tlie want of ncatnee might be ex
cused en the ground of inexperience and
much of the disorder en the core et boyish
plrlts; but, making all allowance en these
pelut, there is.atlll much room for Improve
ment. Let the eii-repecung private take
heed and let the captain and lieutenants tie
harp In preddlug up these who act only
under thu stimulus of necessity.
Tbe state uniform need net be se ugly It
appears when we examine It en the average
guardsman at Mt. Gretna. It la the uniform
el the U. S. army and any one who baa seen
It In a regular garrison w'ill admit that It 1 a
neat dress and one that abeuld make a man
respectable aud self-respecting.
Tbetrnubla lies In tbe very simplicity of the
cestume ; the average civilian 1 accustomed
te aeinu latitude in dreaa and when he 1 con
fronted with the requirement et uniformity
he at once give up In despair and consoles
himself with the consideration that be will
for the time be lest in a crowd aa badly
dreased a himself. The regular who draw
a uniform takes It at once te the company
tailor wbe fit It te him and this tilting often
Invelv.M taking It all apart. Here, then, Ilea
half the battle.
llm ni'Xt point are : Shee always neatly
brushed .mil ueuMnt long enough te cover
top el lute. A mounted man should
either 1m wi his trousers extra long and wear
atrsps und r nole of shoes, or ele wear the
top beet. Toe ireuxer should be neatly
brushed and show a crease up back and
front. This crease Is obtained by placing the
garment, properly folded, under the bedding
at night; It serve te prevent the awkward
ItaggiiiK t the knee.
The blo'ieo having bten lilted, It only re
mains te keep It ueatly brushed and tbebuttena
polished. The hair aheuld be cleaely cropped
at aide and back of bead and abeuld net be
long en top. The face, U abaven at all,
abeuld be kept eieir of stubble. The cap
aheuld net rest en but ti ears, neither abeuld
it be tee small; the vli-er II tinned up a little
at the comers will leek much belter than If
it droops limply ever the face.
Then let the recruit Rally boldly from bl
tent and with bead erect, shoulder well
back, p!ue a atraigbt a be can bold It, and
with the Urm, quick step of a blooded herae
let blm go te bis duty with the feeling tbat be
reaiieeta blinseli and ether must respect
Mm. R H. K,
A Mima HAttLK.
Th Bplrltsa Hesars Witnessed at the Encamp
ment en Monday.
Heutlnewnrk line fully established in
the soldiers' camp at Mt Gretna. Before
break faat en Monday battery U rau down the
bill from ita pueltlen, aud went through vari
ous artillery maneuver, Ineludlng firing,
which agitated the heavy bank or mist which
huug ever the paiade ground. Until tbe sun
row ever tbe mountains and for an tour after
heavy overreata were worn. Hunday nlgbt
waa decldely colder than tbe nlgbt previous,
and meat or the men slept In all their clothe
and with overcoats ou In addition te tbe
Keglmental impaction began Monday
morning, and will ue continued until every
regiment has been passed upon. Governer
Beaver, In a dark cut away suit and light
leunb bat, stumped down from division
headquarter by himself, and waa aa Inter,
eaied spectator at the TwellUVa InapcoUen,
which took plaee at 8:10 a. m. At 0 th Tart
eua oemuand turned ent for battalion drill,
whlle'the Sixteenth and Klghteeeth rgt rgt
meeta practiced abort firing and firing rol rel
ley at tbe target en the rang.
Target practice waa Instituted In tb mom
lag, with the Heoend and, part el tklTirrt
brigade wing U nag, e w.dgetday
iaWgaaL JWasw'-afrVi jssfrs
. Mtt t -k . .. A it.
will occur the rifle match. In whleh the teama
of all the regiments will be pitted again!
Many of the reglmenU are protesting
against tb exorbitant chargaa or the farmars
and aaarcbanta. Ice bring eighty cent per
100 pounds and ten coot a quart la ebarged
for milk, wberaaa In Cornwall or Iebanen
both eaa be procured at halt the price The
utter la net allowed te aell any produce,
Within geed view of tbedlvislen beadipiat
tata In the attarnoen, a decidedly aplrlted
aeane waa presented by aham battle In the
hollow. Heveral regiments of the Heoend
brigade covered the ground en aklrmlah drill,
firing Inte the line of Hen. Uebln'a brigade,
which waa en parade, litter en Battery A
tore up the bill, awlnalng their (Jailing anna
Inte p'jsllien. and In II (teen minutes, or lees,
poured nut 'J.'i,000 round of ammunition Inte
the ranka el their Imaginary fee. Mean,
while tbe tattle of musketry In the Third
brigade sounded like a never ending roll of
the drum, and tli" heavy uriluanee of the
battery belched lertb a deep basa at regular
The ameke, alewly rising, gave a glimpse
of Ueneral (lebln's brigade, lu compact rank,
moving solidly en the enemy, whllethe Flint
regiment, with a live, swinging stride,
emerging from the weeds back e( division
headquarters, presented the appearance of a
reserve oerpsnf reinforcements pourlngdewn
the hill. In the far distance the uiuDled
rattle of musketry gave the Impression of
outpost being engaged In a aplrlted defense.
Viewing thl Hpeetacle were large uiasse of
visitors from the surrounding country,
auieng whom was Mr. Arthur It rock, of Leb
anon, with a large party lu hi Ully-he. Mr.
Ilreck la a relative et Mr. Hebert Celeman,
having married the latter' cousin. Heveral
stylish drags and a tandem added tone te tbe
1'rlvale H. Frank F.shleman, or the City
Troop, wbe a few year a age was one of the
colonel en Governer Ileyt'a stall, visited
division headquarter and waa facetiously
congratulated by Governer iteaver en hi
Mr. Kableuiau I new In Lancaster ou a
one day 'a furlough. He put in a geed part
of Hunday en guard duty.
Tbs Nsw Yerk Werlit ' laden Interview Was
U MamraeUi la Cbsractsr.
The Husten Herald publlshex a Londen
special ever the signature of a well known
correspondent, K A. l'erry, in which Con
gressman I'. A. Cellins emphatically denied
the truth of the alleged Interview which ap
peared In the New Yerk H'eriM en July '.".).
Congressman Cel 11 us expressed Indignation
and surprise at the misrepresentation. He
"In the first pla-e, 1 ws lu HoetUn J at
the date et the dispatch, having linen away
Irem Londen since July 10; In the sreend
place, 1 hait net beeu interviewed by any
American correspondent. Since arriving In
Kurepe 1 have had private conversations
with several American gentlemen, but they
were certainly net the men te Interview me
for publication, and, moreover, in these con
vernatiens I expressed none of the senti
ment attributed te me In the article. There
lore the cablegram, II It waa a cablegram,
oeuld net have been a report of my observa
tion en any of tbeae occasion.
The paper eaystbal 1 staled tbat llarnum
sounded me with relerauee te entering the
cabinet New tbat la neuaenae en the face et
IL 1 trust I may net aeeiu presumptuous
when I nay my relation with the president
are uch tbat 1 de net believe If be decided te
ask me te take a cabinet olllee or any ether
he would de se through a third person. J
told sever! with whom I conversed tht if at
the beginning of the present administration I
had been ettered a place In the cabinet I
might bave felt It my duly te seriously con
sider the matter, and yet I should bave de
clined. But 1 said te all my friends when
they spoke about the change that 1 was net
buying any eepnd-baud clothe thl year
but all these were almply private and frleudly
" It la the sheerest nonsense te say that tbe
chairman of the national committee, as an
ambassador from the president, ettered me
an olllee. Kegardlng the World's allegation
that I abused the admiutslralieu, they are all
and entirely false. Of course, in the govern
ment of a nation of aixly jillllen people It
would be strange II there werenet some point
of dillereuee a te polley, but I dely anybody
te give one Instance where, In either public
or private utterances, I have said one single
word disparaging te the president. He
knows, and all my friend knew, tbat I never
would call the president a blunderer' and
declare that be could getarenomtnatienonly
because the Democratic wrty could Und
nobody else.
Dee anybody suppose 1 have lest my
wit that I abeuld make a declaration se en
tirely opposed te my record T 1 cannot help
being annoyed and Irritated at such an a'
surd charge. What 1 have mid all along,
and what 1 reiterate with emphasis new, I
tbat If Cleveland consent again te become a
candidate, every state In tbe Union will
end te the national Democratic convention
a delegation In hi laver and he will be re re
eominated unanimously and by acclamation
If be desire IU Our parly must be united
In order te win, and 1 believe we ought te
win for the geed of the republic. 1 de net
knew any mere about the gilt enterprise
sheet' article thau the summary aent by
csble, but I canuet conceive hew anybody
can misunderstand me se much as te think 1
can gabble political nonsense 3,000 mile
Lsttars Uraoted by tb KtfUUr.
The following letter were granted by the
register of will for tbe week ending Tuta
day, August'J:
'I BsrAMKNTARV Michael Wolf, decerned,
lateel Lancaster city ; Catharine Wolf, icily,
August Krelg, deceased, late of Lancxa'er
city; Barbara Kreig, city, executrix.
Catharine Llpp, deceased, late ct Salisbury
township; Abraham Dlebtu, Kant Karl, and
Magdalene Dlehm, Salisbury, executers.
Maria Hobeltleld, deceased, late of Lancas
ter eltv : H. C. Lehman, city, executer.
Margaret Ueltahu, deceased, late of Lan
caster city ; Anna K. Derwart, city, execu
trix. Adminihthatien. Hannah M. W. ltrln ltrln
ten, deceased, late of Lancaster city ; Annie
K. Weed, elty, administratrix.
Dr. Henry Carpenter, deceased, late et
Lancaster city ; Sarah B. Carpenter, elty,
Mary L. Emery, deceased, late of Bart
township ; K. U. Kmery, Bart, administra
tor. m
An Old stan and 111 Wife Murd.rsd.
News wa received In Leck Haven Monday
evenlngef a horrlbledeuble murder. In the
mountains juat south of tbat elty bave lived
ler many year an old man and bla wife,
named Culby. They were supposed te bave
some money bidden away in tbe beuse and
tbla la beieivea ie nave iea te ine crime.
Late Hunday afternoon a neighbor in passing
tbe beuse found tbe deer open and entered.
In the front room a horrible sight presented
On tbe fleer lay the aged oeuplo, their
bedise covered with bleed and with every
Ign of a desperate atruvgle. Tbelr heads
bad been battered In with club. Kvery
thing In the rooms bad been upset and cup
bearda and bureaus ransacked, their oententa
being strewn en the tlrera. Whether any.
thing el value waa secured Is net known.
The murder caused tbe greatest excitement
among the people In tbe vicinity, but no; clue
te tbe perpetrators of the double crime baa
been obtained. The authorities are invta
tlgatiug the matter.
rirss tMsetllul In .lly.
The are less In the United State and Can
ada In July, according te tbe record kept by
tbe New Yerk Vaxly Commercial Jlulletm,
waa H 020. 500, against f 10,000,000 In July,
1836, and 10,000,000 in July, 1885. Thl la
iusl double the average less In July ler the
last twelve yean.
Dreamed la Saving a Hattisr.
A young Princeton atudeet named True
dell, beeaa exhausted Monday afternoon
while bathing at Wliburten-by-tbe-iea, N.
J. TIM bathing maater, Frank William,
want te Bla reecur. but also became ex.
haunted and waa drowned. Truesdell suc
ceeded in reaching iha ewere.
wife mm! aU jMBg tUMffa,
WUlams bad
d&& &-? Fi V &W&C,- t,
A Hapert Thai Hest la Umaglg Hern el th
Creps-Rail Usswets Many Acres In Harlerd
Oeanly, Md.. and Lesw lerk Oeanljr,
Nsw Trestle oe Tobacco Onllurs.
In old tobacco little la doing except selling
mall let te mantifaetureraat slightly ad
vanced price, 'there lean active demand
for low grade old tobacco, but geed goedaol
thl aertare bard te find.
The sampling et the '8(1 crop lias net yet
begun, nor will it be for a month te coma
The few case that have been opened aud ex
amined by packer show up very well, and
there la great anxiety te see hew the crop will
pan out when the elllclal sampler take It In
band. The packers bave great faith In It,
and think they have a bonanza.
Net much of the Havana seed or '8(1 remain
In the band or the grower, the buyer hav
ing taken most or It ou their own term.
The growing crop of '87 still held lb) own
admirably, and from almost every section of
Lancaster and adjoining ceuuiim come re
imrta tbat never was a drier crop grown. Tbe
only exception te tbla universal statement I
a report that In the vicinity of Lincoln, Epb
rata township, there Is some "rust" In tbe
leaf. One farmer bas nine acres grewlng.Uve
or which are In almost jrfecl condition and
the ether feu r have been rendered almeat
worthier by rut A the two Held stand
ide by side, It 1 hsrd te give a reason for
the deatruclien or the one aud the exemption
el the ether.
A report come from Chestnut Hill, Md.,
tbat a recent ball storm destroyed many acre
of line tobacco In Harford county, Md., aud
tbe lower end of Yerk county, l'a. There
ha been very little datnage by hall lu Lin
caster county.
Farmers are actively engaged lu cutting en
and beusing the early-planted tobacco, prin
cipally et tbe Havana seed variety. We re
new the advice given te growers last week :
Don't cut eir your tobacco while It I tee
green. Better run the risk of artlal damage
by ball than spoil the whole crop by cutting
it oil tee early.
A Nw Trentl.e mi Toliscce.
We are in receipt of a IS pige treatise en
"Tobacco, hew grown aud prepared for
market, with an explanation of the plan or
the author' new tobacco curing beuse and an
Illustration et its new system and methods
of curing tobacco, with full practical detail
of tbe growing, curing, stripping, sorting,
packing and marketing tobacco." The work
by N. Bruette, of Jetlorsen, Wisconsin. It la
carefully wrltteu and contain carelul instruc
tion te the tobacco grower in all the various
detail te be observed from the tlme the need
bed are prepared mil 11 the crop is grown
and cured and sold. The rule laid
down de net ma'HrUlly dllttjr from
these new in use by all well Informed
planters, except lu the matter et tbe curing
beuse. Mr. Ilruette holds that he baa made
an Important discovery In this direction. He
say tbat tobacco alter being hung en tbe
pole should never lie allowed te become
dry, and his plan of tobacco house etltctually
prevents it from becoming no. The treatiie
contains a full dtscriptleu et Mr. Bruette's
tobacco bouse, with lis ventilating and
ether arrangements, all of which are well
worthy the atloutlen of tobacco grower. The
book may be had for M) cents by addressing
the author.
New Verk Cigar !.( Maikel.
from the U. S 'tobacco Journal.
The tenor of the seed leaf market remained
unchanged ; ev cry body seem te be doing a
' little something," which, considering the
time of year, must be called satisfactory.
Gonerally the month or August ta the dullest
of the year In tbe tobacco market ; It precede
the sampling of a new crop, and till then
buyer are apt te lndulge in tbe well-known
" masterly Inactivity."
Lew grade goods am new all the rage;
everybody like te get held of soine 5 te ti
cent tobacco even If it don't contain any
Hue wrappers. Speaking et the latter, this
species seems te be almost out of existence
just new, broker averring thai there are net
MM case of geed old seed leaf wrappers in
the market Kvldently tbe 'Mi crop ha some
tine wrapper, Judging from advance sample
drawn from package of various crops this
eek. Tbe Connecticut seem te be ahead se
far In thl respect ; but state seed is likely te
fellow close it net go ahead el It Specula
tien In 'N Wisconsin, a very much cried
down tobacco, appears rlfe. The crop Is com
ing up better thsu ever expected, texture
and color beginning te aetlle exceedingly
The sale et the week number about 2,000
case of which 000 wero of the 'n Ceuni-clt-cut
crop at from II te It! cents ; some Ilous Ileus Ilous
atenica sold a high as -I cent. The balance
consisted of -00 rases '?." Pennsylvania Ha
vana seed at lt te 10 cents, and Heme running
bread leaf at 11 cents, aa well as heveral hun
dred cases of Pennsylvania of previous year
at from S te 12 cents.
Sumatra suddenly stepped in it glorious
career ; tbe Intricate decision of the uenury
department brought considerable consterna
tion into tbe cam pet Importers, they belug
uuable te calculate en tbe duty the appraiser
may designate uuder the new ruling ; In a
lew daya the ruling will lie aulllclently un
derstood by the appralseiH te make his own
ruling ; sales of 3m) bales at f 1 20 te f2
Havana Dull. Sale 400 bales at 85 cent
te 1 25.
fiem the Tobacco Lear.
Cigar Leaf Dull ; no market! He runs
comment Yet suveral sale of new grades
at paying figure bave biKm made en the
quiet during the week. ' Prospect tine,"
aid one beavy broker, " out no actual attack
along tbe whole line et new leaf." One
Maiden Lane packer sold Ills Connecticut
packing te a Bosten Urm. Most of our lead
ing manufacturers are holding back, a they
claim te be well supplled, walling ter Inspect
ors' samples, whlcu must be ou hand tn a
short tluia As toen as packer have sample
te show the ball must commence rolling. Aa
te the quantity el choice, uselul tobacco In
the 188U crop, It may sately lie stated that It
is very limited at the best Saveral eilers of
12eent ler lhN Connecticut second were
made, but quickly rejected.
Havana 1'ne market ler this variety Is
growing mere bullish lu tone every day.
With almost every thing bought up In Cuba
In tbe way et old lebaicns, and a 25 per cent
average crop this year, there eeema te be geed
reaseu ler tne siiiiening ei price, finer
old te the extent of 1 50 bales at Irem t5c te
Sumatra Tbe market thl week bas shown
a fair degree of activity. Tne buyer en the
market all want old geed, but net being
able te get them, generally Und something
among tbe new te ault tbem. A few leta ei
7&0, duty tobacco sold thl week at f1.00 te
fUKi. The range et price ler 35c duty geed
1 f 1 50 te f LC5, The sales reported amount
te 200 bale.
dans' WMkly llepert
Salea of aeed leaf tobacco reported for tbe
Intki.liuknekk by J. S. Gans' Hen A Ce.,
tobacco broker, Ne. 131 Water street, New
Yerk, for tbe week eudlug August 8, 1887 :
250 case 1880, New England, p. t ; loe
cases 1885 New England Havana seed, 12Q)
lss. : 2.10 case 1881-85 Pennsylvania. Isolde :
2 10 cases 1881-85 Little Dutch, !(JUe ; 152
case 1881-85 Ohie, p. t ; 150 cases 188t Wis
consin Havana, C12j; 100 caaea sundries,
IQi'H. Total, 1,222 case.
rulledelphle Markst
Heed Leaf. Dealera In cigar leaf sllll find
their aalea confined principally te old leaf,
binders and tiller receiving the largest at
tention. New and then aalea are reported of
wrapper cases, which show Improvement In
price. A few small leta of '80 tear bay been
offered by new aamplea nd found willing
taken at a fair profit te packer ; while it ta
evident, for reasons beat known te them
aelve, manufacturer are holding oft from
expressing m eeaue te ioek at new atecg,
I while heldera display perfect easineaa In tbs
I tardy demand, henoe delay in sampling, be-
Uf Tlf UuM dteilaess will be advutaeus,
Indication are favorable for a mere profit
able year te packer. ....
Sumatra tlll move very regularly In dt
mand, notwithstanding tbe ad vabee, or con
templated advance.
Havana find a steady market, if quality 1
naltlmer Matkst.
Tbe market I very active for Maryland,
and the receipt, comparatively light, are
promptly taken at allghtly advanced quota
tion. Sale of about )0 bhd of Inlerler and
common have been elTeetad thl week. Ohie
continue te Improve and price are higher
tn)mptby with Kentucky and Virginia
tobacco which have made a sharp advance.
The rnlea reported of O bio thl week are 505
niiae, cnitny ler expert.
Aldsrman McConemjr Will (Jet the Heney for
Wblcn U Sued.
Heme time age Alderman McConemy
brought suit before Alderman Spurrier
against tbe county of Lancaster for a bill el
fee wblcb be claimed the county owed blm.
Tbe bill waa made up principally of charge
of 50 cent for each recognizance taken by
blm. The county bad only allowed him 25
cent ler each recognizance and approved the
bill for that amount Alderman McConemy
allowed the sums te accumulate until
the county was In debt ever l'.0, and he then
brought the ault The commissioner at
tended tbe bearing, did notetler any evi
dence and judgment waa entered against the
county for tbe full amount of the claim. The
commissioner netllled Alderman Spurrier
that they would appeal Irem bla decision te
tbe court of common plea, but through sem"
neglect the appeal waa net taken and the
Judgment haa become llnaU The cetnmls.
loner were notified en Monday te pay the
judgment and costs, or an execution would
Issue against the county.
The commlHlenors claim that it 1 no fault
of their that the Judgment became final.
They say tbat they notified the alderman te
present bis bill for tbe cost in tbe civil suit
and they would be paid, and an appeal
would be taken. He did net present hla bill
and in that way they were misled. The
ether aldermen of the city have similar
claim and it Is probable that ether suit will
be brought against the county.
MUt. MAHKHi'A lir.lTH.
said te Have llren Uauted by Her Hen, Wbe
Wauled liar Muurj.
ClllMSTlA.NA, Aug. The body of Mrs.
Jane Markey, whose mysterious death at Nine
Point en July 15 Is new under Investigation,
was exhumed from Wasteland's grayeyard
en Monday, the heart, stomach and bowel
being UKen te Nine Point for aualysl by
Dra. Koen and Went. Witnesses were ex
amlned, but no report ha yet been received
from Deputy Corener Keen. The inquest
will be held at Georgetown today.
A Christiana special te the Philadelphia
1'resi give this motive ter the alleged crime :
'It wa reporled tbat while lying sick she
(Mr. Markley) accused her only son, Ed
ward, with putting iolseu In her sugar or
coffee. She died shortly after 11 o'clock or
the day mentioned, having risen In her
usual health. After breakfast she wis seized
with violent vomiting and died with all the
symptoms of poisoning. The son does net
bear a very geed name In the community
and It was said that he bragged that he oeulu
easily spend the money his parent had been
saving. The husband and rattier, Lawrence
Markey, had been in very dellctte health
and at time bis death wasoxpected. He had
accumulated some property and the boy,
who ws something or a apart, wa told tbat
bis father' will would give the old lady all
the property."
Iteie lull News
The League game yesterday resulted as
fellows : At luilinnaM)lls, Philadelphia 8,
Indianapolis 5 ; at Chicago, Chicago 12, New
Yerk 0 ; at Detroit, Bosten .s, Detroit 3 ; at
Pittsburg, Washington 8, Pittsburg 2.
Tbe Association games were : At Philadel
phia, Brooklyn 0, Athletics ; at Baltlmeie,
Metropolitan 11, Baltimore 8 ; at St. Leuis,
St Leuis 8, Clevelaud I
Fogarty wen the game for Philadelphia
yesterday by capturing eight balls, each of
which looked like two bind hits.
Detroit 1 eighteen points ahead of Chicago
028 te 010. Chicago will hav e te win te day
and te-morrow aud Detroit will have te lean
two te Washington te make Ansen' predic
tion, that " We'll be In the lead by August
10," geed.
He nay lie l.jmhed.
The murderer of Jaines S. Scott, who
claimed Philadelphia as his home, and
which waa committed ou baturday nlgbt at
Mt Helly, Cumberland county, by Geerge
Tarrell. the Japanese, has caused Intense
excitement at the scene of the murder. It ts
reported tn Carlisle tbat unless the murderer
give hlmseirup te the elltcer of tbe law to
day he will be lynched. The uiuaket by
which the killing was done was a borrowed
one, aud net tbe property of the Japanese, aa
slated, aud It Is thought that it waa bor
rowed for that purpose. Further develop
ment will likely occur today, when the
murderer will be behind tbe bars in the
Cumberland cnuuty prison.
afoeoey Unrrabs Fur tb Stars and Stripes.
Down with the English flag. Hurrah
for tbe Star and Strips," shouted Themas
J. Mooney, tbe Incendiary who tried te tire
the ateamer Queen, as he waved hi bat
Monday morning in Jetlerseu Market court,
New Yerk. He had been brought there and
placed among tbe audlonce te sue II be could
tie Identified by Kebert Mnclalr, the colored
steward of the ateamer G uyandotte, et the
Old Dominion line, as the dynamiter wbe
caused the explosion and injury sometime
age te tbat vessel. Sinclair, however, failed
te recognize Mooney, and the latter wa
Bgaln returned te the prison peu.
A Lady's Hsrleua fall.
Miss Sarah Demutb, residing at Ne. 120
Seuth Duke street, met with u serious acci
dent ou Monday. Sue had been upstair and
b she wa about descending slia made a mis
step and fell backward down the alair te
the hallway. She waa assisted te her feet
by her sister and at tlrst It was thought she
wa only slightly Injured. Later in the day
he complained of great pain and Dr. 8. II.
Metrger wa summoned. The lady waa
found te be severely bruised and In addition
her one shoulder was dislocated.
ltev. Christian Stauller, a well known
Menuenlte preacher, died Friday and was
burled te day.
Masen n II le will tie known hereafter a
Letort pesUitUce and Hickory Greve baa been
changed te Truce by tbe department.
A large assemblage wa at the dedication of
Ht. Jehn' Evangelical Lutheran church,
Brickervllle, en Sunday,
J. A. Lelppe, of Heading, formerly of this
city, ta building lour tbree-itery brick beuses
en Pine atreet, In Keadtng.
A Ills Niurgeeu
Adams' Express brought te Lancaster this
morning ter Geerge Krluer a sturgeon tbat
weigh l.'iO pound. The big lish wa caught
lu the Susquehanna, near the mouth of Cen.
ewage creek, Md. The fish will be prepared
for market at Mr. Kriner'a place et business,
20 Nertb Water street
The Grand Circle of tbe Brotherhood of tbe
Union la new In aessien In Heading, a meng
these wbe have left tbla city te attend tbe
meeting were O. B. HberUer, deputy for thla
district and officer of tbe day el tbe grand
circle, H. L. Simen, Jehn Beck, Casper
Walker, Lewis S. Straus, Michael Fate, and
ether membera et Lancaster Circle, Ne. 10a
Salcld et a Farmer.
Mr. William Kline, a highly respected far.
mer and fruit grower at Slddenabnrab.
Cumberland county, committed ulclde Hun.
day nlgbt by banging himself te the rafters
el hla house. Famll and financial imnhiai
J led te tbe deed.
'H'fi u VlliJJ.,1' -3w
ra ji fleer ejt a mtuep VAftAt wtrm
A Heavy Surf strikes a Vessel, It capstiss Bad
Only Three Oecepaat Are Meseaed The
Monitors Oling le the float Bight Day
aed Horrer Tsrrlbly-Wbat Tbsy Ala.
NoeAbF.s, Arlr. , Aug. 9 Tbe sleep Hara,
H tone register, owned and commanded by
Abraham Bakaran, left Muleje en tbe morn
ing of July 25, leaded with tan bark, and
having en beard the captain, hla wife, her
children and niece, Mr. Halle, superintend
ent of the Baltimore ceppar mine at Santa
Keaalla, and a craw of five men,
Between San Pedre and Martinez, In tbe
Gulf of California, tbe veaael waa struck by a
heavy surf and capsized. All en beard per
Ubed except tbe captain and fcur sailor,
wbe saved tbetnaelve by climbing en the
bottom of the capsized vessel.
On tbe second day after the accident tbe
dead bodies of tbe captain' wile and chil
dren rose te the surfaee and were eaten
by sharks while the husband and lather
looked en tbe awful sight wltb horror. On
July 30 two of tbe aallera became crazy and
aald tbey were going abere,and Immediately
plunged overboard. Tbey no sooner atruck
water than tbe abarks devoured tbem. Tbe
captain, one sailor and a small boy remained
en the bottom of the Teasel for eight days,
ustatntng life by catching turtle tbat would
come near them and ancktng their bleed.
They were rescued In a most pitiable condi
tion by tbe fishing sleep Kefugle and after
ward transferred te tbe company's steamer
Kerrigan, which was sent In search or tbe
Hara and arrived at Guaymaa Hunday night
The captain et the Sara la mentally and
physically a wreck. Captain Bakaran aay
there was another small (loop near bis veatel
tn the same gala It la supposed she went
down with all en beard.
Farmers Lesing Thslr Fanes aed Belldlngs.
Cities in Daoger et Using usslreysd.
Dktheit, Mich., Aug. U A special te the
Xcics from St. lgnace, Mich., Bays: Tbla
city bad a narrow escape from destruction
by tire last night A light fire In the weeds,
a couple or mile weat or the city, waa fanned
Inte a rearing storm of flame and ameke by a
gale from tbe west, wblcb awept everything
before it the city was Immersed in ameke
during tbe whole nlgbt, and spark and cin
der fell In every portion of the town. Tree
were blown down en nearly every street, and
only a change of wind te tbe northwest eaved
tbe city. Anether change et wind may aeal
tbe deem or this town at any tima
Faiuvkli., Mich., Aug. 0. The legging
camps of V. P. Bongten & Ce., and Jehn
Meleney were destroyed by ferest tires yes.
terday, tbe occupant or the former camp
havlug barely time te father up their cloth
ing and make tbelr essapa The tire are
At Leng Lake, forest tires broke out tbla
morning, but no accounts of damage have
come In aa yet
Chkhovean, Mich., Aug. 0. Ferest Urea
are again raging In tbla seotlen, and are de
stroying much valuable pine and standing
timber or tbla county, and burning fencea
and barns. Farmer are lighting tbe tire te
save tbelr borne and stock.
Ckhar Hpbines, Mich., Aug. 9. The
forest Urea continue te spread and large
parties are out lighting the flame. Ne rain
bas fallen since the middle of Juna
Sr. Icinack, Mleh., Aug. 9. Thla elty la
in Imminent danger of being consumed by
lira About two mllea west et the city a ter
rible forest tire I raging, and te make mat
ter werse, a westerly gale is blowing. The
tire department I out in full force.
A Village Burnln.
DhrneiT, Mich., Aug. I) A special te tbe
yews from Minden City, Mich., nay: Tele
phone meeaagea received here state tbat tbe
business portion of Sandusky 1 In flames.
Twe children et Mr a. Carsen were burned te
death In her bete), and a everything i a
dry as tinder, it la f eared the village will be
destroyed except the court house and jail
buildings, which are safa
Tne Oroetb llroken In Wlscoesln.
Mii.waukek, Wis., Aug. 9. A special te
the Journal from Spencer, Wis., aay :
Ferest tire which have been raging for sev
eral day past were extinguished by copious
rain last nlgbt and tbe long dreuth broken.
The town or Komee, which waa entirely
burned last year, was again placed in Immi
nent danger and cltlzena bave been out
lighting tire ter a week past Indications
point te mere rain.
Specials irem different points in the north
ern portion et the state show tbat rain cover a
a large territory and put out numereua tire,
and there are no furthei tear of a repetition
et the disastrous conflagrations of last year.
The Dsupbln Kepubllean Ticket
Hakuihuure, Aug. 9 The Dauphin
county Republican convention met In the
court beuse here at 10 o'clock tbla morning.
Albert Miller was then chosen president
Messrs. A. F. Thompson, J. H. Backenstoe
aud J. W. Dulbler were elected delegate te
the btate convention and instructed for Hart
for treasurer. Balloting for caudidates com
menced and resulted a fellow : County
commissioners, Elias Earlaman and Corne
lius Bixler ; sherlll, William Sheesly ; county
treasurer, Geeige W. Greve; recorder,
Philip C. Hwab ; register of will, Jehn H.
MeIIbenny ; county auditors, E. M. Knupp
and Isaac Benawltz ; director el peer, Adam
Hbepe. The convention then adjourned sine
Oirered Werk In Heading.
Nkw Yehk, Aug. 9 All the clgarmakara
who were locked out by Cigar Manufacturer
Stahl and subsequently evicted from their
homes by him for non-payment of
-rent, have obtained ether apartment
with the exception of two famlle who
bave found shelter with neighbor. Oue
twenty -j ear-old girl, the daughter et en' or
the clgarmakera, was taken te tbe heipitsl
when she was carried out el the beuse, aa ahe
la paralyed and unable te move. The olgar elgar
makers bave received otleraet employment
In a factory at Heading, Pa.
II Oeald Net Harry Her.
Nkvv YeitK, Aug. 9 Acting Collector Mo Me
Clellan te-day ordered the return te Hweden
et Maria Mllander, a 20 -year-old Swedish
emigrant wbe arrived In company withSven
Finney, 70 years old. The old man claimed
te be tbe rather of Maria's unborn child and
eilered te marry her, but bla sons, wbe live
In Chlcsge, objected te supporting both tbelr
penniless father and a young stepmother and
he was obliged te withdraw hi matrimonial
A Ham ana Valuable Content Uonaumed.
Nninii Kahiem, Mass., Aug. 0 A large
barn owned by the Oliver Ames A Hen oom eom oem
pany was entirely destroyed by tire at mid
night last nlgbt The barn contained 100
tens of hay, also aeven bones, three yoke of
cattle and six begs, none of whleh were
saved, Less 115,000.
WIU Met Raise Reus.
Philadelphia, Aug. 0 All tbe hotel
keepers bave pledged thermal vee net te ralte
tbelr terms during tbe week in September
when the constitutional centennial celebra
tion occurs.
ar..wivnTO!t D. O.. August 9 -"" r
luen Pannarlvanlai Fair wsatbsr,
allghtly wamar, light Ynriablt te
Ht .
RaUread Maaagsn Kashxa.
Nkvv Yerk, Aug. ft At meeting et
stockholders of the Cincinnati, Hamilton A
Dayton railroad thla afternoon Messrs
Ivea Jb Stayner resigned their respective
positions and A. H. Wlneten and Chlsto Chlste
pher Meyer were elected te fill their place.
Mr. Ive than offered resolution
which waa adopted, that a oemmlltee consist
Ing of Memra. Meyer or tbla oily, and Dexter
and Walte or Cincinnati, be appointed te In
vestigate tbe alleged oemplloetione of the
oempany'a allalra. Thl committee will meet
late tbla afternoon. It waa said here today
tbat If Ivea would net resign tbe read would
bave been thrown Inte the bands of a re
ceiver. There waa a rumor freely circulated en
Wall street te-day tbat Messrs. Sullivan and
Cromwell bad paperaall prepared te make an
assignment for Henry H. Ivea A-Ce , aa aoen
aa tbey bad resigned from tbe directory of
tbe C. 11. A 1). Thl, however, they did net
de np te 2:30 o'clock thl afternoon.
The resignation et Ivea and Stayner did
net have any noticeable ertect upon the stock
Fliers at aaratega.
Hakatoea, N. Y., Aug. !). Ninth regular
day. Attendance large.
First race, purse MOO rer maiden or all
agee, one mile. Catesby Gelding first, J. J.
Uealy second. Time 1:17. Only two starter.
Hamilton rode the winner. Odda 1 te 4
Heoend race, Virgin la stakes ler two-year-olds,
five furlongs. Emperor et Norfolk
wen, Satan 2, Kingfisher 3. Time, 1:02;$.
Odda 2 te 5. West rode the winner.
Third race, handicap sweepstake, mile
and a quarter, Wary wen after a yety
exciting race, Elk weed 2, Banburg 3. Time,
2:11. Odda 5 te 1 against Way. West rode
the winner.
Fourth race, ;, mile, selling, Ben Thomp
son wen, Lelax 2, Cel. Owen 3. Time 1:10.
Odd 7 te 1. Morrison rode the winner.
Fifth race, Trouble stakes, 2 miles.
Wheatley wen, Tennessee second, Keferee
third. Time 1:17. OJds 3 te 10.
KUIed In ftellf eaa WncB.
Jkkskv Citv, Aug. 9. A ratal railroad
collision occurred thl morning at White
Hall, a small station en tbe lineef the Afnbey
division of tbe Pennsylvania railroad, one
mlle-rrem Berden town, New Jersey, between
train Ne. 410, Irem Camden bound for Jersey
Olty, and a mixed train consisting chiefly of
cars esntalnlng fruit Geerge Tewel, the
fireman of Ne. 110, residing at Marien, N. J.,
waa killed. His body was horribly mangled.
The engineer, Wesley Nicholas, of the aame
train, received a serious cut en tbe arm.
Engineer William Fagan, of the mixed train,
received several injuries about tbe bead. He
waa taken home. James H. Barker, a brake
man en traita Ne. 410, received internal inju
ries. He reside at Columbus, N. J. He also
received severe injuries te tbe shoulder and
spina Beth trains were completely wrecked.
Ills net known wbe ia responsible rer the
Hhet Ibieufh the Heart.
Point 1'i.kasast, W. V., Aug. 9 Ames
and Bradley Townsend, cousins and suitors
for tbe band et Mlsa Eunice Laid ley, agreed
te draw leta at the young lady's suggestion
te decide who should bave her. Tbe young
men met at mis r.amiey oeuso en nunaay
or wat purpuse. orauiey w uogemul
and Ames started for home, ue leit Brad
ley anu Mis jjaiuiey siuiDg en we poren. a
few minute after be had disappeared a to te to
pert of a gun was heard and the young lady
fell dead beside her uceelul suitor with a
bullet through her heart
Foresters Meeting.
Chicago, Aug. 9 The regular biennial
meeting of tbe Ancient order or Ferester la
being held in this city this week. About 450
delegate, representing nearly every state In
the Union, are present Te day at 11 o'clock
they formed in line at Apelle bill and
paraded through souie of tbe principal
streets. At Lear born park tbey were re
viewed by tbe chief marshal. After the
review tbe Foresters marched te tbe Illinois
Central depot, where they took a train for
Gardner's park where tbey will picnic to
day. Te-morrow tbe regular business of the
aessien will begin and the daily sessions will
probably oentlnue until Saturday.
A Point Bcoced ler tbe Oblosge Boedlsr.
Ciuoaiie, Aug, 9 Tbe appellate court at
neon te day granted a supersedeas in tbe case
el Ed. 8. McDonald. The case cannot new be
reached until tbe October term. Thla decision
applies te McGarlgle aa well aa McDonald.
Firs Destroys a Town' Business Fart.
Flagstaff, A. T., Aug. 9 Fire at Nee
dles, Cala, yesterday morning destroyed tbe
principal businesa portion et tbe town. The
less is estimated at &0,C0a.
Three United States mall saeka were cut
open at Kansas City and 500 letter taken
Prince Ferdinand, the prince-elect or Bul
garia, baa been permitted te retire Irem the
Austrian army. , ..
Fire at Detroit thl morning destroyed the
saloon et Peter Erd and a four atery brick
atructura The adjoining s'ete of Breeker
Bres and Mueller tV Ce, were damaged; less
Mether Careline, or Milwaukee, was to
day elected mother auparler el the sisteri of
jxeire uama . ..
Indianapolis bas rallen into line and tue
president and bl wile will be asked te visit
that city en their Western trip.
Cardinal Gibben bis signified bit inten
tion of being preaent at the constitutional cen
tennial celebration.
Tbe oeunclla of Uarrlsburg will extend an
invitation te tbe president te visit their city.
Tbe state camp ei tne rairieuu euua ui
America convened in Mauch Chunk te-day.
It will remain in session three day.
Ex-Judge Broomall, el Delaware county,
la making every endeavor te save tbe neck
or Himuel Jehnsen, the condemned mur
derer or Jehn Sharpie". Broomall declared,
some time age, tbat no man would ever be
banged in Delaware county If be could pre
vent it
Edward Rhea, a very popular young man
or Newvllle. Cumberland county, fell dead
rrcm heart dlstasa while conversing en Sun
day evening with two young men at Car-
William Sampson and James Herren, two
workmen employed In repairing a regulator
in Aliegneny uity, were auuucaieu uy vmmy
leg gaa yeaieruay.
Supposed te be Poisoned.
Philip Haln and wife and Mrs. Jacob
Deverter live en Lew street between
Christian and Strawberry. Tbey attended tbe
Quttenberg society picnic at Tell's Haln en
Monday and while there ate some luneb at
one of the tables. Moen after the lunch all were
taken aerleualy lit Tbe symptoms were
these of poisoning. They were removed te
tbelr home, where they were sttended by
Dr. L. A. Warren. They are somewhat ins-
proved today.
BruuMts le KoUglea.
Mra. Mary K. Wltmer, who died recently
in Lcite?, baa left fan te the trusUje. of
Woodward Hill eemetery, the Interest or
which I. te be expended in keeping hergreve
IngoedoondUion. She bequeaths also t30O
te tbs Presbyterian cburea, tbe Interest te
be devoted te the salary el the pastor.
xcsrslea te Haech Ohnaa.
This morning an excursion was ma te
Mauch Chunk under tbe susptets of tbe
Patrlotle Ordsr bens or America, rvseuusg.
A special excursion train Isft this eHy at a I
o'clock this morning taking betwaam aigaty I
ad ninety Lancastrians,
mmaiBAiBiim tmaitAmtAM
rretoet Agate aMetag tmtf te
ssslsa The tvarge tea at
teoeatsst Vet the TetiHtef.
icertstatrram -..W
Londen, Aug. 9. Th PratMk
become areueed by the offer et
establish medui vivtndi batwM
encampment en th Red awa, aa Umtf
and prefeee te aee la the MM fl
aaalatanee te Italy another IMMMI
deliberate purpose of England te
Italy In her prejecta at Maaaewak
point and te till further strain II
between that country and Fraavet. !
in view of the likelihood thai IM
or Italy will become leaa praearHMtf
the intervention or Great Britain.
nala demand tbat the government
IU pretest against England's Inter:
render Italy's etberwlae hopeless
et territory en the Red Sea littoral
The Italians, tbey claim, art
prisoners In Massewab, and If It
rer the fact that King Jehn baa
preased by England and sccldeelaily MMII
monarch la sill t under the oeerclre ta:
of Jehn Bull, the sons et Italy would V
bave met tbe fate of King Pharaeava
Moreover, It la contended In auppert af
demand rer the interference el
government te prevent England ma
Ing aid te Italy, tbat ammnnltkM aad
tal store are treely leaned te the HalaaM
tbe English, and or these tbe former Mas)
great need. Their communicatlena with
Keme government are Irregular aad
tain, and frequent skirmishes with tbe
alnlana and ever present disease bat
pleted tbelr stores and enlarged
Hat te such an extent that rein:
are greatly needed. Tbe Intaase
aleknesa, the danger of the eon&nod
Uen they occupy, and a weful
the ordinary oenvsnlenoes of 1110
completely demoralized tbe troops
suicides among offleera aa wall as
through despair and frenzy, are freej
Added te tbe horrors of this state of
comes tbe newa that Baa Aleula la at
head of 80,000 men waiting for an
te threw bis strength agalnat tbe
loreea occupying Massewab, and tbe
journals claim tbat Italy ought te
own way out of the predicament abeil
that If she cannot unaided held tbe
ahe baa seized, she must get ent of H
she can and that under no
ought England, after obtaining
actual or constructive, or a great pertta
Ked Hea coast and allot Egypt, te
mltted te voluntarily assist anetbi
aelzingand holding wbst she herself
want or the remaining portions of
and fruitful Africa. ,'
It 1 net believed tbat Ueneral Sab
succeeded in procuring a respite et
ties by bribing tbe neighboring trlbta
I aald te bave attempted te ae, ier
source et subsistence of the native
I tbe plunder that they ebttln from
i truder,and they would net dare te
i , treaty of peace without tbe am
- 1 Klng Jehn, who haa ahewn thus tar
nation of wlahlnnle
Invaders. lu'ltTe elrcuS
ble that unleea England in ter ferae te
It that ena rfanfalva totlle will tsl
J which will pnt an and te tht Italian
or occupation and her army of
well, and it Raa Aleula ders
Massewab. within a abort tlme it
aarely aaaerted that it la because be
celved intimation Irem England
King Jehn that be would better neb
Beat Her ateUisr te Death.
Lawiiknck, Kan., Ang. 9. Last
Mrs, Mary Kawllnsen, sged 7L arrived
Aueusta. Kan . Intendlna: te rsatder
her daughter, Mrs. Willis.' Tba el
nusrreled with her daughter, who
get poeseseien of her mother's money. '
terdsy during a quarrel, Mrs. wiuh
her mother by tbe hair, threw bar te
fleer, and beat and kicked her until aba
came unconscious, In a few hours tes)
jured woman died. Aa ahe was dyteg
old woman wa dictating a will te
her unnatural daughter from receiving
of her property. Mrs. Willis I
Cheated tbe UaUew.
HT. Leuis, Aug. 9. Jerry
fenced te bang Friday morning for IbO
der of Samuel Kenn, a rival ta tw
business, anticipated hla deem by
vein In bla arm, and waa fennd di
cell tbla morning. Tbe United
preme court had refused te bear tbe
writet error snd bis attorneys are
Jeffersen Olty te sale tbe acting
a respite. Frem this, however,
soed sreunds for bops and I
would undoubtedly have beeneanlad
indicated. . 'jgfti
AIMVKiu ihv Bwvwmmmmf,. .
Winona, Minn., Ang. 9. a mbibbi
tbe Revs. Hsssler and Scbulae,
Adventlsts, from Nebraska,
revival services, waa attacked by :
mane and Pelandera, Hunday alfM,,
pulled down. The oengregatioa
aud a free tight ensued In whieh at
aena were hurt The villagers ODJ
religious observance of Saturday
Sunday. fits.'
Blaln 1 te Dabtta.
Dunt.iN, Aug. 9 James O.
snd daugbteia, arrived here li
from Belfaat, Mr. Blaine embarked I
gew for Belfast and came, dlrset by '
thl city. In an Interview wMb ;
Press representative Mr. Blabie
be Intended te remain la IiiIebbMMI
time and quietly leek around
the rendition of the ceuntrr. ...ttO
. S'HiH,
Victer Ter the Ta
Mabbushbad, Mass., Ang. ft 7M'
The Volunteer baa Juat oressad tee I
nsr of the 1600 eup cflered by 3,
Morgan for first elsas sleeps la toe:
vaohtraea. When the VelusteOTO
Una there was scarcely enough wtei I
bar headway and her rivals wen a
.. .....t.. kn.l.V tall 'I
eat sue 0WU1..O... ..., . .y .
astern. tT
- "aS
Oe. Qeerg O. Lee
a . vvmnRii. V.. At
II.. ..I. Ta nraaldOBl OfteO Wl
i -.imrsitv of Vlratals. tbe
ihTute Gen. Rebert Let, Is J,
OUSly 111 St KBVSOSWurw. a
KenrssenUUve Loe.
Kuid. examiners In lunacy far IM
mentor charities and cenrsettM,
nertadUiat thsy bad exarateed f
Mooney. the alleged dynamiter mm
te the National ins
found blm te be Insane.
St. Jessfh, Ma, Ang.
Doniphan, msesesr el WO
ei 1881, wboae aosse wi
aMIea wMb tbe a ana
satlea tat IWs te sb
Alfred Oodaerd.
AS a-JHw aaM
te .MM