Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 04, 1887, Image 1

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&SSf.v1 - s i'WMF $&ki$KJ
Sje JDwtfatef
k wxsaammmxwrs.,
aarsjf firm nma immitrmu at
M.igatl's l-aadlng rlrldge SaM te as Private
Preperte-Th Proposed Telegraph Pale
Ordinance I'gal-Vemmea Breach Tate
ler lh. Hip tiring of Bgls Ma, 4.
A Btated meeting of select and common
councils lirld in their chamber la Cllj
ball ImI evening.
The following named member war pre
ent : Mrwxrn. Holetilua, Burger, Davis, tieng,
Kemlr-y, Ulililla, While, Wlif, and I : Tana,
Tlie iiitimtra ul tmnt iitalsd and adjourned
inwllnii worn mil and adopted.
Dr. II ilniiltis presented the raerl of lb
street cetnmlttm, which wa read.
Mr. White presented a petition from Iba
Imsril of hchiml director, asking ler the pav.
Ing of Hi" north side of New lreet and that
urnmlng Inlaid at New and Christian atresia.
Referred te street committee.
Mr. Inig presented a petition te bave
North Prince alieel graded between New
and Liberty streela. Referred te itreet com
Mr. Kmuley presented a petition of tax
payer asking that the alley between Colum
bia and Marietta avenue be traded, Re
ferred te street committee.
A resolution nllared by the afreet commit
tee asking that f't.OOO be taken from the ap
propriation ler laying ilelglan block and
ajiphalt pavement, and transferred te tbe
appropriation for macadamising and repair
el street, wa read and referred te tbe
tluance committee.
A110pl11l.11 tiy the city solicitor concerning
thu legality el Uie proposed ordinance rela
tive te painting the telegraph and telephone
poles, atii providing penalty ler using them
for adsertislng ptirpiMee, wh read. Tbe
Hollclte held, thai the ordinance ta legal.
Tbe city solicitor, te whom waa referred
the i'ioMlen el the elly'a liability te repair
the bridge at Kulgarl'a Lendluger build a
new one, presented an opinion, 111 wblch be
held ttiat the bridge Is private ene and tbe
city If net rusp itislble for 1U repair or main
The report el the tire committee waa
KeMrU el ether e niiuilltee revolved
from cnuiuien council weru read.
Adjourned. ,
COMMON COt'.Nl!!!,.
Comiiieu ceiiiu II a called te order at 730
o'clock with the loliewlng memtmra preseul:
Messrs. Adam, titxer, Bautngardner, Hlluer,
Hucklus, Cermeuy, Creebaeb, Fraily, Frantz,
leug, McKlrua, Nell, Kehror, Sing, Hhlrk,
Hterinlrlixauil Heard, president.
The reading of tbe minutes of the July
mealing waa dispensed with.
rr.atallea el Petitions.
Ily Mr. tirade), for a gutter en the north
aldeel Hamilton street from Park avetitiete
Jelferseu alley,
lly President Heard, the petltle4 of Jehn
Keller and Fred Wall, ceuiplsl'ilng of 'tbe
water llewlug Irem the lets en Fulton atreet
te their prepertli fronting ou the Pennsyl
Tan la rs 1 1 read. Referred te the street com
mittee. Tu CM j F Inane..
Mr. BuiiigrdiiHr presented Hie report of
the city ireitiurer for the mouth et July. Tbe
receipt were f l,:tsi It), tbe payment II- H.
(Viand thebsluucnin the treasury 70,2jO Id
Following are the balances lu the seteral
appropriations :
ln'un-at mi Ieiih liicltnlliiK sluklug
K' ptlr lesirevls
tirudliivuiKl inaciidenlzlUK
WaUir Wern khuviiU
Lsli; outer ilpus
rollceand turuki'y
I.txliting ttl
Kirn tfuiirtiniMit KnuiMiil
ralttrln 11 nut i lutiimi nt
C'e.Hcttim cll lux urrviiriiKes ..
HvIkIhii block.
mttuUxeu lihtlld
Htrtwt ilallliiKUf
llenclcilllm III llhtlliK Lily
illiiiieiuviit en cny iiix
AbiUmuiileii Wal-r tout ,
f li,A m
7,7'l 4 J
7.JII m
; Mm t'j
7 I'll 4U
. '.-i,4 -n
Ti-l el
. )V1l'.rj
1U.IUI ue
i.tu ui
. i,7t in
S,7t il
Mr. Iliumardtier also presented there there
pert of the tlu.nce cjiuinltleti for tbe mentb.
It showed In detail the number and amount
Ol bills approved.
Tue ruhrti of the Unp and water com cem com
mltteeelor tbe mouth showed tbe reuilue
busluess trauacte I.
The reert el thu tire committee In addl.
tleu te the routine busluess, referred te tbe
bIdaclTiirtd fir the repair of engine Ne. 4,
which have been published. At tbe conclu
sion of tlie reading of the repirl, Mr. Urea
bach iuIIixI the attention of ueuucila te tbe
danKemusoeudlliouof the boiler of tbat en
gine, which In hli julgment wai liable te
blew up any moment.
Mr. Nell ellered a resolution Instructing
tbe couiuilllee te advertise for a new engine
te take the plane of eugine Ne. I, aald engine
te be p ild ler en J uty 1, 18&8.
Mr. Kaby thought It would be better te add
te the resolution that tbe liaanee committee
be Instructed te make an appropriation for
tbe engine In the next year'a eallmate.
Mr. Hamngardner mid be would vote ler
the resolution, but be wtile.l te knew what
the committee Intended te de witnlbeeld
Mr. J-eiiK naked for Information whether
itwaaleKul i vote money out of ibe city
treasury, In uny eiler way tbau by ordi
nance rugulaily pustd.
Mr. itiumgarduer replied that It bad been
done before, and he supposed It waa all right
In this case aa it was a matter of necessity.
The rnsolutien waa then adopted with but
one dlmeiitlug vote.
Mr. lUuiugardner ettered tbe following :
Ueltretelyeii, that tbe tire committee el
the city el Lancaster la hereby authorized te
bave engine Nu i repaired and placed In con
dition ler serviu.
This resolution wax discussed at length by
ball a deeu el thu iu'uiiUum. Frem tbe dis
cussion It appeared thai Jehn llmt Hen put
In a bid te repair the engine at 1 1,700. Tbere
waa ue ether bid tent te the committee In re
sponse te the advertisement asking for blda
for tbe repair el tbe engine, but Oeo. Ret
chard, el I'ulladeipbla.eent an estimate of the
amount required te repair tbe engine, te tbe
committee and bla estimate waa 11,5! 8.
Mr. Cummtnga took tbe position that Mr.
Beat was tbe only bidder, and In addl tleu
bis bid of f 1,700 wm lower than Relebard'a
waa, If the amount te be paid ler freight la
taken Inte consideration. In addition be
waa opposed te lending tbe money out of tbe
city when tbe work could be done here. He
ettered a an amendment tbat tbe engine be
repaired by Beat A Hen at tbelr bid, and the
amendment waa adeptad.
Belore tbe action of common oeunoll en tbe
lire engine had reached select oeunoll that
body bad adjeurued.
There being no further bualneea common
council adjourned.
I Over a Heaae.
The growth el Ivy ever a beuae, aa Kaglieu
experimenter telle tbe Turuiitij rTerld,
renders tbe interior set damp, aa X generally
supposed, but free from moisture, tbe tlay
roeta extracting every particle of BsoMere
Iretn weed, brick or etoee for tta own aaa
aer gtswliw fee aayisaas Jatfg.
Tbe Dsmecrat of the Hasiitea dletriet,
Iiua.rn county, have elected Jehn Kal
Nathan Drum and Aatheay Ksllly delegate
te thssutteoeaveaUoa, wlik lMtntetstaM te
support KapaaMf, a Oartea Mwry, In
Vbxj jwjsjej.
falMIHajir VLBf mtAWU OOJ
The Ralleaal Veienui ssaeiaUaa Aslaaa Hese
lallaa Ksbeklng MaaaeUrasMt Amy alsa.
Ueaeral ReanraM reeently reeelved from
Oharlaa Whitehead, chairman of the commit
tee am reaolalleae of the National Veteran aa aa aa
aoetettoo, Dee Melaea, Iowa, copies of tbe
reeolaUeea adopted by that swaoelatlon re
pad latlng the uttentneee of certain membere
eftheUraud Armyef the Kepubllc In oob eob oeb
nentloa with tbe proposed visit el the presi
dent te HL Iieula while the Orand Army of
the Itepublle encampment la In progress
tbere commending the preaMeel'a veto e'
dependent enilen bill, and condemning the
eHertepf theae wbe eeek by the rebel episode
11 te rekindle tbe llamea of aeotlenal hate and
contention aa unmanly, unpatriotic and
meriting the contempt of Intelligent men."
The revolutions also compliment General
Black's aduilulstratlen el the ieuslen office,
(leneral Hieecraua wm requested te deliver
copies ei ineee ronniiuiiiusie nelb me presi
dent and (leneral lllack.
On Wednesday he eallert en tbe president,
and In presenting thorn, aald: "Mr. Presi
dent, at tbe reipinat of the National Veteran'
association of Dee Melnen, Iowa. In rnae
onnventlen aasembled, en tbe l.'ith day of
July ultimo, I bave tbe honor te present te
you this engrossed copy of the resolutions
then passed, declaring the view of these
veteran respecting the attamptaef certain
ntlleer and members el tbe enclety of tbe
(J rand Army of tbe Republic te prevent tbe
president et the United HtabM from aectptlng
heaplUlltle tendered te blin by tbe city of
ML IjeiiI en tbe oceaslon of tlie meeting of
tbe national encampment el tbe (1. A. It,
which bad voted te become her guest,
"A a member of that society it affords me
pleaaure te perform this duty, and te state
my concurrence In tbe aeutluieut expressed
In these resolution.
"I am pleased te Bay that I believe tbe gen
era! tenor et theee resolutions la In accord
with tbe view and leellng of tbe vaat ma
jerlty of the member of the (I. A It. aa te
the loyal r spect due the chief bias 1. 1 rate et
tbe Union, and aa te the impropriety el de
nouncing htm for what lie believes te be hi
official duty, 1 feel equally assured thattbiaw
sentiments will command tbe aent of that
mucb larger body ofex-Unlen aeldler net
belonging te tbe society of tbe U. A. It, wbe
are surviving tneinhera of the real Urand
Army of tbe Republic, which, after having
saved tbe naltcu'a life, dissolved and joined
the greet Industrial body which aaiurna tbe
wealth, the glory aud tbe prosperity of our
President Cleveland, replying te (leneral
Iteserrann, said :
" Without reading the resolutions pre
sented by you In aiiuhagraliryin j iiMiuier,
I bave only te aay that, Judulng from the
tenor of your remarks, the actum of the
veterans mentioned la In the direction of
acknowledging the duty which devclvea
upon them aa veterana te emphsslre the
value of tbelr Horvicea In the Held by patriotic
aervloe at home, and te demonstrate tbeaajie
bravery shown In battle by a courage no leas
conspicuous when called upon te defend and
maintaiu the freedom and patriotism wbich
in peace Is tbe safety of American institu
tion. Understanding 'bla te be tbe purpose
el tbe resolutions, 1 am fled te receive them
at your bande."
(leneral Hesecrana haa sent tbe following
net te Commissioner lllack with copies of
tbe revolutions :
General : In compliance with tbe request
contained in the accompanying letter from
the chairman of tbe committee en resolution.
It alterd me great pleasure te present this
engrossed copy of the renoluitens expressing
tbe eantlment of the Democratic veteran of
the National Veteran a Association et Des
Moines, lewa, In mass convention assembled
July 1. 18H7.
Tbeae resolution are replete with patriot
ism, geed sense and jit.t denunciation of the
disloyalty te tbe country and treason te tbe
spirit of the society of the U rami Army of tbe
Republic, manifested in tbe recent attemta
of certain nflluer aud members of that or
ganization te raise for partisan purieea.
The resolutions well say that If this spirit
of partisanship cannot be restrained, It will
be a matter te lie considered wbetuer the
survivors of tbe real Grand Army of the Ite Ite
publeo would net belter bave some ether or er or
ganlrstlen. I take pleaaure In noting the Just com
mendation given In tbe resolution te tbe ad
ministration of the enslen etllce slnce you
have been uomml.aieuor of enalena. Yours
truly, W. M. KeMr.riiAMH
Mr. Whitehead In his letter te General
lteeecrana aska the general te present these
reeolutlene In the name of at least 10,000 ex
Union soldiers of Iowa.
Which One?
rretn the New Yerk Herald.
Tbe Illugbamten Democrat makes a sly
reference te some of the Republican leader
in the following statement :
Tbe champion kicker Is a mule wbe kicks
beards oil bis Illteen feet celllni; suit. He
kick apples out of tree.
But what particular Individual de you
refer te, neighbor T 1 It Tuttle, wbe tried
te kick tbe top oil" tbe White Heuse because
tbe country Is prosperous aud the adminis
tration honest T Or Falrchlld, wbe wantate
kick every Democrat out of tbe G. A. R. and
make tbe orgenlxtllen a patent double back
action machine for the manufacture of pal
aleeT Or Senater Nlierman. who Is trying te
kick up a row between the Nertb and thu
Seuth T
Be a little mere specific, please. The
analogy la geed, but It would have mere
force if you would give tbe name by wblch
tbe "mule" la known In American politics.
Baa Ball Nwa,
The League game yesterday were played
with tha following result : At Chicago : Cbl Cbl
csge 11, Washington 1 ; at Detroit : Detroit 0,
I'nlladelphlai); at l'ltlaburg: New Yerk 0,
Pittsburg & ; at Indianapolis : Indianapolis
II, Bosten 7.
Tbe only Association game of yesterday
waa at Pnliadelphia, wben tbe Athletic beat
the Metropolitan by the score of 10 te 7.
In tbe Chicago-Washington game tbe for
mer had a total et 41 lilts, Including four
home runs,
Tbe Detroit are still In tbe van, nnd from
tbe way tbey are puundlng tbe bill It loeka
aa though they Intended te stay there.
The Bestens are net playing their old time
game. Tbe New Yerk are pressing en tbem
bard, and another week will aeetheUlanta
safely landed In third place.
Tbe club of tbe Central Htate League have
been playing some very tine game. Yes
terday Hunbury defeated Uazslten I te ft.
An amateur league of six etubx, all Irem
Reading, was formed there Wednesday eve
ning. The Memerial Tablet Oommlaslea.
Tbe Gettysburg memorial tablet commis
sion met In Harriaburg en Wednesday after
noon and erganlxsd by electing General Tay Tay
eor prealdeut, and Majer Harper secretary.
The commission comprise General Jenn P.
Tayler, of Mllllln county ; Majer Hamunf
Harper, of PlUaburg; General J. P. H.
Gebln, et liebanen; Colonel R. Bruee
Rlcketta,ef Wilkesberre, and Colonel Jehn
P. Nichelson, of Philadelphia, and waa ap
pointed te carry out the prevision of the act
appropriating tUI.OOO for tha erection of
memorial tablet en tbe battlefield of Gettys
burg te mark the position of Pennsylvania
A eemeeiatte Slab's Annual rate.
The annual fete champetre of the Randall
elub of Pittsburg waa held at Silver Like
grove, near that city, en Wednesday and
was a grand aueceea. Fully six thousand
Democrat participated In the festivities,
wblch consisted et a banquet, dancing and
social intercourse. Among these present
were Hen. Samuel J. Randall and ex-Lieutenant
Governer Cbauucey F. lllack. The
former, wbe had net dapeed for twenty-Uve
year, led tbe grand march and later took
part In quadrille. Tbere were no ad
dressee, lieners of regret were received
from President Cleveland, ex-Governer
PattUOD, Governer Hill, et New Yerk, and
eaay ethers.
m '
A WeMtag la Uarrtsberg.
eh V. Qerman, et New Yerk, and
Ilea Katta Slyer, of Harriaburg, were
Butrrtad b BarrUburg en Wednea
ay. The oareeBeny waa performed
la Bt. Patau' pre cathedral, Rev. Father
BteB efBc'aUag Mr. Uermaa
wtVTHlsutattai4ty, aad will leave
far their trtut hsM U New Yeck altera
HW stefl.H9wla hf
AiTmrnrt ru mmmvK a jmmjmsjm
tMAt wmtwmatttt mtumr.
Leg I'BeM Acres tha Trace elth Paaaeyl-
vaala Matlraad Above riarla by Be Vll-
Sslaa The LaacaaUr AeceajaiMeiiau
Maaa lata tha Timber, Bat BWeape-
Tayler Wel.h, engineer of a peDger
train en the Pennsylvania railroad, report a
diabolical attempt te wreck his train a
abort distance west of Flerin, a way s'.a s'.a
len west of Mount Jey. Mr. Welsh
haa charge of mall train Ne, 2 west
which runa la Columbia In the morning,
but In the evening ne haa charge of the
Lancaster Accommodation which comes East
by tbe way of Harriaburg and Mount Jey,
leaving Harriaburg atft:IOp.m. and arrives
at Lsncaater at O-'le p. id. IjbI nlgbt about
0 o'clock as tbe train mured Flerin, tbe en
gineer discovered (bat twe or three heavy
leg bad been placed upon the track. He waa
tee de npen them te avoid a collision, but
fortunately tbe cow catcher ricked tbem np
and threw tbem te one aide of the track
without doing any verleu damage. Tte
matter wa kept quiet, lest the passenger In
the train should be uuntcesaarlly alarmed.
Ktfert are being made te detect the villain
or villains guilty el this high-handed out
rage. Mr. Welsh's train consisted of looomc leoomc loeomc
tlve and tender, baggage e ir and two passen
ger ceacber.
A Hlrangn Plana lu Cairy lluvi-r.
from the Heading "11 mm.
J eua llech la a well kuewn Herkaceun.
tlan and ha bis home In h utztewn, where
be Is known and rescted by everybody.
Mr. llech carries a very mid pocket tmek,
one that oeuld net very well be lest without
It owner Immediately belng made aware of
tbe fact He appeared at tbe court beute
Tuesday, and after transacting some bualneea
In the register's elllce, took oil his high silk
bat te dopesll some paper in It, wben one of
tbe clerks noticed that tbe "plug" was about
half tilled with greenbacks. Upen being
questioned, Mr. llech said he alwa) scarries
bla money In bis hat, es;M-lally wben be had
a large amount about blm, and aald that his
bat contained FJ,-i0), which h Intended de
positing In a Reading bank. He said be bad
brought the money from Kutztown with blm,
and that he had en Mevt.ral occasion Uav
eled for mllee en rnllre-wU with eterfl.f 00 In
the upper story el hi hat. Although be bad
with blm a small satchel, be considered til
hat the anient place te carry tbe greenback.
Hill Hlngerly anil Henry W". Urad.
from the fhtladclphU Uecerd.
The Atlanta Constitution, edited byaper
Hin named Grady, has peculiar views. Ju a
late number of that paper he Hay :
Colonel Bill Hlngerly' attack a en Mr.
Randall would lead one te believe Uiat Mr.
Randall bad made some slighting remark
about Colonel Bill Mingerl.v's famous llol llel
steln heifer.
If tbe owner of the Constitution will make
a trial of her servlcna, C Jlenel Bill Hingerly's
Helsteln heller will undertake their editorial
work and utve Kdlter (Irmly a needed rest.
Tbe het weather appear te bave disarranged
hi Intellect.
lMwin II. Hullck, a preiuiucut young
Kisteulan, isdeail.
Frank Drake, a wealthy young Kastenlan,
Is under ball, charged with tbe murder of
Christopher Gibben, a peddler.
Rebert II. Mantell will en bis season in
" Mentlstrn " at liesdlnir, Mept 'J.
The tleu. Jehn A. Kasaen, president of
the Philadelphia constitutional enntennlal
oe'nmlsslon. state that Invitations te tbe
celebration have been nunt te all the leading
literary men or the country, prominent In
veil torts editor, prnleisers and statesmen.
Uurae ftlghUucil.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankfort, of Oregon,
were driving acrewt tbe Duke street railroad
bridge this morning in a buggy, when the
borne became frlgtilHneJ at a (wising train
and Jumping backward shattered a front
wheel of the vehicle He was seen under
control, aud Mr. and Mr. Frankfort alighted
treating lht World'. Ilecertt.
At Lynchburg, Vs., Dr. Carver and W. H.
Mitchell engaged in a sheeting match at the
fair ground Wednesday, Kuglisli rule.
Carver broke tbe world's record, killing lllty
pigeeus, making a clean i-ere. Mitchell
killed forty-two, mlaaieg eight. A great
crowd witnessed the contest, t'.rver and
Mitchell will ahoet te day lu ittohiuend ler
tbe championship of tbe world.
8t. Leka'a Picnic at P.nrjn.
The Sunday school connected with HL
Luke' chspel, Uiv. W. V. Llcbliter, pastor,
are ou a picnic oxcuraleu te-day at Penryn
park. A large number went up en the
regular train at Ot.15 a m. About 100 followed
en tbe excursion train at 8 o'clock and many
mere en tbe neon train.
The Hasher Itruh.n
Tbe hoi se hitched te ear Ne. e, of the oily
passenger railway, became balky en Wed
nesday afternoon, near the court house. He
also kicked viciously for a time, and a a re
sult nt bl labor tbe dasher wai badly
Anllclpallug the febtle
Tbe secretary of the treasury en Wednes
day afternoeu directed tbe anticipation el tbe
public debt, with -i per cent, rebate, and In
vited proposal for tbe fate of I,' j jr cent,
bend for the sinking fund.
The Deemed.
The Chicago Journal's Peoria apedal aay
that Justice Craig, uf the Illinois supreme
court, In a private conversation mid that
the Huprenie court would net grant a new
trial te ine i nicage Anarcuiaia.
Pretniiljr a Itriiainlter.
Nkw Yehk, Aug. 1. T. J. Mooney, the al
leged crank who threw a bottle containing an
explosive lluld ou tbe deck of the steamer
Queen, yesterday alter neon, was arraigned
In tbe Jetlerseu Market pellca court te day.
He refused te deliver up the key te bl,
trunk. He wa searched and tbe keys
were found in bla shoe. Tbe pris
oner became very demonstrative, say
ing that hi right a an American cltl cltl
ne were ahamefully Ignored. He waa re
manded until tiiie afternoon. All tbe premt
nent Irishmen of tbe city deny any
knowledge of Mooney, Mooney' bag
gage, consisting of two valise, waa taken
te police headquartera te-day and a
machine exactly almllar te that thrown upon
the ateamahlp Guyandotte, a numberef fnaea
and a quantity of pewder, supposed te be
highly explosive, were found.
Six M.n Hcald.d te Math.
Ghbbn Bay, Wis., Aug, 4. A beer vat In
Rabra brewery containing aeventy-nve bar
rel of boiling water exploded last night and
alx men were scalded te death. Their names
are August Delforge and two sons, Frank
and Jeseph ; Jehn Blemlret, J, H, Halb and
J, Hubert. The cause of the explosion te un
ratal Family Uearrel.
Chicaiie, Aug. I. At Kogleweod last
nlgbt, Cbarlea Hilts, a dealer in wall paper,
called at the residence of Charles Heebaus,
relative of hi wife, and alter abort talk
shot blm fatally la the left brrait. The
hooting la the remit of a family quart).
BUa wa arrested.
raatahed far BU Crime.
"Cbet" Smith, a dratnatle agent, con
vlctad et sending girls te disreputable con
cert ball at town in tha Wisconsin puwrlej
under the pretense that the places wire
reepectable country theatre, waa n tented
la caietge Wednesday te eae yeai'a iBpilt
Arrested a elefa Okaraeter by the New
Yerfe relies.
Geerge Bldwell, the forger, wbe waa par
doned front aa Ragllah prison, and who ar
rived in New Yerk few day age, waa ar
retted Wednesday afternoon and taken te
Jeflereea Market pollee court wllbeutafUdavlt
of complaint end waaarralnged "aaa auspic
ious character." He told Magistrate Duffy
that en landing front tbe ateamahlp Wiscon
sin be had found at tbe deck a note from hi
wife asking him where he would go wben be
landed, and be left a note telling her tbe
name of the hotel where he intended going.
He Mated that he waa new a reformed man,
that be had changed his mode of life, and the
real of hie deya would be spent in redeeming
the pset wrong he bad done bl family.
He would try te bring back te tbem tbelr
geed name by living an upright life. He did
net like te recall hie crime because It gave
him pain, but he believed tbe Bank of Hol Hel
land bad reeelyed the million pound he had
get from them. He bad been fourteen year
in Dartmoor prison, and five years or that
time he had been locked In acell wltboutbav wltbeutbav wltboutbav
leg In that length of tlme seen tbe sun or tbe
earth. Then he was five year etiut In drk
eell because bl keeper professed te believe
be was abammlng alr-kiies. It had taken
Britain three year te find out that be wa
sick. In prison be had learned te read and
write French, German, Italian, Latin and
Greek, and had written many verse. Ul
wife, he ld, had been true te him and m
noble woman.
" She baa been a geed woman te me and I
threw myself en ber hands," he aald, and
tben added : "1 bave a boy who I new
wealthy and has the largest house In tbe state
where he lives. Yeu will exeuae me from
telling where" Tbe Justice asked tbe detec
lives if they bad any charge te maka Tbey
said tbey had none, and Justlce Dully, saying
be waa always glad te help any man relerm,
discharged Bldwell and be went away free.
Detective Will Watch Him.
Nkw Yekk, Aug. I. Geerge C. Bldwell,
wbe wa arrested yesterday en his arrival
from Kegland and wbe wai subsequently
discharged from custody, after having his
photograph taken from the " Rogues' gal
lery," has left with bis wife and sister for
Massachusetts. It is believed tbat the de
tectlve elllce of this city will have Bldwell
" shadowed " until bl death.
hmahinu turn mnu.
The Chicago Hetxtle Cmcs Beady ter lh Jury.
Did Van P.ll
Ciiiuaiie, Aug. 4 In the boodle cases thlg
morning, Lawyer Hardy began hi address
te the Jury In baualf of the defense at Hu'ia
He began by complimenting tbe Jury en their
line condition atter their long confinement
and congratulated them en the fact
tbat they would seen be free, Ue tben
asked tbem te lay aalde all pnjudicea and
piy no regard te what he called the passion
of the mob outside when they come te make
up their verdict- They were te simply pas
upon the question a te whether tbere wa a
conspiracy among tbe defendants te rob the
county by false pretense. One of the defen
dant cannot be guilty et conspiracy alone ;
tbere must be a combination between two or
mere of them. It would net be enough te
show that each one of them, at ome time or
ether, bad stolen.
bherlly before 10 o'clock Juryman Muserve
requested Judge Jaralesen tbat an adjourn
ment be taken at the close of Mr. Hardy'
argument until - o'clock this afternoon. It
wa stated tbat several el the Jurymeu are
feellng Indisposed and de net wish te be
hurried te a conclusion of the case.
Mr. Alexander Sullivan, of counsel for the
detente, waa also unwell and Joined In tbe
request. Judge Jauilesen granted the re
quest, and at 10 o'clock court a IJournei until
2 p.m.
It wai lutlmVed 1 1 day that after a verdict
bas been reached in the oiuuieui case, Mr.
Grlnuell will uiakua Htutuiiieut In regard te
the -conspiracy te get Tate, Varnull's
friend, ou the Jury. Mr. Furtbman la
authority for the Hiateuieut that the first in
timation of the attempt te pick the Jury with
" Prtuce Hal's " friends caaie from one of tbe
defendant, who ke the proeecutleu a
"tip." Mr, Furtbinauu pwitUuly refuses te
tell wblch oue el tbe IweImi boedlers bad
thus tried te curry favor with tbe bUUh. it
la believed, however, that It waa Vau Pelt, aa
It Is uet likely that Klebu:, who was known
loblseedofeudcita te be weak-kneed, was
in tbe cenlldeuce of Varnull.
Whether or net Mr, (iriunell intend te
reward Vau felt for hit opportune and uient
Important squeal cannot be known until the
boedlers are called up ler eenteuce, or per
haps net until a recoiutueudatien fur pardon
for little Van Pelt U forwarded te tbe gover
nor. btabbbd limaaL te hbath.
Attar Beating Hla Wile WItliaClubll flunges
shears Through UU Ueart.
NkwOiimsvnm, Aug I AtBaySULeul,
Miss., yesterday, Jobu Lidner beat his wife
lute insensibility and then killed himself
with a pair of sbbiirs. Lidner and his wire
bad been en bad terms ler some time owing
te the Jealousy of tbetuati. Mrs. Ltduer was
first seen rushing from the house closely pur
sued by her huebtud, who was raining blevta
upun her bead with a bludgeon. Tbe tint
person te reach the unhappy couple were
tbelr two grown son wbe were lu tbe yard.
One caught bla mother aa she fainted and fell
te tbe ground. The ether selzjd bl father.
Ladner broke from hla sen'a grasp and In
the confusion succeeded In getting away. He
ran into a residence in the neighborhood,
against the pretests of the lady or the house,
wbe followed him as he entered a rear room.
Ladnar rushed te a work table, and aa the
lady approached he picked upapalref alieara
and plunged them into hla breast. The lady
attempted te withdraw the ebears, but
Ladner held tbem In position with one hand
and with repeated blows of his ether hand
drove the shear through his heart, and tell
dead en the Heur, His vtlte la iu a critical
They Ul Their t'l.ta
Toi.kiie, Ohie, Aug. I Tut city Is ex
cited ever a disgusting personal euceunter
wblch occurred early thla morning lu tbe
counting room of tbe Stermmj Commercial
betweeu the busluess manager el tbe sheet,
A. D. Pelton, and Jatue M. Brewu,
a prominent attorney el tbi city,
and legal adviser of the late General
James M. Comly, wbe wa proprietor and
editor-in-chief et the Commercial. Brown
went te Hie eillje and attempted te assume
possession of the place, for his elleuta, the
heir of the general. Pelteu objected and
het word ensued. Brown struck Pelton
wltb his Hit In tbe eye, and Pelton promptly
returned the blew. A policeman at thla June
ture forced his way through the large crowd
which bad collected, and attain pted te quiet t h"
men, but was pitched out el tbe deer by
Brown. A patrol wagon arrived aud quint
waa restored. Neither et tbe men were
arretted, and mere trouble la brewing. Brown
succeeded lu getting possession of tbe key te
the sale, and tbe matter stand in that light
at present.
A Bven-Yer-Uld(llrl Assaulted.
Kau Ci.aihi:, Wla., Aug. I The seven
year old daughter of Geerge Gilbert, a town
of Brunswick farmer, was aeaaulted yester
day neon en tbe highway near Gilbert'
farm. The child's cries brought her father
from tbe held where be wa at work. The
scoundrel tied and hasthua far eluded cap
ture. He will be lynebed if ciugbt
h Mast B Triad.
Zanksvilt.k, Ohie, Aug. 4. Alter con
ducting for two day a the preliminary exami
nation of Mrs Ann Saoeta, charged with
eautlng the death of her daughter by adnata
Utarlng poison, Justice OrlUln overruled
the motion te discharge tbe defendant, and
thla aeralBg la tfaUull el 119.000 ball, oeax-
Hit vtAtm AttAtnut tmb cuvmti
mmb or $a, i-v.
He Haass Hi eralaa ea a Haselailea Adopted
by The ommls.leaf la IMS te Utve
Ulm 3S rr esnUef all Messy
4 OrMlMd te ta Ceaaty.
Hugh R. Fulton haa entered autt In tbe
court of common pleai, agalust the county el
Lancaster for a large sum of money. He
bates hi claim en tbe following allldavlt,
which toen file :
" Hugh R. Fulton being duly atlirmed ac
cording te law, deposes and aay tbat tbe fol
lowing is a copy of the resolution en which
the above suit la feunded:
lltielvtil, Tbat U, H. Fulton, esq., be and
It hereby appointed attorney for the county
te take proceeding te obtain credit for
tbe county lu It account with the common
wealth ter all overpaid taxes en personal
properly. Mr, Fulton' compensation I te
be iwenty-nve per eentum npen the amount
or amounts which msy be credited and I te
be In full settlement for all cost and ex
pense as well a of fee. That thta resolution
waa entered en tbe minute of the beard en
June '&, 18KJ, and aald plaintiff procured a
settlement in favor of tbe oeunty of TM &3 Se,
and of tbat sum he lx entitled te a ooinpan eoinpan oeinpan
atlon of fe,a05.87.
Service wa made en the oeunty cotnml cetnml cotnml
lener this afternoon. The contract referred
te was made by the beard et oemmlstlonerf,
made up of Meaixa. Myers, dummy and
Uitdebrandt The present beard ellered
Mr. Fulton 10 per cent of tbe amount col
lected by him aa a compromise, but that
amount he declined te accept and he em
ployed Messrs. Brown A. Uensel te bring
this suit. Tbe commissioner aay that they
will pay Mr. Fultoe only atter tbe court and
Jury say tbat tbey oeunty Is liable.
Aa Acties Against a Telephone Company Fer
Hi Less et a Hen.
Mary A. Uuber te-day, through her atter
neys, Brown iV Henael, entered a ault In the
court of common pleas against Jacob Henry.
It la a peculiar case, and the facta from tbe
plalntllPa aide of (he case are aa lollewa :
Over two year age Jacob B. Hoever, who
was a cattle and cow dealer, failed In busi
ness. At that time he was Indebted te Jacob
Henry. Seme time after tbe failure four
steers belonging te Mrs. Huber were
missed from tbe stable. Tbe tracks of ihese
steers led across the field te Uenry'a farm
and there etepped. It waa learned that
Henry killed these steer and sold the meat,
In that way cancelling Huber'a debt. A suit
for larceny would have been entered, but the
limitation cuts it out and the only remedy
left is tbe civil suit Just entered for tbe value
of tbe steer.
James H. Swain also entered tutt te-day
against the Pennsylvania telephone company.
One of tbe empleye of the oempany hired a
team from Swain te go te Columbia some
weeks age. The horse was in geed health
and condition wben It left the table, and
when It wa brought back It waa tick. A
veterinary surgeon waa called In and he at
tended the horse, but the horse died In a
abort time. In tbe opinion of the bera doc
tor the hone had been overdriven. The com
pany relused te compensate Mr. Swayne in
any manner for the less of tbe horse and the
above suit Is tbe result.
A third suit was alto entered thla morning.
Jeffersen Greab ia the plaintiff and Abraham
8. Geiat the defendant. The parties reside
in the vicinity of Nells ville and the action la
ene or slander. Groah allege tbat Gent
circulated reports affecting hla character for
honesty. Tbe report were te tbe effect tbat
Gresb had Induced Jacob Ueney te steal a
rii.amiA'a bxatb vuitrsnriuti.
Tha Democrats Want lh WbUkjaud
Tobacco Tax Abolished.
Hoanekk, Va,, Aug. 4. The delegatea te
the Democratic state convention are almost
unanimous in their desire te bave the Rid Rid
dleberger debt settlement adhered te, and
the platform will reassert the adherence of
Virginia te tbat settlement. As te tbe tariff
plank, that will call for tbe abolition
of the tobacco and wblaky tax, aud tbat all
further reduction aball be made with refer
ence te tbe protection of American labor and
production. Tbe administration will be en
dorsed lu tbe meat cordial manner in the
tint plank of the platform. It leeks as if tbe
temporary organization will be e Heeled wltb
the selection of Dr. 8. H. Mettatt,
of Rockingham, he of bell punch
fame, aa chairman. Mr. J. Bell Big
ger will, of course, be temporary and per
manent secretary. The permanent chairman
spoken of ia the Hen Jehn Qoede. But be Is
net a delegate, and wilt have te be made
eligible before be can be chosen, it la ex
pected that the convention will conclude its
work before night, aa tbere are no candidate
te be nominated, and tbere can be no oppor
tunity for a display et eloquence, except by
discussion of tbe platform.
Hen. Jebn 8. Barbour, chairman of tbe
state executive committee, called tbe con
ventien te order at neon. Mr. Barbour aald
tbe calliug of a Democratic convention waa
lu this siate always In order, but the
opposition te this one waa great. On account
of tbe momentous questions Involved it was
only tee obvious tbat a convention waa nec
essary. The question before the people of
Virginia, he said, was the division of opinion
en the debt question. He ceunselled harmony
and dispassionate discussion of all issue In
velved and aald the difference of opinion
could be better determined In tbe party.
The delegates present, he aald, being fresh
from the people, rttlected the sentiments
of tbe people. It would be better tbat
any difference of opinion should be d It
covered new than after the convention
Anether reason te intluence the decision of
the convention waa that heretofore organiza
tion was effected by special campaigns. Last
year there wa no convention and 50,000
Democrats remained at home and declined te
vote at tbe November election. He for one,
at chairman of tbe Democratic committee et
tbe state, waa unwilling under tbe otroum etroum otreum
stance te take tbe responsibility of conduct
ing a campaign without a convention. He
spoke of Prealdeut Cleveland In the most
laudatory terms aud Bald he waa the best
president we have had in ' year.
Shet BecaeM Hue Would Net Kit Ulm.
Clkvkland, Ohie, Aug. 4. A apecial te
the iVesi from Woeeter, Ohie, say : Austin
Mutiltnnen, a grass widower, and son of
County Commissioner Jebn MUllennen,
fired five bullets at Matilda Weldricb, aged
twenty, last evening. Nearly all the
bullets took eUeet, making several tleah
wounds and fracturing the girl's arm, but
none were fatal. McUlennen, who ia the
father or three children, ta deeply in love
wltb Mtta Weldricb, wbe dec! ned te accept
his attention. She refuted te kits hint last
evening, and be tbet her Intending te kill
himself, but he had emptied bla revolver at
the glrL MeGlennen gave hlmtelf up and la
new in Jail It I thought that ha ta tllghUy
deranged mentally,
Big a an Barak
Londen, Aug. 4. During the naval mt mt
cceuvraa la the channel, te-day, a Nordeo Nerdeo Nordee
felt gun ea beard the Cburlew bunt, atrl atrl
eutly Injuring several seamen. One of the
guns of tbe Black Prince also burst, injuring
three stamen.
Dkweeul Kate ASesaetd.
Lonuen, Aug. 4,-Th Beak or Kegland'
rata oldbweuata beta tdvanead te a par
nU Caagtt by the Bear Par Hllilea ia. tk
TiaasaiMtat at aaa rraactte.
Man VRAitciaoe, Aug. 4. Tha defeat of
the bull la the wheat corner here haa been
long foreseen by these who watched the
crop prospects closely. The manipu
laters made two bad errors. Tha cal
culatien of tbe overstock of tha old
crop was tee low and their estimate
of the new crop waa much lower than It
will turn out te be. They thought
they had cornered all the wheat, but the
bear were very careful te aee that tbe re
turn made were auch as would deceive the
bulla aa te tbe actual quantity. The Imme
diate cause of the collapse ws large tenders
of wheat made by the bear and the Inability
of the bulls te raise additional funds.
The banks had all refuted te lean
any mere uieuey en wheat aa col
lateral, and margins obtained from
abort werelntulllelebt te tide the bull ever
the trouble. The quantity of wheat the bulls
are carrying is, according te estimates fur
nished, Ri0,000 tens, which has cast tbem all
the way from fLGO te fJ.15 per oen een
taU The actual value of wheat te-day
In the state Is net much mere than
II M. Should the bear prellt by their
present position and push prices te tbelr
lowest value the bull atand te lese ever tV
000,000. Many hrewd speculator are of the
opinion that tbelr losses will exceed thla
William Dresbach, president of the produce
exchange, and Jehn Heaenleld, a well known
blpper, are believed te be among the
heaviest losers. Ne failures have resulted
except these oraemesmall speculator, which
will bave no effect en the market and no
serious embarrasamenta are expected.
A great many wild and reekleas rumors
were flying about regarding tbe Nevada
bank's condition, but they are absolutely
HALr A MILLltin JtOSs.
seven Firms Bnrnad (let In Baltimore (ma
tinman Killed and Anether Fatally Isjarsd,
Bai.timeuk, Aug. 4. Fire tbi morning
destroyed the extensive cracker bakery of
James D, Masen fc Bena, en Pratt atreet, wllh
all Its maohtnery and contents. The Hamea
communicated te the cracker works of Hen
dersen, Laws A Ce., en tbe right. Thla
building, which Is a double one, was also
destroyed. The upper floors of thla building
fell in, burying beneath tbe ruins William
Bchultze, tbe foreman of englue Ne. 3. He
waa killed and bla body has net yet been re
covered. Chief Kugineer Hennick, of
the Are department, was e seriously Injured
that bis death ia feared. The Hamea
continued te apread en tbe right te the
stove warehouse of Llebrandf, McDowell &
Ce., which wss destroyed and the agricul
tural warehouse of Whitman & Sens, who
were burned out In the upper stories. Tbe
book and stationery store of Newton Kurtz
it Ce., te tbe left, was also burned, together
wltb a large stock. The upper lloera of the
grain and produce commission house of K,
B. Owens .t Ce., were deatreyed. K. L.
Parker A. Ce. 'a tin warehouse te the south
waa wrecked and the stock ruined. Tbey
estimated their damage at 00,000. The total
lesa will reach half a million.
Twsnlf -Twe Ualldtngs Ooesam.d.
Teledo, Ohie, August 4. At 4 o'clock this
morning a telegraphic call ler aid wan re
ceived by the Teledo Are department from
Bowling Green, the county seat of Weed
oeunty, eighteen miles distant, and an en
gine waa at once ..patched by special train.
The Hamea originated in a bakery in aeme
unknown manner, and before they were
gotten under control had deatreyed twenty,
two buildings, embracing two square of the
buaineaa portion of the town, including one
hotel, one marble works, one livery stable,
one furniture store, one harness shop, two
wagon shop and a carriage shop, and a num
bar of cilices and miner building.
A lllv.r atamr Barnsd.
Pert Huuen, Mich., Aug. -The steamer
Uiawatbs, one of the ferry oempany 'a beats,
waa burned te the water's edge, while lying
at her deck In Black river early thla morn
ing. Tbe tire spread te Wellman Bres,,
grist mill, consuming it and its contents.
Lesa en ateamer f 10,000, covered by Insur Insur
Hnee ; en mill 3,000, no Insurance. A wheel
came oil a hove cart while it waa rushing te
tbe lire and William MoDenland waa badly
Fir In an Iren Foundry.
SvnAcuKK, N. Y , Aug. I. Fire In Fra-ier
X Jenes company' iron ieundry destroyed
9,000 worth of prepsrty. About 3e0 men are
thrown out of employment at a result of the
U T.IU a K.pert.r That a 1 Walking, llon llen
ulrg and Kldlug ta Bscap UU Pursasr.
Chicago, Aug. 4 A special te tbe Her
ald Irem He Catharines, Oat, state that tbelr
correspondent yesterday met W. J. McQarl
gle, tbe fugitive bexller, en tbe outskirts of
Pert Colberne, where he Was waiting for a
train for St. Catharine. When asked where
be wa going McQangle said : " I am going
toseme place for rest. I am dying for rett.
I am walking, running and riding te escape
Ibepursuers, but It tbe worry, tbe awlul
worry tbatlaktlling me." McGirlgle related
bis experiences since he left Sarnia, from
where be started ou feet. After a six mile
walk he met a farmer w(th whom be rode
en horseback te In weed. Here be assumed
the role of a patent medicine fakir until he
struck Alvlnsten, where he took tbe train te
St. Themas and from there te Pert Stanley.
Frem this point he retused te say where he
went, but the impression reeelved was that
be sent word te Mr. SL Jebn, of St. Catba
rines, te meet him at Pert Colberne. Mo Me
Garigle denies that he lett Chicago en tbe
Blake, but it 1b believed that he telle this
story te shield Dr. St. Jobu. A later specUl
from BL Catharines Bays tbat be will net leave
there thin morning and probably net te-day.
It Is understood be Is In biding there, and
cared for by the St Jehns.
Te ken te, Ont, Aug. 1 In a leading edi
torial this mornleg the Ulebe says : There
ought te be no ceremony about surrendering
a convicted boedlerof tbe Mcuirlgle stripe.
It is true Canada is net legally bound te
suirender him, but what Ue we want of
him ? A New Yerk paper points out that
under similar clrcumataecea Spam surren
dered Tweed. Why net Canada give np
McGarlgle T
a Francis Die Prem ! talari.
St. Themas, Ont., Aug. 4 Bea. Allan
Francis, United State consul, wbe waa In
jured at the recent railway disaster here,
died suddenly thta mornleg. Ha has been
connned te hia room aver abac tha accident,
but hla condition waa net thought critical.
Lwt nlgbt whlla alttieg up talking cheer
lully.ue waa aalctd wltb paralyala of the heart,
brought ea by shook, auttatned in tbe acci
dent aad died this morning, tie waa a yean
old and had been In the diplomatic awrvica
ler ever twenty year. Flags are at half matt
en all public buildings.
Twastv Tbeiuaad DprU' Paa.r!.
Rem", Aug. 4 -The tate Prima Mlaister
Denrttta was buried te-day at Htrad.ll. In the
See c?Sle P.0P1- King Humbert
and ether dUtlngulsbea persons atet ilewara
te be placed en the oeffln. .
Inxf.moryer ta Panaea. QaB-wakar.
Bsbmn, Aug. 4. It has bean decided te
erect a statue of the lata Herr Krupp at K
WAaxuaereM, I). C, August 4. -Ft r
asters raaaylTtsua I euignuy
aer, fair was, mm ta aaata
tbb euuini at mrM
The Lestag rrtaaea
Aettea-T Pea peseta M
With Blegf Mae tU J
started te Thal
' 1V
parties te tha Beataager-Ferry I
mains unchanged, exeept hum i
laager's meads era restaur
number whlla these of M.ratiyBaH
ing a oerretpondlsg fallias; as
Ferry denounced Gen. nnalaaai
speech at Rpinalaaa "BU Atwawtt i
music halls" a great assay
varletyef reasons, believed that the I
poke the truth, net that the ex-war i
had ever evinced any dterJOMtMa M I
the footstep of tbat Inlameaa i
merely because a atatetman of tha I
of M. Ferry had asserted his oeaTtotstsf (
Gen. Boulanger cberlabed Minsk a
pnuiuuu nuuuDB 01 me use sv fWtl
the army of France should Mtrl
When Gen. Boulanger challenged M. 1
these tame Frenchmen thought tha I
action an unpardonable piece of imi
and blindly construed hi retentraeatat 1
Ferry' gratuitous vlUBoitlen Inte a
tlrmatlen of tbe latter'a aaaeveratlea of
former' falsity. Wben, however, at.
through bl chosen representative
te accord te Gen. Boulanger tha
due from the aggressor te tha party
grieved and attempted te antata
from the danger of personal Injury I
the tecbnlcalltlet of the oeda
milM foil frnm tha evaa nt thal
lowers or tbe champion of tha
treua Tenqtiln ctmpalgn and they
aeldler of France beset upon all
enemies whose sole cause of earaHyj
their Jealousy of his well-earned
vainly seeking te obtain redress fretaH
oeward who had traduced blm. BV
meat bitter of cten. Beulangera aaeala'ssV
einciai, political ana military oireies aa
only these la the latter wbe I
keeping themselves In desirable
carrying the favor of tha ministry it
the fact that M. Ferry must light
reaped all the glory obtainable from I
Ing a gaping, Jeering crowd and iada
cheap witticisms and greundie
at the expents of a man he thought ta t I
yond the limit of striking back aaa awl
take tbe conaequeneo. There ta m
that tbere la no mere uucomtertable I
France te-day than M. Ferry,
will find hi position still sat
endurable if be attempts te
thla matter with contempt aaeV at;
himself back upon the umptlea tttBBjf
Iras given Gen Boulanger an
te obtain satisfaction of which that
dined te avail bimsslf. It would aa I
for M. Ferry te be killed by Gen.
than te attempt te live down tha
and ostracism that would surely
failure te back np hla werda. Ha '
no mere lifeless te these who new thtak. 1
of blm abeuld a bullet from Be
pistol pierce his heart tbsn he would feat
should eventually antra we danger at
by an abject resort te subterfuge asMra
bllngat luiDiaUrialprovlalenaoltswt
" - x "LV,
A Coke Trala Wrecked 11
en freight wreck that has oeoarratfaal
Plttabhrg division of the PMaeylv
read for a long time, netwlthasksssagi
wasne lest or lire, took plan ta i
tunnel, a abort distance east of Wall's I
laat nlgbt About llo'cleck a trala et 11a
et coke atarted eastward through thai
neL Just aa It reached tha middle at i
tunnel an axle under one of tbe ears
The engine and a number of cata wara i
In a heap upon the track. The teeaptafs
engineer and fireman irem injury r
culeus. Wreckera appeared ea
promptly, and although a large foree t
throughout tbe night the obtlrueMoa i
removed nntll tblt morning. AU i
trains had te be transferred at BlalisTfttaa
teraectlen te tbe tracks of West Peansyiv
railroad, causing a delay of eeveral I
. :
An Insurrection Net IfaHkety,
Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 4. Werd
here shows that tbe Dominion
In addition te the Manitoba dl
question, bas trouble te contend Wxwkj
British Columbia, asverat din
arisen with regard te tha ewaerrtlaat
timber and mlnerala, wbkA may
result in an Insurrection. Beth
menta claim the right te tha
mine in the railroad belt. Tha
will entail a long and expensive lav
Gen. Mlddleten leaves next l
Columbia te inspect the oeartltkM'.'af!
mllllla .nrt finrttnnatfnna In .1SI S7I
M...B..W w-a . '
The Saratoga Kaoe.
Hauatoea, N. Y-, Aug. i. TIV I
seventh regular day. weather
ultry. Attendance large. 'ij&
First race, puna WOO, Pearl .
Gleaner 2. Climax 3. Tlmel:16K.
agatntt the winner. 'j
Second race, "Clarenden hotel ataKH.,1
mile, urltette led all ine way i
oeuld bave wen easily, bat her I
nanlen Goliath wen the raee. Q
wa third. Time 2:08. Bettlag S ta';
Hath. The raee caused mueh dh
at hundred of the crowd had their
en Grisette. ,f
Third race, fsara'en ttaxea ter I
old, six furlong. Emperor of'
wen, Kingtiih 2, Satan 3. Time, ItttV '
9le6. t'
Fourth race, selllag, eae 4
rirui Phil Ijiwla sarrmrl Ssdasaaa
Time, !:;,'. eidiUrca teaa.rhk ij
Filth raee, i mllaa ever ftp
Wbeatly wee, Glaaarm 2, Lljara IV
'liiii. Ne odds gtvea.
. The Killrnit Win alui
PiTTHBuae, Aug. 4. Tha
freight care haa laetaated ee i
tha naat weak that tha railroad
thta elty are taxed beyond tfeaar
Tha Peaasylvanl ewpaay aaa m
for 1.000 mers cam west of
thev eaa furnish. New that laa
ta practically astUed lata
larval I S.SSd TBS SI
rw.rlannad alOKS US UtW SB
.( nhin railway aad Ms etaaaaa.;
. 3st
strifes AtkttkHaa
Tor.uDe. OakVAeg. A WM
MoaUeallo arrived yswtarday frea
unload her cargo ra ores
aiinr attacked her crew of
In the row William Ooltea, of fesa
waa shot la the hip aaa
badly baatea. It ta sat
Colten. Tha aea-uaiaa
bt. Paul, 1
ofBeatoa,aaa wriataa Mi;
aad Teasasy Wartaa. aa I, Aag. iUmUmfl
imaWdty MMtaMa tka MU t
sstrMsjUsMisiM taaaad'taV'
watate waw a tha waMfcjji
aasavrtaa ta attaaaa Ml
7h. -
rraaat! -tftimif inmAfi-BWrrT'iil'?1
:.?-.,. . .....
V"'"- ,
V, tx,. ',, "5tT
- B-iw"r .