trnm ?..,. ,- 'w .ww m " sv T-rxT. v :rd.Arti ?!?,w: .tfitf- WS&MTBE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2? WW; ? VDf" . , f vM-a.ef IGER im ,M tu wimn MIAa- siaeaa. aatma uum te RE Ili-l IH5 T5J in B'.S MlfMI00S1R N !.. a Si ea ok s IS OD 1010 1000 MOO I en TOD IM I i i Tl 101 III 1st M II 10 u II IM MOD MM ss it m 00011 MOO 170) t700 ROD MOM mm wee 4400 ueu w MOM 0600 v The Weekly Intelligeneer BtomaTMnrrAkTetTao tu Awnrmetv Lamms OMBMt tO WASTS. BASSST. AVssMr mm IWstTsms M '3$' IMTBLUOBMOaR. amllalac, Lancaster, Fa, pip Cotuef ttt JnteUigemct. LAHCASTKU, AUGUST 2, 1SS1. The Hospital Horrors. MBS, RfaMHJ WlMMW tVlTf WtDNUMV MORNIIM. - ' ,tsJWUtMlloasratetma. euraa of re oiMAMaerrfMMi tmmem asms or e MtO) Si' With malice towards none and charity .. all.the Intklucikkceu lias pushed the t Umntlratlnn of hnsnltnl mimnnairemptit. bsw. mm presents ve-aay an array or sworn evi- fc& ieaee in support of its assertions. Cau pr tee Jucniinnrr leek upon this and say in all ataeerity that we have " built an airy, bewv superstructure of exaseeratieu and 'Si MMatlenalism upon a small found- fait? U this mass of evidence " fiction and grets exaggeration r' Can the peer dl- lectors shut their ears te this cry of dis tress, and with the recollection only of , what they have heard en the part of the defense, placidly imagine that the coun ty's charity is liberally and carefully bestowed V We trust net t This iudict aent has been brought before the people la a spirit of fairness and truth, and te Ignore it would be tee gross a failure of dety te fellow-man and tee palpably in consistent with the high character de manded of an occupant of honerablepublic office. Paying the Debt. The public debt statement for July bows a decrease for the month of nearly five millions dollars; a total interest-bearing debt of little ever one thousand million dollars ; and, counting the legal tenders " leas available cash items and cash in the treasury, a national debt of l,27,42$,. 737.02. Remembering the enormous bur dens of the war period, the tremendous in flations of values, the awful weight of in terest carried through years of iril and pain, nothing could se forcibly and elo quently tell the story of our physical greatness, material resources and marel marel lens recuperative powers as these simple, silent figures of debt reduction. It is well te step and consider if a sound and healthful policy does net call for a stvs In the bleed-letting treatment. This gen- JflyaaJia,viaiiL'lis Share of the war debt and has a' right te some relief from war taxation. At the present rate of revenue . .rcceipte the close of the century would liud all the debt paid ; and were it net that the higher ieteiest bearing bends did net ma ture se seen they could all be wiped out before that. If the requirements of the sinking fund additions were complied with and a small but sure percentage of the total debt were paid off yearly, the country would be satislied and our financial sta bility undisturbed. A national debt of one thousand million dollars, funded at three per cent, could be very lightly borne b this country. Its burden would net be felt. The thirty millions of interest which it would require te be paid would be a ilea bite te our imperial revenues; the princi pal would all be taken by the national banks te secure their circulation, and it would be an eagerly sought lean for the absolutely safe investment of trust funds In every respect our financial system would be in mere healthful condition than by the present rapid decrease of the debt, without any decrease of revenues or relief from taxation. Democratic statesmen and leaders who fail te note the significance of these things fall short of the stature of statesmen, aud mislead themselves as well as their party. Make Them Answer! District Attorney Weaver Ills nrpinml some searching interrogatories for the con stables of the county te answer under the new liquor laws. H can be beeuthatil the officers make faithful retiiruiaccetding te these directions, public violations of the laws against vice and immorality mubt either cease or be promptly bieught te the notice of the court aud grand jury. It will be curious te watch the consta bles as they file into the August sessions and pretend te answer these questions, Wlfcn the sign beards are up en all the reads of the county; when the supervisors have done their whole duty in every dis trict ; when all the liquor sellers obey the law, and the bawdy houses hide their flaunting signs in bhame, then the millen nium will be at hand. And yet the constables at the next ses sions, in their old perfuuetery way, will re port all these beneficent things come te pissl Watch them. The Jlstlle or the Itesm. If Our ltenuhllruii frtun.iu .. i.. pig. wrabhng themselvts about the troubles of ST"" democracy or reunsjlvauta, will LtJzS? Ud cen3idtratey undertake te feCi wuure vue'r ewu oera, they will t Md salutary exercise for their iimnmi u.i i'v"P occupation for their mental energies. Quay has slated Hart for state P .twaturer, because Hart suits him and will ? J But the treasury nienuvu u,l,u.-.. il,.. ...:n Jii ,. . vv "u imj mil E.aO the junior lUMnltiir tliu m,.ul ..l P--.ujyerner lUuvr i..u ei..i.i i..., i Williams for supreme judge, because I e i yrrrV1 w uia,'e "a "is attorney general fdi when Cexmer waafniimi inaiii.ii.tu t.- IS' ?"SMy et "Ute and tuat nice had te go Iff u Uw " Northern tier of !. T ' ",,,MUJS was new led out. lless i:zr' ,lB "uenir supreme judge, ", ueaire me place he would lea the 1 iwer bench fm-u h.i.i,me. would be handy la giving out the soft "- ww ruuaetiptua judges have te w wi aaa reured political BoasMageejwaata Grlamea for 14,. bemuse he wanta te hew fata hette te Ben Quay, who hu Korea him ntber merely In recent state conventions and strategic political movemeuts. In this complication the governor has te meet another dilemma. There must be appointments made both te the supreme bench and the state treasury, in all proba bility before the November elections. Judge Mcrcur's place en the supreme bench, and Quay's In the stute treasury, are te be filled by nppolnt nppelnt ment. Governer Iteater wants lewem te confirm the choice of his jarlj's convention, and at the same tluie he wants te direct that choice. He ami Quay are at present in accord for Williams and Hart. This combination readily suggests a union of the Philadelphia and Pittsburg elements for Mitchell and (iriinesen ; and if Magee succeeds In making this combina tion solidly, he nill lJ a formidable oppon ent of the .state administration's plans. His present danger lies in the possible dis integration of the Philadelphia leaders ever their local issues. In any event the liepublicau stute convention premise) a lively tussle. liKi the galled jadewlnee; our withers are unwrung. Jehn Taiiii, writing In the New erk n. U)icntltnt,vlU an entertaining story or Jehn Randelph, te the elttct that be was at dinner one day with a young army elhcer, when the military guest win giving a Blowing account et the Mexican clam-hen, eeuie el the fluent et which, he rakl, had been turned Inte bar racks by the t'nlted States troepa " Why, captain, weroyeu net atrald te de H7'' asked one et the ladle. "Ob, no; for tuy part," tbe captain replied, " I have become se u'ed te inch things that 1 could take uiy dinner en ati altaraaromfertablyaselsowbvro." "And no would a hog, lr," Hatd Mr. Kamlelph. In the silence that followed this terrible thrust they saw the ery air of the room seemed te tlngle as the nerved of the guests did. It Is a little dllllcult te reconcile the exact terlty of this Htery with the fact that the incident it is baned upon must hate taken place iu lsl'l, while Jehn lUndelph died in !'.. Tut: fatalist will In quick te see that there were " thirteen" souls ou beard the HI fated Mluena, sunken lu the storm en the Delaware the ether day. 'ltie disbeliev ers lu superstition will be prompt te retort that all sat e tw e were sa ed. w lm a febOiJl lltllK uln't It holt" ulikly en the net. "IlnislON l representation" may be a very geed thing for the Philadelphia Democ racy and te eliminate hcxulsm Irem It, but the Republicans have that sjstem and a quartette of men are OAiiiljietent in their councils. When Ieedi, AlcManex, IMum and Lane are united the ether i'l'iil Kepubll can voters are in ti minority. At pret-eut the rogues have fallen out aud hcuest men may or may net get their dues. Hkiein af a het weather hsue fail- te material Ir.s for the Kepubllcan and Mug wump Journals, who would tain lead upon his back all tbe sins of the people and send him out into the wilderness HlKKius is a patient scapegoat. Me lets them pile up their lead with uncomplaining tquanlmlty , but when they would start him he will net budce. llesbakea his berni and kicks up bis heels ; he wags his ears lu the meit spor tive manner, and whisks liW tall iu the friskiest way ; but move an Inch be won't. Jlarptr's Weekly groans, the Trtbune snorts and the Philadelphia l'tew jella most Iran- .In.lln t . Tfll.nlna tu -te. n .Mt-nln .K.&.1JT ..... ...U9 .t. u.-i. t .luiuuin L Uilnd te terror and the stluk-pet mode of warfare nuds bun without olfactory nerec The truth is lllggius is a buttling, bustllug sort el a small Baltimore politician, of no great harm nor geed ; beholds uu inconse quential place In the treasury department, the duties el which are mainly te keep tnlly of the clerks put in and turned out, without any power en his own part te retard one precexg or te hurry the ether. He has beeu made the subject of much notoriety by newspapers like Harper's W'tt Uy, the Nevt Yerk 7m.-iand the J.'ceniH't J'eit treating his cace ltb undue gravity; and by a let of frolicsome newspaper corresieudents who eaggerat liii duties. Higgluseujejs the game and help it along. His superiors very properly tnke no tmlice el it while he performs his elll.-Ul duties efll efll cleutly and does net ahute his place for hli party or bis friends. Indeed it may be coeil Wiley te let se geed a turget draw ee much of the opposition lire. Ai.lxM has her furry luck up. hhe will net participate In the centennial celebration of the federal constitution bwiuse the is net admitted tu territorial rightr. Well, we uianaiied te get the constitution adeped with out Alaska's help aud the celebration may worry through without aid from that quarter. Ski KHTAItl liwAim is credited with some very sound views upon the subject of law making for liquor regulation. His strictures upon the local option system ami his com mendatien of high license are fuudaiueuUl and statesmanlike. He nays: "The local option system submits a Uw te popular vote in local districts, and this de leata the prluclple elj our government, whkh is reprtentatie In its character and places the whole law-making peweraiid dirretieu iu the leKlsla'iire, aud net in the teple in their mere numerical force and primary ca pacity, be far as my exjierieiHO sj, a well regulated system of license, wneieby rev. enue la largely brought Iiiuj the public treas ury, coupled with wjere penBluts for illicit sale, has prove! the most undent check upon the abuse et the liquor trallic" Tin: Philadelphia I'rets proudly aneunces iu lis bead Hues this morning; ""Kentucky state elections, surprising Republican gains iu portions et farllele's strongholds," and then the cold type of thu body of thedlsiiatch Kes such ion lirtuatery cbuuks of Intorma Interma Intorma tien as these : " Returns from two-thirds of the preeincls In the city el l.eutsWIle show Jiem -rntie ;iiif. KenUin county, a part et Mr. Car iisle'H district, including l'uiiiKteii. hliens that the I'uleu l.aUir party jkhIkI h iuulIi larger ote than the Republicans, the De,,iu. crnls jiulltny u'-eiif their tnuut iie. " Lexington gUes a mj ruy el K, ler (in. Kuckuer, tltt In it time it Am tier been can ned liii a Dewucuttic entuiutiite ter gover nor. lUrdslewn, lteliuK (inen and lan villa all reerl Jiemuirtitietjutni 'J'be latest returns indicate that deneral Huckner lias Ihii elected Keerner by a ina ina Jerlly erU3,taJ. Jle run Uiniely ahead uf h. ticket, 'llw Jaber aud J'rohibitlen votes were smaller than anticiated. 'J he lemo leme eratic hmf? ucre uiatnlv en lueal istuei. TheleKlslaturewIll be largely Democratic, aud will elect a seuater te succeed ilx-k." Tbe I'ress Is a great newspaper when its editors are out of town. PK1WONAI Ki.i.a Wiikki.ku Wii.cen lnvete.l tL'OO In an iron mine and has drawn out lltoe (JiMiKiir Knaii-, who feundetl Rariue, battles or lSli' " vul la U,B "" HKciiKTAiit ltA.vni left WashliiL'ten Monday luenilng ler a week'a visit iRubel both lleacli, Delaware. Mils, lluiiimili, wileet tbe Vnlted Stalls minister te Ja.jan, has dhsl in q,kle, se's a dispatch received In Washington, Mlis. Jehn a. I.eiin has arrhed at her home lu Washington. Her iMiuditleu Is re ported te lu serious, aud It is said that her shoulder blade, which was dislocated, will have te be reset. (iKOUOKK 1'akkkii, KftO. , la assisting In the editorial Hue te make the centennial celebration of tbe federal constitution a great success. Cob A. Leuden Nuewdeu lias the entire celebration in charge and it will be a brilliant success. Tim I'niNCK or Walks, at the Goodwood races last week, were a black sack coat made el rough cloth, gray trousers, white over ever gaitara, a white cravat tied In a four In band kaer, a whlte ablrt, a pair e yellow kid gloves and a gray Derby, bat. tie carried a oanewltuaeuvorbojaob RETORTS OF THE CUOFS. WHAT CMfl0 r TM AUMICUL- tVMAi.Kueimtr At or turn. WHMI l'iMr In Wsarly Kftf Btrtlen nl h County Tobicce (iruwlnc rtntl. Oraptu Bd I'eers short, II n I Ven and I'ntale rratulM Wall Mr. Llnttlla'i Latter. The monthly meeting of the Lancaster County Agricultural and Horticultural society was held lu the ball of the Y. M. C. A., Mori Meri day allernoen. The following tiauied uioui uieui liers were present : J. II. tjtndls, prealdeu't Mtlleraville; Calvin Cooper, Itlrd-ln Hand ; Casper Hltler, Conostega; l'rank R. Dlllfn dertler, city ; Jehn 11. Rudy, city ; Daniel Siueych, city ; J. A. Herr, West l.auieter j D. M. Swarr, city ; Let 1 U. Oelr, Kaat Hem tleld ; .1. M Jobusteu, city ; Jacob R. Illpple, city ; Km II. Iturkhelder, West Karl ; Henry M. Kngle, Marietta ; Lev 1 S. Relst, Dregen ; uonnaen Miner, Warwick; M. D. Kendlg, Cresswell; H. I'. Kby, city, II. K. Fulton, city; J. U. Rush, West Willow; hph. H. lUwver,Mauhelm;JoUnA.Steler,Shoenei-kj A brain Sutumy, Marietta. Jehn K ready, nieuni joy; nr. J. c. lirebst, Warwick; Charlea N. Derr, Lltltr; Daniel D. Herr, Maner; Christian K. Herr, Maner; David II. Lwidls, Mauer; Altsjtt R. Werth, Coleralu ; JamoaCelllus, Coleralu; H. M. Mayer, Kast tiempneiu. In the absence of the secretary, Cilvln Coeier wasappeluteil secretary jire tern. ltKreuis or thk cuer-s Casper lilller reported apples and peaches attuest a total failure ; pears net much better; raspberries and blackberries ery gexl ; ceru and tobacco never loekod.itetter ; net much rain fell during July; parties plowing this morning turned up dry ground ; net enough hail fell te de any harm. Henry M. Knvle agreed with Mr. Hlller except that the pear crop is better in the ueightiorheod of Marietta, grapes premise well; het weather Is favorable te them; the corn sintered aeme ter want of rain ; the eats crop was rather short ; the grass and clever leek well. Calvlu Cooper said both corn and potatoes sintered for want of ratu, while all areuud them were copious rains ; tobacco leeks ex cellent aud growers are beglnniug te cut It oil ; the Irult crops are pear, except grapes, which are looking very well. Daniel Smeych reported the crape crop In this city almost a tela! failure ; be did net e pect te have enough te pay for the picking. Frank R. Dilleudertler corroborated him. M. D. Kendlg reported the wheat crop very light, tobacco excellent; fruit light; the caterpillars destroyed the pears; tbeie are very few apples. President Landis reported wheat light In quantity and toer lu quality . eats, ceru and tobacco leek excellent, no fruits, leek well except grains. Jehnsen Miller reported wheat only half a crop; ceru growing nicely, though the storm of Sunday Injured It somewhat; tobacco leeks Urst rate; eats heavy bat hard t:i har vest; grasM and tn,stuie leek well. J. A. Herr said the wheat crop was rather short owing te the early hall storm , tobacco and lern leek well ; the gras were Injured by the ball ; the crop will be small. Aimi r rerT hi.tikk. J. Hellman Hersbey said wheat was short; corn, eats aud tobacco are very hue; tsitatees excellent and abundant; he planted tbe Ohie i:ly variety and hardly had a small potato In his patch. Jn planting he left the tlrBl cellar sprouts ou the seed aud did net cut the seed, but planted the potato whole. Seme ether varieties Irem which be took the sprouts did uel de near se well. The apples, pears and peaches don't amount te much In bis neighborhood. Casper Hlller said bis way of planting peta tees was te put the seed Inte the ground tirst and put the fertlllz r en top of It. In one row last year he forget te put tbe fertilizer. but afterwards scattered some of it en top of me ground, ami in mat row he bad the best (potatoes in the let ! He compounded hisewn fertilizer which he believed te be better adopted te bis soil than that sold by tnanufac t u rem. Calvlu Cooer said potateosmay be brought te perfection fully two weeks earlier, If the seed potatoes lie. in a light warm room te sprout and then w hen planting time comes they will be found te bave strong, green, vigorous sprouts, riant the seed thus prepired very carefully aud tbe young plants will very seen make their appearance above ground. II. M Kngle urned the planting of early po'.alets as early as possible, whether the seed be sprouted or otherwise. Tbe potato require! a cool, moist condition of the ground. Late potatoes may be plan toil I a te in June, or early iu July, aud they will generally mature before the lirst frost. Potatoes will stand any amount of cold as the stalks de net fre.9- r.KTTKU 1'HOM sKCKKTAKV. I.INVIM.K. President Landis presented the society with the fellow lug letter from Jehu C. Lln vllle, who has just completed a trip across the continent : l-vi fnisiUK), July 2 1, lv;. trienlliimt Memlirrt or the Ismratter County .tyrtcuUiiraluiHl Jiurtieidturat .Secufy. Knewing that you are Interested lu occi dental agriculture, I sent you a sbert state ment of conditieu of crops, made of bar vesting, etc. When I Urst set feet in Sac Sac ramente Valley, en June 5, the wheat crop was dead ripe, and seemed te be half harvested, aud new, one month later, there are thousands et acres et wheat iu Call fernla untouched by the sickle. Tbe Call Call feruia farmer is possessed of an unlimited amount or patience. If be cannot harvest his wheat today, be will wait until next week or next month or two months hence. He has unlimited faith in the weather, and it never deceives him. Most of the grain here js gathered by headers, pro pelled by tour horses, and is drawn en piles te await the coming of the steam thresher, but this process Is tee slew for the immense ranches or tbe Sacramento and Nan Joaquin valleys, where the wheat fleldsseetnllil-jilta-bie in extent Ou these fields tbe traveling harvester and thresher, driven by twenty four mules or a twenty live horse traction engine, cuts and threshes forty acres per day, the grain being sewed up in sacks, ready for shipment. A part of the Straw is used for luel and the remalnder is thrown eir In bunchOH, where It lies drying in the sun until tbe same engine again passes ever the Held with tilteen or twenty plows attached breaking the ground for another crop. The remainder et the straw Is new used te fire the engine for Plowing. Thousands of sacks of grain are plled up in fields at htoambeat landings and at railroad stations, awaiting transportation. The wheat crop of California is light, ranging from 10 te lh bushels jwr acre. Heme fields are net worth cutting, but occasionally 1 nave seeu a held of very tlue wheat 1 bave been told that the heavy wheat was grown en fallowed ground. Alter a crop of wheat has been barvested and tbe ground softened by tbe winter rains it is pinned and put In nice conditieu and allowed te remain until tbe lollewlug lull and again sewed te wheat Farmers sra net bothered with weeds here as they are In tbe Kaat and en tbe prairies of tbe central stau. In this way they harvest a crop once in two years, but it is always a heavy en a Ne lertllilng Is done here in fact tbey have no system el laruiiug they plow, and sew aud reap. In some sections barley is extensively grown, and it la the best 1 ever saw, there net being any rain te discolor It Heps also de well here, hence this is the brewer's parmlise. I have net yet seeu auy timothy or clever In this stale, Alfalla is grown iu some places where it can be Irrigated aud can lie mewed six or seven limes during tbej ear and yields enormous quantities of bay. Most of tbe bay used in cities here is made of wheat, barley or wild eats. Wild eats grew spontaneously Blong rarwMl t.ut. tings mt wherever tbe ground is broken. SS," rn "ey make excellent bay. (.ultUited eata are net much grown here but are shipped Iren, the ler teed and are exiwnalve. Barl U largely used for horse feed here. Other I n.als .7s nlS grain! 1 never saw se rnany one horses In a city of tbtstUaas lu Nan KiauciMM. Heavy in,! wind-broken horses gut well when brought bore. Tbe climate la eeugenial te tbe Iudkb of mm and animals. Tbe pig alone does net thrive here. 1'erhaps It Is because be does net get enough corn. California perk la bard as sole learner and fit only for deg's meat. Large qnaaUties el haet art sklppee) here from Um Ket, Farming, hens runa mere en specialties than In tbe Kaat Ou the Immense ranches of Hacratnente, Han Joaquin and Lulare, wheat alone la grown. Nennma has lla thousand acre vineyards mid Santa list bare Its olive and almond gloves, while Santa Clara and Lea Angeles havn their urnnge, lemon aud ether citrus fruits. Ot course nearly all fruits are grown en some ranches but meat large grewere cenllue themselves te fsw varieties. The Pastures here are bare and brown, and haveaacerched apreuance, aud will remain se ler months te ceme, and yet the cattle are In (line condition. The dairy Interest is re celviUK some attention In the northern ceun ties. I saw some tine dairies et Jersey cows In Senoma county, aud ou the Cooper ranch in Nan la Barbara. Thousands el acres of beans are grown In Santa Barbara and Santa Clara counties, and vet the average Callferiilan will net eat them. They are shipped east and the l'acillc Sle gets Its Bosten Baked Beans " ready cooked and canned from the lUst I'm It Is se plenti ful here as te be a drug, aud let they use far less of it than we of the Kaat where It is far fetched and less pleulltul. J. C Ll.NMI.I.K. 11 Hew early will it Isi sale te new rye T" asked Casper Hlller. Several lueuibeis an swered that it might lt sewed early lu Au gust MOIIK AllOl'T 1IIK llllVI'K KAll.l UK. In regard te the grape (allure lu mime parts et the county, Mr. Kngle said there must be some local causes te produce the eltect. It appears te be certain that If ether conditions are favorable a high temperature aud dry air conduced te full crop ; whlte wet weather and low teuierature are apt te produce mildew and ret 8. V. Kby, esq., called attention of the so ciety te the previsions of the act for the en ceuragement of forest culture, aud prev ldlug penalties for the Injury or destructieu f forests, recently euaited by the legislature aud signed by the governor. Mr. Kby also called atteulien te tbe preht that may be bad from the cultivation of the locust basket-willow along streams and tbe planting of trees te shade the manure piles , aud also near houses aud bams as a protec tion against lightning. Henry M. Kngle aud Hph. H. Hoever further discussed the matter, agreeing with Mr. Kby lu most respects, though Mr. Kngle doubted the propriety cf planting trees te shade the manure pile. A better plan is te plant gratsjvluea and trail them en an arbor ever the manure pile. They will nourish there, while trees will die. TALK Vltet T A r I It. A. II. hominy, as a member of the com mittee en fair, appointed at a former meeting, reported that the uemmlttee bad Wen unable te procure suitable grounds In or near this city, but that at Lltilz suitable grounds may be had. The people et I.ltll have already organized a lair association and will Issue stock at tvO per share, and the fair will go en, whether this association take held of It or net. 'lhe ergsnl7ers of tbe Lltitz society, however, are witling that this society shall either take bold of the matter In it own name or have the privilege of buying the stock te the amount of ten er cent; or indi vidual uiemters of the society may have the same privilege. II. R. I'ulten, also a memtsr of tbe lair committee, made a speech in favor of tbe Lltitz scheme, and moved the adoption of Mr. summy's report I.evi S. Relst said he was perfectly willing that ether fairs should be held lu ditlereut parts of the county ; and be wished them all possible Hiiccen, but he was entirely op posed te this society's having anything te de with them as a society. II. M. Kngle and Calvin Cooper took similar views ; they thought tbe society was net in condition te bold an agricultural fair ; but he would have the association give its hearty support te tbe project of a fair at Lltitz or elsewhere. Henry M Kngle made a motion ; that this society give its cordial support te the ruev e ment of the people of Lltitz, Man helm and vicinity, lu their ellerts te organize a fair. The motion was unanimously agreed te. Ul'-INJIss Kill MfcT MKKTISll. Tbe chair announced the following busi ness for next meeting: "Could tbe average Lancaster county farmer adepta mere wasteful mode of keep ing his manure?' Referred te Calvin Cooper. "Alter the experience of the past season, wbat is tbe best time and manner of seeding, and best fert)ll?jrs for wheat ?" Relerred te A. B. Werth. " De net tbe farmers of this county usually plant their corn tee thick and cultivate it tee little ?" Referred te Jehn O, Rush. " Will net the drifting te the production el dairy products have a tendency te Impover ish tbe soil 7" Referred te Casper Hlller. 11 Hew much can tbe Lincaster county far merallenl te pay for cattle te reed the com leg winter ? ' Referred te Jehnsen Miller. laying Cattls and PhiMphatss. President Limits, in a speech or some length, made an argument te show that there was no money te be made In stock raising as at present conducted He said that farmers pay tee much for their young cattle, and un less measures are taken by which tbey may be bought at lower prices stock raising will have te be abandoned. He suggested that farmers, Instead of rushing in and buying young cattle from shippers at whatever prices they cheese te ask, should form a union, and make their purchases en tbe plains, or In far western markets where young cattle can te bought for about - cents per pound. Mr. I-andis also blamed farmers for buying commercial fertilizers from manufacturers outside the oeuuty, when just as geed Knet belter can be bought et local manufacturers, and the money amounting te hundreds of thousands et dollars per aunutn would tbus be kept at home. 11. It. Fulton followed in much tbe same strain and concluded with some remarks In favor of county lairs being convenient places at which farmers could interchange views en this aud ether important matters. After further remarks by Kph. N. Hoever and James Cellins tbe meeting adjourned. OLUTHMU. M YEK8 A. RATHFON. Lew Prices. Clothing at Lew Prices New. The .Summer is passiug by, and our stock will be .'sold te give us room, te rid us of Summer Goods. When September comes we want most of our tables cleared of Summer Goods, te be refilled by Newest Styles for Tall. Come and see our stock, compare prices, aud if you tell us we're tee high, it'll be something strange te us. We're net high priced, but we are strictly Urst class. Ne trash from our stock. It we can't give you geed value for your money, we'll net ask you te buy. Lew prices, together with geed values, rule here. Ne one will be imposed upon, no matter hew inexperienced. Myers & Eathfen, LK AD1MO .CLOTIItEKS, NO, 12 VAST KINO STRMT. iaeASTaa,.rA. MKOiC.iL fTUlK NKW QUININK. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -UlVr.S Ooed Appotlte, Mew atrengtli, QulotNeivoe, llappy Days, Bwoet Bleep. A I'OWtUFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all tlertn Diseases. TltK ltOSTSMMrNTiriC ANIIHllCUtHsrUli Ul.OOK I'l llltlKlt. f-npfller ti.niilnlmv. Ilr. . A Miller, mi K,it t;tb Mus.t, New Verk, was cured hv Kasklne et extreme mn larlil miHtnitleti alter seven vears auircrliiK. lie hul run iIkwii iiimii lTupetind tnV7.ts'Kan mi Kaaklmttu .lime, Ivsi, wunt tu work In imp month, teualniHl Ms lull ilKht III six mouths UUlnliie illil him iiekixmI wtmtuvt-r. Mr. tililtsin Ihompsen, tlin eldest anil one el the nuwt nwHcted cltlteiis of llrlilitrirt, cniin , savs: "1 am ninety vrars et u,i, and ler I hit last three vears tiavttsulTvrrO irem malaria and IhoelliH-'tsel iiiitiilne poisoning. 1 receully lie Kan with KasMne which broke up the uuuaila and tnrrv.isrd my weight 11 pounds " stnt.T A. Solomons, et llalllday St, .lerrciy City, writes My seu Harry, eleven vears, was curvd el Malaria by Kasklui', utter flltoeit months' Illness, when we had given lip nil lie' Letters Irem the above is'rsens, giving full details will lm cut en application. Kasklne ran be taken without any MH'clal medical advice. Il.iu per bottle. Sold by H. B. OOOHRAN, Druggist. 137 and 1 1 North Queen .it., l.aucas ter, i a , or out by mall en recti! pi el price hASMNKCO., M Warren St., tivft 1 nrk. titbit IvdAwTrhAH 1UU:M'i!.IN. KIDDER'S DIGESTYLIN. -rOU- Iudigcstiuu and Dyspepsia. A I'Olh.M' ItKMEDl fOU indigestion, Acnte und Atenic lss-psift. Chronic and luislni lntiMltnaJ I il.irrli.V eiiiitlug In I'regn ine, theluru lnf inlum, mid Inienva lesceiue trem Acnte lUe.vcs. UverSei l'hvslclans hive sent te lis the imt nattering opinions upon tHgeslvltn a. a nim-dy ter all dt. cases arising from luipinier ttlgiwllen. ier Jivwirs we have matin ruelniisl thu tilges tilges lve VnnenU expressly ler I'lU SlUl A.NS' ni. and for the past vcar IUUKST). LIN has Ihwh by them extcuslvely precrtlssl, nd hvday It slttids wltnetit a rival its a digestive iweuu It Is net n MH'rel remtsly hut a si tontine prepura lien, the formula of which Is plalnlv prlnti-d en eaih Isittle. Iix great lUGKsriV fc' I'D W Kit Is created tiv a c ireful and preper treatment of the funiientaln manufacture. It Is very ugreeilile te the tasie, and a rentable te the most ilellcute stomach. Fer the rvll.itillllv et etir staieiuunts we would repe tfnlly refer te all Wholesale and lletall Uiugglst. and 1111 MOANS gen erally. l'rlceluw. Mild by lirngglsu. or W M. LO. Manufacturing Ihuuiiabi, M Jehn St , N V. Uiarl lvdlu SAKK,8UKKAMM,KKDY CUKK. Kupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why he humbugged hyitiacks when you can find In Hr. Wright the euly Usuu lab I'avsieus In Philadelphia who makes a specially et the aliove dbaisea, and (.'cms TbimT CttKss HCiuimiD. Advlce rrt day and evening, strangers can be. trusted and re turn home same day UftlceH private, UU. WU1UI1T, Ml North Ninth Slrueu Above ttare, P.O. ltexbTS. Philadelphia. lanlMvAw RUITt'KI-V-OUKK OUAKANTKKI) KY llr. J. II. Mayer, Ml Arch stnsM, I'hlladol I'hlladel pbla, l'a. at once Ne operation or busi ness delay. Thousands el cures. At Keystone tlouse. Heading, l'a, 2d Saturday et each month. SwnA rnr rlrrnlar Advlr,. tnw. mArlvMvil ttutjimruuntmtttnH ttuuum, "A 1,1. AND HKK THK ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty C'andie-Llgbt ; I'aiaU theui all. Anether Let of CURAT ULUUK9 terUas and OU a teves. THH " PERFECTION " stKTALMOULDINU AMI KUllllaU CUSHION WEATHER STRIP IJeats them all. This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step nitUIng of windows. Bxclude the dust. Keep out snow and ruin. Any one can apply It newastn or dirt made In ap- B lying It- Can tm fltU9d any whera-nn holes te ere, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the ineit purfect. At the stove, UeaLur and Uange SUirw -or- Jehii P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTRU, PA. Cl'KCIAl. WOriUK. "More human, mere divine than we tn lact, part human, ptrtdlvlnn la woman, when the gixsl Burs agree Te mingle, at her naUvlty " Heflect,ye Ixirds el Creation, and bin ye at once te KIEFFER & HEBE'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And 1'rocureeneol their famous Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. it That Ged's Iwst gilt te you be net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste heat which It Is Impossible te avoid with your lianges, and (what Is also Important) consider tbe great economy In fuel, 31 cents worth of fuel will cook for a family et three grown per sons 31 meals. Ana when you want a Heater, get a " SPLENDID " And be llappy. l'LUMUINO, UAB r'lTTING, HTKAM HKAT INU, TIN UOOriNO AND 81'OUTINO. mum ua-lm uu mmaw. FOK KKNT. A Deyen-ltoein Brick Uouse situated en Kast Frederick street. Ann! vat JuntOMId MO. 313 BAht 1'UKIHUICK ST. TJWR RKNT. JB Twe or four rooms In lirlinmer'i New Batldlnc. Ne. l&sx North gueen slreet. Heat and gaslncluded. Apply at febis-tra uuiMslltilaLivauverica. Wl HAUK OR KKNT-HIUUK HTAHI.K MS and let, 17xsu fisit, en Christian street, mi. twiwn Kast King and Orange streets. Can be easily changed Inte a machine shop or ware house. Kasy term. , C. UKUUAKKU. ais-tia A tterney -at-1 mw. PK1VATK HALK. WU1 be sold at private sale the valuable property corner Lemen Mulberry and Char, lotto fronting tue foul ou Lemen street, (ft luet ou Mulberry, and 64 leet en Charlette street. Apply le C. K. DOWNEY, JuulS-Smd Ne. Ml North Uueun Street, st1 Oftsfs KEWAHU. &mJJJ Fer any case of Kldnsy bles. Nervous Debility. Mental and HI Tteu. hvslcal weakness that uetanic MJCUVM UlTTKtU laUa te cure. Beld h v druirclata. Ml cents. -ii u M.. .. La 4Bf lVa ssycirttJAniraa, Ne. tt M. llth et., Pblla.. Pa. . uTM-lrae4W eMumtM ma, J MtrrrOTUaVT ALWATH WINS. Honest Werk at - AT - PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD RILIABLK) Oarriage Works Nek 126 and 128 East King St. The -tAM.-. Markst If Vim Want a Unedand First Class I'hsjteti, uu TU IXIRKneM'S. If ion Waul a NlraComterlalile Faintly Carriage, ui Tt liUBKlMiiM'n l0Kli?M,s",,t'M',K',y"iO,,C,U,'k,l,H: lfro,,,r,,v,nU''lllln!lel fjprtngi. II you uu ru county, -UUTU Pbilip Doersom's Old Reliable Curiae Works. N0S. 130 AND ViH F.VST KINU 8TKEBT, LANCASTER, 1-A. irFAU'WUVlse it US MIFFLIN iJTKKKT. niar-lydw W1XKN A XV J.ltiVOKH. pUKK KYK WHISKY. Old Gret! Spring Distillery. dltuated en Kast Ornnge street, tmtwnen Orange and Chestnut, one square vast .el ru.ser ru.ser veir, Lancaster, I I have J ust erec ted a new distillery with all nl the latest Improved machinery ler dlaUlllllg l'UUH U1K WHISK.. A. 11. sMKArFKIl. l'rntirteter. This Distillery has been eroded at the lametis Old UroirstewnMiirlng.whlch has lasm noted ter Its plentHus ain a unta ailing supply of thu pur est water. At II our r gi they were bev s, and It has never lieen kne ruiiuiauiem iimua hen n te run diy even In the hottest wiutther. Frem this prluir all the water unsl tn the illstlllerv Is ob tained, the pump drawing irem lllwenty-nve gallons a mluiiUi. llesldes my own distilled Whisky, 1 alto handle limndies, (lini, Winea, Ac. sWCall and be convinced. A. U sllKArrKK. IMstlller, TOIt Ne. tH North liiieen tltrisiU N. It Fanners having gissl Kyuen hand isn find ready 9 lie ter II al the Mere or distillery. Highest cash market prlce paid ler a gissl arti cle. aprjt-lydAw REIGART'S WIUE STORE OLD BOUCHE SEC, If Bit IIMIIMIKCK. 1'UMMEUY.SKC, MOKI7.KTSKC. J I.. II MUMM K. I'ltA 1HIV, And all 'ether Leading brands el lmpeiled I. .voting brands Chamistgns. ."ole Agent ter the Pleasant Valley Willi Company. ypiHlal (ileal WesUirn Ki. liry,eur own bland, the Quest American Champagne lu the market. Just received another large Invoice of Califor nia C'Uret and tt til te V tuu from Naa alley, Calllernla. A large stiKk of Imported llurguudles.Clarets, Khlne and sjtuume iVlnea. We also have the liigest ami finest stock of llrundlea. Whiskies, lilns, Madelia, Hherrys aud i ort Wlniyi, Itass Aie, Uulnurss .Stout, Saratoga and Apellluails Waters In thu city. H. E. Slaymaker, Agt., Me. ae EAST KINO STRBBT, LANCASTKU, l'A. MOWKK.S, ,tf. F LINN A HKKNKMAN. CARD! We have anuuitwref Oeula which are just in atseR, aud which, owing te our SiviiiR speeUl attention, we can eiler great lduceineiita. " I'eiinsylv.uii.i " Jiwtt Mowers have no equal. Thetw we make a specialty. We have as geed 1-awn Mowers as are in the market fertfi.Ou und fV.tsi. Ilaby CtrriaRea We carry seventy-live varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. ltefrigeraters are new in season. Hew few people knew any thing about Itefritferu Itefritferu ters. It took us twenty years U) learn. We can taich you in live minutes: It will be worth something; for you te Ret the best. Ceal Oil Steves There Is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream .Freezers and- Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you ?:et tbe best at the lowest prices. Yeu can rem us. Iiwn Tennis .Setts, Outline Mexican end Common Hammocks, llase Hall and all Sporting Goods at Factory Trices. FLINN & BRENEHAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street WAT uum. TfTATUHKH, UIAJUKN, CUA1N8 AND T asivv niiui. Sptyitl Wtichn for Firaeri ul Railrealtn Fine let of Utnas. Ac. Alse. Klgtn. Waltham (Aurera for which lam Sels Agnut), and ether rirstsiuass Watches. Best Watch and Jewelry Bepalrlng. sru cornet time by Telegraph Daily, only place la city. L. VyEBER. Ne. 1WX N. Queen HL, Near l'enn'a U. II. Depot. mr Spectacles, Kyeghuaes and Optical Uoeds. All Kinds of Jewelry. N EW JKWKLKY HTOKK. 0. GILL. LATEST DESIGNS -IN- SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING.STREET,, l'A. inaylMyd jrariem. AT EKIHMAN'H. New Spring Neckties AT KUISMAN'8. There la no nt concerning the at of which a man Is eulsx than a Shirt. Shirt CutUiuc u arine Art, Te flt comtorU cemtorU comterU ki shirt must ba cut with ub proper anotein. leal eurrea. the workpeople must be practical ahlrvmaksrs. Uavln had an experience of au yeira, we claim te haya U best fltUu, best mads, best material and most durable SHIRT la u Market for Ust Mast Fewlbla Meney, sTs4UWt Ul4tlMt, taaaajMC. CHARLES iwhhib. se. t Honest Prices. UUTII IMIBHNIIM'H. any ether plane In the oily imr ueuih. VKW YUKK. tfltlHR. Summer Goods. WATT & SEAND, 6, 8 A 10 BAST KINO 8T., IsANUABTBK, rA , Oder n'l sites snd.juslllles In Lndles', (lenUe lucn'saiidt'hlldreu's Summer Hosiery -AN 11. INDIA GAUZE UNDERWEAR Ai' v Mir i.ew rut uk. Wi.nL-J".'ir"..J-11" CKhAM OltlNhl.R SKRH BUCK Kits, 3V(r u yard. I'hlladelpbla prices ler samuiiuallty, .V) 2.01 Vanls riNB CUA7.V Clltl-K CLOT 111 only luc. a)artl. Al.t.-WDOI, CUBAN hl.ltliK Cl-eril, 10 lnchw W Ide, Ms-, a yard. AI.UWOill.CltAMI,LAlllSBKUE,t0lnches Wlle,t:4e. a )aid, Orinkle Boerauokera, Dreea Qlnghama, Amorlean Uatluea, French Batlnee, AT VEIl LOW I'UICh.S, AT THE New Yerk Stere. j. MAKT1N A UO. Special Sale or Fliimicl Shirts, We have purcbased from the iiianufiic turer Ills .Surplus Stock of .Shirts and offer them at prices never quoted before. Tweuty-Uve Dem .strijsj Flannel .Shirts at 00c. apiece, all sizes. Ten Deen Jersey Stripe Flanuel .Shirt, with pleated boson at !"., all sizes. J'ifteen I)een Jersey Stripe 1'Ltnnel Shirts, double pleat, at 8Sc., worth l.li5. Twenty-live Deen liicycle Flannel Shirts, in lllue.Grey and Medu Shinies, at half the regular prices. Hey 'a and Men's Sires. All-Weel Flannel Shirts in ;ilgbt shades at .'Si ; regular price, 1.7.",, Twenty-tlve Dema Indigo Illue Flannel Shirts, te fade, 25 te (3.C0 apiece. AU-Weel Floated Uosem Flanuel Shirts, all shades, at II. JO ; regular price, I2.UU. Twenty-live Down Hey's Flannel, Shirts, ull sluvdes, from vM.OOtolM.'.eo. An All-Weel ItegatU Shirt, in wide and narrow pleats, at t.Ou, is an exceptional bargain. J. B. Martie Ge., rer.Wrwt MIm Mm Mm, LAJigAsTJia, rA. tt. Wmmm&$EmmV&l$& '1 AK" BBsesffiLiakls 'SmmmSffMAmWO&S