np iii T$.,r;i'fci.5H '"it.i3 &)t Tfxxufe$x fixtden& - -w ' VOLUME XXIII NO. 282. LANCASTHH, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1887. PlllCE TWO 0 mmm BMmmmBBtB& $ " BBammmmmuBmWXTALh'KJ nBTnT"SfBMj 't'iHkwV lir MBiijji nBnt5rfif THE .SWORN FACTS. Did tbe "Iutulligeucer" Exagger ate tbe Hospital Stories? A SWEEPING AVALANCHH OK KV1DKNC1 M'miitthr vmiHHmii, bbmbuhiu ar n.mi . uNiiiMa rtui.t akbwbbbv. AlllitavIL NiKlHlnlnc Ilia Amurarf Our l(. purla ami tilting Aitillllenal TNIimnnf. Tim HriMiinii Cans riimly itiiil lluiitiU l llin Truth, ut lha "In. Illlltii(ir" Kiinr lilti.lim. Tim peer dim-ters mill ourcnuleiiiiiorarlos, thu I'.nihiincr mid Stv Hr, have seen 111 te treal llm I n 1 1 i.i.iui.NDKii exposures a Beil SallnilHl CXagKeratlOtlS 'lllOBO exposure consisted ill (lie stories of iwiilu who had seen llm Inslde working of llm ImsplUI anil ill llm eUertailnus nf mi In iki.i.kikni'i.ii rHirlHr tiNin llm urmiiiil. The llrsl wero were wero preducti in tlm luriii of Hllt'lnv ItH regularly Btliuued Imliim a notary and accompanied hy additional ovldemo alto sworn. The name aru net thoteof I It-li hiiiI Inlliieutlal clllens who only knew el IIiiiIiiniIUI through grand Jury dinners, hut many will tot eguleamnng tlii'in hard weikliiK'i lieiiunt men aud women who.) weril la as ge-sl as lliulr bend. Willi regard te tlm facto noted hy llm In. iii.liiikni.hi roierlr, he ha only te nay that they worn csrelully gathered nd cer reclly nqerted without a shadow of oxagger exagger oxagger alleu. Tliu lulsurahlncundltlennl thepMtlrnta In llm lower hospital wenlil liae aroused the pity mul Indignation or any man, lint we alniily gave n trim dim rlptleu of tlm interior of this " hospital " without noiisaUeual color lug. Any cltlren tan vulfy Uila for IiIiiimiII, for though things hat ut hanged there, the little, damp-walled, low tolled building remalna III milium ii. Tlm r illni'teiH sustained our t'indi'iimnlteii of this building, but leek no action because form Kith tlm erection el n new linn would iliinil iiniii tlm county cemiulH-duners Tlm commissioners could net have failed In give le iiti apl-t-al triiiu thu directors. With regard le thu t ate of Allsirt Hnvdir, tlm is year invalid, llm Inti.i likkm'KU hut lieen Hlraiunly "misunderstood. Tlm authorities are net held rmpiusihle for tlie ratt that disease has lull) llm Issly of this uiiluitiinale niiiii In an 11111111:1(01 lablu post pest post tleti ler lelly instil vtais. Ilu has Imen an inv ilnl Irem early thlld. lioetl Weaidthat "he sal upon llm llonref tils iinmi In Iho same Katleii Im has ter Is .veir" Just as tlm ,eu1l iihl m nllt'iiin el our contemporaries havu Hal In tlm same xn. Ien ut tliulr mllliirul ileikx, only with moie oeii'ltU-noy ami iniramoraiue liiiiutt In hla et-m II waaieinpuUiry. I tilt A ll"t I Snjiler lMiulUiat chiMirliillu spite et hit haril let. Ilu tliiu'lceiuplalli. Ilnalinply liiforuieil His ruHirlKr that lilt daily hill el fain waa dry brtutil and imiIihi terbnwklatt ami lireal terdintiur ami liritd and let ler aupr, theiiKh Irlnmli lireiiKht liliu ilalullea, In thu titinu vtatdt Iho it peller and Mr. Liiiiaid 11 a Imy xitttiiK cpilntly aoine itiaUtire oil IhiIiIuiI tlm lurt. "I'lie ward tenilurHald tint Hi it Ixiy a h net Iniane, only def, and W4 umtliiu I tli'irn i.iiiih Im wan Irouliletiiinti le lakn ism el " le llm ipiiwllen, "I tm InxuiH ,"' llm wr.l tiiitnr ruplltxl, "net any ineru llinu you am" I'lm folleiiiK HllldallH ariMJllmxl In nuppert of Ibia nUteniunl : Sdifrc 'tiiiiljhimiil liunti v Ismrttilrr, AS 1 aommpanled Mr. I.eiuard and tlm I n 1 1 i. I mi rt'irtur tuilm ttiunly heapilai te laku away a ley with helm in hla li. ami tlm reHrl el tlm lnlei low with tlm dm ter a puultxlind In thu I M I i.i.KihM I it la correct and tlmiliH.l"i'n i-eiiduit waautu wernethan ilimerlbtHl Ilu Mhx miMHuly I'rlticited liy Dr. II iknr. I haw a Im In thu Innmm ward Hitlinc Hiltint en a IhmhIi ami we iiaktd llm ward leudiir, a f.rtriiun, wlmthur Iho Ihiv wan In aane and he auawurtHl "net any morn than you or I are, he la di at and he it a hether," In thu color e. I p.irt of llm iKwptlal 1 aaw colored nmn ry weak and alck, and hi lacttand hamlaat thickly cmore.1 wllb tliea aa a lly paiwr. I mw thu m-iu alltliiK drawn up en llm lloer of a room and when asked hew IniiK he had liixm in that iotltien he .aid ler lerty imIiI uara. I'. II. Wll.lli't.M, Alllrini'il ami HiiliscrilxMl AuKuat IS7. Ueiimiit Ci.mii, Notary Pulillc t'liaplaln Leunard wilt alun HUttaiu thla aiseiiut. Meral liiatructjr Harank heard no com plaint, l'er Iho roaaen we ruler him te the atlldavlt of thu liey Conway. The ruterend Kunlleiuan hat lurnlHliud addllleual uiidence aKiluat the dot ter hy declarinK that the boy Koenor could kick a loot ball at hi?li at any one. Why waa 11 liey with a lei; In that terrlhlu atate Kirmitted te kick a feet hall T If Keener, whetadttf rihed at a prllliKed character, with the run of the iwulry, wat se eaKerte leave the limplUI, tiew atxmt the ether patleuta who aru net wtn '' Mr. Leenard Htyt that he never atpired te dlxploce Mr. Swank aa t'liaplaln of thu county limttlulleuM, but luttllie tmitrary, mm bu will unili'nyer te proke to-inerruw evenlnK ; hut men if he had, what In llm world would thai fact have le de with thu e'mrnet iigalntt the niauaxtnin ut el the li'Mpllal aa made hy a deuu or mete puejilu ? The chaplain's name waa never uuinlienetl In coiiucctlen wllb thone uLurKU', mid we fall te aee what con cen con ncclieii Ihuy havu with Mr. Hwank orbit IHialtlen at chaplain. Hut Mr. I.oenard will make bin own Htatomeut, which will Us pub Untied te morrow evening. William Ituller, colored, says, that hn waa a patten In tlm colored department of the beapllal in thoHpiluef lv', and that the aterles of wernn In the aeiii are cnrrecL The bed weiu In a had oeudltlou, and there weru no Hliueta. He aaw Iho doc tor at tbe ellius hn' miver In the colored de partment, hut a ximlmit vlslted daily. It wat dirty and theie wme ted bUK. Tlm llrtMiiuti 1'a.t,. Lancuittr Cilu, A.V Before me, a notary public In and ler the tatael l'eunaylvaula, realdliiK at lauc4ter, personally apeared Charles K. Kroetue and IlanielK. lilt, who heiiiK duly alllrmed to te to cerdlnK te law ileiKwe and say: "We went out te the heMpllal ou the Sunday before the deatbef Mr. William P. liroemeand stand ing en a chair at the head or the bed waa an earthen p it, it waa a little ever half full aud be wan sutlering from hemorrhages and spit ting Inte it. We asked blui whether he spat all that up te day and be said no, 1 use that as a chamber also, and while we were there be used It as such. The smell from it was se overpowering that we moved away. We asked bint when tbey would empty thai, he said it was emptied In the morning acd proea- uiy weuiti inn ua eiiipuea until tue next uierulng. He said If you want any one te tle anything here you have te pay theui for UIIAIII.KH K HllOOMK. IIvniki. K. Kir.. Alllrmed and NUb'rlbed te before we this lit day of August, A. I), ISh7. l)Ke. A. I.nk, Notary I'ublie. Mute uf I'cniHVttimUi, t'ifi of lAincailcr. NH. Ilefere me a notary public in andfertbe KUlu of Pennsylvania, residing at Lancas ter, personally aptwared Frederick Bauer, who being alllrmed according te iieses aud says. I was out at the hospital wllb Mr. iiroetna and Mr. Hits, and saw the pet exactly as described by them ; tbe smell t .. nirunalra sitnrl Ull Ham lleswia thought It would net be emptied until morning. Fkkdkihuk AUan. Attlrtned and subscribed te before me this lit day et August, 1S87. ' Hice. A. I4ANK, N. l. ! 0 i'eimijtiwif'i, .3cJ(er Vity, .V.V. ; Before me, a notary publle lit and for the aUteef Pennsylvania, residing at LueMter, Miraunallyappareil Ida Myers, who, being duly alllruietl acoerdlng te law, deposes and aays : I visited my rather, William I). Ilroeme, at tbe hiapltal when lr. Henaenlg was In charge, and I often found hliveullerlng from wanlel water andgse a Imy live cents le get some, anil the tilings that I bmk nut te film had te be put Inte a Ixix under his bed which was lull of ants ; I saw the crerk de scribed hy my uncle, anil It was In a learlul condition ; I never found anyone there te attend tn him, and hn was eltun In great need uf attention ; at 0110 lime tlm pillow was all bloody ami he was very weak; I saw a man bring In his feed and put It down 011 the Uhle, at the feet of the bed, nut of reach, and 1 aaked my father about It ; he aald that If he could get It hn could have it, and If net, hn 111 nut de without; he was an weak that he meld net raise up In Uh1 ; ler three mouths he was net ahavnd, and 1 hired a man te de It; his beddlug waa nlten In bad condition ; lather said that for the past week they would glte liluiau it or milk if hn would aak ler II, hut the cup that the milk waa In was In a fear fully dirty condition; hn often told me that if a man wanted te die that waa the place In go ; there waa always a Hi hi deal of neiwt and the day lailera father died they were playing theeriran In the next room. Mum In M kiih. Alllruietl and Miilmcrlhetl te belore me this 1st day of August, A. I IH7, (Ike. A. I,NK, N I. irirfijfer t'ij. AMr 0 'ran ifniniu, AS Kolere tnna ueUry public In neil ler tlm alateef l'enuylatila rtmldliig at litucatler, lairaenally apiHMrixl Mrs. Mary A. Itnxium, whelwlug tliily alllrmeil atitirillug te law, ileieam and Havs that alie vlxltetl her step son, William I. Ilreniim, at thu himplta', and he told her that the victuals were net 111 for a alck man te eat, and thai he could net get medicine et any kind. I ald a man togle him water, who told me that the liimatea were net allowed te wait en eai h ether. The feed that was brought Inte him was placed oil a table at the feet el Ida bed, and If hn wanted It he hail hi get up te get It. This 1 aaw mere than 01100. Mauv A. Hiioemk. Alllruietl and aiibtrllHiil te laderu mu thla 1st day of Anuntt, A. II. KS7. (I10. A. I.anh, Notary I'uhllc Cen war anil K.fimr, .Sirr ffVnrif;ltvinii, fity n irifiuer, .VV llelere me a notary public In and ler the aUteef t'ennayUanla renldlug at Lancaster, personally appjttred Jeseph It. Conway who. twlug duly alltrimil according le law, deitHeH and says; " Ker tea we had hreutl and inelaaaeaand ier tea, nothing else, no htilUir, aud If a lelinw didn't iure ler iiiolaHaea he had teittt dry bread ; that lliirmiu In the room with me itiiildu't tat inelaiwia At break (nil we had breatl aud 1110. laMa and cutlee that wat net Miry geml with a little milk At illnuer we had lienf and bread ami bean, a, rice or lairley soup, and weeltitu leuml weruit In It hair an Inch lung. 'Hits wt under both Dr. Sentenlg and MacCrtary. 'llm man new in charKH of llm tower Ik tpiUI given better a' teulteu than tliu one who wat dlH-hargud." I iievcrceiuplalned te Mr. Swenknrauy one cite tmlniiglng le hiaipltal, l-ucauae. I wanted le remain friendly with tbe management. 1 ueter under either tif the dm lera ret-olted any niedlciue internally except aeuiclhiiig at night te uiake me t'eeji. lilt JetKI'll 11 Ce.Ntt.M mark Alllruietl aud auliwrlbeil te Iwtere inu this Itt day of Aiigunt, A. D. 17, tlte A. I.ani, Notary rulil'c. Mniei 'tti'isflcmO.i, Cij 0 lAtnctuttr, A. llelere me a notary public In and for the Btate of I'euutylvaiiia, reatdlng at lui'Jia ter, erHeuallv apiwareil Henry Keener, who lielng alllrmed aixerdlug le law, de liesea ami aays : I was net treated by Dr. itensentg for a mouth alter the doctor took charge and 1 had net Ihwu treaUxl ler lour or II e wtieka Uifere laung Uken away ; the way I wat ft rat treated by hliu I tallttl hla atlentlnu In II aa he was pawing along the hall ; the feed waa at dencrlbed by Con way aud 1 hw a man pi king worms from llioHeup; I had the run of the ptnlry be canto 1 worked In the kitchen ; plenty loeat hut net preer met) leal treatment; the den ter never stepped me from playing football, excepting once when Im wauled me te de aemethlug , I never reluaed te lake any medicine that Dr. NenMinlg ettered me ; be fore I get Inte the kl'chen 1 had theaame as tlie nthera ; bread aud luolaaaea aud celleu for hreakfat', the aame with tun lerauppur aud wiup bread ler dinner. hit llllNin l'llMI.IN KKh.NHl. mark AlllruiiHl 11ml MiibtcrltaMl te hefore me thla Ut day of Auguat, A. D , KS7. Umi. A. I.xnk, N. I'. Dr. IWker It wliliug te substantiate the aUtetneuta of this Wer Willi regard te his Interview with Dr. Nentenlg, which we reproduce slightly condenaed. The doctor then deulletl his treatment, which met with meat emphatic disapproval of Lr. linker. Or. Honsenig failed te explain why no treat ment had beeu glioe until he had been a month In charge, or why llm boy had then been without treatment for n mouth. And further, the treatment that waa adopted Dr. Itaker boldly criticised ; inatcad of utlug the miMleru antiseptics In the treatment the wounds had been wattied with Iodide of potash Dr. Itaker wat net willing tn admit that a correct diagnosis of theilixease had been made, and aald that e en if thu diagno sis were correct the eae bad evidently been shamefully neglected. MacUrsarV Man. MiifeeiVmiiiiii'iilu, Vituv l.uiiciiiU) , A.V llelere me a notary public In ami ter the state of Pennsylvania, residing In laucaalcr, ieraenallr apMtared William Keller, who belngduly altlrmwl aHerdiug hi law, deputes and Maya: The chicken te which Dr. Mac Creary relera waa bought by me Irem the farmer's wile, ami I deny that 1 ever stele anything. Mr. Ilreck uted te give me bread left from the Uble, which would go te the slop anyhow. Tim statement published In the In rK.i.l.l rK.i.l.l iiknekk about the btnly that laid In the dead heuae was correct with the exception of the number of tlsyH,aueul which I am net certain. William Kki.i.i.ii A lllrmetl and subscribed tn before me this 1st day el Auguat, A. U., 1KS7. tlKe. A. Lank, Notary Public. toiiteef iVioujhii'iie, Vityef hincmttr an. Itoiero me, a neUry public In and for thu slate of Pennaylvauia,at Lancaster, personally appeared Mia, Nathaniel Picket, of Till North Mulberry street, Lancaster, Pa., who beitig duly alllruietl according te law deposes and aays that some years age,under Dr. MacCreary, her busband'a uncle was there for a day aud a night without anything te eat or drink, and no one came te seu him Ilu told her that he craw let 1 out Inte the hall and called te tbe dot ter : "Am I left here te tliu with nothing te eat or drink." Ou hearing or hla deatb she went out there aud found that he had been put in a oelllu, but she Insisted en having it opened that she might bee hi in. Ue waa stretched out in a plain box with nothing but a piece of muslin areuud him, bis beard drawn ever bis face end bair uu bruahed. Mil Amki.ia Piukkl. Alllrmed and subscribed te before uie this 1st day of August, A. D., 1KH7, 1 1 1:0. A. Lank, NeUry Public. xiiiii(r (MftaTr'iifce'i'etiiiijfiiinfn, Hefure me, a neUry publle in aud for tbe aUte et Pennsylvania, residing at Lancaster, iwraenally appeared Nicholas Meiaentbal, who being duly alllrmed according te law, deiKMes and says : 1 waa a ward nurse under Dr. MacCreary, and at that time a geed many el tbe old fellows who came Irem the peer beuse brought vermin witu mem. lien 1 went there 1 found plenty or vermin and bugs, and at once hurul snmn uf the hlankeU and pickled ethers. The doctor was net down everyday, and when I asked for med icine I received a abort answer. Nicholas Mikskntiial. AfHrmea and subscribed belure me this Ut day of August, A. !., 1 W. Uke. A. Lank, Notary Public. lAineaiHr City, state 0 l'enniyUitnu, US. : Before me neUry publle in and for the state of Pennsylvania, residing at Lancaster, personally appeared Mr. Charles Trazar, 417 itigtt treat, who being duly alllrmed ac cording te Uw, deposes and aays that bis fattier, Andrew Trsiir, waa out there under Dr. MeeOreary and was treated te weak soup With bun la It. lie could net stand It- and breugbthlm bem and Mr. Trailer thinks hla father would be living new but for his treat meat at tbe hospital, tie took plenty of uiutuss wiui uiiu auu uniy ureugut uaca. whMkttiiajQn and the wm full of m One day he had a black eye. nit CltAltl.KH M TltA.KIt. mil k Amrinml and suhserllmd before me this 1st day of August, A. I). I8M7. Ofe. A. Lank, NeUry 1'ublla H'nte 0 i'eiinifinlrr, C'ifv 0 Isincattcr, tit, llelere inn, a neUry publle in and for the aUte of Pennsylvanla, residing at Lancaster, Krsenslly appearml Isaac Kauflinsn, who lug duly alllriiinl, according te law, de pines and says that when I took things nut te my son, them wssan liimale of the hospital who said be was very hungry. 1 gave til in cakes te eat, and he kissed my hand and thanked me. I never drove my son away from home. He had loll home a year before, aud I did net knew where he was until I heard he was at the heHpllal. Then 1 went out te eee hi in every Hundsy aud took him things Ut eat. hit lHA (i H KAtlrTMAN. mark Alllruietl aud subscribed before 1110 thla 1st day of AuiiiiHi, A. D, ISK7. tlKii A. LANK, Notary Public CVie . inrittfVr, Htutn of VHiMzhieiid, ,SV llelern me, n notary public In and ler the sUloef Pennsylvania, residing at Lancaster, personally apieared Ilsrry Mef7ger, who lining duly sill run d M-oerdtng le law, do de poses and says : I had my loot cruahed In a threshing machine and went te the hospital. I was put lu a room hy Dr. MacCreary and did net see him again for a week or mere. I hatl.teugli meal and r len "eup.very weak, with little black hugs In It My greatest dtncemfnrt, however, came from tlm extreme hardness of the IkmI. 1 wss at the hetpltal In Dr. Mac Creary'ii time, when the man wat left se long at the dead heiitu iiiihurled and thu hlem li was se strong that llm sick Heple wanted te knew what It wat. 'I Imy uiaile me get out of bed and wath my injured loot when I was net able. Haiihv Mi.iulu. Alllrmeil and suhecrilicd belure ine thla 1st dsyul August, A. I)., I7. (Ike. A. Lvni:, Notary Public run MBIT LH1KHHM law. Tlis iJiimlltniM le he An.werrtl hy all the Von Ven atslilti uf ths Uuenijr. Deputy Clerk of the ijuarter Hestlens (lea W. Ksliy has complied a new form of returns for constables In accordance with the new tltier law of the state. These returns will beused ler the llrst time at the August ses siens, en the third Monday of Ihlt month, aud the constables of the severs) dlttrlcU cau get a uepl " te study " from Iho clerk. Kollewiug are the iiiestluus le he an swered : Aru the public iituln, In lilies or stre)tt in 1111r dlxliii t In gisal order unit repair? Are the li.dex tteards all up lu thulr proper places an the law requires ? Hw many Ihtuused inns or taverns and llipmr stores are In your district, aud hy wiiem are they kept 7 Hew many ruus sell spirituous liquor or beer without license lu yeui district, aud who are they 1 Have theru been any violations of the llipmr law hy selling en (Sumlsy 7 If se, hy whom T Have there Um any violations of the lliiinr law bv selling te miner 7 Ifse, hy win nil, aud who ure the witncMtea 7 Has complaint I ten made loyetiof any violation el the liquor lawt lu your district 7 If se, by whom, ami whom are the wit nesses 7 llaa there Iswu any violation el Iho law prelitblllui; the "tie el Inpier en elitctleu day In your district 7 If se, by whom, and who are the wttnusaut 7 Have you visited, at least one, 1 III each mouth, all plates lu your district, where any vinous spirituous, mall, or brewed ibpieis, or any admixture thereel are sold 7 Are there any bawdy houses kept In your district? II mi, by whom, and who are the witnesses 7 Are there any gambling houses, or rooms kept In your dlitncl 7 Ifse, hy whom, aud who are the witnesses ? Have there Itx-n any violations el the oleomargarine law 111 your iliMiici? Was there any riot or tllMluibame at the last election lu vnur 1IM1KI II xe, who were eugagetl lu il? Are they any "llth ixiIh," ImhUcIh or any ether devlcts ler the taking or destroying of llth, ceutraiy te taw lu veur dlsirlct ? If be, hy whom elected, and where are they te bu leund ? The censUtilea are sworn In open court te make true answers te tbe above iuostlens and are liable te Indictment II false returns aru made. AVtlVKT IJVAHTBIl flIOV. The Trial I.Ut Thai lias lleen luunl hy Ilia Irltt Atlernvy Wtaver. The trial list for the quarter setsleua court beginning en the third Monday of August, Judge Patterson presiding, was issued this morning. The list includes the cases re turned te date. A few days before 1 eurt an other list will be issued, which will include the additional cates returned, following is the Hat of cases: Me.Niiw, August I Oeorge Krady, lar ceny ; (ieurge O'Neal, tramp; Janus Me Me teormin, tramp; Jehn Klpp, assault te ravish ; Henrietta Moere, assault aud bat tery ; Jeseph Helies, larceny; (iettlleb Uret Urot Urot woed, tramp; (ieorge Williams, tramp; Jehn Peters, robber v ; l.eulxa Huillh, lar ceny, etc.; James Dallas, felonious entry, etc; Isaae Patterson, uliiv, etc, lelonieut attault and battery, James Mitchell, Daniel Nlump, Arthur (Ireen, larceny ; (Ieorge W at son, lolentouaoulry, etc.; Cliislepher Ililde liraud, violating liquor Uw, etc ; M try Meads, temicatinu ; Jehn Canten, larteiiy ; Ca.tier II irlmaii, dlterderty heusm; Martha Haeer, assault aud liattery ; Jehn (jiiiun, malicious initchlef; Jehn Hale, laiceuy, etc ; Llucelu Yellets, Peter K llesj, eL al , larceny; levl Olatsmver, IVed. Itahter, fulse pretunsu ; II 1'. Howe, embi.!einent. TithsiiAV Jehn Hoever, horse stealing; Michael (ieriuan, lelouieus ivtsault and bat tery ; William Dawsen, bigamy ; Jehn llaln, Andrew Hecknntcln, Samitbl W. Wengle, Charles .-wh, M. H. Marks, l.rceny (loe. Kreckei, jr., aaatuHami nitiery : rump iis slnger, emb) leuient ; Krank Human, assault aud biltery ; Wm Haines, mlulter) ; Hal lie Khersnle, tornicatlen ; Jehn S. Smith, viola ting liquor law, etc; Kilts Catupliell, lalse prolensis ; Jehn S. Hloin-e, ailultery ; Henry Hrewn, Jehu Jehnsen, l.xj Jacob, Jeseph Hehillinir. Ilenrv Sllu. intum : .Mary A. Hall, fornication; Andrew Kane, violating liquor law. Wkiinknii.w J. Heward Miller, felonious assault and battery, etc -..lames Moere, Harry Pickel, Hainuel Picket, Henry Harry, assault and liattery; II. M. Auugtt, malicious trts nasa ; Wm. Smith, malicious miKchiel;.samuel Fry, lornlcallen ami bastardy ; li. II. S. Wel Wel ler, larceny ; Jehn Kichuiau, malicious mis chief; Jacob Hartiuan, lelouieus assault; Julia Callahan, ascault and battery; Alvin Wilsen, rape; Huury llaby, fornica tion and bastard v ; Llumeus Auxer, false protente ; Simuel J. Campbell, Jamea 11. Davis, adultery and bulardy ; Jehn (1. Bewers, Kllen A. Hewers, assault and battery; Lewis Kiphorn, etaL, malicious mischief ; Lem (1. I'erney, fulse pruleuBO ; Wayne Kathman, fornication and bastardy ; Addison llamhright, fornication ; Wilsen Meckley, fornication and hasiardv ; S. J. Hwelgart, lornlcallen ; Satuuel V, Mebn, for fer for nlcalien and baaUrdy ; Alex. Lslbtley, mur der ; Israel L. Laudls, larceny; 11 Irani Becker, fornication and bastardy ; Cyrua Werlz, assault aud battery Tiiiihniiw. (Ien. II. Kafreth, Jacob H. Laudls, Henry U. (laulz, etal , false pretense; Kphralm II. Hbaub. etal. Isaac Kautluiau. et ah, violating election law ; August Htiuler, violating liquor law; William T. Colwell, anon ; William Bellman, iiislloieus mla chlel ; J. L llutler, libel ; Jehn Arndt, K T. Paul, ut al., false pretense -, J. H. Heller. Html. Kiia Jacob M 1 1 anleu, false pretense ; Alfred K. Sharp, perjury ; Frederick Krause, assault aud battery, etc ; Jehn MeClune, aeuuciiuu, eic, Hatukiiav Peter Hill, surety peace; (ieerge Kreckei, deaertleu ; Benjamin Brene man, llarrr Ureen, Jeseph Hbrelner,Ueerge Kreckei Israel White, Win. T. Colwell, earety peace ; Waller B. Tangert, desertion. Overcome or the Heat. A. O. Hresey, leal tobaeoo dealer, waa over come by the heal, at liU warehouse, en Con cord street, en Monday afternoon. He waa taken te hla home en Columbia ayenue and medical aid summoned. Fer a time be waa In a critical condition, but he la aeinewhat - 1 la-proved te-dy. mill. A TREASURY. RULING. BMvmmrAMr MAtttAitn 11 mvmm -turn LBAB" BIIULL HB TUB VMT. An I m mutant IMrlslea lutallvs te the linpar- tailea ul Hiimatra lebarru The Ump Here as lliteil aa Rvsr Ttaa KsImmI Heme Art- vltelelhs lirowsrsef This (MhcIIeii, The growing lobaceo crop of Lap master and ail I scent counties leeks lovely in every dlreitlen. It Is clean, green, and of great sle. The leaves measure in many lielda from '1 1 te :U) Inches In length, there la plenty of the Havana seed, tbe leaves el which are .10 inches long. Never was a finer crop grown in Lancaster county than that which sUnds upon the Holds te-day. There have been a few narrow awarths cut down by hall, and a few plantings that havu been Injured hy wind and Heed, hut these are as nothing compared with the whole crop, which Is supor-excellonL Considerable por tions of the early planted Havana Need have I Men cut etf aud bung en the peles, and be bo be fere tlie week ends the harvesting of tbe weed will have fairly commenced. Very Utile Is being done In old tolweco. These holding old sleik aroallttle still In their demands and en the whole prices have an upwards tendency. The 'Hi I lav sua seed Is still being picked up by local and foreign buyers, at prices a little tailor than provalled a few weeks age. An old tobacco grower and a-ker throws ett Ihese timely suggestions te tobacco farm ers, overyeno of which is worthy careful consideration : "Don't cut oil your tobacco before it Is ripe ; Isstter run the risk or hall than cut your crop green. Djii't handle It a If it was hay, but hacdle it tenderly se as net te break tbe leaves. Don't hang It tee close 011 the poles, but hang the sUlka lar enough apart te allow the air a free circulation auieutheiu. Don't bang any part of your crop en the upper tlera of your abed, close up te the roer ; If you de you will have whlle vein, and ether damage. A greuud lliajr Is better than a wooden 0110 ler a tobacco abed, hut whether ground or wishI the llixir should be kept damp whlle the tobacco Is curing, keep the shodailOHed during Iho day se'lally sun shiny days and open al night, se that the damp air may rmeale the tobacco. Fellow these directions and the crop el 't7 will come from thu poles lu better condition than any that have preceded IL" 1IIK lUFVtUIlV HE ISIOV. Lecal dealers aud grewers are lu geed humor te-day ever the Information which comes from Washington that Assistant Sec retary of tlie Treasury Maynard has made a ruling in the matter el the larlll 011 Sumatra ImporUllens lu accord with the position as sumed by the commllteo representing the growers who recently appeared before him. When Mesrs llensul, Dltlenderller and Ithislea were Isttore tbe secretary, with the representatives of ether localities aud Inter ests, they were Informed that substantially the sauie question as they presented was in in velv ed In a lest case that came te the depart ment from a decision of thu collector at Kl Pase, Texas, assessing duty al the rate el seveuty-tlvocents per jxiund en certain leaf tobacco Imported Irem Mexico, of which fi'i out til every 100 leaves were of the requisite si9 and lineal fur use at wrapjHjrs, and ltm of which leaves weightd less than a pound. The de termination of thu eluts involved tiejsjud principally upon llm unit tube adopted in ascertaining whetht r s. per cent, el the com modity is el the AtUht and quality which renders It Itablii 1 1 the rate of duty Im Itjsetl. In hit decision, Judu Maynard na: The subject of Iho tax it " leaf tobacco," net " bales," or " hands," or " packages" of leaf tobacco, and the liability te duty cau net he made te depuiid upon thu Inriiief the iiackage in which tuelmporuUtien Is made. I Ivery leal, Ki per tent, of which is suitable (or wrap pers, and the weight ut wIiIlIi is such that mero than KM) leaves would be re quired te weigh a pound, Is declared te he rellablu te a high rate el duty. The law has reference te the leaf tobacco lu the con dition when imxjrted aud net lu the llnal results which may bu obtained from Its man ufacture Inte dgus. It Is dealing with a kind well known le the tradu at suitable ter wrappers, that It, lit te Is) set apart ter use for euch purpose, aud It K per cent, of tbe leaf properly comes within that designation aud Is of the requisite weight, the conditions of the law are met and the high rate of duty should be Imposed. It has been suggested that it would be dlllicult, if net impractica ble, for the appraiser le adept the leaf as a unit, but it is net believed that such an eh joctlen reals upeu tunable grounds. Judge Maynard reviews the present method of determining the classification of leaf tobacco. 11 u says: "It is the practice te regard the hand or package as the unit, aud 111 case s per cent, of il is net found te hoof light weight and suitable ler wrappers thou te regard tbe whole iniiurtalleu as duti able at 35 j per puu ml. 1 think such a prac tice is net lu atcoidauce Willi the Intent of the law ami should be discontinued. It lel low s thut In the case under consideration f'i per cent-or tbe inveke was dutiable at ru per pound and II porceuL at.'.'ioper pound." It will be remembered that alter Congress passed theantl Sumatra law, intended te Ux the iuisirtatieu of this class of tobacco wrap iers 75 cent pir pound, the Inqiorters evaded It by packing Hi or cent or mero of worth less tillers with it, te make lets than Ni per cent, et Iho whole package "wrappers" aud then make the bale liable only le the lower rate of duty. As a result less than otie half of ene per cent, of tlie total iuiH)rUtieus of Sumatra tobacco during the ptst year paid tlie 3.1 per cunt duty ; though It is notorious, at argued hy Mr. lleusel before Secretary Maynard, that no Sumatra tobacco Is really Isnight lieie for tillers, the article being ut most worthless for that purixjse. The latck ng et it ill the bales, te evude thu tarltl 011 the butler class el goods, ought new te he aband oned or suppressej by the new treasury rul ing ; aud whatever iuiertaliuus there will be el Sumatra will likely he cf straight clean goods paying the 7.'i tent duly. The Nw urk Market, from the II. s. I'obacte Jeurnui. The enormous rise in Western aud South Seuth ern tobaccos within the past few weeks, and especially durlug the last threo days, having lu train a golden harvest for the prudent aud calculating ones, has net tailed te sllllen the seed lear market considerably and open up the very best or prospects for the balance of the year. Tbe sudden rise in tueee he called cutting" tobacco is due te Iho disinclina tions et growers le plant tobaccos at low prices. They stepped for a season and up went the market. Hew dillerent are the growers or seed leal tobacco I Fer years aud years their cre have hardly paid them expenses ; neverthe less year alter year they lucrease their acre age aud raise the leal at all haards. Why don't they curUll tur a season ? If tbey were te plant ball a crop euly next year, tbe price eiaeeuieai weuiu ueuuie. tuaieau 01 mis, tbey dream of rlebea If a high duty could be placed en Sumatra ; they waste their lime aud money in their attempts, and use tbe balance of tbeir time and money te raise mere tobacco than Is wanted ; tbey are rais ing tbe beat they can, that la certain ; tbe best, tbeugb, la no competitor te Sumatra, and te keep It out by a blgb rate of duty ought te be an exploded felly by this time. Nevertheless, things leek exceedingly bright new, and there exists no doubt what ever tbat at any moment prices of seed leaf may asceiiu recsei uae. The week has lieen a satUfactery one, ever 2.UU1I Gates havimr linen tllaiirsiAil et. l.ntv I grades are bought up rapidly. Ujedaetb te 7 ceuU, watch a few weeka age 901114 be bought at case and en mat 1c, erenew out or tbe market. Sumatra hail another great week, selling an high a 12. 10 for extra tine parcel a ; medium classee bring from fl into 11.75, while low heavy Bleck realizes from 11.15 te f 1.85. Havana showed much activity ; aalea MX) Istlea, at S5 eenU te l.l. Frem the Tobaueoo Leaf. Heed leal Concerning eeed leaf the nnly feature of Importance, se far as reported, Is the sale of two entire packings el IKK) Con necticut bread leaf. These packings oom eom oem Srlaed about U,000 casea and were held by lew Yerk firms. Oilers were made for IkmI Ohie aulUhle ler home trade, the stock of which la scarce, but were rejected. Trade among jobbers Is be coming geed, and these tradesmen are full or ex isxjUtlen of better times. These who held geed old or new wrapper stock are aure te be lieneHtted by the present situation. Killers are likely te advance en account of the rise In Kentucky lugs. Havana Hales thla week feet up tee bales, at from Mki. te (I or, Importers are refusing (liters for geed old stock which would have been gladly accepted three weeks age. Prices are growing stiller every day, but are still below these prevailing In Havana. Helders are beginning te realize that they are parting with stock that cannot be duplicated, and that prices must go higher still. Sumatra New goods are receiving mere attention, nearly 300 bales changing hands at from f 1 .15 te 1 1 5. The Intense heat we are having la causing a decided Improvement In colors, which are settling rapidly. One let of 75.!. duty tobacco sold at f I !Xi Cablegrams from Helland sUte that at the sale In Amster dam en Wednesday last prices were ten per cent higher than these nhulned a few weeks sge. American buyers paid aa high aa f I 10 lr pound. Such prices make glad tbe hearts et large holders or seed leaf. (Ian.' WMkljr Itspert. Hales of seed leaf tobacco reported for the l.NTKLt.KiKNOKii by J. H. Uaus' Hen it Ce., tobacco broken, Ne. Ul Water street, New Yerk, ler the week ending August I, 1887 ; MX) caes IhMi, New Kngland, lUVult : ls0 cases 1K.H5 Pennsylvania Havana, lUU'.MU ; 3Ki rases lS0-S'i, Pennsylvania need lear, lUiifhi; V cases lsSt,-'K5, Llttle Dutch, 1014(4! I; I'll) cases sundries, 7(c,iS. Total cases I, IN). I'hlladlihla Market. Seed leaf Anether week or moderate business In the handling or cigar leaf. It la tee seen te buy new, and there Is a want of desirable old stock. When reterence Is made te the few houses which have old stock, no complaint Is made of waut or busi ness, The fact It, holders nf new stock be Hove the indications all point te a mere fa vorable market later in the year, hence tbey are Urdy In sampllug, holding eir for devel opments. The casual circumstances which appear te surround tbe lear interest, aud which have come into existence without human aid, strongly ratify the assumptions of the holders of new leaf. Sumatra-It sells, but Is closely scrutin ized. Kxamlners et new de net speak favor ably. tiav ana moves along quiet, but steady, talllinere Market. The market for Maryland continues quite aotive, and desirable grades are generally promptly Uken by buyers 'or tbe open ports as well aa the resident purchasing agent for the I 'reucb contract. There have also been sales of some 700 or NX) hhds com mon grades, Including considerable frosted, at tlgurea within quotations, thus, te a great extent, clearlmz the market of inferior irrades. The teue of tbe market for Ohie is firmer, under a hotter Inquiry, and sales are reported et MiO hhds at lair prieea, the greater Hjrtlen or which Is for expert. A Urllllam Hbenlag far tbe Trad.. r nun the U. 8. Teliai co leurnal. The chronic grumbler should for once atop bis professional growling. Never bolore was there a mere brilliant showing of the condition or tbe trade than the one reported by Internal Revenue Com missioner Miller ter the lineal year of l&ii-b7 as published elsewhere. There were manu I act u red during that year the enormous quan tity or ever .1,788,000,01)0 or cigars, l,58VU0,0Oi) cigarettes, aud nearly 'JOO.OOO.OOO pounds or plug, chewing and smoking tobacco. And there has been an Increase In every depart ment of the trade, and a big increase. The increase In the production of clgara amounted te LTT.VKXy 100 ; the increase ill the mauu tacture of cigarettes te LT.l.MXi.eOO ; tbe In crease In the manufacture of tobacco te II, 500,000, and even the increase in tlie manu facture of anutr shows nearly pounds. Hew rapid this increase has tieoeme a com parison with the census year lSSO will prove host The production of clgara was ever IU last year for every Inhabitant, babies Included, our present population estimated at about 1I,-.-iiO.oeo, against 5 during the previous year and IS in the census year. The production of cigarettes has Increased te 'Jt'i for every Inhabi tant, against -- ler tbe previous year and only 8 for the census year, and the consump tion of tobacco in ether forma has Increased te I i- pounds for each inhabitant, agalnat J -- last year and - 75 tn the census year. Tn produce .!,7b0oe,000 cigars, mere than all the combined rentes or Kurepe produce, requires some leal tobacco. Hew, in tbe lace nf these enormous, almost breathless figures, our ciitar industry or lear trade can complain tit any dullness passes the comprehension or auy reasonable mind. The Ohie Tobacco Shed. '1 he Ohie tobacco shed la thus described by the Mlamtsburg Jlulletin : Herein Ohie the beat curing beuses are built two tiers blgb, with narrow doers at the Isittem, slat ted te keep out chickens. When the sun strikes the root a volume el het air is formed under It, which escatiea under the eaves, w here thu ratters rest upon plates, and Is re placed hy moist cool air Irem the ground be neath, thus cHlabllsbtug and maintaining under all conditions an insensible circulation which, with the exclusion of light, Is all that Is required. I.TrT NKWH H V MAIL. The public debt statement for July, issued Monday, shows a reduction or (1,811,801 ; total cash In the treasury ( I id 301, Kit. Jehu W. Kodgers, or Philadelphia, will use legal means te recover bis sixteen year old wife, wtie was Uken from him by her father, llev. J, T. Swindells, ou the -7th of last month. A. J. Whitman, bookkeeper ler the Central Union Telephone company in Chicago, was arrested ni outlay ou uiecuarge 111 lurgury and committed uuder fJ5,000 bends. The body of Geerge Akin, tbe youth who drewned at Cape May ou Huuday, was washed ashore yesterday. William F. Forwood, clerk of the circuit court, register of deeds, oeuuty auditor, secreUry of the beard of county commis sioners aud chairman of the Democratic county executive committee at Palatka, Flerlda,havls30n HusS3tided by tbegeverni r ou charges of embezleinent, mutilation el records and various private disreputable transactions. The bursting of a dam In the 11101 nUlna near Wilkeabarre, Monday, caused great less of properly. Bridges and mile el railroad track havubeencarrledaway. AnuieNulm, a little girl, waa drowned. The man arreaieu at vvinuser, nie, auu supposed te have been McCabe, the Wayne county murderer, baa been released, as tbe man did net coincide with the description given of McCabe. Warren Klchardaen, a traveling salesman, was drugged by a new acquaintance at Wallham, Mass., en Saturday and robbed of (00 and a pair et shoes. Hsvsral Terrible Tragedies William Wiltshire, a German of Camden, N. J., last evening abet aud InsUutly killed his wife and Justice of the Peace W. Spencer Darr, and then walked out of the justice's oiliee aud shot himself, dying almost In suntly. Geerge WbcUteln, of Bridgeport, Conn., in a lit of jealousy, abet hla wile three times and then killed himself, ills wife will die. Geerge Hchlimmer, a barber, shot and killed his sixteen-year old wife yesterday afternoon, as she wm walking along tbe atreeu et Jersey City. 'antral el tleerge Waldl.. Th funeral of Oeo. Waldley, whose death by drowning was noted en Saturday, took place UiU morning from bis residence near Hanck'a mill. Tbe Inwrment waa made lu I the soldiers' let, at the LancanVU eunewry. VUWBBKUB Bimem B. KVOKKBB. BLmmmWf "" Hmbb The full INimiMiratlc auta Ticket of Kentucky r.lscwd By !S,00O M.Jvrllr. The elections for sUte and legislative oUl eUl cers of Kentucky passed or qulellyen Monday. The weather was clear and het and the vote does net seem te have lawn large. Owing te tbe length el the ticket and local contests, re turns are as yet meagre. The Laber and Prohibition vote are smaller than was anticipated. In LnulavlUe the Democratic majority Is about J,000, a Demo cratic gain of nearly 2,000 ever the last elec tion. Tbe city elects a solid Democratic ticket and defeats local option by a heavy majority. The county and city give a Dem ocratic majority or 3,000. Meagre returns Irem the sUte iudtcate a Republican gain, but the following Deme cratle ticket's estimated majority will iw from VLr,')0 te 35 000 votes: tinvernnr, Simen Hillvar Huckuer; lieutenant governor, (1. W. Hrvan ; auditor, Fayette Hewitt ; treas urer, J. W. Tate ; attorney general, W. II. Hardin; supeilntendent of publle Instruc tion, J. O. Picket; land register, Themas Corbet. (lenersl Huckuer annears te have run ahead el bis ticket, and the Democratic losses are mainly in local contests. I,exlngten gave 1U first Democratic majority in several years. The vote for holding a constitutional con vention was large, but the question will net likely carry. The legislature will be largely Democratic, and will elect a United States senator in January te succeed Sunater Beck. I.srge Kepubllcsn Main.. Leuihmi.i.k, Ky., Aug. 2 Returns from the sUte are coming In slowly. Keturns from .'Id counties, nearly all Democratle, show a Kepubllcau gain or 11,307. 11 this proportion of gain is kept up all ever tbe state Buckner'a majority will net exceed 12,01)0. The Republicans have net given up tbe state and this morning lu this city claim that Bradley bas a geed chanca te win. titven the Trenten of Dublin. Di'ulin, Aug. 'J The mayor of Dublin te-day presented te Hen. Patrick A, Cellins, the rreedem or tbe city et Dublin, which was conferred upon bliu by tbe veto or tbe city corporation. The mayor In his prosen presen prosen Utlen BS3ech said that the freedom of the city wat cooler red uinn Mr. Cellins aa the represeuutlve of the millions or Irish tbat bave been bauished Irem their coun try by oppression. In his reply Congress man Cellins premised tbat tbe Irish In America would never desert the cause for which Ireland was struggling but would continue te aid her until ahe conquered. He referred te the unpleasant incident of having bis baggage searched and said that ever since be had been honored by a detective escort, but be did uetcaru ler this. It did net dis turb him, he Bald. The freedom or the city el Dublin was also presented te llditer William O'Brien te-day. A Dual Nscautrjr. 1'AitiH, Aug. 'J. Tbe seconds or M. Ferry and Ueneral Heulanger met last night and have decided tbat a duel between the two ex ministers is necessary. Tbe meeting will be arranged as seen as possible. There is some tillleronce el opinion among the Ferry-Beulaueer seconds as te the man ner of fighting the approaching duel. Tbe seconds of Heulanger propose, as ia Uttlrjg for the representatives of the fiery general, that the participants of the duel shall tire at each ether and shall continue se doing until one Is weuuded. M. Kerry 'ssoceuds decline te Uke part in any such bleed-thirsty pro ceedings and modestly suggest that single shots shall be exchanged. In consequence of these diverging opinions all treating en tbe subject bave been Buspended. Mri. Clsvvlaud en a Trip. WAsiiiNiire.v, Aug. 2 Mrs. Cleveland, accompanied by her mother and aunt, left Washington very quietly yesterday after noon. The ladlts expect te visit friends at some of the summer resorts in Massachusetts and will probably be absent from Washing ton some weeka. Mauien, Mass, Aug. 2. Mis drover Cleveland and parly arrived her at 11:15 this morning. The party will be the guesta of General A. W. Ureeley, who has a summer residence her a KartriiiuskB lu TcnusMee. NvsiiviLt.K, Tenn,, Aug. 2 Dlspa'chea received Irem many el the surrounding towns, ahew that the earthquake shock was widely aud distinctly felt at haH-past twelve o'clock this morning, lu some places houses were severely shaken, and household articles rattled In a lively manner. At Clarksvllle many ladies ran screaming into the streets. At Gallatin and Tullahoma people armed themselves and eean bed their dwellings thinking that burg lars were about TKI.r-OKAf lilt) TAY. Fire In Norridgewerk, Maine,thls morning destroyed A. L. Wells A. Ce'a, furniture store, C. A. H. Whitney's hardware store and a dwelling house ; aggregate less 11,000. Kvausvuie, lud., waa viaueu iy au eanu quake shock early this morning. It waa very pronounced aud lasted about eight minutes. Ne damage resulted. At Tut sale, 111., Mrs. Fannie Weyue was gored aud trampled te death by a mad bull yi s'erday whlle attempting te drive Ibe brute out of her yard. Ferest tires are doing great damage te aUudlng timber in the vicinity of Kast Sagi naw, Mich. Although ills dlllicult te esti mate tbe damage te timber, tue less will be very heavy. M. Flourens, French minister of foreign atlalrs, says tbat France continues te destre a settlement or tbe Egyptian question accord ing te the wishes at all tbe powers. Tbe divorce suit el K. H. McDonald against his wife new going en In ban Francisce la attracting mera attention every day. Many sccusstleus are mad and refuted en both sides. Tbe complainant la a seu of a promi nent banker and politician. llev. Dr. Floed, or the Order or Preacbera at Heme, baa been appointed coadjutor bishop el Trinidad. . , ine itrititu government uw. iii"" grant a subsidy te tbe Canadian Paclherall- A gasoline lamp exploded l"'j ,'??. '? tlviUeaat the plcnle of the Hed-Carrier a tm eifat Araen.1! park, PilUburg. l"" The burning fluid scattered ever a number e the loeepll and Mr Mary Jerdan, Mr Mwy WWila? Amsnda Wndsay, Jauies De vlne and Henry Brooka were badly burned. J ThewMeVimd working rules or tbe Pitts burg green-glass blowers for 1887-88 havs Just been aettled at a coulerenee between th oeinmlttees of manufacturers and workmen. m Three IteslliB front Haal., Aug 2 Fifteen casm et pros tration and three deaths from the heat war reported lu thla city tc.Uj, DROWNED IN THE RIVBIT LBAMUBB MM lira muiLB BAtBtmm. JV& isv 'i --- ---- - - - u.-. jk-5. v -"-l " -- 1T Taiaaear al , salts HI Wt, !MtMW-Biw aa .': Molher-la-Law bm Ptaneeata ,,", U...4 VI?, Itt 11 11I111 fiu iinpnnflnnen of Him mm aa. HU" CeniMiiiA, Aug. 2 A very sad drewaiaaf.i ut-iuBiit iiapwnu us MaanaBy about 4 o'clock, whereby Laadf son of Jehn 11. HcblegelBllea, llTaW ! Third and Perry atreeta, lest klUMk tn' streets, ion aaiut bm.t, lllppey, Jeseph Al4aV': rner, the boy weat ! IM " company witn jenn 1 gerand Charles Kerner, sand bar opposite the quarrlsa, belewNw dim. ler the niirennnnlswlmmlnv. Tha lMBBl''vIb- dam, ler the purpose nl swimming. Tha "010 piaywg "racer-ana young eeaieajaa r . 1. a ... 1 U...I.U n.hviuincu lu aiiu Mltm taw nm channel. Tbe water at thla place laraty swllt and la a very dangerous piaea, ewtaa M.llnla alia...., a-I ibIm i mm Ika ..&. te a atreng under current The boy -Msl crossed tbe channel and waa nearlng a rock when he attempted te swim toward aaera The current was ten atreng and swept Ik boy uuder the water In the sight of hUoesa panleua. Yeung lllppey made several a. tempU te loosen some beats near the ptaea but could net get help te tbe drowning buy. Tbe current turned him ever several Uetea and at last he aunk from sight. Tbe awa toen spread through town, drawing large crowds te the place. A number of aee wtta all kinds of hooks attempted le recover bat up te UM0 this morning the body had aet been found. The body was recovered at two o'clock tblsatternoen one-quarter mite below the place where he went in. Whipped tbe Whole ram 11. Themas Tnmany, employed at the CelaaV bia rolling mill, became ineenaed at his wUa yesterday and ended hU trouble by whip ping bis wile and ber father and mother. Th wile determined te learn ber husband eat ac count or Ul-treatment and had removed part 01 ner furniture 10 ner fartuer'a beuse, oernar Firth and Union streets. Tbiscausedthetroa Tbiscausedthetrea ble and Tamany assaulted hU wife, deellag her a terrible blew In tbe left eye. Th fel low then went te tbe house of Godfrey Steav gle, his father in law where he struck lira. Htengle en the leU side of her lace, feUlag her te tbe lloer, causing a fracture et a boa at tbe ankle of tbe left feet Tamany tba assaulted Mr. Htengle giving blra two blaek eyes and ether bruises. Tbe fellow skipped te parts unknown. Hult bas entered against him for assault and battery at tbe oiliee ef,Hqulre Selly, but no arrest aa yet beeu made. AMtultvd tbe Vbltdrea. Jeseph Henigau hailing Irem Htoelten, .- tered tbe house olThes. Htnltb,Unlen aVast, yesterday atteruoea. The children wan at home and he attempted te run the hens. He picked up an axe and put the eblldraa out el tbe beuse. The man waa arrested by Officer Hcblll, and glveu a hearing befer Helly, en tbe charge of felonious assault. Ha waa sent te Jail for a trial at court lMlb et Mr. Malt Mrs. Harsh Null, wlleel Oeeige Null, dkd last evening at 8 o'clock, at her borne ea si. ley J. Deceased was aged 45 years, aad bat death was due te d ropey. tthafnneral will be held en Wednesday at 2 p. m. lnlsrmeatk at Wrighteville. Car The empleyes of the Pennsylvania tall read hauled the following number of car during July : Eastward Numlier of trains, 1 473 ; leaded, tO.'.riO ; empty, l,b05 ; total, 42,785. Westward Number of trains, 637 ; leaded, 12,810 ; empty, 30,OJ ; teUl, 42,858. This movement Is a decrease from June of 2,21 i cars, and from July, 188(1, of 785 ears. Town Notes. The Vigilant ll-e company will held their regular monthly meeting te night Oa Thursday the Yeung People's asaecla Hen of the Second street Lutheran church will picnic at MuCall's Ferry. Messrs. C. H. Urubb A. Hen have mad a reduction en empleyes or the HL Charles aad Henry Clay furnaces of Un cenU avr day. The reduction took ell ect en August i. The scalleldlng around tbe new Episcopal church tower has beeu removed, presenting allueappearauee. Mrs, J. C. Clair left town this morning foravUltteUlrardville, HcuuylkUt county. The J unlera will play ball with the Active of WrlghUvllle en Wednesday allernoea. A l.utb.rau Cbarcb Destroyed. Hkadine, Aug. 2,-Lxst night a tarrlue thunder-storm passed ever Hlreuchabarg, Berks county, and many field aad bulldluga were Heeded. Th bistert Christ Lutheran church about en rail from town waa struck by th light ning and set ou tire and in a short tlm law beautilul church waa In ruins, th Sunday school organ alone being saved. Th less will be (J0.0OJ. The oerner-etone et the church was laid In 1743 and the sdlae wasoueef tbe landmarks et the Lntheraa church In America. The Muhlenberg fre quently preached there. It was en of th hrat Lutheran churches built In America. IlsnlUts la Conr.nllen. Niaiiaka Falls, N. Y., Aug. 2 Th American Dental assocUtlen began 1U 27tk annual convention at tbe Park theatre at M o'clock this morning. President Alpert, e Chicago, was In the chair. About 75 dalaf gates are present The pregramme for te day consists of organization, reports of elllcers, committees, president's address, aad this evening consideration of reports of aso ase aso tlena and miscellaneous business. Anutber nteck Ureaer VaU Nt.w YeitK, Aug. 2.-W. E. D. Vys. MM broker who could net be found te dUvr stock yesterday and for whoa acoeoat S.fJt sbarea were sold out nader Um rul lata morning, annouaeed hla inability te meet ata contracts, ins iiauiuiMs ara aauu aaa mm "j failure had no cUeet ea th market vl GentMsed la Murdering UK Matter. Cincinnati. Ohie. Aus. 3 -A specW.vd from Katen, Ohie, says that Jeha BeaU, ; veara old. who has been in Jsll six waak 0'- th charge of killing bia mother, aaa aaaaw BJ m i . ... - ...iM. . aaa a 1 waienHia iu uia iiiwwhim. , , -i sherld and an ex-sheriff. ti ma eaatmei As WAMiiiNOTbN.Aug. 2,-Th sasratary , tbe navy forwarded the oeatraot for jam. structlegBew dry aecas at we new ion j and Norfolk nsvy yarn 10 J. . Bimuassi Ce., el New Yerk, for l.Wl.SM. WBAWMBB UaiMMMM. M aanaj WASHIRaTOa, D.V., AUgtMa.Vir ", Kastera Paasyiraaaii uai maw, ,k xViiinwmt bv fair, aluthtl T, weather, yarUbl winds gaaaraUy uUMrly. y m nW ar v ) ta sbbbbbbbjmjp aaay swaaaji r Camp 13, 1, 0,aafl,r Oaavw, vg. intimur nn itatnrdn Inn WBnanVxana - m au- Sal M al B B atloueef th order Ireai lataMMi Hill, Reading aad Kphrata, wM paaaggt tV F. Bmltb, stat treasurer, waa tka eitlcer. aad bad for hat aaawsan Prealdeat D. u, veummm. awraraaw ing et Ut eamp Um paraded through Um Um Msasaan aasaak-HT. fsajlfja sasM"Jsr aaaaaBBi Uliiaaa .pnrava Ta Mf.n BWUtywit jt-t .jp-Vu-- ..3 I m M 2 xfS n -TSi ..' V . . a.. '''' -i-t. v;'-'nr ,, k 4tail&a rv'lu a tV, - . - f