Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 30, 1887, Image 3

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Tomorrow would be aMm"r d"
Tiiesun was nigh im setting. .0u1,",1J
level, shining h-rW2E.ineS
red ml ru.ldy purple gleamed te
wivm el the horlxen ; rosy rtd "
Ilia rippling wavelets rem Ihat d Wi Pu'
el the see te Ilia yellow aanda el the Uui
A path winding up headland, led Irem
Mm western sherea te a while read. The red
gleam el the annae! waa Upen It, and the
"parse heather landward ilewc d ruddy, aa
Kiine glrla sauntered fullering along the path.
There were three el them, slaters, Una
wan a child, Neaslej the ethers, Meta and
Kate t(uallrmgh, were en the happy border
land el girlhood and womanhood.
We have no plutuiexitie national garb of a
foreign land wherewlth te art tham forth,
they were dressed aa hundreda of glrla In
tiendnn might lie dressed, though they came
of ae pure a Main rare aa te tie proud or the
day when Kngllah people ware looked upea
a foreigners In Mm.
Nesale waa full of Ufa aha danced ahead or
ahe lingered behind i aha aprang te right or
left ever the broken ground of the headland )
what her ilatera walled for had evidently no
atreng held en her thoughts. At laat ahe
atrumcln with thin:
Ye'll lie utterly foellah, you glrla, Idling
hern any longer ler llieaa lad. Her accent
bore Uin North Country till and the eeft,
sweet tones of the Manx people. "De yen
think they'll be leaving their Ashing for
lllt !" commanded Meta.
The girl were ell at play, In a aenae, but It
waa a play with a aerinua vein In It te Meta. '
"Kh? I am roll of respect!'' And wild
Neule threw out her anna end made a gay,
bowing reverence In a circling fun inn te the
hllla ami the gren mountain "Hut the
bejs are net an, end I'm thinking they'd
only lie hindering ua If they were here."
And they premised, toe: and II they
break their premise, we'll tie tree from eura,
I any. De mine : we'll tie awfully late, and
there's a let"
Then they welked en a bit tauter. Neaale
waa out of night, but yet they were oleaely
following en her step He many turna end
bends anil shoulders there are te theee Manx
besillanila that one may be really out or eight.
A iheut tuirst forth Inte theatlll euuiiner
air, and the next mninent Nestle, with wav
ing anna anil with yellow hair Hying aa the
llRht wind caught her, waa aeen en tbe top
most bit el green.
" lleat ahoy I" and her arma geatleulated.
There waa a Imat aklmmlng acmaa the bar,
l'eel Hay. One unbeuneted bead waa in
Uie Htern of the round, deep beat ; It belonged
te a flutter lad, who waa the working ehutu of
three scarlet-rapped youth. One of tbeae
laat wsm a Qiisllnnigh, a oeualn of the glrla ;
the ethera were hi Irlenda, lada who a vaar
or two bark, had bran with tilui at King
Wllllsm'a College at Castletown, but who,
being r.ngllsh, weroenly In Man fur a autu
uier Jaunt new.
It bid Iieen for the delectation of theee
aame young KngllHhuien that thednlaganf
that midsummer ova were being made ae
much or.
'De they mean te land or net?" asked
11 Undoubtedly," waa Meta'stleciatvewnrd.
" IVi they net knew It la ter them we are
making this dele T'
In a tery short tline the beat waa out of
alght, which means that ahe waa well under
the headland and landing her crew In While
Ml rami Cm a Keine lew mementa mere and
thrie Jeung turn In hosting lUnnels, and
eadi Willi a rmigli a Jacket atop, appeared
clamhei Ing up the face of the headland. Then
the ratty went en mere swiftly.
Kitsl mi te and arna the white sunlit
rnadwav, then dnwti an opposite lane, rough
and tinny and iititemUd. Tnia lane finally
loot ItMir en a Iui7y roiniiien, where short,
aweet, iniiu-y glass waa patched Irregularly
by a aagety el geise and Inize and waving
bracken. Mela, walking ait, pulled the
bracken; Kale and Nrwde, with energy of a
mere Ulketle and lees Military humor, bade
the jeiing men bring out their knlvea and
alash away meMy bratichca el gerae and
Where la all thla In go new?" asked
Dejle I'hilllpMiii, the elder of the two Kng
llsti brnlhM. I ihlNC'imuinn the haunt of
of the enemj ?" A twinkle lighted up a
would lie prate lam.
'On, don't 1" Mela's exclamation waa In
atlnrtlvK "There!" cried thn Manxman of the party.
"Take Mela's horror fr your keynote,
Pliillliwui, or you'll Im setting im all In dan
ger el the evil liillueticeset the hour."
11 Kh, Willi-1 ' sod NhnmIh Hung her vigor
ous small wll agsliiHt hnr cousin, herself
armed Willi a huge luiiidlenf prickly furze,
ye'll lie thn worst of Hi" llireu, Yeu ought
te knew Isiiter "
'ItlrMied arelhnlininunllleanf Ignerancel"
the nuth unclaimed.
' I de net aa) that at all," quickly young
1'hlllliMin lepllid. ' I wish te knew I
Wish te"
"Met will tall you, then."
The girl was ami in her silent humor per
haps a dangerous humor ler a nature just a
degree prone te mjHtlctsemer things.
Tbete were men from the outer world, the
brave outer world of which ahe dreamed ;
the lalthlesa outer world which she knew
ridiculed any ancient lantaay of custom
Hheuld she lie silent, or should ahe be brave
and show that ahe waa net tee weak te ac
knowledge her weakness T One second ahe
bad for hesitation, but no mere.
"Will you" cime the question pointedly
put te her "lay your enmutanda upon me,
Mies Qualtreugh, and tell me while I obey T"
Hew light and yet hew trne did be leek aa
hlacleai-'irewed eyeamet bera.
Metafjyushed with pleasure. Was there
really a senilhle man going te listen te her
old wlvts' lulilft, and listen with ne,fclT
The delight of till- tUahed through her and
made the delicate Manx face of the girl
radiant. Manx lemlnlue beauty haa net had
much eulogy, very likely ; but where will
you find mere delicate features, brighter In
telligence, and purer expression than In the
xsceaef the glrla of ManT Meta Qusltreugb
waa a picture, altli all tue loveliness e! these
Island women.
" Yeu mean It 7" waa ber cry, and her face
waa full of enthusiasm. Her blue eyea took
a Ore of brilliancy, and the clear delicate
pink of bereimnlexlnn heightened Ita color
with one iulek Must , gene aa aoen aa It waa
Assuredly I mean It. Ignorance has no
charms for m aa it baa for your cousin there.
But I de net premise faith, mind you.
A absdew fell ever Meta'a radiance.
A very quick-eyed young man waa thla.
He saw It, and read, tee, in hta sympathetic
aeul the measure et bar troubles. Be reading,
baatericeaet himself te gladden ber again.
He waa thinking what a lovely study bar
radlanee would make for some girl aaint et
middle-age religion.
" Kvery one haa a chink in bla armor, you
knew : and though I am matter of fact per
sonified, ou may Jnst may" he smiled
"find me vulnerable aemewbere."
The rest were ahead, every one nf them
laden Willi green or sun-dried atufl for the
burning. These two gathered up their bur
dens and followed, talking all the way.
Frem the geisy common the track waa
homeward for the glrla, and ttey oreaaad
meadow, atepplng at Ita farther aide by
brook, where grew clumpi of golden marsh
marigolds. Tbey were wanted aa Inueh aa
the dry etutr, but net for burning.
1 thought net," gld K Igar, tbe younger
nf tbe Puillipaena, They're lar tee pretty.
Yeu have some In bowl at your beuse.
They oetne far before tbe Ultra et the Louden
umbetica, In my opinion." Thla young man
ww net, like bla brother, an artist, but a
trader. Te put bis atatua quite plainly, ha
waa a dark in a tea merchaut'a rlllee. And
beie be waa trending en te tbe debatable
ground et Illy worship.
"Very well out here," aald young Qual Qual
trepgh testily j but net tbe things ler
glrla te wear en their dresses. Yeu deu't
mean that T"
"1 wf u,,nkJ"I ' that i' and the ether
marked the word. " Mlaa Qualtreua-b" he
turned te Kate "de net let him talk you
out of wearing them." '
Kate had worn aema only the evening be
fore. "
"Ne, I aball net; certainly 1 ahall net I"
ahe cried laughing. Nevertheless aha were
only resea that nlgbk
' What de you with tbeae, what ia their
virtue T ' Deyle aakad of Meta,
" Yeu aball aa if you can be patient. Tbelr
virtue T I cannot aey."
" Km pty sear I" or lad the young man.
Yea, we-ve rewoeea out uie area, but
bera I don't knew where te begin. " We al.
ways de li, the children alwaja de It,"
" We lay them about en the dnerallla and
tbe window-sills, end wa etrew tbem by tbe
outbeuaea. It la for 'geed luck.' Wa nil
want 'geed luck.'"
" He wa de, but I'd Ilka raaaea te aaa
wkjr god luek lurk wllnlg tka BytMrlaa et
tbaaa ajarab saarlgelU mera than In ether
"Oaa'tglvalt la yen, bat you ahall have
tM 'geed luek If you'll bava a flower or
aksVI I keep it back from you T"
"Ne-no. Olvettme.''
."Hew axeliad you are I I've found the
ekmk la your armor. I've found out you are
aaeperetlilrHia, and I'll Just punish your
Weakness" Meta parodied aema or hlaewn
Words" by net giving you the flower."
"Or-tuegoed luek I Oh I you wilt"
" Ne."
What waa maatarlng this very proud disci.
Rle of matter of factr Ilia aun-tannad faee
usbed, and aemetblng carried him out et
hut former wlaa aelf. Ha ran back te the
brook, where he eaw one golden starry blos
som left, and plucking lt,lie brought It like
trophy te Mala.
"Thla la for you," ha erlei. "There la
geed luek,' IntftilUi go si limk ter you, and
If ler you. than for me. Yeu have given
ma vnur faith"
A about from the real Interrupted him.
Oeuldhe possibly have been going lessy
that aa had faith In these old wives' fables of
"Oh, be quick! Tney are all walling for
us,' and Mela rati before him. Hue could
by no meana fane any talking In aueb a pas
sfenata atraln as thla matter et fact youth was
developing. Hhe felt hoi, and ahnranupte
the ethers laughing and talking gayly.
Certainly her humor bad wondreuily
s s
The sweet midsummer eve closed In, and
the gray of the night came en. Htrangers
from tba foreign land of Kngland wondered
aa they drove home from thelr day'a ex.
ouralenlng at the taucy or tbe peasants ler
aettlng light te the gerae everywhere.
All The young (usltreuglia ware out In the
greunda with Willie and bis friends. Mr.
ijualtreugb, gray-headed and wise, went out
loe. Perhaps he laughed ever It all, but there
had never been a midsummer eve he enuld
recollect without the burning of the witch
nrea. Ne, Indeed ; and If hta children had
abewn themselves very advanced In tba
common aenae of the age and neglectful of
the old eustnins, he, geed man, would have
been Just one degree uncomfortably sur
prised. They had all had a merry supper Man
folk are primitive, and supper ta net yet
wholly cast Inte oblivion and then all went
out. two or the tins Threw ngnt ana wis
ever their heads, Ntswte stuck en a gray felt
batel ber lather's, and they went gayly
around the beuae and through the unkempt
luxurious Dewer garden : then threagh the
kitchen garden, where monstrous cabbages
sheeted the beds with their crumpled outer
leavea ; where the strawberries blinked rosy
from amid the tangle of long suckers : where
alleys were made by trained apple trees,
wbeaa green young fruit premised Joya te
lada and maids In the dsys toceme.
"Abt" suddenly yeuug I'hllllpaen ex
claimed. "The Cerrln'e fire at IUlIasaggan!" and
Mr. Wualtreugu turned round. There had
come a golden, springing, Hashing tight en
his glaaa houses.
"Horrid!" Neaale exclaimed angrily, "and
eura net alight yet Jim Is horrid! I
eptcially eave lilm orders te light up early,
because Mena Cerrln declared they'd have
tbe tlnest abew, I'll be sneaking te him to
morrow morning."
"De. dear, de." ber cousin Willie aald.
"1 wllL" And she ran en. In a moment
ahe was aeen Hying up te the wooden ladder,
which led up te what tbey called thelr look
out, a square miniature tower which gave a
firana iew ever miles anamuesei iarm
anda, of distant mountains, of western sea,
and a alght of all for strangers et one bit et
savage, storm-battered Calf of Man.
'HI rand!" ahe cried joyously. "Grand!
We're alight new! Kb! I'll net heed Mena
having the start ; we'll be far tbe finest."
A pale golden tire began te shimmer en a
nearby bill ; It spread and spread until
verily tbe whole et thu hillside was a tricksy
Hashing danea of tire.
Our gorse Is net tberfc?" Deyle wondered.
"KbT Ne. This Is my private business.
Jim and 1 did this In tbe morning."
'Me! This Is hew Jim does bis weeding?"
her lather began.
Yes. That'll be his manner of weeding
en midsummer eve! He couldn't de leaa
than obey bla mlslresT '
"Ne, Mr. rnllllpann," she went en, "the
hits of fuel we get this morning are en the
ether aide. lk! 1 saw Jim run across
only two minutes age; he'll be lighting It
up new."
Hhe waa right A hlllecky llftel tbe land
waa spsngled til at once with patches of
llama, ruddy Maine, golden rUtue, lltuietbat
sputtered and liual as It masUred the Juices
of the green bracken.
We hae an extra grand show te night,
gills," Mr. (Jualtrnugh began. "Who shall
say our old customs are dying out? Hut I
expect It la aa much In your honor aa In that
or tbe fairies and witches," he nodded te the
young men.
Tbey, seated like tbe girls, en tbe battle
ments et tbe miniature tower, were gazing
bare and there, as one quarter and another
wss made alight. Ileaceus, like stars, blaied
out far awav. Kvldently the whole neighbor
hood waa of one mind.
We will net accept that Idea te night, air,"
Deyle answered. "Ne, no ; let us net tenjpt
the Kiwers. Hut can we net go among It all?
Twe minutes will take us where Jim is."
"Oh! If you like."
He they left tbe gardens and tramped ever
a Held te the btlleuky ridge. There waa a
geed deal of talking and laughing, at might
be supposed, but among It all Meta was
again silent. Hhe was wearing ber one tnarsb
marigold stuck under her chin, aa a girl
might wear a breech. Hhe was very carelul
of it, keeping ber light wrap well away from
it. What danger of cold could there ba ou
aucb a aweetly warm summer night?
Hhe lingered tiehmd. Hut among aucb a
gay atrlng nf merry folks wbe would notice
one straggler f
Neaale waa by Jim and talking hard and
fast Ne one paid any heed te her. but we
must, for the subject of ber talking alleeta
our story.
"There were nine Ieta, Jim."
'Kh, mlasee, I'll knew that ; and nine have
I eel the light teu," rellaing his word In real
Manx fashion.
"Tnen where are they? Hlx teven
eight," she oeuuted.
"It's beyond me, mlasee; bu i. nnM he
tbe number I kindled. Hure, by token I'd
only ten matches in my box here, an' one
1 left ter tbe pine. Plait I " be blew en tbe
pipe bowl. " It's nlgb eutabe'll be, mlasee,
with me talking an' talking. "
He here leek a geed whin te ward oil the
fulfillment of hla words.
"Tba boys must have matches. I'll by
no meana go without my nlue ! "
Neaale waa alwaya a bit aelf-wllled.
" Eb, mtaaee ? let be. 1 wouldn't Inter
fere "
" Interfere ! "
"Hure "
"What stuff!" Neasle'e play bad no
faith no faith of the tUnoreus sort, at least
"I'm as atreng as tbe fairies. If tbey put
the Ore out, I'll light it again. That I
Hhe ran back te the young men.
Whereat Jim taeed tba inevitable and be
stowed all bla active care upon bla pipe.
He shrugged his bent shoulders; perhaps It
waa at the foelbardineaa et young inside.
All at onee a new blaze of light aprang
Inte tbe gray night It cams with a sudden
tlasb Just behind where Neaale and tbe boys
steed and talked.
One golden rUab there waa ; dry gerae had
caught a smoldering spark, lelt at tbe very
tall, aa one might say, et Jlm'a ninth match.
Tben tbe Hash died down; then another
blaze, A qulek, abort cry en the top of It ;
"Ah I"
Meta'a feet treading en tba unseen dry
gene bad pushed It toward the dying match,
bad kindled tbe flame, and ber dress, a
soft muslin thing, bad been caught by It
There waa rush. All were first and all
were last, It aeemed. Mete waa down upon
the ground before tbe rush and cry were
done. Kvery flame waa out. every auiolder auielder
Ing apark waa hurried out of lire.
Fer one moment Mats leat alght and
Bound. Tben memory uaaned back eue
sight and one sound, Deyle Phtlllpsen she
bad aeen tear off bla coat and aba beard hltn
give one cry.
Meta ! my own I "
Hew tba seli gray night echoed the words !
Had ahe dreamed them T Waa abe dream
ing ttlll ? There waa new no Are ; the Dick
ering lights el the distant bills were paling
under the lire re ; her father atoed ever ber,
bidding her net te " be afraid. "
" Your coat baa Buffered. " Thla ahe
beard Mr Qualtreugh aay te aUm, shadowy
figure. Tbe voice waa low, and aueb as
cornea when a man's inner self is trembling.
Deyle made a light answer, aieu uoau ueau
awer lightly, even when perhaps the gravest
question of their llle is lighting for Its an
anawar within them. He pushed hi arms
Inte bla cost alaevea. and all at once be found
that In crushing down Uie rising ilameet
Meta'a drees ba bad get hla band burned.
A weak benee tba young men bad te go
away from Man.
Willie Qualtreugh waa te drive them te
Douglaaect tba morrow, aoaateoeln time
rortbe-beat. A geed heur'e drive this was,
idtMymuat ba up betimes, Ua and bla
irlanda bad atreUed ova tba ialda from bia
alkafa kewtti tMf wauld naturally aay
goedby te the glrla and the Qualtreugae et
Again It waa a aummar sight, .again the
Slrla were wandering about tbe old garden,
lata waa aloft la tba lookout, waa below
meeting the young man, Neaale waa abasing
m whits tinttarllv.
Deyle Phlllpsea had, many daya back,
come te lha aoluilen el one grave question ;
but net being a rich maa, and being honor
able te what aerae fnlka might call an eg.
ireme degree, be bad commended hlmaalf te
bide tba lore ha had for Mate Qualtreugh.
Nay, ba It way who had hastened tbe de
parture from tue Island because, aaalng Mate
& ay after day, he could net keep eyaaad
ingue in cool obedience.
And the sweet, lary hours of evening had
come, and Mela, bad chanced te be aloof, and
the ethera bad ntianesd te drift Inte the com
pany of each ether who talk set chance T
Tba would be mattar-ef tact young artist
was mastered. He told his suiry, and all bis
wise commands were scattered te tba winds.
What they two said only thn night heard.
It waa an old story made new, and there Is
alwaya a golden originality about the telling
et theee old-new atnrlea.
Mete and Deyle were coming down from
the lookout ; the rest were In a group.
" It la arrant nonsense, Kate, fur yen te
drive Inte Deuglaa at such an hour. " He
simke Willie Qualtreugh, the girl's cousin,
lie and Kate ntten squabbled t entislna de aa
""Thanks," ahe pouted; but I'll Judge
for myself, l have shopping, anu ma auejs
are fresh In the morning. "
" Tbst are tbey ; and lha shepmen are
aleepv. "
" Yeu shall waka them up for me, "aha
waa persistent " On, Willie ! "
Theory had actually trembling In It
Kate made a little atari and again a second
start, or rather droop, backward te Wlllle'a
" Kh that's done! " WllUe waa a mas
tnrful oeualn ; he made no ado, but drew
Kate's hand within hla arm. " He Uild ma
he shouldn't de It till next year, when he'a
coming again"
"Ob, Willie!" Kate's vocabulary waa
growing stunted.
" And new that's all moonshine. De
you mean you never saw it?"
Dear hew could 1 ?" Hhe waa clinging
te Willie In a way that her oeualn unmistak
ably approved.
w n w m w -w -w
Ilefere another midsummer day came
round there were two Mls Quallreughe tbe
less at Hraeillll.
Deyle Phlllpsen does net ae much aa here
tofore iwrade bis matter In fact, and be la
going te make bia Academy fame, ae be
says, by a picture wbicb ahall bava fairy
werablp for its motive. There ia going in
next year a marvel of a Haxen maiden, a
golden -haired Haxen maiden, by a rocky
shore, wearing a gelden-hued marigold.
Tbe crlla aay It la beautiful.
It la Meta The New Moen.
The Gortons Mlilelght Kxpsrlenca et s tram-
lljr Is Pbllsdalphla
Frem the Philadelphia Inquirer.
The family of Jehn H. llruner, a fruit
dealer, living en Mackinaw street, a amall
thoroughfare In tbe Tenth ward had a most
remarkable experience with a large black
bat one night last week. Tbe family had re
tired a little earlier than usual, and In con
sequence of the extreme beat had all tba
second story windows thrown wide open.
At about 11 o'clock the two little daughters
of Mr. llruner were awakened by aema
black object tluttering above the bedstead.
Tbey thought nothing of It at first, but the
strange Intruder kept buzzing about tbe bed
ae long that they became thoroughly fright
ened and began te cry. Tbe father, wbe waa
In the next room, lighted a candle end
walked lu te see what was tbe matter with
the children. Te bla great surprise be be
held what he descrlbea as " a large, hideous
blsck bat, " Hying wildly about tbe room.
The appearatice of tbe light appeared te
daze the bird, and fully carried out tbe
theory of naturalist that tbe hat cannot aee
In tbe light. At all events, It tlutlered and
spluttered about the room, knocking up
against bureaus, picture framea and bed
(Malta as It It bail no eyea at alb Finally It
lull, apparently exhausted, in a corner of tbe
room. Mr. llruner steeped down te pick It
up, with the intention of throwing It out of
tbe window, when aa It by magic, It spread
out ita wings end once mere began a mad
Hlgbt about the room. This time It varitd
Its performance by occasionally striking the
heads of the two little glrla with its ciawt.
Frem time immemorial little girls have been
taught that ita bat ever gets ita clawaln
their hair they will never come nut Hence,
the feelings et the little ones In this instance
can better be imagined than described. Tbey
shrieked and went en every time tbe bat
came within a loot of them until they wbre
fairly worked up te the hysterical point
The head of the family waa very angry by
this time and eecretly vowed that he would
net allow an Inalgullicant little creature like
that te agitate a whole household. Placing
the children In a safe comer be procured
large broom handle, and when the bat Hew
in bisdiiectien aimed a terrific blew at it He
missed the bat, but succeeded in demolishing
two handsome decorated vases that atoed ou
the mantelpiece. In no wlsedisueartened be
leveled a second blew at tbe "pesky critter,"
and thla time managed te hurt tbe coal oil
lamp from the bureau clear en te tbe bed.
Ceuliislnn reigned supreme for awhile. Mr.
Itruner paced about the room In an excited
maimer, while tbe children added te the
general din by shrieking in an unearthly
manner. Just then the bat blindly atumbled
against tbe candle, acercblug its wings and
extinguishing the light
The darkness seemed te help It considera
bly, hut a well directed blew knocked It te
tbe fleer. A light waa procured, and te
makeaureet bla work thla time Mr. Hruner
pounded tbe bat vigorously with tbe leg of
au old chair. Aa It still showed signs of Ufa
It was placed in a bucket of water and the
latter covered with a beard and aeveral Hat
Irons. Tee family get very little aleep that
night, and tbe next morning oitrieusly lo le lo
apee.ed tbe water bucket Tue bat waa dead
and that waa all. It had apparently made
fruitless etlerte te get out et the bucket, and
from all Indications had " died bard. " Tbe
second story of the llruner household pre
seutedaMcena et desolation when the first
streak et dawn made Its way through tbe
half closed shutters. The lloer waa strewn
with broken chairs and fragments of glass
aad china. Hut the bat waa dead, and thla
fact alone consoled tbe family for tbe cy
clonic appearance of tbe beusa
Mrs. Ilebart Osrrstt.
Frem the Pittsburg Commercial Uazctte.
Tbe best-known Southern lady in the ex
clusive circles of both hemispheres is Mis.
Kebert Garrett, wifoef the millionaire presi
dent of tbe lUltimere .t Oble railroad,
Hhe has all the qualities of a leader In society
aristocratic blrtb, a bright mind, an excel
lent education, wealth without limit aud a
generous hospitality. Hhe is gracious, digni
fied and handsome. Before her marriage
sae waa Miss Frluk, and ber family Is one et
tbe eldest and most eminent lu tne state et
Maryland. Tbe (larrett mansion In Haiti Haiti
mere Is tbe llueit In the sUte,and It baa been
tbe scene et several great social atlalra. Mr.
and Mrs. (larrett have also a beautiful sum
mer residence near Hsltlmern, a cottage at
Deer Park, and tbey pay trequeut visile te
Northern capitals of society and position.
They make a trip every year te llurepe and
move in tbe exelutlve circle of Louden and
Where Tliej ar Hals rruiu Heat
riem the (Jhlcugii Tribune
It la an Instructive aud ponderous fact that
very lew people are ever overcome by tbe
beat when regularly In their places at church
during the Huuday mernlug services.
(IM IHMIK or WXKKLY, JVLt .'7, 1(97.)
Fer the Intklliiismcsk.
"It's Idle new," soiling the bird,
It's "empty," and Ita " lunu,"
And te bis heart It aeeuia te be
A cumbersome." uilll aUiuu."
He says It la "au awkward thing"
Te nave upon bla hand
K'er hlncu she guve It back" te him :
That little guiden band I
lln thinks It hunts thn one thing lest,"
I he touch el vaiiUlmd hand ;"
Hut pray, why should It net be hen t
That Ilttlegul leu baud I
Vt hy should It lay In Idlenra.
lid "empty," and be "lone,"
And why aheuld It upea bla newt
lie like a hard "inlll-JteneT '
Why should It bn "an awkward thing t"
'l bat little golden bind f
Why.tbeuia it hunt " the one thing leat T
Why (fid It (iji her haiul t
Pray, why does Will McSpuran then,
IM.conselalely slngT
lit mist Acne turned Iht alrl away,
Whole finatr fit the ring ! ! I
I -.Kem&rflMl.
Hbew ma a maa'a library, aad I will till
you what kind of a maa ba la. Tbere la no
quicker aad be eurer way of reading a
maa'a character, than simply te read the
Htlaaef bla book
I don't knew whether that haa been
aald by any one alaa before or net Ner
deaa It make mueb diOarenee; It la true
Ner la It true only In tbe very limited
aenae that you can tall a man'e profession or
occupation in Ufa from tha general character
of lha hoeka In bla library. Thla afactae
patent and evident te every one that Ita
statement would baa meretrulam. If I go
Inte a library aad aaa It te ba made up of
abell upon ahell of ealf bound octaves with
blaek and red tltla-labela, el course I knew
that Ita owner la a lawyer, Just aa surely aa
when I notice the theological or mfilleal com
plexion of another 1 conclude tbe owner te
baa minister or a doctor. The Information
thua glyen ma however, Is net what I mean.
It atanda te reason that from the red, yel yel
lew, black, or white complexion et a man I
can tell what raee ba belongs te. But that
doesn't tell ma vary much aa te bia Indi
vidual oharaetar, aa te whether he la a coarse
or a refined, a learned or an Ignorant, a geed
or a bad Indian, Negro, Mongolian, or Can Can
eaalan. He tha general complexion of a
library, while, of oeuraa, It Infertna ma of tha
profession et Ita owner, deaa net In Itself
aurfloete reveal te ma whether he be a geed
or an Indifferent lawyer, doctor, artist, mer
chant, or minister, nor aven te what party,
ecboel, or denomination ba belongs. Fer
thla mera definite knowledge I must bava
opportunity of at least reading the title) of
tba various boeka.
It thla be granted me, tben, In Uve min
utes, 1 will discover, aay In the eaae of tba
physician's library, nrst whether be be allo
pathic homeepetblc, electrepathlc, hydrc
patfalc, or eclectic. Or In tbe case of tha
clergyman, whether he be CatbolloorPtotest CatbelloorPtotest CatbolleorPtotest
ant, Lutheran, Calvlnlst, or Hplsoepalhm,
te what sect or denomination he belongs and
finally te wbat wing, party, or school of tbe
denomination. This ia gathered at a glance.
Hut It still ia only a kind of formal knowl
edge, and gives but little Information aate
tbe man's own Individuality. Te find thla 1
must Inquire a little mere closely.
1 leek brat of all at tbe classification snd
arrangement el the boeka. Far I knew that,
te a certain degree at least, aa tbey are ar
ranged en tbelr abelvea ae are their
aubjecta and contents arranged In the
owner's mind. If there ia no Intel
ligent order, If tbe velumea are simply
plied upon tbe abelvea in a miscellaneous,
haphazard, style, than I am pretty aure that
there la Just as little logical order and rela
tion between facta, principles, and aub
jecta In the man's mind. He la like hla li
brary, a kind of miscellaneous dumping
place for tbe reception of any and all man
ner of knowledge. Ibe knowledge la there,
but It la never " at hand. " It ia mixed up.
Tbe facta wanted at any time, like tba books,
first have te be bunted up, at the expense of
much time and labor. Tbey are seldom
available when needed. Mere than bait
tbelr worth and uaefulnesa la thua lest
On the ether band, If I aee tbe library
divided into departments, all tbe werka en
anatomy, general and special, placed to
gether In systematic order, all these en
physiology likewise, the-een obstetrics, sur
gery, materia medics, .&, I feel aafe in con
cluding that that doctor la clear In bla own
mind as te tbe logical and natural relet lena
In wbicb these departments of science
stand te each ether ; and moreover that be la
of methodical habits in bia thought and
practice. In abort be lain ae far, a scientific
doctor, while tbe presumption la that tba
ether Is a mere empiricist.
In tbe next place, if tbe library ia any.
thing like a considerable one, I leek te aee
whether It ia dead or alive; that Is, whether
It la a thing merely mechanically constructed,
or whether it la an organic growth. Ac
cording aa I tlnd it in this respect will also
be Its owner's mind. Increase ofaizefrem
year te year la net by any means tbe only or
chief Indication. A weed-pile may be In
creased raucb mere rapidly than a growing
tree. Yet Ibe latter is a living, organic,
growth, while tbe former, however bulky,
remains a mere accumulation of dead sticks.
The library el tbe growing, expanding, pro
gressive man Is the index et hla spiritual
development. Ktch department of It, like
the main boughs of every healthy tree, pats
forth from year te year new branehet and
twigs, baa added te It new books, net for tbe
addition's sake, nor ler tbe sake of their
newness only, but from tbe necessity put
upon it by the growth or knowledge in that
department Thla growth U clearly marked
en tbe library abelvea. Heek fellows book
in natar&l, necessary order and succession ;
net disconnectedly or at haphazard. I see
from it tbe order and degree of growth of
the ewner'a mind. I learn that starting from
ear the surface of a subject, It has pene
trated deeper down Inte tbe fundamental
principles, en tbe one band, and stretched
out further and further, from year te year, te
oem prebend all that directly or Indirectly
pertains and la related te It Such a library
makes me acquainted with one wbe keeps
abreast et tbe times, a growing man In tbe
true sense of tbe term.
There are many signs te be Hsen in a li
brary still further Indicative of tbe man's
aeir. II I go Inte a minister's atudy, for ex
ample, and aea nothing but commentaries
and bomllitieal literature, I Judgeblm te be
In ae far a specialist, one who studies only or
mainly for the immediate uaea of bla pre.
feaslen, and moreover atudlea only a limited
aet of aubjecta, only partially, only a few of
tbe aeurcea useful te bis special work aa
theologian and preacher, if yet bla boeka
are all denominational, or all the werka of
one aobeol et theology ; tben I oenolude that
tbelr possessor la warped in bla judgment,
preJudleed,and leaking breadth anu liberality
even aa a theologian; and also that be Is
neither an Independent nor an original
thinker and atudent of tbe truth. My In
ference isjust the opposite, however, when I
see en bis shelves, with tue writings or tbe
Cbureh Fathers, and Church Histories, tbe
beat commentaries, and aermena of repre
sentative preachers et tbe day of all denomi
nations, alae tba werka of tbe great phil
osophers and moralists el all times snd of all
aobeol, and these elucidating tbe principles
at least or tbe physical aoleneea My opin
ion la ralaed still blgber II tbe department et
history la well represented, and if tbe works
of tbe world's great essayists, novelists and
poet are present Tbeae Inform me of tbe
depth aud breadth of tha man's general cul
ture, tbe quality of hla mind, and whether
bla scholarship be partial aud one aided, or
well-rouneeo, uaiauueu seu symmetrical.
It ia net tbe number of boeka In a library
that signifies meat ; but tbe kind. Hainan
have only tifty velumea, ae tbey be elemen
tal, fundamental, great, books, really repre
sentative of tbe world's best thought and
truest knowledge, they wltnesa te tbe ewner'a
Judgment, teste, and culture mere certainly
and clearly than would five thousand gath
ered Indiscriminately, bought by tba yard,
or selected with a full pocket-book but au
empty bead.
I have often thought that if people would
realize new thoroughly tbey make them
selves known, lay bare tbelr luner aelvea,
tbey would perhaps be a little mere careful
and sensible In the purchase of boeka. Hut
buw lew de realize it ? Uneas.
Yatcbluc pillows.
New fork letter In Milwaukee Sentinel
The very latest for young ladles' fauey
work la te make yachting pillows for thegeu
tlemen of tbelr acquaintance who bsppeu te
own yachts. Tbe pillow exclusively for
yachts is covered with navy-blue sateen that
Is laced en te tba pillow en either aide by a
white corn anu lasaei, nave a ueaign or ma
yacht atempedain one aide of tba blue cover
ing, aud work In outline stitch with white
silk. On tbe reveres aide bava tba name of
tbe yacht stamped lu large letters lu old Kng.
Hah text, and alae work with white Bilk Ta
outline atlicb. If one desires te giva atill
mera, aa anaign flag te match ia attractive.
I with tba Initiate of tba owner worked upon
tba blua Held aa well aa tba Bam of tba
from tba Yentb'a Companion.
During eaa of tba galea of Ooteber, 1885, a
flaalag amack, wbeaa name tba papers did
net give, want dewa off tba coast of Labra
dor. Tha beata being awampad. nothing waa
left ler tba man but te awlm for tba abere.
Among tha craw waa a boy, aema eleven or
twelve yeara old, who had accompanied bla
father en tba amack. In order te eave hla
Ufa. tha Hither lashed tha boy upon bin back,
and aet off te awln te land. Finding that
j m.w w. .i.w HUM1117 ma wai anvjr
were both In Imminent danmr or halmr I
drowned, tha boy begged bla father te go en
alone and te "let him be, " and upon tba
rather refusing, tha boy actually worked
uimseii irea irem me rope, anu would proba
bly have been drowned bad net a huge wave
at that moment flung both et them upon the
roeka. Afterward, te a lady, the boy aald.
almplyt " 1 thought peer lather waa going
te be drowned and wbat would mother de
ura, se x get ou ma use. "
" Twaa In eighteen sighty fire,
Off the cetat rr batn-ader,
Mid the breakers' dreadful rear.
That -the Osblng smack wentUuwnt
All the men were loll te uiake
o'er tbe sa their way, or break
Heart and muscle la the crtui t, and te drown.
Tben a father took his child,
And amid tbe curling brine.
I aihi-d nlin safely wlthallun
Te his shoulders aa be burfutcd the wave.
What the end shall be 1 trew vuew"TO-
Wniy heaven's white angels Snow t
llat 'tis home and help for two, or one sea grave.
There were littles ones at home
And their mother te Im toil.
And he earned thelrdally bread
whp wss struggling In the tea;
And the brave young flaber knew
(me could never swim for two,
fe be said "sty falter, go, and let tne be. "
'J." twelve years' child who a poke :
Kilt for that completed deed, "'""
Thank Ued's grace t there was net need
Underneath ins veiled sun:
Fer the blaateg breakers curled
Helpful armtreunl and hurled
Child and man high up tbe shore, and home
was wen.
Many deeds men's hands have traced
On our history's golden page.
And Irem winning age te age
Is their slnry handei down :
But net Aulla' sight, nor Trey's
Asalng iluply te be left alone te drown.
Think I that boy Is still all vaa
And,lndltant Newfoundland,
Where thu blue waves lape the sand,
He la new at work, at play I
lt ns hurt) our heads te mm.
While our eyes grew moist and dim,
In thta unherole day :
'iwasluilahteen eighty five. " ruru u.
A Japanese PreparaUen That Ia of drest In
ttrast te Ysgstarlaas.
Frem the Chicago Mews.
Vegetarians should leek te this. Tern la a
curd manufactured from beana In Japan.
According te the Journal of the Society of
Arts, December 21, 1883, It approaches mere
nearly In Its composition te animal feed than
ether vegetable known. " It contains about
one-fifth of Ita weight et fat and nearly two twe
Uftba el nitrogenous matter, (72 per eent
being water) the telu mast have at least
double the nutritious value of beef, and ia
especially desirable among rice-leading
people, rice being deficient in such material.
Tbe bean baa lately been successfully grown
in aermany.
Tha Japanese prepare It by aeaklng the
beana in water for twenty-four hours, then
grinding them In a atone mill with tbe purest
water attainable, ae aa te form a thin pulp.
The pulp la heated te belllag, when mere
water Is added and It ia boiled again ; tben
mere cold water la added aad It la allowed te
stnd. The liquor la tben strained out
through a bag aud brine ia stirred into It
This aflecta a coagulation and tbe cured ia
pressed as In making cheese. It is, in fact, a
vegetable cheese and may be used accord
ingly. Tbe fibrous realdue left in tba bag altar
the filtering out of tbe vegetable casein may
be mixed with chaff aa feed for ealtle.
I have treated our common split peas in a
alinilar manner, and have obtained soluble
casein, which 1 precipitated with acetic acid
(see " Chemistry of Cookery, " pages 217 te
20). All kinds of peaa and beana will yield
such soluble casein when thua treated, and
meat valnble feed may thua be obtained
free from tbe weedy fibre, wbicb la difficult
te digest
My experiments were avowedly but pre
liminary and auggeetlve; they, however,
point te tbe possibility et a very important
Industry in the manufacture or a new and
meat desirable feed, viz.: vegetable cheese,
lflamnet altogether mistaken it may be
produced en a large acale at about 3 pence
per pound, and be equal. If net auperier, te
tbe beat cheese made in tbe diary. Aa 1
have abewn In tbe work above quoted, a
sheep welghiug atxty peuuda contains leaa
nutritive matter than twenty peuuda el or
dinary cheese. This also applies te the vege
table cheese.
Frem the riltaburg Dispatch.
Mitts et silk take precedence of gloves en
sll except very drexsy oecaslona at the
Manufactured mildew appears upon some
of the artlllclal masses and dowers sent from
Kilt skirts and blouse walsta are the pre
ferred form ter little glrla' llannel, aerge and
ether wool frocks.
Vbe prettiest summer bonnet, and bate
are of straw trimmed with white mull, white
lace, white flewera, white ostrich tips, white
aigrettes and white birds.
A fiery fancy In tba way of a red frock ia
of scarlet batiste dotted with black and trim
med with black velvet bewa and caaeadea of
blaek lace, tbe hat, parasol and shoes te
Ceatumea of white cloth with embroideries
of white allk and silver, and costumes of
silver gray cloth with steel embroidery and
gray pearls come among tbe latest importa
tions from Parte.
Fer boys merely In trousers there la noth
ing ae popular or fashionable aa Bailer suits.
They are et white aerge or linen wltb square
cornered Bailer cellar and showing a shirt of
blue and white atrlpea.
The prettiest summer parabola are of cream,
oelored aatlne, wltb a white H pan lab laee
cover overhanging tbe canopy, tbe bandies
of tbe parasols being of white weed deco
rated wltb scorched designs.
Prlneeea bennetts, made wholly of white
lilac blossoms and foliage, are prominent
among tbe dainty beadoeverlngs ter sum
mer. Tbeae are lined with white silk blonde,
and In meat laetencea are atringlesa.
Cballl dresses are In great favor 'or mlaaea
and small glrla. These wltb cream white
greunda strewn with resea or wltb sprigs of
blue, green or brown are made with a basque
and slight drapery, witty velvet ribbon trim
ming lu rewa around tbe skirt and aa veat or
Can Yen Hpssk Velspak 1
"Velapuk," tbe universal language, la
prospering. Count Ven Moltke lately ex
pressed bia belief that it baa a great future
before it ; and It has been learned and la be
ing studied by an enormeua number of per
sona en tbe Continent List winter mere
than 2.U00 pupila received instruction In tbe
language In Vienna alone. It laclalmed that
Velapuk la ae simple that it can be learned in
ten leaaena ; and a week or two age at a pub
lic examination held In Vienna several pu
pils, wbe bad received only nlue leaaena,
ahewed remarkable proficiency In Professer
Hebleier's new langutKO. Velapuk enjoys
tbe very enviable distinction of being tbe
only tongue en earth In which tbe rules bava
no exceptions. Tbere la new published at
Vienna a " Velapukagaed" whleb claims te
have a large circulation among tbe Initiate.
a s
Nature Aa Maa Fists It
Frem tbe Omaha World.
Philanthropist My dear little children,
you should net play In tbeae dirty alleys,
Don't you like tbe public parka T
Child Oh, yea tbey are lieauilful.
" Yea, Indeed, and you abeuld go te them
aa elten aa possible, breathe the fresh air and
learn te love tba beauties of nature."
" Yeaalr."
" Kemember, my dear little enea, that Qed
made tbe country, but man made tba town.
New, my geed little girl, tell me wbat you
II rat observe when you visit these delightful
bemet of natura
" Keep Oil tba Grass. "
It Otrtstaly Leeks ae.
Frem tbe Chicago Times.
Mrs, Cleveland passed ber twenty-third
birthday at tba White Heuse, if aha Uvea
aba wilt undoubtedly, pass five mere birth
daya at tba aame place.
' After the clouds tbe blue,
After the drought the dew,
And after you've Ukaa your summer vacation
tha bmi will shower en yea."
carom or rmm emmam r trsa
tse atraaga Ulsssry of ths first aaa aeveath
Day Hsptlsta Whs stills t rasstyiva-
ataA aVSO,eaa rreptrty Thai t
Mew llslag Fesght evar.
I h.Kh nnr. . ,h. - ,
Ohambersbnrg Corr.ef theK. T.Times.
aueiivniuiusM I'aiAnyuiijBais ui WU iQtjj;
ejectment bava been commenced In tha
court of Franklin county, which will proba
bly be tbe laat chapter In tba history of one
of the meat singular religious ever formed
In thla oeuntry a history bavlng ita begin
ning in 1710, In that year tba mother
church of a aeet calling Itself Kirat Day
Hsptlsta, or Hunkers, owing te persecutlena
In tba varleua Knrnpean countries, where
It had from time te time aeuaht refusw alnna
tha year 170S when it waa founded by Alex
ander Mack and seven ethers In Hebwartd-
rsnata, usrmany, emigrated te America.
The greater part of tha Danker emigrants
settled In Lancaster county, thla state.
Among tbem waa a (larman named Cenrad
HelseeU He had been a Presbyterian, but
became a convert te the doctrine of tha
Dunkera. In the course of his Investigation
I ..the c'lPlures the establishment
of a Hrst Day Baptist church at Muelbaeh,
or Mill Creek, Lancaster county, Belasel be
came convinced tbst there was an error In
the Hunker acceptance of the day that
aheuld be tbe Lerd'a Day, and
nnouneed that It aheuld be the aevJ
eeth day. Thla led te much discussion and
many of tbe society at Hill Creek accepted
tbe llslasel construction el the Bible en that
point In 1Ti be published a pamphlet set
ting forth his reasons for bis beliel. The pam
phlet called down en hla head the atreng
disapproval of the heada of the First day
BapUat society and Helaael d isappeared. Ne
trace of him could be found ter mere than a
year, and then be waa discovered by acci
dent by one of his disciples living Ins con
tracted cave or cell en the banks of tbe Co Ce
calico creek. Tbe celt bad previously been
occupied by an aged bermlt named Kllme
lecb, wbe bad died.
Immediately following the discovery of
Belsael bla followers left the Mill Creek so
ciety and settled about bla cave, living in
solitary cottages, in imitation of tbe aelltary
life of their apostle. Thev formed a church.
the doctrines et which were almillar tetbat
of tbe society tbey bad left, except that tbey
adopted tbe seventh day aa their Habbslb.
Belasel alae urged but did net enforce
a life or celibacy en bia followers. Ua
formed wbat waa known, bh the " Society et
the Solitary, " and In 1733 a conventional life
was adopted by these wbe chose te take a
vow or celibacy and become lnemle a or
that society, a monastery having
in the meantime been erected. Tbe
garb et the Capuebln or White Friars waa
adopted by both the brethren and sisters
who entered the convent. Monaatle namea
were given te all these wbe chose the
cloister, Belasel becoming Freldaam Got Get
trecht, or Peaceable Ged right Tbe place
where thla peculiar society obtained Its root
bold waa Bpbrata. The convent was erected
en a hill called Mount .Ien. Hubsenuantlv
ether building were erected ss the needa and
new features et tbe society demanded tbem.
Like tbe First Day Baptists, tbey recog
nized tbe strict and literal interpretation of
tbe Bible aa the only rule of faith, adminis
tered Apostollo baptism, wltb trine immer
sion and the laying en or bands and prayer
while the recipient still kneeled in tbe
water, and celebrated the Lerd'a aupper at
night, alter tbe close of the Habbatb, wbicb
was at aunaet en the seventh day, at which
aupper tbey washed one anetber'e feet, aa
the orthodox Dunkera de still. While
preaching celibacy aa a virtue they did net
prohibit marriage.
The convent life el Helssel's followers who
chose tbe Society of the Solitary waa of tbe
severest kind. Tbe cells were bul20iuebes
wide and tbe ceilings but 5 feet blgb. A
bench and a billet el weed ler Uie bead waa
tbe couch or the Inmate of oneet these cells.
The passages that led through the convent
were se narrow tbst two could net pass In
tbem Tbe fare of tbe inmates was fruit and
vegetables. Tbey ate Irem wooden nlatea
and drank rrem wooden goblets. In 1740
there were 45 members et this Society of
tbe Solitary.
Tbeaeeular branch et Helssel's Dunkav'a
aena had one of tbe most thriving sett.e-
uieuia st uisi time in tne oeuntry. Tney
owned a paper mill, a grist mill, oil mill, and
fulling mill. Tbey established a printing
olllee, tbe second outside of Philadelphia In
the state. Intbeetllce were printed many
books, pamphleta, tracts, and hymns. The
work en tbeae books, both as te printing
and binding, was auperier. Among tbe
rarest treasures in the state library at liar
rlsburg are specimens of these quaint old
German publications.
in 17'j8 Cenrad Beiasel died. The society
fell into tbe control of men who had net bis
disinterested piety, and In 1777 It began te
decline. In a tew years Jealousies and
schemes arose. Leading men in this society
lelt it with atreng following and founded
similar churches elsewhere, and seen the
Society of Kphrata was no mera. Among
these wbe left hTpbrata waa Andrew Hchnee
berger. With a geed share or tbe parent
society be came te Franklin county in the
latter part et last century. He purchased a
fine property en Heew Hill, in (Julney
Township, where he erected a larire convent
a church, and ether buildings. He waa net a
member of tbe Society of the Solitary blm
aelf, but he was the prier et the new church,
wbicb kept closely te the principles of the
Kphrata society. The Hnew Hill society be
came tbe bead et all tbe Beissellte Hungers,
affd tbe nunnery, aa it came te be called, waa
nearly filled with these adherents et Belsael
wbe accepted fully bla viewa en celibacy.
The secular branch was Urge and prosperous.
Tbey called themselves Seventh Day Baptists,
and the affairs et both the secular and monas
tic branches were controlled by the prier.
All the land and tbe buildings belonged te
tbe prier, wbe bad eight children. In 1823
he made each or bia children an eiler or
11,000 ir they would release all claim they
bad against bla estate. The offer was accepted.
In 1825 be transferred tbe property te five
trustees, te be held In trust for tbe soelety
forever. Sebneeberger died .'seen afterward,
and the monastic brsneb of the society aoen
began te decline. The inmates grew old and
died. Nene of the younger membera et tbe
society seemed inclined te take en tbem
vewa of celibacy. Mew and tben tba nun
nery would receive a new inmate from tba
elder membera of the society, but even tba
aged preterred tbe privileges of tbe secular
branch te tbe aevere reatrlotlene or tbe Soli
tary. Te-day the only living members et Cenrad
Belaeel'a Society or tbe Solitary, formed in
1713, are three old and decrepit people Obed
Hnewberger, Mia. Klizabetb Hitter, and Mlaa
Elizabeth Fyock. Hnewberger and Mlaa
Fyock are descendants et Andrew Hobuee Hebuee
berger, tbe name having been changed te
Hnewberger after tbe latter'a death. They
have been In tne cloister upward of hair a
century. Mrs. Hitter Is a widow, and took
tba monaatle vewa 30 veera aae.
The writ el ejectment suit te recover pos
session of the nunnery property is brought
by SO heirs or Andrew Hcbneeberger, who
base tbelr claim en tbe ground tbat Hohnee Hehnee
berger'a transfer of tbe trustees or tbe society
was Intended only for tbe use of tbe monaatle
branch, and, holding that tbe monaatle
branch la in reality extinct, consequently tbe
property reverts te tbe legal beira el An
drew Hehneeberger. Tbe trustees defend tbe
suit, and, while denying tbat tbe transfer
waa for tbe benefit of the Society or the Holl Hell
tary alone, bold that It still valid, aa tbe
society atill exists lu the persona of Obed
Hnewberger, Ktlzabetb Kilter, and Uli-abeta
The property in dispute baa grown te ba
valuable, being worth today between H0.O0O
and 150.000. Tbe beat counsel haa been as.
gaged by both sides, and tbe cbaneea are that
tbe laat vestige of Cenrad Belaeel'a Society of
tun euituujr win uissppear m lawyers- leaa.
m as a
The Villain ami rersass.
Frem tbe Detroit Free Frets.
" Loek here, air I" be aald at tba chief
clerk's window in tba posteluoe, "I've
ueen trying for ball an hour te unlock my
poauimee box."
" Ye, I knew It,"
But tbe key won't fit"
"Of course It won't Ne man's front deer
key will unlock hla pest cilice box."
"Ob, jet, laea. Yea Mist's it I get 'em
mixed of course. But leek here, sir, I want
It understood tbat 1 excuse none or tbe enurl enurl enurl
oemlnga of tha postefiioe department ea
thla amount net a single one l'f
A FreMblUea Mar.
Frem tba New Yerk World.
Is It oeaslaieot for Prohlbltlenlsta te nom
inate a "lull" ticket T
as an
A Fly Tnusv.
Frem the Uuleth Faragrapher.
Tbe average bearding beuae la bavlng a iy
time of it Just new,
1 ' w -a
i 'JjWI
rjiHK mkw qumma,
ITUf BJCtAi nniaiisav if..' .
x ...,-- crir-irB,i, -fj
S1VK9- V?
ftruvl Anr-sttBa, i: .
. -....-.... Wi
tana the stoat a-iiMt-!.... -i, -.. at. 1
a.zz?.:v."v JSl
-- ufa-Msas. V'. fc
Mr. F. A. MllUtr. mm fcil".JSiV""-
Tnrta faaaa awesaaaaaa 4. . M a.Cl .
larlal' prostration after aevn'yaam
irtJ1..r,,,,. d?WB 7-2" tlapWaaBs
en Kaaklna In Jniuv Isa. aWi u..
inenth, regained ait fuTlweTghiln. six
JS .7.3" """B" waawrar,
Mr. uideen Tamnsjsea, tas etaaMaal
the mostresrUNlcltaamaer aMdgeper
says 1 1 -i sin ninety yeara of njui
last thM mm liataMff-ii -si -a. " .'
tte effecte or quinine notsenlaavt rasa
gan with Kaaklna which broke an the :
"" ineirasea my weignt IS pennfls."
r&FSiAl 2PJ'en' ".' MaUlday Btj U
SayK".' Ml .Pu?X..a'even yean,
.,.,!.l?OT,..!"?m "" Kber" Persons, aVvTaVTswl ?Jl
details will be sent en application. """s -J
Maaklne can hs taknn -innn, aaa ..,--,
medical advice. par bottle. Beld ey , fefcj
B. UOOaUtAir, n m
urnggiat,ix7anai.w worth Quean St- Lai
ter, fa., or sent b mall en mnint nf Vt-
- r - - "Bl-saSJ
JtABKiMK te, M Warren Rt New Yerk. 1S1
fewnvflAwTTaAS - 1
.... ....... t-'J
Homeeptthic Veterinary Specifics,
Fer Uorsei.UatUe, sheep, Dogs. Itegs, Poultry.
On Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent I
CUttES-Fevers. Congestions, lanaaataaUeau .
hA'?.p'1:-1 atenlnglUs, -t"k Fever!'
S'bfnt n bamenes s, Khen inatlsm.
C.O Distemper. Masai Discharges. or tirnba. Worms.
..Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
HS' 7?!jrrtaelI,eraerrhages.
U-H. Urinary and Kidney DUeates.
J.KDUoasesof Digestion.
STABLC CASK, with Specifics, Manual.
Wlusb Hasel oil and stedlcaSr." . ." T.aa)
FUICK. single HetUe (eyer ae.Ccaes,"..." mSZ
Humphreys' Med. Ce, 1W Fulton St, N. Y.
Hunphreji HtMepifhit Specile Ne. 28.
In use 89 years. The only Successful remedy''
for Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, sad'
Prostration from ever-work or ether causes. Si
per vial, or Svlala and large vial powder, forks?'
Sold st Danes tsrs. or sent postpaid en ratal 111
of price. lIUMPIIlliva'MkDINILCOw
febiS-lvdAwTThas Ne. lOBFnltenat. Jf.T.
It can be given In a enp of coffee or tea with
out the knowledge of the person taking It I la
absolutely harmless, and will effect a psiina
nent and speedy cure, whether the patient la A
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thon Then
sands or drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Uelden Hpeclfle In their
coffee without their knowledge, snd today be
lieve ther quit drinking of their own rreewlU.
IT NIC vfctl FAILS. The system once Impreg
nated becomes an utter lot let
possibility for the Hener appetite te exist. Fer
sale by Clla.8. A. LOillKtt, IiruggUV
Ne B Fast King Street, Lancaster. fa.
aprlS-lydTu ThAS
..HAY FKVKK ta an InflSBed condition efttaJ!
lining uieraemne 01 tne t iinia Vaar '
threat affectlnsr tbe lunira. An acrid
secreted, the dlschanre is accemranttui wil
burning sensation. There are severe spaams OC
sneezing, fnxjuent attacks et headache, watenrv
and luflunud eye. '
KLY'S CHtCAM BALM enres Celd In Head.
Catarrh. Bete Celd, Hay Fever, Deafness, Head
aciMt. Price BO Cunts. KASY TO UJK. Kir
lira's. Owege.N.Y, U.S. A. '
.avparucie is applied te eaCB nostril ana at
agreeable. Price 60 cents at drnraista i or.
maU, registered, tracts. B3LY BBUTUKKS.
. .e., ... l5Ureenwleh8t, New Yerk,
Mexican War Veteran. I
The wonderful efficacy or Swift's BpetiBcasa
remedy and cure for rheumatism and all bleed
diseases, haa never had a mere conspleuona
Illustration than this caae affords. Tbe ffiaflri,
unsolicited and emphatic teatlmeny given by
the venerable gentleman must be accepted as
convincing and conclusive. Tbe writer la a
prominent citizen of UlsalsslppL The gentle
man te whom Mr. Martin refers, and te whom
he is indebted for the advice te which he ewes
his final relief from years et suffering, Is Mr.
awing, ter many yeara tue popular nignt ciaaslj;
ei tee lAwronee ueuae, at j season. -, -
J Acasea, MUuk, April It, lest T, f
Ths swirr Srsciviu Cemfast, Atlanta, Ua.: r-fS
Utntlemen.l have bum an Invalid nnnstnnsr J
for forty years, havlna- contracted nulmeaanr J .1
and ether dlteaaea in the Mexican War. bnt set v ?r,-il
till the lat of March, lirja, did 1 feel any. jraawA-sJra
mjuiv ui reauiuaiuui. ua tub ubjt a was awa-
denly stricken with that disease In both alpe . ,
and ankles. Fer twenty days 1 walked aa'fj
crutcues. 'A aea tee peia was less YietsBt, esi f
It shifted from Joint te Joint, Fer weeks 1 .'
wuuhi ut Mjuuiy uiHuini, eihuar u una paa
of ray body or the ether. Ths pain nsvsr left'
ub a moment lur cusvsn years aa
months that la from March
when I waa first attacked, te oetober
HL twav
en years.
thl. uuwx
MA-. - .. .. ..... W&u -
WUau A WNVUIN. VHIIHI UWH wg,wi nan.
scrlptlen. from various nbytlelana, and trie'-'vl
everything suggested by trtands. bat IT lever fym
received the least benefit from any mediates. ?v
umbu leiariuuiy or exu)ruaiiy, a aa net swats, . .iBi
of It Finally, about the nrst of September I r?3s
Arkansas, having despaired or every ewsrrassv-, f,
edy, when 1 accidentally met an old acquaint-, IfO"
anea. Mr. King, new of the Lawrence Heuse of. ?-';-,
thla city. He had once been a great angsjrar L3x
irein rheumatism, ana, as i soppesee, wa easss - j
imv-ul liw uvlaltft Hut lint Hillinaa- HatwkaalTl &A
met him he told me that his vuattetl-aata.W,'J
springs was in valn-he found no relief. Oa his -'',
rmuru ireui nu, buiiuk. w Man u, ujb !. ;
Urns, of A a. a. as a remedy for rbeumaOsas. Ha f
tried It and six bottles made a complete care,' ;Xa
several years have pasted tines, but ae aaa an. "
no return of Lha disease. -i? i
1 immediately returned te try It InMpaaas- :
ber I leek four bottles, and by the first of Oats-," ii
ber 1 was well-- far as the rheumatism waa
concerned. AU pain had dltappssusal, east a
1 have no Interest In maalna this --
nlhAr (huti tlut Imn-i Hia.1 it tnaiw all -Ht aaauir cV
rrrr- -rr-- TrrTT-r--T-T--- rr',....''i-.sci vsj
etner sunerer te a sure source ei roust, saw li n;
naa uia result . am weu re wars aw isr saw araav.
e ytraa.WTi;
me. t am very rsspecuaiiy nasi
Fer sale bv all urutlita. Ties I Isa latl
ana esin uiseasse mauaa ires
BWiFT aFBCItTd s, sWf
Drawer (, ttlaaw.aav-,yy
8 ttnpl
ptura, yarteeislt aaa) sislal PI
rtateiAa ta rMiadaipila who m
Las Psrvmaeuw ta PhilaAelE
spaelalty et tha above alssatsa
Tnatt cwaaa Bta-aia.n. Afiv
aaAevwaiaa. atiaagersi
aaflsrlag from the eBwetsofyesthful
uSaig rail psrucniarii tat ; teiasenrs, JT,
aaafaw. -. j''ril-rrivr ',
liaadn-Z ro.gTewi
iSlMtmaAw HensTas.
r- W
. .. -Al
it Dr. J. is. Mayer, tai.
at save
OaalB), 7. i
ua isBW-iaasw swaswwwss wayaw"
. J3
f ,
f &.
P . .
- M-i
,&&, .
. A A 'W.-
H u3 J