Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 30, 1887, Image 1

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cU) Jktttfagfctf
mew t.meA&Tmuna mababb te man
turn rummB bvbbbb wbatbbb.
parly el Jllf snllsnja Will OralM ter a
Wh ob Chsssusak Ihr-WMH Uaud
Club sad Ik Algesquina la ludsara
en Ik. natiiasheaaa Biter.
A party of gentlemen from Philadelphia
autl different parte or (hi county, will start
nn very plrasant triple Monday. They
have chartered a iimiii yacht In Baltimore,
far a week' cruise en lht Chesapeake bay.
The party will gslhsr at Havnde-Uraoeen
Monday, anil tlin bint will inaat them. They
will aleep en tlie beat, wlileb la Ml laat long
and filial up In the beat or style, and will
apnnd nearly all of their time en the bay
Milling. Tliey will atop at Telcheatar Baaeb
eneday, and will Baltimore and ether
cltlea farther down. They will take a large
supply el previsions along, and two oeoka te
prepare theui. In the part there are num
ber of geed mu.lctana, who will take their In
Btruinentssndenllveii tbalroempanlona. The
exuuralenlsts are fortunate In selecting a
time for the trip when they will have the
benefit of beautllul moonlight nlgbta. The
names of the party going en the trip are :
Jerry Bewman and Dr. Jamea Mitchell,
Philadelphia; lwla H Hart man, William
Riddle, Harry P. Osrsen, William II. Hart
man, llarry Hlrnhm and Harry It. tlenael,
Uucjwter ; K, H. Killr. K. K. Ilerr, (1. J.
1. Kaub, Dr. Thai M. Kehrer, Harry Kaub,
I). M Relleninyer, Jehn Hbenk, Steve Jehn
eon and (leerge W. llentel, Jr., (Jusrry vllle ;
Heward Heinaher, Hartvllle ; Jerry hwlsber,
While Koek; Cbarle. Painter, Oxford;
lUnlal K. Helm, New Providence, and
Ueerge William., Gap.
The Lsucaater people of thia party will
leave thle oily en the 0. 10 a. m. train weal en
the Pennsylvania railroad en Monday,
W.IM a Island Club.
Monday morning will tie a lively one In
the neighborhood of the Pennsylvania
railroad station from which two large
ti.blng cluba will Mart en the (ion
train for a weeks camp en the hue
luebanna river. The name, of the two are
the Welae'a and the Algonquin. The
former wsergsnlrl aeuiayeara age and It
wm krat known ate the Union aaaoelatlon.
They go Inte camp every year en the laland
owned by Cept Jehn P. Walse, It la one of
the largeat and beat equipped cluba of the
many that leave tbla clly and la com peed or
the llvelltv. kind of material. The uniform
that they have adopted for thla aeaaen ocn ecn
atata of a atraw helmet, gray flannel ahlrt
bud necktie aed white belt. Ktcb man will
take a fishing red whether It la mad or
net. The clutt Includes among Ita members
full bra, brand and ercbeatra coinpeeed of
aeme el the btmt known mualclana In the clly.
The club will meet at Cbarlea Blrlne'e
Hprcber boune, en Duke afreet, In geed time
en Monday morning. They will then form
In line and headed by the land will march
down Dukeatreel te Kant King and thenee
te Centre Square and the I'aiinaylvanla nil nil
read station. They will have about an hour
and a half te lay ever In Columbia
and will put In that lime visiting
and serenading Captain Geerge II. Krlaman
and ether well-known citizens of that town.
The name of the club tnembera are as fol fel
low.: J. K Smith, Ames H Chandler, Jehn
Aeterinsn, Adam Kublman, (leerge Kf
finger, Abraham Keller, Ltwrence Knapp,
Jr., Jehn .Hinallng, Cbarlea While, Park
Cumnalng, F. A. Kelker, J. It I.ebklcher,
UenJ Dally, Jatuet B But, William Hxllne,
C I, ll-wt, J. K Hirr, II P. Menter, Clay,
ten F. Myers Walter Cox, Dr. S It Mo Me
Cleery, Jeseph lltnar, II J. Ciiiniulnga,
Charles Lhuian, A J. Llebley, Jehu Soy Sey
der, C larlea Mtrliie, Gaerge Ferrest, II. II.
Strieker, Juqii htiauh, Daniel Knight,
Harry Knlrfhl, ttudnlptiGatea, Marru. Kubl
man, William Richie, . Richie, J T. Kuapp,
Jehn H HreiieiiMn, Dr. 11. P. Kneruian, A.
11. Haler, lltnj. Martin, lltrry Htiantt, I,
Knlgh, (' c D innelly, Jehn W. Hulilny,
Frederick Hat, Jehn Klchia Jehn M ihrlng.
Tna Allnilllu dull
The Algonquin club la also composed el
well-known cltlenaand baa a large member
ship They will apend the week at Yerk
Furnacs, wbere tl ey were laat eeesen. Tbla
club expects lociteli plenty of Bub If tbereaia
any lu the neighborhood or their camp, and
prize will be given te the member catching
the most.
The member of the club are A. J Zercher,
H. M. Kichley, Kev. C. L. Fry, H. II. Caiael,
Jehn Black, A. F. tleulne, C. (. HUlckler,
J. F. HelutUh, H. W. Gibsen, Charlei llyus,
Jafan C. Yeune, D. H. llartholemew, W. A.
Uelnitxh, I. U Hauaman, C. I.. Peaenck, O.
Harry Ked, W. II. Iluller, Harry Hwarlc,
Otte Hark, ltev. J. Max Hark, Heward Koh Keh
rer, Hev. Jehn HUhr, A. J. (ireir, U. C.
Meers, J. It (Urvln, EJ. It. (Urvln, Wil Wil
eon Dubba, I.. It. Ilerr, Huge B. Hark,
Charles Binder, F. I.. Fry, Cbarlea (Urvln,
Charles II. Fry, W. D. Weaver, Samuel
Thla club will leave at fi-IO a. m,en Mon
day for their amwnd annual camp. The or.
ganizttlen la : 1're.ldent, 11. C. Moere ; vice
president, Iaaae lUum.n ; treasurer, Edw.
K. Oai vin ; secretary, Jebn Black ; executive
committee, U. C. Moere, Jaa. K. Uarvln, J.
Max Hark, Arabia F. Uenlne, Heward
Kehrer and Jebn F. Helnltah.
An Interesting pregramme has been ar
ranged for the week, wbleb Include even
ing lectures by Mr. Kebe Balr, IVer. Htalir
and ethers, vocal and Inatrumeutal con cen
carta, .te liVllea' day will be en Wednes
day. The camp will probably be well at
tended and la alwaya pleasant occasion.
The annual dinner nn Friday la popular and
la probably the only meat at which all the
party inesta at one time. Prizes will be
warded te the meat successful fishermen,
and te the one whose oateh la amallest The
wlnnerseflast year are barred. Excursions,
under the guidance) of Kebert Balr, have
bean arranged te Chimney Reek, Indian
Steps, Wind Cave, and te the recka In the
river bearing the Indian hleregllpblcs, as
wall ai te ether points el interest In the
vicinity. The oemmlaaary department will
be In charge of a oerp of expsrleneed oeoka,
and while It will lnclede no llquera, will
have plenty of the mere substantial supplies.
If "Old Probability" will but attend te the
weather aa well as all ether arrangements
have bean, there la no doubt but that the
waek'a trip will be full or pleasure te the
Vail rrsssa Train.
A boy who attended the Bplaoepal plenlc
at Penryn made a narrow escape from death.
Jutt as the excursion train waa pulling out
for irtncsstar In the evening the boy fell eO
One of the cars. Lueklly he rolled away
from the cars Inataad el under the wheels.
The train waa net running vary last at the
time and be waa net Injured. Ha was com
pel ltd te wait for the next train, however.
la a Large ajsjartty.
F rem tbe Shee and Leather Mapertsr,
Yeung folks tell what they de, Monea
what they have done, and foeis what thsy
will de. It may ba reflection ea tba clvlit clvlit
gtlen of tba laat quarter et the nineteenth
eentury, but tbeee who tall what they will
de" nra in Urge majority.
Plager Crashes'.
Jacob H. flberti, aa empleye or tba Paaa
Iren works, bed tbe middle nogeret bis left
band badly crushed Friday, whUa working
atthaaplka bmebum. Tat Angar sail waa
iKutAK rtmr
One Mae a iriager nittaa e.Taaa several ethers
Have lajarlee tarlKtten My Ike II easts.
lUwi.tNMMi.r.K, July 30. ilseenlly Mr.
Aaren Hllvertbern and K. J. Derrick, of thla
plana, batter known e Vender bill, and (leu Id,
purchased aeme half dozen Inllan ponies
from some Western cowboys In Lancaster.
On Saturday bM they, with the assistance of
soma four or 11 va ethers among them Nigger
BUI," attempted te break tbem. They suc
ceeded In getting two of them aulllclsntly
broke te mount tbem, but the ethers
were tee much for the boys. Thsy had
strapped one of them and thrown him
and when Vanderbllt attempted te put
the bridle bit In his mouth he made a plunge
at htm with his open mouth, biting one nf tils
fingers oft" and the ether nearly se. Nigger
BUI also came In for a friendly bite and two
of bla Angara are bdly bitten, while another
of the bores tamers get a kick en the bead
and still another a mark of the fiery pony's
disapproval en hie back. On Monday they
get aeme mere help and succeeded In getting
the vicious pony lied te an apple tree In the
orchard where your correspondent esw him
stamping and annrtlng and looking about for
aeme new victim.
Mr. Jehn Martin had n beautiful specimen
of the cactus known as the Uereus (irandl (irandl
fleras or Night Blooming Cereus. One of
the llewers opened en Saturday evening and
the ether en Suadsy evening ; they measured
seven Inches In diameter, and were both
grown en one stein. They were admired by
Iter. te. C. Yeung and Mr. Harry Hamble Hamble
ten met with an accident en Sunday night
last. Kev. Yeung bad tilled Paster Reed's
appointment at Kswllusville en Sunday
evening and he and Mr. llsmbleten were
driving Paster Reed's team. Seme one, we
understand, backed Inte tbem and broke
down a wbeel of their vehlele, necessitating
their walking te ML Nebo, a distance of
three miles.
Tks Oeunir Hospital
I mm the I.anailar Inquirer.
Tbe Iiaaeaster iNTk-t.i.niKNrKR Is engaged
In exposing some et tbe shortcoming of the
authorities st the Lancaster county hospital.
It charges that the alck are net properly cared
for, that tbe medical department Is peer and
InefUclent, and that the feed Is often unfit te
eat. Facta elated by the Intki.i.iiiku:h,
which eeem te be well sustained, strongly
support lla ebargea.
The matter should be fully and completely
Investigated, and the people will demand Ibis
of tbe authorities. The public provides gen gen
ereuely for tbe peer and unfortunate, and
will net tolerate any misapplication of these
funds. Tbeobsrgeset the Intki.lkikjickh
must be met.
Hew Hwaat te ba ftem.mhsrad.
Testerdsy at Rehrer'a East End gardens
a alngular event happened, and one that
rarely occurs te a local llerlat. Mr. Kehrer
shipped a large box of the choicest cut
flowers te New Yerk te grace a state-room en
tbe steamship Etrurlsjer a young lady, who
will spend the summer abroad ; at the same
time they were makings handsome mantel
ornament In be used aa a Welcome Heme "
for one of I.tncaster'e fair daughters, who
had Juat returned from the " Fatherland, "
where ahe bad been attending school. We
heard a wag remark when shown the box el
lluwers, ' tbst lady won't knew wbst color
these reM are alter she sail a few hours. "
He wss thinking of his tlrat experience en
beard a vessel.
Hsu Nsw,
Tba Iesgtie gsmes yesterday were: At
Pittsburg : Phlladalpbls .1, Pittsburg- (It
Innings); at Detroit : Detroit 8. New Yerk
& ; at Chicage: Chicago, Chicago II, Bosten 5;
at IndlansiHill. : Washington 'Ju, Indiana
polis G.
The Association games resulted aa fellows :
At Philadelphia : Atbletln 10, Louisville 7 ;
st Baltimore : Ht I.euls I-', lUltlmeret); at
Broeklyn: Cincinnati , Brooklyn H; at
Staten I. land : Metropolitan 4, Cleveland 3.
Tne Pittsburg club is surely In turd luck.
Yeatenlay the Plililadelpblss made but seven
hits ml McCeriuIck, yet the home loam lout
through a bad error of Kuehna
alee el the Sherman
rmui the New tnrk World.
Ou the eve of the Teledo convention, and
In full knowledge tbst the resolution indors
ing Shermsu would be forced through, tbe
Teledo llUuU, one et the most active Repub
lican organs In tbe state, said :
Tbe cold fact still remains tbst the resolu
tion dens net represent the sentiment of all
Ohie Republicans. Te-dsy Jehn Sherman
could net secure a two-thirds delegation
fromOble. Whether he can next year re
mains te be seen. If be get Inte tbe state
campaign with a vliu, and heartily and alu alu
eerely works for the eieotlen el Feraker and
the aueceas of tbe Republican party, be may
be able te de se, but he can never get It
through machine methods.
T.n of a Family III.
A Reeding newspaper says tbst the
family el Amea (lelgley, of Terra Hill,
are stricken down with a alrauge cssnsimllsr
te poison, attributed either te Ibe water or
something they have eaten. Mr. ()elclry
and seven of the children are down u .la tbe
sickness, Mrs. Gelgley la the only one et tbe
family net atlected. .The cases are serious.
Ne fatal results are expected, aa Dr. J. C.
McDonnell, the family doctor, thinks they
are en a fair way of recovery. The house
haa the appearance of a regular hospital.
Inquiry from persons residing at Tene
Hill abew that Mr. Uelgley'a family are
alck with typhoid levar. The father and ten
children are oenflnad te their beds, and the
mother alone la able te be about and care for
Tne Malt Agsls.l Mr. rewlsr.
Mr. Samuel L. Fowler says In reference te
tbe suit brought agalnat him by Thomaa and
Henry Raumgardner en a promissory note
for H-i.41181, dated January 1, 1887, that Uie
money was advanced during the last twelve
years en a contract made In 1874 with tbe
Haumgarduers, by which they were te sail
tbe property ; that the Baumgardnera valued
the property at ever 11,100,000 in 1870. The
property oenslsta of 0,000 acres of coal and
timber lands In Allegheny and Oarrett coun
ties, Maryland. Brown A Hansel and J. W.
P, Swift, an oeuneel for Mr. Fowler.
Mayer and oeoaetls Arrested.
Warrants were Friday Issued for tba arrest
of Mayer Jonas and tba memberaef select
andoemmon councils, of Wllllamipert, te
anawar a charge of neglecting for several
years past te keep East Tnlrd street In proper
repair. Tbe street extends from tbacressing
of the Philadelphia A Erie railroad te tba
elty Una. August Nasi, a resident of the
etreet named, mskea tba complaint The
arrest haa bean threatened for aeme time.
A Driving Aesldeat.
Friday morning aa Emll Shelly, who tends
bar ter Frank Kelker, waa driving down the
West King street hill, the wagon brake railed
te work, and the wagon pressed heavily upon
tee horse, causing It te become unruly and
finally te kick badly. Mr. Shelly was kicked
en the leg Juat below tbe knee and very badly
wounded, though tbe bones et bla leg were
net broken. Dr. S. T. Davit attends him.
(It Lake's Pteale ea Thursday.
Tba annual picnic of Ht Luke's church and
Sunday acboel will ba held en Thursday uf
next weak, August 4th at Penryn park. Tne
axoaralen train will leave the outer depot at
8 a. a.
areata peastens.
David K. Haratab, Manbslm ; Henry J.
Basen, Maw Helland ; Jacob F. Barnltr,
Laaawtar ; Geerge Krtaar, Lancaster, and
Frederick Flub, Lanesatar, an among tba
taiaai laeay apaneaata who bave
arwtai jjasUesBU BgmMBflfmmmmx.
mart. rummiHueM akd lamb pbbavb
Rata Osmesis Taese Atlesdlag the rrajsr
Meetlag te OeaUaee Ike Battles la the tab-
eraacle-KvsagsH.t i.Uals gatttk la
Chgs of lbs Usvetlsnal Meetlag.
IiANitKVit.t.K, July .10. The weather waa
exceedingly warm yesterday afternoon, but
delightful In tbe evening, aa a splendid
breeze sprang tip.
The children's meeting was held as usual
at U10, and the Kev. Cites. Keads entertained
tbem with a very Instructive object lessen.
At .1 o'clock the Rev. T. !,. Tomklnaen, of
Ilarrl.burg, preached a forcible sermon, tak
ing bla text from Matthew 5th chapter and II th
Tbe Weman'a Christian Temperance
union held a meeting In the Y. M. C. A. last
Miss Mrrle Smith, tbe avangelUt, of Phila
delphia, la new in charge of the devotional
meeting In the big tent, and we can leek for
ward te aeme geed work being dena.
The Kev, J. S. Lame, of Cornwall, preacbrd
at 7 o'clock, taking his text from Heaaallth
.chapter and 8th verse, ' Hew can I give Ibee
up." Tbe sermon was an exceedingly fine
one, and waa attentively listened te by a
large number of people.
A heavy rain came up alter the sermon
which drove the people Inte tbe tabernacle te
held the prayer meeting, and a number of
penitents went te the altar.
Many Visitors.
A large number et visitors were In camp
laat evening, among whom were Miss Annie
Bruner, Mr. Alfred Bruner, Mr. and Mrs,
Brenner, Mlra Fry, Miss Withers, Miss
Wilsen, of Columbia, Mr. (Jee. Marshall and
Mlsa Dera Shnllz and Mr. Rebert Selgel, of
Twe geed sermons will be preached en
Sunday, as two eloquent divines will till tbe
pulpit, namely ; In tbe morning Kev. W. A.
Speneer, corresponding secretary of tbe
Church Extension seclMy,and In the evening
Rev. J. K. Crouch, P. E.
Rev. Jebn Jehns, D. D , of Brooklyn, will
preach en Tuesday morning, and Dr. Reach,
or Brooklyn, en Wednesday morning.
If It does net rain tbe grounds will lie In
an excellent condition te-morrow, aa tbe aun
Is shining brightly.
Mr. Jebn Breck at tba bearding house la
prepared te supply excellent meals.
The early prayer meeting at 0 o'clock this
morning wss led by Rev. J. F. Crouch, P. K,i
and the 8:30 prayer meeting waa led by Rev.
Cnaa. Reads. ,
Te-day being temperance day it will be de
voted te temperance addresses. At 10 o'clock
the Rev. J. F. Crouch, Rev. Wm. Powick,
of Dauphin, and IJev. J. S. Lime, of Corn
wall, made addresses. This afternoon Kev.
J. T. Satchell will make an address and Miss
Amanda I.sndes will have a few readings.
Mr. Cbsrles Rileui il, of Hsrrlaburg, ar
rived te-day.
aTwruitra ur ruanuteaiv baulb.
tlt.r Pits Tbnuasad Canitldstss Admitted Dur
ing tbe Put Nil Months.
Thesnml-snnusl report old rand Master of
Records J. D. Itsrnes, of Pennsylvania, for
the six months ending June .10, 1887, con
tains uisny Interesting facta ss te tbe pros
parity of the Knights of tbe (lelden Eagle,
tbe numerical and financial growth of which
surpasses tbst of any kindred organization.
The laat report of the subordinate castles waa
received en July 2H. The aggregate number
of Initiations, sdmisaiens by card, dismissal
oertilleatea and reinstatements waa D.4DI, an
average of 30 per castle. Number of mem
bers December .'II, IS!, 17,'-l ; Initiated dur
ing the past six months, .ri,31ri, admitted by
card and cert I Urate, 71; reinstated, 21; with
drawn by card, 7,; .impended, 711; de
ceased, lil; expelled, 1-; resigned, tl; re
jected, '.. Membership June 10, 1S.S7, 21,.
81i, sn increase el 4,.Vii.
The sir knights of this order are perfecting
arrangements ler one et the grandest paradea
In tbe history or tbe Knights of tbe (lelden
Eagle during the constitutional centennial
fentlvltl(w In Philadelphia .
aniiimsr Lalaars.
Hsrry ilerr, of the Merchants' hotel,
Puttsvllle, has left te spend a few dayaat
Lancaster, his former home.
Miss Alies Rauaiusn, el Lancaster, is the
gnest of Miss Myrtle Stever, of Shady
Ureve, Franklin county.
Mrs. May Lnwery, el Hetel Mllferd, Mil
ford, Delaware, and Mias Nellie Daley, el
Cliften Heights, Delsware county, Pa., are
spending a few weeka with Mrs. Will Inman
at the r.ast End.
Rev. Themas Thompson, pastor of the
Memerial Presbyterian church, Is visiting
bis father Jehn Thompson, ou Scotch Moun
tain, Delaware county, N. Y.,and bis brother
Dr. R. K. Thompson, In Dlhl, N. Y.
Mr. Wm. Irt-dala and family left te-day
for Phlladalpbls and Atlantic City, and will
linger fur a week listening te what tbe wild
waves are saying.
William It Mlddletnnand Ismlly left to
day for Sea Ule City,
Richard M. Rellly and hi sister, Miss
Mary Reilly, lelt nn the 1J.V8 trsin ler Atlan
tic City.
Tbe employee of Alfred Dlller'a shop,
at Water and Lemen streets, are ploeicklng
te-day at Eablemau'a weed.
Mr. Cyrus H. Celvln and family left this
afternoon for bla Yerk county farm, where
tbey will remain a week or ten days. He
took with blui two pair of tbe flnist horses
In tbe state. Mr. Frank Zellera also accom
panies him.
O, A. K. Impaction,
Last evening S. K. Clepper, of (Jen. Welsh
Peet or Columbia, who la general inspector
of the Grand Army of tbe He public, paid a
visit te (leerge H. Themas Pout, Ne. 81, et
this city. He waa accompanied by Jebn
Plnkerten, Ueerge U. Krlaman and Henry
Ulppey. An Inspection el tbe pest was
made and everything waa found In the best
of oendltlon. Tbe pest hat a large member
ship, wbieb is Increasing very fast.
ratren'a Ureal Ktcerd.
In tbe circuit races In Cleveland, Ohie, en
Friday 10.000 people were present. Tbe
(nature of the day was tbe deleal of Harry
.Wilkes In three straight beata by C. F.
mery'a four-year old stallion patron, wne
established a record er2.HU. M fellows :
Bpeclal race for a purse of ll.euu.
Patron 1 1 1
llarry Wilkes 'i 1 I
Tiiue-uuH. . -i'4-
The Ktaelne Lights Out,
When the heavy aterm est In last night tba
electric lights used te Illuminate tbe atreeta
wen either extinguished or went out et their
own accord. Although tba aterm waa all
ever by midnight tba lights ware out all
night and In consequence the atreeta of tba
city were very dark. One gas and two gaso
line lights were also out.
Te Plcsle Nasi aenday.
The annual excursions snd picnics for tbe
benefit of st Antheny's church have grown
Inte great favor, and tba one which will take
place next Monday premises te ba an en
joyable event
nave Bsll Per a liMrlsg.
Jacob Heney, charged wltb larceny et a
oew and a call tbe property of a drover named
Ludwlg, gave ball yesterday for a baailng
MfonAldermaaDaaaeaWtfaaaaay aazti
in turn polio voemtb.
A ratty of Dreaksa Msa ta noab-eiharain
Tbla morning at aa early hour tbe police
were attracted by a boras bltcbed te a cab
which waa being driven around town at a
frightful rate or speed. OlUeera Py la, Walsh
and Rellly finally stepped the team at the
Pennsylvania railroad atatien. They found
that "Ham" Qreal waa driving the
boras, (which was ft blind animal, and the
men laatda wan Henry Deman and Jebn
Heilleueger. All were drunk and ware
taken te the atatien house. Deman was In
bla bare feet, but seemed anxious te have a
geed time. Hefilsnngsr had about 18 In
money In hla pocket and ba aaya that ha bad
blrad the team te take him borne Just aa ha
waa arrested and Deman waa hla partner.
Before Alderman Deen the men will have te
answer the charge of being drunk and dis
orderly and Qruel Is also held for fsat drlv
g ,
Last evening Richard Wlllard and S.rah
Ingram ware heard before Alderman Deen
en the charge of adultery, and aa then waa
no evidence agalnat them they wen dis
charged.. Reuben Hutten, the prosecutor,
wan arrested aoen afterwanls ler being drunk
and disorderly, and he will ba heard by tbe
aame alderman tbla evening.
Bridget Meany baa been held for a hearing
before Alderman Spurrier en the charge of
being drunk and disorderly.
After Ed. Span bad been arrrsted yester
day afternoon a woman, who gave her name
aa Jane Hpers, and aald ahe waa bis wife, was
arrested. At the hearing thla morning
Hpera told tba mayor tbat for three years
past the women hail been looking for him,
and yesterday waa the first time aba aaw
him. The mayor thought tbat en account of
their long separation he would give tbem a
short term. Bach get thirty days escb.
Jehn Qulnn waa committed by tbe mayor
te answer at court the charge of breaking tbe
window of a cell In which be was confined
In tbe lockup.
Kebstt II. CeMmaa Sara Hs Prelan It sad
Gits, rigaras ttrgardleg It
Lcbinen Dtapatch te the 1 line..
Kebert U. Celeman, president or the Corn
wall t Lebanon railroad company, en
Friday met committees representing tbe
people or Sbeaderstewn, Klelnfeltersvllle,
Clay, Veganavllle, Epbrata and New Hol Hel
land relative te the extension of the Corn
wall A Lebanon railroad te New Helland.
Messrs. L. E Miller, or Lincoln ; C. M.
7.rbe, ofSbeefferstewn ; W. K. Sellrer, of
Ephrata ; H. E. Stelnmelz, of Clay, and A.
L. Snyder, of New Helland, presented state
ments relative te tbe business and sentiment
of tbe people.
Mr. Celeman aald tbat he preferred tbe
route te New Helland, which be bad already
surveyed ; tbst It could be built fofene mil
lion or nine hundred thousand dollars, and
that live hundred thousand would have te
be laauad en bends and an equal amount en
stock. It could be built, he ssid, in ten
months and could be operated by tbe Corn
wall t Lebanon railroad. He would himself
take stock, enough te control the read and
would send Chlst Engineer fro well along
tbe route and settle land damares. Written
reports will be made from each locality as te
land damages and stock te be taken.
ajlracalen. Koesps or a Bey.
Maniikiv, July 30. What might have
proved a serious accident occurred at the
Seuth Charlette atrtet railroad crossing last
evening through tbe recklessness or the boy I
wblch bad landei tbe members of St Paul's
Episcopal Sunday school of thla borough at
station, and bad lelt bearing tbe large num
ber of scholars and friends or St Jehn's Epis
copal te Lancaster, Mr. (lea II. Dinner, or
this borough, wss sppreschlug the railroad
driving at a moderate spaed. A son or Jacob
Yeung rushed across tbe street towards
the bundrede sitembled en tbe station plat
form, looking neilber right or lelt, and ran
against tbe shafts of tbe carriage of Mr. Din
ner and waa caught between tbe shafts and
tbe Irent wheels, when he was thrown te the
ground and tbe carriage passed ever him.
Tbe boy escaped with only a alight aorateh
behind and in front of the left ear. He i cited
well all night It was a miraculous escape,
and this should serve aa a warning te the
boys et tbe borough who rush se heedlessly
across the streets in front of passing bones.
Ne blame can be attached te Mr. Dauner, aa
be waa net driving fast and took all neces
sary precaution.
A deficit of 110,000 baa been round In tbe
accounts or Calvin W. Rlgg, ex collector el
Conshebocken, who haa disappeared.
The Columbian bank or Philadelphia Is n
nanclally embarrassed aa a result el the col cel
Ispsed Baltimore t Ohie ileal.
Owing te the tailing oil in Ita Democratic
vote, Berks county this year will be entitled
te but 10 votes In tbe state convention, in
stead et 17 aa heretofore.
Chester county farmen are net a little dis
turbed at the prospects or their potato crop,
tbe present Indications pointing te a heavy
less by retting, owing te se much wet
weather and excessive heat
Persona who bave traversed tbe limits or
Ceaster county, estimate recent damages te
public reads at fTiO.OOO, te repair which some
townships are net at all prepared lu the way
of a fund for auch purposes.
Te Make an official ilt.
Frem tbe Wyoming Democrat
Jehn Levergood, el Lancaster, Grand
Patriarch of the Grand encampment of OJd
Fellows of Pennsylvania, will make an
ollielal and fraternal te Tunkbannoek
encampment. Ne. 201, en Wednesday even
ing, August 17th. A apeeiel meeting will be
called for tbat evening, and every member
In the county, as well aa membenfrem Laek
awanna and Susquehanna counties will be
Tba MMdalty Tbssin.
At the Grand opera house last evening
then was a anetber geed aled audienee te
see tbe Msy Adama company. The ahew
waa very geed and tbe indications are tbat
then will be a big crowd te night
May Adama Jebn B- Wills and Miss
Fanny Lewis, will remain ever next week,
and In addition will be the big troupe of
blendes who will appear In tbe latest novel.
ties. Great preparatlena are being made for
tbla event.
A Costly Kids en a Prslgbt Trsle.
A train Jumper, named Jebn Smith, bad
bla leg broken Friday afternoon near Mill
creek while riding en the platform of a
freight car. He bad bla lege extended ever
tba platform of the adjoining car, when a
sudden jamming together of the can broke
hla leg belere be could get it out of the way.
He was brought te Lancaster en a freight
train, and taken te tba county hospital.
D.palj Oorensr Appointed.
Cyrua Cramer, of Quarryvlile, baa been
appointed deputy oeroner for Eden town
ship and vicinity.
A Obanee ler Barclay peak,
The supreme court of New Jersey baa
allowed the writ of error In tbe case et Bar
clay Peak and will review tbe evidence.
Iaaae R. Brubebsr Used,
Pram the New Helland Clarien.
Isaac H. Brubiker, aa aged resident of tba
western part et town, died ea Thursday
morning. Fer aavaral yean ba bad bean to te
tall v blind, and for a long lima past baa been
var feeble, Mr. Brubaker bad bean mar
s' I riad, bat bla wUedlad aeme forty yean age,
. iaaTW em aea, Iaae M. Brvbttar,
BwavrvraB tmb bam sr rma awirr
Oserge Wataisy Urewnsd In lbs Consstega
at Ranch's Mill Thla Meralag-HK Bedr Net
atecevsrsd, Hal Men asllsally Neareti-
lag Per It-Hew It Uccnrrsd.
A aad drowning accident In which Ueerge
Waldley lest bis life, occurred at Kanck'a
mill en the Cenestnga creek, Just beyond tba
city limits te-dsy. Waldley waa a man between
fifty live and atxty yean of ag and lived
In tbe tenant house or Mr. Kanck, en tbe
opposite side or tbe creek from tbe flour mill.
Thla morning Waldley came te thla city
and, after attending te aeme business, started
for borne. When he arrived at the mill ha
procured beat and started across the dam
from the west aide. The creak waa very high
owing te tba heavy nine and the water waa
sweeping ever the ilam breast with great
force. He bad almost reached the ether aide
of the stream when he found that ba could
net control the beat agalnat the heavy current
Wbsn be found that tba beat would ba
taken ever the dam breast he Jumped
out Inte the stream. He waa swept ever the
dam and tbat waa tbe last seen of him. The
accident waa witnessed by ssveral persons
employed at the mill, and aeme ethers who
wen fishing. They at onee procured
ether beats and searched ler tbe body which
had net been found np te a lata hour tbla
afternoon. It la supposed te be In the hole
made by tbe water Immediately In
front of tbe dam. It Is Impossible te move
around with a beat at tbat place for rear of
being wrecked, 'ihe beat which Waldley
had waa aeen afterwards, but It Is
new fast, In front of the dam, and
although repee were used, if could net
be taken out Waidtey'a hat was found
Hesting in the stream. Tbe body may
have bean carried down aeme distance, and
If it was, tbe creek Is se muddy that it can
net be aeen.
Waldley was born In Straaburg lu 18.10 and
waa a brother of Nerman L. Waldley, tbe
proprietor of tbe stage line between this city
and Straaburg. Ue waa married twice and
hla second wife and two children survive
him. He also leaves three children by his
first wife. Tbey are all grown. Twe daugh
ters resides In this city, one of tbem being
msrrled and a eon la In the west. The
deceased moved from the neighborhood of
Greenland list spring into Mr. Ranck'a beuse.
Ue was a laborer and worked for dlllerent
Pred, snd Christ nesf.1 snd MlasMsry Oro Ore
Ingsr Itatem Prem Karens.
Messrs. Fred, and Christ Hoefel, who have
been In Europe ler three months past, and
Miss Mary Qree 7inger, who haa been punn
ing her atudies in German academies for two
yean past, returned te Lancaster Frldsy
night at 11:45. They landed from the Waea
land, at New Yerk, Thursday morning
where tbey were met by Mr. and Mrs. U us
tavus Uret-tlnger, Mra, Fred. Hoefel, Henry
Uerhart, Win. Balz and Geerge Sbulmyer.
The party rested In New Yerk and Ceney
laland until Friday and then came en te
Lancaster. On reaching here at 11:45 they
wen met In tbe depot by tba Lancaster
Ma-nnercber, who wsked up the passengers
of the midnight train by singing a song or
welcome. Tbe returned tour lata and their
friends then msrebed te Mnmnercber ball
when a fine collation had been pnpared for
them by tbe Miennercber. A few noun
were very pleasantly spent In bearing the
tenrists recount their experiences while
abroad. Mr. Fred. Hoefel during hla
absence, visited most of the prominent
places In Germany and Switzerland, while
Cbrtat contented himself with visiting places
near his old home. All tbe veysgen loekbale
and hearty. Before leaving Europe tbey
had heard or tbe terrible heat In America;
but they ssy overcoat?, wraps and blankets
were needed every night in their passage
across the Atlantic.
Tbalr gscead Contract Pultillsd.
from the Cennullavllle Courier.
About twenty-five yeara age Capt Wilsen
IL Meyers wss doing military duty at Union
town. Willie then be became acquainted
with Mlsa Dennetta M. Paine, alater or K. S.
and Owen Paine, or thla place. During the
war the couple corresponded and at
lea close were engaged te be married.
Tbe engagement waa broken, however,
and both married. About eighteen months
age tbe two met by chance In Wash
ington county, she a widow and be a wldower.
Tbey were at onee re-engaged and en Tuee
dsy wen married In the Episcopal church at
Unloutewn. Captain Meyers is new in the
pension department at Washington city, te
whleb place he has taken bis bride.
Sbs Oave Blm a ' Levs Petion."
A few daya age Charles Yeung and hla
country girl-wire, Grace, came te Kansas
City, Missouri, from Nebraska. Thursday
morning the couple bad a quarrel, and he
threatened te leave her. In her misery
she sought a fortune-teller and waa
told te take three drops of bleed from
under her finger nsils and give It
te her husband In his oetlee, and be would
be ever faithful. This she did Frldsy morn
ing, giving tbe mystic potion te a waitress at
tbe hotel at which tbey were living te put In
her husband's oetlee. Tbe waitress took tbe
cup te the landlord, and be, Imagining tbat
poisoning waa meditated, rushed te polies
headquarters with a gory story.
Mrs, Yeung was arrested, but told bar
story te the polies officials. Surgeon Weed
analyzed tbe substance in tbe cup and found
tbat it waa dried bleed, and tbe wife was set
free. A reporter made aeme remark tbat did
net pleaae bar, and before leaving tbe atatien
aba boxed hla ean soundly. She aud bar
husband an new reconciled.
Canes of tns Disaster te a Pbllad.lpkla Finan
cial lu.lllutlen.
Piiii.AUKi.i-uiA, July 30. The doen e
tbe Columbian bank at Ne. Itf Chestnut
street, whose checks wen protested yeater
day by the Farmen and Mechanics' bank
because of lack funds, are closed te-dsy snd
It ta stated that tbe bank officials will ueake
an assignment In favor of depositors.
Tba Columbian bank whleb closed Ita
doen this morning was a state Institution.
At neon a notice waa Issued by tbe bank say
ing tbat an aaslgnment bad been made te S.E.
Megargae and V. P. Kenan, two attorneys.
All efforts te obtain any statement
at te tba amount or the liabilities or
assets proved futile, both the bank ofuebua
and tbe aaslgnees declaring tbat tbey bad
net time te inquire into the oendltlon of at
tain aa yak It Is believed tbat the fallun laa
complete one. President Bell, of tbe Farmeie'
and Mechanics' bank wltb whom the Colum
bian kept an account for many yeara, atitad
tbat the checks of the latter were dishonored
beetuse they bad no money te tbalr credit
and no aeeurltlea en deposit, as waa claimed,
by tba Columbian ofneers. It la under
stood from reliable aoureaa that tba eblef
canees of the fallun wan heavy advances
made en drafts of tba tvea-Stayner
party of Haw Yerk aad advances made en
consignment et marenandlaa ahlpped from
Seuth America and ether places whleb ware
net taken np by tba consignees lean leaving
tba bank In a crippled oendltlon. Tba fail
ure caused aeme exeltamsnt In tbla elty, al
though It waa net much of a surprise.
It la new stated Ibtt tba liabliltlaaet tba
baak will net ba erar pJ8,0l
Oharlss W. Reed, Who Was aaMeaa'e Lawyer,
Attempts te OessBsrt "ifeMe.
Naw Yerk, July KX-Charlee W. Reed,
the well-known lawyer and ex-prosecutleg
attorney of Cook county, Illinois, who aaao aaae
clstad wltb Lawyer SoevUle la tha dsfense
of Gulteau, the assassin of President Gar-
ueid, and baa of lata figured conspicuously
In police circles, having sunk lower and
lower aa time went by, attempted suicide by
Junplng from the ferry beat Chicago Inte tbe
North river tbla morning. Officer Tayler,
of tha harbor police, rescued him. Reed
acted atraegely en tha way across the river
and waa aeen te go te the nil and leek ever
Inte tha water before he took the plunge. It
la believed that ba waa Intoxicated. Ha
Jumped from the forward deck and arose te
theeurfaee Juttln time te be struck en the
head by one of the Chicago's Immense paddle
blades. Tba blew knocked him senseless
and rendered Officer Tayler's work or rescue
easier. When taken tram the water Reed's
bead waa found te be badly cut In two places
and be waa nearly asphyxiated. Restoratives
wen administered alter whleb tbe half
drowned man waa sent te the Chambers street
hospital under arrest Heed baa lest all bis
legal practice and reduced te great poverty.
A few daya age be waa arrested for trying te
rob a till in a saloon In Jersey City, but wsa
net prosecuted.
Reed waaarnlgned before Ju.tlce Kllbrelb
at the Toombs. He was committed ite the
ean of tbe commissioner of cbsrltlea and
correction te be examined aa te hla sanity.
Pear Peepls Lew Uvea by a Railway
Disaster In Mew Hampehtrr.
CoNcenii, N. H., July 30. A Irightful ac
cident occurred en the Uoeksett branch or
the Concord railroad this morning. The up
accommodation passenger train reported
nine minutes late and comes via the Sun
brook branch. The mixed train from Pitta
field waa en time and started south from
Bunoeok for Uoeksett te connect with the
forenoon train. The PltUfield train waa en
the aiding a abort distance this sldaet Hook Heok Hoek
aett, when tbe passenger train, by reason of
a misplaced switch, ran up en the aid
ing and crashed Inte the locomotive of
the mixed trsin. Beth engines an badly
wrecked as are also the baggage and mallear
of the passenger train and many of the
freight care. The engineers and firemen of
both trains had time te Jump and escaped
unhurt Geerge French, express messenger,
and Frank Barney, brakemsn of tbe mixed
train, were instantly killed. There are a
number of Injured. A roller train haa been
aent from thla city with surgeons and a
wrecking train haa gene te dear the tiack.
A later report places the number of killed
at four.
Thsy are New la Jalt
PeTTsvu.t.K, Pa., July 30 Seme time age
Benjamin and Aaren Nuss, or Cstawlssa,
brothers, brakemsn and conductor respec
tively en a freight train en tbe Cstawlssa
division et the Phllsdelehls & Reading nil-
read, were arrested charged wltb robbing I
freight care. They were held In fl.OOO ball
each ter trial. Yesterday Aaren called en
superintendent Hweigart, in Phticdeipbia,
and cuered H.OOO te settle the esse. Tbe
otter waa promptly relused and Nuss re
turned te Catawissa when both brethen
ware re-arrested yesterdey, their ball having
been increased te 15,000 en account of the
discovery et further robberies In which they
are Implicated. They were unable te obtain
bondsmen and wen ledged In Jail.
Anether Con.plister Arrsstsd.
Chicago, July 30. Charles L. Fny, ex
warden of the infirmary, is a prisoner In the
ceunly J all- He waa arrested in tbe corridor
of the Sherman house by Sheriff Mstsen aad
Deputy Stewart at 11 o'clock last night A
capias Issued April 2 and charging conspiracy
waa served upon hltu. When Frey was In
dicted In connection with tbe "boodle" cases
a bench warrant waa Issued against blm but
waa net eeryed because States Atterney Grin
nell supposed he would go en tbe stand for
the state. He was net required te give bends
aa the state had mere evidence than It needed
and as it closed Its side of the emnibus"case
last evening. It wss decided te arrest Frey
and require him te give bends which he will
probably de te-day.
Th.j ll.turu te Europe.
Naw Yerk, July 30. Mr. Van Ueyst,wbe
came te this country I rem Helland last week
In punult of bla wife, who had tied te tbla
country with Jules Van Deeren, sailed for
home te-dsy by tbe Atirania. tils utile
daughter, who waa brought te thla country
by her mother and whom tbe lather recov
ered, returned with him. Mra. Van Heyat
and Van Deeren sailed for Rotterdam te-day
by the steamer Leerdaui. She will make no
opposition te the suit for divorce which ber
husband will Institute in the Helland courts,
nor make any effort te regain possession of
her child.
Anether Liberal Victory.
Londen, July 3a The llbersls have
scored anotbered victory. In the Parliamen
tary election which took placa yeaterdsy In
the Ferest of Dean division of Gloucester,
Mr. Sarauelsen, GladitentaB, received 4,2aa
vetCHsgsinst 2,730 esst for Mr. Wynhsm,
Conservative, This seat waa wen In the laat
eieotlen by a Gladstentan, but his vote waa
only 3,882. Thua a gain of 404 votes la shown
for the Liberals.
The eieotlen of Mr. Bamuelsen In tba
Ferest of Dean, division of Gloucester, Is
generally regarded aa a proof that the Union
ists are re turnlcg te the Gladstenlan ranks.
Bsess at Saratoga.
Saratecia, N. Y July 30. Fifth regular
day. Warm weather; attendance geed.
Track fast
First race Splnaway stakes, five furlongs
Les Angelas wen, Blithesome second, Cekena
third. Time 1 ;;,'. Odds 1 te 2 Les Angelea.
Second raee, ) mile. Lewis Clark wen,
Cateaby gelding second, Erebus third. Time
1:15,V. Odds 0 te 1 sgalnst Lewis Clark.
Third race, tbe Merohante' stake, one mile
and live furlongs, resulted lu a dead beat
between Elkwood and Dunbeyna. Tba only
atutera. Time 2:51'. The raee will ba run
off after Iba filth race.
Urging ''any te Plghr.
Paris, July 30. General Beulangar'a
seconds had an Interview wltb ex-Premier
Ferry te-day who referred tbem te two gen
tlemen willing te aet for bin In tba Impend
ing duel. Tha friends of M. Ferry are new
urging blm te fight
His vesica. Taken.
Glasgow, July 30. After a political moat meat
ing bare jetterday Sir Geerge Otte Tnvelyan
wss relieved et nia time-piece.
Te Anawar at oenrt.
Jehn Qulnn, charged by bis wlfe;wlth de
sertion, waa beard before Alderman Me
Couemy tbla afternoon, and in dsfsult et bail
Waa committed te answer at eaurt
gammened te Ben..
Kkw Yerk, July 80,-Blshep Leugblln
has been summoned te Rema aed will aa
awar tbe call la the fall.
The Decline aad Pan of
The Reverend Dr. Edward MeGlyna,
Tee Reverend Dr. MeQIyan,
Reverend Dr. MeGlynn,
Rev. Dr. MeGlynn.
Docter MeGlynn,
Dr. MeGlynn,
'"' BVLBB WU ABAIH 4C at '
tovaeravaera. L'
. " .. .
rnmaaseaauaaal Aniearl
Beeaaae Mis asagk easdset et n fre
rasr May Ba Bessi.a a.sse
ef ata retry Charaetevtswaa.
Londen, July 30, The news that tba
ui 1-ersia is cxsaaBBBDiauBB aneuiar vans. as. ;,.
r. . . ?..... T T. . '-"T ,A"I
r.ureps naa aaai aoaurer error down mat W
aplnea et the reval and Imnarisi nslitsals at ?
me variens continental capitals aa
wun vivid clearness their former
with tbat slovenly monarch.
palaeaa turned Inte pigstyea rtae np
them, and the prospect of another
et Nasared Deen wltb the almost am
certainty of a aeoend time witnessing bla tat-
unuiea in bis awlnlsh proposal,
ties turns them fairly sick with disgust It
Is Just passible that the shah's mannsre hew
Improved ainea ba availed himself of the op
portunity of abasing European hesDltallt n
few years age, be the chances sra that they
haven't, That the-eemmente of tba
European press upon bis disgusting be
havior at that time reached Teheran there
Is no doubt but then waa a man In the Par
elan capital fesftardy enough te Impart tba
gist of the Joarnallstle strleturaa upon bla
majesty's oenductto his master then la all
manner of doubt, and the prebabllitlea an
tbat the shah la Ignorant te tbla day that te
befoul the beuse of one's host Isn't the proper
way te regulate bla hospitality ; net tbat
Nasared Dean Is an Ignorant man. He Isn't ;
en the contrary, be la an educated au
and possesses a sufficient degree of shnwd shnwd
ness.te prevent tbe hordes or Fnnan, Eng.
llsb, German and American capitalists, and
adventnnn aa well, from seizing upon tba
resoureea or .Perala and converting then
Inte sources or revenue te themselves, bat
yet he Isn't shrewd enough te avail himself
of the many opportunities of enriching bla
country, which abound almost within gun
shot or his palace. However, It Isn't
In the natun or a Persian te aaak
ter opportunities el enrichment through
Industrial cbanneia. Se then Is no
body te find fault with the lack or develop
ment or the country's resources lndoieneo
being a national trait In Persia. It la strange
therefore te read the announcement tbat tba
abac's projected tour of Europe ta for tba
purpose of vlaltlng the continental Industrial
countries,and the possibility Is suggested tbat
the Persian ruler haa bean aroused by
the repeated Importunities of lerelgnen for
grants, franchises, privileges, eta, te reallt reallt
tien that the Persian can maintain factories,
construct railways and till the aell altar tba
most approved fashion, when enes be baa
learned bow, aa well as the Christian capital
ist and the un-ObrlstUnl Ike speculator. It
thla be the case, and he la coming te Europe
te seriously study tbe varieua Industries of
the continent, Instead el throwing cham
pagne bottles through plate glasa wiadewa,
g nasjsaw mrwnr wwaftu ibivw jisinsi sswW wavy
Beiling Turkish carpets ana otherwise die-
I porting himself like a hog out ter a holiday,
I he will be every where welcomed snd treated
I wtth the conaldentlen due te a monarch who
desires te Improve himself, hla country and
his people. If, however, he la coming te
Europe merely for tbe pleasure it would
anera mm te repeat bis tormwejtpieita, it I
sale te ssy that means will be foune
vey te his august majesty the lnformatle
tbat bla departure la mere desirable than bJa
vlabk vLAtmmu a rout..
Bs sight, fifteen Vicious Bound. With a
Cartby, Aneth.r Phlladslphlsa.
Philadelphia, July 30, Tim Clark, a
brother of Willie Clark, recently defeated by
the "Spider," fought 15 vicious rounds aad
part of a sixteenth yesterday afternoon
wltb Charley McCarthy In a barn about
50 miles from tbla elty. Although 200
In stake money waa up, it waa very well ua ua ua
dentoed that tbe fight waa te be for bleed, ba
cauee of tha Intense feeling whleh baa existed
between tbe men for months and principally
te aettle an old grudge. The men nave beaa
In active training ler lour weeka. It waa
mutually agreed that tha number of apaetag
ten should be limited te ten. Sema difficulty
waa experienced In selecting a battle-ground
The time bad been fixed and up te last Mon
day night It waa determined tbat the fight
aheuld come off In thla city, but It wss finslly
decided that then might be polies inter
ruption aud a small bamlet near tba etala
line waa chosen. After tbe referee had
announced that tbe fight would be aoeording
te Qaeensberry rules, skin gloves wen pro
duced and fitted en the bands or the tighten
and the battle begun. Fifteen very bard
reunda wen fought, when In the 10th round
Clark claimed a foul whleb was net allowed.
Clark then nfused te fight any mere and tba
battle waa given te MeCarthy. The time of
actual fighting waa one hour aad two min
utes and altogether a geed many hard blown
were struck. There waa net a knock-down.
Beth men are pretty badly damaged, Clark'o Clark'e Clark'o
eye being closed completely. McCarthy
leeks aa though hla bead bad bean through a
threshing machine.
Dr. Mcaiyan's Bxeomaaaaieatlea.
Baltimore, July 30, Ths publication la
several newapapan of a form or anathema
alleged te have bean Pepe Lee In tha
excommunication et Kev. Dr. Edward Me
Glynn, et New Yerk, lad a United Praaa
reporter te call upon cardinal Glbboae
relative te tba matter. Tbe cardinal aald
that no special form of exoemmualaa
Hen la used by the pope. Than fa alai
ply an exoemmunloation, major or xalaer,
tbe former of oeurse, being tba mere aarleasy
The exoemmunloation deprives tha nana
excommunicated of eertala privileges, aad,
prerogative ln me cuurcu ana 1
tain penalties. The deprivations
ties an known. They are aet reelted tat tab
decree. In tbe earlier daya of tba ehareb aba
major excommunication waa Tery aavara,
and out off the pereea axoeataaalcatad fraat
all social lntaraennav avaa stlui "-
kalBssl ;?, J
ban of his ewa family. Tba advance of aa "?j
elai oendiaoaa naa readared tha sxscntia. at
auch decrees latpeaabla aad they ban bamh
greauy ameaiaaa. 5
SSaaka Ikuil Shi. r- '.':
BALTtMeaa, July se. Hambietea ACaj'K
Mr. (Jarratva confidential bankers, lavae
aacBl-efScial atatamaet of tbe late & at 4V
deal la which they ssy that Man aaa gwaau-
. n.ihiii,.. . u " - - laSak.
tba telegraph property te Mr. Gould, tat
etery el a oembtaatioa of aiagrspkaia neft:
purchase ths property a aw aeaisa. aw.
Garrett Is described as having the bsstef sba-r
Wall street fiaaaetera, aa aa none i,wn,fga -
Cincinnati, Hamilton 4 Daytea aad , '
In cash,
Wsa aasa at Ota Bases.
Naw Yerk, July 30-Abeat 888 of
'longshoremen who wen out aa atrlka mw.
tuned te work tale aaeralag at tba old
The only oeaoesaloB ataaa waa tba
of tba colored aea ualea aasa
Tba walla aoanalea maa
All tba striken will ba takaa
vaoaaelaa occer.
Baltimebb, Jaly Ssv-OrrvUU
aaq.oaaef awiaaewra
yers, tiled today. Ha aad
' mi
wmawmam samtBAtt
WUWMWI, a9.tX.Jasf I
wan reauaaa. ;
- . r.t
Xfc Mil. -JBBttlsa.
dLeiw ryrf ilisAiAlB-r
..V i.4tMi
VjJi ,M, r 4" S.'-l"C ,-
w 'rf-SXJVt