rnmmmunmmmmi mmmmmmmmm mBummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ii'ijii"" ni'iii i "i Piii'i w i" ' ' ' in ii i i mi i I,' ii in M i' 1 1 i i i i i i ii mi i s r-toahet 'tfWMsaTEMraTCjaMwaBWi wmi . ,?!', THE 1ANCA8TE11 DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1887. - -WVL ! f :'h 'J LITRNAMr MM Thil bold Olmn Novelist stretched . JW"J?! And nM t " I have dun a fjend nlml worn The rosy morning has net yet ". , And I've aniseed my U's of Tbs Deacon llrk i . . . - Ita hu murdered hi sd uncleln bad, And taken a desau bags et Beld, And a rich rean'i daughter, and met Ml y Had Te am te become a pirate bold In Chapter 1 hu li w cut tha ear Off .ovenUen desperate mutineer t He bu bunged Inim tha yard ami about a score, And Ivlsccted a small let mere lln has rescued eleven Circassian girls, And killed thre traitors In India pearl t llehasoausMlenniiiharef shocking wrecks, AndpaliiU'd viirinl'leii a let of deck : And lour limes Im hAHMcaprd from jail llyntrvlng the krnMira In piece fliiu I And I no ultimate chapter would turn you pair, Fer lh deaths mutt average two or linn. And I think I have net thla thlnK down Hun, And liiiiliH'M la bad If thla book can fail." And hli wlhi aleln Inte tlm room uat then, At a wall was heard f nun thn room In U roar rear Ami ahii mild " Will you wipe your icery pun, And Uku a spoil at tbu baby, dear t" rem rati. t'Mtnmurttuti uv jruun. Animal and Vrgstable Nabstaaees-Msgg.stieaa Werth Ksrasmbsrlng. t rout thn Londen Queen. Tha iKtrlabaltle nature of all animal and vegetable miimUncm, together with ths una una veidable Irregularity In their production, luioae tiien us the iieoessli of atorlea; up tboauHirabiintJatieeof one time te meet the requirements of another, auil It la of oonsld eonsld oensld ershle Interest te preserve Iheaa varleua ali mentary substances aa nearly aa peaalbla In llielr original state, oral leaat In mob. cetrdl. t'un Uiat their nutritive properties may be retained a much aa mmlble. It might be thought desirable that all aulnial ubatanese iimwI for thla purMMe should be dressed aa seen an Ilia In destroyed. Hut thla la net at all the raaw ; generally, the lleah la at such a time tough niut illlllcult te digest, owing te thn rigidity which nets In aa the uiuaclea con. tract, whereas, If kept for a few days, sword lug te the weather and climate, the llrah be come meru louder. Much eaporlenee and nttentleu te varleua rlrcunialaneea are necea aary te diilormtne uxactly hew long any par ticular Jelnta ought te bang In order that they may he ready by certain day ; and much of the aueceaa of the nook depends en hitting thla point with proelalon. In towns we truat te our butohera te attend te thla, but In the country, where perhapa the buteher only oil la twice a week, it la of great iniport inipert iniport auce te In3 able te judge for one's self. Meat aheuld alwaya Ik) kept in the cool eat place In an open larder, and be often dried. In warm weather It la beat te buy Jelnta aa freab aa INMMble. The tnndorneMi of a Joint may be partly ascertained by the way lu which it yielda te thn promurnef the linger and by Ita oppos ing lltll it rtmlataueH when bent The alight eat degree of uhaiige beyond thla can forlu ferlu nately be delected by the odor. In order te ronten) meat that la allghtly tainted, bell It for a few iiilhute with aome piece of antl aeptlc charcoal, frtvhly burnt Tinned meat can seldom make any claim te rrcuuimendntlnu eicept en economical greunda. When heateil up for the table It I u uttly tee much oeoked le bedlgeillble or pleiwnt, anil la lieat eaton cold, with some el (la own Jelly and aalad, or Maynnnalae muce. Halt meat, tee, aa an arllcle rf diet, la mi mi mi wliol(Heme, In that it baa lent part el ita nulrltiin value by thn removal of Ita Mulda, 1 1 1, by the brine, and thn remuaut ia dilll cult of aoliitieu. Heaklng in water may aolten and re novo the nail, but the uutrl live valuctivtmiei Ik rt'Ntered. fish rtiiuiicH mere rare than meat te pre pre pre Horiell ler a abort time. It eheuld be kept In a tery neul plact', and aheuld be placed en a stene lloer or ahelf and dlppietl In cold sail and water night and morning. If te keep ferwiuiuday. It should tie Immersed In a plckloruadeof eual iiuantlltea of common vinegar, email beer and water, flab la mera Injured by Halting thail meat, but smoking and drying are modes of preparation pecu liarly Htlaf ted le it Iceallurda the meat favorable means el pieaervlnK animal feed, but It uiuat be kept m the ice until wanted, a It gee had tilckly whn brought Inte a hlghrr teui erature. Helt vetruUble, audi a cnbbaKH, when Juil gatherutl aoeu liMvtIiuir Juicea by evaia raliun, tbulr leivra bwemlug aefii and in Ibia aiite baling tbuir nutrltUma prertlea. Heat amn siailla them, ae" they should be kept In a eajl, aliatly, damp plauu. net In water, or their ll aver la injured. The beat way of re re frexblug them la te cut oil a portion of the atem and place the cut part In water, Vege tables priwrvti' by drying undergo an Inter atlllal tiardonlngef the tisauea, which ren ders the'u lnaoluble in thaaallva as may be ot-erviKl tiy tlielr want of tlaver. Vegt-Uhlea llttle touched by a front tuny be reentered by Henking In cold water, Wuureail acquainted with the common method of proNerving butter by salting It Hetter net well freed from milk become rauuid mere readily than that which has been completely deprived of it. There ia a method of curiug butter by which it can be kept for two yearn in thla climate, or carried te the Kaat 1 ml ion If packed ae aa net te melt. Te preserve butter thus a mlxture of aalt and mlttetre Is made, which la thoroughly mixed with the butter aa aoen aa It la separ atwl from the whey, and then placed In a clean cask. It should be packed very t'glitly te thoroughly exclude the air, and the top must be covered with a sprinkling of salt and melted butter xurd ever it, In order te fill up every crevice, before the cover ia llxed down. It must be allowed te ataud quite fortnight alter belug salted or It does net taate well. Hutter will keep for years If preserved In heuey, the protertlon of the mixture being an ounce of honey te a pound of butter. It has an agreeable taate, and alight prove a uselul method en long voyages. It would uet, of course, suit all oenalitutlona, aa the proportion of houey is considerable. Milk rt quires te be kept in aa cool a place as ponnllne, and la better steed en stone shelves than en wooden. The uae of a little carbonate of soda prevents Ita turning sour, and If tee mueh la net used, baa no Injurious ellect ou the milk ; a little calcined inagueaia answers the sanie purae, and milk b lied with sugar also keeps some time. In Uuaaia milk has been preaerved for a long period by slowly evaporating It ever the lire until it U reduced te a solid substance; this la then iewdered and put into a bottle, which la utrelully sealed with wax. When required for ue It is dissolved In a proper quantity el water, and has then all the preperliM aa well as the tyate of milk. Aiin.y meihid of preserving cream lir anvuMl weeks, or even months, la te dissolve In water an equal welgbt of white auger, with ibucreHiu te be preserved, using only Just euuiigb water te melt the sugar and make a rich tyi up Hull thla, and while het add the cream, stirring them well together. When cold put It lulu a bottle and cork It well. Kgga can be preserved for a year or two If the process of transpiration be stepped. The shell of an egg la perforated with a multitude el siiisli term loe minute te be aeen by the unaided eya Through these a fluid is con stantly evaporating and thla causes decay were rapidly naturally In warm than In cold weather. A really fresh egg Is proverbially "full." yet In st'tlergga there Is some vacancy owing te the evaiioraiien. If the end el a irenh egg be applied te the tongue It leels cold, that of a Htaie egg warm, rhls Is due te the while el the freab egg being In contact with the shell and abstracting ths beat from the tongue mere rapidly than does the air bubble iu the stale one. Fresh eggs are meat transparent In the centre, stale ouea st ths end. Te step the process of transpiration tha egg must be rubbed ever either with varnish, suet, olive oil or any freab grease. The super llueus fat or oil must be wiped away, and the eggs set en end, with the mall end upper most, wedged close together, one layer ever another, lu bran. Kggs can also be preserved by plunging tbein la water at HO degrees Fahrenheit for live seconds, taking them out and rubbing them In suet, and then packing them In sawdust It only boiled for one minute egg keep a long time i U boiled naid tbey wilt keep many weeks without say ether preparation. Kgga absorb vary readily the Uaver of any substance In contact with them, and, If they acquire a email of old straw, tbey are unlit for feed. Meat people understand tha mode of pre serving Irulta, se a few bints only need be given en this subject Mast people like te preserve their fruits by ths cheapest method j but unless the sugar Is of the best and used In considerable quantity the success la aa. rutin. Toe much sugar destroys tee, sub Mid taste se agreeable Te many trulls. The room where fruit la stored aheuld be dry and well aired, bat should net admit the Bem fruiu may be preserved la a aaoeo lent state by being kept la water witaeat beilings tbl succeeds with the smaller klad of apple. Baking apple and pears bbst be Dfsaarved by slicing taera about the thick a of oee-slxtb of an inch, and drying then i tha na iu a alew OVSBv Fralt gathered for winter etere aheuld aet itoaswider have the skirt broken; apr mM It be kaeckea or akakta aff the braaeki U ahenld be gathered na a One day. when nest likely te be dry. The finer sad larger kinds of apple and pears should net be allowed te touch aeen ether la the store room. 1Maeaa should be purchased la the Maimer, aad euspeaded la nets fur we at the time whea they are dear. Orange may be preserved a long time by wrapping them alngly In paper, packing them In dry sand or Jars, snd keeping them In aa equal teinir etura. nnaapplea are ktp a wmsiiieraeii time by twisting out their nrewtis; these br Inaverv ornamental, are generally allowed te remain, but In time they destroy all the Juice of the fruit by living upon It fruits preserved la brandy or ether strong spirits should be gathered before they are quite ripe and soaked for several hours la hard watsr te make them Arm, five ounces of auger are required te each quart of apltllr. White aad red currents, aprloets, cherries, raspberries, plums, psaefaea, mulberries can l easily preserved by putting the fruit Inte strong, wlds mouthed Imttliw, corked very securely aad luted ever with a cement of lime aad sefi cheese, spread out en tinea and hound down with wire, The bottles are in etessd separately In canvas bag sod put la a kettle of water, heated te a bulling point They are thua kept until the fruit la as It were boiled In Its own Juice ; tbey are Istt te cool sad should be examined before being put away for store le see If the bottles are securely fastened. vicak arrcu ybak tmk a a ant New the weather's gelling hotter, And the husband 'glna le Milter (Ter hla wardrobe for a cool aeeraucker ault, suit, suit t lint the one he were laat atimmer lias been sold te play Urn plumber By the wlfn whom be will swear at j eh, the brute, brute, brnte. from the ll'iiinlnirlen Critic. The Old relka at Heme, Or elurwtierp, nrl a Ionic new ami tin n le iti'Mtn ttitliiiiinlrrKrewlnir Inllritilllr.i. Ne ttalrr or iti'irn lliurutiKh IntlKiimiit fnrni;r ami tlii" delicate cun be IuiiihI than llciMit trr'nMmnai'li llltlrrK, naiiilili-liiiilulnn In thu-e nllim-iita nf cniiiiuniiti-terriiraiirr lln r 'ntiilinl , liillgriiluii ami lmrl OU iinlrra I n pure b"lulf Mlrgiuril rti!liit ma Inrl.i, mil rrliitilr nirana rriiuilrralliig tliiiinitttl'iii. le tlm e invHliMeiil, It I a valualite all In Ihn itrtivi r errlri iik'lli, nml In llin ilitillltnlcil, Ili'rtulM ImalM ll )l l'l trii'iill ,hiMilii'r ami n newnt uppctlle two tirliiii- iMcliir in Hie rti-teratiiiit ( tlwir. ! Ink nt iiir. ly Ixilmilr nrlKln, II In In cln.iii tlieii- eliici lien iirK,1! .f;Mliit riiliirr.il trim Hi mllrht till r IliiifOKxIlilriillkelllillulluntiT I hi' kjkIiiii, amluhlrli Impair lh- Imir urilie rlem.iili, uhirhtlH' llltli r, in lli)-miitr.iry, rtrtnslhrii AiiitpfrulHlrfl It lliiiliiihcil anil incscrllji'il ly Uit- uuilU.il Irati rnliy OAiirieN. Imllattnns have been telnlt-d upon thn market an closely rswtmhllng ALtixx'a'n t'oseca I'LAa vsai In ganeral ai'amnce at Ut be well calcu lated te deceive. It la, hnwnvtir. In general ap pearanwi only that lliey compare with Allieck'a, ler tbey are worse than werthteaa, Inaamiicb aa tbey contain dohtcteiluua higrudlnnla which ini apt te cauae aerleua Injury, llemnmlwr that Allceuk's are the only gunulne poreiM plutera the lieat external mmedy every known i still when piirchaalng plaatent de net enty aak ler but nee that you gal ALU-eik's I'oheci 1'ltin. nvmuiAt. tmtivmm. SlllMIH'n UUKfe. will lumindlaU'ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and llreiichltla. rnr nleby II. II. Cecunui. liruKglkl, Ne. 137 North (Jueen atnwt 171 An V-txl te llnue Ncraplng. Kdwnrd Uhephnnl, or lliiriinliurg. 111 , aaya H Having ncelvml an much iHiimllt Irnin Kluctrlc llltlrra, T tel 11 my duty te let auiTurlng lititimn. tly knew It Have had a running aeru en my leg ferelKhtywira; my doctera told met would have te liave the bone scraped or leg amputated. 1 naed, Inatead. thrae iMttllm of Kluctrle Itinera and seven boxes llucklen'a Arnica Salve, and uy leg la new sound and well." Kloctrle lllttera and Uucklen'a Arnica Halve are sold by II. It Cochran, Ilruggtst Nea. 137 and U NerUjQucwu street, tancastur, I'a. (S) Bly-s Balm was rereiuiuemted te loe b n.v drnnlst aa a Drnvantlve te bar fnver llave been using It as directed since. the'Jlh of August and have found 11 a specific fur thai much needed and loathsome disease, r'er len years or morn t have been a great aulTerur each year, from August flh till Ireit, and have tried many alleged remedies for Ita cure, but fcly'a crmm llil in la the only pruvenllve 1 havu ever found, llay fever autriirerseughl te knew of Its vrtlcacy. r, u. Aliiswerlh, 1'ulillshur, Indian. apelU Ind. JylS'jwdeedAw Till UKV. OKU. It. T1IA1KK, et lieurlwn Ind., aaya: Beth myself and wtlnnneur live teallll.Oirs CONHIaU'TlON CUltK." rer sale by II . It Cochran, Druggist Ne. 137 North Quean Street () liuckutn's Amlea Halve. Ths HstTSxLVStn the world for Cuts, Jlrulses Beres, Ulcers, Hall Uheum, fever oerea, Tutu-r, Chapited Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all skin Krupllens, and HMltlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. 11 Is guaranteed te give perfect sails faction, or money refunded, l'rlce S3 ceiila iwr tmx. rnr sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist Neg. 37 and IU North Queen Bt, Lancasler, l'u. Juneiflyd xreur-rmha. Of our American people are afflicted with stck headiiLhn III either IU nervous, bilious or ceu. R esllve forms, caused tiy Irregular luihtta, high vlng, elc,, mid neruuuaty has ever cotKiuured II until Dr. l.elle's Hpeclal rruserlptlen was dls cevenMl. (live Ita trial. Boe lulvurltseuiuut In another column. t3) Mausers t Mothers tt MethersllI Are you disturbed at Highland broken el your rust by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating patuef cutting UtulhT If se, gnatoncuandgelabelUuof II IM. WtNHLOW'S aOOtlllNU HYltUP. It will relieve the peer Utile sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It There Is net a mother en earth who his ever used It who will net tell you at onto that 11 will regulate the bowels, and g I ve rest te thu mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llkeuuglc It la perfectly safe te use In all casei and plena ant te the taate, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best fotuale physicians and nurses la the United auto. Sold every where 24 cents a bottle. msyJllydAw A Kemareauie, Uvud Man Is be who attends te the comfort of bla family and will net let hla llttle ones suffer with affec tion of the Thnsit and bungs, whereby their lives lliav rat enuangeruu, out wue anouei at ail times give them thai sovereign remedy, Kemp's llalsain. l'rlce W cents and II. Trial titt (rt . Fer sale by II. It Cochran, drugglstlUR North Queen stleet, Lancaster, fa. (I) 11. U. Cochran. N os. 137 and 134 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., la selling Hilll.UU'S COUUIICUUKaa a guarantee te euro all threat and lung troulilea. (8) Is Consumption lucurauie. Head the following : air. C II. Merris, Newark, Ark, aays: " Was down with Abscess el lungs, and friends and physicians proneunded wean Incurable Consumptive, began taking Or. Hug's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and aule te oversee the work en my farm. It Is the finest tnedlclne ever made." Jease Middle wart Decatur, Ohie, aaya : Had It net been for Dr. Klea.'s New Discovery ter Consumption, 1 would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best et health" Try It Sample bottles freest II. 11 Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and IX) North Queen stree, Lancaster, l'a. (6) The Mystery solved. I ' It has always been understood that consump tion was Incurable, but It has recently been discovered that Kemp's llalsain for the ThrtaM and Lungs Is giving mere relluf thnn any auewn remedy. It la qunranloed te relieve and cure Asthma, llren chills and Coughs. Call en II. It Cochran, druggist Ne. 137 North Uueen street, and get a trial bottle free of coat Large alie W cents and tl. (I) WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlleh'aOur will give Immediate relief, frtce 10 cts., 60 eta., and ll, for sale by U. it Cochran, Druggist Ne. U7 North Queen street () FUJI aAAJi UM JMfjrt. FOR KKNT. A neven-Uoeui Urlck Heuse situated en Kast rredertck street A nply at JuneJU-lfd MO.HU ASt rUKDEHlUK BT. ITWR KKNT. JC Twe or lenr rooms In Brtintner'u New UuUdlng, Ne. 1UH North Queen street Heat ana gas inciuuee. mvmy i febis-ua UKIstl saaa l'u livkuy erriuk. DOB HALK OR RENT KHIUK 8TABLK JB and let 17x feet en Christian street, be. tween Kast King and Orange streets. Can be easily changed Inte a machine shop or ware house. Kasy terms. U. C. UUUlUKKK. sjS4td a tteruey-aULaw. DR1VATK HAIiK , ... Jt will be sold at private sale the valuable property corner Lemen Mulberry and char. Ietta fronting 100 feet en Lemen street Uftet en Mulberry, and t feel en charlotte street. Apply te C.K. DOWNY, JsaM-lntd Jfe. Ml North Queen atrcet UaUIAllllBlFa.a.OT CURB, ITBSa. JIM tSSfitf&t. r.a.BMiei. aJf. t-i sisssiw. TBnsasauB aaa seaeiai irisnaars efaHasIr earn; Why ta awaaaifea by quacks wbm res eaa MCbOtV WrtehTlss only Kaec-J-.gyygsRJaT sliiMijiMa who makes a isUUr ' eTtsapaWee a6sMi. aad Ctrsa Tssat QsaaT6iisiV Aavlaayr say aaderaahur. Mtsasarseaasatrsatai and ra. tsralennMirr eat ass an Ml Masife Blatk Isaaaa. rUHTlW MKOtCAL. TtfJUO's HAKHAPARttitiA, All Run Down Frem the weakening affects nt warm weather, by hard work, or from a long Illness, yen need a geed tunic and blend itiirlflar Ilka Heed's Har sspei Ilia. I r you have never tried this iwcallar medicine, de se new. It will give you strength and appetite. M Heed's haraaparllla gave me new life, and re storm! me te my wonted health and strength." WHAIAB 11. Cuius, Tlllen, N, II. Qiven Up te Die ' 1 wss completely ran down, and was for nearly tour years under medical treatment be ing given up te dle by physicians. My mother urgid metetake Hoed'a Barsapnrtlla. At last! consented, and 1 bave nevsr Uken anything which helped me as mnehas Hend'ssarsaparllla, wblsh restored me te health and vigor, 1 have been taking It about lour months, and am new a different Iwleg. 1 can we-k all day with very little latlgue. I moetninond It te anyone whose system Is trnstrald." Nbli 1 Nema, 1'oerla, 111. A Geed Appetite M When I Imughl Heed's sanaparllla I made a geed Investment of one dollar In medicine ler tha irst time. It has driven off rheumatism and Impruved my appetite se muck that my beard. Ins iHmse mlstreM says I must keep It locked up or slis will Im obliged te raise my Imard with everyirt.be, benrderlhaltakva Heed's Haraapa rllla." Themas IIusukll, 13J Hilary street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggist. II t six ler fA l'le parudbyC. L HOOD A CO., Ixiwell.Masa. 100 Deaes One Dellar (il fCIUMl'llltKYH'. w UMKUFATHIU QI'KOiriUH. lilt. HUMI'HKRVn' Heek el All Disease!, Cleth and Uetd binding, 111 l'ages, with nuwl Kngruvliig, MAILKD rilKK. List of Principal Nes. Cures. l'rlce. I. rsvKM.Cnigostlen, Inflammations Weaaa, Werm rover. Werm Celic IS. I'RViau CotiaerTHothlngof Infanta 4. DiARRHiSA.ercniiaren or Annus.... ;. DTasRTSiir, (lilplng, llllleiis Celic. . ft. CueLsai Mniiatis. Veiiiltliig .7. Coueiis, Colds, rirenchllls "v. Nsubauiia, Toothache, Kateache.... 111. Hbauauiibs, Hick Headache, Vertigo., id. Dtsi'ki-sia, ntlleua Btemncb II. Ktirmasaauer I'Aisrui. I'SRieim. Ii. Whitbh,Ioe Profuse Periods IX Caeur, Cough, Difficult breathing.... II. Salt hhsumt, fcrystMilas, Kmptlens.. 15. Kusuwatissi, Uheutiuulc i'alna IS, rsvaa ami, Anns, Chills, Malurla V .... St a '.'.'.'..Vi a 3 .. 17. 1'lLsa, nuna or uievaing.. ...Ml ...Ml ...Ml ...Ml ...60 ll.ee ...SO II.OU 19. IUtarsh, Inflnenin, Celd III the Head... A). Wnuonse Coceu, Violent Ceuglu , 24. Ubsihal Dbbilitv, Physical Weakness 27. Klimsr DiasAHB 2. NSHVevs Dbbilitv. .HU Urinary WaAKSiaa, Wetting Ited 31. DiaaAasaetTMS Hsart. I'alpimtlnn Held by Druygl!, or senllHMipala en receipt of prlce.-IIUIll'illlaiB' MKDICINK en, lue rulten lit. N. Y. lehO-lydA wM W A r "EILY'H URBAM HAl.M. OATARRH-HAY FEVER. HAY rKVKU Is an Intlamed condition of thn lining membrane of the nostrils, teiir-dncts and threat nlTectlng the lungs. An acrid mucus la secreted, the dtschargn is nccemt noted with a burning sensation. Ihentaru severe spasms of aneezliig, frixjuentutuicks el headache, watery and laOamed eyui. TKY T1IK CUltK, ELY'S CREAM BALM. KLY'S I'ltKAM lltl.M cures Celd In Head, Catarrh, Hese Held, Hay rV-r. Dullness. Dead Dead ae'e. Pi Ice Ml Cunta. KAHY TO tMK. Kly l)ro'a,Owttge. N. t , U.S.A. Apuntcle la appltt4 te each neatrll and la aaruealile. l'rlce Ml cents nt AruireiaU t by mall, registered, n els KI.Y ItKOTIIBItR, '&Ureunwlchl!t.,Nuw Yuik.- JnlTB-lydAlvw G RAY'8 HfKCIKlO MKU1U1NK. Urajr'n Stiecific Medicine. The Ureal Kngtlh llemedy will prrnuptiy and nullcnlly cure any and every case of nervous debility arid weakness, result el Indiscretion, execasea or overwork of bniln and nervous sys tem ; Is perfectly hiinulass, ucls like magic, and Imieii exteiislvuly used for ever Je ytars with gnnt success. AsT full parttculurslnnnrpamplilel which we aesire uiseuu nix) ev umiiiuuvury eiii M-Tbe Bnectflc Modlclne Is jeld by all ilruir- flsta at II pur package, or six packages for v I will Im sent froe my luiill en rocvptet the money, by addressing the agent H. B. OOOQBAH, DrutffflBt, Nes. 137 A lXINorthQueeu St, Lancuster, l'u. UIKUIIAV MKDICINK CO.. Ne. list Main Street HutfiUe, N.V matV-lvdAwMWAK H Ol" P1LLH. SICK HEADACHE, DlSl'KI'iIA, INDIOKTION, llll.IOIISNKSS, Dl..lNK"h. LIVKIt COMPLAINT, Positively Cured by Little Hep Pills, The People's Favorite Liver I'llls. Thuy act slowly but surely, de net grlpe and their effect Is lasting, and theruleru worth a dozen ethers. (Docter's formula.) smalt, sugar coated and easy te lake See testimonial. 9Sr. at druggists or malted en receipt of ptlcu. THKHOI'ITli.CO., New l-onden.lX They are Tit K I1K3T ever made." Prepared by an old apothecary, rive ttettlu II. Held by Kvery Druggist lu Lancaster. juuelb-lyMWV&w fTIHE HVVItT hfHOlKiy CO. Mexican War Veteran. Tbe wonderful clllcucy el Swill's npeclflcas a reniedy and cute for rneuuuillsin mid all bleed diseases, haa never had a mere conspicuous Illustration than Uilsca.se affords. Thu candid, unsolicited and uinpbatle testimony given by the venerable genllt'tu.in mutt I nt accepted as convincing and conclusive, lhu writer Is a prominent citizen of Mississippi. The gentle man te whom Mr. Miirtln refers, and te whom he Is Indebted for the advice te which he ewes his final lullef from years of suffering, Is Mr. King, for many years Ue popular night clerk of the Lawrence Heuse, ul Jacksen. Jackhem, Miss., April ii, 1387. TusHwirrCrsciriuLearAMV, Atlanta, (la.! (cnffrmeik 1 hive been nn Invalid pensioner for forty years, having contracted pulmonary and ether dlseuses lu thu Mexican War, but uet till the 1st el March, 1S7. did 1 feel any symp toms of rheumatism. On that day 1 was suit denly stiltkun with that disease lu both hips and ankles, r'er twenty days 1 walked en crutches. Then the pain was less violent but It shitted from Joint te Joint, rer weeks 1 would he totally disabled, either en eue side of iny body or thu ether. he imln never left me a moment fur elevuu yeura and seven months that Is from March I, lH7f, when I was first attacked, te October 1, lttMO, wnen I was cured. OurlUK these eluven years of Intense autrerlug 1 trltst lunuuierable pro pre scriptions from various nbyslclans, and tried everyihlnir sUKKvsted by Mends, but If lever received the least benellt Irein any medicine taken Intel bully or externally, 1 nut Det aw hid el Ik rinaliy, about the Ural of Hepleinber t inade arraiiKcuients te go te lhu Het BpiliiKael Arkansas, havlnir despaired of every ether rem edy, when laccldeulally met an old acquaint acquaint acquaint anoe, Mr, King, new el the Lawrence Heuse et Utls cllv. He had ence been a snat auifurur f rum rheumatism, and. aa I supposed, had been cured by a visit te lhu llut Springs, liul when I met him hu told me that hla visit te the Het springs was lu vain-he leund no relief. Ou his return from Het Springs hu heard ler the first time, of a, a. B. as a remedy for rheumatism. Hu tried It and six bullleauiadu a complete cure. Several years havu passed since, but be has bad no return of the disease. 1 Immediately rwiumud te try IL lnHepteuv ber 1 leek lour bullies, and by the first of Octo ber 1 was well us far as the rheumatism was concerned. All iatn had disappeared, and 1 HAVS SOTVBLT ATWISOS OVirSISUB. I have no Internal in making this statement ether than the hope that It may direct touie ether sufferer te a sure seuicu of tellef, and 11 It has this result 1 am well rewarded ler my trou ble, l aui very respectfully and truly your friend, j, M. U. MAttTIN. Fer sale by all druggists, Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed free. TUK BWirT BPEOiriU CO., febl-lydftw ii rawer 3, AUanUe, tia. T WEAK MEN Bafferlns from the effects et youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc, I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) con. talnlnglnll particulars for home cure, rKBBef charge. A splendid medical work should be read ey every man who Is nervous and deblll. tated. 'Address, JfKOf. . 0. rOWLKK, mlMmdAws Meed us. cons. a XM QUAHAWTsSKD RUPTURE. Cr tntaraatssat by OK J. at. MATma Baas at ones t no oneraiieai or dalawsmaa hmu I uaueu IMTMW mvAWAmm. 1UU MARTIN H FRUIT JARS r-AT- Masen Fruit Jars In 1'inU, (juarls and Half Gallen. We again nave Uie Lightning Fruit Jar, which ia the best in the market. Jelly Ttitnhlera, Jelly Jars, Coin. uien Tumblers at the Lewest Poe. Bible Trices, Wholesale or Retail AT lSEASrinNaaffAilibT. I.ANCAMTBK. I' WATUMBt. w 'ATUIiKH, CLOUKH, CHAINS AND JKWKLKV. Special Watch for Yuam ud Bailreidert rine let of Ulngs,"Ac- Alse, Klgln, WalUiam IAnrera fur which tarn Sole AKnnl), and ether 'lntcieju Watches. ISesl Watch and Jewelry Kepalrlng, ssrcerruct lime by Telegraph Daily, only place In ctly. L. WEBER. Ne. 'yH N. Queen St, Near 1'enn'a It It Depot Mr Spectacles, Kyeglasses and Optical Uoeds. All Kinds of Jewelry. N EW JEWELRY HTOKE. S. uILL. LATEST DESIGNS -IN- SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING STREETi LANCASThll, 1'A. mavll lid HUVHUMVunianiHU hvubb. c ALL. AND HKU -TIU ROCHESTER LAMP. BUty Candle-Light i IkuiU them all. Anether Let of CHKA1' ULOllKS ler tins and OUStevus. THH FBRFEOTION " M KTALMOULD1NO AND KUIIUKU CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Keats them all. This strip outwears all ethers Keens nut Iho cold. StonratUlnirel windows. Exclude the dust Keep out snow and mln. Any one can apply lU-ne waste or dirt made In ap plying it Can be tit tea anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. 11 will net split warp or shrink i cushion strip Is the most perfect At the Steve, Heater and Itangu Stere or Jehn F. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST.. LANOASTKK. I'A. LM'KUIAL MOT1CK. Mera human, mom divine than we ll! tact, part human, parlillvlne Is wuuian. when lhu kimhI slurs agree Te mingle nl her nutlvlty ," UeflecLlyu Lords of C'rmllen, and hie ye nt once te KIEFFEB, & HEM'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure one ul their raineus (. Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. That Ued's best gilt te you be net tertui ihI Imi. yond recall with the unnecessary waste beat which ll is Impossible te avoid with your Uanges, and (what Is also Important) eeusldur tbe great economy In fuel, JU cents worth el fuel will cook ler a family et three grown per sons 21 weals. And when you want a Ile&tcr, get a (I SPLENDID And be Happy. If fLUMlllNO, (JAB I'lTTINd, 8TKAU 1HCAT INU.TlNKOOrlWU AND 8POUTIMU. NOTICK TO THEHPAHHRRU AND OUMNKR8.-A11 persons are hereby ler. bidden te trespass en any et Uee lands of the Cornwall and Cpeedwell eautes In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whetnsr Inclesed orunlo erunlo orunle dosed, slteer for the purpose of shoeUnc or nshina. ss the law will bertaidirnferced asalnst all trespssalai en said lands et theun- derslgned after this noUee. OaLBMAW wai. -.'-JlKMAN, JMWY4tiRl. CHINA IA HiirliXMiTrtin. J11U ft. VI JILUAllJLI CHARLES 4VBrss1f atlethMMi MM afmtM mtm'SrW whapu, IBB NKW HT0MK. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES! - AT - THE NEW STORE. JOSEPH L. Neb. 136 and 138 NKAT CHINTZ DKKH4KH, 2Ae. BKST PKHCALB UKKHSK New (Styles, 38c CltlNKt.KSIK.ttKIJCKKBDilaSSKSTrlmmed with Kmbreldery,DOc. IIOiH OBKSSKS.AOe. 1AJVKLYCII4MUUAY Ultr.tHKII, T8c WHITB DKKKHKN, rinn Cambric. with fretty Kuibrelderlas.&O.ia.cts, ai.oe.ai.'M. JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Neb. 13d AND 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dm H RKAT 1IARUAIMH ! METZGER & NEW Nes. 38 and 40 WASH DRBrja CrOODB Orlnklea, Lawns, Ba.tiates. WHITB OOOD3 Victeria and India Lawu at 8, 10, iss i-a, 10, ae, ae. 30,37 1-3 oenta. Ona Let Superior Quality White made te 8 all at 36 oenta. METZGER &HAUGH MAN'S, NKW 38 arid 40 West King St, ADIES' MUSLIN UNDEHWKAK, Ladies' Muslin A large and attractive etoek or LA.DIBS' WHITB BstfiBOIDBRBO 8KIRT3. LADIBB OHBIU8B8, LADIBB' NIGHT OOWN8, IiADlBS' OOR8BT OOVBR8, all qualltlea ; prieea raugieg from 26e. te 2.50 each. Alse WHITB DRB88B8 for Oblldren from 60e. te 93.00. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court B ARUilcMeULROY. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (Ol'l'OSlTK FOUNTAIN INK), llnve.lustn!iie1aNi'wLotet DUKS301NUI1AM3 at lOcenls jtcr yatd ; regular price 1ZX cents. bhblRiUUKKUtiulScunti; rerular price, HH cents. Special Lew Prices in Table Linens. Tallin I.I mm. IU varda wide, onlvaec.: better lUmiuk Table l.lueti, 31, 40, Ml and &i els up, liaiuusa, -M, -.a, Ji. u auu ou cents. Bargains in Deylies and Napkins. Fringed Linen Devlles, geed size, only 80c. )ier dozen. Heller quality, 75c: worth f 1.25. Kxtra fine at tl ei i worth 11.50. Napkins al 79c; worth $l.UX. Napkins at ll w i worth f L37H i Napkins utlltf: worth 11.75. rrhe cheapest place te buy HOS1BUY for Ladles, Oeuta and Children Is of Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEEN ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) jmwmLut. rKWEl.KY AND ART. miTTTiminQ WntnhcQ JeiiFDinr IJIIUIUJIUOJ ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KJIIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, CHOICE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year H. z. RHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa, VAKPHT BARGAINS I SHIRK'S CARPET W WILTON, VILVBT, B0DY.,,r Tapcstrj, legnlD, Damask and Yen'' OIL CLOTHS, ' , W Imv th LargMt - H. S. t iMKumra, m RAU & CO. North Queen Street. CHlLDItBN'a LACK UKftHSKS WASH DKBBSKS for Children 8, 10 and 11 years, 7Se. Headquarters ler ClllLDUEN'a BUMMKK UKBS8K9. Special AttracUeus In JKKSBTK st Hemarka hly Lew 1'rtces. mvutm. HAUGHMAN. HTORK. West King Street. Beorauekera, Batlnea, Qinghama, Plaid Muallna at 12 1-2 oenta; were HTORE, (Opposite Cooper lleaae.) Underwear! Heuse. Lancaster, Pe. nnalltv. Sc. Heavy Oeriuan Table Linen, 37K.C liieachud Table Linen from 90c, up, Turkey 1 HALLS. BARQ' OOTO UUUUUUUJ i-Jt -i t- W,YtM r AROAMTsUI AHb J H. aVeTIalfi TAIL. sfnsrr: Carslaava Muianvtlla e and WSTa. tew aad la! RKAU1MU AMU HUAMi: OtlLUMsUA ."0 HUANUHia. ABB , unvaerssjiiiNT LlSBlSkBk'' :- OH ANU Al-rtU SUNUAYi Ukji THAIMSLBAVB sUIAsHM ret Oemsibla and Imss A Ml as I aoea and alu n. aa S 4?Mnrvtlle at 7.8. tt.sw a. m vt vaienas at 7. a. ia. aad ILM si j, .-JS,lAW LBAVBtJOLOlilA' ,rEESk, Eft sltSORn free Lsneaataar al an 2 STau mm m-. Tr.rjz " " "? . .m . w nwei a a,- a, a, aaa i.st sv av iv . ssriAnnnmsixH. tltsm s,sl . . .lsjatb kine nxmrnwrtt rsr jtesdiai at 7J a. n,iijiiUf,i Fer Lebanon at . a. nu, tus aad as C i for Qnarrrvllle at Ml a. bCIm aajsTUI 1 LBATK PHINUB BTBBBT (UauBaVa rer Keadhur at7,e a. sb, lxseand ut sf rer Lebanon at At a. bl, IU0 aad MS CI S or Uunmi la at SSD a. ss- LIS BM SJS 1 TRAINS LBAVaTLaatAJIOII, '7TT for Lancaster at 7:19 Ssa4lt:UaMvawai rOTuarryvuieat7;12s,BLjalM Jj DBiDAt ttabm ; Vj. eBSPaassB) JfC TUAIMS LBATB aUADUNI f. rer Lancaster at 7. a. m. as MBwasA, 'M roruaarryvllieatAeep.a. tiS TUAINS LKAVK QOAMSTTllXB ' rer Lancaster, lbonen aad Kesi1ls4IJs1aVtfte TRAINS LBAV B K1NU BT. (lAWBBSUfcl' rerlteadlna and Lehanea at 8.Ws.am.BMBiV P. at Jf' rwQaarrrrtileatfcfiOp.sa. i -r. TRAINS LRAVR PUINCB BT. (LajMWIsa, rer Keadlng and Lebanon and .!. sM rerUnarmlllaat&.liln.m. lift TRAINS I.BAVB LBaMebT ''IfA rer gnarryvtlle at 3: p. "m. " " (f$ or connecuon ai ueinmbla. slsrlells faasM' tlen, Lancaater Junction, MwheltsTfeMasS and Lebanon, see time tables at all atSirma. ?, m. w. t, imun, anwrrinwsaiswa.'y.-is: ag T1KNNKY1.VA.NI A utll.krillianui. ?!; X" t)LB. In orreot from June 1I.1SH. ' 'S .. Kr .. Zr "! Hft?25? " wveaaarrrv;i, St Phll&dalnhla aa fellnwa ':- Leave lJj-HaU.1 WB8TWAUU. Vaclfle Bxpress) News Kxpressf Way rsssennerf Mafi train via ML Jey) ne.1 Mail Tralnl. ...... NlaRara Bxpress Haaever Aocem rasl Llnef... Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Harrtsburg Accem.,.. Oelnmbla Aocem Harrlabnw Kxprnss... Western Rxpresst BABTWAUU. rnlla. Bxpreest rast Llnef HarrlsburK Kxnrtiss... Lancaster Accein ar,., Columbia Accem seashore Bxpress Philadelphia Accem... Sunday ataU. Day Kremsal railadelpnls. Lisa. m'tiV u:s p. in. tJ0a.ra. 4J0a.ra. 70 a. m. eajsa. as,-. nta ss. MBs. am via Oelnmbu Ttwa.ni. fcWa. Bs.x,V" via Celnmbla 110 a. m, via Columbia fBSB.B."j!, ".. Sj'J SBB-SSlW via Ml. JOT. tup.n, 4:40 p.m. MOp tn. .sop.re. Leave Lancaster, a. re, 8rt6a.ni. :Iea.au 8.Ma,in. 9-Ula.m. t2JBp.m. i-eep.ni. Koep.m. SSKEt 7:40 Cm. u:w a. sic a. as.; ym 4 axn SS'?3 .rz""" "! ",r rtf' ....- jr v i SliSB. x.. - rS! fcMS.C"M kssp. as..-- , SiVip.IB. m HAirlsburg Aocem. S-Mn.ni. r1.A lniU,l. A A.m.rt.W,B.lM.. " v. ". ww cui.yes Mi. anewssea ssJk.Tiv, i Ta Marietta Accommodation leave Oelnaft'i naio:Ja.m.anareacnoiianoiiaaieao. JUsm m. ., leaves Oelnmbla at U:tft a. m. and MSB. am fliS,-, Marietta at 346 p. m. and arrive stUetntaMaasVri la) t also, leaves al 8:.a and arrives at VtfML , t w. J xne xera accommeaauon leaves sirHMMM TU0 and arrtvea at Incur at 8.-00 eenastaasm wiui iiarnsDnnr ssxpress ai e.iu a. m. . , The rredertck Accommodation, west. Besses! X: I mm at Lancaster with rast Line, west, aaiasw-.''. v. tn.. wiu run threuKh te r redertck. iaJX 1 The Frederick Accommedatior, east. layi r-Ji-S Celnmbla at 1235 and reaches Lsncu1 MUM Jlk' nt m .."ffi. -si tii - . . . rm 11 bla Rt 4:11) p.m. Arttvua at l.nntaxr sUlB9Vf 111.. con ncc ll iiu wim Day Kx press. . . -1 t BAAaAe aa., USa.auSHi WntfUAS Sat. Atse ,',v-W tart 11 rnn thtYMitfri Irt HfAnnVAT. djadlV. aXCarn BlstBav vfry 1 lilfirniirm vilUs rnLiim SBJaravass .ssw -.,- !-.. aav. . . -,. .., mm. . . , . . . - - , vast Line, west, ou ennaay, when fUa-awt. ..'3 WUlStOl ten at liowntiiglewn, Ceatesvllle. rarsst-S-,.; , MU Jey, Kllsabt)lht3wn and Mlddletewa i '. BU arc, s. jejr, siuunuujse am "i?"l?""Z.X'a irbumlt itVln. whlrh run dall. On 8uaaWfv7 Wk K .. ... .... m k.a M.a M. bunMK,A P..? 3fi MS .. uuu wqv IUU, ut w. . wu..m. j: u. VtOOO,eenenu i CUAS. B.FUUU Ucnersl 1 HU SI it UK UKHOUTS. 1. J ITr.AVTII! I'lTV. ST. J.. Opened June a, y7. Acuommeaates flOO. Masts) fei JenSuid Maeaser. .TijANTie urn. HOTEL ASHLAND. ATLANTIC C1TV.N. J. (atlanlle Ave., epp. Mansion.) Thoreusrhl Relurnlshed and lluiievaU'd. P. O. rJex.a,73i. II Attlt V MVKUS, Proprietor. Will tJewxns, ManaL'ur. Junell-lmd rpUE MANSION," ATLANTIC C1TV, N.J. The LarKeat and Urat Convenlent'y Located Hetel. Clean Oouifertnblo and Homelike. BIS K&ntly rnrntsbud and Liberally Managed. Cost piete eamuiry ArraiiKeuieuu,. awrrui.unn utences. Couch te and from the beach aad trains. SV UKOI'IIY'S OUCllHSTKA-Prefa. Con Cen Con slantlne L'uipuntur und CU u lea Mui'lell, direc tors of UaucluK and Amusements. un'.7 2md CUAULK8 MuULAUK.Frep. MIK UUALFONTK, The Chalfonte. Passenger Kluvater anil Other Medem 1st preveuiunts. Ocean End of North Carolina Ave,, ATLANTIC CITY, M. t. E. ROBERTS d. SONS. mylOsss. E XUURHIOMU AND P1UNICH. MT. GRETNA PARR reii EXCURSIONS AND PICNICS. This Park la located In thu heart of the Strata MouuuUneuthellueof the r Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad. nine mites seu th of the City of Lebanon, within easy distance of llarrtsburnr, Heeding-, Lancas ter, Columbia, and all iielnts ou thu Philadel phia A Reading and Pennsylvania Rallmads. The grounds are large, covering hundred of acres, and are FREE TO ALL. THSiuHvaxixacas Asa A LAUUB UANC1NQ PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DININtt HALL, TWORITCURMS, 11AUOAUBANOCOATROOM, While the arrangements for amassment con sist of CROQUET and BALL GROUNDS, UOWL1NU ALLRY, BUOOT1NU OAI r. h-, Tables ler Lnnchers, lln are scattered threugr attraoUenls new. LAK BUS 1I(3 BTOHUUt SSS.SiST M S WS ASBSBS -. . l. covering jJ placed '' M alentr . " m an"" ' t J1 &l -. ' - Hf ? ' ' "."" Ma r,'-' sf?.-' m ,?.svrV'i& M$kM & 4-&tt&i$Z JKW ..--.lO ?'.' ifJiV L.'Ii. Ail