JM!Wl.fTf!r"IJ:?TFi , r ? - 'rnvftmwRmsmmimai&Ar "5 - J . M- v5JVrr.T'VW!W5r 4f Sje yhatiagtetf- nHpH -..! N M- VOLUME XXIU-NO. 277. LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1887. PRICE TWO, 01 HOSPITAL EXPOSURE. The "Examiner" Boldly Do De Do elares It An Exaggeration. BUT ADMITS IT MADti NO I8VKSTI6ATI0N. BraahlHg Up the Memories of Tire Lancaster Contemporaries. A Talk With an Kx tomato Who Talk) Maty of MrglectThal aju lie Bstebltebt rt by Irre- Itagabte friiel-Ur. Bnnig I. Will lug In Wlps Out lha fa! anil Uesln aaw, Insomuch as lha doctors In sUendaoee at Ilia hospital, tba visitors who me Uiara through curiosity or neees.lly,and tba grand Juries who have Inspected lha publle Inetltu. liuna, have never said anything In criticism or the manner In which they are run, we think nur rntemperary, IhelNTBi.MUBNGKK I indulging In a little bit of oxaggtr exaggtr tlnn. V 'hi net deny Ita BMwrtlena, as wn hnte mails no Investigation, but rattier susptiut lha coloring of Ita statements la semewhst high. It is tba anls anls fertune of public agency te be careless and nit full of inducement te fraud. Hut we are IimIIi te believe that foulness, fifth, Tertnln, bad and InatiiUcluut feed, are common at our hiMpiial. Tim inure faet that none of the elllclsls bave paid any alteutlen te the cor rection of tlie tateineiita or proposed any an awertothe charges, Indicates that said offl effl offl cern are treating thnui with oentetnpt. Let the Inspectors inspect and aea If auch things can tie even measiirstily correct, and make a report .minuter .'.rami iter, July K. Thla la the mm men t made by the Ktttmi ntr te the carefully prepared and elaborately formulated charge of greaa neglect at the county hospital. Ker answer, the editor of the Kxaminer la requested te make aa " In vestigation." lie wilt Hed that fur aU yeara past the visitors at thla InalMiillen have been very few, and consequently the mal-admln-latratlen waa permitted te go unchallenged. Occasional visitor at the upper hesplial could net aee and knew aa the peer Ininatea who hae testified te could ; and besides, while these who through cuileally have no heart In the matter, these who vialt friend through necessity, are leth te com plain. As for grand juries, we all knew what thelr visits amount te. A year age gentleman was instrumental In having the t beuse, and It waa the first III years ai d the hurt since ttiat lime tu the phu'e. And then, ten, If tliere was no cauae for reuiplnint whyuidthe directors se quickly held a meeting in the pwt house and resolve te hat n blind., tnake screens, Aa Aslothe charge that this slste of all sirs ts net made njblia befere, the .'.rammer la referred te the Intkllkiknckk el & yean bke, July '.Mth, 1KS2, also tocemmuulcatlonof day following, July '.7, 18.S2, In the I.ntbli.i iik.ii'ISH, The Jtinmmcr editor la also re ferred te the Sew l'.rn of January 8, IStyi. AN K-INMATK'H TALK. A person who has beeu an inmate of the hospital and who doee net with his name made public for private roexoni but la willing Ui give It If hla story U ipieitiened, talks aa foilewa: Lst winter In cold weather the windows of the hospital were left open until ieu ij vuk: iu iuu morning mi mat i wan aiwi moHirtaceni nt u asiout.ide ana mere waa very little lire. On lait Whit Monday It wat a little cool and windows were clrsied and tires started, showing better care In tbl rea ped. Albert Huyder, the msn who haa been alt ling In one position for forty-eight years, used a box for expec'erallng, and once under Dr. Senseulg this was net emptied until It bectuie very ntlenslve. Dr. McUreary and hia wife were informed and both ordered Geerge, the ward tender, who la still In charge, te empty the veaael. Uedldse, but the uext morning he C4tue Inte Hnyder'a room and threaten ed te strike him. He thought that the miserable Invalid had Informed avalnst him and swearing terribly he aald : "Yeu may get a worse ward tender than 1 am." A voice from outside replied: ''liewcan we get a worse one than you are 1" This man la still In the hospital and when Dr. Henseulg makea his rounds every morn ing, aa Dr. McCreary did net de, this warden, O erge, auxmininlee him and of course there re no complaints te the doctor in bis pros pres euc. One day a frleud of an Inmate came te aee him and Dr. McCreary acceraismled him te tbit room. Knterlng, the doctor asked of the ward tender, "Where Is that man 7" "Which maiiT" "Why, the one that waa In that bed." " Why he has been dead for tHe weeks !" Under Dr. MeUreary a sick mau was taken from his bed by Werd Tender Dick Boon Beon Boen bouser at half-past five en aceld winter morning and given a bath. He waa dragged from the bath room te hla bed tee weak te ataed, and died the next day. It baa been one long rule of barbarity ler four yeara. When Mr, Kpurrler waa there he bad corn starch, rice or eemetiilng suitable ler alek people every day, Dick Iloenhouser, who was drunk most of the time, wat dlcbarged lnunt-dlitely by Npurrier. Whenuobegaute Intro l uoe proper discipline Charles Heward obJeettHl that it was net that way before and waa at one) discharged, lie I no v eue of the ward tomteM in charge el the Insane. He waa one of the meat tyrannical men ever there, excepting the one there new, WANTS TO WIl'K OUrTtlK PA 8T. Dr. Kensenlg pretests that he is anxious t de lil duly, lie aald last Friday : " I say nothing about what has been,but from te day en thing ahall go right here." The re porter wondered when things would have begun te go right II this Investigation had net been begun and vigorously pushed. Dr. K. M. lielenius, who la one of the con sulting pbyslcisiiM, hurt no fault te find with the medical adiululHtmtluu of the institution, but expresses hearty approval of the Intki. i.kiknckh'h agitation for Improvement, es pecially in the matter of bllnds,and thinks that the lower hospital aheuld be tern down and another erected. Mere money aheuld be voted for this charity. Usatba by Drowelsg. William (luff, a Pbiladelpbian, was drowned In the Lablgh'at Basten en Monday by Ibalng carried ever Chain dam In a beat. Heberf Irving, a 11 year-old boy, waa drowned at the Walnut alreet wharf, Phila delphia, en Tueaday. Themas Ceuens, a daring swimmer, waa drowned at Hetel Bellvue, near Leng Branch, en Monday. 'Ha Instated upon swimming far out te sea, notwithstanding there waa a heavy awell and strong undertow. Cbsrles May, a carpenter, and li. 0. Carey, a photographer, both of Wllkeabarre, were drowned In tba Husqushanna en Tueaday. Benjamin Kuglar, a aeveo-year-eld boy was found drowned in a aaad bole near but home a Wast Whitelaad township, Chester count; , Monday evening. milker neg MerChlekeas. Tuesday evening at A. A. Hellly'a resi dence en Kaat Orange street, his aatter deg killed i young chickens, 7 bens and tha bast gamecock la Lancaster, Tela aternlag Mr, Relily Immediately killed hla deg. Mew ha baa neither deg nor chickens. Lveklng at tba Mages, Tba oeunty oemmlsalonara want eat le West Karl township thla aaentUg, te take a leek at bridge Ne. 7 aed 8, aoreas tha Cooal Ceoal Coeal joo creak, whieh are aald te b In naad of repair. tUm AHW VMILBOtlt. A rrfijseted Kea4 from UaarryvMe l Klngs brMge, TBI Ossaly The Oxford Wm states that Meesre. J. C. liager, of Laneaelir, A, II. Ieaoeck, praal praal dtatef tk Quarry villa raUread, OapUla U. M. Vnwktta, et Lancaster, Alexander M. WllaeB, auperlnlendant of tba Heading A, Columbia railroad, and David K. Magee, esq , have been appointed a committee te Inter view Mr. A. A. Moljeed, general manager of the l'hlla.'V. Heading railroad, thla Wednes. day In leapeet te running a read from Quarry. vIlleteKlngsbrldge. The former place la a thriving village at the terminus of the Quarryvllle railroad, about 'i miles from Iincaster. Klngabrldge it a atatlen en the Peach Bettem railroad. These points are alx mlleaaptrtas the crew Hies and about eight miles by the proposed route surveyed. A number of the foremost huslntse men et Lan caster are determined te htve the read built If at all possible. The Quarryvllle people are anxleua te have It and the oeiiiinltlee will knew by te day whether or net a Jointure with the Quarryvllle railroad, which la owned by the 1. .V K. railroad eeinpany, can be ef. faeted. President O. W. I.tuvltt, el the Peach Bettem railroad, baa been asked te take an active part In the enterprise, but aa yet ha haa dena nothing. Tills prejret haa been quietly puabed forward for some time and It Is ateled by geed authority that the read will be built. Inquiry among the liuieastrlan of this committee develops that they have all gene te Philadelphia, presumably tu attend the meeting. Kali mad MMtlsg Ih N.w Helland. Nkw IIei.i.anii, July J7. A number of the leading business men of New Helland held a meeting In the Htyer house last even ing, In lha Interest of the proposed Cornwall l New Helland railroad. A. W. Huader, esq , was eIksmmi nbalrmau, and Uoe. II. Kauck, secretary. Hem irks were made by i:. C. Dlller, (Ien. II. lUnuk, T. M. Hlerlt, Ames iuitler, and ethers, aud en motion of Mr. Hterb, A. W. Huader, esq, (lea II, Itanek and K. O Diller were appolnted commute te Jein ether com cem mitteea along the proposed route In con ference with Mr. U. II. Celeman at Lebanon, en Friday afternoon next. Anether meeting will lie held next Tuesday evening le hear the report of the committee. Much Interest waa manifested by all present, and the gen eral seutlment of the tewu is In favor el the read. vHMnmm tmi.fitr i" A t'raserullaa Ijr ins Ails4 AilalUreliuii uf TbU Article el II. It Amerliug, ssatUiruey ferlhe Auier lean He-leiy for the Prevention of Adultera tion of Feeds, etc, swore out an allldavlt Tuesday belere Magistrate Pole, of Philadel phia, charging Albert Krumm with purchaa Ing "chrome yellow in lets el twenty pounds for the purpesu of falsely coloring needles," etc. The allldavll read aa foilewa : Htate of Pennsylvania, county of Philadel phia, as. Before me, the aubaerlber, one of the maglstratea of the City of Philadelphia, county and atata aforesaid, personally ap peared Herman It. Amerllng, en behalf of the American Society ler the Prevention of Adulteration of Feeds, etc., and upon being duly awern according le law, doth depose thai one Albert Krumm did adulterate and knowingly eiler aud expose for sale, aud did sell articles of feed adulterated with fraudu lent, injurious and poiseoous coloring mat ter at of l vers times in the city of Philadel phia, within two years, and at ether times did purcbaaa chrome yellow in lets of twenty peunda for the purpose el falsely coloring needles, an article of feed, and all contrary te the statute In such cises made and provi ded, and further the deponent aayeth net. Hkhmen Hwern and subscribed before me this twenty sixth day July, 1MS7, Jehn F. 1'ei.k, Magistrate Court Ne. I. Mr. Amerllng aald that during the past three weeks twenty-six samples of "needles" bad been examined, under the direction of hia society, and that all the specimens, with the exception of four or five, hail been found te be mere or leas Impure or adulterated. The four or live ssmples which were entirely pure, Mr. Amerlmg added, bad been manu factured outside of Pnlladelphla, while the rent were made In the city. It is announced that the society exiecta te brlug ether prose cutlena for the alleged use of chrome yellow Iu the manufacture of " needles." Hammer ii.urs This morning lien. Jehn A. Ille ataiid, Judge Patterson aud J. Hay Brown, esq , started en a long drive. They went from here In Adamstown for dinner, and theuee te Heading for supper. They will remain ever night at Werueraville, Barks county, and re. urn tc-morrew via I.ltltz aud Maubelm. Mr. and Mrs. Uutt Ureezlngnr, Mrs. Fred, lieefel, Henry (Isrhart ami Wm. lUlr. have gene te New Yerk te await the arrival of the ateamer Waeslaud, ou which Fred, and Christian Hoefel and Mian Ureezlnger are passengers. W. H. brlnten Is at Hetel Columbia, Ocean Beach. Miss Kate Ceyle baa gene le Atlantie Clly. Miss Minnie Peacock bat geno en a vialt te Joueatewu, Lebanon county, H. J. Housten baa returned Ireiu Bedford Spring, Va , with some aatuplea el the min eral watera uf that place which are said le assess health giving qualities. The Grand Op.ra Uoess. The audieuee at the Urand opera beuse laat evening was net aa large aa the one that attended the opening perlormanee. The entertainment furnished was belter than the first night and the audience attested their approval by frequent applause. The com pany appeara te-night In a pregramme with inauy geed featurea. Manager Hal bach haa arranged for a big show uext week. The company will be Victeria IjeIIus' blendes and will consist of twenty people, Including slsleen ladles. Amazonian marches, drills, Aa, will be given. Ueatli el Mrs Jsnnle M. rrauklln, Mrs. Jeunle M. Franklin, wlfe et Jehn (1 Franklin, died suddenly In Philadelphia thla morning from the efleeta of eating a raw to mato. Hhe bad been alck since Friday. The deceased was the daughter of William and Mary Lewry, of this city and the sister of Mrs. Mary C. Quinn and Mrs, Margate; Franklin, el Lancaster. Hhe waa In ber forty third year, and her husband waa deputy el Inspector under Mayer Smith, el Philadel phia, and la well-known in Lancaster, The Interment will take place in Laurel bill eemetaryin Philadelphia, Ska eyas Hsrsnadsil. Prem the Heading Herald, Carrie Lesher, of near Hbeemakersvllle, who, it waa rumored bad married a young man named W, F. Meaer, of this elty, waa serenaded by a party of young men en ber re tarn home, and It Is said tba serenading party la te be arrested for oeuimltttoga breach of tba peace. A four-aided transparency carried by one of them bore these Inscriptions : "The Heading Coffee Dude," "The Hboemakvra Hbeemakvra vllleTea Belle," "f'-WO In full," and "Cin cinnati Beep," ride ana Bridegroom Overasvasty. Miss Anna K. Kmmoua.ef But Flibklll, N. Y.,aedHsDerVea Oadall, et Hugnson Hugnsen Ula, war married at Mettawan by Her. Frank Canen. Tba contracting parties are evar seventy years of age, Tke aiaaareker Picnic. Tba MioaBsVBBer have decided te bold a plenle for tbe membera and their famlllea only. It wlU take plaea at Tail's Hals ca Monday ax VISITKI) BY TIIK STORM. tarn vi rt aud MumtHmm mkb turn cuvHtr Atumutme. or UgkUileg Strikes la the OMy aa Itsatreys Ttre Kmtua la Ike Csaaly a aajtsak atetple M UM'a RtrsM-k-Ureal Washeat el Ike Hallway Tracks MUesteavllle. Heavy rain storms, accompanied by thun der and lightning, visited Lancaster elty and many perta of the county Tueaday afternoon and night The llrst storm atruek Lancaster between 7 and 8 o'clock. The fall of rain was net very heavy, but the lightning flashes ware very bright and the peals of thunder heavy. Twe or itiore of the atrekea fall within the city limits. The second fall of rain came unannounced about midnight. There was net a breath of air, nor a Hash of lightning, nor a iieal el thunder. The rain Just poured down In tor rents for half an hour or mere, Heeding the streets and Hushing the sewers, but doing very little damage. Keierta from different parts of the county show that there waa no hall fell, and the to bacco bad thus far escaped Injury. At Drutnore Centre In the afternoon there was a gentle rain and bet ween that p lint and Lancaster the rsin did no damage. Along IheCeluinblaiY, Pert Deposit rail road the rain storm was heavy,but no serious damage was done. At Columbia aud all tlireuith West Hemp Held township there wai an uuuquatly heavy rainfall, the crops were beaten down, and the hillslde Held and the reads badly washed. Jehn Pennypacker'a house waa struck by lightning but no damage was done. At New Helland there was very heavy fall et rain, but no damage was done either te the crop or reads. A gentleman who came In this morning ssys the telmccu leeks ' Just lovely " all the way between Lancas ter and New Helland. Heme miles north of New Helland there was a very heavy storm. Hammer creek, Muddy creek and ether tributaries of the Conealoga were greatly swollen by the rains, and the Conestoga at Kanck's mill rose two foul six inches In an hour this morning. IMmsgs by Lightning. The lightning whs of the shsrpesi kind about seven o'clock Tuesday evening aud the air seemed lull uf electricity. The thunder was almost desfenlngat limes. One of the belts of lightning was believed te have struck In this city, and upon Investigation such was proved te be the case. The house was at Ne. GOI Kast Chestnut street, en the corner efMsrshall street, and It Is ewued by William (lerrechU Henry Albright, aclgsr manufacturer, lives In the heuse, and when the lightning struck It he and his family were about silting down te tupper. Tbey were all badly allecked, but net Injured. Tim bouie was considerably damaged. One chimney was knocked entirely oil. The slates were tern from both ends of the reef, but strange te say these In the mlddle were net Injured. The plastering en the ceiling of the balcony waa knocked oil and the walls inside of the beuse were badly cracked. The reef took lire from the lightning, but the llames were quickly extinguished with a bucket of water. It was certainly a narrow escape from death by Mr. Albright and his family, and everybody In that part of the city was startled by the sharp belt and the terrific thunder. About the lime that this heue waa struck street car wss passing out Kast King street near the prison. Jehn Nell, the driver, felt the shock plainly. Ills arm was benumbed and aseusatlen like the pricking of needles waa felt. The horses were badly frightened and plunged and reared In a frightful man ner. Henry Kegers, resides in Marien street, close te the house of Mr. Ojrrecht that waa struck by lightning. He was working In bis ysrd pulling weeds at the time of the Hash He was knocked down upon his knees and one of his aruis was biirnul considerably. The beuse of a mau named Klttlau nearby had several bricks knocked from the chim ney. av lititz ami riciwirr. The Kv angelical Church and Twe Harna -track lly Lightning. The storm In the neighborhood of Lltltz waa the heaviest known ler many years. The ligbtningstrucktbesteepleeftheKvsngelical church, and ran down both the east and west sides ever the root under the slate, dolngeon- alderable damage. A small child of Daniel Chewlck, of Lltltz, was severely shocked and was picked up by hla father, supposed te be dead. His right arm la oentlderably colored, but he deea net appear te be seriously In jured. The barn of Klctiurd lllckert, about ene and a-half miles north et l.tlllz ou the Lexington read, wasstruck by lightning and burned te the ground between .r aud 0 o'clock Tuesday evening. The crop of hay, a wagon leaded with eats, a threshing machine, separator and some ether farm implements were destroyed. The live stock was saved, aud fortunately Mr. Hlckerl'acrep of wheat wat stacked in the Held, and the greater part et the eats was lying In awarlu. The burned barn was a large one and nearly as geed as new. The birn waa Insured ler f-I.UOO In the Penn Mutual. Addison . rtuian's barn in Lexington, waa struck by lightning and somewhat dam aged, but did net lake lire The large barn of Christian Kisser, who resides a mile uertlieast of ilrunnersvllle,was also struck by lightning. It was entirely cedsumrd, slse The farm was worked by Henry Kii-irr, a sun of the owner. The barn was insured ler Jl,'JiO in the Mouneulte ln- u ran co company, aud f UK) ou contents. The reads lulhomiHUlterhoodol Lltltz and vicinity are washed se btdly that it is almost imiKn-sible te drive e er (hem. At Hener'H tellgate en the Marietta turn pike, about lle miles west el this city, the lightning struck twelte sueuctisU e telegraph poles, shuttering them from the top te about one third the length of the itele. Between Kissel Hill and NeiUvllle, en the Lltltz turnpike, very little ralu loll scarcely enough te lay the dusk vis rmmtvw vmavk emtrmuwrnu. frepsrty of tire faun.ylvanla Htliread Uam aged Custeevllla Habmsrged and lis Walsr weras Urlupisd. Ceatesvllle and vicinity was visited by one of Ibe heaviest storms ever known in that section yesterday atternoen. It seems that something like a water spout burst and rain fell In torrents. The Brandywlne over flowed ita banks, and Main street and the meadows west el the turnpike bridge were covered with water te auch a depth that travel between tbe east aud west wsrds was cut off for several hours. The storm waa ac companied by a high wind aud terrlHe thun der and lightning. Tha breast of the dam en Clark'a run, from wbleh tha basin of the borough water works Is supplied by gravity, waa washed away, and Ibe town la practic ally cut off from a water supply. Fortu nately, there were ten feet et water In tbe baslD, which will furnish a moderate supply for a week or tan days, by wbleh time it la hoped tha break la tha dam may be re paired. Tbe greatest damage by tha storm waa dena te tha Pennsylvania railroad, and It la aald that tba oempany'a leta will be about 140,000. At the Midway or tha Beaemll), just wast of CeateaviUe, Uara la a aaaaU culvert through the ameanKBani en wnwn are tee rauread tracks. The rainfall waa ae heavy that tha culTrtwM tee aawll te carry off tha water, Tha result was that one hundred and twenty ttve feat of the embankment waa swept away and nothing was left but the rails snd ties. A track band named Hoblnsen stepped en a tie whan the spike eaaae out and precipitated hint te tberusblng stream below, a distance of Bfty feet, but ha escaped with alight In juries, Aa seen aa tha accident was discovered trains were flagged ou both sides and thus a terrible accident waa prevented. The effects efthe washout was gK all along the Una el the read In the blocking of trains. The place where the washout occurred Is en the eastern end of Hupsrviser Leng's division, and ha was at enes telegraphed for, together with Master Carpeeter Beard. All the workmen for many miles were ordered te report at enes at Ceatesvllle. A apecla! train was sent down from Conestoga bridge with machinery, lumber, iVA, Immediately after the accident About nlne o'clock another special with a freight engine and Hat ears left Lancaster with Assist ant Supervisor Nelsen and a large force of carpenters, trackmen, and ethers, with tools, lumber, Ac. These were all put le work at once and were busy allblghb Tem porary trestles are being put In, but it is net likely that any train will be able te pass ever the place until late' te night It was aston ishing hew quickly the company went te work te make the repairs caused by the washout, and it was net a half hour after It bad occurred until repairs men were en their way te the- scene. r The delay te the passenger and freight traffic of the read by the washout is very great and the company will be very heavy loser. The last train te past ever the place where the washout occurred was the Harris burg Kxpreas, which arrived In Lancaster at trM last evening. When Day Kxpress came In from the east it was held here for tevS eral hours te await orders. It was found tha" It would lie Imiiemible te past Ceatesvllle for twenty-fours or more,ie orders were sent here rretn Philadelphia that the train should be sent te Columbia and thence by way of the Columbia il Pert Deposit read te Perry vllle, and then te Philadelphia by the Philadelphia, Wilmington .t Balti more read. Thla train and all ethers from the West were sent by that route. The most popular train en the Pennsylvania rail road for Lancaster people returning from Philadelphia is Harrlsburg Kxpresa which leaves the city at 5:W, Lust evening the train had en beard a large number el Lancaster folks and left Philadelphia en time. When they arrived at Ceatesvllle they found it was Impossible te get by the washout The train was therefore sent back te Philadelphia, and the passengers were sent around by Perry vllle and tbe Colombia t Pert Deposit rail road. The folks who left Philadel phia ou that train last evening did net reach Lancaster until 8 o'clock this morning wheu they came In en the regu lar train from Columbia. They were a tired, sick and disgusted let and looked very much the worse for their uncomfortable night All were united in their opinion, however, that they bad gotten mere than the worth el their money In the long ride. As Harrlsburg Ex press and Columbia Accommodation did net arrive from Philadelphia In the evening, the engine of the OJUi train from Harrlsburg took a special passenger from thla city te Col umbia and Yerk. The first train te make a transfer at the washout was News Kx press, which was due here at 0:30 this morning. The newspapers, baggage, Ae, were transferred te a train en thla aide which arrived in 1 .ancestor about 8 o'clock, se that the morning mall was only about an hour and a hair late. All tbe through trains are being sent around by Perry vllle and Columbia and transfers are being make et local trains only. The railroad men de net expuut te bate trains running ever the washout place until te night TRAINS RUNN1NO ON TIIK O.NK TRACK. A teU-giaui from CoAteevilletblsatternoon brings the Information Ibat tbe railroad com pany already bas enn track temporarily ar ranged se that trains can be run ever It Fast Due came through this atternoen, although somewhat late, aud all passenver trains will be able te get by. When news et the wash out was received here last evening a large number of freight trains were ou tbe cut-off above Ibe city. They were afterwards run aa far as Henk's, and they will likely pass Ceatesvllle this alternoeu. TUB trUKIl i.V IIEUK0. Trains Ualaysil. Items named and Ueusta tlrnvlly flooded. Shamrock, en the Kast i'enu railroad, twenty-eight miles east of Heading, was the scene of a cloud-burst Tuesday afternoon. The rain poured down in a perfect stream for nearly an beur, Heeding tbe streams and fields in every direction and washing away many hundreds et acres or eats which had Just been cut Tbe water poured down se rapidly that the large culvert under tbe rail road west of Shamrock would net permit Its escape and In consequence ever three hun dred feet et the read-bod was washed away. A passenger train had just passed ever and a moment later ilie embankment gave away ahead el the train, but, fortunately, It was stepped iu tluie te proteut its running Inte the eH)iilng. The train is new hemmed In between the breaks. The barn of Joel Ktchart, near Itoyertewn, was destroyed by lightning aud several horses killed. Several ether barns were burned, but owing te interruption of wires it is impossible te get details. At Maeungle, Albuitls and ether points along the Hast Penn railroad, many houses were Heeded and much damage Is reported. It will take tbe railroad company twenty lour hours te repair the damage. Reports received at a late hour Tuesday night show that tbe rain-fall and lightning played havoc along the Perkiomen railroad. A wash out occurred near PeuiiBburg several hundred feet Iu length, which will delay trains until te day. Anether was reported at MacutiKle, en the Kast Penn, making halt a deniu in all. A culvert was tern away near l'ritrtewn, en tbe Heading it Columbia read. Tbe rain, which tell in pertect torrents for nearly an hour In Heading, Heeded many cellars in the lower sectleu of tbe city and the streets looked like rivers several leet deep. IIsm Ball N.w.. The League gaiuei jester day were: At New Yerk : New Yerk f, llestnn 0 ; at Detreit: Chicago 8, Detroit 1; at Washing ton : Philadelphia 0, Washington S; at Pitta burg: Pittsburg 7, Indianapolis 1. The Association games yesterday were : At Baltimore (two games) : Baltimore 8, Clove Cleve land 0; Baltimore u, Ctevelaud I; at Philadel phia: Athletics 3, Cincinnati 2; at Staten Island : Louisville 8, Mela 1: at Brooklyn : St. Leuis 1, Brooklyn a Tbe Ht Leuis and Brooklyn teams each made but three runs yesterday. Teele aud Caruthers did the pitching. Merris, et Pittsburg, is showing what he can da Yesterday but seven bits were made off him. When Merris. Brown and Carrell, the " Calllernla trio" of the Pittsburg club, went for their pay en Monday, It was found that tbe two latter bad been lined f0 each for alleged bad behavior In Philadelphia. Merris was informed that there wat nothing coming te him, as bis tines had taken all his salary. This fining threatens te make trouble In the club. After yesterday's game a wealthy cit izen of Pittsburg presented Merris with f 142, the amount of recent tinea. Ven Der Abe threatens te take hla team out of tbe Association and put It in the League, He says ha bas been badly treated by Wlkeff, president et tbe League, and President Byrne, of tbe Brooklyn. "Onlek" Hoflerd la catching for Jersey City. Heaged as aUaalaa With Ballets. Anlnfurlatadmebeiman took Crawford Reason, a negre boy, eighteen, yeara old, from tha I ail at Kaatfsaaa. Tavvaa. Mnstrimv I night and banged hla,, afterward: riddling the body with baUeta. He had oetnaUlled fan ami ea anwe-yeatveiti gut CONVENTIONS IN PROGRESS. TUB BBMOOBATB UF MABtlABD ABB TUB BBVOBtWABB BW OHIO. A Streng Kederssaaaat of Clevstaad's A4mlals- IrMlea aad tke VkMlenai of tke MarykMd IMBseeracy Apprevss the National riaak en thsTarirTUasHlea. Bai.timerk, July '.7. Tbe Democrstte state convention, for tba nomination of a governor, attorney general and comptroller, was called te order at lSf-X) p. m. te-day by U. H. Henater Arthur I. 'German, chairman of the state central executive committee, with Cot J. Themas Hcharf, of Baltimore city, aa secretary. Henater Germen opened the convention with a short address in wbteh he paid a high tribute te tba worth of Presi dent Cleveland, and concluded by ssylng that he could no longer serve en the com mittee, owing te tbe multifarious duties of hla position aa United States senator. Bernard- Carter, el Baltimore city, was then chosen temporary president, with Themas Tayler, of Anne Arundel, and Henry silver, et Talbot,- secretaries. A committee, com posed of one member from each, oeunty and each legislative district of Baltimore elty te examine the credentials of tha delegates waa then selected. A committee selected In tha same wsy waa also chosen en resolutions and p'.atferm. The committee en credentials found that tbe credentials of all the delegates were cor rect There were no contests. Bernard Car ter was chosen permanent president The committee en resolutions and platform then made Its report The second clause section et the platform refers te the administration of President Cleveland and Is as fol fel lows i That the administration of dro ver Cleveland has kept the faith of the Democratic party of the Union. It has maintained with firmness the dig nity of the ofllee of the executive ; has re covered millions et acres of tbe public do main, and protected the humblest settler from the rapacity of grasping corporations, bas revived respect for law, reatered confi dence in our Institutions and brought econ omy and integrity te all the functions of government Already a navy la fast being created In which we may feel Justly proud, and tbe great heart of the country throbs healthfully as we gradually go back te tbe simple and honest methods of the fathers of tbe republic. Section 3 is as follews: That whilst tha Democratic party In Maryland bellevea In an upright and efficient civil service in the ad ministration of government it is nevertheless opposed te a system of life tenure and te a civil pension list, and whilst it upholds the president of tbe United States in efforts te effect an honest and competent civil service, still it believes that the service should be composed of officers and employee who are net antagonistic te tbe suceess of the admlnia admlnia tratlen under which they serve, but are In sympathy with it whose bearta are In their work and who believe that upon the con tinued and Just success of the Democratic party rest tbe safety and security of republl can Institutions and the liberties of tba people. Section 4 reatUrma tbe national Demo cratic platform of 1884 in demanding a revision of tbe tariff te r a spirit of fairness te all interests. Revision or tbe election laws is recommended aa also an an nual registration. Tbe law recommended embraces the beneficial previsions of the Tilden act The platform was adopted. TIIK NOMINATIONS. Nominations for governor, then were In order. Bernard Carter nominated Jehn Hedges, mayor of Baltimore city. Tbe name of Hedges was vlgoreuslyjhissed. Hen. Frank T. Shaw placed In nomination the name of Frank Brown of Carrell ; James McSberry did tbe same for Cel. Leuis Victer Baugbman, or Frederick. Williams. Yeung nominated Hen. Stevenson Archer, el Har ford. James R Kllgoed named Henater K. K. Jacksen, of Wicomico. Balloting was begun at a p. m. The first ballet resulted aa fellows : Hedges, 25 ; Brown, i!l ; Jacksen, 31; Baugbman, 28 ; Archer, 9. Second ballet, Hedges 23 ; Brown 24 ; J act son 35 : Baugbman 30 ; Archer 5. On tbe fifth ballet Jacksen gained one, llaughman lest one. A motion by U. Kyd Douglas, a Baugb man man, was defeated by a large majority. Jacksen waa nominated en sixth ballet IHBBBAB'B BTtfP BACKBOUB. He Will Net Allew the Ksaolntlen Indorsing Him rer the rrsaldsncy te ecsps Oeattd- ratleu acil nes Ovar Iks Bltaatiet)., Ohie, July 27. Whether it will be peace or war in tbe Republican conven tion tbla afternoon ever the question of the Sherman endorsement is what a great many people are anxiously striving te scerta'n.The meat anxious enes are tbe leading candi dates for the miner places en the ticket who fear thst a collision of the Blaine and Sher man forces may lead te a smashing el slates and a general demoralization of their pskt pecta. Amid tbe ma-s et conflicting runxrh aud se-called seml-offleisl statements that are being passed Irem mouth te mouth, but eue thing only stands out aa certain. That is thst tbe Indersement resolution will be pre sented in precisely tbe shape that has bsen outlined irem the start There will be no backdewn en tbe part of the senator and no Jugglingel werda that will give tbe pill a coat of sugar. What bis opponents will de Is purely a matter of speculation. Tbey are, in fact, divided en the policy it la beat te pursue, and as a result or this hesitating atti tude tbe reeling In favor et peace and har meny grows apace. Sherman's friends have conceded te For Fer aker the control el tbe executive and cam palgn committee, and are giving it out that In se doing tbey have taken tbe wind out of the sails of their opponents But tbe latter will net concede aa much. Tbey wanted ti a committee and have get It but some of them, at least, are net inclined te accept It in full satisfaction of a passive attitude en tbe in in eorsement. Three prepositions In relation te tbe matter are under di-ouaalen at neon ; one te tight the endorsement teeth and nail, another te incorporate a resolution in the platform eulogizing Sherman as a statesman and a leader, but making no relerenee te an In In eorsement, and a third te recognize him aa a suitable and available candidate, but net aa Ohie's candidate. Tbe latter preposition finds tbe most supporters In the Blaine camp as tha easiest way out of tbe difficulty, but it is net acceptable te the Sherman peepla Tba latter say that if Sherman gees te tbeCbloage convention it must be an Ohie's candidate rather than atone of the " field " aud that an indersement et bis clsitut as sueh a candi date, even by a majority vote would be mera preferable le blin than a general laudatory resolution which by its non-cemmUal charac ter might be given te half a dozen ether men in Ibe atata and mean just aa mueh or aa little. Bealdea tbla tha Sherman men are both willing and desirous that opposition et the meat pronounced kind having been developed the delegates should go en record by a call of counties la order that tha material thusaeoered may be put te atata the earn- palga la behalf of their eandldsts. At uis writing tbe Blaine people are still In consul tattoo aad, although reports that tha while winged aagal of peace has aettled down npea the aeeae are being sent brwlesat, they are PftrrnBtn'rfi BLAIKB'H VOLLOWaM BBADT FOB THB VBXX The BBtiaalT pahUaatlea la tbe UaHcd Press dispatches laat a Ight of the tact that Henater Sherman would regard a two-thirds or three-quarters vote in hU favor aaantneleat aate Justify him In slngrjerere the oeanwy as tha choice et Ohie la erealtag great oeaMwat thla morning, and If there la trouble im tha convention hla position will be aategenlstd without any mloclngef language by mera than ene of the friends of tha man from Maine. In short, beyond the fact that Sherman la aura of a geed round majority, tha probable attitude of the convention la as mueh a matter of speculation as It was twenty-four hours age. Senater Sherman made a brief speaeh In response te a serenade by the Grant club shortly before neon, but while eulegising Governer Feraker and predicting a great Re publican suaesss in tbe November election, he diplomatically refrained from making any reference te bl own position In what Is really tbe chief Issue of the convention. Governer Feraker, who will arrive this after noon en a special train and proceed direct le tha convention hall, will be the recipient of an organized ovation which will put in the shade that tendered yesterday te the senator. Tba convention will meet at 4 o'clock and whether the Indersement resolutions will be presented te-night or held ever te the morn Ing has net yet been determined, A decidedly het wave reached thla city this morning and as the delegates have been provided with tickets for a trip en tha lake and a visit te the summer resort at Pre que Isle, it is mere then, likely thst they will 'decide fe lay aside all mattera et contention for another day. tBLBPBOBB fUB VBIKA. A Philadelphia syndicate te Control tke Use of Tksm There. Tikn Sim, China, July 27. Count Mllklewlcz, representing a Philadelphia syndicate, has bad a successful mission In China. He bas obtained for the syndicate a decree from the Chinese government grant ing them absolute control throughout the en tire empire of a telephene system wbleb. they propose te establish. The decree is for iltty years and Is signed In fsver of Mr. Wharten Barker, of Philadelphia, and Count Mllklewlcz for the syndicate. This Is the first concession of Its kind ever granted foreigners and In which tbe Chinese government has purchased half the ateck. Government envoys will accompany Count Mltklewlcz te America and are em powered te negetiate for tbe large enter prise. Dots Net Waul I'sn.len. Ciucaoe, July 27. A Washington special te the Timet says: The commissioner of pensions has received the following letter : Klk Falls, Kans , July 20. Te the Commiistencr of rensiem : Drep me from tbe pension list 'or lam cured by ralth in tbe Lord ; blessed be the name of the Lord, I have never had much tbe matter with me se the blessed Lord hadn't much te de. Blessed be His holy name. Yours truly, Harvkv Connineham. This man baa for some time been receiving a pension or K a month. The commissioner suspects Insanity and will Investigate tbe matter before be drops the man's name from I tbe relle. Stricken While Watching tke Usees. Baratoea, N. Y., July 27. Weather ax--eellent, attendance very large. First race, 1 mile : Swift wen, Harry Run sell 2 J, Oalatln 3d. Time, 1:47. Second race, i miles: Urlsetta wen, Flageeletta 2d, Fiorlmere 3 J. Time 2:30. Third race, 1 1 Id miles : Wahoo wen, Harwood 21, Lewis Clark 3d. Time, 1M. D. A. Henig, the owner of Wahoo, fall in a dead faint en tbe aland as hla horse crossed the line Irem excitement and heat The t-ropeMd nchoel Law In aserala, Atlanta, Oj., July 27. The educational eimmlttee of the Heuse and Senate In Joint session lsat night reported In favor of tbe bill making it a crime for any teacher te teach a white child in a colored school, or a colored child In a white school, the schools belng kept separate by a constitutional law of tbe state. Every while man voted for the bill, the two colored members of tbe com mittee voting adversely. Dsatk el a Catholic Bishop. Ter-KKA, Kan., July 27. Bishop elect O'Kellly, or tbe Wichita diocese, died last night He was born in Ireland 41 yeara age aud received bis ecclesiastical education In MUwaukte. He came here from there five yeara age as pastor of tbe Church et tbe As sumption and was appointed bishop last June, Twe Brotfcers Commit Suicide. DKCATtm, 1IL, July 27. Jess O. Simpsen, who committed suleide at Qulncy, lit, last Hunday, was burled here last evening. During tbe funeral a telegram was received saying that Msrk Hlmptea, brother of tbe dead man, bad shot himself dead at Carl Junction, Ma m Found Almest Starved. Fairmount, IlL, July 27. William Bellus, of Potomac, who disappeared Irem his borne very mysteriously Istt Thursday, baa been found in a corn field some miles from home crazsd and almost s'arved. He waa under tbe hallucination that someone was trying te take his lite. Ityaa and Bark te light San FiiANUiiiue, July 27 Paddy Ryan and Ja;k Burk, last night signed articles te box six rounds Uueeusberry rules with small gloves in San Franolaeo,September 10th next the winner te take 7f per cent ana we laser et tbe receipts. A League Umpire Kwlgu. Dktheit, July 27 Umpire Deewher bas telegraphed his resignation as a Leaui umpire te President Yeuug. He says be w tired of the abuse heaped upon hint In ease hla resignation is accepted Geerge Frank, the Detroit subsltute, will officiate in the game with Chicago te-day. m Houses Damollsbed by Tornado. Glyniien, Minn., July 27. A tornado struck the town of Meland, 4 miles north, et here last night tearing down several beuses. Mrs. Lea, aged 31, was fatally injured, and ber husband and son and several ethers were severely Injured. Will Ue te Kansas Olty. Wahhinuten, July 27. President Cleve land bat accepted the invitation et the dele gation from Kanaaa City te yibU that elty between tba 1st and 15th of October. Alderman aaeeaesay'a Court. Christian Bender aad Jeha Brimman charged with drunken aad disorderly cea duet and assault and battery- ea Kmsaeel Andrews and Thaddaua Faulk, bad a bearing belere Alderman MoCenomv this eJtsrnoea, Oa the charge et. drunken aad disorderly OMduet they were cematttted for laa daya etch. The ebargea or aataalt aad battery ware held under advlseaaeat A Garl stkl te Have Been at ardersd. There la considerable aseltemeat oeeasloa- i i nT the aura story printed la a Jackson Jacksen tuiefFia. wtotheeneet that Hattie F. LaSttTct Mtfceav Mat, who dleda nddenly aUscksoeVlll?, wHtteTleUmeffeulplayby rwoawawhe eoeompenled bar. It teaaM thaairl rl was poaseasa y mm awass-s aunnnt lerboplegtogala atore taflaaaaa eyer Tha girl was burled there, bat har the latter i.Ul Thaarlil laihar would net allow the casket w no onenad. It la intimated that tha faeta la ease7 will be given te tha legal autherHtaa Lewis had trouble with hia wlw laat wtntar and left bar. RAIN AT THK i IT BBLL MB tBBBBBtt, BBBBBil BMVLtBB, A Tery Largs A aaa Others- Maaahet at Hew i vats nw VMtees riaeea, r-A v Mr , .'. . Landibvillb, tity, tt.-MBtlf It tenters hava"arrtv- aaa teJasB aM IngtoUkeeasAttfrM A heavy thuadsTval eamp yesterday aftefu'af'J fell, but In tha araalag w. fortunate, as we were latrada tents of a very heavy oteaa ever us. Iberainoamadewalal soma time, accompanied with at nlng and heavy thunder, which I no damage. Tnegreundai but It has brenght amuoheootort lure, whlch-we were very thaakfal I .O VM MJ.I 1l Maw .The Rev.' J.' T.'-'HitcW ahd'j Klder Crouch arrived from' Pall thla afternoon. , fiV,i Tbe new arrivals are. as foilewa t James Black, Luieater; Rev. WBJ um: un isiiiiiy, uaupma J fievK israeiey ami h. 11. Kllenberger. Ua Messrs. Harry snd Abe Brunsr what rammee, or Columbia; Miss Jennie aey, Lancaster; Wm. Patten and Columbia; Miss Elliett Lancaster! Llllle Ilougentebler and Miss VI Kvde. Celbmbla: raTWlffUi aaMPa Lancaster ; Miss' Msyfc.3aiJ CJ 1(1. ft .f V A - -.. kM oame martin, jjincasier ; air. 'Jin and family, Lancaster : Miss Leu'Vai Miss Minnie Fergusen, Columbia I D. Dungsn and family, Marietta ; Mrs, At urayblll and family and Mr. J. H. OMiixi and family, of Mt. Jey; Miss Jennie Lewe of Marietta ; Rev. Themas R. Creek. Mlllersvllle ; Mrs. A. Fergusen, of HaUaaC't rue first meeting laat evening waa bem 1 me taeernacie en account et tba rain. I1 1 an Informal service, consisting of masks l snort addresses from Presiding Elder t Rev. J. T. Sitchell and a number et I ministers and laymen of tbe ohuteU. " tbe weather Inte consideration that i very large attendance. , v,. About 10 o'clock last eyenlgV treated with beautiful music at tl tbe grounds, and upon Inquiry, fbnad I was a number of campera serenading eeBM friend ueury Hhubert It being tee sarv of hla CHth blrthdav. ' . .T. . .. -.-.--O; i ue tiariy prayer meuiing a u o-eroew; morning wsa led by Rev. J. T. H steals Miss Lizzie Smith bas net yet arrived. V The grounds are drying ou afternoon, as Old Sel Is giving tha fall of his rsvs of warmth. ?--"'.' Rev. J. W. Bradley, of Greve, oeuntr. led the 8 .o'clock erayer which was held In tbe tabernacle. 3 sj The Yeung Men's Christian bswebIM the Lvidltvllloeimp held their ttrat ing this morning and a number nf mltteea were se pointed. Tba officers will take place te-morrow. ''Jj-, Tbe preaching at 10 o'clock thla was in charge of Rev. Ctiaa. Holds, easter. who selected bis text Iran 13 chapter, 31-33 verses. Inclusive. ' '&-' Tha additional new arrivals araii Uettle Vaehe, et Caleaiftla Yerk, and Mr. Frana Batnbrldge, e AUeglBg tastf. Washinoten, July 27. At a pebtia i leg or taxpayers snd cltlzene or Wa last night serious ebargea were against tha water department of I The statement was openly mada that i tbe past six years aoe,ooo of tha ' tax lund baa either or misappropriated. Rcaolntlena adopted charging extravsganee, lantiea and fraud in the of the water department of thedletrtatl calling en the president te designate i experienced accounting nmeer or that te audit tbe books of the water da The resolutions call for tbe Capt Symons, tbearmy offleer whelaaal head of tbe water bureau, and deaeaaaa distrlet commltaienera for oeverlng Bftl milted defalcations in thla depart! well aa for imposing unjust water tazaa water rents. - - 'at Ksported Disaster ea Ike B. O, Tiffin, Ohie, July 27. It la npertOBi that tba Fast Line Kr press en the I which left Chicago with two baggaf, one express, one smoker, two day and threesleeplngearr, collided wUaal train en a curve near Albien, J five people aaa injuring meays 'la aaaaiaa(vJlr'rOWelagM duris)MagMa eaaoet be had at i iiamisiaiBi fan i nf fl and Firemen Edw. keaee), waaatfj lira at Paytefcrfi. Jtetk en train, and Engineer SlaeMr..el.J were killed. rtvi McUaxlg le Beeu at Haul ate Mate Dktreit, Mleb., July 27. A JietM I Irem St Ignaea, Mich., aayat' detectives attar Mcuarlgla uileda about pursuing tha nuaml down vaatardsv and tBeay, l. ,. . 4kA m,m ! A?JJ liw uihu. W UIO ewmiOT U Wi yacht looking for a schooner front 1 Mayer Held, of thla oily, la postural saw McOarlgle en the deck at tba I Monday night m i Blgnrela Ltaotre, Xa. Lincoln, Neb,, July 27. Hi Bra's, hardware store, of thla etty. 12 o'clock tbla morning. At praaaat (1:15) tbe building la wrapped la fti tbe whole block en the wast eta square will burn. Tbe Ieta will tat Tbe firemen are working biisiaatty, names sheet high in laa air aa aeamt te be unavailing. ". ij n Trying te Keen Bkarn Oa i Nbw Yerk, July 37. Thai Jaoeb Sharp eaaa ter a stay of resumed te-day. Sbarp'a aea iBg,Dsatrlet Attorney Martina I position. Atip. uuxmim taken. , . .$& . t,.4 '.'A ', t)pMJpaWavg r I WAaaniaTea, w. tn-Ulada uaparatnra, ..43i ti ai- Draaoaewai TheBlusiaaajwaaas i...t. tuesa Postal i tarda at Olea BaiamH, near W Tbe Bryn Mawr apt aaata Heasa, slOastea Spring, am. teMby the Keystone kotelaeaBB At MM aaavea. umw William Kesa ana J inr a itehialna Btreka. TaaHarrwaarg tnatiaaiB aaeteer alide early la taelaU. Tbeasaa H. teaak, of PI UuthefAlaafrenj saawtlnwad BWhsB Phi rAUaaaaay.laal ityaaaFBlladaji Theaatltaaaiaakarat Fhb) met1 tarn. MMVBTtaeli a eshw atwakaa tfasmsWaUMi r -ttT, ,v ? t "t.T "rt'lv! V re itsaaaassMtaetliataW aeafsaass tatas ay risakHan atlas ftj waaaaajasBlptwa degretajametaNMaBaltl - fill! AtasBgfBBV. rromteaWsasaCMaa KlMKaiaBUMmaBejBaVli ?jSS&rS ? r J& Sihi, jiv-pf ti - ai-3aiKSst &&?&& &kjtikffib!l && &&AiA&A