WmW '. , ?mmww ,'i,".,:ii vimmwmwarn -whi txsmmrswirF ; i'wtlwb7Uj r-'VHfea-iv'' wTBFticj'.' .SWWT' A?-Wf 'w ?SftW' 7 ... ,;' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1887. ' :tr3i IWPpSB 1 MOtHIN TO BAT. Nnlhln'tn .ay, my daughter 1 MetalY at Mb ciiy 1 tllrl. that's In lnn, I'te nolleoo, glnerly has their way I Ter iiinlhnr did. afore yeii, whim her hubs Ob jected tn we . .. Ylt hein urn. and here v' 'r "d J" " -wlielolsstiet Ten leek loin Use your mother rutty much same Hi situ And Mlxml the same louipleeled ( ana layer hIieiiI thoejos. ... Like Iwr, tee, about In (m1 liwie. Iictaiise ir inuldu't myi It'll 'moil win Man yen was dead llkiiliur l-but I hain't Het nolhlii'le say I Mm It'll ) her lllUe llllile-will yet name acrest llie imge And lull herein -bobs lr ynu,olever you come lit age. le nttiia kri' 'uni and syanrded 'em, but ICyer Kolu' away Nullilii' tn my, my ilMinliter I Nnlhln' at all In any ! ou tlen't rtsnl'ect her, I itikenf Ne; you iMii'lacai old then I And huh' yei-lmw old ulr you t Why, child, nut twenty" W limit Aim )it tut' lilittidny'g In Aprlle? and you want In Kit nun lli'it that da) ' I wlilit jer iniiiliiir weallvlu' I- Init-I Iniln't net uetliln' teiiHy I , twenty )i at t nl il Miul iityil aareul eyer liiuiid t I lii'H'V ii Mt.iw ki Ulii'donle yri dnss there II lutwli Hi IT 1 11 1 it round. (Hit inottier win Jest twenty wlit'll li two UIH itmi) I) Miiltilu te iui, tuy duiiKlitnr I Nellilu' til all te niiy I - fimri n'Hlciii'iu Ititty, In the 4kiiii( Oil liirj lAtw VrU-r. High Wat, Kinell fronts. from Kdwartl Atkinson's essay In the August fViiftiri tititler the above titles ao ae coin 'iiii lt"l by charbj, we nuete the fallowing Introduction : 'I lie nilmla of many persons bave been ami urn greatly disturbed because tlii're ha lawn III recent yean great reduc tion In the itU-en el nearly all the leading articles et I'limmiToe, the principal decline thtlliiK NiilmUutlally Irein tbuyear 1K73 'I'll In tlii line In pi Icen Ismail aoeit altur tbe war In tht 1'nltiil Stall, biittba general decline In all countries en naivete Imals may be dated Irer.i Ii7.l. Ily wlialcwr standard prices are measured (mill tboruare many carelully compiled la tile), the storage Is (eunU tn be lower at the ITiwiit time tliau at any erled aince a ilaUi nnlurler te the ear KV, in which year tbe icrtat supply nl keIiI Ireui I'alllernta, and a little lulur liein Australia, U'gsn te cllect the Milimiii nf (he money metal or the world. Inmost of tlm discussions nl Uie money iiiiilleii llils Kteal rail In prices baa been lionled a It It were a misfortune, and It la elti'ii bulit that any measure el legislation ought te adeitiKl which inlKbt teud te i hit k It. U net tlili a wry partial and out' eut' nIiIihI lew et tbe HUtiJwl ? Seinw olio ban wlnely and wittily Ka Id that It ittM'H iiiiuli inattur what baiua te the liillllDiialtt' bow In It with the million 7" It It Hliiill HiK'r that nut el tbl Kr"at re iliirtieu In prii'in IIiii mllllnua hate gained IiIkIiit k" 'bat bundrtubier thnimatiiia of limilllmbHMiKHbifil Ixitler betiK n and greater ttiiiilurl In llln , wbllotheno who baenultereil leiiijerary Iem bae Inieti only the rich who limn iMttu ltu-jutliu ul KttJualliiK tbemaelvm te the new conilltleiiM, or the iiiiklllttl peer who Imye Iicjii unable te Kr"l' the greater opperlunitltiN ler wullare whkli luvontleti hai olleiwl thorn, then my we net come te the coin IuhIeii that dliiilniMliml priillta anil low pricii me miirvly the ceiiipleiiinnt el IiIIiit whkh Hint limer utml, and are, there Ien, mini curlaln Indication el general priKritt Ireui iverly te wellare, yetatlll luivliiK the prneluiii epen, bow te help tbe Ullikllll'tl HilirT It will h roiuembored that It baa been ntittixl that mi tar ai the great inawi nl tbe peo pee ple n( tlih Hinl olelhur land are concerned, alKMit one bull the cimtet living U tbe price pniil ler the nmttirUli for IikiI, tbe coat el litnl toeoiutiioii laburer who bae lamllle te mippert iMilng an a rule much mere than Olie-hull their Income. The iiiKtleM nl Intercut In these who an aiiiiiit te iHintrlclly "(he iierAni' cnuci" In net s i ninth w hut the prim el the ncceialtleH el Hie may In', at it It hew innuy irtleu or feed, Int.'l anil clelhiug eucH one inn buy at the reUiil Nh 'i In m lilt. Ii Ihuy deal, and hew K'l a hIii Iter eitdi oue imii prociire ler eue day'Her ouei'iir'niariiliiKi. In ether word what H or what bat lawn, the value or a ilay'M labor when couertd Inte the coin. uiihIUUh whii b are necvHaary In exlntouce ? Hulliu'l reul. yinui Hie llMiiti lriiller. A lilkti ulllcl.il el the goernuivnt tlppeil b'lv In litic)iiiierUtlii olllce chair and aald In Ihe lrii tH fr c irrtijinudeul : "I bae maduaillMiury that la worth uiIIHeiih te li.nhlnl min. Seu kuew there are Mime fellow whenenr go Inte latl lea' company without laiug t'liilntra'iwHl, but I baeleuud out Heiiiutlilng that will make a hatL'ful mail Ibn ntiul nl the iiient aelt coiimIeu woman that ecr lltnl. New Itt me tell you my Hirrtt. I niariixl out In the bread, general plalterm that n eman I mere at'imlthe about her bet thiin an) thing elte. Ilalng HtilllMl that hi my inliHl, 1 Iwgau a aerlen cl etperliuent. 'lbe berae car la my favorite plate. 1 loietoMHi a imeenly limklng woman gut inle tbe tar and nit down with the air 3l knowing that Hhe I the brat tlreaaed lady prtwtut. In mi apparently unconcerned way 1 attract her attention by looking steadily at her loot, with an occaaieual glance at her face, Ol itnircc, 1 avoid all appearauce el luiertl ueiictii 1 aume tbe air of a man who (teen aemething that intereata hi m. Ne matter bow calm tlie victim In when alie eutered Ihe tar, I n ltl e of live in I mi lea she will beaener vmi-. tlil ahe will fairly at be te get In ber ill MliiHtlnn. She may have the bandaemeat hHit In the weild, ai.d knew that it Is entirely Ina nin'ly biting fhtw, but alie will wilt all theHitmu. It Uaweiuau'a wraknenn. I have trltxl II en young girla el aim en and old women of tlrfhly; the reault la the aaiui. AohllleH wu v ulueraUe In bl heel ; but you can't leek te Illy at a woman' little tee for twoceiiHociiiivo mlnutea without making her lecl an though alie would like te murder you " A I'l.VVKt HUM AW. Htia (.apturta a llurglar by Making Bbn llr IKve Mha la Armed. Thuiaday night Mr. Telteller, of Henbam, Teiiia, waa awakened by the fumoaef clile rei rm, and net wlihing te frighten ber four (IhiilIiH'Ih, who bad Iwen eleeplng In the room wnli IiothIiice tbe Ualneavllle tragedy, lay iiil(itl.v for a few minute, when Mlaa Nellie TcittllerHcruamed out that there waa aeme uni' In ilie room wltb chloroform, and awakentd the whole family. Tbe watch dug began barking at aeme one, and continued until Kirs. Telteller awakened two young men who were bearding In ber house, aeud. Inu one of them after an ell) r, while the eilii r wmit toHeo whatthe deg waa barking al. Cpeii bin approach a burly urgre Hprang Ireui iHibind noiiie iindurgrewth lu they aid and mmlu fur the hack fence, wlnuh waa iimdoel picketH and liarbetl wira In reach, big Ihe Icncitihnnegre fell overaemo chicken cntiaiid iiii"M-d lbe narrow gap through which lie bud evidently eutered the yard. The lady overlook the initie at the fence aud enlerctl hlin In ' liaud-i up, "or alie would blew lbe (op oil hia head. Ills hanils tame up, and, marching bint belore ber, ahe firelight Jlllll le lue neiinc, wiieie Biif nun Ihu young man bold Ii t in until ibeelllcer came ami lenducletl him te Jail. The negre proved In be Hill Willis, an immensely big, black, buily negre, hUiui twenty-two yearn of age. There waa net a ahoetiug-lron of any description en the place. Te Test IbeBpMd el Hhiidiu Heys William Ntoukweod, of New Yerk, new el Water bury, C'euu , baa Invented and plaetil In the service at tbe District Telegraph com cem pauy tbore an ingenious oentrl vauee wbtcb la destlniKl te be of great benetll in tbe use of Ibn dlalrlct uteaaenger call system. Jly push ing a uiiiuni en me top ei una new instru ment, which I iilaeed underneath the call box, one leariia Immediately whether or net the call baa reached the dues. If it baa and and the buy will come, a buzzing aeuud la beard directly, II there are nu boys in, but one will be sent when be cornea, a button touched at the cilice sounds twice. Ne answering sound meaua that tbe line la out of eiiler and that the call did net go In. Tbe machine operatt a by induction, and an en tliely dlllerent current of electricity la used, a ,iclal advantage ever all previous patents. The apparatus at tbe district office la worked by niiaiiHOl an Induction cell aud m rapid nske-and break current, producing the btultig sound at tbe subscriber's station by means of an electro magnet and a rigid iron diaphragm. s aw m Alt OlIIIBOSS BSBDd. rrem the LltlU Kxprese. In Yerk county the veles el the camp screamer can be beard howling ever the eats tubblea. 4 VMM le fciM riwaa rrMM. Jehn IMeharl, heraa tblef, aervlng Uum ymr term In Berka oeunly, atleinpted IOMaaM)frem the county Jll at IS o'clock Thuraday night by crawling through lb ventilator, lie had gotten half way In when heatuck faat, and could move neither for ward nor latnk. Ill urlea ler aid brought the prison elllclala, and ha waa pulled mil, but net without lea Ina; and laeerallng his btajy oeniiderably, llecbert waa arretted In thla city Bayers! weeks age and taken le Keadlng. The ItMl Itaatea. frnm tbe Hhee and Leather Hrpetter, The real reaaen why negreaa live tn audi an eitreme old age la that they don't knew eiaetljr when they war born. WhMH II, Theagh I Prem Uie Bosten Olobe. Mrs. Cleveland haa been urged te wrlle a atery, at her own price, ter a leading tuagi tin. Creckey, hew It would Uke t "JtllMIBNOTTHAT IK IIK Ner .MMHII-.tl." t'oienanee tlm friend wbe clieerctl thy eaily year Has yielded tn tlm (emptor's iwr t Tetwhyshi Ink back and draw away thy skill. As tlienah her very lout b Monlddetheiihurlt Wlllltiiiu prove streii Kr In UiiiipUtlon'aheurf I'erchance the one thou irustedRl mere than III!) lias broken love' most nscnxl vow , etjndgshliu net the victor In life's strife Is he wholicarelti best the liiitden of lite, Andloavelhliod te Judge, noniuesllens hew. Hli g the great song of Invn tn all, and nel 1 tin walling autumn of Ihy wiais ; !n live thy life that thou luaysl never feel Afraid tn say, as at Ills throne you kneel, rorglre HiOjOed, M I lerglva my ttss " Vetii the CAamtcri' Juurnal. The Old Felks at Heme, (Ir rlrnhrr, nrrd a tunle new and then It eiistaiii Hit in until r printing InllnnltliM. Ni Mtrr ur mure tliurnUKli liivUnranl fur brp an I the ilt Urate can he round thsu lleiitil. It r'iMeinvrli llltlrrn, a ft Aneiialiliinn1lrlup In tliiint' iilhnrnts tif ctiinnieurrtnrriiriincr lilt r Fellllililnl, luillKriliell ami iKiarlilln iKiarlilln erilt rti, n pore Iminuir Afruirilneslnitluitt Inrl i, sn'l s it Habit- nitsnn of reuntrniclliiK rlu iiiiuitlKiii In Hit c miiilt fft ut, it I valimblti alii In the rttevt ry etBtri ecth. snd te llln ilibiliiutc-il, iiirteua IiimiII.I II jliliN liitii'jiiil itluinlirr dii.l rruptml npi ct Itt- -tue t'Muir I icters In Hit rtitnrtleu ct ilger. 1. ii 17 el .iirtl) Ix.iiiutr origin, II In In rirem IIiea, el'li-t tienAiirtt iiiiiiipI tnlnt-rnl mm dim illllli lilt or Inn ntl.lr. til allllllatlttii by Ibr Alriil. nn 1 t lilt II luil.llr tin lout eflliu ftetuni Ii nhitlilli. Itlltim, tei tin reiitrirv. Btrt HKllit-iM mtl it lOilatt m It lftitliiriti.l stcl jirt.M rlbiil by lliaiunllcallralcriilty irieiii, mutivm. tUllanl Itncu Them can I mi Miiinetlilng lierote In a mitllclne as well as In Individuals. Hurilerk lllnmt Hit tm Iihvii ir,iclis1 ninny a gallant rescue aineng thesutrurlngsKlr. Thiiiiniiili hiviictcnpiil tlm mlsiirlei of dyiiiMMistii itnd iii'rveu ilcblllty tlireuiih the iimi el tills ureudtirliil medicine I Is eiiiphiilUnlly the best utttiniirh ai.d hletKl tenlu in the weild reradehy II II. t.'echinn, drugalit, 137 and l'SJ North Uutwll slieet, Ijin ciuiUir. VallfNt le rrearh. We reel tsllitl upon te prvtu Ii a lew Knspel fitta lacts ttiat arw worth knowing. We wuut ererybedy te enjoy all I hall (hmmIIiIe In this world, ne mini all thtwe wbe are suffering trntu rht timallsin. neurslala, and all aches, fpralni and ttaln In knew that rhuttmi tictrc trie Oil U an unfailing and splendid cure, for tale by II. It. Cochrun, druggist, 137 and 1CJ .North Queen street, bannister. rrem C'lsvslatl, Ohie, Cejuesa let ter signed T.Wiilker,ia1ng "About sit iiieutlis age ceiiiuiemed takltiR Ituriteek Hlned tlutrra ler prelrucU-d cilsh el liiinbage and general dulilllty.and new am pleased te state have recevenid my appetite and wonted slrenglh Ffsil hotter alteitelhur" for sale by II It Cochran, druggist, IJ7 and iXiMerth tjueun street, I ancaster. Nut a Vasa. Notacaseef rheumatism, nut a case of neu. ralghi, nolacaseel hnueueits net a case et putn or spratn net one-hs failed te ue when at lacked by 77ieiui' h'rlertric Oil r"er le by II. B-CtHlirun, druggljl, IS and ISJ North Vlueen street, linculer. ' What Can I H Cured Musi It Kiiilnrnl." 1 hl old itdiiKe tliM's net signify Unit wu must suVerthu mlsurles nl dynpf psli, when a mull line wltb the curative pieiwrllis el lluriluck Hltteil llittrrt Is available II Is one of the uient substantial and reliable remedies sold te tiny t or sale by II II Lechnin, drugglit, IJ7 and ISJ North Ljueeu stieet, Uinuciter. "Mnl riny IKillars, In decUirlng ler ihtmiinillsm before I ttfed 77iemiil' Kclcctrlc Oil. Died il V) cent buttle of this medicine, and uet out In one uittk ler burns anil sprains It is excnllcut." Jus. Iiiuhim. Kasl I'eiubrtifce. N. i. for ssJe by II It Lech ran, dniKgUt, 137 and IS) North Itueun atreel, Lancaster. TUB BttV. URO. II. TltAtKU, of lleurlMii. Ind .says: " both myself and wile ewe our lives leHIIIIAIH'S CONhLrMPTlON OUItK." rersale by II . II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 117 North y ueun trset. it) The Mystery Helrwt. It has always been understood that censmnp. tlen was Incuruble, but It has recently beu dlsievered that Kemp's HaNitin for theThmit and buiiKs li glv lag mere relief thun any cnewn remedy. It Is eiiaruiiUtHl te relieve and cum Asthma, bronchitis and Ceuifhs. Cull ou II. IL Cochran, driiKgtst, Nn. 1J7 North Oueen street, and gel a trial bottle free of cost. Xorge size M cants and II. (II WHY WILL YOU eeuah when Shlleh's Cum will give Immediate relief. Price 10 eta , 80 els , and II, rer sole by II II. Cochran, UrngKlsU Ne. 157 North Queen street. () A Keiuarfcabla, Uoesl Man Is he who attend tn the comteri of his lamb) and will net let bis little ones sutler allliatlec allliatlec llen of the Threat and I.iiuks, whereby their lives uiav lie endangered, but who should at all times give thelu that sovereign remedy, Kemp's balsam. I'rlie Se cent audit. 7V(et itisrrit rer sale by II. It Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen stieet, Lancaster, fa. (4) It. Ii Cochran, Ne. 137 and U North Queen treet, Lancaster, 1'a., I selllug SUtLOU'a COUUlt CUUK as a guarantee te euro all threat and Inng trouble. (n) Kanawfl Iter Youth. Mrs. PhtBlw Chesley, Petersen, Clay Cn , Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth el which Is vouched for by the resident el the town : " 1 am 7J years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness rer many immi uiuiii 11111. utwi Hijrauit Wlljltiui ut'lll. New 1 am free from all pain and soreness and am able te de all my own housework, lean my thanks te Kleclrlc Ultters for having re newed my youth, and removed completely nil disease and luitn." 'Iry ahettle. (or sale by our ugent. If. II Cochrun, Driigglit, 1J7 and lil North Queen street. Lancaster, ra. () BlIILUIl'S CUKK will immediately relieve Croup, WhoenluK Cough and UrnuchltU. rer sale by It. B. Cochran, Druggist, Me. LJ7 North Vlueen street. (7) llucklsu's Arnlna galva. Th HsT8iLvln the weild for Cuts, II ru litis Feres, Ulcers, Hall Itheum, fever Benis, Tetter. Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, and all skin Kmpllens, and positively cure I'llna, or no pay retiilnd. 11 Is guaianleed le give perfect satis faction, or money rufunded. 1'lli.u , eenU lair Ihu. rersale hy II. II Cochran, UriiKglst, Ne. J7 and Ul North cjueen nu, LaucasUir, i'u. JuueJJ lyd reur-rmiia. Of our American people are ulriutud wlthslik headache In either Its neivnus, lillhnis or con. ftwllve lerniH, ruiinid by Iriiguliir ImbltH, hlnh Ivlliu, etc, and nniemidy Inu cvir cemiueiisl It until III. Leslie's hieehil Piesi ilptleu was dls dls ceveriHl, Ulvella trial. 8ee advertisement In another column. (3) A lllll fur All In outer le glv call aclmui'eluUslli.aud thus Im) convinced el Its weiidurlul curative powers, llr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will he, lera limited time, given away. Ihls offer Is nel only liberal, but shows unbounded fallh In the merits of this great remedy. Alt wnn sutler from Coughs, Celd. Consumption, Asthma, bronchitis, or any affection of 1 hrntit. Chest or Lungs, aruespc clally retjiiesUid tn call al II, li. Cochran's Urua hbire, Nea Ul and U'J North Queen street, and get a Trial Het Uu Flee. () Klf Onus Ualm waa rerniuuieuded te me by my druggist as a preventive te hay rever rever liuve been ualna: It s directed since the nib of August and have leund II a specific for that much needed and loathsome disease. Fer u n years or mere 1 hive been a great sufferer each year.Irem Augusiuth till fiest, and have tried many alleged remedies ler It cure, but r.ly's Cieain liilinlslbuenly ptuveutlvet havuevni found. Hay fuvcr sulluierseught tn knew of lla efficacy, r. U. Aluswerth, Publisher, Indian, spoils, lud. Jilsjwdoedaw Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 Are you dlslurbudal night and broken uf your rest by a sick child sufferlug and crying with the excruciating pain of culling tenth t If se, go at once and gel a bottle of U U6. WINSLOW'S aoeilltNU SVUUf. It will relieve the peer little sufferer imuiedlately depend upon it ; there la no mistake about It There Is net a mother en earth who baa ever used It, who wtll net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, ana give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the chUd, operating like magic It U perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleas ant te the taste, and U the prosciiplleu of one of the eldest and best female physicians and n arses In the Uullsa Bute. Ueia everywhere MessVskbetUa, mayUlydAw MIMICAL fJMllTNKVVUlNlNB. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -UIVKH- Qoed Appetita, Mew Btrenuth, QutatNetvM, Uttppy Oayti, Bwewt Bleep. A POWERFUL TONIC that the meat delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all Uerm Diseases. TIIK MO-iTHCIftNTiriO AHDSUCCr.HSrUli IILOUli l'UHiriBK, HunnrlerliKiulnlne. Mr. r. A. Miller, fill Kast Win street. New Yerk, was cured try Kasklne of extreme ma larial prostration alter seven year suffering. He had run down Irein 170 pounds le7, began en Kasklne In .lune, bsil, went tn work In one month, rt'Kalned his full weight In six months. Quinine did him nogetsl whatever. Mr. (Ildenn Thompson, the eldest and one et the most resierUMlclttr.ensnf llrldgeimrt, Conn , says: "1 am ninety years of e, and for the lust three years have sultered from malaria and IhetfTecbief tiilnlnn iMilsenlng. I recently be gan with Kasklne which broke up the malaria and Inrn-ased my weight fJ pounds " Mrs.T A.Koleinons, el iviilalllday Ht,.lnnmy City, writes . My son Harry, eleven years, was cured et Malaria by Kasklne, after ntteen months' Illness, when we had given up all hune. Letter from the above persons, giving lull details will he sent en application. Kasklne can he taken without any special medical ad v lee. sj.uu per botlle. Beldliy H. B. CXXIHBAM, Druggist, 137 and 171 North Queen Ht Lancas ter, ra., or sent by mall en receipt of price. K ASK INK CO., M Warren HI., New Yerk. lebM lvdAwTThAS riUKii uuakahtimd. RUPTURE. Cere gnaranteed by UK J. U. MAlKa. stase at once : no npernllen or delay from bust ness; tested by hnndmdset cuius. Main one at Kl'.ll.tr I'llll.s "eii.l -m t.liuulsa. UI.UTHItlli. JTOW KKAUY I Our Ready-Made Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. Wh arn pri'imnxl te show our New SIMCINU STUCK In lU-iidy-Miitle Mill. nr AHMertniHnl t IKrKir ttimi mnr Itufuif, and I'litii JViwtr Wu luftwi tHktm fltHH-tnl cam U Ht up tcflfM hihI Attritit!VHtilU ler the Hl'KlNti Til Al'E, mul w fowl HatlilltHl e ir tiiTertA Intve iM-t n ntictveifl tul. Call and kIvu uh Ihu benuOt ul your o'lliilen Oer Custom Department Is Ntecked with all the Newest Novelties In flultlugH, which wu will Make le Order In the best Style. FIT QDAR.'vNTEBD. BURGER & SUTTOU, Taller and Clothier, NO. 24 OKNTHB SQUABB, LANUAMrKK. fA. T UANHMAN tt HKU. 1IIK CIIKAPKIl' I' LACK 111 HUl MENS', BOYS' & CHILDREN'S Clothing, IS A I' L. CANSMAN & IIRO.'S. NOTE PRICES : Men's All Weel SulU Ul Order, at II.', til, 111, 1 I-"'. Men' All-Weel Pants te Order, at U, U.), II, Iheie geetli ure unusual bargains and pur clutters will sava a geed percentage en thilr Inve.tinent. THIN i.oeds Men's Heersnrkur Ceala and Vests at II te, II AZ Men's Mebttlr Ce&ts nnd Vests at I1.A 13.75, A3 in. Men's Pants at fv , hta, 75c., lc., 11.11), ll.SP, II vi, 7 II 01,11 mi, l no, 1.1 ru One Hundred Pule .el children's knee Pants at iV. a pilr. We are busily engiiced new maniilaclur Iiik Kail and Wluler (1ikIs and me In need el room. Iluyers will llntl It te their advuntage te call early and etainluu these Uemiliie liar gains, rsiHichilly Hey's and Cblhlren's "iuIui, as they must go. We eacttrlce our summer cloth ing rather th.ui pack them uwuy until next sea son. L. 6ANSHAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUrAClUUKIU or Men's, Heys' and CUIMrcu's Clothing, 8. K. COU. N. gUBKN A OIIANUK ST8 I.ANCAdTKU PA. sTThe ChaiiH'at (and Kxeluslve) Clothing Heuse In the City. tTuriusra. AT KKIHMAN'H. New Spring Neckties AT KKIS.MAN'H. 'Ihere Is no garment ceiicctrnlng the 111 of which a man Is mere particular Hum a Hhlit. shirt Cittliig la arine Art, 'lontcomlorta 'lentcomlorta 'lontcemlorta bluashlrliiiUHt be cut with the preiier anotom anetom anotem leal etirvea, the workieopln must (mi tuiictlctil shlrtiimltent. Having hud an exiNniencuet ju j ears, we claim ui have the best nttlug, best made, best lualeital aud uitwt durable SHIRT In the Market ler the l,eal feasible Menty. AT ERISMAN'S, Nn 17 West Hlnvairnet, Ijincaster. OUAL. 6, & MAKT1N, WSOLSSAl AID BVTSU, DBXIU IB All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. VYbd: Ne. JU North Water ana l'rtcea BtreeU. above ltnen. Lancaster. nMvd TJAUMUAHDNKK'H COMPANY. GOAL DEALERS. 0rit':-Ne. lil North gueuu Street, and Nn, BB North I'rlnce street. Yasub. North I'rlnce Street, near Heading Depot, anr 1MM LANUARTKK, PA. 1'liOI'OHAI.S, NOT10KTO I1KIDOK UUIUIKBH. Proposal ler the erection of an Iren or VToedeu lirtdge, ever Hammer creek, between Kpnrata and Warwick township, about one tulle from Midway station, en the Columbia A Heading Hallway, will be received at the ofllce et the County CouiuiUsleners. Lancaster, p, until neon, Monday, August 1, 1W. SpeclBcatloes for Weeden bridge will be en file In tbe eillce. rerfelt bend for G0D mint accompany bid. Illanks for bend and bid can be obtained en ap plication. BAM'LM. MYKflS, JOHNUINOUICH, UKNttYr. HAUTMAN, Commissioners. AtWili fw q mmt, CUrk. JtV-Mtaw,S,M muuawAuu. Ef Kill aJAKTiri FRUIT JARS -AT- Maaeu Fruit Jars in l'lnts, tiiiartn and Halt Calluti. We again have the Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the beat in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Com Cem man Tumblers at Ihu Ixiweat I'os I'es sible Trices, Wholesale or Itetail AT ISEASTiONQSl'liEErr. I.ANCAtTia. PA HUVHnBVMNIBHIHU VtiUV. c ALL AND HKK THK ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Light; Beats them all. Anether Let of CHKAI' ULOBSS ferUas and OU Steves. THE " PHBFBOTION " MKTALMOULUINUANUUUBUKUCUSHtON WEATHER STRIP HeaUthetn all. This strip entwear all ethers Keeps out the cold, step rattling of windows Sxclude the dust. Keep out snow and ruin. Any one can apply tt no waste or dirt wade In ap plying tt. Can he fllted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is tbe most perfect. At the Steve, Heater and Uange Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. FA KJl'KUlAIi NOT1UK. ' Mere human, mere divine thin we ll! tact, pail human, pail divine Is wntimti. when the K"tHt slais agree le uilugle at her unlit Ity " Kenect.lye Lerits of Creation, and hie ye nl ouce te KIEPFER & HERE'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And 1'iocurueueot their famous "Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. That Ued's best gilt te you lie net tortured be yond recall wllh the unnecessary waste heal which It Is Impossible te avoid with your llanges, aud (what Is also Important) consider the great economy In luel, A) cents worth of fuel will cook ter a family et three grown per sona 21 meals. And when you want a Heatei, gel a " SPLENDID " And be Happy. t'LUMIIINU, UAH rira'INU, STKAM IIKAT INU, TIN UOertNU AND Sl'OUTINU. JCUUATJUJM. AT WIANT'H. TUY OUIt HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The Klmwt rieiii sold In the market. Utvelt a trial and you Hill be pleased Alse tinihiim Heur, Oat rieui, Uyu rieur, and Sell liaising rinurfet III. cult, Ac Uoeds Hellveied. Tele phone couuectleu. 1 GEO. WIANT, sua Ai-lvd Ne US West King Street 4T UUKCK'H, PICNIC GOODS roil THK PICNIC 1KASO.N. rirst the Picnic Phite-lt I. light and cheap and requires no k ashing saves yeurdltbis Plain and Mixed Pit kles ami Cbow-Cbew In moll bottle. Sardines In Oil and Mustard, Cem pressed Heel In two pound can., Honed Chicken and Turkey, Petted Ham, Tongue, fresh I.ob I.eb sler, rnsb Columbia Klver Salmen, riejh Mackerel, rre.h Oysters In can. and t'lckled Oysteialu small Jars for picnicking, lerk Slate Cream cheese, Swiss Cheese, Chipped bee!, etc. BURSK'S, NO, 17 EAST KINO STREET, LAMCASTatU, l'A. 4s-Tolepheue. NOTICE TO TKK8l'ABSKK8 AND UUNNKUS.-A1I persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estates In Lebanon or iianca.mr ceuncua, wneiner inciesea or unin unin clesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or Ashing, M the law will be rigidly enforced aaatn.t all trespaaalng en said lands of the un un eersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN miKMAN, R. PKltUY ALDBN, ' SOW. O. rUKBMAM, pmt AtVrjnertMciTWieviaeMa'l Heln CHINA Ml HipPeriin, wuAra, JMRamra, ae. IHE NKW 8TOHK. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES! - AT - THE NEW JOSEPH L. Nea. 136 and 138 NEAT CHINTZ HltKSBH, ItAc. HRHT PBKCALB UUr.SSht, Nw (Styles, Mc CIllNKLKaBhUiUCKKUHIlKSSKBlrlmuied wllh htnbreldery, OOc. UO t S ' U U RS K8, SOe. LOVKLY CHAMI1HAV IHIF.BSRS, 7ftc WHITK IlllKKSKH, rineCainbrlr.wlth Pretty EmbielderUs, 60,73 cu, ai.oe.ai.'W, JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Nea. 13S AND 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BMW x G KKAT BAKUAINH I METZGER & NKW Nes. 38 and 40 WABH DRB9S OOOD8 Orinklee, Boereuokore, Batlnes, Qlnghama, Lawns, Botlatee. WHITB OOODS Vioterla and Iudla Lawns at 8, 10, 13 1-a, 15, 30, 36, 30, 371-3oentfl. One Let Superior Quality Whlte Plaid Muallna at 13 1-3 cents ; were made te sell at 35 cents. M ETZG E R &1 AU G H M A N 'S, NEW8TOKK, 38 and 40 West King 8L, T AD1E8' MUHLIN UNUKKWKAK. Ladies' Muslin A large and attractive Bteck or LADIES' WHITB EMBROIDERED HK1RT8. LADIES' CHEMISES, LADIBS' NIGHT QOWNB, LADIES' OOR8ET OOVBR8, all qualities ; prlees ranging from 26e. te 9i.bO each. Alse WHITB DRESSES for Children from 00c. te 3.00. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court B AltUA.Mui:ij!lOY. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (Ori'OSlTK FOUNTAIN INN), llHe.lut eiH'iu'd ft New Ixit nl DIIKSH UlNUIIAMSat 10 cents purvatd ; rcKUlar nrlce UK cents. ShhltSUCliltia ul 8 cents ; uvular price, KH cenU. Special low Prices in Table Linens. Talile Linen, Itt yard, wide, only 20c ; better quality. '.Tic. Heavy German Table Linen, 37Kr. Damask Table Linen, .11, 40, 50 aud M cl. up. Illeached TableLtnen frem&uc, up, Turkey lied llamask, .&, SIX, and tt cent. Bargains in Deylies and Napkins. FiluKOd Linen lleylles Keed size, only I Wc iierdo7en. IletUirnuallty, J6c.t worth II IS Kxtra flue at situ : worth f i.. Napkins at 75c; worth f 1 WK. Napkins al II 00 ; worm I1.37H : Napkins atll 3: worth 11.75. SaTl be cheapest place te buy 110S1EUV for Ladles, Ucuts and Children Is of Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEffiN ST.. (Opposite Foentaia Inn.) rEWKLRY AND AHT. liiiienils.WiitcliisiiNcliij, ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, CHOICE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. Z. RHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. VAtiflCT BAKUAINH I -OOTl SHIRK'S CARPET HALL W1LTON, VBLVBT, BODY .BRUSSELS, Tapestrj, lugraln. Damask md Venetian, Rag and GAain Carpets, OIL OLOTJIS, WINDOW 81IADKS, We have tbe Largest and Beet Stock In tbe Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS Oemr Wni Kinf and WiUr; 8imU, UMHter, Fl. STORE. RAU & CO., North Queen Street CUILUHKN'B LACK UKKS1M - WA8U DBE8H KB for Children H. 10 and 11 years, 70e. lleadtiuarler ler CIIILIlllKN'S BUMMKK UllKSSKS. Hieclal Altraclle i. In J KUSBUS at lleuiarka bly Lew Prices. muODM, HAUGHMAN. 810KE. West King Street. (OppeNite feper Heniie.) Underwear! Heuse. Lancaster, Fa. HALLS. BAKOAINH -FOR- vjwnr. TOIDMYBH'tTVuRMTUIUs ( A Of)Ll WAVK. -1! Setiietlilntr everviAHlr thetilil knMT. Celd Wave Inu struck our rlcw, w iiavn fuileii Ui nlinutttUie FitKiuiNO Wuwitul te Kttluce Stock. 1, wu take our Invnnterv. Ha imwlenuut. De you onto te Ulk lUlllUtcs about "KUIINITUHK." A It you are at nil intertaLad In Usa tlen of " FuiiNiTUitK," then nlv ) no ei your auentlen while we MW tlimiiell nor lllUIU. Hart.n. wiiietliltiR you may s ant. Yett may VUHtW H .,. M,.,,n I.. II.I..1. 1 . .1 t .IIV .. r,,., ... , wuuiv Kuiut S USUISSJJ TiniK," urn, you will be aurDriited t ) " CoeLiNO " effect e( our prices.' " - . - -.v.., r Like ailvaiitace of tlielw TeBBsMsWi lure of Trices, .... - '-? AT WlHMVKIl'tl FtTKNITtlllK STOttB, ffltf P 4 Lf LTtajrl 4tff ttttVtf KiiMlWilii v... .,e 'v nn 'un.nun r I.ANCASTKIt. l'A. ' pi V NUKKTAK1NU. WALTER A. 1IEIN1TSH, Furnishing Undertaker, Nea. VI and 29 Heulh Queen Btreei, 1.ANCASTKU, l'A. SWItKHIDKNCK NO. IM EUUTI1 gUKBlf aTllKKT. All the Latest und Most Approved Methods used where deslted. A pluvieus practical ex peilenceef loin jemscnahlestiie te dual-antes) thai the Very llesl Possible hervlce will be Ren dered al All Times. Personal Attention Ulven te Directing All KunenUs IntnutefttO my care. WAtvum. WATCH KN, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JKWbLUY. Special Walchsa fur Farmers and Bulreftim. Fine let of Kings, Ac Alse, Klgln, Waltbaai I Aurera ler which 1 am Sele Annul), and etksjc lrst-cias. Watches. Hest Watch and Jewelry ttcpalrtnic. esruerreet time by Telegraph Dally, ealv plaee tn city. L. WEBER. Ne l.WX N. Uueen St., Ne.ir I'enn'a It. It. Depot. - Spectacles, Kyealassea aud Optical Uoeds. All Uludsef Jewclrv. N KW JEWKLKY HTOUK. CMLES S. GILL LATEST DESIGNS IN SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET. LANCA8TKU, l'A. tnavll lyd MOWMM.JtV. OLINN A BKENKMAN, CARD! We have it number of Uoeds which are just in season, und which, ewinjr te our giving special attention., we can offer great inducements. " Pennsylvania" Lawn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have as geed lawn Mowers as are in the market forte.oo aud 7.00. Uaby Cdrriages AVe carry seventy-live varieties in stock. These goods are oer own special and our prices are low. Ilefrigeraters are new in season. Hew few people knewanytliing about Kefrigera Kefrigera ters. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you ?et the best at the lowest prices. Yeu can rem us. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican end Common Hammocks, liase Ball and alt Sporting Goods at Factory Prices. FLINN & BRfiNBMAH, Ne. 152 North Queen Street. JNatJCAMtAT. UTLK i NSUKANCK ANDTKUBTOO. Trust, Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Company. OF READING, PA. CAPITAL (full PaM) f 2eU,et. CHARTER PERPETUAL. GEORGE BROOKE. President. ROBERT H. COLEMAN, VICE PRESIDENT. H. T. KENDALL, Treasurer ane Secretary. WALTER M FRANKLIN. TRUST OFFICER ifer Lancaster Ceuhtv vutmvxemtv Geerge Breeke. H.M. North, Rebert H.Celeman, 2JT;L?LI THOS.S.MERRITT, y-uarwlyii. Cyrus a. Oerr, J- " 7". GE0.D.STITKl,e nn,SlR'mUM' A. B. Grubs. EXECUTES TKUSraOF EVEB . Stachesel b; Ot OtnrU of IaoeiUt Oeuly te recelre Ue appointment of executer, A mlnlstrator,.uarlan,AMbinee, Receiver, An iTustee within said County. lasusaa Titlb le Ileal Kstatu una Mertsea. Messr te loam ou first Mortgage at lowest l a v'ssth ssts made and Interest collected with out expeuse te the lender. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, Atterhey-at-Law. Trust Officer for Lancaster Oematf, Ne. IV Vast King St, LaiiOMtaw, Ian 1 w JUHT KECKIVED A HANDHOMa LIMB of scotch and Heme Spun saltings la UiJ mA iiiaMa sinilra naw deauns. S SHSW Hiue Benres, viajr ." in .1 ) Macgresger and Neglsnee .Qhrleaa, JnsJ M thlnit for .uinmsr wear. tlMsatli. mimmm I V eWswiVB) prlsessss w3rewBwsf a. wJ -1 i m ?-Tk 'nm 2?S J m tl e,- a OfM 93 i , 3 A3 1 W 'K-, '! -,vi.i'ir'1 ff .(.' i. irv. ,...r. S-jm., 1z, . of .-eiS!