mjp.1' 'rjrarT' - mpw&wmwA78&xmmmLummm,iiM. rW -'.-.".'" " -:f 5v" "wn-?1tsiriv''f5 s-SSEESIr. ,,,. Jin "W '" ' V7il "v 'iV',Vv, l. "'Kflfa itje ymi&$te U li -"'' t r .. "rfltf. ' ST. ..i VHT-tH ,v, .FUTT1 on.eSBnnnnV1 - .-'iJ -,;iJt Vtf". sift VOLUME XXUI-NO. 272. LANCASTER. PA., THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1887. PRICE TWO 01 fan! I BfiRHBVdn1-. J ANKS P. BOWKIt FOK AUDITOlt. HI BUMIBATIU DBVIUBU VB TUB amvuHU BALLOT. A IIMolatlen KsitnKlna PMtld.nl Olevshwd's Attmlnatrallen Unanimously Aitepted pre- vltlun Mail lu rill VMUttH en In, Tlrhet-shelrhea ul Lehsr and ISewer. Wben llie lNTMLtiuNNUitn went te prase en Wednesday afternoon, the Democratic uiittity convention u preparing te ballet ler cnuiily auditor, Tha tint ballet rami I led Mlellimii : James 1. HewerSH, K. HeliMflar Mel Marti, II. V. Montgomery.. Daniel Hmlth, sr., u, Una. W. Pusey 13, J. W. Kelly 15. Tliere being tin choice, a seoeud liallet wm erdered and Mm following wan tlie reautl : Bewer 3tl, Mnirer 'i, Hiullh 7, Pusey 3, Kelly le. Mr. Ilnwer having received a ma jority or the vetea east, wan declared the nominee A motion wa made and adopted that a committee nf live en assessment of candidates be appointed. The chair spHitnled aa the commltteo, IV K. Mann, Wiu. H.UIven,Win. A. HclHsmliurger, Jehn J. A 1 tick and J. D. llarrar. Mr. Ulvouetlored the tallewing reanlutlen, which waa enthusiastically reuelved and unanimously adopted : lleielvttt, That the oeurae of drover Clave land an president of these United Htatea meets with our fullest airevat, that It haa lieen Iwiml upon a neuuil and beneficent pulley conducive te the bent Interests of the country, and low done much te strengthen the Democratic arty. A motion was adopted that the county committee fill all acaticiis en the ticket, afier which the county convention of 1(7 ad ad Jeurned sinti ilit. The Commissioner. Jacob V. I.sber, the nomlnee for county roiuiiiliwieiiur, niuiw from a family that dla. tlhgulshed Huelf In the Uovelutionary war. Ilia great Krnmlfather was a Cel. Wright, who took an active part lu that struggle. The autijuct of this sketch was born In Up per liKitoeck township forty-seven years age. When he wan feurteeii years old his parents removed le Kphrata township, where he has since resided. He has been an active worker In the cause of Democracy Hlnce be cast bis Ural Vete. Hlxtctin years age be was elected a uiumtier of the county committee, and be was re elected year alter year, with ene exception. II was a niember of that body last year and w is again returned en Htturdsy as the ineiii ler for the eusiilng year. He I a geed or ganizer, and at every election could lie seen at the poll hard at work, notwithstanding the gtcat mlila ngalnat hliu lu bis township Kphntta. l-'nr seuthI )onrahe was connected with Winter' hetel at Kphrata. Heme time age he retired from the poillleu he held as clerk and 0utied a livery stable, lle Is liurrled and lint a family. Jiirs P. Ikiw.r. James I. Bewer, the nomlnee for auditor, has tieen a lifelong reeldenl of Paradise township, wherehe was born tllty years age. Hels a larmer tiy occupation slid lives en thoeld Kckert farm. He Is atwi a dealer In horses anil has had numerous public sales of horses In the Kuttcrn eiid. He U regarded by hlsuelghUirsas an intelligent, cencleu lleus man, and In Ihelr judgment will make an elllclent vllu- r. He also Is married. Under the law l.ancater county In entitled te three c,iiiiiilleners aud three audit ors, but e-li Teler can only cast his ballet for tecaiilllMttH This Iwlng a strong Ke-publli-Hti county, the Deiuecracy get only one of each uf these elllces, and the can didates nominated for these positions ate practically elected. COI'STV COMMITTKK rOltltKCTIO.NS, In a lew or the districts the names of the ceuuty committee, as published, were Incor rect. Thecbangbs te be noted are : Mlllers ville, Fred, tier 111 ; Mount Jey, Cpper, Loe old Wtckt-uheleer ; lUlzabutbtewn, C. M. Simmers. Maryland Kiidtmv. Cl.velauit. DHinocrstle conventions were held lu sev eral counties en the Kitern Nliore of Mary land Wednewluy. Tlie convention in Caro lina and Dorchester counties adopted resolu tions Indorsing the administration of Presi dent Cleveland and the Democratic state td ministration. MM MAhKIBU HIS UUVMKMMVMB. Hat III Wits rin.l. Illin Hut aud Arrets llllu fur Hlgaiur. Kleven months age a Polish laborer, named lunula Keptlevwitch, arrived in this country aud last winter get a situation In the print works at Wapplnger's Falls, N. Y. He seen established for himself a home, and engaged the setvlciNef a Newburg woman as house keeper. On May I last the pair, accompanied by two or three Irieuds, called en the Ker. A. W. McUititKin of that village, and Kept levwltcb, under the name of ixtuis Veen steen, and the housekeeper, Uelenska Deck a, were made man sod wife. In lar away Poland at this lime there lived a young woman Issuing the name el Mrs. Iuls Keptlevwitch, aud with ber a bright little child whose father was Leuis Keptlov Keptlev witch, Veensteee, who bad gene te America. Nut hearing Iretu the husband the wife de termined te come with her child te tbta coun try te search hliu out They arrived yester day. The mother went te Kesenburg, the tai lor, "ml through his assistance a warrant for K 'levwlU!h'a arrest was placed In Ollluei Dicker's bandit. He found the truant huabami st Wappluget'a Falla and arrested hliu. The prisoner was brought before Htv cerder Derlaud tn-dsy. The facta were made plain ami the piUeuer acknowledged both wives, but pleaded Ignnranes as bis excuse ler his bigamous aet lleth wives confronted him the Drat wbb pity and disgust plainly shown ou ber face, the second with wrathful condemnation. The prisoner was hild te await tun action of the grand Jury, Married en a Fat Train. As the northbound Kansas City fast ex press was speeding through the Indian terri tory Weduesday, a young man asked the conductor where be could get married. Tbe conductor suggested thai he telegraph ahead te lialll's Valley for a minister and bave the ceremony iwrlertued ou the cars. The advice was followed. A minister entered the parlor car at Hall's Valley, and Ueerge M. Whitney, of Chicago, and Miss Ida O'Ceunelly, of Giluesvllle, Texas, were married while tbe train was running at full spend. Tbe Gainesville parents had objected te tbe match. Us r.rl.n.d for Want el Seda Water. Tbe tw and Order League which baa bean attempting te atop all Hunday traltle In Pittsburg, la likely te be arraigned en charge of murder. He says Agent Wlaehart, wbe baa no feara of the result, however. At hearing before an alderman, man wbe was prosecuted by tha league said be waa prepared te produce fifteen men wbe would awear tbat a man whose funeral took place weunesasy msue we dying declaration tbat he would bave survived bad be been able te get glass el soda water en Hunday, m Cashier Wblte te sm Arraigns. Jeseph: M. While, tha defaulting ex -cashier of the Philadelphia Times, will be formally arraigned before a police magistrate te day. h Inee his srrest several daya age 'Whit ban ben lu the custody ei Detective Weyl at tha Colonnade .hotel. Uls assistance In straight aulng out bis books baa been but meagre, and his late employers bave determined te push tbe case. Tuere waa an. Intimation to wards a compromise el tbe case, but tha piop piep piop esltlon was net entertained by tbepubllah er. t,le rersest Bvletsd la Three Mentha. Tha offlelsl returns ahew that 0,140 paraeu wait avleted la Inland derlBg Ua qtuutar ndadJunaSa Of thaw 188 watt wnawtttaal as tswanU aa4 ,77 m 9Ukmm rivruar turn mm v. m. m. A UscMea In rsver el tha Had by the tstst tata rjommtaaten. The Intar-ataw commission baa rendered several decisions, Including these en thecssea of Ubloage A Alten and tha Chicago, lleck Island A Paolne railroads against the Penn sylvania and tha New Yerk Central reada, allrglng tbat tba defendanta violated the third section of tba law by refusing le tbe complainants faelllilta In the trans fer and forwarding el pasaengera that they extended te etber rewls. Ihe actual wlnt at lasua relatea te tbe pay ment el oem missions te agetita en the scale of tlekela. Commissioner Hchoentnaker de livered Ihe opinion, which dismisses tha complaints, and la therefore a victory ler tba defendant Hauls, which bave oppeaedtbe commission business. The opinion describes the practice el isvylng commissions te agents en the through tickets sold by them, and states tbat when the oempUlnsiit companies refuse te Jein the defendants In abolishing the system tbe latter refused te sell through tickets ever the complainants' reada from Chicago an J Ht I,oulate Kansaa City. Tha complainants raised the rpiestlen that audi refusal was contrary te the Inter-stats act,and the opinion aaya : "The statute does net divest a railroad company of the exclusive right te control Its own Internal slUIrs, te employ Its own agent a, te regulate their duties and te pay them such compensation as It rosy deem proper. Tbe right el ownership of rallnstd prnjwrty, with the mwer of control ever em em peoyes and management of Ihe premrty, Is as abselute under the act aa before Its passage. Tlie regulation of commerce between the states, which Is all that tbe act contemplates, does net Involve community of property, or Joint control of subordinates among the sev eral companies that honor through tickets. The oeriMirsUi powers of every company for all administrative and governing purismes within Its prescribed sphore remain unim paired. With the legitimate exercise ul lliese jiewers another ceinpiiiy has no coticeru aud ue right te intermeddle. " Fer the prewr government of their own subordinates the delendstit companies have forbidden their agents te receive commission from ether companies and directed them nut te sell tickets ever reads of oempantra that re fusele recognize this oerporse authority, but insist en subsldtzlngthe sgenls. In these di rections the defendants have net transcended their reasonable rights. One person or cor poration baa no right te lulerlere with the empleyes of snolher, and the statutes does net disturb Ibis old and seuud principle." Wslksil Out el a Window. Frem the lUrrtauurg Call. A very singular accident bapH3ned te Chas. Hepple Wednesdsy about I o'clock. The circumstances uf the stUlr have net as yet been explained, as he has net recovered con sciousness since. A caller of the Pennsyl vania railroad while In search of an empleye lu tbe vicinity uf Maclay street noticed some thing en the pavement that looked like a person, and iiinju Investigation It wss found te be Mr. lleppla. Assistance was sum moned and the Injured man was seen placed In comfortable circumstances, where be new Ilea In a critical condition. Medical aid was called, and It was found that be sustained severe Injuries about tbe head and Ixxly which may yet prove fatal. Ne person knew definitely bow the accident occurred, but the opinion Is that while walking in his sleep be fell out of one of tlie windows In tbe front part of tbe house and remained iiunotleed until be waa discovered by the caller. Mr. Hepple Is an empleye of the Pennsylvania railroad, la generally liked, snd his many friends wish him asfieedy recovery. The l.stMt lias Hill News. The ljsgue games yesterday were : At Philadelphia Philadelphia J, Pittsburg 2 ; at New Yerk New Yerk tl, indlauaHilts'J ; at Husten Bosten t), Ctiioige 7 : at Wash Wash Wash ingtonWashingeon !, Detroit i! The Mela yesterdsy gave the Ht. Leuis a whaling bi the tune of lu te U at Htateb Island. Tbe olher games were : At Phila delphia Athletics 0, Cleveland 1 ; at Haiti Haiti mere Baltimore v. Cincinnati &; at Brook lyn Brooklyn 11, Itoulsvllle 7. Wllkeaharre continues te win in tbe Inter national League. Yesterday they delealed Hamilton by 6 te I. TlieHcmnten were beaten by Hyracuee by 12 te 1. The Bradford aud Alteena clubs played a tie game of 8 te H yesterday and tbe former club then disbanded. Allentuwn will try te get Inte the International I.eagueand Alteena will play as an Independent club. The Detrelts are new doing miserably and they are fast sliding towards second place. The Mets seem able te make tbe Ht. ljeula bustle nearly every time. F.lgbt thousand people saw yesterday's Chicago-Bosten game. An Important Methodist Union. At Pen Mar, Md., a union of Methodists began Wednesday when about t0 persons participated In the exercises. New Yerk, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and the Dlstrlctef Colum bia are represented. Klgbt Itev. Bishop Andrews presided and made an address en "Heme leading Characteristics of Metho dism." Kev. Dr. H. A. Kaltz. of Drew Theo logical seminary, spoke en "Methodism and Education." Kev. Dr. J. A. McCauley, president el Dickinsen college, spoke en tbe work or tbat Institution and Kev. (J. K. Kilt Kilt Kilt oltel Washington, en "Methodism and Re form." It is proposed te meet annually there. Flsrcs Storm. One of tbe most disastrous storms ever known In West Virginia swept ever the counties of Wirt and Weed about dusk Tues day night, doing damage wblcb will amount te a large sum, besides wounding a large number of people. The protracted het spell at 1'lttaburg was broken Wednesdsy night by tbe heaviest storm known since tbe great Butchers' linn disaster, thirteen yesrs age, when nearly 'JMl people were drowned, tertuuately the storm was net atteuded by any fatalities as lar as could tie learned at midnight. The dam dam te property, however, will reehal leaitf 100, 100, 100, oeu. I ren Workers Locked Oat at Handing. On Wednesday all empleyes working by the month at tbe tube works, sheet aud roll ing mills of the Heading Iren works were ordered suspended. Tbla includea foremen, petty bosses, clerks, etc. The difficulty is moraserieua than ever, and unlets the com pany cornea te tenua it la hinted that the Knights of Laber will call out the 300 em ployee of the Noett foundry and the men at ether works controlled by the company. Many el tbe leek out workmen are arranging te leave for tbe Weal, eue gang of twenty four going te Cincinnati. A Yeung Shenandoah. Man's Awful Osath. Jehn Donahue, a prominent young Demo cratic politician, met a ternble deatb in the mine at Tayler's colliery, Aahland, en Wed nesday. About twenty tens of coal fell upon blm, killing blin almost Instantly. Tbe bead waa severed trout tbe trnnk and tba body cut In twain. Donahue waa leader el the choir in Ht. Ignatius' church, and bad attained considerable prominence aa a musical di rector. m Bitet lllmsslf En Bouts te Ale lea. Beach Hawley, aged 9 years, arm of Edgar Hawley, of Broektleld, Conn., and a constant reader of light literature, leit nia nema Wednesday morning wltb the Intention of King te Africa. He took with blm an old eld old ibiened horse pistol. While be waa look ing at tbe weapon it was accidentally dis charged, the ball onterleg bis bead under tba rlgbt ear and lodging In tbe skull. It la thought be will die. 1SS Oar llbrset Poisoned. It seems that US of the New Yerk Third Avenue Car company's bersea bave been poisoned by eyanlde of pstasulutu, Instead of 20, aa first stated. Twenty-nine bave died, and aeveral mera are uuable te work. The offiearaof tha Hoelety for the Prevention or Cruelty te Animals aay that they bave evi dence te ahew tbat tba poisoning waa inten tional. lMMLteeaasrer wiae Beem. Mil laDaaba a lax of 110.000 en wlna nukMtata bbbbA by tba Georgia Beem U KifjtManMtjvaa. it la uwugbt tie tfaaat. 1IE LEFT WtfB AND WEALTH. a beh vrsvtmm itirBi. uhbdiabav- VLM. IPAJISMI BUAffMAMt. a Has a Vhanalag rsaslly and Waa the Hair te Hall a Millien, Mat Miss Alies Ueedwln Fre.sd Toe Allsrlsg-llls Wile a Weman fTrem Nsw Yerk Slate. Heclal circles In Indianapolis are gossiping ever tbe alleged elewmeut of a popular and wealthy young man with a comely miss el eighteen aum mars. Fletcher U Ines Is one el the parties. He Is the only son of Judge C. C. Hlnes, late law partner of Henater liar, risen. He Is well te de and Is heir te an es tate of mere than half a million. He was reared there anil sent le Harvard college, where he was graduated when yet In bis teens. Hlx years age, at the age of twenty-six, be marrled an estimable young lady belonging lean excellent family in New Yerk state snd lheymadn.theirhonieena farm near Indian apolis, where, aiirrouuded by every com fort, tnelr let seemed replete with happiness. Aside from an occasional Indulgence In drink, Hlnes seemed te be a geed husband and was ijulte devoted te his wile. He bas two children a girl or lour years and an In fant eon. On Hundsy evening last he bade a casual geed-bye le Mrs. Hlues and bis children, ssying he intended te drive ever te see tbe Harris natural gas well. He did net return tbst night ss expected, mid has t since been seen. His wife wsitietsl II rst disturbed by bis absence, shliiklng he had driven te the city, hut en Monday evening wheu no mea-age csme Ireui him and when scanda lous rumors began te reach her, she tele graphed Judge I linen, who Is new In Ver mont, asking him te wiine te her. Investi gation proved that Fletcher had taken two suits el clothes with him, and this strength ened the fear thst he would net return. Mrs. Hlnes, when seen at her home, re lated tbe circumstances as here stated. Al though greatly distressed she was unwilling te believe that her husband had been se cruel as te desert her. Hhe said their domestic relations had been pleasant ami happy, and there had been nothing in Mr. Hluea' de meanor In Indicate tbat he had grown tired of her. Hhe Imped he would come back and explain all, built was evident she Was hop ing against hope. The girl wltb whom 11 lues' name Is new coupled Is Miss Allce Goodwill, who is hotter known as Alice Hunter, having been reared by a widowed aunt, Mrs. Ilattte Hunter. Her mother dle.1 when Hhe sit three yesrs old, and aha has spent tbe remaining fifteen years of her life at the Uunter homestead. Hhe was naturally bright, and received a geed train ing. Being HjHsessed el personal charms, she grew le boa belle In and about Millers villa Fletcher Hlnes wss fend or society, and It began te be whlsered nearly two years age that he was unduly attentive te Miss Good win or Hunter. Her character whs above suspicion sud no tctmlal was created, but nevertheless, there wns some (pilot gossip, and Anally a married mm of Mrs. Hunter, wbe bad learned that Hlnes had given tbe young lady presents, warned her against blm. Hhe was strong-willed and accustomed te have her own way. Hliu received attention from several excellent young men In the neighborhood, but would receive no regular suitor. Hunday evening last a friend took her riding. Hhe consented te go en condi tion that be would bring her home promptly attto'uleck. He complied with her wishes, though slie made ue excuse ter haale. When she returned she talked te the family briefly and then went nut doers. Hhe came In again but stsjed only a mement, remstklug sud den Iv : " My nesa is bteedlng and I suppose it won't step for half se hour." With this she tan out el rear deer and did net return. The fsct whhkkiu developed that she had geno aud taken her euilre wardrobe. Mr. Hunter said yesterday that there was net the slightest doubt that she eloped with Fletcher Hint-.", and, believing this te lie true, ue ellert bad been or would be made te find ber. THBl'AUttBI.L HAHUVBT. A Mnsech by the Ureal lutder lttcelv.il With Loud and frolengi'il Olivers. Mr. Pamell ami many el bis colleagues were entertained Wednesday evening In Londen at a banipiet by tbe National Liberal club. The health of tbe queen was proposed by Mr. Dlllwyu, and the guests all rose decor ously and drank the toast. Mr. Pamell eulogized Mr. O I ad stone for having put his shoulder te the wheel, and said tnat belore many months tbe ex-premier would carry his policy and lie recog nized as the only great uiau in British el. tics. Others who were new attracting atten tion were tempters, imitators and tinkers. Mr. Pamell wondered hew long Kngllshmen would be contented te see the government march up the hill and dewu again. The recent elections bad forced tbem te make concessions or resign. The Kngllsh Liberals might be assured that their ex ertieus would net be wasted. Although In Ireland extreme misery had been sutlered during the past eighteen months, crime bad diminished and the people bad turned te constitutional methods of adjusting their grievances, instead el te physical lerce. The Liberals might claim therein a great success, for the people recegulzed that through their exertions the way had been ejwned te an honorable union. If the Liberals failed lu their pregramme the great reward would be that they bad banished vloleuee, outrage and revenge, and brought the nation te depeud upin lawful methods of redress. If tbe gov ernment honestly aud fairly tried te carry out the amendments te the laud bill, and if the execution thereof was in no way frustrated they would never bave te use tlie coercion bill, which would become a standing memo rial el the time which the Tery government of 1&S7 bad wasted. The diminution el crime proved the gratitude of the Irish towards the Liberal, aud he trusted that the Itlsh would long rely upeu the geed feeling of tbe Liberals tbat even wheu trampled upon and evicted they would retaliate slowly. They should remember that the Tery government would net last forever. Frem sell interest tee Irish would be tools le giveaway the splendid positions wen ler them, aud they would be most ungratelul it lu any way they should retard the progress el the Liberals in the path el justice." Mr. Parnell'a speech was received wltb loud and prolonged applause. lle was fol lowed by Mr. McCarthy. Kiilo.len et a Thrr.tilug-Macbtna Heller. The boiler of a steam threshing-engine be longing te Kdward Uuwen exploded Wodnos Wednos Wodnes dty alternoeu while thieshing tbe wheat crop of Kdward Stroud en hla farm near Iren Hill. Md.. three miles from Klkten. Mr. Htreud and Waller Crawford, a 15-year-old colored boy employed by Mr. Htreud, were instantly killed ; Frank Sterling, a wblte lad, was blown under thetbresber and slightly injured, and Prltehard and Frank Htreud were painfully scalded. A beraewas also killed. Corener Lllzenherg summoned a Jury of inquest, wltb Themas Drennen as foreman, and Mr. Heweu staled tbat be bad tested bis engine before abutting down for dmuer, and tbat bis boiler waa full of water. The steam gauge registered sixty-live pounds, aud was fixed te blew off steam at seventy pounds. Tbe coroner's jury adjourned te await tbe examination of tbe boiler by machinists. Mr. Htreud waa about 65 years old, and leaves a widow and four children. Damage. Awarded Against a Kallread. Mary A. Turbett, the widowed mother of Hrakeman Kebert Turbett, wbe, with Con ductors Baldwin and McCahau, waa killed at tbe Duncannon bridge disaster in January, ISStl, waa en Wednesday, in Huntingdon, awarded t'2,500 damages against tbe Pennsyl vania railroad company. Mrs. Turbett bad previously received flOO gratuity from tbe company. Thla being a test case aa te the liability of tbe company, similar suits w ill be instituted by the wldewa of tbe etber two victims. Complaint Withdrawn. The assault and battery case against Henry J. Kegel, preferred by bla wife, wm beard by Alderman Barr last evening. At the cenclu sien of tba testimony tha husband and wile agreed en aeparatlen, t&, complaint waa I withdrawn and mats, paid, XHB B, A P. DBAL UBW. NsgoHatleaa lev Its TranU.r Kodad, Be Bays It frasMsat. Considerable Interest baa been excited in financial and railroad circles In tba Kaat and West during tba past raw mentha by tbe knowledge tbat deal was In contemplation by wbleh tha Baltimore ft Ohie railroad waa te bave passed from tba control of the present owners. Within a few daya the financial world haa been en tbe tiptoe of expectation, because it waa stated that tbe se-called deal waa le culminate and tbat It waa likely te be terminated at any moment The following letter from Mr. lle ber t (lar rett, tbe president et the Baltimore A Ohie railroad company, mta at rest all doubt upon this very Interesting question, and shows tbst tbe control et tlie corporation will remain with the present managers : Kl.iiRiteN, N. J., July 'M, 1887. Hen. William M. Hlngerly, Kdltnr or the tlecertl, Philadelphia Dear Hlr : In reply te your courteous Inquiry as te the real status of the negotiations called by tbe press the Haiti Haiti mere A Ohie deal," 1 beg te aay that all auch negotiations are terminated. Tbe syndicate wblcb was te acquire a large block of the stock of the Baltimore A Ohie railroad company in auch a way as waa be lieved would be beneficial te all tbe partiea and railroads concernod did net at the ap pointed time comply with tbelr engage ments, and all arrangements or negotiations with them are new absolutely at an end. I bave net purchased tbe stock of tbe Jehns Hepkins University, as stated In aotne or the newspapers. I had an option en that stock, and also upon that of several ether holders, but I have net exercised these options, nor de I Intend new te de no. The statement in some of the paimrs that 1 have purchased large blocks of the Baltimore A Ohie stock is a mistake. As 1 have stated, 1 had options, but circumstance- roiidered it uocesaary te cIohe them. The Baltimore t Ohie railroad company, Its prnierllOM, including Its large telegraph system and the ownership of lis ste-:ic, re main new as they were at tbe ejwulng of tba negotiations. Tbe widespread public Interest which these negotiations have excited, and the many false and foolish rumors le which they bave given rise, Justify me lu departing lrera my usual course and making this formal statement of their final termination. Tbauklng you for the kindly terms In which you have been pleased le refer le tbe Baltimore A. Ohie company and Its future, aud acknowledging the correctness of your Judgment snd that of many ether friends as te the propriety el making public this lutter, 1 am, as ever, yours very truly, KOUKIITU.MIHKTT. MBADT TO DUUWN TUB MUHMOHB. Seme aeergla Itrgulstnrs Making It Warm ler llrlgtiam Voting's Disciple The Mermen missionaries who have been preaching In theWrlghtsboredlstric'tUeorg is, and who bave succeeded In converting a large uumber of Ignorant people le their religion, have greatly excited the people wbe are op posed le them In that section, and in fact the whole country Is in a fever. Many attempts have been made te rid tbe country of them, but without uvsll, and last night a baud of regulators eeniKsed of men from Augusta and the Wrlghlsuore district formed and drove them out of the district. Tbe plan of the regulators was te tar and feather them and threw them into the river and make them swim fur tbe Carolina side, threatening them with death If thev returned te Ueercla. With this object In view they proceeded te the house of J. 1. Farmer, ten miles from tbe city, where tbe Mormons had been staying, but u Kin arriving there they found the Mormons had flown. They were, however, Informed by the occupants of tbe beuse that the Mormons had only left ter a day or two in order hi prevent bloodshed, but that when the prophets returned they would be sup ported by a larger number of people than before, who weultt sie that they were net Interfered with. In fact It was staled tbst tbe people would defend the Mormons with their lives. Tlin regulators searched dill geully ler the Mormons, but without avail. They are, however, determined te rid tbe euuuty of tbem and will watch for their re turn. Frem appearances there will probably be bloodshed belore the end et the week. AM MBTBUBHTIMU ttBAHlHO. Ths, Bar l'lculc Committee v.. Jehn Hancock rrj. The Bar bury Coast was well represented at Alderman Fordney's oflice this morning. The occasion was the hearing of the suit of tbe picnic committee of the Lancaster bar vs. Jehn Hancock Fry. When a picnic was talked of all the luwyers were called, and these Intending te participate signed an agreement te pay f 5. Mr. Fry put his name te tbe paper, bul did net go te the picnic and refused te pay his subscription, when called upon, because be was net at the picnic. The committee claim that they expended the full amount of money subscribed, Mr. Fry net paying left a deficiency, aud lu order te settle all bills this suit was brought. Tbe commit tee acted as their own counsel, and Mr. Fry was represented by Mr. Djvis. On tbe pari of Mr. Fry It waa claimed tbat this committee could net legally bring a auit and that Mr. Fry never slgued an agreement te pay f.ri. The alderman reserved bla de cision uutll Saturday at noeu. Armheld'a Ca.es Bottled. Tlie cases against William 11. Armbeldt the Philadelphia swindler, wbe was charged with false pretense aud forgery lu delraud ing David II. Mingle, of this city, and M. P. Keet, of Columbia, out of ditlereut sums of money, were settled te-day. An attorney for the accused came te Lancaster yesterday and bad a talk with Armbeld'a victims. He etlected a settlemeut with them by paying a portion of the money secured by Armhehl, and paying all the costs before Abler man Decu. Armbeld was then released from prison and Jersey people who were alter him some weeks age wilt have te rocapture blm if they want him. Judge " Lena's Activity. "Judge " Ueerge A. Lane Is one of the active members el the bar. He locked him self out of his otUce this morning, leaving bis keys at home, aud le remedy his neglect was obliged te get a step ladder, by which means he reached the tire escape and then entered his olllce through the window. The agility wltb which he crawled up tbe ladder was wonderlul. The Seu. el Veteran.. At Newburgb, N. Y., at Wednesday morn ing's session of tlie Seus of Veterans en campment a national encampment waa formed with the following clllcers : Commander-in-chief, J. J. Dewllug, or Albany ; aeuler vlce commander, A. Theurett, el Weehawken, N. J.; Junier vice commander, Downs, el New Yerk city ; surgeon general, James McManus ; chaplain, U, C. H. Bogart, of Hayenne, N. J. ether members of the stall are te be appointed. Policemen ruhlng. Tbe police shift oil duty te-day are spend ing the day at Iteuk Hill. Tbey left for that point at an early hour this morning and will return borne te-night. Tbe boss fish lies of tbe season will be told te-morrow at tbe sta tion beuse at 7, 11 aud 3 o'clock when tbe officers report Aldermen Deeu, Fenlney and Barr went down te see tbe " cops " this afternoon. Special Trains te Kalten, On Hunday next the corner .tone of the new United Brethren eburcb, at Ketteu, will be laid. In addition te the regular trains specials will leave thts city at U:Lri a. m. and 1:15 p. ux, reaching Helten at 100 and 1:50 and Quarry villa at 2:10 and 10:10. Re turning tbey will leave Quarry villa at 11 a,'m. ----- -- - ----- -. -. and 2:15 p. m., and Kefton at 1130 and 6:20. A. big crowd la axpaeted te go down from aast.ea.wri . AN AWFUL DISASTER. tWBLTB OB BlBtBBK MAILBOAD LA BUBBBB UBUVHD TO M-tBOBB. Aa Kipress en the Kris Read Oashe. Arennd a Cut vs aad Strikes a Hang et Italian.. The Tracks Covered by Meed, llreken Bone and fricsh. Nkw Yerk, July St A frightful railroad accident occurred thla morning en the Krle railroad between Allendale and Uohekus. A gsng of Italian laborers were at work ballast ing en the railroad little distance from a sharp curve In the read about three-quarters of a mile above llohekna, Tbe Chicago ex press, which was due an beur before, had net arrived, and these men were busy at work unconscious of the terrible fate which was in store for tbem. At a quatter past seven o'clock train Ne. VI, the express which was due an hour pre vious, dashed round tbe curve before tbe men bad the slightest warning and atruck tbe gang et men, k tiling twelve or fifteen en the spot and wounding many mere. The ahrieks of tbe vlctima were heartrending, and when tbe train slewed up tlie track pre sented a sickening algbt, being covered wltb mangled bodies, tbe rails being sweltered wltb bleed and strewn with broken bones and piece or ragged flesh. Heme of tbe bodies were mangled beyond description and crushed out of semblance of humanity. Te most of tha victims deatb must bave been Instantaneous, but some or them seemed te be In the last threes or deatb when the train was brought te a standstill. The train waited about ill teen minutes aud then pro ceeded en its way. Mr. W. L. Hudsen, a pasaengoren a local train following the express, aald te a United Press reporter that the scene at tbe place or tlie accident was the most sickening he ever saw. " All along the track," continued Mr. Hudsen, "are strewn arms, legs, trunks and ether parts of bodies and tbe track ter a long distance is slippery with bleed. Tbe train must have dashed Inte the midst et tbe men before they were aware el their danger. The conductor of tbe train upon which 1 rode aald tbat the train hands of tbe express were net te blame and said the foreman of tbe gang abeuld bave been en tbe lookout and warned tbe men of the approach et tbe train. Nene or the names of the victims could be ascer tained." Summer LsUnre. H. F. Eshleman, of thla clly, was a guest yesterday of the Philadelphia Journalists club at tbelr all-day summer symposium at the Tammany fish house, five miles up en the Jersey side of the Delaware river. Win. K. Lant and family bave gene te Hetel Dennis, Atlantic City. M. Bres! us, esq., leit te-day for Aberdeen, Lougpert, N. J. Jehn A. Heyder has gene te Atlantic City. Mrs. J. K. Kathven and son, Willie, and Mrs. Mary Hlne telt for Atlantic Clly. Te-morrow tbe Hunday schools of tba Pres byterian Memerial and Moravian churches picnic at Penryn park and tbe management anticipate a large attendance, as tbere are delegations expected from etber congrega tions et tbe city and etber places. TbeHunday school of HLHtephen's Lutheran church is holding a big picnic at Tells Haln tbla afternoon. Tbe people attending weie hauled by the Ksst King street car line. .Ien's Lutheran Hunday school Is picnicking at Penryn park te-day. Tbe excursion train which was well filled left tbe upjwr Heading depot at 8 o'clock. Mrs. W. Beardman bas left for the borne of ber parents at Hteuchburg, Berks county, where she will spend aeveral weeks. Harry Reardman bas gene te Connecticut te spend some time with bis grandfather. Miss Mamie liable, or Lancaster, Is visiting ber friend Miss Fannie Landts, of Yerk. Mr. Jehn J. Fitzpalrick left te-day for Harategti Springs, New Yerk. Majer Jere. Kebrerand Henry Baumeard Baumeard ner went te Yerk Furnace last evening te join the Tucquaner. Kev. J. C. Feln, pastor of Ht. Mary's Cath olic church, of Rliztbetbtewn, left en the l.'itb inBt, accompanied by his brother, J. J. Feln, et Mlddletewn, Father Crist, of Lebanon, and Father Kumerant, of Pbilipiuurg, Pa., en a visit te Bosten and ether points of Interest, via Norfolk, aud tbe party expect te return te-morrow. VAVVHT AT LAHT. A Welsh Mountain Tblel Picked I'p t7 O nicer iteilly. One day last fall Henry and Geerge Wat Wat eon, two young colored men of tbe Welsh mountain, went te the house or a man named Geed, near Gap. While Henry en gaged tbe mau in conversation Oeorge entered the home and steleflO from a drawer which be broke open. Tbey then attempted te have tbe bill changed at a store in the neighborhood and cfilners get en their track. Henry was caught, tried, committed and sentenced te a term of Imprisonment Since tbat time Geerge bas been a luglttve from Justice. This morning Officer Bellly found blm at King street depot waiting te take the train for Quarry villa. Ue took blm iute cut-tedy and placed blm in Ibe station beuse. Werd was sent te 'fqulie Hlaymaker, of Salisbury, wbe telegraphed tbat the man should beheld. TUB UVTY UH AVMATUA. A llell.r Tbat lbs Treasury Department Will Decide Fer Tobacco Growers. Mr. C. J. llhedes, one of tbe commissioners appointed by tbe tobacco growers and packers of Ibis ceuuty te meet Mr. Maynard, assist ant secretary of tbe treasury, relative te tbe duty en Sumatra tobacco, bas returned and says that there Is no doubt tbat Mr. Maynard will issue a circular et instruction that will make tbe "band" or the "leal" the unit in fix ing tbe duty te be levied, lu either case this will be a victory for tbe growers and pack ers et native tobacco, as It caunet rail te dx the duty at 75 cents instead et 35 cents. Sec retary Maynard gave Mr. ltbedes te under stand that Ihe grewera et native tobacco abeuld bave all the protection tbat tbe law allows or tbat the trainers or the law In tended tbey should have. Penny Postage Coming. Krciu the ridladelphla Press. The lnerease in poateffice receipts shows tbat at tbe same rate or growth It will be safe for tbe government te enter en one cent let ter postage within tbe next ten years. The recovery from tbe deficit caused by a two cent postage is far mere rapid than anyone anticipated and II a mere fraction, say a twelfth, of the surplus was used in giving the country one-cent postage tbe experiment would probably sbnw that tbe money all came back in due time te government or people. i Framing a Kavenun Bttt The Pennsylvania state revenue commis sion met Wednesdsy at Atlantic City. Alter some further discussion it waa resolved te at once proceed te frame a state revenue bill, and the bill wblcb tailed te pass at tbe list session of tbe legislature was made the basis of action. Pending a motion te strike cut the section exempting bulldingaaaoelatlons from taxation the commission adjourned until to day, A Bturbsnd's Triple Crime, William Laden, shot bla wife Mary and bar memar ana nimseti at nu , --" I York.abeut 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, I severely wounding both the woman snd glr mother and himself at his nema, u - lag B1IBSS1I a meruu -- LABVABTMIABB MB VULVMHVB. Seme UlU.ens Who Are Doing Well In Ohie's Thriving Capital. We bave received from Mr. W. F. Lebzel tar, of Columbus, Ohie, a copy of " An Illus trated llavlew nf Columbus, Ohie," It la an exceedingly Interesting publication dealing with the commercial progress and Importance) of Ohie's capital. Tbere are some familiar names In the collection of business men in tbla publication. Tbere Is Isaac Kberly, an old Lancastrian, or the firm et Isaac Kberly A Ce., a relative of ex-Dlstrlct Attorney A. J. Kberly, or this city. This lirm occupies a position In tbe grocery trails or Columbus second te nene In the city. The beuse has been In existence since 18.77. Frem Its very Inception the business baa steadily grown and extended, and te day a very large portion or tlie wholesale grocery trade or the city la conducted by this beuse. Kdwln Kberly Is also a member or this 11 ml. Then there Is Dr. H. II. Hartman A. Ce., fermerly or Lancaster, manufacturers of pa tent medicines. Tbe company's large works ou H. Fourth street, are at all times taxed te their utmost capacity. The premises consist of a large brick building, three stories blgb, each tloer being 4.'ix 100 leet In size. Thirty persons are employed In the ditlsrent de. partments, most of whom are young ladles engaged In the olll:e at type-wrlting ma chines, answering the Innumerable bundles of correspondence that dally come into the concern, also a number In the folding room, bindery, etc. The Urtn de most or their own printing. Finally we have the Columbus Wheel and Bending company largely orgaulzed through Lancaster capital. It Is one of the most ex tenslve establishments in the city. The com pany was established and Incorporated in lHSi with a capital or J'.K),000. The offices and works are en Dannlsen avenue, Im mediately west of the penltentlary. The mam building Is an Immense three-stery structure Mix 1.10 leet In size, with additional dry houses 40x100 feet. Upward of 100 bands are employ ed lu tbe manufacture of all kinds el vehicle wheels, bent shafts and poles, rough and Mulshed, single trees and deuble trees. The products of this enterprising concern lintl a market in all parts of tbe country, and tbe annual business reaches a geed reuud sum. Tbe officers are: Philip Lebzelter, pi evi dent ; C. K. Downey, vice president ; J. M. Kberly, treasurer and secretary. Mr. W. F. Lebzelter la also connected with this estab lishment. HU. TUAYKh'a VHlMBt, A Tratellng Pbj.lclan Must An.wer Serleua Charge, in tbe Dauphin County Court. Dr. J. Thayer, a tMVeliug vender of medi cine, who has been in this city frequently, pitched his tout lu llmiaburg several days Bge. He uses a minstrel performance te col lect crowds. When net engaged en the stage It is alleged he entices young girls in his tout for Immoral purposes. On Wedues day Thayer waa arrested and placed in the lockup for a hearing cu a charge brought by the father of one or the wronged girls. Kigbt girls rauging lu age from eleven te fourteen years, admitted bis Infamous con duct, and tbelr pareuts were se Indignant that threats of lynching were made by them. Haukihiujku, July Ul. The bearing took place at 10 o'clock in the tnayei'a olVice. Tbe main lobby was lllled almost te sutlocatien. The proceedings were private. Besides Mayer Frltchey and the deleudant there were present District Attorney Kunkle, C. H. Berguer, counsel for the prisoner, Chief McCann aud ethers. Thayer looked down cast and had nothing te say mere than te speak with bis lawyer In an undertone. The charges preferred avainst blm were for " open lewdness tending te debauch the morals and mannorsef tbe people, and en ticing a child under 1(1 years of age for the purpose et prostitution." The little girls, five In number, accompanied by tbelr moth ers, were exnmined separately. The young est was 8 years and the eldest 13. In tbelr childish way each eue told her story, the re lation of which excited the sympathy of all present One girl, 11 years old, told bow Thnyer bad steed in the tent and exposed bis person, aud after In ducing her te get upon tbe plat form, took her Inside and attempted te commit the diabolical deed. Thoethors tes tified that Thayer had taken unwarranted and outrageous liberties wltb tbem at various times. Tbe hearing occupied ever two hours and though efforts were made te entrap the children In their testimony, each one stuck te what every one present believed te be tbe truth. Mayer Frltchey held Tbsyer in de fault of f l.WD bail for September court AfTBU TOTTLB .VOW. War Keceul el the Man Who Started Ihe Autl Cleveland Cry In St Louts. The Ht. Leuis Ht-publican has been bunt ing up the war record of General Tnttle who has been making se much noise ever the president's visit te Ht Leuis. It publishes a damaging statement by Captain D. V. Jobusen, of the navy, te tbe etlect that he discovered and prevented the seizure of ? 100,000 worth of cotton by Tuttle and Judge It. H. I lar I, in ISO I. The seiz ure was based en charges against tbe owner which were readily preted falsa "The deportment ei both Tuttle and Hart was se lu famous that I reported the matter te General McArthur, Tutlle's superior officer, who began an investigation. The investiga tion went se far that Hart was arrested, and money amounting te ever (10,000 which he bad accumulated in CO days, waa restored te the owners and Tutlle's resignation was ac cepted. That was the end et Tutlle's war career. He disappeared and I bave never beard of hliu until this late Grand Army con troversy was started." A Cure ler Woenlug Cough. Tem Metes and Queries. Marybill is a large and important suburb of Glasgow. On Thursday a traveling candy -man and rag-gatherer, with a cart drawn by an ass, drew up in front of a row or beuses known as Pirrat'a row, a little oil' tlie high way at Maryhill, Glasgow. Twe children living In this quarter are Buttering from whooping cough. Afler a short conversation with the proprietor or the ass, tbe mothers et the two children took up a posltleu one en each side et the animal. Oue woman then took one of the children and passed it below tbe ass'a belly te tbe ether woman, the child's face being toward tbe ground. Tbe woman en the ether aide caught bold of thecblld,and giving It a gentle somersault, banded it back te tbe etber woman ever tbe ass, tba ehild's face being turned toward tbe sky. Tbe pro cess having been repeated three times, tbe child waa taken away te tbe beuse, and then the second child was similarly treated. While thla waa going en two etber eblldren were brought te undergo tbe magical cure. In order tbat the operation may nave Its due effect tbe ass must net be forgotten, and at tbe cleae el tbe ceremony each mother must carry ber child te tbe bead el the autmal and allow It te eat something, such as bread or biscuits, out et tbe ehild's Ian. This pre ceeding uaving been penermeu in itirn ey tbe four mothers, the prescribed course wss concluded. Wben It began tbere were net many people present, but before It waa fin ished quite a number or spectators bad gathered. Frem Inquiries made it seems tbe metheis are thoroughly satl.lled that tbelr children are tbe better of tbe enchant ment Striser. Attack Workmen. At Ureensburg, Wednesday afternoon, a fight occurred between tbe strikers and tbe miners st Ihe Monmouth coke works. Forty strikers insrebed te the works, and, after driving eU Hharlir Byers and six deputies, compelled tbe men at work, tl risen in num ber, te quit Three or tbe ueu union men were severely beaten. The shertB baa called en tba governor ler militia te protect the wen, a his feree Is iBadtquata. T.E.TOWKLI FORGOYKI TUB BVOKBTB BBMUVBATB MAMlM . MABMtOBIVV aUBtBBTIOB. ''. Ths lobnuMerlaAOsftrt DMMedeaMs) enil Ballet deiatta aSariai dersad aV mm Immm mm m WasCi Vf lle Usmmi HonatlyCemnteneML ,''' . m, m i Ci.KVKr.ANO, onto, July ULTas music hall of the Ferest Cll wan 5! I.. w M.I mi It rt.it.w.lr -' ' - " - v,u. ,m. a v w.wm NiHminsinnn vnairman nenry oeui, ei we aisse esjawaa ,, nnmmtitmm rutxnmA thai TUantwwmtiM mmmmmt aie . '"K ventlen te order. Hlx hundred amd fafa delegates and as many alternates cempmm-'s the seats upon the ground fleer. kaWyffi tha two tiers nf vsllerlsn wars aanvK.1!-' or faces aud a beautiful cemhlnatleai BtSt white and brlght-bued feminine apfswssVS Back of the elaberate display or sxeUea SMat T? (totted plants, which was arranged upea MM stage, sat lour or nve hundred or tba aBBm de la creme or Ohie's Domecraov aeMt'aYV.v goodly number el the fairest belles efOlsVfaV land, Columbus, Cincinnati, Teledo BAM &, ntlinrOlilni'klns A lirnnu Haliis nf lllis.li'"fv"' beamed down upon the assemblage front uWiM right et the ehilnnvn's desk and from ttwii organ, anetner goddess, tills one or eanvaaVST peeped coyly from lietwoeu the folds of tw" ' trench trl colored ttsga, an enormena lleral design wa pendant trout the) centre et tbe celling, there waa aa abundant display of bunting, and tba snUm ensemble was lusplrlng In the extreme. Tha welcoming remarks of Chairman Hehl were brlef and te the point. Just aa be had coas ceas coas tnenced Honater II. B. Payne waa escorted te a aeat upon the stage, aud upon hla entrant was greeted wllu foehlo aud short-lived ap plause. Tue commltteo en permanent or. ganlzatien submitted the ttame of Hen. Gee, G. Heney for chulrman, and the popular representative of the Fifth congressional district was recetved with reuud after round of applause. When the roadlngel the platform bad been finished the announcement was made tbat the commltteo had been unanimous en Ha clauses, aave aud exuept the last tewbleh four members dissented. Opposition te tha lint clause endorsing the administration had' been expected from several sources, bttt when the question was put the resolution were unanimously and enthusiastically tifi. .iliintarl. Nn t9 tha nnnvnllnn !,. Anmm Urn i. 7 work with a rush. f, TltRKK NOMINATIONS FOR (UIVBnNOR. TCU At 11:10 nominations for governor wan7 -S uuciareu muruer, auu iiiiu. iaiues u, xien. el Butler county, took the platform for Ilia purpose of submitting the name of Oeay. gresanian J. K. Campbell. Us eulegised Ilia , candidate as llie taverltt eon of Ohie Who .-.a A. . . .1.11 ... I l. -' - - UOU UUVOr JfO. IllUk UUIVBV, HI4 VfUU, .UVHajW & g young In years, hd already achieved a-7V, famous record for ability, tut jiency, ralthtalc ;-j ness and honesty In tlie public service. Ha claimed for him tbe support of theoenvea jiiu iua ntipiMHt ui iuaueaTvat wA39 jjrdlal ci operation of the Junk iftS i name was well received aa was ' '7-i tlenaud Ihecj senators. Hist that nt flan. t.iivll. arhlnh wen nlamwl lei -!?1 nomination by Cbas. W. Hiker, el Clncln- ' natl, lu a speech whlcu was a general arraign ment of the llpuh'lcvi pirty. Tbe. third and last name te be plane 1 In nemlaa. lien was tbat of Congressman Feraa, by Hen. Eche M. llebly, of Cleveland. I'OWKI.l, HUt'OKHavtrl The balloting began shortly beta and resulted : Powell, 3J1; Campbell, 251 j , Keran, Ni. necessary te a choice, 33a The second ballet, taken at 1.-07 p. m., waa as fellows : Powell, 350;,' ; Campbell, 2SU ' Feran, 50. TUB ri.ATFOlt.U. The Democratic party of Ohie In conven tion assembled proclaims its hearty and un qualified endorsement of the honest patriotic and economical administration or President Cleveland. Wedemand such Judicious reduc tion or tbe present burdensome tariff as shall result In producing a revenue sufficient only te meet tbe espouses of an economical ad ministration of gevernmeut the payment of liberal pensions te Unieu soldiers and aallera and tbe payuieut or the lutereet and princi pal of the public debt j and If necessary wa favor such reduction or internal revenue, ex cept, or course, as will prevent the accumula tion et a surplus in the national treaury,aad we denounce any attempt te abolish tbe tax ou liquors for tbe purpose of keeping up the present unjust un equal and euninieua tarltl system. We call attention te affirm as sound doctrine and policy the following emphatic and patrlotle language of President Cleveland: "Our pub-, lie domain is our national wealth, the earn est of our growth and heritage of our people. 1. .kn.il.1 n.ninla. li...l.tau . AHAl..nruK -2". ah auwu.u riuuiina .....M.?a uu.nuyum, CfS aim ucuun, itmei uf uusuiuk ijJuinuu Mi,H and homes te thrift andlnduatrv. Then -'J.VJ Inestimable advantages should be Jeal- ifM nnslv iruarded snd a careful and enllirhtneiatl !A policy en the part of the government abeuld ."'Ai iiApnra tliAtu In tha iiamiIm" Wfl Hm.tul tha.- Jfet all lands or tbeiceverntnetit be beld for actual ,vSf: settlers wbe are citizens or the United Hlataay XQ unit Inr thnsA who deolare tliair intAntlnnn tstA become such. We are in hearty sympathy vi" wltb all people struggling le free themsetves' Tf jJj Irein tbe environ menu of despotism, and a - m nul.lln .,nAa .hi. I...W n.i.4 .llMfr m.bmh. iifS Kle et Ireland for tbe priceless been et&M home rule and the right of manhood tV,.g evoae uur waruica. aiijiisuaa seu iirrrnmaaivi OTv our utjiruesi guuu nuns lur npeeuy nuecenat .-.w'.i A ftAr l-atnrrtnc tn tliA Al.tlf,n nf Ukn mmA j5r capital the platform concludes : We denounce the late Republican leg lalatnre ler Its cowardly and hypocritical alliance lureugu intrigue wttn tue ttepuDiican oeara or public works and Hepubllcau attorney jp3 itaiiai-aI In a schema wherebv inllliena aw ''U.'-rte dollars worth of tee preierty or the state la $f, n ft... .Mmatu.. A.I irk nnrnnnit Inns Int.r. mtm M -rVtVtfl in ureauuK m iiiiruujui u. uiuiiui- j-j tatien without tbe state or tbe people' ff .; thereof recelviug any benefit tiiere'rem.. we ueiuauu 1110 iiiiivn, Divn;uru usr taa..- ts ballet-box, the punishment of all who seek te ML ' corrupt it, aud the enactment el a law nak-vi '-. ingita felony for corporations, capltallsta : and employers te intimidate or atlmtVtaV?t-f control the political action of their amnteyaav-. We laver home rule lu the nunawnsestt east 'y ?!'- control ei muuicipai auairs, ana asneaaaa '-)'-- tbe partisan act passed by tbe lata RepuUl-A' can legislature te subserve tba Interests el?;. scheming peliticians: and wa demand tke-.A- repeal of all lawa wbleh deprive tbe ties- $, ters of the exercise et tbelr oenaUlntJxMsalru-,j privileges, , j&Q xuere wure uuier suujecu. ireaicu, ana ne v-;' clause In tbe platform net agreed upea saH'i net been ascertained. "" Blanlsy Koperted Dead. Londen, July 2L The St Themas Africa company bas received a report i tbat Stanley was shot dead wane as natlvns In an effort te OtHSlS A nnlhAi- nttiert Is te the stfect that Nsfll Mllh Iha HlanlAV IMrlV OS taOBfd WIS) 1 n.w.UVw..- j , - - .-.,. ,- jv,v-J and that the explorer lOKBMtnw 2!-WJfll leg. Tb s last report comes inw m i. i.t . ni.. called Mated., wbe aaya ha 'aaVf j f . ..', . ...ii we, rmm ud tha eecaabne.'V " '". "ZIZ T.Vh7 nTlaTaXaSKlifs ISO U1IW. ' e - r -- -j has been received. W&. y ' jtl. jj WBATHBB IBAUOAWIVB. ''.t Washinoteii, D. a. July 2LmB Kastern Pennsylvania! Lees rajas: I mmm stationary temperature, wlnda southerly. ., Arrested Per Maerts Her anttMSV ' An unmarried woman named Bessy or three children, all of Wkeem are ast bas bees arrested at Oaraqaas, H.:f charged -wltb Infanticide. BMtereaca down tbe threat of ber child, aad wt attempt was made te extricate n M one part remaining In tba ebllave t intent died after autleriag terriele la new aiisnantad tbat tha we away wltb her ether two eitUdraa, whs) """""-" 0 m j . un.,iTI. rsjsti.Js''L V.. -i.wn ',tfyci.) ic-... 'fi ,1. -- ?-. ti. r.K a 1r -A'.A-. i V , X, M