5SJ5wVw75s??3p?!5 3s m jy- VfT THE I1ANCA8TEB DAILY INTELXAQENCEIl. TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1887. fyt ?& I: ft & ft- .-v""" LIGEtfCER BAT Dt TMTBA 1 am Hiua Wat, rum BTOAMIMBUU- men tama item uwwm te A K'. ' fa.HTt.'ia. .buttn. B."".. 11 I 44.'. BH Sk, m its in ae , 7 te HDC.... i i in ie (tu r5 Hl..... in ) J IK.... I ih m teas KlRUa.... is m tmi un ltd ie ftflSM.. w le ee u noe je se KtMtv... ! uoe ,B0B n M0 IKii.,. in me ii ob med neg urn HHE5a).. MM MOB (fOMSlOD MOD D5K..... wn UOD 0e)Ort MOD WOO WmfTT..... imteon)MeHa6oo nc tki Weekly Intelligeneer tVUT WUMMT MtMnm. kMsAMaeerrfMa iwim mrmw or iMtmr rtnetm ALL AXmTMOCS tarrMM lemwuniam tmittUrnmTirnmtu imthxiobnebr. BaUCInft Laneaaur, rt. Ciy Cancester SttoeiuiKituc. LANCASTER, JULY 19,1887. ABM IWIW fiuiMM jKgu a story 01 nrgim. ?& we publish le day a careful ami tinem LtalUibed account of the old pest-house at- L'$Mked te the Lancaster county almshouse. vXW is certainly net much te the credit of a ratvlllzed community boasting prosperous K$' churches and vigorous charitable societies A Ifcainun ilinnM tiA ttiritsf. nut. tf illtt Itl &,'tkis misery. Would net the smallpox hos hes Ef,tal new unused be a geed place for tlie.se r dl umitn casm? Or if such a move is i unadrisable, and the crowded nes rcssitalmnat Im relieved, measiires slieuld at & lMrt be taken te modify the distressing Kf conditions. Ply screens slieuld at once be ;f placed in me windows, comienauio ueus and plenty ei pillows previmu, una some .difference should certainly be made in the ii fuwnf them sick pni1t. Coffee and bread. aa diet for a man who can't sleep, certainly ,rf en't sound right. wnen cnurcn memeers in goeu nraim lean their tempers in dealing with dies, it te bard te imagine the misery of a man tee weak te defend himself against tliem. In Um winter this house was quite crowded and measures should at once be taken te provide mere hospital room. The liberal and charitable people of this great county can net and will net permit the public charity te be dispensed in this miserable fashion, for the duly of caring for our un fortunate fellow men, though delegated te the proper officers, is yet a public duty and the people cannot shirk the responsibility. It is the duty of the press te call attention te these matters, of the public te demand a remedy, and of public ollicialste strive by constant vigilance te justify tlie sacred trust reposed in them by the people. Southern Iren Competition. A Birmingham, Alabama, letter te the Fittsburg J)ljxtUh saja that it is doubtful whether lastyetSa production of pig iron tatjMrSRrwill be equaled this year. J in? unci I'Anuii kivcii iui tins la 1110 m efficient labor. Allowing one mere year for obviating this defect, Southern compe tition is bound te hare a disturbing effect en Northern pig iron manufacture. The letter says : " lly that time the number of active coke furnaces south of the Ohie river will be mere than doubled, taking no account of several that are likely te be idle after completion for lack of coke supply. One company expects te ship regularly te the Eastern seaboard -100 tens daily, in ad dition te increased shipments te Western markets. Northern furnaces may, by cheapening of cost, successfully meet this competition, but they will net prevent it. The Southern furnaces aie going te make iron for a few years te come ; that is cer tain, whether profits are realized or net." It wilt be well le keep an eve en tins sec tion of the ceuutry, for ill) pig iron is a verity down there, and they are even talk ing of (7.50 iron. The Northern makers have a big point in their favor by the inter state commerce law, which gives them the benefit of nearness te market. And the question of freight is most important in pig iron manufacture. But even this ad vantage will no doubt be removed in time by the industrial development of Alabama and Tennessee. Ta Keep Harm In Winter. Just new philosophy js useful, and it may serve te reconcile one with his present let te ceusider hew much trouble it takes te ketp warm in winter. It will also be an Interesting aud seUcing exercibe te study a few large llguies representing the etterts of this nation te provide itself with fuel. In 1SS5 there was mined in this country 102,tt,5.j,l tens of bituminous coal, of Which -tl,41e,40.J tens were taken from Pennsylvania mines. In that same ve.ir we exported coal te tbe value of i lfl75,wy. In 18i5 Pennsylvania produced III, !,. 529 teus of anthracite coal, the total pro duct for the j ear. Her production of bituminous coal for the same year was 5,000,000 tens, and Illinois, the next ""largest producer, shows only 0,7111,871 tens ei uHumineus coal. Ohie comes third With 0,000,000 toils, then West Vir- w ginia wihi ;i,ih;i,r,7. The smallest i-e.ii II producing state is Idaho with Uukmi tens, w."" " ""' UD ""1C surprise le tind that 'iibe Indian territory nreducs i,.ir i llA. Mfl .t tf.ll.lt Fjf- u ih r arming. DI.H i L- ev, a. avueuie ei co-epentvivo latminu I 2r: haa been under trial in Minnesota, vv her., u I ff&ioteaj of a half dozen lamilies from Mm ( mmpellM have settled iu Ciew Wing county w, ea a tract of laud of M ucri-s, bought for J.- &IA ffllirlKIAA llV tia 1 IlltlA.lt.r.lla 1.p..lnl.l.. .. bM 'r,",' " wwuuii-viw 11UIDUUUI EvJir."01' xuy we peer te start farm ins inuepeuueuuy, anu mereiere mis pre- , M Tiaien was made for them. After a year's trial the plan seems te $ have worked successfully. The co-operative tiArmera nave Had geed health, a frugal rtaWieg, aud have made a geed bteit for next "I" net, however, very likely that tfcla undertaking can be much mere than X aamperaf y. When the best farmers i,i 1 1. awlr better lab jra euly entitle them te a 'wwbwu percentage et prellt, they will S22i. Bt dbc0tt,nt d demand a , faftaUeu. Taeceperatiye plan for r,,. Ijm M faeUet la theory than In practice. fae ef Oar Caaaaia. JtjkiPWladelphU jy-nj, notes that VemuX , onuTiaee, mu resigned ills beeaaw the nku-v u ia,i,....... rh'aauwwt. TbealarjrotbtapM1uen la 112,000 a year. Out of this he had te pay two a year for a wretched six room house and toot) a year for clerk hire. In addition te this lie had te pay his own transportation te Uruguay. Mr. llridger says his caie is net exceptional, and that for most United States consuls the accept ance of n consular office means that they must " beg, steal or starve." This is the Itussian system brought home with a vengeance, and if true, calls for prompt attention. Hut it must be possible in many cases for an American engaged in business in a foreign pert te undertake the discharge of consular duties and se make ends meet. Til k lower hesplUI should have this In scription ever Us deer : " Alt hope abandon, ye who enter here." Tim commissioner el patt-nts has very pruierly refused te penult tbe registration et tradeinard in which the words Knights el Laber and K. of L. distillery appear. The attempt te use a trademark Is a most audaci ous proceeding en the part el manufacturers of distilled spirits, as they have no connec tion with the organization whose name they wish te app'opriate and their purpose Is evi dently te deceive the public ; " possibly Inducing theiu te purchase an article under tbe belief that It is manufactured by a society in which they have a friendly in terest" This decision et the commissioner is evtdently just, as by permitting the regis tration the government would be giving sanction te a scheme et false pretense. The case Is of value as a precedent, and it is hoped will prevent the general abuse of the trademark in a similar manner. The well known hostility of the Knlghtsef Laber te the use or distilled spirits makes this attempt te use their name the mere remarkable. Sunateii I'axi:, of Ohie, will have his election as a delegate te the Cleveland, Ohie, convention contested. Standard oil aud Democracy seem net te mix Tie I. The Delaware county Jleeenl In lis last issue publishes seven columns concerning the pretty town of Media, its past history, steady growth, present statu', luture pros pects, public works, buildings, churches, educational institutions, topographical fea tures, railroad facilities, its healtlifnlnessand attractions. Aud the work U very well done. Tiik total production or geld in the fulled States last year was 3I,maea, au increase of f.'l.OtW.Oee evor that of the previous year. California, the pioneer, net content with having come te the front as a grower of grain and fruit, sttll leads all the states In her yield of geld, being credited last year with fll,725,Cli, Colerado furnished fH.VfOoe; Mentana, H,-tr,OeO; Nevada, 1 nyu.wO; Dakota, f2,7ul,one; Idaho, flioeo. and Arizona, tl,llu,(XKi Alaska produced HIGwO last year, against fSOOOui in Inst, se that If she keeps en adding geld te furs in this ratio she w ill seen have aid for herself. Ueergls, New Mexico, the Carolina, Oregon, I'tah and Washington aggregated J l,127,Cea m As a matter of fact, net one tenth of the peeple of this city go away ler summer vaca tions. An auuising incident occurred In the Heuso of Commens en Monday when Mr. Walter Hume Ieng, Conservative member et Parliament for the Devizes division et Wiltshire, tried te becure n public reproel for Dr. Charles Tanner, l'irmllite memli-r for Middle Cerk. Tanner bad called Hiinie "a damned snob" at the time the Parnellltes were excluded from voting, ami Hume thirsted ler vengeance. Mr. W. H. Htullh, the geverument leader, wanud Tanner sus luded for thirty days, hut through the etlerta of Sexten, I'jrnell aud ( lad n tone next Thursday was set lerTannei's spnearancu te defend tilm-elf. It premises te make au In teresting uvent. -s m- It Is sound advice that tlie Philadelphia Ileceril gives: H hen you cheese te e tan-lug 1 im'talseKO bevrlug. 1'llt: Philadelphia 7'iif wauU thx beard of pardon te Uud out where Hnuu-l John Jehn John seu wan dining the hour when Sharpies was murdered. Can the tdlter who v.rote this prove beyond a doubt vvhi-re he hlniself watut that huur? PKtUMJNAU Ai.ienm) .MIL, King or Spain, is new seventeen years old and receives a salary of ti.we.ikja Mkiii:i, Dvvirr'a actieu in ceunheling Irish tenants te rbit evlcti-m lii Ix-en se verely critlcl7ed by Dillen ami Ucdmnr.d. 1'lilNCK J RHOMB Nai-elk.n in Hlmul te publish a book entltltil ' N ipetisn tlm i'lrst slid his Dictators." It will Im a couiplete t-xposaet Napeleon's Idean. JaieuSki.kiman, of Michigan, a million aire and ill rector or tilne banks and four rail- reads, lle Is lei-a than 5 r-n hih anil went Ui Michigan twenty-live ytars ai;e vvilh mi than JUKI in hisHx:ket. Oev. Avib-, of Mastachusetis, is credited with Uu me wild sentiments ; "The man who has wine regularly upon hit tsli'e is justly tbesubjtctef widespread reumtk, mill is net held in the highest estlmalieu ny his fellow men." CiiAlii.Ks T. I'aiikv, one et the senior members of the lirm of lluruliain, I'arrv, Williams iV Ce., proprietors el the It.ildwiu lecometive works, died et abect-s Monday, athlscottage at ileach llivtn, .. J,, aged 05 years. 1'iii.enbi. II. doeii, prnjirluter of the Grand Central hotel, Iteaillin.', -Hid ni'Menly Monday evening, or uervuiH prei ration brought en by the het weather. He bad been suierintundlug the erection et au addition te hlspremintK. lie was in his 57(h year. Tim Ml-.s DilKXKl., of riiiladelphla, have given JJO.OUO te St. Agiiih' Inwpital, with which a large let el ground adjoining the hospital has lieen purchased. The prop prep prop erty had long been desired, but the means could net be secured. As a last resort the Mether Superior of the convent of the Hlslera of St. Francis appealed te the Mimts Dux el, asking them te start a subscription list. The risnet secatuu in the form of a check ler the full amount. I'iikmiiknt Ci.kvki.anii and wire en their way from I'tlea, N. V , were enthuclastlc illy received. Just buleru thu tram started au old lady who v. as trying vainly te get le the president was nuttced by him. " Le- that old lady come up," he said le several men who wero standing In her way. The old lady's face was Hushed with pleasure at his kindness, nnd who shook his liuml heartily. The prci-ldeiit und his parly wero again enthu-daitiially cheered ud the car moved en. lliisliirK Mu Pur C'lrtHanit. Cel. A. H. Colyer, of the Nashv Ille .1 i-i i ruH, who has been traveling through the North recently, wrius le that paper from Philadelphia and says: ..."Jsn dais at Washington and ene d iv in I hlladelphla, added te what 1 heard in New .im1!' '"V.? no Ueuul en "y mlnil el the anility or the Democratic patty te triuui Phamiy elect Mr. Cleveland neit vear. It tiUJu'T.f " tel heasUmpede from the Bepubu.-an ranks among the tiusl nessinen. This lathe testimony of all the men 1 have talked with. Mr. McClure told me this morning that while lll.lne carried thlacity bySMwein 18HI. H betcTi..u and Cloveland, next year it would be a close uuejucca. Aa kivcte uie laeis aneut men In tbe dlflerent lines of business where tbe men are outspoken that would indicate a general breaking of rank a I c-ame te the aatneconclui-leu In New Yerk, but I saw no man there who lalktd with the same lutein. gOMt-e and gave frclsas Cel. McClure does." A Kerlnne Den In Speculation. Christian Meyer, a bachelor, residing near Campbellstown, l.olianen county, Inn Just letfl'J,0CO Iu stocks and grain in Philadel phia Ills losses sweep away ills own little fortune, of te,000 nud fT,0U0 belong beleng ing te his four brothers. Al eyer's speculations have bten in progress ler some time, and, aa his own funds slipped through his bands, he became desperate and forged bla brother' names te notes. Frem the Anuville bank he secured 1800 en psni-r of Ihla character, representing te the cashier at the time that be Intended te Invest te real estate. Frem the hanks at Uoaamelstewn he secured funds In larger amounts en netea of the same character. The bank efflelaia finally became auspicious ami Inquiry disclosed the facta stated. Meyer's four brothers have, Lewever, derided te treat the signatures aa genuine and will make the unfeitutiate spec ulator's less geed te the amount of f7,lXM. A HMKHtVL meituu. II rretvata Against (llrl Helling Men's lu (Ivtrlulhlng, taiter l)aller truth. In the name of bashful tnaaculliiltv 1 wait te pretest against the employment of women in stores devoted te the sale of what are known In the trade as "gents' furnishing goods." A low days age 1 had occasion te buy some summer undergarments, and searched through a big dry goods establish ment en Twenty-third street until 1 found the proper counter, aud te my dismay dis covered, Instead et a clerk of my own sex, a ratner pretty gin handling me goeus wun a very bulnei like air. 1 mustered up cour age enough te ask stauimertngly for some undershirts. Hlie produced the articles and, with a cold perspiration all ever me, 1 re quested : "1 want the ab, that Is, I want the lest of the suit," 8he surveyed me boldly and coldly, and drawled out In loud and distinct tones : 'Yeu want a pairel drawers?" The room was pretty well crowded and a general laugh went up at my expense, par ticularly from the girl clerks. 1 grabbtd uiy purchase as seen as possible and went out with ft naming lace. 1 believe that ether bashlul men besides myself are kept away from such ceunteis by the sex et their at tendants. A teluter ler crsmatlenUls. Frem tbu Sunllary Xews. The cremation society at Zurich, Swltrer land, one of the best erganised associations In the world, has adopted the Beurry system, which Is described as follews: "Like Siemens, Mr. lleutry allows only heated air te communicate with the body. In both aya terns the corpse burns directly ; no flame is te be seen singeing the body, but It burns itself by the abundance of het oxygen which sur rounds it Beurry uses carbonic acid gas prepared In a coke regenerator, for heating the crematorium. During the process of cremation be usee mainly chimney gases for heating the air before It touches the corpse, which allows a mere economical use of the heat. It Is of great advantage that the chim ney needs be thirty-live feet high from the base of the cellar, se that It Is fully covered up by tbe building. The ashes fall, without being touched, by an almost automatically working spptratus into the urn. The dis solution of the body does net take place In the dark, unseen and uncontrolled, but tbe whole action is clear and open. Keurry and Veninl place the crematorium, which has the shape el a sarcophagus, and which can be ap proached Irem all sides, In the midst of the hall in which tbe service Is te take place. There Is a little window en tbe back of tbe sarcophagus through which one can see the process of cremation, which is completed within ene te one aud one-half hours, with, out smell or smoke. The process is solemn and beautiful, and avoids every umcsthetlc manipulation." t'enrrrtsarj Fears. I'rem the $r 1 erk Sun Ktupleyer (te new clerk) Dldn' I see you coming out of a billiard saloon last night? New Clerk (frightened) Ye-yes, sir. Employer Veu play billiards, then ? New Clerk Ye-jes, sir. Employer Well, alter we cleseup I'll go Bround aud play veu a game for the drinks. I'm something of a player myself. HOT Jl'LV. Het July, triy sy, Selar trlara, :ultry air, We ,wk tela I, but nelrllel we fltid. And lllu bt coined a luid te buuian kind. HlinlinaEit sf.NSKrs. 1 levu mldsumuier sqiiwU, rolled Down the rich west In wares et geld, vv Ith blazing crests el billowy fire. Hut when theso crimson flood rel-e, in neUelees ebb, low surging, grand. Hy pensive twilight's illckerlni; strand, I u gentler mood I love te mara 1 huslew liniJdllens of thu dirk; 1 III let Irem Orient's mlit.s withdrawn, lljill ' te th moon's resplendent dawn ; On dusk) vale and haunted pMIn llerrmuence tills like balmy rain: (, unit gulfs of anujews en her might, hebithe9 therujeuud world In light, .-e that, ul belt my summer' day, Erevv hlle did breaihe It Ilia away, Mttr.lnks, what'erlts hour had wen Of beauty Ijern from shideandsun, Hath net jierch nice se wholly died, Uute'er the moonlight's silvery tide Come back, sublimed and purlffud. J'aul Jlamitten Mayer. .ifmvi.ti etiTivMt. COUUII, WHO'H-IM, COUUII and lltnnchltl liumtsllitelj-njIlijTed by Shlleh's bore. Sold by It It. Cochran, druiejist, Nea. 1J7 and IS) North yueen 3U, Ijineanler, 1'a. () SLKKl'LK.sa .SIGHTS, made inlserahle livthni U-mile,cniiu. shlleh'n euro Is the remedy ler you. sold by II. U. Ctwhran driiuirtat. Nes l.n ana isi Jiertu uawrn St. Lancaster, l'e- !) Metheri ! Mether I! Mothers 1 1 1 Are you dUturhed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at once and Ket a bottle of M Its. Wl.NSLOW'", 80OIIII-.G XYllUr. It will lellevsthe peer little sufferer lmmedlateijaUpend npeu It, there I no mistake, about It 'I here Is net a mother en earth who hi ever used It, who mill net tell jeu at ence that It will rtguiau, the bowels, and give lest te the mother, and relief and health te thu child, operating llkemigtc it Is perfectly sale te me In all cases and pleas ant te the usle, nnd I the prescription of one of thu eldest and best female phyilclans and nurses In thu United States, held everywhere Scent abottle. ma31-lydw MliLOH'3 COUUII nnd Consumption Cuie I sold by us en a guarantee. It cure Con Cen Con sumptien, "old by It. Ii Cochran. druiriruH res. u ana it -erm euuun HL. Jjinciiter Pa. (s) Kl Crtam lialiu was recommended le me by ii y druggist as a preventive te hay fver Have leen using It ss ill noted alncn the -Jlh of Augnst and have found It a ipaciflc for that ...Hbu u.UWu nuu ...aiusuiuti uise&se. r or ten j ears or uieiu 1 hve been a great sufferer each yuar.lium August-Jth till fie.t, and have tried muii) .., 7--Kiu ieiwmki ier lis cure, out Klv' m II ,1m I thu only preventive 1 have ever nd. Hay lever sulTtirerseuKht te knew of IU iron leunu. uay lever suirererseui;ht te knew of IU ,.....-.... ,. ,. .niuwetiii, i-umisner. Indian Indian apells. lnd. jyp. iwdeedA w Tit FepiiUtlun of LancMtar Is about .), and we would say at least one half nre troubled with soine affection of the Threat and Lungs, as theso complaints areac areac ceidlug te stutlstlcs ineie iiumurens than ethers. W a would advise all net le m gleet the opportunity te call en us and get a Cottle el Kemp's hali-am for the Thre.it and I. link's. Price Mi cent and II. Trial size Iren. Uespeclfully. II. Ii. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen street! HAI'lll TltA.Nbll. The latest nnd l-st form of nipld trnnslt Is for a pi i son treublid wlthnslrk hiHilaihe te take a ih mi el ir. Leslie's (M.ihd I'lHscrlptleiiund vv hat a rapid tmustl train thu atlllctlen takes for Us ill pariuiu. See advertisement In another column. dncJOIvd(l) lluckleu'i Amlnt Halve. TiialtaiTSALvaln the world ferCnU, IlruUrs Seres, Ulcer, halt llheum, Fever sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, corn, and all sklu KiupUens, and positively cure rile, or no pay required. It I guaranteed te give perfect satis faclluii, or meuey refunded. Price St ceuU per Ixix. rersaleby II. U. fechrau, Drugiilst. He. il and IM North yueen 8L, Laucasler, f a? June:? lyd IIIATHSCKINOCOUOII can be e quickly lured by ehlleb's Cure. We Kuanntee tu Beld by it. U. Cochran druggUt,Nes,137anaUt North Oueen St.. Lancaster, tr, l'e. in A Hilt for AIL In order te give all a chance te test It, and thus i'.1c"i'.v"1.ct(l,f" ,u wonderful curative power, lr. Kidk's New Discovery for Consumption, ceugbs and Celd, will be, ler a limited time given away. Uhl offer Is net only liberal, bill iTl,.2JSlln,leil.il,kU? in the 'netlts of thl f-SS: ?l"B(,- .All who uffer fnun Ceuab. cold. Consumption, Asthma. UrenchltlT or an v affection et Threat, Che.t 7f Lung afoo.iw afeo.iw afoe.iw c ally re.pae.ted u. csll at II. 1L CMnran Urmi htere. Ni. 1 IJ nnd U-j North Uuseu iireet i.I.i gelaTrlal ItotUeKree, viueeu treet, and Kcnews Usr Yaetb. II rs. 1'liabu Chealey, Petersen, Clay Ce . lows, lulls the toilewliig remarkable sUiry, tUetruih el which 1 vouched for by the resfdenuel the tewu I " I am li year old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness feriuanv years) could net dress myself without huln New 1 am lieu irem all palu and soreness aud am able te de all my own housework. 1 ewe my thauks te Klectrle flitters for having re newed tuy youth, aud removed completely all disease aud pain." Pry a bottle, ter isle by nurngunt, H. H Cochran, Druggist, VS1 ad vb North queen sunu Lancaster, Pa. 0) MKD1CA i. m)IK NKW QUININE. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -UIVM- Oced Appetlte, New Strength, Quiet Neivea, Happy Day, Sweet Bleep. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most deltrate sltn ich will t'r. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all livrm 1Ium. THK MOHTHCirNTiriU AMU siuvhssruij ui. milt llf utlrilrit itiiwHrtr Ii, milittntl Mr. r. A. Miller. Ui Kwt INth trv.'t. New ter, as cured by hkln nl extreme ma larial iirelrntliiii aftur seven vesf miiriirliig. lie hid run down min 1W pounds te W, began en Kasklneln June, lii, wrut te wetk In one month, regained his full neluhl In six mouth Utilnlnndld htm neKiHxl whatever. sir. tlldeeit Theuirvm, the eldest and ene el the most res peeled cltlien of tlrldnepert, I'enn , says "1 am ninety jears el axe, and for the last three years have suffered Irem malaria aud the effects of quinine poisoning. 1 recently ho he gan with Ka.sktne which broke un the malaria and Inrreased my weight tX pounds " alrs.T A. Solomons. of lwiliilllday M.. Jersey City, writes. My son llarrv, eleven v ears, was cuied el Malaria by KanMne, alter .Jlfteen months' illness, when we had given up all hew t.etten from the above persons, giving full details will be sent en appllciitlen. Kasklne cm be tnkeu without any special medical advice. SLOU per bottle- Sold by H. B. OOOHBAN, llnigalst, 137 and lt North yueen M.. Lanc.is- ter, fa., or sent by mall en receipt el price. KA5-K1NK CO., M Warren St.. New V erk. teb:i IvdAwTThA1 "lOI.UKN SPECIFIC. DRUNKENNESS -OK THK LlOUOIt IIAHIT POlTlV KLT rtll'.Kl) II Y aiimimstkui.ne ui; iiainks- UOL1ISN SPhCtriC. It can be given In a cup of roffee or tea with out the kuen It'dk'i" el the person taking It , I absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient I a mcsterate drinker eran alcoholic wriik. Thou sand of dmnkanls hs,ve Ih-eii made lemH-nit men who have taken lelden iH-citlc In their coffee without their knowledge, an-l te-day Ihv lleve they quit drlnklnuel their own freewill. IT NKVKK rAtl.s. The system once Impreg nated with theSpecl9c.lt becomes an utter Im possibility ler the ltnuer appeUte teextst ter ftsJeby I'll. A I.OUlKtt. Uruggttt, Ne 9 Kast King Strix-t, Lanuuler, 1'a. aprlJ-lydTu Th.ts TyUlTKNS THK SKIN. HOP OINTMENT WlllTKNS lilt: bKIN Cnres and llemnvea TAN, SUNHl ll.N, IIKK STlM.s, MOSUUITO and all INSKCr IIITf.s, i'IMI'i.ks. ULeruiiKs, iiuueu--, itiKrii- MAKKS. and every tenn or skin blemishes, pfsltlveiy cured en the most delicate skin with out leaving a car by Hep Ointment. Price 2 cts., M ct. and II. At Druggists or by mall. The Hep I'lll Man'ftr Ce . 'ew Londen, Conn. Little Hep I'lllifir sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Pllleunes and Constipation have no innal. act. Jylb-lvdTu.ThASAw f tUKK UUAKAMTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure nuarMitee.1 by UK. J, K MAY SB, auualence: ue openllen or delay Irem bust tiss. : tMtsl by hnndredsef cure. Main edlce. an ABCH BT.. PHI LA. "tend for Ulrrnlar rx-iTaa WISES AXD LIQUORS. pURE KYE WHISKY. Old Gret! Spring Distillery. Sttnated en Kest Orange street, between Orange and chestnut, one square east ;e( reser voir, Lancaiter, P I have Just erected a new distillery with allot the latest Improved machinery for distilling I'UUK UYK VV1USKV.. A. Ii SUKArrF.lt. Pronrleter. Tbl Distillery has been erected at the famous Old Orotfstewn Spring, which has been noted for Its plenteous ana unfalllnir supply of the pur est water. At It our grandfathers drank when they were boy, and It ha never been known te run dry even In the hottest weather. Prem this spring all the water used In the distillery is ob tatned, the pump drawing Irem it twenty-nve gallons a minute, besides my own distilled Whisky, I also handle Brandies, U ing, Wines, Ac AwTCaU and be convinced. A. H.SHKAPrKK. Distiller, fSTOUK Ne. 3 North ljueen Street. N. B. Palmers having geed live en hand can Bnd ready s ile ler It at the store or distillery. Highest caah market price paid ler a geed arti cle. aprfe-lydAw QOT REIGART'S WISH STOEE OLD BOUCHE SEC, 1FKBUK1D31KCK, reuMKureKc, MOU1ZLT 8KC. I U.H. 11UMM K1TUA DKY, And all Tether Leading brand Champagns. of Imported Hele Agent ler the Pleasant Valley Wine Company. Special Ureal Western Kx. ury, our own brand, the finest American Champagne In the market. Just received another large Invoice of Califor nia Claret and White W Ine from Napa Velley, California. A large stock of Imported Uurgundles.C'lareU, lthlneand Saulerne iviues. We also have the largest and finest stock et llrandles, Whiskies, (Jlns, Madeira, Sherry and i ort Wines. llea Ale, Uulnne Stout, Saratoga and ApeUlnails Waters In the city. H. E. Slaymaker, Agt., Me. 20 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTBU, 1'A. WATCH M. WA1CUKH, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JKWELIir. Special Watches In Firaers and Railroader. Fine let of ttlngs, Ac Alse, Elgin, Waltham i Aurera for which 1 am Sele Axent), and oilier 'trst-ciasa Watches. Hest Watch and Jewelry Kepelrlng. rCerreci Urns by Telegraph Vti'T, only place le city. L. WEBER. Ne. 19QX N. Queen 8L, Near Penn'a B. It. Depot. 4T Spectacle. Eyealassea and Optical Uoeda. All Kind of Jewel rv. N EW JEW ELK Y STORE. S. (JILL LATEST DESIGNS IN J SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, -.TIM .A. CHARLES rt'tusiriar. IDMYKK'S tUKNlTUHK NTOKK." A Cei.IiW-v.vr. w Something ever j body should knew. A Celd Wave has struck our prices, and they have fallen te almost the Fur.r..iNO l'eint We want te lUtltice Stock. September 1, we lake our inventory. Se we have made a cut. IK) ou cuie te talk a few minutes about " Puunii imik." If you aie at all Interested lit the ques tion of " l'l um 1 1 ui:," then give us a lit tle of your attention white we show you through our Hoevh. I'erlups we have something j en may vv ant. Veu may think it tee w.uin te think about " I'l'iiNi ti ui:," but you will be surprised al the " t'etu.iNii " i-ITect of our prictvs. Take advantage of the Lew Tempera ture of l'rices, AP Wiumm-kV l'litNirriir. Sieuk, Ctm. Kwr Kisti and Dfhi: SntKinti, l,L'A!TKIi. I'A. TJMIK KTAK1NU. WALTER A. 1IEIN1TSII, Furuishinp Uudertaker, Nee. 37 nnd 29 Beuth Quoeu Street, I.ANC STKtl, 1'A. aarKKSiUKNCK- iTUKKT. -NO. 1VI EOUTll yUKKN AU the Latest and Mwt Approved Method usi-d where deslnM A pievleu practical ex perience el lour years enables um te Uuarantce that the V ery llest l'essl'jle --erv Ice will be Hen. deled at All Times. Personal Attention lilven te Directing All 1 unerals Intrusted te my care. 10 WEKS, .1 1. F LINN A UKKNKMAN. CARD! We h.ive a number of Goeils which are just iu stttsen, ami which, ewinz te our giving special attentieu, we can offer great lmlucemeuta. " I'ennlvania" Ijvwii Mowers have no equal. These we tu.ike a specialty. AVe have aa geed itwn Mowers its are in the market for t'i.00 and t7.H0. Baby Carriages We carry seventy-live varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Itefrigeraters are new in season. Hew few people knewanythiug about Uefrigera Uefrigera ters, n took us twenty vears te learn. We can te.ich you in live minutes: It will be worth something fur you te get the best. Ceat Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend jour money till veu knew what veu are getting. Ice Cream Freeera and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you get the best at the lowest prices. Veu can from us. J .awn Tenuis Setts, Genuine Mexican nnd Common Hammocks, liase Hall and all Sporting Goods at Factory I'ncta. FLINN & BRENBHAN, Ne. 162 North Queen a treet. HATM, VAM.MV. yOUK VACATION. TUAVKI.EUST.J1IIK SEASHOUK AM) KL1EWI1KKE WILL SAVE MONET 15V UUVI.NU 11IEI11 Trunks and Traveling Bags OP W. D. STADFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Btroet. We have enlarged our stock In this line especially for the VACATION SEASON, and will give special Inducements en these geed during July and August. FINEST STOCK OP MOST Fashionable Hats IN LANCASTEU. LIGHT WEIGHT AND EASY PITT1NO. BADDl.E. C UADDI.EH, IIAKNKSS, Aa EDWARD KRECKEL, -DSAtlk IS Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Nets, Rebe3 & Blankets, NO, S KAHT A'.VW HTKEKT, Larcabtm, 1'A. The largest and beat assortment of TUUNK8 In the city at the lowest cash price, all sizes and qualities. We have en hand a large assortment of dlf. ferent styles et Harness, both single and double, and make te order the finest giaaua of English Coach and Prench Coupe llarnin-. Tbe best Harms Drusslng In the world at fiec a box. Call and Examine Oar Stock at Ne. 5 East King Street. Juul53mdAw rvu MAJ.M um uitmt. FOR RENT. A Peven-Uoem Brick Heuse sltnated en aasi rreneriCK street. Annlvat juncju-tld NO. 31J EAst KUKDEUICK BT. TltOH JQ Tw KENT. Twe or lenr room In Brimmer's New UuUdlnsr. Ne. laSK North Queen .treat. Ueat iuiu inuuunu. jsiipiy m .. m l'.". ' febi UU-lId BHIMMEU'I l-B L1VEUY OFFICE. -DIOR BALK OR RENT-BRIOK STABLE M! and let, 17x80 feet, en Christian and let, 17x80 feet, en Christian street, be tween suisi am ana urenge airee easily changed Inte a machine she; i East King and Orange stre Orange streets. Can be iiechlne sheD or ware- house. Easy term. U. U. HUUIitKKK, ais-ua a tterney-t-l.ew. PRIVATE BALE. Will be sold at private sale tbe valuable. reptrty corner Lemen Mulberry and char char etti frosting tee feet en Lemen street, a feat ea Mulberry, ana 64 feet en Charlette street. V&1V ca.DOWT Junlm4 ECsWMeiui Queen lUwit, cjaaiAMM. J atOTTO TMAT A1.WATH WlWa Honest Werk at Honest Prices. PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD HIL1ABLB) Carriage Works Net, 126 and 128 East King St. The. Largest Assortment et NKW ANOtiaUUNU-liANIl Huggls. Carriages, fhsjUins, Market Uuilnu Wagons that has aver been Shown te the Public. If Yeu WsntaUoedand rimt-CIs Phtea, UOTtt DIIRKSUM'S. 11 Veu Want a Nlee Couifertablo ramlly Carrtage, U( Tu HOKKhem'S. ..... l'uY.i,.-Wul "uggy-Veu can Select rreinntujen Different Hindu! Springs, II you HOTO If Veu Want a Nice and Neat Business Wagen. UO TO IXtBKSOkl'a. II Veu Want a Parable Market Waimn. UUTll DOKastlM-a. II Veu Want a tloed Seeend-llaud Cliavten. Uuggy.er Market Waann.UU TO DOBItsOM'S It Veu Want te lluy a rirsUCIasa Article at a Lewer 1'rtea than amy otesr place In the city county, W S7 Philip Dwrsem's Old Reliable Garriae Works, NOS. US AND 128 KAST KINO NTKEET, LANCASTER, PA. Ig-VAOTOKY tts it its MIFFLIN liar Noena. N KW YOKK H'l-UHR. EMBROIDERIES ! WATT & SIAND, 6, 8 ft 10 BAST KINO ST., LANCASTKB, PA., Open another Large Invoice of Pull Width KMIIItOIHKUKD lltlKss PI.OUNCINO at C., ls,J,,!JHi?iCtS"c,s;Sc,ll) te ijcepervard lidles- and altses Nainsoek and Cambric BMIIIlUlDKUKII Plot NC1NO. s,., Nainsoek and Cambria KMIIUOlliR KIKs In all width, and hundred of the newest design at low pi Ices SPECIAL BARGAINS. STBll'KD MIUHKU S1LK, only 73c per yard. COLOKKO KHEH3 BILKS, 19 Inches wide, Sue. a aril, worth 7c. 8pectsl Value In lll.ACK DUES) SILKS at Sisi, 7JC, S7Sc, II ej pjr yard. All the Popular Chide In MTU A II SASH SILK, at lie er yard, usually sold &c. Twenty-nve Pieces Weel-Pace LACE HUNT 1NUJ, Jc. yard, worth lle. Twe Cssrs Pull !lia JACQUAVhL BED (JUtLTS, ll.UOeaih, real value. II J New Yerk Stere. J. a MARTIN A CO. WE 11AVP. JUST riMSIIKl) OUU INVKN. TOUVIN Carpet -AND- Wall Ptteer DEPARTMENTS, AND HAVE A LAUUK LOT or i en Hrlng the size et your room or hall and we ca find a Kemnunt te suit Wall Paper at half price and Carpets almost htlf price. Ne such an opportunity till next summer. SPECIAL OPPOSING OF MOQUETTS! This Season' Pattern, and Beat Quality Smith's and Hartferd Makes. Prices during seisnn. II M; new 11.10. Seme with no bolder te match, at ll.oe. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, INGRAINS, And VELVETS New for sale. Constantly receiving new addi tions te our stock for the FALL TRADE Handsomer goods thn erer, and with our sn- InrirnA mn.na JA fJLWt thdV VOU . ISTirelV ln creased stock el every grade ex Carpet and uw grai wan roper. J. 8. Martin & Ce., Or.WNt UK Ww 8te, LAKCA8TNB, PA. HAHD RUBBER TRUSSES. Ear. Light. Cleanly. Durable aad Meat Comfertahia warm WMtner xruas. Special care liven te fitting, at " UU llLEY-l DSU0 TOBE. 'IS KaHWW Remnants Hand itvHta.e. STllKKT. mara-lydAs nur uoen.s. s TAMM 1IKOS. .V CO. Bang t DOWN GOBS THB PRICES ON ft.000 AKIM Crinkled Seersuckers rrem no. te nj.ii Yard, AT THE BOSTON STORE, 26 AND 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEU, I'A. New Attraction I 10,000 1AUD8 ZANTA CLOTH, A New DieMStufl, Iteaiitllul stjles and Celer, 7 Cents a V ard. UKUEMIIEU OUK Great Summer Salel We hvve a llargaln ter each Culler. COME EAKLY AND UET P1II-4T CHOICE. A MTMMP.lt I1AUI1AIV-1UI Dezen Lsd'es' lle-e. inc. a pur . worth USc peclal Ollerlngel Ladles' l.lnrs Ce lars and Cutfs and uuchtugs. Splendid Opportunities for All. Stamm Bres. & Ge. rAUER IIROTlIRK. Summer Wear for Qents. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. HAGBR & BROTHER, 25-27 West King Street. Gauze, UalbriKKan ami Feather vvei(?lit Shirts and Drawers. .Seamless, lialbriggan ant Lia!e Hosiery. Hemstitched aud Colored Bor dered Ilandktrchiefa. Twilled and Serge Bicycle Shirte. Lanndried and Unlaundried Dress .Shirts. Pongee, Silk, Grenadine and Lawn Neckwear. i:. A; W. Cellars and Culla. One Hundred Dezen Extra Un Iaundred Shirts at 45c. each. Scotch Cheviot, Cassimere and Worsted Suitings. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street. LANCASTEU. 1'A. PAKAHOLB. B. B.4H. Great Bargains I -IN- PARASOLS -AMD- SUN UMBRELLAS AT UIADQUAATIBS. Re Be & HiP 14BMt.KIm B14BC Arft vA. 1 M&Li .J,il & ai&ami2e&Siebis. jfcbi l. -x "Si. !