mmmmm wsss&mBm JKS'VM THE IiANOAgTgR DAILY nrnCTXTOENCER. BATVBDAYSVhYW, VMRP l mZ''': MAM. The little tetrtng baby feet. With faltering slept u Hew, With pattarlngeehete teft and tweet - Inte my hMrt they go t They alto go, In grimy playt, In muddy poela and doily ?f Then through Ihs henae In trechful waye, 1 hey wander Ui and fro. The baby hands that elap my neck With teuchea dear tome, A m the tauie hand that stas.b and wreck lh Inkslaml fnnl le see They pound the mirror with a eana, Ihey rend the tnenuatrlptln twain, Wldeipread destruction they ordain lit waalcruljttblloe. Tim dreamy miiim'ilng lialiy voice 1 hat etM Hi llitle tune. That tuakM my listening heart rejoice Like litre! t In Inaly June. Can waku at midnight dark and still, And all the air with howling nil, That splits the ear with echoes thrill, Like cernels out of tune. llurtttltt in Brooklyn Kaglt, a muitmMn nmvtvsm. Hew Isaac Kckanreda Hat Trained Twe OnllUh le uraw HU Heat. t'crkleimiii Correspondence of Heading Herald. (Julian wiiMtleti waa created here today by an exhibition by Isaac Kokenretle el Uit (Hirforinaiue of two trained flab. Early la the auamm he caught en an outline two large ralllih welKhlng about 6 peuuds each. He 1'iit tiiem in a little pond of aprlng water near III hem, where the aoen became very tame and would come and eat out of tee hancla of lilt-inborn el the family. One day hit little mm, Kraalut, oenoetvn- the Idea of playing borne with one of the big cAltlbM, no he tattooed a airing around Ita lid ill and whim hla father came home he found the yeungeUr haying great fun driving the ttab around. Tbte put an Idea Inte the fatlier'a bead, and that night he cnimiruutiHl a harnaaa for hla place place terlul tetm Tbu next day when be returned from work be berneeeed them up, put bit of Ne, 4 wlre In their ineutba. rigged pair or linen, and attempted te drive mem. They were pretty balky and ak I tilth, but be waa auoeenaful enough te be encouraged, and every day after that he gave them an hour or two practice, lutheoeurae of a few weeka they tiecatne very docile and tractable, and could be gulded at will around the pond. Ltler he harnnteed thorn te a leg and aocue aecue tuuied them Ui pulling a lead. They toen get Inte the way of lb la, and then bla ainbl ainbl Hen miKKexted that be abeuld barneaa them te a beat and Neptune-like drive ever the water. Accordingly he proceeded te build light beat aulted te thla peculiar at vie el Mater ewer. It waa completed en Satur day, and en Thursday be gave an exhibition el bit novel team en the dam wblcb waa a complete mice and delighted all be holder lie brought bla team down te the daui In a large waah lieller, barneaaed tliem and launched jutt above the canal leek lu order te keep the team from diving he had alight red ran out from the Ixiw of the beat, from which a tiring ran te tbeharnuM el the ilshee, preventing them (rum going mera than a feet under water. Cturythlng being ready, he took hla teat In the Iieat and gently puttied oil. With a ttlck he altrred up hla team, and the novel vehicle met ml out Inte the dam. When uar tbe tulildle of the channel he turned up toward the railroad bridge and began te put oimpeed. In Ien than a minute the little erelt wm Hkltnuiln the water like a bird, and the water wan ruiblug under the keel like until, lie wat going at the rate of about l.'i mllt-mtn hour, and waa aoen out of algbl BUiMitlm.lirlilKC. In a minute ortwehe came down again ntathrtw minute gall, and, owing te hla inability te suddenly check hit apeedT Cituin near going e or the dam. Tbe eight of the llltle crall running ever the water at aucb terntle Kpaed, without any apparent uieana of propuitten, wa a meat curleua one end II I led (he eyen el the apoctalera with wen der. Alter thu trip the novel team teemed none the wmxn except that one of them waa allghtl blown aad the ethor had one ahoul aheul d r dialed by the barneM. Mr. Kckenrede Inteuda le lake the learn te Philadelphia next wiek and exhibit it ("ace en IheSchuylkllL lie waa ntlered f.1) for tlm twu tlsh by a Hi ailing lawyer, bulaskelMH). uvuvial miner. De Mm Mutii Hliniliy. liecnrclull) In ptirclculni; mrdlclnn. Miny ailvcrilMd ivinrtliti civil work tcrral lnjitr are werMi than ihiiim Burdock hlewP HilUrt are puruly a vruutnbte prt purntlnn i the tniallctt thlld tun ttikn tbm. llivy at 1 dlwuiu and com Hit imtluiil In n .att nnit klndlr way. rer htta liy II. II. ci k. run. i1nitnbt, 1J7 and 1X1 North ijuran strtiit, LnmiMUir. Iltfuii trpnn It. lother KhliMnn' pinilnUu and Louisiana Ifctlens nre w r uucurtntn IMnirt.but Them at' h'etectrlc Oil mn tie ilepnuiliid upon always. It curti Acti.' ami pitns of eveiy iletitrlptten. ir mn tiy II II I x limn, druiritUt, 137 and IS) Knrth (Juimi, Ijiuc.Mtcr. Firm Hale IWIituc. "Otten uniililii te atund biitlnnts, bulng nub Ifit m wrtiiiiillerilrrl Iheklducyt altera ItiiKnlt-Ktiut lckiim IrliilTuriec JiloeU hit trrt and wa riilluvcd by hull a bottle," Mr. II. turner, of llnchi Htur, N.Y,tkc paint te write. rer wilii by II. II. Cochran, ilruggUt, 137 and 1) North yuitui ntroet, l.uncailer. Hew Much Will IK II. Hew much et Themat' Kcltclrie Oil It requited le cure T Only a very Utile. Afewdmptwlll cure any kind of aniicbe) and but a trifle mere In m ( dud ler tpmlnt and :uiemm. Uheuma tlsm N nut neitvidlly utTdctcd ; an ounce and ometlmtn two nuncra aru miulred. omodl emodl omedl tlnii, bewuvrr. In an aura le cure with the tame nutiihtiret application, rer tale by II. II.Uoch II.Uech run, druKKlaU ISl and 13J Merth Queen ttreet, l.nnciutUir. llun I Hurry, Otutlcinen," Bald a mill en hla way te be hanged, "lliore'll lie no Mn till I Ki't thi'itj " We aty te the dytpeplle nurveua, and dubllllited, don't hurry thought theught Irasly fm aemu luinedy el doubtful merit, un tertulu of rullMf, when you can get at tbe drug. Klitt for one dollar Burdock Bleed BitUri al most, aurn te curu and certain le benvflt. Fer aale by II. II Cochran, druggttt, 137 and 1W North Ouwii atietit, Lancaater. A Ntwapaper ISdlter, O. II. Ilnlceuib, of Ulenuivllle, Ohie, Haet le expltln "Had lhat turrlb'e dlteate catarrh, ler twuuiy juart; ceuld'l bitte or tmell.and bear In t waa frtlllnn. 77iem(U' Kclectrie Oil cured me. Tbme aru facta voluntarily glvun agalnat a for. mnr prrjudlcti of patent inudlclne." rer tale b) u. II. Cochran, dingglat, 137 and Ui Metth liut n atruet, Lanacattir. 1 ULIT1VAL. F H I'OU.NTY COMMI8SIONKK, J. W.KKLCY, of Uarletla, t'a. hubjocttethe decision of tbe Ueiiiecratlc Convention, lour lufluenen aollo aello aolle lled. UJu-tldAw pi()i; COUNTY COMMitWlONKR. SIMON L. 1IHANDT (Farmer), UI fan I Kenekjil tewnablp, Hubjocttethe de cision el thu liutnec ratio County Convention, v. our inn iituite napectlully aellclted. mli-tldjw F K CO UN IV C0MM1H810NKB, JACOII vv. I.KIIRU, Ot Epbrata tewuahlp nublcct te Democratic rulua. marll-tfdAw F UK COUNTY COMMIHHIONKK, A. X. H1NUWA1.T, Urecer. rirat Ward, City. Hubject te Demo cratic rulua. at-tldAw F K COUNTY C0MMIH810NUK, SOLOMON ZKAMKK, Farmer, UfWett llumpfleld township. Subject te the peclttonef the Democratic Convention. martUdAw EOR COUNTY COMMIHHIONEK. At the requett el many friends 1 announce mytell aa acandldate for County Comuilstlener. Bubect te the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence retpecl f ally tellclted. IIKNHY F. HAUTMAH. mlttdAw Kattimteter Township. JWK COUNTY COMMISSIONER- ELI BATTEN, of Upper Leacock township. I announce my elf an a candidate for County txnnintailener tubject te the decision ortheDamecratlo County Convention. Your Influanee " retrjact fully tellclted. Waa a candidate ter County commissioner before the last convention, and at the ffiqueat of my fiiendt wttherew In favor el the candldatet lrem the Ueutbern dlttrtct. KdAw BUBATTIlf. JgtO K COUNTY AUDITOR, JA8.F. DOWCIt, el Paradise township, tubject te the deeltkm of the Uemocratle Convention te be held July te. 1887. Jun-tfdAw -DIOR COUNTY AUDITOR, CUA. W. rum, Of lut Drnmere tewnthlp. bjeet te the Ae Ae cltlen et the Uomeeratle Ceanty Oomveatlea, ROOD'S HAIWAPAKILLA. All Run Down Frem the weakening elfeeU of warm weather, by hard work, or from a long lllneaa, yen need a geed tonic and bleed purifier like Uood'aSar Ueod'aSar Uoed'aSar tapartlla. If you hart never tried thtt peealtar mtdlctnc, de te new, ltwlllglvayea ttraagth and appetite. M Heed's Sartaparllla gave ma new life, and re re ttered tee le my wonted health and tlrength." William h, cuwta, Tlllen, M. H Given Up te Di " I we completely rue down, end waa for nearly four year under medical treatment, be ing given up te die by phytlclant. My mother nrgedmetoUkelleod'a "artaparllla. Atlattl contented, and I have never ukaa anything wnlch helped me aa inuchaa Hoed'aBantparllla. whtah reateretl me te health and vigor. Ibave been taking It about four meetha, and am new a different being. I can work all day with very little fatigue. I recommend It le an yene whose yitem la prostrated." rtai.14 Nuata, Peoria, III. A Geed Appetite M When I bought Hoed'aMtrsapartlla I made a geed Invettmentet one dollar la medicine ler the first time. It hat driven off rheumatism and Improved my appetlte se much that my board beard ing beuse mlttreat says I mutt keep It locked up or tha will lie obliged te raise my lieard with every ether boarder that takea lloed'a laraapa rtlla." TMeeAa UcaaxLL, 13) Hilary ttreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all drugglata. II 1 six for PV Pre pared by C. I. IIOO 11 CO , Lewell, Mate. 100 Debm One Dellar Mi w 111TENHTUEHKIN. HOP OINTMENT WIUTIN8 TUK SKIN. Cerns and Kemevet TAN, SUNBITKN. BBS 8TINIIS, HIMUUITO and all IN8RUT HlTaB, riMI'LBB. IILUTCIIB1, IIIMOKH, IIIKTH MAKKB. and every lertn of tkln bleinlthet, positively cured en the most delicate akin with out leaving a tear by Hep Ointment. I'rtce Wet., Mela, and fl. At Druggist! or by mall. Tbe Hep Fill ManTg Ce . few Louden, Conn. Little Hep Fills for Sick Headache, llytpepsla. Biliousness and Constipation have no ciiunl. Beta. Jy16-lydTu,TbA8&w VOl.lTtVAl: QOUNTY CONVENTION. Democratic County Convention. The Itatnocratle County and IMatrlct Conven Cenven tlnnt of Lancatter count v. will tneel at the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, en Wednesday, July 20. The delegate from the city dlstrlcta will meet at 10 a. in. and telect tbieu dulegatea te the ttale convention. The delegates from the 2d (Lewer) aaaemtily district will meet at 10 a. in. and elect two dele gate! te the atate convention. Tbe delegattia from tbe city and lewer dlttrlcU will then meet In senatorial convention and elect a mauibttrel tbu slate committee. Iho delegates from the 3drtaembly and lllb senatorial (Upper) district will meet at 103) a. m , and elect four delegate! te the state con vention and a member of the ilate committee. After the adiuurnmenl.ef all the district con ventions the delegtlea will meet la Joint ceanty convention and nominate candidates for Sheriff, Frolhenotary, lieglater, 1 reasurer. Prison Keeper, clerk of quarter Setaen a, clerk of erphant' Court, Corener, Commissioner, au ditor, Peer Directors and Prison Inspectors. Tbe primary meetings te elect three nr rive delegate! from each district te said conventions wllfbe held en SATURDAY F. M. JULY 18, at placet and between hours te be anneuaced by handbill by the different committeemen. Frem each district a memtier of the county committee ler tbe ensuing year ta alto lobe chosen, committeemen will notice that the lawt governing primary elrctiena are lu force and must be carried out at t heae eloctlena. JOHN K. MALONK, Chairman Item. Cem, luneaKIlwAWABd AT, VAf,mV. Y0UK VACATION. THAVBLBKS101IIK8BABUOIiB AND KLSKWIIKItK WILL HAVB MONET Bl UUll.NU TIIBlIt Trtinks and Traveling Bags OF W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 3 ' and 33 North Queen Street. We have enlarged our stock In this line especially for the VACATION BKAHUN, and will give sprcla.1 Inducement! en these goods during J uly and August. FINESTSniCK OF MOST Fashionable Hats IN LANCASTER L1UUT WKIUUTAN1IKABY F1TT1NU. UU AT VVIANTB. THY OUB HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The Finest Fleur told In tbe market. Give It a trial and you will be pleased. Alte llraham Fleur, Oat Fleur, Kye Fleur, and Helf Halting Fleur for llltcult, Ac Uoede Delivered, 'tele phone Connection. OBO. WIsVNT, ng-V-lrd Ma 113 Wett King Street AT BUKtiK'H. PICNIC GOODS FOIt TUB 1'IUNIO SgABON. Ftrtl the ricnla l'late-lt It light and cheap and reiiulrat no waahlng aavea your dlahet Plain and Mixed flcklet and Chow-Chew In tmall bottles, Bardlnea In Oil and ttuttard. Com Cem preaaed beef In two pound cant. Bened Chicken and Turkey, Petted Ham. lengne. Fresh Lob Leb ster, Frt-tn Columbia Klver Salmen, Freah Mackerel, Fre-h Uyttera In cant and Pickled Oysters In tmall Jan for picnicking, lerktttate Cream cheese, gwlat Cheese, Chipped Heel, etc. BURSK'S, NO, 17 BAST KINO STREET, ItAMOASTBB, rA. gsr-Telephene. PROPOSALS. N OTICE TO BIUOGK BU1LDKK8. Pmnnaals for renalrt of County Brldffea acmaa Conettega creek, at UraerTt Landing, near Lan caater city, will be received et the office of tha County commissioners. Lancaster, Fa.nntU neon, Friday, J uly W.1KH7. Biieclflcauent am en die In said efllce. Forfeit bend In turn el go must accompany bid. blanks for bid and bend can be had en appllca- U0"- SAMUEL M. MYlttS, JOHNUINUBICU. UBNttY F. UABTUAN, County liommlMlenera. Attctt-FaitaOHiiaT, Clerk. Uj-W8lltd NOTICE TO llKlDUi: UUIliDKRH. rropeaalt ler the erection of an iron or Weeden Bridge, ever Hammer creek, between Ephrata and Warwick townships, about one mile from Mltlway auUen, en the Columbia A Heading Hallway, will be received at the office of the County Commissioner!, Lancaater, Fa nui neon, Moaeay, august i, irei. peclloaileaa for Weeden Bridge wlllbeen la lath one. Forfeit bend for laoe mutt accompany bid, Blanka for bend and bid can be obtained en ap- BSH'li H. H X ISOi JeHstaiMUMCH. BgBtr.HAslTtlAW. Oommlaslestrt. Attest i riA waiaar, curb, t eMtHiWie,tB e&amKft. N W RMADT I Our Readv-Mtde Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. We are prepared te tbew our NewSPRINU BTOCK In Heady-Made Bulla. Oar Ateertment k) Larger than ever before, end Frlete Lewer, We have taken apeclal earn te ecinp geed and Attractive BulU ter the RPHlNU TKe7UM.end we feel tatttflndeireffurta have been tnceees tat. Call and give ut the benelt of your opinion. Oar Cistoe Department la Stocked with all the Newett NevelUei In Buttings, which we will Make te Order In the Beat Style. FIT QUARANTJBBD. BUBGER & SUTTON, Tellers M CleUler, NO. 24 OMNTWi SQOAB1, LAMUASTBH, iA. Witt MS AND LIQUORS. pUKK ltYE WU1HKY. Old Greff Spring Distillery. Situated en East Orange street, between Orange and Chettnut, one suuare eatt !of reser voir, Lancavler, r I have Just erected a new dlstlllery with all of the latest Improved machinery for distilling PUKE HTK WHISKY. A. It 8HEAFFKR, Proprietor. This Distillery haa been erected at the fameut Old UrolTklewn aprlng, which baa been noted rer lie plenteous and unfailing aupply of the pur eat water. At It our grandfather! drank when they were boys, and It haa never been known te run dry even In the hottest weather. Frem this spring all tbe water used In the distillery It ob tained, the pump drawing lrem It twenty-five gallons a minute. Uealdea my own distilled Whisky, I alee handle BrudlM, GIuj, Wim, lie. Call aad be convinced. A. B 8IIEAFFEB, Distiller, BTOHE Ne. 03 North (Jueen Street. N. II. Fat men having geed Kye en hand can find ready tale for It at the store or distillery. Highest oath market price paid for a geed aru cle. apriMydAw GOT REIGART'S OLD WDfE STORE BOUCHE SEC, 1FBK11F.III81KCK. l'UMMEUYHEC, MOB1ZETHKU. 8 U.ll. MUMM EX1UA VRX, And all 'ether leading brand! of Imported Champagns. Hele Agent ter the Pleasant Valley Wine Company. Hpeclal Ureat Western Ez. nry, our own brand, the nuetl American Champagne.ln the markeu Just received annther large Invoice of Califor nia Claret and White Wine from Napa Valley, California. A large stock et Imported burgundies, Clarett, Khlneand SaiHerne (Vines. We also have tbe largest ami fluent stock el Drandlea, Whiskies, ,lns, Madeira, Sherryt and ' ort Wines, Haas Ale, Oulnnesa stout, Saratoga and Apelllnarlt Waters In the city. E. E. Slaymaker, Agt., Me. 29 BAHT KINO STREET, LAVCAATEU. I' A. autramrvMHUiiKB oeooa, lALIi AND HKK -TUE- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light i lleata them all. Anether Let of CHEAP UL01IES ferUat and OU Steves. THB PERFECTION " METAL M0ULU1NU AND UUBBBK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beata them all. Thlt strip outwears all ethera. Keeps out the cold. Slop rattling of wlndewt Exclude the dust. Keep out tnew and rain. Any one can apply it no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere-no helee te bore, ready for use. it will net split, warp or shrtnk-a cushion strip It the meat perfeet. At tbe stove, Heater and Hange Btere -OF- Jehn P. Scaaum & Sens, 24 SOOTH QUEEN ST., LAMCAtYIgV, FA. UPEUIAL MOTIOK. 11 Mere human, mere divine than va in faCl, part human, part divine la woman, when thu geed start agree Te mlnglu at her nativity." Beflect,ty e Lords of Creation, and hie ye at once te KIEFFER & HERB'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure one el their Fameut "Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. That Cled's beat gilt te you be net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary watte heat which It li Impossible te avoid with your Uangea, and (what Is also important) centtder tbe great economy In fuel, ) cent! worth of fuel will cook ler a family el three grown per toot 21 meal. Ana when yea want a Heater, get a " SPLENDID n And be Happy, FLUMU1N0, UAS F1TT1NU, BTBAM HEAT 1NU.T1NKOOFINQ AND SPOUTING. Y & MARTIS, wneiaeAia abd utsu, smeua n All Kinds of Lumber Mid OeaJ. Bieeta, above Lemen. Laneattar. nf-lvd TJAUMGARDNER84 JKFKKKIKS, GOAL DEALERS. TAMeNerU Frinee street, sew Beading ftefUlM tVAttaAITJUhrA. wAum. H1 H MARTUI FRUIT JARS -AT- Masen Fruit Jars Id Pints, tJuarU and Helt Gallen. We again have the Lightning Fruit Jar, which is the best In the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Com mon Tumblers at tbe Lewest Fes. Bible Trices, Wholesale or Retail AT lb EAST KING STREET. l.tNIUMU, rA. rVMMITVBM. IUMYKK'8 FURNITURE BTOHE. A Celd Wave. w Something everybody should knew. A Celd Wae has struck our prices, and they have fallen te almost the Fjieezine Point. We want te Reduce Stock. September 1, we take our inventory. Se we have made a cut. De you care te talk a few minutes about " FuRNiTunE." If you are at all interested in the ques tion of " FuiiNiTUitE," then give us a lit tle of your attention while we show you through our Hoems. Perhaps we have something you may w ant. Yeu may think it tee warm te think about " Furni Ti'iti:," but you will be surprised at the " Coelino " effect of our prices.' Take advantage of the Lew Tempera ture of Prices, AT WlUMYEIt'S FURNITUKE STOIIE, Cen. East Kine am Uuke Stheets, La.ncasikii. Pa. u NUKKTAKlNU. WALTER A. IIEIN1TSII, Furnishing Undertaker, Nes. M7 and 20 Beuth Queen Street, LANCA8TKK, FA. eVREIIUKNCE NO. 1M SOUTH QUEEN aTHKKT. All tbe Latest and Most Approved Method! used where desired. A previous practical ex perience of four yean enables me te Guarantee that the Very Beat Possible bervlce will be Ren dered at All Times. Personal Attention Ulven te Directing All Funerals intrusted te my care. MOWKRS, dC. glUNN A BKKMUtAN. CARD I We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, owing te our giving special attention, we can offer great iducenienta. " Pennsylvania "Lawn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have as geed Lawn Mowers as are in the market for 10.00 and 17.00. Baby Carriages We carry seventy-live varieties in Bteck. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Hefrigeraters are new in season. Hew few people knewanytbing about Refrigera tors. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew wliat you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you get the best at the lowest prices. Yeu can from us. Lawn Tennis Setta, Genuine Mexictn aid Common Hammocks, Base Vail and all Sporting Goods at Factory Prices. FLINN & BRRNRMAH, Ne. 152 North Queen Street. jteji bamm am juurt. IJIOHrRENT. Mi Twe or tour roemt In Brimmer's New BuUdlnc, Ne. utjf North Queen itreeU Heat and aaa inelnded. ADOIrat teblt-ttd BtUMtttUt'S LIVBBY Off ICE. TJWR HALK OH RBNT-BKI0K HTABLK Mi and let, 17x80 leeu en Christian street, be tween Eatt Kins and Orange ItreeU. Can be easily changed Inte a machine shop or ware house. Baty tema, tt. C. BBUB4KBB. eimtt Atternay-at-Law. PRIVATR BALK. WU1 be told, at prtrate tale theyalnable property corner Lemen Mulberry and uhtr. ret lXJlUn ' en Lemen ttreet, feet "I'SSfK- " ea Chrtet itreet. Apply te KM HAL! HipMertin, WMAPS, JMMtMn, AC ""-r'r i -rr - iir ruui.- r i.i.ui. FITS B flBW 8TOBB. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES! THE NEW STORE. JOSEPH L. Neb. 136 and 138 MEAT CHINTZ DRBSSBS, SSe. BBSTPBBCALBDHKBBRa, New '.Stylet, 38c- CRINKLBSBERAUCKBUURISISSTrl turned with Embroidery, SOc. BOIS' DRESS BS, BOO. LOVELY CHAMBRAY UREBSBS, 78c WHITE PRESSES, Fine Cambric with Pretty Embroideries, 60,75 eta, l.oe,ai.3S. JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Nea. 136 AND 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. am G BEAT BAKOA1NS I METZGER & MEW Nes. 38 and 40 WASH DRHSS OOOD8 Orinklea, Beonruekers, Batlnee, ainghams, LAwna, Battstas. WBITa OOODB Vloterta and India Lawns at 8, 10, 13 1-3, IS, 20, 26, 80, 371-2enta. One Let Superior Quality White Plaid Muslins at 12 1-2 eenta ; were made te sell at 26 eenta. METZGER &HAUGH MAN'S, NKW 38 and 40 West King St, J ADIB' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ladies' Muslin large and attractive stock eflitVDIBB' WBtTB HMBROIDBRHD 8KIRT8. LtVDIBB' OHHM1BB8, LADIBS' NIOHT OOWN8, LADI18' UOBBBT OOVBB8, all qualities ; prioee ranging from 26e. te 3.60 eaeh. Alse WHTTJl DRBSSBS for Ohlldren from 60e. te B3.00. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Laneaater, Fa. ard Mcelrey. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (OPPOSITE FOUNTAIN INN), Hare Jutt opened a New Let el DRESS UINOHAU8 at 10 cents per yard j regular price 12K cent. BELRSUCKEUa at 8 cents ; reyular price, 12K centt. Special Lew Prices in Table Linens. Table Linen, IX yardt wide, only aec ; better nuallty. Tic Heavy German Table Linen, 37Xc Damask Table Linen, 31, 40, 60 and 61 claup. Uleacbed Table Llnvn from Mc np. Turkey lUd Uaniask, V, .5, Sin, end te cent. Bargains in Deylies and Napkins. rrlnged Linen lleyllet. geed size, only 80c. per dozen. Better quality, 78c: worth II 9 Extra One ttliuji worth $1.60. Napkins at 75c; worth 11 UX- Napklnt at II 00 ; worth I1.S7X I Napklnt at l a : worth 11.75. Aarlbe cheapest place te buy H0SIEBY (or Ladles, Uentt and Children U of Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEEN ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) JMWmLHt. rKWELRY AND AKT. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelm , ART VORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GHOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. z. RHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. VARPKT BARGAINS I SHlRK'SCARPETHALLe WILTON, VILVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapcstrj, iQgrtin, Damask and YenetianRti aed Gbiie Cirptts, OIL OLOTJIS, WINDOW BILLDM8, tte. Wa kva tka Lurgaat and Baat Btoek ta tfca Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS tour WU lint WiUr Btmti, Umt IX "WM A"ivwwvawtWAJKvw -AT- RAU & CO. North Queen Street. CIIILUHBN'S LACE DRBSSBS - WASH DRESSES for Children 1, 10 and 11 yean, 75e. Headquarters for CHILDREN'S BUHttBR DUESSES. special AtUactlent In JER5ETS at Bemaika bly Lew Prices. teytuit. HAUGHMAN, 8TOKK. West King Street. STORK, (Opposite Cooper Heuse.) Underwear! HALLS. BARQA1NB -FOR- vt vi Jv '- w Cot Prica Git STII.I. IB TBI l.aTlBlJV UIUIU in sl tW-Wata mkn TA- y:M CUT.PBICB 8TB BM ! charm. The mettle ate tatisAe ana quality, and we are eatMel we are awtdne bv tha MntwsTCti it net enr aim te carry gnede ererl eeaten te another, and 11 it takes uUt i-viv ,niu uf sn ugast Wt. T Cat Pric in Itwj lint of Or IN BIKN'8 CLTOTH1NO, ', l,ri BOYS' CLOTHINO, ..MnVt.Va ,V: L1NKN AND WOOLKN 8BIBkMj NKmrivKABL Vm , KUBBKlt CLOTHING, 1 UMBKKLLAH, OVKKALL8, TKUNKH AND CLUB BAUA AtT'Bemeniber.wehaTeCUT the prieee I muuui. uiiviuuu ui unv-naii or taeir tt eilleg prices, se that puta'.tbem away what they coat ut te make up. Ten I realize the nnalltv and the nrlce wa are i for them new unfit you call and compare I 9T Hand wanted en CeaU and ruti Hirsh & Brether, ONal FBIOB MERCHANT TAILORSi m ANU- Clothiers and Furnlsheri, ,; COB. HOUTH UUEEH ST. AMD I ! "', IUU AKK. I,A KCABTBJL FA. .r w ILLLAMBON A FOHTBK, CALL UH BY TELEPH0K1. "I WILLIAHSON & FOSTaSil BIHETI-3IX SE&BSIS -IN TdK SHADE. Tbln Ceata anil Vest, II 59 and IIOO. Thin P.Nl.lfWln. t4l ? MAI Linen and Mohair Uuttei B7e.. tl . aaia. 1 short Trip Seashore Trnnss-Steamer. Hera M 'f toga, Ueuble Tray and English, tl 09 te II 60. ;ja light and Dark Solid Leather yallet,Lseles Light and Dark Grain and Alligator CUe4jl Gripsacks. II te, l cu. ll wnioe. yfej imiiauen iHiuier vsuiavt, cja, wu, ieq. Mid-Summer Hats. Ureti Straw Hats. 50c, 7c.. lua Light Colored fleiible "elt Derbyr, IL50, VA j evhuuiii neiuravs, ?. mj .bw. .- -.. .... .. .. . . Thin Underwear,ln Balbrlgganer french le j VOO. ! Narrow Pleated mil UreitBhlrU.llOteBLBk-S Seashore KneckabiitiNeckwew, .... n..- a- - U..... nn.b. KJtt 5 and Strap Bews, a and due. LM Plain and Pleated rrent riannel Shlrta, HBV1 11.00. U.I3.Z "11 SUHUIU COM r OUT IN LADIES' AND GENTS' SH01 . ..... .... w.. ere aa.e. - .rK tUUiea' L.lgDt UlDU'HiaO eTItMJUia DWtJ WBRt j fnrA tMu. mt SHI n I JUt j- Ji Ladle Bright FlnUbed American Kid, Wwk GenU Genuine Call Gleve Bid Tope, Lew OWt newpert "uap Bueet, s w. , Uentt' Genuine Calf Lace Oxferda. Hie 4 Gents' Full Dress Butten, Lace or Ceegfaej, t'euguia ups, a&w. v Laeiet- ana aiutet' oeatnere vanyea etteetk iwc. te i fW Gents' and Ueya' Seashore Canyae Iheee, B)ei3 IOSIW. J,J WILL1AMS0H4F0STEB. - -. -- M-aiW it. at, SO BBB 90 H BUBK Blt tleV atr m taBNBwaa . vTs "v " 'm eea-atnra eleaad erenr avanbic At I except Monday ana satnraay. rv1' STANDARD WOJUL Edw. Edgerlj OABBIAOI BUILDIB, 'f ,2t' NOp.eE.ei J et HAUBT.aV laarei roHesa-s, I bare la stock aa Belli I ta Orate oef,ftf.2Sffii S 3 r" AUBA.VL - ... n r..v KUalMBAA ,"" leCALLWAaONa,Srj w m la inlertha Uee.te Well egt-tlyay lkaej TheQaAittf.tjri-gt-aeyi I shfb ruem tVewBjejmAjr mE?w bBVI m dS- J41 iiTa rws m 41 . .te- J . ,7.'P?,: f?;.i ' ! IL" l.t J 'i-v'f .--' it vJ .' .4t.xl. . A A rt