Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 16, 1887, Image 2

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The Weekly Intelligencer
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!Mft JssVHsal.Laferia4nUarrfltill
BaUdlnc, Lancaster. Pa.
$l)c Cmtcasttr Jmwiiuuutc.
PosteOce Rcrerm.
Net many people are aware of the large
urn of money that it costs te run the con cen con
gtCssienal poateQlce In Washington. It
would net be supposed that the four hun
dred senators and representatives with
their attaches, etc., would require a postal
expenditure equivalent te that of some of
the large American cities, yet such seems
te be the case. The aggregate exjieniliture
for the Senate postefflce is 1S,7!-S for the
current fiscal year. This is at the r.ite of
230 per annum for each of the seveutj
sbc senators. The Heuse postetiice in the
same period cost 127,420, the expenditure
en both aggregating 1G,20S.
The Washitgten correspondent of the
Philadelphia LaJgcr siys there are only
fourteen postetllces iu the country that
cost mere te run than the combined con
gressional poateQlce. These fourteen are
New Yerk, Chicago, Philadelphia, Bosteiu
St. Leuis, Cincinnati, San Francisce, Bal
timore, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Pittsburg,
Cleveland, Washington and New Orleans.
The cost, exclusive of fuel, light and rent,
at New Yerk is 9SS,000 ; Chicago, 170,
000 ; Philadelphia, 318,000 ; Bosten, 312,
000; Washington, $163,000; St. Leuis,
182,000 ; Cincinnati, 11.14,000 ; San Prau Prau
cisce, (134,000; Baltimore, $113,000;
Brooklyn, S8,000, including 9,71, for
rent. The remaining four of the four
teen cities named cost from 75,000 te
The Lancaster postetiice is run for one
half of what it costs te run the Senate
poiteffice alone. It is apparent that there
is a geed chance for reform in this regard
in Washington. Tliose"wne are infiposi infipesi infiposi
tien te knew. say that by (10,000 ad
ditienal expenditure, the Congressional
postetiice could be combined with the
local postetiice, and thus $30,000 annually
would. bereaved te the government.
Propelling Street Tars.
The recent experiment in Philadelphia,
showing the great success attained with
electric storage batteries in moving a street
car, is described iu detail in the JiaiUcay
World. Heretofore electrical railway lines
have had underground or overhead con
nection, but in this experiment the car was
driven by electric forces all embraced
within itself. Fer the purpose of show
ing bow the experiment was conducted,
this description is appended :
Tne motive power Is derived from an elec
trical accumulator battery, consisting of Si
ealls, 7 by 8 by 9 Inches, and weighing about
42 pounds when filled and lemly ter use.
They are arranged in four rows, each con
taining 21 cella, and two of these rows occupy
tbe apace below each feat. The rows of cells
are electrically connected wltb each etlier by
wire under tbe front and rear portions of
tbe car, and communicate tbelr power te a
meter geared wltb tbe front axle under such
conditions tbat when tbis meter make 03
revolutions tbe axle makes 13 revolutions (a
little mere tban 1 te G). When the axle
make 80 revolutions per mlnute tbe car i unr
at about the rate et 8 miles per
bear. A much higher speed, however,
Is frequently attained All tbe elec
trical appliances are connected wltb
wires te an enclosed oblong box. or
swltcb beard, en the front platform. It is
about 2),' feet high by 6 Inches squure, and
en top et It 1 a small iron wheel about six
inches In diameter be connected with the en
closed wires, and through tbem, wltb all tbe
ether operative forces, tbat by short move
ments of tbis wheel the car is made te step,
te move backward and forward, even ter
such short distance aa small fractions of an
inch, or te advance at varying degrees et
pied. An ordinary brake is used la stop step
l"u 'be car, but it Is net necessary, aud
would net be uieful except for the purpeee
of diminishing demands upon thu aallable
upply et electrical turce.
It Is cla
claimed that the maximum tewnr
available is equal te 12 nominal horse newer.
and that it is sulliclent te propel an ordinary
two horse street car ever a distance el thirty
miles. The force is mechanically produced
by the operations of a gas engine and a
dynamo, and yet when distributed in thu
cella, and among their interior appliances,
tbe electrical conditions therein created are
similar te these arising from the creatieu in
tbem of an equal amount of electrical force
by chemical agencies. Kacb of the cells con
tains 23 lead plates, 12 being untiled te form
one pole, and 11 te form tbe etber. The plates
are perlerated by square boles, respectively
filled with litharge and red lead, and they
are immersed in a dilute solution of sul-
Jiburle acid. Tbe entire array of forces acts
n unison, se tbat the vital power ei all the
cells la simultaneously drawn upon. When
recharging becomes necessary, tbe boxes
containing the cella car readily be removed
Irem tbe car and replaced with boxes ceu.
talcing 84 cells fully charged. The charging
la perforated by an 8-berse engine and lia
ison dynamo, et the pattern known as the
60 light machine, iu about afeur hours.
It is claimed for the new mode of pre.
pulsien, that any street car line cau be
operated by the method used at a coat net
exceeding two-thirds et tbe costet horse
pewer.and without any new expenditure
- th. l-anV nr ,.i.r,n,,u. ...., .
en Mie irecK ur permanent way, ex.
cept such outlays as maybe necessary te
put in geed condition for ordinary street
car ser trice.
Psnderly's Latest.
Mr. Fewderly has taken advantage of the
frequent assertion that tbe Knights of La La
eor are breaking up, te tell people what he
thinks they are pulverizing. Ilia claim
that they are breaking up hereditary rights
Bust surprise & few who believed that
these have been considerably shattered
since Bebby Burns asserted that rank was
but tbe guluea stamp. There are several
etber ideas that Mr. I'ewdcrly claims te
te shattering, which were ground very
Am some years age, and many of his
phrases seem te be rung in simply for I heir
toretc sound. If he bad cut this list bIk rt
bout one-half, it might have passed for a
Mi dselantlen of tbe animus and tbe
., were ecBMeraer, out ne claims te be de-
-,' urnmmm aaum tee nuh.
s i - . -
Wu BaflBaaa ahead laaaluartknrfnlthw
ad in spite of the eloquence of the labor
chief, the only echo that comes back te
him may be, " we are breaking up."
The order has accomplished a great
deal of geed, made a few very serious
mistakes, and hung together in a marvel
ous way, but it has se many peluta of
weakness that it will be strange if some
less autocratic organization et labor does
net replace it. It has served the purpose
of allowing that intelligent organization of
labor may be made te balance the power of
capital, and also that If abused, this power
may de a great deal of harm te all con
cerned. Tbe order has been and may yet be a use
ful factor in the working out et the labor
problem, the greatest question of the age.
Know-SethlnglMit ltetltcd.
In the discussion of the immigration
question, we have seen nothing mere ma
lignant, uncalled for and tilled with the
bitter spirit of Know-Netliinglsm than the
following editorial in the Lancaster Stw
.Yi, en .luly 12. We reproduce it iu all
its, and ask our foreigu-bern
citizens te give it careful perusal .
'Have net tbe United States been alto
gether tee liberal In the matter of confer
ring the elective franchise upon foreigners?
a very Diiei resilience gives tne most illiter
ate Pele, Hun or Italian tbe r Itstit te par
ticipate In law or president nmklng. Ten
years residence would net be tee long a ie ie
ried of probation. Twenty would be belter,
and a total abrogation of tbe prl liege, per
haps, best el all.
Tt'iiN out at the polls te night and send
geed men te the Democratic county conven
tion next Weduesday.
Till: Bellefonte W'atclnrum wants te knew
what the peeple think of the Heaver adminis
tration, six months of which has lest te the
state In revenue the enormous sum of 2,291
000, Wi: have received from tbe author, James
D. (Slade, a copy of bis "Complete Mujlnera
Directory of Colombia." It contains 110
ges and Is neatly bound. A descriptive
account et the origin and growth et the
borough Is given in the beginning of the
book, aud In It may be found much useful
historical Information. The health of the
borengb, tbe ."Susquehanna river, the public
schools, the big Industries, the politics and the
journalism, tire department, tullitla, etc , are
all treated el In easy natural style, aud the
pages of tbe book are interspersed with ad
vertisements. The work is most creditable
te Its author aud should have lntluenttal
etlect iu carrying out IU declared purpose of
presenting tbe advantages and attractions el
the big town en tbe river.
Lkt it net be forgotten that the Democratic
primary elections ler delegates take place
this evening.
It Is a peculiar fact tbat, through railroad
earnings gained 15 per cent, iu June, prices
of stocks have been lower.
Tut: Pennsylvania Scheel Journal detetes
titteen pages of its Issue tbis month te " Dr.
U. E. lilgbee, superintendent of public in
struction, aa These Men Knew Him Who
Knew Him Best." It calls attomieu te hew
Gen. Wagner was repulsed Iu bis latter
charges against Dr. Ulgbee, and declares
thewbole crusade against him was falsely
founded, and was instigated by personal
malice towards him. An excellent cut el tbe
gentlemeu Is also presented.
The Philadelphia -Yfu.i bisa new com
mandment Icr Philadelphia bakeis : Theu
sbalt net commit adulteration.
We need mere vigorous tax assessment in
this town. The tax asseturucnt for Jtllersen
county, Ala., including Birmingham, shows
Increase of values for 1S7 ever 1) of mere
tban three hundred per cent.
Old soldiers will no doubt be pleased te
read a comparison of the number of veterans
of the Union employed under the ailmlnl ailmlnl ailmlnl
trationsef ArthurandCleveUndexpectlvely,
In tbe interior department, new iu the hands
of that eminent "rebel brigadier," Mr.
Lamar. An examination of the MlicUl regis
ters of the department, published Ujt. 1.
lJ, the last one issued during President
Arthur's administration, and that of Feb. 1,
1SS7, the last one lisued during President
Cleveland s administration sIiewh the total
number of Union soldiers and sailors em
ployed te be as follews: Veterans employed
Oct. 1, It&l, 770 ; veterans employed Feb. 1,
IW, S3i ; increase en latter date, 6t The
total number of empleyes in the department
ls3,)00, probably smaller tbvi It was in lvil,
se that tbe percentage of veteraus new em
ployed under tbe ex Confederate 1. inur may
be found te be considerably greater ihsu tbe
percentage of veterans employed under
Sr. hwltbln'a day, l( ye de ruin,
ter lerty days It will it uiilii ;
Ht sltliln' duy.up yeiwUIr,
Ker Jorty days 'twill rain nim malr.
We have received from the Courier com
pany, el liutlale, N. "S,, a copy of the
" Industries el liutlale," which Is acplendld
Illustration of hew that city of 2ir,oue people
Is growing into a great iiiotrepolH.
TllKgoernerHOf 22 et tbe &
Douiecrats and 10 lieputiiiceis
islatures stand P.) Republican aud
(dates are
Tbe leg
1'J Deine- i but surely the president has wen
bis way te the hearts et the people. The
Philadelphia North American, one of the
most uncompromising of Kepublicau papers,
thus sjieaksef him: "The speech (at Clinten)
was nothing but a little bit of autobiography,
but its entirely unalldcled simplicity of
spirit, aud the homely realism of Its details
Impart te It that ImpresaiTeness whicb be
longs te the touch of human nature ei which
the poet writen, and give one a pleasant Idea
et a man who under all the circumstances
could speak of bis boyhood with a feeling se
obviously sincere and se frte Irem anything
In the nature of drauiatle posturing. Mr.
Cleveland baa his faults, but alter all, there
is something very taking in bis I rank, hearty
genuineness, and in his entire freedom from
anything like atlectatien. People are begin
ulng te leel mere and mere that here is a
man who, though elevated te the presidency
by a most extraordinary run of geed fortune
yet puts ou ue airs, aud has atiaelutely no
nonsense about him. He la net brilliant, but
alter all, brilliancy Is net what people like
lest or what wears the longest. There is a
geed deal of unsophisticated human nature
about Mr. Cleveland, and that Isalwsvs iinn-
.'"'. 1UB puwican Philadelphia xtws
m luu Ue VelU
remarks : ' Mr. Cleve
land's speech at Clinten is the simplest and
most sincere el any of bis public utterances.
Net that he la net sincere at all times, but
yesterday be spoke without that oppressive
sense et his personal dignity which weighs
se heavily upon him."
Tuini v-eiuiit Chester ceuutiana want te
(111 eight county elllces.; Many are called, but
few are chosen.
This Ferest Jleimkhean baa enlarged and
Is new mere Republican tban ever.
Me Uirrrrsecs,
11 The New Yerk hop crop la said te be al
most a total failure. What a blessing tbat
beer Is no longer made from Imps. " Leuis
vitle Vour(crJeiriul,
Net Neceiartljr.
A man who hunts rata may be called a
ratter, but a woman wbe hunts moths Is net
necessarily a mother. Springfield Union.
Shinny en Your Own Sid.
" It may be all right for a young man te
sew his wild eats provided he doesn't sew I
tbsra en some ether man's property. Pill- I
6ure Vlipatch. I
kwead, Itesl. Cream, Mllh, reta, frail. Chaste,
Drag. Hese. Hatbands aad Unlaw Hal Hal
eoas rolseooos What Is It Htla
le Ksl or Wear ?
M. tserable In rblladelpbU North Auierlein.
Are you In getnl health, and are you being
wary of the tearful dangera el tbe present
season T New don't think 1 am starting out
te write up patent medicine advertisement.
1 am Just reflecting upon what it is necessary
te de In these days te preserve one's health.
I'm net hankering te be a centenarian, but 1
want te live at least through the present
Dumtner. The dithculty Is te decide whether
It is best te eat nothing and lit e as long aa
possible ou the present accumulation of fat
and tissue or te eat ou and run tbe rink or
being poisoned within a week.
Te eat or net te eat, that Is the? 1 have
been spending souie time ever In New Yerk
recently, but was driven away. Think of IL
In the last three months Dr. Kdsen and his
assistants In the aauttary bureau have seized
lTiUvl pounds of bad meat 1 Well, 1 wasn't
scared se much about that, as meat doesn't
have much attraction for me Iu the summer,
anyhow. Hut that wasn't all, nor the worst.
They seized 2ti7,ur0 pounds of rottenly poison
ous tislu Hew many mere thousands of
pounds of tbe same material bate been
cooked up Inte tlshballs by tbe New Yerk
restaurants I didn't try te guess, but I
stepped eating tlsb.Tbey have tee many bones
in them te pick out in het weather, anyhow.
Fruit and vegetables are probably the bwt
things te eat Iu tbe summer. Very well.
They selzd about 100,000 pounds of bad
Iruit Iu New Yerk In the past month or two.
1 made up uiy mind te go back te Unit
principles milk. What could be mere
wnoieseuio anu nutritious wan milk 7 l get
along tat and happy, aud felt safe for a short
time, but one day I was seized with violent
vomiting ami pains, and promptly nennea
Dr. F.dseu. lie had bis attention called te
several etber cases of tbe satne kind. A
number et people bad the same symptoms
these of poisoning. The milk was analyzed
and subjected te the mlcroacepto teat. Tbe
rejert el the Investigation waa that the milk
was "tainted with a fungus well known te
science, but which Is generated In some un
known mauuer, and lis etlect upon the sys
tem is similar te tbat produced by an irri
tant mineral poison."
Well, several of us were nearly dead, and
1 for one made up my mind never te taste
milk again. Whcu one tinds out surely
what it la dangerous te eat or drink, be
should have tbe courage te abstain, no dif
ference hew much he may eujey It. "What
ever Is proved dangerous I'll put down ou
the total abstinence Hat," said 1 te myself.
The next article that went down en my
little list was cheese. One day I was enjoy
ing a quiet lunch, and took up a paper te
read wulle I ulbbled at a bltel cheese. The
first thing that struck my eye was this head
line: "Poisoned by Cueese Several Case
ofTyretoxlcon or Poisoning lnKlv lnKlv
erteu, N. J." Tyrotexicon is the result of
fermentation. It is caused by what old dairy
men call " animal heat" et milk, which
must be removed by gradual cooling. It It
isn't, and la tee quickly made Inte cheese,
(being solidified by the use of potassium
nydra'.eand ether), it contains a poison In
needle-like crystals. Tbat was the scientific
explanation I read alter I dropped the cheese.
It it commonly contained steel ueedles, one
would be sale la eating It, for he could pick
tbem out like rish bones, but these needle
crystals can easily 13 eaten. I put cheef e down
ou the prohibition list.
I'll have tbe doctors knew tbat I don't in
tend te ruu te them every time 1 eat a lunch
te find whether I'm poisoned and be pumped
out at an enormous expense as a precaution
ary measure. It will save time, trouble and
money te leave these dangerous feeds eutaide
In tbe lirst place. He I put cheee en my list
and there's one thing I'll never sutler from
that's tyrotexicon.
New aud then 1 had been eating a little ice
cream te help me keep body and soul to
gether, but that ten Is down en tbe list. It
has killed tee many p eple te be trusted, iu
the analysis of the laisoneus cream which
nearly killed lerty et us New Yerk patriots
en tbe natleu's na'al day Professer La Fetra
leunu no verdigris ireui copper vessels, no
arsenle or ether foreign poison, as every one
expected, but a poisonous fungi, a plant
which could be seen in various stages of
growth through tbe microscope. He calls
tbem zx spores. Tbe name is an apt one.
When you eat the cream you'll feel as though
you net only had a zee but a whole circus,
clowns, side shows, Punch and Judy and all
In your internal regions.
My menu began te crew qutte small, and
I resolved te leave New Yerk. Tbey are
dying there at the rate of 1,200 a week. That's
one in every thousand, 'the chances of life
were growing tee small. 1 came te Phila
delphia, where 1 could live en nothing but
the statf of life geed old Quaker bread.
New I have bread en the list. This chrome
yellow exposure put me out of conceit et
bread, and I'm wondering just new what te
eat ter supper that won't seud me te the cre
matory. I am three days nearer the willows for
having read a joke about " practical sug
gestions for summer diet. " Tbe funny
man wbe wrote it bad the word " diet " set
up " die it, " and suggested that it would ap ap
ear easier te "die it" than " llve it "just
What te eat is net tbe only thing tbat U
worrying out tbis lingering life. A man is
Just aa apt te be poisoned by bis clothes as
his feed. Why, an editor el Harper's Maga
zine has complained te Dr. Kdsen, of the
New Yerk health department, about a roison reison roisen
ous tUunel suit of clothes. The dye ran out
all ever him and gave hltn the chills and
whatnot? Aud thu official chemist of the
mercantile exchange was poisoned and given
a sick headache by tbe iu his
bat, which analysis showed bad a compound
of lead In it. He extracted tblrtysevsn
grains of sulphate of white lead from one hat
band. He will probably get rich in conse
quence of his discovery by forming a com
fany te buy up latts for mlmug purposes,
nit that will net repay him for running the
risk of dying.
Complexion wafers have been proved te
contain arsenic, and It Is a question what
isn't poisonous in the whole range of feed
and clothing, from chrome yellow bread te
brass cellar buttons and cheap hose.
OU ! if we could only live en love and
dress in lig leaves. Hut it would probably
be of no use. These, tee, are doubtless adul
terated. When we get sick, tbe doctors new
band us a prescription labelled lieware
of poison aud adulterated drugs."
They might as well tell us this. Tbey tell
us that " bacilli Bwarm in almost everything,
horrible phantoms et disease lurk In the In.
neceut glass of water or gambol in the spray
of tbe copper-lined soda fountain, ice-cream
claims ita hosts of victims, and in everything
we eat or drink science finds drevea of aav aav
age little bugs bent en the extermination of
our species."
Aue again Professer Li Fetra of New Yerk
cheerily tells us " If all tbe germ which are
taken In at each breath or with every mouth meuth
ful of water were te reach maturity, we could
exist but a short time."
1 am et the opinion tbat there is nothing
sweet aud pure aud wholesome and unadul
tetaled in this world but ccllles.
t-uur Siulles.
Never take a sulky girl te ride In a buggy.
Harper's Jlasar.
Hanging a man in tlligy baa about tbe
same etlect as tiring feathers at him at a dis
tance el 100 miles .Savannah Scu-s,
A Maryland lady defends herself for the
size et her bustle by saying that she Isn't re
sponsible for what gees en behind ber back,
Harper's lla:ar.
"Johnny," said the minister, rather se
verely, " de you chew tobacco T" Yee, sir,"
was the reply, " but I'm clean out Just new;
Jimmy lirewn'a get some, though." Wash
ington Critic,
A Lai7 Dsfloed.
Omaha Dame Don't you think It is about
time the title "lady" were bestowed only
where It belongs?
Omaha Philosopher I certainly de, mad am.
Ne word In the language la se misused.
" 1 am glad we agree se well. New II you
would only give a clear and comprehensive
definition el the term 1 will de my share to
ward making It public"
"A lady, madam, is a human being of tie
feminine gender wbe la net afraid te be called
a woman." Omaha ll'erld.
Whrrs ths Ramp Are,
'A phrenologist baa examined Jehn L Hul
llvsu's bunipa. We suppose be found them
en tbe etber lellew'a bead "San yranciice
Captured by a Weman,
" General Pickett failed te capture Gems
tsry Ridge la 1803. but Mrs, Pickett captured
It without trouble la 1167, "-Mobil Xegiittr.
PcitAKKsa and Vlgaaux are te oeatead (or
tbe billiard championship la larla, Oot 10,
Dn. McUlymm la going te Kurepe. but act
te Heme, ter rest and recreation, and wUlaall
In tbe City et Heme, ler 1, her peel, August
22d. He will go unattended, and will prob
ably deliver an ivcasleual lecture In the
course el his traxels.
(Ikn. Fham. MttiRi., the here el the men
who fought tult Sslgel, " la new In the Weet
visiting some of the old battle grounds. The
object el bis visit Is te obtain mime definite
Information about tbe topography of tbe
country. He Is te wrlte the story of bis cam
paign, te be published Iu Herman.
lUvniiv, the alnter, decorated the celling
of tbe lever el tbe Ill-fated Opera Ceuilqiie In
Parla. While he was doing It he noticed a
fireman watching him with Interest. "Well,
my geed fellow," said lUudry,wbal de you
inWK OI II I " "I lUIUH, repiipil mr uiutii
' tbat when the house burns down your oil
paints will make a nasty siuoke l "
Kkv. Fatiikh AiiitiAN Heiut'itriR, the
famous missionary of the Choctaw, died
lrlday in . sw Orleans, ageu year no
was beru In New OrUaus, completed bis
studies in Philadelphia, and was ordained
priest by Archti shop lllane In New Orleans
neany te year age. no laueriu ier untiw
gellzatien of the Indian In Louisiana, aud
waa pastor of the Choctaw church in Ht Tam
many parish. Father Keuquelle, besides the
classical language, possessed a thorough a
knowledge el French, Kngllsh, Italian, Span
ish and Choctaw.
V ewilsrl' Answer te I he Assertion Tbat Ihs
Orcauitallen It Online le ritrtsi.
General Mas'er Workman T. A. Powderly
prints the lollewlng In the Journal of I 'nitctt
Laber In reference te the assertions In a num
ber of newspapers that the organization el tbe
Knights of Laber is breaking up :
We are breaking up as tbe ploughman
breaks up the soil for the sewing et new seed.
We are breaking up old traditions.
We are breaking up hereditary rights and
planting everywhere the seed of universal
We are breaking up the Idea that money
makes the man, and net moral worth.
We are breaking up the Idea tbat might
makes right.
We are breaking up the idea that legisla
tion la alene for tbe rich.
V a are breaklug up tbe Ides that the Cen
greea of tbe 1'ulted Ststes must be run by
millionaires ler the benefit of millionaires.
We are breaking up the idea that a few
men may bold millions of acres of untitled
land, while ether men starve for want et an
We are breaking up the practice of put
ting tbe labor of criminals Inte competition
with honest labor and starving It te death.
We are breaking up the practice of Import Impert
lug Iguoratice, bred of monarchies and dyna
mite in order te depreciate tntolllgent,skilled
latmr at home.
We are breaking upthe practice of employ
ing little children iu factories, thus breeding
a race deformed, Ignorant and profligate.
We are breaking up tbe idea that a man
wbe works wltb bis hand has need neither
et education nor of civilizing refinement.
We are breaking up the idea that the acci
dent or sex puts one-half of tbe human race
beyond the pale of constitutional rights.
We are breaking up the practice et paying
women ene-tblrd the wages paid men simply
because she la a woman.
We are breaking up tbe Idea that a man
may debauch an Infant girl and shield him
self from tbe penalty behind a law be himself
has made.
We are breaking up ignorance, intemper
ance, crime and oppression of whatever char
acter and wherever found.
Yes, the Knights of Laber are breaking up
and they will continue tbelr appeluted work
of breaking us until the universal rights
shall prevail ; aud while tbey may net bring
In the mlilenluiu tbey will de their part In
tbe e olutlen of moral forces tbat are work
ing for the emancipation of tbe race.
A Hetel Scans.
Ouest te a reporter who is negligently
turning ever tbe leaves et the register : "See
here, I don't want you te put my name In
the paper. 1 don't approve of such things."
" Mir," said tbe reporter, with tbat kingly
dignity se characteristic of newspaper men,
" I bad no Intention of doing anything of the
kind. 1 don't even knew you."
Ob, that's all right Don't de It. Here's
my card, liut mind, don't put my name In
print I'm a real estate man. 1 de the
larg " but the reporter had fled.
tlosten friggUlmes
Frem the Sprlngilald Union.
It is rather humiliating te be asked by s
Bostenlan if you have read tbe poetry of
Geerge Gorden, and en replying In tbe nega
tive te be met with a superior smile and tbe
exclamation : "What, never read By ren !"
Slumber hag 9tllld the note
In the thrush's tender threat ;
hut "chirp" tbe cricket sings.
And ths moth's dark wings
flutter along the night.
Through the pale starlight
Seft may thine eyelids meet ;
Sleep en, t) aweell
ever a itlr'mld the stirs
el ttejisralneat the bars
Ol her casement, looting away
Toward Hie unborn day.
Mount, and aa entrance win,
bleal Id, my song, steal In '.
Koft may thine eyelids meet ;
tileepen, O sweet!
Steal In, but breathe net above
The lowest wslsper of love ;
Hever around her there
in that holy air;
Glide Inte her dreams, and be
A memory of me.
Seft may thine eyelid i meet ;
Sleep en, O sweet
Clinten tcellaril, (n the American Magaiint.
Im. T, II. GeDrmr.says " I gare ' Dlgesty
lln te an ebstlgate dyspeptic patient, who nied
It with geed effect "
Beld by all Urugglsti, 11.00 per bottle, or W
r. Kidder A Ce, Manufacturing Chemists, 8.1
Jehn St , N. Y.
held In the following churches en bunday,
In the morning at 10-30, in Urn evening at 7.1S.
Sunday school at ID a. in. When the hour U
different It Is ipeclully neted:
street. Services hy the pastor at tbe usual
hours. All are welcome.
Christ Lcthiris Cucrch West King street
E. L. Ueed, pastor. Divine services at 1U-.3U a. in.
and 6 p. m. Sunday school at a a. m.
church or Uoe-Corner of i'rtnee and Orange.
Preaching at 10.JO a. in. and 7:13 p. in. by the
puster. Sabbath school at 'J a. in. Prayer
meeting at ( je p.m.
JTikst Maitist. lervlces at the regnlur hours
morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor,
ilev. J. S. relwell. Sunday school at i p. m.
HTHAwuKKKr Stkikt African M. K. church.
PreacblnK at 10K a. m. and 7 p. tn. by the pastor.
Uhacs Lcths&ak. Cerner of .Nertn Qneen
and Jumcs street. Ilev. U. Klrln lleupt, pastor.
hervlcis at K'J J a. in and 6 p. in. Sunday school
at 9 a. in.
hT. Jehn's Lcmiaiw. Be v. II. t. Alleman,
D. D. pastor. Services every Sabbath at lOJOa.
m, and at 7.15 p. m. Lecture and prayer servlcs
en Wednesday evening at 7.J0. Sunday school
at a in. Metwald Mission at 2 p. m.
WaaTSRs M. K. Church-u: je a. in. Sacrament j
7. IS p. tn. Levefeaat.
riasT KireaMSD Church. Kev. J. M. Tllzel,
O. II , pastor, fervlcej te-morrow at 10:31 a. m,
and 7.u p- in. Sunday school at 'J a. m.
Sacean Kvasubucal( Kngllsh), en Mulberry
street above Orange Preaching at 10 30 a. m.
and 7ti p. u by the pastor, Sunday school at
St. Less's UsreRSXD Marietta Avenue, Iter.
Win. '. Llchllter, pastor. Ulvlne service at I0J0
a. m. and 7.14 p. m. Sunday school at s a. in.
OLivrr Uaitist Church. Y. M. C. A. Koeins.
Presetting at lo.Se a. in. and 7; is p in. by the
pastor. Sunday school at u a. in. Meeting ter
the study of Christian doctrine every Batui day
at 1 p. m.
Umitbe IlRBTHXlf IS Cbrist (CeVBVtaT) West
Orange and Concord streets, Ilev. J. 11 funk,
pastor l'rearhlng at 10.30 a. in. and 716 p. m
Sunday school at a a. in.
St. Jean's UiroRHSe (Uerman) church, cer
ner Orange and Mulberry streets, lie v. Jehn
Kuelllng, U. II. pastor. Ulvlne services atHhJJ
a. ui. and 7.1i p. ui. Sunday school at 1.11 p. in.
Tsisitt LuTHSKw.-Suuday school at u a. ui.
Church services emitted
Meaavua. J. Max Hark, l. I., pastor, 9a. in.
Sunday school ; loom a. in, Litany and Sermon ;
Me evening service.
The prayer meeting et tbe W. C. T, U. will be
discontinued till further nelle.
Tbe meeting at Ne ill North Prince street,
en Tuesday, will be at 7 o'clock, until further
St. Paul's M. E. Church. Sunday school at
9 a. in. Prdachlng at lu-.:u a. ui. by K. B. Dixen,
et Mtllorsvllle, and at 7:4 p. in. by lbs pastor.
Yeung peoples prayer meeting at 7 P. tn.
Irayer meeting en Wednesday evening at S
ocleck. .
i,..,T M "j CaeacH uv. It. T. Srar, pastor,
2L m. and s p.m. preaching by pastors a,
J v.eni,,S st 730, Levefsast.
. MtMiesk. at Cbapslrrsaesias at
I p. . aitaeattassa sk Us pmeat twmwa M
Reller Fleur!
lien'l trave the Bummer se br without Irvine
a 9ea Hath because you eau'l gut off Ui go te the
ira shorn. It. II. Cochran tuu In teckfUKK
bmi shorn.
SKA SALT ter bathing mirrHMnt.
rHMt. A regular
use el this salt. He-
ocean balh produced by
iiretinciMi dv me use 01 1
trvahlngaad nesHMiil. Keoeinmrndod by phy.
ililaiis. for sale tn any quautlty at
Ne. 13? aud IW NOUTIigUIKNHT.
lnarslydKTTn.vs Lancaster, !'
6, 8 c. 10 BAST KINO ST.,
Ots'ii another I arx Invoice of full Width
5ec, (i.'K , ?5c , ue , !I,Hc , It oil te II CO per yard.
Ladles' and Mlsses' Nainsoek aud Cambric
, Nainsoek and Cambric RMIIUUItiR
KIKS in all widths and bundled et the newest
designs at low pi Ices.
SILKS, only 7Sc per
C01.0KKt OltKSS SILKS, Is Inches wide, c.
a yard, worth Tic.
SH'Clsl Valne In HL.VCK
Sec, 75c, S7HC-. II w per yard.
All the Popular Shades In tl It alls AS II SILK,
at 74c. l-er aid, usually sold s4c
Twenty-nre Pieces Weel-Face LACK HUNT
IMJs, 4c. yard, worth l.'Xc
Twe Cass Full Size JACgUAhL
QUILTS, each, real value, 11.14.
New Yerk Stere.
Will Peer
Bring the site el your room or hsjl and wees
find a llemnant te suit. Wall Paper at half
price and Carpets almost hill price. Ne such
an opportunity till next summer.
This Season's Patterns, and Best Quality
Smith's and Hartferd Hakes.
Prices during season, 1180; new 11.10. Borre
wltb no border te match, at 11.09.
New for sale. Constantly receiving new addi
tions te our stock ter tbe
Handsomer goofs than ever, and with our en
Urged rooms we can show you a largely In
creased stock el every grade el Carpet ant
Wall Paper.
J. B. Martin Ce.,
ler. West Mag k 8ti,
BOLD1EU8 who were disabled from wounds,
Injury, rupture, exposure, pile, deafness, or
who were, in conseqaenee of their military er.
vices, incapacitated for manual labor, whether
from wounds or disease, ars entitled te psnslen.
WIDOWS, miner children, ana aepesaenv rei
Stive of soldiers wbe died of suabilities een
WIDOWS, miner children, and dependent ret.
II vm nf anldlam hnlmd of alUablllttss OOn
iru-tiul in thu ssirvlM. sj entitled te Densleila
sad by Act of Cengrass of Jan. .lW.seiaisrs
of the Mexican War era also entitled te penstena.
INCKEABB. TBOnasne OI BsnaKwiers mrm sib.
UUed teaslgssrraUag.
jiesss iibsbbws.
snoeessfnl clalmasU.
iui. van rarer. te mu;
seiaiers. it wui eess :
aetsiss w wnw mm.
ana it maj rwaivi
w wsjsssri '
HouRtatea'a Drug- Btert),
Jjsttd a and ?J West King Street.
al'UINO, 18K7.
A Mew llepartnm ter Lancaster In fine Tab
erlng. lniHirtlng dtrvct from the beat makers
el fine Woellens. I havaiuslrecvtved through
Uia Husten custom house, a large Invoice et my
own Importation el
The like of which, for style anAiiualtty,has
never been equated Is this city, and cannot he
A special Invitation Is herrby extended In all
tn want el spring uarinenU te call early and
secure cneiee raiiern weiamansnip we very
beat and priens lower than ever.
mai-rMydH Me. 41 North Uueen Street
pay both noting men and ladles much better
talailea than most commercial positions, and
the demand Is grvatcr. Students can be fitted
ter office shorthand position
bv Haven's system
Ne previous knowledge et
either art reiiulrvd.
Colleges open all the year.
enter any
v time, all tuition belnu
me, all tuition being
Individual. Superior facilities ler procuring
situation, for which aid we make no charge.
College namnhlets with lull st selMeachlnit les
suns in either art sent te any address ler li el.,
With arts, a) eta. e stamps accepted. Address
either et Haven' College Mew ,erk, M. Y.;
l'hlladelphta. Pa; Chicago, 111.', Cliif Innall. tl.t
San rranclsce. Cat. JtintOiiidsAW
Sun Umbrellas
At t.ess lhan Manufacturers' C'csL
We are determined te soil them out,
If price will dolt, regardless et coat.
It will pay any person wanting any
thing In tne way of a Parasol or I'm
lirella te leek at our goods before
Ne. 510 Bast King atreet,
-15 AT-
Men's All Weel Suits te Order, at Hi V t. Ilfi,
is. tl.
Men' All-Weel Pants te Order, at II, Hit, l,
There ge-ils are unusual targslns and pur
chasers will st a geed percentage en their
THIN UOOIIS Men's Seersucker Coats and
Vest at It co, 25.:
Men's Mohair Coats and Vest at l-A 12.73.
S3 te
Men' Pants at f.V-, !&, 75c, He., II.K), l.v,
II SO. II 7 II 01, II . .! I. II N)
One Hundred I'slr'.el children's Knee Pant
at Vc. a pair.
Sr We are busily encaged new manufactur
ing fall and Winter Urxxla and are In need of
room, lluyersnlll nndlttothetradrantage te
call early and eiarnlne these tiunulne liar
gatn. especially Hey's and Children's bults. as
they must go. We sacrltlce our summer cloth
Ing rather tuan pack the in away until next tea
son. L. GANSMAN & BR0
Merchant Tailors.
Hen's, Ltsjs' sad Children's fJlethlsg,
stsTThe Cheapest (and
Heuse In tne city
Exclusive) Clothing
Bang !
Crinkled Seersuckers
Frem 13Ke- te 8c. a Yard,
New Attraction I
10,000 TABUS
A Mew Dress StuB, Beantllnl Styles and Colen,
7 Cent a Yard.
Great Summer Sale I
We have a Bargain ler each Caller.
A HIIMMKtt BAKOAIN-100 Uexen Lad'es'
Hese. 10c apslr s worth UHc.
Special erteilng et Ladles' Line a Ce'Iari and
CulTs and Suchtngs.
Spltedid Opportunities for ill.
StammBres. &Ce.
Summer Wear for Qentt.
25-27 West KitiR Ktreet.
iuii7e, Urtlbrlttgiin und Feather
weiglit Shirts ml Dr.twurs.
SeatnUvM, li.tlbrlgRiui und Lisle
HcmstltclieU und Colored ltor lter
dercd llitndkerchlefs.
Twilled and Scre lllcycle Shirts.
Ijiutuliled and Unhuindrled
'retiKee, Silk, (ireuadltie and
J.itwu Neckwwir.
K. V W. CelLirs and CulTs.
One llutidml Dezen Kxtra Un
liiundasj Shirts Ht I'm:, wtch.
Scotch Cheviot, Cisalmeru and
Worsted SttltitiKs.
Ne. 25 West King Street.
tmam mmu aurwmmii.' '
KVKitrueuy uimkmuku
When you get tel'entrn Siiara. Just drop Inte
theTSAandCurKK.KSTOHK (the only one in
sight), and get our prices en all goods. Come
and we will greet you cordially.
uuitcerrKKis all cerrBE'
lteinember the Address
Ob ! Mamma, 1 Am Se Warm.
1 ou ke teCLAHKK's and buy a pound el his
lest Combination Cottee, same a he made at
the plculc the ether day, which was pronounced
hy alt the host they eur drank, and be will give
you an Klegant Japanese Pan. Alse ask him
for a sample sneet nt Laundry lllutue. llegHcs
It away te ail his customers.
Original Tea and Coffee Stere,
Special Waithes for Farmers and Railreadera.
rine let of Ulng, Ac Alse, Elgin, Waltham
I Aurera for which I am Sele Agent), and ether
'trstrCUu Watcher. Uest Watch and Jewelry
asnui lag.
place tn city.
Urns by Telegraph Dally, only
Ma 1MK N. Queen St, Near Penn'a K. It. llepeL
W Spectacles, E ea lasses aud Optical Uoed.
All Kinds el Jewelrv.
A. of
Lancaster County.
MaUldaUoever l .
Tl. Execution Derket-
8. L. PltTenderfer and r April Term, isss. Ne.
Zenaa U. Eby, trading 71 August Teim.iess,
as UlSenderfer Eby.J Ne. 61.
Tbe undersigned auditor, appelnt'd te dis
tribute the fend in court arising from said exe
cutions, te and among these legally entitled
thereto, will sit for that purpose In the Library
Roem of the Court Heuse, Lancaster, en
THU119DAY. JULY St. 187, at 10a.m., where all
Jyi-ltdS Auditor.
Great Bargains !
R. B. & H.f
T Wta
.--' Mrt.