Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 16, 1887, Image 1

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The Evidouce Thui Far Found
Against Win. T. Oolwell.
Cnicer Unrnlield HandlPHlSomeClaen
Furnthlicd Him.
tnn thii' tiNi ruurn vubutiaha
rttwAHua iiHLtwAum vevurt.
Willi mi Klrnr, Who AcoeinuanlMl Oelwsll lb
lujr rations i ma Menln, Hm
Uusrrel In Which II Alleged
ll Hutw Smmieiil te Mend the
jllr In Hi Halle! Cel.
null Muw In .tall Charged
With Atieu anil sere-
Ijr ul Ilia Peace,
On Sunday night, Noveuiber '.TJ, lS&'i, Jehn
Nharplesn, h well known humor, wbe resided
near Chester, In Nether Providence town
ship, Delaware con nly, m email inur
dnred in lih.ulilc, hy a colored man, A col
or ed man named Cariwtiter was arrested for
thecrlme.nud finally suspicion full upon Ham
ul Jehnsen, also colored, who was arrested,
trlml and eon Icted. At present he If In the
Delaware c mnty Jail under aontenee el
dnttti, anil unlna thorn Is something done In
tliu matter, lie will be hanged un August ul,
Tberu hm bn a pretty general bellefameng
a great many (leuple, end eealy these of
Dolaware, Chester and ntlier counties, that
Jnlmsnii It net the murdnrer. Thl feeling
has grewu ery strong, and when the beard
of pinion meet, en next Tuesday, a pelttlea
signed y thousand el cllUsns, uklng for
the commutation of Jehnsen' sentence te
imp Wee men t for llfe, will lie presented.
Them IsaHiiipicleti with very geed foun feun foun
ditlen that 'he murderer or Jehn Sharpie
In hew occupying a cell In the Lancaster
county priHen. Tim nun at whose deer this
terrible crime M new laid Is un ether than
William T. Ciilwull, or Tem, as he Is better
known. This man resided In the town el
ClnlitUim. whnre he conducted a barber
sliep for several years. It will be remem
bered tliitt he left that place suddenly last
June and after being traced from ene town
te nnother was Ilnally arrested In Burling Burling
ten, New Jersey, about two weeks age by
Olllcir llarnheld, of this elty, lie was
brought te Lancaster te answer the charge of
attempting te tire the barber shop of Mrs.
llenn, In Christiana, and also with making
threats against J. I,, (larnw, a well known
cltlzm of that plaee. On both these charges
tin was ceuiuilttvd ler trial at ejiirt, after a
hearing cm 1 hursday afternoon.
Soen after the iliiialls of the KMarplens tiiur.
dr had bein putillahrd several cltlzins of
Chrlitlaim U'can te Itiluk that Cel well had
had a hand In 11 When the ilworlptleu of
the ni'irili rtr wnt pulillnhid In the papers
they were struck wllh the similarity el hisap
poir'tnee In tlii.t el t'elaell It was alMi stateii
that the man had su Impidiment In his
speet'h I'elwnll Initie samoer at least when
Cicllitl Umu)ri conslileiahly. About
the rlmt iwrneu tuuje t (Jelwell wan Jehn
I. Uatuer, who iviiiiiiiiuiIcUh1 with U. U.
Wltmer, 11 tinlKhlHir. t'elwell's mollens and
actions wt re leinly watched and shortly
nfterwrti'lH tin) wat put into thn hslidsef
Olllcer ItuuhnKI, of this city's pnllue force.
TIim oltli'er Iiiih Iheii follewlug iipcluns In the
co for rensldtrably ever a year past
He his Kiit a uril deal of time
and money In looking It up and
has traled n deal through the
section In which the inurdnr eccurred and te
place n here Celwell nail been. In his work
the cltlCHi hsi n'Hivel valuable aid from
citirms In the d lUrunt places What his
work will amount te reeialua for the future
te develep. The evidence In the possession
of llarnheld and ethers was given te the rep
resiitailes of the Lancaster pipers yoster yester
day aud the public will new get It ler the
first time. Although It was known te the
reporters for some two weeks that there was
a suspicion against Celwell, It was doeuied
best le kop the matter from the public for a
time at least.
When rusimcIeu first fell upon Cel well In
quiry (-oncoming his u hereabouts at dlllor dlller
ent times was made. It was learned that he
was born and ral-ied somewhere In tha neigh neigh neigh
borheo.lo! Went L'buster,and net In Kagland,
as be states, i'er several yeais he worked at
Media as a barber and whlle there he often
haw Jehn HharpleMH. He married bis wife at
.Swarihmere college, where she had been em
ploy l as a servaut for many years.
In 'esrd le Colwell's whereabeut about
the I'm r the iiiurdor.ivinnlderable has been
learned. On the morning of Inevember '22
(the muiiter occurred that night) Colwell
went te iliti ilii snd exchange stable uf Jack
Kckert, In Culs'lsna, and asked te hire a
team te drive te I'arkesburg. i:ekert re
fused him because be kuew that be waa
atmalie te horses. Colwell then went te the
stable of Jehn Wallace and lit red a sorrel
horse, which Wallace had bought the day
before, and a buggy. Taking with him Wm.
King, auether colored uian, wbe resides In
the village, he atarted toward I'arkesburg.
rhe plauu where the murder occurred Is
about tblrty-Neven mlles from Christians,
and the reid te take would be by
I'arkesliurg, Coatuirilte, Dtwnlngtewn and
West Chester. It was some time be
tweeu 3 aud b o'clock the next morning
when Colwell and his companion returned
te Christiana and gave the horse Inte charge
or Wallace's bottler. Upen examination. It
waa found tbattbe animal had beeu abused.
He ahewed signs of having been driven
long dlslanoe and was se tired that he could
net atand up, Alter Wallace aaw the cendi
tien of the horse he gave Colwell repri
mand for treating him la the manner
that he had. Hherlly alter thl se me detec
tives were looking up atelen horses In the
neighborhood, and In the course of their
Investigations they found that en this day
Colwell and hlaompanlen hid driven at far
as Ceateavllle, at least. It will be remem
bered that Huarplea was murdered
about nine o'clock in the evening and
shortly after the killing Mndsey'a barn
mar by was burned. William Bsnuard, wbe
residue en the read te Media about 1100 yard
from this barn, ran te the tire. Juat aa be
was eut ring the barnyard team dashed by
him. lie did net notice who waa In It or
whether there was mere than one person, but
tbe herse was running very fast and they
crossed tbe bridge toward West Cheater.
A colored girl named Harris, wbe la
nnwmarrlei te Mart Thoaapaen.of Christiana,
aid aeveral month age that Colwell was In
West Cheater en tbe night el the murder,
hue remembered It because be said he wa
serving Invitation for a ball which wa te
take place en tbe following Tburauay, which
waa Thanksgiving. On the nlgbt of tbe
murder lleerge Themas beard a team going
ever what la known as "Heet Heed" towards
Tfe vwiwier, mw wf ! vivwYV
from Hharplesa'. Colwell told Mr John Jehn
eon, the wife or a barber who worked for
him, thai he bad been In West Cheater that
night, but he did net want his wife te knew
After tbe murder It waa noticed that Cel.
well kept very cleae te hi shop which be
bad net been accustomed te doing before, a
he was fend of being out and helping te at
tend te tbe affaire of ethers. Oa Wednesday
following the murder, Celwell said In the
bearing of Dr. Pattenand Jeseph llyerethat
oe Hunday nlgbt he had taken a cold bath In
tub of water which he had brought te bis
room In Ceateavllle, It waa afterwards
learned that Ibe bath waa taken at the house
of Mame Toegooit, a colored woman. There
waa ether people In the house and they did
net knew what this act uieeut. It la be
lieved that If Colwell had anything te de
with tbla murder be washed himself and ar
ranged his clothing at tbl house.
About thl time Colwell aud King were
both very anxious te obtain all the news
papers that they could. They purchased and
read them very carefully. One day Colwell
made a bet with a young man of the village
that the murderer of Hbarpleas would net be
convicted In a year. Heme weeks alter the
murder Jehn Harris, a Dewnlcgtnwn barber,
wbe waa an Intimate frlend of Colwell, was
arrested In I'hlladelphls while drunk en the
street and bragging that be had shaved tbe
murderer of Jehn Mharptes. llarils was
seen released, and he at oneo went te Chris
tians where be vlilled Colwell. The two
had a long talk together, and Harris after
wards paid several vlilta. Wblle he was
there Colwell seemed uneasy. Harris was
killed or died suddenly In the winter or lSSii,
near Diiwulngtewn, aud Just previous te his
death be hat vliltel C.ilwelt. Ilitere he
died Harris told his meth'ir and sister sev
eral times that be feared he would be mur
dered, but did net state what for.
A man named Carpenter was first arrested
or the Sharpies murder, but be was dis
charged, aa Mrs. (Sharpies said the man who
eaine Inte their house bail a smooth face.
About tbla time Colwell, whose face bad beeu
smooth before, waa seen constantly working
at a short moustache which be kept blacking,
presumably te give It the appearance of being
large. He left bis uiousueha grew until
Jehnsen had been c mvicted when he cut It
etr. When application for a new trial was
made be let It grew again. In prison new be
la raising a mouitaehe, which has been grew
ing ler several weeks.
ills till M's HKMAIIKM
When King and Cilwnll otuie home to
gether en the morning of the murder the
former asked his gramlmo'.her net te s ty any
thing te his parents that he had been away
with Colwell. lu the beginning of May,
lH.vl, these two men bal a quarrel while
pitching pennies and Klngsild te Tem "Ul
waa te tell all 1 knew I could bang you."
Tbe same day Colwell drove away with a
friend. He seemed worried and aald that he
bad bad a quarrel with King that morning
for which be was sorry, a King knew thing
that be abeuld net.
In the retd neir llii en t of tbe Sharpies
lane, a revolver and a large sl.)t pair of
women's rubber shoes were round, some days,
alter the murder llarnheld and his assistant
there made anellirt te learn whether Col
well had a revolver. They found that en
September 'Jlth, 1V, he bad purchased a
bull deg revolver of l,iwls Ceales, In Chris
tiana, l-'or several months after the murder
Colwell did net go away from Christiana, On
Jan. li, 14;, Je. Coogan asked hint te lend
blm hi revolver, but Colwell aald "I leaued
my revolver te llerl I'eddlngten, but
I'll get you lleerge Wilsen's." II rt
I'eddlngten was a colored woman who
resided In Wet Chester, and was
en very Intimate terms with Colwell. When
she was aikei encurulng this mttter re
cently she said Colwell's story wa net true.
Hhesald she only owned ene revolver lu her
life time and that she bought te sheet amau In
Philadelphia Hhe afterward' becanninn geed
terms with blm and threw the wetpea Inte
the Delaware The revolver found near tbe
Sbarpless msuslen Is of 21 calibre aud num
bers47Jed. Inside or the handle is the name
"Klehard 11. Habey" written In leal pencil,
llarnheld wrote te all the ataessirs In Del
aware, Chester, Montgomery and part of
Lancaster nouutles, but they hal no sueli
name as Sebey en their lists. A lettar from
Klmbertensaldthata man by the neme of K.
IL Hebey bad received mail at that elllcs but
they kuew uethlng mere of htm. Kimoerten
la near I'ottstewn and from the latter town
Colwell moved te Christiana The shoes and
revolver are new lu Hirnheld'a poajsslen.
Heme time in the latter part or Miy, Isvl,
Kelt I'eddlngten came te a ck wilk In
Chrlstlaua. Hhe bad a talk with Colwell and
during the conversation she aald that Tem
waa a bad man and If the truth came out she
would tell a true story. Ills net known te
what she referred at the time. WUen Hartle
was ask by Oilleer Itarnheld what aha meant
when abe spoke of telling the truth, she
aald abe referred te a robbery that Celwell
and Kd Wiley bad commltted en a Chrlstlaua
ball player in West Chester.
When Oilleer Barnbnld and another gen
tleman had a talk with Mrs. Hharpleas, aha
said that tbe man who entered their beuse
when the murder ojeurred was big and
atreng, with a bread face. He were a slouch
hat pulled down ever bis facs. Around bl
neck was a mulnVsr, aud he were a frock
coat He stammered In apeiklng, and his
mouth looked as though he might have 111
tittlng raise teeth. The dewrlptleu or ap
pearance and dress waa like Cel well's When
be left home en tbe day of tbe murder be
were a frock coat similar te that described by
Mrs. Nharples. That coat was net seen en
blm again after that Hunday. lie bad al way a
been accustomed previous te that le wearing
a mutllsr about bis neck. Immediately after
tbe murder Colwell purchased a new ault
with a very abort coat, .which be were cou ceu
Colwell ha known for some time past that
hi name had been used In connection with
the murder. He denies tbe whole aflalr and
charges Garner with trying te Injure him.
He told several pirties belere and since bis
arrest that when be beard that tbere waa any
ausplolen against blm he went te Judge
Broomall, of Media, counsel for tbe Hharp.
leases, aed Chief of Police Williamson. He
talked with them and they told him they
had never suspected him. Upen Investiga
tien Oilleer Usrnneld found that Colwell bad
never called upon either of the gentle nen
In relation te the affair. Colwell has spoken
te different parties of tbe ausplolen against
blm, and when be waa arrested In New
Jersey that wa hi brat subject of conversa
tion. Colwell la a very shrewd man, bow.
ever, and Is yty careful with whom beholds
T. H. Williamson, wbe at the time or tbe
murder was eblef of iellce of Cheater,
baa leut OIHcer Itarnheld valuable aid In
working up this ease, aud be has furnished
Information. He thinks Jehnsen is Innocent
of tbe crime, and tbat the ease against Col Cel
well Is much stronger than It was against
Jehnsen, Mrs. Hbarpleas has sent word,
through a close friend, te Oilleer Barnueld
tbat owing te tbe bad condition of her health
at tha present time abe la unable te come te
Lancaster te take a leek at the man under
arrest It la well known that the Hbarpleas
family and trlenda are vny uncertain about
tha guilt of Jehnsen.
Tem Colwell, the man nnder arrest, deei
net bear a geed reputation by any mean,
la town where be lived la yeara gene by
Baraheld found tbat he was considered a bad
"vi l" viwiiis ej iiTaayOf waa net
geed, lie had tbe reputation of being a bull
dener, and half tbe town waa afraid el him.
lie threatened te harm quite a number of
people in ibe town. About two yeara age be
was charged with assaulting a white woman
In the village. . Ue then threatened le Injure
the editor of the village paper In case any
thing was published about him. Us bad an
ugly bull deg disposition, and wa alwaya
anxious te put himself te the front, especially
among white people. Many of the colored
people were also afraid of blm, while ethers
seemed te leek up te him, and thought him
a great man. Tem wa a great deal of a sport,
and alwaya dressed neatly and apent consid
erable money. He pride himself upon
being a runner, and baa taken part In num
erous match. He Is a favorite among the
colored women, and en account of bis Inti
macy with several In Ceateavllle and West
Cheater, he and his wife had frequent quar
rela. The folks who knew his wife ssy she
Is a geed woman. People about Hwarthmere
college, whom abe formerly worked, speak
In the highest forms of her.
Colwell lelt Christiana en June V2 and tbe
complaint of arson, Xe. were made against
him nn June 1,1. When he was arrested he
atsted that be and hi wife had a quarrel and
for tbat reasen lie left home. It wa after
wards lesnied that en this day, which was
Hunday, Colwell walked down the railroad
teAtglen. Hi wile walked down the driv
ing read and the two met at the hotel In tbe
village. Tbey seemed te be en frieudly
term and when the eaiterii bound train came
Celwell bearded It
Tbe above story as giieu Is the same as
waspincurnd from Olllisr lliruheld and his
assistants. It is net known at prenent what
action the uuthorltiea will tike In the mat
ter. Thern certainly Is milllcleut geed
grounds for an investigation. Thore Is he
doubt that the guilt el the man new under
sentence of death for this niurder I very un
certain, and a thorough sifting or lliose last
development may make a decided change
In allalrs.
King, thn man who wa wllb Colwell nn
the day or thn murder, still resides In Chris
tiana. He ha net been arrested.
Jehnsen ltsiiid.
IlAiiHisnuiKi, July lit. Jehnsen, the con
victed murderer el old man Hhsrple, and
sentenced te be banged August -, baa been
respited for .10 day by tbe governor.
listing al Mcllrann's I'ark.
Oa Thursday, July -I, thore will lie one
trotting and two miming races at McUraun'a
park. The trot will be for a purse of t KM and
the following are tbe entries: K. It. Dupree,
Lancaster, enter br. a Harry Clelddust;
Fraek Macdnnigle, Lancaster, enters b. m.
May ; I). '.. .Stark, Manbelm township, enter
br. g. l'rank.
Fer the first running race tbe purse will be
f'lOand the entries are : Itlchard Hales, Lan
caster, enters b. in. Lucy : Abraham Kautl
man, Lancaster, enters b. g. Cbarlie, and
Hiram Hkevn, Lancaster, enters b. in. Lady
The horses In tbe ether running race, for
which the prl.e la also fje, are : (leerge
Kckert, lloliiient, onters br. colt ; .uella I! ;
Jacob K. Itulter, Intercourse, enters b. in.
oelt J. K , and J. A. Hear, Wllllamstewn,
enters Lady It.
The trotting will be under the rule of the
National astociatlen and the running under
the ruins of the American Jockey club.
llaas lull Nswa,
The picked nine of player from Ieder
man's cigar factory, left Lancaster at neon to
day for Manhelm, whero they will play tbe
Keystone club of that borough.
A number of visitors went down te see fbe
Orien club, at Widse's iland yesterday, and
Uiey had a line time. Twe nines were or
ganlrsd, the tailors lsing en one team and
the memlH'rser the club en the ether. Tbe
visitors wen aa fellows :
Tayler Welsh's Club,
ulik Crlul'x C'lnli ... .
Umpire ' rally " Ueii.
ii " S 1 6 7 n 0 i -111
i ll I 1 U 1 0 1-1S
The Leagiie games yestenlav were : At
Philadelphia : Philadelphia , Detroit '2 ; at
lloiteti : Indlansellsii, Hestnn .1 : st Wash
ington : Washington 1 e. Pittsburg I) ; at New
Yerk : Chicago 5, New Yerk 1.
The Association games were : At Ht
Leuis :Ht Leuis .1, Athletics 1! ; at Cleveland
(eleen innings); Met 7, Cleveland H ; at
Cincinnati: Cincinnati II, lirneklvn a ; at
Leutsvllln : I,ntiiallle7, Baltimore 1.
The Detroit have net come up te expects.
Hen In the Kant, yet Chicago Roem te de
well against every ether team but Washing,
Tbere is little doubt that Hamsey I about
tbe liest American Association pitcher. He
doe geed work in nearly eery game, and
all acknowledge tbat be Is very bard te bit
Judge Neenan, at Ht Leuis, has decided
that playing base ball Is net a violation or
the Hunday laws, aud President Ven der
Ahe, of the St. Leuis Browns, was dis
charged. A game will be played In that
city en Hunday by tbe American Association,
as boreteloro.
A pension has been granted
Walther. Bird in-Hand.
Iiewis lleyl, who says he was employed In
this city, was arrested In llarrisburg rer
breaking Inte aealed ears of the Pennsylvania
railroad. He admitted stealing gee Is from
tbe car and was committed te the Dauphin
county Jail for trial.
Terre Hill Is being depopulated of It
clgaruukers hy the machine known as the
' Buncher," which supplants ten men and
can be worked by a boy.
Lancaster 1 te bave a signal station seen
for weather purpose", and It outfit will cost
bout f:0.
Milten Heidelhaugh, of Bart township,
who was lu financial trouble recently, baa
nettled with his creditors, and Is new farm
ing his lu acre place at Nickel Mines.
A fnrce pump bas tieen placed en the
Prince street side of J. It Martin v. Ce'
store, and thn thirsty may be relieved bv ob
taining refreshing well water Irem a well In
the cellar.
Dr. K (). Lyt, prlncliHl el Mlllersvllle
Nermal school, ha txwn elected director from
Pennsylvania of the National educational as
sociation. County Chairman Jehn K. Malnne slipped
en a banaua peel at bis home last evening,
and badly Niirainnd bis left ankle. He will
lie all right, however, for uext Wednesday'
county convention.
The twelfth birthday anniversary of
Master Kliner Wlnaur, or Pine street, was
celebrated by about forty of hi friend last
evening. Thn surprise was conducted by
Missea (Jertte Nimen and Hallle Abel.
Mr A. D. Keese, manager of thn Lancaster
telepbnne exchange, la In Chambersburg
with the purpose of establishing a telephone
exchange there.
Jehn II. Baumgardner hopes te have tbe
connection between the Kast Knd and Lan
caster City rallwaya Onlahed thl afternoon.
Tbe Wbarlen awitch being laid makes It
Impossible for tbe KaatEnd cars te turn up
Dukn street or tbe City passenger cars te run
out Kast King street
Tb Building of Iks Beeth Van Keail.
Frem the flltabarg plipatch.
Tbe Philadelphia 'lmes present numer
ous editorial reasons why tbe Seuth Penn
read cannot be built. Aa tbla is thoerthodox
opinion at tbe headquarter of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, It Is Inevitable tbat tbe Times
should held it But all these Une arguments
will vanish like the mists, tbe dsy tbst the
Pennsylvania railroad gel control el tbe
Houth Penn se that the read can be built
without giving Pittsburg a new competing
Ausaltad His HoeM-Ksepsr.
Detnlnlck Nece, an Italian living In Brene-
tnan'a court, bas been prosecuted before Al
derman Barr, for committing an assault and
battery en bis house-keeper, Harah Yeung,
The accused entered bail ler a bearing en
BemslalDg of an Bpldeinle,
rrein the llalilineru American,
Tbe government complains I bat It la sbeit
el small denominations. There are nu.
lusreu eIUijmu similarly sMJlcled,
JlfU HhtKm IH HBW WOMK Of f r AMaUr
rttfa MOKKittu.
A Large Morag Warehouse With Valaalil
Contents (Joiiaamed-ITear rirsmse ftstsrslf
Hurnrd-Hetsl tlucats Aroused tJlill-
drn Htscucd Frem an Asjlein.
New Yerk, July 10-A tire broke out In
tbe Metropolitan storage warehouse at 38th
and Broadway at an early hour thl morning.
The perishable nature et tbe contents,
furniture and light household goods, en
abled the lire te gain rapid headway, and
within a few minutes of the discovery of the
tire It became necessary te send In tbree
alarms. Tbe building's content are very
valuable, comprising furniture, paintings
valuable brie a brae of all klnda belonging
te New Yerk famlllrs and stored In the
warehouse for the summer or longer.
The vslue of tbe property stored amount
te hundred of thousands of dollar.
Twenty minute alter tbe break In gout el the
lire tbree ambulances werocalled te tbe scene
While tbe tlretnen were st work with ladders
several heavy explosions were heard within
the burning building which blew several
llromen from the ladders Inte the street and
badly burned ether, l'lve llremeu were
morn or less Hove.'oly Injun d, Including
Captain Votiers, of engine Ne. (i. They were
taken te tbe New Yerk hospital In an insur
ance atrel wagon. The name of tbe injured
llromen are : Patrick H. (Ireeu, englue Nr.
Ill ; Jehn Douglass and James Parnulll, engine
Ne. I, and IMward Carley, engiue Ne. -'.
All the men were severely burned about the
lisnd and feet
The cause or the expUsleu could net be
learned, but Irem the color or smoke directly
following It was Rurmlsed that some oil
must bave been stored lu tbe building.
Within two hour after tbe breaking out of
tbe fire the building bad been entirely
gutted and the front wall bad fallen. Fer a
time It looked as though the tire would
spread te the Casine and tbat tbat temple of
light epera would be reduced te ashei, but It
waa saved by the strenueua ellerts el the
Tbe Hetel Normandie directly opposite tbe
wareheuse waa set en tire by aeme flying
Hparkp, and the guests were hurriedly sum
moned te leave. 1 he iiertera rushed through
the ball and knocked upon every deer. The
guest were told there was no Immediate dan
ger, but were advised te loave. They lest no
time in packing up their valuable and reach
ing the street The tire lu the hotel was
seen extinguished, but net until the reef and
front or the building had been badly damaged.
When the tire was extinguished tbe guests
were erauaded te return te their rooms.
The lire In the warehouse waa still burning
at daybreak, but waH wholly under control.
Tbe less Is estimated at f.'.OO.OOO and may ex.
ceed these figures. Tbe warehouse building
belonged te tbe (ioelot estate. Tbe ware
housing business wa conducted by Holen
Fire In an asylum.
New Veuit, July 10 An hour before
daybreak, when Ibe lire in tbe Broadway
sterage house was burning fiercely, an alarm
calling engine leSL Jeseph's asylum, at Stub
struct and Avenue A, wa sent out Tbe
main building was en tire and the colony el
children within were in an uproar, The
Ore breke out In the basemeut Nearly 300
children, the full complement et tbe luatltu
tleu, were Hileep. The sisters in charge,
wbe throughout the fcvne of terror and con
fusion that followed, struggled with great
horelsm te preitrte order aud facilitate the
work et re-i'im, areuxpd the sloiipers prompt
ly, and sped thorn en their way te the street.
The thick sinoke and the unknown terrors
that btset their way thiew them into a
panic, however, and tbe sister main
tained their held uen them with Ibe
greatest dilliculty. Heme Hllcomen wbe bad
roiehed the wene abend of the engines,
helped in the resjne. With their aid tbe
building was cleared in the shortest posslble
Urns and the children directed te the police
station In frs.h street here they were mar
shaled by the sisters, None was missing and
only ene severely burned. He was Hubert
Bitzsr, aged 'J, a Uermau orphan. Tbree
female attendants were imprisoned in the
upper 11 Kirs. They were roc nod by tbe tire
men uninjured. The llaiiiuM were extin
guished in short order. The building is
damaged le the extent of f'.!,!JO0.
The origin et the tire is unknown. The
watchman can give no account or hew tbe
Ore was ciuscd, and it will in all probability
remain a nijstery.
While Halting Willi Her Itelallves Sae steels a
Veung ttau aud (leu Married.
Ciili'Aiie, July 10 V spsclal from Han
Diege, Cal., te the Mtul says : The belle or
Ht James botel, the swell hettlery of this
city, for several months past bas been Mia
M. V. Wbituey, of Washington. Hhe was
with her brether-lu law, Dr.T. ltltcbie Hleue,
and wife, also until recently of Washington
and leading society people there. At the
hotel waa a young man, K, W. Dalrymple, a
graduate of Annapolis naval academy and a
civil engineer. He aat at the same table with
the Humes uud was very attentive te tbe
sister-in-law. They rode, drove, walked and
went beating together, aud while Miss Whit Whit
ney had hosts or admirer it was manifest
that Dalrymple was the favorite. Whether
Dr. Htone and wife opposed tbe marriage or
net is net known. Yesterday Miss Whitney
was drhen te National City by Mr. Dal
rymple and plans rer tbe marriage were then
arranged. Yesterday afternoon shortly after
lunch the couple went out ler a walk, entered
a carrlage aud were drleu rapidly te
National City. There they went te the Inter
national botel uud were quietly marritd.
Werd was sent Mrs. Hlone who, en receiving
the news, fainted, Tlien then the doctor waa
netllled. He fumed awhile but finally
quieted down and concluded le make the best
el the attalr.
lieaulla el au Imeudlarjr Fire.
CiiK'Aoe, July Id An unknown Inceu
diary set tire te the barn of William Snell at
-KIT) Me miliary avenue, Lakeview, a suburb
of Chicago, at 10 o'clock last night aud be
fore the tire was discovered It bad commu
nicated te tbe barn of Mrs. Tayler adjelulng
en tbe south aud te Knell's house, a two
story frame structure. Tbe llatuea leaped te
arew et fiame buildings, and before au alarm
could be sounded they were nearly all de
stroyed. The barn behind tlieai, tee,
burued down, and tbe beuse or William
Dwyer, en Mentana street, was gutted.
Several ether lire were started at ditlorent
points, but half a dezau engiue from Chi
cago were en tbe spot aud seen extinguished
tbe flames. The police say that an organized
attempt le burn the place had bseu made.
Tbere la ue clue te tbe guilty patties. Less
Te tievlew In Land Hill.
Londen, July !((. Tbe Conservative party
In tbe Heuse el Commens will meet en Tues
day te consider the situation with special ref
erence te the land bill te which UO amend
ment have already been aunouneed. Of
this number SO are in the name of Mr. Jehn
WABHiRSTOir, D. V,, July 15,-Kcr
KaelaA Pennsylvania: Pair weather.
win Is generally southerly, hlaher
I Unparatura.
Durjairic; riMir mt.mvtteti.
The Complete 1.1st of Uaadidata ler DslfgatM
le the Convention,
The Democratic primary for tbe olectten of
delegates te tbe county convention and mem
bera of tbe county oemmllten will be bald
thisevenlng In the several wards of tbe city
and district or tbe county. The poll will
be opened at nearly all or the wards between
the hours or n and 8 o'clock. In tbe eighth
ward, however, tbe voter doslred mere time
and the polls thore will be opened at fi
o'clock. The list of delegates chosen should
be sent te Jehn 12. Malenr, chairman of tbe
county committee, a early en Monday as
pesslbla A there have been several addi
tions and declination, tbe list of candidate
1 republished, aud Is a fellow :
First Ward II. It. McConemy, Hlmen
Hhlssler, Jehn Altick, A. (1. Pyle, Michael
Burn. D. It. Klery, Win. Ball, W. G.
Brown, Jehn Keese, Jr., Jehn 1'rlUcli, Uee.
HheetK, Csier Wellzel, H. W. Kewler.
County Committee Jehn V. Maione.
Second Ward Michael Mattlenlgle, Wm.
K. Iuit, Jacob Hecne, Thee. Wend It z, Jes,
Harnett, Jehn A. Hnyder, Henry Babel, Uee.
Htyer, Oustavtta Waltz, V. Kllburn.
County Committee W. U, Densel.
Tbe polls In thl ward will be epen from
0:30 te 8 en Haturdsy evening.
Third Ward Charles 1'oters, (loe. Musser,
B. F. Davis, Henry Wolf, Jacob Heiker,
Jehn A. MrUlnnI", J. W. Keller aud Adam
Kuhlman, Jehn II. Berger, Philip Weller.
County Committeeman Jeseph M. Krel
der. Fourth Ward D. K. McCermlck, Prank
Brlnkinan, Uee. Pnnlr, Christian McUinnis,
Jr., Jehn Shields, Jehn Ochs,Jaoeb Norbeck,
Isaiah McKllllps, Wm. Andersen, Henry
County Committee I). It McCermlck.
Fifth Ward Wm. Hhoenlierger, Prank
Pfeitler, (Jee.N. Alabacb, Jnseph Kautz.Jaceb
F. Kautz, Cbarles Welfert, Christian .SteMIel,
Wm. Hlmens, Philip Drachbar, J. M. West
haeller, Jehn Hpanglur, Dr. M. W. Kaub,
Isaac N. Bender, Frederick Kissinger, An
drew Metzger, Jehn BrllL
County Committeeman Win. Hboenber Hbeenber
ger, Henry Purlew, Frederick Kissinger.
Hlxtb Ward Cel. K. McUnvern, Jehn Mo Me
Cully, James C. Iceman, K. HbaetTerMetzgar,
Benjamin Myers, Htehman Dlller, Walter
Zscher, (ieerge Prentiss. D. B. Jehnsen,
Ja'iies Plucker, Charles P. Smith, Franklin
McLaughlin, (leerge Davi, Daniel Okeson,
County Committee Cel. K. Mcdevern,
Harry Meblnr.
Seventh Ward Frank Kverts, Davis
Kltcb, (leerge Darnistetter, Jacob 11.
Beacbler, Jacob F. Kautz, Lawrence
Welpert, W. Sales, 1-rank Pemmel, Henry
Hmevcb, J. Miller.
County Committeeman Lawrence Wel-
Klghth Ward Jacob Kurtz, J. V. Wise,
Leenard Kissinger, J r, Wm. Welpert, Jno.
P. Pentz, Cenrad Meser, Peter Diehl, Jacob
Tetter, Peter Demmel, Prank Kautz, Jes.
(lastlger, A. J. Hnyder, Samuel lluber, Jno.
T. .tmmerman, Barnhart Hnyder.
County Committeeman Harry O. Keller.
Ninth Ward Philip Zecher, Ueerge Con Cen
ner, Charles K. Broeme, Jacob Pentz, Jehn
McKllllps, Kllm U. Hnyder, Jaceb.Metzger,
Ueerge Brown, Walter Welsh, Uee. Hhul
myer, Henry Hehrer.
County Committee Charles K. Broeme.
As already announced, tbe nominating
meetings of tbe Democracy of tbe several
ward et Ibe city will be held this evening,
between 7 and 8 o'clock, at tbe place desig
nated by tbe member et tbe county commit
tee ler each ward. The plaeea of meeting
will be :
1st Ward Kabter's Ksgle hotel.
Jd Ward Thee. Wendltz'a howl.
3d Ward Kfllnger'a hotel.
1th Ward Helluian house.
,'ith Ward Philip Wall's hotel,
tith Ward .Schiller hnuaa,
7th Ward Seventh Ward hotel.
Sth Ward Mrs. Diehl' saloon.
0th Ward Arneld Haas'.
1 he lenn Men's ChrUtlan Association Hefur Their Initltollen, Which Will
tin Unopened Monday. .
The leading room of tbe Yeuug Men's
Christian association has been repainted,
impured, carpeted, aud thoroughly renovated
and will be thrown open te the public en
Monday evening next The room never
le'kul se well as It does new. The
walls and celling have beeu cotered with
paper of very pretty design aud of
a lighter shade than that heretofore used,
which gives the room a butter light than it
has heretofore bad. This part el the work
wasdnneby linger .V Brether. The book
cases, window frames, chairs and ether wood
work have Ihieii handsomely grained In imi
tation el antique oak, tbe solid walnut writ
ing and reading deska have been
rovarnlBhed, aud the chandelier have
been regilt In silver and bronze by
IMward Bookmyer. The tloer bas
been covered with a handsome new carptt
from LaneV, purchased by tbe Ladles' Aux
iliary of tbe association. Tbe library com
mittee have recently added two hundred
volumes of choice book te the library, and
will from time te time add mere, aafastaa
the fund a' their disposal will warrant The
library al tbe present time contain about
7,000 volume en almost all subjects history,
biography, poetry, travel, religion, polities,
the art and sciences being very fully repre
sented ; and there are beside full sets or
congressional proceedings, tbe state legisla
ture aud many ether ojganliitlen together
with many books of reference. The sub
scriptions te the library have been reduced
fremf- te f 1 per jear.
These haudsoiiie rooms and this line library
are open te all, both citi.ins and strangers,
free of all charge. Indeed all are cordially
invited te avail themselves of the privileges
thus atlorded. Kspeclally are the young
men of the city urged te make use or the
library ter self.iuiprr.vetueut There are few
places any wbere that an evening may ba be
pleasantly siajiit, and excellent reading mat
ter, Including newptpr and magazines, a
well as books, lurulshudrre te till.
Why Heme el Them Die.
tieui the I'lilU'lulphhi 1 edger.
Tbe evils that come of tbe unregulated
milk supply In large cities have frequently
beeu recited, aud can be no longer manors of
news te any one. Phy siciaus see in the death
rates of the iufant population a tearful com cem
uientary en legislative neglect of this matter.
Certainly number el these'.llttle victims die
Irem the severity of tbe beat ; but In the pur
ity el the milk supplied rest one el the main
chance thatctty Infants have ter surviving
through tbe het month. Tbe figure el the
death rates amoeg Infants should make par
ents careful te leek Inte tbla matter accord
ing te tbe beet light a Herded tbem. Had tbe
legislature done it duty, Inspector' super
vision and reports upon the dealer In bad
milk would by tbla time have pointed out the
men and Ibe places te be avoided, and also
the men Irem whom and the places where
there would Is) reasonable assurance that un
adulterated milk could be obtained.
Subicrlblug Millions ler tbe Meuth I'enn.
The committee appointed at tbe last meet
ing of the stockholders of the Houth Pennsyl
vania railroad company te obtain the signa
tures of subscribers wbe desire te have the
work en the read prosecuted are making
progress. The pir rer signature la new In
Philadelphia and thua far bas been signed
by bolder of ever f 10.000,000 el the f 15.000.000
originally subscribed. Kacli subscriber binds
blmseir te pay tbe remainder of but subscrip
tion, tbe name of tbe Vauderbllt brothers
standing at the head of the list. Besides the
signing of the Yandei bills for (5,000,000, Dr,
David Hosteller, of Pittsburg, ba signed for
(2.000,000 and Halph Bigaley and Henry
Pblpps, or tbe same place, have signed, tbe
former for 1 1,200,000 and tbe latter ler (500,000.
A large number of smaller holders bave also
At the flame Ueesral Price.
"Colonel Hebert Ingersoll Indignantly
denies tbat be ba stepped ' lighting Ued. '
Tbe warfare will be vigorously renewed
next winter at the same general price or ad.
mlasOR.iVevi(fiu' Journal
TBmMTBBBT vummiTrBK jtatsra.
Wera Ordered te Be Dena A Well thai Mast
He Closed.
Tbe street committee met Friday evening
all tbe members present,
Tbe ordinance presented te select council
at last stated meeting te prevent tbe use of
telegraph and telephone poles for advertising
purposes and requiting tbe companies te
have the pole painted te a height of fifteen
feet, wa considered by the committee and
referred te tbe city solicitor with Instructions
te report te next meetlng.
Tbe petition te have an asphalt pavement
laid en Last King te (Iraut street, was re
ferred te a special committee consisting of
Messrs. Belenlus, Khy, and Franlz, with In.
structlens te confer with the county com
missleners and report te next meeting.
The chairman of tbe committee was dl.
reeled te enter Inte communication With tbe
authorities at Beading relative te a stone
crusher, and If deemed necessary, te make
arrangement rer a visit by the commlttee te
that city.
The commlttee decided te extend tbe
sewer across Pox's alley te the west side or
Lancaster avenue and te have an additional
in let put In.
Tbe atreet commissioner wa directed te
notify the owner or ownera or the well In
West James street, near Market street, te
bsve the same "removed" se as net te ob
struct the street; snd If this 1 net done the
commissioner Is directed te close up tbe well,
aa since the street railway has been laid there
is scarcely room for teams te pass between
tbe track aed the well.
The street commissioner wen also directed
te make two patent sewer traps, one at tbe
corner of Lime and Locust street and the
ether at tbe corner of Houth Queen aud
Andrew streets.
Action en macadamizing the several streets
heretofore reported wa referred te next
meeting et the committee. Bids ler doing
the work were received, but were net ejiened-
The 'resident and his Wife (Ireet the Grang
ers Irem the Rear a! the Train.
Watrrtewn, N. Y., July 10. The presi
dential party left Foreatpertfortbelr day trip
among tbe Thousand Islands at 9:03 this
morning. The president had had a geed
night's rest and was reeling well, and ox ex
pressed himself te his friends en the train as
being much gratified with tbe kind treat
ment shown him by the county people.
Tbe party consist or the President
and Mrs. Cleveland, the Kev. W. N,
Cleveland and wife, Kailread Commissioner
Jebn D. Kernan and wife, Miss Hese Kllza
both Cleveland, Mlr-s Hamlin, el Helland
Patent, her two nieces MHs Mary and MUs
Carrie Hastings, the preside iiI'h cister, Mrs.
L. T. Yeomans and ber husband and Secre
tary and Mrs. Fairchlld. The train slewed
down at several point en tbe read te enable
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland te appear en tbe
rear platform and bow te tbe farmer
and their wives. At Lewevllle Its
arrival was signalled by the tiring
of guns and Postmaster Bestyk In
troduced the foremost villa ers te tbe
president At the town of Carthage the
depot was draped with flag. Tbe run te
Watertown, CO milts, was made in one hour
and forty nilnutep, arilvlng al 10:10 o'clock.
The president declined te allow mere than one
representative uf the pie te accompany tbe
party, and tbe ether members of the presa
chartered a steam yacht, wblch will fellow
tbe excursion stoamer en which tbe presiden
tial party are en beard.
A K. of L. Circular.
l'iiiLAiii:i.piin, July 10. Tbe executive
beard of tbe Knight of Laber ba Just is
sued n circular addressed te all tbe local as
semblies of theorder calling attention te tbe
fact that tbe present low scale of wages
paid te can makers, cappers and pro
cessors, Is tbe result or frauds prac
ticed In labeling goods, and tha'
cheap and deleterious fluxes used
lu machine soldering. Tbe plea Is made ler
hand made cans In behalf el the Can makers'
Mutual Protective association and assembly
1.181, or Baltimore. Tbe members or tbe
order are requested te purchase goods packed
only in band-made cans.
Sevt-u Workmen Inlureil, Three Fatally.
CuiL'Aiie, July 10. A horrible accident
occurred this morning at the steel works.
Three men were engaged In pouring het
Iren Inte a mould that was damp when tbe
metal Hew and seared tbem dread
fully. They were taken te the
county hospital, and tbe physicians
declare that their recovery is out of tbe ques
tion. Twe of tbe injured are Pele and tbe
third a Hungarian. Nine men were struck
by the molten Iren and tbree will die.
llavltl Complains.
Duni.iN, July Id. Michael
speech after the enforcement
Davitt In a
of evicliens
te which
at Coeigranney yesterday,
there was no resistance,
of the passlvenesa of the people, who
he Bald, were only able te shout instead
of defending their homes. He urged the
people te eiler a rational resistance in defense
of their homesteads and declared tbat they
were net men it they did net
Nw Men at the Coke Weiki
Wuvr Lkisknkinu, Pa., July 10. One
hundred new workmen arrived last evening.
Hix Ce-erted during tbe night. In all 170
men are at work here te-day and everything
Is quiet Ne mere evictions will take place
before Monday. Humors are thick that tbe
strikers will all return te work en Monday.
One hundred and fifty evens are new charged
and burning.
Hummer Hetel llurued.
Ck.m UK Uakheu, N. II., July 10 The
Senior beuse, one et the largest hotels In the
state, was burned at neon te day. The wind
was blowing bard at the time and the
flames spread te adjoining buildings, which
are burning at tbe present time ("p. ui. )
Assistance bas been asked from neighboring
towns. The indications are tbat the greater
part of the town will be swept away.
A Tewel Maker Valla.
Piiii.viiki.i'iiia, July 10. Charles Both Beth
well, towel manufacturer, bas ausieiided.
Liabilities (1,000, which la probably fully
covered by assets. Over a hundred hands
are thrown out of employment.
Went le Ceatsavlll le a fuusral.
Mayer W. A. Morten, Postmaster U. K
Hlaymaker, David II. Wylte, Or. William
N, Amer, Jehn Best and Dr, K. M. Belenlus,
prominent members of the Masonic trater
nlty, left for Ceateavllle tbla morning te at
tend the luneral et Jeseph Pennock, which
took place In tbat town.
Forced te Urluk WhUkr.
One of tbe city policemen found a boy only
tt yearauiu, ueau urunk en iiuke street, at
10 o'clock tbla morning. He waa carried te
tbe atatlen bona, and as he was known te
the elllcer. his father, a well-known citizen.
waa net I Ued and he bad tbe boy conveyed te
bis residence. The boy's story 1 tbat some
men forced him le drink whisky.
Tb Hendersen Ketat.
Jehn D. Sklle, administrator or Ame
Hendersen, deceased, had paid en (75,000 up
te Friday night The balance yet te be paid
out, about (11.000, will be paid te these en
titled te receive It by Mr. Sklles at bis place
or business.
African WImIeui.
De man wbut baa de meat fren'a I da
man what use 'em de least Dt only way
ter hab er nice coat fur Hunday la uel ter
wa'r It me'n once er week. " .Iraiuua
Travtllef. " ' "
vvbh At ar. rtfUATAr, vababa.
0, fkf "
A Crewdrd Kik.ini Train VlMgw It v'''1
rrftlsht-Tti Wrrck UaIbIim vim i & 3
Carat Ara tteatra . ha itm ! l '
Mid le .. tta iftrntah.
Ht Themas, Ontario, Krldsy evsakafa' di'tm
i crossing of the Michigan Central aM '-fe.-
at the
Urand Trunk Kesds . a Urand Trunk near.
slen train ran Inte a Michigan Central freight
train with oil cars attached. Tba oil eaagM
tire and both trains and a warehouse aad
several shed were consumed. Tba first eat
or the excursion train waa crowded wMl
people, and It Is leared tbere waa terrible leaa
of life An hour after the crasb, while
crowd of imeple wete looking at tba blaalast
pile, one of the oil tank suddenly exploded,
throwing hundreds te the ground and aefl aefl
leusly If net fatally burning many. At last
account nine bedle had bMn recovered
from the train wreck,
17 Klt.I.KII ANfl CiOell GOlNJUllRD.
Ht. Themas, Out., July 10 The work or
removing bodles from the wreck wascea
tinuad all night He lar fouileen bodies have
been taken from the ruins. Tbe namea
el the dead, se far as rocegnixod,
are: Mrs. Samuel Fralne and child ; Mrs,
J, W. Baylies, Londen, aud two children,
F.thel and an Infant; Henry Dennelly,
Londen; Mr. X.ealand and uhlld;Mra J,
Smlther and child Herman Ponsterd, tha
llrenian, who was terribly burned by tha
flying oil In rescuing putseugers, died this
morning at 7 o'clock. It la slated that Engi
neer Dennelly was Intoxicated at the lima
of tbe accident Au Inquest Is new being
bold. Tbe track Is clear and trallle bas been
resuimil. The number of Injured Is said te
root up flliy or sixty, but Hitch I the excite
ment that the names and extent of their In
juries are unobtainable at present Tbe less
te the railroad company will amount te
(10,000 andtbeleMi by UreleO.OOO. The blame
all rests en the Londen A. Pert Stauley com cem
pany. Hen. Allen Francis, U. H. consul, was run
ever by a hese reel and serieusly Injured.
The total number el Injured la 01.
A I'upular Current el Hirapalby for lbs Qtrl,
Methods nf Londen Police.
I.e.n ipen, July 10. The public, excited
by what MacAuley termed one of It pe
riodical attacks of virtue, is still agitated by
the case of the young milliner, young Miss
Cass, whose arrest ou a raise charge or so
liciting has sealed the poll teal deem el ena
cabinet efllclal aud came very near forcing
tbe retlroment of the entire ministry, aad
great curiosity, net te say anxiety,
Is felt te learn what will be tba
result of the lord chancellor' Investi
gation. Tbe lndlguatlen called up by tba
action of tbe policeman wbe arrested, tha
yeuug woman and tbe magistrate who In.
suited her and her friends Is net confined te
old women and super-BympathMle men, by
auy means, but la abated by persona of all
classes, age aud temperaments, wiuieui re
gard te politics or religion. The Londen po
liceman, though net se given te promlscueua
clubblug ns his New Yerk confrere, baa
ether and quite a absorbing weak
nesaes and ll I charged, 'QsMajrand
with accompanying proof, that ena
them Is tbat el levying blackmail of the most
petty and cowardly descripJen upon the un
fortunate women wbe make Hegent street
and tbe vicinity of the Haymarket lata at
night tbe wonder of foreigner and ena et
tbe shames of the metropolis. Under clauta
51 or IM and 3d Vict, chapter 17, au amend
ment of Peel'a original statute, the " bobby "
has the power of taking into custody without
warrant any woman loitering or being In
any thoroughfare or public place at
lght for tbe purpose or solicitation ;
lat Is, whom he tbltikH Is thore with that
object, and an luuocent woman thoughtlessly
In such a place at au unwonted hour might be
peculiarly liable te arres', the lynx-eyed con.
stable probably looking upon ber as a new
comer guilty of tbe appalling crime of net
having paid tribute te some guardian of Iba
leace and protector of the wayfarer as tba
price of plying ber calling with Impunity. A
single policeman's testimony has been re
garded as sulUulent te convict aud It muat be)
admitted tbat he is seldem mlstaken lu tba
character of her wbe accompanies blm before
a magistrate. What Is sought te lis explained.
If possible, Is the immunity with which old
otlenders ply their tralHc, while an unsophis
ticated girl like Casa la arrested en her brat
appearance amid such surroundings, and It
won't be the fault el tbe general public If tie
explanation la net forthcoming.
lllalne Would Met Uauce.
Chicago, July 10. A special cable te tba
Yei' front Bridge of Earn, Scotland, dated
yesterday, says : Tbe Carnegie tally-be
reached here late last nlgbt, but the arrival
waa timed se accurately that the dinner tbat
had been ordered by telegraph waa warm
when the magnitlcent coach turned Inte
Kilgrasten grounds. The party were ex
hausted, and after a brief Btreit seen retired.
Shortly botero tbe tide rcae this morning, Mr.
Blaine, his family, Henater Hale, bla wife
aud the Carneglea drove down te- Mencrlfle
pier and embarked In Mr. Caruegle'a beat
Tbe party went up the 1 Urn with the tide.
Henater Hale worked at the ears awhile, but
Mr. Blaine remained lu tbe stern with Mr.
Carnegie during the trip. The beat re
turned In the evening with the ebb. In the
evening two Highland bagpipe troubadeura
entertained the guests at Kilgrasten en Iba
lawn. Mrs. lllalne urged the senator te Jein
in tbe dance, but he would net, though ba
remained en the verandah until long alter
the rellectluii of the Nerman's sun bad
llfBUlilug HI Coiidltlea.
Mii.wvukkk, July 10 Tbe authorities
here are endeavoring te locate ayoungcen.
ndeuce man, who liter passing several
forged checks some dsya age, called at tbe
Yeung Men's Christian association room
and presenting himself aa without means,
waa furnished a tleket te Antlga, which ba
claimed was bla borne. Then going te tba
residence of Kev, Or. Jebn, or the Urand
Avenue Methodist church, be exhibited hia
ticket saying tbat ba wa without any ether,
meana. After tbe minister bad adtanead
blm aema money, be invited Dr. Jehn aa
pray for him. The minister knelt aad
prayed while the centldence man bowed
bead, Joining in the amen.
lejarsd by a Ml
ii. . ruuiMHi Jut iu. ie "'
Pert Koyal Ceal and Coke company at Pert
Reval P. was yesterday we scene of
"erfeu. tiridamp explosion. Pour work
men were seriously burned, one, Oserga
Husser. will probably dla Husser waa
brought te tbe West Penn bespllal. In tbta
cltv. terribly burned about the bead, back
and arms, lie bas net yet recovered oon eon oen
aoloosnesa. He U 40 yeara el age and baa a
larg family.
Insultteg in ewaaan Ceatat
1'Aitis, July 14 -A. beattle demorutratiea
was made in front of tba German censwakf
at Berda aux lat nlgbt
Kebbed a run read.
yrem tbe Delta Uerala.
Lal Saturday nlgbt same person or
sons opened tba flab psnd et Kaubam Htabfca, '
i'aach Bettem township, and took er d
streyed his entire stock of nab. sja bad UBX , i.
tee Bund-slzad nab in tbe pond, tatdttV
-'T. k.i-t.i . Ika "' ' V-V,,r '
t 42L4I
rlft4tia,fjfa'Wi4t-t-is. fe ..i- &'.ts '1jt .&.V- j- ,t.ji
f0tn'- r-
i. .