iTWMrv? JS WiP r av- ' THE LANCASTER DAILT INTEIiLlQENCEK, THtJKSDAY, JULY 14, 1887. v '.c'ii'av .. i.'v'v.- y IWIGBlt r eat Rmnu i. tfUli HFTT HHMMIIU Asms R is: IIB.I1IB. Tiii ail. iB'IS IBIIWII ss ' .. I' a IfH 1: ic II ti U IM a. IM tM n BB 10 H 10 M 1M (I M'8 M II Ml UK 18 K 1700 K UN am T 111 MM 171 MOO MOO I0B HOD ROD MOO MO) K0 wool BUIP Una aer M Ml IDE J3 HOD Weekly Intelllgenoer u MrWimKIT MMNIN. liiWnw hi am etcM e ra im earrnse vt tfrnrnwrmrtArtcmm all uamen urmi I tO TBI WASH BASEST I 1trt ir- -i ' iMTBujaaNeiaH. Lancaster, ra. Cflttf aster littcauuriuKC. LANCASTER, JULY It, 1837. fe. 9-mmm9 Vnnrlti Aff .Itilr ,! alCWVBBaa v..- v. ...;. Ifell day is the Frenchman's Fent th of The overthrew of the liasitle was i Itaelf a very great achievement, but a declaration of independence that I French people have always remembered k the same proud feelings of patriotism i Nireund the calmer and mere logical Jen of the American colonists. i It was known that a small crowd of six and seven hundred Trench- i had ventured te destroy that citadel of I ceart party, the prestige of that party l forever broken and the triumph of the MMOfla assured. fe: -France has bad a checkered history since Uth of July, 17S9, passing rapidly i one extreme te another ; from coin- te imperialism; from strong r rule te anarchy. Hut through all straggles of factions and parties, lall her triumphs and disasters, she remained the bold exponent of the declared by the overthrew of the That government is for the I and there can be no just privileges rfclm Otitis natural that en this national day the jfJFWBCh should feel the smart of theGer- conquest, and a longing te retrieve fbS) military prestige of their country. Cssy would be a very mean spirited people "M they did net give way te a natural longing S'ltr the fame they gained as the conquerors uoeraters et i-.urepe. uuc mey wu lmmem little respect as a nation if a ihrarr lane majority de net see that the if greatest glory may new be gained for (-France by working out peacefully, if poi- -atoll), but with eliinitv. the, nrebltmis of r7T' .,.' V , . iSu-gevernmeni. which sue has given uer- r te solve. KjJJ France is forced into war, she will de- ana recelyeHihpathy ; but if she Buewlth the blind purpose of age, there will be little sympathy for s5-Sr even In this republic. Of course, the S- skilful diplomatists of the monarchies will lS2S trr te make her annear the asrirresser. Ff;; though they are probably watching eagerly .for a chance te crush her. 1 ertunately HsVTV UlklAMJBAH dlAAfl hnt rt lltA Wrt tvn I l..k fl WA .DUUUUiKCl UWO UUh upiTai aj uc wiu U1C- If brand that many people thought him. Itut plat has the power aud should be watched. Harvey, the Mugwump. Tfc atifMTs thnt mnn Depiir .1. llitr. V -" "-rr- ---- - - -. - jT0y, wne has been detected ana is new tin- r Indictment for forgery committed in h twira nlnfme ftfviainn rt flia troieurr Et""r"vr . """ """"' 'spartment, was net a Democrat, but a mM Ogwurup. Moreover the papers en file Igrsfardiug his appointment, show that his t whlef Democratic sponsor was Samuel J. S&Hmnrlall. Ifarvev spms tn li.ivn lven Vy traAnTi an u nrMiitwl W'lllAkli irru wbere he lived, and when his appointment ij w UU4UO, .oil. J... 11. cvuu, it pieinineia Jv lawyer there, made public charges against -Wm which, however, were glossed eer feat Washington by llarvej 's friends. u The recommendation of a rascal te office, 1 whose Democracy only began with the ";: Cleveland campaign, is net a wise act for t even a statesman el Mr. Randalls intlu- Tbis following upon the heels of was efforts in behalf of Josephs for marshal K Of the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, is ealculated te make the powers that be in awaaningwn somewhat cfiary of acceiiting Itandalrs estimate of it man's caia- .Wlity for holding eUice. Where De They tie I ti, xnertiw iers jneune iiskh the ques- Nea concerning Xew Yerk musicians l?, where they go and hew they Use," and i proceeds te answer it. Counting all bike members of military bands, theatrical EWisesiras, makers et dance music aud In humbler walks of the art, the I population of Xew Yerk foots uu S.000. It is doubtful whether nnv rlv ;, la the world contains se many musicians Ei.fSSJtewierk, or pays the better clasi of Prjlhem se well. Many make sufficient mnnsv taring the regular season of nine months, yixvmm iwmiuei w ouue, vu enable luein te rewrote ine summer te rest and relaxation. of the leading plajera no teGer- Bylnthe summer te revisit their old S, for the vast majority of the metes- I musicians of America are Germans I 'With. AiTWe accounts for the better class of but hew about the iuferual i that go about the country in j&fke epriaf of the year making days and l hideous by tooting en brass lustrti- Perbaps the earth swallows them frsf before summer is far advanced. fft Figsres of Experts. :Xhe report of the chief of the bureau of of the treasury department ou experts of previsions shows that in the t of Jane the experts of dairy nre- i were 316,102 mere than in .Tune of 1; the experts et beef and perk? 117,. - less and the total et beef, perk and f products s iui ,oeu oeie w the figures for 1,1888. tit must be remembered that under r threat of war there was a year age a r Mitre demand abroad for American I perk products. The canned beet exported in June, 1887. were at 132,040 against 1338.5.51 for - i-- Hit rirMllf. It It Bet k pleasing tight te see In the National Educational association in Chi. cage an effort made te resuscitate the Blair bill for emptying out of the national treas ury 970,000,000 te overcome the illiteracy et the Seuth. There Is nothing of ruin clple or expediency In such action, and It these who talk se much about this whole sale scheme of plunder would r-xnmine the educational statistics of the states they refer te, they would discover that these commonwealths are taking euro of them selves In excellent style, and are net play ing the mendicant and asking for national aid. As time gees en the Inter Mute commerce law grows In popular favor, and wheu the suspended fourth clause U finally considered It wilt no doubt be found that the press el the country, reflecting the judgment of the people will Insist mere streugly than ever upon compliance with the spirit of the mea sure, whatever modification may he found necessary In the practical application thereof. The great number who bate travelled en tree passes without auy geed claltu te such a privilege, new pay their way like ether citi zens, aud the luminous of the hole country Is thriving under a natural aud Just sys'em et freight chirges. The law hat already jn.ved ati elliclent curb te the railroad auto crats, and the only wonder new Is that this country se long submitted te their regula. tlotief national development It will take years te thoroughly test and perfect the law, but se far It baa worked well enough for a first attempt. W'v. are under obligations te T. It Cochran, chief clerk of the Senate, for a copy et the municipal bill as appreved by the governor en May St. - m sa a Tub New Yerk Ttmts prints au interview of Mr. David Ker with a mysterious Russian lady described as the wire of ene of the greatest statesmen In Kurepa. bhe ghesa dark account of atUIrs In r.uwla. She nays that net ene man among the subordinate ofli efli clals of the provincial government receives a salary sulUcleut te llte upon, and that they consequently resort te bribes, sell justice, oppress the peasantry, and therefore prepare the way for nihilism. Of the army she savs : " De you knew what Is the proportion of for eign officers tu our servlce ? Kitty eight per cent, among the regimental officers, and seventy-tlve per cent, among the generals. Yeu can easily gues bow many of these are Gerinaus, and you can guess, what the feel ing of the native Russians is toward them." Peer harvests and bad government are drawing the peasantry tewatds the cities, where they gain the rudiments of education and many fall a prey te the Nlhilsts. "Twe great influences that once held our peasants under control their reverence for the priest hood aud their loyalty te tbeczar are new fast falling away." in short, Kussia is nearlng a great crisis but It is net thought that Nihi lism will triumph, and the diplomatic lady felt cenddent that the nation would be able te work out its own destiny. m m AViikn l'resfdent Cleveland talks about his Kboel days and the friends of his early boyhood, be gees straight te the hearts of the people. He has often demonstrated bis statesmanship, and when be writes letters en matters of publle policy or In the line of so cial duty, he always expresses himself with the clear force of a trained and strong mind. Hut when he talks se frankly end simply about his youth be strikes a chord of sympa thy that adds te the popular respect for bis ability and intesrlty. As was w Uil of I.ngHt), people like Cle eland becauw be. Is se d human ! Tin: Pittsburg 'of gives thepe Interesting Qgureaefthe money order business. The money order system went Inte operation November 1, 1i4, and at once leaped Inte popular favor. In the eight months of that ltn first tiscal year, H- money order ctllccs were established, and 7e,ln orders issued, calling for fl, IOO,(Xe. New leek at the figures for the fiscal year ending June, !-V, the re turns for the last year net being complete. The Usca! year lsjii closed with 7 JjT money order rlUces in operation ; the iue of orders during the year was in round iiumbHrs 'OKI, (XO calling ter about flit (XK ("H). Tfie aer aer ageef the orders was fit 3-t. Frem the !: ginning of the system te J illy, ssn, the total of domestic orders Issued was "MHO 171, calling for fl,l!" 30,000 The fetrt exceeded twelve millions and the net roienue waa I'!, 281,7fti Congress makes special approprU appreprU approprU tien for some branches of the hervice ; but the time la undoubtedly coming when the eflice will net only be permanently selr sustaining, but will yield a rich reveuue te the govern ment. I)n. Ci Kit Ko-e.v, et New Yerk, who has been giving hl attention te the dangers of Ice cream, says the sliknif-x rauinl In due entirely te a luiigus grew thin the milky preparation, that the trouble Is due te the presence et tyrotexicon in the milk an un pleasant feature developed during certain stages of fermoutatlen acting as an irritant and Invariably causing I linens Tliure is no way, be pays, by which from the api-earunce et the milk the producer or consumer can detect the presence of this ixculianty, aud eatera el ice cream must take their cliancee. Ot course, Dr. i:dsen says, theru is a growth et fungi lu the atmosphere we breathe at certain wind stage', and It will get into milk and cream. Hut greater danger, he thinks, is te be apprehended from the nm of gMa tine. In some specimens of ice cream he has analyzed he hat found the prtwuuu in large quantltiea of common glue, which many dealers use because it is inui h clnapur thau gelatine. Cheap ice creams ure found te con tain all sorts of txHir material liable at any time te make people Hkk. If the author et the communication "l'alr Play " seuda his or her name, its publication will be considered. I.N his address at Clinten, New Yerk, en Wednesday l'reeident Clevelaud uttered these bread seutluienta regarding his eflice : If your president should net be of the people and ene of jour fellow citizens be would be utterly unlit for the poaitieu, in capable of understanding the people's wauls aud careless el their desires. Thai he is one et the jieeplu Implies that he is subject te human frailty and error, but be should be permitted te claim but little toleration for mistakes. The generosity el his ft-llow-citUena should alone decree hew Ur geed In tentions should e-xcute his shortcomings. Watch well, then, this high elllce-lbe most precious possession el Ameriiau citizenship. Demand ler it the most complete dotellou en the part of him te w hose custody it may lw illlrilhte.l uml iir.-l.. It ..... I...,- ..!.... ...i.. from uuwerthy assiultH from without. Thus win you iurinrm a sacred duty te yeurseUea and te these who may lollew you in the en en Jeymeut of the freest Institutions which beaten has ever - euchsafeil te man. PEBhONAU a bn. ltlUUAUII ltim.IT . . uin turfman MU i." . ..,"' "'" ,- """ iinneis, is dead. Tun lei'v: is autlerlnu Irem stomachle ( lectien and in uralgla. siomaeme af- Heeiiktauv WliiTNi:vana his wile ha spent IW,tHje ler charitable purines .luce last September. ' Count ii Maiupi.eih, aim et victor Emanuel, has vineyards at l.uuca that cover 7,000 acres et ground. Dr. Pa vi i) Knei.kma.n, of Csaten, has been elected president el the stale b iard of healtii, which body claims te be in great need of funds te carry en tbe work. FuiiMAN HiiKiTAitD for supreme JuiIke aud Nsmuel W. Wherry for state treasurer, Is one et tlie atrone; tickets suggested for the uemocraue convention iu Aiieniewn. Jamks U. KiciiAimseN, executer of tbe iaie iei. r.uwaru iticuaruaen, ei Mississippi, the notion king ellbe freutb, baa this year 38. wx) acres lu cotton and 7,000 In corn. M. ,ke Tax ii., once notorious aaa rather scurrilous writer against tbe iteman Catholic church, has repented, been pardoned, and had an interview wltb the pope during which be shed tears copiously at the atlectlenate treatment bestowed upon him. ills wife la still unconverted. PObTJIAbTtll WM. F, JjAunlTV has rc- celredaoemraunloatlon from tee 8ead as sistant tneslniaiiter general, cempHasMtlni him en Inte efficient aduiinl.trstleti of tee Philadelphia office. The eoiuinunJcBllen statee test the recent report Is a most satis factory exhibit and mutt be as gratifying te the publle as It li te Uie department r syuuiJiuiAi ii. Whllll"lns V"T at Attattnl bj a Blend With m Uatrhal. At Ualneavllle, Tex., Wednesday morning about 3 o'clock a shocking tragedy was enacted, In which Miss tlcnle Watklna, et Pallas, and Miss Mammle Uestlck, el Gaines ville, were the victims of a ileud who at tempted te murder them while they slept. At the hour mentioned Mrs. lleatlck heard a Rcutlling In the room In which the young tallies were, and as she entered the room te ascertalu the imum she saw a man Jump out of the window and disappear. Then she saw the two Rlils, who were sleeping In separate beds, weltering in bleed. She screamed and seen neighbor were en the scene. On Inves tigation it was found that though the yeuug girls were seriously wounded aud utioou utieou utioeu scions, they were still alive. Miss lleatlck had been struck en the lore- head and right temple with some sharp In strument similar te a hatchet. The upper lip waa almost entirely severed. Miaa VVat klna received a cut en the forehead, and a blew en the right temple, which knocked her right eje out of Its eecki'L She cannot sur viva itloedhouuds are en the track of the assassin. Abe Norwood, who is a clerk at the ltlauk cnshlpA Itlake company, who was engaged te Miss Watklna, was apprised el the fearful fate of his Intended, and he and the father and mother left en the -M train for Gaines ville. Miss Watklna was a beautiful brunette, graceful, and possessed el a very lovable ills ositien. She waa a pupil of the high school and steed high In her classes. She waa a member of the "We Mean Business" so ciety, composed of the young ladies of the Mc Lloyd Street M. K. church Seuth. A Keiuatkabta Cew. A very amutlug suit Is premised at Mc Mc Keespert, 1Vl, between l-'rauk A. Carr, jr., and a citizen named Resa Carr had a con tract te paint some buildings at Christy l'ark, a'Hl mixed up four gallons of paint ler the purpose. While at work Kese'a cow came along aud drank the four gallons of mixed Uad and oil. Carr came borne the loser by at least K and a day's work, and the matter had almost been forgotten, when lour days later fie owner came te Carr, stating that the cow had died that day and wanted a portion of fie lvalue of the animal. Carr refused te pay, claiming that the owner bad no right te allow the animal te ruu at large en the public highway, and Keae new threatens te bring uit. Ot It Lit RS AllR MJM1S ' Our live- are sons . oel writes the word, Aud we set trjem te raudc at plvature ; And tbe eng grows gUd, or swttet, or fad, As we cheese te fashion the meiure, " We must write the ninslc. whstever the oeng, Whatever Its rhyme or meter ; And If It Is sad we can make It nla1, Or if sweet we can makett sweeter. BVMCtAL KUTJVBS. Uu Nat Slots II II ti .11. liecarcfull) In purchasing medicine. Usny advertised remedies can werlr ert-at lnjnr are worse than none. i.n(cx- Meed hitttri are purely a ettable prpparatlnn : the smallest child can take th-lu. lhey kin 3Me and cure lh patient In -i sate and klnOlv way. rer -lie by 11. U. Cochran, druKKUt, IS1 and IS) .North Oueun street, Ijincastur. Urpeed I'pell It. Mether Shlpten's prophesies and Louisiana elections are very uncertain thlncs, out Thern. u EclLric Oil can be derM-mled upon always. It care-s aches and ltilns of every utMcrlptlen. or sale by II. It. Cinhntu, druggist, U, aud 1X1 nuiiu iiteeii street, iuncasier. first lists i: Idcncs. "Often unable te attend buMnesx. being sub lecttoaerteus dlorderef the kidneys altera long stereo! l-lckns tried HurileeK Btewt Hit (rrtand was relieved by half a bottle," Mr. II. Turner, of liechester, N.V , tAkes pains te write. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and IM North viuecn street, Lancaster. Haw- Much Will Da II. Hew much of The'nat' Keltctrie Oillsriiulred tecure Only a very lltUe. A few drops will cure any ktudef an ach; aud but a IrtflM mere Is needed ler spratns and lameness. Itbcuma tlsm Is net se readily atrcted ; an onnce aud sometimes two ounces an required. Nouiedl Neuiedl line, however Is se sure te cure with the earn1) niifiiberet applications rersateby II. II. Coch ran, druk'glsu 137 and 133 North ejueuu street, Lancaster. ' Hud t Ilurry, flantleiiieu,1' Said a man en his war te be hanged, "there'll he no tun tilt 1 Kel there." We ay te the dyspeptic nervous, und debilitated, don't hurry thought theught lesly fei soma remedy et doubtful merit, un certain of relief, when you cm iret at tn dru gists ler one dollar Jlurdeck Jiloeit Jittteri al meat sure tocureand certain te benedt. Ker shIe by If. It. Cochran, drinrgtst, 147 and Uj -North yueeu strwt, Lancaster. A tsiitr Killtur. ). M Holceiuti, of llloemvtlle, Ohie, rises te eiplaln "Had that terrible disease catarrh, ler twuuly years ceuld't taste or smell, and hear ing was falling. Thomai' Kcleclric Oil cured me. These are facts lulunurlly glen against a for mer piejudlce of patent medicine" Ker sale by 11. 1!. Cochran, druggist, 137 and in .North Uueen itreet, Lanacster, llraca L' Teu are feeling depressed, your appetite Is peer, ) ou uru bothered w Ith headache, ou are ndKuty, nervous and generally out of sorts, and want te bract up. llracu up, but net with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their hails very (.heap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, mid then leave jeutn worse condition than betere. What jeu want is an alterative that wiu purify jour bleed, start healthy action of the Ll er and Kid neys restore jour vitality, uml gle renewed health and strength. Isuch a iiiimIIlIiih you will flml in Klectrlc fritters Cocb Cecb rail's Drug Stere. 137 and 1JU North ejuwu btreet, Lancaster, ra. (3) Their tlutlneu Uuuuilug. I'ieIj ibly no one thing has ctused such a rush nt train at Cochran's drug store as their giving away te tbelr customers et se many lie trial bottles of Ur. ktagk's New Discovery ler Con sumption. Their trade Is slinpiy enormous In this tery valuable article from the Tact that It always cures and never disappoints Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Urenchllls, Croup and all threat and lung diseases nulukly cured, lea can test 11 before baying by getting a trial bottle free. Kvury bottle warranted. (3) rULlTlVAU PWJK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, J. W.KKLLV, of Marietta, l'a. Subject te the decision or the Democratic Convention, Your Influence solic ited. mJu-tldAw F K COUNTY COMMIHMIONEK. 81MON L.UUANDT (ranner), Of East DenegU township. Subject te the de- cisiun in me ueiuecraiic e;euni lour tun uence respectfully solid einerrutlc County Convention, Uil--llUSW P" COUNTY COMMIHSIONEK. JACOU W. LKIIKU, Of KpbraU township. Subluct te Democratic rules. uiarlt-tfdAw pOH COUNTY COMMIHSIONKB, A. Z. lUNUWALT, Urecer, rtrst Ward, City, cratlc rules. Subject te Deme-ul-tfd&w FK COUNTY COMMIHHIONEK, BOLOUON ZKAHKB, Farmer, Of West Ilemprleld township. Subject te the Decision or the Democratic Convention, marlld Aw FOR COUNTY COMM1S810.NKK. At the request et many friends 1 announce my sell as a candidate for County Commlsslenei. Suhect te the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Veur Influence respect lully solicited. IIKNUV r. 1IAKTM AN. tuUiidtw Kast Lampeter Township. pOK COUNTY UOMMISH10rEK- KLl BATTKN, el Upper Luaceck township, l announce inv self as a candidate fur iV.At. i i..!;. ii?.Si suliject te the decuinn of the Deiiiri mtir. the candidates irem the tJenmSra dtstrte TV " ' uaw L1 BaTTBN. JOiOK COUNTY AUIUTOU, JAB. r. IHIWKK, et i'aradlse, township, subject te the decision of the Dmnocratle Couvenlleu te be held Julyiu. 1(W7. JunetfdAw glOR COUNTY AUDITOK, CHAS. W. rUSBY, Of East Drumore township. Sabjeet te the da da ctslen et the Demoeratlo County Convention, J uly ju, 1KB7. anttS-UalA w siatiieAi. mUlt NKW QU1M1NB. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -UIVM- Qced Appetlte, New Btrengtb, Quiet Net vee, Happy Days, Bwoet Bleep. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will lear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, Anil all llcrtn Diseases. Till. MOTSOlBjNTiriU ANI stllCCKssrUL UI.OOD I'ttHiriRK. .siiivirler te quinine, Mr. r. A. Miller, em Last WAh stnvt. New Verk, was cutvd by Kasklne et ctmutie ma larial prostration alter seven vcars sntTeilng. lie had run down Irem 170 pounds te 7. twgan en Kasklne In June, Pwi, went te work In one month, regalned his full weight In li lueuthi uulnlne did htm tieiriMsl whateier. Sir. Gideon Ihoinpsen, Uin eldest and oneot the tneatnwpectedc'ltliens of Bridgeport, Conn , sajst "1 am ninety )ars of age, aud rer the last three earshavisunetd from timlatla aud the effect of quinine iwlsenlng. 1 nctMitty ho he gan with Kasklne whh'h broke up the malaria and Increased my weight '12 tHuuus " Mrs.T A. Solomons, of Uatltday .t, .tcrsey Clly.wrltes: My son llarry.eleven vears.was cure-d et Malaria by Kasklne, after ntteen months' Illness, w hen we had gl en up all tieiv Letters from the iitxtve p,'r.ens, gntng full details will be sent en application. hasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. 1-er botUe. Sold tiy H. B. OOOHRAN, Druggist, 137 and 1S North tjins-n St., Lancas ter, "a , or sent by mall ou rvcelpt of price. KASMNKCO., M Warren St., New Verk. tetrJt lvdAwTThA ifra, v Art. se. -y-Ol'K VACATION. TKA KLKBbTOlllK SKASHOIlg AND EL3KWIIKKK WILL SAVE MO.NM 11V lll'll.Nll TIIKlIt TrtiQks and Traveling Bags or W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Btreet. We have enlarged our stock In this line especially for the VACATION SICA'.O.S, and will give spulU Inducements ou these goods during J uly and August. riNKSTSiet'K or MOST Fashionable Hats l.N LA.SCASl'KH. LK.I1T WBIeiHT AND KA3V F1TTINU. UOVmMVMXMMUIMH HMD. aptALL AND HKK -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP. Stity CanOle-Llght t Beats them all. Anether Let of CHRAP GLOBES lerUaa and OU Steves. THB ' PERFBOXION " HKTAL MOULD1NU AND UUBBKK CUSHIOH WEATHER STRIP Beats them all. This strip outwears all ethers Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and ruin. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made la ap plying It. Can be fitted anywbere-ne holes te bore, ready for nse. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip is the most perfect. At the Steve, Healer and Range Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens. 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER, FA, S1' ECIAL NOTICE. " Mere human, mera divine than we In fact, part human, part divine Is woman, when the goetl stars aree Te mingle at her nativity " Kerlect.tye Lords of Creation, and hie ye at once te KIEFFEE & IEEE'S, Ne. 40 E. King St., And Procure one et their famous Economist Vapor Cook Steves. u ii That Oed's best gift te you bu net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste heat which It Is Impossible te avoid with your Kanges, and (what U also Important) consider the great economy In fuel, 'j cents worth of fuel will cook for a family et three grown per son. 21 meals. And when you want a Ileatei, get a SPLENDID " And be Happy, (I PLUM1UNO, UAH MTTINli, 8TKAM IIKAT INU, TIN KOOflNO AND SPOUTI.NU. HADDl.ES, C. (OADD1.K8, HAHNEbtl, 40. EDWARD KRECKEL, -DBALBk IB Saddles, Harness, Trucks. Nets, Robes & Blankets, AO. i MAST A'.VC; HTHKKT, LiSOASTBB, ra. Tbe largest and best assortment of TKUNKS In the city at the lowest caah prices., all sixes and qualities. We have en hand a large aasortmantef dif ferent Bt lea of Harness, both single and double, and make te order the finest graSs of BuglUh Leach and Crench Ceuiw Harness. The beat Harness Dressing In the world atfiec a box. Call ana Kxaralne Our Stock at Ne. 5 East King Street. JunU-SmdAw CWAMM, stft WILLIAM EDMONDS, WaeltMl Dttlir Hi OenmiMMB Martaut IB AH, EIBSB OF CIGARS. SateaToem! ma 0B mi'i oea OBebbjiS CLUrHlUM. riKSU A BHUTURH. CUT PRICES! wr. otrKuie datheur SPECIAL BARGAINS CLOTHING Furnishing Goods AlAIIOin "INK IIAl.r l,K.THAN lllKli; AC1U.M. Al UK. Seme of them aiv et lets that we tueught Irem the mauulai Inters aud tmporters at a great sair 111 . tMtiers ruielatm seteeted Itein our own rtiHk, and all marked at such CUT rule K3 as will make this thetnesl proueuuiid BARGAIN SALE of tlie tyi,rtn, 'I he kihMj ur' hII In per ft I ertitTeOt the LntiMt 8t lutml ntii hther t,utUl y than h&5 leu uvur u lit ml ler the tuuiuy NECKWEAR. Our linn el Neckweat his lieen declaiisl te be the handsomest In the i lly t e en Uialy w he has seen them. Ue are ettering the Latest l)leset -"Ilk licks al I) and Aleuts, reur-ln lleud at 3.ients . satin Itews at ft eentf, aud a lull Hue el lien's 1 Ine Impelled Silk leek, fulls- werlhll, teri.lients. BBTlalt early and examine for jnutself. fflrsh & Brether, ONE) PRIOB MERCHANT TAILORS AND Clothiers aud Furnishers, COB. MOUTH UUEEN ST. AND CBNTKB 4QUAKE. LANUASTElt, 1'A. w iLLiAMsen it jretrriSK. CALL US U TELEPHONE. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. Let Them Come AND SELECT A SUMMER SUIT -OU- Thin Ceat and Vest -riien- OUR AMPLE STOCK Ol- Fresh Sew Goods ! Bulls Inr tbn Seaside, $.101 toilule Coats and Vests for Picnics, It SO te 11,10. Dusters for Drlvlnirer Traveling, 'J7c ter: 50. Keys' Hummer 'alls. II " te ft hi Chlldnin's buiuiuer lulls f I te In M id. Children's l.luen hilts. II (Oand flui. Linen t-hert I'anl sulLs, II T Bejs'shlrt Ualats. M te 71 els. Let Them Come And Etlect t'launnl Milrls, llalhilgaa Uudor Uuder wear, Jean Drawers, rtllk Neckwear, rancy Ui-slery for llkycle biding, lieatlnK or Hummer Outlna". fancy riannel Shirts, Sue te tin). Balbrljcgan Under i ar, 'J3 te 50 els. Muslin and Jean Drawers, a te 5uc. -tlk Neckwear, te .Victs. rancy llcslery, ': pair ler '.'ic. Let Them Come And Select I'ecket Hats, Flexible lelt Derby., Silk Traveling Laps, Light Colored Caislmere flats or White Dress Straw Hats. Belt relt Pocket Hats, .Vic te ! 50. rtexlble relt Derbys. II 50 te lite. Bilk Traveling Caps, -A te 75 cts. Light Colored Casstinere Hats, KM te II 0). White Dress straw Hits, hie te i it), hummer Lap Dusters, luc te II "Al. Let Them Come And belect from Our Ample Stock of Ladles' aud Utsses', Ueuts' and Heys' SUMMER SF0ES. Ladles' Flexible Sele Dongeta Kid Shoes, llte Ladle' Hijaare Ten Unttnn Itoet, II 75, Ladles' llrtght Finished Kid liutten UoeU. 11.50. Misses' Kid rexed, Hprlng Heel shoes, I1.-J5. Misses' Kid Foxed Ifutten Shoes, 11.19. Uenta' Klne Dress liutten Shoes, 11.01). SentB' Congress Ualters, II 5e. unu' llurr Uiitten llalmerals, 11.50. Uenta' Veal Calf llalmerals, II 6n. Heys' liutten llalmerals, II 15 te tl.Ki. Trunks, Sample Cases aud Valises: WILLIAMSONS FOSTER, 32, 34,36 and 38 East King Ht, LAHCA8TKU, 1A. ST"Btere closed every eienlng, except Mon day and Saturday. 21 (CU KKWAKD. VltUOVf Fer any case of Kidney Trou Mental and 1'hyslial Dies, nervous Debility, Mental and 1'hyslial Weakness that IterANIU MKUY'K 111TTKUS fall, te cure. Held by druggists, t cent. ilKHU MED. CO., Ne. 15 W. 11th r-t., Phlla,. l'a. SW Circular, free. uov'Mlyced&w E NULKTKKK HTOt'K FAHM, BUndardUred Stallion. InBerrlca. BTOKM KJNO (illl) fSSa . llecerO, year., A7. Aft Sena for Mbw CataJenue: UAN'l, O. BNOLE, BPl-SmOSw Marmtta. Pa. -IkTOTlOK TO TKBHfAHHKIUs AND J-w UUMMEU9.-AU pttnen an hereby for. bidden te treapau en any or the lands of tba Cornwall ana speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or uuln uuln clesed, sitter for the porpeM of sheeting or Sshlng. m tbe law will be rtgialy enforced acalnst all treipaaslBg ea said iasd. of Ue ub- "nMiiS FEEEMA.. WW, 73. FstEEMAjr, avrartM AUttrssys i&r n. Wi quiewiM's Heirs OASISlfAHsM, A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS W1RB. Honest Werk at Honest Prices. PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD HELIAHLK) Carriage Works Neb. 12Q aud 128 East King St. The Lai Kest Assortment nl N K W A N t HKCON t II A N II lluuHle., fan taiies, t'hattens, Mark.t llusliiiws Wagons that has ever In-eu shown t the ISrille. If Yeu Want atloedaml rtrat Class l'lmden, GOTO IIOKILSOM'S. If Yeu Want a NlroCemfoi table rmntly CartlaKe. UO TO DOKIl.seM'H. II Yeu W ant a 1Iukk-Yeu can Select luiui rilU-eu Dlttetiml Kludel HprliiK., If yen HO TO UOKKiOM'i If ten Waul a Nice Slid Neat Ituslnnss Wnrfiin.OO TO IIOKItSOM'S. if Yeu Want a Diiraliln Market ak'en, Oil III DORHHOM'S. II toil Want n tloed Kocend llaiiil I'hwteu. IIUKKy. or Maiket Waxen.OOTO IIIIBUSOM'H. II Yeu n nut te lluy a Ursl-Class Article at a Lewer I'll te than auy ether place lu the city county, UOTO Philip Doersei's Old Reliable Garriae Works, N0N. li( AND ViH KAST KINO Hl'HKCT, L4NCASTKK, l'A. trFAC'WlirtM A US MIFFLIM STltNKV. inaiti-lydAw 11 ISK.S .IAD I.HiVOKS. pum: UYK WHISKY. Old GretT Spring Distillery. Situated ou hast Orange street, tsilwwn OraiiKO aud Chestnut, oneciuaio east;el leser leser veir, Ijtncastrr, 1' I baiejustere'cted a new distillery with all of the latest Improved machinery ler distilling 1'UUK Hit WHISKY. A. 11., Proprietor. This Distillery has been erectetd at the famous Old Oroirstewn Spring, which has tmen uuivdler Its plenteous and unfailing supply of the pur est water. At It our grandfathers drank when they were ta s, aud tt has ueter N-eu known te run dry eien In the hottest weather. Frem this spring all the water tied In the distillery Is ob tained, the pump drawing Irem tl twenty flu gallons a minute. llesldes my own distilled Whisky, 1 also handle iirautlira, tlins, Wines, iVc. esfCall and lit) cenvlniesX, A. II SHK.vri- Kit. Distiller, 1 OtlE Ne tvl North liueell Slleet, N It. Fanners havtng gited Hyeenhaud cun And ready sale for 11 at Ihestotver distillery Highest cash maiket price paid ter u gixsl arti cle. apr-lydAw G REIGART'S WINE STORE OLD BOUCHE SEC, ll'Ell HKlDSIKCh. l'OMMEUY hICC, MOKIZKl'sEC. t,.H MUMM KA1KA DUY And all 'ether Leading brands Champiigns. el ImiHtted Sele Agent ter the Pleasant Valley Winn Cem pin . Spei tat u real Western Ki. nry.eur own urand, therluesl Amerliau Champagne lu the market. Jusl rece'lved another large Intetcn of Calttor Caltter nU Claret and W hlte t lue from Napa alley, California. A large stock et Imported llurgundles, Clarets, llhlue and iiitenie Wines. We also hae the largest and finest stock et llrandles. Whiskies, litns, Madelin, Sherrys and I ort Wines, llass Ale, Uulnnrss Stout, Saratoga and Apelllnails Waters tu the etty. H. E. Slaymaker, Agt., Me. 29 EABT KINO STREET, l'A. 0MVVMMI1 A T WlAriTH. -na euit HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The finest Fleur sold In the market. Give It a trial and you will be pVased Alse irahaiu Heur, Oat Heur, Kje Fleur, and eif liaising Fleur for Ulscult, At, Uixida Dellveied. Telu Telu pheuu Connection. OHO. WIANT, ang.'Ju-lTd Ma US West King Street. AT MUKHK-'H. PICNIC GOODS FOR THE PICNIC SEASON. First the Picnic Plate-It Is light an 1 cheap and requires no Mashlng-saie-. jour dl'bes Plain aud Mixed 1'lekles and Chow-chew In mall bottles. Sardines In Oil aud Mustard, Cem pressed lleef In tse pound chum, lleued Chicken aud Turkey, Petted Maui, leugue. Fresh Leb ster. rresn Columbia Klver Salmen, Fre.h Mackerel, Fre-li Oysters In cans and 1'trkled Oysters In small Jars for picnicking, erk Slate Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheete, Chipped lleef, etc. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. SVTolepbene, WATVHB. WATOUKH, CLOUKH, UHA1NM AND JEWKLltr. ewaswaeBBt SpNlal Watches for Fanners and Railreaden. rine let of Kings, Ac Alte, Elgin, Wallham (Aurera ter which 1 am Bele Agent), and ether Flrst-Claaa Watches. Hest Watch and Jewelry eraunnc. eV-CeTrect place In city. lime by Telegraph Daily, only L. WEBER. Ne. 15u) N. queen Ht, Near I'enn'a It. V.. Depot. AW Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Optical Goods. All Kinds of Jewelrv. N KW JKWKLKY HTORK. 0. GILL. LATEST DESIGNS -IN- SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET. LANCABTKU, l'A. mayll-lyd VtMb T3 B. MAKTiW, WBOUBALB ABB BBtAO. BBALBB U All Kinda of Lumbsf and OeaL TABS! Ma UO Marth water ejie rnnee tieeU. abere Lemen. Laneaaler. bWtO T3AUMUABDNKKH4 JEKKKKIKH, GOAL DEALERS. Omia t-Na l North queen Btreet, ana Ne. M North Prince street. Iana:-North Prince Btreet, near Beading wuLm LANOABTER. PA. WANTED-BRIOKLAYEHS IN PITTS KUUUH. Mine hours for a day's work! waies, MM per Aay. Call at BiriLDEK'S EXCII4NOE, Ken.haw Building, corner Liberty and Ninth etreeta, PlMebur, Fa, Jy7-lwd CHARLES nUMdlfSS, . t l.OTIIIM). L. UAMHMAM A HUO Remarkably Lew Prices NOW l'UKVAILtNtl AT L.GANSMANSrllUO.'S. Wu show you MK.N'.i MUll'S at, H.KI and fi l"l. We show you A 1. 1, WOOL MK.N'.s SUITS at If hi, mi, Ki in met 111 u. MKN'S HKKItSUChEU COATS AND V1.JT3 at II te and ll.-'l. V rt.NR MOII&lIt COATS AND Kits at I1M, Il.uiandl.l5ii. llO'S AND Cllll.DltKN'.l SUITM In Large Cj il a n titles at Koduied llargaln Trices. H(l'a hUlls at lil". HH llie, II id, IVUU and Ollll.HKKN'S SUITS at II l til"'. 11.50, txw, II (Hand Mil. CHILHUK.N .H I'ANTS nt 'A Largest Assortment el JIK.N S 1'ANIS at 55c., rAc, 75e., It te and II - I AKSlUEIlh PANTS at l 50, ti-W. 11V). Ills) and 11 M. 4SF 1 or W ell Mible aud Lewest 1'tlcu Clothing -CALL T- L. GANSMAN & BR0 Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTUKEI13 OF Sen'n, Hots' and Children' llellilng, 8. E. COU N. OUEK.NA OKANUKSTB, LANCASTKll l'A. "The Cheapest Heuse lu the City- (and Kxcluslve) Clothing N OW KEAIiy I Our Ready-Made Stock -OF- SPRING CLOTHING. We am prepared te .hew our NewSI'ltlNU STOCK In Keady-lladu Mulls, our Assortment Is Larger than eier before, and Prices Lewer. W have takeu spe-clal care te uetupgnedaud Attractive SulU for the hl'lilNil TIlAllK. and wu feel satlstlesl our iIterts have Innm suceess tul. Call and give uslhubeiieatet your opinion. Oar Castem Department Is Slet till with all the Newest Novelties In Buttings, which wu will Make te Older In the Ileal Dry It). FIT GUARANTEED. BURGER & SDTTOS, Tailors- audi Clothiers, NU. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA M YKK8 A KATUKON. SUMMER CLOTHING! THIS IS THE PUOl'hll IIMK-IOTHINKOF Summer Clothing. Wu are wstl prepuied te attend te your wants. avcry myiu or iti Htyle or Kind of Thin Clothing may lie uie. Thu Prices are LowEneuirh te Suit found heie. Etcryeue. MEN'S OOAT3 AND VESTS INClll.CKS.BTKtl'KS AND PLAIN COLOU8, U Ol te 17.5V. MEN'S SEERSUCKERS, ALL COLOHS. MKN'B WHITE AND COLORED VEBTB. 1JOVS' AND lOUTUB'BEEKSUCKSUB. Myers & BatMen, 1'OrUIiAR t'LOTllIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANCABTKB, PA jrorrewe. ATEIUHMAN'S. " ' New Spring Neckties AT KUISMAN'8. There la no garment concerning the fit of which a man la were particular than a Bhlri. . btilrt cutting U a Fine Art, Te nt com letta ble a .hlrt mu.t be cut with the proper anolom anelom anolem leal eunrea, the workpeople mu.t be practical shirt-maker.. Having had an experience of w yean, we claim te have the best fitting, beat made, beet material and meat durable SHIRT la the Market for the Least Possible Meney. "AER1SMAN'8, KtMlT.Wets.AletKetLjjBhMt. A Va m n??. ..VjP jgfeVvT j'VC "-& Pr-".i . ."A & V "V. . ' t'i"- 'iMiujiiistjBa