?r,- J'iijr.iaf.'iitWWBSiK jf7s Vfe r fcaKl " VV-VTVK tf ICTvK. Vin:Uws:r.r,ffTCY JfcTT ''wl ARNV t VTVBAW1WA Tli"' -U' " iTH MA T. V'K'x " -.- ' T. - -NSJw." "? S 'W -VT VIV-"T.I 7 MaT j.i?jjmw ibmhl'i'-? r1!9rmr "iTS 'ii w .i"i ' Y-r-vT - " "a:1 n jr jrf- -i' i ijr ''. ,v - i . csT.'iTrw t, icf:TiJ.AY5.rp.' Ji.ii p f . . r- t.1 t. "fc-J "-T -u "- a " 1 i - , ' -:. .- i.--, t- - w aiT'l f,,WT'fl'fljr,k v..ri?vtW' hi s. .- .... . , . w iimia st JiHTf.Btt illtrtianttf TTT1 r MM 'i "" XU-Ci iLaJMJAAi!Jn UA1LI UM'XJUILilUXUPIXUS lUriOJmi, UUUI A., &re ItiWv r f BP WfrK t ICER inu atsab, row fUMMMU FIACE. MMTU tuevNn ItaWeefcW ktdligenoer ,"' VUY WUNOOAV MOIIWM. AWK rrrcTm Ulimnimunn NmiitnuuiT, inKlWigr mi DrraiiLioBNeaB. ? Lancaster, n. : ftmreetcr ImeniKtiuc. LAKCA8TKB, JULY U.1S87. ' OtasarlMM of War Mortality. F.Ta Cincinnati Commercial Gazette gives - MM tery impresuve euicuu usures en me Bid and wounded of the war. About t AAA AAA "P&JiumI BAliltatifl Atillatrwl ditrinr (tynOIW XWCIIU " W" uwun 2aiAM mnA nt Itita nnmlur IRtfi HO? urore I'jifW HMf PUU W. MUM. . .wv.,VU. ...w i- .aalend troens. Over 2 000 skirmishes and ' CbUUm were feuzht and In ten of them the t'affMt tUT m Vawkww mmAmtAW jfT , """" " , iHi. lk. lk. ih.i:im. tin. BE:: ,8 S IS .8 .ft K Kh, Ih ia tie id nEZ!.. li ih in in its ion K ia H TM MM UK un IftlBii.. in wee um noe ion laEix in in un un toen moo ttBm nn an nn nn Kmh in un an nn in an mBBm..... um an an moo hoi mm li an mm H new into Fmmmim2SSmr, vVaaa SI MBH NaaantalMMr P?toertedlossot life was ever at.OOO en both , s BJBea uuiciai buivisucs buu w ui, ui vuu Kl,3,000 men enlisted, there were killed in 14438; died of wounds, 4l,-Ve ; died K(de-se 180,210 ; died of unknown causes 'iv awn) whose death while in the army bad nan actually proved." Te this number l& the hands of the enemy as prisoners of war w and a fair percentage of these reported as M i iti in nr mi mi.vilnir. and manv thou- pirnada who died while borne en furlough. hj Waterloo was one of the most desperate h:ml hlfwlv flelda rhmnlnlnd in Knrervpnn pfcateiy, and yet Wellington's casualties t-r mnlmthan 12 per cent., his less being &.VS.4S3 killed and 9.5S0 wounded out of ever st 'ISfiOO men, while at Shiloh one side lest in T.:.Vni anil wnundwt O TJfl nut nf !1 IW pXwhile their opponents report their killed .imweuuueu ui u,uiu, uia&iug niu i.wimu fir Umm atwrnt -tti mr pant . Bnt it mav be said that the imrire ement Etfe fa lptmna pvnlnina tJiA HffTprpnrp. nt 2P "rTfrr7. ..::.,:: .:,:r .."':; h-wuku I vempurc uur uuiuea nun inese ei the France-German war when the breech- Kg. leader, the mittrallleuse and Kruppscan- Eii. B9tt did such fearful execution. At Werth, Specheran, Mars le Tour, Gravelotte and Bedan, In 1870, the average less only was 12 per cent. Yet whole regiments were exterminated. At Perryville, Murfrees- bere, Cbickamauga, Atlanta, Gettysburg, Minion Hldge, the Wilderness and Spott Spett aylvania, the less freiuently reached, and emetimes exceeded, 40 per cent., and the average of kilied,lti3 wounded en one side rerwas ever SO per cent. Frem ! te 1801 the killed and wounded upon American soil in all battles, combats and skirmishes, added together, as shown by reports, hardly exceeded the casualties of single battles of the great American con flict. The " Silly Season." This is said te be the " silly season " of the year, though exactly why no one has ever clearly explained. The warm weather Bay cause such a general relaxation that ffexnen who ordinarily talk sense become hf auiyln July, but observation shows that the silliness proceeds from people who have long been in that condition, and it is preb able that it is only rendered mere apparent by the warm weather temper of the people. Men are easily provoked in het weather, and silliness that would at ether times be treated with wise contempt new provokes wrath. There is the Hilliness of Jeff Davis, for Instance, who is talking about the hired wanninn he pretends te think were sent fct by Governer Curtin for bis slaughter, and mhi jmiiiienn ui tciuuu urnim jvrmy men tee visit of the president te St. Leuis '. .These things are quite as insignificant as flies and quite as Irritating in warm weather. An exhibition of irritating silli aea Is given in the attempt te make evi dence against Barclay Peak out of a veiy natural reply that he made te n geed lady who visited him in prison. Speaking of thoughtless conduct hhe said : "If you had thought of the consequences, yu Barclay, jim wuuiuu-i nave aiiei Katie "Ne, I wouldn't," be replied, and lu ff' aftaatlv ArlHnd : ll r riirln't Bhrw . UM IE kew. .11 M "w- . VUWf- UKit nUV. This would be a unite natural renlv (mm SB innocent man taken off his guard, but it 3 M eagerly seized uten and announced as an S&. admission of guilt. The lady very prenerlv Ig. kept quiet about this conversation ler fear P that it would have been used in the trial g Where it could have been of no assistance jiT- whatever in determining the truth. lie r$i ted te the preposition that he would lt Ult tin.m VM1.l .1.. l . ... g.1, -v. we uun 1,110 girt u ne naa realized h ,w consequences, and seeing that this ?L Bight be Construed as n nHmkuUn M. ei i. gShsdkUledherhe Instantly added that he ki net snoot tier. It U probable that a 6Cn in his position would net fellow the HOMYersatlen of his visitor closely and his fsWly was a natural and polite assent. n fMlf-evident preposition. And new it buzzing around with ether mid- : flies and follies te embitter the last yDaajs 0? a man condemned te death. m-.x jieariers firm stand. ., TheBeuvler ministry is showing unnv. . . a v fee ted strength, but chiefly because Gen. Boulanger magnanimously gave it te get itself together before he pro pre led te shake it. His first shake was rrute severe, but leaves the government mer stronger than before. The prime aialitet's declaration that the ireneml's imamtestatien en the occasion of the (election made it hp psuurv tn . kM te bis proper position was a bold and obmiwiuuie facta that must com- and respect for his statesmanship. He '&&. " civil power had mu mu weuw uave Deen ever with it. t afetwtete tbe force and fearlessness of awuiwi, jl must be remembered itbey directly attacked a nennt. I opposed the Impulse of the houramen --- -y f "".j xnat be was r eheved proves that the Arm and keMaasdliipfMk.ted by Um deputies, Ml the BlnMtiy lit thereby Mcuted mera nUilite support. m a The W reck of the Mjttery. The dreadful fate et the sleep Mystery that went down oft llarren lalaud In Ja maica bay with at least thirty Uvea lest, will call attention en the threshold of the summer acatleu season te the iril in which people put themsehes in the feter ish search for pleasure. This be it had been used for cod-fishing purposes, and was probably never Intended te centey .t crowd such as that which thronged its decks en Sunday. The essel must hate been specially untltUd for the work it was given te de, for the accident is ascribed entirely te a pun" of wind that struck the sleep nt a critical time. If ieeple trust their lives te beats that are likely te 1 capsized by a puff of wind, such accidents as that which befel the Mystery are inev itable. liKT there be lull turnout lu the wards te morrow evening ter the nomination of dele gates te the Democratic county conentlott en July SO. The election will take place en Saturday. If Reed men are clio.en geed work will be done. Hi.A1.nl'-. tailtire te get te tlie Car negie meeting tu Edinburgh, has net yet re sulted In a casus lelli. Net many men bae reeehtd ouch a touch ing and slnrere tribute en tbelr birthday as Mr. Jehn AVanmuaker has been blessed with. The tribute te w hlclt alluMeu is particularly made Is net Urn geld platrd, cream colored allllerath e letter nxx-h ed from bis empleyes, but the buslmws-llke communication e( the local and foreign life insurance cempauleA. This document ceuKrAtuUUui liim ou his health, his record, his suives and Hually and cbietly upon the fitct that be Is iusured for a larner autu than any ether American citizen. Of the clncsrlty of this loiter there Is no doubt whatever, and Mr. Watmnmker can revel In the linn consciousness that uumeroea large "ansoclatlens" would be sorry totxe him die. It has been stld and it is doubtless true that Mr. Wanatnaker has as much insur ance en his lileas the companies will consent te Rive him and In the tueutnf hisileath their less would be se enormous that they watch bis physical condition with learand trembling. The public will uete the result with iutereet. Will Mr. Wanamaker'a commercial inetincts prove fatal te him and score a triumph agilnut the companies or will he be satisfied with the advertising be gets as the great American insurer? It ia an excellent adurtisiug scheme for both parties, as the companies can point with pride te the fact tbit a man of his transcendent ability endorses lile insurarce and thousands et prefexslunal orators will glorify the name and fame et anamaker while they urge insurance. Tin: recent KnglUh elections he Gladstone is gaining bis second wiud. that Ir was inadvertently stated yesterday that the councils had before them for ceusldt ra tion a scheme for the relormatlen of high school commencements. t should ha e read the school beard. Councils have all that they can attend te In the matter of water works and sewerage improvement, and, by the way, there is a great deal of local grumbling about the delay et these important question. 4 Mrs. Jeh.n Kvchmvn, of htrasburi;, Is quoted as saying at the Prohibition meeting in this city en Monday that " whene er you can show the Sew lira or the .zumiiicr or the In li'.i.i.uu nc kk that It's mero prenuble te ue rrouiDlllenlsta, thej'll all become l'ro l're l'ro bibitienlsta. It's all a matter of dollars and csnta," The trouble with uiext et the ex treme temperance men is that they are most intemperate in the use el their laugudge. Tut. Nev Yerk Parliamentary l'und asso ciation have sent ?10,UvX) mero te I'arnell in addition te fii.OeO sent a week age. These are the blows that tell. Mere news is at hand about Mr. lllalne. Mr. Carnegie was reported by submarine cable te be in a most appalling ttx et rage ever the failure of the provost of the Keiu burgh meeting te admit the belated Maine statesman. It waseten said that the liberal Plttsburger had refused te accept tUe hum ble apologies of the provost. New Mr. Cir Cir Cir nogle corrects all this, but leaves the matter In greater obscurity than ever by taklug the blame upon himself, lie says, "I myself am te blame for the accident of the exclusion of Mr. Blaine from the council chamber. I had arranged with Mr. Maine te accompany him. On the way Miss lilnine met with an accident, which caused a slight injury te her ankle. Hhe was compelled te return, and her father accempinltd her back te their hotel." UvRM.n, the rameusguuntr, did wisely in selecting Lancaster ter the place wherein te break the world's record. PRHBUNAL.. Jehn Wanam.vklk was 50 years old en Monday. Qt'EE.v Vict eri.v has donated fo.ueu te the ijuuuuu juijieriai lusiiuue. Loevn K. Hi.k ki k lias been elected by the legislature as chief justice of the supreme court of Ueergla. He.v. William H, W.vdkpm. Cheater county's new law Judge, has bwn sworn in by bis associate, Judge I'uthey. Ma. Bunvnr, Giailsteiiian, has Uen elected te Parliament from Coventry, formerly a strongTery district In Kngland. bLKiuB SrntM. Cinn.Mihv was re lated by marriage te the Woodward family of Vllkesbarre,-liis sister having married Cel. Gee. A. Woodward, brother el Judge .Stanley Woodward, lie was a man of remarkable intellectual jMmers, a profound scholar and advanced thinker. Hit. K. D. .Si.vMiiienii, who was married last Thursday, lias celebrated his wedding In an original mnnner. or late there has been much agitation ever the matter of free parks, of which Louisville, Ky, pesses'ea none. Dr. Htandilerd notified Mayer Kced and the president et the beard et councils that he would present the city with 110 acres of land for tills purpose. The Fiftb I'cimajlvaula llmnti. On Haturday nignt fifty ineinberH of the fifth Pennsylvania lteserves met m the court house at Gettysburg and illtcted a per manent organization by electing Celent-1 A. M. Smith, president ; Cant. .Samuel Evans and Capt, Jehn L. Khodos, v ice presidents ; W. Hayes Wrier, secretary, anil (i. W. Hbech, corresponding secretary. A coininlttee was appointed te make arrangements for the ertcuen or a monument en a lingo boulder about lilty yards from the lieund Tep ebscr- .j. ... ummiun) WttS lUHirilC'lCl lO urge the consolidation el the liind belonging te the Pennsylvania KeHtrvesdivlsien for the erection of one grand monuinent or memo meme rial chapel en this battle-held. W. Hayes Grlerwas elected chairman of this commit, we. the net reunion et the regiment will a?aJ!Sr " lhU " WedrTe'l! He 1111 ,.,, i,.?B.Mea.K.ue ,K'nea yesterday were- At Philadelphia: Philadelphia H.lndl"lltlK;lla r, at New Yerk: Pittsburg 3, New YerL . Jl Washingten: WashlngtouVAChlce i ' "l Bb Leuis detested llaltlmore by I te r. yesterday and the. Met were shut out lu Uinclnnatl by r. te e. ul m Allentown defeated Bradford by le te band The League S.T . cu i iHiaiiMjwri uy i toil. Wasbtngten lias been a Jenah for Chicago since tbe former Joined the League. The Chicago bad ten errors yesterday, six of which were made by the outfielders. Washington played without one. Carrell, or Pittsburg, who is a geed deal of a leugu, purposely ran into Geerge, of the New Yorks, yesterday Injuring btm very badly. Tbe crowd hissed Carrell, calling him a "rowdy" and "loafer." AtOelmonlce'atbs Day After Bias Friday. " Get any champagne en ice T" ' Yea, air." 'Well, that's a geed place for It, Bring me a glass el beer." " TUB SAD IRONY OF FATE. A 1WDIHH TUVMU Ml WHO WMXT TO turn (HJt'Art jail. H llllli turn I'rftwn With Krrl Merlctjr Lartlp te lniMl II, ami Kslur.Uy U ! Lnit(St Thre Chargfsl Wlih sirallng t rem Ills I nilejer. riemtbe l'lttl)iirg l'ek A. 1 Adams was the name of a natty look ing young man upon whom the ponderous Jail deer cleved Saturday. The charge against hi in was larceny and he presented a lugu brious appearance as he w as cacerted Inte the reception room of the Jail by Alderman Tatem's constable. Adams Is well known ever en the North Side, where be has figured In society circles for mere than a year past. At many receptions, selrec-s and parties Adams has been a centre et attraction lu a charmed circle as the ladles thought "he was just tee sweet te live." On t rlday alternoen Adams accompanied by several young ladles well known lu the best society circles of the North Side, iald a visit te the county JalL He wax laultlessly attired iu a pale mauve colored suit, were yellow kids and had en the Uttwt thlug lu the way of a crinkled straw hat. "We havn Just come ou a tour et lupectleii, voukuew," he said, with an tillable air, "the" ladles ate very curious te see the inside of a Jail, aud 1 Just brought them ever, you knew." Warden Herlln then eecarted tbe visitors all ever the building, and they were charmed with the arrang?meuts. Adams stepped Inte one of the cells which was unoccupied aud made a minute inspection of the iuterler and spoke in tbe htgbf n terms of the accom modations, r-iying that he was almost teiuptuJ te move In and tike quarters for the summer. As they went out the ditdlsh young man twirled bis cane jauutil.v, and nodding patronizingly te tbe warden the sightseer disappeared lu a cloud of dust that flirted co ly along lien street. Judge et Warden Iterlin'a amazement Sat urday afternoon when tbe prison bell rang, the doers opened aud his dudlsh visitor of tbe day before walked in with tbe stalwart clutch of Alderman Tatem's coustable ou the Immsculatecua of his niavue colored ceaf. The junty air that had been he characteristic of him had disapjeared, and be piesented a woebegone, crest-fallen appearance. Striking a dramatic attitude as he approached tbe warden he aid, in tragic tones . ' Yester day I came here as a visiter: te day 1 am te be incarcerated as a prisoner." Thiro was another irony et fate lu store for him, wbeu, atter he had been searched and taken te the cell room, he found that the cell which he had se much admired en Thursday was designated as his quarter? The charge el larceny against Adams had been made by N. .,. 'Wynkoop, the well known North side druggist, by whom he was employed a a drug clerk. Mr. Wyn koop for a long time pa-.t had bseu missing quantities et his most valtiab'e drugs aud choicest perfumes. He could net account for their diappctirance In any manner. One el the drugs that seemed te disappear with regularity was opium, one of his most val liable commodities. Finally be became sus picious of Adams and set a watch en him. As a result he was taken into custody Satur day, and when the ellicers visited bis room they found two trunks full of opium, per fumes and ether ccmtly drugs, for which he could net account. It is alleged that he has ls?en selling the gceds te eutalde ptles. Alderman Tatem held Adams in M), in de fault of which he was sent te Jail. It Is stated that when President Cleveland and his bride were spending their honey moon at Deer park, a party et jeung folks from Wheeling, W. a. te which place Adams belongs, went te the vicinity et Deer park te sitid their vacation. Among the pwty was tdatna and a young lady, te whom he was very attentive, aud the couple were bantered by tbtlr companions te get married and fellow the example or the president and his bride in spending their honeymoon at Deer park. Auams and the lady refused te take a dare, and were married there and then. The marriage was kept a secret and the party returned te their homes in Wheeling, with out making the wedding known. Adams shortly after came te Allegheny, and obtain ing employment, went back te Wheeling and was married again te the young lady, this time publicly, and located in Allegheny. Adams and his wile are well connected lu Wheeling. UVUBWIaa VUVHTMVMEN. A Colony That Was Seined lu tlonrsteRS, Lan caster t'eunljr. rrein the Philadelphia Ledger. The recent visit of Colonel Hmil Prey, Swiss minister at Washington, was made the occasion of a successful demonstration in his honor by his Swiss countrymen. Colonel Prey deserves their recognition, for he is an admirable representative of our ancient yet vigorous Bister republic. As a yeungman he serveet in our army, and wen distinction iu an Illinois regiment In hard-fought battles. Upturning te his native country, he was seen elected te various pests of responsibility and finally was selected as the tirst full minister from Switzerland te this country. Heis especially popular therefore among tbe SwIpp, both at home and here, and be has proved hlmseir as successful in diplomacy aa in war. Pnder his guldance a geed many new Swiss colonies have been established In the Seuth and West, and the local authorities have given him and bis countrymen a hearty welcome everywhere. The Swiss are among the earliest and best of our settlers. William Penn made their ac qualntance en his aucceaalve visits te the con tinent, and Invited them te come te his new province. He had a Swiss te lay out vine yards en his manor of Sprlngettsbury, new Hush Hill, and, if the climate had been mere favorable, we might have been drinking native wines. In lTOy a Swiss colony settled at Conestoga, In Lancaster county, and the Meyllns (a state senator new bears that name), the Herrs, the Kendlgs, the I'unks, the Huusers, the Dachmanns, and ether geed old Lancaster families are their descendants. The Protestants or Heme were such stout Lutherans that they were slew te favor or tolerate any dissent, and tbe Mennenltes and Amish were largely recrulted from Swlsa exiles. A large body et them went te North Carolina, under Graetlenreid and Michelle, and New Heme still suggests their native Swiss home. Tbeir leaders first visited Lan caster, but that region was already two well aettled te held out great temptations for a large body of new comers. Among the ear liest medical men of Lancaster county, the Notts and Carpenters (originally Zimmerman), were Swiss, ana tbeir children, ter several generations, led their profession iu that part of the state. The Swiss Confederation, dating from 1-'1, is a strong and vigorous federal union. While ether ceuntriei of Europe have risen and fallen, It has found a demo cratic republic able te meet nearly all tbe neiHls of its jeple, and te secure them the highest aud liest rights as citizens and as in dividuals. The Swiss of Philadelphia may well be proud or their native country, and of Its representative at Washington. Tneir re union In his honor was distinguished by the characteristics that coutrlbule he much te their national II le at home, renreaenlatlvea speaklug three our four languages, choruses or men and women singing their native music, and a reuulen that breugbt together yeuug and old of both sexes te de honor alike te their native ceuntrv aud te that nf timir adoption. A fievel lieel 1'reLKMcd. There is trouble between Captain A. lb Kegardus, the champion shot of Adam 1'ore 1'ere psugh's show at Staten Island, and Suspen der Jack, a cowboy. Itegardus thrashed Suspender Jack Monday morning for shoot sheet ing tee close te bis bead while exhibiting bis prowess as a marksman. Jack bad Itegardus arrested aud be was lined f 10. New Suspender Jack wants serJe one te lock itegardus and himself up In a room, with revolver and a cigarette apiece, and let each man lire at the ether uian light. Ue of the suinder aaya llegardus bribes the boy te pull the bell when be sheets. A duel between the men la net Improbable. An Kninustaatlc Klperter. H..8W..lYerk cerawencement reporter writes : 1 here came Inte the great ball of the Nermal college yesterday sucb burst of inuecence and beauty, auch a river et bright eyes and blushing cheeks, such a fluttering el soft, white raiment and breath of sweet flowers that tbe bumble reporter who aat in tbe midst of it all and beard the aelt mu.te tbal trembled in tbe air could only thank his atari that be was net away at a tire, Tbe gal leries were black with tbe mothers and sla ter! and brothers and sweethearts of tbe 'AS young girls who sat smiling the very heart out eyeur body down ea the mala fleer. II fl Wiih'i Trip te Kart. Prem tbe Philadelphia Time. Tbe Urltannle, which sails trem this pert en Wednesday, will take out as a passsneer General Simen Cameren. Colonel James Dutly, of Marietta, his almost constant com panion and business lileml, will gewlth him. Genial Larry Jereme will limke the third member et the party. This la a altuular trio and their mission te Kurepe Is an Interesting one. Colonel Dutly and Mr. Jereme go ever for sport and te see the sights, but Goueral Cameren gees for a very dltterent purpese, although be will probably keep very talr pacs with bis two companions In sight-seeing. Having watched the shifting tides et poli tics in this country for ncmrly snveuty years, the old general taken a trip te Kurepe te talk politics with tbe great civil leaders et the old world, l'er a long time be has had an ambi tion te v Islt Gladstene and bear from his lips of the by. play of Kngllsli politics. The meet ing betwexm these two veterans will be an In terentlng one. Beth have ter se many yeans lived in the whirl of political life that a com parison et note and experience catiuel but be instructive. General Cameren is new nearly ninety years old and has twit a prom prem ltient factor In politics for marly seventy years. Gladstene Is considerably his junior, yet he ban tieeu Iirty J ears iu public life", a thoughtful and earliest commander et men. General Cameren's visit te Parnell will be another interesting incident of his trip abroad. After looking ever English politic aud English people, he will probably go te Paris aud study the conditions of that new republic The dearth of peilltles In this coun try prebehly Induces the "Sageef Denegal " te'iuake this journey at his advanced age te get a few fresh thoughts in the laud where politics is always at tever heaU gl'MVIAL KUTIVKS. Whr tie IHinuriulT Tru, von sti! In a mtiemble condition ou arc enK, pallJ.nnd nerreie Veu cteunut slefp at nl;ht, nor enjoy your naklnc hours, cl, hv lese Jinan t lift at the ilniKuUl'i a bottle of Jinrifefl liloert Hitlers, 'inej will restore! ) en m htulth and pe;ic' of mind or sale by II ll. Cochran, druKgUt, 1J7 and IS) .Nerm CJnecu street, ljiticister. Speaks Klahl l'p "Hw tried TAeniaj' tXIrdrxe OU for croup ftiidceld end And 11 the lnt reined) 1 hve ever ned In ins mull)" Win hnj, 510 Ply luetith Ami, lliirtnle. N. 1 tcir-letp 11 H Ceilinn, driiKitlst, 137 and 1XJ .Nertb (Juesin street, Lanruier Mr. Langtry. And ethrtr (iitieus letnen heowena reputa tlen for Helil iKuuit). A fine complexion make-s one htiul-ome, ene-n though the lucei Is net et perfect mould. Hunleek Jlloetl Hutert act dl rictlj upon the circulation, unil e nte the skin vcliarni'sand siuceUincus otherwise uusttutii able ter sale l II 11 CechPin.druirglit, ISJ aud TO North yiieen strvet, Lancaster. I hi It VV llli I'lruarr. VVansler llrc .ilrugglju, of Walrrloe, lows, wrtle ' We an llh pIeurey that TAemaj' tMtctrie Iht Klesthu bett satisfaction el nv liniment w rell hverbedy who burs will hive no ether lhls reimsly Is a certain cure" for all aches, prulD. and iuIik. 1-or vile by 11 it, lechnin, ureirclet, Uf and ISJ erth yucen stre)t, Lancaster. A Clrrgyinau s Testlmeuy. VV. r. tilirerd, pastor, M K. church, liothwell, One, was for tweicirsasnllerur with dyspepsia In Its worst lenn, until as he states "lliei l.eciurni an actual burden." Hires) bottles of It unlock Jltoeit HMeri cured hlui. and he tells us In a le cent litter that he ceueldars it the best UmlH uiisllclne new Iwfore the country ter d)Hnla and 11 cr complaint rorile b 11 11 Cochran, drujrrflst, 137 and 1JU enh gueen stnwt, Lan caster. Threw Away II u Crulrhn. "Sufend from rheumitlsm e badly had te use crutches, but threw them away alter apple lnu Theiiuu' Htlrclric Oil te m limbs. 1 new fl better than 1 have for ears i h t,lbbs. S Klk St., lluirale, . rersele by U. It. Cech run, druggist, W aud Kfc -North Uucen stres't, Laucuter. SUII.Oli'S CUUK wui tmmedlately relieve Croup, Whoeptnit Cough and UrenchttU rcr sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne, 131 North CJueen stmet. (;j The Kxclteinent Net (Iter. The rnih at II. II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North cjuevnstresit, still continues en account of persons afflicted with Cemjh, Colds, Asthma, W.UUI.UJII, uuu viii9uujiii,ii, te procure a uniue of Kemp's Ualsain ter the Thnwt and Lungs, which is sold en a guarantee and Is RlvliiK entire satlsrictlen. It Is a standard family remedy. Price) Morals and tl. Trial utere: etS-lwdAw Ume-a l'p. Veu are feeling depressed, jour appetlte Is peer, jeu urn bothered with headache, ou are ndeeti, nervous and generally out of sort, and wantle Oraceajt. llruceup, but net with itlm ulants, sprlnir medicines, or bitters, which have for tbtlr ba,ls veiy cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hear, and then leave ou In wersi condition than betore. What jeu want Is an alteram e that win pnrlty jour bleed, start healthy action of the LUerand Kid nejs restore your vitality, ami give renewed health and "treinirth. Such a medicine you will And in Klectrlc Hitters, ler sale at II. it Coch ran's Iirug stnre, 1J? and IS) North Uueen btrcet. Lancaster, l'a. (3) fULlTlVAL. WOK COUNTY COMMISSION EK, J. W.KKLLV, of Marietta, l'a. Subject te the decision of the Democratic Convention, lour Influence solic ited, miu-tfdftw ClOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER. SIMOV L. UKANDT (ranuer), Of East Keneml township. Subject te the de cision of the Democratic County Convention. . our Influence rtspecllully eellctteet. ml: tfdaw F R COUNTY COMMISSIONER. JACOll W. LKBKK, Of Ephrata township. Subject te Democratic mies. marlt-tfdJtw BIOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. Z. Ul.SUWALT, Grocer, Klrst Ward, City. Subject te Derae- crtt'.ic rules al tfdiw raOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. SOLOMON ZKAMEU,ranner, Of West Uemnfleld township. Subject te the Decision of the Democratic Convention, mar.-Ltd w FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the revj nest of many friends I announce myself as u candidate for County Commissioner. Subuct te the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence respect fully solicited. HKNUV r. HAltTM AN, mlJ-tldAw East Lampeter Township. WOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER- ELI BATTEN, of Upper Leaceck township. I announce my self as a candidate) for county commissioner subject te the decision or the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence respect fully solicited. Was a candidate for County Commissioner before the last convention, and at the requester in y friends withdrew In favor et the candidates from the Southern district. UdAw ELI BATTEN. WOU COUNTY AUDITOR, JAS.r. VOWElt, et Paradise township, subject te the decision of the Democratic Convention le be held July te, IW. Jnni-trdAw WOK COUNTY AUDITOR, C1IA8. W. PUSEY, Of East Drumore township. Sabject te the de cision el the Democratic County Convention, July J,IW7. Junee-tsdAw VAMMIAUMA. QTANDAKD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER, NOS. 40. t 43, 45 MAJUKT STBKBT, Hear of roateffloe, . Lancaster, fa. I bare In Stock and Build te Order Every Va riety et the following styles : COUPES. UlTUUIES. CAUKIOLKTS, CAUUIAUES, VICTOUIAS. BUSINESS WAUON8. "T" CABTS. MeCAl.L WAUONB, 8UKK1ES, ' MABKAT WAUONS. ffiETONS, EXPRESS WAGONS. 1 employ tbe Best Mechanics, and have faclll ties tu buUd eerectly any style et UarrUxu do st red. The Quality, Style, and Finish el my Werk, makes It decidedly the CUEAfEST IN THE MAUKET. MOTTO : Jalr Deallnir, Honest Werk at Bot Bot Bet eom f rice." please give me a call. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. fBlCES LOWEtt XUAN AX,LOTUEU8. , SSrOneSet of Workmen especially employed for that purpose. " ' RU.7VI.Er0URK ODAKANTKKD BY ST. S',4'-"iMA?r.Wl Aa street. fhUaelel- nea P.1!"01.!'' TouaaiUet eurea. 7JX& At KM.IMI. .Hwiraii AAnmami aatertey 01 aea month. HVITI mmntVAu rpUK NEW QU1N1NK. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -Ull.s- Ooecl Appetlte, Mew Strength, QulotNetvcss, Happy Dnyn, Bwoet Bleep. A POWtHFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bcar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all tlerm l)beaew. TltK MOSTCIVNTiriC AID Sllt'ChssrUL UllUlll PI'KIMKU. Miwilorlenulnluiv. Mr. '. A Miller, u Ki.t ISJIh ntrcvt. New tiirk, wae cured by Ka.klne el extre'ine ma larial preMtralten alter see en ears suirerliiK lie htd run down Innn i;o)euuds te IT, Ihkmi im Ka.klne in J nun, lvs went te work In one month, retrained hi. full weight In six mentht CJulnlne did hint ihikchxI whnteer. Mr. Clldoen 1 houiii.en, the eldest and one el the moatriwiwtmlcttUenser Bridgeport, t'nuu , w "1 inn ninety ers of iike, and ler the last thre-ei j ears have .uttered Iremi iimlarts and the effect., or iultilne po.enln(. I receuitiy be Kan with Kasktuei which bloke up the tnalalla aud Increased my weilht tl euiid4 " Mrs.T. A. Solemon., of lvi italllday (t, .lenwy City, writes My ou llariv, lecn Mar., was cured et Malaila by Kasklne, alter 11 1 lee' n months' lllne.., e hen we had Kleen up all hope Letters Inmi the nboee ihpeiu, kUIiik full detail, will be sent en appllc illen. ha.klne can W taken without any special medical adMce. Iliv ier bettle. Seldtiy B. B. OOOHUAN, UruRitlst, 1ST and lJa North tjueen t , 1 anc is ter, l'a., or sent by mall ou receipt of price. KA.KIN K CO., M arren St., New 1 erk lebil Ud.tw 1 lhA TTkU.KsnWN. KIDDER'S DIGESTYLIN. -t (iii (iii Indigcstieii and Dyspepsia. Al'ertMKKMEHl TOIt endlgi.tlen, Acute and Atenic PiHpila, Chronic and e,alre Intivtlnal e. itarrh, emitln In 1'reKiianc), Cholera tnfantuui, ind lnienxa. lecenc trem Acute llsne. Overioe phjticUus heentte lis the mrwt rlatterlnit opinions uiwn llKi.tlliiiij! a remedy ter all dUiices art. lug from lmpreier dl;u.-tlen. for 'J) cars we h e manufacture'd the lllne.- le forwent expressly ler I'll islCIANb' use, and for the past ear DlUKSTl LIN ha. been by thein eittnslvely prescribed, and today It UihIj without a rival a-s a digestive nient. It Is net n si-cret remedy but a .dentine prep era tlen, the formula el which Is plalnl) printed en oachbettlu. lUirreat IiIOhsllVK I'OV Kit I. created bj a careful and propertreAtmout of the fermeutsln manularture. It 1 ery Hirreoeble te the taste, and acceptable te the most delicate stemal h. for the rcllablllte, et our statementx we would respectfully reler te all Wholesale and Itetall lrulst, and l'llt ICIANS Ken orally, l'rlcolue. old by DruL-irtsts. or M t' KlllllKU A CO. Manuf icturlnRChemULs, M Jehn St , N 1. marl 1 d 1 u HuvamrvBHUttunu wuun. fMLltU AND hKK litis ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Llg-ht s Ueata them all. Anether Let of ClirAP ULOUE9 for Has and OU Steves. THE PBHFEOTION " MKTL.MOULUINU AND UUUUEU CUSHION WE1ATHER STRIP lleat I them all. This strip entwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattllm? of windows Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and mln. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plylmr It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, iwuty for use. It will net split, warp or shrink t cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the stove, llcuUir and ItaiiKe auire -or Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, U4 SOOTH QUEEN STn LANCASTEK, PA. s FECIAL NOTICE. "Mere human, morn divine than we lu fact, part human, part divine 1. woman, when the K"ed stars agree Te mingle at her nallt Ity " Ilerlect.tye Lords of Creation, nnd hie ye at eucu te KIEFFER & HERE'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure ene el their raineus Economist Vapor Cook Steves. u )) That Ged's best gilt te you be net tortured lie yond recall with the unnecessary waste bout which It Is Impossible te avoid with jour Ranges, and (what Is also Important) consider the great economy In fuel, i) cents worth of fuel will cook ter a family et three grown per sons 21 meals. And when you want a Heatei, get a (I SPLENDID " And be Happy, rLUMMNG, OAS rlTTINU, STEAM UK AT INU, TIN UOOriNQ AND SPOUTING. ATATS, (, C. yeua VACATION. TltA ELEUS 1 0 THE SKA4UOUK AND KLSKlVHKKK WILL SAVE MONEY liYllUVlNG T1IE1K TreDls and Traveling Bags or W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street. We have enlarged enr stock in this line especially for the VAUA1ION SEASON, und will give special IndiicemenU ou these goods during July and August, FINEST STOCK OF MOST Fashionable Hats IN LANCABTEU. ILKillT WEIGHT AND KASV FITTING. DE8TKOY DIHKA8KS, HRKKDINO (lerms by the free use of Carbolic aud Chloride Lima, Piatt's Chlorides and Copperas and ether disinfectants le antiseptics. Out your uyfuwi wW$VDJDXuU-wk. OASlBIAaW, J MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINa Honest Werk at -AT- PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD UEL1AIILK) Oarriage Works Nei. 126 and 128 East King St. The Urgest AMOrt.ffitglJKW "RHI rtet. Market If oti'Wautatleodand First CI vis I'hrten, UOTO DflEIUIOM'S. II ion Want a Nlce Comfortable ranilly Varrtagn, UU TO DOEHHOM'M l)OKlVsMMWUlU,,KKyYOUCII8l0CUrOI,lrl'U,0l,1,lfft,t",,iKI,,ae, "Pr1n " HOTO If en Want a Nice and Nivit Itu.lness Wagen, GO TO IHIRKSOM'a II im Want a Hiirable Market Wagen, MO 11) DOBkBOM'H. II leu ant a Geed Second Hand Phmten. Huggy, or Market Waaen. UOTO txIKIlsOM'H ll ion Want te Uuy a rirsUCIass Article at a Lewer l'rtes than any ether plaw In the city CO u tl I y UOTO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriae Works, NOS. ISH AND 128 HAST KINU HTUKKT, LANCAHTKR, FA. W FACTO It Y-116 A JSS MIFFLIN STHKKV. manMydAw II IX Kn AM) I.IUI'OKX. TJUUK KYK WHISKY. Old Greff Spring Distillery. Sltuatexl en Kail Orange street, between (iratigu and Chestnut, one sijuaru east lef reser reser elr, Lancaiter, P I havojuslereclpdanowdlstlllory with allot the latev.1 lmpreeeHl machinery ler dUtllllug l'Ullh BlK WHISKi. A. II XUKrrt It, Proprietor. This Dl.tlllerv has tKyn erectixl at the lameus Old Urolfstewn Sprlng.whlch has W-em neled for Its plenteous and unlalllug supply of the pur pur eut water. At ll our graudlaihers drnuk when they sura be s, and It lias uee er benui known te run dry eeen In the hetle.t weather, rrem this spring all the water u.ed In the dl.tlllery I. oh eh tallied, the pump drawing Irem it tweut) flvu gelleu. a uilnute. llesldes luj own dlstllleHl Whisky, talse handle B rami. es, Ulim, Wines, &c. AVCall and be convlnced. A. II 81th vrKKIl, tlUtlller, SIOUB Ne. t-1 North Cjuevn Stresit. N II rai lucre having gixid Uyeenhaiid can nndnad sale ler It at the store or dt.illlery Highest cure ni&rkut price paid ler a geed arti cle. npra-lydAw G REIGART'S WIUE STORE OLD BOUCHE SEC. IPElt HMHSIKCK. l'OMMKUt SEC, MOUlhTsEC. G 11 MUMM EAlltA UltV, And all 'ether landing brands el luipeited landing brands Champagiu. ele Agent ler the I'lenxanl V illey Wlne Cem pa n "peetal eiieuit Western Ki. Iry, our own brand, the finest American Champaguu In the market, Juet recclfd another large involre of ('aliter nla Clarvt and White W luu from Nap l t alley. Call lern la. A large tnck of ImiHirtiil llurgundles.CUrula, lthliie and interne V lne We also hie tbe largest nnd line. t stocked llrandlei', Whl.kli., t.tns. Math lu, Sherrjs and ort W lm, lla.e Ate, Guinness Mem, Saratoga and AjKilllnaiU alers In the city. H. E. Slaymaker, Agt., Ne. 29 EAST KINO STREET, LASCASTKIt. PA VttOVMMlMS. K T WlANT'a -im euu HIGH GRADB flour. The finest rieursnld In the market. Glee It a trial and you wilt be pleaded Al.e Grnhiu Heur, Oat flour, K)e flour, mid -elf Kalslng flour for 111. cult, Ac Goods Delivered, 'tele 'tele 'tele phone Connection. OEO. WIANT, angOO-lvd NallS Weal King SUeeU A T BUKUrl'B. PICNIC GOODS FOIl THE l'lt'MC -KASON. First the Picnic Plate-It Is light and cheap and require, no wa-hlug-Huee" eurill-hi. Plain and Mixed Pickles anil Chow-chew In small liettle. nardlnes In Oil aud Mustaid, Cem )ire..Hl lie I In two-pound cans, IVined I hlcken and Turkey, Peind Ham. rungue, f nh Leb ster, fresh Columbia Kter Salmen. Fre.h Mackerel, Fre-li oysters In cans and 1'lckled Oysters In i-uiall Jars for picnicking, Yerk Slat Cream Cheeae, Swiss Cheese, ChlPc-d Weel, etc. BURSK'S, NO, 17 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. awTTelephene. WATOMMt WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JKWELUY. Special Watches fur Farmers and Railroader.. Fine let or tltngs, Ac Alan, Elgin, WsJtham f Aurera for which lain Sele Airentl. and ether ,tche. lleat Watch and Jewelry tlma by TelegTapb Daily, only Hepalrtng. AwTCerrect plaeetuelty. L. WEBER. Ne. 1S9X N. Queen 8t, Near l'enn'a It, U. Depot. AV Spectacles, Kyeglasaes and Optical Goods. All Kinds of Jewelry. N EW JEWKLRY HTOKE. 0. GILL. LATEST DESIGNS -IN- SILVER JEWELRY! Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET. LANCABTEU, l'A. mavll-lyd OTUUb n A MARTUt, wmuuu amu UTAn sui.ua ta All Kind of Lumbar and Geal. aaTYABOt Ma aecXarUi Wats m fflnea ltrtU. atxnr Laeuin. Laoeaatar. b1ti J3AUMUAKDNEBH JKKKKKIKH. GOAL DEALERS. Ornot-Ne.l North ljueen Street, and Ne. H4 North Prince street. YABISI "0wl inius BHWi, unu iaiiin iu'rM LANOAHTEK. PA. WANTBD-BKIOKLAYKRH IN PITTH BUKOH. Mine hours for a day's went WMBf, ALte per day. Call at BUILDEES BXCUANOR. Kenshaw Building. Cerner Liberty and Ninth streeki, riuebun, V. ' )7-lw0 CHARLES BUHHIM, . Honest Prices. ( IMTIIIAU. UANHMAN A HKO EemarkaWy Lew Prices NOW PKE AILING AT LGANSMAN&BRO.'S. e show you MK.N'rt HUlTa at ll.ui, Ki.ue and tl en. We show you A t.l,-U (H)l, M1ISN SUITS at 17 iu, s iu, itecii and tl: te. MKN'S SKEIWUCKBIl COA1S AND Vl.lTd at II (i and II 2.V MKN'S FINE MIIIIAlll COATS AND EST8 at livi.uu' aud n.M. llet'S AND ClltLlilll'.V'H stiT In Large ttuatitltles at Itexlcicexl lUrgalu t'rlces. IKl 'd s ui rs at IH.', IL.M, J ui, i i.i, fi ou and H"I. CIIILIIKKN'S SUITS at 11 3 lien, 3n,ll.m, II in and in, ClULDIthS'S PANTS at IV Largest As.ertmenl el MKb S PANTS at We,. tic ,;., II ki and 11 . (.'AiHISiKllh l'ANIS at II V), t.'i", ISV, WW and II VI. - lertHll Made and Ujwest Price Llethlug CALL AT L, GANSHAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTUUEltS OF Urn's, llejs' and Llillilrcn's t'lothleg, S. K. COlt N. gUEKN A OltANUE BTS, LANCASTElt l'A. leipes tlty Exclusive) Clothing Heuse lu the N' OW HKAUY t Our Readv-Madu Stock OF SPRING CLOTHING. We are prepared te show tmr New SPUING STOCK In Iteady-Made sulu. Our AsMirtmenl Is Larger than ever belere, and Prices Lewer. We hae taken special cam u t tip geM and Attractive suits ler the SPUING TUAIIK, and we feel sutl. fled our oirerts have beein success ful. Cell and give us the benefll of your opinion. Oar Castem Department Is Stocked with all tbe Newest Noveltlej In Suitings, which wu will Jtake te Older lu the llcslSiyle. PIT GUARANTEED. BUEGER & SUTTON, Tailors and) Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, NO. LANCABTEU. l'A M YKK8 it KATUKOft. SUMMER CLOTHING ! Tills IS THE PltOI'hlt TIME TOIIUNKOF Summer Clothing. We are well prepared te attend te your wants. Every Style or Kind of Thin Clothing mav lie found here. The t'rlces are Lew Enough te Milt Everyone. MEN'S OOAT3 AND VE3T3 1NCI1KCK8,8TUIPKS AND PLAIN COLOUS, JOU le 17.30. ' MEN'S SEERSUCKERS, ALL COLOUS. MKN'S WHITE AND COLORED VESTS. BOYS' AND VOUIllfl'SEEIleUCKBUH. Myers & Eatbfen, I'OrULAK t'LOTHlERS, NO. 12 MAST KINO STRUT, liAKQABTIK, FA. jniHejra. A T KKIHMAN'H. New' Spring Neckties AT KKIHMAN'S. There la no garment concerning Uie at el which a man la mere particular than a Shirt. Shirt Uuttlnir u a Fine Art. Te nt ?,;. UIO W BUieb UlU.b MBOlWlUl U. Till -i- k... - .T - j. -iT --..- cut witn tee proper anotem leal curves, the workpeople must hlrbmakera. Having bad an ex; im. practieai nerteeifiA nf oe yean, we claim te nave the best fitting, best made, beat material and most dnrable SHIRT la Um Market for the Least reaslble Meney. -AI- JUIMAN, m fw t W wWffhwBWBwVww9wWvHwa4BwMj 9sf " 2- atti&'a w . ,w . y tM- ,.lVe!S2te