ififPpfiSiSli iTS cUjje ymxte '4vVi " X iS S? .? VOLUMK XXIII-NO. 204. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1887. P1UCE TWO CENTO v ifuMlxtxM CAUVKK'S WONDROUS WOKK. nKn.tr tins iiiu at m'ubahh'm iuk MHNltA ArtMBHUOK, lsr Flt-S Hundred People Witness the Klhl- IiIIIihi ill Dr. Uuvw and Mr. tlrswar. Hiiiiie riue Meeting by Th.m Wllh Ihii Kill, anil nbelgun. On Monday afternoon about live hundred people paid admission te McUrann's park, where Dr. W. C. Carter and J. I.. Brewer, the renowned gunners, gavean ethlbltlen of sheeting. Iii addition te this number several huiidred toy and mean men scaled (tie lences. The exlillillleii m the finest In the lien that has ever been Heen In thli city and tin person who attended went away dissatis fied. The pslr of crack shots teemed te be at their best anil they certainly astonished the people tiy thelr ruarvoleua work. Dr. Carver I a splendid specimen of a man. lie la ever nix ftet In ImlKht with bin, bread shoulders and very iwetful looking, lie la lull of tun nml picasaut te all. Mr. Hrewer, m every olio known, la a remarkably line shot and I a III companion of the renowned doctor. Tlie exhthltluu began shortly lielere 4 o'clock and Dr. Carver tlrat abewed wbat effect a bullet hud upun a brick. An atten dant threw brick alter brick lu the air and with a rlltuthodecloi breke them te pieces. Alter bieaklug thebrlcka with the Drat bullet Im would break one or mere of the pieces with a wound shot, before they reached the ground. Next the doctor llred at erangea UuittMl In the air, aud It was funny te aee hew the bulletaatlucted them. They were scattered lu every direction and but small plecixi of them could be feuniL The doctor next tiled bis "kill sheeting at plecea of money In the air. On account el the high wind It waa rather illlllcult te prevent the oeina from blowing nut of course In their deaeenl. The doctor succeeded In tilltttifc a number el them, buiulliiK and tearing them up In iueer idiapta Oat) dollar waa kuecked ae far that It km leii night of, and the owner who aat In tlie graud stand will net ace thu eagle upon ItHKHtn. 'I he doctor waa Just as successful with Intlf dollars, and they wereaeut whiz zing threiii;h the air In all direction. Thla sheeting wan done with rllles. Tlie next event wan the sheeting of ball In the air by Messra Carver and Hrewer. They used repealing shetguus and did remarkably Hue work. Mr. Hrewer really allowed that he was almost an line at that kind of ahoot aheot ahoet Itig im the doctor. The balU were ilrat thrown Inthnalr ftlngly by the attendant, and they were broken 111 rapid succession. Finally they were thrown In lra aud threw, mid 04i'h gunner succoedod In break ing nil bdfore limy reached the ground. At lal llve were tessed up, and Carter broke tlii'iii all with as many leads whlletbey wefe in Ihuuir. 1IIK IIIX'OHIl UIIOKK.N. Next came the big event of the day. l)r Carter Announced thai be would attempt the tuat of bruaklug 1,UW balls In I'm minutes, lie said that tlie best record ter that kind of sheeting wan tW uiluutea for 1,1)00 balls, lie would alluuipt te break It In i or lesa The doctor Marled lu his work at exactly 17 min ute alter I o'clock according te Dr. Mc Caskey'a watch. The bills used were ttiemi el lyimpenlltun of large and ainall eUe and yellow colored glass balla Twe attendants threw the balls lu tbe air In different directions, one rellevlug the ether aa they became tired. Twe men leaded the guns (which were repeating shot weapons) for a time, but they were unable te de It fast enough ami a third waa called upon. Con Cen tdderable time was lout en thla account. It seen tft'CAma evident that the doctor would accomplish the (cat and In all probability de a great dull better. 1'hlslie did de for at the end el I')') mlnutta he had broken the 1.IKW ba.la snd had only missed In The record at the end el each llve miuutea was as follews: ft, lrd; 10, 217 , le, :m ; 'JO, 1CJ ; -, &75 ; .TO, CM ; 35, "i3j in, Nl, ir, 'Jul; It)',, 1,000 When the feat had tven ncceiiiplisbed and the time announced the doctor was received with tremendous applaiiie. It is certainly a great feat and shows the man te hate wenderlul endurance pewem, in addition te his great skill aaa marksman. The worn la very tiresome and aoems iii.ruletn that a man can keep It up. At times the liarrels of the guns were se het that thny could net Im touched by the persons attending te the leading. Although thM is the best ahoellng of this kind ever done, Dr. Carver says be could de It much quicker if he had mere guua. Yes terday be used lour, and one of them did net work as it should. Fer accomplishing thla font the doctor will receive prize of fl,000 from tbe Spencer Firearms company. Alter thi 1,000 balls bad been broken Messrs. Hrewer and Carver gave an exhibition of clay pigeons. Thej used three traps and steed at thirty .v -rdn. The scores were as fol fel lows, lirewer sheeting at mere than Carver : Hrewer 0 10110111111011111 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I O-'S. Carver-1 11001111011111011 i 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 I l-'Ji Alter that there was off hand sheeting by Mr, Hrewer, Jehn Cllne, 11. E. Andersen snd ether members of the Lancaster gun clubs, aud se onded tbe be.nt sheeting event of the) ear. The doctor la making arrangements te give an exhibition In Columbia, and will likely appear there en (Saturday. Kul Knd turns. Mr. Charles Karly, of Lancaster township, has tbe Quest acre of tobacco we have seen In tbe county. Heme leaves ue 31 Inches long and 10 Inches wide. Last Saturday be topped 2,000 stalks. An abundant supply or water has been kept up In the well of the car stable. It Is only 30 feet deep, snd Is net mere than 30 feet from the place where a shaft of CO feet waa sunk without success, Mr. Altbouse is building s house close te the car stables. Tbe lower fleer is te be used for a waiting room by tbe street ear com pany. Icecream, confectioneries snd cigars will be kept for tbe accommodation of tbe public. On Kuuday s number of people had gath ered at tbe 1. It. K. crossing or tbe Coneatega te see tbe "bridge move." We are Informed that these Interested will probably bave te make their weekly pilgrimage for several weeks mere In order te satisfy their curiosity. Letters Uraeld Dy tns tUgUtar. The following letters were granted by tbe register of wills for tbe week ending Tues day, July 12 : Tkntamk.ntahv. Jacob I Erb, deceased, late or West Kul township ; Kllrabeta Krb, 1). 1'. Hraekblll, Jacob Wolf, David U Krb, uri'U J rttVf rt mi ciHj,UHUHUl. Hamuel Kelffer, deceased, late of Brecknock township; Keuben K Hbeber, Hreokneck, executer. AuMiniHTltATleN. Thes. GuBtmlngs, de ceased, lale of Lancaster city ; U. Byren, W. l'arke and Chester W. Cummtngs, ad minis-. tratern. Mary Alice Miller, deceased, late of Lan caster city; Uenrletta lrvln, city, adminis tratrix. Jane J, Ksblemau, deceased, late of Para dise, deceased ; Ames L. Eablsman, Para dise, administrator. Edward M. Dance, deceased, lata of Lan caster eity; D. Wilten Dance, city, adminis trator. m Cbsnilbrtaad Mateaeed. liruee ChautlbrUnd, whose many eaea. pades bave been noticed lu this paper, waa sentraeed In Hcranlen, en Saturday, te pay oesta el proseeutlon and stand oeaBmlUed until asowaee la compiled wltn. HawlU tUfj ttaalBlB JaU antral bmUm, tU BVILD TMBaUVTH fMHK. Its rrejsstets Ustermtae e riaUbtha Mnad. Naarljr all tae MentiknKtsrs Agres. rrem the ralladslphla Hecerd. Thecapilallsts Intsrested la the completion of the Houth Pennsylvania railroad have de termined te reopen the oate In tba oeurts with a view te obtaining a determination of It snd going ahead with the completion of tbe Una, At a recent meeting held In thla city It waa also decided te have tbe property sold under a ibreleseure of the mortgage whleb had been issued upon it, and In bave a reorganization (Mooted upon a tsulf el I In stead of tl per eent Tbls course waa pursued with reference te the lloeeli Creek railroad, and that property was suceenslully reorgan ized. Prier te the departure of ex -President Uewen, of the Heading railroad oeuiuiy, for Kurepe a meeting of the bondholders of the Meuth Pennsylvania railroad company was held In New Yerk, at which the following committee was appointed te ascertain the sentiment of the bondholders upon complet ing tbe read : K. U Htelenn, of New Yerk ; K. a Uewen. et tbls city 1 (leerge P. Hear, el Heeding, and Messrs. Hosteller and Phlpps, el Pittsburg. Tbese gentlemen were In trusted with sutberlty te mske a suitable efler for the Interests- of these bondholders who dp net desire te go en with tbe comple tion of tbe read. Mr. User waa charged with portion of tbe work In Kastern Pennsylvania and New Yerk, aud Mensrs. Hosteller and l'hlpps with the work In the western part of the state, The duties of tbe committee bave been completed, and It Is atated that It baa made an informal report te tbe effect that It finds very little opposition made by bond holders te bearing a pre rata share In the completion of the read. There baa been nahl In lv Immlhnlilnra about .IS per cent, of assessments. The Van derbllt Interest, it is declared, will net hell, but will Jein In the completion of the Una Purchasers bave been found In every In stance where there has been a disinclination te go en with the work ready te Uke up the holdings of the disinclined. The Vsnderbllt family, It la understood, reirard tbe obliga tion or the late William II. Vanderbilt te tbe Pennsylvania railroad com pany In transfer ring tbe Meuth Pennsylvania te the former coreratlon aa having been dlschsrged. The lower snd higher courts el this utate bsvede clared tbst tbe transfer waa Illegal, and that thla precludes Its being made. The Vander bllt Interest gives this aa a reason for net taking any further steps te accomplish tbe transfer. It alserelleveslt from lurther refusal te take part In the completion et the Una A member of tbe Vsnderbllt family recently declared that tbe mensy Invented had been lied up loe long, and that some slea should be taken te make It available. The Ilrat move toward roeieulng tlie case In tbe supreme court, where It has been lied up since a decision wss made against the transfer te the Pennsylvania railroad com pany upon a preliminary Injunction, will lie made at the (September term of thu court. when tbe legality of the transfer will be tested limn a permanent lnfuni'tlen. The case of tbe .Seuth Pennsylvania railroad will be conducted by ex-l'realdent tiowen, of the Heading railroad, who will come home during (September especially te Uke part In the case. Tbe matter of reaching tbls city and New Yerk by tbe new line from llarrisburg has been fully inquired Inte by lawyers. This portion of the hsul will be done ever the Heading tracks, under a contract executed between the two lines sometime age. This contract, It is believed, Is still In leres, sud the only release tnat the Heading oeu Id se cure from it would be by a foreclesuia Lavs'. Yeung Dream. rrem the Itoitea (.leVie. lie wss dresse 1 in checked trousers, white vest snd light blue con, bisebsll shoes snd light Derby hat. Nhe were a gaudy colored blue aud whlle striped suit, Norfolk Jacket, snd s Jaunty straw bonnet was (Kilned upon her hend. '1 boy were both colored, and hoarded an Inward-bound Harvard (Square, Cambridge, horse car laat eveniug, in the vicinity of the pert, aud appropriated the third seat behind tbe driver. They were evldeutly ery much in love with each ether, although an open avowal bail net taken place, as the demon strations which followed imllcated. At first their conversation partook of the ordinary every -day tenor, but only for a few moments at most. Presently tbe young man insde the smallest erceptible mete closer, a fact which she appeared iierlectly conscious of, although she did net show auy algu tbat ahedld aa " Lily," said he, dropping one band carn lessly along tbe back of the seal behind her, " bave you ever thought el getting married 7" 'I don't knew," falteringly replied she, giving a wistful, sidelong glance at her ebony Ideal "I'd want tee much of my husband." "(Suppose he liked you?" " Liked 7" responded she wllh seme vehe mence, ' 1 deu't waut him te Ilka 1 want hltn te love ma" "New, if I llked-" but be get no lurther, when abe lest all patience, and exclaimed: "Leve I love) levet Don't aay like ill's love 1 want. The man 1 call husbaud must love me every moment of bis lift!" During tbls colloquy their heads bad been dropped closer and closer together. As his lady love gave uttersnee te the above out burst of reeling be allowed bis arm te rail te bis charmer's waist. The band did net seem satlatled with Its position, ler it Immediately began a sort or Installment mevement under one of tbe anna Lily gave a ball frlghtened forward move ment, aa though about te reprove tbe liold lield ness of tbe man at her side, but en closer observation It became apparent tbat her change of base was merely a ruse te facilitate matters and give greater freedom of action. " Wbat II euch a man loved you, Lily, what would you de 7" The question was asked in a half frightened whisper, aa though be had some doubts of the results of bis suit " I I don't knew," murmured she, ner vously toying with a handbag which rested In her lap. " 1 I don't think I ought te be trusted, for I'm av as tligbty as a bird. I'm tee tee " " Lily, step. I" " Fares, please," shouted tbe conductor, suspiciously eyeing the pair. "Ob, go t'-blaes, will you, an' let 'in 'lone," shouted a rough looking Individual from the seat Just behind, wbe bsd evidently been watching the game wltb Interest from the beginning. The passengers burst forth Inte peals of hearty laughter, while tbe cause of It all looked confused, evidently new for tbe first time becoming aware of tbe fact tbat they were net tbe sole occupants el tbe car. Ding, ding, chimed tbe register, and two fares were recorded at tbe cost of the blasted hopes and happiness of tbe two peer souls. Tbe rest of the trip was made In peaceful silence, VsrtJIct uf Accidental Dsatn. Corener Heneman empanelled a Jury and held an Inquest at 8 o'clock tbls morning en tbe body el Jehn Myers, of Ne. 53 Locust street, whose death from burns en July 3d baa been noted. Tbe testimony taken did net threw any light en the occurrence, as no one saw hew tbe child's clothes caught lira The verdict of the Jury waa that tbe child came te Its death from bums accidentally re ceived. Tbe funeral of the child took place at 10 o'clock and tbe remains were Interred In Woodward Hill cemetery. The Opsnteg et Buttonwood Streak The viewers appointed by the court te assess damages caused by tbe proposed opening of Huttonweod street from (Straw berry te Derwart street, met this morning at 10 o'clock. They went ever tbe route of the proposed street and adjourned until - o'clock when the testimony of tbe property owners affected was beard. Tbe viewers haduet mad their report when we went te presa The Pea MlgaMwr Than the Sword, from the Bristel Observer. The civil war commenced In 1801 and was apposed te tiara ended la 1805, but It new BDDaara that aa seen aa tha nnmii nr ih ! 'hreugb, the generals of the pan "- i"" m v-- bssbbsbbs' vsassaa'sw TfrfaafKf ws)eWv'ev VUI J tough! tour years, the latter have kept en . aUia UftsBH satniiaai & ,. nnH I MHW TI1K TOBACCO I'HOSPECTS. LABUm tfUUfJ timi.it will urnfir kr 4 maa vumtinvm. tr Tns Weed Procreating Plnaly Is This l-oeelHf. Dreuth Mfleu.lj Arresting tns Creps In Ohie and Wltoeasln-Ksportafrnm New Yerk, Philadelphia sad Haltlroers. Prem all sections of laneater and adjoin Ing counties the reports are te the effect that tbe '87 toltaceo crop Is growing gloriously, and If the weather continues propitious a large harvest will be gathered. Keperls from Ohie anil Wisconsin en the ether bsud are le the effect that the dreuth baa lieen se severe te tbe tobacco growing districts that net mere than half a otep can possibly lie secured, while, If thedreutb con tinues, little or tioue will be harvested in some sections. The New Yerk Market. Frem the If. H. Tobacco Journal, The week passed rather quietly. The trade celebrated the Fourth of July from the second till the sixth. After thst tbe trade felt geed evor the reports of tbe growing to te to bseco crops lu Ohie and Wisconsin'; these growing crops In fact bave stepped growing from excessive drought and ether natural causes, and the probable yield Is reported as about falling short fifty per cent. This, of course, will make a large gapln the estimated result of the IwJ crop, and Investors In tbe 'N! sre net exactly weeping ever It Then, tee, .Sumatra Is going up rapidly, Just new, all of which tends te Inspire the seed leal trade, with notions of coming large business snd fine prospects. He this aa it may, nothing exists which can even faintly point toward any decline In prices for seed leaf. The stock sold during the week, Inclusive of Its restive portion, wss nearly all old tobacco, several hundred cases or 'Nl Uousatenics being the exception. The price paid for the latter la variously reported at freut 'M te 13 cents. (Sumatra suffered rrem the holiday trade Intermission, bringing the sales up te shout 2:i bales, partly old, rtly new. The thin 7b cents duty goods sell ss well, It net bet ter, tbsn the medium texture tobaccos. The difference lu duty la always msde up by the exce-si In the yield ; snd, altogether, manu facturers are very much satlatled with the prenent mode of assessing duties. The re ports rrem Amsterdam show su emphatic In crease in prices, and also but small purchases by Amsterdsm buyers. Kvidentiy prices out mere sre net an seitieu, anu tne coming sales may show either a decline or Increase in lii-ure. The spirit of our large wall street operators seems te bsve settled among the great tobacco syndicates of Amsterdsm, the bens tide purchasers evidently being toyed with by them. Havana tjulet ; sales 100 bales stK cents tell. 17',. from the Tobacco Leaf. Clgsr Lear The most noteworthy feature In this market Is the Increasing activity In new goods, bids being msde and quickly re re lused. Helders are very lirm. (Sales of lwi Connecticut bread leal, amounting, perbatw, te tiOO cases, bie been reported at full fig ures. Of lhxi line home Irsde Ohie, of which but little Is grown annually, several hundred cases were sold. lreui close estimates it la reported tbat the old slecks of need el all grades In tbls mar mar ket are aa fel Iowa : 3,000 cases Pennsy Ivan la bread tear, 1,000 cases Little Dutch, 1,000 esses Ohie bresd leaf, and .;M) cases Connecticut. The latest news from Ohie la extremely discouraging, the dreuth having affected tbe plants In the beds and fields most seriously. (Sumatra The msrket showed aralr degree or activity thla week and 'XI bales were sold at rrem f 1 Ite te 1 1 li5. Unsettled colors retard the ssle el new goods. (Seme 1,3)0 bales were sold st Ketterdam en tbe lit Inst, and higher prices than these obtained at the sale en the 'il ult. were realized. Aa high as f 1 3; was paid by A inerlcn buyers for tobacco which will pasa at 3e cents duty. Tba I'lillad.lphla Market. (Seed 1eal The outlook for leaf aultable fur cigars la premising. There is beyond doubt seme excellent leaf among the growth or 'K, whlle It Is an established fact tbat there H leas old stock in store than for many years, wi that packers snd holders of new leaf have a llatterieK presH't In store for mar gina Yeu liud them already net anxious te name price, preferring te held back offerings snd wait for future developments. Parties wbe haeeld stock are meWug It freely at lull valuation. Muuiatr.i I'rem tbe manner tills favored leaf tebanx) llnds purchasers, price will be no object. Quality Is the desideratum. Havana moves along quite regularly. The llaltlmore atarket. The market for Maryland tobscce con tinues active, and Bales of MX) or (WO bbds bave beeu made during the week, which, considering the comparatively light receipts, Is held te be a lair business. Heme common grades bsve brought geed prlees. There is mere inquiry for Ohie and the market has a llrmer tone, in view of tbe short crop proa prea Hct. The sales tbls week were 15 hbuafer expert and I for borne consumption. Ie the Connecticut Vsll.jr. Owing te tbe extreme warm weather te. bacoe Is growing very fast and bids fair te be an early crop. It certainly leeks well new, aud should there be no bail or severe storms the farmers will wltb tbe best endeavors this yesr bsrvest a geed crop. Most or the lv crop Is in tbe packers' bsnds, and as Mime bave already sold, tbe raisers will leek ferwsrd te the getting et fair prices for the KS7 tobacco, should llctire well. iluiyen Humalra Tobacco. Tbe tobacco growers of the Chemuug Val ley, New Yerk, aud Northern Pennsylvania are united In thelr opposition te tbe proposed reduction or abolishment of the bigli import duty en Sumatra tobacco. A large meeting has been held, aud C. W. Merse, a wealthy grower, of Painted Pest, will represent tbe Klmlra region at tbe tobacco men's confer ence In Washington en tbe'JOlh lnitant. The llf merratlc Primary. Tbe Democrats el tbe several wards el this city will meet at the places delsrfiiatud by the county committeemen te-morrow, Wednes- day even Ing, te place en nomination delegates for tbe county convention. Kach ward Is entitled te five, wbe will be cbeaeu at tbe eloctlen en (Saturday evening. In the county districts the practice la te bave but one meeting and tbat en .Saturday evening when delegates are nominated and elected. Harry Dracbbar, city, candidate for county commissioner, withdrew from the contest to day. He came te the conclusion tbat tbe ean. vas for the office would Interfere with hla work, Hslzsd bj thsBb.rlfT. The store of Heuben B. Fetterly, (llech (llech teld's old stand), has been seized by tbe sheriff. Three executions were Issued en Mendsy. Julius Leeb was tbe first for IHaei, Mary Ann Fetterly, tbe second, for fOOO. end Kebecea, tbe third, for 1700. The goods will be sold early next week. Thslr Oaass aslllsd. Alderman Barr last evening heard tbe as sault and battery cases against William Franklin aud William Hpeng, preferred by Andrew Arneld and Henry (Strebm. These preferred by Arneld were dismissed, and these of Htrehui were withdrawn upon pay ment of costs. Mslact Council Te-Mlgbl. (Select council will meet again thla evening, and It Is expected tbat final action will be taken en the resolution of common council approving plan Ne, 2 of Hydraulic Engineer Creea At tbe two meetings already held the vote was a tie, and with Councilman Berger present te-night, the matter will be decided, A Big Crep. The huckleberry crop la estimated te be larger thla year than last, and the lueoleue fruit will be brought te market la such quaa UUwudatprteaUtataUaaax'bgy, ALirB 1 A WOMHAVB. While In a Crematory the Happened Corpse, llebsrt lu a Salln abroad, uassUens Attendants. A New Yerk dispatch of July 10 says a living woman for whom tba crematory fur nana was at Ha fiercest heat of 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, and ter whom the alum sheet waa already prepared, Is with her husband and children, although en Thursday last she Isy In her celli n In a room adjoining tbe vault where Incineratleu la dena It was a case hor rible te contemplate, and wilt make evident the need of still mere stringent lews te govern tills new feature In sanitary wellsra Kx -Coroner Hughes Is president of the Mount Olivet Crematory association, which, In the form of a Grecian temple, Is located In a lovely gar den spot at Fresh Pend, Lung Island. Dr. Hughes vouches for tbe correctness of this story, but wlthelds both the mine of tbe physician who signed the desth certillcste and tbat of the lady. In the former case be gave hla premise only after the most urgent appeals, snd then be only consented te keep the story until the annual report is published In October, when bis obligation ss president of the crematory make 11 necessary for him te print the facts, aud even then, out of mo tives of consideration that prevail In every man's breast, he will suppress the name of the unfortunate, yet, at the same time, happy family that had tbe dead restored te llle. On tbe day mentioned a casket containing the body of a woman arrived at the crema tory. It came rrem Filth avenue, net far from the Hetel Windser. Accompanying It were the widower, children and a hal f deien relatives. The casket was carried Inte the reception room, snd by Its side wss placed a cesuy snver urn in which tue ssnes were 10 be subsequently plsced for final keeplng. Alter a simple service the lid el the coffin was removed and the mourners, one by one, took a last tearful leek. Tbe lid waa re placed aud the floral emblems were again plsced en the coffin. The widower and weeping children were led away te the carriages, and the dead was left te the crematory assistants ler Incinera tion. When they were gene President Hughes snd bis meu removed the entire lid snd he then sent them le prepare the alum sheet for enveloping the body and te swing the chilled steel cradle into position before the glowing furnace doers. While they were Hbseut President Hugbea turned te a small mirror, and whlle arranging hlstlobe was started by a Mul voice at hta back saying : " Where am 1 ?" Turning quickly, be saw the woman sit ting belt upright lu ber casket, staring di rectly athim. When be gathered his scat tered wits he realized that prompt actl'in was needed, aud stepping le ber side he said familiarly: "Yeu are with friends." HI10 had already swung her legs out of thecssket, sud wss looking In a dazed way at the urn and then at her satin burial retKM. Assist ing ber out or tbe dreadful coffin and encircling her with one arm, he care fully kept ber head turned from her resting place, and half led, half carried her te a cheerful bed room overhead, occupied by tbe superintendent and bis wife. Helt breezes were coming In the window, and a cheery canary bird In an alcove saug aseug of Jey. Whlle the suiorlntendeut's wife removed the garments or death and put the lady te bed, President Hugbea hurried away, and re turned with seme brandy snd milk. Tbe drink had the effect of bringing a Hush te the cheeks of tbe patient, succeeded Im mediately by a quiet der.-. The telegraph was brought Inte requisition and the husband was seen back at tbe crematory wltb a set of bis wlfu's appareL While be wat yet en bis way bis wife awakened from her nap ami asked: "Whose clothes am 1 wearing? ' They were these of the crematory, but thai loot was Ingeniously concealed In tbe reply, which seemed te sat isfy her. The i-everest (ask was when tbe husband arrived, when they tried te school him Inte self-control ler the Interview. The course of procedure agreed ueu was carried out te the letter. The husband went into the room with the usual inquiry aa te hew sbe felt, and said that, If the considered herself strong enough, they would return te the city; tbat, lu hit opinion, nhe had s'ayed long enough lu the country. Acquiescing In every thing, although somewhat mystified, she arose, Uresned her self aud announced that alie was ready. The husband wan new In u teitured frame of mind, for he dreaded pannlni; the front deer, whom in large letters ns the word "crema lery." The shock of the discovery he feared would kill bis wile Happily there was a rear deer, aud through this be led her te a clese carriage, aud thence regardles of the fact thai there wan uu read, be had the car car rii;e driven Htrslnlit across the lawu and Held until kindly treen hid the crematory from sight. Then he took the smooth pike te the neartst railroad Malluu, aud a traiu thence home. The children had been forewarned of wbat had occurred, but an au additional precaution they were sent from home aud were net allowed te bee their tLether until le day. (She wan given te Isjlleve that they were sway en a visit te New Jersey. The lady's death was attributed te heart disease, aud the docter'a certificate te this effect is uu ffle lu tbe health elllca MHJUHBV IN A HVNAWAY. Prank llagr Uas a Lg Broken la Twe Places Itj Using Threwu Frem a Uerse. Manukim, July 12. A serious accident occurred yesterday about a mile and one-hall Irem this borough. Frank Uagy, a larmei, was going te the fields wltb a grain wagon drawn by three horses when thu leader of tbe three became fractious and tbe entire team uncontrollable, Mr. Hagy, wbe was rldiug one of the horses, was pushed violently against the fence and the rail breaking was thrown beyond Inte tbe Held, narrowly escap ing death. Dr. C. J. Hnavely, of this borough, was summoned, tbe una was carried from the Held te tbe beuse en a leunge when upon examination it was found he bad sustatued wbat is known as a comminuted fracture et tbe left leg, the leg being broken in two plaeea He was careluliy attended te aud is uew delug well and sutlers no pain. Anethor Teacbsr Elected. List evening the school directors met ter the purpose of electing teachers for the posi tions net fltled at tbeir meeting two weeks age. At that meeting the following teachers were re-elected : Prln., W. H. Nauman ; grammar, J. U. Stroh ; secondary, Mlsi LU.le Helina; first primary, Miss Lillle J. Hellers. Miss Montgomery was elected assistant principal. IntoruiedUte and second primary were vacant and at the meeting last evening Miss Williams was elected teacher el tbe inter inter inter modlate department and the second primary left te be tilled at some future meeting. Hev. 11. F. Bailsman, of Ubepherdstewn, W. Va., occupied the pulpit of llev. W. J. Jehnsen, preaching an luternating and eloquent sermeu. lie was listened te with marked attention, llev. llausman Is new spending his vacation in Lancaster. lleturnsd the "ileleu tlerse. Irem the ltuadlii); Tluicn. A roan horse, stolen from Dauiel Parker, North Klghth street, some time age, was re- turned yesteruay. nergeam i.uueu met a party from Maubeim, Lancaster ceuuty, at 1- Itth and Penn streets wllh tbe animal, and upon being stepped the man explained tbat the animal had been left at his place and he waa biking it home. St Mary's Huuday Scheel Picnic The plonle el St. Mary's Catholic Sunday school at Penryn park te-day U very large, ten carloads going out this morning. Several hundred uioie people left en the two alter alter alter uoeu trains. rer lbs Prcsbjterlau Mlnl.try, Walter P. King, seu of Samuel (1, King, of this city, has placed himself under the care of tbe Wilmington, N. 0., conference for pre paration for tbe Presbyterian ministry, m Charged With tUlug a Common Scold. Before Alderman Uersbey Louisa Brown has been beld te answer the eharge of being a common scold. The complainant is Mary Fry, a neighbor, and all live en Columbia avenua ' m Sals or a Heuse Ryan k Plnkerten yesterday Beld at pub lic sxle for Miller A Uartman a brlek house en Latsyf tta street te Pauline btreebsl for two, ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE. DIMUMUBMLT liBMOHMTMATIUKB MBBttnUU iV BBLFAItt AT Tbe Ullf In lbs Northsastera Part el Iralsad Oirsrllewsrtng With Peep Is- Polies It.ln- feresd Alter Small nteta Occur te Pravsnt a Usneral right. Hi:i.i--akt, July l'i The anniversary el tbe battle of tbe Ileyne was celebrated here to day aud throughout Ulster with unusual fer vor and was productive In many places of a great amount or disturbance. At Belfast, Itev. Dr. Kane, grand master of the Orange men, presided ever a monster meeting. Vio lent speechea were made and overy Indica Hen (minted te an outbreak. Feeling Is very Intense. Tbe city Is overflowing wltb people, who come from tbe neighborhood te celebrate the day. (Small riots occurred and the pol'ei had te be reinforced te prevent a general light between tbe Orangemen and tbe Catholics. Chicago Orangemen Plculc. Ciiioaeu, July 12. TheOrangemenef this city te-dsy celebrated their historic victory by a picnic at Desplalnea They presented a line appearance, as the different ledges In precession marched through the streets en route te tbe depot. National Kdnoaters Most. Cilti'Ane, July 12. The National Educa tional association convenea Its session in this city this evening. The members and ether rsens Interested In educational work began te arrlve In large numbers yesterday. Frem tbe correspondence of the secretary of the association, Mr. James U. Canfleld, It is esti mated that there will hoever 10,000 visitors in tbe city during this week. There will be several sessions daily until Friday at Central Musie hall. All tbe sessions will be open and free of charge except tbe first meeting te-night. The proceedings will consist chic tiy el litera ture and discussions which will be highly Instructive te all wbe are interested In educa tional mattera Ills Pats In IheJerf's Hands. Skw Havkn, CennJuly 12. Tbe hearing of evldeuce In the case of Henry B. Chamber lain, en trial for the murder of Mrs. Margaret Krnst, was finished In the superior court here te-day. Dr. White testified tbat death waa caused by strangulation, and then the de fense began. They submitted only two witnesses, Dr. Llndsley, who testliled that death occurred by suffocation, and net from chloroform, and Miss Minnie Neustrem, who swore tbst the de ceased had csthma and her breathing was al ways labored. Arguments were then began and at their conclusion the case was given te the Jury. A verdict is net expected te-night Patntsrs In Cenlarcncs. Nr.w Yeiik, July 12. The third annual convention of the National Bess Painters' union opened this morning In the large hall of the Masonic temple. There were 3fiH dele gates present, representing every state In tbe Union. President Jehn Berge occupied tbe chair and Jehn Beattie delivered the address of welcema Tbe convention will be in see see slen three daya Its purpose, as Mr. Beattie expressed in his speech, is net te crush tbe werklngmati out, but te talk ever matters af fecting the trade and te renew old acquain tanceship. The" Myilerjr " DlMstar. liitoeicj.v.v, July 12. The excitement ever the Mystery disaster at Carnarale has abated considerably. There are rtill many anxious watchers there wbe are awaiting the news or recovery of all that may be lelt or some dear ena Nothing has yet been obtained as te, the manner In which the accident occurred or the causes leading te IL Ne mere bodies bave been re covered and It is net probable that there will be auy mere brought in, as the tide in all probability has carried them out te sea AdilrraxU bjr llUlliigulihed Men. Saiiaieiia ISi'KlNciri, N. Y., July 12, -The ceremonies in connection wltb tbe opening of the summer schools commenced at 10 o'clock this morning. Tlie distinguished orators gatbered in tbe auditorium where they de livered addresses te a very large audience. Senater m. M. Kvarts delivered an address 011 tbe " National Value of Kducatleu." Ad dresses were also rendered by Hen. Dl Ces Ces nela aud tbe Hev. J. P. Newman. Tbe open ing Is pronounced te be the most flattering the association has ever had. Tery Contests Tery. Di'in.iN, July 12. in the Dublin Univer sity election te day Mr. Maddern was elected te represent tbe university In Parliament In place of Attorney Ueneral Helmes, wbe baa beeu elovatedtea Justice of tbe Irish court of common pleas. Mr. Maddern received 1,370 against 7 10 for Mr. Parsons, his opponent. Beth candidates are Teries. Tba llulgarlan Cabinet. Tiuneva, July 12. The new Bulgarian cabinet Just formed la as follews: M, tStoilell, president et tbe ceuucil and an Interim min ister of lluance; M. Natchevlca minister of foreign affairs ; M. TchomakefI, minister el public instruction; M. Stranskey, mlulsteref tbe interior; Majot Petroleff, minister of war. All political prisoners bave been ordered te ba released by M. HtoileiT. Bentenced te Seven Yean, Nkw Yekic, July 12, Mra Henera Greer, who was yesterday convicted et arson in the second degree, was today sentenced by ltecerder Smyth te state prison for seven years and a half. She Insured ber furniture for f 1,000, moved It out and set fire te tbe touement house in which she lived. m Quickened the Fire. WoiteKsTi:R, Masa, July 12. While bur. rylng a kitchen tire this morning with kero sene, Mra Hendrlcksen was probably fa tally injured and Mra (lustav Jacobsen somewhat burned by tbe explosion of tbe lluld. The lire damage was smalt. tiled Prem tile Injuries. PitiLAUEi.i'itiA, July 12. Luigl .'carde, an Italian, who was struck en tbe head wllh some blunt instrument in the hands of a fellow workman named Combe en tbe night of July 1, died In the Pennsylvania hospital te-day. Frem the time or his ad mittance until he died he raved, moaned and screamed continuously, Cerube lied and baa net since been apprehended. ijueen Kap Harrying Bems. New Yeuic, July 12. Queen Kaplelani and her party are still at tbe Victeria hotel. They will leave at'tl p. m. by way uf the New Yerk Central .V Hudsen Uiver read. They may step a few beura at Chicago, but will hurry te tbe Pacltle coast, reaching San Francisce In time te sail en tbe steamship Australia en the 17th lest. Itefu.ed le Accept His Hesiguatleu, Pauis, July 12, Tbe Chamber el Deputies te-day unanimously refused te accept the resignation of President Floquet. Off ter Corena. Mahihtta, July 12,-CeL James Duffy and uen. siinea Cameren left thla morning for Europe via New Yerk. Death at a Valuable Bena "Dec," a valuable driving horse belonging te J. M. Kelper, furniture dealer, died en Monday evening from colic He was In sured la tbe People's Live Stock company terfUO, A MTOBT BIVIVULBD. The Opinions of Prussia's crown Prince Held lu Have Bssn Olven the ramous Preach Kills. (Copyrighted.) Londen, July 12, The report published la tbe Parts K(jnru a few days age el an alleged Interview between the crown prince of Prus sia and the Comte de Paris, appears from a careful iwrusat of the continental press te have rallen 'Jat and entirely failed of Ha ob ject as a eensntlen. Who Is there ae silly and Ignorant or European politics as te believe tbat the crown prlnce said te the Comte de Paris, (If Indeed he said anything te him at all,) that tbe formation of a French ministry In wblchtJen. Beutanger should be a promi nent factor would si rain the relations between France and Uermany te the point of a rup ture 7 If the crown prlnce were author ized te voice the sentiments of Uermany In such a manner, or In fact In any manner, which be Is net In possession of authority te de, he would unquestionably select an entirely dlllerent auditor. Sending verbal messages te the French government through the Comte de Paris or all persons In the world, is quite as ridiculous as would lie an application te Mr. Parnell for presentation 10 tbe queen, and no one knows this better than the crown prlnca The fact Is tbat the Legltluiatlat press of Paris see tbetr ciuse se rapidly becoming hopeless and Its influence se steadily dying out that they eagerly seize upon any pretence te bring tbeir claims or candidate into netice. A Frenchman out et France Is se speedily forgotten that after a lapse of a few years tbe tickle multitude would consider It au imnertinonee'on tbe part of even tbe Comte de Paris te altempt te recall himself te their memory. The se-called demonstration en tbe Isle of Jersey was ludicrously dlspre portioned te the expecta tions of tbe L'gitimatistsand the reports wte its extent and the enthusiasm manifested were tremendously exsggerated. There were very few Frenchmen or any Importance present, while the residents of tbe island, of course, simply halted the occasion as one affording them an opportunity te turn an honest penny from tbe visitors and would bave greeted tbe advent of a circus with equal gratillcatlen, accompanied by the same manifestations of rejoicing and display of holiday attira The most ardent sbeuters el 11 Vive Le Kel " were Kngllsb toadies, wbe felt tbe occasion te be one which they could bring themselves Inte some small notoriety in their special circles and whose proudest beast It will ever be tbat tbey have exchanged a few words wltb, or shaken the band of the exiled scion of royalty. This is the verdict el Impartial visitors te the soene and the opinion is generally expressed by them that the affair bad as little political significance as a borse race or a cricket match. Frigidity lletween .Mains Staleemen. Chu'aoe, July 12 A special te the Sews from Kdlnburgb says : " Senater Frye and wlfe were quartered in the Hoyal hotel here two daya bafere the Blaine party arrived. It is evident tbat there is a lack el warmtb and affinity In the Maine coterie. Nothing mere than exchanges or the most erdluary civili ties had occurred between the Blalnes and Fryea Senater Frye met Mr. Blaine Satur day as he was stepping Inte a carriage and paused a few moments te con verse with him, but no Intimacy had subsisted between the families, Tbey neither visited one another at tbetr rooms nor went sightseeing together, and Senater Frye spent most of bis time dewnstslra He attended nene of tbe Car negie ceremonies. He was cheerful with both Mr. Blaine and Senater Hale when he met them, which was rarely. Last night, however, Mra Htaine and Mra Hale met Senater Frye in the rotunda as tbey were re turning te their apartments from the collee room snd bore bliu off up stairs. The three families gathered lu one of Mr. Blaine's par par lern and there remained the entire evening.' rsud Charcetl Against Cullecter lleecher. San Fkamwe, July li The Chronicle le day prints au editorial charging that tbe present attitude of tbe treasury department towards tbe charges against Herbert F. Heecher Is urely a pltveef bravado and tbat the officials 01 the dcj-artuient bave long been aware of tbe grew Irregularities prac ticed by BevUier, but have net dared te re move hi ui en account et tlie reeling preva lent that tbe president regarded lleecher as bis especial pretege. The pawr says It will be able te present prue! of the correctness of all Ue affidavits it has printed, and that it can supply additional evidence of the exis tence of corruption lu the Pert Tewusend customs district which would ceuylct Beecher in auy court el law. A Soldier Killed. Dr.TiteiT, Micb., July 12 At 11 o'clock last ulgbt Arthur Stene, alias Arthur Saun Saun derr, died Irem tbe effects of agunshet wound tu his back, iutllcltd by Sergeaut Davis of the -SJ United States lufantry at Fert Wayna Saundets waa the son of wealthy parents or Jollet, Hla He enlisted In tbe 2-td U. S. infantry. Recently be accused a sergeant of stealing a cana Thereupon he was tried for "conduct derogatory te military discipline " and waa sentenced te 2 y ears' Im prisonment. Yesterday be made a break for liberty and was shot. The private soldiers are much excited ever the affair, claiming tbat the sorgeant,cemplalnt sgalust whom was the cause of Saunders' conviction, was guilty el several thefts. OlueTery by liuiband and Pal her. Otei.ika, Ala, July 12 A heavy oleud passed ever tbls place In a northeasterly dl rectlen last evening. It was followed by a briUtant electrical display. News comes tbat tbe family or Jehn Baukbead, consisting of bis wife aud three children, wbe were standing en tbe veranda of their home five inllea freut tbe city, watching the cloud, were struck by lightning. When Binkbead reached home be found that two of tbe child ren were dead, aud tbe ether child aud his wife se paralyzed that they can hardly recover. Serious Damage by Floed. PeitTi.VNK, Ora, July 12, A disastrous Heed occurred Saturday at Tomson's Falls, Idaho, caused by the breaking or tbe big dam ou Blessem Laka Mauy wagons and teams are reported swept away, bridges destroyed, etc., and it la feared tbat a number of Uvea were lest. It is reported that tbe mining towns et Mountain City and Yerk were nearly destroyed, it is feared that a number or freight teams en the read have been lest. I The disaster is very serious te mining prep- I erty. Shet Ills Wife Fer a Burglar. Loeanm'out, Ind., July 12. Corener Jerdan was notified thla morning et tbe sheet ing of Mrs. W. A. Uarner, at Koyal Center, a village in the northern part et this county, at 2 a. m. by her husband. Uarner tired at what be supposed was a burglar. He Imme diately noticed the absence el his wife from bed and en examination found he had kUled her. Corener Jerdan will investigsla Charged Wltb Ttiell. Nkw Yekk, July 12,-On the arrival eftbe steamship Bohemia from Hamburg te-day a United State deputy marshal bearded her and arrested Isiael Ueldmaa, alias Juedel Chemlnlker, who, It Is alleged, fled from Odessa, Huasla, with 20,000 reubles belonging te his employer. WMAWMMM AMMUUAMiamt. PWasamote, D. C, July 12.-Kcr Kaatera Pennsylvania! Fair weather, nearly stationary teuiperatare, winds shitting te aaataxly, THE GUESTS OF SISTER ROSE. tMBHIHBHt AUD MBA. VLUYBI.ABB star. BIVB AT HVLLAKU PATBMT, B. T. Thsy Krach That Town la Marly Morals, raw People Were at the Trala 10 Mast rasas and no Cenvsyancs Was Provided, The Olher Points le Its Visited. Het.iANii Patknt, N, Y July 12 Presi dent Cleveland and wlle arrived here at 5il5 this morning, an hour and six minutes earllat4' tuan tuey were expected. Tbey camsreai Utlca by special train, comprising eajb oeaok and a New Yerk Centra! hotel car. ' Aa tbe train drew up In front of the depot, both the president snd Mr. LamentswpMMt en tbe platform where they met Postmaster Bailey and General Manager If. M. Hrlttea, of the Heme, Watertown .VOgdenaburg rail road. Tbe hour was se early tbat but lew poeplo were present. A special engine wasat tached te the coach, but Mr. Lsment did net enter It, having premised te spend tbe day la Utlca, tbe guest or Mr. Biltey. While the president shook hands with these wbe war presented te him. Mra Cleveland made her toilet and neon alter greeted Manager Hrlttea cordially as he outerml the car wltb the pteal. dent. The rldu te Helland Patent consumed but twenty mluute-, and as the hour for the arrival of tbe train had been kept secret, there was no demonstration, ludeed, ae well bad the secret beeu kept that evea Miss Hose Cleveland, whose guest the president was te ha, did net knew et bis presence lu the vlllage, consequently there was no conveyance In waiting. Mra Cleveland was attired in a light traveling dress and carried a bouquet of losea Aa she alighted aba nodded pleasantly te tba eugineerand walked Inte the depot. The president meanwhile having satlsfled him self tbat no carrlaxe was In attendance, picked up a small bundle, put It under hla arm and said "Come en." Like geed American cltizsns they walked slowly up the street of the village te "The Weeds," Miss Cleveland's resldence and tbe home stead or tbe Cleveland family. Mlaa Cleveland met them at the deer, and breakfast was neon after served. Tbe party will remain quietly within doers during the day, resting from their Journey. This even ing they will held an informal reception which will be attended by the prominent persons of the village and shortly after 8 o'clock te-morrow morning tbey will leave en a special train for Clinten, where they wilt particlpate In the centennial anniversary of thst village At & p. in. they will return te Utlca, where they will be the guest or Senater Reman and family at din ner. At U o'clock a roceptlun will be tendered thorn at the Rutleriisld house, which will last until 11. It is new the president's Intention te ptoueed directly te Forestport, te visit bis brother, Hav. Win. N. Cleveland, but as tbls would necesrltate a Journey by rail until alter midnight and a carriage ride of three miles Inte the very gateway of tbe Adlreudacks, strong pressure will be brought te bear te lnduoe the parly te remain In tbe city ever night, the guest of the Kernan family. The Jacksenlan cam paign club will be the president's bodyguard betb at Utlca aud Clinten te-morrow and during the eveulng. There will be a lavish display et fireworks in front et the hotel, ituoie tun itrcejmuu win uuuur. - Soen alter breakfast tbe president" ceived a call from Dr. Crane, an old friend, and enjoyed a short carriage ride with him. Mra Cleveland also occupied a seat In Mlas Cleveland's deg cart for an hour's ride. The reception is new fixed for from 2 te 4 p. m. Considering llle Age and Uealth. Skw Yekk, July 12. W. J. Canfleld, who was foreman of the Jury that convicted Jacob Sharp, has withdrawn bis name from tbe petition le Judge Barrett, asking him net te sentence Sharp te imprisonment, but te Impose a tine euly. He says he signed the petition with the understanding tbat all the Jurers were te slgu if, but that two et them refuse te de se, anil consequently he cancels bis own signature. He says that Judge Barrett has Intimated te him that ha feels It his duty te seutence Sharp te prison, but that en account of his great age and health It will be a very short term. Sharp today was weak aud ill aud unable te take mere nourishment tliau a spoonful of milk at Intervals. He is te be sentenced te mor row. Fighting Train Hebber. St. Louts, July 12. A special from .Fert Werth, Texas, says : Tbere was considerable et a Hurry In tbe city at 11 o'clock last night, when a rumor became current that a bloody tight bad taken place near Little ltlver, aeuth or Fert Werth, en the Missouri Pacific, be tween robbers and guarda Little ltlver la a watering station and no news can be re ceived from there. It la certain tbat officials or the read have cause te rear robbery, and secretly put guards en both the north and south-bound night trains, aud the trainmen are also armed. The north-bound train reached here without molestation. It la stated tbat Traiumaster lUy also accom panied the party. m They BemeveR tile IllrUituark, Chicago, July 12 Mra Emma DeUokam DeUekam leer was placed under arrest tbls morning ter conspiracy te de an unlawful act In mutil ating little Eddie Audrews by having an op eratien performed te remove a birthmark. Sbe was watting in Judge Antheny's court for ber habeas corpus petition against Carrla Andrews te come up, when Constable Charles A. Williams, of Justice Bleem's court, made the arrest. Ne effort was made te remove this prisoner te avoid incurring punishment ler contempt et Judge Antho Anthe ny's court. It is understood tbat Dr. Bun la also te be arrested for his part In the trans action. Vunderbllt In England. (JtiEr.N.saewN, July 12. The eteatn yicht Alva, with Mr. W. K. Vandetbllt and family en beard, arrived here from New Yerk thla morning. After receiving a fresh supply of previsions and coal she proceeded te Liver. peel. Tbe Alva made a Hue passage from New Yerk, except ler the laat lew days. Sbe en countered a gale en Thursday and lest btr fnretenmaat. r , . Twe Leeks' Killed by a Train. t Oiiattanoeua, Tenn., July 12. A aaeaa y Valley, en the East Tennesaaa Vhitelii'-j Oeergla railway. Mra Craig ?,'"""" Mlas Alice Phillip of Dalha 1 . " walking en the track and reached aUdwajp of a long trestle when tbe fMt axpraa. Iraki dashed around a curve, and befera tk eMlneer could step his train thaj aagbM .iTucktbe two ladles' kllllngthem both.) The BlevsMd Hallway Htrlke. BuoeKiAN, N. Y., July 12.-Tha strike m tbe Brooklyn elevated railroad continual. Tbe read la running about twe-thlrde of their regular trains this morning. Betaatdaa are confident of victory. It la said laat MM street car lines will also be tiad up, taa trippers bave bad their wok greewy aa- creased in violation et theganralagrean, t,., Sstetde at a Vesvasj Wseaaa. RAHWAr, N. J., July U-HJaa Jourdae, Ol woeaurwn, w j sens awtnsss. i herself In the bead thla BMwalag aaa. m mwj in a dvlBK atata sawBsX ' eavere Ulaaaa la the prebabU eMti JT &&i Mm : m '.& H s3 f rt r v.i A a. lf r. l VlKi K V,ia. ..-v !