mfiFS fy&BR wVJmuM. TryBWJHniJlE8&Mp'WJ&!Gn mgffii'yawa AN OMMUN MIHM. 1 am a lean, .nfalhwiwa Mek Of rtincuihlhlniii A tlrliii In adenert wild. My happier mothered eblcka rvlld. I nun nil rnlntleiiiitilii exiled, Tudiimy uwn liitia halehlna;, ratrMclunreitinlliiil upon my birth linn nw unit K"y iiiernln:. Ami new lliu aetiuda of barnyard mirth Te lonely Inn Intve llltle worth! 1 mil iiloue In nil Hi" mrih- aii orphan wllhinil uernltiK. tMwk 1 my inulht'rt I would una A ha u Hum poraennUiri A llilnit tira hMel, tnnu rtcnlgiied. Willi leiiii pipe rtnllolnieriiiliiod, Aiidptili'li'acetlu butlliiK lluud A pitlutilliieululur. It mwrlra ma te think, yen aeo aee liaittli wniitd tin liiiltur, mill-it Hlinnlil utillilmu ii'ur hu born te nix, My lale'it liuwl plllkia ilncnxi. My little uma,iiln, would Im Willi iiuvurHKmiKllutliur. Ami whnii le urn Hi I liKl ndluu, Te iwiuk u HlvilUir, I will mil iieui iittntn (lis Who k le loin tlm uniiMlritl crew, ler I will just Imikh huiwlle My Inunliitiir. It. J. Ilunltlle llrveklyn liitflr. KeM-ue Ueiihliug Talk Abuut Maine. loin 111.) rilUliiilK Tlmii. Aii Irreicrviil tetmler Knew n Jackaeti cruukoren alie t-itr i'alttiriHNiiil km UttAiiludtHl llriiii-tsl Uiu mutater le juiii lxut llirroleet and nuiller Miiiititlilnu. morn miUBtlc than a l)liiwlii(. The Mrlur atmi leukud black. It wasn't iniiuli tretibtu for hint. Mr. Uenkllnr, a iiieiiiunt alter mmIiI le a 7'iMe.t nerter : "1 am out el iHilltleM utitlrtily. lleii't auk me anything about Hiiliaile lnoalUenllal cabUI cabUI tNle." Hut In llni ni'xt linalli he aililed : "Hlalnu can't iMtry Ntiw Yntk, but that make 11111m illllert int., hh he will probably net be a euuIMhIc. Ueu't knew who will ue;lun'l rare. I am kI"k l Chicago aa tbn ouunael ter Mr HaiiiiiiKiHi'hltiy In hla ault agalnat (1. lUuciett ler an Infringement of the C'aramul iwr iiiulrack" lank lixllralcil lly Hrraa. When into tiinut hurekllur a atutluiit or tlie t'lihemiiy el return) Itatil he will net be couielltHl te luiulre what dartliieiit the Mil. lent la In, The uullerm will tell the wheln atery nt a KtatirA All are te wear black kiwiin tllatliiKUlatKHl by the color of the allk cird (in i he margin of the yoke. Fer the art atuiteutM It will no ilurk hlue; for the ihlliMeihi'al, mtxlliiin, ami for Itiaacienllllc, llKtit blue; law NtiHluiibt will be market! with iurin; iinnlcl atiitlenlH with crluiaeii, den tal NiutlvulH witli pink; toterittary atutlenla with cardinal, and divinity atudeuta with black. )trtiiilulatil lllniMif. " Yeung man," be aald, "are you aware that ovt'Niidiil;eiH'0 In lliier will ullliiiatuly dm'.my your Iiialtli7" " 1 MiipiMMe It will," ttillctl the yeuni( iimn iheiiKhtlully. ' Hut 3011 leek far from letiuat yeuiNuir, air. De juu ntmK from ex ex Itirlcnce T" " Ne, Mr," riwiiidvd the antl-litier man with coiiheIoim prl.lii. I tinvur taated any tliliiK lutexIcatliiK In my llfu. My trouble all coiiie It. 'in " An riri le " KtriKt iiih, Htr," he aid, "but you aie nOIIII'lhillK Ol H HwdlK llliltl, Hll ten hilt?'' "tin, )e, lr. I ..Uiui i.M.I lull ll.e niKlil (lllOHK'l." " I'-., I rim hi, ,iu lnHLkin in JiidKlt'KChiiiwlxr. Ymi lnte a ii-nIijii ler MIeiHllll,., I MIliU 7" " Net totally, I'm a proof tca.ler." Silily from Jlalarln. lln" ni.,-1' ri, 11. mull. hi, ami ilia rir.-iu:'-! .l. -i..i.'f nr 11. l i.r.Kr n .1... 1 ' 11,1 virien ,. lni)rii:iiilf Hi. till l,t. III. rtll 111.' r M fltlllk ll.t. In. .n i.n,nlivi , t)tt putrt .1, h nr, u te I'.rlil) Hi. -tli-m with a tie.lli hit' vtl.l li lMr.r h nil. t, 1 rl it a n ilipmnt nnl ri'innl I I..-.I . tit r M.imirh lliu il. tt rl.l lllli. irlli I. In ..HI. llnlt.'l.'.U l.l Ik i, S..t "111 t oil llll t.lllllllrl.t, Mltrt i n r iiiiM-siii.t Kitt . liiiil. In Hi. iiulrinl in-lt.-ti..n l.iii It. On inipiiM. tthi r- rncr til timii aKiiin. n tin iiiel iiimIIii.iiiI Ij inn, this In. .,ii,miiIiIi , Ht,Mtlar .tml .lft rt 111 until. i'Iiii h it, ler r it llilr.l ..fa rrnltiri . .hmt 11 II- 1 ll.r;i Cl.illit 1tl liii r, tliilnl, utrni. hill. in 11 mill, tit altkf ,li in lu HiUnum-u Nll.l Hit' l.fl'lllllltl 1,1 it Hi. w..r. "full" 1. 1-tt.i I'l.ltr In Ihf li-iinm ciT -a I l.l I ( l rt ht 11 il.i lit tli'a anu It 1 11.11I II ..iii4 lliH-teiincti, .ir..ii. .11.1 lit it h l.uli l Kga i'lt, ami , ii.ii... I. !,. .illlilul acUtlly ufluiklil in) a nii.l Ma.l.Ur I'll I II 11 ntv .h. "I f.iiinl lllirinlyltil' exci.llt'iit uiui cillcicteua ler Iii.IIh.mIIe.i mii.I )ylMli I ,i'u tuliii; It In my liiiuiuilliite lamlly " S.,1.1 li all li,i-i:NH, inirhettln, or W. r Mill, r ,t (,', MaiiuUctiirlni; C'liumlalu, W I (111 II Ml , .V t ji'i.ti 'iiriima. Cel (III, it II...II INU (JOIKIII ami llreiiilillN liillliiHllnli'lyii llt'ti'tl by Millnli'1 Clllti. Nelll by II It I ei-iii in, iliuitulil, Nim. 1j7 and IS. North (Jiiiim ML, ltliriiHtiT, I'a. (4) !Vriini no IiiihI dm 1111.U1I uiui haill .1 lliu iiolt-9leii ineru than nasal ciilntili, Wlill., iiih liiiiii.tll.Utly fatal It It tiinoeK lliu 111.1-tt ilNtiisliii; naiiii.eiiit mill dla K.MlliiK Ilia lliu HimIi Is hUr u, mill lliu n-cerda cluiw tmy l.iw 01 no emi-a el mdli-ul enroet (rnenUi iiitit rli l,y uny el tlm liiilltllu.l.i el iniHli-a el inHliiiciit until tlie liiirotlitcllen el r ly a 1 th-uii IUIih 11 It.w ji'tiiantte IhHaticccai it llili tii'i.irutleu but.' 11 limit jinitllj liikf ami uriiliiuK J5':il.-e.l.w MI,KKIM.h! NliiHTt, iiin.1.1 mln.ruhlii hythat l.-nllili, ('ll. Mill. ili'e (J 11 roll tlm rimii'.iy for ten Seli! iiy 11. . t'euhnui, drnicKlit, Nun IJ7 and l.n .Neitii (Jii.tiin at., Liiucuater, I'a. C) Barlteiuaut tuTexaa. Oli'at uAt Itiiiui'iit tiaa Ihhiii uiincd IlllheTl clnlty el I'ml, Tin., by the iciiiurkitlilii n coturyel Mr .1. K. Oirlt.y, who ai he bulphttia bu tiiul.l net turn In Ih.iI. et talae Ida hcud ; tt i-i body aiil.l he wit dyleir et (.'oiiaiiinptlen. A tilul bottbiel Mr. hliiK rA Nhw IMacevury waa h. ul htm. rln.lliii; ii-IIi.i, he lititi,(lil a lariru Ikii tl.inii.lii box 01 lir. ItliiK'a .New l.lln I'llla ; by tlm II1110 hu Im-1 tiiki'ii two Ihiim of I'llla aim two betilca 01 tlm IHnevmy, he waawullaud hul Kali. el III HimIi tldrty-alx iw, inula. Trial ll.itili.ael thlallivitt Ulicetery for C'on C'en Biiiii,iluii iii-n m 11. it. c.kIiiuii'h UriiK Ntore, 1J7 ami 1 a Neith guwn atroet, Ijiucunter, l'a. (i) Ituiklrn'a Arulca Half. 'Iiia IIkitHlvkIii 1 he weild ler Cuts, llriilH-a heuw, lliiiiii!. Halt llliuuiu, t'tivttr serim. Tetter, (bi.Mil llamla, Cliliblulna. Cema, and all akin Ktiipileua, uiui poaltlrely cures 1'llva, or no nay n.iill.'.t. It la Kiiatiinti'til Ul Klvu perfect aatla full Ien, or iiioney rulundi-d. I'rlce cents per box. rersaluby II. ll.Cwliran, lllunKlaU Mes. J7 and IJU Merlh tjuoeii HU, Lancaafer. l'a. Junnil lyd HHII.OII'.t UOUUII and ConsuiiiplleiTuure Is Mild by us en u fiiutninUHt. 11 curea L'on L'en L'on auuiplleii. -old by II. 11 Cochran, drufKtat, Nra. 1J7 and U'J North Vluueu HU, IjincaaUir, f,t (j) t-alla Mullll liliewliia;, III all dUn.iaes of the nitsiU iiiiieena uiiuiibrane theii.uiudy med lnusl be iieu-trilbttliiii. The uieli'id prolcaaleti hita lM-eu blew le Itturif this. NethliiKsiitlituuliiry cim be acteiupllsbialwlth douches, anillll. pewdurs, Hyrlllg-.-e, itatrlUKenU erutiy tjliulUrnpp'Icutluiia, Utcuuae they are all Itritulliiir, dnnel llioreiiK hi v reach thuatlectud ftirtaci's ami should bu abandoned as worse than lalliiiitH, A milium. te e! Hiraens who had for ) vara borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can liilllct testllt te ntdlcut and auruiaueut cuics meuutby Kly's Cream llalui. JiiJO'Jwdeedaw Tha Vartllct Duauliouea, W II. Hull, IMuiKUt,llliliin, lud , histltlea : " 1 can receiiiiiieud Kli ulrle llitters us the very bust remedy. Hvmy bottle sold haa Klven rrllel In vtry case One man Uaik alx bettlea, and wascuiedel Itliiiuinittlauiet HI yitara'aUllidiriir." Aliratiain Hare, tSulluvlile, Ohie, ulllrius 1 "llie la-st siillliiK uivdlcliie I have ever handled In niy 'JlVdiru' via-ili'iice. Is hlectrle IHtlent." Theu H.n.ita of ethers hae added their lestluinny, ae that the verdict Is unanluieus that alicirle lilt, toiadei'urua'l dlifiixwef tlm blver. Kidney or llloed. Ker rule at II. It. Cochran's l)ru Htere, 137 and 1 Neith IJuueii sUeet, Lancaster, l'a. A UUKAT U1HC0VKUY. The Kreateat discovery of the nlnetrtenthcee turylaUr. Isllu'a Hneclal l'resciiptlen ter sick headache, which Is the discovery of an eminent and used by Lliu for ever thirty yenri befeii) ulVliiK It te the public, and It stands to te day without a ilvul. bead adverUseiueut In another celuum. , A Very Marrow Hmmi. "Yea, 1 hart a very nanew escape," said a preiuluniitcltlxeii lealrlund. "I waa ceurlliud ui my tied feru mti unit my frlemlsKaveuie un loruceiiaumpllvu'aKiitvo, 1111III I bee-an uslnit Kiiiup'a lialaumfer thuT'bieat and Luuks. and liuiel uiii, sound and hearty." I'rlce Due? and II, 'or aulu by II. II. Cochran, UruitKbU Ne, 1J7. North queeu atria)!, LaecasUir. """" " Tha Impaudleg Uancra The recent aUttUtlca of the number of death hew that a large majority die with Consump tion. This dlacuae may commence with an ap parently hartuless cough which can be cured In stantly hv Kemp's ISuliatn for the Threat and I-unKH, w filch la uiiuraiileeil te cure and relieve aJIcasvs. I'lIcuHiceutsuudll. XVfal Mm r. rer sale by II. U- Cectnuu, druggUt, Ne. IM Kerth uuecn atmvt. iw-lwOAliw aaaaaw'Ai VVfcVNSSa-aWa. asaajK TtOOD'8 HAKMAPAKlLtiA. All Run Down rrera the weakenlna; efTdcU el warm weather, by bard work, or Irem a Ieiir III nest, you Bred a ((sal lonleand bhaid putlller like llood'aBar lleod'aBar lloed'aBar aapaillla. If you have never tiled Ihla peeallar dltliic.doaeuow, U will give you atreaglh and ipiwUte. ' Heed's Haraaparllla gave me new life, and re aluruil me te my wonted health andatreuMth." WitllAM II. C'Miuan, TllUin, N, II. Given Up te Die " I waa ceuipletely run down, and waa for nearly four ynaraunder tnedlcul treatment, be ing given up te die by phyalilana, My mother urgid me te lake Heed's Hiirsanarilla. At laat I consented, and I have never taken anything which helped me aa much as Hoed'aSarstpartlla, wlilah restored me te health and vigor. I have been taking It about lenr months, and am new a different Ixjlng. I can wn'k att day with very little tat Iff un. I reoeinmnnd It te anyone whose ayatem U prtMlralnd." Nana Nebli, I'oerta, 111. A Geed Appetite " Whan I taiiight Heed's Haraaparllla 1 made a geed Investment et ene dollar In medicine for the first lime. It has driven en rheumatism and Improved my appetite ae much that my board beard ing house mlalreaa aaya I mint keep It locked up or ah, will bn obliged te rulsetny beirdwllh every ethei beatdur that takvs Ibaid'a Harsapv rllla." Tiii'VAa IIvrhkll, Ul TUIary alreet, llfoeklyn, H, Y. Heed's Sarsaparilla Held by all drugglata. II 1 alt ler . I'ie iwrud by C. 1. IIOOU CO , liwell, Mass. 100 Deaaa One Dellar (i) riUMl'HHKYM' Homeeptthic Veteriury Specifics, for llursea, Cattle, Hbeep, liens. Hogs, Poultry. MM I'AUat UUiiK On Tnatruent of Animals and Chart Hunt Free. CUKKH-ruvers, Congestions, lunammaUun. A.A. Nplnal Meiilngllls, Milk rover, Itntlna, Lamuiiesa, Itheumallain. CI" lUalomper, Nasal Ulschargea. Il.ll, ItotaertlrulM, Worms. K.K. Coughs, llravct), I'neuninnla. r.r. Celic or (Irlpes, llellyacbe. Mlscnrrbige, Hemorrhages. Il.ll. Urinary and Khlii.ty tilstuaea. I.I Kruptlvu DlaiMMw, Mange, J.K. lilseasea el Digestion. HTAIII.K CAHK, wlthTpectncs. Manual, Witch llatel Oil nnd MedlraUir 7.O0 1'ltlCK, hlugle ItolUe (overae.dertes) OOe, HOt.llllV liuiMililHTHifllt BBNTI'KKI'AIII ON UKCKII'Ter I'UICK. Humphreys' Mud. Ce., HO rulteuHL, N. Y. Humphrey's Uoneeptlhie Specific Ne. 23. In iiialil years. The only successful remedy ler Nervous Hublllly, Vital Weakness, and I'reatratlnn from ever-work or ether causes. (1 per vial, or A vials and large vltl Hearder, ferli. Sel. e nr KsiMi.ilnTa, or atoll ptMiimtden receipt in price im airimati a aiitiiiiiirtK, m lebO-lvdA wrrhAH Ne. WJ rulten m. N. Y. JJOI.UHN HI'KUiriU. DRUNKENNESS OK THE l.njueit. it Attn reMTiVKi.r ciikkii iiy AllMINITKI(lN(i HU. IIAlNtS' UUl.HKN HI'KCiriU, trail atglteu III a cup of cetfiai or tea with out the kuowliHVeof tlm ia-raeii taking It i Is atiaeiuti-ly hitrmlena, ami will c duct a iM'ima nenl and sja-edy cine, whelher the patient Is a UMaleratedi Inker eran alcoheltu wreck. Thou Theu Thou saudaer druukarda have been made lemiM'ratu tiitei wholutte taken Itolleii Hpeclrle In their cetf-t without tlietr kiiowl-Uge. and te-day bo be lleve thevtiulldrtiikltiKef their own free wllL 11 NKtKtt rAll.N. The syatoinencu Impreg-nab-d wltli theH-(ldr, It becomes un utter tin Hiaallilllty for tlie ll'iuer apiattiui Uiexlst for sale by Ulls-S. A. f.tKJll Kit, llruuglat, Ne. it Kaal King btaxil, tetucastur, l'a. aprla-lydTu TLAS IPLiY'tJ UKEAM HAl.M. OATARRH--HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Ot.KA.S1KH TUK II K Kl, Abl.AIb tNI.AMMATIO.X, 11 B. A 11 THK millM UKHTOUKMTIIKHKNHhliir TAHl'K, ell BLU, IIKAKI.NII A gUICK KKI.IKK. AI'eairiVB CUIIK. A imrtlcle la appllnd Ui etch niwtrll aud la agn-etble. I'rlie 'a. ct'llls aldruggtaUi; li malt, ri-glitenMl, laicu, Ctrculuia tree. Kl.l IIIIOS, llrilgKlata. Ihiwegn. N. V. jiilyiHj.tlvI'lli.tH T U K M Wl ri' HI'KUl KIO ue. Mexican War Veteran. The wonderful i itlcauy et Swill' t-pvilflviia a luii.idy and emu let rtieuiuittlaiu mid all liliaal dtaettaef, haa nuter had a mole iniiaplcueus llliiatnttleii tbun this cam air.irfa. lliu candid, unsolicited aud emphalic tcHtliueny given by the venerable guiitlviu'in lnllal liuuterptvil as cenvluclng and lonclimlle. lliu writer Is a preiutnenl citizen of Mlaalaalppl. The geutlc miin te whom Mr Murlln reform, and te whom he la Indebted for the advice Ui which boewis Ida mutt Iieui years et sintering. Is Mr. King, ler many jeurs the popular night clerk el the Uiwteuce Heuse, at Jacksen. JA( ksen. Miss., Aprlt 1, 17. Tna SwiPTft'iu'irH Cevi'art, Atlanta, tiu. (VrMlrrarn. I hive been an Invalid p-nalener for lelly years, having iii.itructwd pulmonary and ether dim a.iea In the Mexican Wur,butuet till the 1st of March, 1k;s, did I tool any symp toms el rheumatlaiu. On that day I waa Mid denly stiliken with Hut dlaeaae In both hips and ankles, for twuuty daa I wnlkcil en etutches Then the palti waa Ui-a violent, but It sbllted from Joint le Joint for weeks 1 would be totally dlaiihled. elthei en one side el ley limit or the elh. l'. Tbe pain never lell uie a moment for eleven veaia aud seven mouths that la Iieui Maich 1, IS7A, when 1 was lllsl atla'.kiHl, tu October 1, Ifal. wnen I was cuied tiurlng thoae eleven yeara of luleiiie Hulferlug 1 tiled Iniiumerable pio pie pio scrlptlens Irem vatleu. nhyslclaua, and ttltd eteryihliig iiiggesled by fileuds built lever received the least uuuedt Irem any medicine takeu Intel bully or externally, 1 am net aware etll. finally, abuut the Ural of September 1 made arrangements loge te the Het Hillings of Aiknnaas, having di spatrud of every ether rem edy, when larLldenUUly met an old acquaint acquaint auie, Mr, King, new el the Lawiuiue llousuel this city. He had ence been a gieat ttinercr Irem rheumatlsiu, and. as 1 supposed, hed been fund by a visit te the Hpilugs Hut whrn 1 met htm hu told uie thai Ids visit Ui tbe Het Hprtngs waa In vain-he leuud no relief, un his return Iieui Het nprlngs he heard ler the Brat time, el an H. us a remedy for rheuinatliin. lie tried It aud six bottles iiiadeacomiilete cure. Hevcral years have passed sluce, but he has bad no return of the disease. 1 Immediately relumed te try It. In Septem ber 1 leek tour bottles, aud by tne tlrslel Oco Oce ber 1 was well as far aa tbe rheumatism was concerned. All pain hud disappeared, and 1 iiavb nor rai.T ATwisux or itbiseb. I have no Interest III making this statement ether than the hew thai It may direct num. ether aulferer te a sure seutcu of tellet, aud Wit I aa this result 1 am well rewarded ler my trou ble. 1 am very respucltuhy and truly your friend, J . M. II. M A UTIN . r.irHilii by all druggist. Treatise ou llloed aud Hklu illaeitses mailed lree. Tin: awirr Hi'Kcirn; co., lubl-lyilAw lirawera, Atlantic, Ua. CAKK, HUHKANH.Sl'KKUY UUKK. KJ Kupture, Vartcoeule aud 8pecuU Ulsoase. of either aux Why lai humbugged byqiiucka when you can and In Dr. Wilghlthueuly Itaun. LAB I'UYsi.itAK lii 1'hlladelphlu who makes a aiMClally el the alaivu dtseases, and cuaaa Tuaa T Cuaaa OuAUAHTaai). Advice rreu day and evening. Hinangera can be treated aud le turu home same day Onicea ornate. II U. W.lf. WU1UI1T, Ml North MUtlb Street. Above uace, r. e. liex HTa. I'hUsdeiiiuta. lanltf-lvA" T WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errera, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc., 1 will send a valuable l realise (sealed) con taining full particulars for home cure, ruii el charge. A splendid medical work i should be read by every man who Is nervous and debili tated, addreaa, mer. r. C. rUWliKU, mlMiurtAw Mendua. Conn. ,' '.UKN UllAKAN'I'KBl). RUPTURE. unre gnarantend by UK. J, a. MAYKK sUaoateueei no operation or delay from busi ness t tested by buudrudi el enrea. Main eaee rn AtUiU BT I'MILA. Bend ter Circular. WUvflaaw VIUAUH, .ttl. WIliUAM KUMUNUS, WbelMtU Daaltrui Oommissieo Merchant la au bihim or CIGARS. avatire2ut "" en MUeaul0 "oeda. Oflloe and .nALfj ad am ROCHESTER LAMP, Mtty Ganala-Llgatl swmu tkMal all. AwOUMkT Urt Of UHstAI UIX)BM kMUMMd uuatevaa. tmi PaUuraoneN 'alBTALMUULUlJIwAMUkUaUIIIICUSmOl) WEATHER STRIP , Deal them all. Thla atrip outwear all ether, aepa out tbe cold, step rattling of window, 'xcladelbeduat. Keen out anew and rain. Any one eaa apply It no waste or din made In ap plying It, Can be Btted anywhere-no bole te bore, ready for uae. It will net apllt, warp et hrlnh-a cnahlen atrip la tbe meat perfaat. At' tbe move. Heater and stasia Stere I ' -or- Jelm P. Schaum & Sens. I usi Hnrnrn ertanw tvp -a wwa.U -w .a wats ItAMUABTSaw rA. s l'KUlAta MOT1UK. " Mere bmnan, mere dtvlne than wa in fact, part human, part divine Is woman, when tbe geed atari agree Te mingle at ber nativity." Beflectjye Lord of Creation, and ble ye at once te KIEFFER & HERB'S, Ne. 40 E. King St., 4pd t'rocnreeneot tbelr Famous "Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. That Ued'a best gill te you tie net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste beat which It la Impossible te avoid with your Itangna, and (what Is also Important) consider the great economy In fuel, t) cents worth of fuel will cook ler a family et three grown per eon 21 meal. And when you want a Heater, get a "SPLENDID" Aud be Happy. I'LUMlllNU, UAH MTTINU, BTEAM 11 EAT 1NU, TIN UUUriNU ANU SPOUTING. W1NKH AXD LIQUOHH. pUHK UYK WU18KY. Old GrelT Spring Distillerj. mtnated en Kast Omnge street, between Orange and chestnut, ene sijuare eaat 'jut reser voir, 1-ancAiter, I I havujusterectedaiiewdlalttlery with all of the laUnt Improved machluery ler distilling i'UUB KlK WlllHKV A. II. HMKAKF Kit, Proprietor. This IMatlllery has tieen erected at I he famous Old Umffatewn Hniitn;,whlcb haa tieen noted for Ita plenteous and unfailing supply of the pur est water. At It our grandfathers drank when tbuy were boys, and It has never la-en known te run dry even In the holiest weather, from this spring all the water uaed In the distillery Is ob tained, tbn pump drawing from It twenty-five gallons a mliiutu. Utwldea my own distilled Whisky, I alto handle KramliCH, (lini, Willi, &c aMfCall and lie ct tu v llloed. A. li.HIIKArr KK. IHatlller, HTOIta Ne. HI Ninth Uuiajii Htreet. N. II. Vaiinria ii-itb.g giaal Itieeu hand can find iiaidy ado let II at Ui.iMtjimer dlatlllery. Highest cash market prlce paid for a geed arti cle. aprt-lydtw REIGART'S OLD WINE STOEE rea BOUCHE SEC. UKIllslKCK. I'OMMEUrHKl', UOUliSbTHEC. 11. II. MUMM ETltA UUY, Aud all "ether Leading brand el Imported Chain pugns. Hele Agent ler the. I'lmaaut Valley Wine Company Hitecial Ureat Western Kx. nry, our ewu brand, the finest Anierlcaii Champagne lu the market. J list roeelvid another large Involce et CaJ Mor Mer ula Claret and While W luu f ruui Nau Valley, Callternla A large stockef luiortedUurgundles,Clarela, Ithtue and Hau'erne Wlues. Wu also have the largest and finest stock el lltandles, Whtakles, Ulna, Mudelia, Hherrys and ' ort Wluee, liaaa Alts Oiiluiieaa Stout, Baratega and ApeUlnaila Watets lu the city. H. E. Slaymaker, Agt, Ve. ae hawt kine arHEtrr, liANCAHTKU, l'A. VJ.HUI.mM" UTANDA1U) WOKH. Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAQU; BUILD WR, NOh. W, li 46 MAUhKT iriiKsT. Kearel I'lMteinut, i.ainvuter, l'a I have In Hlet-k and Itulld te Order Kvery Va rlety et the following atyit-a : CUUl'EH, lllTtltllKn, C.tllltltVl.KTn, CAItlllAOKM. Vli.TOKIAft. IIUHINKHH WAiaONB, "T" CAU1H. MuCALL, WAIIONH, HUltltlKH, MAKHKT WAUONH, PHAtTONS. RXI'UKMH WAUONH I employ the Uest Mechanics, and have faclll Ilea te build oereclly any alylu til Carriage de aired. The uualliy, Htylu, aud rinlsh el my Werk, niakm It de-ddedly (be CIIKAPKHT lit THE MAUKKT. MOTTO s ralr Dealing, Honest Werk at Uel lern I'rlce." I'liawe give me a call. BpaiHnR FreiDilly AtU'inled Tu. rittUKe I.OWEH THAN ALL OTUEUB. . r One Set of Workmen especially employed for that purpose. rAKAHULU. R. O.AU. Great Bargains 1 -Ul- PARASOLS -AND- SUN UMBRELLAS AT HEAliQ.UAI.TEKS. Re Be St He MBMtKtBgaK. apt-md PALAOwrJAamhir, ' ' ' pAti40l Or rASHlOM J ASTRICH'S i 'Palace ei Fashion. 13 MalBT KINO BTRIIT LAMGABTEIt, l'A. I Bargains Extraordinary ! We have thl day put en our table our Entire Bleck of ID HATS ! At Trices Almest at Seialng. WE 11AVK DIVIDED THEM IN MJTH AS FOLLOWS : LOT 1 Consisting of our entire ateck of HATS formerly .old at 25, 34 and H cents, at the uniform price of euly 13 Oente. LOT 2-Cenalstlna; of TINE If Ala sold before at 75c, ll.ei). Il.Ts at 21 Cents. LerS-riNE LAHGK DUN HATS sold from 1Sc.tell.tuat 39 Oente. LOT4-Our FINEST COLOUED MILAN HATS at 57 Oente. LUTs-riNE WHITE HATS formerly aeld ut 71c, (III), 1129, at 32 Cents. LOTH -Our 1IK4T EINE W1I1TK MILAN II ATI,, ll.7Mt.un, liw, at euly Sl.OO. Agency of the Universal Fashion Com pany ral'ores of all kinds. July monthly new ready. Catalogues runt free upon applica tion. All patterns sent postpaid. Albums of Fashion arm postpaid te all en receipt of 15c. AaTOn and alter duly 1th our steru it 111 bu closed evei y event ug, except M enday and Sat ur day. Wia nA urn. TTIIIU 4 MAKT1N FRUIT JARS -AT- Musdu Fruit Jars in PinU, Quarts uiitl Httlf Ottlltm. We ugaiu lave the Lightning Fruit Jut, which la the best in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jurs, Com mon Tumblers ut the lowest I'es. Mble Trices, Wholesale or Hetuil AT IWMfliliu 16EASTKINQ?1'RELT. LAJICASTBU, FA, T3 B.HART1W, WIOUsVAlll ATB BSTAn DIUM IS AU Kinds of Lumber and Geal. SfYtnt Ha 430 "erth Water ana Priori IreetaVaboraLeiiieQ. Lancaster. nl?d OAUMUAUUMKKHtfe JKr"r"KKIKH, COAL DEALERS. Orrte :-Na I'M North UuounStreet, aud Me, aH North Prince atreek Taaea: Nerm rnnee atreet, near Beadins anrulM LANCASTER, PA. RUKTDRK-OURK UUAKANTKED BY u. '! a. Mayer, Ml Arch atreet, rhlladcl pbia,l'a. Ease at ence. Me operation or busl- Iuvnawai, lauuHiiiuui eurea. ail nuysiene ?JifV!lfmn,' Pa.. M teturday el each month. eftcUTOfir. AdTlOv treat mari-lT ITRiM CUM ML ' " ' ' " ' ' teman. e. ,T I ' '-"'"- .,-.,. .w...,...,.,.,..,.., .....taaa --,r,-,w,r . I mtte MKW 8TOHK. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES! -AT- THE NEW STORE. JOSEPH L. Neb, 136 and 138 MEAT CHINTZ. UUEHHEM, 33c. BHTrEKCAI.KIllt'.H9K New Ktyles, 30c' CRINKLE HBKKHUCKEUUKEHSEeTrlmmed with Kmbreldery, nor. BOVH'UHK88E8,SOe. lAIVELY CH4MBU4V IIUE8HES, 7Se. WHITE IIHRlHKH,rinnCamhrlc.wlth Pretty mbreldrrlee, 00,15 eta, 10U,)I,33. JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Neb. 139 AND 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Jf G KKAT UAHUAINH ! METZGER & mkw Nes. 38 and 40 WABH DHHsa aeODB-OrinklM, Soereuokora, Satlnoe, Qlnghams, Uwaa, Batlates. WHITH GOODS-Victeria and India Lawna at 8, 10, 13 1-3, 15, 20, 25, 30, 371-2centa. One Let Superior Quality Wnite Platd Muelina at 13 1-2 eents ; wero mode toaell at 25 eents. METZGER &HAUGH MAN'S, NEWHTOKK, 38 and 40 West King 8U, (Opposite Cooper Heuse.) B AHD.tMeULKOV. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (Orl'OSlTK FOUNTAIN INN), llae Jiint opened a New Let el DUKSOINOHAMS at leccnts peryatil ; reKular price KK cents. BhEltsUCKEUaulsceuU; ret-ular price, l'JHcuuu. Special Lew Prices in Table Linens. Tahle Linen. IX yards wide, only S9c.s bettur quality. 'JVs. Heavy Uerman table l.tnnn,S7Xc Uimiuk Talile l.tnen, 31. te, M aud 5i ct up. lileacbcd Table Lluen from 6Uc up. Turkey Ued Damask, ', :i. Sin. 15 and Ul cents. Bargains in Deylies and Napkins. rrliiKiid Linen itevllea. uoed size, only aec. per dneu. Iletter quatllv, Ttc.: worth .'2S Kxtra fine ail mi worth Napklus at 74c; worth ll.UX. Napkins at II ou worth It J7X I Napklna alll'A: worth 11.71. 4WT hu cheapest place tu buy liOSlEU Y for Ladles, Oents und Children la of Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QU&1SN ST.. (Opposite Fountain Inn.) AD1E8' MUSLIN UNUEKWEAK. Ladies' Muslin A large nud avUmotlve Bteck of LAOIUU' WH1TM H14UKOIDERBD HKlUTc". LADIES' OHBMISBB, LADIEUs' NIGHT DOWNS, LADlEb' CORaEJT OOVEBS. all qualities ; prioet) ranging from 25e. te t'J.60 each. AIbe WHITE DRESSES for Children from 60e. te 83.00. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Muxt Doer te the Court Uouue, Lanoaater, Fa. JBHBLUt. rEWELKY AND AUT. DiiiiiieiiilsJiitclicsJciutiliij, ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GHOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. Z. RHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. VAKPKT UAHUAINH I e4SHIRK'S CARPET HALL -FUR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL VLOTJJS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac. W have tha Largest and Beat Stoek In tta Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS OeiMr Wt Kif awTW.Ur Struts, Luctatir, Fft. RAU & CO., North Queen Street. CIULUUKM'B LACK DUE8SK8 WABU IJUEIiSKS for Children K, te and 11 year, 70c, liead.iuartera for CIULUKBN'8 8UMMEB UKES8K). Bptclal Attractlena In .IKK3EY8 at Uamarka bly Lew Price. WIHIIM, HAUGHMAN. htehe; West King Street. Underwear! ilALLH, BAKQA1NH SlSi- srVfti RBAOIRU OObUMHU . ANUBHAMUHM.Ain Ul .aaauinui,aai a ON AMU ArTItt SUNDAY. Jl AT luui ijBAvai auDia ' HS1""S.? UlWW M Ml1 iJ2-l pw v. uS!fMar.M'a . i rer Lb.nen at ttw, ana 4 0 . mT .vbiiim . as- r Of nrrrTOItJOau iran . e iiaar IMIIAIIfUE. . rer Laneaatar at r.n fetawm uStMkmaaV rer Uuarnnmia at Till 73 2 TSW u..n.Tr.... , " A;1-'J taitaa i,aiva aaimau i 'I rer lAnouter at T. a. aa. ut Ml p. M. ,'m rer gaarryvtlte at 4.00 p. a. " sM S TaUlNS LBAVM QOAmmtt-;PV rer uineaater, Letmnea Jl HaMlaKJaVNaji ihiim t.MA vm attataa mm - -- t rurKaadinc and ibaaea U Mia.. rerUDarryTtllaatMD.aL fM' THAI MR I.I1VI VUIVI'IM (tmai rer Ueadiax ana Lebaaes aafl LU a. m. p. n. Ft, v rergaarrrv1lleatS.Up.m. SAV . TUatHB LIAVI LKBARUN '.' rnr LanCHalr al TJ . n. ua .tti n. m v. rertuarryvlllaat.'l:Sp. m. :5-" rer connection at Columbia, MarteMa J ana Lebanon, sue limn tulilM at all atal a. v. niujuniiiniwiiai nKNNHYI.VANIA ItAII.UlltnwnraS MT ULB. In etrect from June I3.1IMR. '4ut.-5(l "' MBMin ana teuva aa arn i-' at r hllaaelphla aa lel Iowa t V ir-i Luuvn i in LAaV'rV. WMTWAIIU. I'aclec Kxpnwat.. Mew Rxpruaat..,. Vfav l'ufttMnifurt.. fhlliiaelptila. Will ViVl iir p. in. :!. in. 4:30 a. tu. 7:00 a m. li-je a. m.JrL Mali train via Ml. Jey v-jna..' D-Jta.. 'M na a ataii Anuiit...... Nlaitara Szpnnta Uanever Accem , raatLtnef rnaetlck Accem , Laiieuter Accetn , BarrlabnrK Accem..., Columbia Acvem , Harrlamira; Kxpmna.. Weatern Jtxpnjaa ABTWAUU. I'hUn- Kxpreu'jt. ....... rut l.lnef lUrtlaburg Kxpreaa... Lancaater Accetn ax... Uetnubla Accem Beaabere Kxpruta Pbllnaelnlila Accem.. Sunday Hall Uav Bxnreaal via uelumbu 7:40 a. in. vl Columbia m.1. M?.r m tMaC-ST" umua. in. S.00BL .'S-. via Columbia vtaalt. Jey, O.MI b MV4T . '1:19 p. m. 4:40 p.m. Mop tn. W.m. Leave Lancaater. 2:30 a. m. IMA a. in. 8:10 a.m. SMa.m. lM0,in. lfcMp.m. Se p.m. 4:46 7;aa n. . v-V t 7:40 a. B.tX lltWa.'av'M amva at r iiiitv .-r; -aa J'AJtaa amMiP W hrJBkMa lVtFM v4V4Ma i fi)W rHIMIf4W;; ItlaARtL fM-,- 5:03 p; l.f I n aii'K! llarrtaburK Accetn. 6:44 p.m. IlL . &, i Tbe Lancaater Accommodation leave HaiSSt hnr fAlK'lQ m. anil auaal . 1 . aiiBja kA thalaKL '2 TU Marietta Aceommeaatloa leavaa OalanaA. WaatB:40a.m.r.naiottcJicatar1etUateaa. AlvV.-' immrrm unnu'iin si u:w a. m. uaxaaavA M..liliia Uav.A.fA h. a.. ' . Marletta at 3.TO t. m. and arrive at celBMBtaaiS? " Kie I alae, leave at 8.31 ana arrive at WSO. , ., Tha Yerk AccemmndAtlnn lnnvna -"-" T-.le ana arrive at I iiiirininrmnnTiiriaiatHBl: 1 wiui uarnauurg Bxpruaa ata-.iea. m. '""V jS ana areaencK Aociiumeaauan. wit.eniBi rj-' liur at iJtncuter with rant 1.1 no. west. HM'J . p. ut. wiu run lorengn ve rruaenca. ;; ; i Tne rrednrlclc Aconinmndtlen. eaat. laava '..' OelumbU at U ami raacbea Lancaater at Utli? p- - xjfr'i lltaitrivatr Arriiittairiaiitlrtn If.aul IihiVui r,Jaii VJ b bin ut 4:10 p. in. Anlve.i ut l.iiuuwier attltvvi'ij UL- ceutifcllnir wltb l).iv t.x nmm. , iCS UUUT AUiUlUIUUUttkWll, WU0I. CUDUWHBaj l,l ncaater wltb .Niagara Kxprum at 11:90 B.B'S'-3 111 run UiTODKb te Hjuievur, Oally, except BBaVjV .. -.." : r.. t .. ..fc.r. j'H ay. . . . ran I.lnh aaaa.f n HniAn uafeUM an a '1 Line, wen, en Banday, when llaBV "J. will atop at ikiwnlnjrtewn, CcmUwvtlle ie. 1'ariej.v- . burg. Ml. Jut, KllzalwttitDwn ana MldrtlotewB. tllimiiilv intliiK which ran diaiv. Un Hnnfl.W! w nui unin run uv wnv 11. uuiuiuui., j j. ii. wtjeu, utinanu i"n8nKer ijftmv-fL'r UU.AH. i. K. I'UUIl lieneral Humuier. K3 tWMMKIt ItKNOItrtt. -rf c M1HICSS II ALU ATI.ANT1U CITY, N..I., Onuiiiid Jiinuil. 1B67. Ai'cetiiniu'littiia Mw. MnilaVl uii t mi aiteu. ,u li. PerrKH. Jun'J-'imd manager. A TLANTIC U1TY. "WETHERILL." ftpiiilll Krifl (it Killltiliibv Avmilie. Atlnnlla'.7 Cltv. N. .1. Kunevtlli'il iilid Ittifiirnliiliiiil. Kxnai. lout Winiury AininmiuiniH. ! . Hei, ion) i ; jj UIUI. .11. .1. KCKKHT. (Keriimrly el lliu It.iiliier.) fub'.'l 'Jinll.TliAa T UH MANSION, TUKLAUUK3T ANllMOarCO.NVKNIKNTLY ,:C L0CATKU 1I0TKL. Klvguutly Furulsliud and LlUurully Manased. Ol'KN ALL TUK YKAU. Jlioreuybly IkuttJ, l.lftited una Ventilated, , Iuill7"iuil CIIAKLKM McCI.AUlC. ' , TLANT1U CITX. HOTEL ASHLAND. Aiii.i.x riu t;iii,n, j. fXj (Mliiiitte Avn, epp. MaiiHlen.) Tbmeuiibly It.itiiriil4hiul mill ItiiuiiviiUiil. 1. (I. IVlK 'X7JI. Il.tllUY MYKUS, froprluter. Xm Will lluwatw, Muuiitsur. junelMeta 'li T UU CUALtONTK. The Chalfonte. PiiiwiiKnr tluvater uiui etliur Medura lm -:1 iimviiiiiiiiiLii. raa uvquu ciiu ui nunu ukuiiui m.vvfl ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. IM E. RODtllTS ASONS. Inyl0-3m4 E XCUUSIONH AND l'ICNIUH. MT. GRETNA PARK -r'Olt- Ki!IIIlSIONM AM) PICNICS. & Thla Purr la Iwittrt lit Ititi h flirt of Ihfi HtUtk Ueuuuau ou the Jimi or ihe .j$J Cornwall A Lebanon Railroad, 1 jilneiiil'.HOiitlmf thoCltyef Uilianen. withla ; iMiHyrtl-tluiu.ii ei uimiriimiKi uuaniffi unei .. ( I.l.i ... til till ibtiutia iti f It I'rilliarlA titilii A Umtllni; iuhI I'liinsylvuniii UallrUta."'': Thn imiumli uie large, coveiihk nuunrua afvi ucruD.audutu FREE TO ALL.. TU0ONVMl0 AK A LAUUK UANCINU fAVII.lON. ASt'AUlOUS U1N1NU HALL, TWOKITCUBSH, llAUDAUBANUCOATUOOM, Wbtle lliu ut'runiitMiiuitla ler uuiuauuieul c aUtel CUUQUCTutldUALLUIIOUNUS. T BOWLINU ALLKY, BIIOOl'lNU UALLBKY, TI.1.1..1. tnr l.miMKira HllMtlu SeAt and are fcaltetud tbiouKheut UuTrettaO. attraction la . t a ttt nmrsuri nnrGm lirt irj uwAiA-vr-B-wyv.5 covering neari, twenty aer-. en wn jjx. -, SttSSESJSS? w 2 and lovely aeeuerf. Observation ears f wUI be run enthe line el the CernwaU JfwA nrattaUrouLerwUltioaentto dlKarant petata,' ' "'irSiSticible. (or the acoemmndattoji el etiralbh nartt. Theae aummet ' Mf ?!. i.!n bant raiHiclally ler thte parson. Mai: arJabeniiaiructedluatUM-y wUlonable tha ( cVn.lotiutteeuJtjymily ttai lalltulewjfj e( tbe Lvbiuen Valley en the one ataerlhi coiiewtute vauey etiue einer, inuy an pieaaauiaHi.'iiTnuwiii. . .'. n 1'Artle dwliliiir It can procure Haai aiMaa j rar.atiMiuiuiiiifnii.wui.MwiwifiT ,n t.tnii or k. at. liuLTi. of ike LaaAsaa Vaujnr "A Ueua. Tbea who wlah te apend A OAT TUB MUUffTiwaca nounepia . Ml or RBoreink e ataca luawiua aa i ailKTKA. H iBtBllCBtlBf Urlkkt AIUW(4 M rreauMB At- r r or oxcuralen rau aea neutral Uen apply te M.bUb Bl MYllmA apt e. L. HMlraad, UkawTff in i&r-ztin !& ' "8J "n?a ?Mi ?1 ?. ' s F"0 "&$ Jfi Tfe 9ii & ;' . '' ''i.ii-l1laVMw&ffJ .;?AJVMtamVttBBVBl ..- m&m-, ty.ak t &?&, llKLfe11 alalMSafeA&lK