W fMBYsMBkJPfTeVslHaTHfTBrsTswt) MMUMa npw u4wstarBsSBBFwvwswMJ wsp rr-r; 1W JBptWI Ret ( p-s m Stt Si iLt fMfMfMfMfMfMfMfBfHEL HSs i !! m wmi HE. mmumemrm aueww tc BE ,: S if is nB ! (MMMUM 11MM Bfi la Manila nj mm..... iHMiaiiHia Mr...... mm ! wi "i "" iWeekl? InteUlgmeer tvtirr Wcmkjeav Mesnins. cures e i. eamee or VSBTrABVOtTaS At umw terraae intnwimuuR aasa, Bunvea it Km MeTMmeeam MB ABB UUSSISE laBBBMMMBI mmm tm umn mm Trm WlBIUUWVam isuteaatai. re. flje Cftnteattr 3naauiiit:. LANCASTER, JULY ft, 1887. Tie IXadlj Cew. Lei'-Tfc Mm tn tin n raid en milk just sis.-.'-- . rrlM mv la n lima tvlieti I Iimt-m li "jsrw iunv jmici w huw " ..... . : '. iM adocter around te object, te something "m thai folks want, that it is net wholesome; 'aaA milk has been a favorite object e( med- K- . . ... t mi 1 ...l.. 11.1 1.. hHai criticism. mere is iiemiug uwv " --Bnr Mnerallv consumed ana nemine ! ttorwfere about which It is easier te interest 'ItikAMftM nf man nnil U'ntnnn ttlllil. It. is L - A nnln ftint tvliuliil'ill 1.1 IV 1 M. ,BHRBIilllg U UUWJ Ul ni.w.. .....j - ?,t aau against milk, no preer sunsmuie inn i been found for it for the toothless chilli. We were all brought up en milk, except k.,,'lie few, In these later days, who have stir j2 vived upon patent baby feeds. If disease I comes te us with the milk there is no help for it, and we must take it as pliitobophi pliitebophi pliitobephi ; cally as we de deat h. Just new the raid en milk comes from a doctor who says that tubeiculesis in cattle ' -may be communicated by the use of their milk; and from another doctor who de- elans that scarlet fever comes from the cow. The latter pundit says he has communicated it from the tow te a rabbit, and therefore knows whereof he Breaks. ' He mar and he mar net. There is no iv reason that we knew of why a cow should net have scarlet fever nor why it should net communicate it in its milk. We ;idmit the possibility ; and this is the strength of the alarmist doctor's case. Since the source of small-pox has been found te be in the cow, it is net possible te acquit the gentle creature of carrying around with her the seeds of all the diseases te which ilwshis heir. And if she has been chosen by Providence as the spreader of dise.ise among men, we cannot but admit that the most efficient possible instrument h.us been chosen. We could net be mere se.eiel) slaiu than through milk. It is only when we reach ears of discretion that we lay it aside as a beverage and chose grain and fruit extracts iu ptefereuce te the milk of meat. Until theuuurpatentshave us at their mercy, and they are at the "the law which compels the feed ing of milk or nothing te babes. There may Its efcips in baby soup ; and these teirifying doctors may have a itent prep aration of it te boom; but it is a feeble hope; and it is an odd infant digestion that will net rebel at the imtwsitien of soup for milk. We must needs drink milk if we die. The Case or Mr. llresius. Marriett llresius sends us a lengthy communication which we print iu full, not withstanding its length and its weakness, because Mr. llresius says that he is the author of the amendment offering free books in the city schools and evidently thinks that he has a knowledge of the ar gument iu behalf of his tositlen, which is deeper than that of any one else, and an ability te present it mere clearly than any one else. He says that the newspapers have net touched " the nerve of the case" in their comments, and we assume that he considers that he has fully ex posed it in his present communication, which we print in full in order te de him full justice, and that our readers may have the oppertunit) te recognize, if they can, "the nerve" of Mr. llresius' case, heretofore, as he thinks, unexposed. Fer we intend te say that we de net see anything fresli in Mr. llresius' atatemeut. His column of words amounts when condensed te a declaration that some ordinarily wise persons are feels iu their understanding that it is no mere tlie busi ness of the .school beaid te provide flee books than te furnish free shoes te the school child i en. Mr. llresius dtclares he does net knew why they are such feels, and incontinently abandons any elfett te show them te be feels; and passes ou te the declaration that it is au indignity te the peer patent te re quite him te show that he is tee ioer te buy books befeie they ate provided for him free. The indignity of the thing seems, as nearly as we cau get at Mr. llresius' idea, te be " the nerve" of the case ; a nerve that would lie easily quieted by omit emit ting te apply for abeat in the public schools, the attendance upon which is net compul sory. It is Irue the child would net beeduca ted; though the patent's nerves would be saved. Se thatMr.lliusiusneeds te add another " neive" te hU case and te declaie the wieng of bought books te be that peer children, with patents tee "nervous" te declare themselves peer, must still In) educated , and then Mr. llresius would have a "cumj"- but he needs te show- that the nerves of WOPle who want fiee books, and de net 'M want te say that they are tee peer te buy them, are proper objects of the commonwealth's tender consideration. And Mr. llresius would de well te try te bow some cause wherefore free shoes are net as needful te the child's attendance ut school, iu our rigorous winters, as are free books ; and wherefore the state may net be rationally asked te provide them free te all children, in order that people who are tee peer te buy them may get them free without stating their i-everty; a suggestion which is absurd upon its face.'; and net a Wtiit were se than the suggestion that free books be provided te save the peer parent from stating his poverty. m-m m Amerlraa Used Nature. The characteristic geed nature of Ameri cans is never mere strikingly displayed Uuaea the fourth of July. The small STsT Wn nn hwhp A VM MMMI MMnUivl OC wivQKt fcwt yiBiful ail tt victim raur. uiubortwillbebeyi." Ttt turn boy, who has Ien been deluded with the absurd notion that lie U a man, may explode can rum crackers In the em ill hours e( the night and only provoke a silent wish that his fingers may be burned. In short, we seem te appreciate better than any ether people the fact that the meat certain way et having a geed time is by ttt-ntlng all unpleasant incidents as triiles ami tiyiug. lurd te see the pleasant Bide or ever) tlilnj. Our Fourth of July patiietlsm Is an invin cible feellnc of se't-satLsfacllen. We may mJu tUa .-tititijin if mir tielitics. the undue burden of our taxation, the inc.iae inc.iae we! ity of our efllclals and statesmen, and ether uvils that point te faults In our system of government; but en the i-eiiun 01 .niiy we refuse te think of these things and calmly smile with the assurance that we h ive the best government en earth , as we probably have., Ylar Hatred DjIiik Away. The reunion of Pickett's brigade and the Philadelphia soldiers at liettjsburg marks tlie beginning of n series of similar gather iti en the historic battle-Uelds of the war. Ii is also the commencement of the most virucidal plau for the burial of all sectional h.it red. The men whehae most te for fer for gtse are these who suffered by the war's desolation, who saw brothers and dear friends go down before them In the dieai- ful fraternal stiife. Surely if these who looked into each ethers' eyes with the tierce hatted of men who sought their fel fel lew.)' lUes can new put out the hand of rec mcihatien and fr.ikrnie in the glorious pieient, the bloody shirt sliriekers have fair warning that their occupation is gene. At the Gettysburg reunion there was net one word Mid, nor one event enacted te mar the completeness of the frateiuUlug of the 151ue and the Uray. The celebration is most .significant in this feature. It clearly indicates that the war and its pas. meiis is new only a memoir. That mem ory has much of the bitter and sweet about it. Hut as the years roll en, the bitterness is being forgotten and the sweetness, in the recollection of brave deeds en both sides, is constantly increasing. 11ak WltKCKKii IlAiii'KK blames the Ciiiclnnall bank examiner for breaking; the fidelity bank. The reat mistake or the bank examiner was that be examined when It was toelato. TliciiK la feed fortheuL'bt for parenta In tlie fact that one hundred and ninety ulne children under tlie age of ten years died In Philadelphia last week Out of this total li were babiea under eue jeer el Be. Tiik awewxHl valuation of leal and personal estate iu New Yerk baa increased eighty-six millions in the last year. Wbal Is the matter with Lancaster's a-esuient 7 The city has been growing and the sstesaiucnt Is stationary as a monument. Tun cheering news comes In n epecfal di patch Irem Philadelphia that aeatn- el the prominent inttiiufacturers upon the state el trade elicits the ptedlctien that the Uit six mouths of iss" will tie the most prospereu portion of the year. The coikhiwIeiis el the iron men In 1'iltsbiirK te lhir t-mnlejes is regarded as the test Assurance of this. There Is a large amount of business in propect for the fall, especially for Iren and steel rails, and mills and lurnacea will be kept busy. The railroad companies are preparing for the increased demand, and their shejxv are work ing at the fullest capacity. A rolling mill, long idle at Danville, hat U-eu started, and the Celeuuns liave leased the Lfcbiel fur nace, A most encouraging statement is made upon the authority or thn steel rail makers. They are se crowded with orders tbat they are practically out e the market, and a number of large orders te te tilled withiu a limited time, it is ststed, will have te be placed abroad. Agents of Him foreign makers have been busy iu thlaceunliy since this situation has made itself known, it Is stated, and have succeeded in capturing a large uurnber of gced ordeis. The silk mills, which have been put in operation In this state, have been se retuaikahly successful tbat a large number of ethers are te be built. The one in liarriiburg, which bean with a force of Km hands, Is te increase the number te 1,000. In the Lehigh ami Sclnij Ik ill val val val leysacorrvspeiidmg amount el succuts hat lieeii noticed iu silk mills thue In the Mermen constitutional cmvtiitkm at Salt Lake City, it is declared that bigamy and pelyicauiy belngcensidercd Incompatible with a republican form el government, each el them is for bidden aud declared a mlsde mlsde meauer. The leaven el clvillzttlun is at work. Tiik Philadelphia Kepublican leaders have agreed that Leeds is te be the next sherill. The people don't ceuul PKHHUNAL SK.N.vreii ki.f.cr Paui.km.k lssdiil te be an excellent swimmer. lsi'Kcreit lliii.MN and Julian Haw. therue are new engaged jointly m a leek entitled "The (Jreat itank Kebbery " It will probably rank with 'llaiiiluiucleii Kit be, the King-tailed Snerter of the 1'ialne." It is aad te see a son of Hawthorne iu such work. AviAlhtll A ni i, hi k I'.viik, of Philadel phia, son of Assistant I'll I ted .States Tteas uier H. Davis Page, did net nuccefsl in winning the championship of the world iu Louden ou Saturday, blithe tied with IUw IUw den, the present champion, leaving the u ex ex lien et superiority te be decided lierealler. Until cleared the bar at mx leet aud both falled at six feet oue inch. 11k.m; Ckouei: cays et tlie Dr. MU.lynn excommunication that it was the meet out rageous pitcu of Interference iu Umi history et American politics, and that lir. Mi.(ilyiin would never back lieiu his position ; that it would net budge the Cathel Ics of .New Yerk ; that the holy see was seeking te regain its temporal ewer ; that the pepe had piwer te excommunicate only deliiiiueul, and that Dr. MUilyun would live auadiea Catholic and a priest of the Catholic church, the ex ex ceiiiiiiunlcatiuu of ituuie te the ceutrsry not net withstanding. J Hi I kksen Davis thus speke te (lie New Orleans CentiiienUU Guards who visited him at I tea ii veir, Mich., en July 1: "I't.oieu sllliitieii whs the expressieii of the consent t)f the people te le governed, and you claluied the rights aud privileges of the ceiuia':'. That you were imsucci-Miit is h fact thai we will net discuss; lint 1 claim that it is due from each and all of ns that our countrymen who hit Heldiera' graves shall toyeurchil- uimimmiiijuiir enuuren s ciiiMreu in all gcneraiieus tsjilelended as patrleis, mid that never will you supinely allow them te be branded as relwls or traitors." MuraMlltluUKlrs Welneu. Mis. Kale Terry is worth nisrly b-.tW WU Mre. Themas A. Soell counts her wealth At Mrs. Jehn Jacob Aster is worth ahuul fs, Mrs. Kdwiu sjlevciis. of Na v,..l i.u ( 15,000,1100. ' """ Mrs. lletlvlUeen, of New Yerk, Is worth about 110,0110,000. Mrs, Hubert Ueelet, worth tJ,oiie,ooO, ewes her ferluue te hardware. Mrs. J syne, I he widow of the patent medi cine tuan, is worth f.'l,oeo,oo0. Mm. Marshall O. Jleberts, la the fb.lUHjieO widow or a mining king. Mrs. Martin Jiates was left f 1,500,1X10, which her husband wade in dry goods. m Has Him Well In IJaeil. Mlnlater (making a call) Aud de you always de as your mamma tells you te, Flossier 'ieaie (emphatically) I gusAi I de, aad sodeMpapa, THEIR FINAL ORDKAL hj) jiitMsiriua mammMLBomeot. rvtiiBt.rmt.r tMMtme. TiirBiii.irtery-iMi ri wiw Meiers M1 Juniors L.t Wesk-Hew Many el Our Ksadws Answer Thsni OIT Hand ? The annual final examination of the juniors and arniern of the Millcravllle State Nermal Soheol was held lt week, beginning en Tuewlay, June'.'S. The examination tteanl consisted of Deputy State Superintendent Heuck ; Prof. P. 0. Thern, principal of llananeld Nermal Schoel: lnr. 11. C. Ilreneman, nuperlntemlenl of Yerk county, and Pnf. Win. 1. InHleuherii, nuivriuten dent of 1-eb.uiou.eeunty. The following is a list of the ipieatUm given te the claiv. UVT1N VllOK. TIIOM V-. Triinitatt into Engluh : A. l'erfacile f.ictu esae. Iltia pmbat, eenaU lrticvre, prepter piel ilwe u.e elvitetia imtermni ebtentunw esaet : non eiwe dubiiim, niiin tetliih Oalll.e tilutlmum lletvetil iKwacnt. se sills eeplis ueue exercitu illla regna con cen citiaturuni, ceutinnat. llaeoratieneaddttctl, luter se (idem et juvjiiraudiim dant. et, regne oceilate, or trea iiotentlsalraea ae tirnilaal rm. poptiles tetliiR liatll.e m-m) petirl lne rant. U. Hic prolie f.vcU, rellipiaa ceplas llel vetierum ut cenMnul jHwt, vntem in Aratv f leiendum curat abpie ita evercltuiii tr.tn ducit. llehelii, reivntine ejus adveutu com- nieti, cum id, iiued Ipai diebiia vlgiuti .eger .eger rime conrtveraut, ut tinmen translrcnt une ilium die fecisMj intelligere nt, legaUw ad euro ruittimt cujus legatieuia Dlriee princcp fuit, ipiiwlle tMasiauediix lleivctieruiu 1ucr.11. l'arrt. (A) Kactti, ceuata, centirmat, regne, ietiri, (IJ) Kacii'iuhim, rejeutine, Ulvice. lHirVNV I'KOK TIIOM V" 1. "What Uaplaut? S. What U the fiHl of a pUut? I?. Dellue asainillatien , under what condi tions deet. it occur? 1. Whatia the fruit? Hew many kinds? Lxamples of each. !. Kxnlain hew the sap isceuveywl from the nMitu te the braucbea. C. What changes occur iu the ovule te in tke it a seed ? 7. Mention the rings of an exogenous stem. Which are alive" !?. Name the organs of the llewcr. Tell the umi of each. '. What jtvrts of plants does man use for clothing' Fer Feed? IU. lien many plants nsve you anaiyzcu . llllETOHIl I'llOK. THOMAS. 1. What is HlicUirlc. and what are its rela tions te Grammar and Logic,' 2. What is Prese? What Poetry? Distin guish be' eeu them. .t. l)e line A'.'ffru, Parity, Vrepriity, En rjy, I nUt. 1. What is the impeitance of Paragraphs? Give rules for their use. r Deline the following and give examples of each: SimiU, lltpirbelt, Climax. t'i. CnticU, 1. The farmer's orchard is respected by the boy who owns a large deg J. Dr. A meld wrote a History of Heme in three volumes, which was brelen oil by his death at the end of the second Punic war ? .!. He is svvxrnped iu the meshes of his argument. 1. There is uetaview efhum.xnnatuiethat is net sullicietit te extinguish the seeds of pride. S. The death of Cate has reudered the Sen ate au orphan. n vn r.vL 1'iiii.c.MU'in l'UOK. tiiem vs 1. Utliue specific crav ity. Givenwthed of I'hkIith' the Mxeiflc sravltv of a solid. 2. Will a vacuum transmit sound'.' Light" Heat.' Why? :?. At what distance abeve the earth would a man weighing 223 jeiinds at surface, weigh only 100 pounds? 1. Tlie power-arm of a lev er is tl) feet , the weight-aim is 5 feet, (a) Hew long will the lever be if it is of the first-class? (h) ijec-eud-class? (c) Third-class ? 3. What is au clectre-uiaguet? Kxplaiu its use in the telegraph instrument. Ii. Explain the action of the "sunglass." 7. Give the law of maguetic attraction. OliTIItHlIUritY I'liOK. THOMAS. 1 kindling, 2 furnace, 3 cistern, 1 scissors, ri pillows, li bureau, 7 dairy, S meadow, U scythe. 111 sliding, 11 skimming, 1 1 rambling, n village, 1 1 sleighing, l vacation, 10 com mencement, 17 graduate, Is diligent, 1!) gram mar, '-'0 crayon, 21 pencil, 22 whistling, 2.J spelling, 21 patient, 25 lameness, 2i ragged, 27 ratan, 23 relax, 2!l daudrull, .W relapse, '.11 glisten, .12 converge. 3-1 law-suit, .it weevil, .15 onion, :H lUimel, U7 baptise, JS cabbage, i'i anxious, -10 melon, II essence, 4 i catarrh, l- cipher, 41 ipietieut, 15 assessor, ID license, 17 teuuage, Is cashier, III satchel, 50 cynical. AHITIIMETIC I'hOK. 1IIIK.NBMAN. 1. 4258e ."Xl.!--ti? Express there suit in the Human notation. 2. Reduce 5 yds., J ft. aud i in. te the de cimal of a furleDg. .!. Perive the 0 ssr cent, rule for interest. I. Discuss annuities at a simple interest. 5. Twe partners, A and I!, clear in months -JIM). A's capital at hrst was te 15 s as 2 te I after'.' mouths A withdrew of his capital aud 11 of his. Divide the profits. f. Mn.i.Kltsv l l.i K, Vs., June 2s, 1-S7. Three months after ilate I premise te pay .Jehn Smith, or order, Twelve 1 lurid led Dol lars witli interest from date. Discounted Aug. 1, ls7. Kind the pro ceeds. 7. A ntsOii sells a certain amount of 5 tier cent, stock at SO ; and invests the proceeds in 0 per cent, stock at 103 ; aud by se deinc changes his income euly-jl. Is the change an increase or decrease V Hew much stock did he sell .' b. Ity selling goods for $'9 ; 8 r cent, is lest : at what price should it be told te gain 12 per cent. ? Analyze. IIISTOIIV I'KOP. IIODKNIIOUN, 1. Discuss four Spanish explorers. 2. New Yerk. & .i. Wolf. 1. Siege of Yorktown. 5. Three important results of Blmree's administration. i. Name live I'nien generals, and state some important engagements iu which each participated. 7. Uive the history and adoption of the constitution of the United States. 8. Name aud define the departments of our government. !l. Name and define the ditrereut ways iu which a hill may fail te become a law. 10. Name ten express powers of Congress. JU.NIOK 1.A1IH l'UOK. THOMAS. I First I low is the declension of a noun determined? Second Illustrate with A ueuu iu eacli declension. 2. (live characteristics of vach of the four conjugations. 3. Give synopsis of stun, (live gynuiiMs of ame iu the passive veice. 4. Compare Altai, Jlenui. 5. Translate, aud parse nouns, adjectives aud verbs in the following sentences : First Vir dues lllles haber. Second Cesar jussit milites castra rauiiire. Third CaiellA stans hi tecte demus, lupum vldlt, pr.etere, iitntem, el ItiditicAvit. Sed lupus, "Nen tu," iuipiit, "bed locus tuns, me IudiflcAt." CIKOl.ltAI'llV PKOK. IIODKNIIOUN. 1. Distinguish between physical and math ematical geography. 2. Describe the currents of the Pacific eceau. Tell hew caused and what benefit re sults from them. 3. Discuss the various forms of preclpita tlmi of moisture. . What la the caitse of deserts? Illns- iraie, 5. What is the DarwinUu theory of coral laud ? is) ti. Name threa nrineliisl mom, 1.1.. .-.,, Iu North America ; in Europe ; iu Asl. 7. Tell the situation of tlie following cltlea: Chicago, 8t. Leuis, Detroit, Portland; llaya na, llie Janerio, Callae, Caire, Brayma, VI BIIS3 IUU WWVBJ, e, What are the principal sgeuelM that aa i HM TWk itwiBBlBief tka UaMei StiMBMBl 0. Nam three eeatfea of powilUen of Kitrepe aad tell why they are such. 10. Give an account of African explora tion within the past half century. MENTAL SCIKMIK I'HOr. IIOITK. 1. Name three grand phawanf mental life and show hew thev are connected with the primary and secondary powers of mind, '.'. Explain And Illustrate the dlll'ereiioe le tween the subjcctWe And objective. it. Uv what faeultr or faculties does a child aciuir concrete knowledge? Abstract kleas. t. Hew Are our specitie conceptions of soul and body formed? .' What Aits the leading characteristics of imaginative thought? tl. Prove the existence of primary truths. 7. What are seme of the causes that give ri-e te the sentiment of patriotism, and what ellect has cWlllratieii en that seutlmeiit. mPArnvflics l'ner. uei k. 1. What 1 ewe the profession. '.. Name tlve aids te geed discipline. ;l. Write six tiucelleus en Geography of our state. I. Give an example of induction In teaching. Analysis. 5. Explain the dillereuce bet ecu education and Instruction. 0. Name and discuss three mcttieils of con ducting a recitation. 7. KeTcnites, institutes, school-term iu Pennsylvania. 5. Froebel, Pestalezzi, Mam, Page, llur llur rewes, Comenius, Parker. IIKOSIKTIIV I'ROK. llllKM M N. 1. If the line bisecting the vertical angle of a triangle also bisect the base, show that the triangle is isosceles? '1. Hew mauy degrees in each augle of a regular hexagon ? t. State three prepositions relating te me measurement of angles ami prove oue of them. I Te construct a mean proiertioual te two given liues. SfllKlllC.M. (U.OVIKTUV l'UOK. llllhM'.M VN. 1. Miew that the sum of angles of a spherical triangle is greater than two tight angles. 2. Shew the relation between the sides and auglesefspherie.il triangle audits polar tri augle. ,'.. Find the area of a spherical triangle and spherical polygon. I. Find the area of a spherical jvlvgen en a sphere whose diameter i 21 feet, if the angles are respectively 100 120 1 10 ioe . ft. The plane faces of a quadrangular pyra mid make with each ether plane angles et hi UN.I 120 no , .xnd the literal edge of the pj r-imid is.! fl. licqulred the volume. OVUAIU V I'l.OK. TUOM VS. 1. Ceuiare the class of vertebrates witli respect te the fellow lug . 1. Skeleton. 2- Heart, 3. Circulation. -4. Inspiration. ft. Nervous System, il. Scial Senses. 2. Distiuqulsh the characteristics of the bleed corpuscles in mammals, birds and reptiles. 3. Descrlbe the nervous system of insects. -I. Classify spider, lly, )otate-bug, cat, toad and bat. OKOUX.T -l'UOK. TIIOM -. t. Lxplalu the theory of formation of coral reefs. S. What is a lode J. Explain brietly the chemical theory of volcanic action. I. Mention the chief agencies that ellect decomposition of rocks. 5. Explain the theory of the tormatien of coal , iranite. ii. Hew de you distinguish igneous rocks? Stratified rocks .' 7. Hew de you determine the relative ages of st Millies! rocks .' Illllll ALOEnn.V I'llOF. hllESRMAN. 1 Find the l.ltli term of the series 1, I, 20. 35, etc., 1V the method of dillercnces, H, 2. Expand into a series (lf;iJ hy the method of indeterminate ce-cfiirient-. 3. l)eceiiiNiM5 the following fraction. .irelv-r-S'J (l-rKl42t)(l-ryv) ' 4 Pcvelep the logarithmic seiie. ". Develop (x -y Js hy Tay let's formula il. l'iiiil the iiuihIkt and situalieii et the ie.il loots of ' r''i Ux -1-0. 1 llitVerentute x liiilennli.ite. Find the value of I 2.'x- 3. x'-l I ax I. Integrate K sin ;;dx I 3 2x' Inte'Tit rutsics mop. thevias. 1. Explain what is meant by aberration of a ray of light retlected and refracted at any spherical surface. 2. Why did astronemore use very ceny, telescopes before tl.i invention of the achro matic telescope '.' 3. Shew hew te find the height of a moun tain by means of a barometer. t. Give an explanation of the cause of the rainliew and the order of colors. Ti. Explain and Illustrate the practical ap plication of electricity te light, sound, loco motion. li. Explain the mechanical. equivalent of heat, and show bow it is determined. 7. Hew can you determine from the length of an organ-pipe the pitch of tone which it will reinforce? Illustrate. 8. What is meant by a musical note ? An examination, similar te the preceding in the scientific course, was given in the fol lowing branches by different members of the committee : Meral philosophy, mechanics, surveying, plane, analytical and spherical tr conemetry, astronomy, chemistry, logic. ; Cicere, Virgil and Tacitus in Latin and Eng lish literature. I'ref. Iteddy was examined in zoology, em bryology and structural botany. In the first he had the same questions as are given above, but they were te be discussed te a greater ex tent. Tlie following are the questions which were given iu the ether two : KMUIireMlOV UK. K. l:. III0I1KK. 1. Compare the embryonic development of the bird with that of the reptile. 2. Distinguish between placental and non placental animals, and discuss the chorien, allanteis aud amnion. 3. Discuss all the embryonic in the ovarian egg of an oviparous animal before incuba tion. 3. Discuss development of the mammalian egg. 0. due all the embryonic stages of animal life. hrilUCTUKAI, BOTANY D1U IIIOUKE. 1. Distinguish between structural botany and morphology. 2. What is the difference between an endo genous and an exogenous stem ? 3. Discuss the embryegeucsis of the pistil, t. Discuss ovule ami the embryo in the ovule. 5. Discuss in full, autegamy allegamy, christegamy dimorphism, trimerphUm pre terandry, and proteregeny of (lowers, KLKUI.NTAUY, JUNIOR AND STNtOIl ALOK MltA. l'UOK. 1IIIKNKMA.V, 1. (it), a" h" . .1 -b, Miew that the divi sion tci initiates. lb). Derive the formula for B in both pro gressions, having given 11, 11, I. 2. Find prime factors of x1 3x' -x I, 3 ; x'5x '--"l. 3. Find II. x iu 2a' SxOP 2x-3x )-: J': A. 1 ted uce Vi te a radical of the second degree, 0. Kxiand (a !)" by Ilia. Thcorem, writ ing 1110 ursi iiiree ami last two tenns. 0. Given rrJ!-y y32 1 88J yy . x'-y'S w xyxy78. -hid value of z aud y 7. The earn And dllrereaee of two hsnm Is given, te derlve a general rate for fladtag the number. 8. The culwnxit of a certain number la twice Its square root ; what is the number? V. The fere wlu-cl of a carriage makes revolutions mere than the hind wheel iu going a dlstaucoef I'.Myartls. Iftheclreuiiiforence of each wheel were lucieawil by 1 yanl, the fore wheel would only make I revolution mere tn going the same distance. 1'IIVSIOt.OUV I'ller. 1IIOM vs. I. What useful purHea de the bones serve? 'J. What Is meant by the human skeleton '.' II. IKwerlhe the process by which a broken one Is retrcd, L What can you My of the Importance of bathing '.' ft. What de you understand by the term feed " 11. Is alcohol feed ' Hew docs it atlcct the lungs f The brain ' 7. What de you understand by nutrition;' S. Describe the general plan of digestion. '.'. What ellect has tobacco ou the human sv stem ? 10. In what organs doe a change in the bleed Like place, and what is the uatuiu of the change. lilt IVI Mt I'llOI. TIIOM vs. 1. Illustrate and define a sentence. 2. Write a complex sentence , a voiiieitud sentence. 3. "ltetweeu bread fields of wheat and corn. Is the lowly home where 1 was Ktru." Anal) re the above sentence. 4. l'.vrse the words, "com," "is," ".where." "I." ft. Define case and number of pronouns. (1. Define inuiu and number of vetb. 7 Ferm the plural of turkey, armful, foot feot foet wM n, thttp. 8. Ferm the possessive case of tyro, fox, Imhi, ileicrs. V. Write the sy iiesIh of the veib Je, Using the subject Ik. 10. supply the correct lerm or tnepereml proueuii, first iHHseti, singular number, in the two following sentences' This is 1st ecu you and tin: De knew it was he. 1'lo.ise let .leliu and mt go 1 1. What verb- tixve the passive voice, and hew is it formed " 12. Write a short letter te the Superintend ent of .Schools of tins leuiity. asking for a position. ANVIATU M. eKOIII-.TUV 1)11. h. K. IHellKt:. 1. Draw a straight line tangent te two giveii elrclis, situated in the same plane. 2. Te determine whether the three perpen dicular through the middle (Hiiuts of the sides of a triangle meet in a siint. !!. 1'ieve the equation te au itlipse as re ferred te au elliiM. 4. Fmd the length of the litus rectum te the hyperbola. An oral examination in elocution was fiven by 1'ret. Theun-, ltrenemaii and leitck. Prof. Lxiisinger exxmlmsl the class iu vocal music, and I'ref. Kaudall in litera ture. The entire class, censi.-ting of 31 seniors and 30juuiers, iu tlie elementary course, and 7 juniors and 3 seniors in the scientific course, passed the final ordeal. BrmeiAh Hetivmn. Why Ha ItenncMi; Trus, ou srn In n lut-HTStile condition ou are wesk, inillil.Hnd iiereu Ien cnstielstiep at nlKtit, nor enjoy lour wnkln: heurs: l, nbyliim heart lietnttlui ilrtitiKtl's a tietilu of ilHrtlix'k JtliKxt Hitter lliev llt re-Unr. you te health srnl in-iicti of mind for sjiIe hy II It. Oh limn, ilnuxlst, U7 and 1JU or til CJueen BUeet, '.uttcaiter. KImUii Idsril I'I' "Have tried TTtunuii' tXttctrtc Oil ter croup and colds, and tlnd It th bwt rviiied I luvu WTer used In my I unity" Win Km, MO Ply uieiith Ave, llultnle. N. V reri.slebyll.il. C'cehnvn, lrtit;!.it, 137 aud W North vjuueu street, ljinevter. Mrs. LAiiglry. And ether liinnnt Hemen hwe wen a leputa tleu for IwUI benuty. A nnn coinpleilen mskeM enn iituueiui, even ineuirn ine lacw is uei el lierteet mould. Hunteck llloe.l Hittm ait dl rectly Uwn the etrculitllen.nnd se kIvkIIiu skin aclcuriitv.'.and fenrntrinemtherwl. unsttsln able rer sile hy II. II. C'echmn.druKXlit. IJ7 aud 1 ".i erlli tjiueil atlxsjt, lincaslur. lle II With I'leasara. VVaniiler lireH..dniKxHU, el Wntrrloe. lows, write "Wer.tu with pleimiresHy that, Theviui" Krlrrlrit iht lves Ih.i hem -stliifartleii 01 nn tlnlmeut sell Kvurrbedy wlie buys will tmvu no ether This remedy Isaceititln cm 11 fur sit aches fp'nlm. and pilin r or s.iln by II li Cecbrsn, dniKKltl, Ul uud IJJ North Jue.ui street, Lunciwter. A CIcrKjiusu's Tesllraetiy. W. K. lilirerd, p-islnr, SI K. church, llathwell. Out., was for two years naullerer with dyvpsu In 111 worst lerm, unlit .14 he slate "III11 ln-iuw nn nclual biiiden." Three bottles el Jlunieek Hloett IliUtrt cured him, and he telU us In it le cent leturthal Iih censilium It the Ut lauitly uiedlclni) new belore llm country for dpv.-inl and lltercemplHlut for -evle by II. 1: ch.Ii run, druxKlit, IS and 1JU Murth ljuuun street, Luu caslur. Tlirsw Away Ills Crulihn, buffered from rhuumttliiu w -hadly had te use crutch)", but threw llieni away nltvraiily nltvraiily Iek THeiiuit' Kcltclrte Oil te my limb. I new IS..I better than I linve ler eir. " K I.. (.Hit.., SJ Klk at.. Unit ile, .N V torstletiy II It. (Jin h ran, druirxtit, 1J7 and ISJ North Vjuuuu etreut. Lancuter. tULITtVAU JC1UK COUNTY COMMLSM1U.NKK, IIKNUY tlllAfJIIIIAK, Ol Lancaster City, bubjcl te Urn iI.m l.len el the Democratic con vuiuien. umi'-i tldAw TOOK COUNTY COMMISSION KK, J. IV. K ELI, Y, of Marietta. I'a. Subject te thn dnrl.len et the iremetmtl j Convention, lour IuHiioueh xoliu xeliu lied. m. tldAw TOOK COUNTY COMM1M810NKK. 81UU.N 1.. till A.N DT (raniier), Ol East IxmeitU township. Subject te the de cision of the Uemecrallc County Convention. Your liirtuenui rcspectluUy solicited. mlilldAw TOOK COUNTY COMM1HHIONKK. JACOH W. LKBKK. Ul Kpbrala tewuiblp. Hublect te llemnrrallc rule. iiiarll-lldAw TOOK COUNTY COMMISHIONKK, A. !6. ltl.NUVYALT, Orecer, first Ward, City, crullc rules. .Subject te I.Hiiio I.Hiiie al tldAw TOOK COUNTY COMMISHIONKK. BULOMUN Z E AM KB, Fanner, Of West lliimiirleld township. Huliject tethe Decision of the Iiumecrattc Ueuvenlluu. marUdAw F OK COUNTY COMMISHIONKIL At the ruijuPdtelmuuy friends I announce mysall as acandldsUi fur County Commissioner. Subjecl te the decision el the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence respect fully solicited. IIKNUY r. II AllTsl AN, ml'J-lliIAw Kasl Laiurwler Township. TOOK COUNTY COMMISaiONKK- KU BATTKN, of Upper Ixareck Uiwnslilp. I announce my sell as a candidate for County Commissioner subject te the decision of the Ooniecruttc County Convention. Your Influence respect fully solicited. Was a landldsU) for County Commissioner before the lust convention, aud at the requeHt 01 my Irlend-i wlthdiuw In laver el the candidates from the Southern dl.iitet. UdAw KL1 11A1TEN. TOOK COUNTY AUDIIOK, JAB. r. 1MJWKU, of raradlsfl township, subject te the dnclnlonef the Uemecrallc Couvenllen te he held July 20, I8S7. JUOOllOSW TOOK COUNTY AUIUTOK, CII18. W. PU8EY, Of East llrumnrn township. Hsliject te the de cision el the Democratic County Convention, July ;, ls7. junee-tsdAw VtVAMB. JtV, TiriLLlAM KDMONDS, Wbeltuit Dealer and Oommiuien Htrehut IS ILL IIIMOI !IGARS. AAvancea liiade en Mleable goods, emceand HO.l)YEU8TltEET. aprul-uia 1'rovkUuet, sUaeda Island. HUBLKY'8 FKUIT KLAVOHKD tJODA. Water ana Cream Meade, deltcleas, cold and iparkllng, absolutely pore and free from conUinlnatleD, drawn Ixetb nUrely new eppar- mAmuiAmm, rnvmrnttmitm. MOTTO THAT ALWAYH Wl rW. Honest Werk at -AT- PHILIP DOERSOMS (Ol.ll KKLIAIII.K) Carriage Works Ne 126 and 128 East King St. -i The Lai Kest A,,,',";,'1 '; Hfglll II.II AN II IIukkU.. Can 1 1., Phl.ni. a el liimiuess Wskeiis that bas ever been shown te the I'liblle. If Vim Wsnt alliKVIniM rirstClass PtiRiten. IHITtl IMiKllHiiM'i II ten Wsnla NlciCoiiilerUlile rmll C'srrtiie. 'uetii ihkiih iih ,,OKi.MWI,taU,,KW-leu"nwl,n,mr"nii" Klii'lel sptl.iK.. II von MO HI II von wsuia nn-.is.ia neat iiiKiness Wiunn. 111! TO DiikilsiiU'm II ou Wantn llumt.hi M.iili..t VVauen. Mt7TiriMJBK'i"i II Ven VVimt u Ihsst s.H-eml Hand I'luelen, Hunry. or Mitrknt w...in II ion Wntii te Ituy a riisi-uiass Ailich.ala Lewer I'rlce llianany ut UOTII eeiinty, Pbilip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriae Works, NUS. 120 AND 12S KAHT KINU HIKKKT, LANUA8TKK, 11. trFAU'wtiriM a t:s sufflih stukkt. mar-MyflAw MKtHVAt.. L1VKU ItKCl'liAiOlt. Ut MM U.N 8 Taku iMMiiuus Liver Kfgulaler. BILIOUSNESS. 1SH lltleltleil el I tin I ler, nil. I en Ixillntl ei.Ktily iii.it l tint i-rsiHl leKiilalur el llie Llvui iiiut Mil it el)t iu, Simmons Liver Regulator. ISSI-VKSII II) .1. II. KII.IN A CO . t-titl1rltila. I's. M wn. nll.H le.1 ler eeint eat Hltliill.er 0.ns1 I.Uer, whti Ii uwu tml In n wcvei-w alts k el .Istinilleii. 1 hsil kicI iinilliul nltemlituee, lull II tillleil le llMtelt. me te tlie ewe ineiltef my former lnullh. I ll,vu tried llie Uwitllepre pi option el out. el the lmwl leuewrnetl l.h)1 itsiM et l.euWtlle, KH hut te no purpose, rhi'n'iisu I win liiclini-.He try sliuieeiin i.lver lieriutster I ti.uml liniiieillnte liient limn tu ii-e.aiul It IiiiiiiihIIkI ,lv re.Uireit urn te lh lull enjeviiient el health. " A. J. Miimr, Kith inenil, hy. jji, St.W.r.Vw lATUlNK l'LAMlKIUS. 3riMKH.VLS AHAKIILI) 10 Bensen's Capcine Plaster ! DIE l'.t-.l' IN Tllh WOlll. I). Cuiet I'leiut.y, Ulieiim ilten, I.1011I1 ie, Kick ache. WetkiKMi, Cehlj Iu the Llnwl uml all Aches aud stlulnj. liowaieof liuttutleiu uiulur luillar aeuudlnK named Ask fei ll.n-eii', mid tuke 110 etbur. dKCllbttidAwMtVAP Q. KAY'S Mt'lICIKlU Mi:i)lUlNK. th-aj's SiMviife Mnlk-ine. Thn llrmt Knll-th Kemedy will pHMiiptly slid ra.llci.lly 1 11111 any itnd eery evuil ni-nnti. debility nud wenkltS4, le-.tiil et l.tril-, l.'llei., eices.w tir eterwmk el bmiti mid uei ieim s l.'lll ; Hls.rleitly tiarmlei.4, hcU like m ilt. slid im etlen.Uuly uwnl ler ever Ji. euls villh f;rMlsti(.et.i.s. As- full purllrularslnenrptiiiphlet ehlch we desire te iwnil Ir.- bv uiiitlle.ivur) enc- Asrlbe Scine Misllclun Ii ?4Id by all itriur- ftlstttvrvrknxe, or six p.ckime-. tin n. t will 1 rieut lre,t mv llisll en leceplel the uieuey. hy addre -wlnx I tie imeut, II. U. OOOUHAN, DriiKi'lat, Mtw. 137 A lD.Neithl.'nisju u. Iiiiuuler, I'.i. TIIK IlliVV MKIUCINK CD. Ne tl. M .In 1 8tIeel.null.de. .N. m.iO I J A w U IV A 1 TJUl' PILLS. SICK HEADACHE, llV.il'KI'st , INDIUK. THIS, ltMUIISP.b ui.iih' i.iru 1 inii'i, vin r, l'ejlllel Culed by Little Hep Pills, The People's f'uvorlte l.ler Pills. 'I hey act nlewlv but surely, de nnli;rlpnnil their elTis t l.-i Iiutluir, nnd therufniu weith a donethrs (liocier'i formula 1 sinilt, Ktijiar coaled snd eiuy le lake, bee lesllmenlais. 2-Vr. HtdrugKlttser mullit.1 en ncelnt of prtcu. TIIK HOP I'll. I. CO. New Louden, CU Tlmy urn TIIK IIKSI' ur in.el.i." I'tepurtsl by an old sjheejtry. rim Initlln II fold by Rvurv Uruyijlsl Iu Iwtnuuler. Juui)ltr-l31VV I Aw TMPKOVKD CU.s7llO.NKD KAK DKUM.sT 0URE FOR TDK DKAb". eck's Patent Improved Cnnhleued K.-vr Drums rirlerUy restore hmtrlni? mid imrterin the work of the iinlural drum, lnvlalhfn, com. fertabMaiidalwsys In pmlUen. All ceuvursa Uen and even whHsiis heard.dlstlnctly. He nil ler Illustrated book with Uisllu.enUls, ritKK. Address 01 call en T. IIIMCOX, tA3nruadwa, Mew Yerk. Mention this mtr. lensllk-lvdAwM WA V WHOUMM1B. II WIANT'8. TUT OU It HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The rinml yiourseld In the imuket, Ulvull a trial and you will lie plnased Alse lirnhiim Heur, Oat flour, lly 11 rieur, and sell KhIeIiik rieur for lll.cull, Ac Ueuds Hellveled. lele lele lele pboue Connection. OBO. W1A.NT, aujr-JUvd Ne. IU West KlnK StieeU il HUKHK'M, HEADQUARTERS KOU - FIREWORKS. I'artlv-idiulrlnt; I'rlvute DUplss should net wall until the tmt.er few dtys, hut muke Ibelr seleclluns In tlnie und have thum latd aside. There Is nu unusual demsud uud stock may run short. BURSK'S, NO, 17 EAST KINO STREET, LANCA.1TEK, fa. clelibeue. KAOD.fN, AC. UAUULKH, UAHNKMH, Ae. EDWARD KRECKEL, -DIALSR IS Saddlee, Harneae, Trenks, Nets, Robes & Blankets, NO. S MAHT KJNU HTKKBT, LascasTIs, i'a. The largest aud host assortment of THUNKB In Ihe tlly at the lowest cash prices, all slave and dualities. . , ,, We have en hand a larwe assertuisnl or Oil ferunt styles of Harness, both single and double, and make te order the finest gradtM el EuglUh Coach and rrencu Ceuw Uarnws. The best llarees Dressing Id the world atMc a box. Call and KxsmlneOur Btcck at Ne. 5 East King, Street. BOARDING TWO WKLL I'UIl M1BUEU rKONT UOOUB at the Urupe Hetel tsay be bad with beard, If application be i anna made at the hotel ottles. Me. M MerLh I Ljaesa lueeb ;uatll-ud Honest Prices. till ill HIIAIt'UIM'l rive limn any etliei piiue In llm illy vi.eriuxti. M YKilM A 11ATH VVH, REDUCED BUT NOT BROKKN. ihirMeck t.-i ".le illy lUduced In M, hut net lueKeii. Ne old, bteKen UiLh ledisisiw) of. A ("issl UHkiitmetit in all Hie.'i. They 11111-11 lilt Is) .sold U'feiu Septe.iils.'f. We don't H.mt tliein all Hituiiiiei, .mil vvu'll 11-M) low pik e.s toil .11 Iheiii. Men's Suits se low iu pi m-:i that 110 one should lempl.iiti. Ne one need Hpe.ik of I1.111I tunes. Clethes iiie selling lower than an UiiuelM. And.it IheNituu liniu t lit ti.tlily of the v eik is j nil. 1a Keed aa c.in be iii.ule. Myers & Rathfon, I'UI'UI.AK fLOrillKKS NO. 12 BAST KING bTKEET. I.VNUASl'KH. I' A. UANMMAN 4 UttU Remarkably Lew Prices NOW 1'llf.V .Ut.lNU .r LCANSMANSrHRO.'S. VViitiow)eii MhN.S slllia st l mi, (,ie nnd i 10 We nhew you .M.I. WOOL II h V -. Hill I't nt ;iii,ii, fiiiuiand luie. HKN'S .SKKtlsUChKIl COATS AND VK41& ul II.IO suit II. iV. IIN' KINS MOIIAIH COVTtl AND VK.irs st 11 H I) te audit "i0. IIOV'S AMI CIIII.I.UKN'H S.UIT.S In I.iiid Cluaulllleut IUm1iii4hI lUrKaln l'rl'i. IteVMSUlT-iut Iiie, li'iU, I! 10. llie, iveuaml .)). ciin.iiitKN's suir.s st 11 : iiie, i:..'.i,ncn, It in and I. le. ciiii.iii;i:ne pant.i nt r. jtrirt Aiemrtmenl el MKA M'ANT.S ut u . Me, 7'ic, It 10 1011I . r. CASHIMKKK PAN I'd al 11 .'', i:."i. li .'m, II 10 und II M. ler Well Mailennd liwent l'tlcu ClethlnK CALL ,T L. GANSHAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUrACT'UliKIW Uf M111V, llers' and t'lilliln-n's C'liillilug, 8. It. COll. N. gUEKN A IIIIANI1K HTH., LANCABTKIl I'A. av'the Che-ipnitt (aud lleusulu LhnClty. Kxcluslvu) Clelhtuif N' OW KKAUY I Our Readv-Madi; Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. We are prepared te show our NewHI'lllNU STUCK III Ueady-Miide MUU. Our AHwirlineiit l-i Larger than ever lielen', und I'llren Cower. Wu have tsken sM)dal cam le Kl up Koe.1 uml Attractive ulU ler the HI'llINU TllADK, and we fel sallsritHl ourerlerts have been huc4iss lul. Calland Ktve ujthebeneat el yeui opinion Our Custom Department Is Blocked with all thn Newest Novelties In Bulling., which we will Make le Order In the UeslBiyle. FIT GUARANTEED. BUBGER & SUTTON, TaJlffti M Vlelhlerii NO. 24 OENTRB SQUARE, LANCASTER. fA. meTtumm. AT KKIHMAN'H. New Spring Neckties AT JCU1SM AN'B. There Is no garment eoneernlng the which a man Is mere particular than a HI Bhlrt ciittlmr Is ulrinu in. Tuntoei nt of hie a shirt must he cut with the pre leal curves, the werknmnla 111111. r aueuuii. practical shirt-waken. Ilsvlnv hsd in einarieiiea of au years, we claim te have the best BtUng, best made, best material and meat durable SHIRT la the Market for the fceut Feasible Meney. "RIlMAN'i, He.i? Wet UftrttMwver. r3-v "C't. . . 1 iL4 J Jrt?u.i sj--;,r? Six L?!utSSJjis. i.aeiVMkvi .Mlitl. fV-'lfeiW:4Bi. -Mvtp'iw Vf -. bS&LJ'JW'& S!w- fc