yr av-e-Ty?? r55OTi m s'-Fij'SJiSw;; 4, .WW Stye mutat m ndettie - 'M' i "5t7-fl? SW: .Vsls.,". m ViflV if,??,. ' iss I VOM7MK XXIII-NO. 1IIK LAST DAY OK COURT iiafiiua ink v.iiH'HtiM r run tub fiUMHKH rAUSffUJV. Opinions ItaiUartxl Iha Court' tlewa en III Tian.l.r ul Mtettere ami oilier MMim rmiimtilnl Timi Nunieniue lit Meutluu Wliltti Will ll pound lit low. The court met at III o'clock this iiKirillMK ler the appoint. i l ul auditor tn distribute tint balance mi tlm hands ( administrator and tun uters, as apptai by the account IIIhI (etlix Jiiiiii term nml ter llie transec transec teon nt cm rent binlneia, It InthiK lliii liut day 'l court Ik Inn, ,.. muntiii.r vacstlnii. (II'IMOMS iii:i,ikkkii Judge l,UtiKmiiu delivered eilnltiiiH In tlm lelltiMllii; (- : Matilda K Mnllliigni, dis-eased, Utile til show eaiinn why Interest ul money Invested (or liilniir should tint Ik) paid til her. Tlie court was nf opinion tti.it tlm executer may piy tlm money nncdi-d le llie equity guar, dlaii anil lake hli imsilpl. In tliuNiiller Ittuijtiiilu llrwi'ktilll vs J. M. I'uIIiim, llie ilefciiitant man ilinstisl tit make a pnqj I'ti-d 'I'lin nili' Inr i mi itlnl was made absolute III llie case ei cnmuiimwealtli vs. Jiilm Haiti! fun li'teil ul laieeuy. In llie imiutu il t'a-qs-r rimer, deceased, ruin In shew rau-n why tiusleen hIiimiUI net give additional mt uilty, llie iimrt inaile all unlet mi tlm tniitii'H te Klu tliu additional security hMII)imi Inr. In the milt nt Win. M. lUtil vs i: 1). Hark ley tlm ruin tn nN judgment and hit tbe de'eiulaiil ititoadtifeiisu wan discharged. In the enseul com mouweallh v. William Diillln, the S! Hllitn Army man, convicted ul conspiracy, a mm liial was iedised. Son Sen Son leiirn will ls i(ssisl III August, III till' milt nr Alilim Palliirsiiii HKtliinl tlm I'ily nl Ltncaster, tlm motion In Hlilkeull nun mill was denied. In llie null nt .1 mili I'ntier v. Leenard N'limlilt, iliu ruiu Inr a new tilal we made nlulute. Judge Patterson dnllveiisl opinion In the following raw a la llie inutl.'i nl tlm di-putisl Isnindary llni-t nl Halls inty, L"snvk, Hast Karl anil Cn ruarvuu tnmnslnps, tlm report was recom mitted inS (' Slav makei, William Homier Hemier anil mill HililileISIis'lliii, Inr collection. A new trial wa lelnvil In Ihu null nf Marl K. Hell auiliitt llie l'iiiinylaiil rail rail rea'l rnmpa'iy. I lm Jury rn Iimii I a iinllrt III IniiM.I Mi I !! I I S.em In llin t-la'n nl .1 ilin M Khnaili, tlm rule Inr nn atlai'iimiint mhi IiHi ui il, llie in.iltur liit Iiik latin Mtnli'alil hiikiik! i i ill;)- N I lit niNi-.a-. It'jiilm lM III-., i, ul t'Uy IiiiikIiI, waa Mijiinle. imrilUn nl tlm itilimr rlillil nl Jnliti l ISriHiiiie, iliti.il, Ulu ul Warwick tllMIHlll. Ivlil llnikhartaiiil C'lirlat I'. (Iirrlmllsr, nt West Kail, wfiu niiiitial giiarillaiiH of tlm miner thllilri'ii nl nue It. Null, iltetawd, lain nl Wiwt lUil. I. N. .Mmittiir, rlly, m aimlnlil i;nar ill.iti e llie miner rlilld n' Mary A Nnrulner, City. 'J Ik i xti'i t l i u i. i I 1 Joint .Vijtli'i Mere Krantnl -m l.loe , ii.-.ui-e tn hjilillr i;.i-Hla in tln leunlj nl Lam 1M1 1 Tlm reu 1 1 iiMiln an nnler Inr tlinnnenlm; nf CtixvliT xtriHi' I it n Ann atreit In Hid mer Iiiiiiw larm, iiiiii tue iayiiu'iit nf the dam a:ra liHiimMHl. Maty IViklna w tx allniMil h piitiieia In UUnrrn, nn a nliliuii ui.ili'il axuliixl her tiiiHlatiil, O-i r IVrkim, nn tlm i;reiinil nf iliwilien. Itiillmlt lliillliuiir, i'ily, wai ilUim-ml llelll I it liiMlxiinl, I! M. Iiullle.ir, nn llio;reiina nfrrmil trn.itnnii An H-iiu vv.ri i'i citn-l tntn-t tlm v.ill.llly nf tliu Ut will nl i; iii'timl K. Hiinli tin, iliiimv l, in whkh .1 i.mIi ll Mmuli'li wai maili) 11jIiiIIII, ami Utiilnl K Kiirl, ilnruiitliiiit. I lit. M.u i.n I.1M, i Itt. Mr. II nil priM.nitii t Hin intuinii nl Jnliii allnr (nr tlm IranliT nl llin tavurii lirtiNe Krmituil tn .l.nvili lliiiilen, nt Ceney inwn Niilp, ami llie i" mi t i;r.tntihl tlm Iranufnr, Jii'ln I.hiii-iIeii in iitlnwliiK tlm traimfer m till lliiirn li a ml4iiiiilrat4iiilliii; ii te what hu xalil en it lernmr iki'iiIiiu aa te the Krantln(;ef tranilnra. None uf llioriiuutlea turiluritiK l.tuciiter htSd aa yut iiiadu any rulua or r:iilatiniii Inr Krantiii) llrenaea umlur tlm new law. In PlillwJeliliia the juiIkem iiHJe ru'ei fnr ranllnn Hoeuhou hut uniie at te traimrera. 1 1 HotmieJ te the court Unii 1'ia nidatien that limua-H may botrana betrana botrana lerriM uiiJiir tlieni'tnf IStH There la notli netli Ini; In tliu new law reiwalliiK Ihu act of I85M, alie t hit; trauifura te he mails. Hinue It baa been In ferce lirnnauH Kranteil umler the acta of Nn ami l-7fi have lioeu tranafurreil ami audi traUNlera Imve been held valid hy llin Hiijirninu emrL Thore li no rtieaIinf; clauae In the new law of that luw. liirunaea are granted primarily te the plm'e ler the auoemiiioilation of atraiiKr. In iimrliiiluii he Haiti he did net think it would tmHtralnli:K the law te transfer liceusva Inr the Hiiih they were granted and hula wIIIIiik te grant Ilium. In tliia county lii'ii'Mivi have Ikiuii Krautml at the Jan uary and April teniiM.tMit na the new law pro pre pro vldeailiat liu-jnxfMHhall he grAiilm! at only ene term he would favor the granting of llcenwHalHiut tliu llrsl wiwk In March te ao ae ao cemmoilnto our poeplo, en auceutit of the fro fre ipitml reumv.ila about April I. jAMO-l IIF.NIIKIt-lON'H K1TATK. In the oitate of Anion Uenderaen, tlo tle tlo criaaeil, the court made an urder for the pay ment te the administrator of Aiuea Homier Hemier Homier Hen, aaullicient auui from the eatatoef Jehn K KtfOd, te pay the claim of Mra. Kranklln, allewiul by llie aupreiue court. A further enlm waa mmlu en .Intin I) Hkllna te iay out te the cri'dltera of Amna Hoiiduiaeu tliu dlv lilrnda le w hlrh tlmy are entitled. Court thou adjourned te Katurtlay, Aug. I J. Hi ami Aruunil Mraablualuu llnruugh. Hay making la about tinlNhed. It la a geed crop Han-eat haa begun, and grain la re ported by all larmera about half a crop. To Te To bacceia liaiking well. On Thuraday the pinter nf the Church of Ged, Hev. Itice, luiuieraed in the Huniue bauuarUer one adult and aeveu Binall glrla, A large crowd waa prevent te witneaa the ceremony. Sllbgnn A (Ireen talk or Hlartlng a machine ahep In the Maner near the borough. Heth are geed tuachanlca and would de a geed trade. Haas tWhcraian rejiert peer aueceMs. Harjr Waabloglea la Treubl. Mary Washington, who haa figured In the pnlice aud quarter session courts ou a num. bnr of oecailons within the past lew yearn, la Hgaiu In troulile. Hhe waa prnaecuted en 'I'ueHday eveniug befere Alderman l''erdney ler foriiicatieu and perjury. Klleu Jlrneka is the presecutrix and she allegea that Mary swore falsely In a hearing before Alderman Dennelly that she waa a fortune teller and that she llves with one Harry Welae aa though she waa his wire without the formal. Ity or a marriage license. Aldarmae llsrabsi'a Court. Kva nickel lias entered complaint against William Kauiz before Alderman Heribey ler intentionally throwing a firecracker at ber, which sat nre te ber dresa and ruined it. Kail was entered for bearing. Mary Btelger and Emma Oswald bad a row en Tuesday and It ended In a suit before Alderman Uersbey, against Mrs. Oswald, fcr assault and battery. Tbe ease will be dlt , peetd of later la the week. 2(50. rum vuLt.ktm i-mttaiumntn. Rslsrlalatit by Iha Ulliwiiihle Heclclr-Tha Mcvllea el limiwra. Iherhapolef Kranklln and Marshall oel. lege held en Tuesday night a rare aaaeni blage of Pennsylvania's men of learning, and a bright and vigorous, laaly of men they were, though they went alxmt the bualneae of organizing ad em) latlnu with Ilia dignity of Npanlsti Den. The oenstltutlon, drafted nines last sum mer by aenmmlttM'.waa Ijelug ennaldered by the convention arllrle by arllole, but a tlm Clloaepblo clu'i of fivicaater rlaluied their Hum at nine o'clock the diilegatea were nut ahle te de mere than imiiNlder the llrst arllcleH. The tiuor tiuer ary chalrniau was Dr. Jainm D. Mellal, of WaahlugliMi and Jolteiann UnlveiHlly the serretary, rroluaaer llrldiinliaugh. Dr. Apple iHiictl tlm tut-etlng with prayer. It waariwnlvwt IuimII the lt.ly the Htate Celli gn aaneclallnn. The object or the aaaorlatlen Is te ixinslder the iiiallll( iiiallll( tlena for and methisla of admlailnn of candi date In college ; the character of preiara lery suIkmiI, the ceiirnn nf study te be pur. Rued In rullege, the relative number of re quired aud elective studio In the varlnua clanKW, the kind aud character of degree ennferrixl, the Uxallnu nl college, and all ether iiintliM alTectlng thelr welfare The following Hat of uulverallliat aud cot cet legii of llie amoclstlen and their ri-prewnita- lite I elUrlal, and tlm name of their enter enter enter tainorNareghnn In parenthiwe : Uultitrally of rmiimylvanla I'rnvimt Dr. Win. leittr, l,U 1 t.l'ief. James, (Mt. Dr. Nevln) ; I'rer. Jnhn (1 . MrKlrey. (Dr. tlerharl); I'rer. W. D. Marka, I.U ft C. K, Whlliiuy I'ruf. el dyuamicaleiiKlueur lug! Dr. ()4Wld HiilduiiNtlckMr. lAihlgh liulviinilly I'rnf. llMiiry Cnpiwe, l.li D, (Captain Hen. M. Kranklln); Prof. I, mi I ail ten, (I'rnf. J. H. Htahr.) Iltii'kunll Uulwralty, liMwIlnirg.l'rel. lloe. (I. droll, natural liliterv j I'ref. Knncli I'lirrinn, A. M. I. U II, (W.U. lluusel), Cro Cre ler priifiwaer of rhetiirlr. Dii-kinanu College I'riildnnt Mcl'auley. D D. I.I, D , (Mr. Jehn C. llsger ) Waalilugten aud Jelli-ranii (Villi-nn 1'iwi Ident, Jaa 1). Muirat, D D , (I'lef. Nuvlu :) 1'ief. I.tntnn, (I'rul. Nnvln). l,faitte Cnllege-l'ruaidiHit Jamea II. Ma in Kuei, D. D, 1,1, D. (J. W. It. Haiia man); I'ref. II It. Ynuiigman (I'ref. K Inf. ler ) ; I'rer. Justus Mllliuan (Dr. Apple) : I'rel. J. J. Ilunly (I'rel. Ketalmer.) Mwaitlilnnrn CellfKC- I'rimldeut K. II. Ma gill, I.UD. (W. II, lleuael ) I'linnsvlvaiila CnllHiin .I'mnlilxni II ai.. Knight, D. D, I'rnf. K. S HreldeiiUaiiKb, Nc Dr. (Ilev J Max Hark ) ' Mlllnialiurg I're-nilHiil 1 Inixlnm I,, Kelp, I J. D,(lluv. Chin. I, !)), l'mfeaaer M. II. ivirnariin. HaVHrlerd Cijllfge-I'nr. Huth K. (llllerd. (Dr. DuIiIm). Wmtiiilnaier Colleen - I'riMideut U. H. Kiirguann, D D., (Dr. Mitchell). Kranklln and MarNhall Cel loge l'rwililent Thin. (1. Apple, D. II, IX. D, I'ref. Wm. M. Neln, liU Ik, I'ref. Jehns. Ntahr, I'll. D., I'rer. J. II. Dilbba, I). )., K. It. II. K. I'ref. J. It. Kleller, I'll. D, I'ref. J. K. Korshuer, I'h. I)., I'ref. lleorge F. Mull, A M Lebanon Valley Coltego-l'realdPiit D. D. Deljung. Uralnus Cullpgu Itev. II. T. Mpaugler, tinsnclsl serretsry. l'rnvenl I'epper, I'rualileut McCautey and I'rofeMor liinten have untyel arrived. TherollewiiigarrlttMl thia iiinriiiug: I'm fUHHnrOwaldKld(iriNtlcker,iirtheUulturally el reiiua.vlvaiiit; I'rofeaaerJ. J. Hardy, of l.alayetle, and.SiretnryNiangler,ef rraliiua; I'resliieut M. II llrell, nf the Western mil- entity, and I'ruildeut D.D.Diiliug,uf lel. non Valley college. Urn. Amhrerw, of KU Krancla, lelt jeatetdsy after a short confer ence wllh Dr. Apple aud ether. There are nlxteen college in the organl.ttien. On adjourning the profeaaor proceialed In a tNMly tn the DUgnelliiau hall where they wererecelted by thoClliiHeplilo Heclnty and welcomed in a short addreaa by Dr. Tliemaa tl. Apple le which Dr. Mullal tuadu an appro priate rcHimuse. The member of the Clio Clie Clio seplilo arid their gunat Irum town then nliigleil with tliu lillera In uncial cnuere until the WHrmlh of thulr riei'ptlnii could only be made loluraule by Ihu li-ua Honed In the Diagiinlhiau llbriiiy. At a late hour the luciiptlen wui bieught te nclimi, tliu pleaaiire nf the utenliig halug benti but little marred by the cloudy woather which pruwmted the UNeef the camiiia, Therollege repreannlativus were steadily at work all this uierulug ou tbu coiiHtltutleu of the anociallen, which wasllually adopted after the exercise of skill aud rare In the wording of the several auctions. The follow ing elllcer wero theu unanimously elected, the temporary secretary, I'ml. Ilreideubaugb, canting the ballet : President, Dr. The. (I. Apple ; vice presi dent, Dr. Maglll ; recording Bin-rotary, Prof. Ilrelilenhaugh ; corresponding secretary, Dr. MelUt ; treasurer, Prof. Janrna ; oxoou exoou oxeou tlvecomiiiltlee, I'releaanrs Selp, Vetiugmau, Mitchell and Krnat This afternoeu Dr. Maglll read aper be fore the aMnouiatleii, aud thla evening I'rer. James, or the l'nl orally or Pennsylvania, will deliver a public address in the court house. KVMMTm tn mt. jur. Ilesrlbs Fourth Was OImmvihI llralb el Mi.. Win. Ni'liullng aud Harry Nclilchlsjr. Ml. Je, July t!. Alaiut IJOa. hi. Mon day the penle el this place were awakened by a terrible iieIhc, which en luoatigatlen prevetl tela) Hied. A. K. drum corps parad ing through the principal street or Hits staid old borough, followed by a lirlng sipiad of front :t.r te 10 men uruitd with revolver, uiuskeU, Ac, who discharged volley alter volley at Intervals. This was kept up ler soveral heura. With the coming ul daylight tbe discharge or firearms, crackers, Ac, waa tiegun. Thla lasted throughout the entire day and untill a lata hour at night. In the evening a geed display of tlrewerka waa sent nil In front el several store and a number nf private resi dence. One noticeable feature or the day and evening wan the scarcity of drunken men, In consequence of which no lights took place. Phil J. Dieter lulended semileg up a Hue large het air lialloen, but owing te a high wind at tbe tlme It was postponed. Heveral residence were decorated with Hag. Ojlege Trilie, 1. O. K. H. M-, Intended having a picnic at Myers' Lauding ou the fourth, but waa postponed till next month. A great many strangers were In town, while a large number of our townspeople were out of town spending the Fourth. At - p. ui. Monday, lire waa discovered In tbe currier abep belonging te tbe once noted Kurtz tannery, lla discovery prevented what might have caused aerleus conllagratlen, aa the building In which tbe tire waa dis covered was surrounded by old frame build ings, some or tbeui regular match boxes. (Shortly after 6 a, in. yesterday Mra. Win. Schelliigdled at the rosideuee of ber hus band alter ten day' tllnea from typhoid pneumonia and hemorrhage of the lung. Deceased leave a husband and ll ve children, tbeoldestouo being In her lltli year and the youngest In ber 'il year. Tbu eldest daugh ter Is very sick and did uet knew of ber mother' demise until 1- m. yesterday. Harry, the youngest wen of (lea W. and Annie Kchlckley, died at hi home en Mt, Jey street of membraneeus croup at au early hour yesterday morning. Aaaesg III Old Filanda. Alexander Petten. printer, formerly a real- dent or tble city, but wbe for a aoere of yean ha been doing bualneae in Philadelphia, is vUlUflg bU old friend In Lancaster. Be and hla wife are stepping with Hamuel a Dor Der wart, West King street Beth are looking well, and Alex" la diligently bunting up bU eld trleaujuj et tbe u and nU" ALLEGED FALSE AFFIDAVITS. a-XMMra nr itmriiri vmrmu tatmm MMHALM or rUILiilMWMA. Vaplaln Jea.pk Vale, el VmtlMr, sad iMerg Wtmaa.',ellhlal)lly,taka IntaUnatady tin Warrant laaawl by United Slataa VeuiutlaaltHisr Ksaacdr. deorge Welman, or Ne. f.'iH North street, till) rlty, aud Captain Jeseph (I. Vale, el Carlisle, were arrested te-day by Deputy United Hlatea Marshal Jehn W. Power and Themas Marshall, nt Philadelphia, 1 bey are charged before United States Commissioner (). C. Kennedy with making fraudulent alll davlt for the iirniM of procuring a pension for Welman. Dining the war Welman was a private In nnmpauy K, 7 ill Pennsylvania cavalry and Vale was lieutenant In tbe same company. Alter Welmaii' return home from the army be made application for a pension en the ground that hu wan wounded. Ills application waa net acted upon by the de partment ler some year. On August l.t, ISsiS, Vale was In this city cauvasaing ler a history or the Cavalry Hg I merits el the Western Army, of which he wai the author, and he called upon Welman. He asked Welman whether be had rereUed bis mslen yet, and Welman replied that lie hail net. Vale theu accemuled Welman te one of the cilice at the court house nud made stlldavlt that be had seen Welmsti wouude-laud In the hes pital. This allldavit was sent te Ihu tension dejwttment and the pinmlnn claim was placed In the hands of a special examiner te report te the department. .Special KxamlnerNaddler was put ou the case, aud the result or hi ex amination wm that Welman was net wounded, a claimed. The above suit lathe result. WKIMA.1 HKI.H'IIKM II A II,. Welman was arretted by Lepuly Powell at hi home en Ninth nlreet, aud he was re leased upon giving ball In the sum el 1 1, WW, with Krederlck Kllchle a surely, for his ap pearance at a healing before U. N. Commis sioner Kennedy at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Deputy Marshall went en te Carlisle and he arrested Vale at bis home and brought hltu le this city en the Heashere Kxpres. Mewantakeu te Mr. Kennedy' eihcu aud roinaiiied there until U o'clock. Cpt,,Vule is in the aiiiNlen liu-liiesa at Car. Ilsleaud has llved there for many yeara. He ha no acquaintance In this city but he bruught with hltu letter of rocuuiiuemlalleu frnuiex-Judge II en der seu te A. Uerr Hmlth. Jehu C. Hager and ether prominent clli.eu. He aays he dues net remember exactly what he Old swear te in the allldavit for which he is new arrested, but hla iiuprewiten I that he did awear that Welman was wounded and that is his recollection new. His company was In a skirmish In Tennessee early lu Imu and Welman called out that he was wounded. He assisted or erdertd one el the men te take Welman te a beuse kuuwu as the "Union Heuse" and tn be kept concealed until tbe rebel left the neighborhood. The next day be learned that Welman wacaHiiredand be did net ace hintagaln, be (Vale) having been taken prlrnuer, until at Camp Parel, at Annapolis, Mil., when lie was sent there from tbe rebel Hues us n paroled prlaeuer. TIIKIU hill. Illhll UKCOIllta. llaUV history ghu Welman' record a having enlisted en October 12, lMl, and dls chargei I, date unknown. Nulhlug apiears en the record le show Jiat he waa a prisoner or wounded. Nince the war Welman has followed hi trade (bricklayer) and worked for iiiiuiber of year in laying gutters nml crnmini'. Vale's army record Is a geed one. He waa mustered into the Hervlce en October I'J, lNil, a 1st lieu tenant, wuiiuded and rapturuil at dallatif, Teun., nud pininelwl te captain of Ce. M., of the same regimeut ou July I, 1NV!. He resigned Irum the service ou Neptember 11, IteOl. rm. iinviiiMi. At .1 u'eha-k llie inclined were taken In Ihu orphans' court rnem, tliu phcii dualgnated by the V. S. oniiimisnteiier fnr the hearing. Jehn T. Saddler, Hjiecial examiner, waa the llrst wltueas cilled. He toslihed te the allidavitH uf Welman aud Vale made lu the application el Weiiuau for eusluu. lu sulwuuce they were that Weiaiau was wuiiuded, aaatMitu stated, ina skirmish ou tbeliobaueu M urfreesberu pike, lu Tennessee, in July, lNJ. The hear lug was still lu progreH whim we went te press. There was quite a sensation when au alll davit el doerge Welman taken en May 21, 1m7 waa read. It set forth that he did uet receive the wound in his arm In the army but the shot himself accidestly lu tbe arm In ls"l (or 1S55 in the presence of ex-Alderman M. A. Mo Me ll linn and that he would net have tiled the additional allldavit. but for Vale coming te him te sell a book and he then volunteered te go before one or tbe court vlllcers and awtar that he wan wounded In the army. Vale did go andtwear te what was false. MVXTKHivtr.i inmri-KKAitvm. Mb. re la WttKtit Calirl, ul tbe UriMa Krya tliHtrUlna Mlablea t Wright Calvert, who for seeral month laat baa hail charge el Ihu Criats Keys board beard ing stables, Ml the htablc at lioeu, Katurday last, telling the atahle men he would return at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He has net been seen In the city since that time, and there apera te be no it mi lit that he baa ahaken the iliint nl lencailnr trout hla feet and left behind him toeral dl-conselate creditors. Calvert is an Kiigli-dimau and has hnrnto hnrnte hnrnto fere borne a geed reputatliiii. He rented tbe Cress Keys stables from Dr J C Shnub and had from cevin te ten hermmtu beard, Thi lillllitier of Iwantera was lnnl auflicient tn cover ruuulug expeiiMw.anil as CtUert was net very economical he ran hliusel I in debt Uelere leaving be collected from the owners of tbe horse all the heard due and the only property he lell behind him waa a sorrel horse formerly owned by Dr. Huauh, A seen an It waa known that Calvert was uet likely te return te Lancaster Mr. Kirk John John Jehn eon made complaint sgalnst hliu aa an absconding debtor aud had the horse attached UiaecuroadebterMTi, a balance due Jehnsen ou an organ sold te Calvert. Dr. Hbaubalse bad Mt. horse attached en a landlord' warrant aud the two stablemen, Ieuls Coulman and Waller Parr lib, bad the horse attached for wages due them. These claims and perhaps ethers will be beard by Alderman Hpurrler. In addition te tbe above claims It la tald Calvert ewes D. 11. Wenger t Bra about K for horse feed ; Mr. lteese for telephone blre tl-; te Mrs. Cramer a considerable sum for beard, and te two countrymen for two horses that be bought without paying for and sold (or cash, a couple of hundred dol lar. It 1 liolleved that Calvert left liauraster In the 'J o'clock train (Saturday, went te New Yerk and sailed for Europe, m Will Arrive Te-Nlgtit Dr. W. r. Carver and J. L. Itrewer, the champion shooter of the world, will arrive this evening at 7:30 and will atop at the drape hotel. They will sheet at the park Monday next. They will attend tbe shoot sheet ing te-morrow between tbe Harriaburg gun club and tbe Lancaster gun elub, Mayer Krltchey, of Harriaburg, will take part In the sheeting with the Harriaburg. asdsy acaeel rieale. The First and Hfc Paul's Reformed Hunday sobeola will held their annual clenic at IPerjryn park en Friday. The special train will leave tbe upper depot at 8 a. in., and ie turning icare l'enryn at 7 p. , ' LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY, rum "treumru" at MAWLiMtriLim. It Waa Made a Uturloea Ocoalea-How It Waa OendaetMl. KAWMKnviM.tt, Julyfi. Nobrlghter day baa ever isMsed ever the Msrtle hills than yesterday. Every person put en their Hun day clothe, and tbe village awutned a gala day appearance. Kscb villager began early In the day le doeorato hi or her re spective home for tbe occasion. The spirit of emulation seemed te euter Inte each Indi vidual from tbe efleutusl pleasing appear ance of each house, Chlntse lanterns were suspended in festoon across the street. Flags were at a premium ; each house being tastefully decorated with smslt ones, wblle larger ones were utnded from cord stretched from the chimney of tbe heuses. The precession formed In the rear of the K.ef P. ball, headed by the Centrevllleall. ver cornet band, followed by thirty-elght ladle, each lady wearing a large sauli beau tifully trlmmed with the national color. The precession moved le the grnve where the following organization was perfected : Chairman or committee, T. J, Shirk ; president, K K. H tekes ; vlce prosl presl denta, J. M. Martin, Frank Dully, C. A. Der rick, 11. K. Horsbey, Divld Cramer, Jacob Kvans; socrelailes, Jehu A. Koeco, Ames Hbirk. The oxeiclse were opened by the presldeul's Inaugural address. He brlelly re lowed the Declaration ul ludejajnilence, contrailed the menarcblal form or govern mini t with ours ; showed that we, ai the iesterlty or the erlgi. nater of the constitution, honor, adore and apprtciate that which w Ijustowed iien us. The address of woleoiiin was dulhered by Deputy Collector A. II. Kruiiumau. llngate eseb aud every ene cordial welcome te our exerclses. After reviewing the celebrations of the Fourth July, be coucltided with the following appropriate remarks: "In con clusion let me say, fellow clliena, that 1 oengralulalo you Ueii the return of this anniversary. 1 notice a mas of face glowing with cheerlulnen and patriotic pride. Kvery man' heart soema te swell within him, ler he remembers that ene hundred year have rolled away and that tbu great Inheritance of Independence and liberty Is still his, undi minished aud unimpaired and las te trausler te future generations." I C. Arneld followed with pnluted re marks. Hun. Win. l5reilUH was next Intro duced and declaimed te the people lu legii latie tones, and was fullewtd by William Chandler In brilliant remarks. lat, but uet least, Dr. J.C. dntchell, lu his usual natural geed humor, electrified the audleure with appropriate witticism. The en tire pregramme was iutersiersed with vocal aud Instrumental music After the exercise the audience wlltinaxed the grandest display or pyreicchulcal works that was ever presented te the people uf this com munity. MtHIKTVA HRHH. Menral Aitldenla en llin Keurlli A tlor.e Kim. Away anil tra.tru)a Ilia lluggjr. Maiuki r a, July il. Samuel, a young mm et Jevjph HalKcker, was picking cherries near the top of a tree wlien the branch en which he waa standing broke. He fell a con siderable dlstance,but caught auother branch, thus saving himself from what might hue prmed a serious injury. A young man had his team Ikd at the Cress Keys hotel en the Fourth. The home took fright at something. It breku loexoaud ran away. Tbu buggy wus demolished in a uliert Utile. While It. Frank lliestaiul, Jr., was work ing In his ollice at hla ileik oil the Ith, Dick McDevitt wai amualug himself hhuetlug mark net faraway ; a stray bullet entered the ollice aud lixl;el Itaull In thedeak within a few Inches ul Frank. It w tee clone te te comfortable. Simen Yeung mid Kdward S mdera, el Johnstown, Pa , were Willing Sqmre Kealh. Peter Miller, of the wiwt timi, get lute a quarrel en the 1th, ami while attempting te cut his autiigeuiil Willi il rn.ir cut himaeil acruH the wrHU Dr. Helcli idwiiI Hi weuud. Agaugel tratiiM hate Ihm-ii liiveuaciuguear Walt's atalinu for almeHl a week. They hun a great deal id jewelry which they aell at very low prices. Financially they are well llxud and spend u large Hiiiuuut uf iiieuny Inr liquor. Wext Saturday at 5 p. in. a number el our young men will hae some aquatic sport lu the r Her. They will ceusint of a number el races in Uatts, tuba, barrils, caiuxH aud en planks and a swimming tuatcii There were almost a thnuiand oeplu from town lu Columbia en the Fourth. MM 1MB fUl.lVB VUVMTtt. A Orewd el Nelty Men ou the lUiuuat;t lu Kavglryatllle. Yesterday ulternuen word came te tbe sta tion house that a party or men wero drunk aud disturbing tbe people et Faegleysvllle. Oillcera Walsh and Pyle went out aud ar" rested Emanuel llelsleman and Dick lted uikn. Tbe leriuer was Inclined te be ugly and resisted considerably en the way te the station beuse, where he was finally landed. Juhn Unuck waa also taken Inte custody shortly afterwards. The three were held ler a hearing bofero Aldermaii McCouemy. Warrauts lme been Isnued for the arrest or a number of etheis who will likely Lecjptured before the day 1 ever. James Leuuen, a stranger, who U se tall aud slim that he might be taxed as a tele tele tele phone pole under the new city ordinance, get en a drunk lu this city yeaterday. He anneyed tbe people of the First ward and Oillcer Pyle took him Inte custody after some troulile. He was given l.ri iIhj s by Alderman M cConemy this morning. At the Clrand Oprra llnu. l.vtteveutng the atidluiice nt the Uraud epera house waa very small and this was no doubt owing te the very warm weather. The management or the house would de well te get their fail lu operation us seen a osaible in order le cool the place. Last evening' play was ' Lady Aitdley' Secret," which was well given with Mis Adele Carlten as l.mli Autllc'. 'llie company gate geed support The latest additions te ihu company at this hotiBearo the charming souhrelte, Mis linn, nle Uoedwin, Mr. K. L. Kowe mid Mr. W. II. liarryiuere, late of " Heroine lu Kag " company. Ou account et the success et last night' play the same will be glen again tills evening, lnadditlend.il. Ham ilton will appear lu a uew F.tiilephm sketch. The Naw (l.lljiliuri;, from the New Yerk World. When tbe survivors or such bcbues cl isp binds In fraternal union ou the Holds wheie their battles wero fought, who shall tear tliem apart? When Federal and Confederate sol sel dlerB whose eyes have looked Inte each ether's with hate aud fury through the lire andsinokeot battle new beam with broth. erly love, what schemlng ielttieiaii shall In duce them te rouew the passions of the war Y Tbe Gettysburg reunion kill forevor the hope of the politician that there is yet one mere president lu the bloody shirt. An Aldarmae Uea rUblug, Alderman Deen te-day laid aside hi alder mania coat and started at an early hour for Wetse's Island, where he will remain with the East Knd Fishing club for a couple of days. Aaaaaliad ttU Wlfs. Edward Kannells was arreated en Tuesday evening by Oillcer Kltchle, en a charge of as saulting hi wife, Un entered bail for a bearing before Alderman lUlrlr-k liminniiu e(UtiClgbUtward, JULY (J, 1887. A SCUOOL BOARD VOICE. TUmtKBMTMXT WO OK UUM$T1UH VHT BMNTBD tit A LAWtBH. Msrrlutl llrealiia fraaenu Ilia Vlewa lu raver of tb Inouvatlen-Us Uesa Met Ttalua the Narva' el lbs Oaas tlaa lleen Tat Expeasd, 'I'll I III! KctlterOf tllOlSTILLtlll'SI.LII. llie subject or free Ismk In ntir public schools has smued nmoliiterestandeoked senig discussion among our iKxiple. lleing the author of tbe proieMl amend ment te the rule, removing an ollenslve feature In our school management, 1 may be pardoned fnr feeling that the imsirlance el tbe sub ject require that It be placed In 11 liest light befere the public, that theso who think and contrlbule te the formation of public opinion may seethe question from llie true )lnt et view, lu what has been written Uen the subject In our local press, It dees net appear that the "nerye et the case" has been touched. It ha been the subject of regret, for year, thai our tree school system has sullered from limitation imposed upon It usnfullnen by a surviving remnaut of the ancient prejudice which he stoutly opposed Its eeUhtlshment fifty years age. It does net seem te be cor rect HMklng te say of any school sy stem that It larcc, wheu that without which no school can be made available as a means or educa tion ha te be bought by the citizen liefnre he can enjey It bonellt. Heek are a tairtlen ul that cluiter of Instrumentalities which are summed up In the term "free schools." They are as necessary a school houses, which are free ; or a teachers, which are free ; or as apimratus, chart, blackboards, etc., all of whli h are I roc Te rut through this body of " nci-cnary meant, " In our school system, leaving one portion froe and the ether te be brought, is te lollew no line or rational cleav age, but is totally arbitrary aud unwarranted by any suggestion el reason or principle, net equally aallable against the entire system. Te say that the claim for ' froe books" has no mere warrant than the demand for Iree bonnet and shoes, an has been suggested, Is te betray a lock of discrimination which I re luctantly Impute te any uiau of Intelligence. Such a suggestion will become worthy of couslderatlou, and will wqulre currency and alue when il author has shown that bon net and sliees are a necessary iart nf the ardencies employed In the education of our children. If it wero preajr tn preceed, with out alegy, locxpeao se transparent a p'.ice of logical Jugglery, It might Iki said that the argument is solt-deatruetlvn. Like the ser eiit In the story il die of its own poison. Speaking in the terms of debate, it KisesOM the logical defect of pretlng tee much. It would be fatal te the whele froe school system. The liylc ruuH thus : We supply school buildings tree, but ene thing ought le be k free as anether; therefore, the clothing which the children wear te school should Ihi froe also. Ordinarily, I would say that the Intel llgence from which such legiu emanate I either in the cradle or en the emit tins; but I de net say be in this Instance, for 1 am ail vised that this argument has been seriously ail vnnced by some 1 knew te be deep thinkers and clear and forceful writers, who posses geed understanding and minds which usually maintain a scleutitiu attitude toward pJl qui'htlens of public in terests, but who In this particular uise, strange te say, reasmi as these who have re nounced reason. The wonder of this grew te an unspeakable marvel when wa are graely thinking and linn in the conviction of the entire iulegrity et their utterance uixm tuu HUijeci,ier It is past oemprolioiialnn hew Intellect soscnte could se entirely lese their way en se plain a read. Returning te my object, which was net te debitu or relute, but te bring into distinct tlew the grounds of our insistence uieii free books lu our public schools, 1 ebservu that our preseut mode el furnishing book is ob jectionable lu many of it feature, it 1 inquisitorial, ollenslvely discriminating and llitgrantly at war with the sjiirit of our free school system. It Is Inquisitorial because it sets up a tribu nal te inquire ;iiite a man's ability In buy books for )iis children, te diK-eter the iluplli efhis iHHerty, and when discovered tn de clare It, mid then tit deliberately atllx iieii him a stigma as Indelible as the brand en the brew of Cam. The following is the rule un der which this Is done : Ski-. Ill, "I'arent or guardians who are utmble te puichae the iioeeaMary M'lioel IxHiks and stationery te enable their children te continue their studies 111 the schisjls shall prisma a written ifcWiirtiftuii te that ellect te llie teacher in charge, tngethr w ith a premise te return nil books liirnishcd when n quired in as geed condition hi rati reasonably be expected. The teacher hhall forward tliu application, together with the list et book needed, te the director residing nearest te the applicant. II the director la satlsiiud alter inquiry that the applicant I a proper person te receive nidi aid lie shall direct the city siiierluteuduut te give au order for the book named." The foregoing is the mercllesi thumb screw of torture te which our industrious pcer are subjected befere they can enjoy the lull benefit or our free school. Thus de we publicly put upon parent and child the badge of ludlgecce. Thus de we put the lien into the soul el every peer parent, who, In addition te having a child te educate, pos sesses tbe ordinary sensibilities of human nature, by requiring him under the absolute compulsion ei driving u children from the schools te advertise his poverty. Let me lllustrate the utter cruelty of such a rule. A mechanic, Industrious but peer, Causing by the high school one day, (tald te Is friend, " I cannot send my children te that school, for I have net the means te buy their Inxiks, aud I will uet proclaim my lov lev erly." Seme tlme age It came te my ears that a widow lady, the mother or several children, cultured, re lined and sensitive, utieii whom uiiMertiiue had laid a heavy hand, and who was uuable te supply her children with nec essary books, was informed that she could obtain books from the school beard by pre senting a iffriMcu ifrrfiiriifiim el her poverty te the teacher, who would present it tn the director, who, upon Inquiry, if be found her te he Inmost, would direct the superintend ent te give nil order for the books. The peer, deserving mother, with deep emotion, which denoted the ageuy she was sullerlug from se rude a shock te her sensitive nature, answered, "1 cm kecp my chlldren at home." The pathos uf this incident would move a stone. Any rule which produces such results la a disgrace te our educational system. It mar Its beauty and impairs it utility. It dimin ishes tbu iiuuilKir of children sent te school and cripples the clllcicncy of the school te these who go. Thla wrong must Is) righted. Tite penple are uet te be subjected te Indignity because they are peer, Ihi ollenslve discrimination cut the heart tee deeply te be calmly en dured, and the thlrty-slx wlse men who ad minister our school Hltslra should promptly eliminate an obnoxious a loature from au otherwise admirable school system. It Is net a question of dollars and cents. That view degrade the subject ltisri.'i( and ought te be doue whether It coat mere or less. The man who can put a dollar mere or lesa In the scales against tbe larcerated feelings of a peer widowed mother, who is subjected te the alter native of proclaiming her mtsfertuues or depriving her chlldren of an education must have a Huul se reduced lu dliueuslens that it would rattle In the bull el a mustard seed. We have no such men tn our school beard, and if we had, It ha been demon strated with sullleient clearness by ethers that the new mode will be mure economical than the old. My own tlme and your valuable space for bid further remark. The subject warm with dlicusslnti, and 1 leave It new liefore it become by.lug het te the consideration of the school beard aud the public, hoping 1 have net tailed te make clear the reason ler the faith that is in us, and which will keep us In stead last adherence te the geed cause until every child in our public schools has a froe book in his hands. Mauihutt Uiiesius. A llesa Hloufr-Maaen Injured. Jehn Ueak, boas stonemason of tbe work en tbe Big Coueateg bridge, met with an ac cident this morning. He was at work assist ing te unload a car lilted with lumber, wben be made a misstep and foil te the ground. lie struck bis race and lay for some time un conscious. His lace was badly cut, a large lump was raised en his lorehntd aud lit shoulder wa Injured. Ne bone went broken. He wa takeu te hla home al lilt! West James stive. t.-JOO VMUVLB HUMBLB. rartbsr Partlcalar el lbs lllaaatreua Uosilagra Uesilagra Uosilagra Uen la Clarenden. Meagre report received In Erie say that a firs wbleh broke out simultaneously In two places Men day n Igbt swept the town el Claren den, In Warren county, en tbe Phllsdelphls dt Erie railroad. It la said te have started in Weaver'a hotel, In the middle of tbe town, and In an old mill en tbe outskirts, Tbe lire reached the oil tank and the destruction of the town wa speedily wrought The build lug being orplne and hemlock, burned like tinder. The greatest excitement prevailed. Tbe local lire diqsirttnent wa unable te cne with the Haines, and by the time assist ance arrived the water work were In ruin, and the ongtnes were unable te go Inte ser vice, it 1 Impossible tu give a list or the loose mere than te estimate that there are l,'M) poeplo homeless and about let) build ing burned. Keltet train were running tn Clarenden Tuesday, a the ponple were with out fixsl and had net the mean wherewith te precure It, Hundred escaped lu their night-clothes and took ruluge In tbe hill. One man, name unknown, wa burned te death in Munn's feed store. Hut few of the building were Insured. Fifty derrick and ever tee tank of oil were burned. All telegraph wires were de stroyed. A special te the Erie IHmtch Tuesday evening say that thodepot of tue Philadel phia .t Erie railroad was the only building of consequence saved. Thn area burned ever Is about twenty acre. The V aluu et tbe building destroyed I f.loO.eoo, roughly esti mated. Heme of the istonlehave cam lied out at Clarenden, while noiiie have been taken te Warren, from which place prevision were sent Keiigh lumber is helng sent te Clarenden a fast sa iiestlhle lu order that shelter may be provided ter these burned out. It Is new well established that the lire whs of Incendiary origin. Public rumor at Clarenden say that two week age, when liquor lloeuse were refused te all applicant lu Warren county, Jehn Maheney, proprietor of the Weaver house, threatened tn tire the town if the de rision of the court wa net reversed lu two weeks. Tuesday morning, alter the tire had burned out, the citizen looked about for Ma Ma eoney, for oiieuf the lire started In his room at Hie hotel, but he was net le be found, A warrant charing hi m with arson wa sworn out, aud searching parlies scoured the surrounding country te sppreheud him. He wa found hiding In the weeds Mix mile from Clarenden, and because lynching wa leans i he wa taken te the Warren Jail. A charred skeleton wa round In ene or the room et the hotel, and It is suppesed te be that of a bark-driver named Sullivan, who is missing. He was seen about the hotel early In the evening drunk. lu resiKinse tn a telegram from J. A. Partn I e, of Warren, Governer lleaver has ordered 1UU tout le be sent te the burned town of Clarenden, Mr. Parmlee say s that 1,-00 laiui lles are homeless aud without shelter. lit AT B TKAtlUKBII JfSll'. The Auuusl Session of the Asfeclatlun Urguu at Ulmilleld. Clearfield ha doue Its best te welcome tin) hundreds of men ami women who are there te attend the meetings of the State Teachers' assiciatieu. Superintendent J nines M. Ceughlln, et Luzerne county, called the association te order at 11 o'clock Tuesday iuornlug,fe)lowlug which came the addresses of welcome by Suisjrlnteudeut Matt Savace. et Cleai held county ; Themas II. Murray, of the Cleaiueld bar, and Hun. William A. Wallace. Mr. Savage referred tn Cluarlleld as the home et the late ex Governer Uigler, who took a prominent jiart in the organization of the tirst Statu Teachers' association, of hi connection generally with the educational Interest or the stale, or hi faithful service aa a school director in hisewu town after having tilled the highest ikmIHeum within tbe gilt of Pennsylvania. Mr. Murray welcomed the inemlsT of tbe association a the representa tives of the oemmon school system aud alluded te the pi egress made in the last twenty yeai. iju ruieirtsi lacnueusiy m me great men wne had goue from Clctrlield county aud le the fact that the list was uet yet exhausted, Mr. Wallace sjsjke at leugtb ul work doue by the association, nf it power el mak ing itself lell In the legislation of the slate, of the aid he hati received from Hits body when a inemlsiref the statu Senate. He regretted that the benelitaauil tbe bur den et the fiue school svstutu el Pennsylva nia wero equally itud justly distributed in that Hi purjsises were nut llie sumo in every county of the statu, Hosike nf the i;,WH,. onuet vetui In the United State who could neither write nor read their own names, and ul 7,&U),UUU el school chlldren of thoceuutry who de net kuuw the English alphabet, ile warned the people et the dauger of placing the ballet lu the hands at Ignorant lucii aud advocated au amendment te the constitution requiring all voters te be able te read and write. The afternoon kcbsIeu wa taken up by en Inaugural addres by the president, Jamea M. Ceughlln, and addresses by Prof. D. It. Augsburg, et KuUtewn; Superintendent 11. 8. Jeues, of Erie, and Prof. , X. Suyder, of dreensburg. Dr. T. C. Meiideuhall, et Terre Haute, lnd., lectured lu the evening te a crewdid hotise ou " The Earth." Til ABHBBt M A OIML. It Will I'rulialiljr cue tbs Kaatguatluu el a Ilrtttab Cabinet Orttcer. An animated discussion took place In the Ilouseot Commens Tuesday nlgbt ever the conductor tbe police in arresting a young woman named Casa, wbe is or pure repute, as an Improper character. Tbe debate resulted In the defeat of the government by a vote of l.VttellS, The criticism of ixembers were directed lesa against the police authorities than against Mr. Matthews, the home secre tary, who was accused of shielding the iilU clals. A uumber of Liboral-Uuleuists voted with the majority. It Is expected that tbe dofeat or tbe government will lead te the resignation et Mr. Matthews. Alter the division the minister met In a prlvate room, and it was afterwards rumored that Mr. Matthews would resign. Mesaia lteed, James Heward, Jobusten and Tyler, Conservatives, supiierted tbe motion. Twenty supporters of tbe government did net vote because they understood that the question bofero the Heuse was the defense of Magistrate Newton' conduct, or which they disapproved. It they had been infermed as te the actual issue they would faave voted against the motion, which 1 new believed te have been aimed simply at the susjionsleu ul the night' business. Mr. Campbell-ltauneruiaii, who wa form erly chief secretary for Ireland, gave notice that be would introduce, ou the second read ing of tlie Irish land bill, a motion that no laud measure would be satisfactory which lacked such revision of the judicial rent a would meet the result of the tall lu price. Mr. doergo Hewell, a Liberal, aiiuuuuced that he would call the attention of the Heuse te tbe use or the title "Empress" in docu ments net allectiug India as contrary te the premise et tbe ministers when Parllauieut conferred the title upon ber majesty. May Less a Hand. Frank II, dontuer, el Willow Street, met with an accident en Tuesday which may cause him tbe less el a hand. He was work ing lu the harvest Held with u reciter aud bluder and while at work his hand was caught In the machinery. One el the large needles entered the palm and the hand wa fearlully tern. Tbe machine wa stepped a seen a imasible; but It required the ellerta el teverai men le remove the needle, lie was taken te the ollice el Dr, Mayer and tbe wound was dressed. Cremated, Tbe body of Carl Kepke, et Ne. WO North 1'Jtb street, Philadelphia, was brought te this city en Tuesday afternoon for cremation. It was taken te the crematorium, placed In tbe retort and reduced te ashes. His sons Oscar, William and Charles, and son-in-law, A. Frankenberger, accompanied the remains, m Wbat I.IUK Drank en the Feurtb. I Jehn K Milan, representing the Lauer J brewing company, el Heading, sold 40 laurel I el beer in LUIU for the i'gutUi, I'lUCE TWO OBNTOJ THE SOUTH FOR CLEVELAND VUOBKHmAW M. A. MBBHBBT. P BAB, TALK 1'ULttiV. tin Man Iha V I. . - V' ,. ... ...m ..m n aa sareag sat-;, the t'lweldent aaltwraa ..., l : ItcfulM th Aaaartlim That Tasre I4 win us a Ifemecratle Unas. M ' ?,$j Wa.hhiniite.v, July d, This eveelag'iJ Critic will publish tbe following! Uam.t'P gressman Herbert was melon the avenue tMa ;W;S morning, and tbe genial Alanatnlan WMi drawn Inte a little political disouaalen. Ha jfsi said : 'An te thore being any break la tea Vt Douiecrstlo solidity of tbe Seuth, It la all 'P nousenso. Everything In my is booming In a business way, the buslnes men are well contented everything, the administration In pertkmla. There Is no doubt about It, Cleveland le'Sft stronger today lu Alabama than he ever Wa. and. In mv tiernnnat nnlnlnn. atttwM all through ihe Seuth. Why, the enthttslaaM Titfj I akin te that fur Jacksnu. Just Walt till tha - . - -........-- ... , -. proier limn rniues, ami you will see What liieHeutliwilldu ler Mr. Cloveland. rum kviM he be the next president 7 lhivend a shadow of a doubt ; at least It the Seuth ha anything at all tn say alKiiit it. Thore la but one poll, ileal voice their, and dial is ler Cleveland ler '& " HUVlttH AMI 11BUKBH I Mil). A Crowded t'asseugur Train Btruck by aa Engine The Wreck Takes rire. JiKMHKMKit, Mich., July U Tbe regular passenger train te Milwaukee wa crowded with poeplo Monday night and the conductor round it iiecesary tn step the train In order te collect fares. Whtle the train wa at a standstill a wild ciiglne and raboeno ran Inte the rear slucpnr, setting lire te It and throwing several coaches Irnm tbe track. Tbe wildest excitement prevalled en tbe train, 'there waageneral rush et paswen get for Iho doers, but they were all found te be locked ami It wa necessary te force tbeta open bofero aiiybxsly could escape. There were nearly three hundred people en beard, including a large number nf women. A number of the latter tainted during the ex ex ex clloment. Heme of the passenger aud train, men succeeded lu extinguishing the Are m tbe slcejier bofero the 11 luies could spread le the coaches. Heveral passenger and lrala men were hurt lu the collision. They fought Ueaparately. .Coiivdem, lnd., July (i News has been re ceived here or a terrible light which occurred at Marengo, Craw lord county, Sunday nigiir, boiween a baud of " White Caps," ( Kogulalers), aud two brothera named Naushee. The White Caps called u)Kn Jehu Naushee for the purwe of whip ping him. Jehn and his brother Sherman wero awaiting their arrival and with wagon spokes attai-ked the regulator, lu tbe light that ensued Hlierman Nstuslien wa brebably fatally shot ami Jehu was beaten with cube until be wa left for dead. HeTrt-aleil Ills IKsmI Wile' mentis. Hacink, Wis, July il A few days age Alderman Salbreitur, of the Seventh ward, Issued Inv lUlleim for a feast te the friend of bis dead wlte who were kind te ber during ber last sickness. Monday night the event occurred and was uuu lu be remembereOHi wese present, a large number uf uninvited person took advantage of the hespitallllea oxtendid and made the gatherlug one Of revelry. TKLKUICtflllU T.ll'd. The ruc-j for the Imperial geld cup waa run at Newmarket, Londen, te-day. Ormonde wen. with Wlutelritr aeceudaud Lovegeld third. Gin Dennelly, or New Yerk, wa drowned oil" Hay Kldge yesterday afternoon by the Up. setting of a sail beat. Asieclal telliuSpriiii.-liuld, Mass., Iieiut-fu-cdisays: "The llosteu Daily Adeeitincr and thn Jieeuiiu liccenl, have been sold te Charle E. Whltlu, et Whitlusvllle, ler fiun,oeo. A number of railway intuiiger Imve be-vn In Austin, Texas, in u msululieu with tbe governor trying te arrive at seme plan by which railroads may Imj protected from train robber. It has been determined te arm elght men ou eacli passenger train. One of the beat gas wells that wa ever opened lu the West wa struck lust night near the First National bank in Pert Huren, Mich. Harry Palmer caine te Hamilton. Out., from Jersoy last week. He bebaved in a strange manner and wa arrested as Insane. Last night uimn hi release he went te the town et Dunda and ahet hlmseil dead. The Salt Like City rrtbuuc editorially say : "The Mermen artlcte pretending te abolish polygamy is n fraud and sham. " Yan Phou Lee, of China, wbe graduated with high honor at Yale college last com mencement, was te day united In marriage te MI Elizabeth Maud Jereme, a New Haven heiress. mBASttmu lmuiVAXivww. PWahhimuteit, D. C, July t) Ver Eastern Pennsylvania : Fair weather, slight change in temperature, wlnda goue rally southerly. m UP AND 1)11 WN TUB HTATE. The llrandy wine at West Chester hvaover llewed its bauka. Hebert Hague, clilef or police of Pittsburg from 18 10 until Ibl'i, died Friday morning at the age of 82. At West Choster the corner-stone of tbe public library wa laid en Tuesday with in teresting ceromeiilos. Hen. J, Smith Fulhey presided. At dreensburg, Jehn L. Miller waa swindled out of JJ, &00 by shrewd swlndlera who induced him te draw It from bank. Samuel Drumheller, a wealthy farmer, waa stabbed in the eve with a knife by deerge Wenrlch In the National hotel, Hellnsgreve, during an altercation, from tbe elloet ei Which he will die. William Turll, the bookkeeper In tbe era ploy el W. K. Tayler it Ce., Hhlladelphla.ls a doraulter te the ameuul et (1,000, which be abstracted from tbe sate. William U. Stiles, au eccentrle Philadelphia stove dealer, 55 yeara old. committed suicide Tuesday eveulng by euttlng hi threat with a keeu-edged razor. Willie Earbart, aged 10, residing at Gallit zlu was among the sHutatorseftbu ilreweike at that place Monday nlgbt. A sky-rocket waa put eU aud Unload of going up It struck Eathart lu tbe bead and almost decapitated luiu. He lived till morn lug. Married Tues ly Krenlnf. List evening. ItenJamin A. Hnlndler married le Miss llertbaK, Merrow, uaagbestV of Hubert M. Merrow, tbe wsli-kaewaJ builder. The ceremony took place alias lesa i .!.,-. r iha lirlda' Barents 09 Kelt XaMMB iS ' street and wa performed by Her. Jee, K T. Jgj dray, el the Duke street M. K. okareB, ar.. "i stated by Hev. O. L. fry, or -many, -jj After the weddiug recaptien WM $3 bold st Mr. juuiiuw- - ""jaj . urin uutnber of guesti were prafcjQvj Msny.'hsDdsenie preseut were glvea thatm pair. At 11:10 the newly made man and ,:ij wile left for Hprliigtleld, llllnetf, wbsre they yj i.n H..I. IiiIiim ImniA L MnlM.llA 'VIS Will """ """"""" " ! VJ- fenuerlv resided in this city. Ha la a arad 9?i iiata nf the hle.h school and learaad hla trad .' u ilia T.ani.aaiAp wetnh tmrttfirv. AlimrmmrAmf'r be went te Hpringlield and new bold a psaW lien In the wateb factory there. '4;,: i Hart lev aiaaaer. H. Wm. I). Weaver, attorney ter KradertefcM Kunn, 01 xerre Hiti, aaa eatertet a aaai wmt' slander against Mrs. Emete Ueakaa, ,at' tbe same vuugs, ler aiaaaer, tb auagBWs) la 1 1, at Mra. Cliathait fflmnlatail gera saBaaav Inu hU nharanlar for ahaalUv. vkaeeaati ha.' "'. .mb --. .. .... .... 4 , p ' m auflara IL000 ilaimaaa W M a m 'Mi r. M r! 2 v .;: M ?,i j ' m4 . l.s. .. 3. fe&Miti r4aT .j:. . .A " T u si-v J ft .. -. .? , t.-Atijt&!.&J)J js. Wk-,. u , Kt.-ui .'- .)v i k.afr U.- iJ S lff.V2j