fmmrw Vi. &) JDwtfagtef MMP . VV, -P-TliLMJ VOLUME XXIII-NO. 259. LANCASTER, PA., KggtfDAY, JULY 5, 1887. WUCE TWO 01 tBJSmP'"? (-' gMSkMMMuJUtutfBiw'Mk " AHHf I -JtWB . 1 TIIK FOURTH OF JULY. mi fHiuMMriur jm untmurmu in 111 in umiui.w vitw. falriiill.iu That Was Kihlhlled My a Constant lln All May Mini Nlghl-Th ltatea and 'rietrihuta at Mt (liana's I'aik Ilia l.arga Crewilt. Fmuthel July thU jear (ell iieu eday Dial Waa iNmutlliil ler the celebration el the 1 1 lib anniversary el American Independence, Tite aim never slimiu muri) brightly ami I hare was a cool limrm it iivmIIIiik all day totem tetem xir Ita raja. The jieoplngate themselves up te a general holiday cvl..lmlliiii. Frem the ntrly morning the mids leading out of town were traversed liy tthlcle ami en feet by tlinse who wished In get away Irmii the city's 1II11, Tite Ismllug mi Him riwk attracted great many, ami all the itnla grounds el thu vlnlnlly held their iiieta Tint II 7.x bang of tlm llrccracker tang en llie air all day, lav ginning with a tuallailii alter midnight Iti tlm eaily iniiriiltiK the atieeta were nmls llwly tiy the ImihIb emxirtlng Use ernatilrjllniis te Mlddliilnwn and ty the parade nl l he Kulghta et Hi. Jului and Uia Urand Army In (hit alleriieun the sports at MiGranti'ipark ilmw many and In thoevtm theevtm Ing Iheiwauds allien! them te sew the lite wuiksdlqilx. 'Ilium wele few wvldenl of any note. A M'Ih-ihI lutlew of Hie ilay'a utiiiita in lieregtteu : ina ran hi ii . r M'MMawa'A i'abh. Htlrtlril lletes lltilil In the .vliertieun and Flrr Flrr werB In Ilia F.veuleg 'I'liii ouleilalnmeut at the park consisted of trotting, running and a deg race In Hie afternoon, and a grand display el firework" In thu evening. I'tie attendance In tliu after noon Was net very large, there being about six huudriHl prisons present. Doubtless thore would havu been many mere prenent had llinru net lieen a prevailing opinion that the contests would tie or tlie "scrub rat" order ; Instead et which they werecleae and exalting. til thrilniting contest llinie worn tint two entries Mattlu Miller's chestnut mats I.M.t II., hiiiI Frank MhcUiiuIkIe's brown imtiu Msy. In the llmt heal May took a lead at thu stall, epuml a gap along the bsckslretcli and increased It te alz lengths at thu end el the hall mile. Frem that tlmtt en I. Id.i began te gain and trolled very prettily down llin homestretch, being beaten by imly atsjul a l-nigUi. The second liext Mi) took slight IekI, and ll.e herms traveled well together up llin li.k'k strelch ; at thu hull uille My 1ml tiy two length and kipt llial ilhUmi) ler iin"iluie. On turning into tlie iMMinMii'leh I.Ida hreku anil ivmid net he keI down, and wax aluumt II.iUik'.I In thu third heat I.Ida took a lead at thu Hint tutu ; txilh lieraea broke, but l.lda Hlrui'k hur ptre llrat and Kaluvd a Uad el nit IciikUi". MayKradit ally gained en hur, reiluuiiig her lead te lour length at tlm halt mill', tweal the three iiiarteraand eiiu at tlm hceru. In the lour III beat l.'da took a lead, but broke badly lu UulHliIng thn hall mile, leilug about luur leugthiand gllug MayngixKl lead; lu going up the hackilreuli, l.tda ran until alie hail ied May, and then etriiik her pace and trotted wry prettily until thu llnlth, coining In about thieu leugtba ahead, but the judges aet her tTK'k '..r running and gte the heat and raoe In May. Following H Hiiuiunry . Tretllnn for pilvtUl pnrae, llllbl Ur:lt, brl llni'.i In live rauk Mi i. jnflu . lit. nr in . Slav I 1 t Muitln 1 1 1 1 -1 ni. li. in . I.lilt II .. i 1 1 I lllliu -irtX. M1,5MI 111 1 UK lil'NNINU Kfi: There tlm-e ixilriua ler thli eeel, whluii wit li l I in I ! and reH'at, but only two Marled, Mr Ktiillui'tn'rt thiarlte, having 1, wan drawn. Tue e iiitmUilti were Kleliaid SIeV bty uure I.tiuy and V. (ielter'a bay gelillng Itegardua. Alter aetne troiible in xurtlng thu word wai given and l.ucy weat allghtly te the Irecil and atald there te the liuiili. lu thu ae' ind heat lliigardiK nUnl lu and bmk a leil at the lower turn uud iuoreuxl It te tlirve lungthi at the ipitrler mle, and alter a nip and luck htruggludnwu tliu hoiiieitreteli wen the heat by a abort men. In the third heat HegtrdiH leek a Nllht lead and held It until the quarter pelu wai maclieil. Then there wai a pretty run home and I. nay get there llrat by a length, winning thu race. Nummary ler Kuunltig Private purae, halt mile and repeat : It. Sdlc-inlit b in , Lucy I 'i I C. toiler ent b ir . lleaaidui 1 'llll.u-f.ij U;.VK- -i in: nun iiai'i:. A giHul ileal olauiuaeiuent waa allnrded by a deg race ler which there were three alarum: C.A. Ken-n, euleriit Hcett ; I". K. Kralm, Nell and A. N. Iturger, Det The distance tun waa about 1 10 yarda. The dega were atarled above the dlatance ()it and ran te the judgea' aland. The raven were well cmitoated, Mcett took thu Ural heat in ! bcceik Det the atoeiid Ii04t III '. aeceuda, Nell thu third In lu auoeuda, and Det the leurth heat and the rave In 'J'j aeeunda. ( nuulayul Flrawuika-Tbuiuaada at I ha fark u See It The grand display el llrewerka at Me (Irann'a park In the evening attracted an liumeiiHe crowd. Jut hew many thauaanda were there la hard te guena. The atreet rail way waa taxed te Ita utmost capacity ; Uie caba and ceachea and 'buaes were packed, and the turuplke waa lined with an almeat unbroken proceaalen wending tbelr way te the park afoot. The grand ataud, the ejien atand and tbejudgea' aland were packed with men, women and ohlldren, and aerea mere et men, women and children occupied the een Mffl within the race oeuraa I'rel. l.ippelt, who had charge et the tire werka, had a dozen large hmw net up in an enclosure cam of the Judgea' atand, and en thoae (Mintii were Died the innre important pyrotechnic nlevea. All of them were bril liant, and when thuy were auoeemlutly lighted the great crowd gave vent te luud ap ap plauie. The llrat piece waa a Tery brilliant one en which the word " Wel come " blued. Other aet pluiwa were the American I'iag, the Indian I'almette, the 1'erHiati Koae, the Duuble Dauce el Falrlen, tha Jainee(llery, the Kuiblem of Liberty and Juative, the llrllllaut Huu, the I'elka Quadrille, ami" (iiKMi Night." During the intervala bbtwtuu tbeaeaet plevea, there were Ulght el recketa, a large feunUIn battery, bemb-ahella tired Ireui a uierlar, tableau urea, exhibition bongelaN, iwravbute recketa, Meral leunlaiua, red, blue and greeu llgbta, reinan candleaand many ether pretty tbluga. The display waa known aa a "a aeven hundred dellara" eue and waa liirnUhed by D. H. Ilurak for agoed deal leaa money, and Mr. liurak alae aaalated I'rel. l.ippelt lu aettlng oil the exhibition. Alto gether it waa a creditable aXlalr and gave very general nalialactlun. TIIK UAblXlON A KAII.UllK. The large het air balloon which waa te nave ler med part of the exhibition could net be Intlated and therefore would net go uji. Kuignu el at. Juha'a farad. The KulghUel ML Jehn eelebrated the day by an early morning paiade. Tbey aamn bled at their hall, In lull uniform, at 4 o'eleok In the morning. Hhertly alter that bear, beaded by the lilberty band, tbey mareaed out Eaat King atreet te Abb, down Abb te Orange, te the realdeaea of Father KauL Hire the knlgbU were baited aa4 the lib erty band aareaaded Father Kael. After playing aeveral aelecUeaa Father Kaul ap ap ap naared.oemnllmented tbe kalgbta ea theU flee appearanee and Uuuked tbern ler te aareaade. Tbe organlMUea aaxt vMted HI. Mary'a Catholic church and aarenailed Kev. Or. P. J. McCullagh. HL Jeaepli'a beapltal waa nail vlalted, and after rather Mcbuella waaaeranaded, the line of march waa taken ler HU Jeaeph'a Catliolle church. Here tbe members attended aervlea In a body, after which a aerenade waa tendered te Father Kech, tbe paaler. The knlgbla looked well and drilled well, under the direction of Capt. Kred K.Hhread. TheU. A. It. lUranualrallwN. At U o'clock a delaehuienl of Admiral lteyuelda awl, (I. A. It., left their lant room, and alter a antde through the principal trneta, inarched te the l,aneaater eemelery. At the anldlera' tot the aura and wtrlpM were run te tbe lop of the till Il4gatall, the mem bera aang patriotic aunga and a uad broil a aalule. Uapl. Ilenrge VV. Ilullnagle waa In command el the men. A. O. Leenard de livered aatlnlngadiliutHal the aeldier'a let. Alter the addttwa a aalule el :W giitia waa II red and 'America" waa amig. The I'eat mlurued te Centre Hipiare where a aalule el t.'l guua waa Hied, alter which the veletana broke rauka. A Child Terribly Homed. Jehn Myera,Jr., the throe-yoar-eld aen el Jehn Myera, living en ljuuuat atreet, waa k badly burned en Nunday that hla recovery la doubtful. While playing with a brother a lewyeara elder, the latter accidentally aet lire te Jehn'a dreaa. It-ifere the llaiiim could boexllngulalied the child waa terribly burned about the IIiiiIm. Dr. J. W. lleaa waa aunt aunt meneil and he attended te the chlld'a In jur lea. Ilia !' I'lrabv. Itecklaiid club, Ne. fi, apuul the day by holding a picnic at Deiuulh's park, and all tbe available 'buaea in the city were prtaaed Inte uae te carry tbe Irlenda el Uie club. The Marlen club held Ita annual picnic at Telia llalii and the atreet eara were thronged all day with the excuralenlata bound for a day'a pleaaure at thla well-known euumier rveert. VUI.VMHIM'M MUmBtmm VMLMItHAriVH. t'arwlaa. rirawera. Oratory, MuMr, Ueat llacf., Klc Tha Town urewilid by Hlraa(ra, Cei.umiiia, July a. Never within the memory et the eldeat lnhabilant of Columbia baa any day lawn celebrated like the Fourth el July el INX7. Fer miuib weeka pant the iwtebratleu el tbe nation 'a holiday haalieen In the handa et a commlltee ofcltl.en who have put ferthewry f llert loiiiaketbeelnervatice a auvwna and the txwctatlena of the ui(t aaiigulne hate been lully The day waausheied lu by tbe ringing el bulla, etc., and a parade el euug men dreieed In lautaa tic ciatuuiea. Thla parade waa kept up for ever an hour and the wrUclpauta seemed bout en the Idea of making a noise. The weather was all that could be desired; aJ. though theaun was hot,aceol bree4ttemered the atmosphere. Karly In the morning strangers began te make their appearance aud by the time et the parade the atreela were literally packed with people, making walking almost luiirMilble. The people of town seemed Imbued with tbe aplrtt et patriotism and everyone wanted te celebrate the holiday. The display of bunting, Hags, eta, waa very liberal, and almost every dwelling beuse and business plaee wax trimmed, eome lielng decorated In an elaborate manner. Thegraud parade waa held at !i o'clock, forming at Third aud Iiecust streets aud matching lu the fol lowing order : lllcyile Ijlub, H iiiciiilium, coinpe-nxl el Hilars Initn Celutnhtik. J.ancvUir and otlier Htntd. Chief Harahitl, (imi W AIiIh. H. HiilwIleraDdH. A llnckluv Chlul lliirites Hall, dlcusKl In a lanbutlc uianner.nn heraetiai k. Council uuil ScIkkiI Heard In cutrl.iKCS. KIHrtT liVlrtl(l!, tlvllen llarslial.Uapt. r A. Ilcnnetu Maytown lliml, II uiuii. Ueiiiwiiy U, till ItepL, N. II. l',j: moil under cottiuiuiidef blent. K II K kiima. Uen. Wenh 1'iMt, Ne. MH, U. A. 11, 111 men. iindurcoiiiiiuudef I'ejI Cuiutiituaure. ll.C'luv pr. Seul el Veteran, te iiicmitwm. K'Omi lllVIHION. Dlvlitlnn MarMhal, .Inlin Wcnterinin Meiiutvlile It-tiid, 15 niHii. Celiiuihlii rim Company, Ne. l.iil men iKllant Fire Company. Ne. A .H men. ali.iwnce rtre Ceuipauy, Ne. .1, 3i uiuu. TlllltDUIVIHIIia. Dlvlnlen, lc lloiulen allillln. l'reHHcl llantl. 1H inua. Clil'iiii.ililiig TrttH), Ne. 3), of Uutl Uuil, W melt. Mi'tropelll in Hand. In men Clilppe'a Ceuiiti uidery, Kulglitd el Ibu Ueldeu Kaglu, Jl men. rilVKTH IIIVKION. lilvlsUm MiirIil. Cel. Jehn L. Wright. l..lumlilii lliind, 17 moil Knights of tha Mymlc Chain, GO men. LoniMlega lxlge, KnlKhtsel i'ylhlus, .15 men. L'eliitiiUliMiiiiineirhur, .') nuin, rirrn mwnnm, Illlen Marshil Jehn II. reny. Hpruuklu'n Uriiin and rife Cern. forty mounted menilruHiuil In f iiiIh.hiIcIeh. Twenty rlve butcher wearing while up ions uuil high hata. Ili-ar'a hue ball clitbaud thu lluivey ruberN, el liiiucnniieu. Advurll-lnn wiiKOiM. I'reiuplly at '. o'clock the column com. uienoed moving ever the following route : Up lieciiit toHeventti, Neveuth te ChUHtnut, Cheatuut te Third, Third te Maple, Maple te Hccend, thence te Commerce, Commerce te Walnut, Walnut In Frent, Frent te Locust, Locust te Hecentl, Heoend te Union, Union te Filth, Filth te Cherry, Cherry te Huuend, Heceud te I'erry, l'erry te Fourth, Fourth te Mill, Mill te Filth, Filth te Union, Union te Highlit, Klghth te Walnut, Walnut UiKecend Heoend te licuit, up l.euut and counter march te the iark, where the following order et exercises waa u irned out : A. J. Kautluian, esi , announced as presi dent, Huu. U. M. North, LL. I). Thirty eight vice proaldenu and thirty-eight aecreUriea were announced. In presiding Mr. North made a briel speech recounting tbe patriotism el the anldlera' et '7(1 and the benefits new euiyed by the country. The musical and literary exercises were aa fellows : Music-" The lied. Whlleund Uluu," tlwiiner cber. flayer, lluv. U. W hly. Munlu National Aim, band. Declaration et tudupeeduute, Dr. O. W. Hern thelel. U mle " The Star Spangled Uanner," M.en- nuicoer. Urallen "The Day We Celebrate," lien. C. C. Kaiitfuian. Munlc Hull Columbia," tl.enuurcbur. Aim, baud. Alter tbe conclusion of the exercises a number of balloons were sent oil. At U o'clock a tourameut took place Iw tween tbe members of tbe Columbia Kille team en their rauge, opposite tbe Hint works. Dr. W. U. Tayler mvte tbe highest acere aud waa awarded tbe handsome silver cup. At 4 o'clock tbe beat race took place en the river, drawlngalargecrewd about tbe place. Tbe aall beat owned by Jeseph Kntwlale waa tbe winner el tbe prize. Chestnutaireet waa crowded with people last evening at 8 o'clock, when tbe display of tire tiro tire werks took place. The fireworks bad been placed en tbebigligroundaeppoalteCbeatnut atreet, and every person had a geed oppor tunity et seeing the pyrotechnic display; nine large aet pieces, large quantities or rockets, bemba, eta, comprised tills exhibition. This closed tbe celebration and every feature was varrled out In a very successful manner. The peuple or town gave liberally towards the observance, and bad the satisfac tion el seeing that their money bad bees well apent Kvery paaaeuger train coming into Columbia waa tilled with strangers desiring te aae tbe people observe tbe day. It bas been stated as geed authority that Ufa thousand people came te town te aee the celebration. Tbe Columbia fire com piny bad tbelr aew 1st France engine In the parade. Tbe aew ateamer la a beauty and waa greatly admired. The awtaatlcaU wsre a feature or tbaytraue and the costumes were gotten ap la flae style AasaarMlagaa ex created considerable mnsannat aa be weat through the atresia Tha two Kerwy bretheta, of Kllxabatutewa, were lu (he tauade. These men are aeven fast la height Tha Day at LIUU. IiITItx, July i. The day waa ushered In with a big noise, firing of cannon, ringing of church bells, blowing of shop whistles, Ac. Aa early aa aeven o'clock team from tbe county indicated a lull day. Liwande'a circus, having arrived Hunday evening, gave a atreet parade at 8 o'clock, which waa a new attraction In tbe old Moravian viltage and drew quite a cress upon the streets. At 10 o'clock they gave a free exhibition or trapeze performances and tight rope walking. Tbey gave performances at 'i and 8 p. m. te large audience. At lOitO there wss a parade of the Knights el tbe (Jelden Kaglc, participated In by castles from Heading, New Helland, Man helm and Lllllz, with squads from aeveral ether placet), accompanied by excellent bra bauds Irem Heading and New Helland. At high neon the springs grounds were cleared and the selling el tickets began. It waa aoeti apparent that the crowd wan going te be a large one, and at two o'clock, the hour apKilnted forlbeieaklngeii the "grounds," also the oM)nlngtwrfnruianee el tbe circus, lully one theuaand persona were en the grounds. At !!:!&, Dr. J. C llrebat called the crowd te order when Kev. W. Lswara, efHL Paul's Lutheran church, ewued the exercises with prayer, and ileu. II. Hauuiaii, of Heading, was Introduced. Ilia miliums was one of the best historical Fourth of July addresses we ever listened la Alter music by the Liberty band of Heading (Irand VIceHtlllr, K. II. K, of l'litladelphla,s;avaahurt history el the order when F. 1. Hart Introduced Past Chlel Dr. J. a Cram, el CaatlelM, Phila delphia. Thla address was lull or II re and fun, the listeners crowding near te lake In the Jokes. Kx-Henater R F. Hughes, of Phila delphia, also iK.H, H, thou spoke for ever hall an hour. Ills was the ablest aud most eloquent addreM of tbe day. In Uie evening the grounds, aa usual, were beautirully Illuminated by 0.U0U caudles aud 'JUO Chinese lanterns, while the tlrowerk and balloon ascensions were equal te any lermer celebrations. During tbe day Hteama' Hying carriages, the bow ling alley and tbe circus all received a large patrenage. While new and then a stroet light drew some aside te witness the pounding, yet few Intoxicated persons were i9en en the streeta, and the day closed atllw m. without any aa-ldents or Hum, save a premature explosion el the fireworks caused by tlm falling of a jrk amongst them which greatly alarmed the crowd, but uu eue waa seriously injured. Th Calsoratlen at Map. Oai-, July 4. The Fourth el July was generally observed bore as a holiday. The Knights ottlie Mystic Chain had a mas mas queradeln the afternoon, about sevontyUve men dressed in all kind el fancy, comic and oriental costume being In line headed by the Christiana cornet band. Alter parading through the priuciial hlroet of (lap, the pro pre pro ceaaeon waa hailed at the ground belonging te Walker A Ce , where one et the most In teresting game of bate twll waa played that ever was wltnesMHl In thla vicinity. There were about eight hundred people en the ground. 'I he gitine waa played by the (lap club against the Ceatenyille club, the (lap winning by a score et 3 te - In the evening a leati val was held en tbe let adjoining that en which the game el base ball was played. About three thousand people were prevent. In conuectlon with tbe featlval one of tbe grandest displays et tlrowerks that wan ever seen In Uie lower end of the county was given. The pieces were among the Hneat ever set oil, aud all present enjoyed Uie occa sion, It twing one long te be remembered. In short, It wsa a real old-fashioned celebration el tbe Fourth el July. Much credlt Is due the committee In charge. Kverythlng passed ctl without an acideiit el any kind. Thu pyrotechnic display waa In charge of Mr. U IS. Walker, U. K. Khlmp and (J. W. Oren Oren derl, who handled the pieces wild aa much precision and care aa eue with years el exi, rlence lu that Una The order was excellent and la a credit te the Caatle, under whose auspices tbe alUir was gotten up aud carried through. I.IIII Ulebr.tllen In Marlatla. Mahikita, July &. lu the morning be fore the break of day a number or young men ushered In tbe Fourth with a terrltic rear or luuskelry and the racket el all the Instru ments el noise available. During the day tbe town had the appear ance et a deserted village. Many went te Columbia and ether places. In the evening Ames Utaplelerd, landlord el the tit. Jehn hotel, bad a very line display el llrewerka. Tbe parly at Dully 'a park was a grand affair, llernad by a rirecrackar. Koiihkhitewn, July ii. The Fourth passed oil very quietly. An accident hap pened te Mias liiura llaer, el this place, while celebrating I he day. While baudliug some lireerackers oneel them exploded aud burned the lour ends of her lingers en the right baud, which were dr eased by Dr. D. 11. Hheuck. VBLKHUATItlH AT MIODLBtUWIf. Odd tallews aud Knight, ul tba (luldru Eagla lu l.lutt A Memorable (lralen. Monterey ledgo, Ne. 2-.', I. e. e. F., aud Hlue Croaa Cemmandery, Ne. 5, Knights of tbe (Jelden Kagle, left this city al'.lifOa. m. te attend the dedication of a new Odd Fel lows ball In Mlddletewn. ilefere leaving Incaster a short street parade waa given. Tbe knights In their bandaome uniforms and the Odd Fellows lu their regalia made a haudseme appearance. The Odd Fellows were white straw helmet, made te order for Uiem by Brandt .t Ce., Uie North Queen street hatters, white sashes, glove and canes. K. 1C Hnyder was their marshal and C. U, 11 err and Geerge A. Khilly assistant mar shals. Tbe ledge was acoemiwnled by tbe Falrvllle band which furnished excellent music. Ilefere leaving Lancaster the ex cursionists were photographed en a large plate by II. Frank Hayler. Arrived at Mlddletewn the excursionists were met by a committee or Triune ledge and escorted te beadqiiartera. Dluuer was served uu a most liberal scale te every stranger lu town. There were Odd Fellows prevent from Hainbridge, (iiarry vllle, F.liza F.liza belblewii, Yerk, llarrlabuig, Htoelten and Imcaaler, besides members el the Knight ei me ueiuen Kagie aud ether societies. The grand parade formed at 1 o'clock and moved promptly at 1:30. Over l.oeo men were iu line. The route waa a long one, but waa made pleasant by Uie geed eillces or Uie cltlzena, who bad thrown heauUlul arches across the street, decorated the build ings with llaga and (lowers, and placed along Uie line of march tuba tilled with ice water, cold tea and lemonade, and received loud ap plause aud ether demonstrations of welcome. Monterey Ledge occupied the right et the line and during the progress el tbe parade went through a nuuiber of ripe evoluUeua, lermiug tbe hour glass, Uie three link. Uie heart and ether emblem of theerder ; all or mem being prettily executed and loudly cueereu ey me loeaera-on. ' At tbe close or th parade Uie hall, located at Uie corner or Kuiaua and Catherine streets a three story brlek with a Mansard reef, was dedicated according te tbe ritual of Uie order of Odd Fellows, by Past Urand Master Charles N. Hlokek, of Bedford, Pa., aaalated by District Deputy (irand Matter Krlamaa, of Lancaster, and ethers. Alter the dedica tory ceremonies were ever all retired te Uie Farmers' market beuse and partook of a meat excellent supper prepared by the com mittee. After supper Monterey ledge took a walk around with theFalrvlUe band at Uie bead , of their column, and aereeaded the dliftreet newspapers and a number of prominent cltl nens, and before leaving ter home soreuadod i'ast (Irand Master Illckek. Tbe Lancaster Knlgbta aud Odd Fellows returned te Lancaster at 10 p. m., well pleased with tbelr Fourth el July celebra tion. The new ball dedicated at Mlddletewn la a very pretty one and was built aud furnished at a cost of 7,IWu. It will be occupied by the Odd Fellows Ledge aud Kncainpiuent, the Knight ell'ylblaa, and the Knight of the (Jelden Ksgle. UABVALTIB U TUB UAH. Kiploalea at Vlrswarhs Usawi r.itllriii.ut en West King Mrs!. One of the many temporary stands erected for the sale of fireworks waa that el Frederick Milter In front of Charles Duttmihnler'a cigar store, 17 West King street A bout 7 o'clock Saturday evenlng some one threw a lighted llrecracker upon his stand and In an in stant his whole stock wai hIUiiie. Kocket and 1 teman caudles were oxpledlng In all directions and the dynamite crackers were hissing and craking at a terri ble rate. One of thu rockets struck Mr. I)uttenbelera front window and ahattored a plate glass threo loot wide by eight loot long. Mauy el the pieces fell into the basement, occupied as a barber shop by Jehn Hbeatler, lining the room with mneku aud almost sullecatlng hint aud his cus tomers. Au alarm or lire was Hounded and the llreuien were seen en tbe ground, but tbelr services were net needed, aa a lew buckets el water Ntilllced te quench the flames alter the llrewerka had all ex ploded. Mr. Hu lei's loin la about f 10 In lire liro lire werks and seme menuy miming from the till alter the racket was ever. Uee. Huydam, a boy, was badly burned In tbe face en Monday by the explosion et a firecracker. Dr. Heard man dreaaed the bey'a wounds. One el tbe results of celebrating the Fourth with tee much enthusiasm was the un fortunate accident which befell the Uttle son of Lotter-carrlor Jauies H. Donuetly,roaidlng en Plum street The little fellow had ene el blsoyes very soverely Injured which may result lu the less of thoeptlu by the explosion of a cracker. A lllte son of Jehn Myers, el Locust street, between :t and I years el age, wai terribly burned yealerday. Ilia dreai caught from a tire craker, and wai seen In lUuiea. Hevural gentlemen threw their coat around the child and In that way extinguished the lire. lie was badly burned about the body aud leg, and Dr. Hess attended IiIiil Uuorge Caster, a small boy, had ene eyu badly burned by an oxpledlng firecracker. Evanta ul the Ilay'a (teivaiii. As Is the usual custom, the national aim weresuug In thosteepleol Trinity Lutheran church, by the choir, en the morning of the Fourth. Iu addition two cernutlsts played national airs. The Lancaster M.ounerchor,to the number te almost 75 memberH, enjoy ably spout the Fourth et July at Mlllway station. The cllizena of West Willow bad made ar rangements ler a grand display nllirowerka en Monday evening, but a abort tlme before dark seme one accidentally let a tirecracker drop where the tlrowerks were placed aud they all went eir at once. Themas llaumgardner'a home ou North Duke street was the scene el t line dliplay a het air balloon being sent oil. A Hue dis play waa also given at Duke aud James Blreeta. The Liedcrkranz spent the day at Yerk Furnace. The memberH left this city en the early morning train ami returned at J: 15. During the day patriotic- aengi were sung. At a picnic held by the Metropolitan life insurance sgenta el this city, at Lintner's greve yesterday, Assistant Superintendent J. W. Jenes wa presuuted with a'tmautliul ebony geld beaded cane, as a token of Uie esteem iu which he is bold by the sgents of Lancaster district. Mr. Jenes neatly re sponded. The largeit display of fireworks besides the oneat McCranu's park wai that given at City hotel, which liegan nliut half-past eight o'clock and laMed until almost eleven. Heme one lighted a large red lire-cracker and Mr. llldeneur' terrier deg Jack ran out te pick It up, Just as he get It in bis mouth the cracker exploded. The deg was knocked unconscious aud afterwards had several spasms. It was at first believed that he would die but he tinatly recovered and U new all right, although he wai budly burned. a nvitiimit ur iihawi.s. Fracases Through tba Vlty of Mere or Lena Serious Impert, Hhertly before neon en Monday qulte an excitement waa caused en Kaat Oraiige atreet near Khlppen by u tight in which Michael MacGonlgle, his son Kdward aud William HtermfelU were participant?. Slenufelt. llveeat :l'J Kaat Orange street aud the Mau Mau (leuiglea live en the ether side of (he street. About a week age U.zie Htermfelt, who Uvea with her brother, excepted te the tying or Ibe MacCenigle horses in trout of her home. Out el that grew a controversy which culminated lu a light Iwtween Kdward MacUenigle aud William bturmleltz at the time mentioned. Mrs, Hannah McCullen endeavored te aciMrale the men, but was thrown ever violently en her back. When the uinu were HtruRglirg, Michael Macdonlgte, lather el Kdward, rushed across Uie stroet and a violent persenal en counter ensued between the threo men in the Mteruifelt. domicile. It was said that Htorm Hterm feltz was severely choked by tbe elder Muc (lenlgla Miss Htormfellz and her brother were sevorely cut from falling ou broken glass in the room, and the services of a physi cian were required. StonufeIU has entered suit. Alderman Iturr is the mngUtrate befere whom two complaints of hhhauIi and battery have been preferred against Michael and Kdward Mactlonlgle. The second complaint wa made by Lizzle Kteruifeltz, who alleges she waa assaulted when alie stepped between her brother and Uie defendants te prevent a light. Ilow ou Middle htreet. Thuie was a disgraceful row ou Middle street uu the afternoon of Iho 4th. It waa between Kcubvii llucher, of Ne. liM) Middle atreet, aud hia lather. Thu father went before Alderman A. F. Dennelly and prosecutod his son ter assault aud battery and the aeu when arrested entered a cress suit ler a similar otlensebelerotbosauioalderman. He alleges that bis father Htruck biui without cause. Ul Head Cut. Jacob Hhaub and James Tarr had a fall out en Fourth of July afternoon and Hlmiti retired with a badly cut bead, lie sued his assailant before Alderman lUrr. Assaulted a Weman. Lewis l'arkp, a colored man, committed u assault and battery en Mary Procter, uu Monday night. He waa arrested as be waa about te take a west-bound train by Olllccr Lmuan. lu delault of ball he was locked up for a hearing by Alderman lUrr. At (littlyibure en Huuday. At (iettysburg tbe Piilladelphla troops and Uie veteran el Pickett' famous Couledorato brigade clasped bands and cheered patriotic speeches te Uie echo. The various speakers were glveu a grand reception, the grandest, perhaps belug reserved ter Mrs. l'lckolt,wbe waa present with ber aen, and for Uie presi dent, wbeae letter eT sensible congratulation en Uie union or Uie blue and gray waa re ceived with tremendous applause. Use of tbe uu JeuraaUst in Town. James U. Uryaen, et Wilmington, Del, who many year age waa ena et the propri etor of the JNTKi.i.ieaNcaa, apent yester day in Lujcasbx vlaltlBg ftlendr. LEAF AT HOME AND ABROAD. THM TUHAVVU MAMtHMTB QVMMt XHM fABT amrmn UAts. Last Mnaaeu'a racked (JiieiIs Outing Well, Hut Nut Heady fur Mals-Th New Crep (trow (trew ing Klnslf Meuia el th Pastures el Trail In Nsw Yerk. There baa lieetl nothing dene lu the local market worthy of note. Kvery body ha lawn celebrating the Fourth or July te the neglect et business, and Indeed there is net much business te be dene. The stock or old Penn sylvania leal is pretty well played out. The 'Wl seed leat Is net yet ready ler market, but Is Mid te be curing nicely. Tha Havana seed Is net doing no well, much el It being tender and inclined te ret Dealers contlniie te buy It from farmers at low rates loe low te make Its growing prelltable. The crop of 'b7 Is growing llnely. tt has ontlrely recovered tram Uie hall visitation et two weeks age. Tbe weather has been very laverable te its growth, and It It escapes hsll and Insect ravages a line crop will be harvested. Tbe Nsw Yera Cigar Leal Market. The seed leal market eilers no special leature of Interest this week. Something has been done In old goods, of which, espe cially the Hner grades, the market Is bare. There is no doubt that early transactions in In tbe new crop will take place te satisfy the demaud et thoae who must supply them selves. Already evldenoescould IwebMurveU during Ibis wuek, as eilers were made ler new packings and rejected, holders seeming te be bullish In their views. The, rldtru leusly high prices for Humalra paid ou the ether side, will have a tendency te strengthen the seed leaf market very materially. Havana Sales reported feet up let) bales at C.OeOf 1 10, and i 1.1 balea at 'Jjcfjf 1 '.!& The latest advices from Havana confirm previous reports that there will net be mere than a halt crop In the Vuelta Almje district thin fear. A Mavanal cigar manufacturer, new n the city, nays that under tbe me favor able circumstances there cannot be mere than fid per cent, aa much tobacco in thla crop suitable ler tills country as there wss last year. Others say there will net be 3.1 per cent. That prier for geed old stock mutge skyward seems new te be a cer tainty. hiiuiatra There has been the usual looking ever of old sUick this week, and a low mere bales el the beat of It have been sold. This stock is being rapidly reduced, notwithstand ing that most of it Is of a very trashy order. This is caused, probably, by the fact that most of the recent Importations have been appraised at 75c duty, with but little chance of tbelr being reappraised at a lower rate. The reported sales were 'J00 bales at f 1.20 te (1.50. I'hlladelpbla Market. Heed Lear Trade is moving only with thoae who have old leal of a desirable charac ter, as these goods are limited lu quantity. As seen as new goods are ready te eiler, a favorable change can be existed, which cannot new be much longer delayed, aa sampling must come, especially Connecticut. Sumatra ha new a position among the trade which Is Impregnable Prlce Is a secondary consideration, but rather, bow many leave will it run te a inund 7 Havana moves out el store lu Increased de mand. It must be uuquestionable. ttalllmure Market, Thore bas lioeu a mere active demand ler all grades et Maryland tobacco, and there have been sale of several hundred hogshead of very common aud ground leaves at about Inside quotations. The buyer for the French contractors appears te take his time, but Uiere are ethers In the market who seem te bavoHeuio conttdence in the future, and the market is steady. Ohie Is dull and nominally steady -with sale roierttxl el VZ hbds durlug the week. SemethlDg for Our Felic. Km. iNTKi.r.KiKNUKit There la a house en Mlddle street between Seuth Duke aud Christian streets that needs the attention or our police. Kvery Saturday evening this while past there aeeuis te be a gathering ul men and wonien, mho have evidently beer en tap, and who uiaKO uihI.t iiiip"- ty their ergies and profane language, swearing and lighting and vulgar talk can be heard emanating Irmu this place until 'J and :i o'clock Hunday morning. I.ast Sunday morning about - o'clock the neise Irem thelr lighting and swearing aroused thu neigh bors for almost a square around, aud it seem strange that none et our elllcers beard tlie racket raided at tbi house. We also have reasons te believ 9 that a beer club exists thore en Sundays Irem the talk and clluk ln of glasses heard by the neighbors-, and the ineu aud women who cougregate there. OllSEKVKlt. Siiddeu Death at V ourjre. William llallt, a young Welshman, a resi dent of Sleollen, Dauphin county, died sud denly at l'eiiryu park en Monday while silling at dluuer with his wife, two children aud u friend. He appeared te be iu excellent health when suddenly be threw up his hands exclaiming,"! beliuve I am going Iedic," aud fell lute the arms el his friend. Drs. Miller and .iegler, el Kteelten, who were present, hurried te hli assistance, but he waa dead. Mr. Jacksen, manager el Uie railroad, tele graphed te Lebanon ler an undertaker who seen arrived aud prepared tbe body ler ship meiit te Htoelten. Mr. Hallt bad bceu danc ing merrily a short tlme laifore he sat down te dluuer, and It is supposed he overheated himself aud died efhetrt disease. He had been iu this country but a low yours. A Large I'entleu Alluwed. Deputy clerk et thu quarter sessions, (Ice. W. Kaby, today terwarded te the United States pension ageut, at Philadelphia, the vouchers for a back pension which bas just been allowed te Mrs. Susan llrondle, Martle township. The claim wan en lile ler many years, and as allowed is for -iJ5 months, at (IS for a greater part e I that time, and for (I'J, siuce the law was passed increasing tbe psu psu Biens for that amount. The pension waa allowed for the death of her son, who was her only support. A Carpenter Injured, l'atteu Hanck, a carpenter, lu the employ of the Peutisylv aula railroad ceuipauy, was Injured this morning. He was walking ou the eastern eud et the t'onestega bridge carrying a bucket el water in his baud, when he wa struck by the engine ul an eastern bound freight train, lie was very badly cut aud bruised, but none et hla 'bout were brekeu. He was picked up by bis lelluw werkmeu. U e was brought te tewu aud taken te his home uu Mulberry street. Nlgbt llloeiuluc Cereue. On Saturday evening a large night bloom lug eereua drew many visitor te Uie resi dence or Mr. Jeseph H. tioedull, at the corner el West James aud Charlette Htreet. The ilniwnr wltnti fnllv nnnniul measured nearlv the purest white. Hut (III I.lceuf e Taken Out. This wa the llrat day ter tbe city treasurer te roeelvo pay for liconse for vehicle, under the new eity ordlueuce. Se lar but ene party baa taken out a license aud that is L. 11. Welch, a local dellverymau. Bbeulder Rlad Ureken. Last night while Jehn Sides residing en Sblppen atreet near East King, was driving through Mcarann's park, he was Uirewn from hla wagon and had one of bis shoulder blade broken. Dr. S. T. Davis attended him. His First sermon. Kev. J. W. Memlnger, the new Ptaet HU Paul' iletermed church, preached hi llrat sermon en Sunday morning tram Acta I Iz, 0. lie made a geed ImpreaUen, ume. tiiitwLam eevmvtt. imtttwwmv. This taltal Additle te Ike O. U, A. M. starts Under Favorable Auspices. On Saturday evening last (lea Shinier Council, Ne. 177, Jr. O, U. A. M., wan Instl luted by Deputy Slate Councillor J. ILMbellte assisted bv tbe members et Coneatega and Kinpire councils el Uie Jr. O. U. A. M., et this city. Thore were upwards or ou ei uie applicants prosenland quite a large number or members or tbe order in this city were also proHenl te take part In Uie institution or the new council. The deputy stated tbe ob jects et the meeting and read Uie charter warrant Issued by the state council, alter which he made the following appointment te till the several eillces : Jr. P. C, Jehn C, Hwniie, el Ne. -! ; V. C, J. D. Ileiiser, el Ne. Zl ; 11. H., Isaac I'.. Leng, or Ne. '1 ; A. H. a, K. H. Kurtr, el Ne. '."2 ; F. H., J. C. Ileam, el Strasburg, Ne. in j treasurer, W. It. Miller, of Ne, ill; conductor, Ames M. Albright, el Ne. 13) ; warden, J. 11. M llleysack, el Ne. ii ; I. S., W. F. I,eenard, el Ne. VHt ; O. S., Uee. II. Ulrlcb, or Manhelm, Ne. :U J. P. Winewer presided at the organ. Alter the institution the new council elected tbe lel lowing elllcers who were then duly Installed by the deputy state counciller : Jr. P. C, J. (. (loedman;U., Ueerge Kauir. manjV. C, Abm. Kbrtsman; It. H., W. H. Doebler ; A. H. S., (loerge ilellman; F. S., I-euls Hlaugh ; Tress., J. W. Ander Ander eon ; Cen., Jehn Morten ; War., J, M. Flckes ; 1. H., Samuel Delsley j O. H., Aaren Nagle ; trustees, J. 0. (loedman, Newton Keders, Henry Smeych ; Hep. te H. C, J, (1. (Joeduian andUuurge Kaiilluiau. Alter Uie Installation, the tnember were entertained by tbe Shllller Council (Jlee club, who rendered several line songs, as did also Mr. (Joe. Kaul! man, who sang a comic song, and A. M. Albright gave several recita tions in his usual geed style, alter which Uie council was adjourued amid great enthu siasm, the new members being well pleased with what they saw and learned. Tbe organlztUen starts nut under very favorable circumstances, and bids lair te be come ene et tbe strongest councils in Uie erdur, as they have ttcme very geed workers among them. hMinm-ALHUlUHT. Tbelr Marriage en th fourth el July Three Hcere WIUiss tbe Ceremony. At :t:!5 Monday afternoon the marriage of Mr. (Irlllllh M. Lelblg te Mis Euiuia H. Albright wa solemnized at the residence of the brlde iu the presence of rulatives and guests from liarrisburg, Philadelphia, Leba non and ether place. Kev. J. Max Hark elliciated, and a haudseme ring wai used In thu ouremouy. Helen, sister or the bride, waa bridesmaid, aud Mr. Wm. Heck was grooms man. After tbe new ceuple received the con gratulations el all preseut, tbe tables, laden with every delicacy, were given theattentien el the merry gathering ler several hours. When tbe bridal party leit the house for their home in lebanen, a thick shower el rice fol lowed while entering the cab which conveyed them te the railroad station. They reached Lebanon at 7 p. m., and at their luture home were recslved by a delegation who preceded them for that purpose. The preaeuta were many and handsome. The groom, son el Jehn Lilbig, el Corn wall, is a graduate el Mllleraville Nermal school, 'Ml, and Kastuum's National Commer cial college, Pougbkeepsie, N. Y. Several year age he was with Williamson it Fester, aud ler eouie Ume ha been holding a position in Lebanon. The brlde is the daughter el Keubeu H. Albright, 'Ml Seuth Prince street, a graduate el the high school, class of 'SI, and well known by a wide circle in this city. Funerals of l'remlnent treeple. The funeral et Klwoed M. Dance, a well known young business man or the lower end, took place en bunday afternoon Irem tbe residence et bis mother, Ne. tilS Seuth Queen street. It waa aUetnltrd-by-AW Wfltt ita n and 7, uniformed rank Knights of Pythias, and Inland City ledge Ne. 88, K. el P., and a large concourse of friends. Kev. Thes. Thompson conducted the funeral ser vices, aud the interment was made at Wood ward Hill cemelery. The funeral et Themas Cuuiuilngs, the wollknewu photegraphor, took place ou Monday merniug from his residence, Ne. II West Chestnut street. It was attended by representative et Denegal ledge I. O. O. F. el Marietta, Wanbingteu Kncampmvut and representative of Laucaster led go of Odd Fellows. Kev. U. K. Hetipl conducted the services, and tbe Interment waa made at Lancaster cemetery. The funeral of Levi Hsrt this morning was attended by the county tipstaves, a number el old soldiers, and by a large number of hia neighbor. The iuloruient was private The Kat Kud Fishing 0 lob. Tbe Kasl Kud Fishiug club left oil Monday fur a week's encampment ou Welse a Island. 'Ibe organization Is made up principally et resident el Uie eastern end or the city and they have made aeveral annual trips te this celebrated ttshing ground. They went fully (qiiipjied with the best tbe market allerded, ami with Abraui Maxwell and Jehn Uutler te de the cooking they wilt net be hungry during thelr trip. The following uamed write are memberH or the club: Council man Horger,Scbeol Director Krisman, Police man Hoechler, Leiter Carrier Yackley, Kuglneer T. A. Deen, Ceuucilman Kverls, Mlcbaul llrecht, Albert Drachbar, Wm. M. Deeu, Ileury Fisher, Charles Fordney, Henry CJess, Uoerge Marlou, Wm. A. Nor Ner beck and Henry M. Herr. Tbe Twe Hides treseutd Ou Stturday night Harry Htrehin and An drew Arneld, of Lobaneu ceuuty, made com plaint before Aldarmau Hirr against Wm. Speng and William Franklin for aggravated assault aud twttery. Their Blery is that while walking ou Seuth Uueeu street, tbe defend ant met thorn and attacked them without provocation aud aerieusly injured Htrehm. The defendants tell a dlllerent story. Mr. Speng states that a man named .ears and bis wife were quarreling aud he aud bis com panion endeavored te atop the disturbance aud while thuy were reiueustratiug with tbe quarrelsome couple the stranger attacked them and all they did was in Belt-defense. The accused entered ball ter u hearing. Veung lien's tlaiuecratle Club, An important meeting et tbe Yeung Men'a Democratic club will be held thla evening la their club room, in Kepler'a new building, ever tbe postemoe. Tbe conaUtutlen will be eren for signatures, and It la hoped the at tendance will be full. About 150 postal card were sent out te aa many young Democrats, inviting them te be preueut te-ulgbt. The 1 1. ...t.. 1. .. t. ...!.. n..l .1. .lit I . ..(..- club wishes It te be understood that ((t Deui ecrata are welcome at Uie club room, wbether tbey have received, a personal invitation or nut. Ur. Carver Vowing. Jehn Cllne, the well known gunner, ha arranged with Dr. W. F. Carver and I J. K. Hrewer, Uie great Bhoeter. te give an exhl- blUenatMeUrann'apark, this oily, en next Monday.'''' VuvM wU.lJ T'0'"? "e wenderrul reat of breaking one theuaand glass balls in alxty-llve minute m BseuriMBS te aeuytbarg sad atUWUtew. The number or exouraienlat te OeUyaburg en Htmdy waa 100, and en Monday nearly 300 Ucket were Mid ler Mlddletewn te Knlgbt el the Gelden Kagle and Odd Fal low, who participated in the demonstration of tbeir respective orders In that tows. A TOWN BURMKG. Ifl vLHiiBeir, pa., marABTAtmm M-LAMMM itAUtBB HBBW J irn man victim ei lb fir aa Nmeratl Th fepatac flee te th HH Lese Vlaeed a a BHiUea IMMant' and Iiumiaec Said te k SaxaB, A? w Kiim, Pa, July 3. Thetownet I . In the upper oil country, en the 1'hH .V Krle railroad, Is burning up. Fk started the contlagratiea la Beaeen I wells, and it spread te tha Weaver The town, bains without a lira aaean helples. Tbe Warren departaMMt YrtV but was without sumoleet boa. Thai delnhla .t Krle railroad autberlUM i nlng all relief possible te the Iowa. &.'-sJi The lire spread irem the weaver i taking In the pnstelilce, Jehn Leaaa'al Mervln Jacksen's, Wells' clothing I B, Ileman'a barber shop, U, 8., Me drug store, (). U. Hill' grocery, llres'. grocery and many ether nees houses and dwollieg. One waa burned te death by a bar oil tank. Others are missing. Taa spread te the Henry hotel aud envelop) law? depot. Tlie people became panic I and resorted te the hillsides te escape burning oil Noeaiiinato can be put the less, but thure is every reason te that it will reach halt a million There i but little Insurance. WA Trainmen aay about three hundred heusa? have been destroyed, almost Uie enUre Yff'ui lage. The ixxiple are entirely hemelea Tblrty-Flva llulldluge Oetlrejred. Ubai-ten, W. Va, July 5. A great flra, Um raging here. Thirty-live buildings have destroyed. Leus, $100,000. (InlnifMt Frem Oonstantlnenla. KfvS Lomhen, July 5, Lord Balisbury aav'-fl nounced In the Heuse et Lords thla eveaiagjj that the convention between TetmbK and (ireAt Urltaln for the admtat:A tratlen of Kgyptlau atlalr had a yet been rati Hed and that ha hi instructed Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, II liritish minister, te leave ConstanUnepte, ..... m. .. ft.-., juiy (. bruut aaatutt committed en Miss Henrietta H. Pewali, it'. Matthew' Court Heuse, Va., last night,' Walter L Kilten, mate et the bark ResUa,v or Cherry ueiu, ma mum rewull u 10 yeara old. r"m A New Yerk Fallur. New Yeuic, July 5. Jehn Slade A Obj dry goods aud commission, 07 Laonard I have made au assignment. They give terences et ever f JOO.OOO. Au Action Against UutUle BIIL Londen, July 5. An action ha btca mouced tereatrsln ilullale Hill's Wild WeaaJ show Irem tbelr exhibition of ntla shoetmg. Tba uemnlalnt call 11 a nulsunce. ssjriiaa tmuiUA rma-a -.a t 1 Wamuihoten, D. C, July h.WBtM ifjwUmi funusyivania : Fair weataer.-, r Jsoutberly winds, statleuary tempetaV tura sa tlHlir.H 1MK BMW M AM IU MB MM T. 'frf The (irand Opera txeua umu te aaeeiBil.i; ueae In Fefg'e Farry." ffi$ iiiu uiiuu ujwn iiuum ww mmnwi Ii the new managemeut en Saturday eve when a laruu audience lratlmrnd (n wrUiiaaai "Fogg's Ferry." Miss Carleton abewaa; herself capable of interpreting the impertaal i character te please the auditor, and tbejri showed their apprecbitlen et ber work by a juaudlng trequently aud loudly. NW MVII'BK'U IU IUU I'my WOIKFTVZT BJUIJU, I the scenery, especially In the second act. i equal te that ctrrivd by Ilrst-clsas travailaari companies. Jehn Trewltz besides werfcaafjj iu tne cast, cave an exuiu men or ni saui ", a number el musical instruments. Thesis)-? lug of w. h. Hamilton gamed blm sevafM encores, te which he resixmded. Alter VUA't play a farce wa glveu which could hardiw' bave been livelier. rj, The Uraud opera liouse la ue w luted for ta heated season. The pluce wai well ventilate Saturday evening and when the ran are l vided It will be innre pleasant This event " l.tdy Audley' Secret" will be gives. 3&3 23 picnic at Fenryn FarK. Seven Sunday schools from Lebanon i brated the Fourth at l'cnryn itark. The) 3 were 1,000 persons en the grounds. Ha?g trains were run ireui i.ubaneu every 1 and net au accident occurred te mar the eral pleasure. The Liberty band or uen was present and furnished exe music The beat el order prevailed, and I the excursionists were returned safely taj tbelr homes. "-Hi On Wednesday the Duke street M. church or tills city will plcnte at Penryn. mi... .1 . I. A -I.... u. ..a. nt... ..V tX,.. IIIUIBUnjr MID 1 IU9 Pll 91 UIUIVUVI llMipya burg will occupy the grounds, anden Frtaaari the First aud Second Kefermed churcbea af)a this city will be there. Messrs. Copland ek' Fckert, et this city, tbe leasee et Uia park, j areludetatlgable In thelr elleru te make I pleasant for parties visiting this popular) . . .1 UtllenUrautwlbyUieKegleUr. XM 'i no following loiters were granvee ey i register of will for the week ending day, July & : Tkstamkntauv Anna BraekbllL ceased, late el Strasburg borough I Ghril Herr, Wtt Liuiputer, executer. -.;? Samuel NiAsiey, ueceasea, lata or j llemplleld township ; Jonas L. Nlaalay, I neuipuuiu, e.xncuier. AiiMfNisruATieN Luarus Piose. ceased, late et Luicaster city ; Uaary Wa city, aumimsiraier. Jehn Hart, deceased, lata of PrevW township ; CaUiartne Hess and A. II. Providence, admlulatratera. '. Kllzbeth (lerbart, Uoeeased, 1st of W Cocallce township; Jehn UerbarL W Coeallco. aduilnUtrater. J. Iteyd liroeks, deoea-eJ, lataetHalk township; Mary Picket, city, admlnh jienj. Bueua, ueceaaeu, law or vi township ; D. 1C Hueuk, Couestegs, i tratera La. LOUtbCUIFi. tf A i..lilMmim liM IteMtl raASivadl txl announcing the aal HTtWaV Ktrurlawlth Waller M. FraaaaWf the Lancaster parly. ' .S:i Has Ushlug bas been vary agea. -.... .i.a nut imw dava. ita nii,.tibf.i-iif Aua larire siaaMflsaaa Of laiff iLloeraeaDtured. BteuW Of UMOt ' iii,M nniimla and ever. . . v. The reef el the kiln atthabrt ; Jama Prsngwy, en aiwenww Z.-u.t.,r.i.Z avHnlnir. Tba BB.'1 tiniiuisbad with wet day. Water Mtvwl tha reef would have soaked tareagaVi spoiled the brick. ' TueOeUege FrsMaM.-v The easliai of state college begins at Franklin and MarsbaU chapel this eveulug at eight o'eleok. Ambrose, president el lenhb turned te hi home tat aftatsaMI lng a conference with Ber. Dr. T. a ', Ue4hf aatsM, : Ulaudlua. aaed about ea INKI. N. Brauamaa, who wMh hla laaattj .1 ea June 1st te Heata Friday taM. Tbefuaaral vm -r , -SfJ -ffM 533 . . r M'-i? aMXK vrt"( ; Kaiak.nif -' i T J-w.1 . - -. iiSwi.ata,!' ., riff-.:s-r.(f. - -- -a? 1.-- ..-... ym$mm&M-L )tf$l'iyV'nsiVi&i - jMr - $ Vmj'.Jr!8.tb,ijJiSal2 3-v.j-j -Attv.'1--idtri1?-'V-'.ii';,jA -.&j&Li &t-4