Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 02, 1887, Image 1

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    ' jNV'.T- i.
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'oaajmaaeffarajrioMi rmneitw
Tim Leaders unit Premises! rigor. Id ths
Itemurralle lletl at Thst Dm A
sirr Mm Meeting In Ilsenst' Apple
Orrtiaid Then.andsAliaiid It.
flprilal Corn-pendotioont thn Irtslliiisic,
llAKItlnlilTltd, July 1, 1887.
A frlnnil nt tun Ilia iNTKM.uiKNOKHef
thn 2lt of Jutis, containing an Interesting
srlli-le en Thn Hemier Apple Tree." Wblls
1 de tint recollect Hie particular tree, nor can
I go back te tlm llinoef Jackeen,my rein.rav
branra of the old orchard, which was"
iMinmlfd by i:al Minnn, North Duka and
Hist Jauit-s en thn south, sast and north
able Anil an alley mi the weat, U very vivid.
I think It Meuged te Cel. Geerge Majer'
dale. Ol two or three political gatherings
at thl upetsml nther Incident 1 propose te
apnitk as brirlly aa Hsslbte.
It was at Hit orchard In the notable oata eata
palKiinr KM) that the great lluehanan tnaas
meeting was lieKI. Tiila took place a few
day prier te thn October election! or that
year, t have seen many big political and
ether demonstrations, but none that ever
riiMllcd thla In aire and enthusiasm. Fer
Uya the Inhabitant of 1. messier, for It waa
lint by any iii-mis con lined te the Demo
cratic portion, were engaged arranging for
It, am) the night preceding the busy hum el
preparation wi heard In every direction.
The town was Ktily and elaborately festooned
ami dmiirntnd, and waaenlirely given up a
a holiday. The day was one of the loveliest
of InilUtn Hiiintiier days, and at an early
hour Iiiiiiiiiiike iltdegatluna liagsn arriving
Irem tliti surrounding couiities. These came
by rallrtmd anil en cry ethnr anrt of convoy cenvoy convey
aure, "Shank's Maro"net being exnspted
Or liim'niirr itself, thu population seemed te
lmn turned nut en masse. Ol the procesiileo,
It wasse luuiiiinsn tint It bectuie uumanag
aliln. Te thmmtnil Djiuoernt from Phila
delphia alone wurn there, but a break -down
occur rlnit en ttineld Cem in bla t i'hiladelphla
railroad, tinxe illil net arrlve until afternoon.
They wnre seaiinpinled by eight or ten
btimltel ninth', and had two or tbrna srasll
rtnneti which balcliud forth I) I'tiecratlc
thunder atevury stroet corner in the Phlle
delphian moved nut te thnnrclisrd. In the
ranks nun-timl Charles W. Cirrlgsn, Wll
lluiii II. Wltte and etluir Dauincrathi oratera
ami Inadnra nt tl.e it. Nearly every trade
and Indmtry wirn rnir(vented In the prone,
slen. Anions tli leiturm w. tlia old
IU11114M press which iiihI te tw In the
In Kit eillfd. This was mounted
011 a wt;iiii, ami Maer Morten acted at
pruMiiinn ami tin writer at "rollerbiv. "
t-'rem tlilt uliI iTiw-tweie Hi row neil hundreda
e( niliilittiiin I rm.i.niHNi'Kit-i, willed warn
tlitrllmlcl te the iMkjr crewdt 011 llietute
wlk Tun in irthal el thn previnl.ia wt
I think Cel. Jehn II lliiili'iu'i, ami I rej l l
lectill'.tliii'tly ltiU IVar. ir inivitiUxl en
tilt Uvorlte b ti UIIhI biy hnrae at enn of the
attltUnt", ttidappiirncdnrihacttimHl bslng
grecte.1 with ttiu grditait enthii 1U111 all
alenf; the reutn.
Tin: notch srnviCKiis.
Thn tutlti tt'.'iii'l, which wat ere' tel under
" the lMtirajpl8troe," wat the aeint of a
gathcrliiK nt Dtimicratlc local notablet, of
whom liirthern '. In addition te the main,
ttmrn worn till t a dernn nlhnr atanda from
which th aiteiiibld ttieimn it ware ad
drni.s. rim iiitiHtlii at tilt in tin atmd wat
nririmlrxt liy illrain II. Hararr, ej , tha
uliairiut'i nt Hut nomejratlc 0 unity CMiiuilt
tun, wtie w,n alilcil by Cel. Jehn W. I'erney,
wim i I'liHlrin.iii nt thn Demecrat'a atate
iMiilliiiltrm I tlilnk It wit .leMph S. l.-ituvrn,
1. mi nt tint txt Dtnvk'ratt ami tr'itwt uien
thtt iivnr lirml, who preildtht at the main
Miami. Tlirt Kreit attraction wtt the produce
of Jaiiien It. I 'i,y, Hen of Henry Clav, and
Fletcher WetMter, heii of lnlel Welitter.
Iteth wurn rn.illy tlnoppeikerx, but the irreat
reptiUtieux el their father overthadewad
thttii, ami toHOmeoxtent thny retted under
a cloud. Iteth were gifted men. Clay wat
till, H4ml.litlret, with a lare immtli, mid
wat lliiuut In tpae:li nnd gracnmi in inannnr.
He tHirn a t'.renic resemblance te liltgreit
father, the "utllant Harry of the WetL"
Wnbtter atoed about live fcet Ien, wat con
pactly built, hid dark hair and beard, a
awarlliycoitipletinii, with a huiinrem ex
pression ami iiitrry twinkle In hit dark eye.
Iteth wem the re?lpienta el great attention at
thehamlM otllmptteploor htneatter, ami at
Wheatland, Mr. ISachanau'a bone, were
treated at royal Kiieata. Clay etp iiMS'l the
Confederate ciuic, and tiled In exlle, while
Webtter wat killed leading hit refill ml In
one of the liattlet of the civil war.
Aiiieiik thaoiher apaakera were the Hen.
Charlea J, Faulkner, of Virginia, ininltler te
France umter I'renldent lluctitnan, and tin
father of the Hen. C'ntrlea J. Faulkner,
recently elected a I'. N. aenater by the
lexlalaturn or Virginia, The lait time 1 aaw
and heard Mr. Faulkner wat In the month of
May, IsSJ, when he welcomed the Cuinbar
laud Valley IMIterlal ataoclatlen te Martina
burg, Watt Virginia. He waa then faral
vanced In lire, but peiaeated much et the lire
and olnipinuceol bla earlier yea'a.
Ooneral N. I'arka Cum, el Wlaaentln, a
noted Weateru nrater, waa a'ae present, and
made an elmpient effort ler lluchauaii and
Jteccura te 1110 that the late General Wil
liam A. Htekea, el (ireenaburg, one of the
fereuintt lawyert and political debater of hit
time, waa a!ae pretMnt. At any rate it waa
either that evening or aemetlma thereab-mt
thtt he captlvated and entranced the
Democracy by hi aptendld elopienee and
irroaUtltile logic in lielialf of thelr candidate
and principlea.
Colenol Fra7er waaalaoeneortheapeikart,
and, although he had been estrange t for
yeara from Mr. lluehanan, apke with lilt
old time fervor and eloquence for the aucwa
el hla quondam friend.
se.Mfi ok Tilt: ri:eri.B who wkrk tiirkk
Among the local Democratic notauletwhe
were preaant or aided In getting up thl
magnltloeut demonatratlen were William li.
Fordney, Jehn F. Htelnmtn, Huh Frazir,
Dr. F. A. Muhlentierg, Itavi K. Hletier,
(leorge Htnderaen, Hiram It Hararr, .lin
U. Itoyuelda, Kamuel C. HUutUiUgh, Itiury
H. Magraw, Dr. N. W. Simple, Ahrihtn
Peter, (leerge M. Htelemm, William IV
Wllaen, Joaeph H. I.elevre, Jame Fatterain,
Kdward Morten, (leerge (1. Iiruih, Jamu
Duiry, Joaeph II. Itaker, (1 eerge WeUe (el
Columbia,) Jacob Fry. Jamea Hmlth, New
ton I.lghtner, Nathan Werley, Jehn Mich te',
Henry Mbrelner, Hgsra, Dr. Iaaie Win
ter, Dr. Levi Hull, liarnbard Mann (farmer)
Moere Cenueil, Jacob Albright, Keturn K
Kahnesteck, laaan Walker, Thomaa H Me.
llvaln, Mark Uennell, Ueerge Dujlunm,
Charlea M. Hewell, Jehn W. Jackten, Dr.
Hamuel Weiebana, Jehn U. DneUtnan,
Dr. Kamuel Parker, Antheny Uarptntar,
Jehn Elaer, Jehn Ferney (el Weat Krl,)
Dr. Henry Carpenter, William Carpenter,
Jaa McSparran, Jehn MeHparran, Handera
McCullough, Dr. Jehn K. Ktub, Jeteph M.
Watta, F. X Ziegler, Hugh U. North, Paul
Hamilton, F. H. Hleiz, J. Franklin ReUart,
Ktkrldge K. Lwa, Henry M. Ktlgart, Adam
Keller, Kmanuel P. Keller, Jeal Llghtaar,
Jehn li. Idgbtner, Jacob F. Kaula, William
Hpeneer, Franklin Clark, Dt. Jehn Hoatea,
Henry Halnea, Frank damn, Rlesard
MeUrana, Jehn MoOeverB, Mlenaal Wither,
Peter MoCenomy, William Dlller, Pauick
MoKvey, Henry Kektrt, Qeerga h. Eckart,
Dr. Jacob Leng, Dr. JaatM P, Aadrewa,
Jem Dennelly, ChaflM j, Mmim, Mmtf
258. - SIX PAGES.
A. Hambrlght, (leerge I Beyle, Lewi
Utldy, D, A. Altlck, Jehn T, MeoUealgle
Jehn Heea, Chrlttlan Wldmyer, Henry K.
tawn, William Oumpf, MlehaM Maleae,
Ulehaal Barry, Jehn M. Waller, Henry
Stunner, Jaoeb R. Leng, Jacob NtfT, Iaate
Qlrvln, Dr. A. a Bare, Dr. Jehn K. Kaub,
Jehn Kentarnaeb, Abraham Celllna, Jet a
Kttheffer, Henry Wllhelm, D. a Hartbole.
new, Joaeph Hoheoh, Hamuel P. Bewer, Wll
Ham Kllmaker, Henry Franks, Charles E,
Went, Charlea F. Hengler, Da rid O. Eakle
man, Wm. M. Wiley, Henry Uegnaer, Dr.
Patrick Caaildy, Jehn Deaner. It aeaada
a little, don't It, Ilka calling the roll of
Dsmoeratlo county convention a third of a
eentury age, but what a awath the reaper
death haa made In the above Hat alnee that
Chester county went It Hickman, Darling
ton, Htrlckland, Hodgaen and Monaghan te
help awell the multitude. Berkalia Jenea,
Qeia, Yeung, t.tuman and A neon. Yerk
lUUIeaabrenner, Hmall, Welab, F.bangh and
Flaher. t.ehannn waa reprcaented by (Jen.
Jehn Weld man, who waa one of Pennayl
vanla'a feremntt men ; William M. Hrealln,
then, aa new, editor of the Lebanon Aih'tr
Httr, and whom Prealdeut Cleveland lately
rewarded for hla long year of aervlee te the
Democratic eante by appointing him poet
matter of Lebanon; the Jovial William
Kedearmel, then a boy learning the prtnter'a
art In the AitvertUtr olllee, new the ableand
well-known Harrhburg correspondent et a
number el the principal paper of the coun
try. Djuphln county aent Cel. Frederick
K. Ilia, thou, I think, a member of the
Democratic tate c-iuimlttoe, for fifty yeara a
Democratic voter, and mill at a green old age
an able and vlgoreu aupperter of hi youth
and early mtnhned ; Hibert A. Lamberten,
then a bright, premltliig young iiember of
the Harrttburg btr, aulMeipieutly a member
of the coiiNtltulienal convention, and new the
gifted and honored prnalrtent of Lehigh unl
veralty at li'.tlilehein ; Newton II. Davlea,
the aeu of a Ddinecrat prominent In Daupbln
county Mitltlct mera than lzty yeara age,
and iiepQewnfadUllugultbed aeldler el the
Flerida tnd Mxlcan war ; MaJ ir Abner It
Hetrel, a native el Lancaater county, a grad
uttoef W'Nt Point In Mil, and who auperln
tended the oeiitlrucllou of the Delaware
breakwater ; Ntuiuel Coletteck, wheae flrat
vole wat catt for Fraud It Hliunk In 1814,
who haa never wavered In the Domecratlo
faith, and wtieta father tiugbt Ooverner
Kamaey, of Mlnneaita, the trails el a carpen
ter. II iverner P.irter wat also there, and
waa a prominent luure In the proceeding.
named alter Mr. Iluchanan'a home, wat the
principal Democratic organlr.illen In the
county at that time. Dr. Namuel Welehan
waa the prealdeut, and J. M. Johnaten, of the
I.NTKU.iciKNi'Kli, thn ecretary. The club
carrleil a largn blue btuner, having a iheaf of
wheat en one aide, and the name and date of
the organlMtien en lbs ethnr. The banner
waa palntm! in an artlttlu manner by the late
Jehn I. Kelfir, who waa a printer, painter
aud Bailer. Tneclub made two memorable
excursion during the campaign one te
Chamberaburg, the ether te Philadelphia.
The oely time I aaw the banner since the
campaign of KVl, wat when It waa carried
by the Damecrabi of Ltncaster In the Jubilee
of the Harrlsburg Democrat In honor of the
election of President Cleveland lu Novem
ber, HSI It brought te mind many pleasant
uiemeriea el the patt.
The Hspubllcans also held a mat meeting
in thta orchard the aauie year, at which the
principal npeaker waa the late Anion llur
llngauie, then a memtier of Cengntta from
Mataaciititetta, aubtuqueutly, uuder 1'roi.l 1'rei.l
dent Lincoln, Milliliter te China, which posi
tion be resigned te accept a hlgU etllclal
atalbm in thu Clilno.e euipire. Tire meeting
wat a large eue, but It did tint begin te com
pare In any respect with the Damocralie
I think the American or Fillmore party
also held a iiiaat meeting the hjiiie year at
thlt place, but who the apaakera were hat et et
capetl my memory.
Anether Democratic mass meeting was
held In this orchard en the 17lh of (Septem
ber, lVt, when the late Cnlef Jiitllee Wood
ward waa the candidate fcr governor. Kx.
Ooverner David It. Perter, then an old but
exceedingly vigorous man, presided, and waa
welcomed and received In the most cordial
manner by his fellow Democrat et Lancaa
ter county. Hit remark were brief (the
governor never Indulged In much speaking)
but they were telling aud perllucnt. The
principal speaker was the late Chief Justice
lllack, whose apeech en thtt nccttlen waa
used atacampilgn document and with great
ell'ect. A remarkable thing was that the
Judge did net write out hit speech for sev
eral daya afterward, but it was almost word
for word a he delivered It. The orratle but
gifted and elmpient Henry Clay Dean spoke
from another stand, and niadn a thrilling
apeech. On tbi occasion many or the Demo
crat Irem a distance piM t'l ir icpcc'.t te
Mr. lluehanan at Wheatland, i lulnk thla
waa the laat political demonatratlen held in
the old orchard. '
A few yeara previous, in the campaign of
ISM, the Democrat held a mats meeting In
an nrchanl en Fast lemnn street, en which
the handsome residence of Charles F. Ken
gier, Jehn A. Cnarlet and K J. . ihm new
stand. At this meeting William Hlgler, the
candidate for governor, made the apeech of
the day. Here It wat I flrtt aaw the late
(leerge M. Ltuman, of Heading, who was a
noted politician a third of a century age, and
a', that time be wat one of the tlnent specl.
mens of physical manhood In the atate.
Hut 1 have given you enough of political
reminiscence el old Lancaster for the
present. When the humor aele me, I may
some ether time write et ether eipially Inter
eating incidents, In which a number of Ln.
caatrlana atlll living were prominent actors.
Jag-Brsaklag at Trinity Ohapal,
Friday evening the teacbera and pupil of
Trinity Lutheran Sunday school met in the
chapel for the breaking el the "money
Jug," which were placed In the hand of
dllferent claaaea aeven weeks age, for the
purpose of raising a fund for home missions
The jug were all broken and the centeuta
counted, the greaa reeeipta amounting te
1113 75 The result waa very gratifying te
all present. It waa the flrat time in the his
tory of the school that thla mode of raising
money had been adopted. As the contribu
tion were ae generous, the plan will no
doubt be continued.
Installation of Officer.
M. M. Barten, pattchanoelleroominimlor,
Installed the following elUcera or Inland
Ledge, Ne 88, Knight of Pytblat, en Tues
day evening s P, C. C, J. Frank Bewman ;
C. C, K. K. Urelder; V. C Klcb
ard W. Hei brook ; l'rel., Jaoeb Mullen ;
M. el Ex., Jehn N. Kendlg ; M. or F K. H.
Hinellr. ; K. of K .V H., Jere Kile ; M. at A., II.
L Hlmeu ;!.!., K. K. Humphrey villa; O.
CI , Barten Med u Ire. The ledge la In a very
tl'iurshlng condition, having a membership
el 302 f u,W 50 in the treasury and there were
paid for benetlla during the put term 1764.
Heeding' Hlg strike.
The 2.000 empleyes et ths Heading Iren
works ea Friday Informs J the management
that they will net accept tba reduction of
tea par seat made recently, and tba proprie
tors deeUed te oleas down all the establish
aMafa, Urewlai all tba nea eul el men.
uiri fiiaraier aaeira 4 ! vr
mmtrntw at gvdutmm uttttew.
Where the Big tartaai at aevsrsasesl tts-
eataasU Ohl.Sf Natleeekle-aOreMfjtag
klblirraeeatedkr Oalieeta asaeOsal-
Sla aacatal la 1BS3 aad 180.
Belew are presented the Bgnres for ths
Ninth Internal revenue district for the fiscal
year ended Jnns 30. They show a total gala
of receipts or ri0Gm ever tha receipts of
the fiscal yesrsnded Jnns 30, 181. It will
be seen that ths big increase came In tha beer,
spirits and cigars, particularly In tba latter.
Snuff, tobacco and special tax abew a falling
eir that Is net material. Ths excellent show
Inget the Ninth district will be especially
satisfactory as Indicating its Increased Im
portance In ths govsrnreental economy. Tba
full figures are herewith presented 1
. ' rt 7-z tf.lSe Z iZ S
Hatting On ths Gala ami Less.
I ,..' 01
l.t.KH ?e
.M,ltI7 l
39 97
Sit It)
:il,!v-ll 41
l.lfW IS
i.iw III
Total (rain titefigs -a
A Suiumarr ' Itsealpt.
Juiy Cuin KeccInU a
Auk- "
S-'u- " ::::::::::::::::::::
Dec- ' ;;"..
i- ;
Mch.- ' ....
All- "
Muy "
lane "
1J7.CTI 19
iii.tun 4'i
IM.47I in
Ml. 107 7
1(1. Si I Ji
lAJ.tHS 63
13,415 60
l.Vi.M 73
1MUCI4 ft
1M.SIT 31
Itl.Uit 9 J
TbU , il.669,.76 29
The total figure for the year ending June
.10, mi, wereri 335,rtin.2il ; for the year end
Ing June 30, 180, they were 1,4IS,G00 IW.
W. C. Allisen, or Philadelphia, will equip
a fAr" gymnasium for Dickinsen college.
Fifty-six young men have already been
admitted te the next Freshman elaas of
Laiayette college.
The Harrlsburg JVifn'ef aaya that William
F. Murphy, el the Harrlsburg car abeps, will
leave te-day en a visit te hla father, Jehn
Mnrphv, at laincaaler.
Mlat Fannie It. Frey, of Daylen, Ohie, la
visiting the Misses Nchenck, of Ne. 212 East
Orangn street.
Lelmnen Valley college ha conferred the
degree el A. M upon Dr. J. C. Heffman, or
Maytown, who will locate at Wichita,
Nearly worth of prizes will be
awarded in Wllknaliarre at the tilth annual
meeting nf the Pennsylvanladivltten, League
of American Wheelmen, which take place
there 011 July 4th.
With Interesting ceremonies the corner
stone nf the Westminster Presbyterian church
at Yerk waa laid en Thursday evening.
There were several addresues, singing and
scriptural reading.
Ths death of Sarab Marshall, in Philadel
phia, who leu about f300,000 te ebarllie. re
leases the estate of ber sister, the late Mary
Merris Jehnsen, and f200,000 f ber estate is
also bequeathed te homes snd hospitals.
...UeeW w""ni e convicted murderer or
Wakefield (lain, of Philadelphia, waa al
lowed te plead guilty el murder In the sec
ond degree, snd eent-nced te twelva yeara'
imprisonment In the Eaatnrn penitentiary.
Valentine Meletxky, a Pele, waa overcome
by the beat at the Readleg iron works' fur
nace Thursday night, and died an hour later.
He was 40 yssrs of age and bad been la
America but a fertn Igbt.
The Hand Contest at the fair.
Wednesday, August 31, baa been desig
nated for the band contest, at the county
fair, for the ttfe cornet, donated by F. A.
North A Ce. All bands Intending te com cem
pete must report te J, B. Leng, secretary, en
or before August 16. Tba Fair association
will employ the successful band for tba two
succeeding daya of tba fair, at 30 par dsy.
A Cew Kills BOOK.
rrnm tha New Helland Clarien.
Milten Yohn, of Carnarvon, lest a valua
ble two-menlhs-old colt, A vloleus cow
attacked It and hurt It ae badly that It bad te
be killed te and lUsaSarlag.
The gunners of thla city are oemplslalag
that ssvsvsl partial bars gene te tba country
recently and slaughtered larga numbers et
doves. Tbsee birds an aew suteUagitaAH
h si? tiKiZsS aa
E : : &3gggr
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Btmmmt oemmtttmm mmmt.
Tbsy Award Osatreel rer ewera.Tka Bids
rv Kr sties of Twe BriSgas.
Tha strati committee of councils held their
regular meeting last evening, as Monday
will be tba Fourth of July.
A. A. Hsrr, for Mr. Jehn Hagsr, offered te
gl vs te ths oily what la new a private alley
between Marietta and College avenue, with
clear title free et charge. The matter was
referred te coanelL
Complaint waa made that the bridge acrcrs
tba gutters la rrent of the I.imb hotel snd
ether properties en Hetith queen street are
tee low and causa a backing el ths water Inte
cellar. Tha atreet commissioner was or
dered te leek Inte the matter. People re
aiding In the neighborhood or Maner and
Derwart streets asked for an additional Inlet
te carry off ths water. This was also referred
te the street commissioner.
Ths bids for tha macadamizing or the
streets wss net opened, and no action will be
taken In regard te them ter two weeks. The
bids for tha construction el bridges ever the
Coneategsat Kelgsrt's lauding and HefTmaa
Hun wsrs opened. They were ss fellows :
Kelgsrt's landing, (leerge Krnat, jr,
tl, tea 64;, Jaoeb Kauflman, (1,030; Davis
Rltch, tl,130r JCllat MeMellen, l,747 for one
place, aud (1,297 for another. The matter
was referred te council
Heffman's Kun, Geerge Krnat, Jr., J.V31 75
and t&CO for each additional perch In depth ;
Ritas McMellen, fite; Davis Kltcb, 3tn);
Jehn Lieut, K174 snd (.1 for eaeh additional
perch In depth ; Jehn Kregel, (113 aud (3 for
each additional perch ; Frank Hlnder, (112
The contract waa awarded te Llcht,
The bid for sewers were opened and were
as fellows :
German street from Duke te Seuth Queen,
Philip llilluch, (.'lT'. ; Chariet Hjhwebel,
(3S0; Frank Hinder, (.110; Jehn Kendlg,
(CM 05; Davis Kltaji, (300. The contract
was awarded te Kltcb.
Houth l.lme street, C. H.ihwebel A Ce , (1G5 ;
Frank Hinder, (400; Divls Kltcb, (335.
Kltcb roetlved the contract.
Columbia avenue, David Rewder, W23,
Frank Hinder (M0 29, Davis Kllc'j, (533.
Kltcb was awarded the enntraet.
Fex'a alley, David Itewder (T7, Frank
Hinder (29S, Davla Kltch (203, Hemier re
ceived the contract.
Lemen street, K. lloevor ,t Ce. (-100,
Frank Hinder (113, Davis Kltch (323. Kltcb
received the contract.
Th Rlrocter Aere.l ths Conettega te Us
Mefd en Jul 17.
Werk Is being pnshed rapidly en the tem
porary bridge of the Pennsylvania railroad
oyer the Conettega, which will accommodate
travel while the new stene bridge la belne
built. A substantial trestle work bfglns
some distance back from either bank and
carries the double track te points a little
farther up the stream than the present bridge
abutments. Frem the old abutments trestlea
cress ever te the temporary structure, and
when everything Is ready the whole heavy
Iren truss will be slowly rolled across te fill
the gap In the temporary bridge, Hunday,
the 17th of July, has been selected a the day
for the moving, se that travel will be inter
rupted aa Utile as possible.
The abutments of the old bridge
will be used in tbe new structure, but live
feet of masonry will be added te each. The
pier en the slde et the stream towards town
will be removed and another will be erected
near the bank, one In tbe centre and two en
the opposite shore. The arches will be of
white sandstone and for the rest el the work
limestone will be used. Haventy-ilve men
are new at work cutting thla atone and Host Hest
ing It down the Conestogs te tbe bridge, se
that freight en stone la saved. The new
bridge Is designed for the accommodation of
four tracks, but will at first ba finished ler
only two, and Is expected te be ready for
travel by nest liecemlier. In pursuance of
this policy of making their main line a four
track read, the company Is new laying two
additional tracks bolween Hteeltnn and Mid Mid
dletewn. TBUuinvv tnjVBBn.
Albert Kahleinan rails rreui a Ladder Thirty
Fast In Ilslcht.
Albert Kahleman, home painter, met with
a very serious accident tills morning while
engaged in painting the gable end of tbe res
idence of Martin Kreider,oeriier of Esut King
atreet snd Jeffersen alley. Te rea-h the
upper portion or the gable endnf the building
a long ladder was placed almost perpen
dicularly against the wall, and en It near
the top were fastened brackets en which
te lay one end of a plank, the ether end
being aupperted en a painter's "jack"
fastened outside of one or the third atery
gable end windows. Upen tbe plank, tbua
aupperted, waa placed a step ladder, the bot
tom et which rested en the plank, snd the
top against the wall el the house, and Irem
this frail and lelly point Mr. Gtbleman was
at work when befell. Just hew the acci
dent happened la net yet known, as Mr.
Esbleman Is tee badly hurt te give any
account of It. A fellow workman who was at
work In tbe freut or the building beard
tbe crash and ran around Inte Jeller
son alley where be found Kahleman
staggering te his feet snd attempting te walk.
He was carried Inte Mr. Kreider'a yard and
placed upon a settee aud Dr. Hiland waa
summoned te attend hi m. He waa found te
have no bones broken, but waa auUering
from abeck and severe Internal injurie, the
extent of which cannot yet be determined.
In viewing the scene of the accident it
seems slmest incredible that Mr. K.hleman
escaped Instant death. The rail wat fully
thirty feet and the street upon whleli he fell
It hard aa a rock. The step-ladder ou which
he waa at work fell with him, and was shat
tered Inte the smallest kind of fragments. It
is probable that Mr. Kahleman fell upon the
step-ladder at it struek the ground, and this
may te some extent have broken his fall. He
Is s married man having a wile nnd two
children living at Ne. 317 Concord alley. Ills
father la Hamuel W. Kahleman, who lives at
tbe corner et Lemen and Marlen street, Mr.
Kahleman was removed te his home.
Sharp's rbj.lcal condition.
Nkw Yehk, July 2. There waa no mater
lal charge In Jacob Sharp's condition when
he arose after a restless night In bis apart
ment at Ludlow street jail this morning.
Warden Keating says the old mail Is gradu
ally going te piece. He does net think I bat
it will be a very long time befeie Sharp's
mind will have given way te the strain te
which be has bren subjecied. Mrs,
Sharp la ber husband's constant companion.
Mr. Stickuey, hla counsel, wai the lint caller
at the prlteii te-day and remained t r an bear.
It la only when his lawyer is present tbtt
Sbsrp mentions hi con v let ion. He avoid
speaking about It te Jblswlfd. Alter leaving
tbejall Mr. Stlckney went te the elllce or the
district attorney where he held a long con
sultation with Messrs. Marline and 8 mple.
The aubjectel tbe conference was the bill of
exception. At neon the district attorney's
olllee waa deserted, all the elllclala having
gene for a holiday rest Judge Barrett ha
net a yet appointed a phyale'an te examine
Sharp. ,
Ulad.leulsu Victory.
Londen, July 2. The Gladstenlans have
gained tbe parliamentary seat of Spalding,
electing their candidate, Mr. Stewart, by a
vote et 6,110 against 4,303 for Mr. Trjrsea,
sailer (? Used.
LonDeif,July2. The celebrated EBgllah
Meijar, Bejd, la 04,
rata uermnnMBHT ibvbhd fmebmb-
staeahutarars aud Otalers In ths Regss
spirits Becoming Alarmcd.trntrtcan
tlradaally Itafuilng tha Impert, from
Francs-Hew Itrandy la Mad.
Londen, July 2. Little by little tbe
French wine grower and ths French wine
and spirit merchant sre approaching a state
of apprehension that the recent virtual declar
ation of tbe Chamber of Deputies that legisla
tive Interference la necewary te prevent the
alarming Increase or spirit drinking In
France and the prlme mlnlstet'a aspet aspet
alens en the purity or the prevailing
beverage portends disaster te their respective
Industries, but no one believes serious meat meat
ures will be taken te restrict the one evil
or remedy the ether. It Is something, te be
sure, that a committee el deputies sbeuld
declare that the practice or drinking spirits
had become ae widespread and tbe censnmp.
tlen se great aa te render tbe unrestricted
continuance of the Indulgence a source or so se
clil danger In the near future, and It la alie
significant that M. Keuvler should premise
that fraud, misrepresentation and adultera
tion in the manufacture, sale and handling of
wines and spirits would be severely pun-
isnea uy me government ; but both tbe ad
mission of the lntemeerate use of spirits en
the pat t of tbe committee and the declaration
et tbe premier are generally considered as
having been Intended te win applause rather
than te express a fixed bellef or a definlte
The fact is, boweu4Mf the frauds com
mitted in the llterajppuracture or wines
and spirits lu France asTVe decreased largely
the demand ler these commodities from the
leng-sullerlng consumers of French wines
and liquors In foreign nations, tbe erdets
having fallen etr te tush an exteut that ex
porters have become alarmed lest thelr bust.
nets sbeuld be altogether ruined. Kven the
gullible Americans, who, In spite of the re
ports of their own consuls showing tbe fla
grant extent te which the adulterations bate
long been carried en, have hesitated te
doubt that expressed raisin juice,cheap wlnea
from Italy, Hungary, Cyprus, tbe Cape of
Geed Hepe, Australia and California can ta
and bave openly been "blended" Inte
superior clarets, burgundies and champagne,
have actually begun te believe the evidence
of their own senses and reluse te purchase
tne trasu se long accepted by them ss wine
Tbe making of brandy basforsemo years
threatened te become one el tbe lest arts In
France, and the horrible potato and beet root
spirits aent abroad under tbe name have ex
hausted tbe pitlenre and credulity et the
most trusting peoples, and if M. Keuvler
meant by bla warning te fraudulent manu
factures that this triumph of the French
trademen's Ingenuity I te be dene away
with, and Its resumption strictly prohibited,
his remark will cause many gratulatlena ;
but hew the government is te Increase Its
revenue by tbe suppression of adulterations,
at Intimated by him, la a conundrum that
can be answered only by these who are ac
customed te Interpreting tbose charming
paradoxes which se easily and naturally
glide from tbe tongue el the avorage French
Ofllccr K(.eiU That "Old Sel'
Will Frenn FlciceU.
Washington, July 2 The Bljrnal ofllee
reports that there is little prospect of cooler
weather for several days. The maximum
temperature in this city yesterday wast'.)
degrees and this when compared te the
temperature enjoyed In the otlier large cities
might be considered mild. In Bosten the
mercury mounted te 03, while in New Yerk,
Philadelphia and Baltimore It stuck te 90 as
it any lall were Impossible. Generally
throughout the West It was abeve 00, while In
the Seuth there was about tbe same degree et
beat TboexcessUe heat seams te be caused
by southerly winds and Is net likely te be
abated ter some time te come.
New YeitK, July 2. The weather te-day
Is aoercbingly het. Yesterday tbe mercury
climbed steadily up until It reached 95 de
grees In the shade. This was at 3:30 p. m.
At 7 o'clock this morning the thermometer
Indicated 72 In the ahade and by neon tbe
merenry had reached 01. The Indications sre
that yesterday's record will be broken by 4
o'clock te-day.
Kemk, N. Y., July 2. Te-day la tte
hottest ct tbe season. Tee thermometer
registered 00 In the ahade at 2 p. in.
Mormons Want statehood Fer Utah.
Salt Lakk Citv, Utah, July 2. J. 11.
Roaeberougb, chairman or the Democratic
territorial committee or Utah, and Wllll.m
11. James, chairmac el the Republican terri
torial committee, have lasned a public ad
dress in reference te the movement for state
hood In Utah. The address refers te tbe fact
that both the Republican and Democratic
parties refused te participate in the conven
tion, and adds: "The wbelealValrla a church
party movement, cenducted solely by mem.
bera of the Mermen church te obtain for It
statehood. The earnest private solicitation
of many or them failed te Induce a single
non-Mermen te become a delegate. All non
Mormons in Utah oppose the moveiuent aa
Insincere and fraught with serious conse
quences, If successful."
Tbe Cannen Tested.
Si'itiNOKiKLK, III., July 2. While the
Fourth of July celebration committee was
engaged in testing the capacity of a large
cannon yesterday, at Mount Pulaski, twenty
miles north of this city, the piece burst and
tbe fragments were ae widely scattered that
but lew of them could be found. Notwitb Netwitb
atandlng the fact that a large crowd of spec
tators waa gathered about tbe pet,none were
Injured. Many window panes threugbcut
the town were broken by the concussion,
which was mistaken for au earthquake shock
by people at a distance.
Fatal itnarral In a Saleen.
Nkw YenK, July 2. Jehn Cerrlgan, a
'longshoreman ein pleyed by the Ancher
line, quarreled early this morning with
James Keagan, an ex-cenvlct, lu the liquor
aaloen of Rebert limit. Reagan struck Cor Cer
rlgan a blew en the head with a heavy atlck,
fracturing hit skull and killing him almost
Instantly. An old feud existed between the
men. Reagan escaped.
Fir Hating In an Iowa Town.
Dbi Meinks, lows, July 2 About mid
night word was received here that a lire was
sweeping through Mitchellviile, about
twenty miles east el this city. The mayor or
this city, In answer te an appeal ler help,
dispatched an engine. Later accounts say
that the tire has net yet been subdued, Tbe
town baa about 1,000 Inhabitants and Its
buildings ate mostly constructed el weed.
A Praacuar llaceiuc Insane.
SlIKLllVVll.I.K, HI, July The Rev.
Heward Miller, pastor of tbe Methodist
Kplaoepal church at Cowden, this county,
baa become demented and wandered from
borne. Ha preached te bis people last Hun
day aa usual. Ne special reason ta known
for bis less of mind.
Appointed Healtn. Commissioner.
Nkw Yerk, July 2. Mayer Hewitt this
in 1
anarnoea appointed Dr. J. v. arjm
beallh coaalaaleaar.
Osasral Keassr Has m Utile te aa et alia
Nkw Yemr, July 2,-Uea. Thomaa u
Kesser, of Virginia, la staying at tba Victer Is
neiei, naving nema te in is city te see bla son
off te Kurepe te-day. Tba young
man, who Is nineteen years of age,
Is en;route te Germany te pursue bis studies.
When called upon bya United frees reporter
te-day Gen. Kesser waa net Inclined te talk
with regard te tha raeent controversy
between himself and (lea. Phil Sheridan and
Jubal Karly. His first criticism of Karly
were In an entirely friendly spirit, bnt
teaause hs ( Kesser 1 did net think
Oen. Karly a geed topographical
engineer the latter became angry.
' I ssw blm studying map of tbe battle
field once," said Gen. Kesser, and because
he could net find certain read en
the map, he called an aide
who bad Informed blm that he bad
just rode through It, a damned. He never
never could size up a country for himself,
and waa helpless without maps. But I don't
want a controversy with blm. He hi an old
man new, decrepit alike in body and mind. '
Aa te Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Keassr said no one
oeuld tell just hew mnch he was te blame for fer
isvsges committed by his command, but that
It would have been cruel for Gen. Sheridan
te have harrowed tbe feellngtorthese persons
whose entire pwsesalen had been swept
away by bis soldiers, by a triumphal trip up
the valley he had se mercilessly overrun.
Manjr Will bsTnsrs ea Sunday Whan ths rhtU
adslphla Brigade and PlcSsit'a
Division Si est.
GKTTVsnUBO, Pa.. Jul V 2 The series nf
inuiiary reunions new In progress en this
uiatorie aper, premises te be tbe most inter
esting snd successful that has ever been held
here. There are in town nearly a thousand
soldiers, and this afternoon at least two thou
sand mere are expected te arrive en several
special trains. Te-morrow the number
will be Increased te between seven thousand
and eight thousand. The Philadelphia
Brigade, te tbe number of about 800, are ex
pected thla afternoon at 0:30 o'clock. Picketl'a
division, in whom the greatest in
terest centered, filled six passenger
coaches which left Kicbmend this
morning, and the survivors of this famous
division are due here at 8 o'clock thla even
ing. The tents for tbe accommodation or the
ex-Union and ex Confederate soldiers are In
position in the vicinity of tbe great fight
Tbe Uth regiment, General Mulhelland's, Is
having a reunion In the opera house this
afternoon. Te morrow will be a memorable
day in Gettysburg, made se by tbe Iraternsl
commingling of active participants In battle
se desperately but unsuccessfully pressed
byGeneral Pickett.
afriterlatulj Mardsrsd.
Cincinnati, July Z-Hsrvey Stene, 30
years or age, was found lying dead this
morning In the read near the Union bridge
ever Cleugh creek, a mile west or Fulton,
with two bullet holes in bis breast and a long
cut ever his left eye. The body was
taken te the morgue. Stene was a
nephew et Dr. Watsen, or this city. In the
dust alengside the read where tbe body waa
teund were discovered footprints et two or
mere persona who bad evidently fired en
their victim from ambush. The motive ler
tbe assassination Is supposed te be revenge,
as tbe deceased waa net known te nave bad
any money te tempt the cupidity of robbers.
Te Grata Around tha World.
New Yerk, July 2. William H. Vander
bllt, with his family, started en a twe-year'a
cruise ie-usy reunu uie worm en his steam
yacht the Alva, The party consists only of
iur. anuerDiii, uis wiieanu tnree children.
Tbe yacht will proeeed directly te Gibraltar,
where she will renew ber supplies, thence up
the Mediterranean, she will go te Malta,
touching at Italy. She will cruse sometime
along the Red sea and go te Ceylon and
Japan. Frem there she sails down te Aus
tralia and through the Islands or Oceanic
coming home by way of tbe Pacific ocean.
It is estimated that tbe cost of the trip will be
about (125,000 a year.
Or. Mcfltjnn'a KicoinraunlcalleD,
Nkw Yeiik, July 2 In the absence of
Archbishop Cerrlgan and his secretary, Dr.
McDonald, little or nothing could be learned
te-day about the alleged excommunication
or Dr. McGlynn. (Jee of the clergymen at
the archbishop's house this afternoon stated
that nothing had yet been received from
Reme en the matter. He added that be did
net expect any. The action of Dr. McGlynn
excommunicated him without any Interfer
ence en me part et me people.
Dneided a gainst the ltallread.
Wasiunqten, July 2. Attorney General
Garland In response te Inquiries el the inte
rior department as te tbe rights el
the Kansas .t Arkansas Valley rail rail
read company te go outside the reservation
cf tbe Cherokee nation and take from
the reservation such timber and ether ma
terial as may be needed, decides that the rail
road company has no such right, Tbe
attorney general also decides thst the United
States ceurta have Jurisdiction ever tbe read,
but that fact does net relieve tbe interior de
partment of Its responsibility.
Shet and Killed a Man."
I'lTTsnuitu, July 2. Jehn A. Robinson,
and eld-time fireman of this city, shot and
iuHtantly killed a man named Hepklna at
Cbartlera station near tbe city limits this af
ternoon, Robinson was Intoxicated at tbe
time, but claims he was acting in self-defense.
Cleakmakera Assign.
New Yerk, July 2. M. C. Boynton &
Ce., cloaks, 2:11 Sixth aveuue, made an as
signment te. dsy with preferences of (I:!, 000.
Liabilities are stated at (100,000; nominal
assets, (05,000,
Anether Fresl dentlal Parden.
Washington, July 2 Tbe president has
pardoned Reuben Telaky of new Yerk,
convicted of violating Internal revenue laws,
ou the ground that tbe offense was merely
technical and tbe prisoner unaware et lta
criminal natnre. eit tha Scheel Teachers.
Washington, July 2. The president
held a special reception te-Jay te inset tba
delegation et North Carolina school teacbera
whoare visiting tbe city.
Its Would Accept,
Vienna, July 2,-Prlnee Ferdinand of
Cobourg, has announced .that ba would ac
cept tbe Bulgarian throne II elected by the
Kobrpaejeand.the elections beuld ba approved
or acquiesced in by all of tbe European
powers, or all exeept Russia.
rrsaldantlal Appointment.
Wasiiinuten, July 2. The president to
day appointed tbe following named post
masters 1 Jehn C. McCauley at Searcy, Ark.1
The. ijeenard, Honors, Cat. ; J. B. Jewell,
Carrollton, Me.
m '
Little fur creditors.
Bosten, July 2. The Stearns furniture
company, manufacturers, have failed and
are ettering their creditors twenty oaataea
tbe dollar. Their liabilities are eatlasaied at
(48,000. Their factory was recently destroyed
by bra.
Arrested F.r stattKaalsassat.
Max Dunlo was arrested ibis afternoon by
Officer Beaehlar ea a charge of emtexalemeat.
Alderman A. F. Deaaally will dlapoaae(
. . '4'
. ,'
e rataisrss OstaCI
nsi rrasMsaWai
stlsgs Mascaasgssast MM OS. i
Mstaie Haas RsstaaassaaL!
PlTT.tntimi, July 2. Heaater
passed through tba eht thta .
a luwrvMw ns empnatlcally
statements about Blaine, credlte
New Yerk Interview pnbltaMeV
morning's papers. Bald bat "It
interviewed la New Yerk. What i
la tba morning papers waa maaufaet
waa la a room at the betel where a aa
gentlemen were talking, bnt 1 w
tarvlewed. 1 never said Blatna
eandldate for tba presidency. I dears)
wnetner ne is a candidate or nor, i
uuniy wouie net dim aucn a aiasM
lest I did knew. Ner did laayi
about hla giving himself up te literal
maine and I are tbe beat kind of i
and It Is unkind te put words Inte ray I
ui uever uueree. Heme politick
that he may net have the same slaa
support la New Yerk that ha had .tar
last campaign. As regards Inter vis wing,
I ask ta te be let alone." ilS
" Is the rebel flas mesllnn tikal
revived during the next presidential i
tsugn i-
" It will net be forgotten. It will rk
during next campaign and will likely
u iwpuriaut pars in it. i can't say
were tha motives of President Clavsiaa
Issuing an order for the return of tha
It msy bsva been carelessness, but It 1
serious question thst should bar
handled very cautiously."
BUIns Blghtaesiag la Londen.
Chicago, July 2. A Londen cable tot
Atwt siys: Andy Fulton called ea 1
Blaine te-day, but Mr. Blaine was out la I
morning. The Maine man waschapereaea I
ueru noseeery tnreugn me moneyed eu
of the citv, taking In during tbe trip I
auieus uuiueu room Ol VUO Bank Of
land. Returning te the hotel he rami
In doers the rest of the day dining with 1
isiuuy. ueru uyiien leit nts card, Ja
nay was received and prolonged hisi
Heur. Later be sent a dispatch from;
Hetel Alexandria Inviting Mr. Blaine ta d
with Mrs. Flower Monday next, te Whlaai
vltatlen no attention was raid, gasas
Americana have Ineffectually endsavetwil
get nema expression irem Mr. BlalMea
Confederate Hag erder et President Ok
lend. The only Interesting opinion qn
irem uim, secena-nanu, out through
reliable agencies, Is that tbe order waa l
blya misapprehension en the part et
Cleveland, as his rescinding It would V
eate. a te whether it would sflect tha
aent in bis efforts for another Una,
nisine naa net presumed te say. Mr.
win auena tne Fourth or July
r celebraltaa
tne American Exchange.
Translsrrad te a Lewer Foetus.
CntOAcie, July 2. A Washington
te the News aaya : Tbe removal of Mlaa
abeth Van Lew from the position of rsqn
uen ciera, in we euice ei tne third
psstmuter general yesterday and bar:
peiniment te a wim place in the dead
omeehas excited "mtrtA comment Mb
Lew la a Virginian who was-leyal.ta;
union auring tne war and for I
acted as a spy, furnishing Gen. Grant I
matlen or great value. Gen. Grant's '
tude was se great that be appointed bar
mistress at Ktcnmend, a position
netaeigni years, uen. Gresham
her te a (1,200 place In the postedloe de
ment, whlcb has supported ber until"
present time. Her record as pettmli
was exceueni, anu as a clerk It seems
above reproach. The president baa nn
that the case shall be fully investigated,.-
Nearly Killed a "iimmmar
Loeanhport, Ind., July 2. Ata lata!
last evening T. k. Pepper, travellaa
man for Garr & Ce. of Lexington, Ky.i
cams iuvuiveu in a nana te nana a
With il..nil.. UavA. Miuuf..
Barnett hotel of this city. Before thai
ended Mr. Barnett'a son, Atwater, Ms,
neii, we ciera, ana neue liuciner. at
porter, took a band, and with eanea i
pistol they almost auceeeded la kUlkftg I
awiuwuiii un ueau anu iaee waa t
mangled in a horrible manner.
new lying In a somewhat precarlenai
tten at the Johnsten hotel. Mr.
also nreatrata. Ha lantitta nld snit las
I ;.- .:.... .t zr -
.J-W. '
" Oat f reUttca." 3$ :
Chicago, July 2, A special te tba
from Teledo aaya : Gen. Luelua
commander-in-chief of theO. A. &,
tervlewed last evening. He is In tba
tha Interest of tbe Grand Army. ;
positively that be ia ent of polttlea
be will net be a eandldate for preaM
prcaiuem ur any uwsr uuics. fy,;
a i
Want Disputes Arbitrate V
Londen, July 2. Over enebuadraii'
gush, Hootch and Welsh membaraer
ment nave aigned a memorial te
Cleveland and tha American Congress
tngtnereremng ei aiiAngie-Ai
puteste an arbitrator. A deputatlaa
pesea ei memos or the Heuse of
will probably present tbe memorial te
dent Cleveland.
. . t. . '. -S4
swiisTiaiaina; tawsawieiADScwaaaat
Kansas Citv, July 2. The Iriaa
League of this city last nigbt
caption te the Karl of Aberdeen, ex-
tenant or Ireland, wbe arrived
terday from Texas.
we niismen araaauy lajaaea H.
Geerge Jehnsen and William Btaaef,'
driving a team aoreae tee railroad 1
morning were struek by train.
received fatal Injuries, tba bona waa
ana um wagea wrecked. ;
WMdew-Oktat Wstki
Pittsburg, July 2. The
glass factory belonging te Be
ACa.ontheaeuth side, this
aged by fire te tbe extent el
early hour tbla morning 1
Washington, July 11
day annotated Jeseph a flai
Hurlnsa, CeL. lebertawtvarafi
at Glen weed uptrngr, vm,y
ABXsan Uatat as dssaaaa.
Washington, Jaly a I
mender Meweil MB BMM a i
navy departaseat te tba atTaat swat 1
aiaaarasaaalaL .
I --- v7- j
Op sine: iae Tew '
ST. PsTaaasuBe, jaiy 1,-
of tba Intsrter baa dlraeted
data te forward HU Patarshi
tanrata lists oempr lalag tha 1
aU tba feralgmsrs rasldtagial
geverameat aaa aiae at
tag Bt. Fatarabarg ba aes 1
ta ua atty teagar taaa i
I I ' fiYlllihlllllliBall
. - e
r?-aMi-T( rf-i-