Ii m m. Mi $m WnESmmm i taw 'AflMHHM MiMH. IMMI it ij ij tfc ifc.i.-i- 1! ISM "i Ilia mm Niig ilaHia sssqtut I WmUt ktolllgenetr cum os m, vrim or nmuiiaBfeiiit rauMtar. ivaneaiwr. rs PUcnreetcrlmaiwgniK. LANCASTEB, J0ME 90.1867. We Wa4tr. si lit Kew Yerk jury has convicted Jacob ec nneing .new xer aiaermen, r trial which baa lasted a month or I daring which quite enough has i done that waa unjust te the prisoner, aware the nullity el his conviction when r Ml appeal reaches the supreme court. The fneeentlen was determined that bbarp aaewa M convicted upon bis trial, ana aid .Mt seem te care a great deal hew it was -4mm. The case was net proved against r i in urn B Ma UMM Hw Wmwmoev Mmnhm. ltnHWMWBM. cmtss e a, ltsa.1 s wrrr ti fsssmm vrim or JltMWWMlMWBIMIilWllWIIIIII 111! MB ask anrnm. tu twrneci iinw sMkmss te in waste uan, sTSSSSss f iri n IT IT I" ibsai,at all, but he was convicted en the ffntmi assumption tnat ne was gumy, ana , piuyiiiT uia kucbb was a cuinxt uue. iSThe aldermen were bribed, or at least a r& let of them have been sent te jail upon the TKdkta of juries that they were bribed it fellows that some one bribed them. ffTnare was no one around but Jacob Sharp, .H the beneficiary of the aldermen s grant, te W the bribery upon ; and If there was any j Bribing done, it is clear enough tnat Jacob Itaait. ftiF AeaJI ttm wca,a jltssltt Imsi emtnl 4- If mi,AM Wjf WI HO ! UUUVUIM C4IWI W b. J.UC1C lOv im thAnflaUidA rivnn thmis&nrifi of man In iSitJ "w . sr -- - aTskSBW TwV anfl WAtllsw F.aA tna thn antmn kiataW . The jails of the country would net rfceld a tithe of the men who would bribe "'.legislators for a franchise that they ritheaght would pay them many times the FIT""' "" """ "" " "" iu l asauv thousands in Pennsylvania. Thev f 1 am mritrrahnra. Thn law nvncrnt70i this w?zs.".c" "..:.. t :;t."u.. : : wewum ui uuuieuiiv , uu, no itiu iua. 11, U-4 m win ISAriA ftiaf trmitAna1 iitifet ?w mm uw wuetw uivMJuni puuuu ?? aaent will check it. Jacob Sharp's fate may ' fcaia tinlfmililn 1 ITiii t fnr a u-hiln ,t sft the men that are caught are se few and the t?''eaances of escape se many, that a lfieh fcU tiMM of nreflt will nlwavq nrnvsill ncrainci the law. And while we de net doubt that Jacob Sharp paid the New Yerk aldermen for his railroad franchise, we knew that he could net have get It otherwise; and we that the read he built is a useful public g work. Jacob Sharp while making money 5, aws uieiKii) iibouuue iii u) uvueuiUDg me puDiic,with the product et bis capital. .irnis is at least te ee saia in nis Denair. it root enough by any means te excuse him; ' but we cannot escape knowledge of the fact ,. tlut J&cob Sharp is net worse than r- hsps the majority of his fellow-citizens in yielding te this temptation ; and when we ' leek upon the scenet in Xew Yerktranspir. :tii ingatthe date of his conviction, and see an unscrupulous combination or the richest awn of the city te depress the price or stocks and raise the cost of money, deliberately robbing these of ! mA.ni . nn.1 nlnn tl.fa !.,. . e tfaft JVMB IWHH, SUU UUWjJ bUU TV1IU I1U IdXl of the law ; we wonder ; knowing them te pr OBDaseranawicKeaermenuiantoiiarp.whe tr'ii Mil ta lull hppjiiisnhn u-antxl tn lav n mil. W. read andcouldnetgetthe privilege without '1$; tnvlKfnf fknflA mh fial.1 U nM.- .A..t.l ES "'IH """ nuv uemih AUCiO nuUlU st'M a wondrous company gathered with jf aim within jail walls, if all who did as he &--'. did. and worse than he did. suflWeil u-itii him. The Clese or the Schools. The closing of the city schools te-day f ;' with the elaborate commencement pre- k'v "- 'geunme of the high schools marks an im- .vjwwuk euucu ter many a young man and KlWBwan, It means the close of their eJu- Va4alAnBl -KA-U.AK J .1 I f I . whwusi uucci euu lus iKffinulDgOT com- yaecejnent'pf the real work of life. Here- (V laJRni'thrv havnhoen niilnninorlietnoAl,-aa ?'ia a miniature world for the actual duties -C resume ueyenu. aew ineirworkei $ ffwparatlea is finished and its quality is te r-ka tested. 3 There are among the fertv-seven vouner as and women of the high schools who vneetve their diplomas te-day, some who 5: Will reach positions of trust andrespensL ,;ility in this city and elsewhere. Seme "l&willbecuteff in the bloom of youth by wmua ana ethers may fall by the wayside gander the benumbing influence of evil. nuiwiHiuuuuu ui nig prizes unu uianKS ;AIUie is inevitable for this mere than two .-fBBOre 01 haDDV-heartnd vnnntr men nnrl iXwemen. jsf But let net their thoughts rest tee long ,wpen wis semure side of life's picture. It . will de them trnrtA tn lrAAn It ..a. i i f" .Bw htcji it near at iiiiuu i ler Occasional InanaH . I.... l ... iXfl day8 let their theughta be none but it sjslsiiTai T ai . ... W-., .uuuiv.lUU . Ulll. UM HVI I g?T " "Km enier 'Me their ir ftstaw .work with a noble ambition te lead tlfca Uvea of honorable men and women, te KU ever for the cause of right, te have t"vurgu el conviction te strike down SS? wbatever form it asserts itself. In : p way will they become an honor tn 'J?-!!?'"! and the city Hhln whose imits tney received their ninnuii,,, :,, . '.; Tha f... .r n..i ...... lTmtttrrlag events in Hewan county, Mtueky, which culminated in the tragic or uraig Teiiiver, might any day be in ether parts of the country. acre remote from pjtntrea tt nlvlli'ia. lasm and law. The principle of revenge, en rested the feuds et the Telllvers, U accepted la remote mountain ceun- Where the arm of the law is net sun. fa by an enlightened people and JTfcan tbe opportunities for eludlnf formal fHeUhBMDt are unusual. There is in these a strong temptation for men te we forms et law, and fall back that primitive measure of nubile tf, the principle of revenge. Craiir latrNr failed te ass anything surprising MS mm be gave for his career of mur- It ww ferctd upon blm, be said, by T& 1 ettbe vttaaaafi that reaatm a allauffl. hare swung but admiration for hH desperate courage and fierce spirit of revenge. There is a strange survival of barbarism In the midst of our civilization; and it is high time that the civilizing forces, of which we beast se much, were brought mere thoroughly te bear en the brave and manly, but benighted race, that held the mountains and peer lands of the West and south. It is net claimed that the Ken tucky desperado was merely the victim of circumstances, but that the conditions are favorable te the successful establishment of a race of brigands. Already we see the same local sympathy with the outlaws that is found In Italy. The people of the re gion have little te say of his murders, and much te tell of his bravery, ktnduess of heart and love of family ; and eveu of his honesty, although It is admitted that he had plenty of money and hardly ever worked. "We already have a full Hedged outlaw here, whose deeds will grew fabulous as time'gees en, and if great care be net taken may insplte many te emulate his defiance of law and establish a system of brigand age that will be difficult te uproot. It Dees Net Apply. A cotemperary is satisfied that no sensi ble person can expect the real estate owner te give up any part of his property te pub lic use without compensation but though such expectation would net be sensible, the statement has no applicability whatever te the case of the People's bank te which it is applied. East King street has had its building lines straightened and the avenue slightly widened, by general consent after long consideration, and the result has been laid down in the map of the city, and all prop erty owners are expected by the law te conform te it in their building ; if they de net their property may hereafter be tern down without entitling them te recover damages. The People's bank directors in building outside the established line e! East King street, give up all claim te damage, net only for the creund that may hereafter be taken from them, but for the building as well. Again ; the damage that they will suffer new by their surrender of a feet or two oft thefrontef their let, is offset by the ad vantage te them of a wider street. The value of the ground taken from them Is almost nothing, as they have no use for the whole depth et their let. The claim made for damages is a subter fuge. All the damage they will suffer is from the receding of their building be hind the line of the adjacent buildings; and this is a damage which the city has a right te impose upon them, in pursuit of its policy of a gradual widening of the street as new buildings are erected. It is done by Phila delphia in widening Chestnut street, where property is of many fold mere value thau en our East King street. The last half et June bes been mete smil ing than tearlul. The report of lnsurance Commissioner .uIt. . . f.l.i . . JT 7. . COUla I Ferster, et this state, shows the aggregate knew I cpltal et lire insurance Hteck companies el Pennsylvania te b fl2 635,000. The com panlea have admitted assets amounting te (3S,00,03.12, against liabilities, including capital stock and unearned preinluma, et f 28,383,395 72, leaving a net surplus of f'.'.fwl, GS7, 10 ever all liabilities. One foreign insur ance company withdrew from the state, and twenty new ones established cilices here. During the year the total tire, marine and inland risks written in the state was (10.817, t(53,927, en which fsO.SOl 015 til premiums were received, and fel,lfrJ,3CS 00 losses were paid. Compared with 1S85 this shows an in crease of ?313,115,G0O in tire risks written; an increased of (233.217,r00, in marine and in land risks written; an increase of (3.571 2f3 15 in premiums paid, and an increase of (215,--I3S 37 in losses paid. Fourteen new mutual companies have been Incorporated since the last report Tub twenty-llve-dellar-a-eek seaside hotel Is new yawning for the ten-dollar a week clerk. A K-TKK Judge Birrett had charged the jury In the Jacob Sharp bribery cut", Mr. 1'arsens, otceuDeel for defense, entered several objec tions, but bis honor overruled blm and said the jury were already tired out. Jacob was convicted before the trial was begun. The old rule was reversed. Ue wsh presumed guilty until proved innocent, and thn latter hall et the preposition was net etabli-hed. GeOD-mK te June! And may July and August contain a little vacation ler every body ! 1-BANKLIN AND MaK-IIAM. (OI.LKIIK ought te have some friends such ai I. tfayette college has in Jehn 1. Ulair. At thn Lafay ette alumni dinner, in a speech relative te the need or funds ter Lafayette, Mr. Iliair said that it any one would natne an amount as a gilt te the college he would double it. Te the young graduates of the high schools : OchxI luck te you ! M. Peu-DEKLv is treading dangerously near the smeuldering volcano of Knew. Netblngism. He is recently quoted as say ing : " I am utterly opposed te all forms of pauper emigration, and te a great deal of em igration pure and simple. I think a halt should be called en emigration until this nation can consider what it is doing in allow ing these nationalities te enter here and be come a burden en our country and a menace te the American borne. As a ruling te decide who should be excluded I would make it an almost inllexlble rule that a man or woman who could net sustain himself or herself and their respective (ami lie for one year should net b alie wed te land." Under this ruling many of this country's b9.it citi zens would have been turned buck. PEBflONAI . Hknateh Den Oamkren will colebrate the Fourth of July by entertaining 1,500 peer children at his place near Washington. Cardinal GiuneNsdenles Dr. McGlynn'x statement that a papal nuncio is tn be sent te Washington, and says tbat the Vatican does net even entertain such an intention. Hkebetaiiv Hwaiid'.s sister, Mrs. Mabel Bayard Kane, was married in New Yerk en Wednesday te Mr. Levi C. lllril, a well gnewn nepubllcan lawyer of Delaware, The ceremony took place at St. Ueerge'a church, Htuyveaant square. Among these pI?nt.w'7l,P(Lverner B18i Judge Wales, of the United States district court ; Judge Urubb and Attorney General Rlgge. Kx Governer William H. H. lle of Delaware, died In Philadelphia Wedneailav afternoon. Governer Kesa was, up te the lme 0,..h," aMb n only governor of the Diamond state whose term nii4.tH ,,.. rebellion and for many years has been known I as the eldest ex governor el the state. iie I waa well known In Lancaster and ens of his I sons waiuiairieu te meaaugnter or Geerge Levan, the miller. Tiik lath Ben Perlkv 1'oeuk accom plished a feat In writing his Ltfe et Grant " that bsa seldom been equaled. Ue agreed te furnish the book te his publishers In two months, and actually finished It en time, dictating at the rate el 2,600 words a day. Berne Idea of the ranldltv et this work war be gained from the tact that the historians Bancroft considers that be bss accomplished a great deal if he writes one-tenth of that number In a day. "VjfVC Ti-saitMltsMt i . . Jean M. Bra. el this rataee. wae ewaer of a larae aad very valtMble ad- jelamfl PMbedy, KaaaM,. Metived a teie grsphle dispatch lMt wesk from .Ms tereisr, thsfwhlle thtjr wsrs Mtawd at bprlea; for a well of wmwr, they struck natural rm. Mr. Erb bought the ftwm few yr age t low prk and by the growth " presptrlty of the town which It adjoins It has greatly Increased In value, m m Raadall en Utatrlrt Wprwiatatl . Congressman Randall was In Philadelphia Wednesday, and In response te a question about precinct representation, said he did net believe there was any necessity te depart from the present system of having the wards represented according te the number of their votes. II every precinct had a delegate, he said, the representation would net be fair, because a precinct with a small number of voters would have the same standing as one With a large number. -- Itabear Delcau Tn Kjrk. Geerge ltubear, the champion oarsman of England, en Wednesday defeated James A. Ten Kyck In a three mile race en Lake Qulnslfrattieml, for f.r(0 a side, llubear's time waa 20. 16 1 .', aud Ten Krck tlnlibed 13 seconds later. This is llubear's tint race In America. Da. Heur. Ntes, . "1 found Ulnealy lln ' an excellent aid te Atenic 15 n-vptln. There U no n.en hy Docter oheulil t.et tre ncrVbe It In preference te any ether ill);fUTe remedy." Sold by all Druggist. II K I'er bottle, or W. K. KUJer A Ce., Mauufuctutlntc ChemlsK.W Jehn St-.N. . mvmeiAi. rnutivM WUY WILL YO0 cengh hen Bhlleh'a Cure 111 slve Itnuiedlate rellel. l'rlce 10 eta., SO els., and II. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, DrugnUt. Ma in North Uueen street. lt The Mystery Solved. fit has always been understood that consump tion was Incurable, but It has recently been discovered that Kemp's l!Iiun for the Threat and Lungs Is giving mere relief than any aaewn Ivuieuy. 11 13 uuunuinu lu reiiute kibiuid Asthma, llreDChltls and Coughs. Call ( niiia auu vi'iiKU- v-iui u ti, U. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1J7 North Uueen street, and net a trial bottle free of cost. Large size W cents and II. te SUILOH'S CUUB win immediately reueva Croup, Whooping Cough and llrenchlUs. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, DruggUt, Ne. 1S7 North Queen street. 17) A Kemarkable. Uoed Man Is he who attends te the comfort of his family and will net let his Uttle one suffer with affec tion of the Threat and Lung, whereby their lives uiKV be endangered, but who sheuM at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Kemp's lial-uiui. l'rlce 90 cents aud II. Trial rite ret. for sale by 1L U. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Uunen street. 14) fUCITIOAI. F R COUNTY COMMISSIONKK, 11KNHV DKACHUAlt. et Lancaster City. Subject te the decision et the Democratic convention. icarit-tldAw PIOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, J. W.KKLLY, of Marietta. 1'a. Subject te the decision et the Democratic Convention, lour Influence solic ited. ui.le-tMAw F R COUNTY COMMISSIONKK, SIMON L. HUANDT (fanner). Of Kast Denegal township, Subject te the de cision of the Democratic county Convention. 1 our influence respectfully solicited. mmidAw jjWJK COUNTY COMMlSSIONEa JACOH W. LKUKB, Of Bphrata township. Sublect te Democratic rules. inarlt-lfdAw piOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. Z. UINUWALT, Grocer, first Ward cra'.lc rules. City, Subject te Detco Detce allfilAw TJtOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. SOLOMON ZBAMEU, Farmer, I Of West Hemptleia township, sunjec I Decision of the Democratic Convention. I marUdAw Of West Uempfleld township. Subject te the FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the request et many friends I annnnnce myself as a. candidate for County Commissioner. Sublect te the decUlen of the Democratic Cennty Convention. Yenr Influence respect tally solicited. 11KNHV r. 11AUTMAN. ml9-Ud&w Kast Lampeter Township. piOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER- J3LI BATTEN, of Upper Leacnck township. I announce my self as a candidate for county Commissioner subject te the decision or the Democratic County Convention. -Your Influence respect fully solicited Was a candidate for County Commissioner before the last convention, and at the request et my friends withdrew in favor el the candidates from the Southern district. UdAw KLI 1IATTBN. "CWK COUNTY AUDITOR, JAS.r. UOWKK, et l'aradlse township, subject te thn decision of the lieu-eirutlc Convention te be held .ItilyM, 1S37. J'lIKUMAw F OR COUNTY AUDITOR, CMAS. W. pusav. Of East Drnmeru township. Sabject te the de rision et the Democratic Ceun'y Convention, July tt), lss7. Jtnub-txlAw mxanii nkwixu j.icv.v; co. piXUlBlTION EXTRAORDINARY at tii a errics or Tbe Singer Sewing Machine Ce., 140 EAST KINO 8TRBBT, LisOABTit, Pa., Beginning Monday, June 27th. The display will be Ihe grandest ever seen In Lancaster, consisting et FINE EMBROIDERY IN MttNY DESIGN? AKD Faucy Goods or Every Description. The exhibit will Illustrate the wide rangeef work that can be done en the New High arm I. r. singer Hewing Machine. The exhibition will be iree te all, at all hours, day and evening. The ladles are especially Invited te attend. Nothing like It ever before seen In Lancaster. chris."myers, je) OtdAltw MANAGKB. VMUVMHIM A T WIANTB. -TUV OUK HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The Finest flour sold In tbe market. Qlve It a trial and you will be pleased Alse lirahain Fleur, Ut rieur, Uye Fleur, and Self liaising Fleur for lllscult, Ac Goods Delivered, '.tele phone Connection. GEO. WIsVNT, ang-ae-lrd Ne. 113 West King Street. A T BUKHK'B. HEADQUARTERS FOB FIREWORKS. SV Fartles desiring Private Displays should net wait until the last, or few dsys, bat make their selections In time aud have them laid Hilda. There Is an unusual demand and stock may run short. BURSK'S, NO, 17 EAST KING STREET, UNCASTKU, FA. rTelepbnns ftl Oflfs KKWAllD epXtVV Fer any ca COM) Of KIAflAV Tnrn. bles, Nervous Ueblllf Weakness that UOTJ tum wuiiiKy, aeniat and rhvi that UOTSNIU NKkVie BIT Menial and F-nyalcal falls te curs. Sold by 0 rugjrtats, se cents. na,s uu utsii NO. U M. nth BU, Fella? Fa. aurravirsew sir Oixsaiars frse. tjkttiitBwqmiintBb KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.)! -UIVLS- Ooed Appetite, Haw Strength, Quiet Net vee, Happy Dfty, 8' uweet csieep. A POWERFUL TONIC that the toest delicate sUmmch will tear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all Uertn Disease. THK MOST SCIHNTiriC AND SUCCKSrUL nLUUDl'UmriBK. Miiwrtortmiulnlne. Mr. r. A. Miller, 6J0 Knst lKlh sinvt. New Yerk, was cured by Kaoklne of extreme ma larial prostration aner set en u unii. lie hd nin down inimlWiKinnds tow. began enKasklneln June, Ini. went te work In one month, tegalnedhW lull weight In six months Uutntnedtdhtin nogeoil whaWter. Mr. tildeen Thouii'en, the elilest and one et the most respected cltliensel UtlilgriMirt, I'enn , says: "1 am ninety years el use, and for the last three years hare suffered from uitrU and the effecUe(iutnln poisoning. 1 recently tw gan with Kasklne which broke up the malaria and Inrrensed my weight 21 pound " Mrs.T. A. Solomons, of 1S iliilllday t-t, Jersey City. writes. My son Harry, eleven tears, was cured et Malaria by Kasklne, after fltteen months' Illness, when we had glren up all hope. Letters from the nbete penen, gtlug lull details will be sent en application. Kasktne can be taken without any special medical advice. f LOU per betue. somey B. B. OOOHRAM, iiriiirut. 117 and lai North Uueen St.. Lancas ter, t'a , or sent by mall en receipt et price, KASKINKCO..M Warren St.. New Yerk. feb4 IvdAwTTbA rVMMlXVMB. w IDMYEK'8 KUKN1TUKK 8TOKK. FULL VALUE. OSKHUNDllEDCKNTS WUKTH OIVKN roll KVKKV DOLLAK. NO M1UK1'KBSKNTAT10N8. OUK WOHK WILL STAND TDK TKST. The Wearing et Our Goods will Bear Us Out In W hat We Say. Te Save Meney U te get that which will; Wear the Longest, and which need net be He- placed lu a Short Time. SURPRISING ! le, you will be Suprled at our Lew Prices. just step In and see what a Large and Complete Meck we are Carrying, and then He and Tell lour Neighbor. 8TYL, QUALITY AND 1'KICK TO SUIT ALL WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner Bast Kins and Duke 8te., LANCASTKB, FA. sectS-lTdAJS-3mw H EINirsH'S FCHNITUKE UEFOT. ThU Is the kind of weather that re quires a Geed, Coel, Seft Bed ! We hare It In ie eral Shapes. Uiit Mitlrtssts wil WevtQ Wire Springs Are a very nice combination and their value can only be proven by a test. Call and see them. All prices. Palm Leaf Mattresses Alse make and Klegant Coel lied. He will repair your Hair Mattresses equal te new at Very Moderate Charge. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT 97 and 20 Seuth Queen Street, LANCA9TKK, PA. ar.gr eh u. WATCHES. CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JKWKLltY. Special Watchss for Farmers ted Railreiden Fine let of Kings, Ac Alse, Elgin, Waltham (Aurera for which 1 am Sele Agent), and ether rirst-nasa vravesee. uesi n aica ana jeweiry Kenalrtna. say correct place In city. time by Telegraph Dally, only L. WEBER. Ne. 1X N. Queen St, Near Fenn'a K. tt. Depot. Sir Hrectacles, Kyeglasses and Optical Uoed. All Kinds of Jewelrv. N EW JEWELRt STORE. Gradaating Presents ! FOU CLASS UINUS, CLASS fPlNS, CLASS UADOKS.GOTO GILL'S. Geld Watches, Diamond Kings, Gents' (Initial Kings, Scarf Fins, Ac, Ac. . Bepalrles; In AH Its Ilrancbes. Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCABTKU, PA. mayll-lyd I'llOl'OHALS. pUOl'OSALS FOB HTHEET WORK. Sealed proposals for tbe following work will tw received hy the Street Committee up te Friday evening, July 1, 1887, at 7 o'clock : Fer piking Sast Orange street, from Ann te Marshall. ter piking West Orange streM, from Pine te Nevln andfiem Neiln tocelumbliavenue. Fer piking Lemen Btreet, from Charlette te Mary. Fer plklngfLecust street, from Lime te Frtl burg and from Freiburg te Plum. Fer piking Walnut street, from Water te Mul berry. Fer piking Poplarstreet, from Strawberry te Filbert. Fer piking Shlppen street, from Cast King te Middle. 8EWKKS. 1 or a 2 font sewer en Seuth Lime from a point SO Ivet south of Middle te the sewer en Vine street. Fer a feet sewer en West Lemen street, from west side of Mulberry street te sewer at Arch alley. Fer a 3H font sewer tn Fex's alley, between Lemen and Walnut streau and Lancaster aeenue and Charlette streets. Fer the extension of the 3 feet Ceral street sewer, from Its present terminus te west side Buby street. Fer a S feet sewer en German street, from Church street te connect with sewer at Seuth Queen street. UKIUQES. Fer the construction of a bridge ever Hoff Heff man's ltnn en Seymour street. Fer the construction el a bridge eyer the Con Cen Con eatega creak at Kelgart'a Landing. rjaus aun ipeeiucauuua can vn sea ur uru- cuieu at urn City lunula ters office at the sta- tlen house. All bids must be accompanied with name of nrener aecurttv. The committee reserves the right te reject any or all bids. Proposals te be addressed te the " Btreet Committee." and deposited In the Street Committee's box at Smells' grocery, corner North Uueen and Lemen streets. By order et the STBBET COM MITT lit Idwiib, Bmsits. Clerk. JunetaM.rrjS. RU1TOKE-CUBK UUAKANTKBD BY w Ur. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, Phlladal pkla,Fa. Baaaatonee. Ne operation or beat-. Ue ?:r':.FO04?n(uer eeres. At Aeystsste .Vt1' Fx d Saturday et eaehmeaitk, tatwelraalAn. AATlesfZwa; aarllyr iuirvveMt '" JSWV'V M-'', iTAatat BRea A co, Stamm Bres. & Ce., 26 AMD 2S NORTH gDSEN ST, LANCASTKa, J'., Special Offering -or- Men's Plalted Frent UNLAUNDR1ED SHIRTS, $1.00 Each. These -hlrts nre tn ide et the best muslin. r Infnrced back and lrent, and are lully north ll.u each. Extraenlinary ltargains IN BLACK DRESS SILKS, Te which wu ItiNlte our attention. MX.AH1IS Empress Cord Suiting, BCK.NTS A TAUD, Fast Colen and fs.r better than Seenucker. During tbe pt week we have made large inir cbascsef CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS, And we ate new ettering Tremendous llargalns. Anether new assortment et colors Best Surah Silk for Sashee, AT :5c. A YAUt). BLACK G1SUUKBES AND BUCK HESKIETTAS t Less Than Cost of Importation at the Popular Lew Priced BOSTON STORE. HOUBBMV BMIMMJM MUUXM). TALL. AND SKB TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Light ; Heats them all. Anether Let of CHEAP QLOBKS for Gas and UU Steves. THE- "PERFECTION" MKTAL MOULDING AND KUBBIB CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beats them all. This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, readv for use. It will net split, warn or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the stove. Heater and Bangs Stere -OF- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER. PA. OPEC1AL NOTICE. ' Mere human, mere divine thin we In fact, part human, part divine Is woman, when the geed stars agree Te mingle at nor nativity." Bertccutye Lords of Creation, and hie ye at once te KIEFFER & IEEE'S, Ne. 40 E. King St., And Procure one el their Famous Economist Vapor Cook Steves. )) .. That Ged's best gift te you be net tortured be yond recall with the unnecessary waste heat which tt is Impossible te avoid with your Ranges, and (what 1 also important) consider the great economy tn fuel, 3) cents worth of fuel will cook for a family et three grown per sons 21 ineals. And when you .want a Heatei.geta " SPLENDID " And be Happy. PLUMBING, GAS MTT1NG, STEAM HEAT ING, TIN B00F1NU AND SPOUTING. MO WICKS, SC. LINN 4 BRENKMAN. CARD! We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, owing te our giving special attention, we can offer great Inducements. " Pennsylvania "I.awn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have as geed Lawn Mowers as are in the market for 10.00 and (7.00. Baby Carriages We carry seventy-flve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Refrigerators are new In season. Hew few people knewanytbing about Refrigera tors. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best Ceal Oil Steves There Is mere differ ence In Ceal UU Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you get the beet at the lowest prices. Yeu can from us. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican rad Common Hammocks, Base Ball and all Sporting Goods at Factory Prices. FUN & BRENEHAN, Ne. 153 North Qactn BtrMt. INSTALMKNT DKALERS WILL FIND Just what they need. A fall line or Instal ment Goods sela only tstns Instalment Trade by addressing ' INSTALMENT DIALEMiUPrLY CO.. BPrt-s4Xu,TA8 Kris, fa. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WlflB. Honest Werk at AT PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD HIL1ABLK) Oarriage WorkiNei. 126 and 128 East King St. The Largest Assortment of NKW AND SBCOHD-HAND Buggies, Carriage. 1'hsstens, Matkst Duslneas Wagons that has aver been Shown te the 1'ubllc tf Yeu Want a Uoed and rirat-Clasa rhssten, UOTO lHIKKSOM'S. It Yeu Want a Nice Comfortable ratnlly Carrlaga, Ul) TO DOBKHOM'S. If Yeu Want a Muggy Yeu ean Select from Tlruwn Different Klndet Spttugs, If you liUTU UUSIWt'H ". If Yeu Want a Nice and Neat Business Wagen, (HI TO UOCUSOM'S. if Yen Want a Durable Market Wagen. MUTO IHIBHHOM'S. 11 Yeu Want a Uoed Seennd-llandrhaiUtn. Baggy, or Market Wagen, UUTU UUBBHUM'S. it Yeu Want te Buy a Flrst-Class Article at a """" H,TO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriae Works, N08. 1S6 AND 128 EAST K1NU 8TKEKT, LUNCAHTKIl, PA. mrFAcivur-m t its miffmh sthkft. uianMydAw uar tiuena. "JJKVV YORK HTORR. lessSilfe WATT & SE4M), 6, 8 ft 10 BAST KINO ST., LANCASTEB, PA.. Have Secured Anether Let of the JehnStapf- uer &en'a Famous COLORED DBKS.S 8ILBB, At Jt'c n ) anl. Ne better are retailed at ". SUMMER SILKS at Sftc . Sic, JTKc and Sec a jard. SUpfuer's IlesHJiialltySwHs St'MMKIl SILKS at i;JX and 75c a yard. Made aud Imported te sell at 7Jc. and ll.ei). Haskell's roily UtiaranUtM IILACK 1111KSS SILKSat 11 M, ll.r., l..'ua aid. We Open, Te Day Large Invoice; of French Satines, American Satines, Crinkled Seersuckers. Dress Ginghams, SPKC1AI. llAKUAlN-One Case Best gualltv Full Width PRINTED SATINES, 6'4c. ajard , worth l;.c AT THE New Yerk Stere. rAGKK.V II HUTU Kit. Summer Wear for Gents. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER, 25-27 West King Street. Ciau7e, Italbriggan and Feather, weight .Shirts and Drawers. Seamless, lUlbriggan and I.isle Hosiery. Hemstitched and Colored Bor dered Handkerchiefs. Twilled and Serge bicycle -Shirts. Lauudrled and Unlaundried Dress Shirts. renftee, Silk, Crenadine and Lawn Neckwear. K. , W. Cellars and Cutis. One Hundred Dezen Kxtra Un Un laundred Shirts at iZc. each. Scotch Cheviot, Casslmere and Worsted Suitings. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street. LANCASTCU, PA. HAliHI.ES, AC. UADDT.EH, HAHNKSH, Ae. EDWARD KRECKEL, -Dsuisa la Saddles, Harness, Trunk, Nets. Robes & Blankets, XO. t MAST KINO HTKKXT, LaacasTBS, Pa. The largest and best assortment of TRUNKS In the city at the lowest cash prices, all sizes and fluidities. We have en band a large assortment of dif ferent styles of Harness, both single and double, and make te order the finest grade of English Coach and French Coupe tiaruess. Tha best Harness Dressing In the world at C0c a box. Call and Examine Our Stock at Ne. 5 East King Street. vjunl5SmdAw E NGL.KTKKB HTUUK KAKM. Standard-Brad Stallions In Barrlea. treiiss una (sisi smoae Uecerd.4 years, 1.17. I sUWBT (al) tMO.M W fee Nsw Catalogue.- OAJt'Le-BMaLI, tsfl-lBsMv MamuiVFs, An 1 os) t. aeAaivii Honest Prices. Lewer Frtee than any ether tiiaes In the ellr VLUTHINH. JT UANHMAN A MRU 66 L.CANSMAN & liRO. 68 North Queen St. W hen we say n saving of f n per cent, guaran- ut'u we uimn u win nut nuceni en ucr) titu lar expended at our establishment. MEN'MIUIS'ACIIILDBLN'S CLOTHING Selling at a u reat Sacrifice In Older te reduce our luimunse large stock. Men's fetmrsucker Ceat and et at II U) and II A Men' Blehalr Ceat nud Vest nt ti!, U 00 and Men's All Weel t'asslinvre Suits at t"'. HO. Men's Mi-Weel Woisted suits ali'. Men's All Weel lltwtchvd Suits at I HMD. TIIE4K I1UOIX ARE RSADIt.Y ttciltril KOl'lll.K TIIK. AMOUNT OF MONEY. Heys' SullH retlucrd te linn, FiM. i en. Heys' All Weel Suits reduced te U7.1, (IM, Men's Pauls at Se, G 75 cts, II ('. 1 1.3, ll.V, two. Hue Light Colored I'ants at KARnUD), H-"m. Children's Knee Pants al2v Asrll will be worth your while te cull and examine these unusual iiargalns. They must go. L. GANSHAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTURERS OF Men's, Beys' and Children's t'letblng, S. E. COR. N. yUKEN A UUANUE ST8, LANCASTER PA. SVThe Chnnpeet (and Exclusive) Clothing Heuse In the City. M YKRH A RATUKOn. THIN CLOTHING -10U- Tra piers ami TeuriHln. THE UN Y.iX ASIOUTJt KNT AT LOW 1'UICK FLANNEL SHIRTS ALL STYLES. TOntlHTS', HICYUliK' TKN.NIS, CRICKET, 1IAHK I1ALI, AND HOATINU SHIRTS. THE I.A1U1KST ASSOIlTstENT or MEN'S CLOTHING In Lancaster, at Lewest Pitcee. Fine Asdettment et DUSTERS ! White and Colored Duck Vests. Myers & Rathfon, M: AIM. Mi I'LOTHIEHS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. LANCASTEB, PA. N OW KKADV I Our Rcadv-Made Stock -OF- SPRING CLOTHING. We are prepared te show our New SPUING STOCK in Iteady-Hade Hulls. Our Assortment is Larger than ever before, and Price Lewer. We have taken special care tn get up geed and Attractive Hutu for the 8PU1NU TltAUE, aud we feel satisfied ear efforts have been success ful. Call and give us the benefit of your opinion. Oar Custom Department Is Stocked with all the Newest Novelties in Suitings, which we wUl Make te Order In tha Hest Style. FIT GUARANTEED. BURGER & SUTTON, Tailors aiid Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABTElt. PA. VOAU 3 a MABTUl, wMisut an Bsraa ebalbs w All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. ns-Wd JJAUMUAKDNKK8 A JEKKKRI103. GOAL DEALERS. 0MKrIPrtnce1tr:,,,U,,an8tr6"t'Ma Me' Oapou:NerUl i'rtnc atrMt' '""" KirMtt lAMQAMTBH, PA. ?t Wj ";-c Vi. .'.. x.-j-. csr ,-i :L.