IWP tittife C99T i II "f4 wejt, Jartte? tt 'iKi.." - '. ., '.'W v r,r. ? -. p j VOLUME XX1U-NO. 251). LANCASTER PA., MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1887. PRICE TWO luuun SVV OKDKKKD FROM CUUKCU, MiHmia mummtuumm te arrafffiA fmit.duai.fMtM rvn mm au Patk.r Mtl.nuiM, of Hi. Mary's, llsta Cel.hrat Mem, Bad Koaediy IMwiiatM th Order-Haw a reitn.r laawn Irr I'lerle Enlerc.it lilt Otd.r. Members of DIvMen Nv 7, Ancient Order or lllherulaiis, tin Saturday attended the funeral e Jc-imiiihIi Twehlg, at St Mary's Catholic cbuiuli, Fourth street near Spruce, Philadelphia. Uuv. Falbur McDertnett, tec ter et the church ud formerly assistant at 8t Mary's Catlmlln church In Lancaster, or Oared the Hibernians te have thetacred edl Ilea bereti tin would solvuiulre mass for (be dead. Jeremiah Twehlg, tliedeceaMd, was allquer dealer at Ne :M7 Seuth Hlxtb street Ha wan a member In geed atandtng In rit Mary's church, and alsocennectfd with Division Niv 7, Auclmil Order nt Hibernians, Tweblg Olrd en Thursday tut The notice of bia deatb and funeral was coupled with an Invi tation te tit fellow tlltiernlatia te ba ireeent at the latter, te tie beld Saturday morning In St Mary's uliureh. Till notice waa brought tdtheatieiiilen nl Kev. Father McDermott, who alriinidy nhji-cted te the Invitation, rather McDurimitt sent nolleeaor hla objec tions te the w Idew of tbe deceased, and by hla direction net only wss the nhjectleusble feature of the advertisement withdrawn, but a note waa aent te the aecretary of Division Ne. 7, by the widow analog that the o e clsty retrain from attending tha funeral, n-peclally In the capacity of Hibernian. Yesterday morning, however, a Roedly representation from Division Ne. 7 wars In Ibe front et lbs chutcb when Father McDer mott eutered te solemnize tuaaa for the dead. Ha tent word te the undertaker te request Ibe men te leave, and that elllclal, after re plying te the priest that be bad prevleualy told the Hlbernlana net te come te tbe church, again preferred tbe reverend father' request Hut the Hlbernlana remained In their seals until Father McDermott, having reiutnmt bia voatment, advanced without theubancel rail and atattd tbat uiaaa for tbe dead would net t-e aald until the member et tbe acclety should withdraw, Tbe Hiber nian tben left the cbuicb. VATIIKU M'lll.HMOTr'M Ollj KCTIO.NK. "I did net lutindtole drawn Inte tacit recognition, much leva approval, of tbe order," aald 1'nthur McDermott "My ac ac liiiintance with tlieiu la very thorough. 1 waa aplrltual advler, while atatleued In Pettavllle In 1875 arid 170, te ill teen or tbelr number eenleiicml te be hanged for murder. t hate paper lu my imntrailen which should 1 glva them te tlm p'C, would Make the reef oil ' tbe order. I bave writ t(iiumlealens from many uit-iiiber el the order who saw death en trio c.a!lns Mtrliigtliriii in tlmUie. They are hII alike in pniHw, wliMlitr they call tlieiiiH"vtH lllti-Tiuaiii, Mi.llie.Mai.ulrn, White llij, Mink NliotHer nlmt nut. Ity. Ia (Miiipnlliuu miiii'inri ti p t.ikoef ttm church' KHuimiieiitH all nettilng no long Mtlm old spirit m'tuatts thn urderand the old class el tiinnitier aie In It 1 knew Ari'lihlatKip IUhii riduaed te review the Ancient inter 'of Hibernian' rale upon I Ml ML Patrick's Uay, tint 1 cannot nay, pereentlly, liew be leela about the society. At the request of tmiiril priests of thla diocese, and much agalnt my wilt, 1 drafti-d ll.it sti-leleu of a niviuerUl again! the enler, te In- piewnud te Iho plen ary OKUncil which met Hi Haliliiiern lu IN; I After I had r i I It 1 deturminiHl tesh) It te Arcliltltliep lly in, t mmi If he would net glelt bNeuilniM'iiiiiiil My Interview u net NatlHlactery. The nic!itilhiip wanted te talk and 1 wanted te read. 1 tlnally 1UI real the meinerl1, (nit he preaerved bl rquaul inlty better than I did mine. He did nut eeeui te tlualie te du nny IhleK, but .aid there were many K'd men In tlm elder. I)J 1 agree wltli lilm an te thatT Ne lr! I de net. I Knew toeiinii'h. Ita ttut a It may, however, I m the archhiitiep alter that Inter lew, ami, although I Intruded tedetalu hlui but a moment " n aeuie oilier IiuhIiiwk, be ald bn watitril lu Ul k te in ; that he wat abuilt te lake a walk, unit 1 uiuat go Willi him. NVe walkmt trnui hla realdeucn te the beat beuaea u.i tLn Schuylkill river and luck, and he told me In the plalueat terui tint be had completely chauged hit opinion aiietit tbe order et Hibernian, and that he waa thoroughly oppeetl theriit , 1 have a or memory ter ilatei Inn I think It wi net long alter that 1 hw he lutnixlnw putjltahed lu a mernlnu plier, iHirixiriliig te bite been between Mr. Maurice F, WUhnre, a promi nent Hlbeiiiian.anil thuarchUlaheji, In wbicb the lattei waa uinde te ay thing directly centrai v te iIiikii he told me. I remembered distinctly that hia grace had informed me tbat a W extern hlabep ba t condemned tbe order publicly, and hupeke in oommeuda eommeuda oemmeuda tlou et this oeurae. I waa lea'h te believe the arcbhUbnp two facid lu the matter, e 1 wvitt te aea him. He distinctly and pualtively denied baring aald tbe thing attributed te him in the Wiluere lutttr view and talked witb him. He aald be bad net aeen tbe publlahed Intervlew and would deny It publicly." Father YoDuriuelt apeke very quietly throughout the above quoted interview, but evidently witb atreng feeling, lie aald be bad no quarrel with OlvUlen Ne 7 nor any el ita uieuibere, and had done all In bl peer te prevent the Hlbernlana tram attending Mr. Twueh,'a funeral and aubjectlng then. aelvea te public dlatnlaaal from tbe church. XUK rtlVHTtf AT LIT ft. Knlgblaul th Ueta.n Kagl te Galabrat It lu UraatlMfle. Twelve caatU. soft tie KnlghUoftheUelden Kagle have ae far HlgulUed their lnteulieu of participating In tbe grand parade at Lllltz en Julyt'.b. It wilt be under tbe auiplceaef UarUeld Uaatle, Ne. 70. Tbe committee con cen alU of tbe following air knlgbta : Or. J. 11. Hbeuk, Dr. J. C. Hretnt, J. U. Zeek, H. 11. Tahudy, J. F. Kucb. Tbemaa A. Milcbiack, U. 1J. Hucb, Lawrence Ureab, Elruer Kautz, J. A. Mlkacb, William A mar, N. U. Fry, Cuvler Urube, Harry Kaufman and Or. J. U. Weltmer. Kvery eaatle In I.ancaater county baa ae. cepied tbe invitation. There will be preaent oeminanderlea from Heading, caatlea or quada from I'blladelphut andeliewbereand tbouaandaef vUHera from tbe aurreundlng country. Tbe p'ai-de will atari promptly at 10 a. m.t and continue about an beur and bait. 'Ibe apeaklng will take place In tbe cool abadea of the aprlng greunda at '1 p. m. Tbe following air knlgbta have bean ae cured aa tbe oratera of tbe occaalen : Urand Vtee Chief Leula K. Hill, ex Senater Ben jamin F. llugbea, or Fidelity Caatle, Ne. H, and Dr. Jebn H. Cram, el Antlech Caatle, He. 38, all or l'blladelpbla. Train, both waja, arrive at Utltz at H:iOa- m., and de part In tbe afternoon at 4:30, 0, 7 ae and 10 JO. Thla give vltltlng knlgbta an opportunity te Mtbe grand illumination of tbe beautiful aprlng greunda and tbe brilliant pyrotechnic exhibition. A New Cleld.D Eagle Oaatla. White Kem Caatle, Ne. 182, Knlgbta of tbe Gelden Kagle, will be IniUtuled at Yerk to te morrow evening by tbe dlatrlct grand chief. II will be aaaliled by air knlgbta el tbe caa tlea st Wrlgblavllle, Columbia, Mb Jey, LaueMtar, Lulls, Mllleravlll and Manbeim. A Msw Oeanplalat Bawrsd, Henry Beekman, of Meuntvllte, was beard laat week by Alderman Deen, en a charge of cruelty te animal and en a civil ault for dam ages, preferred by N. M. Fry, liveryman. Tb allegation waa that Beekman dually 111-treated one of Fry' bera, Tb aider man rendered a decision dlamiaalBg lb cruelly caw and giving judgment for tb defendant In tb ault for damages. Thl morning Mr. Vtj appealed from tb daolaieo In tb elvll cam sad atrd a aw complaint ler cruelty te animal beler Aldarmaa Fordney. la reek rick. W. K. Buckingham, forma-!! Lancaster and bow a rpertr of tt K:lladlpbU Prut, bad bU pocket picked Huaday aArattMat8euuatrt wbarf aa k wm lTg U Qleumtir farry-besi. Tk Utlsf rtsTiMd Mtd lid Watwiama MMtmarmu rum mdhfrnturiam. A rMladalphU rrracher lleeter llaMuil Ha la MayamaaiMag trla rarVaa.lag Weaaaa'a tMalk. Rev. Or. Tbemaa & Millar, el Ne. M4 Wwt lfalgb avenue, l'hiladelpbla, pastor of tb Bblleh Independent Method lat ehurcb and prealdlng elder of tbe dlatrlct, cemprldng Fenmylvanl, New Jeraey and Maryland, lie In Meyamenalng prlaen, charged with lb death of Harab Kllaa Koblnaen, aged 22 year, of Ne. 2,018 Falrhlll atreet, tbat city, by performing a criminal operation. Th affair became known through Dr. William K. Matteru, tbe phyalclau who alteuded tbe woman. He had been visiting bar for nearly a week be lore tblrueaialef allatt became known. Tbe wemau finally told hlin tb whole atury en laat Saturday. 1 he doctor at nnoe Informed Lieutenant Wolf, of tbe Twenty anennd dlatrlct A tbe woman lived In the Klgbteentb the llnutenlant untitled Lieutenant r-oett, nf that dlatrlct. In tbe tneantluin II. H. T. MyerF, a notary public, waa called lu and took the woman' ante mortem aiateiuent. The law require that a perannahall be In fear nf death when aunh a latement a thl ! made. Although clterl were made te Induce the woman Ui expreaa aueb an opinion ahe iieral.tently reluaed, claiming tbat aba would recover. At an early hour Huuday uiernlng tlllleara Lanahan and Cenea arreated Miller, and be waa taken Inte tbe presence et the dying wemau and Id en tilled a Ibe guilty rty. Tbe prlanuer waa tben arralgued liefore Mag Utrale O'llrlen, who onmmltted him te anawer. The woman' death waaauneunced at rive minute after '. o'clock Huudy tilgbL Mra. Kehlnaun waa an Kngllah woman and bad nue child, a l-ey 4 year old. ller liua band la a cigar dealer, doing buniueaa lu Hut Hut ten. The prlaener la well known In pollce annala, having been auapecUid el almllar Crimea en prevleua oceatton, but ha alwaa ewwped punlabuieut owing te a lack of evldenee audi clent te convict him. lit H rat appearance be fore tbe public aa a law breaker waa at tbe time of the eipoaltlen of tbe doing of tbe celebrated Philadelphia Medical college el which Miller waa dean, and the llluitrleua Dr. Huchanan waa principal. When the In stitution waa broken up Dr. Miller waa tried by tbe Method lat Kpiacepal confer ence en chargea brought agalnat him, and, after a protracted trial, waa deposed from the mlnlatry. Nluce that time, bow ever, be baa been acting In tbe capacity el a local Itinerant preacher. Miller beld several chargea In thla atate, and twelve year age waa etallnned at Mlddlatewn, Dauphin county, where bia congregation waa net friendly te him for geed reason. He la about 70 yearn of age and has long been aus aus pected by the nj1Ice, who heretofore have never lawn able te obtain evidence agalnat htm. The coroner will probably held an In quest In the caae te day. ma mtiTimnn mauhmt. 'A aatkiit Mau"Tbliik II Nheuld ba Ixwstsd Mera Than a Mleu' Threw Krem lh C.nlral. Kni iMrKi.MiiKNCKii : I was glad te learn from your Issue el Haturday that the project fur tbe erection ul a Huutheru market waa taking ahapeand belDg favorably con sidered by many of eurcitlzena. It is high time the Heutbern Knd wake up and aecure tbe oenveuteucea aud aonemtuo. datlen which ether eecllena of our city have been enjoying for year. There la need of a geed market te supply the wanla of the large population south of CentreHquare, aud If tt la properly Iccitcd and managed it will secures large patronage and th iu estment py from the atari. Frem the action of Naturday'a meeting It apjieara, however, that a site at Vine and Houth tjueen atreela baa beeu selected, or as geed at selected, fur Its location which, In tbe judg ment of many, will cause Its failure ; aa it will be but a mere atones threw from the old aud favorite Central whlcb, despite the market in the north, eaat and west, still has the bulk of tbe city 'a trade and the cuatum of citizens from the Immedi ate vicinity of tbe ether bullae. A location below German atreet would be much better ler buslneaa ; would be a convenience aud accommodation te many mill people, whose early wurk hour preveut them going long distances, and would get the trade of a large section which, with the market at Vine street, would naturally gu te Centre Square, or te the K talem or W( stern. The prope-ted stockholder will naturally consider care fully the prospects of dividends before In vesting their money, and it deea net require much consideration for them te see that a market at tbe proposed location would bavn no chance of success against the Central, and tbey also knew that tbe proposed abolition of It Is but idle talk. Our city 1 growing, and tbe Central Is a uecesalty Just aa the Houtb Heutb ern la, if It is te be a Heutbern In anything but the name. A Marki:t Man. Anether Uall for th U.ua.l Mpascb. tlAlttMSIIUIUI, Pa., Junti'Ji, iNrf. Kiiiteiis ei' Inikli.kikSckk : "Uucaa" voiced my sentiments In your laaue of Hatur day when be pleaded for tbe publication or Mr. Ueesel'a addreaabetore tbe graduates of Franklin and Marshall college. He (or abe) disappointed nie, tee, because I tben learned tbat I couldn't get a printed copy el tbe aplendid production, which 1 bad Intended te ak you ler. It was an exquisite relief from tbe cold, and net potent, materialistic arguments tbat obtain ae strongly these daya; and wbe Mr. Hsnsel takes us from tbe greed fef 'tellars, tbe adoration of the cobble atone and the absurd ajiotUeealaor thebaker'a apron, we de net flatter him when we thank blm. Iiiber is dlgn tiled and exalted. Men labored when Hemer cbaated; wbenHippbe ung and Shakespeare wrote; but the world didn't go crazy ever a new abee brush tben. It did, though, ravel In the mellowing glories of a higher iearnlug, and was the better for It. H. emttH in THmtLdmm. S.vsrsl Inmtls of Londen T.uatn.ut Heum Burnt d te Ufath. Fire broke nut In a tenement beuse oil Oxford street, Londen, en Sunday morning, and tbe fltmes spread ae rapidly tbat several of tb Inmate were unable te make tbelr es cape. Several frightful scene were wltneased by the enormous crowds of people tbat bad been attracted te the spot. One youth Jumped from tbe top story te tbe ground and was Instantly killed. Hi mother let lowed him. lu her descent she struck upon tbe railing In front of tb beusa and rebounded en tbe hesda et tbe crowd. Hue waa oenveyed te a hospital. Auethjr woman appeared at a window holding a child In tier arm. A moment later she fall backward into tbe Hames. Tb charred remain et heraal t and two children were afterward found. Tbe firemen rescued many persons by means of ladders and were very active and efficient, but tbe tltme spread ae quickly and tb number of inmate waaae great tbat It waa Impossible te prevent many from seeking te save tbeinselvea belere the firemen could come te tbelr rescue. Usr.llct Tax Collectors. Tb Berk county grand Jury have pre sented indlctmeuta agalnat ten derelict tax collectors. Following are tbe name and amounts misappropriated : Geerge W. Kersbner, Heveuth ward, 110, 000) James B. Dry, Keckland, f 1,700 1 Geerge W. Uelder, Amity, SM00; Henry D. Scboed Scbeed ler, Third ward, 11,200; Henry A. Tyaen, Filth ward, $2,500; Jehn K. Kline, Jeflersen, 1,400; Charles V. Dauth, Ninth ward, $700; Abraham Grime, Upper Bern, $1,200 ; H. C. W. Mats, Second ward, $1,000; 11. O. W. Mala, Tratb ward, $1,406; Henry Ammen, CicrsarveB, $400. Twe Mat Tragedies, . At Norriatewa, David Beard wm ledged In priaes) ter probably fatally stabbing Hanry titans at CeisgTllla A MdoentalnlBgtbeBama " swwa wwswmaa saaagiea m axoersr a taw nuiWBsia wuamiagteat itfttK,? THE DEFENSE) BEGUN. i vvmfLmtmvr mxmsvarmm Ait mm a ntumt or vmrnmrnr. Ha Oemaa lata Oearl Very fll-aU-aMenaaa VsltgrsnT Is TsatUy.Havtng Itesa ssbpeaasd by pat-0asrs PresiesHlsa Made te tha OsaH and Jaijr. At th urgent request of Counselor Stick ney, Judg Barrett modified tbe order relat ing te tbe confinement ul Jacob Hbarp in Ludlow atreet Jail. Mrs. Sharp and bar daughter, Mr. Del mar, war allowed te re main Sunday night Mr. Sharp passed a bad nlgbb lie waa restless, meaning almost constantly. II evidently Buffered mueh pain. Th prisoner had net eateu inucb of anything fur et-versl da a Mrs. Sharp re port bia condition dally te hla physician, who prescribe In accordance. Tbe prisoner did net leave bl room Sunday. Nkw Yekk, June '.7. At half peat nln this morning Jacob Sharp, leaning en tbaarm of Warden Keating, entered tbe court et eyer and terminer with an uncertain atep. Mr. Hbarp was alae accompanied by Under Sheriff Dexton and a deputy. Frem bl baggard, worn-out leek It waa apparent te every en In tb court room Ibal Sharp 1 very alck and evidently su (faring great pain. Tbe wardan aald te a reporter that bl charge bad net slept during tbe whole of last nlgbt but lay restlessly tossing en hi bed. HI wife, who sat constantly by her huiband'e aide, tried Intllectually te relieve hla autlerlnpa. Mr. Sharp, who waa driven from Ludlow street Jail te tbe court, waa witb great dllUculty assisted up tbe stairs, the elevator nut being In use owing te some accident te the inscblnery. On tbe old man reaching the court room he was se exhausted that be dropped lute a chair at tbe entrance te tbe room. Mr. Nlcell resumed the reading of Sbarp'a testimony before tbe Hsnste Investigation oemmlttco. Durieg tbe reading ex-Alder-man FullgraO walked Inte tbe room and beld a abort wblapered conversation with Mr. Mitchell, counsel ler tb deleese. Full grail baa been ubpnnaed a a witness for the defense and It la said there will be some sen sational development wben the defense pre sent its case. Mr. Nloell finished at 11:15 o'clock. Counsel for the defense then beld a short conference te wblch tbe defendant was also a parly. Mr. Parsons then moved Ibattbe dis trict attorney be compelled te elect whether be would depend upon tbat part of tbe Indictment which allege tbat Sharp otteied a bribe te Fullgrafl or tbat which charges tbe defendant with having actually bribed Fullgratr. Thla motion was denied, ss waa a formal motion for tbe discharge el Hbarp. Mr. Parson then opened for tbe derente. De said tbat despite the months of prepara tion, despite the assistance received from tbe report et tbe Senate committee and tbe alder mania trials, the prosecution bad net fur nished a single leta of evidence inintlng di rectly te tbe guilt of tbe defendant. Here counted the dllllciiltlea under which the de fendant labored and warned the Jury net te be misled by the teatluieny of Miller and Pearson, who are net alleged te have been bribed by Sharp in tbe Indictment en trial. He cautioned them against permitting sued testhu'iuy te deepen their impression against the defendant. Mr. Parson aald that tb detente would abew that tbe combine among tbe aldermen for " buslneaa pur poses" waa net instigated by the defendant or by the elllcers el bis ceuiany, but was a scheme coucected smeug themsel tea for their own wicked ends. He esld that the testi mony of the c'llxf witness fur the presecu tioeFullgratf himself proved that fact. Counsel asked tbe jury if the prosecution bad proved an) thing beyond thu fact tbat Ibe aldermen bad conspired te levy tax en every project tbat came before them. He asked If tbe prosecution bad proved anything toahew tbat tbe defendant bad corrupted ut de bauched these aldermen. He paid his at tention next te the Informers, and aald tbat Cel. lillss, who acted ss Sharp's counsel dur ing the Senate Investigation, would testily that Sharp waa net allowed te refuse te tes tify before tbat body, but waa forced te in criminate biaiself. 11 1 have yet te learn," Mr. Parsons aald, 11 that there la one law for tbe rich and an other law for tbe peer." This was an anawer te Mr. N Icell'a remarks about Sharp's wealth. BAMVmL NtmtLmt UK Alt. A rremlnsnt CltUan of Eaat BsmpiUM Town hip fa Away, Samuel Nlssley, a prominent citizen et Kast Hemplleld township, near Laudlavllle, died suddenly en Saturday evening, sged 68 years. He ate a hearty supper between 4 and r. o'clock and afterwards wslked te one or bis fields and talked te some of hla men. Soen after he returned te the beuse he was taken ill and waa dead before medical aid cost Id be summoned. Deceased waa a lireleng resi dent et the county and enjoyed tbe respect and confidence of bl neighbor. He waa an active farmer te tb day or hla death. II leaveaa family of grown children. Abraham, Benjamin, Jenaa and Samuel are farmers, en daughter la the wife et Jacob Ueatelter, of Penn township, II. L. la an attorney at law practicing at Harrlaburg, and Lincoln la a civil engineer new In New Mexico, Tbe funeral will take place te morrow at 0 o'elock and tbe Interment will be made at tbe Landls vllle Mennenlte burying ground. Knlgbta elHt Jehn's Convention. Tbe annual convention of tha Knlgbta el St. Jebn waa opened at Syracuse, N. Y., en Friday, with nivi at tbe Church el tbe As sumption, at wblch a number of prieata took part. Bishop Ludden, tbe supreme spiritual adviser of tbe order, preached the sermon. Delegates are present Irem New Yerk, Ohie, Michigan, Indians, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Dntrict of Columbia and Canada. Tbe Knlgbta of this city are represented at tbe convention by Martin DUllch and Augus tua Hlelnwandel. Tbe tlrst named was ap pointed en tbe committee en resolutions and the last named en credentials. Tbe parade el tbe erder takes place te-day. Haas Hall Nawa A game of baseball was played Hat urdsy afternoon en tbe college ground, between two nine composed of workmen et Jes, Lederman'a tobacco warehouse. The nines war known a "Tbe Cuban" and "Tha Sboetlles." Tb great feature of th gam waa the batting of Carpenter of tbe Cubans. Tbe score stoed: Cuban 31, HboeMsa 2. Anether game will be played by the same nines en Saturday next. Th Laagu games of base ball en Satur day were : At Indlanapella : lndlanapella II, Philadelphia 5 ; at Detroit : New Yerk 15, Detroit 3 ; at Pittaburg : Washington 5, Pittsburg 4, at Chicago : Ohioage 8, Bosten 7? Tbe American Association Dlsvsd aa fel. Iowa en Haturday : At Cleveland : St. Leula 3, Cleveland 0 ; at Baltimore : Baltimore 8, Athletic & ; at Htalen Island : Brooklyn 2, Mela a Tbe Brenklyua defeated tbe Athletics by 5 te 4 at Kldgwoed yesterday, and Louisville beat Cincinnati by 7 te X Woadsrlel Bglanag Teat. Twe thousand psepla saw a wonderful achievement of ngtneerleg aklll at Holmas Helmas burg Junotlen, en tha New Yerk division of tha Pennsylvania railroad, Huaday. Thirty two men mevad a distance of fifty fset tha iron brldg, weighing 160 leaa, that spaas tha PMnypack, aad thay aaeemattaaad tb gnat task in tha raeaarkabla tlm of eleven and oea-balf minute. Tb rameval of the brldg had te b deaa btwa tat ruaalac of laat Mia ammra te vAtmmrtht.Am, Msw a Pair et rear asMera Aaalkllatsd a Trs rail. Walk Inte my parlor', said the eplder te tbe-ceterplllar." And b did. Just hew Mr. Caterpillar managed te be. com fastened In th netting se skillfully manufactured by th wily and agile spider, la net known unless, perchance, Mr. Cater pillar may hav fallen from a projecting ledge and nver reached mother earth. Hulllce It tessy, however, there he was, and a right royal fellow, tee. The spider was a very small en, and tbe wonder was expressed at the daring exhibited by se lnllnllaalmal an Inrect In assaulting one se Immensely supe rior In strength. But be did, and tlm alter tlm wben beaten off, ba returned te the charge with renewed vigor. New en thla aide, new en tbat be fights bis victim, who has by tbl time wriggled bis bead loose from tbe meshes and Is threshing tbe air In pain and in desperate) effort te release the ether hair or bia entangled body. The parlor" Is threatened with immediate destruction by his violence, and the little spider bangs en tenaciously until the caterpillar's convulsions eutnlde. Then be rapidly runa down the " outlines" and renews his attack, only te be repulsed again and again by tb caterpillar' awful shaking. Finally, despairing of overcoming his guest, the spider suddenly beats a retreat and leaves tbe caterpillar In hi glory. But whither gees Mr. Spider? Watch blm. Acress the face of the building he spins witb a rapid atrlde, until he reaches the opposite corner where, In tbe midst or a massive and beautifully constructed "den" lies a friend and fellow citizen, el about tbe same sir.-). A consults consults Hen la held and a "plan or campaign" determined upon. Beth wend tbelr way back te tbe still defiant caterpillar, sod while one runs te one aide, the ether spider lakeaup a position en the ether. Simulta neously, as It by bugle call, and while Mr. Caterpillar He In an almost exhausted con dition, tbey make a descant. Whoop! sills confusion; may tbe beat contestant win. Minute after minute peases by and still tbe caterpillar valiantly withstands the combined attack. Alas I be cannot bold bia own, and with a noble edert te release himself, bl long and magnificent body straightens out In tbe threes el deatb. Darkness oeme space, and we leave tbe spiders In possession of tbelr hard" wen victory. Wbst tbe victorious warriors did with the remains, cannot be ascertained ss, in the morning, net a sign of either cater pillar, web or spiders could be found. Brave spiders, you did well. May the many millions of thine enemies tbe cater pillar which infesl this beauUful city, fall into tby earetul and louder embrace ! SllKVA. Te (let Hid efCateriilllars. Te burn these peats with a torch Is sugges ted, while another remedy is tbat of placing a quantity of tobacco leaves under the treei affected and smoking them oil. But tbe most effectual remedy Is te break off tbe branch and consign it and tbe worms te a het stove, care being taken net te let any of tbe worms fall en the ground, and this can be obviated by placing them in a paper. AVJvarmKHT or att.Autmii. Th t'ostelMcs Ut partrasut Decide Upeu lb tUnianaraUeu et 8.r! iacsI UIHcs. The annual adjustment of the salaries el tbe poetefUcea el the presidential grade baa been completed by tbe officials et tbe pest- offlee department. These presidential post pest offices, se called because, tbe salary being at least one tbeusatid dollars a year, tbe (est master Is appointed by ihe president, are of three classes. Tbe first clsss comprises these offices where tbe sslary la three thousand dollars or mere; tbe second class ranges from two thousand te three thousand dollars, and tbe third class from one thousand te two thousand dollars. Under tbe law the pay el tbe presidential postmasters must be regulated at the begin ning of each lical year. Onenf the most im portant features of tbe present adjustment is tbe very general increase of salaries, which la considered by the department as an Indi cation el business presjierUy, as It has been found that the postal revenues, upon wblch the salary Is based, are quick te respond te any commercial e.xpauslun. The whole number of postetUces In Pennsylvania is 4,050, of whlcb 102 are of the presidential rauka. Besides thesa already announced Lllltz, Marietta and Mount Jey post masters receive tbe same as berutolere ; $1,000, $1,300 and $1,200 respectively. Bethlehem's salary advances from $2,200 te $2,300; Bryn Maw r from $ 1, 100 te $ 1, 400; Oeates. ville from $1,G00 te $1,700; Columbia from $l,bO0 te $1,1)00 ; Danville from $l.b00 te $2,000 ; Downingtown $1 100 te $1,200; Gettysburg $1,000 te $1,700; Harrlsburg $.1,100 te $3,200; Lebanon $2 300 te $2,400; l.eck Haveu $2 100. te $2,200 ; Muncy $1,300 te$l, 400; Norrlstewn $2,300 te $2,100; FLienlxville $1,700 te $l,h00; PotUtewn $l,J00 te $2,100; Beading $3,000 le $3,100; Scran ten $2,000 te $3,000; Shameklu fl.hOO te $1,900; Shenan doah $1,700 te $1,MH); Tyrene $1,700 te $l,b00. A Famous l'bj.lclan llaad. Dr. Kzra Mlcbener, of New Harden town tewn abls Cheater county, died Friday. He was In bis 'Mi year. When a young mtfn he went te l'hiladelpbla, aud uuder the pre pre pre reptorablpet Dr. David J. Duvls, who was a bretber-ln-law of the late Uen. Ell K. Price, atudled medicine, aud In ISIS graduated from tbe University of Pennsylvania. He then went home and commenced te practice, and continued for three-score years. During all hla busy career be found lime te continue te study natural history. His publications were "A Ketrospeetof Karly ijuakerigui, being ex tracta from tbe Kecerda of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting." "A Brief Exposition of tbe Testimony et Peace," "Christian Casket or tbe Pearl of Great Price," "Manual of Weeds," Uand-Uuokef Kclauipsia," a medi cal work of personal observation, aud some ether publications. He also, in connection with Or. William D Hartman, of Wet Chester, prepared tbe natural history depart ment of Judge Futbey 'a "lliatery of Chester County." Aa a scientist be bad a world-wide reputation, and the elder Agasslz spoke of him In tbe highest terms. Several years sge begavehis tine collection of zoology te the Swarlbmere college, but during the fire a few years age In that build ing the collection was totally destroyed. Crep Improved by the Kale. Tbe weatber crop bulletin for tbe past week, Issued by tbe government algnal service office, says : Tbe weatber during tbe week has been generally favorable for tbe prineipal crops. Kalns in tbe Houth Atlantic states doubtless Improved Ibe condition of tbe staple crepa in tbat region. Mere rain Is ueeded in tbe cotton region. Tbe weatber ba been favorable for harvesting In the wheat regions, there having been an txeess el sun shine and very little rain. In the corn region the weather bas been generally favorable, although in some localities mere rain la needed, and the cool weather or the past week must bave aligldly retarded tbe grewlb of tbe corn crop, lu New Kngland, where haying la new lu progress, tbe condition bave been especially favorable te tbe bay crop. All crop in this section and the Middle At lantic alatea have been Improved by tbe rains. although In the northern portions or New Kegland and New Yerk there bas been less than the usual amount el sunshine attended by cool weatber. Ha lbs Murderous Weapon. t"r. in the Oxford llerald. About the year 1817 Jebn Haggerty killed with an axe a gunsmith by tbe name el Melchelr Fordney. Haggerty at tbe time be committed tbe deed was a uiaulae produced by drinking whisky. Fer this terrible act be waa executed In tbe yard el tbe old jail at Lancaster. At the sale of tbe effects el Ford ney, lasso Cramer purchased tbe axe with which he (Fordney) waa killed and at the aaie of Cramer'a goods some years age near Conewlngo Furnace tbe asm axa waa gurcbaaad by Lewi Hilten, new In Fulton iwuhip, for lha hub el tan cents. Ter Itsal Estate Owscrs. Friday el thla wk la tha hut day te pay city Uxi te Mve the abattmeat Th same day Is tbe last eawblcb mercan tile tax caa b paid at tha county treasurw' oflle te aave tha axptate of a ault ea imbum aay a naauy aaad w au aaaaM watar raw TilE LION'S DOMAINS. iaar Amm mmtme vMvmrme ut tmm mmm'A uausFiitu claw. Kessla Moving tier Tetess late BVaatsrs Terri tory Which th British Us Uiag Osvatsd. Ths 1'iar'a Oeveramsat Net Ceacal lag Its lataattena ter th Fuinrs, (curTXtdUTxn ) Londen, June 27. Mr. Charles Marvin, author of tbat striking work "Tb llusslana at the Gates of Herat" and tbe best Informed man In England In regard te Kuaalan affairs, ha never ceased since the publication of hi great work two years sge te direct tbe atten tion of tbe thoughtful te the dangers threat ening Great Britain's empire In tbe Kast He has bseu a Cassandra, uttering doleful prophecies whlcb fell en dull eara aud even aroused resentment, but wblch if present Indications are te be trusted, are new being fulfilled. Mr. Marvin, In an article just published, reviews bis consistent warnings, andabews hew every step taken by Huasla in pushing her empire esstwsrd has been a realization el bia prediction. Hutsla stands te-day a England's Northern neighbor along a poorly protected boundary line of twelve hundred miles, which as tbe Nurse In "The Pirates" sings Wouldn't ha' been" If the common sense policy suggested by Mr. Marvin had been adopted. Kuwl could hsve easily been checked by sny one of a dozen counter movements en Kngland'a part a few years sge, wblch are new difficult If net Impracti cable. Tbe vast shipments just announced of arms and ammunition eastward from the Caspian ever the long stretch of Kusslan railroad through Turkestan and Merv have, however, proved alarming enough te at last open the eyes et that large class et Britishers who never believe anything until tbey see It Heretofore most of Kusala'a movement in c jnnectien witb ber enormous acquirement of territory north or India have been conducted in secret. Only these who, like Marvin, bave made a special study of Kusslan methods, have been vigilant enough te dettct these concealed atens toward aggrandizement and te fully ap preciate tbelr dangerous BlgultJcanue. Tbe open shipment en a large scale et munitions of war new indicates that the czar's govern ment considers its new conquests ae firmly established that concealment et Its move ments is ue longer necessary. An openly aggressive wltcy, In Mr. Marvin's opinion, baa new begun. What this means te tbe British empire I perhaps beat appreciated by these who are familiar with the attitude or Lord Dutl'erin, vice roy of India. This most able of Kngllsb diplomats baa frequently appealed te tbe home government te avert the disaster which be baa seen approaching. It is te be feared tbat while Lord Salisbury la yet struggling with the deubtlul task of forcing oeeroion upon Ireland, tbe "brightest jewel In tbe crown " of Kngland will have been placed In Irremediable danger by bia absolute dis regard of foreign complications. ths umtvAKt mmvuHO. Sudden IMatt of Mr. Starr Uav.ler, Widow el ttcebcn Davsler. Mrs. Mary Daveler, widow of tbe late Keuben Daveler, died rather auddenly Hun day morning at ber residence, Ne. 251 West King street Fer two years past Mrs. Daveler bas been troubled with au affection of the lungs, snd bas bad frequent hemorrhages, but was able usually te superintend ber do mestic affairs. On Haturday she bad a sevete hemorrhage, but en Sundsy morn ing she wa about as usual, ate her breakfast, attended te some household duties, and was afterwards seized witb violent coughing snd a profuse hemorrhage while pumping water In tbe yard in rear of tier dwelling. Hbe was carried into tbe beuse and placed upon a lounge Dr. Netcber, who lives near by, was called in but she died seen alter warda. Mrs. Daveler waa 5 1 years of aga Her maiden uamu was Kiibtil'er and she was Mr. Da veler's second wife. Hbe leaves two sons and a daughter. She was an excellent woman, domestic In ber habits, a geed wife and mother, a kind neighbor aud exemplary Christian. Hhe was au active member of HL Paul's Reformed cburcb for many years. Her funeral will take place en Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Interment in Lancaster cemetery. Ueatb of Mlas Catherine K. Barr. Miss Catherine K. Barr, daughter of Kllaa Ilarr, died en Sunday last at tbe family resi dence, Ne. 0-'l North Lime street, after an illness of several years, Including both bron chitis and valvular disease of tbe heart. Miss Barr was noted ler her domestic virtues and ber high religious fattb. She was net only tbe favorite el ber family, but waa beloved by a w Ide circle of devoted friends. Hbe was a member of tbe Duke street M. K. church, and until disease prostrated her, a regular attendant at tbe Sabbath school and church services. Her funeral will take place en Wednesday at 10 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. The Lluea'ans Meat. The Llnmuiu society met en Saturday afternoon. Tbe donation te tbe museum consisted of a chip of tbe Washington monument, donated by Miss P. Katbven, a fractured Indian implement, donated by Mayer William A. Morten ; specimen or the " Kuby-tbreated Humming bird, " donated by J. M. Westbaeller ; He v. Mr. Karly donated two small potatoes taken from the Inside of a large potato ; Mrs. .ell donated several botanical specimens aud Dr. H. S. Katbven donated several miscellaneous specimens. S. M. Hener donated a mounted specimen el a white media, a rarity, from this county. Kev. C. K. Ueupt donated a specimen of petrl lied weed Irem tbe Little Miami river, In Mentana. Tbe donations te tbe library con sisted of the Smllbsenlan institution report for 1885, part 1; current numbers et tbe United Statea Patent Office Gazette ; proceed ings of tbe California Historical society, numerous prospectuses, catalogues, etc Mr. 1). 11. Bausman read some interesting notes en " A Curious Case of Spontaneous Com Cem Com bustieu," also en "A New Use ler tbe Hypben." Dr. Katbven read a paper en the donations. Net a local Affair. riem the l'htladelphla Times. All aneuld remember tbat tbe thaukless task of detecting and prosecuting violators of the primary law of 1881, wbicb baa been as sumed by the Lancaster county Republican Anti-Corruption association, is one of state Importance, net a merely local and aelbah affair. Tbe law bas been violated in Lancas ter county and the work of detecting and nunlaulnir tbe guilty requires funds. If tbe law is a dead letter in Lancaster county It will become a dead letter elsewhere. The associa tion's work of exposure should be mere lib erally aided with contributions Irem all par ties and all parts of Pennsylvania. m LavIM en by ths HberuT, An execution was Issue! te-day for 12,000, by N. M. Weed against Milten Ueldel baugb, merchant el Nlckla Mines, Bart township, and his atoek haa bB levied upon, Tbr are ether creditors, but it la believed that all will ba paid In full. Boeght a rear-Vsat-Old. Dr. S. A. Zll, of Hlnkletewn, ha pur chased from hla brother Or. J. W. ZU, of Llttl Britain, a four-year-old mar, iatr w th treUIng mar h reeeuUy old te Ww. Fies' of tbls city. Beth tba animal wr toad by Dr. , W. ZU, of WtU -Wtalai tmmmm. A Veaeg tAy of Chicago Wk Les gssa r Be Maatal rowers, CuioAne,Jun27 The JxernM eayt: "Miss Laura HeugbtaUng, who live at 415 North Stat street, baa for soma daya bam suffer Ing Irem a peculiar affaoUea of Ut brain that has se fsrbanled the best medical klll. Th prominence or tha young lady In society aad her great beauty, make tha case a peculiarly sad one. A few morning age, rtr &- HeugbtaUng had beeu Buffering from a as vere headache for aevaral day It waa dis covered that ber mind, ae far aa the peat waa concerned, waa a total blank. It waa at first thought tbat the less of memory waa only temporary and altar the lady became thor oughly aroused It would disappear. Such was net the case, however, and tbe only person In tbe family whom ahe haa been able te recognize Is ber mother. At present Miss HeugbtaUng Is In excellent health, and with tbe exception of her Inability te re cognize any et ber former friends, she Is the same a ever. Miss Heughtallng Is en gaged te be married, but has no recollection of ber affianced or of the engagement It Is thought tbat a small clot of bleed baa set tled upon tbat portion et the brain tbat i tb seat et memory, and tbat as seen aa it Is ab- aerbed tbe trouble will disappear. While ucn cases are very uncommon, they are by I no means unknown le medical science. I The strangest part ' " " U tbat only I ...K a.Asaa..K K I.I .! tmM.n II .. I MASH ... 1 IUV U1V1UU.J mm vuuuv.ua iwca mwtum uuv. u be affected. The ability te read and write atlll exists, and also recollection of places and dates. Ne ether part of tbe mind Is in tbe slightest degree affected. Miss Hougb Heugb taUng remember everything that baa hap pened since the attack. She appreciates the condition Inte which she has fallen, but be lieves that ber memory will seen return. " BevDLmma jrvar air nunc The Chicago Coart Kefasr Ball for McUarlgl and McDonald. Chicago, June 27. Judge Shepard thla morning refused te admit McOarlgle and McDonald te ball. He beld that, even it be possessed discretionary power te grant the request of tbe delendanta' attorneys. It would lie mere In accordance with law te keep In Jail men whose punishment bad been fixed at a term In tbe penitentiary. Tbe principal ground taken by the court was that the jury In fixing the punishment, had taken It out or the category of misdemeanors. All of tbe defendants in boodle case Ne, 1,033, together with the peel lawyer and the state's attorney and hla assistants were in Judge Tuley's court room this morning, wben tbe formal order transferring tbe case te Judge Jamlesen waa entered and tbe lat ter replaced Judge Tuley en the bench. Mr. Orlnnell at once called the case for trial and handed the defense the bill of particulars. Tbe motion was then made for a continuance until te-morrow te give an opportunity te the defense te examine tbe bill of particulars. The motion was net oppesod by tbe presecu tlen, and an adjournment waa tben taken until te morrow at ten o'clock. nor wat mm mom iuikms. Wbtls Iut.rf.rtDB With Workman Thsy Ar I UItcd a Ham Met Balutied. Kechkstku, N. Y., June 27. The mason' helpers and tbe laborer empleyes en aewer and atreet Improvements struck this morn, lug ler (1 75 per dsy for nice hours' work. Tbe strike was ordered by tbe local sssem bile. In two or three Instance non-union men employed by contractors en street work were driven sway by the strikers, but no one bas been injured thus fsr. The police are prepared ler any outbreak and all persons who may create a disturbance ' will be promptly srrested. Tbe union men com prise less than one-third of tbe total number of laborers. Nen-union men en Jobs in the ceutre of tbe city have net been molested. Tbe intimidation and "argumentation" are ceunned te tbe outskirts. The employers have as yet taken no action. By tbe strke all tbe masons are thrown out of employment and at least ten thousand persons will be deprived of their means el support Wben the strikers visited tbe works of McUennell.t Jenes and endeavored te per suade tbe workmen engaged there te quit, tbey were ordered off tbe works, and falling te comply were treated te a bath of het water from a steam engine. The strikers then be gan tbrewing stones snd injured a couple of men, but alter two or tbree bad been scalded tbey retreated and seen departed ler ether fields. Tbe entire police force baa been summoned te beadquartera te be In readi ness for any disturbance. rear Violent Deaths. CmuAiie, June 27. James Crenln waa killed at Steny Island by a Nickel Piste train tbls morning. His body was taken te tbe Hyde Park jioliee station, where It awaits an inquest An unknown floater waa taken from the lake at Houth Cbicage this morning. There was nothing about tbe body te indicate the identity of the unfortunate, the remains hav ing been a long time In tbe water. Tbe body of a man named Philip Kedy was found between two coal cars en tbe Illi nois Central track, this morning, near 22d street It is net known bow he came te be tbere or hew he was killed. An unknown man was run ever at Austin by a Northwestern train this morning. Tbe body waa taken te tbe Austin police station. TbeUanuta Win the Jebll Mac. Londen, June 27. TheOeeesta arrived at Dever at 5:15 this morning. She trusted chiefly te tbe tide te enter tbe harbor, tbe tea being a dead calm with scarcely enough wind te ripple tbe surface. Tbe Genesta baa been declared tbe winner of tbe jubilee yacht race, it took ber just twelve days, sixteen beurs and fifty-five minute te sail the course. Tbe prize she takes la 1,000 guineas. Kvery yacht sailing In tbe race will be presented witb a com memorative geld medal. A stiff southwest wind prevails today be fore which tbe ether competitors In tbe jubi lee yacht race are bowling up tbe channel. Tbey will, no doubt, reduce materially tbe lead of tbe flenesta. Tbe Sleutbboued passed Venluer en the south coast el the Isle of Wight at 10:10 a. m. Jumped from Ut Third Story, Ciuuaue, June, 27. While a fire waa In progress at 555 Seuth Clark atreet early thla morning, Mrs. James Troyer waa fatally in jured by jumping from tbe third atery win dew and waa taken te the county hospital In a dying condition. The lira waa discovered in the Troyer apartmenta In the third atery at 2:30 o'clock and all tbe family, excepting Mrs. Troyer, escaped down the stairway. Tbe lire waa put out with alight leaa. A Oharch rieer Vail. Broukpeut, N. Y,, June 27, A temporary flooring under tha Concordia church gave way during tha service yesterday afternoon precipitating a large number of people te the cellar. About twenty person were injured, soma of them seriously. Charles Scbrader, whoa back was Injured, will probably dfc The cause is ascribed te detceUv uppert of tba flooring. Mamkar el Mrl! Len uen, Jun Z7.-TH death t anneuncad of lien. Lleal LouiOebn, M. P., fremth north division of Faddlngten. wMAtmmM uMmUtwtamW. t I WAaxUaTOT U, V; PUO .(. laaWMra rauuryivuai nanammwmiy l-wlada, talr vtaatbar, alight attaagaa iaaintvt. n aaana nu tviiuTc mnnak's. UIV 11 Mil III DIAJlHf .. m es.v tetitrmm, at. orxmmtAtammrmmtemn It la Uraaalstsg a Haa right lhaiaris at HI : Hla Vesats, Wh rsstaw, Itasca rreea rilaaWtaj r Fi.KMlwnsntma, Ky., Juba OT, Tk)-' la Kewan county is ny no aa Tha escaped Telllver ar bow M I comity, their nema, rapidly revraMag) following, ana una wk rii w Morehead. kill every man tha flam 1 part In tha recent killing of Ciatg sHX J and three of bis support!, aaa wssl. the town. Cl Telllver, brother mt I Is at tbe head of tha movement Cal and a cousin, alae named were arreated In Klllett oeanty FrMafl warrant from Kewan county, aad pi Jail at Martlnsbarg. Tbat night a lerty or fitly Telllverite brek Inte and rescued tbe two prisoners. There is Intense excitement agate. I out Kewan oeuntv in antlclnallnn nf I peaeu raie. ,, ;; .UwM Jehn Kegers, one of the Tettlvar had sneh a narrow mm fmm dswskVM Morehead last Mcrnday, waa arrested at Mfcl ... . - - . - j Sterling, Ky. He Is charged with mnttm.-ik 4 . 7hi Th Ueatll Spach.a gutTat, Washington, June 27. General W" te-day forwarded te the war depsrtmaat f,' dlsnatch from Uen. Heward annenadaa- tmm', termination of the A Dacha camnabn. QmLYii-'l iiewara reports mat Liieut jonnaeava ;.; getle pursuit of Ibe hostile band drove law'; back into the San Carle raaerraMea sswt' compelled tbelr surrender. A mUltaryatatftJ. has been organized, an Investigation IniUlal:'; and tbe warrior guilty of civil effaeaaa WtttH' be turned ever te tbe civil authorities. TaWK disturbances are at an end and tha war daaart; j ment believes the campaign te have ba ' creditable te ttje officer engaged ut It A;- Tha Oaus el Haahatua'a DecUa. Nkw Yekk, June 27. Tbe decline hi hattan elevated stock this I new attrilintAit tn Juilve imb..'j.j l.Mt- J.J.I.I. ... U-...tH l. .IV . uaiu e uniaiuii uu OMUiuf m iwst eard te the resd. In It Judss lasmasaaaM' Kl tha Um ltt.lal.lnM t-.l Ik. - '- tttl U .. MW 0.I,M.W MmM MV A)pMl IV,'. grant a franchise te the read but aJstMi tbe read from operating in front of aV:r: Third avenue railroad cempany'a ptewtaVS. Tha dnnlalnn was In a antt hrnusht aawaA-'i time age by the Third avenue horse esreJBS'? mnv tn rMitraln thA Alavatjut mas . iVrf- operating en Third avenue, te Which )'.- plaintiff claimed a prier and excluslv rights Ths Policeman Shet Uaptale Hi New Yerk, June 27. An Inquest held te-day lu ths case et Captain Jaek' Hussey, tbe life saver. Tbe tmtumcmrdim showed tbst Hussey, who waa lntOM-MV,' cated, was drinking In a saloon with Pelleav man Hahn,wbe waa in cltlzm's clothe. Taav quarrelled, llstm lelt me aaioen, ana wasm -jy ... lr l.n.. .1mA - Ih. IMltlllMWI xjuaeejr ivi n suuii mua m uv yv mv. who wss outside, shot htm Im iha.MAiiuw. Hussey came te kas'r. ... uw vnatti Tbe Jury found that riftfaih t fri-im m nlnlnl tthnt wnund At LhAbaatfBV et Officer Uahn." uann is tocked up ut mm &i Tombs. -;- Uajlot-Bex BlarT.ra B.ntenescl. Baltimore, June 27. Judg Pblp i fenced the convicted election Judge m.-'U clerks 'te day te tbe highest penalties of tka law. Owens, Waters, Brandau, Banner aad Byrne, of tbe First ward, get tweysarata Jail. Hamlin, of tbe Klgbteentb ward waa sentenced te two years and a nne of 11,000. ,'s YlalnvllnffAr. tt Ihn KlehtAAnth want, tnnaad 'j v......B-., - B. ....... .. .w.c . hi bail. Te Iteal.t Kvlctlen. Duni.iN, June 27 Tbe tenant en the-, (I am nf Ihn I TmintAjmnf tfimratnn. at Mlnliaad. ' Iin. nntintv T.tmAriclr. havfl) manlvsri fcn M. &3? alat the evictions te which tbey will shortly $$ be subjected, wiuiainu'urien, m, r., eaiMsT ,, el L'mttil Ireland, premises te visit tb t. ants in mis district ana encourage mem wits iSs his presence. v"; Its Itstllicallen roatpeasd. :'?' LU,lim.ldUllD.I.-.lU IUVUUHIBVI WW jzv mam.. .t.la n.finl.n Ult- Ta.iAa lii nnw.f r .. 1 1 aeexetarv of the ferelKtv tofflep. stated thai XM Turkev uraentlv asked for a PosteontBHl J of the ratification et the convention aattl ''Mil the .4th of July, and tbat England bad as sented. Tin in. iv. June 27 On tbe advlea of Mrl S$A uraien w ue in. uanaieaM. ex, .A af- Olll Kit l hmm mlA a SS V-4 ImiUVklf M.t. v.,,,, . a., wapw jnium . tfjiC lord mayor of Dublin for Ibe ensuing year. Beth gentlemen were aspirants for tna eaves) and Mr. Gill's withdrawal Insures Mr. Sex Sex eon's success. ' Ths Softeol SBJp'Ia tipsla. Cadiz, June 27. Tbe United Htatae scbaat J ship Ht Marys arrived hereto-day wltka;a en ueara weiu Appointed rrlvst Mcrstaiy. Wahiiimuten, June 27. Secretary Kndl cett te-day appointed A. F. Heard, et'Ipa wlcb, Mass., te be bis private secretary. TKLKaKArillO TAPS. Secretary Whitney Is making an offlelal visit In tbe navy yard In Brooklyn te day. g in Virginia, xnevaua, gasauu auiuae uira aaua.i ih.tiina rmm thn fSnnfrf .tr CTnrrv afaati.! In Miles City, Ment, tb lumbar javtM warehouses snd cilice buildings etT. J. UTjwmiS, j & Ca were destroyed by fire last night Leaa It 4 fie.000. .. . a In New Yerk this morning Maggl menu ana s ynuuar wan uaiueu oruse wssw jz found with their threats out Thar war la be married. Tbere la no elua te ta ByBf: lvw: .. ... . iiSf vv. r. euiiiu, (ue nmna feweaf w snn x nl thn (Irani! Trunk railroad waa Insnadi dasat l 'i thla ninrnlnvr at hla desk In tka efttna of Haa -K oempanyst Broadway aad Chamber atraat xrH wl i AOW IHM .TT in Haiumere te-dav. tha Knlahtaef Laber. 'A of the state of Maryland, met ih conveettoa ; .1 1'uiniilitt'a hall. Thare ara Sen dalanUaaT present X$A xus iwu jruutuiui iBuinpniiMiT. ui wavf? nustn. Princes Albert Vloter and QaerM m" Wales, hav been received at KlaaWMWaVT-; Ireland, te aay witn tne greatest sewusaTasssic 'iney were mat ey in viceroy seu Wei commissioners ana an auareas wss , tA thorn. Near Fairmeuut, w. a, at a p-caup morning, tbe second section or a raat I iralnir east ever tbe BalUmer 4 OUaj read, ran Inte the rear of UJW which bad broken in two, , Jebn Jennings, engineer, of Orsnea, jv Th OsaMsr DM . The Gerg Bhifflr uouneu, u-.i...i .aa net lnaUtntAd en evening, tb tlin deslgBatad. Th eba did net reach br. and without IkaakarlfwA, there could net be any council. ThaaaMT ofthecbartrnetrsblng hr waa taaaa)A, sue of tb stat secretary et tba erdar Ml weak at th National council at BaMisBV Th charter will raaeh thla eMy laaaafat two, and tb council will ba lasWasaaJAsi next Saturday avaalag. --i SE4 -fViv easgrea Www. Tb lsra ball aad waaAaat .imIMJi Paul's Raferawd eharaa, wkMt regUdd, wat plawd la aa work waa dome bv Jaeeb B aasJM' ' mi baaa W. Nelt, aaiplef aaet Wa. at w I ISI mew ww " " w sjeii ii Tbmn war watuaaa ay a taraw vn awm-n m - w "sv"" ie worn at v-v bbs ,w iw wssss) i til - m 1 31, j as-. '.sas. y,fV UL -3SSI M . m ilv: ' 9 ,ife.r. A- SSfJTW -i.- WWJC- .; 4JL -. jdlA