- -' ' " i x;". .? krt.vi m 'Wm f .JSS'TOJirf.Wfl '..i WWrnmsT, rw s "si- . , v -r" '" v.-,.V"""V ...J. ; "iWJ K 5 a Mianr. for the IrrsiLKiasusa. Helt and low, salt end low. Evening brer sea coin end " In tee wnt, the red inn (Inking, Uin behind a otlmten glow. Mid the dewy trim the daisies, Sleepily have bid their feeee I And tlm lilies nod In .lumber Tu ths river's new. Still and dscn, still and deep, Shadows new begin tecreepi And rrojientthslr darkness steallne;, Many n lt "d fairy wight. My tbe in mnlwaina fllcsetlng gUnees .lulu In minuets end danoes Tu the inutloel the crickets, All Iho livelong ulght. -Aliirtt Vel'uln. nttnitmitn nm hi hamm. An Angry Wrandfathst's liiipanl vl HI rrop rrep etly la Nsw fork, Judge O'deriiiau, who I lira long Demo crat, lUteuetl with great Interest yesterday le Uie trial of a will cae la New Yerk In which m child was tllslnuerlletl liy bla Dsmoerstlo grandfather inkmuis hla Republican tuetbtr Insisted la naming hlut alter President Arthur. la the fall l IK.ne, when the irnalitentlal ramnalstn Waa at Its lielvlit. Mr. ami Mm Prank liatntmrKer had Imjr horn unto them. Mr. Hamburger, aa well aa bli father, wm an arilunt Dtinenral, anil It Waa only alter a hitter qiurrnl that Mrs. Hamburger succeeded In having the baby imtnml Arthur Cheater, lit liennr t the vice presidential cndldale en the Republican ticket. Thla net only made her her husband angry but It exaaratd hi father. The old gentleman waa a butcher In Washington inarhet and waa worth about (.1011,000 August 21, IfWU, he made a will by which be bequeathed .sn,(iuote liN wife for lilts and directed that X0,0U0, after hi r death, and all the reatel bla pretierly, atler pa) lug mine beiiueela, abnuld be divided among hla four surviving cbll rtrsn Minnie, i:nllle, Mra. Jesephine M. Peer, and Oito Hamburger. Frank Ham burger waa dead when the will waa made and the old gentleman, atlll outraged at the name git en te Frank's child by I la mother, left It (.K) Ter the purpose of auewlng that It waa net left out of the Will by acci dent. The old gentleman'a wile died before I dIJ. After nli drain the will waa admltUd te probate without oppealtlon, but at the ri quest of Arthur Chester Hamburger's mother, who hoped that (here might be one chance left ler her child, the eiecutera of tbe will Charles Dexheliusr and Frederick llech began a friendly ault te determine the true nonatructleu of me clauae which left the tNl.ODOte the old gentleman'a wife for life with remainder te hla four surviving child ren. The theory of Mra. Frank Hambur ger having (licit Iwfere her huxband the be iurt te her became void, and that therefore tne fSO.OUO net having been dtapeaed of at all by will her aim, Arthur Chester, la entitled toetie tilth aa an heir at law inheriting bla father'a share Tnl. would give him 1U,000. Judge O'llni uiin rexorved hi declalen. Mr. Oraut'a (Jein. from the Muw Ymk (Iraplilc. Mint eeple have read that Kuril Inand Ward'a absorption of the asaetM of the Uranl family extended even te a few huudrtd dol lar' worth of geld keepsake oelna which tbe general had given Mra. Grant, but tbe camial reader la net aware that the precise clrcum atancen under which thuiH were rabljeil by the InntUble Kurillncii I iiavumer been imr imr rated. It li tlm u-Miie u( Urge cnrioratletis, whenever t uiMi'.liig nl iIIih."im i held, te present each illrtutnr nil a f.'i guld piece or It equivalent In a crlip new bill. Uuneral (Irani nasnd nrinr In nuveral Uri' oenooriis, and the geld p.eces he received were alwaye given te bin wife, who kept tlitin iu n vaae riwtlug ou a pit imi nl lurnltiire lit the parlor. Ooh exenim;, when Ward waa vl(lllug,aome vl(lllug,aeme Uxly prupevMl a gaum of ienny ante for aiuuaeinenu II milted the mood et the party, but no (.Muutein could be feuud. "We ahali have te gut liuttunsorcellre bu or aome aeme thing elne'" eiikn-til tlm general. Hud denly amniiNxlj thought of the vaae with nearly ahtitnlrud f.' getil pliHMMln It. Amid general laughter llm eintenta were emptied en the table, ami the party laughed merrily at unlng hiII.I gehl ciiuntera in a gauiH ler ienii Ntakw. Wniin IIih gaumcea'ied Ward gathered the gleAinlng reiim Inward him In nheip and exclaimed : "What m Khauia, Mm. tiraiit. luve m iiiuuh geed money ly ing Idle! jm inn Imve Hand I will double It ler) en " Kertllr'ng that tier incxle of keep ing the money ai mil ilienteat, Mra. Ilrant aci ileHceJ mil lhl wat the Uit ahe evur aw of IL tJAllherate Maautiena. frinii thiiOuiih i vYiirlit Uhlcg llille In Oeitlia 1 111U1 that opeu-htiidod eiierinliy se uinlujible In Chi cago. O.iulia (llrl I iMven't heard aiiyau;h crlt Iclam Inifiire. "Oh, the psepln rH) pitty atnut things. Why, at the hetnl where I 'it stepping they aetuilly siiin ulr.iM of wearing out their property. At litucli thu waiter lireught noth ing but a fork and looked a'UnzjJ when I aeked ler a kelle." "What had jeti ordered '.'" "l'lu" OiciiIIU II. Frem llarrH'i'a lis? ir. Fluent Shep (llrl Ma'an, did you ever aeea ribbon mero charming T Loek at the exullte shade of this one t Here la a bright garnet. Isn't It apleudld ? Ur thla soft fawn colon done. What could be mere lovely I Lady Uuatetner (te fleer walker) He se kind as le rend annluer clerk te watt en me. Fleer Walker Why, wbal'a tbe matter, ma'am ? litdy Customer I want te de a little ad miring myself, and te show my taste If there's a cnanre for me. A Tatt of AfTectleu. Frem tbe Washington Critic. "Theodere, I don't believe you love me any mere," said a K atreet girl plaintively, m her best fellow, a 1. O. department clerk, pulled her hastily past an lee cream saloon. "Oh, don't aav that dearest," aald be re preichlully. " Why 1 named fourteen poat peat poat etllcen alter you last wtek. A Widow aa n Uardsuar. Frem tbe Fall Itlver Advance A widow may net be raueh of gardener, but abe always baa an Idea that she can raise orange blossoms from weed. Tbe;Lalorel Thinking. Frem tbe Ilgln Kan. "The people dislike the labor of thinking, and welcome an) thing that removes the ne cessity. The clown always get the better bearing." armajJiM, metivms. TUB BBV. URO. U. T1IAVKH, or Bourbon Inil., says : lletb myielf and wife ewe our Uvea teBfkll.OU'8 CON81MPT10N UUUK." Fer sale by U. li. Cochran, Druggist, Ma 117 Mertb Qneea trnat. () Facts Werm Knewing. In all dlf eases of tbe nasal mucous membrane tbe remedy used must be nen-lrrllatltig. Tbe meeleal profession has been slew te learn this. Metbtng wtttaractery ran be accomplished with douches, snuffs, ponders, syringes, astringents or any similar app'lcatlena. because tbey are all Irritating, de net thoroughly reach the affected surfaces and sbenld be abandoned aa worse Iban failures. A multitude of person who had for year borne a' I the worry and pain that catarrh can Inflict testify tu radical and permanent cures wreugni ty a.iy-s uream mum. Ju'JU-'iwdeedAw The Mystery Solved. It has always bean understood that eunsnmp tlen was Incurable, but It has recently been discovered that Kemp's llalsamfer the Threat and Langs Is giving mera relief than any known remedy. It Is quaranteed te relieve and care Asthma, IlrencblUs and Coughs. Call en 11. B. Cochran, druggist. Ma U7 Mertb Queen street, and get a trial bottle free of cost. Targe slxe U eenu and II. (4) AM UNFOKTUMATK I'JCUSON. Th6Jnl?,li ,n0iB.Bt Persen In tbe world I one amicted with sick headache, but they wUl be relieved at once by using Ur. Leslie's Special Prescription. See adverUteineat in another column. (O Hachten's Antra salve. tbe Bust sutvu in tau world ler Cats, jmisaa. Beres, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever sores, Tetter! Chapped Hand. Chilblains, corns, aaTall aS5 Eruptions, and positively cures FUaa, or no naw rciulred. It U guarantee te s4veperfMtsaS s4veperfMtsaS s4veperfMtsaS (notien, or money rofendes. FrlM eaat bes. Fer sale by . IV. tlecnraa, OraggM, HUI and l north Onene atrent Uuusvstar. K. A Hecnarfesbss. See Is he who attends te the oemfort of bis fsaafly and will net let hla little ones auflar with ash& Uen et the Threat and Lungs, whereby their lives may be endangered, bat who skeslcl at all T luum inei seveieigsi isbhut, a.sBsB'S MKMOAr VwavsKejvOAMtJvM V "v fJWRHKWqUlMNH. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.); ! Geed Appetite, Maw Btrarigtb, Quiet Ma waa, Happy Daya, Hweat Ulaap. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all derm Diseases. TIIK MOKTSmaNTIFIM ANIISUCCM1FUL III.OOU FtfKIFIIK. (lun-rlortequlnlne. Mr. F. A. sillier. B.O Kast l7lH atrnni, Mew Yerk, aa cured b Kasktne of extreme ma larial prostration after seven years snfTering. Ha bad run down mmi I7 pounds te W, began en Masklne In Jane, ism, went te work In one month, regained his fall weight In six months, (jslnlne did him no geed whatever. Mr. tlldeen Thompson, the eldest and one of the most respected cltlsens of Urldgepert, cenn., aavs 1 am ntnetv rears nlun. and for the st three years have suffered from malaria and the street of quinine poisoning. I reeenily be gan with Kaskine whleh broke up tbe malaria ana inerrnsed my wetgbltt iMiunas ttrs.T. A. eeliitnnna. nf IM llalllda Ht. Jerasnr City, writes: My son Harry, eleven years. was cured et Malaria by Kaskine, after nttnen months' Illness, when we bad uiin up all hope. Ietteis tram the above twrsens, giving fall details will be sent en application. Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advice. Il.tu per bottle. Beld try H. 8. OOOHBAM, llrngglst, 131 and 139 North Queen fit.. Lancas ter, ra-, or sent by mall en receipt of prtee KASKINR CO., M Warren fL, New Yerk. letrM-lvdAwTThAH MAn.VAf.0V DAHOAINH IN HUMMKH HATS. Strii" Huts -AMU- LIGHT STIPF HATS RKtWVKIt TO NVIlI'llIXlSaLY LOW I'll IMS. LARGE ASSORTMEN C or . Trueks and Traveling Bags. STxUFFER & CO., N0S.:H k 'M MXtTII qUKK. ST., LANCAHTKK. PA. MOWKHH.AV. DtUNN 4 UKKNKMAM. CARD! We have a number of Goods which are just in aeaseu, utiil which, owing te our giviug special attention, we can offer gratt inducements. " l'ennsylvanlA " lwn Mowers have no equal. Three we make a specialty. We have as geed I.awn Mowers its are in tbe market for .tx and 17.00. Uaby Carriages We carry seventy-flve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Ilefrigeratera are new In season. Hew few people knewatiything about ltefrigera. ters. It took us twenty years le leant. We can leach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't siiend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Free7ra and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you set the best at tbe lowest prices. Veu can from us. l.awn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican wnd Common Hammocks, llase Itall and all Sporting tioeds at Factory Prices. PL1NN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street -SK'O'ftKf , AT WlANT'ti TUV OUK HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The Finest Fleur sold In tbe market. Give It a trial and you will be pleased. Alse (Irahaiu Fleer, Oat Fleur, Itye Fleur, and Self liaising Fleur for tllscult, Ac Uoeds Delivered, tele phone Connection. GBO. WlaVNT, aug-lva Ma US West King street, kT BUKHK'B, New Readj for JDlj4tb, 1887. We are prepat ed te f urn Ish dealers with Fl It K. WUUKS el aft alnOs, at the LUWKST WilULK 8ALKPUICK8 WehivebandUd FIKKWOBRS for twenty five years, and bave bren making a business et JOlltllNU TO UK ALKUS. Baying our FlstKCttACKBUS from the Im porters, and the Works dlrect from the manu facturers. w srn ensbled te compute with any of the Jobbing Houses of Philadelphia or Mew Yerk, and you can see tbe goods before pur chasing. ear l'rtces furnished upon application. BURSK'S, NO, 17 EAST KINO STREET, LAMOABTKB. TA. Telephone. tmuAL muttvAM. - ESTATE OK ANNA U1NTKR, IiATK of the city or Lancaster deceasee. Let ters testamentary en said estate having been S ranted te the undersigned, all person in ebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them with out aetay lorseiueiuemtoine unaersigned, re- alum? at centennial alius. Aaams eeantr. :.? Jobs a Cevts. minu u. suiiti, Attorney, mlMtdS Kxecuter. ESTATE OF KLLA McUARKBN. LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary ou sa'd estate having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delsy ter settlement te the undersigned resldlngtnsaldcuy. Jehs A. Cetlb, Attorney, Kxecuttlx. je GUIS ESTATE OF KKKDK1UUK HKIMMKK late of Lancaster City, l's,, deceased. Let ters testamentary en said (state having baea granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demanda Sfalnst the same will present them without stay for settlement te the undersigned, resld tag In Lancaster City. HAHUIKT liUIUMBB, JsMtAS Jtxecutxtx. INSTAIiMEhT DKALERS WILL FIND ieAtwbat they need. A full line or Instal. essst eeuF tjuutxasiaimsntTraue PMOKHAU. nopeAUi reB eaibl hay, mtha w asevnurr.ii wssi lavefs Ofllss. nn e deck p. ss. Kids tnnststats I nam. HT OIUIHU VUMHITTRBJ. C II. Fissacar, Clark. jessaiia pilOPOHALH FOB HTHKKT WORK, Sealed proposals for the f.llewlag work will be received by the Street Committee op te Friday evening, July I, lss7, at 7 o'clock : Fer piking east Orange street, fro Ann te Marshall. ..Fer piking West Orange strst, fresi Fine te Marin and fiem Nevln toCelutablaavenae, rnr piking Lemes street, from bbarlett te Mary. ForplkleglLofqst street, from time te Frtl burg and tress Freltmrg te Flam. Fer piking Walnat street, f rum Water le Mul berry. ret piking FeplarstresW from Strawberry le Ferptklng Bh'ppen street, from Cast King le Middle. BWBBS. Fer a s feel sewer en sooth Lime Irani a point se lest south of Middle te tbe sswer en Vine street. Fer a t feet sewsr en West Lemen street, from westtldeef Mulberry street te sswer at Area alley. . Fer a K font sewer la Fex's alley, between Lemen a-d Walnut streets and Lancaster ananne and Charlette streets Fer the extension of tbe 3 feet Ceral street sewer, from Its present terminus le west side Buby street Fer a 1 feet sewer en Uerman street, from Church street te con met with sewer at sooth queen street. IIHIUQP.I. Fer the construction of a bridge ever Hoff Heff man's Kun ou Seymour street. Fer the construction el a bridge ever the Con Cen Con eetoga creek at Halgart's Landing. Flans and .pecldcatlens can be seen or pro pre cared st the City Megulster'B office at the sta tion boese. All bids mast be accompanied with name el proper security. The committee reserves the tight le reject any or all bids. Proposals te he addressed te tbe "Street Cemmlitse'and deposited In the Street Committee's box at Smelta's grocery, corner Mortn (Joeen and Lemen streets. By order of the STBBKT COMMITTKK. BDwiBB..tnsLTx, Clerk. Junes.?,0. MOVBMiumnimmiiH hveb QALL AND HKK -TUB ROCHESTER LAMP. lxty Candle-Llght I BeaU them all. Anether Let of CHBAP OLOBBA for Was and Oil stoves. thm pmarmxmev " METALMOULUINU AMU BUBBBH CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beau them all. Tbla strip entwsaxs all ethers Beena out Um eeld. atAn vulin n aiunM Bxelade the dust. Keep eat rhew ana rain. Any one ean apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying It, Can be fitted anywbere-ne bole te bera, ready for use. It will net split, waxp or shrink- cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the store. Beater and lUnge Stere -OF Jehn P. Senanm & Sens, 24 SOOTH QUEEN ST, LAKCASTKK,rA. S1' KC1AL NOTICE. " Mera human, mera divine than ve in fact, part bumtn, part divine I Wiimsti. wbn the geed stars agree Te mingle at her nativity." UeflecUtye Lords of Cteatlen, and hie ye at once te EIEFFSR & HERB'S, Ne 40 E. King St., And Procure one of their Famous "Economist" Vapor Cook Steves. That Hed's best gilt te you be net tortured be yond recall with tbe unnecessary waste heat which It Is Impossible te avoid with your llmines, and (what Is also Important) consider tbe great economy In fuel, 'Jtf cenU wSrtbef fuel will cook ler a famUy of three grown per sons 21 meals. And when you want a Heater, gets "SPLENDID" And be Happy. PLUMUIMU, (JAS KITTING, STBAM UK AT 1NU, TIN HOOFING AND BPOUT1NO. WVMM1TVMM. MTIDMYKK'M FUKM1TOKK 8TOB15. FULL VALUE. UMK HDMOKKU CKNTS WOKTU U1VBN FOB VKBY DOLLAK, MO MISBKI'UBBKMTATIONB. UUIl WOKK WILL STAND TUB TEST. Tbe Wearing of Oar Uneds will Bear Us Oat In What We Say. Te Save Meney Is te get that which will: Wear the Leugest, and which need net be Be placed In a Short Time. SURPRISING I Yes, you will be Sunrlsed at ear Lew Prices. Just step In ana? see what a Large and Complete Stock we are Carrying, and then Ue and Tell Your Neighbor, 8TYLB, QUALITY AND I'lltCK TO SUIT ALL WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner awurt King and Dukt) St,, LAMOABTBU, FA. senuviTdJslfWhnw H KINITHU'S FUKNITUBK DEfOT. This Is tbe kind of weather that re quires a Geed, Coel, Seft Bed ! We have It In several Shapes. Hiir MittreMM lai Wevei Win Springs Are a very. nice combination and their value ran only be proven by a lest. Call and see them. All prlctiis Palm Leaf Mattresses Alse make aad Klegant Coel Bed. We will i will repair your Hair Mattresses eaeal te at Very Moderate Charge. new t rresassM ter nsfwassa ism rrve immnment ( Laisssser etty srUh I, i WMMtMs, stay, firaw wisTeksftsi Cera, Uw sestqaalttV, ir Mat .wssg.BsmllMffeaBtfairLiStf, Ml we reeetvew by the Firs OnssnilM.s. at the vera (IMaa. nn te Tasssav. Jnna SHsuats statss r fikI HEIHITSB'S FURKITORB DEPOT 7 aa 90 sstattQiMM ., MKOAIUsV fm. MH MAKtlf, FRUIT JARS -AT- Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarte and Halt Gallen. We again liave tbe I.lghtnluR Fruit Jar, which Is tbe best In the market. aJellr Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Com mon Tumblers at the Lewest Pes. sible Prices, Wholesale or Retail AT HighMnrtin 16 EAST mO STREET. bAMOABTBB. FA, WNJCa AXD LIQUOKH. DUKE "rYB WU1HKY. Old GretT Spring Distillery. Situated en Kast range street, between Orange and Cheatunt, one square east let reser voir, Lancaster, P 1 have Just erected a new distillery with all of the latest Improved machinery for distilling PUBIC KYB WiJUKY. A. U. SHKArrKIt, Proprietor. This Distillery has been erected at the famous Old Uroffstewn Spring, wblch has been noted for Its plenteous and unfailing supply of the pur est water. At It our grandfathers drank when tbey were boys, and It has never been known te run dry even In tbe hottest weather. Frem tbls spring sil the water used in the distillery Is ob tained, the pump drawing trem It twenty-five gallons a minute. Besides my own dUUUed Whisky, t also handle Brtadlm, Gins, Wines, &c. Btycall and be convinced. A.B.SllKAt-KBB, Distiller, BTOBB Ne.63 Merth Uueen Street. N. B. raimershavleg geed Bye en hand can find rvady sale ler II at the store or dlstUlery. Highest cash market price paid for a goon arti cle. aprii-lydAw GOT REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE BOUCHE SEC, 1PBB UElDjlKCK. rOMUEUYSBC, alOBlETSKC. 1 U.ll. 11UMH KXTUA DUY, And all 'ether Leading brands of Imported Chanipegns. Sele Agent ler tbe Pleasant Valley Wine Company. Special Ureal Western Kx. Dry, our own brand, the finest American champagne In the market. J ust received another large Invoice of Califor nia Claret and White Wine from Nairn Valley, California. A large stock of Imported Burgundies, Clarets, Khlne and Sauterne Wines. We also have the largest and finest stock et Brandies, Whiskies, Ulns. Uadetia, Sberrys and ort Wines, Bass Ale, Ualnness stout, Saratoga and ApeUlnails Waters In the city. H. E. Slaymaker. Agt. Ne. 20 BA8T KINO STRESS?, LANCASTER, PA. frAfCHaM. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JKWKLUY. SpMial WtithM far Farmers ud Riilwidert sine let of Blngs, Ac. Alse, Elgin, Waltham (Aarera for which 1 am Sele Svent), and ether tirst-Class Watcbe. Best Watch and Jewelry Bepalrlng. sreerract time by Telegraph Dally, only place ta city. L. WEBER. Ne. 1K N. Queen St.. Near Penn'a B. 11, Depot, sv Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Optical Uoeds. All Kinds of Jewelrv. N KW JEWELRY STORE. Graduating Presents ! FOB CLASS SINUS, CLASS fPINS, CLASS BADQKS, UO TO GILL'S. Geld Watches, Diamond Kings, Uents' lntttal Blngs, Scarf 1'ins, dc:, Ac. Kepalrlug la All IU liraachei. Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCABTEU, PA. tnavll lyd rvaAALM cu IIIOR RENT. C Twe or four rooms In Brimmer's New BuUeIng. Ne. IMH North gueen street. Heat and gaslncluded. Apply at feblS-Ud BsUhlsIiB'S LIVBBY OfflOI, rR BALE OR RENT BRICK STAIiLE andlot,17zSSfeet.en Christian street, be tween East King and Grange streets. Can be easily changed Inte a machine shop or ware house. Easy terms. H. . BllUBtKEK, aM-Ud attorney-at-Law. PRIVATE HALE. WUl be sold at private sale the valuable property corner Lemen Mulberry and char, lette fronting HO feet en Lemen street, 65 feet en U ulberry, and 65 Ket en Charlette street. Apply te C. E. DOWNEY, JunUted NaMl North Queen Street. stl flOn KBWAHD. VXaVVTV" rer any eass of KMneyTren. tM7klM0TSS. H GH NA HALL taUssssars. seidnydnii wmam, tBMmmn, a ffWl LATEST ATTRACTIONS AT THENEW 8TOBE. Jeseph L. CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES! t KMT1BBLY NEW AND - 1. - 1. 50c. $1.25. ! i $2.00, $2,25 LACK DRESSES for Little Children, Little JKBSEYSattSe,Otlc.anail.X. LALtES' BEAD Y rittlng BEADY-MADE CALICO WBArPSBS, 75c. Actnal Value !- $1.00.; . . JOSEPH L. RAU & CO. 136 AND 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. BBM G REAT BARGAINS I METZGER & NEW Nes. 38 and 40 WASH DRESS GOODS Crinkles, BMrsuekera, Satlnes, Qlnghsma, Lawns, Batlatea. WHITE OOOD3 Victeria and India Lawns at 8, 10, IS 1-2, 16, 20, 26, 30, 371-2enta. One Let Buperler Quality Wnlte Plaid Mtullns at 12 1-2 eenta ; were mads te b11 at 26 eents. METZGER&HAUGH MAN'S, NEW 38 and 40 West King 8k, lARD.tAK'L'tiROY. Bard & McElroy, 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (OPPOSITE FOUNTAIN INN), Have Jurtopeneda New Let of DKESSQINUHAUS at 10 cents per yard; regular prlce UH cents. BELUSUCBstlts at 8 cents ( regular price, 15X eenu. Special Lew Prices in Table Linens. Talile Linen, 1H yards wide, only 10c; better quality, Vj. Iletvy German Table Linen, 37X0 Damask Table Linen, St, 40. M and 55 eta up. Bleached Table Linen from 50c op. Turkey Med Bargains in Deylies and Napkins. Fringed Linen Devlles. geed size, only 50c. ier dozen. Better quality, 75c; worth II. Extra fine at II en worth 11.50. Napkins at 7Jc.; worth ll.liX- Napkins alllW; werihIJ7 Napkins atllSS: worth 11.75. As-Ihe cheapest place te buy H0SIEBY for Ladles, Gents und Children U of Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEEN S UMM1UI UOS1ERY. SUMMER One Thousand Dezon LADIES' STOCRINU4 at Ss. Alse Twe Hundred Dezen Extra Quality MUX'S llALr-HOSE, thrte pair for if c ; never before equaled In price. Alse a Large Stock of Better tirades of I II POUTED AND DOMESTIC IIOSIEUY for Ladles, flouts and Child! uu. Alse SUMMER UNDERWEAR ALL SIZES, AT LOW PUICE1. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, JBWMLMl. rEWELiRY AND ART. TlifTmnTiffQ WfitnhfiQ Jciifelru JJlUlUJlUUj ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GHOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. z. RBO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. SIXUKR SEW1XU MACHINE CO. E XUIBITION EXTRAORDINARY at tub ewes or Tbe Singer Sewing Machine Ce., 140 BAST KINO BXBlssT, LARCASTB, tA., Beginning Monday, June 27th. Tbe display will be the iraudest ever seen Iu Lancaster, consisting et FINI IMBROIDIRT IN HiNY DBS1QNB AD- l'aacjf Ge4i r Eiery 1H icrlptlen. The exhibit will Illustrate the wide range nf wuia uiav can oe ueue en ue new uiie strut L V. elDaer sewing Machine. The exhibition will be free te all, at all hours, day and evening. The ladles are especially Inylud te attend. Nothing like It eyer before seen In Lancaster. ehris."myers, IMMUallW MAJtA-M E) WnN Rau & Ce. f MOTIVE STILUS, 75c. $1.50. ! and $2.50. Beauties, 13.50, Unr VeryTepular Bargains In - MADE SATEEN DKKSSES,af,ge. Our Perfect HEADED WBAPS, Silk Lined, at One-Third mOOBt, HAUGHMAN. STORE. West King Street. STORE, (Opposite Cooper Howe.) ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) HOSIERY. Lancaster, Pa. SADDLES, tU. SADDr,E8,UARNKH8,dO. EDWARD KRECKEL, nsAXBB IB Baddlte, Harneee, Trunks, Nets, Robes & Blanket. A'O. S HAST KINO tITHEKT. LASCASTS1. PA. snduleketoerderthe flaest jaees i ! CeactTaad rreneh Coups Msxaess. The bes t Harness Irresstsg U the world At He. box. Call anA Examine One Stock at UUUUUUUI ,-' W , MM -a JSOi m mm i ' in . r- J kfl ''! ll i) r AMD Lewnett of Pi AM THE PEINOICAL raATUaMW - "SSl Cireat Bargain Sal NewDclnclnaasnratsslaAsfaa j,i;?S. 0NE-FRICS GLPTMIMQ rt V or '$&) ife HIBSH & BBtmnB. Afm T.HiWfl -. IM ItOTS' LIQHT SUITS, Selling SA f4l usiBi weruissr ana an. $ UBOTS'LIUUT DBESSSUITAMlHfstib 17 andss ; lully worth 110 and 111 T;( W CIIILDKEN'S SAlLOa SUITSMsMsSCsj 87c and It. V. 7t" 50 BOYS' LONU I'ANTS LINEN UIT;' WO MENS' and BOTS 81NULB CAtsHHI ClIATH L SI. SI Ml nnrt M , SB Pairs Ot MKVBHAttVKSTBUlTSsAiBB.:''' freW.0' E,aUI AOT-,,W.1 TO BOTS' SINGLE VKamatqa. ':?. . sarTeu win nnd n&HUAtMste yoer .;3 UKelnEVKHY DKfaUTMENT.and tseTVaSla fit stntUMnnlv kfWltisi llllrnm farltraasHlailMB shta - V - si ai ,- ,,vHswisivsBBfiB) assjsmsMs) Xi-a.d Hirsh & Brether, One Prlee uaennsum mmnsa """" fllMIB tM -AND- W Clothiers and fimiiihtgiv v COS. NOKTU QUEEN ST. AND OsUttM? QUAKE. LANUAsTBE. TA, w ILlilAMHOfl st FOOTER. CALL 118 BY TELEPH0H1. WILUAMSONi FOSTER. GENTLEMEN'S FDLL DRESS Sllli -TUAT- Rcquire a Small Amount -or- M0NE7TOB07. Scotch Cheviot Sack eults, f 10 te 111. English Serge Suits. 110 te 13. 'it Summer Coats and Vests In Seersncker, ssrgaj .J suu auuy TT uniMiu, at.w, MJ si.eu. UenU' Summer Dresi Pants, 18.00 te II.0L Bej s' Dress Suits, H CO te 112.00. ChUdren's Knee Pant Suite, 12.00 te 18.00. Shirt Waists, 20 EO and 75 Cents. Gents' Summer Dress thlrts, natrew enen fronts. 81.00. 11.25. il 50. Beltable raney riannel Shirts, pleateB Wf Genu' Het Weather Underwear Ugtsaa uance, s rencn neueu, raiDngaan ana ttmmvmfti , uv Ml, ta wui. ipfl uenis unen ana dean urawers at Prices; ll.2e qaallty forJSe. S-I-I-K F-E-O-K-W-E-l-Eii 2', 60 AND 75 CENTS. D arrest Pants, 25c, 50c and 75c. Gents' Straw llaUKc.-The Larsjest. Assert-. men t and Most Popular Styles. Beys' and ChUdren's Dress Straw Hats, Ess, and We. Genu' Maple Celer Flexible relt Derbjs.eus te 82.50. A Large Variety of French Pelt Pocket Mass. Summer Lap Kebe, 190c. te 12 oe. Attractive Prices for Ladles'Summer Shoes t Haedmate Newport Butten, H00 rati 13.50. Curaoea E Id, Handmade, Newert Butten, M Ml cut trem ieu Handmade Bailer Ties, II 79 ; cut from fsja. Hand Turned American Kid, LaeM OS Ties, Patent Tips, 11.80. Hand sewed American Kid, Tlet, Plain fronts, n.oeand IU25. Hand Turned American KM, Mswpert BslssB i Ladles' Gerster Ties, II JO cat from BUS, Trunks, Valises and Cabbex. IILLIAMSOMFOSTBR, M.SISMCWIssHBUsstsyeVt, n LAMOABTBU. FA. -Si -n B, saAKTJM, muuiii zm TiSr; "rVy" All Kind of LetatMr tm srTASt Be. BertJsrslMf at AlWOARDKaWa WrFsWUsB, B miL DEALERS. - .. , - m North Queen SI. anB w.':f L'mu stress . zJ. Isssi-Nerth wm street, i iaTft. LABOABVI ,9M,')l VtWAM. At.nrH. f iiti ' 'f w .. , . . u mMTMIMWM J.1.' ILiUAAsa sswssvsssj Vsslsstte Merles DliU nnARH. .3 wewisiw-"-- J,- ,.!V 'll u . 'j mmm wt $) m " l-f I ja M vjd W eVtl M.B. wnssrssi max iiAUHiBrrtT iwWWi K,rV ICVSMMIsfi If, IS ti&fr 'tvr yt.",'ii ii Afff fc '-- -f-! - - .uj.i itejJyit' . .,.'i; i Ajfc-t T ,A ! " f rnev sw ssewssa Ne, 5 East Klng4 8tMt.