3?3 SJ.f r' ' . V i .aviV1 -" V "? THE LANCASTER DAILY nfTELLtGENCaGB. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1887. s-jfi ". -y -" x,: " mww feC' , la L.iV K'SS st: a'e iss:.. PHEA & - !fe . m 'Y i?? KpMgiiwnM A aswaswatswel w 4ifcji. BIbM I tta Wieklj IntaUigeoeer "J?-"" WUMKMV MOttNMM. .fUkJMt t as a eery XI AMattri m fetirrewii l j'- DrrKtUaaiiOaiB. euaiac. Lancaster. la- the imuasttt ItUelKgenat LANCASTER, JOMR V3, 188T. -V , - - f Eaflaad's Kayaliy. -y,The English people are said te nave ''iewna gnat deal of enthusiasm for the if saMarch and of affection for the tiueen in TC lavfsMMfc .v.iwwk'.i m IB m m it :iiil;hli;d !r IB ? ttBuSan sue ,r. fSS15BMuoe : iasasagwUfl"e anMY Mm twM eemee vt MB eewriw. ai tmmien una I flMMMM) te ma WAM BiMtat. - tV. i.a nf I ha nslsriratinn nf tlm com- k,ui." -- - -- s'pietfPer vne nail cenvury ui nor ingu. And doubtless there was a superficial ap ' liMiima nf rnnbmtment. at least with the i arapbernalia of royalty ; this is all of rey- i '? aky the English people bear. The power fJC ruling iUB jrawe vBt.u w .,. p'Crem the sovereign, and there is absolutely nothing new left of it te the monarch. It be that the intelligent English mind, Jt 4 aa - Jl..l-l.1 nt (tin tnnnb i v., Knewing WIS, iee umiuwiei uniie umv fiV? i Jnaa nnf. mm nAimililn tn maintain t a, - - - .ltkn.if tMww lfr. aAflmftfnnltan ''wtemnil vast sums of menev for the sup- :1flirtef royalty, when it has ceased te be 1 u. f i ! tn 9 out ThA pnmmnni ruin "Knff . t').WI"W m. . - - " P nTkad and the prime minister is the king. It 'yfit is really a democratic government, and is fe. kr Bimrinrtoeurownlnlne feature wnicn eattia llm frnrrrnmrnT immediately respen- Sif,srWete the commons and the iweple. Then is a great probability that Eng land will before long abandon the form and cost et monarchy as it has already aban-, dened the substance. The long reign of a woman has tended greatly te promote the growing weakness of tbe men ' arch; and the reign of Victeria , aay be the last. The Prince of Wales,, tier natural successor, undei stands clearly? the situation, and being a man of sense,, may be little inclined te desire the impe-i sltlen et an'autherily in seeming which he does net have in fact, and he may be very ready te promote a declaration et Uie position of the monarchy which will put ' ; the king in a less absurd position. The monarchy hae some value te Lug- -; it is worth at least as much M the French prcsiucticy ; nose eniy valuable function seems te tie the selection or a ruler for the acceptance or rejection of the amiably. The English being a staider people than the French, generally knew what they want when they demand a change, and the ruler of their choice is clear. The English people might get along without either a king or a president. The succession of their rulers is provided by the vote of Parliament. Seme day ne will come te this mode in our own country. It 'p' is apparently very much superior te the (en . . . m .t..a -a ts ; ngiauyoieur meiuouei selecting au un changed ruler for a term of years. The Married Weman's Law. As we have a new married woman's act, the lawyers are expecting te find in it a rich Held for fees, having a lively recollec tion of the richness et the act of MS, uliich they are hardly yet done with. It is mite pessiblethat the new law will pioveko the litigation that is expected from it, though r there does net seem te be much room for disputation ever its plain previsions. It was drawn by a geed lawyer, whose ardent ' desire was te defeat the Judges who have L defeated tbe intent of the act et ISIS. That $ act was intended te de what this one again If, wdertakes, but the supreme court was Q hostile te its purpose and deliber ately set about its nullification. It is well understood that tbe married woman's law, as it lately steed, was the result of mali cious judicial legislation. The judges were net In sympathy with the desire of the leeislature te deliver tbe married woman from legal incapacity, and they succeeded in theh: undertaking te keep her in bends. But it was done at the cost et a great deal of judicial legislation. The j udges had a terri ble time in straightening out their decisions te a reasonable consistency with the statute and each ether, and it is probable that no lawyer even new considers himself wholly competent te read the act of ISIS with certainty. It may be that the new act will be forty years in receiving its construction-, but we de net lielieve it. The Judges will hardly axain undertake te kick It ever. Its intent te give the married woman a like control ever her beparate property that she possesses as a single woman Is tee plainly stated te be ignored. - The exceptions te the rule are clearly de- ,,-; uura. .11. uieiitGu nuuiau Oils ail Llm iinnwr :M-J. and liabilities et a sinele woman. . ik.i of giving a deed or mortgage alone, or of ' nJAtlni n tmtn n. luuinml-M . m fi iwimwijft ww, ui wwuiiiiiiK u nureiv ler ' .It..- Uk. I. .1.,.. II . . u rmnun. bte w Binu um iwwer or, UISDOS. ? lac of her property by will " in the nam ? Manual tta ir ftliA U'Ant linmaprieil )! .....1 ;v " ! ' " " -w Mimwiimi. auu :.ahe question has been raised as te whether ' does uet give her power te bar her Sana's lenaucy uy 1110 ceuriesy. -rue ' K'tjaa Anininn in that it (lixw lint l'Ivh linr tX iLI M..U... !... fl.la 1 l.e mnul .....l.l..A..a & He llUWVJi , UUI U10.S ,UU UIVOV AUiUIJLUUUB ''-i lam in the, act. Tt Sssisier Kealiaf . u-v il' Alreadv nay be seen en tbe hotel ceun- tan and railway cars the old legend "Hum- "ar BsadlB," placarded above the trashy h mvsJs that seem te be regarded as the literary pabulum for tbe het Why the worst literary feed u'peuutu u pruvtueu ler tins season ei .;, lajujuer no one will be able le tell; unless it ''! nnl.l.n,l .. il. 11. ...... !..., il.- I. 1. teat requires tbe toast thinking in the Mmsal is tbe most suitable for this time. ''hook that fails te evolve thought is than ruleless, If a man reads a book ta4 reaches tbe sad without havlac gained use, without hav stimdiaahUher .ttwoaUtefar bst- 'vfiteit jKMifH the tebUe bkhway. Tl Mutater ( new took that an worth natiag an Very few, and thew may be aaafly fiewreretl by a little tearch. Bui the wraith of geed boeki that has come te us,a survival of the eeuturiee.li very (treat. Then aeed be no fear of error In reading then works of the old masters of history and fiction. The Idea that "Summer Reading" slieuM be of a specially light character is very tic tic meralblng. It leads te serious intellectual dissipation, People an found reading in the summer-time boehs that tney wetiui blush te name in public in midwinter. After two months' feeding en this Insub- stantial literary feed, it is net surprising that geed books are shunned as tee heavy, and recourse is again had te the demoralize ing trashy Action. When lincaster people start away te recreate, let them give their minds a fair chance with their bodies, tat them be surrounded with the acknowledged masters of Dctien and history, and net with their base Imitators ; for the latter have all the faults et their prototypes and none of their virtues. The Art or frncinr In a fencing match at Havre, Trance, en Tuesday, one et the contestants w.is killed by the thrust of a foil from which the but ton had dropped. This dropping of the protecting button from tbe point of the weapon is net an infrequent occurrence, but it Is rare that it is followed by a fatal wound, and it is uet probable that this ac cident will dampen the ardor et the Trench for light sword play. l'enclng is distinctively a Trench amuse ment, and In these days can hardly rank ;is anything mere, for the sword as a weapon has had its day; but as archery has sur vived in Knglaml, se will fencing in France, and the broadsword in Cermany. It serves one useful purpose in rendering the Trench duel a practically harmless amusement. Te Americans the accounts of duels in which a few scratches from a sword point are all the damage seem rather absurd; but beiere the niind's eye of a Frenchman there would appear an exciting and reckless test of skill by two masters of the foil, and be would be amply satisfied with a ery small element of danger. It is an art that requires most perfect training net only of hand and eye, but of tbeiwhele man, and the ideal fencer thinks and acts as quickly as a tlash of light. Quick and impetuous action are character istics of the French, and if they should see fit te take te the revolver instead of the foil, it might be a serious matter. Wm. K. Lkkpm has told the Republican party worker et Philadelphia that be in te be a candidate ler sheriff He deems it un necessary te tell the people. While tbe streets of Louden were filled with the shouts of acclaim te Queen Victeria en her jubilee, some grimly earnest men and women were staring; at thin placard iu Cooper Union hall, New Yerk : tllednl f Amine !,-. eimi KvlcU-d iO..(ti LxpAUUU-d 4..1O00 EtiilaranUwhoclt'det hlnfwHr K.il Imprisoned undur Coen Ien acu, ewr i,liw : Biitihvrta m auppn-ssiDK puuuc turui lnirs . Coerclonscts M Executtaier resistinfrtyranii 73 Died In English dungeons "I It waa a ghastly record and was rendered none the leas se by tbl veree of the memo rial ode read te the echo el the cheers of Irishmen We meet tonight te greet a imuie STmbellcid ler ntty years Of LiiKland' guilt and England' nhntne. Of Ireland's Lloed and lu-land's tears. Te mingle with the empty git e Ol laugh and choer from cngllah thrual A new tune In this Jubilee, A strong, discordant, Irish note. It ia just as well that the sound of this sen timent was net heard in We&tuiiusUr abbey en Tuesday. Jehn Wanamaklk decline a Philadel phia dinner. He ia a wise man and wishes te lU e te a green eld age. TliK t'Arufiaii at Werk is Indulging In this kind of levity: "A Yankee has just taught ducks te swim in het water with such success that they lay toiled eggs." The re ligious editor is apparently out el town. A niiKVTdeal el aarcasm anil wit i lav ished en the literary workel tj'ieeu Victeria, yet it is an ejen iiuentieii whether thoie trilling record el her family IHoIime net added mere te her tiepulartty than produc tion of real literary value might have done Whatever may be said by would In cham pion et the aupproaaed sex, the conviction is nearly unanimeua among people of all nation that tbe supreme Intercut of a woman should be in her family ; and tliote book or the fjueen, while they plainly show her weak. nea,display aa well the metberly-iuslincts of her character, and ae have struck a sympa thetic chord In the heart or her eiple. An Englishman seakaef bis ' molheruoiintry," and it U as the emlndlmeut or that Idea of maternal care that Victeria is (bought or by her aubjecta. A woman of stronger mind and character might have felt meiu keenly the responsibility of the crown and bate made her duty te the state eupreme ; but it is very doubtful II thereby she would have gained a larger share of respect than Victeria ha wen by simply holding her family dulit abeve all ethers, and sua a inere tigiire-bcad of gev eminent, glv ing an example worthy of the emulation of every woman el the land. And "the band that rocks the cradle ia the baud that rules the world." Monarchy in Kugland may appear te Americans a very expensive and useless piece of vanity; but as long ai Victeria lives, it at lcesl serve the purpose of giving prominence te a telly ideal et domestic virtue. Qukk.n V I (TO it I A ha received a prt-houtet (375,000 from 3,txi0,0ti0 women. Peer woman ! She 1 badly in need of this charity. TiltitK are rumor in tbe air of the gradual going te pieces et the Knight of Laber, and Uie figures given te the Philadelphia Jn quxrer by a member nf the order eeem te show that the organization is it-ally in a Lad way. He say that the membership iu New Yerk city and vicinity has decreased from 10l,h9 in July, IK!, te lil.Tlt! lu April, 18K7. He say that the alliance of the order with tbe (leerge meu ia the iliiuf caute el trouble In New Yerk, but also uetuilhat the trade union are steadily gaining in mem- Derauip in about tbe same projiertlon as Uie KnlghU are losing. On July lt, Sv u,e carpet weaver numbered I t.ss. New the memlstrahlp la a little ever 1,000. The tele graph operators have declined from IMOte 1,13.!; the bat and cap maker, from 6,U7 te LOSS; shoemakers, from 3,32U te S C78 1 loeo. motive engineers, from 4,&oe 'te utoo uteo utoe plumbers and gaaflttars, from 1,701 te'isaw piano and organ makers, nam 2.rri5 w t nun esr drivers and conductor, from 22 oeo te li,07 L Ot course, these ilgure may be l. need by gains elsewhere and they must at soy rate be received with doubt, a they ureh. ably emanate from s disappointed leader; but it would aeeut imtte natural that the Kulghta should sutler from Uie ill advised sympathy or their leaders with Henry Ueerge and his friends. Hi: uu are aeiue latsrasHleg figures) from government soureeaT Th total uuuiber of IwtuigrauU who arrived In Uie United Htatea durlukt the eleven tnentlia which ended en May aist, 1867, was -117,800, aalual SSI.25J deruiK the oerrespoudloK period of 18hC. The total collections of laternal revenue aarUuj the flrat elevea Mteatha of the nasal yaw were 11,501,335 dtulac tte oerravpoAdlng period et the pmlee fiscal ye"; The toad valued the expert from the United States during the twelve month, which ended May 31 last, waa S7JI.M9.T02 against W72,10i,&W during the previous twelve month. The total value of our Impert et BMrcband me du t Ing the twelv e months w hkh ended May 31 last was KVll,81i, against )Nt)i,TiW during the twelve month which ended en May 31, tsV. Thk Yerk Otuetle la seventy-three years of age. TheiiRh beyond the allotted period of the psalmist. It I one el the uieet lively and reliable Deuiocratie newspapers el the state. Nink men fruitlessly started the oilier night te pull down the figure of the lien and Uie unicorn, which decorate the front et the old state home lu Heatnn. It w aup peaed te be an exhibition el ltleh tatt tetlstu, but was lu reality an illustration of genuine idiocy. Mils. Jai-eiu x, the nurse el I'riwldent CtetelanJ, died, a few day age at Caldwell, N. J. She wan born in WV'h CAKOtNAt.tliiineNs Wednesday evening gave the diploma te the graduating clans at the Academy of the Visitation In Wililng ten. Among the graduates were a daugh ter of Senater lagalls and a daughter of lleprtweutallvn ItaudalU 1hofk.eu Cnevrii, the author of "Kath leen Mavourueen," who is living happily tn Italtlmere with his leurth wlte a"dwheis the lather of twenty seun children, has just received notification of hi election a a Kellow lu the Nn-iety of Art, Letters and Sciences, of liomlen. He will accept Keiikht Mkaiiks and Wilsen Tayler, members of senior and junior cl;wn of the West I'lieaU'r Stalest erinal K-lioel, have been examined ler acadetahip from this district at West Point, and both have ittmed. The for mer la the appointee and the latter the alter nate. Tayler has retiu ned from the academy and resumed his studies. (JiHKU.NOK ItKAM-.u h appointed ex A ml I ter (leneral Nllec, of Wellabnre ; ex ex Alterney tieneral Palmer, of Wllkbarie, and Christopher W. lleidrick, of Venango county, coitimlnienen te act with three ap pointed by the presiding otlicers of the legis lature tn the rev isien or the revenue laws or the slate. He has alsnappeiuted Timethy O. an Allen, Themas Clialunt and tiideeu M. 8hoei, of Pvnville, and MenlfiMl Jackaen, of BorwIeW, te be truateea of the D.vuvllle II eane heepiul. Dr nt THM HuOK Vr AMITHMKtIV. ue May Get Fat or Lae..lut s Veu Have a Mind Te. t'rotnthe Lout-nllle Ceurlei Journal. (lerman pbilcwipbers are rnlucing human alimentation, expeiiineiitally, at Iei.it, te a very exact st'icnce. They deal In chemical components in their analyses, and their pre pre scilptleiiH el fc .xl are te be in chemical units Instead of concrete (piantiHc. It depends Uen whether jeu waul te be fatter, or ele mere brawny without any addition of Ut te your tisues,er whether you desire te reuiald lu statu quo lu each, It also depends upon whether you wish te feed for a slate of pas sivlly or aUlvlly whether your consump tion el tbe raw material of your feed and of tbe assimilated matter of your body are te be at the minimum by Inaction, or at the maximum, or at any Intermediate stage you tuay eclly, for lie it understood that you are te be scientifically exact in your ascer tainment of the degree of consumption or chemical elements, aa the new science pro poses te be in the kind and proportion of the elements administered. Your feed i te be prescribed a-cerdlug te tbe requirements thus Fclentllictlly indl eittxl, but net otherwise than in the form of chemical element They will preicrlte wbolcsale articles of feed Indeed, and such as are in approved modern use, but these ar ticle tnusi no Miieuieu According te uie quan tltien et carbon, hydrogen, uttregen, and protein thoyMjveraliycentvln. It the person concerned want much alimentary fuel, he will rtqulre a goodly proportion et the hydro-carbons. If he wants te develop his muscle, he will need large proportions of protein, fats, and hydro-carbons. If he wants te acquire cAlleps el fat without brawn, he must partake largely of fats and protein. If be wants te fat and reduce IiIiiim'II while avoiding exertion, he may get le hi balance by absorbing a little protein, ue fat, and stint the hydro-carbon. The compounds el the human body are water, protein, and fat. Uu a diet of two pounds and ten ounces el lean meat, and an ounce of butter perday, a manor fairly active habits any assimilate OS e grains of nitrogen, and after deducting the body's waste, he may add 1 .'1 grams per day, equal te S -grams of protein, or P, ounces et uiuscla When the sclente snail have been devel oped, tbe scleiititie citizen will ascertain whether it will beat suit hi immediate pur poses te increase his fat or his muscle, or re duce himself, and after fatlsfy ing himself that he wants mere weigh', he may call upon bis butcher and grocer ler .il.v, grams el carbon, 'J70U grams or hydrogen, 11", grams of nitrogen In concrete embodiment with meats and groceries ; and iu adillll.Mi le nil this, he will get 1,71 1 grams or oxygen from the atmosphere. The educated btiliber and grocer will easily understand hew te get to gether these chemicals from his stock iu hand, his scientk customers net caring a rap what particular article et feed may be fur nished him. All he wants te get at are the exact chemical indicated by his case, which may be found lu many thing, gced and bad, savory and unsavory. The ele ment above mentioned may be leund, for instance, in 150 grams et of bread, 1 10 gram of lean beef, WX) gram of milk, l,tfi" grams of water, and sometimes miner ar licks. They succeed in lncreaing the fat or a deg at will, or ir prelerred they can reduce hi lat while Increasing his llesby tissue, or tbey may reduce either or both in sucti manner aa lliey may chouse. It Is all -usy and scion scien tl tic and beautiful, no that we will all live up te our chemistry. I'nr, given an accurate knowledge et the special chemical element required ler the generation of fat or muw:le ornerveHor brain, tbey have only le leek for Uie element In the various article or feed, and administer that coo lal nine what la delred in due prorirllen. There is no doubt a great deal te lie learned In tliis line el knowledge during the uuxt ten years. The Itlcliest Nrgre lu Ainerli i. Augusta (Uu.) Dispatch le the Auanta Ceiislltu tiun. ISy tbe decision or the supreme court giving te Amanda Dixen, the Illegitimate negre daughter et the late David Dixen, ofllaneock county, bis property te the amount el 1 100,000 she I made the richest negre in America and preliably the richest in the world. Her residence is qulte a large, double brick house, three stories high, containing seuis twelyeer fifteen rooms, shaded In front by three mammoth oaks, surrounded by a large vard and all in all a ineit desirable roatdeuce. It is handHomely lurnished and has a nsal apiwarance. Mhe purchased this house about a i ear age and has been living there since iu company with her methei, Jul in, who Is new quite au old woman, and her two sous, one of whom has recently married. Amanda' business in Augusta ia attended te through Messrs Heward .V Ce.. and before going I was Informed by a member et this linn mat no uhu auviseu nor net in talk wlUi any representative el the press, Hlie, how ever, came te the deer le see your represen tative and inlnrmed him that as yet stie has heard nothing about Iho decision et the su preme court, save vthutshesaw In the paperr. that Colenol Charles W. Dullose, or Hparla, was her advisory lawyer, and in fact, at tended te all her business, and that she had heard uethiug from him yeL Hue ia au uuas Huming, Intelligent mulatto and does net Deem at all "set up" by her singular gced lertuuu. Khe would net be notleed en tbe street Irem huudreda of ether colored women by any display or ahew el drew, Hhe states that aa yet ahe has no Idea of what she wilt de or where she will lire In future, but 1 understand she has been advissd te move North. A Jeke That Was Toe Cesily . Among tbe viaitera at the Vaatar college commencement waa a graduate who has made 110,000 in a unique manner. Uiien ber graduation aue was premised by her father tlfer every cent she earned by werklni a anything. Hue accepted the etl.r, and enter, lug factory, where aba obtained i week ! we"" irem bar father bad alii ber 1 10, Wl and broke the oeolriuiuVcSusi. his llltie joke was beoemlng Kk oeatij Killed b rrwKker. At Iremlale, Alautuia, WisliiesHlay, Rev. JeliuT. Maxwell, preacher, shot and killed Jehn Itlcketts, wte ten days previously attempted te feloniously assault Maxwell's wife. UieketU leaves a wife end aeveial children. rfirsfsiMMjiinv. A rreara Savant Otw HM Tlw aa th law ! Slams. from the Mew Yerk Herald. The eminent French scientist M. II. Taye, member of the l'tls institule and of the bureau el lenglludce, nsictiilly piilllshed most Interesting per en storms and storm theories, There has Un for many years much sclenlitle wntmveray upon the birth of cyclones and tbe phyaleal cause of their translation ever the earth' autface. M. Kaye'a theory l that gyratory storm originate In the upwr current et the atmos phere, and that tbe cyclonic whirl are translated by the agency of the grand upper current. . . The determination of the cause 01 ine trans lation of atertit I the parsmeunt problem of weather prognosis. M. Kaye'e solution of the problem la based upon the fact that the VK upper current are ciupnijr ntwujr aerial rivers, aa pereutilal aa the gulf stream Uie mighty "river In the ocean." lie forcibly says : "11 one compares the" upper current (a determined by the moementef clrruacleuda and ether Indications) with Uie track pursued by the term et lielh hemisphere, In which they are constant and regular, he Is struck with their Identity." The same movement toward the west within the trepica, the same movement toward the pole at the thirtieth parallel and the same movement toward the east in Uie middle zone la alwaya observed both in Uie case or the upper air current and In the cae of the storm. Se that It I welt known, as M. Taye says, " the trajectories el storms are the geometrical projection, ever tbe earth' surface, et the upper current," which bear Uie storm ateng, a the rher beam along the eddy formed en us imseiiu M. b'aye adduce as evidence of the cor rectness of his reasoning the fact that "storms traverse the terrestrial glebo ever iuiiuense regular trajectDrie (or paths) wlUi a speed like that or railway trains, se that it haa come te pass that in thene late time they are telegraphically signalled from America te Kurepe, although they have te creaa the entire Atlantic" Decllns-I a fabllc IMensr. The publishers of every dally newspaper In Philadelphia united In tendering te Mr, Jehn Wanamaker a public dinner, te cele brate his III I leth birthday. In declining Uie prellered honor, Mr. Wanamaker wrete: " 1 de net consider that I have yet attained te that which Is tn any large degree commen surate with tbe truest purposes nnd plans of my Ufa." TWO IIITBt OF A CMKKKV v en knew the old proverb (It's foelUh-cs, vt ry) Thtl tells us we can't make two bltcd et a clierry. Uut when cherries were ripe t met a m ild merry. he was willing ti make I we bites et a clierry. Uelween her soft llp, then she placed the red ls"rr, And e preed we could nuke 'two bites of a cherry. leu mly havevenr rare wines, fort, claret or sherry, Hut give me for nectar Twe bites et achem. H .'. 2'. tYtnefi in Iht Conneintur. At list A surecure for Dyspepsia and Indi gestion. " lharsliUn " It Is palatable and haa tonic action. Tryaboltle and you will be con vinced bold by all Druggists, or Wm. t. Kid der A Co.SJJehustr..t, N. i. ermviAL mutivmrn. TIIATH VOKINO COUI1H can be se quickly cin-d by Shlleh's Cure. We guarintoe It. Sold by 11. II. Cochran druggist, Nes.Lf7and 111 North tjueen St.. Lancaster, 1'a. (1) Four-Firtha. Of our American people are affllctrd with sick nt'iuiicne in euner us nerveu'. umeiw or con f:ntlve lernn, can-en uy irregular halilts, high llntr. etc. and no reindv h.is ever cennueivd xlng, etc., and no rein dy h.is ever conquered It until Dr. Leslie s Special 1'rescrtptlnn was dis covered. Uivulta trial. bee advertisement In another column. U) SI.KKPI.KSb MdllTS, mode mljierable bythat tcrrlblii rinigh. Shllnh s Cure Is the remedy ler you. Mild ny ii. n. coenran, aruggist, os 1J7 and 133 North Uuoen St. Lancaster. Pa. (2) Saved III Ulm. Mr. D. 1. llconten, et llnnn Cave, Ky , says be w.is, (or miuy yi-ars, badly anilcted with Phthisic, alM Dlahetfs ; the pains were almost unundurubleand would semeUiue almost threw htm Inte con ulsleiis. He tried Electric Hitters and get roller (reuidrst bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured, and hid gained lu rlesh elghttsm isiunds. Bays he penltlvely bo be bo Ueves be would hare died, hed Ii net been for the relief nironlet by Klectric Hitters, bold at flltycoiitsaliettlo by II Ii. Cts-hran, DruggLsl, Nes. IK and ii) North yuet-u struct, Lunut-ter, 1'a. (t.) Tits PupalaUen of Lancaster Is about J0,ni), and we would say at least one ene h ill am troubled with sorne atTectlen e( the Threat and Lung. as thesu complaint aroae eirdlug Ui statUtlcs tunru numerous than ethers. He would advise all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us and get a bottle of Kemp's luisam for the Threat and Lungs. Price Su cents and II. Trial slze free. Uespectfully, U. U. Cochran, druggist, ISI North yueen street. CDUtill. Wll(X)l"INO COUGH and UrenchltU linmealtatrly relieved by shlleh's euro. Held by II U. Cochran, druggist, I, en. ISI and LU North (Jueen SU, Lancaster, l'a. ) 1-ULlTlVAL. POK COUNTY COMMLSaiONKK, UENKY DltACUIIAK, of Lancaster City. Subject te the decision of the Democratic convention. marzt-tldaw IJtOK COUNTY COMMIHSIONKK, J. W.KBLLV, or Marietta. Pa. Subject te the decision of the Democratic Convention. Your Inrluonce solic ited. mJetldAw jDOK COUNTY COMMKSHlONElt S1HON 1 HKANDT (rarmer), Of Kast Denegal township. Subject te the de cision el thu DemiKrallc County Convention. Your Inrl nonce rtspecllully telltlled. uiUtldAw gte K COUNTY COMMlHSlONEIv. JACOU W. LKBKIL Of CpUrata township. 8ubect te Democratic rales. niarlt-ild&w WOH COUNTY COMMIfSmeNKB, A.Z. UI.NOWALT, Urncer, First Ward, City. Subject te Demo Deme iratlc rules. al-ttdAw CtOK COUNTY COMMIHHIONEK. SOLOMON ZBAMEB, Fanner, Of West lleinpneld township. Subject te the Decision of the Democrutie Convention. martfdaw FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONKK. At the rwiuest of many friends I announce lnvself as acandldate forCeuntv Commissioner. Subiect te the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence respecb- fully sollctted. jiE.nni w, iiAivratavn, Kast Lampeter Township. tnmid&w CtOH COUNTY COMMIHHIONEK- KLI BATTKN, of Upper Leaceck township. I announce my self as a ctudldatit for County Commissioner subject te the decision or the Democratic County Conveutlen. Your Influence respect fully solicited. Was a candidate for County Cutnuilaaloner before the laatcouvenUen, and at the rui ueat of my friends withdrew In favor of the cvndldalus from the Southern district. UdAw KLI BATTEN. F K COUNTY AUDITOR, JAS.F. HOWKU. el Paradise township, subject te the decision of the Ot)ii.ecrallc Convention te be held J uly se, 187. junt. tfAw F lOB COUNTY AUDITOR C1IA9. W. l'USEY, Of East Druinore township. Babject te the de cision of the Democratic County Convention, July 30, 187. Junee-lSdAw MUOmLlAWmUVB. Sl'KClAL HAIUJA1N81N PIANOS AND OUUANSrlJttCAHII. One New Upright I'lane, V, Octaves, three Unisons, lioseweod Finish, Full Irem Frame, Overstrung IJasa, Swinging Deak, Maudseme Fret Panels, Carved Tlusacf, 1'ateut sedal tluard, MM. ene New Cabinet Organ, Handsome Case, ThiuaMeU Ueeds, Hub Has and Coupler, Five Octaves, Fourteen Steps. Height, 6 feet, 'I inches i length, 3 loot. It lucbea i .width, i feet I lift. At WOODWAUirS Piane and Organ Warsroems, Nes. a A as ft. King su, Laueaater CltyTPa J UOT RKCK1VKD A UANDHOMK LINK .0u?tc aadllewe SpunaalUngsln Stripes TJ?-!!"- "AUn new Assigns, attack and .MJ,..2."' uit Utitgenala, Baaaoekbnrn, JttSy5er "a wsglegee Ubevtets, just U Zrym " "'iiiewreT wiSkj, jjui UaganUy taaOi iiiiimmji rrnvci nu BUIU KeauaniNTTHH TAtCb at ". ltkUI UKMCAl.. rnilR NKW UU1N1NR. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) -UIVM- Qoed Appetite, Mew Strength, Quiet Net vea, Happy Days, sweet Bleep. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most dt'llcate stomach wUI bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all Uerm Dtaeaaea. THK MOST CIKNTiriGANU8UCCh-4M!L lll.uen i-uhimkii. "ulterior te iiiiiiitiu. Mr. r. A. Mlller, Ml r.Mt 15;ih stiwit. New Ter, siu cured tijr Kasklne el iixtnitue ma Urtsl eriMtratlen alter aoven veara snirerlug. lie lid run down Imm ITU pound! te H7,lnKn en Kasktne In June, ps went te work In one inenth, n'tralned bU mil welcht tn six months VjuimtiK inn nun nogetn wnauiver. Mr. lIUUHin Thoiurtnen, the eldest aad one el theiiHireectetrltltanso(llrl(lgpiert,(.-onn , says: "1 am ninety yrars of iin, nnd Mr the last three )eariiavosumired from malaria nnd theeffoctset iulnlne Hilenlng. 1 recently lv ttmsun AWKinvwDicn urese un ine iiuunnti and IncrviiMHl my welKhtU iiniui." Mrs.T A. Solomons, et IV) HallUlay St, .leney City. wrlUw My mm Hurry, eleven vears, was curd et MitUrls by Kstiklne, alter fllteen tiinnth' lllitv, hen we had Kit en up nil hone Udlers tnnn the ntmve lmrMens, Kitlutr 'ult detalN will lie seitt en sppllriitlen. hivklne inn le tnken without nny titeclal uiedlcal ad Ice. Il.ie tier bottle. Sold by H. B. OOOHRAM, llruKliU 137 and l.W North tiuoen St., Lancas ter, ra., or sent tiy mall en receipt el price. KASK1NK.CO., M MiirnmSt., New Yerk. (etrMivdAwTrhAi ttOVBBWVMHlBHUtU HOUXMk ftALb AND HKK THK- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty CanOle-Llght ; Ueat thorn alt. Anether Let el CHRAI' ULUUKS ferUaa and UU Um. THE "PHRFEXmON" MtTAL MOULDING AND UU11I1BK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP I'Kitta thorn all. This strtn outwears all otheri. Keep out the cold. Slop rattling et windows. Bxuude the dust, h coo out snow and rtUn. Anv one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap- &llng It, Can Is, Olted anywhere-ne heles te eris ready ler ue. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the stove, Ueater and Kunge Stere or Jehn F. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTBK. I'A SPECIAL NOT1CK. 11 More human, mere dlvlne I h-tu we ll! facLpvrt hutusn, partdlvtue Ii WDiimti. when thu geed stars agree Te mlugle at ber nativity " ltellect.lje Lords of Creation, and hle je at euce te KIEFFER & IEEE'S, Ne. 40 E, King St., And Procure one of their Famous Economist Vapor Cook Steves. il V ThvlUed's IhsI gilt te en be net tortured ba yond recall with the unnecessary waste heat which 11 Is tuiposdble te avoid with )our Uanges, aud (what Is also Important) consider the gnat economy In fuel, 'JD cents worth of fuel will leek fur a Umlly el three grown per sons 21 meals. And when veu want a lleatei.geta " SPLENDID " And be Happy. PLUMUINU, GAS rlTTlNO, STEAM HEAT INO, TIN KOOriNO AND SPOUTING. CIUNN A BKKNKMAN. CARD 1 We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, owing te our giving special attention, we can offer great inducements. " I'enimylv.ini.i"iiwn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specially. We have as geed Lawn Mowers as are in the market for tb.UO and 17.00. Uaby Carriages We carry seventy-llve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. Itefrigeraters are new In season. Hew few people knewanything about llefrigera llefrigera ters. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in live minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil StevM than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you ?et tbe best at the lowest prices. Veu can rem us. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican mi Common Hammocks, liase Hall and all Sporting Goods at Factory Trices. FLLNN & BRENBHAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street NAIUH.K8, d(7. UADDI.KH, HAKNKa.S, &u. EDWARD KRECKEL, -DSiLia 1- Saddles, Harnese, Trunks, Nets, Robes & Blankets, HO, S MAST KJXU HTKEKT, 1ACSTBR, PA. The larxnst and best assortment of BUNKS In the city at the lowest cash prices, all sizes and qualities. We have en band a larun assortment of dif ferent st les el Harness, both slugle and double, and make tn order the finest grades of gngllin Couch aud r rench Ceu pe Harness. The best llarucMS Druailag lu the world at 60c. a buz. Call and Examine Our Bleck at Ne. 5 East King Street. TUPTURK-UUKK UUAKANTKKD BY XV Dr. J. B. Mayer, su Area sinei, raiianw Vklawlra. asaateac. loeperaUoai or busl- EvsSFi5"K-7l - - "ii t'Al.ACKOI' PAHIIIOS. pAItAUKUKKAHUlUM " ASTRICH'S Palace el Fashion, 13 BAST KINO STREET, LANUSSTKB, I'A. WI AUK Always the First iu iirrau tub GREATEST BARGAINS IN KVKHY 1IKANCII Of OUK UUS1NESS. TO-DAY WB CUMK TO 1UU WITH AN Extraordinary Great Bargain -IN- HATS! Wobavet'UModOulTWOIIUNDKKD DO.KN I1NK WIIITK MILAN 1 1 AT- AMI IIO N.N Kr.-. One llundntl Der.en. ciiuiixvhhI e Union Mllans and rine Mllaus, we will TIIUUW AW At at the SUIT K1D1CULOUS l'HtCt. ur FIFTY OBNTS. Thoether tlne lluudred Dezen, ceiiiMtsi-d of the Choice and ljitvl St)les et Kxtra fine Mllans, we will soil at the Uniform Price of One Dellar, Tills Is the HIUtiKST Dill V K ever nireied In soiuenn .Just when Jim want thim and would be willing Ui pay double the price ler them. CALL KAULY as they am going last. Ol'KNSD TO DAl-COMl'LKlK LI.NKOr PATTERNS Issued by 1t-e UNI VKKSAI. FASHION COM PANY of Palis, Londen and New v.erlt. Catalogues and Monthlies tumblied free te everybody en application. Wrltu and we will be glad te mall you some. The Album of fashions. Containing W pages, only lie. we w 111 mall one te you, Send lie and SURAH SASHES. 1WKN TV FDtllt 1NCIIKS-M.I, I'OI.OIP., AT 7aCKNt-( A 1 AUD-ALl, COI.OKS MUKtlltUUm. HK1J Nir.SU'8 HJKN1TUHK UKt'OT. ThU Is thu kind of wevtber that re quires a Geed, Coel, Seft Bed ! We have It In tvveral Shes. Iliir MiUrtMM ud Werti Wire Spring Are a very nice comldnallen and thetr value can only be proven by a lest. Call and see them. All prices. Palm Leaf Mattresses Alse make and glegant Coel Ued. We will repair your Hair Mattresses equal te new at Very Moderate Cbarge. BEINITSB'S FURNITURE DEPOT 37 and 20 Beut h Queen Street, LANCASTElt, I'A. -tyiDMYKH'tl KUHN1TUKK HTOKK. FULL VALUE. UNKIIONDUISDCKNTH WOKTII U1VKN ITUlt KVaUVDOLLAIl. NO MISUKfttKKNTATIUNS. OUU WOUK WILL STAND TUKTK3T. The Wearing of Onr Goods will Bear Us Out In What We say. Te Save Heney Is te net that which will: Wear the Longest, and which need net be He placed in a Short Time. SURPRISING ! leu, you will be Suurlsed at ear Lew Pileei. Just step In ana see what a Large and Complete stock we are Carrying, auu utun ue ana toil lour Neighbor. BTrLI, QUALITY AN D PUICB TO SUIT ALL WIDMYER'S FURN1TURB STORB, Oanwr aasTt Kln Bd Dnka Wm., LAJIOAITBK, TA. seDts-ifaais-smw sTeriem, AT KUIHMAN'B. New Spring Neckties AT KKISMAN'8, There la no garment concerning the i at el hick a man U mere particular than a Bhlrt. Blurt CutUna la arineArt, Te flt comferta- whtck a man Is mere particular than a Shirt Si.,! -ttin i alrina Art. Tofltceuifn ble a shirt must be cut with Ue proper anolom anelom anolem teal curvea. the workpeepla must be practical shirt- makers. nin. haA ma oxnerlenceol ai years, we claim te have Ue beat Biun, best made, best material and meat durable 9HIKT lu tbe Market for tbe Least Foulble Meney. -AT- EBISMAN'8, Ma 17 West King Biraet, Lencsster. 1 sraTiTk KBWAKD. PXsVfVsvr Fer any ease of Kidney bias. Marrows Daeuur, staniaj ana fhyi and Physical reaaraaes tut syiasiu.saas sin'. tecure. aeiabyejaMiswUL tlVMMHH HKHORTH. OINtlltKHH IIAtiU ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., tliwned JiiueVj, IW7. AcreminnSate SSS. Stasis all I he season. MtLU M. fUTTKH, Jutr'2nd Staaager. mllK MANSION, j TltRLAKUKSTANIlMOSTVONVKNIKNTLT LUUATKH IIOTKL, Kleganlly rurnlshed and Llliemlly Managed. UI'KN ALL THK VKAK. 'horeoghly Heated, Lighted and Ventilated. Jenntmd CIIAULISMiKILAIIK. ATlsANTlO UlTi. HOTEL ASHLAND, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ( lUantle Ave , epp. Mansion.) Thoroughly KelurnUhed and Kenevated. t". e. Mux S.TJI. AaValYaBS,PreprleUw. Wn t Ifewass, Mansgrr. JunelllmS mUKCUALKONTK. " The Chalfonte. Passenger Klovater and Oilier Modern lui. tireveinents. Ocean Knit or North Carolina Ave.,! ATLANTIC CITY, M.J. rJiOBERTS .VSONS. inyWaind -EJXCUIW10N8 AND I'lCNlCti HT. GRETNA PARK reu KXt'UKSIONB AND 1'ICNK. This l'ark Is lixated in the heart of UmSeutb MiuinUdn en the line et the Cornwall' & Lebanon Railroad, nlnn miles south of the City nf lliannn, within nu.ydl.laiu out llarrtsliurg, Heading, Lanraa- 101, iiuiiiuuia, una an points en Iho I'hlladel- phla A Kendlng and Pennsylvania Unllnwds. a uniinsuls. huudreda of inn gniuniis are large, cevunng actvs, and are FREE TO ALL. Tiiaciisvastsscas Ana A LAKUK DANC1NO PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DININU HALL, TWOhlTCIIKNS, lltlltiAllKANDCOATItOOM, While the nrrangamenls ler amusement con sist ul CUOgtlKTand HALL UlltlUNDS, 1IOM LINO ALLKV, SIIOOTINUOALI.KIIY, yUOlTS.Ac, Ac, Ac. Tables for Lunchers, Itustlc Seals and Benches are scattoied thiougheut thogreusds. Anew attraction Is LAO CONEWAGO, covert n j? nnany twenty acrcn. en which are tlnaLn. and JllHClHi H Illlimwr 'I (Mt'RHUi fllW along the banks of which are .pleasant walks and lovely .conery. Observation Cars will tie run en the line of the Cornwall A Leba non Uallnwd. or will bosenlto dUTerenl points, when practicable, for Iho accommodation of ex curslen parties. Theso summer icunden cars have been built CMH-clally for this purpose, and are se constructed that thsy will enable the e e curstenlst te enjoy fully the beantllul scenery nf the Lebvnen alley en the ene side or the Conowage Valley en the ether. They are safe. pleasant and convenient. Parties desiring It can proeure Meals at the Park, aa the Dining llalll will be under Iho super vision nf K. M. HOLT.. of the Lssxnea Vailst Herns. Thine who wish te send A IIA1 IN THK MOUNTAINS can find no place se IkwuII. fnl or affording se much pleasure as MOUNT UK.KTNA. lntexlrallai; Drinks Allowed rremlse. (he Svrorexcunileii rntesand Keneral Inrorma Inrerma Inrorma tlenappllo NslillilHII, Supt C. A I.. lUllretd, l.elitien, l'a. m7lmd H'lXKXAXn I.HiUORH. 13UKK UYK WIHHKY. Old Greff Spring Distillery. Sltnated en Kast Orange slrest. twlwern Orange and Chestnut, ene s'tuare east of reser voir, Lancavtar, I lhavejuslerected a new distillery with all or th latrat Impreved machinery ler dUtUltug PUKB BYK WHISKY. " A. IL SURArr Kit, Proprietor. This Distillery haa been erected at the famous Old UmiTstewn Spring, which haa Iwen noted for IU plenteous and unfailing supply nf tbe pur est water. At ft our grandfathers drank when they were boys, and It has never been known te run dry even In the hottest woatber. Frem this spring all the water used In the distillery Is ob talnnd, the pump drawing from It twenty Ore gallons a minute. Desldes my own distilled Whisky, lalse handle Brand if, (Hits, Wines, &e. WX'all and be convinced. A. B.BIIKArr-KU, DlsUller, STOHS-Ne. S3 North Queen Street. If. U. fanners having geed Kye en hand can And ready alie for It at the store or distillery. Highest cash market price paid for a geed arti cle. aprJf-lydAw GOT OLD REIGART'S WISE STORE BOUCHE SEC, Il-aU UKID3IKCK. I'OMUKUYbKC, MOU1.KT8KC. 'I U.ll. IdUMId KX I'llA D11Y, And all 'ether fouling brands of Imported Chamiuigns. Sole Agent ler the Pleasant Valley Wine Company. Bpei lal Ureal Western Kx. Dry, our own brand, the nneal American Ctmuipagne In the market. Just received nnntlier large Invoice of Califor nia Claret and While Wine from Napa Valley, California. A large stock of Imported Uurguiidles, Clarets, Ithlne and Haulerne Wines. We also have the largest and finest stock et Brandies, Whiskies, (llns, tdadelra, Sherry, and ort Wines, Bass Ale, Uulnneu stout, Saratoga and Apelilnatls Waters In the city. E E. Slaymaker, Agt., Ne. 20 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKU, PA. VMUVMMim. IT WIAWT'H. Tit Y OUtt HIGH GRADE FLOUR. The Finest Fleur sold In the market, dive II a trial and you wBI be pleased. Alse Urahain Fleur. Oat Fleur, Bye Fleur, and Half Ual.lng Fleur for Biscuit, Ac Heeds Dellvered. Tele phone coanectten. QW) aag-V-lTd Ha 111 West King street. AT BUKMfcVB. "" HewRcidj for JqIj 4th, 1887. We are prejnaied tefurnlsb dealers with FIUK W&$2!JtS'mUua l U,tt WWK WUOLK- PA liK 1 KICKS We hive handled FIUKWOUKS for twenty five years, and have beun making a bu.lness id JOU1IINUTO DKALKU8. Buying our FlUacUACKKItl from lbs lm lm peiUira, and the Works direct Irem lbs manu facturers, w are enabled te enuiiiete with any of the Jobbing Ueusea el Philadelphia or New Yerk, and you can see the goods before pur chasing. AKrrlces furulahed upon appllcauen. BURSK'S, NO, 17 MAST DNO STRUT, lameatb, ra. HfXilirafJlt . iV-j.' y 'Sar"j!W.s .i . --.jfca.AA'-'-.' --- - .' 'f -fl&3itiA ..y: teTAuA ,w ...